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Ov aT ny Xela SSL MNOS R aaa by two-speed travel lever. 6X25 ee ee a encine DE UNDERCARRIAGE Mose! ee yee il ce epnaer ‘Talo yp undreariage, Hoody tac Kano al wend WE'CSitaskon chamber pe Ere omarede materi rpioedforhean-duy operation diese a ‘ide frames ae ngidy welded to the tack frame. ate tyne aus a4 sw @s0.s) Rugged rack rae at sloped side frames for easy mud removal (One oe 82400 om Numbers of case plat Rollers and Shoes on Each Side ni ee reawwaaenr, ——- ue plats . ace noraepou 302490 fom Lower fall af (BAe 3130, nat) wacimum ordue TB5Nm(@okgtm, 5791) Traction Device Beas om Tochrac ven by ahighorqu, axial piston 2 speed rave motor Pratoncsplacament 221,967 eum) rough lana duce ling countrtaion one Berean Bie ss Bm mg a {take ave sickle el vie Sut in tee motor soso Baltes Briere! [Hfvorsuuic system ‘OHS (Optimum Hydraulic System) Srssetamtr ws manage gies ighincenondercetocach ‘shocks When stopping travel, ensuring smooth stops. revs High: 0 {0 22 kin (1.99 mph) Low 0 to 20 kmh 1.24 mph) 16.7 KN (t 700 kot, § 748 ot) '30" (68%) continuous ‘Travel speeds. Maximum action force. Gradeablliy =. WEIGHTS AND. GROUND PRESSURE Thairey we trarttetecrtmraerremeses, = Wcrouno pressure __ Shite tou orig pues nage m gj ocom 1, 1.2 m (3°11) a 1d 0.08 nl eee tee aS fl ex 6.9 US gpm, 2 x 5.7 Imp gpm) ‘Shoe type width [Operating weight | Ground pressure ee reemoe ceee “teats goer og | aa PE ee xcs ae see laoigeen fate Vat Stings a fore aes Implement circuit ef wea ure te wwree ($580 Ib) (0.27 kgticm’, 3.64 psil| HOR tem = eS leat al unger oa ae TS yet Cringe SES (acragie tal i ee mate Crnimeamenmenanane (poem gai _|amtert = Se aan Oimensions (5710 b) _|(0.20 kgtiem’, 2. Quan. Bore, Stroke Triangular 2515 kg — eee seeeney ay 5 = =| asen eee oa Seats ‘Bucket 1 ‘65 mm (2.6) “440 mim (1°5") ee. Saee | ee Soin aotioton = been Lorene # snes REFILL CAPACITIES ¢ Ae = - ers US gal Imp ga — fester eae gy UPPERSTRUCTURE Buckets Seang mechanine aay a flog mechan eae eee pt a im ena gen oe 4 pales ae Ge er eereaines aren SS omnes, § — (eeanee sewed ee Denali al Tee eee eee ee Serie tae ee a fs cenean seeain'gaerns famenitos| summers + : “Cabin Left: 80° Fight 50° 2 ‘Ae Aum crond force: wn argt.ioe [cr 400, | 270, Operators cab fmt, atm] 200 sos Teams — ann | ate can coving 6 Sana untaced eee ee ae “Stand speciation: CANOPY TYPE CABIN TYPE Uri caPacres iri caracmes See enree agen Saag ena a ters eet Se seca wneerinieed eee = ae ee eee a SS ee tensa. E in| om [oy ie oe | an || in |e | Son er sn | san | 50 | Se moma idence an a eee sm teneeven tm enigwnder en rep atin me miner moder mamta, a DIMENSIONS ~ Ae DIMENSIONS pon [if Failsafe gate lock lever \With the failsafe gate lock levers, the control levers can be locked without fail, allowing access to the operators seat. [il Hyerautle pilot control levers Front and swing control levers are hydraulically pilot controlledforlight and com- fortable operation. What's more, ergonomically designed lever grip enhances oper. aling ease and comfon. (2 Body protector weight ‘The body is protected from damage from extemal shock during operation. [ Carsixo engine key stop With the adoption of stop motor, an engine may be stopped only by turning the key off. Moreover the engine hood or fuel eap can be locked and unlocked with the engine key. [i Easy-toread monitor panel ‘With the monitor panel, the operator can check machi from his seat conditions ata glance [Bi Easy engine access ‘The engine cover opens completely to allow easy access during engine mai tenance. (8) Compact traction mechanism ‘Compact yet sturdy travel mechanism, with travel piping provided within track tam [| Bucket clearance adjust mechanism ean easily elminate loose movement ofthe bucket by merely replacing the shim. ‘ing seal is provided a the pin, located at the am top, to seal out dirt, extend ing lubricating intervals. Hitachi Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd. Head Otlice: Nippon Bldg, 6:2, .chome, Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Telephone: Tokyo (08) 3245-6377 Facsimile: Tokyo (03) 3246-2609 Telex: J32539 HITACONJ Cable Address: "TOKHITACHIKENKI" KSoa7 Printed in Japan KF-FTHHI(GTON, KE)

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