Hou 2020
Hou 2020
Hou 2020
Ecological Indicators
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolind
School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710048, China
Department of Environmental Resources Engineering, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210,
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
Keywords: This study analyzed hierarchical change patterns of regional ecological vulnerability by coupling GIS data and
Ecological vulnerability classification fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. It identified the spatiotemporal features of eco-environment and major en-
Ecological vulnerability index vironmental problems in Weihe Plain, a typical urban agglomeration in China. Previous studies on regional
Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ecological vulnerability have been focusing on evaluating ecological vulnerability status and developing as-
Spatial distribution
sessment methods, while ignoring the mechanisms of vulnerability transformation from one to another level.
Vulnerability level transformation
Weihe Plain
This study further proposed a subjective evaluation model for ecological vulnerability classification and trans-
formation analysis in a multi-index hierarchical evaluation system. The results indicated that ecological vul-
nerability index was higher in the urban areas than the surrounding counties from 2000 to 2012, which had a
great relationship with the impacts of urbanization on ecological vulnerability. The light ecological vulnerability
level was found to be relatively variable over the years and have the greatest impact on the change of regional
ecological environment. Analysis with the transformation matrix model found that the degree of regional eco-
logical environment stability was regulated by two mechanisms: 1) The proportion of the constant ecological
vulnerability level is essential for maintaining the stability of ecological environment; and 2) the difference
between the area percentages of decreased and increased vulnerability determines the trend of ecological vul-
nerability changes. As verified by applications to two nearby regions, this ecological vulnerability transforma-
tion model can be used to monitor the dynamics of ecological vulnerability and identify the leading ecological
vulnerability level in other large geographical areas.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Tao).
Received 15 December 2018; Received in revised form 9 June 2019; Accepted 24 March 2020
1470-160X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
ecological vulnerability classification in the Weihe Plain so as to pro- activities. Subjective models break decision-making related elements
vide guidance for ecological environmental protection and governance. down to target, criterion and scheme layers, and sort out the advantages
However, the patterns of ecological vulnerability transformation from and disadvantages of a decision-making scheme through people's
one to another level and its mechanisms have not been addressed. judgment based on qualitative and quantitative analyses. Since it makes
Ecological vulnerability assessment has mainly focused on either full use of the preferred information given by decision makers in pair-
subjective or objective evaluation models (De Lange et al., 2010). Be- wise comparisons for analysis and decision support, a subjective model
cause an objective evaluation model can eliminate the influence of not only effectively absorbs the results of qualitative analysis, but also
human sensory preference on evaluation weights, objective evaluation holds the advantages of quantitative analysis so that the decision-
models are currently adopted by most researchers (Ge and Hokao, making process is highly organized and scientific.
2004). Among them, principal component analysis, spatial principal Hou et al. (2016a) and Sahoo et al. (2016) analyzed the spatial and
component analysis and entropy method are the most common models temporal distributions of ecological vulnerability in energy-rich areas
used in ecological vulnerability assessment. Abson et al. (2012) used using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Although these areas have a
the principal component analysis method to establish a complex spatial small population, the interaction between human and land is strong due
social ecological vulnerability composite index. With the rapid devel- to changes in energy extraction and land use. Both Liou et al. (2017)
opment of space technology, remote sensing and geographic informa- and Nguyen et al. (2016) used AHP to analyze the ecological vulner-
tion system (GIS) as tools for extraction and analysis of spatial data can ability assessment index of a region with high population flow and large
effectively express the spatial attributes of ecological vulnerability land use change from different perspectives.
