Informatics Practices

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Session: 2022-23
Class: XI
Time: 3 HOURS M.M.: 70
General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.

2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in
Q35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

1 Identify the interface that allows user to run program or give instructions to the 1
computer in the form of icons, menus and other visual options.
(i) Graphical User Interface
(ii) Character User Interface
(iii) Touch Based Interface
(iv) Voice Based Interface
2 1074 ZB = ___________________? 1
(i) 1 YB 50ZB (ii) 1EB 50ZB (iii) 1YB 50 PB (iv)1PB 50 TB
3 _______ involves fetching data from storage devices for its processing. 1
(i) Data Storage (ii) Data capturing (iii) Data Retrieval (iv) Data Deletion
4 Nimish has joined an organization which uses only Open Source Software. Help him to 1
identify which software he cannot use in his organization.
(i) Python (ii) Libre Office (iii) JAVA (iv) Tally
5 Identify the incorrect identifier from the following: 1
(i) none (ii) None (iii) nan (iv) NaN
6 Shilpi is teaching Arithmetic operators in Python. One of her student wrote the following 1
Predict the output of the above mentioned statement:
(i) 75 (ii)12 (iii) TypeError (iv) 77777
7 Identify the correct command which will produce the output given below: 1
(i) list(range(-2,-8,-2))
(ii) list(range(0,-8,-2))
(iii) list(range(-2,-10,-2))
(iv) list(range(0,-10,-2))
8 Consider the attributes ( RollNumber, SName, SDateofBirth, GUID ) of the table Student. 1
According to you, which of the following option is the correct representation of the table
after executing the following query:
Insert into student (RollNumber, SName, SDateofBirth) values (2, ‘Sudha’,’2002-02-28’);
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 NULL

RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 00000000

RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 0
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28
9 Mr. Malhotra is working on MySql table named Student with the following table schema: 1

Which of the following command is used to get the above output:

