Course Out Lin

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Title Fundamentals of Database Systems

Module Title Database and Information Management

Module Code InSy-M2072 Course Code: InSy2072
Study Hours Lecture: 32 Laboratory: 48 Tutorial: 0 Home Study: 55
Instructor’s Name: Sirage Z.
Course Academic Year: II Semester: I
Information Course Delivery Mode: Parallel
Course Database concepts related to data handling techniques, definition of a
Description database systems, DBMS, functions and components of DBMS. This course
mainly emphasizes on ANSI/SPARC architecture, database architecture,
RDBMS data model concepts and basic types of data models such as
hierarchical, network and relational data models. Emphasize on relational
data model: data structures and integrity rules. It deals with conceptual,
logical and physical database design. It focuses on basics of relational
Languages such as relational algebra, relational calculus and SQL.
Learning At the end of the Course students should be able to:
Outcomes • Explain database system, and be able to identify its applications
• Explain the different models of database
• Understand relational database management systems and their languages
• Design conceptual, logical and physical database
• Design ER models and map them into relational tables
• Design EER models and map them into relational tables
• Understand database functional dependency and normalization
• Understand file organizations and storage management, and index
• Understand SQL statements and syntax for different RDMS software
• Create a relational database schema in RDMS software that includes
integrity constraints, key constraints, .
Course Content
Topics Hour
Chapter One
1. Introduction
1.1 Database System
1.2 Data Handling approaches
1.2.1. Manual Data Handling approach
1.2.2. Traditional File Based Data Handling approach
1.2.3. Database Data Handling approach

1.3 Roles in Database Design and Development 4 Hours

1.3.1. Database Designer
1.3.2. Database Administrator
1.3.3. End-Users
1.4 The ANSI/SPARC and Database Architecture
1.5 Types of Database Systems
1.5.1. Client-Server Database System
1.5.2. Parallel Database System
1.5.3. Distributed Database System
1.6 Database Management System (DBMS)
1.6.1. Components and Interfaces of DBMS
1.6.2. Functions of DBMS
1.7 Database Languages (DDL, DML, DCL,TCL)
Chapter Two
2. Relational Data Model
2.1 Data Models
2.1.1. Hierarchical Data Model
2.1.2. Network Data Model
2.1.3. Relational Data Model 3 Hours
1. Key Features of Relational Data Model
2. Table, Relation and View
3. Relational Data Model Building Blocks
2.1.4. Object Data Model
2.2 Relational Integrity (Null, Entity, Referential, Domain, and User-Defined
2.3 Key Constraints( Primary, Candidate, Unique, Alternate, Composite and Foreign
2.4 Relational Database Management System
Chapter Three
3. Conceptual Databas Design and E-R Modeling
3.1 Conceptual Databas Design
3.1.1. Steps to Build Conceptual Data Model
3.1.2. Symbols Used in ER Diagram
3.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram Building Blocks
3.2.1. Entity Type
3.2.2. Attributes
3.2.3. Relationship(Cardinality and Degree of Relationship)
3.2.4. Participation Constraints 6 Hours
3.3 Design ER Diagram
3.4 Mapping ER Diagram to Relational Tables
3.4.1. ER Diagram to Table Mapping Algorithms
3.4.2. Mapping Strong Entities to Tables
3.4.3. Mapping Weak Entity to Tables
3.4.4. Mapping Composite Attribute to Tables
3.4.5. Mapping Multivalued Attributes to Tables

3.5 Problem With ER Models

3.6 Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) Models
3.6.1. Superclass and Subclass
3.6.2. Relationship between Superclass and Subclass
3.6.3. Generalization and Specialization
3.6.4. Constraints on Specialization and Generalization
3.6.5. Inheritance
3.6.6. Union
3.7 Design EER Diagram
3.8 Mapping EER Model to Relations
Chapter Four
4. Logical Database Design
4.1 Logical Database Design for Relational Model
4.2 Steps to Build Logical Data Model
4.2.1 Derive Relations for Logical Data Model
4.2.2 Validate Relations Using Normalization 6
4.2.3 Validate Relations Against User Transactions Hours
4.2.4 Check key and Integrity Constraints
4.2.5 Review Logical Data Model with User
4.2.6 Merge Logical Data Models into Global Model
4.3 Redundancy and Data Anomaly
4.4 Functional Dependency (FD)
4.5 Normalization
4.6 Purpose of normalization
4.2 Process of Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF)
4.6.1 Unnormalized Form
4.6.2 1NF- First Normal Form
4.6.3 2NF- Second Normal Form (2NF)
4.6.4 3NF- Third Normal Form
4.6.5 Boyce–Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
4.6.6 Multivalued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form
4.6.7 Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form
4.3 Pitfalls of Normalization
4.4 Denormalization
Chapter Five
5. Physical Database Design
5.1 Physical Database Design Processes
5.1.1 Translate logical database design for target RDBMS
5.1.2 Design File Organizations and Indexes
5.1.3 Design User Views
5.1.4 Design Security Mechanism
5.1.5 Consider Controlled Redundancy
5.1.6 Monitor and Tune the Operational System
5.2 DBMS Storage System
5.3 DBMS File Structure

