BRAC Bank Audited Financial Statements 2022
BRAC Bank Audited Financial Statements 2022
BRAC Bank Audited Financial Statements 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Cash 4 31,871,593,250 23,459,424,430
Cash in hand (Including foreign currency) 11,918,067,777 9,207,161,626
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
(including foreign currency)
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 5 52,951,344,277 78,261,312,910
Inside Bangladesh 47,797,240,230 70,561,465,538
Outside Bangladesh 5,154,104,047 7,699,847,372
Money at call on short notice 6 6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000
Investments 7 116,551,993,858 70,068,593,304
Government 107,319,008,486 60,998,642,835
Others 9,232,985,372 9,069,950,469
Loans and advances 8 412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439
Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc. 222,711,877,598 169,128,372,833
Small and medium enterprises 187,247,111,913 150,749,009,625
Bills purchased and discounted 2,125,761,073 2,257,805,981
Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures 9 13,463,514,348 12,834,169,424
Other assets 10 20,803,842,677 16,222,224,464
Non-banking assets 11 11,341,700 4,541,700
Goodwill 12 1,372,563,393 1,427,468,911
Total property and assets 655,937,320,087 527,912,923,582
Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents 13 38,908,810,526 24,150,953,707
Borrowings from central bank & government agencies 14 42,184,501,809 23,175,903,824
Affordable housing bond 15 4,751,000,000 -
Money at call on short notice - -
Deposits and other accounts 16 447,058,816,329 364,329,900,482
Current accounts and other accounts 187,855,608,325 164,417,743,536
Bills payable 1,739,503,614 2,367,889,416
Savings deposits 71,890,957,598 68,334,576,200
Term deposits 182,973,780,522 127,956,809,129
Other deposits 2,598,966,270 1,252,882,201
Other liabilities 17 42,004,580,813 39,308,075,071
Total liabilities 574,907,709,477 450,964,833,084
Capital and shareholders' equity
Paid up capital 18.2 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990
Share premium 18.7 3,853,767,032 3,853,767,032
Statutory reserve 19 11,148,169,834 10,067,956,958
Dividend equalization fund 20 355,218,455 355,218,455
Revaluation reserve on govt. securities 21 1,337,245,165 2,490,292,927
Fair value reserve 78,920,073 78,920,073
Foreign currency translation reserve 23 328,402,260 16,632,383
Surplus in profit and loss account/Retained earnings 24.1 29,086,051,630 26,402,962,532
Total shareholders' equity 61,153,627,729 57,187,474,350
Non-controlling interest 24.2 19,875,982,881 19,760,616,148
Total equity 81,029,610,610 76,948,090,498
Total liabilities and equity 655,937,320,087 527,912,923,582
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Off balance sheet items
Contingent liabilities
Acceptances and endorsements 25 83,028,540,659 50,478,536,940
Irrevocable letters of credit 25 27,451,963,219 26,598,203,443
Letter of guarantees 25.2 18,607,062,875 11,793,414,671
Bills for collection 25.3 21,612,714,770 16,438,866,245
150,700,281,523 105,309,021,299
Other commitments
Swap deals with banks and customers 25.4 13,070,011,143 10,726,189,903
Spot and forward deals with banks and customers 25.4 2,074,308,915 18,161,597,791
15,144,320,058 28,887,787,694
Total off balance sheet items 165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
sd/- sd/-
______________________________ _________________________
Managing Director and CEO Director
___________________________ sd/-
Director Chairman
Dhaka, 11 April 2023 Sabbir Ahmed FCA, Partner
DVC No: 2304100770AS807408 Enrolment No: 770
Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co
Chartered Accountants
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Interest income 27 31,365,476,735 24,225,217,948
Interest paid on deposits and borrowing etc. 28 12,953,873,731 7,912,883,508
Net interest income 18,411,603,004 16,312,334,440
Attributable to:
Equity holders of BRAC Bank Limited 6,013,972,880 5,464,672,680
Non controlling interest 24.2.1 108,023,844 (812,072,386)
6,121,996,724 4,652,600,294
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Statutory reserve 1,080,212,876 662,939,230
General reserve - -
Dividend 2,088,258,589 1,988,817,706