(i) Create (ii) Describe (iii) Show (iv) Alter
10 In SQL, determine the command that is used to SELECT only one copy of each set of 1
duplicable rows:
(i) Select Distinct (ii) Select Unique (iii) Select Different (iv) Select All
11 Choose the incorrect statement related to Where clause: 1
(i) It is used to filter records
(ii) It is used to retrieve data that meet some specified conditions
(iii) It is used with SELECT statements as well as with INSERT statements
(iv) It is used with arithmetical as well as logical operators.
12 Consider a table Student having two fields as mentioned below: 1
FName varchar(20)
LName char(20)
If in a record , value stored in Fname is ‘Anuj’ and LName is ‘Batra’,then FName and
LName will consume _______ and ________ characters space respectively.
(i) 4,5 (ii) 4,20 (iii) 20,4 (iv) 20,20
13 Candidate Key - Primary Key= ________________ 1
(i) Primary Key (ii) Alternate Key (iii) Foreign Key (iv) Composite Key
14 A student wants to delete a tuple from a table in MYSQL, which of the following 1
categories of MYSQL helps him in doing the same:
(i) DML (Data Manipulation Language)
(ii) DDL (Data Definition Language)
(iii) DCL (Data Control Language)
(iv) TCL (Transaction Control Language)
15 Ms. Ruchi has developed a web application using MySQL and Python. To run this 1
application online, she availed a pre-configured Apache server from cloud having MySQL
and Python pre-installed. Which type of cloud computing model she has used:
(i) IaaS (ii) PaaS (iii) SaaS (iv) DaaS
16 “Imagine what if our bulbs, fans and refrigerator also become a part of LAN or Internet. 1
Think about of the advantages and tasks that can be accomplished if all these devices
with smart connectivity features are able to communicate amongst themselves and we
are also able to communicate with them using computers or smart phones.”
In your opinion, which feature are we talking about in the above context?
(i) AR (ii) VR (iii) WoT (iv) IoT
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as :
i) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
ii) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
iii) A is true but R is False
iv) A is false but R is true
17 Assertion: Comments are executed by interpreter. 1
Reasoning: Comments are used to add a remark or a note in the source code.
18 Assertion: A database can have only one table in MySql. 1
Reasoning: If a piece of data is stored in two places in the databases, then storage space
is wasted.
19 Deleting digitally stored data means changing the details of data at bit level, which can be 2
very time consuming. Therefore, when any data is simply deleted, its address entry is
marked as free, and that much space is shown as empty to the user, without actually
deleting the data.
In case data gets deleted accidentally or corrupted, there arises a need to recover the
data. Recovery of the data is possible only if the contents/memory space marked as
deleted have not been overwritten by some other data.
i) Can you recover the data once deleted? Justify
ii) Give any one security threat involved when we throw away electronic gadgets
that are non-functional.
Write down the type of memory needed to do the following:
i) To execute the program
ii) To store the instructions which cannot be overwritten
20 Predict the output of the following: 2
w,x,y,z = 5,6,7,8
w,x,y,z = w*w, w*x, x*y, y*z
print(w, x, y, z)
21 Find errors in the following code fragment.(Rewrite the program underlining the 2
x= int(input(“Enter value of x:”)
for in range [0,10]:
if x=y:
print( x + y)
print( x‐y)
22 Suggest the corresponding Python Statement of the following: 2
i) Assign 30 to a variable length and 40 to a variable breadth.
ii) Assign multiplication of length and breadth to a variable area
23 Consider the following table ITEM : 2
Item_no Item_name Price
1 Pen 10
2 Pencil 5
3 Rubber 7
4 Sharpener 8
What is the degree and cardinality of the above mentioned table?
Write any two advantages of using MySql?
24 DAV Sports Management Committee has decided to conduct cricket matches between 2
students of class XI and Class XII. Students of each class are asked to join any one of the
four teams — Team Titan, Team Rockers, Team Magnet and Team Hurricane. During
summer vacations, various matches will be conducted between these teams. Help your
sports teacher to do the following:
Create a table “TEAM” in MySQL with following considerations:
i) It should have a column TeamID for storing an integer value between 1 to 9, which
refers to unique identification of a team.
ii) Each TeamID should have its associated name (TeamName), which should be a string
of length not more than 10 characters.
iii) It should have a column MatchDate.
iv) It should have a column of number of participants namely, TeamParticipants.
25 The Doc_name column of a table HOSPITAL is given below: 2

Write the output of the following queries:
(i) SELECT Doc_name FROM HOSPITAL WHERE Doc_name LIKE ‘%v’;.
(ii) SELECT Doc_name FROM HOSPITAL WHERE Doc_name LIKE ‘_e%’

26 Evaluate the following: 3
i) print("ab">"ac" and "bc"<"ad")
ii) print(20-5%10>10 and 7+8<=15)
iii) print(True and True and not True )
27 (i) Himank has written the following statement in Python, but it is showing an 1
X = 021
According to you what could be the problem?
(ii) “Our heritage monuments are our assets. They are a reflection of our rich 2
and glorious past and an inspiration for our future. UNESCO has identified
some of Indian Heritage sites as World Heritage Sites.”

Identify at least two parameters from the above text that can be used as key
value pair to set up a dictionary. Form a dictionary to create at least 5
records of World Heritage Sites.
28 i) Give any two examples of RDBMS software. 3
ii) Write MySQL command, which is used to open an already existing database
iii) Ms. Mansi has created a database, a month ago, but he is not sure whether
the database still exists or not. Write the command to help her.
29 Suppose there are five students in a class each having unique roll number. Students have 3
been given an option to choose only one of the skill based subjects. The class
representative has prepared a Relation ‘Skill_Subjects_Preferences’ with Roll_No as
Primary Key as shown below:

Table: Skill_Subjects_Preferences
Roll_No Preference
15 Artificial Intelligence
18 Beauty and Wellness
19 Handicrafts
19 Design and Thinking
20 Information Technology
21 Null
Null Marketing
Answer the following:
i) Roll number 21 is not interested in any of the skill based subject. Can a NULL
value be assigned to that student’s preference field? Justify.
ii) Roll no 19 has given two preferences. Which property of RDBMS is violated here?
iii) Marketing was not chosen by any student. Is it possible to have this tuple in the
Skill_Subjects_Preferences relation? Justify.

