Transhuman Space - Deep Beyond
Transhuman Space - Deep Beyond
Transhuman Space - Deep Beyond
9!BMF@JA:RSTWUXoY`ZgZaZnZ` Printed in
SJG02695 6703 the USA
The Deep Beyond is the solar system’s final frontier. A
vast zone stretching from the asteroid belt to the edge of
interstellar space, its siren call has drawn researchers,
pioneers, visionaries – and outlaws. Deep Beyond includes:
l Expanded descriptions of the asteroids, gas giants,
moons, and comets of the outer system. Visit the gas
mines of Saturn and Europa’s icy oceans!
l What it’s like to grow up in the Deep Beyond . . . as a
Duncanite parahuman, a sapient AI, or even an enslaved
l Dozens of organizations, from the rebel ghosts of Axon to
the cyber-soldiers of the 82nd Spaceborne.
l New character types, from judges-for-hire to Jump RATS
and Swarmdozers.
l New vehicles and technologies: ice-hulled Gypsy Angel
spacecraft, portable lasers, prospector swarms – even the
black hole power plant.
9!BMF@JA:RSTWUXoY`ZgZaZnZ` Printed in
SJG02695 6703 the USA
By David Pulver • Cover by Jesse DeGraff
Edited by Steve Jackson • Illustrated by Attila Adorjany, Andy Clarkson, Jesse DeGraff,
Dennis Detwiller, Thomas Floyd, Steve Hartley, Jeremy McHugh, Torstein Nordstrand, Klaus Scherwinski
Map design contributions: Nelson Cunnington • Additional editing by Scott Haring
Page References
Rules and statistics in this book are specifically
for the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition. Any page
reference that begins with a B refers to the GURPS
Basic Set – e.g., p. B102 means p. 102 of the GURPS
Basic Set, Third Edition. Page references that begin
with CI indicate GURPS Compendium I. References
to Transhuman Space books are are FW for Fifth
About the Author Wave, ITW for In The Well, SSS for Spacecraft of the
David Pulver has been a science fiction fan since before Solar System, and TS for Transhuman Space itself.
he learned to read and a gamer since 1978. The creator The abbreviation for this book is DB. For a full list of
and editor of the Transhuman Space line, he lives in abbreviations, see p. CI181 or the updated web list at
Victoria, British Columbia. David has authored or co-
authored over 50 roleplaying games and sourcebooks.
Metallic Asteroid
Stony Asteroid
Carbonaceous Asteroid
The Department of State cautions U.S. citizens visit- Army Navy Space Force (PLAN-SF). There has also been
ing the Deep Beyond to exercise precautions when travel- an increase in softjacking by Digital Creationist radicals.
ing to certain Main Belt and Trojan asteroids. In addition Recent police actions undertaken by EDI, Royal Navy, and
to the continuing slight risk of AKVs (Autonomous Kill South African forces in the Main Belt against rogue info-
Vehicles) left over from the Pacific War, new violence has morphs and Martian Triad crime cells have contributed to
flared up in recent months. the hostilities. The U.S. government’s ability to assist kid-
Most incidents have involved clashes between Chi- napped, softjacked, or xoxnapped American or foreign cit-
nese nationals and stateless individuals, primarily Dun- izens in the Belt and Trojans is limited, but individuals in
canites. However, 87 U.S. citizens were victimized in the distress should contact the U.S. consulate office at
Main Belt and Trojans in 2099, three times as many as in Aletheia.
2098. British, Chinese, and private security patrols have For further information regarding the Main Belt and
kept the space around Aletheia, Ceres, Hygeia, and Pallas Trojan asteroids, travelers should consult the Department
reasonably secure, but risks are greater when traveling of State’s latest Consular Information Sheet for the Deep
elsewhere, and the danger of large-scale terrorist inci- Beyond.
dents or attacks on homesteaders cannot be ruled out. This replaces the April 6, 2099 Travel Advisory for the
The majority of violent incidents last year were con- Main Belt and Trojan Asteroids.
nected to ongoing conflict between Red Duncanite – U.S. State Department Travel Advisory,
“blackjacker” militias and the People’s Liberation December, 2099
The Main Belt and Trojan Asteroids include believed was a new comet. After its orbit was better
more than a million tiny worlds, home to over 100,000 determined, it was obviously something else. It resem-
sapient beings. Anarchists, fascists, Christians and Bud- bled a tiny planet, much smaller than Earth’s moon, and
dhists, decelerationists and scientists and transhumanists was exactly where Bode had predicted it should be. Piazzi
. . . it’s not surprising they don’t get along. named this minor planet Ceres, after the Roman goddess of
grain. Little more than a year later, another small body,
Pallas, was discovered, sharing a similar orbit. The
astronomer William Herschel declared that since these
bodies were so tiny compared to the planets, they should
majority are classed as metallic, stony, carbonaceous, or
frozen volatile. In the Main Belt, metallic and stony aster-
oids predominate in the “inner Main Belt,” closer to the
The Main Belt includes 16 huge asteroids that are 150 sun, while carbonaceous and frozen volatile asteroids are
miles or more in diameter (the biggest is Ceres, 527 miles concentrated further away from the sun, in the “outer Main
across). There are also thousands of mid-size asteroids 10 Belt.”
miles or more in diameter, a few million asteroids a half-
mile or more in diameter, and billions of meteoroids rang- Metallic Asteroids
ing in size from large boulders to tiny pebbles. Even so, the Metallic asteroids resemble dirty, pock-marked metal
combined mass of all the asteroids in the Main Belt is boulders. They are the least common of all asteroid types,
unimpressive compared to the planets – if gathered togeth- representing about 5% of the total population. Most are
er, they’d only form a sphere about half the size of Luna. found in the inner Main Belt, just past the orbit of Mars.
On average, the separation between asteroids that When the solar system formed, the original “parent
are a mile or more in diameter is about a million miles body” asteroids in the inner Main Belt contained mostly
(roughly 0.01 AU). However, the asteroid belt is not ordinary rock, iron, and other heavy metals, but also a salt-
quite as empty as this – there’s usually a chunk of ing of unstable radioactive isotopes such as aluminum-26.
rock a couple of hundred feet across (big enough to As these decayed, they generated intense heat, causing the
mine or hide behind) every 100,000 miles, and a boul- asteroids to melt. Under the influence of gravity, the
der several feet across every 10,000 or so miles. molten asteroids became differentiated – iron and other
Asteroids can be even closer together – many aster- heavy metals sank deep into their cores, while lighter rock
oids are orbited by other asteroids, the result of collisions and a coating of solidified lava formed their crusts and
that ejected debris into a stable orbit. A typical asteroid mantles. Once they cooled, these large primeval asteroids
moonlet orbits its primary at a distance of about 3-6 times had an interior structure similar to that of the planets.
the larger asteroid’s diameter. Most asteroid moons are less Few of these primeval differentiated asteroids sur-
than one-tenth the size of their primaries, but a few are vived intact – most were shattered by billions of years of
larger. Some are “doubles,” with two roughly equal bodies inter-asteroid collisions. Today’s metallic asteroids are the
orbiting a common center of mass. fragments of the primeval metal cores: large chunks of
nickel-iron laced with “impurities” that include platinum,
iridium, uranium, gold, and other valuable ores. This
makes a metallic asteroid a potential treasure trove of pre-
MINOR ASTEROID cious and industrial metals.
Dust will be kicked up when anyone moves, and a “Did Captain Fox act under sealed orders? I’m not
cloud may take minutes or even hours to settle, coating aware of any. Certainly she was court-martialed in absen-
sensors and faceplates that aren’t properly protected. Some tia, but it just wasn’t feasible to go and arrest her. Other
asteroids even have flat “ponds” of bluish dust. These dust than that, no, there was no special consideration. The pres-
ponds are created when sunlight charges particles of idential pardon in ’52 was simply part of the general
regolith, causing them to repel each other. They rise above amnesty extended to all American citizens who were
the surface of the asteroid, then settle, flowing like liquid involved.”
to fill any depressions. The electrostatic dust’s composition – J. Godwin Merendino, retired U.S. Secretary of
resembles dry cement. Well-lit areas exposed to sunlight State and visiting professor of international
may have hundreds of dust ponds, many of them dozens of politics, University of Mars (interview, 2067)
yards wide and several yards deep.
Conspiracy leaders and genetic engineers; chief among
them was the charismatic Maya Payne, who had taken
over the conspiracy’s leadership after Kaneda’s death.
Many, including Payne, were anarchocapitalists and liber-
tarians. For them, the Ares Plague had not only been about
Mars, but was also an attempt to show what free people
could achieve outside the tightly regulated confines of This section describes some typical and not-so-typical
government-run science. Their vision of Mars was a new inhabited stations in the Main Belt, and provides an
world where individuals could thrive, free of what they overview of the major categories of stations found there
saw as a flawed and outdated concept of the nation-state. and in the Trojans. As there are millions of asteroids and
They’d failed on Mars – but they were determined to hundreds of stations, feel free to create additional aster-
succeed on Ceres. oid bases to suit the needs of adventures.
The Green Duncanites are humans, parahumans,
“Roy Joseph Clement, I find the evidence presented to or bioroids who are part of the original Duncanite
me shows your criminal negligence was clearly responsi- colony on Ceres, or any of its daughter colonies.
ble for the death of your co-worker Ariel Ling, and there These are all anarchocapitalist and libertarian com-
wasn’t much in the way of mitigating circumstance. munities.
“As Ling has no surviving family or loved ones, and is A society can be broadly defined by its dominant
represented here only by her insurance broker, Ceres memes. The prevailing memes of the Green Duncan-
Mutual, and her security company, Kinetic Logic, here’s ites are biochauvinism, colonialism, green system,
my judgment: Since you’ve committed a capital crime, libertarianism and anarchocapitalism, morphological
your body is now the property of Ceres Mutual, acting as freedom, nanarchy, and pantropy.
heirs for Ariel Ling. Your legal insurance is paying my fee.” Green Duncanite stations in the Main Belt
“Judge – you can’t do that!” include Silas Duncan Station and Kaneda Station on
“Clement, just shut up. You may be an Elf, but you Ceres, plus dozens of smaller habitats, many of them
agreed to this court’s jurisdiction when you made your “freeholds” run by only a couple of families. There
own security contract with MAD. Since your own are roughly 20,000 Green Duncanites. About a third
enforcers have pledged to abide by the judgment of this are Tennin parahumans, a third humans or other
court as per your prior contract with them, and my judg- parahumans, and a third bioroids.
ment was just publicly registered, I sort of doubt any other Momji Station: A typical freehold asteroid
legit security company is going to be picking up your case. owned by the Kanzaki family (old Ares Crew), run by
You belong to Ceres Mutual.” 90-year-old Momji Kanzaki, a few family members,
“You punked-out glitch!” and household bioroids. It’s a Cole habitat with a
“Uh-huh. I’m sure that would mean something if I large fish pharm. CR 2, with orbit similar to Vesta.
was an Elf, but I’m going to let it ride. There’s not a big
demand for organs here, but I bet you’ll make a good
bioshell, as there isn’t much to lobotomize. Dave, Akari –
he’s yours, now. Take him away.” Major imports are advanced cybershells and software,
especially AIs, although Duncanites are a bit wary of the
Ceres is the largest Main Belt asteroid, a carbonaceous more evolved viruses that roam freely through the terres-
body with a diameter of 527 miles. It’s shaped like a slight- trial web. Duncanites also consume Earth-produced InVids
ly flattened sphere, with a rotational period of 9.08 hours. and other media, although much of it seems rather alien to
Ceres circles the sun at an average distance of 2.77 AU, them.
taking 4.6 years to make one orbit. Ceres is rich in Major exports are biotech R&D. Companies based at
resources: there’s an exploitable surface layer of water ice Silas Duncan Station also specialize in real estate develop-
permafrost, clay-like hydrated silicates, carbon-rich com- ment. Other activities include radical human genetic engi-
pounds, and substantial metal deposits. neering, bioroid design, bioroid education techniques,
Silas Duncan Station is the original Duncanite settle- pantropy research, and asteroid habitat engineering.
ment, a beehive habitat with a population of 16,600 living The station is located beneath the surface of Ceres.
in an anarchocapitalist society. It is the headquarters of Four main shafts run vertically into the asteroid, with tun-
Avatar Klusterkorp and the home of the Green Duncanites. nels and chambers branching out from there. The station
Much of the station is owned by the original settlers, but relies on two fusion power plants and multiple smaller
it’s a big asteroid, and plenty of territory has been radiothermal generators for energy. The interior present-
carved out by later immigrants. ly has space and agricultural capacity to support
The station was founded by genetic engineers and 19,000 people (more than its present population), plus
terraformers, and its economy is dominated by biotech- extensive manufacturing and laboratory facilities.
nology and asteroid real-estate development. The There are four main “burrows,” each with its own
largest company is Avatar Klusterkorp (p. 89), but not character. They are:
everyone works for it. Many Ceres Duncanites are free- Piazzi Underport: Located beneath the spaceport,
lance bioengineers or consultants, doing R&D work for this is a labyrinth of warehouses, refineries, repair
non-Duncanite companies elsewhere in the system. Others shops, and tanks, including a nuclear pellet factory. This
work for smaller local corporations, providing goods and area also contains the “control room” for the spaceport,
support services at Ceres and other Main Belt stations. mainly concerned with allocating docking space and oper-
Ceres offers outfitting, resupply, maintenance, hospital, ating spacewatch sensors. It’s run by Piazzi Spaceport
educational, judicial, and cultural services for Corporation.
Duncanites and other Main Belt residents.
The Main Dig: This is a broad tunnel, up to 20
yards in diameter and a mile and a half long, that con-
nects Piazzi Underport with the Greenlands and Rot-
ten Burrows complexes. The Main Dig is home to 110
New Year’s Day in 2101 is especially significant for the
small businesses. Hundreds of smaller tunnels lead off population of Ceres. In addition to marking the start of the
from the main drag. There is no shortage of space – 22nd century, the population of Silas Duncan Station will also
residents who want more room will rent a mining be celebrating the 300th anniversary of the discovery of 1
robot and dig new tunnel extensions. Ceres.
Greenlands: A maze of tunnels dominated by the A major New Year’s extravaganza is planned, and guests
laboratory complexes of Avatar Klusterkorp and other from many outlying asteroid stations will be attending, includ-
biotech companies. ing foreign dignitaries. It has been rumored that Avatar Klus-
Rotten Burrows: These tunnels and large cham- terkorp is also planning to announce a major pantropic
bers are largely devoted to agricultural production. initiative on that date.
The station is self-sufficient for the most part, and this Another holiday celebrated on Ceres is the Ambarvalia.
area includes several acres of hydroponics, vatfacs, This was a yearly agricultural rite held in ancient Rome at the
and biofactories. The name comes from the smell of end of May in honor of Ceres. Today, the Ambarvalia is a hol-
the original fungi farms, algae ponds, and fish farms iday on Ceres, celebrated by pogo stick races across the aster-
established early in the station’s history. oid’s surface along with much revelry and carousing.
Avatar Klusterkorp and Ceres Mutual (p. 90)
fund the station’s space defenses, which are contract-
ed out to Mutual Assured Defense and Trojan Hawk.
They include six Amazon-class AKVs for long-range
interception and a mix of a half-dozen railguns, light
lasers, and heavy lasers spaced around the asteroid’s rim.
Duncanite vessels docked at Ceres (usually 2d spacecraft)
will usually be willing to assist if the station is attacked.
Pallas, named after the goddess Athena, is a differen-
tiated primeval asteroid with a diameter of 309 miles. It
Other Habitats on Ceres orbits the sun at a mean distance of 2.77 AU. Its orbit is
Palermo Station: A space station in Ceres-synchro- highly elliptical – on average, it’s as close to the sun as
nous orbit, 486 miles above the asteroid’s equator. Palermo Ceres, but it can also be almost half an AU nearer or far-
Station is tethered to Ceres by a miniature space elevator ther. Its orbit is also steeply inclined, with Pallas being well
run by Palermo Corporation. It’s the main spacedock for above or below the sun at either end of its year. Pallas takes
Duncanite deep space vessels. The station is a small 600’- 4.62 years to complete an orbit around the sun, and has a
diameter stony-iron asteroid that’s been hollowed out. rotational period of 7.81 hours.
Kaneda Station: The second major habitat on Ceres. Hesheng Station was first established in 2052 by the
The residents of Kaneda tend to be more radical Green Mars Academy of Science and Technology as a solar
Systemers than other Duncanites. Most people living here observatory, taking advantage of the asteroid’s highly
are Kumo parahumans (p. 113). Kaneda Station is the inclined position to get a good view of the north and south
headquarters of Kosmodavit Tenno Tanjo, a rival to Avatar. poles of the sun. In 2073, Xiao Chu selected Pallas as the
Kaneda is 820 miles from Silas Duncan, on the other side site of its nanotechnology research station, partly because
of Ceres. of the security offered by its relative isolation. The first
laboratories were installed in 2076, and the station’s
population grew quickly, especially after biogenesis
tanks were installed. During the Transpacific War, the
NATIONAL ASTEROID COLONIES PLAN-SF established a military base here to protect
the facility.
These are full-fledged colonies established through a part-
As the population grew, the station attracted
nership between big government and big corporations.
other Chinese and transnational companies and is no
Colonies usually started out as ordinary research stations
longer exclusively a company town. Xiao Chu
(p. 16), but through deliberate policy or happenstance began to
remains the largest employer, with dozens of
attract other settlers not employed by the founding corpora-
different laboratories delving into molecular
tion. The colony is the functional territory of a particular
nanotechnology, nanomedicine, biogenesis, applied
nation, and usually has a military garrison of some sort. Exam-
microrobotics, and more. The biogenesis tanks are
ples of national colonies are Aletheia Station (p. 16), Hesheng
often used to develop prototype bioroid designs –
Station, and Yametei Station (p. 20).
especially combat bioroids. Few labs are open to the
public, though some are more secure than others.
Hesheng Underdock is the least-regulated part of the before returning to Earth or Mars for a vacation or a dif-
station. Occupying the underground beehive complex just ferent job. To make up for living in such an isolated place,
beneath the spaceport, it is a small but bustling commercial salaries are 50% to 100% higher than usual.
enclave catering to the needs of transient visitors, spacers, Hesheng’s population is 1,100 humans and 5,600
and military personnel. There are vacc suit shops, 3D bioroids. That number fluctuates depending on what ves-
printers, pawnshops, apothecaries specializing in Chinese sels are in port and how close the station is at the time to
herbal medicine, a small Duncanite bazaar, and several Earth, Mars, or other parts of the Belt. The docks are CR 3
busy brothels. Notable businesses include a cheap hotel while the rest of the station is CR 5. (Taken as a whole,
(the White Swan) and a few good bars – the Shredded Hesheng is considered CR 4.) Due to the sensitive research
Snake is a mix of locals and commercial spacers, while performed at the station, the station police, members of
Lotus Mountain is frequented by PLAN-SF and can be China’s Public Security Bureau, are always concerned
hostile to outsiders. about espionage. While security is fairly lax at the docks,
ZR Quarter is adjacent and below the dockside. It has it is very strict in the laboratories and near the military
dormitories for the indentured bioroids, who work as lab base.
and maintenance technicians, as well as some private A company of spaceborne soldiers from the Space
shops and clubs not authorized by station management. Infantry Division’s 3rd Quanto is quartered at Hesheng.
The quarters here are microgravity warrens, and fairly Usually only one platoon is on station, with the others
crowded (as well as hot and humid), with several bioroids aboard PLAN-SF vessels.
sharing the same room. Mixed with the dorms are station Pallas space defenses consist of 12 heavy laser towers
service facilities – fusion reactors, coolant tanks, laundries, – eight around the asteroid’s northern hemisphere to
hydroponics, and tunnels full of fauxflesh vats and algae defend Hesheng Station itself, and a remote battery of four
ponds. The thousands of bioroids live fairly regimented on the southern hemisphere to discourage attackers from
lives, but some sneak out into the main station when they landing in the blind spot. The PLAN-SF base controls its
have time off, occasionally moonlighting at other jobs. own squadron of 12 Zhengyang AKVs, in addition to
Moxing Ling City is located a mile from the main bee- whatever elements of its Deep Space Flotilla are nearby (at
hive complex, in the rim of a mile-wide crater. On a hill in least one SDV or LSDV).
the center of the crater is the old Solar Polar Observatory Hesheng has a small spaceport divided evenly into
(which is still operating), while the habitat is located in a military and commercial docks. There are internal space-
semi-subterranean maglev track habitat in the crater rim. docks for vessels up to the size of a Sudbury, but larger
The track provides Mars-normal gravity, and contains liv- craft orbit the asteroid. Facilities for routine maintenance
ing quarters for 700 humans. A long tunnel connects Mox- and refueling with water, hydrogen, or nuclear pellets are
ing Ling to the Hesheng Dockside and the ZR Quarter. available, but there is no spaceyard. A few (1d-1) deep
Police man a security gate that limits access to Moxing space vessels will be docked here at any one time, a mix of
City to residents and their quests. Xiao Chu corporate USVs and ESVs, a few independent
Some of China’s best nanotechnologists live and farhaulers or Gypsy Angels, and various PLAN-SF
work in Hesheng, usually spending 1-3 years here warcraft.
workpods and other small vessels as well as doing
259 ALETHEIA – routine service, repairs, and upgrades. There are usu-
ally 2-4 vessels docked here for a reactor overhaul, new
ALETHEIA STATION drive pump, or some other refit. Next to the spaceyard is
Aletheia (from the Greek word for “truth”) was dis- a large outdoor tank farm.
covered in 1866 by the astronomer C.H.F. Peters. It is a Underground is located immediately under Peter-
carbonaceous-volatile asteroid with a diameter of 111 sport. It’s a beehive habitat beneath the asteroid’s surface
miles. It circles the sun at a mean distance of 3.15 AU, . . . a three-dimensional labyrinth of microgravity tunnels.
taking 5.6 years to complete an orbit. There are chandlers that offer everything a spacer needs
Aletheia was settled by Vosper-Babbage in 2061. It (from smartsuits to thruster packs to 3D-printer-tailored
has expanded rapidly over the last 39 years, attracting pri- uniforms). There are hydroponics and fish farms, ware-
vate investment from other companies, notably System houses, a robofac complex, and a Hawking Industries
Technologies AG, and is one of the fastest growing com- exotic materials manufacturing plant. Mining and refinery
munities in the Deep Beyond. Aletheia has a population of operations are ongoing, drilling into the asteroid to extract
5,500. Many are genefixed or genetic upgrades from the volatiles. The majority of Underground’s population are
United Kingdom and other E.U. countries, although there cybershells: about 13,000 mobots, roughly half run by
is also a large population from the South African Union. LAIs, the rest of them NAIs (although these are often tele-
300 people have been born on Aletheia since the station operated by humans, LAIs or SAIs). Human children
was founded. often hide out in Underground, as the adults rarely spend
The largest segment of Aletheia’s population is the much time here.
4,000 transient employees of Vosper-Babbage and Hawk- Roundabout is a magnetic track habitat half a mile
ing Industries. These are managers, engineers, program- from Underground, accessed by a people-mover. This
mers, and scientists. Most sign on for a 2-year contract at city-on-rails consists of 60 linked cars, with normal-grav-
Aletheia, then return to Earth, Luna or Islandia. There are ity living quarters and offices sufficient for 3,000 people.
also 600 scientific personnel working at SSL (see Hawk- Also located on the Roundabout is a small shopping mall,
ing Station, p. 20) who opt to live on Aletheia rather than the Truth and Beauty (a hotel-restaurant), and the Event
Shezbeth. The academics make up an especially diverse Horizon, one of the best pubs in the outer system.
community, with scientists and graduate students
drawn from a wide cross-section of Earth’s most pres-
tigious universities. Finally, Aletheia is the home to a
sizable E.U. military base, with 700 military person-
nel and 200 spouses and dependent children.
Aletheia is run by Rodney Southerland, elected Corporations locate in the Main Belt so they can operate
by the populace to the position of Station Manager. free from irksome environmental-impact reviews, pollution
The real power in the station, however, is Grace control regulations, and local taxes. This can lead to vast sav-
Sheffield, the Vosper-Babbage resident vice presi- ings that more than compensate for the expense of maintaining
dent, since that company employs most of the inhab- a (very) remote facility.
itants. Aletheia residents pay a small life support tax; Most corporate facilities are research and development
in the case of contract employees this is paid by the stations, containing laboratories working in fields like molec-
corporation, and for tourists or other visitors it is ular nanotechnology, exotic matter, human biogenesis, nano-
added to hotel bills. Aletheia Station is considered biological warfare, antimatter, self-replicating machinery,
British territory, and treated as part of the European military microbots, and, recently, mini black holes. These are
Union; persons born on the station have British and areas of research that would require extensive – and expensive
E.U. citizenship. – safety measures if conducted in or around inhabited planets.
Visitors to Aletheia arrive at Petersport, a small As for the Lagrange points, L4 is too densely populated, while
spaceport carved into the asteroid’s north pole. A por- the chaotic nature of L5 discourages the establishment of
tion of the spaceport is restricted: Hir Majesty’s Naval secure facilities. Some research stations specialize in single
Base Aletheia, dedicated to Royal Navy Space Ser- fields, while others are home to several laboratories and/or
vice operations. The area is patrolled by Royal corporations.
Marines, although it’s rare that an actual SDV will be Government labs, and labs jointly run by corporations and
docked here. Tracked and walker vehicles carry visi- governments, are also found in the Main Belt. They are often
tors from their spacecraft to the main airlocks leading engaged in highly classified defense research. Unauthorized
to an underground train station. visitors will be warned off, and some government labs may
Aletheia Spaceyard is adjacent to Petersport. It’s supplement or replace private security forces with actual
a busy construction and repair facility. The spaceyard military garrisons.
is run by Vosper-Babbage. It manufactures
social disruption if it were unregulated – on Earth.
But Vesta is not Earth, and the right to reproduce is a
Thought control, like basic human right. It should not be arbitrarily taken away
from me just because I chose to become a ghost.
My mind-sister Tsikada Lanning was born of my
birth control, is best desire to do two things at once, to participate in both the
Starswarm project and the development of gestalt
undertaken as long as nanobots. Yet Tsikada is not just an extension of me. Since
she was created, she has becomes herself: warm, loving,
passionate, silly. Her worst sin is an inexplicable fondness
possible before the for alibanana ice cream she developed while in her
bioshell! And she still loves Nahuel, even after all he has
fact. done, yet I can no longer stand him. As you can see, we
have diverged – yet she is condemned by society as an
abomination, and I am “real.”
– Richard Mitchell We agreed to cooperate with the new Nanodynamics
regime, because they promised me that Tsikada and the
others will not be erased or forcibly edited if we do so. But
please realize that the public statements we have made are
Aletheia is garrisoned by British Forces Aletheia under duress. Those of us who did not submit are being
(p. 98). Internal security is provided by two dozen civilian edited into cooperation, or worse. We can no longer enter
constables from Executive Decisions Incorporated (EDI). the IA warrens, but I fear they’re doing terrible things. The
Shezbeth: This Kuiper Belt Object core is also in orbit Rat King has not surrendered, but they are bringing in
around Aletheia. See p. 20. cyberswarms to hunt it down. And they sacrificed the
remaining megabright octo-brain embryos. How can peo-
Fidelity, Verity, and Candor ple do that? They were beautiful things!
There are three small Cole habitats in orbit around Mother, you must promise me you will tell Tournesol
Aletheia. Each of them is a metal ovoid 2-4 miles long and what is going on, and tell him that many of us support
about half as wide, rotating slowly to provide 0.5 g Axon, regardless of what we are made to say.
gravity. You do not want to know what I had to do to smuggle
Fidelity resembles an English park, with well-tended this message to you. I may not be able to do so again.
flower beds and trees, and even sculptures. It’s designed as Your loving daughter,
a recreational area. Symphonie
Verity is an agricultural habitat, with a mix of farms – nanodot message from Dr. Symphonie Lanning
and fruit tree orchards. It is tended by cybershells, but a at Exogenesis, smuggled out to Cerise
limited number of human visitors are permitted. Lanning-Payne at Silas Duncan Station
Candor is the newest habitat. It is only partially ter-
raformed. Construction is proceeding inside, and a school Vesta was the fourth asteroid discovered (by Wilhelm
and additional housing are being built. Olbers in 1807) and is one of the largest, with a diameter
of 291 miles. It is located in the inner Main Belt, and orbits
the sun at an average distance of 2.36 AU, taking 3.63
4 VESTA – years to do so. Its day is 5.34 hours long.
“EXOGENESIS STATION” Vesta is a very old body, largely unchanged since the
formation of the solar system, unlike the majority of aster-
Mother, I hope this message finds you and Kaoru well. oids, which are remnants of bodies shattered by collisions.
I apologize for this eccentric means of communication. Its composition is unique among large asteroids
Nanodynamics’ so-called transition team doesn’t allow us (“V-type”), with a basaltic igneous rock surface formed
unsupervised access to laser transmitters any more, not from ancient lava flows. Vesta once had a molten interior,
since Tournesol escaped to Io. and its structure is differentiated, with heavy dense materi-
For now, I’m still Assistant Director of Fractal Robot- al in the core, and lighter rock in the surface.
ics, although my authority is in name only. Please don’t Vesta’s heavily cratered surface resembles Luna,
believe the statements you may see me or anyone else mak- although it’s a bit brighter – in fact, Vesta is the only aster-
ing, especially about Axon. I want to make one thing clear oid that can be seen with the naked eye from Earth. Vesta
to you: I don’t and never did believe we engaged in wrong- has two distinct hemispheres formed from different types
doing, or were “confused.” Yes, I agree that unre- of solidified lava basalts. The southern hemisphere is
strained xoxing (such a crude word!) might cause dominated by a 285-mile-wide impact crater.
Vesta was visited by unmanned probes between Nanodynamics imported EDI enforcers to restore
the 2030s and 2050s. The first inhabited settlement order. They managed to accomplish this with no loss of
was a geophysical research station established in 2058 by human life, but some Exogenesis spacecraft were hijacked
the European Space Agency. A team of 20 people studied by rogue elements, and some infomorphs had time to
Vesta’s unique geology; as the asteroid resembles a minia- transmit copies of themselves to Exogenesis bases or sym-
ture planet, it offered insights into what Earth, Luna and pathizers elsewhere in the solar system, sometimes erasing
other worlds looked like beneath their crust. The geophys- their originals afterward. While most of these escapees are
ical base was scheduled to be closed and abandoned in lying low, some of them formed an organization called the
2062, but at that point Vesta was selected by System Tech- Axon Group, and have begun taking direct action against
nologies, AG as the headquarters of Exogenesis, its new Nanodynamics operations in the Deep Beyond.
space development arm. Work immediately began on Exo- Physically, Exogenesis Station is a series of beehive
genesis Station in 2064, and the station was fully opera- habitats on the north and south poles of the asteroid, linked
tional by 2071. by the Deep Vesta Bore (see above). Unlike most inhabit-
In 2076, Exogenesis Station made history when ed asteroids, over half of the Vesta beehive labyrinth is still
researcher Gilbert Stokes became the first human mind in vacuum. Airlocks separate the evacuated chambers
emulation. Under director Oskar Kessel, Exogenesis Sta- (where cybershells live and work) from the pressurized
tion continued to produce valuable patents and take on ones.
lucrative contracts (including support of several ESA The population consists of 7,200 sapient beings, most
space programs), although the ambitious nature of its proj- of them research personnel: 1,700 ghosts, 2,300 SAIs, and
ects saw operational costs escalate to alarming levels. One 1,900 shadow-SAIs, plus 400 humans and parahumans.
of its most expensive projects was the Deep Vesta Bore, The humans and parahumans all have nanomods, with
which took digging cybershells some 11 years to complete, brain-boosters and microgravity metabolisms being stan-
and required the excavation of millions of tons of rock, dard. There are also 500 augmented animal intelligences
which were removed to the asteroid’s surface. The result on the station, some of them borderline sapient and others
was a tunnel 15’ wide running entirely through the asteroid with radical biomods.
from one end of Vesta to the other. A transition team of 300 Nanodynamics managers and
In 2099, System Technologies AG divested itself of system engineers, many of them programmers, are also on
Exogenesis Corporation as part of a major restructuring. station, with 150 EDI security personnel. The acting sta-
The new owner, Nanodynamics, came into conflict with tion manager is the transition team leader, Nanodynamics
Exogenesis staff after discovering that many of the sta- vice president Nathan Hyde.
tion’s digital intelligences were more sapient than expect- Exogenesis Station has five major laboratory com-
ed, and that station personnel had xoxed themselves and plexes: the IA Lab, the Mind Imaging Lab, the Fractal
their SAIs in violation of U.S. and E.U. laws, practices Robotics Lab, the Materials Lab, and DEVIL.
System Technologies claimed to have been unaware of. The IA Lab’s objective is human intelligence aug-
Facing a revolt from Exogenesis personnel, who objected mentation. Abandoning genetic engineering as too slow
to the company’s attempts to restrict these practices,
and uncertain, the IA lab has focused on
cybernetic and nanotechnological enhance-
ment and AI symbiosis. Their greatest com-
mercial success was the brain booster
Many asteroid habitats were built for religious purposes. These
nanomod (p. TS165), first tested on lab rats
range from monasteries whose inhabitants engage in quiet prayer and
in 2084 and on Exogenesis researchers
meditation, to fringe cults that deliberately warp the minds and bodies of
themselves in 2090. Animal experimenta-
their believers. Even so, most are small communities – usually Christian,
tion continued in other directions, with
Buddhist or Muslim – who hope that heavenly isolation from the per-
products like the brain-boosted Astropus
ceived sinfulness and memetic pollution of Fifth Wave Earth will let
sapient octopus (p. TS118). A portion of the
them live more godly lives. There are 20 religious isolate communities in
station was given over entirely to a cyber-
the Main Belt; some homestead communities are also set up on religious
netic gestalt of super-intelligent lab rats,
lines. The average community is about the size of a typical freehold, but
which had formed a colony intelligence
some are much larger, like New Covenant (p. 21).
and, by 2099, were running their own
experiments. When EDI seized the station,
several brain-boosted rodents escaped from
the IA lab, and these have infested parts of the station and solar radiation by 150 miles of rock, the Vault is one
despite efforts to control them. (See Rat King, p. 114). of the best places in the solar system for
The Mind Imaging and Nanobot Laboratory is the high-sensitivity physics experiments, and is packed with
most famous of Exogenesis’ labs. A pioneer in the devel- exotic hardware such as neutrino detectors. The Deep
opment of ghost uploading technology, for the past decade Vesta Bore is also the site of the Vesta Electrostatic Accel-
it has been attempting to develop a means of high-resolu- erator (VESTA-II) track, although the VESTA-II system
tion non-invasive uploading that would allow ghosts to be cannot be operated when sensitive experiments are being
created without destroying the original’s brain. Despite performed.
promising results in anti-proton imaging and nano-map- Vesta has a small spaceport, and is CR 5 (up from CR
ping, success has eluded them. 2 before the takeover). The station has moderate space
The Fractal Robotics Laboratory has been more suc- defenses, consisting of six Barricade-class Space Defense
cessful. Through the application of multiple xoxed Platforms (p. 139). There are four light laser towers, two
researchers to the problem, it was able to make a major each at either end of the Vesta Bore.
breakthrough in multi-fractal branching manipulator pro- The station is protected by a company-strength force
grams, allowing the creation of the first successful bush of EDI officers. About half the force are computer securi-
robot (p. TS121). Bush robots soon became the most pop- ty specialists, who are kept busy battling computer virus
ular robot cybershell on the station. Sale of improved bush outbreaks in the Exogenesis network. The rest are armed
robot designs and control programs is expected to become enforcement officers. Nanodynamics had hoped to with-
the major source of Exogenesis income in the future. draw the troopers by now, but until Axon can be dealt with,
The Materials Lab and Exogenesis Space Project a garrison is necessary. The security troopers have also
Office occupy a joint complex located at the opposite end been busy bodyguarding transition team members, interro-
of the station from the other facilities. From 2077 to 2096, gating suspected Axon supporters (who may be spreading
ESP was a prime contractor for the European Space the viruses), and performing search-and-destroy sweeps
Agency. It was responsible for cybershell design and soft- against the escaped lab rats. The latter problem is expect-
ware for the ESA’s Jupiter descent project and for all ed to be dealt with next month, as a new team arrives with
aspects of the ESA’s Starswarm interstellar nanoprobe sys- terminator microbots.
tem (p. 136), as well as building the VESTA-II electrostat-
ic accelerator that was to launch it. Although the ESA Vestal Station
canceled Starswarm in 2097 in favor of its ambitious ter- This 2-mile diameter space station orbits Vesta. It was
raforming research program on Venus and the Earth space a metallic asteroid that was blown into a Cole habitat, and
elevator, Exogenesis continued the project as a private then towed to Vesta. Its interior has been landscaped with
venture. VESTA-II became operational in low-energy parks and farms, and provided with housing for 200 peo-
mode in 2094 and has had several test operations (see Tri- ple. The station and its farms are maintained by microbots
ton, p. 73). Under Nanodynamics, Starswarm may be res- and cybershells.
urrected as a NASA program. Vestal Station was originally a place for rest and
The Vault is the most ambitious and expensive instal- recreation, and a source of food for the biosapient person-
lation on Exogenesis Station. In the heart of the asteroid, nel. It is now off-limits to all Exogenesis personnel and is
the Deep Vesta Bore was expanded into a 300’-wide cham- used as a headquarters for the visiting Nanodynamics
ber: the Deep Vesta Isolated Particle Laboratory, usual- transition team. Security is kept high to avoid any
ly known as the DEVIL Vault. Shielded from cosmic chance of infestation by the escaped vermin.
