Bimo : Hi, Nes. I’m finishing my handycraft project. But, I feel it’s hard to stick the materials using
this one. Any idea?
Ganes : Hmmm... Let me see. Why don’t you use glue gun?
Bimo : Brilliant! I think my dad still has it. I ever see him using it, too. Well, do you know how to use
Ganes : Oke, first, chek the glue gun and clean out any old glue clogging the nozzle. Bimo :
Clear. I have also put the glue stick into the gun nozzle. Then, what’s next?
Ganes : Insert the plug into the electricity socket. Prepare a sheet of paper and put the glue gun on it.
Wait until the gun gets warmer.
Bimo : Well, what should I do after that?
Ganes : Squeeze the trigger gently to check if the glue stick has changed into liquid form. Finally you an
apply it on any surface that you want to stick by using this glue gun.
Bimo : Wow, it’s quite easy actually. Thanks Nes for the explanation. I think my handycraft will be
more easily held now.
Where do we insert the glue stick?
a. Into the electricity socket.
b. In the sheet of paper.
c. Into the gun nozzle.
d. In the trigger.
Salsa : We’re going to celebrate our school aniversary next month. Bella : You’re
right. What do you think if we have a special celebration? Salsa : What’s on your mind?
Bella : We usually have an art performance. How about if this year we invite boyband to perform at the
Salsa : I don’t think it’s a nice idea. Inviting boyband may cost much money. I prefer to make different art
Bella : What do you mean?
Salsa : The art performance can be conducted in an orphanage.
Bella : Sounds great. We can entertain the children with music, dances, magic tricks, and much more.
Salsa : Let’s talk about it at the students meeting this week.
2. According to Salsa’s suggestion, where should this year art performance be conducted?
a. At school c. In classroom
b. At hall d. In an orphanage