jsw0605 21
jsw0605 21
jsw0605 21
Abstract—Bevel gear drive is widely used, quality of which of the feasible region, besides traditional optimization
not only affects its own transmission performance, size and method mostly bases on gradient algorithm, which is
weight, but also has some impact on the machine's likely trapped into local minimum search. Many studies
performance. This paper introduces optimization design indicate that the genetic algorithm has strong ability of
software for bevel gear, in which automatic optimization
design is realized. In the paper mathematical model,
general optimization, which is very effective in treating
programming of design data and realization of optimization optimization problem containing continuous and discrete
design based on genetic algorithm are described in detail. variables[4 ][5].
The paper proposed integer serial number encoding genetic This paper proposes the optimization design software
algorithm, which effectively deals with continuous and for straight tooth bevel gear based on genetic algorithm
discrete variable optimization problem and reduces the code encoding with integer serial number, no invalid solution
length of the string to improve the encoding and decoding or duplicate solutions, the code length of the string
efficiency, no invalid solution or duplicate solutions. reduced, the encoding and decoding efficiency improved.
Index Terms—bevel gear, optimization design, genetic
algorithm, integer serial number encoding, augmented II. SOFTWARE FUNCTION
penalty function The software can accomplish strength-calculation and
optimal design of straight tooth bevel gear based on GB/T
Calculation Methods of Load Capacity for Bevel Gear.
I. INTRODUCTION Moreover friendly user interface is developed using VB
Bevel gear drive, characterized by changing direction, language shown in Fig. 1. Input the known data, click on
high coincidence and smooth transmission, etc., is widely the button "optimization calculation", the user can get the
used in the aerospace, automotive and large mechanical optimization results of straight tooth bevel gear. Click on
transmission system. So its design quality not only affect the button "gear materials and fatigue limit query", the
its own transmission performance, size and weight but user can get the corresponding fatigue limit of gear
also have some impact on the machine's performance. In materials, shown in Fig. 2. Click on the button
practical engineering design, involving many parameters, “coefficient calculation”, various coefficients can be
consuming much calculation time, prone to error, and calculated, shown in Fig. 3. For example, select Yfsa and
repeated calculation, query and drawing are needed for click on the button “calculate coefficient”, then the
series of product design, resulting in substantial interface for calculating Yfsa appear as shown in Fig. 4.
duplication of effort, so the development of bevel gear Input the known data and click on the calculating button,
design software finding the optimal design is of great the results of recombination tooth coefficient for pinion
significance [1] [2] [3]. and gear are gained.
Optimization design of bear gear includes the
continuous variables and discrete variables. The III. CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY
traditional method is to round the optimal design to the
adjacent discrete points. Thus, design point might run out A. Establishing Mathematical Model
Establishing mathematical model is prime step for gear
Manuscript received January 1, 2010; revised December 10, 2010; design, in which the design variables, objective function
accepted January 8, 2011
Corresponding author: Zhang Xiaoqin
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as follows: 1 m
Modulus m: M ( x, λ, r ) = f ( x) + ∑ max[0, λ1 j + rg j ( x)]2 − λ12j +
2r j =1
switch x(1)
case 1 l
m=1.5 ∑ λ2 p hp ( x) + 2 ∑[hp ( x)]2
case 2 p =1