Start-up Fund 57,631,736 100,877,625
3,226,103,201 2,752,634,561
Retained surplus 29,086,051,630 26,402,962,532
Earnings per share (EPS) [previous year's figure restated] 48 4.02 3.65
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
______________________________ sd/-
Managing Director and CEO Director
_________________________ sd/-
Director Chairman
Dhaka, 11 April 2023 Sabbir Ahmed FCA, Partner
DVC No: 2304100770AS807408 Enrolment No: 770
Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co
Chartered Accountants
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Dividend equalization Revaluation reserve on Foreign currency Non-controlling
Particulars Paid up capital Share premium Statutory reserve Fair value reserve Retained earnings Total
fund Govt. securities translation reserve interest
Balance as at 01 January 2022 13,921,723,990 3,853,767,032 10,067,956,958 355,218,455 2,490,292,927 78,920,074 16,632,382 26,402,962,532 19,760,616,148 76,948,090,498
Surplus on account of revaluation of assets - - - - - - - - - -
Surplus/(deficit) on account of revaluation of
- - - - (1,153,047,762) - - - - (1,153,047,762)
Changes in foreign currency translation reserve - - - - - - 311,769,877 - 249,129 312,019,006
Remeasurements of defined benefits liability
- - - - - - - (102,935,836) 2,059,119 (100,876,717)
Effect of issuance of preference share by bKash - - - - - - - - - -
Sub total 13,921,723,990 3,853,767,032 10,067,956,958 355,218,455 1,337,245,165 78,920,074 328,402,259 26,300,026,696 19,762,924,396 76,006,185,025
Net profit for the year - - - - - - - 6,013,972,880 108,023,844 6,121,996,724
Dividend for the year 2021:
Stock dividend 1,044,129,290 - - - - - - (1,044,129,290) - -
Cash dividend - - - - - - - (1,044,129,299) - (1,044,129,299)
Dividend equalization fund - - - - - - - - - -
Adjustment for subsidiaries holdings change - - - - - - - (1,844,745) 5,034,641 3,189,896
Start-up Fund - - - - - - - (57,631,736) - (57,631,736)
Statutory reserve - - 1,080,212,876 - - - - (1,080,212,876) - -
Balance as at 31 December 2022 14,965,853,280 3,853,767,032 11,148,169,834 355,218,455 1,337,245,165 78,920,074 328,402,259 29,086,051,630 19,875,982,881 81,029,610,610
Balance as at 01 January 2021 13,258,784,760 3,853,767,032 9,405,017,728 355,218,455 4,805,926,053 78,920,074 (15,052,340) 16,368,391,545 5,647,578,133 53,758,551,440
Changes in accounting policy - - - - - - - - - -
Restated balance 13,258,784,760 3,853,767,032 9,405,017,728 355,218,455 4,805,926,053 78,920,074 (15,052,340) 16,368,391,545 5,647,578,133 53,758,551,440
Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of
- - - - - - - - - -
Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of
- - - - (2,315,633,126) - - - - (2,315,633,126)
Changes in foreign currency translation reserve - - - - - - 31,684,722 - 771,145 32,455,867
Remeasurements of defined benefits liability
- - - - - - - (122,766,336) 39,418,996 (83,347,340)
Effect of issuance of preference share by bKash - - - - - - - 7,445,299,204 14,884,920,260 22,330,219,464
Sub total 13,258,784,760 3,853,767,032 9,405,017,728 355,218,455 2,490,292,927 78,920,074 16,632,382 23,690,924,413 20,572,688,534 73,722,246,305
Net profit for the year - - - - - - - 5,464,672,680 (812,072,386) 4,652,600,294
Dividend for the year 2020:
Stock dividend 662,939,230 - - - - - - (662,939,230) - -
Cash dividend - - - - - - - (1,325,878,476) - (1,325,878,476)
Dividend equalization fund - - - - - - - - - -
Adjustment for subsidiaries holdings change - - - - - - - - - -
Start-up Fund - - - - - - - (100,877,625) - (100,877,625)
Statutory reserve - - 662,939,230 - - - - (662,939,230) - -
Balance as at 31 December 2021 13,921,723,990 3,853,767,032 10,067,956,958 355,218,455 2,490,292,927 78,920,074 16,632,382 26,402,962,532 19,760,616,148 76,948,090,498
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
A. Cash flows from operating activities
Interest receipts in cash 37,022,269,415 30,510,937,817
Interest payment (10,349,004,887) (8,765,182,197)
Dividend receipts 294,041,064 225,198,769
Fees and commission receipts in cash 44,272,349,310 36,148,193,743
Recoveries on loans previously written off 809,572,845 707,517,594
Cash payments to employees (11,662,291,298) (9,942,261,926)