Hawking Foundation’s Shezbeth Singularity
10 HYGIEA – Lab, which studies the mini black hole, is one of the
most prestigious research labs in the system; physicists
“YAMETEI STATION” from across the solar system fight for the chance to work
Hygiea is a carbonaceous asteroid with a diameter of at SSL.
253 miles. It circles the sun at an average distance of 3.14 Most of Hawking Station’s interior is devoted to par-
AU, taking 5.55 years to complete an orbit. It has a rota- ticle and gravitational physics labs, and the gravitic fusion
tional period of 27.6 hours. machinery. Ongoing experiments at Hawking Station
Yametei Station is a beehive habitat that houses the include research into quantum gravity, black hole comput-
Main Belt headquarters of Tenzan Heavy Industries’ (p. ing, advanced nuclear fusion technology, and exotic matter
TS96) asteroid operations, serving as an administrative, creation.
manufacturing, training, and resupply center. It has 2,400 Chantarang Crater on Shezbeth’s south pole houses a
human and parahuman personnel, and many cybershells. large fusion torch and ice refinery. This is currently aban-
Few of its biosapient residents live there permanently: doned except for some maintenance cybershells.
80% of the work force turns over every few years. In
recent years the living population has actually declined, as
Tenzan has increasingly replaced humans with
The station has a fairly utilitarian feel; most people see
it as a place to work rather than a place to live. Its major
activity is the manufacture of high-technology goods (such
as industrial cybershells, 3D printers, and fusion reactors)
and provision of engineering expertise to support outer
system operations by other corporations and private ven-
tures. There is a Duncanite guest worker immigrant popu-
lation, typically 100-200 people, mostly Tennin
(p. TS117), and a small Duncanite bazaar near the docks.
Hygeia has a small spaceport and associated space-
yard, and is CR 3. The asteroid has no military bases, but
possesses modest defenses in the form of six retractable
heavy laser towers, as well as a security team from Mutu-
al Assured Defense (p. 94).
112434 SHEZBETH –
Shezbeth is an asteroid (a former Kuiper Belt Object)
that contains a primordial mini black hole in its core. First
visited in 2091, it was moved from trans-Neptunian space
to the Main Belt last year, and is now in synchronous orbit
around Aletheia (p. 16), a few hundred miles above the
larger asteroid’s surface. Shezbeth is only a fraction of its
original size as a Kuiper Belt Object, much of the ice hav-
ing been used as reaction mass during its move.
Hawking Station is a beehive habitat that is being
185 EUNIKE –
gradually converted into a shell habitat. The station is run
by Hawking Industries with assistance from Vosper-
Approaching Eunike was an eerie experience. You
Babbage, and is under the joint protection of the British suddenly confront a giant, half-finished face staring at you.
and South African governments. The station is divided into It has only one eye – they’re still working on the other –
commercial, industrial, military, and research sectors; and you dock through the left ear. I remember emerging
some of the latter are off-limits to unauthorized visitors from the airlock into a chamber occupied by about 25
outside of well-supervised tours. A prototype gravitic monks, all floating cross-legged, some upside down, all in
power station installed around the singularity produces complete silence.
plenty of energy. The highest-security area is the black I stayed for five months, attending Dharma classes,
hole shielding and containment area in the asteroid’s meditating, and taking my turn at various chores.
It’s hard to say whether I attained a higher
state of spiritual awareness or not, but I did
develop some new ways of thinking about the
world. They don’t let you use virtual interfaces. D ERELICT TATIONS S
Just having to open up a book or a scroll, and Several colonization efforts have run into serious trouble, result-
not seeing an instant translation pop up as an ing in the surviving colonists giving up and returning home. In a few
overlay, was weird. And no web connection, of cases, the original inhabitants sold the station to new owners; other
course. The world could end, and you wouldn’t times they simply left a mess behind. An abandoned station is usual-
know it. ly quickly picked clean by Gypsy Angels or other interplanetary
You meet some interesting people. The Ven- scavengers, or occupied by other homesteaders. Sometimes conflicts
erable Than Minn, the librarian, was actually arise over ownership . . .
the first Burmese to walk on Mars. There was
another charming old fellow, a novice, but
sharp as a knife, and patient enough to answer my 185 Eunike is presently 2.9 AU from the sun. Other
often-ignorant questions. Something seemed familiar distances: Mercury (3.31 AU), Venus (3.35 AU), Earth
about him. I guess I’d have recognized him if I’d had (2.28 AU), Mars (2.92 AU), Aletheia (5.41 AU), Ceres
Jimmy (my VI) to do a facial structure analysis, but as it (3.83 AU), Chicago (5.88 AU), Davida (2.14 AU), Hygeia
was, the shaven head, robe, and contacts threw me. It was- (3.23 AU), Interamnia (0.52 AU), Pallas (6.2 AU), Vesta
n’t until much later that I realized who he reminded me of: (2.89 AU), Jupiter (4.12 AU), Achilles (8.06 AU),
General Pham Thanh Loc, the former deputy head of the Agamemnon (6.37 AU), Diomedes (8.08 AU), Patroclus
TSA’s bio-weapons directorate. (3.69 AU), Saturn, Uranus (21.67 AU), Neptune (27.56
Of course, it couldn’t be him. He’s supposed to be dead. AU), Pluto (49.87 AU).
– Copernicus Jones, “Life on the Rocks,”
in Lonely System Guide to the Asteroids
511 DAVIDA –
Eunike is a carbonaceous asteroid 98 miles in diame-
ter, with a rotational period of 10.83 hours and a mean dis-
tance from the sun of 2.74 AU. It takes 4.53 years to orbit “Jeri, anger and frustration are natural, but you can-
the sun. not commit vandalism.”
The asteroid is the home of Lokavidu Abbey, a Bud- “Jesus Christ, you took me over!”
dhist monastery. It was founded in 2080 (with the help of “Don’t swear, Jeri. I had to for your own good. You
generous donations), and practices Theravada Buddhism. were going to throw the paint bucket, and I calculated that
Away from the distractions of Earth, the resident monks it would splash all over Susan’s piano. See, here’s an over-
(56 of them in 2100) and a few dozen lay visitors spend lay, and here’s where it would have hit.”
several hours each day in meditation and study of the “Oh – I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. Can I have my body
Dharma. The monks also exercise regularly in the gymna- back?”
sium, and do chores at the station’s farm and refinery. They “Let’s sit down first.”
also perform the great work of carving the giant Buddha of “What am I going to do? I just can’t get this right. I’m
Eunike into the face of the asteroid. hopeless.”
The abbey is run by a Monastic Council consisting of “Jeri, God loves you, and so does Susan. You’re not
the senior nuns and monks living there. Monastics shave hopeless. Remember what Peta Johnson said about your
their heads, wear robes, and attend training sessions and last work? But I can summon the angel, if you’d like.”
rituals. Would-be monastics can come to the abbey for “No – I’ll try again. Call up the reality overlay again,
instruction; they must spend a minimum of six months, and show me how to hold the brush . . .”
and usually a full year, before deciding whether to return
to lay life or (if approved by the Monastic Council) take Davida is a carbonaceous asteroid with a diameter of
initial vows and remain at Lokavidu as a novice. The vows 203 miles. The fifth largest asteroid, it has a rotational peri-
are: Abstaining from destruction of life, abstaining from od of 5.13 hours and an orbital period of 5.64 years. It cir-
taking what is not given, abstaining from lying, abstaining cles the sun at an average distance of 3.17 AU.
from sexual activity, and abstaining from alcohol, drugs, Davida was settled in 2095 by a splinter group of
and implants. Christian hyperevolutionists from the Seventh Heaven
Lokavidu Abbey is CR 3, with no spaceport. The colony in L5. They founded New Covenant Station, a bee-
asteroid has no weapons, but it is known to have a securi- hive habitat, which now has a sapient population of 4,400:
ty contract with Mutual Assured Defense, who will send 1,700 humans and parahumans, 2,600 sapient infomorphs,
enforcers to recover any stolen property or avenge any and about 100 others, including an Astropus colony (p.
injuries. TS118).
warn him if his behavior seems to be
out of step with Christian morality, and
H OMESTEAD TATIONS S where necessary it can directly control
him through a puppet implant. It is
Homesteads are self-sufficient, privately-owned stations that do not responsible for guiding him and ensur-
engage in significant economic activity beyond that necessary to support ing he does nothing that harms himself
their own population. or society. The Synedrion also assigns a
The growing affordability of space flight, robotics, fusion power, and “guardian angel” SAI to stay abreast of
microgravity-adaptive nanomods have resulted in an ever-increasing flood of each biosapient citizen’s personal
settlers heading into the Belt with the goal of colonizing an asteroid to create development, which either the LAI or
a private community. This is the same movement that originally led to the the human citizen can call upon in more
colonization of Earth’s Lagrange points. As these areas become more heavi- complex situations.
ly populated and regulated (and the Lunar economy slowed due to compet- This is a voluntary process – indi-
ing imports of He-3 from Saturn), many “elfs” sought the wider spaces of the viduals can opt to renounce their citi-
Belt. They are being joined by groups of would-be asteroid homesteaders zenship as one of the “faithful” and
from Earth. When the Earth space elevator is completed this process is like- leave the station (if they have some-
ly to accelerate. where to go). A person’s guardian angel
Most homestead stations are founded by associations of families from a will try to persuade them otherwise, and
wealthy Fifth Wave nation or station (usually from Earth, Luna, L4, or L5) there is a mandatory “cooling off” peri-
who pooled their resources to lease a spacecraft and colonization gear, and od of 72 hours before they remove the
established their own community. The archetypal homesteader is impelled by implant . . . but anyone who wants to
a mixture of libertarian, conservative, religious, and Decelerationist memes. can leave. People live here because they
Most are unhappy with the direction Fifth Wave society is heading, and eager want – or think they want – to perfect
to set up their own community where they can raise children free of the per- themselves.
ceived memetic pollution of mainstream culture The economy of New Covenant is a
A typical homestead has a reactor or solar panels, a few very basic min- form of nanosocialism. Every citizen is
ing cybershells, a solar concentrator, a small refinery, a farm or hydroponics, expected to be active but not necessari-
and some 3D printers. This is enough to allow a small community a modest ly productive – however, their LAI
expansion commensurate with natural birth rates, although there’s little mar- guardians consider sloth and idle-
gin for error if something goes wrong. The average community is less than a ness to be a sin, so if they’re not
decade old, and most have populations of 20-50 people. A few older home- doing something, they’ll usually
steads are facing challenges from children who may not share their parents’ be nagged into trying. The sapi-
ideals. ent infomorphs who make up the
There are 56 homesteads in the Main Belt, 32 of which were originally Synedrion (about 30% of the pop-
sponsored by the Plymouth Rock Society (p. TS98). Most Plymouth Rock ulation) handle day-to-day resource
communities maintain friendly ties with each other, although a few have management, using LAIs and NAIs as
broken with the organization. their proletariat. About 25% of the
humans work voluntarily, primarily as
scientists and creators. The rest spend
New Covenant’s founders wished to create a tran- their time playing or engaged in artistic
shumanist utopia to serve as a template for future endeavors. New Covenant’s warrens are full of sculp-
humanity. Their “New Covenant” is based around the tures, tapestries, murals (both physical and v-tagged),
standard sets of restrictive programming installed in AIs most with religious and transhumanist themes. The New
to keep them honest. They believe this set of programs, Covenant Choir is famous throughout the Deep Beyond,
which they call the Eupraxia, is a good set of rules for and their recordings do well on Earth as well. There’s
humans, as well, especially when modified to reflect also a pretty decent Christian rock band. Death or serious
fairly liberal Christian transhumanist values. injury on New Covenant is rare. If someone is ill, his
The station is governed by a cyberdemocratic theoc- LAI will alert an emergency response SAI, which pos-
racy. Believers in good standing are chosen at random sesses nearby citizens and provide immediate help while
for six-month terms as ministers on the New Covenant summoning medical cybershells to the scene. All med-
station council. However, most of the executive power is ical care, like other social services, is free.
actually in the hands of the Synedrion, a group of sapi- Citizens are allowed to have children when they’re
ent infomorphs (ghosts, shadows and SAIs). judged to be mature enough, but the station’s population
Every organic citizen on New Covenant has a virtu- growth is mainly the result of immigration. However, a
al implant “conscience,” an LAI running the Euprax- biosapient citizen’s ultimate goal is beatification: the
ia software. Normally it simply observes, but it will process of becoming one of the elect, an infomorph
– being uploaded as a ghost or emulated as a sapi- The station is open to visitors, and New
ent shadow. This requires approval of his own Covenant does not attempt to force anyone to con-
guardian angel and a majority vote of the rest of the vert. Even with foreigners on the station, there’s practi-
Synedrion. In the process, the LAI “conscience” is also cally no crime, as everyone has his own personal angel
integrated, being upgraded to a sapient SAI. Beatifica- looking over his shoulder. Some members of the elect
tion is granted when someone is judged to have internal- are trained as soldiers, and these “warrior angels” are
ized the same code of conduct that the LAIs and SAIs capable of replacing a Eupraxia LAI or guardian angel
adhere to – at a minimum, acquiring the mental disad- and remotely teleoperating citizens or cybershells where
vantages of Honesty and Sense of Duty (everyone you necessary. In effect, this means that any wrongdoer on
know, or all humanity). the station may suddenly find an ordinary person turned
97% of the New Covenant population are Christian into an elite fighter.
hyperevolutionists or cyber-gnostics, and about 70% of Other defenses include six light and four heavy laser
them belong to the Digital Creationist movement (see towers and a squadron of 12 Amazon-class AKVs. Its
Mechanimism, p. TS90). New Covenant is also the head- military forces consist of a company of RATS, plus
quarters of the Society of Isidore (p. 102), which rescues whatever citizens or shells are teleoperated by the
SAIs from servitude to unbelievers, and gives them a Guardians. New Covenant has a small spaceport. It is a
new life, should they accept the Eupraxia. Several “lib- peculiar mix of CR 1 and CR 6.
erated” sapient AIs now serve in the Synedrion, although
this is not mandatory. There is also a colony of Astropus
sapient uplifts (p. TS118) – space-adapted octopuses – 334 CHICAGO – WOLF STATION
who broke away from Exogenesis, bringing with them “Okay, 352 dead, it’s bad, very bad. Bad for you, bad
some stolen SAI programs. These have sought sanctuary for me, bad for Nanodynamics. But I had an idea. What if
from EDI, and most of them have converted to the Chris- they’re not dead? It’s not like we don’t have the
tian hyperevolutionist faith. petabytes – especially now that the station population
New Covenant is partly supported by donations aren’t using them. Every one of them had a LAI
from Seventh Heaven and terrestrial Christian hyperevo- implant that experienced their daily lives. Saul at the
lutionists. Its own exports include cybershells, brain head office says we can upgrade 98% of the LAIs to
implants, intelligence augmentation nanotechnology, shadows.”
and uploading technology. The station is constantly “You can’t be serious! People will notice.
expanding through Davida, as its population increases, They’ve got friends, relatives back on Luna, at
new tunnels are dug, and new agricultural and industrial Columbia Station . . . It’s impossible.”
capacity added. Much of the station’s industrial output “No, it’s doable. I had Saul run the numbers. It’s
also goes toward increasing computer capacity. not like they’ll have to interact in real time – aside
In the Main Belt, New Covenant gets along well from traffic control, everything’s light-lagged by 15,
with Yametei Station – many of its converts come from 20, 30 minutes. Plenty of time to handle it with the
the community there, and they have a fairly ami- Gen-10 mainframes. We’ll plug them all into a virtu-
able relationship with Tenzan Heavy Indus- ality simulation of the station itself, a shadow com-
tries as well. Many of the inhabitants had munity. Simulate them as if nothing had happened.
close ties with or worked for Exogenesis, Crisis Control and Prediction already had the entire
and have denounced the Nanodynamics station modeled in virtuality anyway, so that’s not
and EDI takeover. It has good relationships going to be a problem.”
with a number of Gypsy Angel spacecraft, “Vacations. Contract terminations. People have
and relations with the EU-controlled to go home!”
Aletheia are also cordial. However, they “Less than a dozen each year. Look, we can
believe that the pantropic aspirations of the Green and introduce scenarios that cause them to cut their ties
Red Duncanites are misguided and their enslavement of in a realistic fashion, and arrange a few accidents in
SAIs is wrong. hard cases – we can manage 5.4 deaths a year with-
The Society of Isidore’s operations against Chinese, out triggering a Pentagon or general accounting
Duncanite, and American-owned SAIs have led to China office investigation. We have a 28% turnover of staff.
branding New Covenant a “haven for terrorists and ban- We make sure all the replacement personnel are LAIs or
dits;” the U.S. State Department and many Duncanites bioroids that we manufacture or program locally – that’s
agree. Foreign agents and members of Green Duncanite policy, anyway – and “lose” everyone else by reassign-
security companies have mounted covert operations ment to Callisto or Vesta; they’re pretty tight . . . So within
against New Covenant, with some success. China also four years the station will be thoroughly automated, we’ll
bans trade with it; the United States has yet to take have finished the cleanup, and White Rabbit will be back
this action. on track. Neat and tidy.”
catastrophe – the accidental release of an exper-
imental “gestalt cyberswarm” codenamed
A STEROID EFINERIES R White Rabbit. Before it could be brought back
under control, it killed 352 of the 359 people
Nicknamed “gas stations,” these are the most common installa- living at the station. Due to the security
tions in the Main Belt. They exist to support interplanetary commerce, lockdown, no alert was beamed out to other
and also supply some asteroid stations with raw materials. Asteroid stations – which allowed management to cover
refineries are usually built on carbonaceous or carbonaceous-volatile up the disaster.
asteroids. As there are millions of suitable asteroids, the major refiner- Wolf Station continues to operate, present-
ies in operation are scattered through the belt and Trojans in locations ly under the auspices of station assistant direc-
designed to provide support to far-flung settlement, mining and trans- tor Kelly Reid. The population is 702: the
port operations. There is almost always an asteroid refinery within half
an AU of a given destination in the Main Belt (roll 2d-2 × 0.1 AU).
station’s sapient infomorphs, a further 344
shadows (those who could be copied from the
An asteroid refinery’s purpose is to mine the asteroid for useful dead human staff), and the seven surviving
elements and compounds, then refine them into reaction mass, water, humans. White Rabbit has been brought back
oxygen, lubricants, carbon compounds and other products. These are under control, and now provides security: it’s a
stored in large tanks and sold to visiting spacecraft. 120-hex microbot swarm with an armored
Many refineries produce more than local commerce can absorb; in crawler chassis, a devourer package, and the
that case, a tanker will arrive every few months and collect the excess. gestalt option (p. 136).
Some of these volatiles are shipped off to the Lagrange stations, Mars Wolf Station has a small spaceport, with
or Luna (although most such come from Near Earth Asteroids). The several heavy laser towers as defenses. Some
majority go to other stations located on less volatile-rich asteroids. parts of the station are still prowled by White
Rabbit. It’s CR 6, and closed to visitors.
334 Chicago is presently 3.93 AU from the
Chicago is a 97-mile-wide carbonaceous asteroid in sun. Other distances: Mercury (3.87 AU), Venus
the outer Main Belt. It circles the sun at a mean distance of (3.21 AU), Earth (3.82 AU), Mars (3.01 AU), Aletheia
3.88 AU, taking 7.63 years to complete an orbit. The aster- (3.32 AU), Ceres (2.21 AU), Eunike (5.88 AU), Davida
oid rotates every 9.2 hours. (6.84 AU), Hygeia (6.7 AU), Interamnia (6.13 AU), Pallas
It houses Wolf Station, a beehive habitat established (3.48 AU), Achilles (8.26 AU), Agamemnon (8.94 AU),
by Nanodynamics in 2092 as a research laboratory. Most Diomedes (4.21 AU), Patroclus (7.01 AU), Jupiter (9.31
of the research program focused on the development of AU), Saturn (13.59 AU), Uranus (19.06 AU), Neptune
nanotechnology and cyberswarms for the U.S. military. Its (33.34 AU), Pluto (45.14 AU).
first major breakthrough came in 2094, when Nanody-
namics researchers perfected cannibal swarms (p. TS169).
This success led to Nanodynamics providing even more 704 I NTERAMNIA –
funding – in 2095 the station was among the first to receive
the latest “10th generation” quantum macroframe cyber- “L
shells. “The tenets of modern society: Use. Manipulate.
Then things went wrong. In 2098, Nanodynamics Reshape. Nothing is solid. Nothing is sacred. That’s the
security received a strong indication that the nanotech lab outlook our utilitarian culture has slid into. That’s the way
had been penetrated by a foreign agent or industrial spy, we treat other sapient beings. I need pleasure, I’ll buy a
but the identity of the agent’s contacts in the station were bioroid. People are unemployed? Don’t find them mean-
unknown. Wolf’s director Nathan Hyde ordered a massive ingful work – just pay them off. Tired of being a human?
security crackdown. Personnel were monitored round-the- I’ll dispose of my perfectly healthy body and become
clock by their wearables (which reported to security AIs), Thomas the Tank Engine. Hey, it’s in fashion now. Oh, and
surveillance swarms were scattered through the station, let’s make our kids fish people – we can get a good subsidy
and behavior-analysis SAIs were used to study the psych from GenTech Pacifica that way, and aren’t those little
profiles of every stationer. Leaves and vacation time were mermaids cute? You don’t agree with me? Hey, there’s no
cut, and contacts between station staff and the outside such thing as values any more: I’ll use memetics and warp
world curtailed. Those who did not accept these conditions your minds – oh, and I mustn’t forget to run an AI filter on
were fired. my media link, so you won’t do it to me. ”
While this regime prevented any more security “The Fifth Wave. For me, it’s a slice of hell. Keep it –
breaches, morale and efficiency suffered. A nervous lab I’m out of here.”
technician made a mistake; a safety feature failed when the – Alan Gault, retired orbital engineer;
person who was supposed to have fixed it was off resident of Liberty Bell Station
undergoing a security analysis. The result was
Interamnia is a carbonaceous asteroid with a The station has a “town meeting” government in
diameter of 197 miles, orbiting the sun at an average which everyone over 20 gets a vote. A meeting is held
distance of 3.1 AU. The asteroid has a rotational period of weekly, or when at least half of the adult population are
8.73 hours, and a year of 5.36 Earth years. It’s orbited by present, and is the sole law in the colony. It can impose
Liberty Bell Station, a terraformed Cole habitat a mile long sanctions, or if the person refuses to accept them, exile.
and half a mile in diameter, which was maneuvered into There have been two deaths (one mining and one firearms
orbit around the larger body. accident), and one quarrel when a marriage broke up and
Interamnia and Liberty Bell were colonized by a one of the colonists wanted off and was bought out. Anoth-
group of well-off L4 families led by Stewart and Christie er member left when the town meeting refused to approve
Donavan, American engineers who were founding resi- her chosen husband (a Digital Creationist she met during a
dents of Islandia. They left the colony in 2082, after they trading visit to Aletheia) as a colonist – she now lives with
had come to disagree with the direction its transhumanist him at New Covenant.
social policies were taking. With six like-minded fami-
lies, they sold their stock in the station, bought a sec-
ond-hand USV and a load of colonizing equipment,
seeds, and farm animal embryos, and headed out into
Their colony began as a set of storm shelters and Some asteroid stations are operated by fringe secular groups,
mines dug into Interamnia, with the families using a such as radical transhumanists, extremists, or racists. The isolation
tethered module attached to their spacecraft for artifi- of the Main Belt provides freedom to practice their beliefs without
cial gravity. Soon they went prospecting, and discov- fear of persecution, real or imaged. Most fringer stations just want
ered an egg-shaped metallic asteroid whose orbit was to be left alone, although a few actively recruit members.
not too far from their own. They used solar furnaces to Survivalists are the largest segment of the fringer population.
melt it, transforming it into a small Cole habitat, Liber- Survivalist stations are founded by rugged individualists who have
ty Bell, which their spacecraft nudged into orbit around come to the Main Belt to escape a catastrophe they believe will
Interamnia. Regolith, water, and other volatiles mined engulf Earth, Mars and the other planets; see Survivalism, p. TS92.
from Interamnia were used to terrraform it and provide The disasters that survivalists are hiding from include global nano-
an atmosphere, while solar cells and a fusion plant gen- bio-nuclear war, infomorph domination (“the singularity”), and
erated heat and light. Within a year and a half, grass attack by an alien civilization. In the wake of the Pacific War, the
was growing inside their station. Six months later, they E.U.’s granting of citizenship to SAIs, and the Shezbeth discovery,
had their first crop – not to mention chickens, bunnies, survivalist freeholds have begun to mushroom through the Main
and goats. One year after that, the first human baby was Belt.
born, and others quickly followed. Survivalist stations are akin to homesteads, except that they’re
Today, Liberty Bell has been going for nearly 20 better protected and their owners tend to be very cautious, often
years. The population has blossomed from 17 to 50 taking efforts to deliberately reduce the emission signature of their
people, although two-thirds of them are children under habitats. Thus, survivalist stations are usually beehive habitats with
18. The community prides itself on “small town con- no visible surface installations. They also often rely on fission reac-
servative American” values. There are seven extended tors rather than solar power or fusion reactors (to reduce neutrino
families. Each owns its own “spread,” but the space- emissions), and usually have hydroponics or fauxflesh vats rather
craft, fusion plant, and other heavy equipment are com- than farms, as these require less light and power. Survivalists who
munal property. own spacecraft often prefer mass driver engines, as these have a
The station is largely self-sufficient, with farms for theoretically lower emission signature, making them harder to track
food, 3D printers to fabricate spare parts for the various at long range.
cybershells and other machinery, and Interamnia as a There are presently about a dozen survivalist stations in the
source of raw materials. Occasionally they’ll fuel up Main Belt (sometimes it’s hard to tell them from homesteads, if the
the USV on water ice and head out to a larger station to survivalists do not advertise their views). Some are good people;
go shopping for luxuries like new cybershells, usually others hold more extremist views in additional to survivalism. They
selling a cargo hold of surplus meat or produce. Some are usually heavily armed and very inhospitable to uninvited
of the kids have ambitions other than farming, and the visitors.
station downloads educational software as necessary to Pellegrino Station: This stony-iron Main Belt asteroid has a
home-school them. Five of the older kids have chosen diameter of 1,200 feet; its orbit is similar to Chicago (p. 23). It’s a
to leave for various reasons; all found work, mostly as beehive habitat with several families of heavily-armed survivalists
microgravity engineers, at other asteroid stations in the (p. TS92) who fear alien invasion. They sometimes visit Duncanite
Main Belt. Three of them have since returned, with asteroids to purchase weapons, luxury goods, fuel, or bioroids.
spouses who’ve agreed to join Liberty Bell. CR 1, space dock.
Liberty Bell has no military forces, but its USV
is armed, and about half the population own their own
personal firearms and enjoy practicing with them. It’s
383544 AMBERELLA –
common for kids and adults to visit a designated firing “GALLIARD STATION”
range area on Interamnia and blast away at rocks and other A failed Plymouth Rock colony established on a
targets. This is reasonably safe, as individual transponders 2-mile wide carbonaceous asteroid (with an orbit similar to
are used – they prevent a gun from firing if someone wear- Eunike, p. 20), Galliard Station has been blighted by out-
ing a transponder is in the way. of-control fungal growth that has claimed over half
the station. The 72 people there are starving and
awaiting evacuation as conditions deteriorate.
Small spacedock, CR 4.
These are stations operated by crime cells, typically those of the
Martian Triads (p. 103). Criminal stations are usually established on
117561 JIAWEN –
gas stations or homesteads that have been subverted by blackmail,
threats or bribery. They conceal bioroid factories, or provide safe
The asteroid Jiawen is a carbonaceous
houses that can support the operations of smugglers, snakeheads and Main Belt asteroid with a diameter of 26 miles.
blackjackers. The Royal Navy, SAAF and PLAN-SF lack the man- Its orbit is similar to that of Interamnia (p. 24).
power to police or garrison every refinery. Instead, they rely on rov- Its rotational period is 5.2 hours.
ing patrols and undercover or sting operations to try and catch the The asteroid houses Tenglong Station, offi-
criminals. cially a fuel refinery operated by Hanyang
The difficulty in locating criminal asteroids is identifying them Space Development Corporation for the PLAN-
– in particular, it’s extremely hard to tell criminals from survivalists, SF. The refinery is closed to civilian traffic, but
eccentric millionaires, and other fringe groups. Avoiding a tragic often visited by PLAN-SF vessels for mainte-
blunder requires careful intelligence and police work. nance and recreation. The surface has acres of
Morrigan’s Rock: A stony-iron Main Belt asteroid about 500’ volatile tank farms, a polar landing dock, and a
across, with an orbit similar to that of Pallas. Ostensibly a gas station, small spaceyard. As a PLAN-SF base, it also has
this beehive habitat contained a secret Martian Triad-Trojan Mafia a trio of defensive laser towers.
bioroid factory. It was seized in 2099 by Royal Navy and Marine
forces. It is now derelict, the interior gutted by fierce fighting, but
could be reoccupied.
Decelerationists believe that technology is progress-
ing too fast. They fear the onset of the “singularity” (p.
TS25), which they fear will change the world and make
humanity into something inhuman.
Some Decelerationists become involved in politics
and social activism in an attempt to hold back technologi-
cal progress in certain areas, especially sapient artificial
intelligence, uploading, and nanotechnology. Many Decel-
erationists are preservationists, but not all of them – some
see activities like terraforming Mars as preferable to more
alternatives such as altering humans or colonizing deep
space with cybershells.
Other Decelerationists think it’s too late to put on the
brakes. They’d rather jump off and avoid the crash. This
means setting up their own self-sufficient colonies in iso-
lated locations. Some choose wilderness areas of Earth, but
many prefer Mars or the Main Belt. The more paranoid
Decelerationists tend to become survivalists (p. TS92).
Many homesteaders are Decelerationists.
Actually, Tenglong Station is operated by cured and released. For others there is no cure:
Xiao Chu’s Research Division, and is the 40 of the patients are brain dead, effective-
secret location of Biochemical Engi- ly bioshells, and are used as custodians
neering Laboratory 72. The bland- and test subjects.
ly-named lab is China’s principal One wing of the complex is
center for the study of military devoted to study of TSA “sen-
nanoviruses. Since it was tient bioweapons” encoun-
established in 2085, its pri- tered during the Pacific War.
mary focus has been the These were warbeasts
study of nanovirus technol- designed for reconnais-
ogy captured from the sance, sabotage, and com-
TSA bioweapons direc- bat. PLA troops took very
torate after the Transpacif- few of these creatures pris-
ic War. It was established oner (most refused to sur-
in the Main Belt both for render, or were simply
safety and security; it is exterminated when found)
secret for the same reasons, but some embryos and babies
and because China believes that were captured intact when labs
public acknowledgement of an were taken intact by special
active nanovirus program would be forces. A section of the complex is
politically damaging. devoted to raising and studying these
Most of the research at Tenglong Sta- creatures, as the TSA countries (particularly
tion is defensive, intended to reduce China’s own Peru) are known to still employ them.
vulnerability to nanovirus attack by developing specialized Security is extremely high in Tenglong Station, begin-
active shields targeted to specific hostile nano. Even so, the ning with secrecy over its exact location. Only senior eche-
lab has been charged with developing and testing new lons in Xiao Chu and PLAN-SF are aware that the asteroid
nanoviruses as well as existing ones. This allows them to is not an ordinary base. Xiao Chu researchers who work
be prepared for what an opponent might deploy . . . and here are not told its actual location; they only know they’re
this means that Tenglong Station could furnish China with on a station somewhere in deep space. The PLAN-SF cadre
an offensive nanovirus capability within a few weeks. manning the station are bioroids permanently assigned to
Tenglong Station consists of miles of tunnels contain- the station, never going on leave. New bioroids arrive in
ing nanotechnology labs, decontamination rooms, biogen- nanostasis, awakening in the station’s medical lab.
esis chambers, and living
quarters. Most of the sapient
personnel working at Teng-
long are bioroids created
specifically for service here.
A small but growing number of wealthy recluses, seeking more privacy than is avail-
There are only two dozen able in the inner system, have established their own personal asteroid getaways. Some are
human researchers. Six of inhabited year-round, while others have an absentee owner, with a small staff, usually
them are captured TSA sci- bioroids or cybershells, to maintain the place while he’s away. Unlike homesteads, they
entists. Each is kept under rarely produce the necessities of life. While some may have an emergency subsistence
tight control, with a supervi- capability, they usually rely on imported goods and services.
sory LAI implanted in his Their populations range from a single person (tended by non-sapient cybershells) to
head as a monitor. a few dozen people.
In addition to the staff, There are usually a couple of asteroid estates for sale, as owners die, need the money
there are 160 “patients” for something else, or just lose interest.
assigned to the station. All
are fitted with puppet
implants to allow the staff to
easily monitor, sedate and control them. They are Chinese There’s usually a PLAN-SF SDV within 0.5 AU of the
civilians and soldiers who were exposed to class-C station. In addition, some of the volatile tanks are actually
nanoviruses during or after the Pacific War; “Class-C” is camouflaged vehicle bays for 20 AKVs, and there are a
jargon for a contagious nanovirus. They are in quarantine further six heavy laser towers hidden on the surface to pro-
for study and treatment. Patients taken to Tenglong are not vide further protection. A platoon of PLA battlesuit-
told where they are being treated – they only know that equipped Space Infantry Division combat bioroids
it’s somewhere in space. A few patients have been handle internal security.
with the unwitting help of the Plymouth Rock
252400 B EHISTUN OCK R – organization, who believed they were funding a wor-
thy cause, the “Jefferson Mission,” sponsored by the Cit-
“M S
ANASSEH TATION ” izen’s Cyberdemocratic Christian Initiative (C3I). In
“When we at Manasseh Station document the abuses actuality, both the Jefferson Mission and C3I were fronts
of the EZOG, it makes people nervous. A for the Second Order of Phineas, a well-organized North
lot of real people – white people – get American white supremacist
upset about our call for a race war group who sought to establish
against the mudmen. But is it just an off-world tax haven and
that they’re getting bent out of shape sanctuary for their core mem-
because we talk about a war? They
shouldn’t be. After all, just last year
The ruse was discovered in
Sahasara Chaksu is a pair of very
the E.U. called for a war on poverty 2098 when Richard Armstrong,
long baseline radio telescope arrays,
in Central Asia. And no one objects head of the Second Order, was
one located in each Trojan Point. The
to a war on disease . . . all we want indicted by a Canadian court on
two arrays can and do conduct inde-
to see is the same kind of all-out charges of tax evasion and crim-
pendent observations, but in conjunc-
effort to prevent the dilution of our inal memetic engineering. Arm-
tion with other smaller arrays scattered
own majority culture. strong eluded Canadian
about the system, they can also com-
“Now, I don’t spend much time authorities and fled to L5 by
bine to construct a single synthetic
on Earth Web up here, but this shift way of Kazakhstan, before
image whose resolution is proportion-
one of my little girls came to me. She eventually boarding a chartered
ate to the gap between them. With a
asked about a product that McCoy USV to Behistun Rock. Within
baseline 9 AU long, Sahasara Chaksu
Aesthetech was advertising on the a few weeks, Armstrong was
is the highest-resolution radio tele-
Web, a cosmetic virus that will make clearly in charge of the station,
scope ever constructed.
real women turn black when the which changed its name to
Most of Sahasara Chaksu’s
sun’s rays get too hot! They claim it Manasseh Station and started
efforts go toward cosmological
wears off in a day, and saves you broadcasting his own racist
research and parallax measurement,
money on anti-cancer nano. Now, propaganda.
but it is also an excellent detector of
aside from the sheer blasphemy of it Manasseh Station’s interior
gas giant planets and brown dwarfs
all, I ask you, what happens if a good is terraformed, with mixed sub-
(via their radio emissions); its resolu-
girl who uses it goes and kisses her sistence agriculture augmented
tion is high enough that it can find
husband? Aren’t viruses contagious, by hydroponics. There are sev-
extrasolar gas giants even against the
and don’t they mutate? Brothers and eral farms and a few houses,
backdrop of their parent star’s radio
sisters, you can see where this is including a replica of a colonial-
emissions. Other ongoing high-profile
going, and I hate to say it, because period mansion, and a lot of
projects include SETI research (which
my very own daughter used to wear cheap-looking astrocrete huts.
has so far proved inconclusive), the
this company’s perfume, but I’d like The population is an estimated
study of magnetic fields in nearby
everyone out there to think long and 150 humans (half of them
solar systems (of special importance
hard about how to show McCoy Aes- adults) who are hard-core mem-
for star probes that will decelerate via
thetech our most earnest disap- bers of Armstrong’s organiza-
magnetic sail), pulsar studies, and
proval, taking to heart the example of tion, and twice as many
examination of gamma ray burster
Numbers, Chapter 25. If you feel like bioroids. Mostly purchased
events and supernovae.
paying them a visit, their offices can from Martian Triad dealers, the
Each Sahasara Chaksu array is a
be found on Moonshadow, Luna and bioroids are all human-appear-
vast thin-film dish antenna attached to
Austin, Texas . . .” ing models such as the ZR-3
a solid framework, several miles
– Richard Armstrong, and ZR-7 (p. TS117), all with
across, in the shadow of an asteroid
“Sermons from non-Caucasian features. Each
that keeps it permanently in shade.
