Psychopathology and Mental Health Are Significant To Me

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A week ago, I was not in my best mental health state.

I drafted this discussion then, where I

have gone with major reconstruction today, but I have kept key elements in and did not remove
To be honest, I didn't grasp what the term "psychopathology" meant until I started studying for
this course and prepared for my discussion post. Several of the questions posed for this project
have surprised me, including the following:

 What do psychopathology and mental health signify to us?

 How do we define aberrant psychology?
 What kind of mental disease experiences do we have?
Pathology investigates the disease's causes, course, and consequences, whereas
psychopathology investigates the same principles in the context of mental health (or illness). As
a result, psychopathology is concerned with mental illness. In a nutshell, this discipline includes
a significant amount of mental health research. It can encompass various factors, including
symptoms, behaviors, causes (genetics, biological, social, and psychological), course,
development, categorization, treatments, and procedures (Cuncic, 2020).
A week ago, when I was in a state of 'abnormal,' I could not breathe as I felt a heavy, intangible
thing pressing against my chest. I wanted to break away, yet I was unable to do so. I was very
depressed. I will not talk about the events that led me to this point as they are irrelevant for this
discussion and at this point. What is relevant is, what I am suffering? I am suffering from a
headache. And what do I think about it? Am I crazy? Am I suffering from a mental illness? Am I
It is difficult to define what is abnormal in terms of mental health when it comes to that subject.
From a practical standpoint, there is no clear definition of mental disease because there is
widespread agreement on which conditions should be included under this 'umbrella.' For
example, everyone agrees that schizophrenia, bipolar illness, and obsessive-compulsive
disorder are mental disorders, but not armed robbery, chicken pox, or growing old. The
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is one of the most widely used diagnostic tools, and currently,
the 5th Edition (DSM-5, issued in 2013) is in use (Pridmore, 2021).
On my condition, I would say, no, I am not crazy as I am aware that this is not a chronic
condition but rather an acute reaction to a series of events in my life. The good news is that I am
aware of it and am attempting to deal with it in every manner possible. I have been going on a
walk daily and trying to communicate my condition to seek help and lighten up.
Psychopathology and mental health are significant to me:
Psychopathology is essential to my current circumstance because my mental health influences
my psychical health, as I previously stated. For example, I am experiencing a tremendous
burden on my chest and a headache. Due to my bad mental health, my heart rate grows faster,
and I desire to disconnect from my family and friends during that time. While my mind is urging
me to isolate myself from the rest of the world, I must deal with myself uniquely. I do this
occasionally by going on a long drive. Having our loved ones close by can sometimes keep us
from sinking any further. For example, when my teen son showed up suddenly and joined me
for a long trip, half of my symptoms went off at the same time.
Finally, as Molloy (2015) points out, we will continue to think of mental illness as something to
be hidden until we can talk about it as an illness that, like any other, requires expert treatment
and care.
Question: We understand that depression is more than just sadness. Obsessive-compulsive
disorder is more than just a preference for a particular arrangement of our furniture; bipolar
disorder is more than having an up-and-down day. When we see these people, though, we
frequently judge or acquire a predisposition (bias) against them. We often offer advice without
understanding what they are going through and rarely put ourselves in their place. Do you agree
with me? What should we do, in your opinion?

Cuncic, A. (2020, September 20). What exactly is psychopathology? Verywell Mind.

Molloy, P. (2015, June 29). What's it like living with mental illness? Ask Wil Wheaton. Upworthy.

Pridmore, S. (2021, February). Chapter 1: Introduction to psychiatry. In Download

of psychiatry. University of Tasmania.

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