Fs1episode 5
Fs1episode 5
Fs1episode 5
Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations .
1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.
During my observation of grade 8 students, I noticed that the majority of them were highly
engaged and actively participating in class discussions. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to
learn was apparent, and they demonstrated a clear understanding of the lessons taught.
Despite our presence as FS students, they remained focused and attentive throughout the
duration of the class, indicating their commitment towards their education. However, there
were a few students who appeared timid and reserved, possibly due to their natural
temperament or shyness towards unfamiliar faces. Overall, I was impressed with the level of
intelligence and involvement exhibited by these young students, and I feel optimistic about
their potential for success in the future.
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
In my opinion, independent learning can be effective for some students but may not be suitable for all
students. While some individuals have the capability to work on their own and succeed, others may
require guidance and support from their educators. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge that
students have varying intellectual capacity levels and learning styles, and educators should adapt their
teaching techniques to cater to individual needs. By offering interactive learning opportunities,
providing structured guidelines, and setting achievable goals, educators can empower their students to
become self-directed learners while ensuring their success in achieving academic excellence.
Ultimately, it is important to strike a balance between independent and guided learning to create a
dynamic and effective learning environment that meets the needs of all students.
To address this issue, I believe that teachers need to adjust their teaching styles and classroom
management techniques to help prevent inattentiveness. This might involve incorporating more
interactive or hands-on learning activities, breaking up longer lessons into shorter segments, or using
visual aids and other tools to help keep students engaged. By being aware of the attention spans of
their students and adapting their teaching strategies accordingly, teachers can help ensure that every
student is able to stay focused and engaged in the classroom.
1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
students’ belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these areas
for specific purposes are not present?
The classroom set-up is reflective of traditional Philippine high-school teaching. The room
features a large blackboard in the front, which serves as a focal point for students. In the center
front of the classroom lies a table, where lectures or discussions are conducted. The rows of seats
are arranged neatly, taking up the majority of the space, but still leaving room for other
necessary areas. At the back of the room, there's a long table where students can store their
belongings and keep their personal items organized.One unique feature of the classroom is a
small cabinet located on the left side of the room beside the window. This cabinet serves as a
display case for previous students' projects and outputs, inspiring and motivating current
students to excel in their studies.While the classroom does not prioritize creating an interactive,
hands-on learning environment, it still promotes positive learning among students by providing a
structured environment that fosters discipline and concentration. The wall displays, mostly
situated on the right side and back of the room, help students absorb class materials visually
and hold their attention. Overall, the classroom set-up and organization structure remain
effective for promoting an excellent learning experience in a Philippine high-school setting.
2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?
No talking during classes. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
No chewing gums/eating food during classes.
Turn off your phones.
Come in class early.
Establishing classroom rules is essential for creating a positive learning environment and
promoting successful learning outcomes. These rules set clear expectations for students,
allowing them to take responsibility for their actions and understand their tasks more
thoroughly. When rules are established and followed consistently, students feel safe and
become more engaged in the learning process. They are also more likely to develop positive
behaviors and attitudes, which can help them achieve academic success. By establishing
and enforcing classroom rules, teachers can create a supportive and productive learning
environment that benefits all students.
3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What’s the effect of students’ participation in
rule-making on student’s behavior?
The teacher's approach to involving the students in the process of creating classroom rules
demonstrates the value of student engagement in promoting responsible behavior and
discipline within the classroom. By allowing the students to participate in the decision-
making process, the teacher empowers them to take ownership of their learning environment
and fosters a sense of community responsibility. This approach not only reinforces the
importance of obeying rules but also encourages the development of critical thinking,
problem-solving, and leadership skills among students. Furthermore, involving the students
in the rule-making process helps to ensure that the rules are fair, reasonable, and relevant
to the needs of the class, promoting a positive and productive classroom atmosphere.
Overall, by engaging students in the establishment of classroom rules, the teacher is not
only facilitating a more effective learning environment but also cultivating a lifelong
dedication to responsible citizenship among their students.
4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
To kick off the class with fervor, the teacher warmly welcomes her students and requests a
representative from the class to lead the prayer. She then proceeds to inquire about their
well-being, evoking a sense of care and concern. Her students respond positively, expressing
that they're doing good. She then courteously requests her pupils to take their seats, while
assembling her presentation equipment including her laptop and projector. With the setup
complete, she conscientiously records the attendance by calling out each student's last name
to ensure that nobody misses out on the important discussion. Following the attendance
call, she interjects a motivational activity designed to infuse a positive mindset and bolster
the keenness to learn that will keep excitement levels high throughout the entire session.
5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in
managing the class?
classroom arrangement not only ensures a fair and organized seating plan, but it also
promotes inclusivity by accommodating students with sensory difficulties. The teacher's
consideration and empathy towards these students' needs make for a positive and welcoming
learning environment, where every student feels valued and supported. Additionally, by
placing absent students at the back of the room, the teacher can efficiently keep track of
attendance and promptly follow up with any necessary actions. Overall, this thoughtful
seating arrangement exemplifies the teacher's dedication to providing a conducive learning
experience for all her students.
