Cuo NP
Cuo NP
Cuo NP
S. Atchaya, J. Meena Devi
correlation effects, spin dynamics, electrochemical, mag- are extensively explored [14]. CuO nanostructures of differ-
netic, super-hydrophobic, photovoltaic property, multifer- ent size and shapes have been reported as prepared by vari-
roicity and biocidal activity. The unique physicochemical ous methods such as solid-state reaction, chemical precipita-
properties of the nanoscale cupric oxide have been harnessed tion, electrochemical deposition, thermal annealing, vapour
for its diverse potential applications, such as optoelectronic phase synthesis, green synthesis and microwave irradiation
devices, sensors, catalysis, lithium-ion batteries, high criti- method [1, 2]. The co-precipitation method is a simple, safe,
cal temperature superconductors, super-capacitors, magnetic time and cost-effective method for larger yield of nanoscale
storage media, solar energy conversion, smart windows, CuO in powder form. The main objective of our present
optical limiters, thin film transistors, field emission emit- work is to investigate the structural, optical, electrical and
ters and biomedicine [1–4]. magnetic properties of copper oxide nanoparticles prepared
CuO crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal structure with by co-precipitation method.
a space group C2/c. The unit cell of cupric oxide has four
CuO molecules. The copper atoms have square-planar coor-
dination, whereas the oxygen atoms are almost tetrahedrally 2 Instrumentation Details
coordinated. Each copper atom is coordinated to four copla-
nar oxygen atoms located at the corners of a parallelogram The morphology of the copper oxide nanoparticles has been
and they form chains by sharing the edges. Each oxygen examined using a field emission scanning electron micro-
atom is coordinated to four copper atoms located at the cor- scope (FE-SEM) of model JSM 6701, JEOL, Japan. The
ners of a side sharing distorted tetrahedron. C uO2 ribbon X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern has been recorded on a dif-
chains made up of edge-sharing C uO4 square planar units fractometer of model D8 Focus, Bruker, Germany, using
form the building blocks of atomic structure of cupric oxide CuKα radiation of wavelength 1.5406 Å. X-ray photoelec-
[3, 4]. The magnetic interaction between the C u2+ ions is tron spectrum (XPS) measurement has been performed
mainly mediated through the neighbouring O ions, and it using PHI Versa probe III X-ray photoelectron spectrom-
depends on the Cu–O–Cu bond angle [5]. eter. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum has been
Cupric oxide is an antiferromagnetic material with the obtained using FTIR spectrometer of model Spectrum 100,
Neel temperature of around 230 K. The large magnetic Perkin Elmer, USA. The optical properties have been stud-
super-exchange interactions and the strongest magnetic ied by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), employing
ordering in Cu–O–Cu chains favour antiferromagnetism. spectrometer of model DRS, Varian cray 5. The electri-
The local magnetic moment of CuO has been reported [16] cal resistivity has been measured using Keithley interac-
to be 0.86μB, as the magnetic moment per copper atom is tive digital sourcemeter of model 2450. The magnetization
0.68μB and the magnetic moment per oxygen atom is 0.18μB. measurements have been carried out in a vibrating sample
The existence of oxygen vacancies, uncompensated surface magnetometer of model VSM, 7410 Lakeshore at room
spins, reduction in particle size, and anisotropy of nanostruc- temperature.
ture have been attributed to the origin of ferromagnetism
[5–12]. The magnetic properties of CuO nanostructures are
diverse, and their origin and mechanism have not been fully 3 Preparation Method
understood. Hence, it is therefore needed to understand the
magnetism of CuO nanoparticles to develop them as a reli- Copper oxide nanoparticles have been prepared by chemi-
able robust magnetic material for the magnetoelectronics cal precipitation method using cupric acetate, glacial acetic
and spintronic applications. acid and sodium hydroxide as shown in Fig. 1. To one molar
Copper oxide nanoparticles exhibit remarkable biological aqueous solution of cupric acetate, 10 ml of diluted glacial
properties such as antimicrobial, anticancer and antioxidant acetic acid was added and stirred continuously at room tem-
efficacy, detection of biomolecules, photoimaging, photo- perature for 45 min. This mixture was then heated around
thermal therapy, and magnetically response drug delivery, 70° C, followed by the dropwise addition of 20 ml of one
which renders them a potential tool for biomedical applica- molar aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide under vigorous
tions [13]. The extraordinary benefits of semiconducting, stirring. This solution was then heated and stirred continu-
optical, magnetic and biological properties of CuO nanopar- ously at a constant temperature range of 70–80° C for about
ticles may be blended to design a multifunctional material 5 h. The colour of the solution gradually changed from blue
for biomedical as well as optical, electronic, optoelectronic to brownish black indicating the formation of copper oxide
and magnetic applications. Chemical, electrochemical and nanoparticles. The resulting brownish black precipitate was
biological methods have been used for the synthesis of cop- dried in hot air oven at 120° C for 3 h. The dried powder was
per oxide nanoparticles, and their biological properties and then subjected to calcination at 300° C for 3 h. Finally, black
biomedical, catalytic, sensing, optoelectronic applications powder of the copper oxide nanoparticles has been obtained.
