Nexus - 0211 - New Times Magazine
Nexus - 0211 - New Times Magazine
Nexus - 0211 - New Times Magazine
A round up of the news you probably did A round-up of the recent UFO Expo talks
not see. by Budd Hopkins, author of 1I1ntruders li•
By Stan Deyo. A fascinating article on geo A round up of interesting news and titbits,
physical changes that are potentially on from the underground science network.
Earthls horizon. Earthquakes, Sun-spot Subjects this issue include the Life
activity,. asteroid collisions and more. Information System Ten (LISTEN), and the
BATTLING THE BANKS 16 Lymphaciser.
By Charlie Kerr. A remarkable article on THE TWILIGHT ZONE 50
how one farmer decided to tackle the A coffection of strange and bizarre stories
banks and the rorts of credit creation. from around (and off) the world. Special
ESSIAC - A SUPPRESSED CANCER CURE.....21 story in this issue of the massive UFO sight
This is an amazing story of yet another ing in Darwin during the early 150s.
IIcure" for cancer - one that nearly became
REVIEWS - Books & Videos 53
legally accepted, but was defeated by just "The Golden Seven Plus One" by C. Samuel West
three votes. "Two Suns Rising'l by Jonathan Star
MIND CONTROL & TIHE N.W.O 26 IIUnholy Babylon" by Darwish & Alexander
By Glenn Krawyczk. Part 1 of an astound "The Healing Foods'l by Hausman & Benn Hurley
ing piece of research into the use of Mind "Symbolic Landscapes 'l by Paul Devereux
Control in the New World Order. "The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler
THE ADAMS FREf ENERGY MACHINE........31 IISecret Life - Firsthand Accounts of UFO
Nexus Magazine proudly presents the first Abductions"
step towards developing an independent, "Confessions of a Medical HereticII by R.
self perpetuating power supply. Mendelsohn
GOLD IN THE SAN ANDREAS - Pt 2 38 I'Dissent In Medicine - Nine Dootors Speak Dut'l
"The Spirit of Nature" by Michael J. Roads
By Ted Smith. Continuing the story of the
Spanish conquest of parts of South PRODUCT ORDER COUPONS 61
America, and the mysterious mountain of DE-CLASSifiED ADS 63
gold ingots found in New Mexico. SUBSCRIPTIONS & BACK ISSUfS 64
Re: FDA Raids personal possessions taken generous and helpful, let me Apparently he was an agent in
Dear Mr. Roads, Thanks so from me. down at my ,time of greatest the Middle East before leaving
much for the excellent maga They even had all of my need, stating excuses of great the CIA to begin his rise to
power. How many people
zine! Sorry you must "hold money in a different bank silliness. When I walked down
realise this, I'm not sure, but it is
back from publishing the juicy seized and had my personal I the street, instead of being easily verified 'by reading some
stuff" and that you've had to mail redirected to them. greeted by many familiar and of the volumes written about·
"terminate the series on the In one day, I went from f~iendly faces, I was ignored Hussein by reporters and schol
drug trade and Government + everything to nothing. lIke a stranger. My family, ars during the war.
Security Agencies". ~ywhere [ was later declared Bankrupt who I thought at least would be Athol P., Qld.
,else we all can keep m touch by a creditor from myoId busi the same, ~hanged. ~ey treat Re: Hydrogen Peroxide
with this? ness for a very small amoWlt, ed ~e like an. IdiOt and DeaF Duncan, As a new read
Endosed may be of interest. the bank kept every cent and despised me for bemg poor. . er of your magazine, thanks to
Yours, Jonathan V. Wright, told everybody else to come to In a way, I am pleased that It the publicity given to it by
M.D., Washington. USA me. happen~d. I now mow what a Brian Wilshire on his radio
(Readers may remember that The bank later sold my busi naive view ~ had of the world. programme recently, I wish to
in the JunelJuly issue of Nexus ness for a fraction of it's value And.1 am stIll !,o~ng ~nou~h to compliment you on its con
we ran a news item regarding but still a hundred thousand r~buI1d, but thiS tune It WIll be tents.
the FDA raid on a health clinic over what lowed them. different. I was particularly interested
belong to Dr. Wright. The But when I went to them for Yours truly, .. in the article on Hydrogen
enclosed item he is referring to a refund of the balance they One. V~ Sorry Indlvldua~. Peroxide as I have been using
is a list of another dozen or so sent me a bill for $2,500.00 (ThIS IS extracted from Just it now for over six months hav
health clinics and businesses still owing. one of m~ny, such letters we ing been introduced to it by
who have also suffered raids by I naively thought that I could have recerved. Ed.) Brian's references to it in his
the FDA. Ed) revenge myself through the Re: US & Iraq book "The Fine Print".
Re: Banking Conspiracy? courts, but I was ripped off by Dear, Whilst fishing the Incidentdly, I have been a
Dear Sir, In reference to a solicitors who pretended to be other evening, I h~d the fortune pharmacist for over 55 years
. , . to meet a very nice man who and at the time I tra ined, 3 %
recent. story m Nexus
. about the workmg for me but m . fact had .. IIy came from I ra'l' We
Banking Consprracy. done absolutely nothing. discussed! world events for some Hydrogen Peroxide had an
I can testify to the truth of the I spent my very last cent on time. official oral dose of 2ml ito
story, as it has happened to me! solkitor's fees and when that It appeared to us that the 8ml.
Up until about two years ago, I ran out I began to defend world's economic system is in I note from your editorial that
was what you might call a 'mil myself. [t was then that while I turmoil; the Governments either you have been experiencing
lionaire'. was dealing with the same peo_ don't know what to do .or don't computer problems and per-.
I was independent in my pie that my solicitors had really, want to do anythmg con haps this accounts for the
. . . . structlve' and there appears to be rather "garbled" dosage table
busmess af~arrs, but.a member cl~lmed t~ have been dealmg a frighte~ing amount of fighting
of my famIly was III ~ great WIth - I d~scovered that they taking place around the planet. on page 22 Wlder the heading
dea~ of debt due to hiS own kn~w. nothmg abou~ ~e or my The man's brother is an engi "Purging Schedule for 3%
foolishness, but to my horror, solicItors. My solICitors had neer in the Iraqi army. His job is Hydrogen Peroxide". It would
because I was mortgaged to the just sent me bills for nothing. to supervise the maintenance of seem that two suggested sched
same bank, they came down on And the humiliation did not tanks IIDd other equipment within ules have been lumped togeth
me. stop there. Every second time I a large area. Prior to the er.
The bank (C bank) wrote out a cheque on my bank American attack on. ~ra'l, ther.e Could you please check your
dem.anded my whole debt to be accoWlt from my dole money _ wered~ elott.of VthS Imlh~ary advI 'source' copy and advise me as
'd' ~ I I ' d' I 'bo d h . sors IT c mg era'll army on to the correct dosage tables.
repal I'll ill - lrome late y, I It Wlce, and eac tIme the where to reloc_ate their tanks
replied with a letter from my bank had a different excuse for away from the areas that were I enclose my application for a
solicitor saying that they were doing it plarmed to be bombed. year's subscription and an order
in breach of contract, but they When it has become known The man's brother wrote to him for back copies.
went ahead anyway, and just that you are no longer a rich about this rather strange event at Yours Sincerely
,two weeks later they repos man, you discover who your, the time. (Before the Gulf War). Ernest W., Ashfield NSW
sessed everything, even items friends are. I always believed The tanks were taken to under (I have had many such
on the property that they were that I was a popular fellow grou.nd bunk~rs to protect th~. requests for the clarification of
.tied . . ' This doesn t sound so unbehev-
not .entl . to. WIth many fnends
. ' but now I able when I recaII t h at S add am this item, and 1 will publish it
Smce thiS was my home as have few fnends and many Hussein was educated in in the next issue - February
well as my business, I was enemies. People whom I England and was later a well March 1993. Sincere apolo
homeless and with all of my though a lot of and I thought known member of the CIA. gies for 'the delay. Ed)
few years has seen a sudden increase in
Ect\O 11 -------..
