Pediatrics HX Important
Pediatrics HX Important
Pediatrics HX Important
Personal History
……………………………………………,………months/years old , male/female , from ………………….. & lives in………………….
,referred from / Admitted to hospital on ………… , - - at : pm/am , history taken on …………. ,
- - at : am / pm from patient ……………………………
Chief Complain
Patient complain / suffer of ……………………………………………………………………………………….. , …………. Days / Months
Year before admission.
Since……….. days / month / year , > 4 yrs. Patient Start complain of …………………………………………………..
Natal History
Full / Pre term , Normal / Augmented / Induction Vaginal Delivery OR Caesarian Section Due to………………………
, At Home / Hospital , With / Without Complication for mother & baby during delivery , Baby crying
Immediately /After …………………..minute , No need for resuscitation , nursing or incubator care, His / Her
weight was ……………. Kg / unknown .
Nutritional History
Baby breast feeding………….times /day, for………….minute duration, Bilaterally , exclusively and satisfaction ,
……….Artificial feeding start in ……………months , due to………………………………………… using ………………………..
milk , through mix …………..Spoons of milk/…………ml , ………..times/day , with good sterilization & without
complication , Baby weaning at age………….months, in form of few ……………………………………………………………………
………………………………… , unknown allergy to food.
Developmental History
Vaccination History
Documented / not documented Fully vaccination according to Yemen vaccination program according to
his / her age , without complication.
Socioeconomic History
His / Her mother is ……………… ,her work is…………………….. , ……….. Special habit for medical important
as…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. , His / Her father is …………………..
education , his work is………………………………………, ………………. Special habit for medical important , there house is
Own / Rent , Contains……………….Rooms ,……………. Kitchen, ………baths, they are…………individual on house ,
every room for………person, it is Bad / Acceptable / Good Ventilation , sewage , water supply. ( poor / moderate
/ rich Socioeconomic state) , ……….. Animal contact as…………………………………………near house / in the first
floor…………………………….. , ……… history of travelling.
General examination
Patient look well / ill , Conscious / confused / coma (with Glasgow coma scale……..) , Calm / lethargic / irritable /
alert ,……… Interested / Oriented , ( > 4yrs. ) intact immediate , remote , recent , …………… memory , on
comfortable …………………….position , under / average / over body built , ………. Sign of respiratory distress ,
…………. Sign of dehydration , (if infant) ……………Sign of increase intra cranial pressure , …….. Pallor , …….
Cyanosis ,…….. gundice, no characteristic face, patient has( O2 …… , Iv line on…………. Hand / leg (……… Gage,
clean / not , good / bad fixation , For………………………) , His / Her pulse ………. Beat / minuet from ……………….. ,
regular / irregular , symmetrical , with average force and volume , present in all other place , His / Her
Respiratory Rate is regular / irregular …………cycle / minuet , Abdominothoracic / thoracoabdomen , His / Her
temperature is ……….. degree Celsius © by oral / axial / rectal , His / her Blood pressure is ………. /……….. mm/Hg
(millimol per mercury) from ………….. hand / leg , On ………………………… position , taken at …….:……. pm/am .
*first week drop 10% Wt Age Average(cm) Age Average HC (cm ) It is midway between
*2 weeks regain birth wt At birth 50 At birth 35 the acromion and
*first 4 mo. ¾ kg/mo. At 1 year 75 At 6 mo. 44 olecranon Processes .
At 2 years 87.5 At 1 yr. 47 It measures the
*2nd 4 mo. ½ kg/month 3-12 yrs. (age (yr.) x 6) +77 At 2 yr. 49 subcutaneous fat and
*last 4 mo. ¼ kg/month. or muscles mass .
2-7 yr.: ½ cm / yr.
*Doubles birth wt 5 mo. (age (yr.) x 5) + 80
*Triples birth wt first year . 8-12 yr.: ⅓ cm / yr. Newborn……………9cm
*(2-5yr.) (2 kg/yr.)
6mo…………….. 11.5cm
*Early school (3-3.5 kg/yr.)
9mo……………… 12cm
Age Average Wt(kg)
At birth: 3.25 1-5 yrs…13.5-14.5 cm
3-12 mo.: age (mo.) + 9 (Normal)
2 12.5 - 13.5 cm
1-6 years: age (yr.) x 2+8 (moderate malnutrition(
7-12 years: (age (yr.) x 7)-5
below 12.5cm
(severe malnutrition)
Chest Circumference Upper/ Lower Segment Surface area of body Fontanels