The document discusses building codes and regulations related to construction projects. It covers topics like fire zones, building permits, occupancy requirements, and safety measures for demolition and construction work. The document appears to be extracts from the National Building Code of the Philippines dealing with technical specifications.
The document discusses building codes and regulations related to construction projects. It covers topics like fire zones, building permits, occupancy requirements, and safety measures for demolition and construction work. The document appears to be extracts from the National Building Code of the Philippines dealing with technical specifications.
The document discusses building codes and regulations related to construction projects. It covers topics like fire zones, building permits, occupancy requirements, and safety measures for demolition and construction work. The document appears to be extracts from the National Building Code of the Philippines dealing with technical specifications.
The document discusses building codes and regulations related to construction projects. It covers topics like fire zones, building permits, occupancy requirements, and safety measures for demolition and construction work. The document appears to be extracts from the National Building Code of the Philippines dealing with technical specifications.
changes, alterations and repairs to existing 1. The National Building Code Development Office buildings in fire zones, as mentioned in (NBCDO) created through DPWH Department SECTION 506? 20% of the value of the existing Order, shall serve as the technical staff of the building . Secretary 19. When any building or structure is found or 2. Which is not a qualification of an Building Official. declared to be dangerous or ruinous, the A Registered Teacher. Building Official shall order its _______, _____or 3. Every _______ shall keep a permanent record _____ depending upon the degree of danger to and accurate account of all fees and other life, health, or safety. Repair, Vacation or charges fixed and authorized to be collected and Demolition received. Building official 20. In any investigation, the Building Official shall 4. Failure to post Certificate of Occupancy/ Use/ have the power to require the attendance of Operation is classified as what kind of violation? as well as the production of documentary Light Violations evidence and other pertinent data. Witnesses 5. What amount of fine is prescribed on committing 21. The order/decision of the Secretary in any case grave violations of the Code and its IRR? brought to him on appeal shall be final and shall ₱10,000.00 become executory days after the receipt by the 6. What percentage of the inspection fee shall be parties concerned. Fifteen (15) imposed as surcharge for failure to pay the 22. It is a written authorization granted by the annual inspection fee within thirty (30) days from Building Official to an applicant allowing him to the prescribed date? 25% proceed with construction after plans, 7. What is the primary characteristic of Type I specifications and other pertinent documents construction according to Section 401? Wood have been found to be in conformity with the construction Code. Building Permits 8. Which type of construction allows for fire- 23. In case the building collapses due to defects in retardant treated wood within the framing construction or the use of inferior materials, the assembly for permanent non-bearing partitions? ______ along with the _________ shall be Type II liable. Contractor, Construction Supervisor 9. According to Section 402, under what condition 24. One of the requirements in getting the can a change in the type of construction be Certificate of Occupancy. Logbook approved without making the building comply 25. When is a BUILDING PERMIT required? Before with the new requirements? If the change is less constructing, altering, repairing, converting, hazardous based on life and fire risk. moving, adding to, demolishing a building.