IOINT {1 -
A recent study has
shown that children with
cancer who are given cra
reports of crazed men shooting up
schools, shopping centres, families, and
then themselves?
nial radiotherapy, show a Well, the Citizens Commission on
fall in intelligence quo Human Rights (CCHR) have reported
tient during and after an alarming link between Prozac and
treatment. these 'crazed' men.
~~ The head of the depart Despite Time Magazine in a July
ment of psychology at the. 1990 edition stating: "There is no need
Children's Hospita,l, for everyone to be scared away from
Camperdown, Dr. Prozac, since it has proved safe and
Penelope Cousens, said effective for many people." - it seems
IQ scores began to rise that nothing could be further from the
again about two years truth.
after ,treatment ceased but
For example:
there was still a big dif
ference between the ini * More than 14,000 adverse reactions
••• GL-$BA,t NEWS ...
by Prozac users have been reported to right to know what is going on. the subject of intense observations ,in
the FDA (Food and D.rug This repression is associated with a the next few months.
Administration) since iProzac's release Stalinist state. Dan Green of the CBAT says they
in 1987. These include delirium, hallu Radio and television journalists and really don't want people to start calling
iCinations, convulsion, violent hostility commentators will be subject to private this thing "Planet X" or the 10th planet
and aggression, psychosis and attempt inquisition !by public servants or anything like that. It's just too soon
ed suiCide. Sound familiar? employed by the Broadcasting to say. For example, he says it could
* Major medical journals have Authority. tum out to be a huge comet coming in. .
reported aggressive and suicidal ten Those people wHl have the power to It is now so far away that if it is' a
dencies in persons taking Prozac. call any of us to secret sessions. They comet on a very elongated orpit it may
* In one year alone just recently, will be empowered to demand our take 30 years to reach perihelion. Tben
nearly 50 lawsuits have been filed sources ~nd the Act will enable them to it could well become the Comet of the
against Eli Lilly & Company (the man' send us off to jail for a year, if we (21st) Century!!
ufacturers) seeking almost USD$~ bil refuse to divulge them." The discovery was made by David
lion in damages by families of people The piece went on to comment about J ewitt and Jane Luu using the
who have oommitted suicide while on a Mr Peter Webb, who was being University of Hawaii's 2.2-meter tele
Prozac, families of those who have tipped to head the new Authority, and scope on M.-auna Kea. The first images
been murdered by people on Prozac, how Mr Webb had spent much of his were secured August 30, but just as
and people who have themselves been working life in the NSW Attorney with the discovery of Pluto in 1930 the
damaged while on Prozac. General's Department, 'a bizarre back discovery was kept "under wraps" for a
* One quick example - On September ground for the boss of the Broadca<;ting while to allow a better assessment The
14, 1990, Joseph Wesbecker entered Tribunal.' object appears stellar JUld has a visual
his former workplace in Louisville, (Source: S.w.u1ay Telegraph, July 5th, 1992) magnitude of 23.5.
Kentucky, and opened fire with an AK Jewitt and Luu note that the object is
47 assault rifle, killing eight and IPlANET IX I OR JUST A BIG fairly red, suggesting a surface rich in
wounding twelve, before killing him COMET? organics. The current position is, for
self. Results of the coroner's scan The followiqg bulletin was posted Qh UT on September IS, 1992: Oh
revealed a therapeutic level of Prozac last night on CompuServe's ASTRO 00.09 +Od 01'.7 €2000.0). The only
in Wesbecker's blood. FORUM: orbit solution Marsden has published so
* The curse of Prozac is so wide #: 110734 S 14/News/Current Events far is a circular one, which puts the
spread in the USA, that the American object at 41.2 a.U. from the Sun. It is
14-Sep-92 18:07: 11
Trial Lawyers Association haS' estab moving retrograde at only 3" per hour.
Sb: #Object beyond
lished a special Prozac litigation sec
tion to service attorneys, and a recem
issue of Texas Lawyer reported that Fm: SKY TELE
Texas personal ,injury attorneys view SCOPE 7001)7,2762
Prozac as the next Dalkon Shield. To: AU
[t has been alleged that Prozac was
found in the blood of most of the
Australian "gun toting maniacs".
Nexus is currently trying to establish
There is some
NEWS just now
MEDIA? issued IAU Circular <:)
5611 to report the
A bizarre news item appeared in the discovery of a faint
Sunday Telegraph on July 5th, which object that see.fiS to
read something like this. be outside the orbit of
"Most Australians have not heard of Pluto! Brian
the Broadcasting Services Bill and the Marsden has given it
soon-to-be fOl!nded Australian the preliminary des
Broadcasting Authority, but they are of ignation of an aster s.
vital importance. oid: 1992 QB1. But
They threaten the independence of its true nature will be
the media and therefore the public's
of the
carried an in depth article describing a Department of
new banking crisis ready to spill after Geography at th'e \
the election. The press had dubbed this University of unpaet' ""'-.
"the December surprise". Wollongong, NSW,
According to the article, one out of began to suspect that a ~-
four US commercial banks is curreJltIy tsunami might have hit
bankrupt according to federal ~aw Austtalia's coast, when
I ..~ Fiji'
despite the recent lowering of the liquid in 1989 they .read a New Caled OIllB
holding requirement from 6% to 2%. research paper describ
This is NOT the continuation of the ing an enormous sub
Savings and Loan crisis. These are marine ~andslip, that
commercial banks. The article projects took place off the
a minimum of another quarter trillion island of Hawaii
dollars for this new fiasco. FDIC is 105,000 years ago. In
currently 6 billion overdrawn (since it, researcher calculat
plied, regardless of whether the practi·
April 91), and another 60 some billion ed that this avalanche would have gen tioner is a member of one of the 23
win soon need to be allocated to clean erated a tsunami reaching 375 metres
above sea [evel on nearby islands. associations recognised in the
ap the S&L thing.
The article ,reports that this new bank Even though the wave had reduced in Therapeutic Goods Regulation.
size to approx 40 metres high, it still It was also implied that if the consul
crisis is being handled much the same
had th,e strength to toss about rocks tation is with a doctor, the medicine
as was first. Congress and the political and the consultation are exempt from
weighing 20 tonnes or more.
parties have agreed to put this issue off
until after the election. Surprise! This means that if a similar underwa the tax. This means that it would could
ter landslip, or underwater volcano cost even more to see a naturallthera
Further reported, the media believes were tlO occur in the vicinity of say pist than a doctor.
that this issue is too complex for the New Zealand, or Fiji, eastern Australia (Source: Tinl:tures, MediHerb Pty Ltd, PO
American public to grasp. would experience a wave between 40 Box 713. Warwick. Q1d4370)
SPEAKING OF TIDAL WAVES and 375 metres high!
Worse stiU, we would have little, if WOMEN'S WEEKlY SLAMS
Geographers have recently found evi
dence of a tsunami that swept a wave
any warning of such an event. HERBAL MEDICINE
some 40 metres high onto the south (Source: New Scientist, 17 October, 1992) I wonder how many readers of Nexus
read the April '1992 issue of Women's
NATURAL Weekly. I cerrainly didn't, which is
- THERAPIES TO why I missed the article by Dr. Frances
COST MORE McKenzie, which slam'med herbal
medicine. The arti<;:le which contained
UNDER G.S.T. many errors, was a summary of articles
In a letter from which appeared in other magazines,
Dr. Bob Woods, and which were written about overseas
Opposition Health countries, and past practices in
Spoke sperson to Australia. The author did! not seem to
MediHerb on 14th be aware of the existence of the TGA
July 1992, it was and its role in enforcing standards for
revealed that under the industry in Australia.
a coalition govern The article referred to deaths in
ment, any consulta recent months which had been attrib
--~ ~~
tion with an alter uted to herbal medicines. As a re.sult,
~ -=:"<2" e~~ ~e \~ native practitioner the National Herbalists Association of
may be taxed at Australia (NHAA) has lodged a fomtlU
15%, as will the the complaint to the Press Council of
medicines pre
s~ scribed and sup-
I wouldn't have bothered, after all
CHILD VACCINE Figurl'S released hy thl' Nalional CCnl.R' for Health Slatistit's reveal thaI infanl
mortality is a big prohkrn in the Uniled Slates, The data shows thai the (('n cilies
WITHDRAWN DUE TO LINKS with Ihe worst raIl' of infant morlality have all heen artificially Iluoridatcd at least
WITH BRAIN DISEASE 17 Yl~ars or longer!