Cash payments to suppliers (34,548,789,786) (29,490,800,154)
Income tax paid (10,350,920,142) (7,109,584,330)
Receipts from other operating activities 45 953,966,643 592,067,664
Payment for other operating activities 46 (5,714,933,022) (4,049,473,180)
Operating cash flow before changes in operating assets and
10,726,260,142 8,826,613,800
liabilities (i)
Increase/(decrease) in operating assets and liabilities
Loans and advances (90,450,491,062) (47,587,679,964)
Other assets (484,467,659) (376,833,057)
Borrowings from other banks and financial institutions 33,877,162,172 10,667,650,315
Proceeds from Issuance of affordable housing bond 4,751,000,000 -
Deposits from customers 80,145,069,185 31,712,233,455
Other liabilities (937,467,553) 483,029,607
Cash utilised in operating assets and liabilities (ii) 26,900,805,083 (5,101,599,644)
Net cash flows from operating activities (i+ii) (a) 37,627,065,225 3,725,014,156
B. Cash flows from investing activities
Treasury bills 1,155,677,121 7,996,369,494
Treasury bonds (48,629,090,534) 14,187,750,778
Investment in shares (615,054,764) (863,128,507)
Sale/ (Investment) in bonds 410,000,000 642,282,917
Acquisition of fixed assets (3,541,826,973) (4,696,385,425)
Disposal of fixed assets 17,736,063 601,372,697
Net cash used in investing activities (b) (51,202,559,087) 17,868,261,954
C. Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of convertible preference shares - 22,330,724,613
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares 112,140,000 -
Cash dividend paid (1,042,217,221) (1,383,245,432)
Net cash flows from financing activities ( c) (930,077,221) 20,947,479,181
Net increase/(decrease) in cash (a+b+c) (14,505,571,083) 42,540,755,291
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 105,222,018,140 62,639,236,011
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalent 934,394,370 42,026,838
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 44 91,650,841,427 105,222,018,140
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year:
Cash in hand (including foreign currency) 11,918,067,777 9,207,161,626
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agents bank(s) 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
(including foreign currency)
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 52,951,344,277 78,261,312,910
Money at call on short notice 6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000
Prize Bond 1,527,900 1,280,800
91,650,841,427 105,222,018,140
Net operating cash flow per share (NOCFPS) 50 25.14 2.49
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Consolidated Liquidity Statement
(Asset and Liability Maturity Analysis)
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
0-1 1-3 3 - 12 1-5 Above 5
Particulars Total
Month Months Months Years Years
Cash in hand and Balance with Bangladesh Bank 17,234,391,450 - - - 14,637,201,800 31,871,593,250
Balance with other banks and financial
institutions (including foreign currencies) 13,157,601,136 24,335,099,107 15,458,644,034 - - 52,951,344,277
Money at call and short notice 6,826,376,000 - - - - 6,826,376,000
Investments 14,188,455,784 1,579,926,666 14,536,811,309 36,654,461,496 49,592,338,603 116,551,993,858
Loans and advances 37,177,621,706 67,860,734,336 163,827,804,476 122,600,813,738 20,617,776,328 412,084,750,584
Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures - - - 12,933,228,662 530,285,686 13,463,514,348
Other assets 8,413,433,120 90,964,829 4,923,386,161 2,242,017,867 5,134,040,700 20,803,842,677
Non - banking assets - - - - 11,341,700 11,341,700
Goodwill - - - 1,372,563,393 1,372,563,393
Total Assets 96,997,879,196 93,866,724,938 198,746,645,980 174,430,521,763 91,895,548,210 655,937,320,087
Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions & agents 6,445,003,282 10,636,443,541 21,827,363,703 - - 38,908,810,526
Borrowings from central bank & government agencies 5,631,493,289 8,114,768,696 12,381,754,222 16,010,838,538 45,647,064 42,184,501,809
Affordable housing bond - - - 4,751,000,000 - 4,751,000,000
Money at call and short notice - - - - - -
Deposits and other accounts 52,368,187,322 79,412,454,837 123,443,464,044 160,143,112,128 31,691,597,998 447,058,816,329