index (Demsar et al., 2013). Due to this reason, spatial principal com- When there are four or more indicators at a given level of a hier-
ponent analysis has been adopted. The ecological vulnerability index of archy, it becomes difficult to maintain consistency of thinking. In such
Minjiang river basin in southwestern China (Li et al., 2006), Qinling circumstances, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) can be
Mountains in western China (Hou et al., 2018), and Loess Plateau in employed. FAHP combines the advantages of fuzzy and AHP. In AHP, a
northern China (Hou et al., 2015) have been analyzed with spatial judgment consistency matrix is established by pairwise comparison of
principal component analysis. Zhao et al. (2018) used the entropy elements. In FAHP, a fuzzy consistent judgment matrix is established by
method to analyze the temporal and spatial dynamics of ecological elemental comparison. FAHP gives a fuzzy complementary judgment
vulnerability in different regions of China. matrix that compares two-two decision schemes, while AHP gives a
Objective evaluation methods have the disadvantages of compres- fuzzy reciprocal matrix (Kabir and Hasin, 2011). Moreover, FAHP is a
sing indicators and neglecting the influences of human and policy fac- reasonable and feasible evaluation method that combines qualitative
tors. On the contrary, subjective evaluation models have certain ad- and quantitative information by disintegrating major problems into
vantages in data processing and operation, and thus being widely used different systematic hierarchies (Chen et al., 2008). As a result, the
in ecological vulnerability evaluation in areas with severe human FAHP has advantages in a multi-index evaluation model with GIS (Li
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
et al., 2009; Vahidnia et al., 2008). This presents an effective tool that Thematic mapper images were used to obtain elevation, normalized
can analyze numerous spatial parameters involved in ecological vul- difference vegetation index (NDVI), and land use data. The NDVI values
nerability (Le et al., 2008; Li and Damen, 2010). Therefore, this study were acquired by band operation as shown in Equation (1). Land use
adopted the FAHP method for ecological vulnerability evaluation in the was interpreted by the maximum likelihood method in supervised
Weihe Plain. classification. Natural population growth rate, population density,
Research to date has been focusing on case-by-case assessment of agricultural and industrial output, and per capita gross domestic pro-
ecological vulnerability status and development of assessment methods. duct (GDP) were acquired from local statistical yearbooks (Xi'an, Baoji,
Although temporal variations of ecological vulnerability have been Xianyang, Weinan, and Tongchuan). Annual rainfall, average tem-
monitored, it lacks exploration into the mechanisms of ecological vul- perature, annual evaporation, and annual sunshine time were provided
nerability transformation from one to another level over years, espe- by local meteorological departments. These indicator values have no
cially in ecologically vulnerable areas. Exploring hierarchical transfor- specific dates associated. Rather, they represent the annual averages of
mation mechanism is an essential means to determine the evolution of individual counties and cities. The study area was divided into grids of
ecological vulnerability in a region of concern. Therefore, this paper 100 by 100 m. These data were used to generate interpolation maps.
presents a subjective evaluation method to analyze the mechanisms of Based on the interpolation maps, values were assigned to these grids to
ecological vulnerability transformation. It uses a quantitative, rational form raster maps for operation.
ecological vulnerability transformation model to monitor the temporal
changes of ecological vulnerability. The model can be used to carry out NDVI =
+ (1)
dynamic monitoring of vulnerability changes in large areas subjected to
ecological instability. where ρNIR is the reflectance value in the near-infrared band; ρR is the
reflectance value of the red band.
2. Study area and data
2.3 Data processing
2.1 Description of study area
Since the dimensions and magnitudes of the indicators are often
Weihe Plain is located in the central part of Shaanxi Province at different, the evaluation sample matrix was standardized in order to
33°34′-35°52′ N and 106°181′-110°38′ E, between the Qinling eliminate the influence of such differences on the evaluation results.
Mountains and the Beishan Mountains (Fig. 1). It is about 360 km from The standardization process is to use certain mathematical transfor-
east to west and 170 km from north to south, having a total area of mation to convert the index values of different dimensions and prop-
about 55,600 square kilometers. Its altitude is about 323–800 m above erties into quantifiable values that can be comprehensively processed.
sea level. It has a continental climate with an annual temperature of Under normal circumstances, the index values are uniformly trans-
6–13 °C. The annual precipitation is 500 to 800 mm, of which 60% is in formed into values in the range of 0 to 1. Hou et al. (2018) and Zhao
June-September (Yin et al., 2005; Kimura and Takayama, 2014). Most et al. (2018) used the Min - Max range normalization method to pre-
of the precipitation is in short heavy rainfalls, with less precipitation in process multiple indicators of ecological vulnerability, which could
winter and spring and frequent spring droughts. reflect the correlations between indicators and ecological vulnerability.