7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher do?
Describe the behavior strategies used.
As an educator, it is crucial to create a learning environment that fosters growth and
development, not only in knowledge and skills, but also in character. One way to achieve this
is by adopting a teaching approach that encourages students to take responsibility for their
actions and learn from their mistakes. When students fail to follow instructions, it may be
tempting to dismiss their output altogether. However, by accepting their work and using it as
a learning opportunity, teachers can encourage students to take ownership of their mistakes
and work towards improvement. By reminding students to pay attention to instructions and
setting clear expectations, teachers can help students develop a sense of accountability. This
approach not only fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, but also helps build
invaluable life skills that will serve students well beyond their academic careers. Moreover,
recognizing students' efforts and providing feedback on how they can improve can boost their
confidence and motivation to do better. With a positive and constructive teaching approach,
students will feel empowered to take charge of their learning journey and reach their full
8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies)
The teacher in this classroom has adopted various effective strategies to reinforce positive
behavior within her students. One notable approach is allowing her students to establish the
classroom rules collaboratively. By doing so, the students feel empowered to take ownership
of the classroom and consequently, become more accountable for their behavior.
The teacher also addresses behavioral issues in a friendly and calm manner, as opposed to
scolding the students. This approach fosters a positive teacher-student relationship while
providing a safe space for the students to express their concerns.
To motivate and reinforce positive behavior, the teacher celebrates the students'
achievements and praises their efforts. Additionally, the teacher provides rewards and
incentives to encourage the students to strive for more. This approach not only promotes
positive behavior but also instills a sense of accomplishment and pride in the students.
To keep the class engaging and fun, the teacher incorporates activities that promote peer
teaching and collaboration. This approach encourages teamwork and a sense of community
within the classroom. Furthermore, incorporating varied learning activities helps to cater to
the different learning styles of the students, promoting inclusivity and diversity.
In summary, the teacher in this classroom employs various effective strategies to reinforce
positive behavior, including collaborative rule-setting, addressing behavior in a friendly
manner, praising achievements, and rewarding students' efforts. Additionally, the teacher
fosters a sense of community and inclusivity by incorporating engaging and fun activities
that promote collaboration and peer teaching.
Furthermore, by adopting a positive and empathetic approach towards discipline, teachers can
promote a sense of belonging and encourage students to develop strong relationships with one
another. This can lead to a more supportive and cooperative classroom environment that
fosters academic and personal growth for all students.
School: ________________________________________________________________________________
1. Specific Areas in the The classroom exudes a These elements not only
Classroom warm and inviting provide a sense of security
atmosphere with its for students, but also
traditional set-up of sturdy create an environment that
wooden tables and chairs. fosters focus, relaxation,
The desks are spacious and and creativity. Whether it's
arranged in tidy rows facing the soft lighting, colorful
the chalkboard, providing decorations, or ergonomic
ample room for students to furniture, each piece plays
focus on their studies. The a role in promoting positive
back of the classroom energy and encouraging
features a cozy reading students to feel empowered
corner adorned with soft in their academic pursuits.
cushions, books and By prioritizing their
inspiring posters, comfort and safety,
encouraging students to educators can inspire a
explore their love of sense of belonging that can
literature. To further support have a lasting impact on
their learning, a set of students' confidence and
shelves stands proudly at achievement.
the side, well-stocked with
educational resources that
cater to the needs of every
learner. For added
organization, a row of
cubbies is placed at the back
for students to store their
belongings, freeing up
valuable desk space for their
learning essentials.
2. Classroom Rules The classroom rules have The establishment of rules
been carefully crafted provides a structure that
through years of experience enables individuals to
and have been repeatedly develop a sense of
tested for their efficacy to discipline and
promote a safe, respectful, accountability. As they
and productive learning learn to adhere to these
environment. Students have rules, they become more
been educated on these rules responsible and reliable,
and understand the thus contributing to the
importance of adhering to creation of a harmonious
them, resulting in a cohesive and well-ordered
and collaborative classroom environment. Moreover, the
community. The robust observance of rules also
implementation of these cultivates good manners
rules has allowed students and social behavior, as
to thrive academically and individuals learn to
personally, preparing them interact with others in
for success in future respectful and considerate
endeavors ways. Overall, the presence
of rules fosters the growth
of personal and social
development and helps
individuals to become
responsible and well-
mannered people.
3. Classroom Procedures The classroom procedures This enables learners to
are meticulously explained have a more effective and
and consistently efficient learning
demonstrated to ensure that experience, allowing them
every student understands to absorb information with
and can confidently follow ease and comfort. By
the established routines. providing an environment
that is conducive to
learning, learners are able
to fully engage with the
material and gain a deeper
understanding of the
subject matter. Moreover,
this approach promotes
retention of information
and helps learners apply
their newfound knowledge
in various contexts.