Other liabilities 2,580,830,319 4,601,675,819 11,369,901,768 4,639,745,829 18,812,427,078 42,004,580,813
Total Liabilities 67,025,514,212 102,765,342,893 169,022,483,737 185,544,696,495 50,549,672,140 574,907,709,477
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
BRAC Bank Limited
Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Cash 4 31,776,214,097 22,676,943,467
Cash in hand (Including foreign currency) 11,822,688,624 8,424,680,663
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
(Including foreign currency)
BRAC Bank Limited
Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Off balance sheet items
Contingent liabilities
Acceptances and endorsements 25 83,028,540,659 50,478,536,940
Irrevocable letters of credit 25 27,451,963,219 26,598,203,443
Letter of guarantees 25.2 18,607,062,875 11,793,414,671
Bills for collection 25.3 21,612,714,770 16,438,866,245
150,700,281,523 105,309,021,299
Other Commitments
Swap deals with banks and customers 25.4 13,070,011,143 10,726,189,903
Spot and forward deals with banks and customers 25.4 2,074,308,915 18,161,597,791
15,144,320,058 28,887,787,694
Total off balance sheet items 165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
sd/- sd/-
____________________________ _________________________
Managing Director and CEO Director
_________________________ sd/-
Director Chairman
Dhaka, 11 April 2023 Sabbir Ahmed FCA, Partner
DVC No: 2304100770AS807408 Enrolment No: 770
Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co
Chartered Accountants
BRAC Bank Limited
Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Interest income 27 28,462,101,118 21,586,220,747
Interest paid on deposits and borrowing etc. 28 13,227,359,203 7,589,298,326
Net interest income 15,234,741,915 13,996,922,421
BRAC Bank Limited
Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
Statutory reserve 1,044,129,290 662,939,230
General reserve - -
Dividend 2,088,258,589 1,988,817,706
Start-up Fund 57,631,736 100,877,625
3,190,019,615 2,752,634,561
Retained Surplus 18,798,934,455 16,329,861,552
Earnings per share (EPS) [previous year's figure restated] 48 3.85 3.71
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
______________________________ sd/-
Managing Director and CEO Director
_________________________ sd/-
Director Chairman
Dhaka, 11 April 2023 Sabbir Ahmed FCA, Partner
DVC No: 2304100770AS807408 Enrolment No: 770
Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co
Chartered Accountants
BRAC Bank Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Dividend Revaluation reserve Foreign currency Fair value gain/(loss)
Particulars Paid up capital Share premium Statutory reserve Retained earnings Total
equalization fund on Govt. securities translation reserve on equity investment*
Balance as at 01 January 2022 13,921,723,990 3,853,767,032 10,067,956,958 355,218,455 2,490,292,927 15,729,653 7,384,920,564 16,329,861,552 54,419,471,131
Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of assets - - - - - - - - -
Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of investments - - - - (1,153,047,762) - - - (1,153,047,762)
Changes in translation reserve - - - - - 307,807,261 - - 307,807,261
Changes in OCI reserve for investment in subsidiaries and
associates - - - - - - 258,992,660 - 258,992,660
Actuarial gain/(loss) - - - - - - - (104,081,055) (104,081,055)
Sub total 13,921,723,990 3,853,767,032 10,067,956,958 355,218,455 1,337,245,165 323,536,914 7,643,913,224 16,225,780,497 53,729,142,235
Net profit for the year - - - - - - 5,763,173,573 5,763,173,573
Dividends for the year 2021:
Stock dividend 1,044,129,290 - - - - - - (1,044,129,290) -
Cash dividend - - - - - - - (1,044,129,299) (1,044,129,299)
Start-up Fund - - - - - - - (57,631,736) (57,631,736)
Statutory reserve - - 1,044,129,290 - - - - (1,044,129,290) -
Balance as at 31 December 2022 14,965,853,280 3,853,767,032 11,112,086,248 355,218,455 1,337,245,165 323,536,914 7,643,913,224 18,798,934,455 58,390,554,773
Balance as at 01 January 2021 13,258,784,760 3,853,767,032 9,405,017,728 355,218,455 4,805,926,053 (13,641,635) 1,131,197,846 13,680,255,527 46,476,525,766
Changes in accounting policy - - - - - - - -
Restated balance 13,258,784,760 3,853,767,032 9,405,017,728 355,218,455 4,805,926,053 (13,641,635) 1,131,197,846 13,680,255,527 46,476,525,766
Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of assets - - - - - - - - -
Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of investments - - - - (2,315,633,126) - - - (2,315,633,126)
Changes in translation reserve - - - - - 29,371,288 - - 29,371,288
Changes in OCI reserve for investment in subsidiaries and
associates - - - - - - 6,253,722,718 - 6,253,722,718
Actuarial gain/(loss) - - - - - - - (144,689,978) (144,689,978)
Sub total 13,258,784,760 3,853,767,032 9,405,017,728 355,218,455 2,490,292,927 15,729,653 7,384,920,564 13,535,565,549 50,299,296,668
Net profit for the year - - - - - - 5,546,930,564 5,546,930,564
Dividends for the year 2020:
Stock dividend 662,939,230 - - - - - - (662,939,230) -
Cash dividend - - - - - - - (1,325,878,476) (1,325,878,476)
Start-up Fund - - - - - - - (100,877,625) (100,877,625)
Statutory reserve - - 662,939,230 - - - - (662,939,230) -
Balance as at 31 December 2021 13,921,723,990 3,853,767,032 10,067,956,958 355,218,455 2,490,292,927 15,729,653 7,384,920,564 16,329,861,552 54,419,471,131
* Detail of fair value gain/(loss) on equity investments has been provided at Note-10 and Note-22.
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
BRAC Bank Limited
Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
Taka Taka
A. Cash flows from operating activities
Interest receipts in cash 31,508,895,124 27,105,416,678
Interest payment (10,508,367,195) (8,504,508,879)
Dividend receipts 232,498,460 174,618,013
Fees and commission receipts in cash 5,884,319,987 3,440,196,921
Recoveries on loans previously written off 809,572,845 707,517,594
Cash payments to employees (8,135,922,799) (6,597,572,669)
Cash payments to suppliers (680,215,058) (480,845,623)
Income tax paid (4,642,899,233) (2,557,956,724)
Receipts from other operating activities 45 1,033,184,962 710,776,014
Payment for other operating activities 46 (5,385,487,007) (3,597,592,564)
Operating cash flow before changes in operating assets and
10,115,580,086 10,400,048,761
liabilities (i)
Increase/decrease in operating assets and liabilities
Loans and advances (89,464,175,973) (48,149,037,787)
Other assets (524,779,722) (400,388,462)
Borrowings from other banks and financial institutions 33,559,411,231 11,942,273,035
Proceeds from Issuance of affordable housing bond 4,751,000,000 -
Deposits from customers 67,558,949,157 26,460,328,428
Other liabilities (996,961,563) 912,507,742
Cash utilised in operating assets and liabilities (ii) 14,883,443,130 (9,234,317,044)
Net cash flows from operating activities (i+ii) (a) 24,999,023,216 1,165,731,717
B. Cash flows from investing activities
Treasury bills (422,721,002) 170,075,754
Treasury bonds (13,316,198,255) 15,284,380,330
Sale/ (Investment) in shares (520,995,927) (1,107,182,775)
Sale/ (Investment) in bonds 410,000,000 642,282,917
Acquisition of fixed assets (2,118,856,350) (2,955,859,632)
Disposal of fixed assets 17,653,002 601,254,376
Net cash used in investing activities (b) (15,951,118,532) 12,634,950,970
C. Cash flows from financing activities
Dividend paid (1,042,217,221) (1,383,245,433)
Net cash flows from financing activities ( c) (1,042,217,221) (1,383,245,433)
Net increase/decrease in cash (a+b+c) 8,005,687,463 12,417,437,254
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 46,059,175,412 33,603,286,202
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalent 794,789,846 38,451,956
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 44 54,859,652,721 46,059,175,412
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year:
Cash in hand (including foreign currency) 11,822,688,624 8,424,680,663
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agents bank(s) 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
(including foreign currency)
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 16,255,534,724 19,880,951,145
Money at call on short notice 6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000
Prize Bond 1,527,900 1,280,800
54,859,652,721 46,059,175,412
Net operating cash flow per share (NOCFPS) 50 16.70 0.78
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
The reconciliation of net profit with cash flows from operating activities (standalone basis) has been presented at note - 47.