Experimental Investigation on Structural, Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of…
4.1 Morphological Studies
Fig. 2 SEM analysis of copper oxide nanoparticles a SEM micrograph b particle size distribution
S. Atchaya, J. Meena Devi
𝜀= (3)
Table 1 Structural properties of copper oxide nanoparticles The chemical composition and electronic state of the pre-
pared copper oxide nanoparticles are analysed using XPS
S. No Structural parameters Values
spectra shown in Fig. 5 a, b and c. The measured XPS survey
1 Chemical formula CuO spectrum confirms the presence of constituent Cu element
2 Crystal structure Monoclinic (Cu 2p1/2, Cu 2p3/2 Cu 3 s, Cu 3p and Cu LMM) and O ele-
3 Space group C2/c ment (O 1 s and O KLL) in the CuO nanoparticles. The pres-
4 Lattice constants a = 4.67 Å ence of carbon can be sourced to adsorbed organic species
b = 3.42 Å (acetate group) due to usage of precursor salt cupric acetate
c = 5.13 Å for preparation. The characteristic peaks with binding energy
α = 90°
β = 99° around 953 and 933 eV correspond to C u2+ state, and they
γ = 90° could be assigned to Cu 2p1/2 and Cu 2p3/2 core levels of
5 Unit cell volume 80.99 Å3 CuO, respectively. The satellite peak around 943 eV indi-
6 Number of CuO molecules per 4 cates the existence of CuO. The peaks around 121 and 62 eV
unit cell are attributed to Cu 3 s and Cu 3p orbitals, respectively. The
7 Density 6.52 g/cm3 peak around 529 eV is indexed to O 1 s orbital. These results
8 Cu–O (bond length) 1.96 Å are consistent with the XPS data of CuO [15, 17, 18].
9 Cu-Cu (distance) 2.89 Å
10 O–O (distance) 2.62 Å
Experimental Investigation on Structural, Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of…
Fig. 5 a XPS survey spectrum of copper oxide nanoparticles. b XPS core level spectrum of Cu 2p. c XPS core level spectrum of O 1 s
4.4 FTIR Studies
4.5 Optical Properties
S. Atchaya, J. Meena Devi
Table 2 Optical properties of copper oxide nanoparticles The refractive index is obtained from the band gap value
S. No Optical parameters Values using Herve–Vandamme relation given below:
1 Band gag (Eg) 1.45 eV
n2 = 1 + (5)
2 Refractive index (n) 2.98 Eg + B
3 High-frequency dielectric constant (ε∞) 8.86
4 Static dielectric constant (ε0) 14.05 where A and B are numerical constants with values of
13.6 and 3.4 eV, respectively. The refractive index n of the
prepared copper oxide nanoparticles is found to be 2.98.
Babu et al. [22] have reported the refractive index value
of CuO thin film to be 2.35 from Herve–Vandamme rela-
tion. The refractive index value estimated for copper oxide
nanoparticles in our present work is comparable to the value
reported in the literature. The refractive index value of bulk
copper oxide is 2.6. The refractive index value of the pre-
pared copper oxide nanoparticles estimated from Herve-
Vandamme relation is slightly larger than the bulk value.
The values of high-frequency dielectric constant (ε∞) and
static dielectric constant (ε0) have been estimated as 8.86
and 14.05 and, respectively, using the following relations.
𝜀∞ = n 2 (6)
Experimental Investigation on Structural, Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of…
S. Atchaya, J. Meena Devi
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