The Weihe Plain covers 27 counties and 4 cities (Xi'an, Baoji, The indicators that are positively related to ecological vulnerability
Xianyang and Weinan) (Fig. 1), amounting to about 15% of the pro- include annual evaporation, reclamation rate, natural population
vince's total land area. This area is the main grain production base of growth rate, population density, agricultural and industrial output, and
Shaanxi Province. It is a densely populated area and well developed in per capita GDP. The indicators that are negatively related to ecological
industry and agriculture. It is one of the four major plains of China (Yin vulnerability include elevation, annual rainfall, temperature, NDVI, and
et al., 2005). As the core area of the newly established China's ninth annual sunshine time. The original values were standardized in Eq. (2)
largest National City Cluster, it is an important gateway to the eastern for the positive correlations and Eq. (3) for the negative correlations.
and central parts of western China and the second largest urban ag- z i zmin
zi =
glomeration in western China. As a result, urbanization in the region is zmax zmin (2)
prominent although the regional ecological environment is relatively
fragile and resources are scarce (Yin et al., 2005). zmax z i
zi =
zmax zmin (3)
2.2. Data acquisition where z' is the normalized value; i the evaluation unit; zi the original
value of i; and z max and zmin the maximum and minimum values of i.
The original data for ecological vulnerability assessment mainly
included remote sensing data, meteorological data and socio-economic 3. Methodology
data. The remote sensing data (Table 1) were obtained from the
Geospatial Data Cloud (http://www.gscloud.cn/). Like the past studies, this study established an ecological vulner-
ability evaluation index system, acquired remote sensing data and so-
Table 1 cial-economic statistics data, and processed the data in GIS (Fig. 2).
List of required remote sensing data. However, for the first time, we explored the mechanisms of vulner-
Row number Time Type ability level transformation.
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
Fig. 2. Roadmap of ecological vulnerability assessment integrating remote sensing and GIS.
possible environmental variables for the present assessment. Natural Because it can assign proper weights to various factors, an ecological
factors included elevation, rainfall, temperature, NDVI, annual eva- evaluation system is suitable for the use of the FAHP method (Li et al.,
poration and annual sunshine time (Li et al., 2006; Tran et al., 2002; 2009; Wang et al., 2003). This study used the FAHP method to de-
Wang et al., 2008; Zou et al., 2002). The regional ecological vulner- termine the weight of each factor, based on the Delphi expert advice
ability is also strongly related to local human activities that can greatly system (Dorey, 2000). The major considerations in the analytic process
influence the evolution of numerous environmental characteristics (Mi were as follows:
et al., 2017). Social demographic factors included reclamation rate,
natural population growth rate, and population density (Zhao et al., • The weights between the various indicator levels were determined
2018). Economic factors included agricultural and industrial output and in the consistent matrix method that was based on the AHP pro-
per capita GDP (Hou et al., 2016a). posed by Saaty (1977, 1990, 2000, 2008).
• When two or more comparisons between two factors were judged in
the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, one factor was quantitatively
3.2. Ecological vulnerability evaluation model
expressed in comparison to the importance of the other factors, and
the obtained fuzzy judgment matrix was A as in Eq. (4):
The FAHP method converts these evaluations to numerical values
that can be processed. A numerical weight is derived for each element A = (aij )nn (4)
of the hierarchy, and often incommensurable elements can be com-
pared to one another in a rational and consistent way. Determining the The judgment matrix has the following characteristics:
weights of evaluation factors plays a key role in the FAHP method. As it
aij = 0.5
disintegrates the complex problem to some layers and factors, the
complex and multi-index system can be quantitatively analyzed and
aij + aji = 1
treated by the FAHP method (Kumar et al., 2016; Tirkey et al., 2013).
