Spellcasting For Newbies
Spellcasting For Newbies
Spellcasting For Newbies
The list of known spells for these classes are The PHB uses the term "prepare" in a confusing
usually determined by the player simply manner for these casters. It can greatly confuse
selecting them according to the rules in the things for new players.
PHB. As mentioned above, once this list is
For all the Divine Receivers of magic, the PHB
determined it cannot be changed until the
authors elected to not use the standard
character gains a level. The maximum number
construct of Global/Known/Prepared spells, and
of spells you can know is determined by your
instead opted to only use Global/Prepared
class and your level in that class. The PHB has a
chart for each class showing the maximum
number of spells your character can know. To use the same contextual form as the other
casters would be described as follows:
Being innately magical, all the spells they know
are automatically considered "prepared for From the Global List for their class, the player
casting". selects which spells they want their character to
"know" for the day. After the list is determined,
the character must pray to their deity and then
Friedrich the Sorcerer is level 14. According to
undergo a rest. Once this is complete all of the
the PHB chart for Sorcerer, Friedrich can
spells the character prayed for now becomes
"know" 6 cantrips and 13 spells of level 1 or
the list of "known spells" and are automatically spell book for the new spell you want to swap
considered to have been "prepared for casting". out.
Divine Receivers of Magic classes are: Cleric, The downside is that when you swap out new
Druid, and Paladin. spells, that process takes a fair amount of time
whenever you choose to do so. Additionally,
Cleric: The maximum number of spells you can you must carry your spell book with you if you
know = your WIS modifier + your cleric want to make any such change because your
level. spell book is the source for those new spells.
Druid: The maximum number of spells you can That prospect opens up the possibility of losing
know = your WIS modifier + your druid a very valuable item should your spell book ever
level. become damaged or lost.
Paladin: The maximum number of spells you
can know = your CHA modifier + half your Studiers of Magic classes are: Wizard
paladin level (round down after adding
The spell book is considered to be all the spells
them together).
your character "knows". But despite this fact,
Example you cannot simply cast any spell in your spell
Brownbear Dirtwallower is a level 8 druid with a book on a whim. The studier must study their
16 wisdom (modifier of +3). According to the spell book each day and create yet another
rules for Druid, Brownbear can "know" (8 + 3) = subset of spells called the "Prepared" list. You
11 total spells. Each day Brownbear must pray are preparing those spells for casting.
to his deity for those spells, selecting them from
Cantrips for studiers work slightly different from
the Global List of druid spells. The Global List
may have several dozen spells, but Brownbear other spells in this regard. Because there is no
can only select 11 off that list. Once the 11 are limit to the number of times you can cast a
received from the deity, all 11 are automatically cantrip, a limit is instead imposed on the
considered to be "known" and "prepared". maximum number you can "know".
According to the PHB, Bumbledark can A spell must use a slot no lower than the spell
"prepare" (11 + 4) = 15 spells out of the 47 in his level (e.g. a level 4 spell cannot be cast with a
spell book. That means that while adventuring, level 2 slot).
Bumbledark may only cast a spell from the 15
But you can use a higher slot if the spell allows
he has prepared. If he wants to change that list,
for it (e.g. a level 4 spell can use a level 6 slot).
he must first rest, then consult his spell book
and spend time swapping out old spells for new All spell slots are reset back to maximum after a
ones. His list of prepared spells, however, may long rest. Some classes may have their spell
not exceed 15 unless and until he gains more slots reset after a short rest. The PHB will tell
wizard levels. you which is required.
Prepared Spells Cantrips do not use spell slots. You may cast
As noted above, the list of "prepared" spells is a them an unlimited number of times.
subset of the spells "known". In most cases, the
known list and the prepared list are the same Spells with the "ritual" tag can be cast as normal
list. In any case, the spell caster may only cast spells (using a spell slot), or optionally they can
spells from their "prepared" list unless some be cast as a ritual. When cast as a ritual, the
special rule applies. casting time is 10 minutes longer and no spell
slot is used.