5.3.1 File Organization

5.3.2 File Operations
5.4 Indexing and Hashing
5.4.1. Types of Single-Level Indexes
5.4.2. Multilevel Indexes
5.4.3. Multilevel Indexes Using B-Trees & B+-Trees
5.4.4. Hashing Techniques
Chapter Six
6. Query Languages
6.1 Relational Algebra
6.1.1 Role of Relational Algebra in DBMS
6.1.2 Relational Algebra Operation Notations or Symbols
6.1.3 Relational Algebra Operations
1. Set Operations 6
2. Database Operations Hours
6.1.4 Advantages of Relational Algebra
6.1.5 Limitations of Relational Algebra
6.2 Relational calculus
6.2.1 Tuple-oriented Relational Calculus
6.2.2 Domain Relational Calculus
6.2.3 Quantifiers in Relation Calculus
6.3 Structured Query Languages(SQL)
6.3.1 SQL Languages (DML, DDL, DCL, TCL)
6.3.2 SQL Datatypes
6.3.3 SQL Selection and Projection Operation
6.3.4 SQL Aggregate Functions
6.3.5 SQL Table Modification
6.3.6 SQL Constraints
6.3.7 SQL Set and Join Operations
6.3.8 Quires and Subqueries (nested queries) 6.4 Limitations of SQL
Chapter Seven 2
7. Advanced Database Concepts Hours
7.1 Database Security
7.2 Distributed Database Systems
7.3 PLSQL (Trigger, Store Procedure and Function)
7.4 Non-Relational Database (NoSQL Database)
Teaching The course will be delivered in the form of lectures, lab/demonstration, student
Strategy presentations, group discussions, and individual and group project works.

Assessment The evaluation shall be based on both formative and summative assessment
Criteria which include:
Assessment Forms (100%) Assessment Weight
 Lab Test 10%
• Project 20%
• Mid Exam 20%
• Final Exam 50%
Role of Delivers lectures, prepares reading assignments and topics for group discussion,
Instructor(s prepares projects by discussion with student, gives consultation and advises
) students on project works and assignments, prepares and evaluates quiz,
assignment, test, mid and final examinations.
Role of Attend lectures, lab session and presentation, work in team on group work,
Students participate in group discussion, discusses with the instructor on topics of interest
for project work, delivers and presents project work, attend quiz, test, mid and
final examinations.
Required Relational Database Management System (RDBM) Software: (SQL
and/or To Design ER and EER Diagram: Edraw max
Reference References
1. Connolly T., Begg C. and Strachan A.: Database Systems, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ed.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe Fundamentals of Database Systems
(7thed), Elmasri. Navathe, 2016
3. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems
( 6thed ) , USA, Addison-Wesley, 2011
4. Thomas Nield, Getting Started with SQL (1st ed), USA, O’Reilly, 2016.
5. Rockoff Larry, The Language of SQL (2nd ed), USA, Addison Wesley, 2016.
6. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, V. Ramesh, Heikki Topi, MODERN DATABASE
MANAGEMENT (10th ed), USA, Prentice Hall, 2011.
7. John J. Patrick, SQL FUNDAMENTALS (3rd ed), USA, John J. Patrick,
8. C.J.DATE , Introduction to Database systems(8thed), USA, Addison Wesley,
9. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan ,Database System
Concepts(4thed), USA, McGraw Hill Inc. , 2002.
10. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom ,Database
Systems :The Complete Book, USA, Prentice Hall, 2002.
11. Ramakrishnan R. and Gehrke J., Database Management Systems (3rded),
USA, McGraw Hill,2003.Systems :The Complete Book, USA, Prentice
Hall, 2003.

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