A. Perfect Tenses Activity For ABELS
A. Perfect Tenses Activity For ABELS
A. Perfect Tenses Activity For ABELS
Perfect Tenses
The present perfect tense shows an action or condition that began in the past and
continues into the present.
Present Perfect Dan has called every day this week.
The past perfect tense shows an action or condition in the past that came before
another action or condition in the past.
Past Perfect Dan had called before Ellen arrived.
The future perfect tense shows an action or condition in the future that will occur
before another action or condition in the future.
Future Perfect Dan will have called before Ellen arrives.
To form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses, add has, have,
had, or will have to the past participle.
4. Andi had lost her transfer by the end of the bus ride.
6. Before the discovery of the buried chest, Joe had not believed
in buried treasure.
8. Until his college years, Carl had not decided on his career.
9. The snow plows had cleared our street before the really
heavy snowstorm.
1. Olga had figured out the answer before her teacher’s explanation.
9. The ice on the lake will have melted long before the weekend.