Table 2
Scale of binary comparison (Feng et al., 2012).
Degree of importance Definition
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
aij 0 vulnerability levels at the beginning and end of a certain period. It not
only includes the areas of ecological vulnerability levels at a certain
where ∀i ∈ n, ∀j ∈ n, i ≠ j.
time for a given location, but also contains information about the
The judgment basis of the scale is shown in Table 2. It was con-
transformation of the vulnerability levels from the beginning to the end
sidered that the pairwise comparison should not exceed 9 factors, that
of a period. The general form of the ecological vulnerability transfor-
is, each layer should not have more than 9 evaluation indicators, and
mation matrix is:
such evaluation scores must be distinguishable. Using this scoring
method, the importance degree of different factors in the same layer f11 f12 f1x
can be judged. To calculate the weight of each index, however, it is f21 f22 f2x
necessary to perform some transformation on the evaluation score Pij = f31 f32 f3x
matrix to obtain the result.
Eq. (5) was used to solve the weight of the judgment matrix.
fx 1 fx 2 fxx (9)
n n
aij + 2
Ri = ,i N where f represents area; x the number of ecological vulnerability levels;
n (n 1) (5)
i and j the levels of ecological vulnerability before and after the trans-
A fuzzy judgment matrix was used to test the consistency of the formation, respectively; and Pij the areas of the vulnerability levels over
weight values obtained by Eq. (5). The inspection steps were as follows: a transformation period.
The elements in each row of the matrix represent the flow in-
• Calculating the feature matrix of fuzzy judgment matrix A formation of each ecological vulnerability classification over the
transformation of the ith vulnerability level. The elements in each
R = (Rij )n× n (6) column of the matrix represent the areas of the vulnerability classifi-
cation over the transformation.
• Verifying the consistency of the fuzzy judgment matrix and the For convenience, the same classification system is usually used be-
feature matrix. fore and after the transformation so that the matrix has the same
n n numbers of rows and columns, which is an N-order square matrix. The
I (A , W ) = |aij + Rji 1| ecological vulnerability transformation matrix contains rich informa-
n2 (7)
i=1 j=1 tion on the mutual transformation between the vulnerability levels at
Under the premise that the consistency meets the requirements, the beginning and end of a study period and is rich in statistical sig-
according to the calculated weight value of each index, ecological nificance.
vulnerability index (EVI) was calculated in Eq. (8).
4. Results
EVI = Ri zi
i=1 (8) 4.1. Weights in ecological vulnerability assessment
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
The assessment and grading results could reflect the local actual 4.3. Spatial distribution of ecological vulnerability levels
ecological situation by using the ArcGIS9.3 software. Multi-year as-
sessments of the ecological vulnerability index were shown in Table 4. As can be seen from Table 4 and Figs. 3–5, the total area proportion
In 2000, the light vulnerability level had the largest area, followed by of the potential, slight and light vulnerability levels increased from
moderate and slight vulnerability levels. The area proportions of po- 2000 to 2005, while the total proportion of the moderate and heavy
tential and heavy vulnerability levels were small. Heavy vulnerability levels decreased, indicating a gradual decrease of ecological vulner-
covered the smallest area. In 2006, the light vulnerability level still had ability or a gradual increase of ecological security in the Weihe Plain.