BRAC Bank Limited
Liquidity Statement
(Asset and Liability Maturity Analysis)
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
0-1 1-3 3 - 12 1-5 Above 5
Particulars Total
Month Months Months Years Years
Cash in hand and balance with Bangladesh Bank 17,139,012,298 - - - 14,637,201,799 31,776,214,097
Balance with other banks and financial institutions (including
foreign currencies) 6,005,534,724 10,250,000,000 - - - 16,255,534,724
Money at call and short notice 6,826,376,000 - - - - 6,826,376,000
Investments 12,702,469,598 1,579,926,666 13,033,778,937 28,024,952,278 8,946,554,785 64,287,682,264
Loans and advances 38,166,517,554 67,860,734,336 161,443,948,391 122,587,430,351 20,617,776,328 410,676,406,960
Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures - - - 7,249,061,007 530,285,686 7,779,346,693
Other assets 6,506,232,478 37,437,694 23,841,248 560,486,246 18,498,078,198 25,626,075,864
Non-banking assets - - - - 11,341,700 11,341,700
Total Assets 87,346,142,652 79,728,098,696 174,501,568,576 158,421,929,882 63,241,238,496 563,238,978,302
Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions & agents 7,446,298,531 10,536,294,000 20,702,784,740 - - 38,685,377,271
Borrowings from central bank & government agencies 5,631,493,289 8,114,768,696 12,381,754,222 16,010,838,538 45,647,064 42,184,501,809
Affordable housing bond - - - 4,751,000,000 - 4,751,000,000
Money at call and short notice - - - - - -
Deposits and other accounts 46,706,467,499 72,043,815,311 121,288,961,984 141,455,809,394 2,971,721,054 384,466,775,242
Other liabilities 2,034,289,634 3,584,707,271 4,836,188,826 4,144,359,024 20,161,224,452 34,760,769,207
Total Liabilities 61,818,548,953 94,279,585,278 159,209,689,772 166,362,006,956 23,178,592,570 504,848,423,529
Net Liquidity Gap 25,527,593,699 (14,551,486,582) 15,291,878,804 (7,940,077,074) 40,062,645,926 58,390,554,773
The notes 1 to 51.5 and annexures A to J form an integral part of these financial statements.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
If the holding in subsidiary disposed-off in such a way that the status of the holding now comes to ‘Associate’ then the fair value of the holding
retained in the said entity at the date of such disposal has been considered as opening balance of investment in associate in consolidated
financial statements and related gains and losses have been recognised directly in consolidated equity. Any share of profits and losses after
such change/disposal have been recognised in consolidated profit and loss as per equity method.
Summary of shareholding in subsidiaries and associates
BRAC Bank's shareholding position in its four subsidiaries and one associate is summarized below:
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Considering the minimum capital requirement as per Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), UK and to resume its full-fledged operations, the
company (BRAC Saajan) converted the outstanding OD Loan facilities of BRAC Bank as additional share capital of GBP 1,000,000 (equivalent to
BDT 112,140,000) with due approval from the regulators. Currently, BRAC Bank Limited holds 93.75% shares (1,250,000 no. of shares out of
the total 1,333,333 shares) of BRAC SAAJAN Exchange Ltd (BSEL).