Solve the crossword given below:



30 What is Grid Computing? Explain its two types. 3

i) Name any two areas where the concept of block chain technology can be useful. 1
ii) Differentiate between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. 2
31 The record of salesman (Name, Item Sold, sale of three quarters and Commission) is 5
stored in the following list:
Sale=[‘Amit’, ‘Laptop’, [35000,42000,85000],20000]
Write Python statements to retrieve the following information from the list Sale:
i) Print the sale of 2nd Quarter.
ii) Add 56000 as sale of 4th quarter.
iii) Change value of product from Laptop to Tablet
iv) Delete Commission from the list
v) Print minimum sale
Consider the following dictionary:
states={‘D’: ‘Delhi’ , ‘K’ : ‘Kerala’ , ‘T’ : ‘Tamil Nadu’ , ‘B’ : ‘Bihar’}
Write Python statements for the following:

i) To insert (‘M’ : ‘Mumbai’) in the dictionary states.

ii) To return the value corresponding to the key ‘T’
iii) To return the length of the dictionary states.
iv) To delete the item from the dictionary corresponding to the key ‘K’
v) To delete the dictionary ‘states’
32 Consider the table ‘Teacher_Details’ given below and write suitable SQL queries of the 5
Table: Teacher_Details
T_ID T_Name T_DOJ T_Subject Num_of_Periods
1001 Bharti 2018-10-15 Hindi 27
1002 Pratima NULL NULL 32
1003 Savitri 2012-11-13 Hindi 29
1004 Aashna 2020-02-24 English 28
i) Display the T_Name and Num_of_Periods by increasing the number of
periods each by 1.
ii) Display T_Name of all those teachers whose date of joining is after 1st Jan
iii) Display T_ID and T_Name of all those teachers whose number of periods are
in the range of 25 to 30. (both values included )
iv) Display the details of all those teachers who have not assigned any subject.
v) Display the details of all those teachers whose subject is either Hindi or
33 i) A relation ‘Order’ has the following attributes: 5
(Order_No, Order_Name, Order_date, Order_Qty, Order_price)
a) Write a command to insert a single row in the table mentioned above.
(Assume appropriate values)
b) Name the attribute which should be taken as the Primary Key?
ii) Ms. Nia wants to retrieve non duplicate values from the attribute ‘T_Subject’ from
the table ‘Teacher_Details’ mentioned in Q32. Which clause should she use to
retrieve the same?
iii) Is Null same as ‘ ‘ (a blank space in quotes) in MySql? Write reason to support your
iv) % and _ are used with _____________ operator in MySQL.
i) Ms. Riya has written the following Query:
Select * from Item like ‘Price>=50 and Price<=70’;
but, she is not getting the desired result.
a) Help her in writing the correct query.
b) Once corrected, suggest her the alternate way of writing the same query.

ii) Consider a relation ‘Person’ given below:

Table: Person
PersonId FirstName LastName Age
101 Harry John 30
102 Peter Helson 25
103 Daniel Gaba 20
104 Lava Sen 40
Write the output of the following SQL commands:
a) Select PersonId from Person where Age between 30 and 40;
b) Select Age+2 from Person where FirstName=’Daniel’;
c) Select PersonId, Age from Person where LastName in (‘Helson’,
d) Select FirstName, Age from Person where LastName=’John’ or
iii) ___________ is known as membership operator in MySQL.
34 i) Suppose there is a computer with RAM but no secondary storage. Why we are 1+1+2
not able to install software on that computer?
ii) Why cache memory is considered crucial for microprocessor performance?
iii) Suman has discarded old, broken and malfunctioning Hard Disk without taking
care to delete data. Is it harmful in respect of security concern? Justify your
Or (option for part iii only)
Match the following:
(i) The set of instructions, data or programs used to (a) Abacus
operate computers and execute specific tasks
(ii) It was a mechanical device capable of doing (b) Software
simple arithmetic calculations only
(iii) In second generation of computer vacuum tubes (c) Pascaline
were replaced by _________.
(iv) It’s a mechanical calculator which does addition (d) Transistors
and subtraction of two numbers directly and
multiplication and division through repeated
addition or subtraction.