10. These Rules shall be known and cited as the
“Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations GROUP 2 of the National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1096)” and shall be referred to as the 1. Rooms for Human Habitations have 6.00 sq. “IRR”. Section 101 meters with a least dimension of _____. 2 meters 11. It is the systematic dismantling or destruction of 2. For buildings of more than 2 storeys in height, a building/structure, in whole or in part. the minimum width of the rear or side court shall Demolition be increased at the rate of _____ for each 12. A change in the use or occupancy of additional storey up to the 14th storey. 300 mm buildings/structures or any portion/s thereof, 3. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height which has different requirements. Conversion not less than above and below it. 1.80 13. What is the consequence if a building or work meters authorized by a building permit is suspended or 4. What are the minimum air space requirements abandoned after it has been commenced for a for school rooms according to the National period of one hundred twenty (120) days, Building Code of the Philippines? 3.00 cu. according to the provisions of the Code? The meters with 1.00 sq. meter of floor area per building permit will expire and become null and person void. 5. What is the minimum air space for workshops, 14. Who has the final authority to review the decision factories, and offices? 12.00 cu. meters of air made by the Secretary regarding the non- space per person issuance, suspension, or revocation of permits? 6. What is the minimum air space needed for The Office of the President habitable rooms as per the code? 14.00 cu. 15. Who is required to engage the services of a meters of air space per person licensed architect or civil engineer for inspection 7. Under what rule are the Fire-Resistive and supervision of construction work under Requirements in Construction? Rule 6 Section 308? The owner of the Building 8. It is equipped with movable sashes or louvers 16. According to SECTION 502, how is a with an aggregate net free area not less than the building/structure categorized when it is located parts in the replaced window that can be open. in more than one fire zone? It is categorized Ventilation Skylight based on its total floor area. 9. What is a public land and a public domain that 17. What type of buildings/structure are permitted in should be equally enjoyed by all members of the Highly Fire Restrictive Zones, as per SECTION community? Easements 507? Types IV and V Construction 10. What is the minimum total width of the RROW in a 6 units apartment? 4.20 meters shall be reported to the _____. 11. In what section does this statement belong to Foreman/superintendent “No change shall be made in the character of 6. Which materials and equipment, when occupancy or use of any building which would positioned or stored on public property under a place the building in a different division of the permit, must not impede access to public same group of occupancy”? Section 702 property, facilitate smooth vehicular and 12. This shall be of not less than two-hour fire pedestrian traffic, and allow the unobstructed resistive construction. What type of Occupancy use of these features? Fire hydrants, fire or Separation? Two-Hour Fire-Resistive police alarm boxes, utility boxes, catch basins, Occupancy Separation manholes 13. How many types of Occupancy Separation? 4 7. Which of the following statements regarding 14. RROW stands for? Road Right of Way material stacking height and arrangement is 15. FLAR stands for? Floor-Lot Area Ratio correct according to the given guideline? 16. AMVB stands for? Allowable Maximum Volume Materials exceeding 1.20 meters in height must of Building have their sides and ends tapered when piled 17. How many types of lots and their respective 8. The mixing of or similar materials on public locations are described under the rule on streets shall not be allowed. minimum requirements for Minimum Requirements for Total Open Spaces within Lot A. Mortar (TOSL)? Seven (7) types of lots B. Concrete 18. The minimum easement along water C. Both A and B bodies/ways by location in urban areas is D. None of the above per side of the waterway. 3.00 meters 19. These are portions of the Total Lot Area (TLA) 9. Which of the following statements regarding not occupied by the Maximum Allowable chutes for the removal of materials and debris in Percentage Site of Occupancy (PSO). Total demolition operations is true? Chutes are Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL) required for heights exceeding 6.00 meters 20. It is the length of time a material can withstand above the removal point. being burned. Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating 10. Which of the following safety measures should be 21. The degree to which a material can withstand fire taken when workmen are engaged in floor as determined by generally recognized and removal to ensure their safety and access to accepted testing methods. Fire-Resistive Rating workplaces? 22. What is the average cover to reinforcement of a beam? 25 mm & 35 mm A. Providing planks of ample strength 23. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall independently supported for stepping on. exceed beyond a point one third the distance B. Ensuring workmen straddle spaces not from an assumed vertical plane located where exceeding 400 millimeters. the fire-resistive protection of openings is first C. Installing catwalks to avoid walking on required to the location on property. FALSE exposed beams. 