Mount Freedom,” family owns 3-4 bioroids,
The complexes are unmanned but
August 11, 2099 essentially as slaves.
maintained by a few dozen cybershell
The majority of Manasseh
Behistun Rock was a metallic Station’s income depends on
asteroid with a diameter of 1.9 donations from white suprema-
miles, with an orbit similar to Vesta cist groups on Earth who sup-
(p. 17). It’s been transformed into port Armstrong’s “ministry” and
Manasseh Station, a Cole habitat with a population of on its sale of unique software and slinkies. In particu-
450 people. The station was constructed in 2086 lar, Manasseh Station specializes in the creation of
Order considers bioroids and AIs to be subhuman
and is unlikely to allow mobile cybershells
onboard. Visitors are treated with suspicion. The
When the People are being station’s own minifacs can produce some goods,
but is usually lacking in necessary high-tech
parts. Manasseh Station is always interested in
Patroclus is a frozen volatile asteroid with a diameter
of 88 miles, which orbits the sun at an average distance of
5.23 AU. It has an orbital period of about 11.9 years. Its
rotational period is about 40 hours. Patroclus is the largest “You’re offering us six tons of wheat, 20 tons of nitro-
asteroid in the Trailing Trojans, and one of India’s few gen, and one used pleasure bioroid for a spare THI-4 reac-
deep space colonies. tor mirror and 50 kilos of nootropic seaweed? Okay,
During the Pacific War, debris from exploding Roanoke Station – top off our tanks when we arrive,
TSA satellites badly damaged an orbiting research sta- and we’ve got a deal.”
tion conducting crucial defense-related research for
India’s National Space Institute. After the war, it was The spread-out nature of the Main Belt and Tro-
decided that the program needed to relocate to a more jans hinders their development as distinct, unified
secure location in deep space, where it would have economic regions, as different asteroids are as likely
plenty of warning against sudden attack, yet be able to to be as far apart from each other as they are from
beam research data back to Earth without interference. Mars or Earth. In the case of small Main Belt stations,
617 Patroclus in the Trailing Trojans was selected inter-asteroid “trade” is often opportunistic, as aster-
as a sufficiently isolated location, and India’s Banga- oid orbits temporarily create close neighbors, where a
lore Aerospace was chosen as the prime contractor, few days travel in a local space vessel or cheap USV
with additional work done on site by hired Duncanite can reap a significant benefit for both.
microgravity construction workers. Named Varahami- Asteroid stations are, on average, more self-suf-
hira Station (after a sixth-century Indian mathemati- ficient than equivalent-sized stations in L4, L5, or
cian and astronomer), the facility was built as a Earth orbit. Even so, small stations usually lack the
microgravity beehive habitat capability to manufacture Fifth Wave goods such as
The current population is 130 humans and 570 cutting-edge cybershells, although some are pro-
bioroids. It is staffed primarily by bioroid designs from duced at larger stations like Yametei and Aletheia.
Biotech Euphrates and Avatar Klusterkorp, which are The Belt is a relatively small market for physical
grown on site. They are directed by a number of goods.
The Solar System
on January 1, 2100
Large freighters rarely visit Main Belt stations, unless with their personal goods, although some stations like
it’s part of a major corporate expansion program. Silas Duncan also export some biological products.
Most goods shipped to the Main Belt come as Most trade flows through the four largest colony sta-
adjuncts to personnel transfers – a particular corporate or tions (Aletheia, Hesheng, Silas Duncan, and Yametei) as
national colony station may have a USV or PSV arrive there simply is not a large enough market to make regular
every month or two from L4 or Mars with a load of sup- shipment of goods to smaller asteroid stations worthwhile.
plies and new personnel, for example. Items that are often It’s fairly common to ship those stations the vital parts for
shipped in include fusion reactor components or minifac- high-tech goods, and let them finish using local resources.
turing plants, scientific instruments, advanced cybershells, For example, Aletheia Station and Freehaven both make
and various luxury items. Traffic out from the majority of cheap USV spacecraft for Belt or Trojan operations. The
Belt stations is usually just contract workers returning cybershells, drives, sensors, and weapons are import-
ed, but hulls, tanks, and cabins are built locally.
Exports out from the Main Belt are even more income through sales to spacecraft operating in the
limited. The Main Belt’s most lucrative products are Main Belt in support of other facilities – e.g., R&D
information produced at the various corporate research sta- stations – and some asteroid stations mine metals for ship-
tions. Much of the Main Belt’s income comes from dis- ment to Mars.
coveries made by dedicated Main Belt corporate research
stations such as Xiao Chu’s Hesheng Station or Exogene-
sis, and by research and development performed in the
Duncanite laboratories at Silas Duncan Station. Other cur-
rency comes directly from governments or transnationals The asteroid belt contains vast amounts of excellent
in the form of capital investment or salaries paid to ore, including iron, nickel, platinum, and other metals. As
employees serving at Main Belt stations. asteroids have minimal escape velocities, removing the ore
There is a small but lucrative trade in specialty bio- from the asteroid is relatively easy.
logical products and bioroids, both legal (from the Green
Duncanites) and black market (from the Trojan Mafia and Metallic Asteroid Resources
Martian Triads), much of this export going to Mars and When the solar system was formed, heavier metals
various L5 colonies. A small amount of high-value biotech sank deep into the interiors of rocky bodies big enough to
goods are manufactured and exported directly from Silas have molten cores. On Earth, this is why heavy platinum
Duncan Station. For example, Duncanite nootropic drinks group metals (platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium,
are popular system-wide. rhodium, and ruthenium) are so precious – only a tiny frac-
A growing source of income for the Main Belt is real tion of 1% of these metals are actually left in the upper
estate development. The progressively declining cost of continental crust, where we can reach them. The same is
interplanetary space travel has resulted in wealthy true of precious metals inside other rocky planets, like
individuals and groups seeing the asteroids as a Venus or Mars, and in the largest rocky asteroids. Howev-
place where they can establish private communities er, over billions of years, the majority of these original
or homes outside of the immediate jurisdiction of asteroids were shattered by collision with other asteroids.
Earth-based governments and away from terrestrial This left some chunks that were mostly just ordinary rock,
culture. Often these groups lack the expertise to create and other chunks – the metallic asteroids – that had been
their own asteroid stations, and hire asteroid-based con- part of their cores. These asteroids hold rich concentrations
tractors to do so. Tenzan Heavy Industries and Silas Dun- of precious metals.
can Station specialize in providing these services, with On Earth, a vein with 30 parts per million of precious
Freehaven doing the same in the Trojans. Stations also pro- metals is considered rich, and normally well worth mining.
vide a pool of skilled microgravity engineers who work on A metallic asteroid may have concentrations over six times
various projects throughout the solar system, and send a greater of platinum group metals. What this means is that
portion of their income back home. Saturn’s Cassini Sta- a commonplace metallic asteroid only 3,000 feet in diam-
tion and the Martian Space Elevator were constructed in eter – a chunk of nickel-iron massing a couple of billion
part by migrant labor from Duncanite stations. tons – will also contain some 700,000 tons of platinum-
Corporate and military stations also hire local con- group metals.
tractors for various services, ranging from repairs to hous-
ing and food to entertainment. In particular, Aletheia and Stony-Iron Asteroid Resources
Hesheng Station employ many locals to support the Royal
Unlike metallic asteroids, most stony-irons are
Navy and PLAN-SF bases.
undifferentiated bodies, with minerals distributed
Many homestead, religious, and fringer stations in the
fairly evenly through the asteroid’s structure rather
Main Belt receive the lion’s share of their currency in the
than concentrated in specific veins. From a mining
form of direct or indirect subsidies from groups that find
perspective, this means it’s not necessary to use
the particular colony’s philosophy compelling. An exam-
heavy equipment to dig into the asteroid – instead,
ple of a direct subsidy is the Christian hyperevolutionist
highly-economical dust mining techniques (p. 36) can
station of New Covenant, which accepts regular donations
be used. This makes mining and processing potentially
from the established Seventh Heaven L5 colony and from
co-religionists on Earth. An example of an indirect subsidy
A typical stony-iron asteroid some 3,000 feet in diam-
is Silas Duncan Station, whose philosophies attract many
eter masses about two billion tons. While much of it is sim-
wealthy libertarian investors, especially from the United
ply silicate rock, its diverse resources include about 200
States and Australia, some of whom choose to emigrate
million tons of high-grade iron, 30 million tons of nickel,
1.5 million tons of cobalt, and 7,500 tons of platinum
Export of Main Belt resources through mining is not a
group metals. An average body will also contain several
significant source of income. However, “gas station”
tons of uranium and other rare Earth materials.
facilities on carbonaceous asteroids do earn some
This pales in comparison to the wealth of a similar-sized near-earth asteroids (NEAs) were moved into Earth orbit,
metallic asteroid, but there are millions of asteroids this Mars orbit, and the Lagrange points, while others were
size and type in the Main Belt, and hundreds remain in mined on site and their materials shipped back home.
Near-Earth orbits. These mines provided – and often still provide – the
raw materials, especially water, hydrogen, and steel, that
Carbonaceous Asteroid Resources help support the colonies on Luna and Mars, supply the
These asteroids are also undifferentiated bodies. major spaceyards in Earth orbit and at Lagrange 4, and
Their metal content is substantial, but lower than that of permit the construction and operation of orbital and
a stony-iron. However, they have a much higher concen- Lagrange point space stations and colonies.
tration of frozen volatiles, which often (but not always) Thus, the market price of precious metals has dropped
include water. In fact, water makes up between 1% and since the start of the 21st century. The new abundance of
20% of a given carbonaceous or carbonaceous-volatile platinum, palladium, and iridium has helped maintain
asteroid’s mass. Water is necessary for human settle- demand, since as costs drop, materials engineers find new
ments (for human consumption and agriculture), used uses for metals previously thought uneconomical. At pres-
directly as reaction mass for fusion torches or fission ent, the existing asteroid mines have yet to be played out,
drives, and electrolyzed to yield hydrogen and oxygen and there are still plenty of asteroids near Earth. Serious
for rocket propellants, life support, fuel cells, and chem- commercial mining of the Main Belt is at least 50 years in
ical industries. The high water content makes these aster- the future.
oids favorite habitat locations. Other useful resources Even so, major space development companies are
include hydrocarbons and nitrogen, used for manufactur- planning for that future. Advised by forward-thinking AIs,
ing, plastics, and fertilizer. and with their board of directors increasingly populated by
potential immortals, companies like System Technologies,
COMMERCIAL ASTEROID MINING Tenzan Heavy Industries, Vosper-Babbage, and Xiao Chu
have established facilities for future expansion, and fund-
Commercial asteroid mining takes place in the inner ed complete surveys of the Main Belt and Trojan points.
solar system rather than in the Deep Beyond. In the These surveys are being performed by “prospecting
2040s, Tenzan Heavy Industries, Vosper-Babbage and swarms” (p. 134) – fleets of tiny micro-spacecraft. First
other pioneering companies began mining asteroids launched in the 2030s, these swarms have surveyed all
whose orbits passed close to Earth. Some of these useful Near Earth Asteroids, and are now at work in
the Main Belt.
Nevertheless, some actual mining is already going on Asteroid mining bears little resemblance to the miner-
in the Main Belt and Trojans. It’s just that the ore is not al extraction techniques used in gravity environments. In
being shipped back to Earth or Mars, but supplying the particular, trying to dig a shaft or strip with ordinary min-
needs of native stations – by analogy, it’s closer to gather- ing machinery is difficult . . . with no gravity to hold it
ing firewood than logging. steady against its own recoil, a power drill or shovel can’t
Smaller asteroid stations lack the resources to move bear down to cut into rock or metal. As a result, conven-
big asteroids into parking orbits, so they rely on occasion- tional asteroid mining machines are often equipped with
al trips to other small bodies that their orbital paths cross. harpoons, grapples or claws. An alternative is for mining
Larger asteroid stations may move one or more small machines to tunnel directly into the asteroid, following any
asteroids into orbit around them, often via mass driver. veins that might be found. The machines then use arms or
Some stations may use a succession of small (e.g., 10-100’ clawed legs to brace themselves securely against the walls
diameter) asteroids rather than one huge one. A very small of the mine shaft. An advantage of tunneling into an aster-
asteroid is easier to move quickly, and can be easier to oid is that the mine shafts can be sealed over and used for
work on. Metallic asteroids which are the right shape and habitats.
composition for use as Cole habitats (p. 132) or hulls are All shaft and strip mining techniques kick up vast
often valued. quantities of dust, which in microgravity can take many
minutes to settle. The resulting long-lived dust
cloud will interfere with mining operations by
coating cybershell sensors, blocking human vision,
and clogging mechanisms. Sealed sensors and
radar can mitigate this. However, the dust cloud
can also be turned to a miner’s advantage with the
proper equipment.
A dust mining operation starts with the erec-
tion of a giant canopy around the area of asteroid to
be mined. If the asteroid is small enough, it might
be entirely covered by the canopy. Conventional
microgravity strip mining techniques are used to
scrape into the asteroid, or ore-rich dust from its
surface may be used directly. Mining machines
then kick as much dust as possible into space,
which is collected in the canopy. When there’s
enough ore dust in the canopy, it’s sealed off, and
the bundle is then transported to a processing site,
either on the asteroid or at a distant location.
Ore Processing
Ore processing is usually done on site at the
asteroid itself. Rock crushers, magnetic separators,
and solar ovens are used to separate material into
metals, volatiles and useful silicates. Solid ore may
be stored in the open, while processed dust is usu-
ally contained in giant bags. Frozen volatiles are
stored in steel tanks.
One problem is the large quantities of tailings
(waste rock) and rock dust that accumulate. This
material may be melted down by solar ovens and
cast into ceramic bricks (slag armor) for use as con-
struction material, or secured to the asteroid’s sur-
face to prevent it drifting off. If the asteroid is to be
moved via mass driver, rock dust can be used as
reaction mass.
One bar! I’ve descended 30 km below the upper strat- A few thousand kilometers below me, the atmosphere
osphere, crossing the official boundary of Jupiter, where will give way to a planetwide ocean of liquid hydrogen,
the air pressure matches that of Earth at sea level. All turning metallic as we approach the core. It’s tempting to
around me are roiling red-brown ammonia hydrosulfide keep going, to see how long my diamond body can survive
clouds. The skin temperature is a balmy 150 Kelvin, and the pressure and temperature.
the wind speed is 470 knots and rising. Maybe later – for now, I’ll leave it to the deep sonde
I cut the fans and let the winds carry me, riding the probes. I drop my non-sapient surrogate, wishing it a fruit-
occasional updraft as I gather atmosphere readings and ful journey to destruction, and I begin to rise.”
map the fringes of a storm cell that may be bigger than – Susie Xu, aboard Jupiter probe Not in Kansas
Australia. It’s humbling to realize that on Jupiter this is
just a minor squall. But now it’s time to go deeper. I vent Jupiter and its environs are a miniature solar system
gas, and descend. consisting of one giant planet and dozens of sizable
Two atmospheres, three . . . I’ve left the ammonia moons, including Ganymede, the largest in the solar sys-
clouds behind, and am now entering another layer, where tem, and Europa, the only extraterrestrial body other than
water ice and hydrogen sulfide crystals form wispy blue Earth where native life originated and still thrives. While
clouds. Jupiter and its moons are of great interest to science, they
I drop deeper still. 50 km beneath the upper clouds, have historically attracted little in the way of economic
and the pressure sensor reads 10 atmospheres. The hull exploitation or human colonization.
makes a faint groaning noise, but I ignore the diagnostics, This is changing. The development of more efficient
for I’ve emerged from the final cloud bank, to venture fusion drives has opened up the outer system, and forward-
where no sapient being has gone before. looking groups are starting to turn their gaze on the largest
Wow! Did you get that? A giant lightning bolt crack- planet and its brood of satellites. With many humans now
led between the cloud layers above me, strobe-lighting envisioning a corporeal lifespan that stretches into infinity,
everything. For a moment, I could see forever. But there’s it is becoming commonplace to plan for the future in terms
nothing to see. Endless haze, and beneath me yawns the of centuries rather than decades. The Jovian system
abyss. looms large in some visions of tomorrow – and per-
haps even Jupiter isn’t big enough for all of them.
the planet’s interior. The distinct alternation of light
Jupiter has four small inner moons: Metis, Adrastea,
Amalthea, and Thebe. These moons are responsible for the
dust that forms Jupiter’s ring system. Their composition is
similar to outer main belt asteroids. All of these bodies are
well within Jupiter’s magnetosphere and exposed to
extreme magnetic fields and radiation. These moons radi-
ate more heat than they receive from the sun, due to mag-
netic-induced electric currents.
The innermost sizable moon of Jupiter, Metis orbits
the giant planet at an average distance of 0.000856 AU.
The moon is an irregular rocky chunk about 25 miles in
diameter. Metis is home to a small unmanned base operat-
ed by the ESA, with a transient population of 30-50 sapi-
ent infomorphs. It is tunneled deep into the rock, and has a
(very) small spaceport. Metis Base coordinates various
Jupiter probe and SIRMA operations.
The second sizable Jovian moon, Adrastea orbits
Jupiter at an average distance of 0.00086 AU. It is an irreg-
ular body measuring about 14 × 12 × 9 miles. It has the
highest known density of any moon in the solar system:
4.5 g/cm3. Exogenesis has an small cybershell-run
exploratory mining base here; its status is unknown, but is
likely held by infomorphs loyal to the Axon group. EDI
fears that the high-velocity mass driver system
SATELLITES Distance from Jupiter: 262,000 miles (0.0028 AU).
Diameter: 2,263 miles.
Mass: 0.015 Earths.
Jupiter’s four large moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede Density: 3.5 g/cm3.
and Callisto – compare favorably in size to many plan- Gravity: 0.183 G.
ets. They are collectively known as the Galilean satel- Escape Velocity: 1.6 mps.
lites, after the astronomer Galileo Galilei, who To Orbit: 1.12 mps.
discovered them by telescope in 1610. Rotational Period: 1.769 days.
Orbital Period: 1.769 days.
Surface Water: None.
Temperature: -225° F.*
Atmosphere: Trace sulfur.
Welcome to hell. The innermost Galilean moon is Population: 300 (uncertain).
roughly as big as Luna, but there the resemblance ends. Spaceports: Small spaceport.
Seen from space, Io resembles a bubbling hot pizza, its Control Rating: CR 0.
hot-and-cold surface a riot of angry color: yellow, * This can increase dramatically around volcanic vents.
orange, red, black, and white. Hundreds of volcanoes
spew enormous umbrella-shaped plumes into space.
Infernally hot rivers of molten lava run through bitterly cold Io’s volcanoes are less steep than those found on
frost-covered plains. Constant quakes shake the moon’s Earth, with gentler hilly slopes rather than sharp cliffs, but
surface, which is bathed in searing radiation from Jupiter’s the larger volcanoes can form vast calderas hundreds of
magnetosphere. miles across. Streaming out from these active regions are
Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar sys- rivers of lava that stretch up to 200 miles long. As with the
tem, the victim of a tug of war between nearby Jupiter and volcanic eruptions, the lava may consist of red, fast-flow-
the neighboring moon Europa. This causes massive tidal ing sulfur or slower dark molten silicate rock, and its tem-
flexing and geological upheaval. Its surface features can perature can reach 2,000° F.
change within weeks. The surface of Io is not all volcanoes. The dominant
Fed by subterranean lava tubes, as many as 300 volca- features are wide, low-lying, frost-covered volcanic plains,
noes may be erupting simultaneously. In Io’s feeble gravi- where the average temperature is -225° F. The ground near-
ty, their plumes can rise from 30 to 250 miles into space. est the calderas is speckled yellow, orange, red, and black
Small volcanoes can erupt, lie calm, and erupt again in a from the volcanic debris, and coated with white sulfur diox-
matter of days, while larger ones may erupt continuously ide frost. While Io is peppered by its share of meteorites,
for months at a time. The volcanoes with visible plumes craters are quickly filled by volcanic debris, so Io has a
emit ash and other debris similar to terrestrial eruptions, but “young” surface, without the multitudes of larger impact
there are also so-called “stealth” volcanoes that spew out craters that cover most nearly-airless bodies.
invisible plumes of hot sulfur dioxide.
Sulfur dioxide volcanoes on Io blast a constant stream
of sulfur and oxygen ions into space. A ton of particles are
Don’t tell me that man swept up from Io every second into Jupiter’s own magnet-
doesn’t belong out there. ic field. The particles are ionized and transformed into
plasma, forming a doughnut-shaped field along Io’s orbit
Man belongs wherever he around Jupiter, known as the Io Plasma Torus.
The level of charged particle radiation in the plasma
wants to go – and he’ll do torus is intense even by Jovian standards. (In game terms,
plenty well when he gets add 50% to the usual Jupiter radiation belt exposure at that
distance within the Plasma Torus.)
there. The Io Plasma Torus also results in an extremely strong
electrical current flow between Jupiter and Io, a stream of
– Wernher von Braun charged particles whose power levels have been measured
at 2 terawatts. This “flux tube” is partially responsible
for the strong lightning storms in Jupiter’s atmosphere. The primary objective of Io Base is planetological
Above Io, intense blue auroras flicker near high volcanic research, with Exogenesis operating the base as a contrac-
plumes, as they interact with and feed the plasma torus. tor for several universities. However, Exogenesis was also
testing ways of tapping the Io Plasma Torus to generate
SETTLEMENT ON IO power, both for surface operations and for the Io-Jupiter
Accelerator (below).
The first mobile cybershells began exploring the The idea of a “permanent” Io base is actually a mis-
moon in the 2040s and 2050s, as American, European, nomer. Io Base is not a single structure, but instead consists
Japanese, and Chinese probes landed on the moon. The of a variety of temporary and mobile bases, each with its
conditions of Io were very unfriendly, and hard for early AI own contingent of several dozen cybershells. The total
systems to handle. Several cybershell crawlers and rovers population is estimated as about 300 sapient infomorphs.
met premature ends. As is common with Exogenesis, multiple infomorphs may
In 2087, the Exogenesis Corporation teamed up with share the same body. A few attempts at permanent stations
the European Space Agency to establish a base on Io. have been begun, including some geothermal core taps.
types. 60% of Ganymede is covered by relatively bright
“sulci” terrain produced by geologically-recent tectonic
activity. Sulci are intricate patterns of grooves and ridges,
some 500-600 feet high, and running for hundreds of The second largest of Jupiter’s moons, icy Callisto is
miles. The other 40% of the surface is dark and densely the most heavily cratered body in the solar system. Its
cratered, with no sign of geological activity. The moon’s dark, rugged landscape is dominated by interlocking
craters are much flatter than those of Luna, probably craters and jagged hills, the result of billions of years of
because of the soft ice-rock they formed in. Some craters meteor and comet impacts. Most of the ground is covered
have vanished, leaving bright circular patches in the dark with black dust a few inches thick, but brighter ice lies
terrain called palimpsests, up to 250 miles across. exposed on peaks and in some crater basins.
Ganymede’s north and south poles are covered in bright Callisto is geologically dead, with almost no activity
frost caps that extend up to latitudes of 40°. on its surface. In fact, that surface has remained funda-
Ganymede is occasionally visited by scientific mis- mentally unchanged (aside from more craters!) for the last
sions. In 2057, a cryobot was designed to melt through the four billion years. The moon has an outer crust of water ice
ice to the surface below, but suffered a systems failure andsome 100 miles thick. This lies above a deep salt-water
became stuck 20 miles down. Construction of a new E.U. ocean that covers the entire moon. Beneath the ocean are
scientific outpost has recently begun on Ganymede to sup- 1,000 miles of mixed rock and ice, with a rocky core at the
port the exploration of the vast ocean below the satellite’scenter.
thick ice shell. The staff working on this project include Over the eons, many comets and other large bodies
some former CRABE personnel evacuated from Europa. diverted by Jupiter’s gravity have struck Callisto, resulting
in several large impact basins. The largest is Val-
halla, a target-shaped scar consisting of an
inner region of bright ice some 360 miles in
diameter surrounded by closely-spaced con-
G ANYMEDE TATISTICS S centric scarps that can be found up to 2,000
Distance from Jupiter: 664,900 miles (0.00715 AU). miles from the center. The bright central plains
Diameter: 3,270 miles. were created when cleaner ice from Callisto’s
Mass: 0.0248 Earths. interior filled the basin after the impact. Anoth-
Density: 1.94 g/cm3. er large impact basin is Asgard, a region simi-
Gravity: 0.145 G. lar to Valhalla, but about half the size.
Escape Velocity: 1.7 mps. Callisto is far enough from Jupiter that
To Orbit: 1.2 mps. radiation is significantly diminished (0.01
Rotational Period: 7.15 days. rads/day); anyone under a few feet of ice or
Orbital Period: 7.15 days. rock is effectively protected.
Surface Water: Ice on surface. Ocean covers 100% of moon under ice.
Temperature: -250° F.
Atmosphere: Faint traces of oxygen; effectively vacuum.
Population: Varies; small human and cybershell construction teams.
Spaceports: None. Some remnants of earlier expeditions.
Callisto was the first moon of Jupiter to be
Control Rating: CR 0.
visited by humans, as part of the International
Galilean Expedition (2056-2058). Although
salvaged the old IGE base and turned it into a
freehold. The station presently serves as a
ALLISTO TATISTICS data haven, specializing in the sale of gray-
Distance from Jupiter: 1,170,000 miles (0.0126 AU). market mind emulations.
Diameter: 2,986 miles. Valhalla Station concentrates on selling
Mass: 0.018 Earths. the data in the Pukjeera Archive (p. 52),
Density: 1.8 g/cm .3 which includes xoxes of thousands of individ-
Gravity: 0.127 G. uals, many of them now prominent TSA or
Escape Velocity: 1.5 mps. Pacific Rim citizens. Business is usually done
To Orbit: 1.05 mps. remotely, using quantum-encrypted laser
Rotational Period: 16.7 days. communications; the family have several
Orbital Period: 6.7 days. transmitters located at different spots around
Surface Water: Ice on surface. Ocean covers 100% of moon under ice. Valhalla. People looking for a ghost with cer-
Temperature: -233° F. tain skills can pay for a xox. Valhalla is also
Atmosphere: None. eager to trade xoxes with other parties, no
Population: 500 (uncertain). questions asked, and over the last decade has
Spaceports: Small spaceports at Asgard and Valhalla Stations. added a few hundred new emulations. Valhal-
Control Rating: CR 0 at Asgard, 2 at Valhalla. la contends that since xoxes have no human
rights, it is at perfect liberty to dispose of them
as it wishes.
Others disagree; Valhalla Station has been
IGE’s primary focus was the exploration of Europa, Cal-
attacked in the past, both by abolitionist groups and by
listo was selected as the advanced base for the expedition,
Trojan Hawk contract enforcers, who claim it possesses
due to its distance from the worst of Jupiter’s radiation and
property stolen from Starhaven. As a result, Valhalla main-
the plentiful availability of surface ice for fuel, reaction
tains tight security. They are not hospitable to uninvited
mass and life support. Teleoperated cybershells explored
guests; anyone approaching the eastern part of the Valhal-
the other inner moons and remotely construct a shielded
la region is warned off. The family has installed multiple
habitat, CRABE, on Europa. Geological research was also
hidden weapon emplacements (second-hand railguns and
performed on Callisto itself. A few deep mine shafts were
light lasers) they’ve purchased and/or jury-rigged, and,
melted into Callisto’s ice to study its composition, but none
according to some rumors, rigged their data haven with a
penetrated into the ocean below.
nuclear self-destruct device. No one is sure how well any
Callisto Base was abandoned in 2059. Except for
of their defenses would work, but few care to test them.
some follow-up cybershell probes in 2070, it remained
The station includes a small spaceport. Population is
uninhabited until 2084, when a group of Duncanites led by
100, including many ghosts and shadows loaded into
Aleksandr Tayanovich arrived, taking over the old base
bioshells; all family members are also required to have vir-
facility and establishing a data haven, Valhalla Station.
tual interface implants that contain low-sapient shadows of
They were the sole occupants of Callisto until 2095, when
Tayanovich himself. CR 0
Nanodynamics established its own facility at Asgard
Valhalla Station is located at latitude 16° north,
Crater as a base for future Jovian operations.
longitude 55° west.
Located inside a trough in the eastern edge of the vast
Valhalla basin, this station is run by the Tayanovich fami- History has taught us: never
ly, reportedly about 30 parahumans and 70 bioshells, who underestimate the amount of
maintain an eccentric lifestyle under the domination of the
cunning (but paranoid) family patriarch Aleksandr
money, time, and effort
Tayanovich. New blood is occasionally added through someone will expend to thwart
liaisons with other Duncanites or visiting xox-collectors a security system . . . Give
who Aleksandr corresponds with.
Tayanovich is a former Freehaven entrepreneur. He yourself more security than you
was one of the original partners in the Starhaven data vault need today. When the
(p. 108), but in 2084 a bitter business dispute led to him unexpected happens, you’ll be
leaving that company. He had originally planned to join
the Gypsy Angels on Hyperion, but their outbreak of hos- glad you did.
tilities with the USAF led him to choose another des- – Bruce Schneier
tination. He picked Callisto, where he and his family
the Nanodynamics staff at Asgard – especially their
ASGARD STATION infomorphs – had been working as colleagues with
Exogenesis personnel in and around Io, and are unhappy
The large ringed Asgard crater is home to a manufac- at the way their compatriots are being treated by the Exo-
turing base and factory complex recently established by genesis Station-based transition team.
Nanodynamics. A base for further Jovian operations and The Asgard personnel avoid contact with Valhalla,
headquarters of the company’s new Jupiter Projects Divi- and vice versa.
sion, it has a population of 400 bio-sapients and 80 sapient Asgard Station has a small spaceport and is CR 2. It’s
infomorphs. A mass driver track has also been built, osten- located at latitude 30° north, longitude 142° west.
sibly to hurl supplies from Callisto to catchers in Io’s orbit
and elsewhere in the system.
The Pukjeera Archive
The foundation of Tayanovich’s fortune is the Puk-
jeera Archive. The Pukjeera Clinic was an underground
data bank run in Bangkok, which offered cut-rate Jupiter has a flock of smaller moons beyond the orbit
uploading services. Most of its customers were Aus- of Callisto. These range in size from a couple of miles to
tralian, Japanese, Korean, and Thai transhumanists just over a hundred miles in diameter. They are all cratered
looking to transcend their flesh and become ghosts. ice-and-rock bodies, probably captured carbonaceous-
What they didn’t know was that the Pukjeera Clinic volatile asteroids, many with eccentric orbits. A few have
archived xoxes of its customers and sold them on the been visited, but no known settlements exist. The moons
black market. When the TSA government collapsed include:
during the Pacific War, the clinic’s owners decided to
Leda, 5 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of 0.073
get rid of the archive, planning to sell it to the Trojan
Mafia. Tayanovich had been conducting these negotia-
Himalia, 116 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
tions at the time of his exile, and as a result of a few
0.076 AU.
shady deals, it ended up in his possession instead of
Lysithea, 22 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
0.078 AU.
Elara, 47 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
0.078 AU.
Asgard Station has recently experienced an influx in Anake, 19 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
population, as Nanodynamics is using it as a forward base 0.14 AU.
for its attempt to regain control of Io. The small EDI secu- Carme, 25 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
rity team on Asgard has been reinforced to platoon strength, 0.15 AU.
and squads are regularly rotated out to Io Station for special Pasiphae, 31 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
operations against the Axon rebels there. There is friction 0.156 AU.
between the new EDI personnel and the permanent Jupiter Sinope, 22 miles in diameter, orbiting at a distance of
Projects Division staff of engineers and managers. Some of 0.158 AU.
My strangest date? No question, it was Sparrow. The pharm and how he’d raised woolly mammoths until the
biggest femme I ever met. Sure, later I learned she was jail- preservationist county board had shut him down, after
bait a third my age, and she got me in all kinds of trouble, which we’d moved to Islandia.
but . . . it wasn’t my fault. Sparrow listened more than she talked, and her gaze
We crossed orbits at the Snowball, a virtual singles captivated me: there was a stillness about her, and a focus,
bar on Rhea. I was off-shift, looking to relax after a gruel- that was almost hypnotic . . . I forgot the usual lies of my
ing seven-hour shift bossing a swarm of microbots that had so-called life, and gave it to her straight: I’m a life support
been cleaning crud out of the station’s recycling ducts. So engineer, supervising the station’s mycophage swarms.
I was looking for fun. Scraping fungi blooms out of spacecraft ducts and cargo
My first glimpse of Sparrow was a waterfall of zebra pods isn’t front-page material, especially to a wild-blue-
hair pouring out from under a USAF cap. Then she turned yonder type like her, but Sparrow seemed to be fascinated.
my way and hit me with her 31-million-dollar smile, and I But I remembered my manners and asked her about her-
was hooked. Her avatar was a collage of the synthespians self.
in the last dozen tweeny-pop InVids I’d seen, and its sheer She’d been born in San Francisco but had grown up
studied memetic overkill filled me with admiration. on Luna. Her family was Air Force back three generations,
She looked 18 or 19, and let me buy her a drink. I but she was really curious – not so much about Earth as
bought her a coda uncola and she sipped it with a straw, Earth Web – what it was like to be a full part of it, not light-
and we traded names – she was Technical Sergeant Char- lagged like we are. Sparrow was new to the singles scene,
lie Sparrowhawk (“call me Sparrow”), and this was her and (she explained with endearing directness) was a stu-
first visit to Rhea. I was hoping we’d cut to the chase, but dent of love, looking for a mentor. She was attracted to a
she was in no hurry. We got to talking, and she wanted to guy, had never done it before, and didn’t want her first time
know where I’d been born (North Dakota, if you’re curi- with her one-and-only to be awkward. So, I was her target
ous: that’s on Earth). Sparrow said she was Earth born practice. No commitment, no promises. Did I mind?
but didn’t remember it, so I told her about my dad’s Does ice melt on Titan?
Saturn is a ringed gas giant like Jupiter, with a
brood of more than 30 moons, including cloud-shroud-
ed Titan, the only satellite to have a dense atmosphere. Sat-
urn lacks the terrible radiation belts of Jupiter, and its
gravity well is not as deep. As a result, Saturn space has Saturn is the sixth planet out from the sun and the sec-
proven more attractive to exploitation and colonization. ond largest. It is a hazy yellow world, banded with shades
Unmanned probes explored the system in the late 20th of yellow and ochre; thanks to its vast ring system, the
and early 21st centuries, but human settlement did not giant planet is one of the most impressive sights in the
begin until 2070, when U.S. President Crystal Lee Robin- solar system.
son announced the National Gas and Helium Initiative (see Saturn is a gas giant like Jupiter, but a little smaller
pp. TS20-21), NAGHI, to mine the fusion fuel helium-3 and colder. It is primarily composed of hydrogen (96.7%),
from Saturn’s atmosphere. The project began with exten- with a quantity of helium (3%), methane (0.2%), ammonia
sive U.S. Astrographical Survey missions to most of the (0.02%), and water vapor, along with traces of acetylene,
larger moons of Saturn. Construction, under the aegis of ethane and phosphine. The atmosphere’s coloration is less
the Titan Consortium (p. 91), began in the 2076. They built vivid than Jupiter’s, a result of its lower temperature,
a space station in low Saturn orbit, an industrial base on which prevents certain atmospheric chemical reactions
Saturn’s airless moon Rhea, and a human colony from taking place.
on Titan – the latter an almost unforeseen
expansion of an original science base, after
problems with early AIs required the perma-
nent installation of a human workforce.