A child vaccine withdrawn from the
Australian market 18 months ago After the firs! fully year of Iluoridation Kansas city, i>1issouri's ini"iim mortllily
because of links to the brain diseas.e f11l:n~as1,'d
I Yk.
meningitis, may have been unwittingly --fhe Kall.,(/.~ {'Ity Swr.No\'cmher 21, 19K!
!Used by hundreds of doctors.
The Pluserix vaccine against measles, Arter lh1,' fifth year of fluoridation ill K41n".ls City. infanl mortulit}' iUl'fI.'ascd
mumps, and rubella was withdrawn 36%.
frOIn health department clinics in May -- [he Kcw.\f/'\ City Star, February :!6, 19X7
1991, but most doctors and the general
public were not told of the ban because Jap'lIl, with no fluoridation, has Ihl.' lowl'sl infant mortality rail' in lhe indu'ilri·
the Federal Health Department decideq aI/sed world, and .he longest life expectancy.
lit could stiB stay listed on the national
register. for more information on artilkial f1uoridation, we recommend readers to:
(Source: Sunday Telegraph, Odober 11th, The AustrCllian Fluoridation N.ews, GPO Box 935G, Melbourne Vic 3001.
1992.page3) This is J bi.monthly lJubllcation, whIch costs $f 5 per annum.
spin as well as tidal waves ofunirnaginable heights, we could live with Bishop U..m,r's 6g= f.- the IF of ml son (Waxima1le1y 6,000 years). 1don't
1binI; we have mUch in the way of oblrervationaleviden<:e, in UlralO:IlY lD cmDia with thaL" Taka!
frrm an article eml1ed, "lube Sun Shrinking!" in CRE!r.TlOH. Ez HiJtiJo, Dec 1988 lD Feb 1989, Vol
The Great ChlJnk 11, No.1, p. 15 writ1lCJl by Dr. Amrew A. Snelling.
4 F.ddy, Jolm. A. IJII Boomazilll, A. A., 1979, Secular d...-c in !be Solar Dimnetcr, 1863·1953,
There are other interesting asteroids and planetoids arriving B.u.,i. of rJre AJruriCIUI ArrrolllJlrliL:Q/ Srx:i.", vol. 11, p.437.
in our "neighbourhood" during the next decade. One is a small S SlIl<lIing, Dr. Andn:w A., Dec 1981lJFeb 1989, 15 the Sun ShrinkinA!, CRE!r.T1OH, Ez HiJtiJo, Vol
11, No.1, p.16·17.
planetoid of some 480km diameter. The problem the Earth 6 Ten limos !be distance between Eanh IJII "'" Mom
faces with these wandering rocks is serious enough fQr Dr. 7 TOlnalis (1IDl: cmeetly, TWlIlIes) is about 2 miles (31 Ian) in dium:1er, andl~ Earth every
lour years, malri"ll it one of"'" lull""! objccls 10 cross Eanh's orbit "" a ",gular hasia. 'Ik ""xl time
Edward Teller, the physicist who gave us the hydrogen bomb, Twllti. crosses Earth's .-bit will be in 1996 IJII ""'n in the year 2001>' In 2004, the IlSI:raid will pus
to mount an urgent campaign for emergency funding before the witflin 1 milli"" miles of Eanh. Of6cially,this ~ar's Ilfar m...IIld!be 0IlC in'2004 n:pMCIll ~ two
closea Eanb puaages of IllY known lISleI'Oid f.- "'" neXl 30 yean. Twtatis was only lust di'scovcn:d
US Congress. He wants Ito build super H;bomb missiles 10,000 January 4" 1989, by astronomer Christian Poll.. in CaUisols, frana:, and WlS named .fter a Gallic
times more powerful than any we have today to use to deflect deily·called "potee1Dr of !be lribe." 'Toutatis" is the Gallic fmn of 'Te'lIleS" "'" Celtic name m0an
ing, '~ of"'" Poople." Teull1el bas hoen identi.foed with "'" RmI&Il Merwry (Gn:eIr. Hermes) alld
incoming asteroids in tthe immediate future! Mars (Greek Arcs). 'Ik name 4a well chosen abould this _reid ever pI. . irm our little ball of
I have videotape both of one of his appearances before the US 'NIlI:rj bcl;allllC blllllln 1II:Ii6a:l1 to TculIlCI wm: p1'J1Fd ~ldlilll illlO lilac VIII of. liquid Ihwjhl
1Il have beeu a form of.ale.
Congress on this issue and of an emergency meeting of astro- 8 See ]L,,,,,lalion 8:7·12
1990, 'iIOtil the amount is paid." have been numerous court cases, for which I have been
The Credit Act 1985, Sectio_n 81(b) makes the point that "a required to travel on all-night trains or busses to Sydney for
person being a mortgagee under a mortgage relating to a reg hearings, and then return home straight away.
ulated Contract shaU not, subject to Subsection (2) assign the I frna it amazing that I have not seen or met our new mort
whole or any part of his rights as a mortgagee under the gagees. I have been put in the witness box in court and
mortgagee to "a person other than a licensed credit provider humiliated before the Court by Silkdale barristers, and have
or an exempt credit provider to whom he has assigned bis even been questioned about chasing agents from Silkdale off
rights under the Credit Contract". the farm with a gun. This is incredible, because there has
At a Rese_rve Bank conference held in Sydney and been no detailed inspection of the farm by Silkdale agents,
Melbourne in May and June of 1990, there was advice given nor has anyone been chased off the farm.
by the Reserve Bank on setting up Securitisation Vehicles.
The following points are worthy of attention: As a result, the local police are keeping a file on us, and
they have been recommended not to issue us with a shooter's
(a) At the heart of Securitisation is the Sale of Loan Assets
by a Bank. The ori,ginating bank often continues ito adminis license."
ter the loans, collecting repayments, keeping the accounts,
renegotiating doubtful debts etc, as if it were still the owner When the case went to the S.upreme Court of NSW on
of the loans. Efforts must be made to distance the Bank in 28th January 1991, Charlie was successful in being allowed
the eyes of tthe investor from the obligations backed by the to join Silkdale Ply Ltd and the State Bank of NSW together
Securitised Assets. Otherwise even though the baDk has no in a cross-claim.
legal responsibility it might face a 'moral' or commercial risk Then in another hearing on 14 th February 1991, Silkdale
in the form of obligations to investors in Ithe securities if the
was successful in getting a judgmen~ and an order for pos
Y!1derlying loans were not repaid.
session of Charlie's farm.
(b) The Reserve Bank's overriding objective in framing a
Charlie appealed, his case was heard in October 1991. He
policy on bank securitisation schemes will be to ensure that
before a bank is relieved of the obligations to hold capital lost the appeal.
against securitised assets their ownership is so clearly dis Finally, Charlie appealed to the full bench of the Appeal
tinct from the bank that no residual credit risk remains with Court (3 Judges). Mr John Spender QC, (ex~Shadow
the Bank. Attorney General for NSW) represented Charlie's case,
(c) We will require that ,the securitisation investment vehi LongLeys Co. Ply. Ltd., VS Silkdale Ply Ltd, AND WON!
cle not be the bank itself nor use a name that suggest a {"ela This decision overturned the two previOUS decisions, and
tionship with the Bank. allowed Charlie to submit his costs as well.
(d) Any ongoing financial dealing withJ the bank and! the This Was a landllli!rlc court case - its precedent. if pursued
securitisation vehicle would need to be on a strictly arms by other brave farmers, could have far reaching conse
length basis." quences.
(e) We would not wish to see the proportion of securitised The business of creating money out of thin air, via the
assets sold by a Bank 'but still under its administration stroke of a pen, or the punching of computer keyboards - has
become large relative to the Bank's remaining Ibook of got to be understood and stopped.