35 i) What will be the output of following program: 1+1+2

dict1 = {"Rollno":20, "Marks":65}
dict2 = {"Rollno":20, "Marks":65}
print(dict1 == dict2)
ii) Name different types of comments in Python.
iii) Predict the output of the following:
quota = ["sports", " pwd", "ews", "gen"]
Marks= [58,70,45,69]
for k in range(len(quota)):
if quota[k]=="sports":
if quota[k]=="ews":
Or (option for part iii only)
Name the function for the following:
i) To declare empty dictionary.
ii) To append the key value pair of the dictionary passed as the argument to the
key value pair of the given dictionary?
Session: 2022-23
Class: XI

Time: 3 HOURS M.M.: 70

General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.

2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in
Q35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

1 (i) Graphical User Interface (Understanding) 1
2 (i) 1 YB 50ZB (Apply) 1
3 (iii) Data Retrieval (Understanding) 1
4 (iv) Tally (Apply) 1
5 (ii) None (Understanding) 1
6 (iii) TypeError (Apply) 1
7 (iv) list(range(0,-10,-2)) (Analyse) 1
8 (i) (Analyse) 1
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 NULL
9 (ii) Describe (Apply) 1
10 (i)Select Distinct (Understanding) 1
11 (iii) It is used with SELECT statements as well as with INSERT statements (Analyse) 1
12 (ii) 4,20 (Analyse) 1
13 (ii) Alternate Key (Analyse) 1
14 (i) DML (Data Manipulation Language) (Analyse) 1

15 (ii) PaaS (Analyse) 1

16 (iv) IoT (Analyse) 1
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as :
i. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
ii. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
iii. A is true but R is False
iv. A is false but R is true
17 (iv) A is false but R is true (Analyse) 1
18 (iv) A is false but R is true (Analyse) 1
19 i) YES, by Data Recovery. Data recovery is a process of retrieving deleted, corrupted and 1
lost data from secondary storage devices.
ii) If these storage devices fall into the hands of mischief-mongers, they can easily
recover data from such devices; this poses a threat to data confidentiality. (Apply) 1
Or 1
i) RAM (Apply) 1
ii) ROM

(or any other relevant answer)

20 25 30 42 56 (Apply) 2
(½ mark to be awarded for each correct value)
21 x= int(input(“Enter value of x:”) ) (Apply) 2
for in range (0,10):
if x==y:
print( x + y)
else: # indentation error
print( x‐y)
(½ mark to be awarded for each correction)
(or any other relevant code)
22 length=30 (Apply) ½
(i) breadth=40 ½
(ii) area=length*breadth 1
23 Cardinality: 4 (Analysis) 1
Degree: 3 1
i) Data Security (Knowledge) 1
ii) High Performance 1

(Or any other relevant answer)

24 Create table TEAM (Create) 2
TeamID int(1) Primary Key,
TeamName varchar(10),
MatchDate date,
TeamParticipants int(2)

(1 mark for the correct structure of the table)

(1 mark for choosing the correct data types and constraint)
25 i) Doc_name (Apply) 1
ii) Doc_name 1
26 i) False (Evaluate) ½
ii) True
iii) False
27 i) 021 is an invalid token (Create) 1
ii) dict1={} ½
for i in range(5): ½
site=int(input("Enter name of the site")) ½
location=input("Enter the location of the site")
dict1[site]=location ½
(or any other relevant program)
28 i) Oracle and MYSQL (Understanding) 1
(½ mark to be awarded for each example)

(or any other relevant example)

ii) Use Alumni; 1
iii) Show databases; 1
29 i) Yes, as preference is not holding any constraint. (Apply) 1
ii) No, Primary Key property is violated. 1
iii) No, because Preference cannot be entered unless it has a corresponding value for 1
Roll_No .