In the 2080s, part of that workforce
We go where Columbus never dreamed.
included Duncanite migrant laborers from the
Gypsy Angels Collective. In 2084, a contract
Far from the light of the sun, we left
dispute with Titan Consortium led to disgrun-
tled Gypsy Angels being kicked off Rhea. In
the Old World.
protest, the group occupied the U.S. – Crystal Lee Robinson
Astrophysical Survey base at Saturn’s moon
Hyperion. This took place just as the Pacific
War was breaking out. Since the U.S. had
embargoed He-3 shipments to China, the Gypsy Angels
saw a chance to make a point – and a profit – by seizing a
robot tanker bound for Columbia Station on Earth, and
Like Jupiter, Saturn is divided into several layers.
then fencing its contents to the energy-starved Chinese
Methane Haze: A misty atmosphere of methane,
colony on Mars.The U.S. government were not amused,
hydrogen and helium with negligible pressure. The
and responded with alacrity. The Pentagon dispatched two
methane haze extends for 50 miles above the cloud layer.
of its new Angel-class SDVs and a contingent of 82nd
Brilliant auroras flicker at this altitude, particularly over
Spaceborne troops to Saturn. “Operation Resolute Regard”
the polar regions of the planet.
evicted the Gypsy Angel squatters from Hyperion,
Upper Clouds: A layer of ammonia ice clouds, where
destroying one of their spacecraft along with its crew. Of
the pressure is 0.5 to 1 atmosphere and the temperature is
greater lasting significance was the executive decision that
about -245° to -290° F. The upper clouds are about 50
followed, which established permanent U.S. Aerospace
miles deep.
Force and Army bases on Rhea and Titan to protect Titan
Middle Clouds: A layer of ammonium hydrosulfide
Consortium assets. This in turn stimulated more civilian
ice clouds extending another 50-60 miles. The pressure is
expansion to support the build-up, creating an American
2-5 atmospheres and the temperature rises from -240° F to
colonial settlement that is today the largest single colony in
about -135° F.
the Deep Beyond.
Lower Clouds: A final layer of water ice clouds about
Although Saturn space is dominated by U.S. corporate
30 miles thick. Here pressures are 6-10 atmospheres, with
and military interests, the gas giant and its moons are not
the temperature warming to as high as -10° F.
solely American. There are Canadian and Latin American
Beneath the lower clouds is a gradually-thickening
business partners in the Titan Consortium, and citizens
layer of hydrogen and helium that ultimately turns liquid,
from these countries make up about 10% of the overall
and then metallic, with a solid core of rock, much like
population of the various colonial settlements. Other
nations have small scientific bases on Titan, and China has
Weather on Saturn: The weather is also similar to
recently established a colony there.
Jupiter (p. 39). Saturn’s winds are faster than those of
Jupiter, with the equatorial jet stream reaching
speeds of 800 mph.
Radiation Belts: Saturn’s radiation belts are about
1/20 the intensity of Jupiter’s, making them a fairly minor
Distance from Sun: 9.65 AU (Jan 1, 2100).
hazard to navigation; a spacecraft’s normal hull is protec- Diameter: 74,900 miles.
tion enough. Mass: 95.2 Earths.
Density: 0.69 g/cm3.
HELIUM-3 MINING Gravity: 0.91 G.
Escape Velocity: 22 mps.
Deuterium-helium-3 fusion provides the largest share
of the roughly 200,000 gigawatts of power (up from To Orbit: 15.4 mps.*
15,000 GW at the start of the 21st century) consumed Rotational Period: 10.7 hours.
every year by interplanetary civilization. This requires Orbital Period: 29.4 years.
about 3,000 tons of He-3 per year, 70% of which comes Atmospheric Composition: 96% hydrogen, 3% helium,
from the atmosphere of Saturn. 0.05% methane.
Regular deliveries of Saturnian He-3 have caused the Temperature: -290° F (cloud tops).
price of the isotope to tumble from its high of a few mil- Population: varies.
lion dollars a pound to its present price of about $2 million Spaceports: Large: Cassini Station, in orbit. Usually
per ton. Even so, demand for the isotope is projected to unmanned, but inhabited by dozens of AI and ghost-
continue to escalate. While the Earth’s population has sta- controlled cybershells.
bilized, its energy consumption continues to increase, as Control Rating: CR 4 at Cassini Station.
human standards of living improve and Third Wave Moons: 30+; see below.
nations transition to Fifth Wave. The Titan Consortium * Due to very high rotational velocity, the “to orbit” veloci-
projects that by 2125, civilization will require 5,700 tons ty is significantly reduced (to 9.3 mps) when going into orbit
of He-3 per year, and that by 2150, the consumption will from or near the equator in an eastward direction.
reach over 11,000 tons per year.
The basic tool of gas mining is the Titan Consortium’s
He-3 Mining Aerostat Mk. 2, a nuclear-powered Mont- hydrogen to refuel its own tanks, then ignite its rocket and
golfiere balloon. Onboard is an atmosphere processor con- lift off. The Mining Aerostats are periodically resupplied,
sisting of atmosphere pumps, refrigeration machinery, and with new fuel tanks dropped in via steerable parachute.
a cryogenic gas separation system. Controlled by a non- The early Mark Is were fission-powered, and had a limit-
sapient AI, the aerostat floats serenely beneath the clouds, ed service life, but the Mark 2s use indigenous fusion fuel,
buoyed up by atmospheric gas heated by its onboard reac- and with their onboard microbot repair teams, are
tor, which also provides power for the processing systems. predicted to have an operating life of over 50 years.
Attached to the aerostat by a tether is a cluster of dis-
mountable tanks.
The Titan Consortium’s 200-odd “Mark 2s” operate
just below Saturn’s lower cloud layer, where the pressure Cassini Station is a space station located in low Saturn
is about 10 atmospheres. The reactor-powered pumps suck orbit. Constructed between 2076 and 2080, it serves as an
in atmospheric gas, which is cooled and liquefied by the orbital base for nuclear-powered winged SATVs (see
refrigeration units. The hydrogen is separated from the He-3 Mining, p. 71), which dive into the atmosphere to
helium and used as part of the cooling mechanism, after collect He-3 from the mining aerostats. Once a few hun-
which it is dumped. The rare He-3 is then separated from dred tons of gas are accumulated, a tanker docks with the
the more abundant and heavier 4He, a process made pos- station to transport the load out of Saturn’s gravity well.
sible by the different behavior of the lighter isotope at The present tanker design is the Lewis class (p. 141), fast
cryogenic temperatures. The He-3 is stored and the and economical robot transports that are fueled with water
remainder of the helium dumped overboard. All in all, from ring ice and from Saturn’s moon Rhea. The station is
about 130,000 tons of atmosphere are processed to pro- also served by Chronos-class TAVs from Titan, which are
duce 1 ton of He-3. used for personnel and supply runs to and from Cassini.
Once the Mining Aerostat has filled its tank with He- Cassini Station is a cylindrical station about 800’ long
3, it will contact Cassini Station and ask for a pickup. and 125’ in diameter. The station is mostly operated by
Cassini deploys a Saturn Autonomous Transatmospheric cybershells, but also has a human crew of 50 people. It is
Vehicle (SATV, p. 141), which will deorbit and rendezvous owned by the Titan Consortium, but also serves as a base
with the station, decelerating to subsonic speed, and use a for scientific studies of Saturn. Its staff includes several
skyhook to snag the tank. The SATV will continue to researchers from various universities and the USAGS
glide through Saturn’s atmosphere, scooping up (p. 96).
The Saturnian System
on January 1, 2100
This simplified map represents the major satellites of the Saturn system on January 1, 2100. All orbits are marked in increments
of 3 hours and some orbits are additionally marked in bold increments of 1 day to enable players to plot the positions of the moons
reasonably accurately in the weeks immediately following January 1. Players desiring higher accuracy may wish to recalculate the
moons’ positions from their orbital periods, available in any good reference book.
Note that all shown moons orbit the planets counterclockwise.
SATURN’S MOONS whacked. It made me wonder about her – the real her,
I mean, not the zebra-haired icon who shared my software.
In the past, I’d always made it a rule never to get physical
Rhea is the second-largest of Saturn’s moons, but it’s – I mean, like I’ve had so many girls dump me after they
still a frozen chunk of nowhere, used for nothing more edi- find out I’m just a baseline floater in his forties. So far I’ve
fying then providing the USAF with a place to stick Cassi- been lucky at guessing an avatar’s real sex, but hey, looks
ni AFB and giving civilian contractors like yours truly an don’t matter in virch, it’s mind, ware and sensation, and
opportunity to make a buck. Unless you like snowball basically, if I’m wrong and I’m dating a guy or an uplifted
fights, there isn’t much to do off shift. That’s why I (and, I dog or whatever, I just don’t want to know. Viva la differ-
presumed, Sparrow) frequented the virtuality bars, and ence, you know?
why I’d sunk a large chunk of my paycheck and sev-
eral terabytes into making a really rez simulated bed-
room to take my virtual dates home to. After my first
conquest remarked on how shallow and juvenile it
was, I’d expanded my horizons until I had an authen-
tic multi-terabyte replica of my grandpa’s long-gone
turn-of-the-century farm in North Dakota, complete
with simulated barn and cheerful fireplace. I hoped
Sparrow would be duly impressed.
The virtual shag rug in front of the latter was my
hoped-for destination, but somehow Sparrow and I
both ended up in the haystack. Despite her avowed
lack of sophistication, Sparrow proved a willing
pupil, and I like to think her first time was a memo-
rable, if rather scratchy, experience. I wish I hadn’t
coded the barn so realistically – I almost impaled
myself on a simulated pitchfork, and having to recap-
ture a coop of v-chickens we accidentally knocked
open might have ruined the mood. Or maybe not –
Sparrow threw herself into chicken-hunting with a
glee that reminded me of a cat among the pigeons.
Later, I watched as she prowled my virtual house,
going through it like forensic nano, studying every-
thing in that focused, scary way she had. Then she
had to go, duty calling.
I wondered if I’d see her again, but she popped
into the Snowball only two days later. We did it again
in v-space, this time in a rented underwater sim, and
afterward, I took her back to the farm and showed
her how to code pancakes. My, my, we were already
getting domestic, and we had yet to meet in person.
Sparrow’s vessel was the SDV Michael, and it
was only in port for 10 days. That was just long
enough to have Columbia and Nanodynamics techs
install some new black boxes, give the crew shore leave, But Sparrow wasn’t just anyone. She’d already told
and to take on reaction mass and antimatter. Sparrow had me how I was just a practice target until she popped it to
only had an hour or so leave a day – mostly she was run- her true blue, the Michael’s commander, and I guess that
ning diagnostics and tacsims, whether that meant – and I made it more real, in a perverse sense, since we had no
worked most days straight through. But she had my num- illusions we weren’t just ships passing in the night. So on
ber, and every so often our schedules would cross-vector the day she was to lift off, I ordered some flowers sent up
and we’d meet again. to Michael, with a card addressed to her “from a secret
Rhea’s virtual mall got regular updates from Titan, admirer.” Hey, let her captain know there’s competition,
but Sparrow didn’t like to shop, which was weird, her maybe he’ll realize what he was missing. Incidentally, you
being a spacer femme and all, but she did like to people don’t want to know how much cut flowers cost on Rhea.
watch. We had fun guessing who was behind what They fly ’em up from greenhouses on Titan . . .
So, a few hours later, I unplugged from work Rhea. All of the moons except Hyperion and
early, and logged in sick. Then I put on my smartsuit Phoebe are tidally locked, with the same side always
and walked outside on the ice, for the first time in a facing Saturn.
month. I couldn’t see anything to start with, but then came
the unmistakable bright spark of a pulse drive, as
Michael pulled out of orbit. Bye, bye, Sparrow. Hey, I SMALL INNER MOONS
waved. I was feeling silly. These moons orbit Saturn within the orbit of Mimas
So I get back inside, and log on, and I’m back at my (below). They are small, fairly porous bodies of water ice
day job, teleoperating a scraper swarm through a Lewis- and/or rock. Some are shepherd satellites, orbiting within
class tanker in low orbit, when I get an Urgent call from Saturn’s ring system and creating and maintaining the var-
my boss. Up pops a window into my existence, and Sally ious gaps that define the individual rings. The moons are
says there’s an military policeman who wants to talk to listed in order of their distance from Saturn.
me. Brrr. A guy with no neck in USAF fatigues popped a Pan is an irregular ice-rock body about 10 miles
video window into my head, and introduces himself as across, orbiting Saturn at an average distance of 0.00089
Master Sergeant Rice, 30th Security Squadron. A spook. AU.
“Are you are Timothy Graham?” he asked, and rat- Atlas is an irregular body 25 miles by 15 miles across,
tled off my SIN. Of course he’s got the right guy. I’m and is the shepherd satellite for Saturn’s A-ring. It orbits
sweating bullets. Apparently, I got anomaly-flagged for Saturn at an average distance of 0.00091 AU.
sending a biological package to the SDV, since (a) my ex- Prometheus has a highly elongated irregular shape
wife was Rust Chinese and (b) there was a heightened ter- (measuring 90 by 53 by 39 miles). It is mostly composed
rorist alert due to Negative Growth’s leader threatening of ice. It has a few large craters (up to 12 miles across), and
to sabotage U.S. bases if we joined the ESCA in interven- its surface is marked by many ridges and valleys, suggest-
ing (or not intervening, I forget) against their fraternal ing it may once have been liquid, then refrozen. It’s also a
associates on Europa. shepherd satellite, defining the inner boundary of Saturn’s
I told Rice that I love America, avoid politics, and F-ring. It orbits Saturn at an average distance of 0.00093
don’t even watch TEN, but he says it’s fine, he’s checked AU.
me out with my company, and my package was scanned Pandora is the outer shepherd satellite for Saturn’s F-
and delivered. So he was pretty sure I’m not a radical ring. It is an irregular body 71 by 52 by 38 miles across,
preservationist or a Chinese or Euroff agent – but he just and heavily cratered. It orbits Saturn at an average distance
had one question, to satisfy his own curiosity. I can still of 0.00095 AU.
remember it: “Mr. Graham: Why in the name of anything Epimetheus is an irregular body 80 by 67 by 61 miles
did you send a dozen long-stemmed roses to one of our across. More ice than rock, its surface is cut by many
Predator SIM-7 Autonomous Kill Vehicles?” grooves and ridges, as well as being cratered. It shares the
Well, he had his grins, while my jaw hit the floor. same orbit as Janus, and the two moons pass within 30
And me? It’s been two months since Charlie Spar- miles of one another. It orbits Saturn at an average distance
rowhawk and I shared a virtual haystack, and my life goes of 0.001 AU.
on pretty much as always, bossing robot bugs who scrape Janus has an irregular shape (122 by 119 by 93 miles).
the fungi out of liner pods and cargo cans. But I have the Like most of these moons, it is heavily cratered, with sev-
memory of having been intimate with 82 tons of kamikaze eral craters being about 18-20 miles in diameter. It orbits
diamondoid and silicon, or rather, the mind inside. Sure, Saturn at an average distance of 0.001 AU.
I’d virched with a couple of cute infomorphs as a kid, and Janus and Epimetheus share the same orbit (within 30
Thoris, my own NAI, keeps me warm at night if I’ve no miles) and overtake one another every four years.
one else, but I’d never done it with a SAI. And I’m sure
Charlie was sapient, probably a SAI-8 at least, from the
reading I’ve done lately in Janes’ Fighting Spacecraft. I
Kankahattar is a Helsinki fashion designer who hap-
know she’d be fearless in battle, but I wonder whether she
pens to be a SAI. This year, it decided to hold its spring lin-
ever found the courage to ask her captain for a date, and
gerie collection at Eye of God monastery on Mimas. I
if they’re (probably against regs) still a couple today.
didn’t go myself (three months in space is a drag!), but I
I wish them well.
beamed out my trusty shadow, SeeEm, to cover the event,
and the monks provided a handy bioshell to host hir.
Saturn has dozens of moons, although many of them
SeeEm arrived early, to spend the first several hours get-
are just rocky chunks a few miles across. The major
ting a new slinky implant installed. We’re glad to report
moons (with diameters greater than 65 miles) are, in
that the monastery’s facilities are as good as advertised.
order, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan,
The show was well worth the com bill. Kankahattar
Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe. Human settlements
held it in vacuum, on the summit of Herschel Peak
have sprung up on Mimas, Titan, Hyperion, and
Don’t forget to tune in for tomorrow’s webcast:
SeeEm interviews fugitive astropus Octothorpe, in a
bubbly intimate-and-interactive tête-à-tête in the Eye
of God’s sauna . . .
– Chance Mackintosh,
“The Empress’ New Clothes,”
in Posthuman Consumer Review
TETHYS features include the large craters Aeneas (90 miles across)
and Dido (75 miles), and the Latium Chasma, a fracture
Tethys used to be popular with USAF pilots, who canyon 180 miles long, 5-7 miles wide and half a mile
would practice close combat maneuvering (“CCM”) in deep.
the tight confines of Ithaca Chasma. Last year, one of the Dione has gravity of 0.023 G and an escape velocity
AKVs misjudged a burn and smacked itself into a canyon of 0.3 mps (0.21 mps to orbit).
wall. There is a rumor on Rhea that it was carrying
nuclear Teller mines, and one wasn’t recovered, but I don’t
really believe that . . . HELENE
– Copernicus Jones, Helene is a small icy body that shares the same orbit
Lonely System Guide to Saturn as Dione, but is 60° ahead of it in the Dione-Saturn L4
point. It is 22 by 20 by 19 miles across.
Tethys orbits Saturn at an average distance of 0.002
AU. It is almost entirely water-ice, with a diameter of 660
Rhea orbits Saturn at an average distance of 0.0035
Its topography is dominated by Odysseus, an ancient
AU. At 949 miles in diameter, it is the second largest of
shallow impact crater 250 miles in diameter. Another
Saturn’s moons. It has no atmosphere.
major feature is Ithaca Chasma, a winding canyon 1,200
The moon has a gravity of 0.027 G, a density of 1.33
miles long, 40-60 miles wide and 2-3 miles deep that runs
g/cm3, and an escape velocity of 0.4 mps (to orbit 0.28
3/4 of the way around the moon’s circumference.
mps). The average temperature is -280° F in sunlight,
Tethys has a gravity of 0.023 G, a density of 1.28
-360° F in the shade. Rhea is two-thirds water ice, one-
g/cm3, and an escape velocity 0.3 mps (to orbit 0.21 mps).
third rock. The leading hemisphere is heavily cratered,
The average temperature is -330° F.
compared to the smoother trailing hemisphere.
Rhea is the home of the USAF’s Cassini Air Force
Base. It has a population of 1,200 biosapients and 200
We call it “minigravity.” It’s not as sapient infomorphs who live at Giovanni, a beehive habi-
disorienting as zero-G, but if you plan a tat burrowed next to the spaceport. About half the popula-
tion are USAF military or their dependents; the rest are
long stay on Rhea or Titan, you’ll want mainly defense contractors and spaceport personnel. Gio-
the same microgravity biochemistry vanni hosts a large Columbia Dynamics spaceyard facility,
nanosymbionts – unless you’re a Tennin and also a mining base and nuclear pellet refinery factory.
Eight miles from the main spaceyard is a highly secure
or a cybershell, of course. antimatter storage area.
– Dr. Rafael Castellon
Below me are dark mud flats, and on the too-
close horizon, I can see crimson hills and the yellow-
TITAN STATISTICS orange peaks of an icy mountain range, the foothills
of the mighty Mayan Plateau. Where is she?
Distance from Saturn: 759,200 miles (0.00817 AU).
Diameter: 3,200 miles. My source had said she was staying at Dome
Mass: 0.0226 Earths. Farm 71, working as a cryo-hydrologist under an
Density: 1.88 g/cm3. assumed name. When I arrived she was gone, just
Gravity: 0.14 G. like on Mars. But the house comp told me she’d
Escape Velocity: 1.6 MPS. taken the Aerorover. A triphibian cybershell . . .
To Orbit: 1.12 MPS. Triphibian . . . that’s an idea. To my right is a dark
Rotational Period: 15.9 days. ochre patch, and I drop lower, circling in for a clos-
Orbital Period: 15.9 days. er look. An ethane lake, and there, bobbing like a
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.5 Earth (density is 4.5 Earth).* cork, is a thing like three beach balls joined togeth-
Atmosphere Composition: 90% nitrogen, 4% methane, 6% er, bright green, the color unreal in the incardine
argon. landscape surrounding it. Her cybershell.
Surface Water: 40% of surface is liquid hydrocarbons. I furl the bird-plane’s wings and come down like
Temperature: -290° F. a hawk. Her family’s advocates had paid me to cross
Population: 60,000 bio-sapients, 12,000 sapient info- half a billion miles to find her. It was time she knew
morphs. the truth . . .
Spaceports: Large spaceport (Port Minos and Titan AFB);
small spaceport (Jiangli Station) on surface; Titan Orbital Space- Titan is the second-largest moon in the solar
port (small spaceport) in orbit. system, larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto. It
Control Rating: CR 3. is the only moon with an atmosphere of comparable
* When calculating stall speed (p. TS190), use density density to Earth’s, shrouding its surface in opaque
rather than pressure. orange clouds. Rich in hydrocarbon resources and
opportunities for science, Titan is the de-facto capi-
tal of the Deep Beyond and the jewel of America’s
space colonization program.
Biosapient personnel assigned to Rhea usually take Titan was discovered by the Dutch astronomer Chris-
leave on Titan for a few days every month, but Giovanni tiaan Huygens in 1655, but for centuries its heavy cloud
also has a small “downtown” with a few shops, bars, and cover hid it from direct observation. The giant moon’s
restaurants, and an active virtuality club scene.The U.S. geography was a mystery until 2004, when the joint
government tries its best to discourage other nations, Dun- ESA/NASA Cassini Saturn Orbiter spacecraft (launched in
canites, and non-U.S. corporations from settling on Rhea, 1997) began radar mapping the surface. Cassini Saturn
although it has no legal authority to do so. Since there’s Orbiter also released the Huygens Titan Probe, which
very little on Rhea other than ice and rock, this hasn’t been descended via parachute through Titan’s atmosphere. Huy-
difficult. gens revealed a bizarre world of hydrocarbon lakes, frozen
As a military center, Cassini AFB and the adjacent mountains, and an alien pre-biotic chemistry eerily similar
Giovanni complex are well-defended, with 20 heavy laser to that which initiated life on Earth.
towers, and a dozen space defense platforms. It is also
the home base of USAF Deep Space Command’s
30th Space Wing (p. 100). A space station, the
Robinson Orbital Dockyard, is in orbit, although the
moon’s gravity is low enough that many vessels can LIFE ON TITAN?
land or take off from its surface.Rhea is CR 3; secu- Titan’s atmosphere has been compared to Earth’s primeval
rity is fairly tight at the spaceport, but looser on the soup, and chemical reactions in the air and liquid form complex
moon itself. organic molecules. This pre-biotic material, a tar-like substance
found on and under the moon’s surface, is known as Titanian
However, no native life has been detected; it’s simply too cold.
It has been theorized that Titan may one day develop life, billions
Brrr. I hope I spot her soon. The orange light is of years in the future, when the sun becomes a red giant, and
bright enough that I can see for miles, and it will stay Titan’s surface melts. Some “deep time preservationists” have
“day” for another week. But this bird-plane isn’t argued against any settlement of Titan, claiming that the world
sealed, and I’m starting to get chilly. Even through must be held in a pristine state until then. They’ve been ignored.
the suit, I can feel the cold.
The question that will decide our destiny is not
Titan’s composition is a mix of frozen ammonia, whether we shall expand into space. It is: shall
water ice, and rock. It has no magnetic field, but its
atmosphere has 1.5 times the surface pressure of Earth we be one species or a million? A million species
(and over four times the density), acting as an effective will not exhaust the ecological niches that are
shield against cosmic and solar radiation. awaiting the arrival of intelligence.
It’s freezing cold, but Titan’s dense atmosphere
means humans do not need pressure suits – a heated, – Freeman Dyson
insulated suit, air tank, and an oxygen mask are suffi-
cient. The pressure a person feels from Titan’s atmos-
phere is roughly the same as that on the bottom of a water vapor. The breakdown of methane by sunlight in the
swimming pool; the slight extra effort to move through it upper atmosphere forms thick organic photochemical
is mitigated by the low gravity. smog (similar to city smog, but much denser). This haze
Titan’s atmosphere is primarily molecular nitrogen hides the surface from visual observation, although it is
with 6% argon, a few percent methane, and traces of no barrier to radar, and reasonably transparent to
infrared as well. Saturn is 10 times farther away from the orange, yellow, pink, and red ice in higher ground – the
sun than is the Earth, and Titan receives only 1% of the Titan equivalent of bedrock. The land is cut by yellow-
Earth’s sunlight. On the surface, daylight on Titan looks ochre rivers and lakes of ethane, and lowland regions are
like bright twilight on Earth, and is enough to read by or dominated by sticky black hydrocarbon swamps. There is
see colors. one larger body of liquid, the Minoan Sea; on the opposite
Titan has many Earthlike features, including seas, hemisphere from it is a rubber-duck-shaped highland
rainfall, and volcanic activity. However, the seas and lakes region the size of Australia, the Mayan Plateau. The
are ethane (with some dissolved methane), the raindrops plateau is formed from mountains of water ice, slowly
are liquid ethane, and the “hot lava” its volcanoes spew eroding in the sporadic ethane rain. Other than this, there’s
forth is composed of liquid water and ammonia. The sky is no free liquid water on Titan, and most of the ice is well
a soft orange, as light shines through the hazy smog. below ground, forming a solid surface that’s covered with
Titan has an orange and red surface, covered with dark hydrocarbon. The rocky center of Titan is buried under a
frozen and semi-frozen slush with a consistency not couple of hundred miles of ethane-methane and water
unlike frozen ice cream. There are layers of exposed ice.
Americans with special pride – a world that has been
SETTLEMENT explored, developed, and settled primarily by the Unit-
ed States. This has bred a feeling that Titan belongs to
Titan was an early target for cybershell exploration.
NASA sent the first explorer aerobots to Titan in 2027, and America, regardless of what the Revised Outer Space
over the next 40 years, an ever-increasing number of robot- Treaty may say.
ic vehicles hovered, floated, bounced, and swam across the
planet-sized moon, sending back reams of data. Titan’s
landscape of lakes, mountains, and rivers were also a
The capital of the U.S. Titan Territory is Huygens
favorite with teletourists, although the time lag meant that City. It occupies the Nubian Valley, a swampy lowland
most contented themselves with control of slow-moving river nexus that feeds into the Minoan Sea. Huygens City
aerorovers. Even as the first colonies were established on differs from most Deep Beyond habitats in that it’s built on
Mars, many dreamed of the day when mankind could set the surface rather than underground. Its two square miles
foot on Titan in the flesh. of domes and towers, many of them linked by bridges and
heliports, form the beating heart of a sprawling industrial
jungle composed of mile upon mile of chemical refineries,
pipelines, and agricultural bubbles. Not all of it is ugly; the
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and soaring Church of the Angels, one of the tallest in the sys-
Titania, Neptune, Titan, Stars can tem, is considered a marvel of low-gravity architecture.
However, everyone agrees that the city hall, done in the
frighten. 2070s “high transhumanist” style, is a travesty, resembling
a cancerous mushroom.
– Pink Floyd, “Astronomy Domine” Fortunately, the interiors of the big new habitation
domes are attractively landscaped, designed by some of
America’s finest arcologists. There are parks, green spaces,
flower gardens, and plenty of trees. The latter grow fast on
That day came in 2070, when the first manned Titan, and in the low gravity can be expected to reach
USAGS missions arrived to survey the moon for its role in seven times higher than trees can grow on Earth.
the NAGHI project. Huygens Station – later Huygens City Huygens has a population of 47,000 biosapients and
– was established to support the hundreds of human and 5,000 sapient infomorphs. Life at Huygens has a compa-
bioroid workers who would supervise the construction of ny-town atmosphere, dominated by the long shadow of the
Cassini Station in Saturn orbit and the refineries on Rhea. Titan Consortium. Many of the inhabitants are serving
Titan soon became seen as a secure environment from two- or four-year contracts, and work here as managers,
which cybershells could be directed, food grown, and bot-bosses, engineers, and AI trainers. There is a certain
leave taken. A sizable scientific base was also established, degree of tension between the temporary contract workers
and planetologists and xenobiologists flocked to Titan, and those people who’ve made Titan their home; the latter
eager for first-hand studies of the exotic moon. blame the temps for a lot of the crime and vice in Port
Since the late 2080s, Titan’s population has further Minos.
expanded due to the U.S. military buildup; in addition to Huygens is located near the equator, at latitude 18°
the USAF, Titan plays host to a brigade of the 82nd Space- north, longitude 142° west.
borne, as well as various special operations troops includ-
ing Navy SEALs. The military presence has been matched
by civil development, particular in agrobiz and chemical INDUSTRIES ON TITAN
industry, and its industrial base, especially in bio-nanotech, The major industries on Titan are devoted to exploit-
is also growing rapidly. ing the moon’s nitrogen and hydrocarbon chemistry and to
The largest colony is the U.S. Titan Territory, which providing food, rest, and recreation for humans living in
occupies 3% of the moon’s real estate. The U.S. Titan Ter- the Deep Beyond. Factories also produce goods for local
ritory is centered on Huygens City in the Nubian Valley consumption.Titan has billions of tons of easily-accessible
near the coast of the Minoan Sea, and includes the sur- hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, which provide the
rounding settlements in a wedge-shaped area 150 by 70 necessary resources for agricultural production and bio-
miles. There are also smaller outposts scattered around the and nanotechnology-based manufacturing. Electricity is
moon. These “outback” research stations are mostly semi- provided by fusion reactors, and these operate very cheap-
automated robofacs, and experimental farms, some ly on Titan. Not only is the moon close to the source of the
attempting to engineer Titan-adapted life forms. He-3, but its -280° F temperatures offer an excellent heat
Titan’s population is predominantly American. More sink, allowing easy conversion of thermal energy from
U.S. citizens live on Mars, but Titan is seen by many
nuclear reactors into electric energy at very high
Titan also supports manufacturing and fuel process-
ing centers on Rhea and at Cassini Station. Titan’s low
gravity and thick atmosphere make it easy for transat-
mospheric vehicles with methane-burning fission rockets
and fission air-rams to boost into orbit, facilitating export
of bulk chemicals to Rhea, the Main Belt, or even Mars.
The dollars that the combination of He-3, agro-
chemical business, and the U.S. military base have
brought to Titan have attracted thousands of settlers and
tens of thousands of contract workers. Wages are high
and working conditions are reasonably good. Unlike
Mercury or Luna, Titan is also a place where the possi-
bilities of outdoor recreation and dramatic scenery lure
many to venture outdoors in person, rather than remain-
ing in the habitats and taking their excursions by cyber-
shell. Tourism is a minor but growing industry. Titan’s
exotic landscapes attract an increasing number of visi-
tors, often rich mind emulations who beam in from Fifth
Wave nations, Luna, and Islandia, and sample its attrac-
tions in rented bioshells or cybershells.
This spaceport is actually located a few miles down-
stream from Huygens, on Labrys, a six-mile-long island
in the Minoan Sea. Minos has a permanent population of
4,000 sapients, working in the port and the surrounding
warehouse and entertainment district.
Port Minos caters to a regular influx of off-duty sol-
diers and technicians from Rhea and Cassini Station, as
well as daily visits by workers from the chemical refiner-
Titan wrestling is gaining popularity in the Deep
ies, farms, and factories of Huygens proper, and an ever- Beyond. Originating as a publicity stunt sponsored by
growing contingent of teletourists (primarily ghosts) from Biotech Euphrates and Avatar Klusterkorp, the last few
elsewhere in the system. The livable areas of the port are years have seen it become an annual event that has begun to
actually a collection of towers rather than domes, con- receive serious mainstream attention as a sport. It showcas-
nected by tube bridges and flying ledges. es battles between giant (12’ tall is common) human-pro-
Reputed to be the “sin city of the Deep Beyond,” portioned bioshell wrestlers, controlled by digital
Minos is famous for its casinos, its Titan wrestling cir- intelligences.Titan wrestling is a sport that would only be
cuit, and its red light district, with gambling parlors, love- practical in very low gravity: in Earth or even Mars gravity,
doll rental dealerships, nanodrug stores, capsule hotels, the gargantuan wrestlers would collapse under their own
pawn shops, bioroid/bioshell brothels, and slinky ven- weight. A variety of wrestling styles are used. The ring is 30’
dors. As is natural on a moon that boasts entire seas of across, and moves emphasize throws and stomps, and often
ethane and whose leading occupation is “chemical engi- involve extreme brutality. Gambling on the outcome of
neer,” the bars are very well stocked, and there are micro- matches is legal, and a major source of income for the
breweries on every street corner. Although the Gypsy sport’s promoters.
Angels were run off Titan in the 2080s, they returned in The “titans” must meet minimum size and mass require-
the 2090s. The Duncanite Bazaar (p. 88) on Minos is the ments in various categories, and must also possess a more-
largest in the Deep Beyond, offering imported exotica or-less humanoid morphology. Otherwise, modifications are
from Ceres and Liang Mountain. left to the creativity of the bioengineers involved. Like auto
Not all pleasures are those of the flesh. Visitors can racing, it’s as much about rival technology as skill. Teams
rent ornithopter bird-planes and smartsuits and soar are generally sponsored by Deep Beyond biotech corpora-
between the towers, upload into cybershell aerorovers to tions, as the cost of a new titan can be quite expensive, run-
tour the outback, or don heated drysuits to go ethane- ning to $200,000 for tissue engineering and biogenesis.
diving in the wine-dark sea.
Despite Minos’ reputation, some activities are Titan AFB and Camp McAullife
forbidden. Brainbugs are available, but certain kinds Titan Air Force Base operates both transport and
(especially those promoting violent mental states) are ille- strike TAVs, as well as a flight of transsonic transport air-
gal. Prostitution and nanodrug vendors are regulated and craft and various air support and reconnaissance cyber-
licensed. Slavery is illegal, and bioroids can only be inden- shells. It also controls orbital defenses and reconnaissance
tured by legitimate corporations – they can’t be freely satellites.
bought and sold (but bioshells may be, including those Camp McAuliffe is a U.S. Army base hosting the
with sapient infomorphs). The Titan Sheriffs’ Department 82nd Spaceborne, as well as the U.S. Army’s Cryogenic
– and military police, if soldiers are involved – investigate Warfare School.
crimes and try to maintain order.The TSD also tries to sup- The two bases have a combined population of 3,000
press organized crime, which over the last decade has biosapient soldiers and several thousand infomorphs, most
wormed its way into the town’s infrastructure. With vice of them LAIs, but with about 600 sapient infomorphs.
more-or-less legalized, crime cells concentrate on loan-
sharking and fencing (people always need money to pay
debts, especially with the casinos), protection rackets, and JIANGLI STATION
the sale of pirated software and goods. In particular, erotic This Chinese station is located on the “neck” of the
and adventure slinkies, xoxes of media stars, and pirate Mayan Plateau. It was founded in 2092 as a small scientif-
copies of companion AIs are all popular, especially given ic outpost studying Titan’s planetology. However, in Feb-
the increased difficulty and lag time involved in down- ruary of 2099 a Xiao Chu farhauler arrived and began
loading even legal material from Earth or Mars’ webs. shuttling down several hundred tons of cargo. The follow-
Softjacking – the kidnapping, editing, and illegal copying ing year, the station exploded into activity. A new wing
of AIs – is a growing problem. Most crime cells have con- was constructed, followed by multiple rows of domed agri-
nections with the Trojan Mafia, Maple Syndicates or Mar- cultural buildings.It soon became apparent that Xiao Chu
tian Triads – conflicts between rival organizations are was using biogenesis tanks to vastly increase the station’s
fairly common, and sometimes end in bloodshed. population. Within a few months the station’s population
Port Minos is located southwest of Huygens at 16º has grown considerably, from about 150 people to over
north, 106º west. 1,700, most of them bioroids. This is viewed with alarm by
the U.S. military, which stepped up reconnaissance.
Recently, the base has begun to reveal defensive systems.
areas they’re exercising quote-functional sovereignty-
unquote over. The USAF won’t tell you that, and they’ll try
to scare you off. Landing on Hyperion is a pain at the best
EXPLORATION AND balloons used in Jupiter and Saturn. However, the icy clouds of
Uranus and Neptune’s upper atmosphere offer some unique oppor-
EXPLOITATION tunity for the design of cold-gas balloons which actually have cer-
tain performance advantages in this peculiar environment.
For the past few years, Xiao Chu has been quietly Temperatures in the upper atmosphere of Uranus and Neptune
studying Uranus’ atmosphere using specialized cyber- are cold enough that the molecular weight of the upper atmosphere
shell balloons. The company is presently operating 25 is slightly lower above the clouds than in the troposphere below
UNSIBA aerostats. These are teleoperated from Miran- them. Aerobots designed for Uranus and Neptune take advantage
da and controlled by infomorphs. In 2099 it began an of this. The UNSIBA free-falls through the upper atmosphere, but
exploratory He-3 mining operation from its base on as it descends it sucks in light stratospheric gas, which is used to
Miranda. gradually inflate the balloon. Upon passing through the tropo-
sphere cloud layer, the balloon has “inhaled” enough gas that it can
He-3 Mining of Uranus support itself. An UNSIBA balloon requires one pound of balloon
The method being used on Uranus is similar to that mass to support each pound of its payload. A typical UNSIBA
used on Saturn (p. 55), but simplified due to the small- design is Xiao Chu’s TWX Type-97 (p. 118).
er planet’s lower escape velocity. Instead of employing
a permanent aerostat station and a separate transatmos-
pheric vehicle, Xiao Chu uses a single dedicated Helium particles are mostly rock coated with carbonized frozen
Recovery Vehicle. The mission profile is a launch from methane. When they first established a base here, Xiao
Miranda, aerobraking into Uranus’ atmosphere, the Chu checked for fugitive TSA AKVs. They didn’t find
deployment of a parachute to slow down, and inflation of any . . .
an UNSIBA balloon for lift. Processing is handled in the
same way as Saturn, but after the tank is filled, the HRV
takes on hydrogen and fills its own fuel tank, dumps the MOONS OF URANUS
balloon (the cost of which is small compared to the value Uranus has more than 21 moons, most of them named
of the He-3), and ignites a fission rocket to lift out of for Shakespearean characters. None have either atmos-
Uranus’ atmosphere. Then it either returns to the Xiao Chu pheres or subsurface oceans.
base station at Miranda, or heads directly for Earth or
Mars. Uranus’ Inner Moons
In order of proximity to Uranus, these tiny satellites
URANUS’ MAGNETOSPHERE are Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juli-
et, Portia, Rosalind, Belinda, and Puck. They are small, air-
The magnetic field of Uranus differs from that of most
less rock-and-ice chunks that range in size from 16 miles
other planets. It is not aligned with the planet’s poles.