the largest area, followed by slight and moderate vulnerability. The The main reason was that the policy of returning farmland to forests
area of the potential vulnerability level accounted for 14.86%, an in- improved the ecological environment (Jianjun et al., 2005). From 2005
crease of 77.08% relative to 2000. The area of the heavy vulnerability to 2011, the total area proportion of the potential and slight vulner-
level was still the smallest. In 2012, the slight vulnerability level cov- ability levels increased, and the total proportion of the moderate and
ered the largest area. The vulnerability level with the largest area heavy vulnerability levels increased as well. Although the policy of
proportion had changed from light to slight vulnerability. The moderate returning farmland to forests continued to play a significant role in
and potential vulnerability levels had area proportions smaller than areas far away from central cities, large-scale construction projects and
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
development projects (such as Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Belt, areas with light vulnerability were in Chang'an County, Hu County,
National Xixian New District, etc.) had emerged, leading to further Jintai District and Baoji County of Baoji City, and Suihua County of
urbanization. The ecological vulnerability of the city centers and sur- Xianyang City. The areas with moderate and below vulnerability levels
rounding areas had increased, and the area proportions of the strong were increasing, and concentrated in Weinan City, the districts and
and heavy vulnerability levels increased. counties in the eastern Baoji, the districts and counties in the west of
In 2000, the urban area of Xi'an had heavy ecological vulnerability Xianyang, and Tongchuan City.
(Fig. 3), mainly because Xi'an was one of the mega-cities with a solid In 2012, the ecological vulnerability level continued to increase
industrial foundation and diverse industrial sectors, serving as the po- (Fig. 5), mainly reflected by the vulnerability degree of surrounding
litical, economic and cultural center of Shaanxi province. Urbanization counties, with Xi'an, Xianyang and Baoji as the main districts, which
of Xi'an directly affected the trend of the regional ecological vulner- gradually changed from light to heavy vulnerability, and the associated
ability. Another area with a high degree of ecological vulnerability was areas increased. The main reason was the large number of large-scale
Baoji municipal district, which also had heavy ecological vulnerability construction and development projects in the region (such as the de-
due to its strong industrial base and industrial expansion. The areas velopment and construction of Guanzhong-Tianshui economic belt,
with heavy ecological vulnerability were mainly distributed in the Xixian economic integration, etc.). To a certain extent, it laid a foun-
urban areas of Xi'an, Yanliang, Xianyang City, Suihua County, Jintai dation for urbanization, while making a greater impact on the ecolo-
District, and Baobin District of Baoji City. Except for Chunhua County, gical vulnerability. However, the degree of ecological vulnerability in
these areas had the same characteristics in spatial distribution, that is, Weinan had significantly decreased, and most districts and counties had
the closer to the city, the greater the ecological vulnerability. This become slight vulnerability.
meant that if an area had high ecological vulnerability, the ecological
environment of the area adjacent to it would have similar character-
5. Discussion
istics. Ecological vulnerability was also affected by agriculture-domi-
nated areas in Weinan and Tongchuan. Most of the districts and
5.1. Spatial patterns of ecological vulnerability changes
counties were basically at a moderate to potential level of vulnerability,
indicating that the impact of agriculture on the ecological environment
From 2000 to 2006, the ecological vulnerability index in the region
was smaller than that of industry at the time.
between the Qindu district of Xianyang and the urban area of Xi'an
In 2006, ecological vulnerability was heavy in Xi'an, Xianyang City,
increased by about 0.16, which was the largest change in the whole
and Baoji City. As can be seen from Fig. 4, the area of the heavy vul-
Weihe Plain (Fig. 6). The ecological vulnerability indexes of Ganxian
nerability level in 2006 became smaller than that in 2000. Since the
County, Baoji Jintai District, Weinan Huazhou District, and Hancheng
country implemented the policy of returning farmland to forests in
City increased as well, but at smaller rates than Xixian New District. The
1999, the level of ecological vulnerability had been improved. The
ecological vulnerability index had not changed during this period in
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
Fengxian County, Huxian County, and other urban and rural areas. occurred in larger areas, and socio-economic factors were the main
Conversely, the ecological vulnerability indexes of Changwu, Binxian, driving force for the changes. Moreover, with the implementation of the
Xunyi, Chang'an, and Lantian counties decreased, with a maximum Xianxian New District in response to the influence of national policy
decrease of 0.14. factors, the ecological vulnerability index around this region had in-
The above results showed that the regions with increased ecological creased significantly. The ecological vulnerability index of Weinan City,
vulnerability were all economically developed and relatively densely which was dominated by agriculture, had decreased, and the stability of
populated. Human factors had become the major driver of the increase the ecological environment had increased.