24. For a R-5 use or occupancy with a firewall on D. All of the above. one side and at the rear property line, a firewall can be erected on a maximum of 85% of the 11. The drainage pipe installation and sewerage total length. FALSE system of any premises and/or connection with 25. The footprint of a proposed building/structure any public disposal or any acceptable terminal shall be measured horizontally from the property shall conform to the _____. Revised National line to the outermost faces of the exterior walls Plumbing Code of the Philippines of the building/structure. TRUE 12. All pipe materials to be used in buildings/structures shall conform to the standard specifications of the Bureau of Product GROUP 3 Standards (BPS) of the _____. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) 1. Foundations may be permitted to encroach into 13. Noise as an unwanted sound both in quality and public sidewalk areas to a width not exceeding intensity and excessive vibration whose sources . 500 mm in building/structure construction shall conform to 2. The average requirement in light intensity at acceptable limits the required emission location where tools and/or machinery are used standards of ______. Department of is measured ______. Not less than 500 LUX Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) 3. The gas welding, cutting and arc welding in 14. The protective canopy shall have a clear construction/ demolition operations shall be unobstructed height of ______ meters above the restricted to experienced workers accredited by walkway. 2.40 the _______. Technical Education Skills 15. In what section in Protection of Pedestrians Development Authority (TESDA) during construction or demolition does required 4. In section 1108 demolition number 12 letter D, it building of canopy above the walkway? stated that the scaffolds, temporary floors, SECTION 1106 ramps, stairway landings, stair treads, and all 16. Sanitary and industrial plumbing installations other walkway surfaces shall be kept free from inside buildings and premises shall conform to protruding of? Nails/splinters the provision of the revised national plumbing 5. A device or piece of equipment, which is unsafe, code of the Philippines. TRUE 17. In what section are subjects to the provision of block II of the civil code of the Philippines on 1. Every corridor or exit balcony shall not be property? SECTION 901 less than 3 meters in width. FALSE 18. It is required for the protection and promotion of 2. Revolving, sliding, and overhead doors shall the health of persons, occupying the premises be used as required exits. FALSE and others living nearby. 3. Exit requirements of a building or portion thereof used for different purposes shall be A. Potable Water Supply determined by the occupant load which B. Plumbing Installation gives the largest number of persons. TRUE C. Disposal System D. All of the above 4. Smoke chamber back walls shall not be less than 150 millimeters in thickness. TRUE 19. The following are the requirements for the 5. Any metal heat circulators may be installed protection of the health of the persons in fireplaces. FALSE occupying the premises. 6. Walls of chimneys without flue lining shall A. Potable Water Supply not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. TRUE B. Plumbing Installation 7. No vertical aisle shall have a dead end C. Suitable Wastewater Treatment more than sixteen (16) rows in depth D. None of the above regardless of the number of exits required. TRUE 20. It is stated in Section that the design, 8. The aggregate area of all penthouses and construction and operation of deep wells for other roof structures shall not exceed one the abstraction of groundwater shall be third (1/3) of the area of the supporting roof. subject to the provision of the water code of TRUE the Philippines. 902 9. Every masonry chimney shall extend at 21. The clearance between the established least 200 millimeters above the part of the grade of the street and/or sidewalk and the roof. FALSE lowest under surface of any part of the 10. Vertical openings does not enclosed balcony shall not be less than meters. depending upon the fire resistive 3.00 meters requirements of a particular type of 22. In Maintenance and Removal of Protective construction as set forth in the Code. TRUE Devices under Maintenance, for the 11. All floors shall be so framed and secured handling of materials in buildings under into the framework and supporting walls as construction shall have the car substantially to form an integral part of the whole constructed and provided with covers, building. TRUE either solid or wire mesh. Platform Hoists 12. The construction of stairs and exits shall 23. The moving parts of shall be kept well conform to the architect. FALSE lubricated. All parts shall be inspected at 13. Every required exit door shall give least every other day. Derricks and Cranes immediate access to an approved means of 24. Arcades are under what section? SECTION egress from the building. TRUE 1004 14. No leaf of an exit door shall exceed 1.20 25. The extent of any projection over an alley or meters in width. TRUE street shall be uniform within a block and 15. The rise of every step in a stairway shall shall conform to the limitations set. True exceed 200 millimeters and the run shall be 26. It is a permanent roofed structure above a more than 250 millimeters. FALSE door attached to