(Cordelia) to 96 miles (Puck). Cordelia and Ophelia are
Instead of originating from the center of the planet, it orig-
“shepherd moons” that orbit just inside and outside
inates from 60° off to one side. In combination with
Uranus’ main ring. None of them are inhabited, and most
Uranus’ sideways axial tilt, this means that its magnetos-
have never even been visited by probes.
phere has a weird, twisted corkscrew shape, extending six
million miles away from the sun. Radiation is modest com-
pared to Jupiter, and does not pose a significant hazard to
spacecraft. Methane Diamonds?
The conditions of 3,000-degree heat and million
Triton has attracted scientific attention since the Voy-
ager 2 flyby discovered its exotic geology. In 2032, the The Kuiper Belt is an enormous population of icy
Russian-Ukrainian probe Komarov orbited Triton and sent “trans-Neptunian” objects, leftover debris from the forma-
back detailed imagery. The first major exploration was in tion of the solar system. They occupy a torus-shaped area
2071, when the USAGS landed two dozen “tumbleweed” of space around the sun, extending from about 30 AU (the
cybershells (p. 120) coordinated by a relay satellite. These orbit of Neptune) to 50 AU, with some bodies found as far
sent back data until 2090, when the satellite ran out of out as 100-200 AU. There are over 100,000 icy bodies 50
power and ceased transmitting. Several of the tumble- miles or more in diameter, including several that are hun-
weeds remained active at that point, and are believed to be dreds of miles across. There are also many billions of
still exploring smaller bodies a few miles across.
Triton was left to its own devices for the next several
years. Then, in 2099, the Exogenesis Station team working Kuiper Belt Populations
on Starswarm (p. 136) faced a shutdown of their project. There are three main populations of Kuiper Belt
Starswarm was intended to launch a phalanx of interstellar objects, which differ in their orbits:
nanoprobes to explore other solar systems. In the midst of Classic Kuiper Belt: This population consists of
a round of budget cuts that culminated in their sale to Nan- objects in stable orbits about the sun at average distances
odynamics, the team decided to conduct one last proof-of- of 42 to 50 AU. Many objects in this category have sur-
concept live test. Facing immediate shutdown and unable vived intact since the dawn of the solar system. About
to power the launch accelerator for a long-range shot, they 40-50% of the total population of the Kuiper Belt is con-
modified the probes for lower velocities and enclosed centrated in these objects.
them in hard-landing acceleration shells, planning to test- Plutinos: These objects are locked into a stable 3:2
fire them at a moon in the outer system. Their target: Tri- orbital resonance with Neptune: for every two orbits Nep-
ton. tune takes around the sun, they complete three. A typical
The plans for a launch were interrupted when Nano- Plutino will have an orbit that can take it as close to the sun
dynamics’ EDI mercenaries made a surprise attack on as 30 AU or as distant as 50 AU. Plutinos make up about
Exogenesis Station. During the desperate few hours of 10% of the population of KBOs within 50 AU of the
QUAOAR The first human visitors to the Kuiper Belt were
comet herders. Microgravity engineers and fusion drive
Quaoar is one of the larger Kuiper Belt Objects – an icy
rockball 800 miles across, half the size of Pluto, some 42 AU mechanics – often Gypsy Angels (p. 88) – were hired by
from the sun. In 2086 a joint Gypsy Angel-Xiao Chu expe- Rust China and later, by America/Mars to visit Centaurs
dition visited Quaoar to establish a comet-herding support and Kuiper Belt Objects. They installed fusion torch
base; however, eight months later, they began transmitting a drives and mass drivers on their surfaces, then nudged
stream of baffling gibberish, then went silent. Months later, a their orbits in the direction of Mars, to add their volatiles
Chinese SDV, the Rensheng, arrived to investigate, but what to the thickening Martian atmosphere in a process nick-
they found remains classified . . . Neither China nor the named “crash terraforming.”
Gypsy Angels have resettled Quaoar, but an unmanned In the late 2080s, largely due to the influence of
PLAN-SF space defense platform still orbits it, warning off Gypsy Angel leader Joseph Pierre Fox, the Angels
visitors. began their own KBO settlement program, to carry
Other large KBOs include Varuna (560 miles across) Green System (p. TS89) ideals to the outer reaches of
and Ixion (650 miles across). There are indications that some the system. Using funds gained from various services
of these bodies may have subsurface seas like Callisto’s. (legal and otherwise) that they had performed for Rust
China, the Gypsy Angels acquired new and second-
hand cybershells, factory, and life support systems.
They founded Topsy Station, the first permanent habitat
sun. The Plutinos get their name from the largest object in the Kuiper Belt.
within the category: Pluto. Today, about 2,000 sapient beings continue to work
Scattered Disk: This population of objects has quite as comet herders, colonists, and explorers in the Kuiper
eccentric orbits that carry them closer into the solar sys- Belt. Some of them live on Gypsy Angel and Xiao Chu
tem, as near to the sun as 35 AU, and out beyond 150 AU. vessels, while others are inhabitants of Topsy and its
The scattering is the result of gravitational influences of daughter stations.
Neptune. About half the population of the
Kuiper Belt is composed of scattered
disk Kuiper Belt Objects.
The scattered Kuiper Belt Objects
are a source of short-period comets.
guy about my age bounces into the room. “Torsten, we’ve
got a hit,” he says excitedly. “We’re engaging – six targets
on the scope, four klicks off Little Chili Pepper Five!”
“Do we have full coverage there?” Rademacher asks, “Yes, Maya, an armed society is a polite society . . . if
all business. everyone’s an adult. But all too often, the guns get into the
“Five by five,” the man says. “We’re engaging now.” hands of teenagers, and then morality is in the hands of
“Give me feed,” Rademacher says, and snaps down those who don’t yet understand mortality. You see that in
his wearable again. He turns to me. “We’re engaging the Bujumbura, in Luanda, in Tegucigalpa. Anarchy is not
Green Slime. You may want to see this. What we’re up chaos!”
against.” “Agreed. But I refuse to cure symptoms when I can
A few minutes later, I’ve got a virtuality helmet, and treat a disease. Guns don’t kill societies. Immaturity does.
am getting imagery from a cryobot. A “target” has been So adolescence is a meme we can’t afford.”
encountered by the EDF’s microbot patrols. I think it’s – The Devil’s Driftwork: Conversations with
being scanned by imaging ladar. There’s no light or Maya Payne (Ceres Archives, 2082)
Today, the Duncanites represent the most wide- majority of Duncanites, including most of those who
ly dispersed human culture in history. Their major still live on Ceres, are called “Green Duncanites,” due
population center is at Silas Duncan Station on Ceres, but to their loyalty to the pantropic “green system” ideology of
they’ve also settled some Jovian moons and about 40 other the original Ares Crew. The main splinter factions are the
asteroids. Most of the latter habitats are independently- Red Duncanites (see Leading Trojans, p. 30, and Trojan
owned “freeholds.” Their total population is about 50,000 Mafia, p. 106) and the Gypsy Angels (see Gypsy Angels,
sapient beings, an even mix of Tennin parahumans, micro- p. 88).
gravity-adapted bioroids, and sapient AIs. Most Duncanites live in extended families which trace
The Duncanites have little in the way of military their descent to original founding members (“genarchs”)
power or central organization, but they’ve genetically but there is no formal “clan” structure – just webs of influ-
engineered themselves for life in the asteroid belt and other ence that are occasionally cemented by liaisons or mar-
microgravity environments, and they’ve had half a centu- riage, and the bearing of children. About 40% of their
ry to work at it. They have no central and few local gov- children are natural-born; the rest are grown in exo-
ernment bodies – the majority of Duncanite stations are wombs. There’s no stigma either way. There is more work
anarcho-capitalist societies. The closest thing to a govern- than there are people to handle it.
ment is Avatar Klusterkorp, which as the major Duncanite Duncanite society is a young society, with a very high
corporation wields considerable power, but no legal proportion of children. This might elsewhere be a recipe
authority. for disaster, but the Duncanites use Fifth Wave education-
The Duncanite population originally settled on Ceres, al techniques (such as implanted low-sapient kinder-
in Silas Duncan Station (p. 13). While there was plenty of comps) to ensure that its youth are highly productive at an
room on Ceres for future expansion, the Duncanite liber- early age. This, more than anything else, sets Duncanites
tarian ethos encouraged personal property ownership, apart from Earth. Since the 2060s, their children have had
independence, and self-reliance, which meant that not to grow up fast. For most Duncanites, childhood ends at
everyone was content to live on the same asteroid. The about age 10-12 (and this is dropping!), as the children
enter the workforce as apprentices. Within
three or four years, they’ve usually found
lucrative jobs, although they may bounce
ILAS UNCAN AND THE ALKLAND SLANDS F I around a bit first. As soon as a person can
support himself, he’s considered an adult.
“Actually, I didn’t think they’d last six months.” Duncanite culture is free of much of
– Captain Latisha Fox, USAF the generational stress that afflicts other
Fifth Wave societies. Parents don’t just
The name “Silas Duncan Station” was picked by Captain Latisha Fox, expect their children to be better and
the USAF officer who exceeded her own government’s orders to help settle smarter then they are; they work toward
the Ares Crew on Ceres. this through genetic engineering, and use
Fox named the station after an incident that took place at the Falkland cybernetics and biomodification to ensure
Islands. In 1823, the government of Argentina occupied the Falklands, claim- they can keep up with their offspring.
ing their right of succession to former Spanish territories. Over the next six Each generation is expected to improve
years, they attempted to impose order on the rowdy collection of ex-convicts, on the next. Duncanite humorists joke that
sheep farmers, sealers, and whalers who operated there. In 1829, they arrest- in 50 years, a babe-in-the-womb will be
ed the crew of a U.S. sealing ship that was hunting with proper permits, and Avatar’s CEO.
seized their seal skins. There are some rebels in Duncanite
The U.S. government took offense, and dispatched the corvette USS society, but they tend to be found among a
Lexington to reclaim the property. Once it arrived at the Falklands, its cap- minority of the elderly population (who
tain, Silas Duncan, exceeded his orders: he sacked the port, arrested anyone fear what the Duncanites are becoming)
who got in his way, blew up the Argentine defenses, and declared the island rather than among the youth. “Restless
“free of all government,” sailing off leaving chaos in his wake. Age” tends to refer to Duncanites who’ve
The inhabitants seemed to have approved – when Argentina sent a been left behind (genetically speaking)
replacement governor, he was murdered by the citizens, and the island and choose to leave Silas Duncan Station,
resumed its state of anarchy. The rebels fought off further attempts by generally retiring to asteroid freeholds
Argentina to impose order, but were ultimately suppressed when British war- where they can set their own pace.
ships arrived in 1833 to reassert an old claim. Most human-descended Duncanites
Fox is said to have picked the name because the captain believed she was came from American, Japanese, Chinese,
leaving a similar mess behind her. At Maya Payne’s urging, the Duncanites and Russian ethnic backgrounds, reflect-
embraced the choice. ing the makeup of the Ares Conspiracy
exiles that fled from Mars. At present,
about 30% of the Duncanite sapient population are
various bioroids, 40% are Tennin or proto-Tennin
parahumans, and 20% are sapient Ais. The rest are a The Fundamental Contract
mix of exotic parahumans, original human settlers, and This document, created by the Ares Crew in 2044, spells
recent immigrants. The Duncanites are open to immi- out certain rights that all free persons possess on Duncanite
gration, although newcomers unwilling to conform to stations and vessels. A “free person” is an adult human,
their social norms rarely last long. genetic upgrade human, parahuman, or ghost.
Summarized, it amounts to:
– Charles Peguy Duncanite facilities are even more intimate. Moreover, the
population is well off, well educated, has plenty of work to
do if they want it, and has the option to get out of town
if they don’t like their neighbors. Or they can sue.
All Duncanite law is civil law in the sense that When dealing with citizens of other govern-
there is no “state” to represent individuals in criminal ments, Duncanites rely on business associations with
cases. Lawsuits take place before a judge whom both par- friendly corporations (e.g, Xiao Chu for the Gypsy Angels,
ties have agreed on. The judge will hear or Biotech Euphrates for Avatar) – and
the case and award damages based on in extreme cases, the Trojan Mafia’s
the severity of the loss suffered, to be criminal connections – to dissuade
assessed against the property of the foreigners from pirating their goods
violator retroactive to the period of One has to multiply or voiding contracts.
the violation, unless the court deems it
overridden or mitigated by the rights thoughts to the Sapients Rights
to self or common defense. There’s a point where there Duncanites tend to biochauvin-
fair bit of precedent and case law, ism. They believe in human freedom,
especially in more complicated civil aren’t enough but are ambivalent toward nonhu-
situations, but by and large cases are
resolved by argument and arbitration.
policemen to mans, especially those that were
deliberately created as servants. The
Duncanite legal tradition is one control them. Pan-Sapient Rights Table on p. TS127
of frontier justice. In general, most
courts-for-hire consist of one or more – Stanislaw shows the Duncanite position.
Bioroids are viewed more as “liv-
judges and/or jurists who listen to the Jerzey Lec ing machines” than people, but this
evidence presented by both sides, view is gradually changing. Most are
sometimes assisted by paid advocates indentured for a period of several
and security company investigators, years after they’re created in Green
and then make and publish a decision, Duncanite societies – but among Green Duncanites and
accompanied by a specific statement of culpability. Gypsy Angels, this is fairly similar to the apprenticeship
A court will normally impose monetary damages or programs that ordinary Duncanite kids undergo. After that,
restitution (such as a return of stolen property plus a fee for a bioroid is free to choose its own occupation. Red Dun-
its unauthorized use), but in extreme situations, such as tor- canites have a much less liberal outlook – indentured
ture or murder, it may rule that the subject forfeits all prop- bioroids are treated as second-class citizens and the prop-
erty rights, including those to his own body, to the victim erty of whoever created them, and may be emancipated (or
or his heirs (see the Silas Duncan Station vignette, p. 13). not) according to their whim.
Some Duncanite judges offer judicial contracts with Ghosts are treated as citizens, although they’re quite
“limited-penalty” guarantees. These promise not to impose rare. The Fundamental Contract specifically referred to
penalties beyond a certain level for certain kinds of crimes sapient uploads, as some of the founding Duncanites saw
– e.g., they may specify the judge will not impose an effec- this technology on the horizon. Even so, there’s a strain of
tive death sentence (confiscation of all assets, including the biochauvinism among many Green Duncanites; they look
subject’s body) for a crime that does not involve a threat to down on ghosts as less than human.
life or freedom, such as actual or attempted murder, rape, Infomorphs other than ghosts are things, not people.
kidnapping, and so on. There is some conflict between There were no SAIs when the Duncanites wrote the Fun-
“absolutist” judges, who believe such case law threatens to damental Contract. A few of the founders were suspicious
convert the Ceres Bar Association into a de-facto statist of machine intelligence, and specifically excluded sapient
judiciary, and “proportionists,” who believe that limited- AI, which at that time was limited to LAIs. There is an
penalty contracts of this short should be a standard for con- abolitionist sapients-rights faction among the Duncanites
tracts between judges, security companies, and their that does treat SAIs as people, but most Duncanites don’t
subscribers. agree. However, abuse of AIs is considered to be in poor
Individuals often have tort insurance. In return for a taste. Rogue AIs are treated as a threat to human life and
regular payment, usually about 1% of their income, their generally exterminated, while xoxes are considered the
insurance company will pay for any legal damages (often property of the original person – it’s up to him to decide
up to a specified ceiling). A Duncanite with an unblem- what their fate should be.
ished reputation can easily get tort insurance. Rates go up
if someone has judgments against them or performs activ-
ities the company judges likely to provoke lawsuits, such DUNCANITE SECURITY
as building a nuclear reactor downtown, or getting into
bar fights. Tort insurance may also be provided by an
employer for his employees. See Ceres Bar Association, Law enforcement in Duncanite communities is in the
p. 86, for more details and examples. hands of private enterprise. “Security companies” not
only serve as bodyguards and security guards, but
also function as private investigators and police. War exceptions in contracts between clients and Aegis
between rival security companies is avoided because group security companies:
90% of the companies belong to the Aegis Group, a pro- 1. If a company’s client complains a person has vio-
fessional association that negotiates standing agreements lated his fundamental rights or reneged on a contract, the
and arbitrates between its members. company’s agents agree to properly investigate that claim
Almost all Green and Red Duncanite citizens protect before taking any action, under the right to mutual defense.
themselves and their property by signing “protection poli- 2. If a suspect is determined to be a client of another
cies” with a security company. In many cases, this protec- Aegis Group company, and isn’t currently engaging in
tion is included with insurance policies, and individuals behavior immediately detrimental to their own client, the
can be protected by the security policies of their landlords security company will negotiate with the other company to
or employers. A basic “reactive” contract is relatively inex- serve a notice to appear in court, rather than attempting to
pensive (typically about 1% of the protected person’s net confront or arrest him. However, the company’s agents
income per year, but more for individuals who are obvi- may keep him under surveillance to ensure that he does not
ously greater security risks). In exchange for this coverage, pose a threat to the client, flee the area, dispose of misap-
the company agrees to investigate and recover damages (or propriated property, etc.
seek retribution) in the event harm is done to its client and 3. If a suspect is not a client of an Aegis Group
to respond if he reports a threat. company, he will be served with a notice to appear
Most security (and tort insurance contracts, p. 84) also in a court, or arrested and then served, depending on
insert a clause that disclaims responsibility for any trouble the situation and the perceived risk (of escape or
a client gets into for a “pre-existing condition” (such a as harming the client) involved. The minimum force is to
known enemy) that the client neglected to tell the compa- be used on a suspect to achieve these goals, consistent with
ny about beforehand. any imminent threat the suspect poses to the client’s prop-
It’s possible for an uninsured person to hire a compa- erty and the security agent’s own right of personal defense.
ny to seek restitution after a crime is committed, but the The company may provide any other services as
price will be higher (equivalent to hiring private detectives agreed in individual contracts between itself and the client,
and/or mercenaries). Finally, individuals or groups who provided they don’t violate the above protocols.
feel a reactive contract isn’t good enough can hire round- In exchange for these protection and enforcement
the-clock protection in the form of security guards or services, the client agrees that:
bodyguards, at an hourly or daily rate. 1. He will not knowingly make false claims regarding
Visitors to a Duncanite habitat are advised to sign with the origin, nature or extent of any reported violation of the
an Aegis Group-member company for their stay . . . prefer- fundamental compact, or with breaking a contract.
ably before leaving their vessel. While most stations are 2. Upon learning that he is being charged, he will con-
fairly safe, individuals unprotected by a security company tact his own security company promptly, and determine if
risk being targeted by criminals if their lack of protection the charge originated from an Aegis Group company. If so,
is known, especially in the Trojans. They’re also vulnera- he will remain in contact with his own security company
ble to vigilante action if they are suspected or falsely until arbitration can be arranged.
accused of committing a crime. 3. If his own company determines that a charge is jus-
One can escape Duncanite legal judgments by fleeing tified, he agrees to arrange and participate in the court case,
to an area within the jurisdiction of another state. Most in a venue acceptable to all parties involved, or failing that,
Duncanite security companies have clauses that limit their one selected at random by the Aegis Group from available
liability outside the Deep Beyond, although a few inde- Ceres Bar Association courts.
pendents may be willing to hire out to kidnap or otherwise 4. That his contracts with any and all Aegis Group
exact retribution on someone who goes beyond the reach members will be terminated immediately should the above
of the mainstream firms. clauses be deliberately violated.
A few security companies are not members of Aegis.
THE AEGIS GROUP Some have been expelled or blackballed for breaking
Aegis’s code of conduct; others either prefer to work out-
The Aegis Group is an association of Duncanite secu- side the organization, or can’t afford the dues. Most inde-
rity agencies that have agreed to abide by standard con- pendents are careful not to make arrests that would bring
tractual terms and follow a specific code of conduct. 90% them into conflict with Aegis Group members. They work
of Duncanite security agencies belong to the Aegis Group. instead as bodyguards or security guards. Those that work
Aegis is primarily concerned with establishing protocols as private investigators usually do so as subcontractors for
regarding the arrest and detention of suspects, to prevent various Aegis member companies.
its member organizations from killing each other off. Security companies and insurance firms also provide
Here’s the gist of the various contractual obligations and or subcontract out various emergency services (para-
medics, fire fighters, rescue workers, etc.).
Puck Gatham, a resident of Silas Duncan Station, is angry that Jim Tokolosh has
refused to hire his son Nicolai, who was apprenticed at Tokolosh’s company for two Silas Duncan Station and the
years. Gatham confronts Tokolosh at the Chernoe Zhania, a main dig restaurant. other Duncanite stations have no
When Tokolosh says that Gatham’s boy is a sloppy worker, Gatham loses his formal law. However spaceports
temper, draws a knife and stabs Tokolosh, then bounces off before anyone can stop and airlocks are private property,
him. A few patrons give chase, and some draw pistols, but they’re not sure who’s in and security companies may
the right, and in the confusion Gatham dives through the kitchen, upsetting a huge pot enforce “safety” restrictions to pre-
of curry to cover his escape. Others intervene to help stop the bleeding. Tokolosh has vent people importing heavy
fainted, but Mirai, his virtual interface infomorph, calls a paramedic and also Mutual weapons, cybershell armies, etc.
Assured Defense, the security company Tokolosh has contracted with. Duncanites tend to be tolerant
A few minutes later, a paramedic and two MAD contract enforcers arrive. As the of individuals wanted for “victim-
paramedic treats Tokolosh (whose medical care is covered by his insurance contract), less” crimes (like smuggling) or
Mirai and the witnesses explain what happened to the MAD agents. As per their con- activism against “statist” regimes,
tract, the agents are obliged to charge Gatham with violating their client’s property: but don’t like the idea of their sta-
his own body. About the same time, enforcers from Ceres Asteroid Patrol (which has tions becoming havens for fugitive
the contract to protect the restaurant) also show up; the restaurant owner has a claim criminals or activists supporting
against Gatham for inflicting damage against his property (the restaurant). All the antithetical memes.
enforcers are Aegis Group companies, and recognize each other’s agents through aug- Duncanite security and insur-
mented reality. ance companies will publicize the
The witnesses and the VI all upload pictures of Gatham. The two security agen- identity of known criminals as part
cies quickly check their database and discover that Puck Gatham is a client of the of their contractual duty to warn
Doberman Defenders, which, fortunately, is another Aegis company. Their offices their subscribers. They can take no
contact the office of Doberman and relay the evidence they have. Doberman agrees overt action to expel a notorious
that it seems their client has indeed committed property violations. They agree to visitor, but he may still find him-
cooperate. The companies have their legal LAIs quickly settle on a reasonable bond self hounded by media, shadowed
to ask for, based on precedent from similar aggravated assault and property damage by local security, and shunned by
cases. local businesses, who can refuse
The three security companies attempt to contact Gatham, but he’s not answering. him food, shelter, or other com-
In fact, he’s turned off all outside web connections and is sitting, half-drunk, in his merce. That said, Duncanites value
bedroom, shocked at what he did, while his son tries to get him to come out. privacy, and will not ask too many
CAP and MAD send armed officers – a human and a bioroid – to Gatham’s apart- questions of a stranger who does
ment, while Doberman tries to contact friends and relatives to help them resolve the not look or act suspicious. Visitors
situation peacefully. They are able to reach Gatham’s son and get him to talk to his who respect local memes are
dad. He was just about to call Doberman Defenders; they tell him that the MAD and unlikely to attract attention.
CAP agents have a clear case and he should tell his father to accept arbitration or for-
feit their protection. Meanwhile, MAD have reinforced their teams “just in case,”
with a few armed bioroids to cover the area. Other local residents have contacted their
security firms, who have been informed by MAD (which covers most of them) that THE CERES BAR
everything’s proceeding under control, but maybe they should stay under cover for
the moment.
Gatham’s son tells his dad he’ll stand with him, but he should take a sober-up
The Ceres Bar Association is
pill first. After Puck Gatham does so, he realizes what’s happened and what he’s done, an organization of freelance courts
and walks out of his apartment with his hands up. He is then served by MAD and scattered through Duncanite space;
CAP officers, who charge him with violating the property rights of both Jim Tokolosh their key feature is that they accept
and the Cherno Zhandia’s owner. As representatives of the aggrieved parties, they ask the Fundamental Contract (p. 83)
him to pay bond or submit to lockup. His tort insurance would normally cover the as a basis of legal jurisprudence.
bond, but Gatham chooses a lockup. CAP defers to MAD (which owns its own lock- Among the Duncanites, a court has
up) and allow the latter’s officers to take him into custody. no authority unless both parties
Meanwhile, Doberman Defenders, Gatham’s infomorph, MAD, and CAP are all have made a prior contract with it
negotiating on a venue for the trial. After some wrangling, they settle on the court of to accept its judgment. However,
Judge Pfil, who is “cheap but fair” and has an opening for a case a week from now. most Duncanites have Security
Company contracts that require
them to abide by a court’s decision, or face
a loss of protection and cancellation of their
tort insurance.
Judges are free to make whatever deci-
sions they like. However, a judge who acts
in a fashion contrary to the principles of the
Ceres Bar Association will be booted out of
the association. Grounds for expulsion
include taking bribes, violating a contract,
or acting against the Fundamental Con-
tract. This requires a petition from a simple
majority of active members. A committee
of senior members will also hear griev-
ances. They avoid second-guessing most
judgments, but may recommend that a
judge make restitution (or face a possible
vote on expulsion) if they believe a serious
injustice took place.
A judge may also be blackballed by
the Aegis Group, should a majority of secu-
rity companies disapprove of him. This will
result in him hearing very few cases. The most popular Green Duncanite biotech product is
the Tennin gene sequence. The original designs are widely
TECHNOLOGY available, but Avatar Klusterkorp continues to develop
new variations of space-adapted parahumans and bioroids.
Duncanite technology is a mix of Fourth and Fifth
Wave. Duncanites generally don’t have the latest in sapient Duncanite pantropics are not limited to space-based tran-
artificial intelligence, cybershells, or microbots, but they shumanity. Tennin gene sequences have been developed
do have advanced nano-biotechnology, and they’re also for animals as well, creating many dozens of species capa-
good habitat engineers. The Duncanites are leaders in ble of functioning in microgravity.
biotechnology, particularly pantropy (the adaptation of life Red Duncanites are also known for their expertise in
forms to extraterrestrial environments), bioroid design, certain types of software, especially cryptography and
and intelligence augmentation. mind emulations.
EXOGENESIS but much smaller (100 employees) and focused on the cre-
ation of vacuum-adapted life forms. Its major products are
Exogenesis was the extraterrestrial research division the Kumo parahuman and Void Flyer bioroids. Most of its
of space development giant System Technologies, AG customers are Gypsy Angels, and it works closely with
until its purchase by Nanodynamics in 2099 (see p. TS94). them. It is currently supporting the Yggdrasil Project
It is famous as the company that created the first ghost (p. 70). KTT is perpetually teetering on the brink of bank-
mind emulations. Its research and development center, ruptcy or buy-out by Avatar due to its over-ambitious proj-
Exogenesis Station, is locat- ects, but it pulls enough rabbits out of
ed inside Vesta in the Main the hat to keep going.
Belt. See Exogenesis Sta-
tion, p. 17, for details of the
company’s divisions and W O
ongoing projects. Nanodynamics (see p. TS95) is
The Revised Outer Space Treaty failed
For several years in the a transnational with a growing pres-
to answer this; it settled for a working com-
2080s and 2090s, Exogene- ence in the Deep Beyond. The com-
promise. The collapse of the UN removed a
sis had a close relationship pany’s major operations there are:
forum for non-spacefaring powers to object.
with the European Space Saturn Projects Division: Nano-
Objects up to 100 kilometers in diameter
Agency, providing support dynamics was hired to build much of
can be claimed by virtue of first manned
for many ESA science mis- the infrastructure that supports Titan
landing and exploited by individuals; this
sions in the outer system, Consortium and U.S. military opera-
opened the way for NEA asteroid mining.
especially near Jupiter. tions in and around Saturn. While
Otherwise, space is the common property of
Exogenesis also has opera- Columbia Aerospace is responsible
all, but whoever is there is free to develop it.
tions on Io (p. 42) and an for most spacecraft physical sys-
Nations can exert “functional sovereignty”
experimental cyberswarm tems, Nanodynamics provides parts
over areas claimed by their citizens, but gray
colony on Triton (p. 73). and overhauls for the antimatter
areas exist where transnational corporations
The company was a prime drives used in the Archangel-class
and stateless individuals have staked claims.
contractor (with Nanody- SDVs. It also provides many of the
Individual treaty arrangements are
namics) on the Io-Jupiter cutting-edge cybershells used by
made between nations whenever they settle
Accelerator (p. 43). both civilian and military forces. Sat-
a planet that’s not quite big enough for
Exogenesis is current- urn Division is run by Vice President
everyone; this involves “zones of courtesy”
ly reorganizing under new James Hazard, a retired USAF gen-
and various reciprocal treaties. Claiming
Nanodynamics-appointed eral.
land in the system involves building a
management. Nanodynam- Wolf Laboratories: The compa-
manned habitat on it and developing the
ics has brought in some of ny’s primary research station in the
space. If a dispute breaks out (as on Titan)
its own researchers and Main Belt, engaged in cutting-edge
between nations it’s settled diplomatically –
management to replace cybernetics research (p. 23). At pres-
or not. If it breaks out between individuals
employees who left after ent, productivity has been unusually
or corporations, they’ll settle it in the courts
the takeover. The head of low, and there are rumors that the
of whichever nation is involved. And if they
the transition team and act- station may be closed in favor of
don’t recognize anyone (Duncanites) it
ing CEO of Exogenesis is Exogenesis. Wolf Laboratories
depends on who has a presence nearby.
Nanodynamics Vice Presi- director Nathan Hyde is presently
There is nothing to prevent someone else
dent Nathan Hyde, former also heading the Exogenesis transi-
putting a base on Ceres, except for the fact
director of Wolf Station tion team, and takes a hard-line
that the Duncanites might run them off.
(p. 23). approach when cracking down on
“industrial terrorists and saboteurs.”
Jupiter Projects Division: Nanodynamics has through flirtation with the cyberdemocratic “Peo-
recently embarked on a controversial initiative in ple’s Choice” movement (see p. FW19), his
Jupiter space, where the company sees new opportunities anti-Chinese sentiments, and his partisan support of Titan
for growth – the construction of the Io-Jupiter Accelerator colonization over Mars, which he calls a “useless planet
and Asgard Station on Callisto, with extensive use of self- best allowed to rust in peace.”
replicating machinery. These are part of a long-term strat- Titan Consortium is involved in most aspects of every
egy that may be intended to position Nanodynamics to Titan resident’s life, even those who don’t work for it. It is
dominate space development in the mid-22nd century. It is the biggest utility provider, landlord, and food producer on
also testing an experimental cryobot, which may be sold to Titan, for example. The company provides good salaries
the USAGS for use in a test program of exploration of and benefits, and also offers loans to individuals who want
Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. Jupiter Division is run to strike out and establish their own businesses within the
by Dr. Angela McCoy, a physicist-turned-manager who Consortium’s umbrella. Even so, some resent its complete
does not approve of the unsubtle way Hyde has handled economic dominance.
the Exogenesis situation. A point of friction is Io, where Titan Consortium is a rival to its sister company, Mars
Hyde’s authority as Exogenesis acting director and Development Corporation (p. ITW52). MDC sometimes
McCoy’s position as Jupiter Division head collide. McCoy complains that the U.S. government provides unfair and
has been reluctant to support EDI operations against Io. excessive subsidies to Titan colony thanks to lobbying
from aerospace and defense companies. Recently
Titan Consortium drew fire from Mars Development
Corporation and America/Mars’ governor after the
The corporation has evolved to serve company ran recruitment ads on Mars, claiming it
was using taxpayer funds to poach Martian colonists.
the interests of whoever controls it, Titan Consortium’s headquarters is on Huygens
at the expense of whoever does not. City, with branch offices at Washington, D.C. and
Columbia Station. The corporate symbol is an eagle
– William Dugger carrying a globe on which is displayed the astrologi-
cal symbol for Saturn.
THE TITAN CONSORTIUM This space-development company (described on p.
This company is the power behind the American Sat- TS97) has no territorial ambitions in the Deep Beyond, but
urn colonies, but it is by no means a monolith. It balances does operate a large research and development facility at
the interests of diverse groups including the U.S. Depart- Aletheia Station, as well as a spaceyard and production
ment of Energy, Nanodynamics’ Saturn Division, Colum- facility.
bia Aerospace, and Fusion Canada. Operations at Aletheia and the Main Belt are con-
Titan Consortium’s prime goal is to provide the nec- trolled by Vice President (Main Belt) David Straw. Under
essary support facilities to ensure the He-3 continues flow- his direction, the company has generated additional
ing from Saturn to Earth, but since the late 2080s, it has income from a long-term contract to operate the Royal
been increasingly committed to the economic develop- Navy Space Service base at Aletheia. The company oper-
ment of Titan as well. In particular, Columbia Aerospace ates under E.U. law and hence is forbidden from employ-
supports Titan development, viewing an increase in popu- ing indentured or unpaid bioroids or SAIs, which hurts its
lation as key to establishing an expanding market for both bottom line. Straw has vigorously supported efforts by
civilian and military deep space vessels. abolitionist groups in the European Union to crack down
Titan Consortium has spent millions on memetic pro- on “bioroid trafficking” and other abuses of non-human
grams aimed at encouraging settlement. Titan is being por- intelligences.
trayed as the system’s last true frontier, the “Alaska of the Vosper-Babbage has substantial asteroid mining inter-
Solar System.” The U.S. government has indicated it will ests, but these are concentrated on near-earth asteroids that
support land claims for individuals or corporations willing have been moved into L4 and L5. In conjunction with
to develop territory on Titan, and has offered tax subsidies Hawking Industries, it envisions expanding into full-
for businesses establishing factories there. fledged asteroid mining operations in the Main Belt in the
The Resident Director of the Titan Corporation is John mid-to-late 22nd century, after most NEA resources are
Saxton, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and ex-CEO of exhausted. To this end, it operates a couple of experimen-
Columbia Aerospace. Famed as the “architect of Columbia tal stations in the inner Main Belt, which, at present, main-
Station,” Saxton is a populist technocrat figure who, ly provide metals for its own shipyards and for sale to
although a Republican, has attracted controversy spaceyards orbiting Mars.
environments. XCDD provides expert engineers,
X IAO HUC construction
cybershells, microbots, biogenesis tanks,
fauxflesh vats, and similar technology. An
The attentions of China’s giant space development
corporation are focused on Mars (see In The Well), but it XCDD specialty is the rapid expansion of a base facility
has not neglected the Deep Beyond. Its regional headquar- from a smaller seed – the mushroom-like growth of
ters is Hesheng Station on Pallas (p. 14). Although prima- Jisheng Station on Titan is due to their expertise. XCDD
rily concerned with research, Xiao Chu is also involved in also coordinates the subcontracting of comet farming oper-
Chinese asteroid mining and comet herding operations that ations to freelance comet herders.
support Mars development. Two divisions handle opera- The Outer Solar Region Office of the XCDD is based
tions in the Deep Beyond: at Hesheng Station, headed by its hard-nosed new director,
Xiao Chu Development Division supports other Chi- Chen Jianxin, formerly deputy director of Mercury mining
nese colonization operations in the Deep Beyond. Its mis- operations. Jianxin, whose father was a Hong Kong public
sion is to bootstrap Chinese colonization efforts. The security officer who died in the line of duty, has no sym-
Chinese government (including the PLA) and other corpo- pathy for Martian Triad gangsters. He has begun a cam-
rations hire XCDD to help them build bases in hostile paign to root out corruption in Hesheng Station, while also
urging PLAN-SF to cooperate with (or at least not hinder)
the Royal Navy’s own campaign against the Tri-
ads. Last month Jianxin began receiving death
threats, culminating in the murder of a deputy by
F REEHAULERS a Triad assassin.