Is it all a plot to drive independent farmers off their farms,
When Charlie ,received the notice from the firm of Sydney
so the land can be sold to multi-national corporations, or is it
solicitors (who happen 110 be considered one of the top legal
firms in the country), a letter was enclosed from the bank, just that banks and finance companies enjoy putting the boot
acknowledging the receipt of $1,000,000.00 from a compa in?
ny called Silkdale Pty Ltd. This company (Silkdale Ply Ltd) Either way, the case of Long Leys vs Silkdale reminds us
was demanding that they be paid over $1.5 million within that David beat Goliath, and Charlie certainly looks as if he
seven days, lOr they would commence action for the seizing has beaten the banks.
of Charlie's assets, the eviction of his family., and the sale of
Agai;n, in Charlie's own words, "A firm of solicitors in
Double Bay, Sydney were contacted, and after milking us of
$10,000.00 we were given the disappointing decision that
• Australian Borrowers Association
there seemed little that could be done. PO Box 93, Tottenharn. NSW 2873
Not to be outdone, I got in touch with Mrs Pat Boyd, from (()68) 937 248
the Australian Ilorrower's Association, a consumer support
group with several legal contacts. As a result of our discus • Allan Richard Jones
sions, a land mark case against Silkdale Ply Ltd now exists. PO Box 245, Concord West NSW 2138
It is also very interesting to note that Silkdale Ply Ltd was
incorporated on 17th May 1990, and its principal activities
• Citizens Electoral Councils (CEC)
are listed as 'Property Management & Investment'. PO Box 221, Coburg Vic 3058
Since the battle for possession for our prize asset, there Phone (())) 384 1116
legalise EsSI~C. ~~~;it~thre~e'rvhtes?6fbein' lealised(:···;":l:~;t;~, We can't acc~ss. the m~ia. ~o g. .l:,g ;".'
So followmg the Royal Cancer flli't:::::~~:~,;:·",",;:,.·,~::·.'" ..'" ,~r:' "'.H :,;:;~~~tl" P@\i)! one wants thiS mformatlOn dls-
Commission hearings, Rene was~l~f:;I.¥.~4ii[tf;itreatrril~ri'f;<fofcancef~;~fd~~~;i.;~4~;Al seminated. And it's not just the
allowed to. continue practice iIl:';~::'i\J~.· . ·~-l:l.#~;-;;l:;':~~;:.h':{:Gd' '~'i::iL"%~;>;;d'··.:·":·::::"·li~:1~"':.::.:""5~·5··;'~O~tO·~O:~~;~~;·.f'" media, either. It includes the
~ut only Within the: criteria I men- ~M~};i:t~:~gp, . ,~:::.~ ~. g~:~I~:~~.::()Y~r,< , :;;'~:~!.+;1 herba! c~mpanies who are noW
t1~n~d before, which allowed the.S . i.g.ffat.ur~s.'·Y.:,·().?n.··:.a."·.·ri'et. ltion'::f9.:'+;a:·.·~.·.1I.0W·;R.;t6~ subst~lUtlng the curly do_ck for
Mlm.stry of H~alth & Welfare, to ~~'" 'E" ':t'~~1\!""',>I.::~,t%~;~4W~'iiil~\~"':""'~~··",,,;;. :;;~'~ .'., T·~&J s~eep s sorrel. S~ peopl~ are get
restrict people s access to Esslac ~.'J:':~'.lr", 'i~tcontl. o::'iiSe'Essiat~::~A~.:'.·:'~ tm~ the wrong m~redrents for
treatments ,
: " ".<;'~?-
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latmg which are dlfiferent from
•. ,', '"en''''''' .'~ the 0 e ~
n 1 send OU t-. Th ese fa1se
which is some of the information fOIfilulas are being disseminated.
that did not get burned when Rene . . There is a di~information cam-
died. patgn gomg on here, somehow.
bR: You mentioned that earlier. What exactly was burned? JiR: Has this disinformation campaign started just since your
GO: Ail lher research for that 40 year period of Itime. All the boOk has ~n out?
narne,s, all her clinical data that she had collected. Her files and GG: PreVIOUS to my book, none of this information was available
records. to the general public at all. The public had no information outside
ER; What about the records of the Brusch Clinic? It seems these of ~ few assorted articles. .Certainly the Essiac formula was not
would be convincing evidence. avatlable to th.e general p~bh~ at all. All that inforlTI:ation was held
GG: As tar as I PloW all that material has been destroyed also. I ?y lihe. Res~er~ C?rporanon m Toronto, Canada, which supposedly thl!t Rene bad worked with Dr. Brusch from 1959 to 1962, so E IS a pnvate mstltunon. . . . ..
went to Dr, Brosch's home in Cambridge, Massachusetts whereupon However, they work hand m ~Iove WI~ the Canad~n MlfUStry of
he delivered ItO me the only material he had! .eft in his files on Health & 'Y~lfar~, who works du:ectly with the A~en~n Food and
Essiac. One of those files was his own personal me where he had Drug AdmmlStranon ~d the Nanonal Cancer I~sntute m Bethesda,
treated and cured his own cancer with Essilfc. I have this personal Maryl~d. The Esslac formula was never given to anyone by
records. . Respenn.
All the information in my book is verified by a sh.eet of ,paper ER: Did the Resperin Corporation do any research on Essiac?
with a signature and a date on it, and those sheets and signatures are ~G:, They've dQne research since 1978 when the formula was
all originals. The)' are not copies. relinqUished to them by Rene for the purchase price of one dollar.
ER: Have you had any personal experiences with Essiac? As soon as they got the formula, they to~d .Ren~ they h~d no further
GG: Yes, I can give example. He was a twelve year old us~ for her. She had been under the dl5.n nc: t Impresslc>;n from the
boy narned Toby Wood. He had acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Mimstry of Health & Welfa:r~ ~d theRespenn Corporation that she
which is one of the most virulent of allleuke.mJaS· H had be was to lead the research acnvltJes that they so desperately wanted to
. e en on put together
chemotherapy for four years and radiation for three. His mother's,' -' ,'"
only hope in li£e was to fmd a cure for him. She went everywhere. But Rene had already done ~hmcal trl~. She ha~ .names and
She tried every alternative treatment. records. She thought the Respenn Corporanon was pohncally pow-
Her last stop was Dr. Alvazados in Athens, Greece where her er!'ul and had mone.y.enough to get Essiac into the public sector
son's white cell count was 186,000. He had no red blood cells and without. compromls~ng her val~es. Then she found out. t~e
no platelets. He was haemorrhaging to dea~h. So they transfused CoryoratJon was :-v?rkin,g closely With the government and admmlS-
Toby in Greece, and put him on a plane to Alas.ka wh~re he was tranon and the MInistry of Health.& We~are, .
given less than five days to live. So now people who were termmally III and gIven up as hopeless
had to go through a federal bureaucratic maze to get the remedy. By
. ~
1111 . . ,..11.111.11]1.
i I iii•• Pi i ii i i.ij iiiP
and its numerous sub-projects, which formulated and acted upon. Mind THE SECRETS OF UFE
included research into every conceiv controllers manipulate information in the In January 1991 the University of Arizona
able technique to control the human same manner as a computer programmer hosted a conference entitled the 'NATO
mind. manipulates information. Advance Research Workshop on Coherent
TeslS were conducted on unwitting and First you control the source, quality, and and Emergent Phenomena in Biomolecular
pO_OIly informed citizens, prison inmates, quamity of information fed into the proces Systems.' The conference revealed some
and servicemen, using psycho-active drugs, sor, inl our case, the brain. Then you control fascinating, but mightening, developments
hypnosis, sensory deprivation, electrocon the manner in which the information is in the world of biomolecurar systems, a field
vulsive nherapy, elecJroshock treatment processed, in this case, by manipulating which encompasses a wide range of disci
(ECf), psychosurgery, deep sleep therapy, states of human consciousness. Induction plines ranging from biomolecular chemistry,
biological agents (i.e. chemical weapons), of slates of heightened suggestibility is the nanotechnology, psychoneuroimmunology,
"harassmen~ substances", brain concussion, most CQmmon form of manipulation. to bio-molecular engineering, and a number
stress, electronic brain stimulation (ESB), Television is an effective and broad reach of other areas related to the study of human
electronic brain implants, electromagnetic ing device used for this purpose. (The CIA consciousness. The organiser and host of
radio frequency energy, and many other is currently setting up its own 'television the conference, Dr. Stuart Hameroff, of the
tecJmi'ques. They were applied to subjeclS channel' which will have the capacity to University's College of Medicine, Dept. of
in any combination that showed promise for broadcast from airborne transmitters wJth Anaesthcsiology, stated, "The goals of th-e
influencing or controlling human behaviour. sufficient power to interrupt any country's conference were aimed at understanding the
No stone was left unturned. regular broadcasts, and which wiU no doubt basic mechanisms of life and conscious
It cannot be over-emphasised, the resullS be used for Psychological Warfare). You ness." He claimed that NATO were merely
of mind control experimentation, which has then m(mitoJ you.! target's response ItQ the the sponsor for the event and that their par
been conducted by a number of so-called "program" and reinforce the messages nec ticipation was limited to having a few repre
"civilised" nations, have led to a. new breal essary to obtain the desired result. This sentatives attending the conference and tak
of weapons, and those weapons !r!< in use takes the form of positive or negative feet/. ing notes.