and supported by the 16. Ventilation shall be provided by one (1) building and projecting over a wall or mechanical exhaust systems only. FALSE sidewalk. Canopy 17. Gridirons, when employed to actuate 27. The horizontal clearance between the ventilator doors, shall be capable of awning and the curb line shall not be less maintaining full required tension indefinitely. than 300 millimeters. Clearance FALSE 28. All ropes and cable used in connection with 18. Glass, if used in ventilators, must be scaffolds, derricks and hosting apparatus protected against falling on the stage. TRUE shall be tested before being put to use and at least once every, what day? 30 days 19. Ports and Openings Ports in projection room walls shall be of three (3) kinds: 29. Ladder landings shall be at least meters projection ports; observation ports; and square and equipped with handrails and toe combination ports. TRUE board. 1.20 meters 20. There shall be not more than three 30. What section is about maintenance and combination ports, shall not exceed 750 mm removal of protective devices? SECTION by 600 mm each. TRUE 1107 21. All incinerator chimneys shall terminate in a substantially constructed spark arrester having a mesh not exceeding 10 GROUP 4 millimeters. FALSE 22. Metal hoods used as part of a fireplace or 11. What rule number were the plastics was barbecue shall be not less than No. 15 introduced? Rule XVI gauge copper, galvanized iron, or other 12. Clearances of signs from high voltage equivalent corrosion-resistant ferrous metal. power lines shall be in accordance with FALSE what type of code? Philippine electrical 23. Masonry chimneys for high-heat appliances code shall be constructed with double walls of 13. What is the bare minimum height of a solid masonry units or reinforced concrete projection sign considering the proposed not less than 200 millimeters in thickness. arcade? 5 meters TRUE 14. What is the maximum horizontal length of a 24. Curbs on which the skylights rest shall be projecting sign without the consideration of constructed of incombustible materials proposed arcade? 1.2 meter including for Types I or II Construction. 15. What is the minimum thickness requirement FALSE for the construction of paint spray booths, as 25. Towers not enclosed and which extend per Rule XVII - Sheet Metal Paint Spray more than 20.00 meters above the grade Booth, Section 1701? B At least No. 18 shall have their framework constructed of U.S. gauge in thickness iron, steel, or reinforced concrete. TRUE 16. How should paint spray booths be illuminated according to Rule XVII, Section 1703? Through hammered wire or heat- GROUP 5 treated glass panels 17. What is the requirement for signs written in 1. What kind of technology are used in the a foreign language, according to Rule XX - Rule 19 of the building design within the Signs, Section 2001? They should have a National Building Code of the Philippines? corresponding translation in English or the Computer local dialect. 2. Who must sign and seal the first sheet of the 18. How should sign structures be designed and of computer-generated computations constructed to ensure structural integrity, as output? Designer per Rule XX, Section 2003? They must follow the National Structural Code for 3. Which among the following is false about Buildings and transmit dead lateral loads the General requirements in Rule XX? Signs properly. which are written in any foreign language shall not have a corresponding translation 19. All of the following are under Ventilation in English or in the local dialect. expect for. The mechanical ventilation shall not exceed 150 sq. meters nor 10% of the 4. In what Section in Rule XX stated that all basic area permitted. signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys and anchors shall be kept in 20. The discharge point for ducts in a paint repair and in proper state of preservation. spray booth shall be; Not less than 2.00 Section 2002- Maintenance meters from the adjoining combustible construction nor less than 8.00 meters 5. What is the subjected room temperature in Section 1606? 80°C for 15 minutes 21. Arcades allowed only at duly designated RROW per what type of law/code? Local 6. Which of the following is the individual laws plastic glazing shall use in monitors and sawtooth glazing shall not exceed? 15 22. Ground sign should not extend beyond square meters property line? False 7. What is the maximum permissible storage 23. This section was approved for the usage of capacity for film negatives in a single the plastics. Section 1601 cabinet, according to Rule XIV - 24. Which section of the Philippine National Photographic and X-Ray Films, Section Building Code covers general requirements 1401? 1.40 cu. meters for signs? Section 2001 8. What materials are acceptable for 25. What is the requirement for the prefabricated assemblies according to Rule maintenance of signs according to the XV - Prefabricated Construction, Section Philippine National Building Code? Signs 1501? Pre-cast concrete, various metal and their supports should be kept in repair components, and uPVC and properly preserved. 9. Why are special tests by accredited material testing laboratories required for prefabricated assemblies, as mentioned in Rule XV, Section 1501? To ensure structural adequacy, durability, soundness, weather, and fire resistance 10. In rule 16 section 1602, all plastic materials shall be of adequate strength and durability to withstand the prescribed design loads. Structural Requirements