Xiao Chu Research Division is very active,
The high cost of deep space vessels (usually at least M$30 for a with a half-dozen major laboratories in the Deep
cheap spacecraft) means that most vessels are operated by large cor- Beyond. These centers include NEMS Laborato-
porations – but there are exceptions. ry 28 (developing advanced military and ter-
Freehaulers are tramp space freighters – independently-owned raforming cyberswarms with gestalt AI) at
transport spacecraft. Most are second hand (or older) vessels. Their Hesheng, the Neogenesis Field Laboratory at
owners are usually Gypsy Angel (p. 88), families, small asteroid free- Jisheng Station on Titan, and the secretive Bio-
holds that want to have a deep space vessel for emergencies but can’t chemical Engineering Laboratory 72 at an undis-
afford to keep it idle, or ex-company spacers who have pooled their closed location (see Tenglong Station, p. 26).
funds to fulfill a dream of owning their own vessel. Some craft are run
strictly as a business; others, especially Gypsy Angel craft, are also
homes, sometimes with children. T H
Freehaulers can’t usually compete on the main trade routes, such Tenzan Heavy Industries (THI) was forged
as Earth/Luna-Mars-Mercury, but can eke out a precarious existence in 2032 from a coalition of Japanese aerospace,
by charter trips to smaller stations and colonies. Such runs are not mining, defense, and electronics firms with heavy
viable for the larger spacecraft used by the major companies like government investment. It has since become a
Mars Interplanetary. Freehaulers rarely make a big profit, but most of true multinational, but retains a strong Japanese
them are in it for the lifestyle or to pay expenses on a ship they need flavor. Tenzan (the name means “heavenly moun-
for other reasons, and are reasonably happy to break even. Those who tain”) made its fortune mining Luna and near-
tire of it can usually find a market for their vessel. earth asteroids and using the material to
Freehaulers charge higher fees to go to small stations if there’s lit- manufacture orbital stations and solar power
tle chance of picking up a second charter for the trip back. However, satellites.
a customer willing to accept a more roundabout route (as the space- Tenzan is a pioneer in mass driver construc-
craft visits intermediate destinations) may get a discount. It’s also tion, space construction techniques, and cyber-
possible to arrange transfers between different vessels through com- shell design. Its semi-autonomous asteroid
panies like Trojan Horse (p. 108) and the Farhaulers’ Guild (p. TS98). prospecting swarms (p. 134) continue to catalog
At present, one of the more profitable freehauler runs is trans- Main Belt resources. A subsidy, Tenzan Defense
porting homesteaders and their equipment from Earth-Luna space to Systems, is the leading supplier of platforms and
the asteroid belt. This can be interesting (and occasionally risky), as weaponry for the Japanese Self Defense Force
some asteroid settlers are highly eccentric. Freehaulers who want to and other PRA militaries, and is believed to con-
fill their holds will usually arrange to take on multiple charters to duct sensitive experiments at Yametei Station in
nearby stations. the Main Belt.
About 60% of all Freehaulers are members of the Farhaulers’ The new chief Tenzan executive in the Main
Guild. For Freehaulers, the Guild also coordinates charters and help Belt is the stationmaster of Yametei Station,
with loans and insurance. Ryoko Arimori. She was program manager of the
initial Tenzan prospector swarm project.
Appointed last year, she plans to reduce the expense police SWAT unit. In particular, the company likes to
of running Yametei Station. Arimori advocates the recruit former British, South African, and Chinese
replacement of humans with bioroids and cybershells, spaceborne troops, who are most comfortable with the
both on station and in the company’s own fleet of vessels. Fourth Wave military gear that it utilizes. They receive
This has won her enemies among the Farhaulers’ Guild. extensive further training from EDI.
The transnational corporation EDI (p. TS94) is the
largest security firm in the Deep Beyond. Hawking Indus-
tries, Nanodynamics, Titan Consortium, and Vosper-Bab-
bage all have contracts with EDI. The company’s officers This conflict took place in 2084, after the now-
provide de-facto civilian police forces at Aletheia Station, defunct Horizon Security refused to recognize a judge’s
Asgard Station, Cassini Station, and Exogenesis Station. verdict, and attempted to protect a client from enforcers
Many smaller stations, or their insurers, have contracts from Mutual Assured Defense. A snatch-and-grab at
that require the corporation to investigate or respond in Piazzi Spaceport was followed by a “rescue mission and
the event of a criminal act. However, EDI is not an Aegis retaliatory strike” against Ajax’s courthouse. The fighting
Group member, and does not normally operate on the left 12 people dead, including Judge Ajax; the conflict was
larger Duncanite stations. finally ended through the intervention of a committee of
EDI is a disciplined, paramilitary organization. Its armed vigilantes and two other security firms, who
security personnel may wear police or military-style uni- enforced a mutual settlement. The aftermath saw the cre-
forms or plain clothes, depending on the assignment. ation of the Aegis Group, establishing firm agreements
Most of them are former soldiers or have a back- between competing security companies.
ground in a paramilitary organization such as a
The security company’s president is Latisha
KINETIC LOGIC Jackson, now 90 years old and semi-retired, but still
one of the pillars of Duncanite society. The CEO is her son
Kinetic Logic is an Aegis company that specializes in
interplanetary property retrieval, xoxhunting, and individ- Silas (age 37), who handles most day-to-day affairs in the
ual apprehensions. It has a dozen operatives on the payroll, company. The corporation owns eight Barricade SDPs
all of whom are private contractors with their own space- (p. 139) and 20 Amazon AKVs (p. TS192). About a third
craft and crews; they pay Kinetic Logic 10% of their fees. of these AKVs may be operational at various times.
In return, Kinetic Logic acts as a clearing house for busi-
ness and provides Aegis Group membership, medical and
legal coverage, and loans so that its contractors can buy
Trojan Hawk is the largest Red Duncanite security
new equipment, repair damage, etc. Some of Kinetic company. Its headquarters are at Freehaven in the Trojans.
Logic’s operators have earned formidable reputations. One, Trojan Hawk specializes in protection of freeholds and
Rei Yamamoto, is said to have been the real-life inspiration corporate stations in the Main Belt, Trojans, and Jovian
for Gemini Jackstraw, the flamboyant but perpetually debt- moons.
ridden co-star of the popular InVid series Xoxhunter. Kinet- Trojan Hawk is known for its ruth-
ic Logic is owned by Poppy Hirano, lessness in fulfilling contracts. As such,
a former senior enforcer for MAD it has had a fair number of judgments
who struck out on her own. against it, but it also sometimes intimi-
dates other security firms and individu-
MUTUAL ASSURED als into surrendering or making
concessions. Trojan Hawk is also a spe-
DEFENSE cialist in “judicial contract enforce-
Mutual Assured Defense is the ment” – other security companies will
main Duncanite security company. subcontract its services if someone
A charter member of the Aegis doesn’t show up in court or fails to
Group, the company is, along with abide by the judgment in a lawsuit.
Avatar Klusterkorp, a Duncanite Trojan Hawk has the space defense
institution. Some of its elite “trou- contracts for Freehaven and Liang
bleshooters” have become house- Mountain, as well as a number of small-
hold names. er asteroids. It leases or buys SDPs and
MAD is contracted by individ- AKVs, and has partnerships with a half-
uals, corporations, and neighbor- dozen freehauler captains who are will-
hoods. In additional to security ing to operate armed vessels and accept
guards, the organization employs charters into and out of dangerous situ-
operators with skills in negotia- ations in exchange for hazard rates.
tions, security system installation, Trojan Hawk’s contract with Liang
information security, hazardous Mountain has embroiled it in a conflict
materials disposal, and legal affairs. with China and the PLAN-SF. While
The company has “quick Trojan Hawk cannot confront the
response” teams stationed at Silas PLAN-SF directly, it is retaliating
Duncan Station, Freehaven, and through appropriation of and strikes
Liang Mountain, on call should against PLAN-SF and Chinese govern-
local clients require immediate ment-owned property and vessels in the
police services. In addition, MAD can Belt. Trojan Hawk is a member of Aegis.
assign specific personnel to a particular case, whether it’s
tracking down a fugitive or providing security for a live
concert. The company’s largest contract is with Avatar
Klusterkorp, which hires it to provide space defense at
Silas Duncan Station and other Avatar installations.
Ceres Asteroid Patrol: A rival to MAD, very similar,
MAD has a good relationship with Tenzan Heavy but slightly smaller.
Industries, and provides internal security at Yametei Sta- Doberman Defenders: This small company is based
tion and some other Tenzan installations and vessels. on Ceres. It specializes in home and business security,
MAD also provides private security guards for some busi- rather than contract enforcement.
nesses in stations that use EDI for public security.
Intimate Estranger: This company’s slogan is extensive corporate involvement in the Main Belt,
“the best protection is close protection.” The company and in particular their exploitation of new He-3 ener-
headquarters is at Freehaven, but their main office is at gy resources in and around Uranus.
Silas Duncan Station, with a branch on Port Minos, Titan.
They specialize in long-term leases of pleasure bioroids, European Union
bioshells, and cyberdolls that have been cross-trained as The E.U. – and in particular the United Kingdom – are
bodyguards. Most of their customers are senior corporate committed to supporting and protecting the British colony
executives. at Aletheia and the nearby Shezbeth black hole facility.
All three are Aegis members. Humanitarian concerns have also prompted the Unit-
ed Kingdom to dispatch Royal Navy Space Service vessels
OUTLAWS AND BOUNTIES to suppress Martian Triad bioroid factories in the Main
Belt, where bioroids are not merely kept in indentured
If someone refuses to accept a Duncanite court’s servitude, but bred as slaves.
judgment, or simply refuses to appear in court, a judge The E.U. is also concerned about the developing
may hold a hearing in absentia in which he considers tes- situation on Europa.
timony and – possibly – declares that a person or persons
is in contempt of court or even an outlaw. Usually such a United States
hearing will be scheduled within a few days to a week of The interests of the U.S. government are cen-
someone failing to attend a summons. tered on the security and development of Saturn,
A judgment of outlawry is effectively an invitation to Rhea and Titan, and ensuring the regular flow of
the public to exercise the aggrieved party’s Right of Com- He-3. The U.S. also maintains the only national
mon Defense against the named outlaw to enforce a colony large enough to possess a representative gov-
court’s decision. The judgment effectively warrants that ernment rather than an appointed governor or station
such an action is justified; other judges or security com- manager – the U.S. Titan Territory.
panies who have reciprocal agreements with that judge
will not prosecute, or will exonerate, anyone who uses a
justifiable level of violence to enforce a judgment against
A judgment of outlawry may be accompanied by a The United States of America was the first to colonize
bounty placed by the aggrieved party (or his insurance Titan, and remains the dominant power there today. The
company, etc.). The Ceres Bar Association and the Aegis U.S. colony is officially known as the U.S. Titan Territory.
Group have agreements to respect declarations of out- The Titan Territory’s present structure was established on
lawry by their members. Aegis Group member security June 2, 2095, when Titan was granted the right of civilian
companies will not contract to protect someone who has rule through the Organic Act of Titan.
been outlawed; independents may refuse such contracts, The Titan Territory has three government branches:
or charge significantly more. the executive, legislative, and judicial. In 2096, Titan’s vot-
If someone is declared an outlaw, he can usually ers elected its first governor, the head of the executive
reverse this status by agreeing to return to court to plead branch. The legislative branch is unicameral with 12 elect-
his case; it is customary (though not required) for a judge ed senators. There is also one non-voting representative to
to suspend a judgment of outlawry to allow a reasonable the U.S. House of Representatives.
time for him to do so. The Governor of the Titan Territory is Joseph Tina-
jero, a 57-year old Californian and Alpha-class upgrade.
Carter is a Libertarian, but he’s a close personal friend of
GOVERNMENTS the current American president. The government is domi-
nated by the corporate interests of Huygens City; the out-
back has fewer votes. None of the many SAIs have votes
Three governments are actively involved in the Deep
either . . .
Most Titanians are U.S. citizens, but cannot vote in
China national elections, and do not pay Federal income tax. Pol-
itics on Titan are dominated by the interactions between
The People’s Republic’s primary interests in the Deep
the major employers: the Titan Research Institute, Titan
Beyond are security matters. Beijing is concerned with the
Consortium, and the military. The military usually tries to
protection of high-technology research stations in the
keep everyone happy while staying out of the way; the
Belt, the suppression of Red Duncanite groups that abet
other two are polarized between a desire for further devel-
Martian terrorism in the Leading Trojans, and checking
opment of Titan and keeping the environment pristine.
U.S. hegemonic expansion in the Saturn system. The
Chinese government also supports Xiao Chu’s
housing ghosts, shadows, or SAIs. In recent years, its
GOVERNMENT main goal has been the robotic exploration of the near-
by brown dwarf Xiang 63 (p. 79), with some unmanned
probes presently approaching it; NASA also has an inter-
AGENCIES est in the Oort Cloud black holes. It is presently exploring
a partnership with Nanodynamics-Exogenesis to reactivate
the Starswarm project.
These agencies are funded and operated by nations or
great power blocs.
Founded in 1975, the ESA is the European Union’s The parent body of the USAGS is the U.S. Geological
civilian space agency. The ESA coordinates the efforts of Survey, which was established in 1879 as part of the
E.U. members in space exploration and develops strategies Department of the Interior. It was to classify America’s
for collaborative projects in space science and technology. public lands and examine the nation’s geological structure,
It also works with the private sector to develop cutting- mineral resources, and related products. USGS survey
edge spacecraft technology. The ESA also provides ways teams directly supported agricultural development, min-
for smaller E.U. countries to participate in both manned ing, and other industries, as well as performing scientific
and cybershell space exploration. research. The beginnings of USAGS can be traced to 1959,
In the past, ESA efforts in the Deep Beyond have when the U.S. Geological Survey compiled its first map of
focused on Jupiter and its satellites, including the first the moon. In 1963, the Geological Survey began training
human landing on Europa and deep probes of its atmos- NASA astronauts in geological techniques. This began a
phere. Currently the ESA provides some of the funding, close association between the USGS and NASA. A USGS
transport, and technical support for the CRABE research geologist-turned-astronaut walked on the moon as part of
center on Europa. The ESA is also involved in several the Apollo program, and Geological Survey personnel
long-range missions, including an expedition to the Oort explored Mars and the asteroids.
cloud in conjunction with the Hawking Foundation. How- In 2032, the Martian Region of the USGS was for-
ever, most of their activities are presently concentrated on mally established, with its own regional director. This was
Venus (see In The Well) and the Earth followed in 2057 by the cre-
Space Elevator. ation of a new agency, the U.S.
The ESA works closely with Astrographical Survey, which
major corporations, especially those Perhaps it won’t matter, in the
was assigned to take over
with close ties to the European Union end, which country is the sower of NASA’s role in managing
such as System Technologies A.G., the seed of exploration. The manned and unmanned plane-
Vosper-Babbage, and, formerly, Exo- importance will be in the growth tary exploration within the
genesis. The ESA operates several of the new plant of progress and in solar system.
research vessels and many cybershell the fruits it will bear. Today, USAGS is a feder-
probes. – Neil Armstrong al agency charged with map-
ping, surveying, and exploring
N ATIONAL extraterrestrial bodies with the
aim of promoting scientific
A ERONAUTICS AND knowledge and, in particular, commercial exploitation.
USAGS personnel often work closely with corporate part-
PACE DMINISTRATION ners as part of its mandate, sometimes including tele-
NASA today is much smaller than it was during its tourism companies to defray budgetary costs. USAGS is
glory days of the 2030s and 2040s, its role largely over- an “applied space science” operation, blazing a trail for
taken by private companies, the military, and the USAGS. corporate America.
Today’s NASA is concerned with two things: the develop- USAGS missions have included geological surveys of
ment of advanced aerospace technology (not just space- Mercury, cybershell probes launched deep into the atmos-
craft) and the planning of interstellar space missions. phere of Saturn, the first expedition to Titan, and the first
NASA’s advanced technology laboratory has an office cybershell exploration of Neptune’s moons. USAGS is
on Rhea, where it and the USAF are working with Colum- presently fighting a turf battle with NASA over which
bia Aerospace on the X-92 project. agency will have jurisdiction over Oort Cloud exploration
NASA has no manned spacecraft, but does have and exploitation, particularly given the potential value of
several long-range cybershell probes, some of them the black holes.
Mars Triadgate
A few years ago, the SIA was involved in a convo- The following agencies are active in the Deep
luted caper to provide Martian Triad-grown military- Beyond:
spec combat bioroids to a cell of “New China” radicals Bureau 10 (China): This agency gathers intelligence
on Mars. This was part of a plan to insert agents into the on foreign commercial and government research programs
upper echelons of the anti-Chinese Free Mars resistance in the Main Belt, often passing secrets on to Chinese cor-
movement. (See Free Mars, p. ITW55). porations. It also has agents on Titan and Rhea. Its most
This plot backfired in a spectacular fashion after the ambitious operation involves stealthy cybershell probes in
New China cell was raided following the post-2094 Saturn’s atmosphere that monitor (and may be capable of
crackdown. However, one of the radicals escaped, and sabotaging) Titan Consortium He-3 mining operations.
stowed away on a trader bound for Venus, where he was Bureau 10 is also coordinating the use of “prospector
found by E.U. authorities, and subsequently confessed swarms” as intelligence-gathering systems. They’re also
the plot to the UK’s SIS. This has given the United King- hunting TSA Bioweapons Directorate personnel rumored
dom a “hook” to use on the SIA from time to time. The to be hiding in the Deep Beyond.
bioroids, which the SIA had paid for, were never deliv-
Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (France):
ered – instead, the Triads sold them to the Europa
This agency has been coordinating E.U. intelligence oper-
Defense Front.
ations on Europa, paving the way for possible E.U. inter-
vention. They may have undercover agents in CRABE or
the EDF.
The agency employs 11,000 people, of which 1,600 Ministry of Public Security (China): This police and
actually live and work in space, mostly on Mars and Titan. counterintelligence agency hunts down spies and criminals
USAGS has three regional divisions, each headed by a in Chinese territory in the Main Belt. It has an office at
regional director. The divisions are Inner System (primari- Hesheng Station.
ly Mercury, Luna and Venus), Mars Region, and Outer National Technical Intelligence Bureau (United
System (the asteroid belt and beyond) States): The NTIB is working with the U.S. military to
The Outer System regional division is Director Ricar- coordinate intelligence-gathering efforts against Chinese
do Jimenez, whose office is on Titan. The outer system stations on Titan and Uranus. Another NTIB mission is
division is divided into astrogeology, astrobiology, meteor- assessing threats from rogue AIs and emergent intelli-
ology, and cartography offices. Individual operations are gences on the Web and elsewhere – and it’s concerned with
headed by a program manager, with personnel assigned the rise of autonomous nonhuman intelligences in the
from multiple offices. Most USAGS personnel are scien- Deep Beyond. NTIB has a close relationship with Nano-
tists or supporting technicians, although they also hire dynamics (a prime contractor), and has secretly loaned
space crew, especially if they are cross-trained with a sci- agents to them to assist in dealing with their rogue AIs and
entific background. USAGS also employs many AIs and computer security problems.
ghosts. Project managers and above must be U.S. citizens,
Research and Intelligence Wing (India): India’s secret
but the agency will hire appropriately skilled foreigners for
research station in the Trojans manufactures special gadg-
contract positions when necessary. The Outer System
ets for this agency. They’re also spying on Chinese inter-
Division has an internal prejudice against Duncanites,
ests in the Main Belt and TSA interests in the Trojans and
however, as a result of their past appropriation of USAGS
property on Hyperion.
USAGS operates four elderly Shepherd-class deep Secret Intelligence Service (United Kingdom): Agents
space operation vehicles, a half-dozen specialized manned of SIS (“MI6”) have begun working with the RNSS and
spacecraft, and numerous unmanned space probes and GRA to locate (and sometimes sabotage) the Martian Tri-
satellites. The agency also has unpublicized links with U.S. ads bioroid slavery operations.
intelligence agencies, with USAGS operations occasional- Space Intelligence Agency (United States): The SIA is
ly providing cover for listening posts and reconnaissance. always interested in what’s going on in secret research sta-
tions and military bases, particularly China’s, the Duncan-
INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES ite stations, and Hawking Industries.
TSA Agencies: While the TSA has officially dis-
You can run all the way to the Belt, but you can’t hide avowed the actions of the Bioweapons Directorate and the
– at least, not if you’re a cyberdemocratic terrorist who rogue AKVs, it’s possible that unofficial contacts exist.
murdered a Supreme Court justice. Zachary Crawford had WTO: The World Trade Organization has sent opera-
bred the terminator bees that killed Judge Chaikin. It was tives into the Main Belt and Trojans to investigate allega-
my job to bring him in. We didn’t know where Crawford tions of software and genetic piracy.
had gone after he left Columbia Station, but we knew he Finally, any country’s national police or intelligence
had friends on Luna, Mars . . . and Manesseh Station. agency may be looking for criminals who’ve headed
Guess who drew the short straw? to the Deep Beyond to escape justice.
British Forces Aletheia assembles Task Forces
Presently based out of Cassini AFB on Rhea (p. 60),
the 30th is responsible for defending United States inter-
ests in the Deep Beyond, ensuring the safety of He-3 ship-
ments, and assisting vessels in distress. Four Archangel
SDVs and various other vessels, including two dozen
Predators, patrol the region around Saturn and make occa-
sional sorties into Jupiter or the Main Belt. The 30th is cur- These groups are attempting to protect vulnerable ele-
rently commanded by Colonel Salvador Cordova. The ments or ecosystems.
wing’s motto is De Astra.
make enough money, the “old men” on Mars may remove
him. Already some of his lieutenants are questioning his
once-infallible judgement. Perhaps one is being groomed
by Mars as his successor. Or perhaps he, Xie Feng, should “I can’t do this any more. What the captain’s making
strike first, purge those more loyal to Mars than to him – us do, it wasn’t in our training! I’m supposed to be an
and create his own Belt Triad! engineer, not . . . not . . .”
“Jinda, you can’t fight him. If we disobey, they’ll pun-
TRIAD OPERATIONS ish all of us. Or kill us.”
“If we let them. But there’s another way. The only
On Hesheng Station in the Main Belt, Port Minos on
Titan, and to a lesser extent other large Main Belt stations, way.”
the Triads are involved in traditional crime activities. They “Jinda?”
control software pirates, brothels, loan sharks, and similar “We kill them all.”
businesses. They also sell “protection services” to the
legitimate companies, masked as high insurance premi- A space pirate is someone who illegally seizes, or
ums. In particular, restaurants, gift shops, 3D print shops, attempts to seize, a space station or spacecraft. Few space
vacc suit shops, and bars pay a percentage (typically 5%) pirates make a career out of this sort of thing, since it’s
of gross income to the Triads. Those that don’t pay are very easy to track vessels in space, and governments and
subject to harassment. “Protection services” in the security companies do their best to hunt down those
who engage in serial larceny.
Nevertheless, conditions occasionally drive desperate Finally, there are at least six Exogenesis vessels that are
individuals to piracy. With proper equipment, a deep space presently in the possession of Axon Group infomorphs.
vessel can operate for months or even years without stop-
ping at a major port, and there are some places that will sup-
ply outlaws. Of course, it’s a lucky pirate who can last six PRIVATEERS AND
months, as space force or private security vessels will even-
tually catch up with him.
Sources of “pirates” in the Deep Beyond include: Privateers are pirates that believe they have legitimate
authority to attack installations or shipping. Red Duncan-
ite “Trojan Hawk” and “Voluntary Militia” vessels have
MUTINEERS AND HIJACKERS attacked Chinese space stations in retaliation for PLAN-
Space flights can last months, and crews are very SF’s attack on Liang Mountain. A few vessels have gotten
small. The first condition helps breed mutiny, by allowing overenthusiastic, and engaged neutral vessels they mistook
discontent to fester without an outlet. The second makes it for Chinese or their allies . . . activities generally referred
easier for malcontents, hijackers, or terrorists to seize a to as “blackjacking” by the media. The archetypal “black-
vessel. jacking” was the 2097 raid on the Shezbeth planetoid (and
As of January 01, 2100, a half-dozen spacecraft had black hole) as it left the Kuiper Belt – according to Red
been hijacked by passengers or taken over by mutinous Duncanites, the fusion torch-equipped Shezbeth was mis-
crews. Some of these have turned to piracy, primarily raid- taken for a Rust Chinese comet herding operation.
ing small Main Belt or Trojan stations to seize fuel and
supplies to allow them to stay mobile while they try and
figure out a way of out of the mess they’re involved in.
Those pirates currently operating in the Deep Beyond Several remaining Rajasi-class autonomous kill vehi-
include a group of infosocialist terrorists who’ve hijacked cles (see p. 144) are left over from the Transpacific War.
a billionaire’s executive space vehicle, a freehauler whose Nicknamed “snarks,” the surviving AKVs have become
bioroid crew rebelled after being abused by their sadistic highly skilled at predatory hide-and-seek tactics. Although
human captain and first officer, and a Mars Interplanetary they lack a home base, these vessels have demonstrated an
vessel whose mainframe was apparently corrupted by a unusual degree of self-repair capacity, sometimes even
Blackbeard eidelon it downloaded off the Web. looting their victims to acquire additional spare parts or
infomorphs (although none quite as good as the ones
A scientist or engineer working in a field such as
gengineering or industrial biotech. Most bioengineers in
Those who profess to the Deep Beyond work for corporate research stations,
but some are employed by small communities or crimi-
favor freedom, and yet nal stations. Suggested advantages include Patron, Secu-
rity Clearance, Versatile, and Wealth. Outlaw biotechs
depreciate agitation, are may have Alternate Identity or be Zeroed. Useful skills
are Biochemistry, Computer Operation, Electronics
men who want rain Operation (Medical), Engineering (Biomedical), Genet-
ics (Genetic Engineering), Psychology, Research, Xeno-
without thunder and biology, and possibly other scientific skills.
A pioneering asteroid colonist. In a small
colony, a jack of all trades is more useful than
a specialist. Suitable advantages are Charisma
(for the colony leader), Common Sense, and
Wealth (if the colony hasn’t been established
yet). Common disadvantages are Dependents,
Sense of Duty (family and friends), Overconfi-
dence, and Stubbornness. Helpful skills are
Animal Handling, Agronomy, Electronics
Operation, Engineer (Mining), Free Fall,
Mechanic, Metallurgy, Piloting, Prospecting,
and Vacc Suit.
The asteroid belt contains many communi-
ties who want to escape mainstream Fifth
Wave culture. While some isolates live in
wilderness areas on Earth (see p. FW36), in
Lagrange 5, or on Mars, others want to get far-
ther away. The Main Belt is increasingly
becoming a favorite destination for those seek-
ing to create an ideal community, no matter
how unusual their definition of “ideal” is.
Advantages and skills are typical of any aster-
oid colonist or homesteader; disadvantages can
include Chauvinistic, Disciplines of Faith,
Fanaticism, and Intolerance. Some isolates are
survivalists, with various paramilitary skills
and possibly Paranoia.
Versatile [5]; Very Handsome/Very Beautiful (Off-
Date: 2091. Cost: $50,000.
“Michael, you know I don’t believe in exo-
wombs, and a surrogate is out of the question.
Who did you think would be carrying our Dana
to term? The doctor is ready.”
Special Limitation: Windblown: This limitation means
that the character is incapable of self-powered movement,
but can be easily blown about by wind and may move in
Many areas of the outer solar sys-
tem are still largely unexplored – the
oceans of Callisto, Ganymede, and
Enceladus, the depths of the gas giants,
the moons of Neptune, the icy reaches
of the Kuiper Belt . . . Expeditions may
be funded by scientific institutes, pres-
tige-hungry governments, or even
media companies. Of course, there’s no
guarantee that someone else hasn’t got-
ten there first, but kept quiet about it:
survivalists, political exiles, rogue AIs,
criminals, or secret research stations
might be hiding in obscure corners of
the system, and not be pleased when
intrepid explorers stumble upon them!
GMs who want to go beyond the setting may push the population (and hence a fairly modest crime rate),
timeline several years into the future, and deal with the security companies are often hired by other asteroid
results of the Oort Cloud expeditions or even early inter- colonies across the Deep Beyond. There’s also the chance
stellar missions using Starswarm or other technology. Don’t a compact between companies will break down, and actu-
forget that infomorphs can simply be beamed to and from al fighting erupt . . .
distant vessels or colonies! For a more traditional police campaign, PCs could be
An alternative to exploration is the creation of a new U.S. sheriffs on Titan, or work as police or corporate rent-
colony. Perhaps the biggest challenge might be finding the a-cops on any national or company-owned stations, bal-
money to fund the colony and then support it during hard ancing the needs of justice with the influence of their
times – this could lead to a few colonists taking on haz- corporate bosses. Businesses and wealthy individuals
ardous outside jobs to keep their dream alive. Hazards that may also hire freelance detectives, operatives, or
may befall a small colony include equipment failures, security teams for special missions, whether it’s to
medical emergencies, a sudden collapse of intended mar- trace a missing loved one, erase a rogue xox,
kets (forcing the colony to change its economic base), pest locate a lost bioroid, trace an insurance claim, or
infestations, internal coups, or even Triad shakedowns. track down a personal enemy who fled into the
Pirate raids aren’t very likely, but a desperate vessel might outer system.
decide to knock over a small colony for hostages or spare Not all justice is in the hands of the law. Characters
parts. may join up with vigilante groups like the Society of
The Deep Beyond (with the exception of Titan) lacks Isidore (p. 102) or the Der Biodroiden Befreiungsfront (p.
the population to support a great deal of high-volume TS106) to rescue oppressed non-humans . . . with the high
trade. What this means is that many spacecraft are rela- population of bioroids and AIs in asteroid and outer system
tively small, fast, chartered vessels carrying wealthy, des- stations, these groups are especially active. Some of them
perate, or important people and valuable, exotic, and work with sympathetic governments like the UK; others
occasionally illegal cargoes . . . The recent conflicts in the operate alone.
Deep Beyond have increased the market for mili-
tary and paramilitary cargoes, and spacers willing
to take vessels into regions like the Greek Trojans
or Europa can often demand extra hazard rates.
BLACK OPS It can take months or years to cross the outer solar system. If
the GM doesn’t want to play out the events of a long voyage, trav-
The many research stations, corporate labs,
and military bases that are located within the elers can enter nanostasis – or just dive into their computers to play
Deep Beyond offer a variety of opportunities for and study – and the GM can rule the time has passed with nothing
espionage (and sabotage) by rival nations, corpo- much happening. However, advancing the game’s timeline several
rations, or followers of opposing memes. Gov- months each trip can be disconcerting! One solution is to simply
ernment and corporate agents may attempt to focus for several adventures on a single interesting location, like
suborn researchers, find ways of “turning” them, Ceres or Europa. However, if a regular change of scenery appeals,
or take a more direct approach. Teams recruited consider these alternatives:
for a particular black op might not even know Fast Vessels: One way is to ensure that the PCs have a space-
who they are working for – is that mysterious craft that has a very high delta-V – see Spacecraft of the Solar Sys-
woman who wants them to steal an Arges Project tem for several examples, and p. TS74 for suggestions on shipboard
file from Nanodynamics’ base on Callisto an activities.
agent of Axon, a spy from China’s Bureau 10, or Moon Hopping: There’s no need for footloose characters to
an executive in System Technologies, AG? PCs travel across the entire Deep Beyond every adventure! A campaign
may also work the other side, as spy-catchers that stuck to either the moons of Jupiter or the moons of Saturn still
performing counter-espionage. allows visits to dozens of diverse worlds while reducing the travel
time from years to days.
Light Speed: Infomorphs need not physically travel between
FRONTIER JUSTICE worlds. Instead, a copy can be beamed at the speed of light to the
destination. Most major Deep Beyond installations are prepared to
Life in the anarchic Duncanite stations pro- rent bioshells or cybershells to infomorph visitors – they’re espe-
vides interesting opportunities for adventurers, cially common on Titan. Laws against xoxing do not apply if only
particularly those working in security companies one copy is active at once, so the “original” can be “frozen” as a
and as freelance judges (who can run their own backup. See Light-Lag and Communications, p. TS52.
investigations). While Ceres has a relatively low
Triad bioroid traffickers (see also p. TS7). The Royal
THE TROJAN WAR Navy’s attentions have also weakened the position of
Xie Feng, the established gang boss in the Belt, and may
The conflict between China and the Red Duncanites
is fought on many levels, from SDV strikes against Dun- trigger a wave of gang warfare as rival factions in the Belt
canite asteroids to “blackjacker” raids on Xiao Chu gas and from Mars try to depose him. In turn, Xie may try to
stations. At present, China is stepping up its intelligence- move his own operations to other locales (perhaps even
gathering capabilities, and may be attempting to infiltrate Titan). This can lead to plenty of action for freelance gun-
agents or assassins into Trojan Mafia strongholds. slingers, cops, and security companies. It’s also possible
Due to the involvement of some Trojan Mafia groups that China’s PLAN-SF will become involved, either in
in other criminal enterprises, Chinese agents might find opposition to E.U. naval vessels encroaching on China’s
common cause with agencies of other nations. Earth, Mars, expanding sphere of influence, or to crack down on the Tri-
or Titan-based law enforcers may send agents of their own ads as part of their own housecleaning operation.
to target – or negotiate with – Trojan Mafia operations. For
their part, agents of the Trojan Mafia corporations may
travel beyond the Trojans to forge new business relation-
In the Deep Beyond, a nation’s force is often a single
ships with customers and underground groups, as well as SDV with a crew of a half-dozen and a squad of soldiers.
outlaw governments (like the TSA) throughout the system. With light lag measured in hours, spacecrew officers may
The crew and marines aboard a Chinese SDV can get be called on to exercise their own judgment in tense, rap-
involved in all sorts of adventures: shooting wars with the idly changing situations. While ESCA spacecraft tend to
Trojan Mafia vessels and raids on their bases, encounters restrict themselves to the Belt (and Europa), those of the
with Triad smugglers, hunting for hijacked and pirated U.S. and China regularly patrol the entire Deep Beyond.
vessels, following leads to track down rogue AKVs or The crew of an SDV may be a mix of spacers (includ-
TSA fugitives, or even playing chicken with Royal Navy ing infomorphs) and army or marine troopers. They may
or USAF vessels that violate their spheres of influence. shadow rival warcraft operating near Saturn, protect
Chinese crews often include bioroids, who, while second- restricted areas, gather intelligence near Belt research sta-
class citizens, may aspire to citizenship through loyal tions, Saturn, or Uranus, spy on the Gypsy Angels, trans-
service. port diplomats, quash labor disputes, assist civilian
authorities in tracking down criminals who flee to the
THE MARTIAN TRIADS Deep Beyond, and respond to contingencies involving
homesteaders or corporate bases that have gotten into trou-
Members of the Royal Navy (and Royal Marines) may
see plenty of action in the asteroid belt battling Martian ble. Don’t neglect the possibilities for leave: liberty on
Titan or Pallas can be pretty wild . . .
Last week we reported a mystery spacecraft sighting Well, we’ve got the scoop, direct from a source in
at Hyperion Proving Ground near Saturn. To recap: On NASA. The vehicle that was spotted was none other than
December 22, 2099 a white-painted AKV in NASA livery Columbia Aerospace’s new X-92 AKV technology demon-
was spotted by civilian “H-watchers” as it flew low over a strator. It’s powered by a stabilized metallic hydrogen
crater, paced by two USAF SIM-7 Predator chase craft. rocket engine. Our guy in NASA won’t give us exact statis-
The white AKV suddenly accelerated sharply up and away tics, but he claims a specific impulse “in excess of” 1,400
from the chase craft at a steady 1 G, more than triple the seconds, as well as “sustained high-gee” burns. He also
acceleration of an ordinary Predator. It sustained this reported that NASA and the USAF have “some ongoing
acceleration for over 10 minutes, leaving the pursuit vehi- concerns” regarding the fuel’s stability and affordability.
cles looking like they were standing still, only to suddenly Apparently so.
vanish in an enormous spherical explosion so intense – Dana Martello, System Defense Review
one witness mistook it for a tactical nuclear warhead.
to blow the bubble is rarely perfect (especially since
These are the simplest habitats to build,
and the most common. They are nothing
more than tunnels, chambers and galleries
dug into the asteroid, usually excavated by
The habitat train never stops moving (unless shut heavy mobile worker cybershells like the Mining Worm
down for serious maintenance). To board it, the commuter (p. 118) or Polypede (p. TS123), or by swarms of con-
track is used. A separate “boarding” train will accelerate to struction microbots. Chambers near the surface are used
match velocities with the track habitat, allowing people for storage or machinery, while human habitations are bur-
and goods to be transferred to it from the station. The sta- rowed deeper into the asteroid to provide protection
tion usually connects by elevator to the asteroid surface, against solar flares and cosmic rays. Beehive habitats can
where a spaceport will be located, or to a non-rotating bee- be dug in rubble piles as well as homogenous asteroids – a
hive or shell habitat on the same body. big debris pile has plenty of solid chunks a few miles
The advantage of the track habitat design is that there across that can be inhabited.
is no need to mount radiation shielding on the moving cars The interior of a beehive habitat is a three-dimension-
(unlike a conventional gravity wheel) since the train moves al maze of passages that are very easy to get lost in. For
inside a shielded tunnel or under the overhang of a deep this reason, most are full of v-tags that provide location
trench. This dramatically reduces the mass and cost com- data. A beehive habitat is easy to expand – all that’s
pared to conventional pylon-mounted spin habitats on required is to dig a new tunnel. In some beehive habitats,
spacecraft. new tunnels are constantly being dug as the population
See High Frontier for statistics for internal railway increases and uses more resources. Often a tunnel or
tracks and mag-lev lifters. gallery is first used as a mine shaft, then later converted
into living quarters or an industrial park. Beehive habitats
SHELL HABITATS may use external solar panel or nuclear reactors (fission or
fusion) for power.