today. They are the weapons of the New back. In any Qther language, this woulid be Hameroff believes that the seat of con
World Order and are specifically designed known as conditioning. sciousness may be located in '''computer-like
. "".g,"",: esf
'h'ed"""-"u·'.·'6""",,".N ,,,..,<,,,.,.,,,.. ,,.,,.I·,,,, ... ,·v~.v,~~ August
police. . .
1984' JulIan KnIght, aged
CONTROL• , ," "y " " , •• ' ~~f.i;fiiii~f'.ti~.w~~~~~:~l';";~;~'! ~~§I~~~~Y;J:!;*,'ll~)i!~':'~; in the Hoddl eSt. M a~ s ac re .. in
One paper that was delivered at the<·~~,.'W~q~i'~~'''';':~··::i::·'ii~HlW;i1§"i:;~'.:" i •.• · .. ll'••.." .. :;;:;;;~,:;;;.•,:;:;~Melbourne. He was carrymg 2 rifles
conference stood out for its different~W~1&.~;.~~'tl~~~;~;im1fm~fi~%i~i~h~i~0:~t1and a 12-gauge shotgun. The gunman
~~~~~ d~s~~;s~~~. t1~ ~:; ~~o~;:c~ t: '::'~;::~«::,~~.:::~f:')%';;'~~,~~:;~£~~?r::2e'!:~~··~~i,. ~::i;j,;~':r'i","~:.l~:~:i··::.1~ w~:ee:~rb~ ~~;i~;r ank V~ tkovic,
protest, and a chilling warning to the attending scientists about the aged 22, no previous criminal record, kills eight people at the
potential abuses of their research fmdings. The SUbject of the paper: Melbourne General Post Office in Queen St., Melbourne. He then
Mind Control. jumps 11 stories to his death.
Delivered by private researcher Harlan E. Girard, the paper was May 1988: Laurie Dann, criminal record unknown, kills one child
entitled, "Effects of Gigahertz Radiation on the Human Nervous and wounds five others in a school yard in Winnekta, lllinois. She
System: Recent Developments in the Technology of Political then commits suicide.
Control." It outlines how microwave energy can be, and is being, September 1989: Joseph Wesbecker, C"riminal record unknown,
used Ito influence and control human behaviour. kills eight former co-workers and wounds twelve in the Standard
iln a letter regarding Girard's presentation, Stuart Hameroff states Gravure Building in Louisville, Kentucky. He then commits sui
that Ithese "alleged" tecllniques "utilised nano-second (or faster cide by turning the gun on himself.
giga-hertz, microwave, etc.) vibrations, and thus were consistent April 1990: Rodney 1. Dale, panel-beater aged 27, no previous
with ,the conference theme of consciousness being related to coher criminal record, kills one person and wounds 7, firing off a total of
eRt nanosecond excitations in the cytoskeleton." The paper itself, 40 rounds on the Gold Coast, Queensland. He was carrying two
however, is far less interesting as science than it is terrifying, if an rifles and was wounded by police.
accurate repon on the operational. capability of agencies who might August 1991: Wade Frankum, aged 33, unemployed, no previous
be employmg such deV19~ and evil technology. criminal record, kills seven in Strathfietd Plaza, Sydney, with a
Girard opens the paper by stating, '7he United States has devel semi-automatic SKK rifle. He th'en commits suicide by shooting
oped communications equipmen.t which can make the blind see, the himself in the head. His last words, "I'm sorry,"
deo/ he~r and the lame walk. It can relieve t~ termin~Iy ill of all September 199,1: Geo:rge Henard, 'aged 35, no previous criminal
pal.ft, without the use of any drugs. A man mlghl retam the use of record, drives his truck Ithougl1 the front window of Luby's
all his faculties up until the day ofhis death. Cafeteria in Kileen, Texas. He then kills 23 people, and wounds
This communications equipment depends on a new way of look another 20, in a 10 minute shooting spree with a Glock 9mm semi
ing at the human brain and neuromuscular system, and gigahertz automatic pistol. He then commits suicide by shooting him~lf.
radiation pulsed at ultra-low frequencies. November 1991: Santiago Lopez, aged 42, Mexican, no previous
Some of this equipment is now operational within the Central criminal record, is arrested at the United Natioll$ BuildiPg in New
Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation. It will York carrying a revolver and 100 rounds of ammunition. His intent
never be used to maJce the blind see and the deaf hear and the lame was to kill.
walk because it is central to the domestic political agenda andfor November 1991: Bradley A. Cooke, chef, aged 32, no previous
eign policy ofJames A. Baker and GeQrge Herbert WaIker Bush. criminal record, kills one person and wounds anoVher at Airlie
Domestically the new communications being used to Beach, Queensland. Armed with a SKS assault rifle, he then com
torture and murder persons who match proftles imagined to be able mits suicide by shooting himself.
to screen a given population for terrorists, to torture and murder November 1991: Gang Lu, a Graduate Student with no previQus
citizens who ?elong to organ~sations which promote peac.e. and criminal record, ~Ls five people in Iowa City, USA. Arwed wit-h a
development, 1fI Central America, ·to torture and murder citIzens .38 revolver, Lu also commits suicide by shooting himself.
who belong to organisations opposed to the deployment and use of November 1991: Thomas Mcfivane, aged 31. Postal worker with
nuclear ~eapons, and to create a race or slaves c~lled Automatons, no previous criminal record, kills 7 people and wounds seven in
or what IS popularly called the ManchUrian CandldaJe. Royal Oak, USA. lie attemp~ suicide and is then llIj'ested.
controll projects of this type once he was elected president. phenomena. Might it be the largest mind control project ever? I
There is every reason to suspect Dr. Louis Jolyon West as being a suggest you examine the evidence carefully before you disregard
leader in tfie field! of mind control. He's been perfecting his mind the possibility.
control techniques on human subjects for a long time. A CIA mem IIncidentally, "UFO" magazine editor, Vicki Cooper, is the niece
orandum entitled "Interrogation TechniCiues", dared January 14th, of Grant Cooper, who was Sirhan Sirhan's attorney after he alleged
1953, includes the following passage: ly assassinated Robert Kenne4y. Theodore Charach's film, "The
'1f the services of Major Louis J. West, USAF (MC), a trained Second Gun", includes an interview with Sirhan's mother in whi_ch
hypnotist, can be obtained, and another man well ground.ed in con she curses her son's attorneys. There is much evidence that Sirhan
ventional psychological interrogation and polygraph te"cfmiques, Sirhan was a victiID of mind control.