in ecological vulnerability. The regions with reduced ecological vul- From 2000 to 2012, most of the ecological vulnerability indexes
nerability had underdeveloped economy and diverse terrains. In this increased gradually (Fig. 8). The ecological vulnerability indexes of
period, the ecological vulnerability was mainly caused by the promoted Qindu District, Baoji south, Zhouzhi and Hancheng increased gradually.
urbanization (Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics, http://www. Qindu District had the largest change in ecological vulnerability index,
shaanxitj.gov.cn/), which was characterized by the obvious increase being about 0.20. At the same time, Tongguan had the largest decrease,
of ecological vulnerability index around the developed urban areas and by about 0.12.
the decrease of ecological environment stability (He et al., 2016). Throughout the period, the ecological vulnerability indexes in-
In 2006–2012, ecological vulnerability index increased in most of creased in the southern region, as the region was economically devel-
the study areas. These areas were distributed mainly in the central and oped and relatively densely populated. Human and policy factors were
western parts of the study area, except for Longxian, Qianyang and the main drivers of the increases in ecological vulnerability. Relatively
Central Weinan (Fig. 7). The ecological vulnerability indexes of Gaoling speaking, the area where the ecological vulnerability index decreased
District, Bin County, Baoji Weibin District, Zhouzhi, and Hancheng City was significantly larger than the area where the index increased.
increased, with the largest increase by about 0.12. There was no change Since the environmental topographical factor contains six sub-in-
of ecological vulnerability index in the zone between the Yintai district, dicators in this study (Table 3), the FAHP that combines the advantages
Linwei district and Huzhou district. Meanwhile, the ecological vulner- of fuzzy and analytic hierarchy processes can reveal ecological vul-
ability indexes of most districts and counties in Weinan, Longxian and nerability well (Wu et al., 2018; Sahoo et al., 2016). Moreover, the
Qianyang decreased gradually, among which Longxian decreased the evaluation index system can be better preserved by FAHP to overcome
most, by about 0.09. the defects of index compression. Furthermore, FAHP is able to high-
From 2000 to 2012, the increases in ecological vulnerability index light the roles of social and economic factors for intense human activ-
were similar to those in the previous period, both of which took place in ities. Therefore, this study adopted FAHP. Using FAHP for ecological
the economically developed and relatively densely populated areas, i.e., vulnerability assessment, however, has been focused in large time and
heavy industry areas and regions with rapid urbanization, such as Baoji space dimensions either for the improvement of an evaluation index
city, Xianyang city and Xi'an city. However, such changes in this period system or the construction of an evaluation model. There is a lack of
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
quantitative monitoring of the transformation process among ecological 5.3. Mechanisms of ecological vulnerability transformation
vulnerability levels. Hereinafter, this study further discusses the trans-
formation process of ecological vulnerability levels. The transformation From 2000 to 2006, as shown in Fig. 9, the areas remaining un-
model can provide reference to set up priority for monitoring and changed in the ecological vulnerability classification amounted to
protection of regional ecological environment. 69.10% of the total area, while the areas with decreased and increased
vulnerability levels accounted for 23.75% and 7.15% of the total area,
respectively. Therefore, the overall ecological vulnerability of the study
5.2. Characteristics of ecological vulnerability transformation matrix area during this period had decreased gradually, and the ecological
environment was developing steadily. Among the internal changes of
The transformation matrix of ecological vulnerability in the Weihe different vulnerability levels, the light vulnerability level had the lar-
Plain was calculated for three periods, 2000–2006, 2006–2012 and gest portion that had not changed, about 22.24%. At the same time, the
2000–2012. The transformation matrix reflected the mutual transfor- light vulnerability areas were subjected to a decrease and increase in
mation relationships of ecological vulnerability levels in the region over ecological vulnerability at 8.92% and 3.80% of the total area, respec-
a period of time, that is, the area changes of the vulnerability levels. In tively. Therefore, the changes within the light vulnerability level were
the following three two-dimensional matrixes (Tables 5–7), the areas the largest. Changes in this vulnerability level would lead to un-
where a vulnerability level did not change in a time period have been certainties in the ecological environment of the entire region. The light
removed in order to clearly show the specific changes at each level of vulnerability level was, hence, worthy of special attention in the eco-
vulnerability. logical environment of the entire study area.