1.6.5 BRAC IT Services Limited (biTS) (associate)
BRAC IT Services Ltd. (biTS) was initially founded as Documenta™ Ltd, a digital archiving firm, in 1999. BRAC IT Services Ltd. was then formed in
April 2013 through the merger of Documenta™ Ltd and the IT Division of BRAC Bank. BRAC Bank acquired 51% shares of BRAC IT Services
Limited, a private company limited by shares under the Companies Act, 1994, incorporated on 9 April 2013. It currently operates as an IT
services company. In the year 2017, BRAC Bank reduced its holding in BRAC IT Services Limited from 51% to 48.67% by selling 1,034 shares to
BRAC. However, due to additional investment by BRAC, the holding percentage of BRAC Bank further reduced to 12.92% at the end of the year
In 2022, BRAC Bank further disposed off 6,818 no. of shares (2.92% shareholding) to BRAC upon approval from Bangladesh Bank and the
bank's shareholding in biTS reduced to 9.9996%. Considering the significant management involvement, the company is still considered as an
associate of the Bank as per international accounting standards (IASs)
2.1 Preparation of consolidated and separate financial statements
Preparation of separate financial statements of the bank for the year ended 31 December 2022 comprise the operation of the Domestic Banking
Unit (DBU) (main operations), as well as operations of the Off-shore Banking Unit (OBU), together referred to as ‘the Bank’.
Consolidated financial statements include separate financial statements of the BRAC Bank Limited and financial statements of all subsidiaries',
as those of a single economic entity and together referred to as ‘the Group’. There were no significant changes in the operations of the
bank/group entities.
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 10:
Consolidated Financial Statements. The consolidated financial statements are prepared to a common reporting year ended 31 December 2022.
Intra-company transactions, balances and intra-group gains on transactions between group companies are eliminated on consolidation.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
The management do not see any issue with respect to going concern due to recent pandemic COVID-19. Besides, the management is not aware
of any other material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt upon the bank's ability to continue as a going concern.
2.4 Materiality and aggregation
Each material item considered by the management as significant has been displayed separately in the financial statements. No amount has
been set off, unless the Bank has a legal right to set off the amounts and intends to settle on net basis. Income and expenses are presented on a
net basis only when permitted by the relevant accounting standards.
2.5 Comparative information
Accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Bank and are consistent with those used in the previous year. Comparative
information is rearranged wherever necessary to conform with the current presentation.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
c) Interest on classified loans and advances is kept in a suspense account as per BRPD circular no. 27, dated 31 August 2010 and recognised
as income on realisation, as per BRPD circular no. 14 and 15, dated 23 September 2012. Interest is not charged on bad and loss loans as
per the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank. Records of such interest amounts are kept in separate accounts.
d) Write off Loans and Advance: Loans and advances are written-off to the extent that (i) there is no realistic prospect of recovery and (ii)
against which legal cases are filed and classified as bad and loss, as per BRPD circular no. 02, dated 13 January 2003 and 13, dated 07
November 2013. These write-offs however will not undermine/affect the claim amount against the borrower. Detailed memorandum
records for all such write-off accounts are meticulously maintained and followed up.
3.1.4 Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures
A. Property, plant and equipment (PPE)
Property, plant and equipment (PPE) include all type of tangible assets i.e. land, office floor space, furniture & fixtures, office equipments, IT
hardware and motor vehicles etc.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Depreciation of PPE
Land is not depreciated. Depreciation is charged on straight-line basis. In case of acquisition of fixed assets, depreciation is charged from the
month of acquisition, whereas no depreciation on assets disposed-off is charged from the month of disposal. Asset category-wise depreciation
rates are as follows:
The consolidated financial statements of BRAC Bank for the year ended 31 December 2022 have been prepared applying uniform depreciation
policy in compliance with IFRS 10 " Consolidated Financial Statements".
Gain or loss on disposal of PPE
Sale price of fixed assets are determined on the basis of fair value of the assets. Gain or loss on sale of assets are recognised in the profit and
loss account as per provision of IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment.