and the services of Lt Col [deleted], a well-balanced interrogation
research centre could be established in an especially selected loca
Dr., Loo.nard Diamond" director for the defence at the trial of
The CIA proposed Ithat: "This laboratory will include a spe-
Sirhan Sirhan, was extremely surprised when he first placed Sirhan
cial chamber, in which all1physiologically significant aspects of the
under hypnosis. He noted that the ease with which he entered a
environment can 'be con-
tro lIed. This chamber will Ii""----==--=====::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;) deep hypnotic state clearly
'n; th thO STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL [HYGIENE, suggested he had been hyp
con.....n, among 0 er lOgs, NEUROP'SYC!:iIATRIC INSTITUTE notised before. Diamond
a broad-spectrum polygraph CENTER FOR' THE HEALTH SCIENCES
questioned Sirhan, whilst in
for simultaneous recordings Los Angeles, Calif., January 22, 1973.
the hypnotic swe, and asked
of a variety of physiological J.M. STUBBLEBINE, M.D.,
him to write down the
reactions of the individual Director of Health, Office of Health Planning, State of California..
answers to his questions,
being studied. In this setting Sacramento, Calif.
and noted, "Sirhan would
various hypnotic, (pharmaco Dear Stub: I am in possession of confidential information 10 the effect that write like a robot and keep
logic, and sensory-environ the Army is to turn over Nike missile bases to state and local agen
on repeating a word or a
mental variables will be cies for non-military lpurposes. They may look with special favour on health
phrase until I stopped him.".
manipulated in a controlled relaled applications.
fashion and quantitative con Such a Nike mis!;ile base is located in the Santa Monica Mountains, within He showed Sirhan a sam
tinuous recordings of the a half-hour's drjve of the Neuropsychiatric Institute. It is accessible 'but rela ple page from his own diary,
tively remote. The site is securely fenced, and includes various buildings asking, "Is this crazy writ
reactions of the experimental and improvements making it suitable for prompt occupancy.
subjects will be made." ing?", "YES YES YES,
<If this site were made available to the Neuropsychiatric Institute as a "wrote Sirhan. "Are you
Aldous Huxley, author of research facility, perhaps initially as an adjunct 10 the new Center for
the 100vel, "Brave New Prevention of Violence, we could put it 10 very good use. Comparative stud crazy?' asked Diamond.
"NO NO, " Sirhan replied.
World", referred to West in ies could be carried out there, in an isolated bU,t convenient location, of
experimental or model pr.ograms for the alteration of undesirable behavior. "Well, why are you writing
his writing on several occa
Such programs might inclUde control of drug or alcohol abllse, modifica cra.zy?" Diamond asked.
sions. In 1957 he wrote that tion of chronic antisocial or impulsive aggressiveness, ele. The site could
West has doing research with also accommodate conferences or retreats for instruction of selected groups
PRACTICE," came the
hypnosis and mescaline. l
of mental health-related professionals and of others (e.g., law enforcement reply. "Practice for what?"
Later, in i961 h'e reponed personnel, parole officers, special educators) for whom both demonstration
Diamond questioned.
that West had informed him and participation would be effective modes ot instruction.
My onderstanding is that a direct request by the Governor, or another "MIND CONTROL MIND
he was now experimenting
with sensory deprivation and appropriate officer of the State, to the Secretary of Defense (or, of course,
the President) would be most likely 10 produce prompt results. Needles to TROL" is what Sirhan
had some of the best
say, I stand available to participate in any way that might be helpful. wrote.
equipped facilities available. Sincerely yours,
Knowledge derived from Sirhan was given a psy
these monstrous projects, as Medical Director. 201
choJogic.a1 s.tress evaluation
well as many thousands of II'. 'I test lby a U.S. Intelligence
others, is being applied to officer, seven years after
Dr. West's letter to the Californian State Director of Health
mind controll operations loday. Kennedy's assassination. He
has since been quoted as saying, "Everything in the PSE charts tells
me that someone else was involved in the assassination and that
IUNIDENTIFIED FLYING MIND CONTROL Sirhan was programmed lbrough hypnosis to kill R.F.K."
It is worth noting that one of Louis JJolyon West's proteges, Barry British Lawyer Fenton Bressler beheves that Mark David
Taff, co-wrote an article for 'UFO' magazine suggesting aliens were Chapman, who won international no.toriety for shooting John
responsible for this type of activity. Taff worked at the UCLA Lennon on December 8, 1980, was also a programmed assassin. In
Neuropsychiatric Institute, and according to Los Angeles 'based his book, "Who Killed John Len'non?", Bressler argues the case
researcher Martin Cannon, has consulted for a large number of gov very convincingly. He contends that Chapman came into contact
ernment agencies, including the National Institute of MeDtal H~alth, with the CIA whilst working for the YMCA, an organisation which
Rand Corporation, The Atomic Energy Commission and the CIA. is reported to have acted as a front for the CIA in many foreign
The article was entitled "Paranormal Phenomena and UFO's", and! countries. Chapman chose to do work for the YMCA in Beirut, of
appeared in "UFO", Vol. 2 No.4. all places, a city rumoured to be the site of a CIA training camp for
Cannon has documented a long list of parallels between supposed assassins. Witnesses to the shooting swed that Chapman assumed
"Aliell Abduction Phenomena" and documented mind control something akin to a "comblU" (pOsition just before pulling the trig
experimenwion, in a thoroughly researched and impeccably refer ger, and the first reaction oJ the arresting detective, Art'hur
enced 60 page (approx.) paper entitled, "The Controllers: A New O'Connpr, was tbat Chapman appeared to be "dazed" and "looked!
Hypothesis of A~ien Abductions." A condensed version' of this as if he could have been programmed."
paper was ,published in the October 1990 edition of the MUFON
UFO Journal. It left me questioning the ~ basis of the UFO To be continued in the next edition of Nexus ... *
t is with great excitement, and appreciation to the inven
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izarro gave strict orders to his men that the natives were
by Ted Smith P not to be molested. And as the Peruvians everywhere met
the Spaniards with kindness and generosity, and piled
them with gifts, there was no excuse fo~ any man to infringe his
orders. Strangely, for once, the Spaniards were on their best
behaviour, seeming to realise that much of their future success
depended upon the continuing goodwill of the very people they
had come to rob and destroy.
Pizarro was not remiss in letting the natives know what had
brought him to their land. He had it promulgated wherever he
went that he had come in the name of the "Holy Vicar of God
and of the sovereign of Spain, requiring the obedience of the
inhabitants as true children of the Church, and vassals oftUs lord
and master."
And as the simple natives made no reply, they not being able
to understand one word of what was said to them, he took mute
ness to mean compliance, and had their ablegiance to the Crown
of Castile duly recorded by the notary.
After several weeks of reconnoitering the district, Pizarro
decided on a locality ninety miles south of Tumbes to establish
in November ~532 the first Spanish town in the Inca empire.
Plans were drawn up, buildings were constructed, local govern
ment was inaugurated, and the troops were each granted title to
divisions of land. The problem of labour was solved by giving
each Spaniard a repartimieto, OF gang of Indian slaves. The
good Dominican bothers agreed with the leaders of the expedi
tion that this would "serve the cause of religion and tend to the
natives spiritual welfare". Having attended to these matters with
punctilious regard for the well being of the 'unenlightened hea
then', Pizarro bestowedl on his young town the name of San
Miguel in recognition of the aid given him by that saint during
the fierce campaign on Puna. At this time, he had a large accu
mulation of gold and silver melted down into ingots to send to
his creditors in Panama. Much of the bullion belonged to his
troops, but he managed to persuade them to relinquish their
shares for the present, after pledging, on his word of honour, to
repay them out of the first spoils to fall into their hands.
During the time spent reconnoitering the district, Pizarro had
gleaned much reliable information concerning the state of the
Inca empire. He had learned from various sources Ithat a bloody
civil war had been fought by the two Inca princes, and that
Huascar, the eldest son of the Inca, Huayna Capac, had come off
rather badly in the struggle with his half brother, Atahualpa.
Several battles had been fought, with heavy losses inflicted on
Huascar. Forced to retire to his capital of Cozco, he had quickly
raised fresh levies from the surrounding countryside. By the
spring of 1532, a few months before the landing of the
Spaniards, the quickly gathered peasant army of Huascar was
exus Magazine had a small stall at each of the UFO
By Duncan Roads Expos. in both Sydney aDd Brisbane. so I was able to
Ihear Budd Hopkins speak at both events. '
The Sydney Expo drew about 1300 people over the two
days. just enough to keep the lecture hall at the Hyatt in
Sydney full up. and just enough to keep the organisers
happy with door J-akings.