From 2000 to 2006, ecological vulnerability transformed from po- From 2006 to 2012, as shown in Fig. 9, 61.74%, 21.70% and
tential to slight vulnerability level in 290.60 square kilometers 16.56% of the total area had not changed, decreased and increased
(Table 5). 3000.79 square kilometers of the slightly vulnerable areas vulnerability, respectively. Because of the larger percentage of de-
transformed into potentially vulnerable areas, while 816.73, 2.04 and creased vulnerability, the ecological vulnerability of the entire study
127.45 square kilometers of the slightly vulnerable areas transformed area decreased gradually and the ecological environment was
into light, moderate and heavy vulnerability areas, respectively. The strengthened gradually during this period. The light vulnerability level
light level transformed into slight, moderate, potential and heavy levels had the largest percentages that were subjected to unchanged and de-
in 4113.21, 1818.11, 834.06 and 286.52 square kilometers, respec- creased vulnerability. Compared with the 2000–2006 period, however,
tively. The moderate vulnerability level transformed into slight, light, the percentages of the unchanged and decreased ecological vulner-
and heavy levels in 166.20, 4435.79, and 624.02 square kilometers, ability areas were significantly smaller, and the percentage of increased
respectively. The heavy vulnerability level became moderate in 700.49 vulnerability was significantly greater. The potential vulnerability level
square kilometers. Similarly, Tables 6 and 7 present the transformations had the largest percentage that was subjected to increased
in the periods of 2006–2012 and 2000–2012, respectively.
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
vulnerability. Therefore, the regional ecological vulnerability in this should pay attention to the vulnerability level that leads the changes so
period had increased significantly and the stability of the ecological as to set priority of prevention and control efforts. This method can be
environment had decreased compared with the first period. used as a reference for the study of regional ecological environment
From 2000 to 2012, the internal transformation of ecological vul- change in large multi-index space.
nerability levels were similar to the changes in the first period (Fig. 9).
The areas with unchanged level amounted to approximately 54.82% of
5.4. Transferability of ecological vulnerability transformation mechanisms
the total area, and the areas with decreased vulnerability took up
33.50% of the total area. The areas with increased vulnerability took
To prove the transferability of the ecological vulnerability trans-
11.68% of the total area. During the entire period, the area having
formation mechanisms identified in Section 5.3, this study assessed its
decreased ecological vulnerability was still greater than that having
applicability for two nearby regions that are different from this study
increased ecological vulnerability. Therefore, the ecological vulner-
area in geography, climate and human characteristics. Hou et al.
ability of the study area decreased gradually and the stability of eco-
(2016a) evaluated ecological vulnerability in Yan'an, which is a typical
logical environment was gradually improved. However, compared with
soil erosion area in the hinterland of the Loess Plateau. Their results
the first and second periods individually, the proportion of areas with
showed that the ecological vulnerability of that region decreased. Using
constant levels was significantly lower. As a result, the ecological vul-
the ecological vulnerability transformation model established in this
nerability of the study area increased significantly compared with the
study, we established an ecological vulnerability transformation matrix
first period and decreased compared with the second period.
for Yan'an in the period from 1997 to 2011. Subsequently, it was found
Similar to the change in the first period, the light vulnerability level
that the areas with constant ecological vulnerability accounted for the
had the greatest area proportion among all the levels in 2000–2012,
largest proportion, and the proportion of areas with decreased vulner-
including 17.34% without a level change, 13.59% with decreased vul-
ability was larger than that of areas with increased vulnerability
nerability and 4.00% with increased vulnerability. Therefore, it con-
(Fig. 10). Therefore, the ecological environment got better during that
firmed that the change of the light vulnerability level regulated the
period. The overall conclusion was consistent with that reported by Hou
development of regional ecological stability.