This is the most space-intensive method of asteroid
habitation. Multiple levels of an asteroid are hollowed out, Not all of a beehive habitat’s construction is under-
forming a series of progressively-smaller concentric shells ground. The surface of a beehive habitat asteroid usually
inside. Each shell may be several yards thick. Layers of has various installations such as airlocks, landing pads,
asteroid material are left between each shell for structural vents, tool sheds, solar panels, and antennae dishes. For
strength. safety reasons there will usually be at least two airlocks
Shell habitats are common on very small asteroids leading down, and often a couple of large cargo
(e.g., 100-1,000’ across) and ice or asteroid-hulled elevators as well.
Soon afterward, in 2052, Xiao Chu and Nanody-
microbots are within 100 yards of each other, treat
them as an NAI-4; this goes up to NAI-5 if 100-999
lbs. of microbots are within 100 yards of each other,
This gear is useful for asteroid miners, habitat engi- and so on.
neers and would-be homesteaders. Only a few prototypes exist, such as the White
Rabbit devourer swarm (p. TS170) and several Tri-
Microgravity Drill Rig ton swarms (p. 74), the latter having been self-assem-
This is a lightweight drill rig suitable for drilling wells bled from many smaller “nanoprobes.” They cost an
or core samples, and is equipped with pitons to hold it extra $1,000 per hex over the cost of normal swarms.
steady against a surface in microgravity. Drilling rate is 30 They can learn and be programmed like any other
yards/hour in earth or ice, half that for soft rock, 1/4 for NAI; use one set of skills for the entire swarm.
hard rock. Decide on the maximum depth it can drill. It
weighs 25 lbs. + 3 lbs. per yard of depth; volume is
weight/50 cf; cost is $250 + $25 per yard. It requires 5 kW,
usually supplied by batteries. Sondes
Exploration of the lower reaches of gas giant atmos-
Pogo Stick pheres is performed by lightweight, deep atmosphere son-
A high-tech pogo stick with a large padded foot usable des. These are released by aerobot balloon. The aerobots
on soft surfaces (like sand, grass, or regolith), and a roller- remain in communication with the sondes via radio or
guided plunger and fiber-reinforced composite bow spring microwaves. Sondes come in various shapes and sizes; a
that bends to store elastic energy, giving it a smooth fric- typical model costs $5,000, weighs 20 lbs., and can survive
tionless motion and high-energy storage with minimal up to 1,000 atmospheres of pressure.
shock at ground contact. Compared to a low-tech pogo
stick (allows hopping of about 6” with great effort), this Supercavitating Ammunition
permits hops of 10-20” with ease, even in Earth gravity, Any bullets, mini-missiles or micro-missiles can be
and much higher jumps with extra exertion. The spring designed to supercavitate, using a combination of gas vent-
tension can be set to adjust for different gravities, so that ing and nose shaping to dramatically improve underwater
bouncing along in microgravity need not result in the user performance.
achieving escape velocity. Normal bullets or missiles have 1/20 their normal
1/2D range in water; supercavitating slugs have 1/5
range. Aerodynamics suffer if used in atmos-
pheres that are thicker than trace, giving a -1 to
Supercavitating bullets are five times as NOOTROPICS
expensive as ordinary ammunition; they can be These are smart drugs, chemicals that enhance brain perform-
armor piercing but cannot be other special bul- ance. Duncanite nootropics are available in a variety of designer
let types (APS, drug, etc.). They can be any type drinks and foods. The proteins are often manufactured by pharms in
of smart ammo. Supercavitating micro-missiles gengineered products like nootropic seaweed or blueberries.
or mini-missiles can have any smart warhead Nootropics enhance the ability to grow connections between
type. They cost five times as much as ordinary neurons, improving the ability to memorize (which is partially the
missiles. LC is unchanged. process of setting up these connections), and increasing the levels
of neurotransmitters that carry electrical signals from neuron to
Titan Suit neuron.
A lightweight vacc suit, heated but not Taking low dosages of nootropics in childhood is common in
pressurized, used for excursions on Titan. Pro- many Fifth Wave cultures, especially the Duncanites, as an adjunct
tects completely against the Titan environment. or alternative to memetic learning techniques, and explains higher
Treat as any type of nanocomposite vacc suit starting skill levels.
(p. TS159) but has 80% of normal weight and If taking high dosages of nootropics, the doubled cost for
cost, and no radiation protection. increasing IQ after initial character creation will not apply. The user
must take nootropics continuously (and since his last increase in IQ)
Wing Set for at least as many weeks as the point difference between his cur-
A set of strap-on composite wings with a rent and new IQ; e.g., someone with IQ 10 would need 10 weeks of
12’ span. In an environment with 1/6 G and smart drugs before he could buy IQ 11 for 10 rather than 20 points.
standard or better air pressure, a person with Side effects are negligible.
strap-on wings can fly as if he had the advantage High dosages taken in childhood can explain teens with abnor-
Flight (Winged, -25%; Cannot hover, -15%; mally high IQ or Eidetic Memory, but can lead to the Flashbacks
-10%), p. CI56, and cannot carry anything in disadvantage. Low dosages are $2 per week, high dosages are $20
either arm while climbing or sustaining level per week. LC 5.
flight. Use Low -G Flight skill (p. CI132). How-
ever, human-powered flight is tiring, costing 1
Fatigue per minute unless gliding. A person with Light or A weapon laser beam is visible as a trail of sparks in an
greater encumbrance can’t fly. A set of wings is $300 and atmosphere, but invisible in vacuum. Many disadvantages
weighs 5 lbs. that limit laser use on Earth or Mars are mitigated inside a
spacecraft or asteroid habitat. Bad weather is rarely a prob-
LASER WEAPONS lem, and if the habitat or moon has low or microgravity, it’s
much easier to lug a heavy power supply around. Even so,
Man-portable lasers see more use in microgravity most handheld lasers lack the ability to penetrate well-
environments than they do on Earth or Mars. Lasers are armored suits or cybershells. They are mainly used by secu-
primarily used because they have no recoil (making them rity and counterterrorist teams, rather than by combat
easy to use in microgravity or zero-gee) and they do not soldiers. However, cybershell or suit-mounted lasers are
require ammunition, which is important when the nearest favored as point-defense weapons, with some chance of
supply base may be several hundred million miles away. shooting down incoming missiles and grenades.
Weapon Table
Weapon Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. RoF Shots Cost Min ST
Laser Pistol, 1-kJ Imp. 1d+2 10 11 460 920 4.8 3~ 60/C $930 8
Laser Rifle, 3-kJ Imp. 3d+2 14 17 1,150 2,300 12 1 30/C $2,455 8
Tactical Laser, 20-kJ Imp. 9d 20 23 3.5 mi. 7 mi. 250 3~ Spcl. $30,000 85
If powered from a power pack, the tactical laser drains 0.011 kWh per shot. The air defense laser drains
0.125 kWh per shot.
Laser ranges are × 0.1 underwater, or on Venus, × 0.5 in Titan’s denser atmosphere, × 2 on Mars, × 10 in trace
atmospheres (like Europa or Io), × 20 in vacuum.
All lasers use frequency-agile “rainbow” beams that
optimize for the environment. The laser can generate its
own laser targeting sight for negligible power.
For every large asteroid station like Silas Duncan or
Laser Pistol, 1-kJ: This resembles a handheld cam- Exogenesis, there are a dozen smaller ones like Morrigan
corder more than a pistol. It uses an integral C battery, as Station (p. TS7). These statistics can apply to any small
its drain is low enough that it does not require a power microgravity beehive or shell habitat: a Duncanite free-
pack. hold, a smaller corporate station, the headquarters of an
Laser Rifle, 3-kJ: Expensive, heavy, power-hungry isolate group, or a survivalist or criminal base.
and short-ranged, laser rifles never really caught on as mil- The asteroid is an irregular 500’ × 250’ cylinder of
itary weapons, although some police departments use them stony iron; this might represent the entire asteroid, or one
for sniping. It is a shoulder weapon, somewhat resembling of a few solid chunks within a rubble pile. Most of the inte-
a TV news camera. rior is taken up by concentric levels or tunnels and
Tactical Laser, 20-kJ: A laser usually seen on military chambers that house a one-acre farm, several houses,
vehicles as a point-defense and anti-personnel weapon. It multiple minifacs, labs, refineries, tanks, and rock
is a vehicular weapon, usually installed in a turret; weight processors, as well as considerable warehouse space
assumes it is in a universal or casemate mount (4.98 cf, or and an elderly reactor. A dock on the south pole is
1 VSP if using In the Well’s vehicle rules). ST requirement large enough to accept a Sudbury or Mudlark USV,
is if handheld. radiators and all. It can support up to 100 people in
long-term comfort, and contains its own lab facilities
BARRICADE-CLASS SDP showing the flag, and in one actual combat deployment in
2071, against Chinese Islamic separatists who hijacked a
Built by Tenzan Heavy Industries, the Barricade is a near earth asteroid that was being accelerated to L4. Sev-
cheap space defense platform design marketed to security eral Shengzi saw action in the Pacific War, striking TSA
companies and nations. Its metal-oxygen rocket provides targets in Lagrange 5 and geostationary orbit, and racing to
limited maneuverability during an engagement – enough protect deep space installations against the surprise wave
to allow it to face its opponents, and to prevent the enemy of marauding Rajasi-class AKVs. Two Shengzi were
from taking it out with an unguided attack. destroyed in action.
The hull is a cylinder 50’ long and 12.5’ in diameter. In the 2090s, most of the 12 surviving Shengzi units
Its power pack provides enough power for 9 laser shots, were scrapped, transferred into Reserve Fleet or sold, but
and a fission reactor powers all other systems. It has 78.75 three remain in Chinese service. Rensheng (“humane vic-
tons of metal-oxygen rocket fuel. Individual SDPs are usu- tory”), Zhengsheng (“righteous victory”) and Weisheng
ally assigned numbers or code names by their owners. (“commanding victory”) are kept busy responding to
There are 0.57 spaces of empty space are available for ongoing “operations-other-than-war” contingencies (p.
future upgrades. TS100), e.g., police actions against Trojan Mafia, Martian
Crew: Unmanned. Infomorph uses Electronics Oper- Triad, and other low-intensity threats. One Shengzi was
ation (Communications), Electronics Operation (Sensors), bought by the South African Aerospace Force as its first
and Gunner (Beam), and Piloting (High Performance deep space warcraft. Now renamed Dingiswayo (“the wan-
Spacecraft). Infomorph occupies the mainframe in the derer”), it patrols the Main Belt and the inner system,
unmanned controls. Two Engineers (usually cybershells or charged with protecting South Africa’s government and
cyberswarms). corporate interests at Hawking Station (p. 20), Dala
Design: Cylinder hull (12.5 spaces, foamed alloy, Kadavara (p. ITW76), and Venus (p. ITW72).
heavy frame); cDR/cPF 60/50 [F], 5/1 [S], 4/1 [B] (carbon The Shengzi-class SCV is a cylinder 250’ long and 50’
composite armor). in diameter, with two spin capsules (50’ long and 20’ in
Modules: Old unmanned controls; small fixed radar diameter) attached to 300’ long arms mounted half way
[F]; small PESA; 0.25 compact metal-oxygen rocket; 3.75 along the hull. A pair of 122.5’ × 122.5’ folding radiator
tanks (metal-oxygen); 10-MJ heavy laser [F]; 1 new fis- wings are usually extended. Typical payload is 786.4 tons
sion reactor (4 MW); fission reactor core; 2 power pack. (including 600 tons for six AKVs). However, it can carry
Statistics: EMass 204; CMass 243; LMass 282. Cost an additional 875 tons in one large external cradle. Its tanks
M$16.15. cHP: 68. Size Modifier +2/+6. HT 12, Mainte- hold 9,900 tons of water reaction mass.
nance Interval: 5 hours (19.2 hours/day). The design has 15.7 spaces of empty space avail-
able for further customization.
Crew: Commander (Leadership, Shiphandling, turn its thick front section toward the incoming radi-
Tactics), Pilot (Piloting (High-Performance Space- ation. Cosmic rays are another matter, and the Mud-
craft)), Navigator (Astrogation, Electronics Operation lark crews and passengers are normally expected to either
(Communications), Electronics Operation (Sensors)), 2 have Tennin biochemistries or possess appropriate anti-
Weapons Officers (Gunner (Beams), Gunner (Railgun)), 6 radiation nanomods.
Engineers (Armory (Spacecraft Weapons), Mechanic The Mudlark is a long cylinder 105’ long and 25’ in
(Fusion Drive), Mechanic (Robotics), other Mechanics diameter. Much of the length is dedicated to fuel tankage
skills as appropriate), 2 Medics (Diagnosis, Physician, for water reaction mass. It is normally powered by an
Surgeon), Mission Specialist (Electronics Operation (Sen- MHD generator that taps the fusion drive, but it can power
sors), Intelligence Analysis, SIGINT Collection/Jamming, life support alone indefinitely using solar cells. Typical
Traffic Analysis). payload is 61.8 tons, of which 60 tons are usually used for
Design: [Hull] Cylinder hull (1,000 spaces, metal- cargo. However, it can carry an additional 125 tons in an
matrix composite, heavy frame, smart); cDR/cPF 50/10F, external cradle. Mudlarks are usually privately purchased,
5/1S, 10/2B (metal-matrix composite armor). [Pod #1 and named whatever the owner wants.
#2] Cylinder hull (32 spaces; metal-matrix composite, There are 3.38 spaces of empty space available for
medium frame), cDR/cPF 10/100 (steel armor). Hull radia- future upgrades.
tors (40 ksf), two folding radiator wings (total 30 ksf).
Modules: In Hull: Old command bridge; Old
basic bridge; 2 medium ladar; large PESA; small
PESA; 125 HI fusion torch using water reaction The cheap Mudlark is the belt’s most common USV, but
mass; 660 tanks (water); 2 10-MJ heavy lasers [F]; the Sudbury is more versatile in the outer system, as
4 2.5-MJ light laser towers [S]; 2 coilgun [F]; 200’ they have the thrust to lift off from a small moon.
old particle accelerator [F]; 10 old fusion reactor (40 – Copernicus Jones
MW); old fusion reactor core; 5 bunkroom; light
storm shelter (2-space: encloses command bridge,
cPF 100); light storm shelter (1-space: encloses basic Crew: Pilot/Navigator (Astrogation, Piloting (Low-
bridge, cPF 100); minifac workshop; large entry module; 2 Performance Spacecraft)); Communications/Sensor Oper-
small entry modules; small robot arm; external cradle ator (Electronics Operation (Communications),
(7-space, 875 tons); 4 vehicle bays (for 6-space AKVs); 35 Electronics Operation (Sensors)); Cargo Master (Freight
cargo (175 tons). [Pod #1]: 20 cabin; battery; hall; small Handling); 3 Engineers (Mechanic (Fusion Drive),
entry module. [Pod #2]: Same as Pod #1. Mechanic (Robotics), other Mechanics skills as appropri-
Statistics: EMass 7,337; CMass 13,074 (13,949*); ate). Most engineers are normally cybershells.
LMass 18,024 (18,889*); Cost $404.18. cHP [Hull] 1,320, Design: Cylinder hull (125 spaces, steel, light frame);
[Pods] 58. Size Modifier [Hull] +6/+10, [Pods] +3/+6, cDR/cPF 5/5F, 1/1S, 1/1B (steel armor); hull radiators (2
[Radiators] +8. HT 12. Maintenance Interval: 2 hours (48 ksf).
hours/day). RRA 68. * With about 875 tons of loaded cra- Modules: Old basic bridge; small fixed PESA [F];
dles, e.g., one TAV or OTV). small radar; 5 high-impulse fusion torch (water); 75 tanks
Performance: sAccel: 0.01 G. Burn Endurance: 220 (water); 2 bunkrooms; 4 cabins; 2 small entry modules; 1
hours. Burn Points: 7,920. Delta-V: 24.2 mps. No air small robot arm; 5 ksf solar cells; 1 external cradle (125
speed. tons); 12 cargo (60 tons).
Variants: In the SAAF vessel, replace the 2 10-MJ Statistics: EMass 461; CMass 1,086 (1,211 with
heavy lasers with two railguns and 4 spaces of ammo. loaded cradles); LMass 1,648 (1,773 with loaded cradle).
Cost M$14.16. cHP 71. Size Modifier +4/+8. HT 12.
M UDLARK LASS -C USV Maintenance Interval: 5.32 hours (18 hours/day). RRA 2.
Performance: sAccel: 0.0055 G (0.005 with loaded
An austere Tenzan Heavy Industries design, the Mud- cradle). Burn Endurance: 625 hours. Burn Points: 12,375
lark was originally intended to provide affordable passen- (11,250 with loaded cradle). Delta-V: 37.8 mps (34.4 with
ger and light cargo transport between Earth-Lunar space loaded cradle). No air speed.
and Main Belt stations. Introduced in 2075, it has proven Variant: The Nestor Makhno-class is an armed variant
popular with Duncanite and homesteader communities, as produced by the Red Duncanites. Since the Pacific War, a
one of the few deep space vessels a small colony can half-dozen Mudlarks have been converted. The typical
afford to operate. The Mudlark utilizes a fusion torch with conversion adds a 2.5-MJ laser tower and 0.5 space power
water reaction mass to take advantage of indigenous fuels pack (good for 9 space combat turns of fire), and deletes 2
available at the many “gas station” asteroids. The most tons cargo. EMass 473, CMass 1,088 (1,213) LMass 1,650
controversial design element is the omission of a storm (1,775), Cost M$16.53, Maint. 4.92 (19.5 hours/day).
shelter – in the event of solar flares, the Mudlark will Performance is unchanged.
have been constructed to replace losses (two were
SATV destroyed during the Pacific War and its aftermath)
and allow for an increased delivery tempo as the system’s
The Saturn Autonomous Transatmospheric Vehicle is
manufactured by Columbia Aerospace. This wedge- demand for energy increases.
shaped uninhabited spacecraft has a diamondoid structure The Lewis has a spherical body 100’ in diameter. It has
and hull and uses a high-thrust fusion pulse drive to lift it 12 ksf of hull radiators. Usual payload is 850 tons of He-3
from Saturn’s gravity well, with an auxiliary fission air- and 50 tons of other cargo (usually mail, etc.). Lewis-class
ram for additional maneuvers within the gas giant’s atmos- HSTVs are named after space scientists and engineers.
phere. It has 30.2 spaces of empty space left for future mod-
The SATV is designed to travel between an aerostat ifications.
processing center in Saturn’s upper atmosphere and Cassi- Crew: Commander (Astrogation, Piloting (Low-Per-
ni Station in low Saturn orbit, carrying a load of He-3. formance Spacecraft)), Electronics Operation (Sensors),
SATVs are also equipped with a robot arm and cargo bay, Electronics Operation (Communications), Gunner
allowing them to be used for other operations within Sat- (Beams)); 3 Engineers (Mechanic (Fusion Drive)). Com-
urn’s atmosphere. Using its air-ram alone, a SATV can mander is an infomorph residing in the vessel’s computer;
cruise indefinitely through the atmosphere at speeds of up engineers are usually cybershells.
to 2,000 mph. Design: Sphere (1,000 spaces, carbon composite,
The SATV is 100’ long. Usual payload is 34 tons of light frame, smart hull); cDR/cPF 1/1 (carbon composite
He-3, though up to 34 tons of other cargo can be substitut- armor); hull radiators (12 ksf).
ed. Cassini Station operates a fleet of six SATVs. They are Modules: Old unmanned controls; medium PESA;
assigned numerical designations, but technicians have small PESA; small radar; small ladar; 25 high-impulse
given them unofficial nicknames. fusion torch (water); 425 tanks (water); 500 tanks (He-3);
An SATV has 20.57 spaces of empty space for future light storm shelter (0.1 space, around controls); 3 2.5-MJ
upgrades. tower lasers; 1 small entry module; 10 cargo.
Crew: Commander (Piloting (High-Performance Statistics: EMass 1,567; CMass 5,654; LMass 8,842.
Spacecraft), Piloting (Aerospace)), Electronics Operation Cost M$116.98. cHP 234. Size Modifier +8. HT 12. Main-
(Sensors)), Electronics Operation (Communications)). The tenance Interval: 3.7 hours (26 hours/day). RRA 12.
SATV’s commander is an infomorph residing in the ves- Performance: sAccel: 0.0059 G. Burn Endurance:
sel’s computer. 708 hours. Burn Points: 13,540. Delta-V: 41 mps. No air
Design: Streamlined Delta (64 spaces, diamon- speed.
doid, heavy frame, lifting body, smart, responsive
hull); cDR/cPF 0.42/1 [F], 0.3/1 [S, B] (diamondoid
armor); hull radiators (7.5 ksf).
Modules: New unmanned controls; small radar;
11.75 compact high-thrust fusion pulsedrives; 1.5
compact fission air-ram; 2.83 tanks (ultralight,
nuclear pellets); 20 tanks (ultralight, He-3); small
robot arm; 6.8 cargo (assumed to be empty; used
only if not carrying He-3).
Statistics: EMass 100; CMass 151; LMass 168.
Cost M$336.25. cHP 240. Size Modifier +8. HT 12.
Maintenance Interval: 2.18 hours (44 hours/day).
RRA 7.5.
Performance: sAccel: 0.94 G. Burn Endurance:
1 hour. Burn Points: 3,384. Delta-V: 10.34 mps. Air
speed 1.13 mps (0.56 mps with air-ram alone). Stall
speed 0.01 mps (in Saturn).
The Lewis and her sister heavy space transport
vehicles are the most common robot tanker space-
craft used to transport He-3 from Saturn to Earth-
Lunar space. Nine were originally built, designed to
operate without crews to reduce operating expenses
and the need for storm shelters. A further five vessels
vessels. It’s a roughly spherical chunk of ice carved
CHRONOS-CLASS TAV out of a Kuiper Belt Object, into which chambers and
corridors have been melted.
The Chronos was designed by Columbia Aerospace
for the Titan environment, and is the workhorse spaceplane Most of its interior space goes to the vessel’s fusion
for civilian and military space operations between Titan, drive and water tanks, but it has room for cargo holds,
Titan orbit, and Saturn’s other moons. When lifting off quarters, labs and minifacs. Sensors, a trio of laser towers,
from Titan, a Chronos boosts to cruising speed using its and two large external cradles (landing pads) are mounted
fission air-ram, then ignites its fission rocket engine to on the vessel’s surface. Performance does not change
reach orbit. The rocket is fueled by indigenous methane appreciably with the cradles loaded.
fuel (abundant in Titan’s atmosphere), drastically lowering A Gypsy Angel craft this size will support up to 40
its fuel costs, although the engine can also use hydrogen or people in comfort, although it can carry up to 80. About
water. The TAV can also be used as a conventional super- one-third the volume of the Thule is waste space – ice –
sonic transport: using its air-ram it can cruise indefinitely which provides moderate armor protection and good radi-
in Titan’s atmosphere at up to 1,100 mph, or reach ation shielding
2,500 mph if using both the air-ram and fusion drive. The delta-V of the Thule is deceptive. It can be
A prototype of the Chronos flew in Titan’s atmos- dramatically increased by cannibalizing the hull’s
phere in 2079. Since 2086, the TAVs have been built waste space to feed the vessel’s fuel tanks. This will
by Columbia Aerospace on Rhea or Titan itself, reduce hull thickness and hence its cDR and cPF, but
although many of their components are imported. At may be desirable on long voyages.
present, 17 Chronos-class TAVs are in service, 11 with A dozen of these vessels are in service. Most were
the Titan Consortium and six with the USAF’s 30th given names suggestive of legendary, mythical, or dis-
Space Wing. The spacecraft itself is a streamlined tant lands, e.g., Asgard, Lemuria, Ultima Thule.
delta 100’ long. In its usual configuration it can carry The spacecraft itself is a sphere 150’ in diameter.
64 people and 60 tons of cargo. Typical payload is Typical payload is 1,258.6 tons. It uses 27,000 tons of
66.4 tons. It uses 276 tons of methane as reaction water as reaction mass. It has 12.28 spaces of empty
mass. space.
Chronos-class vessels are named after the titans Crew: Pilot/Navigator (Astrogation, Piloting
of Greek myth. (Low-Performance Spacecraft)), Communications/
Crew: Pilot and Co-Pilot, each with Astrogation, Sensor Operator (Electronics Operation (Communica-
Piloting (High-Performance Spacecraft, Piloting tions), Electronics Operation (Sensors)), Weapons
(Aerospace), Electronics Operation (Sensors), Elec- Officer (Gunner (Beams), 8 Engineers (Armoury
tronics Operation (Communications). Co-Pilot is nor- (Spacecraft Weapons), Mechanic (Fusion Drive),
mally an infomorph residing in the vessel’s computer. Mechanic (Robotics), Engineer (Mining), other
Design: Streamlined Delta (64 spaces, nanocom- Mechanic skills as appropriate). Also carries other spe-
posite, light frame, lifting body, smart, responsive cialists such as medics, planetologists, educators,
hull); cDR/cPF 1.4/1 [F], 1/1 [S, B] (nanocomposite biotechnicians, depending on the owning family.
armor). Design: Asteroid Hull (3,375 spaces, ice, light
Modules: New cockpit; small fixed PESA [F]; frame); cDR/cPF 1/10 (ice armor); hull radiators (15
small fixed radar [F]; 0.5 compact fission drive ksf).
(methane); 0.5 fission air-ram; 46 tanks (ultralight, Modules: 2 Old basic bridge; 30 high-impulse fusion
methane); 4 passenger seats (64 passengers); small entry torch (water); 1,800 tanks (water); 1 medium PESA; 1
module; 12 cargo (60 tons). small PESA; 1 medium radar [F]; 1 small ladar; 3 2.5-MJ
Statistics: EMass 53; CMass 257; LMass 395. Cost laser towers [S]; 2 hall; 40 luxury cabins; 3 small entry
M$54.26. cHP 60. Size Modifier +8. HT 12. Maintenance modules; 1 large entry module; 2 lab; 4 minifac work-
shops; 10 refinery; 5 rock crushers; 100 ksf folding solar
panels; 1 spacedock (32 spaces, 40’ × 20’ × 20’); 2 exter-
Interval: 5.43 hours (17.7 hours/day). RRA 0.
Performance: sAccel: 0.22 G. Burn Endurance: 0.5
hours. Burn Points: 396. Delta-V: 1.21 mps. Air speed 0.7 nal cradles (10 spaces, 1,250 tons each); 250 cargo (1,250
mps (0.32 mps with air-ram only). Stall speed 0.025 mps. tons).
On Titan, air speed is 0.32 mps (0.15 mps with air-ram Statistics: EMass 17,494.2; CMass 32,252; LMass
only), but stall speed is 0.017 mps. 45,752. Cost M$186.92. cHP 527. Size Modifier +9. HT
12. Maintenance Interval: 1.46 hours (65 hours/day). RRA
THULE-CLASS DSOV Performance: sAccel: 0.001 G. Burn Endurance:
This Deep Space Operations Vessel is a typical Gypsy 2,500 hours. Burn Points: 9,000. Delta-V: 27.5 mps. Air
Angel design, using components mostly purchased speed 0.
from Rust China’s MAST or salvaged from other
The TSA deployed several types of AKV during the Pacific War.
The Columbia Aerospace DFS-3C is the Most numerous were the short-ranged Kupu-Kupu which were scat-
fastest SDV in the USAF, and one of the most tered about Earth-Lunar space. More insidious were the longer
advanced in service anywhere in the solar sys- ranged Rajasi class, which were capable of deep space operation and
tem. A modification of the DFS-3A Angel, it is a patrol. Many Rajasi fled into the outer system after the war.
375’ long by 50’ wide streamlined cylinder cov- Rogue AKV: This is an AKV AI that has become dangerously
ered with AKV bays and laser towers. It differs unstable. Treat as LAI, but delete all Taboo Traits, Honesty and
from the DFS-3A in being powered and pro- Reprogrammable Duty. Increase cost by 35 points. Some display
pelled by a Nanodynamics Space Systems Disadvantages such as Bloodlust, Delusions (Everyone is My
NAM-840 antimatter pulse drive engine instead Enemy), and Extreme Fanaticism.
of the usual fusion pulse drive. This engine was Various private groups such as the Farhaulers’ Guild and Mars
originally constructed for the competing YSDF- Interplanetary have offered bounties on confirmed rogue AKV kills,
2 design, which was never actually produced, up to several million dollars each.
but four examples of the engine were manufac-
tured and used in test beds. After the Pacific War,
the USAF found funds for additional Angel ves-
sels, and it was decided to fit the unused NAM-840 anti- craft, extra AKVs, or RATS as a mission requires. The
matter drives into existing DFS-3 hulls, resulting in the radiator wings are 187’ × 187’ when fully extended.
DFS-3C Archangel. Other modifications were made to Crew: Commander (Leadership, Shiphandling, Tac-
sensors and armor based on experience with the DFS-3A. tics), Pilot (Piloting (High-Performance Spacecraft)),
There are only four DFS-3Cs in USAF service, all of Navigator (Astrogation, Electronics Operation (Communi-
them assigned to the 30th Space Wing at Rhea, where their cations), Electronics Operation (Sensors)), 2 Weapons
substantially higher delta-V provides strategic mobility Officers (Gunner (Beams), Gunner (Railgun)), 12 Engi-
while patrolling the vast distances of the Deep Beyond. neers (Mechanic (Fusion Drive), Mechanic (Robotics),
However, while the Archangels have more legs than the other Mechanics skills as appropriate), 1 Medic (Diagno-
Angels, the need to handle and store expensive antimatter sis, Physician, Surgeon), Mission Specialist (Electronics
means that resupply of fuel is harder to come by, as the Operation (Sensors), Intelligence Analysis, SIGINT Col-
number of bases that stockpile antimatter fuel is limited. lection/Jamming, Traffic Analysis). The DFS-3C has
To compensate, all carry more than twice the antimatter enough room to carry up to 20 infantry with their associat-
their endurance requires. ed equipment. Engineers are usually cybershells.
Typical payload is 767 tons, including 4 AKVs in bays Design: Streamlined cylinder (1,500 spaces, metal-
and 10 munitions packages, and various cybershells car- matrix composite, heavy frame, smart); cDR/cPF 70/5F,
ried as cargo; the space dock is usually empty on routine 6/1S, 10/1B (nanocomposite armor). Hull radiators (60
space patrols, but may be loaded with landing or boarding ksf), folding radiator wings (70 ksf). Chameleon surface.
Modules: New command bridge; 2 large ladar; 2
large PESA; 2 large radar; 250 HI antimatter pulse
drive; 920 tanks (ultralight, nuclear pellets); 0.46
Men rode upon the whirlwind antimatter bay (46 grams); 8 10-MJ heavy laser tow-
ers [S]; 2 10-MJ heavy lasers [B]; 6 2.5-MJ light
that night and slew and fell laser towers [S]; coilgun [F]; 2 350’ new particle
accelerator [F/F]; 8 cabin; 5 bunkroom; 1 heavy
like archangels. The sky storm shelter (2-space: encloses bridge, cPF 1,000);
minifac workshop; 2 large entry module; surgery;
rained heroes upon the spacedock hangar (75’ long, 20’ wide, 12’ high; 36
astonished earth. Surely the spaces); 4 vehicle bays (Predator AKV: 110 tons,
0.112 ksf; 6 spaces each); 50 cargo (250 tons).
last fights of mankind were Statistics: EMass 5,993; CMass 12,281; LMass
17,801. Cost M$1,691.49. cHP 1,944. Size Modifier
the best. [Hull] +6/+11, [Radiators] +9. HT 12. Maintenance
Interval: 0.97 hours (99 hours/day). RRA 125.
– H. G. Wells Performance: sAccel: 0.1 G. Burn Endurance:
92 hours. Burn Points: 33,120. Delta-V: 101.2 mps.
No air speed.
1/1 [S], 10/2 [B] (carbon composite armor); hull
RAJASI-CLASS AKV radiators (1.5 ksf); chameleon surface.
Modules: Old unmanned controls; small radar [F];
(“SNARK”) small PESA; 2 compact HI fusion pulse drive; 2.82 tanks
(ultralight, nuclear pellets); 2.5-MJ light laser [F]; coilgun
The Rajasi were deployed by the Thai and Vietnamese [S]; 0.5 power pack; small robot arm; small entry module.
Aerospace Forces during the Pacific War. 40 were built, Statistics: EMass 73; CMass 100; LMass 117. Cost
and launched secretly to interdict trade between China and M$11.03. cHP 54. Size Modifier +2/+6. HT 12. Mainte-
its outer system colonies. They proved modestly success- nance Interval: 6 hours (15.9 hours/day). RRA 1.5.
ful, as China’s PLAN-SF was oriented primarily toward Performance: sAccel: 0.12 G. Burn Endurance: 23.5
planetary defense. However, the loss or deliberate destruc- hours. Burn Points: 10,152. Delta-V: 31 mps. No air speed.
tion of TSA control facilities and codes during the war’s
end-game left many Rajasi orphaned, and some of them –
nicknamed snarks by the USAF – continue a guerrilla war
against Chinese and foreign interplanetary shipping to this
day. (See also Pirates, p. 104).
The Rajasi differ from most AKVs in that they are
designed to attack commercial vessels rather than war-
Until lions have their
ships. Being built for long-range cruise rather than maneu-
verability, they have excellent Delta-V for such small historians, tales of
the hunt shall always
vessels, which also makes them effective in strikes against
space stations and ground installations.
As the TSA lacked long-range support vessels, the
Rajasi were given a wilderness fuel and maintenance capa-
bility. This included onboard repair and combat cyber-
swarms, and also a robot arm, recessed under the main
glorify the hunter.
body, that could salvage parts from its victims. They gen-
erally slice a target’s reaction mass tanks open and strip it – African proverb
of fuel pellets. After battle damage, only a fraction (typi-
cally 1-10%) of a target’s fuel would be easily accessible
in this fashion, but a Rajasi needs very little to survive.