1 wondered how many people lin the room had bad their
own encounters with strange creatures or UFOs, and when
this predictable question was raised by the organiser. 1 was
not surprised to see at least 90% of the people there had
their hand up for IDQ-se who themselves se-en. ali knew a
family member/close personaJI friend who had seen a UFO
or an alien.
Budd Hopkins is an excellent speaker. He makes a
refreshing change from the usual American so-called oro
researchers, most of whom have a self-confessed military or
government background.
The thing 1 and a lot of other people enjoyed about Budd's
presentations. was that he rarely, if ever. drew conclusion.s.
He did not conclude who the abductees were. why they are
abducting people. or where they are from. Most refreshing,
especially for an American.
A three month poll conducted by the Roper Organisation
in America. of about 6,000 people across the country. had 5
little questions buried in amongst questions like. "whall, did
you have for breakfast?, do you like Dan Quayle?" etc etc.
Question I related to the phenomenon of missing time
experiences. 13% responded that they had at least one
unexplained missing time experience of one hour or more.
Question 2 asked if the person had ever woken up at night
sensing another presence in the room, and/or had the sensa
tion of being p~lysed in the whole body upon waking up.
18% responded that they had experienced this feeling.
Question 3 asked if the person had any memory or experi
ence of flying through the air - physically (so as to distin
guish from dream/out of body experiences). 10% of the
peqple polled responded that they had had this experience.
Question 4 asked, whether the person had any strange' or
unusual scars or wounds which had mysteriously appeared
on their 'body.
Question 5 asked if the person had woken up at night and
found strange lights moving around their bedroom.
8% of people responded positively to Question 4. or 5.
The researchers then tallied those who had positively
answered 4 out of the 5 questions, concluding that 2% of the
American population had more than likely UDdergone an how the car got into the field, let alone how it ended up on
abduction experience - that adds up to about 5 million its back, with its roof crushed in.
Americans. Other Symptoms:
What's more, according to Budd, there is no reas.on why
The lack of memory of these somewhat traumatic experi
this figure should not apply to other countries - Australia
ences often seFVes to create mini"phobias. These sometimes
manifest in the form of an lUlUsual dread of a place, a stretch
Missing Time Experiences of road, a room etc. In some cases they manifest as a fear of
Many of us can probably remember a day or so, when various animals.
'time got away from us', but some of the examples given by One woman, for example, had a incredible fear of rats.
Mr Hopkins are quite different. When asked how sh« pictured rats, she replied "on my
... Consider the young couple driving back on the highway shoulder" . . clearly an unusual answer. It was suggested that
from New Jersey, where they had just spent a wOJlderful a rat on her shoulder would! probably cause fear because of,
weekend. One moment it was a bright sunliy, Sunday after its sharp teeth, but the woman replied! that it was the big
noon - the next instant tit was pitch dark, and they found black eyes that caused her the unexplainable dread.
themselves in the middle of some field, still in their car, with Another example given, was of a man who had a unnatural
no lights or engine on. It took some time for them to drive dread of sharks. Budd suggested that this is not surprising,
across this field, find a little dirt track leading to a small after all sharks are very fierce, and have a huge gaping
road, which eventually took them back onto the highway. mouth with rows of big teeth. This man replied, "no, it is lthe
They had lost nearly six bours. Needless to say this was a greyish colour of the skin, and those eyes ... ". It ilurns out
very upsetting experience for them. that the man had not been in the ocean since the age of five
... One man, who it turns out had several abduction experi- , years old, which was the time he had disappeared from the
enres, wo.rked in a bakery for a large .supermarket on Cape beacb for some time, and had kept his parents looking for
Cod, Massachusetts. It was late at night, and he an a Ltiend him.
had just had a coffee break. They returned from their break It was pointed out that when we experience sOmething we
at about 2.15am, and began to remove the bread from the don't or can't cOlfiPrehend - our inbuilt system of denial will
refrigerator (where the cool temperature stops the bread often 'kick in' to deal with it.
from swelling). The next lthing they remembcF was that it For example, one case Budd was dealing with, was with a
was 4.00 am, and 250 Iloaves of bread had swollen and woman, whose little boy had vividly described little people
spoiled. with big eyes in Ihis room, had described being taken away,
... An ex-policeman in England, driving along at 3am, on a he had strange marks and scars on his body etc.
quiet road in a district he knows well. The next thing he Budd asked the mother if anything unusual had ever hap
knows, he was stunned, in pain and the car was upside pened to her. "Oh no", she replied, "except that was this one
down, lying in a neaIiby field, directly opposite the road he time, when late at night I woke up to fmd myself laying hor
had been driving along some hours earlier. No-one knows izontal to the floor, about five feet in the air, and falling. I
was over near the comer 'of the room, and fell onto
a chair, which was quite painful."
Budd asked her if she had any explanation for
GALAGTI,C INT£Ll-\GENCG AGE.NG"i this event. She answered that although she had
never been known to sleep walk, she must have
•. ~. . '/V' .
. (
/ Now\ RE:PEA\AFT~R M~~ been walking in her sl~p, gotten up onto the bed,
-- -1H£K'E \S ~9 5v(..l-( -n-\ll>..JCA made a tremendous jump, catching her feet in the
, ~ =-
AS HVMANS~ blankets which made her feet go up in the air, and
causing her to fly across the room for 6 or 7 feet
\H(.~~ IS ~ sue..""' T~IN U<
-- I
onto the chair. That's s.ome sleepwalker!
AS t-\vr-1A.N5
1 1)1'0 ~ s£,E. ClN(\ Phantom Pregnancies
~ . ' . This was particularly interesting, as I have spo
ken to several women who have had very pro
nounced 'phantom pregnancies'.
A 'phantom pregnancy' as I understand the term,
occurs when a woman fmds herself displaying all
/ the signs of being pregnant, but some time later
finds herself not pregnant.' This does not relate to
miscarriages which are entirely different
( /
~! (.,,1;
One case Budd has been dealing with involved a
woman who had not been with anyone for over six
~\\C> months, yet found llerseIf ~ be Itwo months preg
'}.. nant. This was confirmed by blood and urine
1//_ / ( / ( tests. She booked herself in for an abortion, but a
U,,"uo couple of nights prior to the operation, she woke
up and found herself unable to move her body.
ing on the status of its meridian system. not kno\\ln, the Dermatron became ing".
A scientist, Dr. William Tiller, establisbed as a GSR in.strument. The Life Information System TEN
described the actions that occur at the Voll also established dIe techniques (LISTEN) takes this concept to the
acupuncture point when a CUFFent is for using the Dermatron and called it point where the energy meridian points
applied. Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll are 'measured', and a host of different
Voll had learned that the body had (EAV). The first part of the technique remedies are tested against these read-
about 1000 points on the skin which is taking the GSR measurement; the ings, so as to find the remedy which
followed twelve lines called meridians. second part is feedback. Voll discov- optimises the original! 'reading.
The Chinese said the meridians were ered the feedback during a demons.tra- This means that the computer pro- .
channels of energy. Each meridian was tion. After testing a doctor, he recom- gramme bas in its memory, the 'read-
a window to the status of an organ sys- mended a remedy for him. Then they ings of every !homeopathic remedy, and
tem in the body. As Voll began experi- stopped for lunch. Afte.r lunch Voll the readings for each potency of each
ments to influence the strength and continued the demonstration with the remedy, plus the same for· Bach
flow ass.ociated with tthe acupuncture doctor, but he soon became puwed Flowers, vitamins, minerals, herbs, cell
points, he discovered the need for some because the doctor's reading was nor- salts, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals,
way to measure the flow. He and Dr. mal though it had been high. Upon chemicals, foods, fungi, yeast etc etc.
Fritz Werner created ao instrument to questioning the doctor, Voll discovered Conclusion:
measure the galvanic skin resistance that he had received the remedy that It is now several weeks since my visit
(GSR) at me acupuncture points. They had been recommended. However, the to the Hi Tech Health Centre at Byron
established a scale from 0 to 100 with doctor had not taken the remedy. He Bay, and II am still very pleased with
50 as the normal GSR. Readings above carried it in his pocket. When Voll had my results.