et al. (2016a), though our model quantified the mechanisms of ecolo-
From this case analysis, it can be seen that the degree of regional
gical vulnerability in Yan'an.
ecological stability is regulated by two mechanisms: 1) The proportion
Hou et al. (2018) assessed ecological vulnerability and identified the
of the constant ecological vulnerability level is essential for maintaining
driving forces of vulnerability changes in Qinling Mountains in
the stability of the ecological environment; and 2) the difference be-
southern Shaanxi. They found increasing ecological vulnerability. Si-
tween the area percentages of decreased and increased vulnerability
milarly, by applying the ecological vulnerability transformation model,
determines the trend of ecological vulnerability changes. Therefore, to
we found that the areas with constant ecological vulnerability ac-
study the change of ecological vulnerability in a certain region, we
counted for the largest proportion and the proportion of the areas with
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
Table 5
Ecological vulnerability transformation matrix in 2000–2006.
2000 2006
Potential level Slight level Light level Moderate level Heavy level
Table 6
Ecological vulnerability transformation matrix in 2006–2012.
2006 2012
Potential level Slight level Light level Moderate level Heavy level
increased vulnerability was larger than that with decreased vulner- among these areas did not affect the hierarchical transformation me-
ability (Fig. 10). The results of ecological vulnerability transformation chanisms. Therefore, the mechanisms of regional ecological vulner-
modeling were consistent with the results of Hou et al. (2018). ability transformation identified in this study can be applied to other
The Weihe Plain, Yan'an in the Loess Plateau, and Qinling regions for study of a wide range of ecological vulnerability trends.
Mountains in southern Shaanxi represent different ecological environ- The common characteristics of the three regions (Weihe Plain,
ments, climates and human activities. However, the differences in cli- Yan’an and Qinling Mountains) are that soil erosion has occurred and
matic conditions, environmental factors and socio-economic factors human activities are frequent, resulting in ecological vulnerability. The
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
Table 7
Ecological vulnerability transformation matrix in 2000–2012.
2000 2012
Potential level Slight level Light level Moderate level Heavy level
Decreased level Constant level Increased level
Potential Slight Light Moderate Heavy I II III IV V
Ecological vulnerability level at the beginning of a period
Fig. 10. Internal changes of ecological vulnerability levels in Yan'an from 1997 to 2011 and Qinling Mountains from 2000 to 2011. Vulnerability increases from Level
I to Level V as classified by Hou et al. (2018).
mechanisms identified in this study can be applied to monitor the concluded as follows:
change of ecological vulnerability in such ecologically vulnerable re-
gions. Nevertheless, its applicability needs to be verified in the future • From 2000 to 2012, the urban ecological vulnerability indexes were
for ecologically less vulnerable areas. higher than those of the surrounding counties, which had a great
relationship with the impact of urbanization on ecological vulner-
ability. The heavy vulnerability levels were mainly distributed in
6. Conclusions
Xi'an City, Xianyang City and Baoji City. The cities had a fast de-
velopment speed and a strong industrial base, which consequently
Coupling the FAHP process with GIS data is an effective method to
had a great impact on the ecological environment.
evaluate regional ecological vulnerability in a multi-index hierarchy.
The hierarchical transformation model proposed in this study could • From 2000 to 2006, ecological vulnerability decreased gradually
and ecological security increased gradually, mainly because the
closely reflect the real changes of ecological vulnerability in the hilly-
policy of returning farmland to forests played a role in improving
gully Weihe Plain and can be transferred to other similar regions for
ecological environment. From 2006 to 2012, the degree of regional
monitoring ecological vulnerability. The identified mechanisms can be
vulnerability did not continue to decrease as in 2000–2006. The
used as a reference to study regional ecological environment change.
ecological environment of Xi'an, Xianyang and Baoji was highly
The analysis of ecological vulnerability in the Weihe Plain can be
K. Hou, et al. Ecological Indicators 114 (2020) 106343
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