Spell Slots
For all classes capable of casting a ritual (the
Each spell caster has a maximum number of
class description will tell you if the class can do
spells they can cast when the spells are level 1
this) the spell must first be prepared. The lone
exception is the wizard. A wizard can perform a What is a "Spell Focus"?
ritual if the spell is in his/her spell book, but Some spells require a material component. A
they do not need to have it in their "prepared" spell focus allows the character to cast such a
list. spell without actually having to possess or use
that material component. 3
When Friedrich attempts to cast a 3rd level However, if the spell specifies a material
spell, he must use a 3rd level slot at a minimum. component that has a monetary cost, the spell
After casting the spell, he will have only 2 slots focus won't help.
available for 3rd level spells. Friedrich can also
cast a level 2 spell using a level 3 slot, which Example
would leave him with only 1 more level-3 slot. If Chromatic Orb specifies "a diamond worth at
least 50gp".
Friedrich were to cast a level 3 spell as a ritual,
doing so would not use up that last slot, but the Because of the explicit amount of money
casting would take 10 minutes longer than mentioned as a material component, a spell
normal. After a long rest, all of Friedrich's spell focus will not negate the need to have that
slots would reset and he would once again have component.
3 slots for casting level-3 spells.
Color Spray specifies "a pinch of powder or sand
Ritual Spells that is colored red, yellow, and blue". There is
Some spells are tagged as "Ritual". This means no specified amount of money telling you how
the caster has the option to cast the spell either much these materials cost. Therefore a spell
normally, using the statistics listed under the focus would allow you to cast the spell without
spell description, or as a ritual. When casting as having any such powder or sand.
a ritual, the caster will take much more time to
prepare, and the casting will be a more formal What can I use as a Spell Focus?
affair. 2 PHB (p. 150) has a list of items your character
can buy and use as a spell focus.
The effects are as follows:
The caster does not need to use a spell Arcane Focus: All classes except Bard, Druid,
slot to perform the casting. Cleric, and Paladin.
If the caster is a wizard, the spell does Musical instrument: When used by a Bard it will
not need to be in their "prepared" list operate as a spell focus. This is not true for
and can instead be cast directly from other classes, but other classes can still play
the wizard's spell book. them as normal.
The casting time increases by 10
minutes and the caster must perform Druidic Focus: Druid class.
the "Cast a Spell" action on each turn
Holy Symbol: Cleric and Paladin classes.
for the entire casting time.
2 3
PHB. p. 201-202. Rituals. PHB. p. 205. Components, "Material (M)"
Spellcasting and Concentration Example
There are some spells that require the caster to Alexandra, the Priestess (cleric), has a
maintain their attention on a spell even after Constitution of 13 (+1 mod) and is maintaining
they finish casting it. Such spells are designated concentration on a Bless spell when she is
in the spell description under their Duration. struck by 3 arrows from enemy archers. The
arrows do 13, 7, and 22 points of damage.
For example, the spell Haste has a duration of
"Concentration, up to 1 minute". This means She is not proficient in CON saving throws, so
the caster must hold their attention on the spell she gains only +1 on her die roll.
from round to round in order to keep the
Damaged 3 times, she must make 3 CON saving
effects going, and the maximum duration is 1
throws to maintain her concentration on the
Bless spell. The DC for the first 2 arrows is 10.
At first, you might be under the impression that For the last arrow, the DC is 11 (22/2 = 11).
the caster would be prohibited from casting any
She rolls: 15 (14+1), 12 (11+1) and 10 (9+1).
more spells while concentrating. This would be
false, but not entirely false. The third arrow is a failed save, so Alexandra
tries valiantly, but loses her concentration
While concentrating on a spell, casting
causing the Bless spell to end.
ANOTHER concentration spell will cause the
previous concentration spell to end. Feats That Affect Concentration
Mage Slayer
Spells that are NOT concentration spells may be
When you damage a caster that is
cast normally while maintaining a single
concentrating on a spell, that caster makes their
concentration spell's duration and effects4.
CON save to maintain concentration at
What can cause a caster to lose concentration? disadvantage.
Being Damaged
When taking damage, the caster must make a
CON saving throw.
DC = 10
DC = 1/2 the damage taken (round down)
Whichever is higher.
Players Handbook. p. 203. "Concentration".