Ultimately, learners are
able to achieve their
learning objectives, thereby
empowering them to
succeed in their personal
and professional pursuits.
4. Daily Routines Daily routines are well- These maintain consistent
established. standards
5. Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement has As a result of adopting this
been purposefully designed approach, students are
to optimize the learning equipped with the
experience, ensuring that necessary skills to learn
learners remain engaged and more effectively and
attentive throughout the contribute actively to
session. classroom discussions and
activities with greater
confidence and
6. Handling The teacher exhibits Instead of demotivating
misbehavior/off-task exceptional poise and learners, constructive
behavior professionalism by feedback can inspire and
approaching the misbehavior encourage them to improve
with composure and grace, in their future efforts. By
never losing sight of their offering specific and
responsibility to create a safe actionable suggestions for
and respectful learning improvement, learners can
environment for all students. gain a deeper
Their tactful and respectful understanding of their
approach to discipline is a strengths and weaknesses,
testament to their dedication and build on their skills
and unwavering commitment and knowledge accordingly.
to the success and wellbeing Additionally, receiving
of their students. feedback in a supportive
and respectful manner can
help learners feel valued
and motivated to continue
learning and growing.
Overall, constructive
feedback is an essential
tool for facilitating growth
and development in
learners and should be
used thoughtfully and
effectively in educational
7. Reinforcement of Positive Reinforcement of positive Positive reinforcement,
Behavior behavior is not only such as praise and
appropriate, but it is also a recognition, not only boosts
highly effective method that an individual's confidence
catalyzes favorable results. but also reinforces
By acknowledging and desirable behaviors while
rewarding individuals for reducing negative
their positive actions, we not behaviors. This can lead to
only encourage them to improved overall
continue behaving in a performance, motivation,
positive manner, but we also and emotional well-being,
boost their confidence and creating a more positive
self-esteem. This, in turn, and productive
leads to a positive cycle of environment. By instilling a
behavior, where individuals culture of appreciation and
are more likely to repeat positive feedback,
positive actions and make individuals are more likely
ethical choices. It is a crucial to consistently strive to
strategy in creating a culture meet expectations and
of positivity and productivity, exceed goals, ultimately
which can have far-reaching benefiting both themselves
effects on our personal and and the organization as a
professional lives. Therefore, whole.
it is essential to incorporate
reinforcement of positive
behavior into our daily lives,
whether it's in the workplace
or at home.
1. How did the classroom organization and routine affect the learners’ behavior?
Classroom organization and routines have a significant impact on the academic and
behavioural performance of students. When a classroom is well-organized, it creates a
positive and conducive learning environment that fosters concentration, learning, and
academic achievement. By establishing clear expectations and routines for behaviour
management, students feel a sense of security and predictability that helps regulate
their behaviour, reduce anxiety and increase their confidence in their ability to succeed.
Moreover, classroom routines help students develop important skills that may be
beneficial for their future. For instance, it can teach them the importance of
organization and time management skills, which are vital for academic success and life
in general. When students understand how to manage their time, prioritize tasks,
organize their materials and work effectively with their classmates, they are more likely
to feel confident in their abilities, leading to increased motivation and academic
2. What should the teacher have in mind when they design the classroom organization
and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
The combination of these different educational theories and their principles can create a
more comprehensive and effective approach to teaching and learning. A teacher who
embraces multiple theories and approaches in their teaching can strive to meet the
needs of all students, regardless of their learning style or personality. Teachers who
acknowledge the behaviorist theory can foster positive behaviors in their students while
managing negative ones. Those who incorporate humanist theory can acknowledge the
unique and personalized needs of each student and focus on their individual growth
and development. Educators who utilize democratic theory can empower their students
by allowing them to participate in their educational journey. The psychoanalytic theory
can help teachers gain insight into the thoughts and emotions of their students,
enabling them to be more empathetic and responsive to their needs. Additionally,
incorporating cognitive theory in teaching can help students develop their critical
thinking skills and improve their ability to retain and apply knowledge. By embracing
and combining these different theories, teachers can create a more supportive,
engaging, and inclusive learning environment that will help their students reach their
full potential.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level, why?
Soon, I see myself teaching junior high school students in my English class. I will start
my class through a prayer, which for me is very important. To be followed by asking
them about how they are doing, are they happy, what do they feel about our subject,
etc. These questions will help me determine the current status of students regarding
learning my classes. I can also find out easily the strategies that I need to carry out to
address their needs if they ever shared to me what do they feel about learning my
subject. Then of course, the usual procedures like attendance. motivational activity and
actual discussion with constant posing of questions to check their comprehension.
2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?
The rules that I would most-likely to implement in this group of students are the following:
3. Follow Directions. - To remind them that through following directions, thing will work well
4. Keep Quiet. Raise your hand if you want to speak. - To minimize loud noises.
________________________________ ____________________
Signature of FS Teacher over Printed name Date