(or any other relevant answer)


(½ mark to be awarded to each word formation)
30 A grid is a computer network of geographically dispersed and heterogeneous 1
computational resources. (Knowledge)
Two types are:
(i) Data grid, used to manage large and distributed data having the required multi- 1
user access.
ii) CPU or Processor grid, where processing is moved from one PC to another as 1
needed or a large task is divided into subtasks, and allotted to various nodes for parallel

(or any other relevant answer)


i) Digital Currency, Health Care. (Knowledge) 1

ii) It just alters or augments the perception of the underlying physical world through 2
additional information where as Virtual Reality (VR) is a three-dimensional, computer-
generated situation that simulates the real world. The user can interact with and explore
that environment by getting immersed in it while interacting with the objects and other
actions of the user.

(or any other relevant answer)

31 i) Sale[2][1] (Apply) 1
ii) Sale[2].append(56000) 1
iii) Sale[1]='Tablet' 1
iv) Sale.pop(3) 1
Or (Apply)
v) min(Sale[2]) 1
(or any other relevant statements)

i) states['M']='Mumbai'
ii) states['T']
iii) len(states)
iv) del states['K']
v) del states

32 i) Select T_name, Num_of_Periods+1 from Teacher_Details; (Apply) 1

ii) Select T_Name from Teacher_Details where T_DOJ > ’2019-01-01’; 1
iii) Select T_ID, T_Name from Teacher_Details where No_of_Periods between 25 and 30; 1
iv) Select * from Teacher_Details where T_Subject is NULL;
v) Select * from Teacher_Details where T_Subject = ‘Hindi’ or T_Subject = ’Science’; 1
(or any other correct query)
33 i) a) Insert into Order values(101, ‘Sugar’, ‘02/09/2022’, 8, 56); (Apply) 1
b) Order_No 1
ii) Distinct 1
iii) No, Null is missing or unknown value where as ‘ ‘ (space) is considered as a character 1
and a valid value.
(or any other relevant answer)
iv) Like 1
i) a) Select * from Item where Price >=50 and Price<=70; (Apply) 1
(½ to be allotted for replacing ‘like’ with ‘where’)
(½ to be allotted for removing quotes from the condition)
b) Select * from Item where Price between 50 and 70; 1
ii) a) PersonID
101 ½
b) Age+2
22 ½
c) PersonId Age
102 25 ½
103 40
d) FirstName Age
Harry 30 ½
Lava 40
iii) In 1
34 i) We cannot install software on that system because; any software/file/folder is stored 1
on the storage only, not on RAM. (Apply)
ii) It is crucial because of RAM, a CPU may have to slow down to speed up the operations 1
of the CPU, a very high speed memory is placed between the microprocessor and the
primary memory known as cache.
iii) Yes, as it invites hackers/malware to see through your data. (Knowledge) 2
(1 mark to be awarded for yes/no and rest 1 mark for the correct justification)

(or any other relevant answer)

Or (option for part iii only) (Apply)

(i) The set of instructions, data or programs used to (b) Software ½

operate computers and execute specific tasks
(ii) It was a mechanical device capable of doing (a) Abacus ½
simple arithmetic calculations only
(iii) In second generation of computer vacuum tubes (d) Transistors ½
were replaced by _________.
(iv) It’s a mechanical calculator which does addition (c) Pascaline ½
and subtraction of two numbers directly and
multiplication and division through repeated
addition or subtraction.

35 i) True (Apply) 1
ii) Single Line comment and, ½
Multi Line comment ½
iii) [60, 70, 50, 69] 2
(½ mark to be awarded for each correct value)
Or (option for part iii only) (Knowledge)
i) dict() 1
ii) update() 1

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