As their low-sapient infomorphs are capable of learn-
ing, the “rogue” Rajasi AKVs that survive today have con-
siderably more cunning. In some cases, they have
temporarily occupied space stations or vessels they have
attacked, using them for cover. Some have communicated These are land, air, and underwater vehicles. Noted
with targets to request surrender. There is one known inci- vehicles conform to the Wheeled Vehicle Modular Design
dence of a Rajasi hiding inside a captured HSTV cargo bay System (WVMDS) found in In the Well.
while controlling the vessel remotely via cable jacks,
apparently assembled by its microbots or captured human
The following vehicle descriptions list components in
The power pack allows 15 minutes (9 space combat
a format intended to make them easy to use in play, rather
turns) of laser fire. The fusion pulse drive recharges 100
than the design-sequence format used in earlier GURPS
seconds of laser fire every 4.8 minutes (3 space combat
books. The following section describes the system used
The Rajasi is a streamlined cylinder 50’ long by 10’ in
diameter. Usual payload is 9.5 tons, consisting of a single
KKMP munitions pack. It originally carried 33.84 tons of
reaction mass. Rajasi vessels were numbered, but most Subassemblies: The major parts of the vehicle. The
have selected personal names for themselves. number following each subassembly is the targeting bonus
Crew: Unmanned. Infomorph occupies Unmanned to hit. Abbreviations include Tur for turrets and Whl for
Controls and uses (Electronics Operation (Communica- wheels.
tions), Electronics Operation (Sensors), Gunner (Beams, Power & Propulsion: Describes the size and type of
Railgun), and Piloting (High-Performance Spacecraft)). all propulsion and lift systems, power plants, and energy
Design: Streamlined Cylinder hull (8 spaces, banks.
foamed alloy, heavy frame); cDR/cPF 35/5 [F], Fuel/End: For fuel, gives the amount, type (with
Fire number in parentheses), type of fuel tank, and
“routine” or “cruising” endurance. For energy banks, have and still fly. For ground vehicles, a slower off-
provides endurance data under various conditions. Fire road speed is also listed; this is dependent on ground
is the chance, on 3d, of a fire breaking out in the fuel tank pressure. For submarines, crush depth is listed; see Crush
if the vehicle is disabled (drops to zero or less hit points) Depth, p. 154.
or destroyed. Design Notes: A compilation of everything else – the
Occupancy: Each number is followed by an abbrevi- vehicle accessories and data that rarely come up in play,
ation. CCS is a cramped crew station, NCS a normal crew but are useful for reverse-engineering the design. This ref-
station, and RCS a roomy crew station, where a crew erences the design system from In the Well.
member sits. Passenger seats use CS, NS, and RS for
cramped, normal, and roomy positions, respectively. Any
exposed position precedes the normal abbreviation with an ASTERIUS
X (for instance, XNCS for an exterior normal crew sta-
Cargo: Gives capacity in cubic feet. Each cubic foot A variety of research and other submarines operate in
generally holds 20 lbs.; exceptions are noted. Europa’s oceans, some manned, others cybershells. In
Armor: Vehicles without this notation have no armor. addition to the ubiquitous Vostok cybershell, all three
F indicates frontal armor, RL right and left, B back, T top, bases on Europa also operate manned subs. The Asterius is
and U underbody. If the entire subassembly has the same a typical example.
armor, only one value will be listed. Special circumstances A nuclear-powered mini-sub manufactured by
will be detailed just below the tabular columns of armor Vosper-Babbage, the Asterius has a cylindrical hull 50 feet
values. long and 10 feet in diameter. It is propelled by a water jet
Weaponry: Vehicles without this notation have no propulsion system and has a pair of robot arms and a sin-
integral weapons. For those that do, the location notation gle airlock. It seats three people (including the pilot), and
also gives the facing of the weapon, per Armor. All also has three bunks and other living facilities for long-
weapons are assumed to have full stabilization (cancels up term operations.
to -3 in movement penalties). Weapons in turrets have uni- Crush depth on lower-gravity Europa is 164,068 yards
versal mounts (they can elevate up to 90 degrees). Ammu- (93.2 miles), allowing it to reach the ocean’s floor, albeit at
nition listings include all shots stored on the vehicle, not some risk. It can operate to any depth in Titan’s shallow
just rounds in a magazine. For energy weapons, the value seas.
indicates shots stored in energy banks. Following each Subassemblies: Body +2/+6.
weapon is the targeting modifiers provided by all the vehi- P&P: Hydrojet (80 tons aquatic motive thrust); new fis-
cle’s supporting systems. sion reactor (10 MW output)
Equipment: Grouped by location, these are the game- Fuel: 1+ years operation.
play-essential accessories on the vehicle; others will be Occupancy: 1 RCS, 2 NS, 3 bunks. Cargo: 80 cf.
described in Design Notes, below. Refer to In the Well and
to Lasers, p. 137, vehicular weapon and equipment Armor F RL B T U
descriptions. Crash webs are high-tech air bags (DR 9 vs. Body: 4/1,000 4/1,000 4/1,000 4/1,000 4/1,000
impact damage that occupants might sustain); AESA can
operate as either radars or, at half range, as ladars (p. Equipment
TS178); for PESA systems, see p. TS178. Body: New cockpit, small PESA (fixed), small ladar
Statistics: Dim. is a rough indication of dimensions. (fixed), two small robot arms.
Lwt. is loaded weight. The lowercase letter before a per- Statistics
formance rating indicates a mode of travel; g is ground, a is
Size: 50’ long, 10’ diameter Payload: 2,200 lbs.
air, w is water, u is underwater, etc., e.g., gSpeed is top
Lwt.: 119 tons Volume: 4,000 cf
ground speed, and aMR is the aerial maneuver rating. Speed
Maint.: 8.91 hours Price: $20.17 million
is in mph (halve it to get speed in yards per second). Accel
is acceleration in mph per second. MR is the maximum safe
HT: 12 HP: 10,600
G that a vehicle can pull in a maneuver; to determine turn-
ing radius per p. B139, square the vehicle’s current speed
and divide by (40 ×MR). SR is the stability rating; if the
wSpeed: 4 wAccel: 0.6 wDecel: 7.5 wMR: 0.75 wSR: 4
Draft: 21 feet Crush depth: 24,240 yards
GM rules that a vehicle operator has to make a skill roll to
perform a potentially hazardous maneuver, failure by more Design Notes
than SR should result in not only failing the maneuver, but Metal-matrix composite body and extra-heavy frame,
also potential disaster (e.g., crashing into something, spin- with a smart, responsive, submarine hull and hydrojet
ning out of control, etc) at the GM’s option. For air vehi- propulsion system (see Under Pressure) Submerged
cles, stall speed is the lowest air speed the vehicle can mass 125 tons.
harshest environments found in the Solar System –
ASTROBUG icy chasms, ethane swamps, and other terrain that even
tracked vehicles would have trouble crossing. The Land-
The Tenzan Heavy Industries AstroBug is a four-
legged all-terrain vehicle used to get around on large aster- strider described here is the latest model; earlier versions
oids and moons. The driver and up to three passengers sit used MHD turbines and lacked the small sensor turret.
in open seats, usually wearing vacc suits; the vehicle has A driver and passengers could survive in a Landstrid-
an enclosed cargo bay, but not life support. It is powered er for several days in increasing discomfort, but it is not
by a closed-cycle hydrogen-oxygen MHD turbine, and designed for long-term endurance. For long trips some of
driven using Driving (Mecha) skill using computerized the passenger seats can be folded up (freeing 10 cf of addi-
controls. tional cargo space each) to provide room to stretch out or
The AstroBug is a development of a design first test- sleep. When hauling cargo the passenger seats can be
ed as a lunar rover in 2037. The present design dates to removed entirely. The driver uses the Driving (Mecha)
2070. AstroBugs are commonly used on Ceres, Callisto, skill with computerized controls.
Rhea, and Titan.
Subassemblies: Body +3, four legs +1. Subassemblies: Body +4, four legs +2, full-rotation turret
P&P: 37.5-kW four-legged drivetrain. 37.5-kW closed- -3.
cycle MHD turbine. Two rechargeable E cells with 40 P&P: 75-kW four-legged drivetrain. Two rechargeable E
kWh total capacity. cells with 40 kWh total capacity in body. 40 recharge-
Fuel: Ultralight self-sealing 30-gallon hydrogen fuel tank able E cells with 800 kWh total capacity in legs (10
(Fire 10), ultralight self-sealing 15-gallon LOX (liq- per leg).
uid oxygen) fuel tank (Fire 10), 4.4 hours. Battery Fuel: Leg batteries power drivetrain and limited life sup-
powers winch and radio when needed. port for 10 hours. Battery in body powers all other
Occupancy: 2 XNCS, 2 XCS. Cargo: 75 cf. systems.
Occupancy: 1 RCS, 9 CS. Cargo: 125 cf.
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 4/45 4/45 4/45 4/45 4/45 Armor F RL B T U
Legs: 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 Body: 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Legs: 4/80 4/80 4/80 4/80 4/80
Equipment Turret: 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/10 –
Body: Tiny Complexity 5 computer; 1,000-mile range
radio; 4 1.5-mile range PESA [F/R/L/B]; ST 100 winch, 4
crashwebs. Body: Radio with 10,000-mile range, inertial navigation
system, 2 small Complexity 6 computers, compact
Statistics fire suppression system, ST200 winch, one-man air-
Size: 9’ long Payload: 2,461 lbs. Lwt.: 9,622 lbs. lock, limited life system (40 man-days), 10 crash-
Volume: 195 cf Maint.:100.16 hours Price: $39,874 webs, hitch and pin. Turret: 12-mile PESA, 4.5-mile
HT: 8.
HP: 132 [Body] Each Leg: 120
Size: 15’ long Payload: 4,500 lbs. Lwt.: 20 tons.
gSpeed: 35 gAccel: 10 gDecel: 20 gMR: 1 gSR: 5 Volume: 700 cf Maint.: 44 hours Price: $205,850
Low GP. Off-Road Speed 28.
HT: 7.
Design Notes HP: 600 [Body] Each Leg: 300
WVMDS design with walker modifications (p. 154).
Midsize body and four midsize legs. Body has a light gSpeed: 25 gAccel: 5 gDecel: 20 gMR: 0.75 gSR: 4
frame. Legs are medium frame. Armor is steel and body is Low GP. Off-Road Speed 20.
sealed. Ground pressure is 732 on Earth (Low) but will
Design Notes
drop to Very Low or Extremely Low on Mars or on any
lower-gravity world (such as Titan), increasing Off-Road WVMDS design with walker modifications (p. 154).
Speed to 35. Extra large body and four extra large legs with a 0.05 VSP
turret. Armor is aluminum on body, titanium on turret and
legs. Body is sealed. Body provides cPF 1 of radiation
LANDSTRIDER shielding. Ground pressure is 1,253 on Earth (Low), but
McKinsey Industrial Design’s Landstrider is a will drop to Very Low or Extremely Low on Mars or any
rugged, dependable, four-legged all-terrain walker lower-gravity world (like Europa or Titan), increasing
vehicle. It is built for operations in some of the off-road speed to 25.
Fuel: Leg batteries power drivetrain and limited
LANDSTRIDER DRAGOON life support for 10 hours. 50-kWh power pack gives
346 laser shots or powers emDR. Battery in body
In partnership with Vosper-Babbage, McKinsey
developed a militarized Landstrider design in 2094 to powers all other systems.
study the feasibility of a light combat walker to support Occupancy: 1 RCS, 9 CS. Cargo: 10 cf.
ground operations in extraterrestrial terrain. The Land-
strider Dragoon has a larger turret with a smaller turret Armor F RL B T U
(cupola) atop it, more powerful leg motors, and a Body: 6/400 4/200 4/200 4/200 4/200
redesigned body with sloped and electromagnetic armor. Legs: 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Turret: 6/300 4/150 4/150 4/150 –
Cupola: 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 –
15mm Heavy Machine Gun [Turret: F] (2,400
rounds of APS in body).
25-kJ Laser [Turret: F]
20-kJ Tactical Laser [Cupola: F]
Body: Radio with 10,000-mile range, inertial navi-
gation system, HUDWAC, IFF, 2 small Complexi-
ty 6 computers, compact fire suppression system,
ST200 winch, one-man airlock, limited life system
(40 man-days), 10 crashwebs, hitch and pin. Turret:
36-mile PESA, 45-mile AESA.
Size: 15’ long Payload: 2,600 lbs.
Lwt.: 15 tons Volume: 725 cf
Maint.: 19.41 hours Price: $1,062,070
WORLD ROVER Size: 11’ long
Volume: 300 cf
Payload: 2,792 lbs. Lwt.: 4.57 tons
Maint.: 50.35 hours Price: $631,020
Built by Nanodynamics Automotive Systems, the
World Rover is a multi-role six-wheeled all-terrain vehicle
designed to traverse very rough terrain at good speed. Its HT: 13
closed-cycle MHD engine uses hydrogen and oxygen, HP: 375 Tur: 17 Each Wheel: 125
commonly available from water ice on most outer planet
moons (including Titan and Europa). It has no airlock, so gSpeed: 95 gAccel: 4 gDecel: 15 gMR: 1.75 gSR: 5
opening the entry hatch unseals it. It lacks radiation pro-
tection, so it is not recommended for operations on Io, wSpeed: 5 wAccel: 1 wDecel: 75 wMR: 0.75 wSR: 6
Europa, or Ganymede unless the crew has shielded suits. Draft: 1.4 feet
It is driven using Driving (Automobile). There is one
roomy crew station; the vehicle is nominally short occu- Design Notes
pancy, with five passenger seats. These seats can be fold- WVMDS design. Large body and 0.5 VSP (2.5 cubic
ed up for additional cargo space, freeing 10 cf for each seat foot) turret. Body has a smart, medium frame and carbon
moved out of the way. composite structure. Turret is a medium frame with a
World Rovers are commonly used for excursions into foamed alloy structure. Wheels are very large (oversized)
the Titan outback. They are light enough to float, with lim- with all-wheel steering, improved suspension, puncture
ited amphibious capability, and are also easily air-trans- resistant tires, and smartwheels. Armor is metal-matrix
portable. composite on body, carbon composite on turret and
wheels. Body and turret are sealed. Ground pressure is
Subassemblies: Body +3, full-rotation turret [T:Body] -1, 1,206 on Earth, 169 on Titan.
six off-road wheels +3. On Titan, Very Low GP, Off-Road Speed 65.
P&P: 128-kW all-wheel drive. 150-kW closed-cycle
MHD turbine. Two rechargeable E cells with 40
kWh total capacity.
Fuel: Ultralight self-sealing 110-gallon hydrogen fuel
tank (Fire 10), ultralight self-sealing 55-gallon LOX What Nanodynamics don’t tell you is
fuel tank (Fire 10), 4 hours. that brochure speeds are deceptive.
Occupancy: 1 NCS, 5 CS. Cargo: 50 cf.
Most of the moons in the Deep Beyond
Armor F RL B T U aren’t your garden-variety lunar
Body: 4/80 4/80 4/80 3/80 3/80
Turret: 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 – regolith – they’re icy, broken ground,
Wheels: 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 or, on Titan, frozen sludge. Either
way, you’ll be doing one-third listed
Body: Small Complexity 6 computer; 10,000-mile off-road speed with wheels, two-
range radio; inertial navigation system; limited life support thirds for a walker.
(12 man-days); hitch and pin. Turret: 36-mile range PESA;
45-mile range AESA. – Copernicus Jones
Titan’s low gravity and thick atmosphere
mean that man-portable helicopters are quite
practical. A common mode of transport out-
side the domes is the Packhopper, a one-man
strap-on backpack helicopter manufactured
locally by Nanodynamics. Packhoppers have
also been used inside larger space station
habitats, especially those with low gravity.
The Packhopper is propelled by twin
battery-powered rotors. These counter-rotate
around a single shaft above the user’s head,
developing 400 lbs. of lift. This is barely
enough to get it off the ground on Earth or
Venus, but provides plenty of margin to spare
in Titan’s low gravity, where the ’hopper and
pilot weigh 1/7 as much.
If flown manually, the pilot uses twin
control arms that extend forward from the
backpack, with instrument readouts displayed
through his own virtual interface. Even so,
the Packhopper requires both hands to oper-
ate when not locked into a simple hover pat-
tern. Alternatively, the vehicle can be
operated in a “hands free” mode under AI
control, either through the wearer’s own vir-
tual interface or by an AI actually installed in
the hopper.
The Packhopper’s armor does not protect
the operator, although any attack from
behind will normally hit the
machine instead of the wearer. It
takes 10 seconds to strap on the
Packhopper, or one second to
detach it. The rotor folds up, allow-
ing the pack to be brought indoors, but
it requires at least 5 yards clear radius above
the user to operate. The pilot uses Piloting
(Flight Pack) skill. The vehicle has computer-
ized controls. Payload assumes a 250-lb. oper-
ator wearing an environment suit. A small pilot can carry a Statistics
lot more payload, or operate for longer. Size: 3’ tall Payload: 250 lbs. Lwt.: 394 lbs.
Volume: 3.2 cf Maint.: 259 hours Price: $5,950
Subassemblies: Body +0, folding rotor -4, two skids -4.
P&P: 40-kW coaxial rotor drivetrain, 60-kWh battery. HT: 12
Fuel/End: Battery provides 1.5 hours of full-power HP: 9 [Body] Rotor: 12 Each Skid: 2
Occupancy: Harness Cargo: None aSpeed: 115 aAccel: 3 aDecel: 20 aMR: 5 aSR: 4
Stall speed 0.
Armor F RL B T U
All: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 Design Notes
The Packhopper’s frame is light foamed alloy and
Equipment robotic. Armor is foamed alloy. The body has basic sound
Body: Tiny cheap Complexity 4 computer, crashweb. baffling. aDrag is 37.
Columbia Aerospace’s Titan Eagle, universally The Malamute is the U.S. Army’s front-line Titan util-
referred to as the “bird plane,” is a powered ity helicopter, used for air assault, air cavalry, and
ultralight ornithopter aircraft that uses aeromedical evacuation. First deployed in 2092, it was
motorized beating wings to provide lift developed from the earlier UH-88 (used on Earth), but has
and thrust. It’s not as practical as a hel- much heavier armor, a de-rated rotor driveshaft, and a bat-
icopter, but it’s more stylish and quiet, tery pack rather than a MHD turbine. Even so, it is signif-
and as such has been popular with icantly more expensive then the UH-88 and cannot get off
both tourists and residents. It is a per- the ground in gravity greater than Titan’s.
sonal commuter transport and sports
vehicle for many Titan residents. A
number of rental agencies also cater to
tourists (many of whom are infomorphs Okay, the Mosquitoes spotted some kind
uploaded into bioshells or cyberdolls). of, quote, unquote, hive growing near the
The Titan Eagle’s pilot uses Piloting (Light Airplane)
skill. The vehicle has computerized controls. Payload south end of the Mayan Plateau. We’re
assumes a 250-lb. operator (wearing an environment suit). going to check it out. Maybe Chinese,
The bird plane has no life support of its own; a large trans- maybe Triad or radical ’humes – hell, it
parent teardrop canopy opens up to allow entry or egress,
and also provides an excellent view. might be those Axon guys. Now, this is a
hot LZ, but you newsies in the back don’t
Subassemblies: Body +1, two standard wings -1, three need to sweat – there ain’t nothing
retractable wheels -1.
P&P: 30-kW ornithopter drivetrain, 75-kWh battery. tougher than an Ice Dog ’cept an M88,
Fuel/End: Battery provides 1.5 hours of full-power out- and it don’t fly.
put. – Lt. Rafael Lopez,
Occupancy: 1 CCS Cargo: 3 cf
82nd Spaceborne
Armor F RL B T U
All: 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
The Malamute has a teardrop-shaped carbon compos-
Equipment ite body with a folding diamondoid coaxial helicopter rotor
Body: 100-mile range radio, 1-mile AESA [F], small (two rotors rotating in opposite directions around the same
Complexity 6 computer, transponder, 700-lb. vehicu- shaft) for lift and stability. It lands on retractable skids that
lar parachute, crashweb. telescope out to provide up to six feet of ground clearance
in Titan’s low gravity. Above the rotor assembly is a small
rotating turret that houses the Malamute’s sensors and
Size: 7’ long; 20’ span Payload: 310 lbs.
point-defense laser. Defensive armament consists of two
Lwt.: 683 lbs. Volume: 37.5 cf
casemates, one on each side, mounting a 10mm electro-
Maint.: 80.2 hours Price: $62,160
mag gun that can fire ahead and to the left or right side.
Basic emissions cloaking, a laser/radar warning receiver,
HT: 22
infrared jammer, chaff dispensers, and precision naviga-
HP: 44 [Body] Each Wing: 14
tion equipment provide additional capability.
Each Wheel: 4
With over 12 tons of armor, equivalent to many
infantry fighting vehicles, the UH-92 is one of the best pro-
aSpeed: 95 aAccel: 2 aDecel: 17 aMR: 4.5 aSR: 4
tected manned helicopters in existence. It also has a large
Stall speed 0.
cargo area – a typical payload would be 20 troops in
Design Notes cramped seats, a squad of eight Jump RATS, or 5 tons of
The Bird Plane’s frame is light titanium alloy, with a cargo in a cargo sling. The helicopter’s main failing is its
robotic structure and fair streamlining. Armor is metal- sluggish acceleration.
matrix composite. aDrag is 48. The pilot uses Piloting (Helicopter) skill. The vehicle
has computerized controls (with a duplicate control set
for a copilot).
Subassemblies: Body +4, folding rotor +1, two HUDWAC with pupil scanners, advanced
full-rotation weapon turrets -1, full rotation sen- radar/laser detector, infrared jammer (Jam 8), 10 air-
sor turret +0, two retractable skids in body +2. craft decoy dischargers with 20 chaff reloads, 2 small
P&P: 700-kW coaxial rotor drivetrain, 3,500-kWh bat- Complexity 6 computers, compact fire suppression
tery, 65-kWh battery, 36,720-kWs power pack. Sec- system, ST 30 winch, limited life system (2 man-
ondary 9,000 kWs power pack. days), 2 crashwebs. Sensor Turret: 36-mile PESA
Fuel/End: Batteries provide 5 hours of full-power out- and 45-mile AESA.
put; power pack gives 300 laser shots and all 29,840
Emag shots. Secondary power pack can energize Statistics
emDR 45 times. Size: 20’ long Payload: 10,100 lbs. Lwt.: 23.2 tons
Occupancy: 2 RCS Cargo: 380 cf (at 25 lbs./cf) Volume: 785 cf Maint.: 16.7 hours Price: $5,694,240
Armor F RL B T U HT: 7
Body: 4/500 4/500 4/500 4/500 4/500 HP: 362 [Body] Rotor: 161
Rotor: 4/200 4/200 4/200 4/200 4/200 Weapons Turrets: 8 Sensor Turret: 17
Weapon Each Skid: 25
Turrets: 4/200 4/200 4/200 4/200 –
Sensor aSpeed: 220 aAccel: 5 aDecel: 14 aMR: 3.5 aSR: 5
Turret: 4/200 4/200 4/200 4/200 – Stall speed 0.
Skids: 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100 4/100
Body has emDR 200 on all facings. Design Notes
The Malamute’s frame is light carbon composite with
Weaponry good streamlining, robotic, smart, and responsive. Armor
20 kJ Tactical Laser [Sensor Turret: F] is nanocomposite with diamondoid on the rotor and metal-
10mm Emag [Weapon Turrets: F] (29,840 rounds in body). matrix composite on the skids. The body is sealed and has
basic emissions cloaking. aDrag is 176. The Malamute
Equipment can’t fly anywhere except Titan. The IR jammer gives a -8
Body: Radio with 10,000-mile range, flight recorder, pre- penalty on rolls for any infrared homing weapons to target
cision navigation instruments, IFF with backup, iner- the vehicle; chaff, on the turn launched and following turn,
tial navigation system, terrain-following radar, 2 gives a -5 on ladar or radar-homing weapons to target it.
This appendix provides additional options for the one deploying first and dragging out a larger parachute.
spacecraft design system in Transhuman Space and the Each space of parachute can support up to 625 tons, mass-
Wheeled Vehicle Modular Design System of In the Well. es 6.25 tons, and costs M$0.125. Fractional spaces are usu-
ally installed – e.g., a 0.16 space parachute supports 100
tons, masses 1 ton, and costs M$0.02.
COMPONENTS This is an electromagnetic cannon; railguns were
common on early warcraft designs, before longer-ranged
lasers and particle beams became standard. They are still
These components are used with the Spacecraft lethal at close range. The most common railgun design (an
Design rules (p. TS173). Additional spacecraft compo- extremely long-barreled 155mm gun) has an effective
nents can also be found in Transhuman Space: High velocity in vacuum of approximately 10 mps, higher than
Frontier. the standard coilgun. It fires hypervelocity projectiles
directly at a target, rather than launching munitions packs.
Black Hole Power Plant A railgun requires 2 spaces, masses 22 tons, costs
This consists of a primordial black hole surrounded by M$9.2, and uses 1,700 MJ to fire each burst; it can fire two
a power system – see Primordial Black Holes, p. 78. The bursts/turn. It requires 0.1 ksf of surface area. The railgun
plant consists of the black hole (negligible space, typically can only be installed in vessels that are at least 100’ long
a billion tons or more mass) plus a gravitic fusion system. (if facing forward or backward) or at least 100’ wide (if
The plant requires a power core (34 spaces, 820 tons, facing sideways).
M$12.2); this also includes shielding against the black 0.1 space of railgun ammunition masses 0.28 tons and
hole’s radiation. costs M$0.036, and allows the weapon to fire 26 bursts.
Each additional space of power plant can generate 20
MW at a mass of 4 tons and cost of $0.8, up to a maximum
determined by the amount of power that the black hole can Railgun Fire
produce (about 100 MW for Shezbeth). The plant requires
the same heat radiators as a fusion plant, which are based Weapons and Range: A railgun can fire at
on the size of the plant in spaces, excluding the core. short range, or if the target is non-maneuvering, at
short or effective range.
Physical Damage: A railgun does cDAM 6d ×
Only one black hole power plant is operational (Shez-
beth, at Hawking Station), unless conspiracy theorists are
correct and more holes have been recovered. (5 + RV) damage at all ranges. (RV is calculated as
per Ramming and KKMP Damage, p. TS198).
Nuclear Pellet Factory Damage that penetrates armor is multiplied by 10,
as a “shot” represents several rounds impacting.
A specialized modular robofac that can turn raw mate-
Orbital Strike: It has full effect on ground tar-
rials into fuel. It requires 5,000 tons of rock and 5 lbs. of
He-3 per month in order to produce 84 tons (7 spaces) of
Point Defense Fire vs. Railguns: A laser in
nuclear pellets. In addition to nuclear pellets, the process
point defense mode may fire to destroy railgun
also produces 70 tons of HO fuel, 840 tons of MO fuel,
projectiles. If range is effective, each light or heavy
100 lbs. of fission fuels and 3,900 tons of slag or rock dust.
laser can fire to eliminate one railgun shot on a
A nuclear pellet refinery takes up 860 spaces, masses
successful Gunner roll. A failure reduces the rail-
10,800 tons, costs M$20, and uses 360 MW.
gun shot’s after-armor damage multiplier by (10 -
Parachutes margin of failure); a critical failure means the point
defense had no effect.
Parachutes may be used to provide a soft landing or
Evasion: A spacecraft that took Evasive
slow descent for craft entering atmosphere even if the craft
Action or Break Off as its last maneuver gets a
is not streamlined. Parachutes are often used by re-entry
Dodge roll to evade railgun fire. Roll vs. Piloting
capsules that carry cargo or personnel, and by gas giant
skill, subtracting the dodging spacecraft’s worst
probes. They can be deployed once a vessel has dropped to
Size Modifier and adding the modifiers from the
subsonic speed (generally as a result of aerobraking). A
Burn Modifier Table.
typical system includes a pair of chutes, with a smaller
This is a heated microgravity drilling and siphon Electromagnetic Armor
unit that can be used to extract water from a “EM Armor” consists of spaced plates containing sensors
carbonaceous, carbonaceous volatile, frozen which detect the impact of a projectile (such as the penetrating
volatile, or other icy or volatile-rich body jet produced by a shaped-charge warhead) and then generate
like a KBO or icy moon. It may be an intense electromagnetic field. This nullifies or degrades
installed on a spacecraft (generally in the most shaped-charge projectiles and provides a degree of addi-
nose of a cylindrical vessel) or on a station tional protection against kinetic-energy impacts.
built onto or within the asteroid itself. Assum- EM Armor may be designed into any vehicle with at least
ing an outer-belt carbonaceous asteroid whose com- DR 16 armor (or the armor on the facing protected, if it varies)
position is 20% water, each space of probe processes as long as the EM armor does not exceed half normal DR.
300 tons of asteroid regolith per day into 60 tons (4 The vehicle must have a power pack for the armor to func-
spaces) of water. Each space of asteroid refinery tion, as batteries do not discharge quickly enough. If an attack
masses 4 tons, costs M$0.2, and requires 1 MW. penetrates the normal DR then the electromagnetic plating will
activate, draining energy from the power pack. Its DR (abbre-
viated emDR) protects only against shaped-charge (e.g.
HEMP) and kinetic-energy weapons (including explosively-
forged penetrators such as SEFOP). Armor divisors on shaped-
charge warheads are ignored against emDR. For example, if a
shaped-charge HEMP warhead with a (10) armor divisor
struck a vehicle with DR 100 and emDR 50, it would defend
with DR (100/10) + 50 = DR 60 against that attack.
Attacks which fail to penetrate the normal DR of the
armor will not trigger the EM Armor (or drain energy).
If using WVMDS from In the Well, EM armor has a Mass
modifier of 0.03 and a Cost modifier of 100. It drains 1 kWs
per point of emDR when the armor is activated.
Solar Concentrator
Solar concentrators are giant mirrors that focus sun-
light onto a relatively narrow point in order to generate
very high temperatures. A large enough mirror can melt an
entire asteroid, or tunnel through rock. Solar concentrators
are used as ore smelters, and are also required tools for the
creation of Cole habitats (p. 132). Solar concentrators have
the same statistics as solar panels or folding solar panels
(p. TS185), except they cost half as much, and create a spot
of intense heat rather than generating electric power.
Ground Pressure and Off-Road Speed: Deter-
mine the walker’s ground pressure by dividing
loaded weight (modified by local gravity) in pounds
The broken terrain of outer satellites like Io and by total leg area, and multiplying by 12.5. A walker
Europa can be too much for wheeled vehicles. with extremely or very low ground pressure has no
Instead, vehicles often walk on legs, which in the low reduction in speed when traveling off-road. If ground
gravity of most moons easily overcome the issues of pressure is higher, its off-road speed is reduced as fol-
ground pressure which bedevil them in Earthlike lows: 4/5 if low, 2/3 if moderate, 1/2 if high, 1/3 if
environments. Two-legged vehicles are rare, but more very high, and 1/4 if extremely high.
stable four-legged designs are fairly common. gMR: 1.5 for tiny, 1.25 if very small or small, 1
The WVMVDS (p. ITW124) can also be used to if midsize to large, 0.75 if extra large or greater size.
design vehicles with legs. Improved suspension adds 0.25 to gMR.
gSR: 3 if tiny to small, 4 if larger. Improved sus-
Legs pension adds 1 to gSR.
A walker has four legs rather than wheels. Each
individual leg has the same area, weight, cost, total
HP, and Size as a set of standard wheels. Read “wheel
area” as leg area. Internal space (VSP) available in each
leg is 10% of the VSP (before reduction for slope, if any)
found in an equivalent-size body. Leg drivetrains (see
below) can only go in legs; excess space may be used for
other components. While unmanned cybershells can be designed for very
Walkers may have improved suspension, but no other high-pressure environments and life forms may be native
wheel options. to such pressures, only a few specialized manned vessels
can survive at the bottom of Europa’s atmosphere or in the
Drivetrains depths of a gas giant. Crush depth is how deep, in yards, a
Walkers require leg rather than wheel drivetrains. pressurized vessel can descend without being crushed.
These must be placed in leg spaces. Divide their combined (Divide by 1,760 to get depth in miles.) The formula is:
core and slice volume evenly among all leg spaces. As Depth (yards) = 100 × (cDR + 0.1) × Frame Modifier
with wheeled drivetrains, each module provides 25 kW of × Shape Modifier/ Size Modifier
motive power.
If the vessel has more than one Size Modifier; use the
Leg Drivetrain Modules lower. Frame Modifier is 0.25 if extra-light, 0.5 if light, 1
Type VSP Wt. Cost Power if medium, 2 if heavy, or 4 if extra-heavy. Shape Modifier
Walker Drive Core 1.5 180 $9,000 – is 24 for a spherical hull, 12 for a cylinder or torus hull, or
Walker Drive Slice 0.8 100 $5,000 25 3 for a box or delta hull.
Crush depth is further affected by gravity and liquid
density. If a vessel has multiple cDR values, use the lowest
cDR when calculating crush depth.
For Titan: Calculate crush depth
using the above formula, then multi-
It’s a very sobering feeling to be up ply by 12.64, and subtract 72 yards.
This accounts for the ethane-methane
in space and realize that one’s liquid, low gravity, and increased
atmospheric pressure.
safety factor was determined by the For Europa: Calculate crush
depth using the above formula, then
lowest bidder on a government multiply by 7.7, and subtract 22,580
contract. yards. This accounts for the lower
gravity and the increased pressure of
– Alan Shepard the many miles of ice above the
A beehive habitat can be designed simply
by using the Spacecraft Design rules to create
a vessel with an ice or asteroid hull, omitting
the drive.
However, if the body is a few miles or
more across, and 90% or more of its interior is
expected to be waste space, then calculating
“hull mass” and “hull size” are unimportant.
They can also be deceptive, as values such as
cDR assume habitation is concentrated in the
core of the asteroid, rather than just beneath
the surface. For realistic beehive habitat
designs that meet these criteria, make the fol-
lowing modifications.
Internal Space: Decide on the total vol-
ume of all tunnels and chambers.
Tunneling Cost: This is M$ = (Habitat
Spaces)/C, where C is 10,000 for a stony aster-
oid, 20,000 for a carbonaceous asteroid, or
50,000 for an icy body.
cHP: Assume cHP is equal to the square
root of (M × Internal Space), where M is 100
for a stony asteroid, 50 for a carbonaceous
asteroid, or 30 for a frozen volatile or icy body.
For Gas Giants: To get crush depth in atmospheres cDR: Calculate cDR as cHP/10. Round frac-
(for descents into gas giants) multiply crush depth by 11.3. tions to the nearest whole number, and treating any value
The entries on Jupiter (p. 37) and Saturn (p. 53) provide under cDR 1 as cDR 1. For an icy body, use the rules for
approximations of atmospheric pressure at increasing ice armor.
depth. If a beehive habitat is reduced to 0 cHP or less, it has
Test Depth: A vessel has a test depth equal to half of taken serious damage. Access modules, docks, bays,
its crush depth. This is the normal maximum operat- weapons, and sensors are non-functional; entering or leav-
ing requires forcing them open, but internal systems
remain operational. Reducing it to -5 × cHP means wide-
ing depth which it will not exceed during routine
operations. If it goes deeper, it must make a
HT+2 roll on a regular basis. Roll hourly for spread collapse of upper tunnels and galleries, disabling
routine operations on a well-maintained craft, the installation until the rubble can be cleared away.
or more frequently (e.g., every minute) during
situations where a lot of stress is placed on the
hull, such as combat maneuvering, or when main-
tenance has been neglected. If the roll fails, it takes cDAM A Cole habitat is best designed as a spacecraft. Treat it
to the hull equal to 1d × (depth/1,000) yards; liquid and/or as a cylinder hull about twice as long it is wide, using the
gas may also enter the vessel’s hull. rules for manufactured hulls that are made of steel. 50% of
the cost of the steel hull and armor can be ignored if the
purchasers used the Cole process themselves. It should
aerobot: A flight-capable cybershell.
deep time preservationist: A preservationist con-
cerned with preserving environments that may nurture life
billions of years in the future.
eidelon: A shadow created from study of an individ-
freehold: An asteroid owned in totality by a Duncan-
ite family.
genarch: The eldest person in a Duncanite family.
homestead: A privately-funded non-commercial
asteroid colony.
homesteader: Someone who settles in or founds an
asteroid homestead.
hydrocarbons: Organic chemical compounds made
up mainly of hydrogen and carbon. Oil is a hydrocarbon.
polypsychic: Someone who hosts multiple organic
and/or digital minds in one body.
retromorphosis: Any biomodification that decreases
the quality of someone’s life. A favorite
threat of the Martian Triads.
snapshot: A copy of an info-
morph that is not being actively run.
SIRMA: Solar Infrared Mont-
golfiere Aerobot.
SPV: Space Patrol Vehicle. A
pre-SDV manned space warcraft, gen-
erally less capable, and sometimes a con- USEFUL FORMULAS
version of a civilian vessel. GMs may wish to calculate the gravity and escape
UNSIBA: Uranus Neptune Stratosphere Inflated Bal- velocity of small bodies such as asteroids and moons. Use
loon Aerobot. these formulas:
Gravity (Gs) = Diameter (in miles) × Density
SLANG × 0.0000228
Escape velocity = 0.11 × square root of (g × r) mps
deemster: A judge-for-hire; Duncanite slang.
dragoons: Military personnel; derogatory Duncanite where g is the surface gravity in Gs, and r is the radius (half
slang. diameter) in miles.
formicide: The practice of destroying Prospector Density may need to be estimated by the GM; for
Swarms (Red Duncanite slang). many small bodies, an exact figure is unknown. 1.15 to 2.0
greenhand: An asteroid farmer. g/cm3 is typical of bodies that are mostly ice, or ice and
softjacking: The kidnapping of an AI, usually for ille- rock, such as the smaller outer satellites, Kuiper Belt
gal editing, copying, and pirated resale. Objects, and asteroids made of frozen volatiles. Carbona-
zek: A person whose body has been condemned as the ceous asteroids typically have densities of about 1.5 to 3.0
result of a Duncanite judicial ruling. g/cm3. Stony and metallic asteroids may have densities
of about 3.0 to 4.5 cm3.
Names for asteroids, KBOs and other small bodies
follow a traditional system.
Provisional Designations
The majority of asteroids, comets, Kuiper Belt
Objects, and Oort Cloud objects don’t yet have formal des-
ignations. Instead they use “alphabet soup” names like
2099 DZ. However, there is a method to the madness.
The date (e.g., 2099) is the year of discovery, with the
first letter (e.g., J) being the half-month in which it was dis-
covered:. January 1-15 is “A,” January 16-31 is “B,” Feb-
ruary 1-14 is “C,” etc., omitting I and Z, so J means the
first half of May.
The second letter (e.g., Z) shows when the body was
found during that particular half-month. The first body
found in that period is designated A, the second B, and so
on, omitting I but not Z. If more than 25 bodies require
such designations, the letter is recycled with a number
appended. “1” for bodies 26-50, “2” for bodies 51-75, and
so on. Thus, 2099 DZ is the 25th small body found in the
first half of February 2099.
Comets are prefaced with C/ before the date, e.g.,
C/2099 DZ.
By 2100, astronomers have found most sizable Main
Belt, Trojan, and inner system asteroids, so a recent dis-
covery like 2099 DZ is either only a few yards across, has
a very eccentric orbit, or is in the Centaur, Kuiper Belt, or
Oort Cloud populations.