Informatics Practices
Informatics Practices
Informatics Practices
Session: 2022-23
Class: XI
Time: 3 HOURS M.M.: 70
General Instructions:
1 Identify the interface that allows user to run program or give instructions to the 1
computer in the form of icons, menus and other visual options.
(i) Graphical User Interface
(ii) Character User Interface
(iii) Touch Based Interface
(iv) Voice Based Interface
2 1074 ZB = ___________________? 1
(i) 1 YB 50ZB (ii) 1EB 50ZB (iii) 1YB 50 PB (iv)1PB 50 TB
3 _______ involves fetching data from storage devices for its processing. 1
(i) Data Storage (ii) Data capturing (iii) Data Retrieval (iv) Data Deletion
4 Nimish has joined an organization which uses only Open Source Software. Help him to 1
identify which software he cannot use in his organization.
(i) Python (ii) Libre Office (iii) JAVA (iv) Tally
5 Identify the incorrect identifier from the following: 1
(i) none (ii) None (iii) nan (iv) NaN
6 Shilpi is teaching Arithmetic operators in Python. One of her student wrote the following 1
Predict the output of the above mentioned statement:
(i) 75 (ii)12 (iii) TypeError (iv) 77777
7 Identify the correct command which will produce the output given below: 1
(i) list(range(-2,-8,-2))
(ii) list(range(0,-8,-2))
(iii) list(range(-2,-10,-2))
(iv) list(range(0,-10,-2))
8 Consider the attributes ( RollNumber, SName, SDateofBirth, GUID ) of the table Student. 1
According to you, which of the following option is the correct representation of the table
after executing the following query:
Insert into student (RollNumber, SName, SDateofBirth) values (2, ‘Sudha’,’2002-02-28’);
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 NULL
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 00000000
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 0
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28
9 Mr. Malhotra is working on MySql table named Student with the following table schema: 1
Write the output of the following queries:
(i) SELECT Doc_name FROM HOSPITAL WHERE Doc_name LIKE ‘%v’;.
(ii) SELECT Doc_name FROM HOSPITAL WHERE Doc_name LIKE ‘_e%’
26 Evaluate the following: 3
i) print("ab">"ac" and "bc"<"ad")
ii) print(20-5%10>10 and 7+8<=15)
iii) print(True and True and not True )
27 (i) Himank has written the following statement in Python, but it is showing an 1
X = 021
According to you what could be the problem?
(ii) “Our heritage monuments are our assets. They are a reflection of our rich 2
and glorious past and an inspiration for our future. UNESCO has identified
some of Indian Heritage sites as World Heritage Sites.”
Identify at least two parameters from the above text that can be used as key
value pair to set up a dictionary. Form a dictionary to create at least 5
records of World Heritage Sites.
28 i) Give any two examples of RDBMS software. 3
ii) Write MySQL command, which is used to open an already existing database
iii) Ms. Mansi has created a database, a month ago, but he is not sure whether
the database still exists or not. Write the command to help her.
29 Suppose there are five students in a class each having unique roll number. Students have 3
been given an option to choose only one of the skill based subjects. The class
representative has prepared a Relation ‘Skill_Subjects_Preferences’ with Roll_No as
Primary Key as shown below:
Table: Skill_Subjects_Preferences
Roll_No Preference
15 Artificial Intelligence
18 Beauty and Wellness
19 Handicrafts
19 Design and Thinking
20 Information Technology
21 Null
Null Marketing
Answer the following:
i) Roll number 21 is not interested in any of the skill based subject. Can a NULL
value be assigned to that student’s preference field? Justify.
ii) Roll no 19 has given two preferences. Which property of RDBMS is violated here?
iii) Marketing was not chosen by any student. Is it possible to have this tuple in the
Skill_Subjects_Preferences relation? Justify.
Solve the crossword given below:
1 (i) Graphical User Interface (Understanding) 1
2 (i) 1 YB 50ZB (Apply) 1
3 (iii) Data Retrieval (Understanding) 1
4 (iv) Tally (Apply) 1
5 (ii) None (Understanding) 1
6 (iii) TypeError (Apply) 1
7 (iv) list(range(0,-10,-2)) (Analyse) 1
8 (i) (Analyse) 1
RollNumber SName SDateofBirth GUID
1 Atharv 2003-05-15 12354899
2 Sudha 2002-02-28 NULL
9 (ii) Describe (Apply) 1
10 (i)Select Distinct (Understanding) 1
11 (iii) It is used with SELECT statements as well as with INSERT statements (Analyse) 1
12 (ii) 4,20 (Analyse) 1
13 (ii) Alternate Key (Analyse) 1
14 (i) DML (Data Manipulation Language) (Analyse) 1
(½ mark to be awarded to each word formation)
30 A grid is a computer network of geographically dispersed and heterogeneous 1
computational resources. (Knowledge)
Two types are:
(i) Data grid, used to manage large and distributed data having the required multi- 1
user access.
ii) CPU or Processor grid, where processing is moved from one PC to another as 1
needed or a large task is divided into subtasks, and allotted to various nodes for parallel
i) states['M']='Mumbai'
ii) states['T']
iii) len(states)
iv) del states['K']
v) del states
35 i) True (Apply) 1
ii) Single Line comment and, ½
Multi Line comment ½
iii) [60, 70, 50, 69] 2
(½ mark to be awarded for each correct value)
Or (option for part iii only) (Knowledge)
i) dict() 1
ii) update() 1