50 indicated an inflammation of the the doctor place the remedy aside, the I was given length¥ computer read-
organ associated with the meridian; reading again was high. Voll discov- outs indicating the over or under-activi-
readings below 50 indicated a degener- ered that be coutld test the remedies ty of my organs, glandular :systems, cir-
ation. against the points that were not normal. culation, tissue; plus I got a readopt of
After the first instrument, the K*:F This process of testing different over 150 food reaction readings, (which
Diatherapnncture, V011 developed the remedies until finding one that brought listed several foods that where
Dermatron. Though the actual events the reading to a 50 was called "normal- unknown to me have detrimental
occurring during a measurement were ising" or more appropriately, "optimis- effects on various parts of my body);
plus I got a com,plete readout of my vit 'noise' from all the lightning strikes in Seven Plus One, written by C. Samuel
amin and mineraIr levels, and details of the world, the resonance reflects the West, D.N., N.D.
what chemicals, bacteria and! viruses average temperature of the world's air. In a nutshell, the 'Seven GoJden
were affecting me and why. So far, data taken from Florida, Discoveries' referred Ito here, reveal
I thoroughly encourage the therapists French Guiana, and Australia has why and how 'trapped' blood proteins
and doctors among our readetrs to shown the expected 'correlation around the cells produce the conditions
investigate this machine, and peruse the between the number of lightning flash that cause pain, Iloss of energy, viral
many successful cases it has dealt with. es and the average monthly tempera infections, bacterial infections, aller
All in all, I higbly recommend it! ture. gies, parasites, 'heaJit disease, cancer;
For more details, refer to their ad,vert (Source: The Economist, 26/9/92) obesity, stJoke, high blood Ipressure,
on the previous page. polio, cerebral palsy, MS, arthritis, and
THE CONCRElE THAT other crippling and killer diseases.
LIGHTNING & THE REPAI RS ITS OWN CRACKS "We have now come to know that
SCHUMANN RESONANCE life and death are both a part of the
This new 'smart' concrete designed blood stream. The blood brings oxygen
The debate continues as to whether by Dr. Carolyn Dry, Associate
or not the Earth's atmosphere is heating and nutrients to the cells; but disobedi
Professor of Arc.hitecture at the ence to the mental, nutritional, and
up or not. While greenies prefer to University of Illinois, has the ability to
believe some scientists' claims, other physical laws of health will trap the
repair its own cracks. blood proteins around our cells, block
scientists' findings are ignored.
Wouldn't it be easy if we could jqst The concrete contains coated, hollow the circulation, upset the chemical bal
stick a thennometer up into the air and fibres which are filled with specific ance in the cells, and produce the con
read the number. chemicals and distributed throughout ditioos that cause loss of energy, dis
the cement. When the concrete cracks, ease and death."
Well, Earle Williams, an atmospheric it breaks open the stiff coating of a
physicist at the Massachusetts lnstitute "These discoveries have opened up a
nearby fibre that then releases its chem new science called, 'The Art of
of Technology, believes that you can. icals - an adhesive, polymer compound,
His 'thennometer' called the Schumann Lympbacising' which reveals a way of
to fill in the area. untrapping the blood proteins and keep
resonance, - is at world-wide electrical
effect which was discovered in the
(Source: Sun-Herald,27/9/92) them circulating in the body via the
1950s. The resonance, which rolls Iymphatic system."
around the world approximately 8 THE LYMPHACISER (For further info on the book, see the
times a second, has lbeen described as, "There has never been a scientific book review section this issue.)
the collective electromagnetic echo of discovery that will have a greater effect The Anti-Static RH 48 Lymphaciser
every thunderstonn on earth. upon man than the new discovery con (see ad on p.25) looks at first glance
Dr. William's claim that the reso cerning the blood proteins, the albu like a new improved rebounder, you
na.!lce can be used as a globati ther men, the globulin, and fibrinogens. know those mini-trampoline things that
mometer comes in two parts. This scientific discovery is: If the now sit in the corner of many people's
First that the amount of lightning in blood proteins cannot be removed from homes.
anyone area is related to the local air the spaces around the cells by the lym But there the difference ,ends. The
temperature, and second, that the more phatic system, they can cause our death Lymphaciser is wiredl up so that it is
lightning there is in the world, the within just afew hours. 'harmonically tuned' so as to reduce the
'louder' the resonance becomes. Such is written on the dust jacket of a jarring effect given by the other mod
Thus by integrating the electrical rem_arkable book titled - The Golden els. And the difference is very notice.
able. He filled organ pipes with diiferent
I perused a pile of testimonials after gases and from the pitch of the note
a visit to our office by the visiting lec- sounded on those pipes was able to
turer, laD! Pettitt, a certified and regis- calculate the velocity of sound in each
tered Lymphologist in Australia for a of those cases.
few months. Obviously a lot of people The free vibrationl of a coFumn of
are already very satisfied with their gas determines its pitch, and that vibra-
improved health, simply by the gentle tion depends on the hatural mobility of
'bouncing' exercises provided with the the molecules making it up.
Lymphaciser. The velocity of sound through the
We can highly recommend the gas also depends on the natural mobili-
Lymphaciser, and encourage ,readers to ty of those molecules, so that the
also obtain the book, The Golden velocity of sound in a particular gas
Seven Plus One. Your health is well can be calculated from the pitch
worth this outlay. sounded by an organ pipe filled with
CHlADNI Chladni invented a musical instru-
ment called the Euphonium, made of
Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni glass rods and steel bars that were
(klahd'nee) - German Physicist sounded by being rubbed with the
Born: Wittenberg, Saxony, moistened finger, and travelled about
November 30, 1756 Europe performing on this instrument
D,ied: Breslau, Silesia (modern and giving scientific lectures.
Wroclaw, Poland), April 3, 1827 He also had a collection of mete-
Chladni, the son of a lawyer, found orites and was one of the first scientists
his own education directed to the 'law, to insist that these fell from the heav-
much against his will. He received his ens, as a number of peasants, who
degree from the University of Leipzig claimed they had seen it happen, had
in 1782, but when his father died reported.
Chladni was able to consult Ihis own In 1794 he wrote a book on the sub-
interests more freely, and these lay in ject and suggested the meteorites to be
the direction of science. the debris of an exploded planet.
Since he was interested in music and In the very reasonable Age of reason
was himself an amateur musician, he of the late eighteenth century, scien-
began to investigate sound waves tists were reluctant to believe such
mathematically in 1786. obviously tall tales, until Biot settled
He was the first to work out the matters at the tum of the century.
quantitative relationships governing Modem research into the phenomena
,the transmission of sound and is there- elicited in Chladni figures can be pri-
fore called the Father of Acoustics. marily attributed to the late Dr. Hans
Chladni set thin plates, covered with Jenny of Switzerland.
a layer of sand, to vibrate. The plate Dr. Jenny attempted to develop a
vibrated in a complex pattern" with system which would show Chladni fig-
some portions (nodal iines) remaining ures in three dimensions through the
motionless. The nodal lines retain.ed use of computer imaging.
sand shgJcen onto them by the neigh-
bouring areas that were vibrating. His best 3D efforts resulted from the
In this way the plates came to be use of a plastic material of extremely
covered with characteristic sand pat- fine grain which pos'sessed a modest
terns from which much cou1ld be attraction to allow the formation and
,deduced concerning vibrations. transmutation of lifelike structures
from excitation iby acoustic waves.
The patterns (which arc still called
Chladni figures) fascinated the audi- An excellent film of Dr. Jenny's
ence when they were exhibited before work demonstrates the many unusual
a gathering of scientists at Paris in phenomena which occur when various
1809. Napoleon had the demonstration sounds are played against each other.
repeated for himself. This film is included in a video entitled
"Cymatics" which also features the
The velocity of sound had already current work of Or. Peter Guy
been measured in air by Gassendi and Manners on the healing aspects of
others two centuries earlier, but
Chladni went a step further.
complex waveforms. $
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