Impairment of PPE
At each balance sheet date, the bank assesses whether there is any indication that the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable
amount. If any such indication exists, the Bank should estimate the recoverable amount of the asset. An asset is carried at more than its
recoverable amount if its carrying amount exceeds the amount to be recovered through use or sale of the asset. If this is the case, the asset is
described as impaired and impairment loss is recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account unless the asset is carried at revalued
amount in accordance with IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, in which case any impairment loss of a revalued asset should be treated as
revaluation decrease under the accounting standard. No impairment loss was recognised up to the reporting period in separate financial
statement, as no such indication existed as on the balance sheet date.
B. Intangible assets
Software acquired by the bank is stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. Subsequent expenditure on
software assets is capitalised only when it increases future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset to which it relates. All expenditure
is expensed as incurred. Amortisation is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the software, from the
date that it is available for use, since this most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in
the asset. The estimated useful life of software is five to ten years. Amortisation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each
financial year-end and adjusted, if appropriate.
Value of the license is recognised at cost less accumulated impairment losses.
Goodwill that arises upon the acquisition of subsidiaries represents the excess of the fair value of the purchase consideration over the fair value
of the BRAC Bank group’s share of the assets acquired and the liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed on the date of the acquisition and is
measured at cost less accumulated impairment losses in accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations and IAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
The summary of accounting of equity investment in subsidiaries and associate both in consolidated and separate financial statements is as
Investment class Initial recognition Measurement after recognition Recording of changes
Fair value through other comprehensive Impairment loss is adjusted
income in separate financial statements automatically in OCI due to fair value
Investment in subsidiary Cost and equity method less accumulated accounting. Goodwill impairment is
impairment, if any, in consolidated recognised in profit and loss in
financial statements. consolidated financial statements.
Fair value through other comprehensive Impairment loss is adjusted
income in separate financial statements automatically in OCI due to fair value
Investment in associate Cost and equity method less accumulated accounting. The share of post
impairment, if any, in consolidated acquisition income is recognised in
financial statements. consolidated profit and loss account.
3.2 Liabilities and provisions
3.2.1 Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents
Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents include interest-bearing borrowings redeemable at call, on-demand and short-
term deposits lodged for periods of less than 6 months. These items are brought to account at the gross value of the outstanding balance which
includes accrued interest.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
f. Interest suspense
Classified loans and advances of the Banks are categorised as sub-standard, doubtful and bad/loss as per guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
Interest accrued on Sub-Standard, Doubtful and Bad/Loss loans is transferred to interest suspense account and not considered as interest
income. This interest is recognised as interest income when it is realised in cash by the bank.
a. Authorized capital
Authorized Capital is the maximum amount of share capital that the bank is authorised by its Memorandum of Association and Article of
Association to issue to shareholders.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
c. Share Premium
Share premium is the capital that the Bank raises upon issuing shares that is in excess of the nominal value of the shares. The share premium
shall be utilised in accordance with provisions of section 57 of the Companies Act, 1994 and as directed by Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission in this respect.
d. Statutory reserve
The Bank is required to transfer at least 20% of its profit before tax to the Statutory Reserve in accordance with provisions of section 24 of the
Banking Companies Act, 1991. This is mandatory until such reserve is equal to the paid up capital together with amount in the share premium
e. Dividend Equalization Fund
According to BRPD Circular No. 18, dated 20 October 2002, the equivalent amount of exceeding 20% cash dividend shall be kept separately
under Dividend Equalization Fund which shall be treated as permanent capital. On June 02, 2016 cash dividend @ 25% (Tk. 2.5 per share of 10
each) amounting to Taka 1,776,092,275 was approved by the shareholders in 17th Annual General Meeting and the cash dividend was paid
accordingly. Therefore the excess 5% cash dividend equivalent amounting to Taka 355,218,455 has been transferred to Dividend Equalization
Fund. This is treated as Common Equity Tier-1 (CET1)’ of the Bank.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
The Bank’s net obligation in respect of gratuity is calculated by estimating the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in the
current and prior periods, discounting that amount and deducting the fair value of any plan assets. The calculation of defined benefit obligations
is performed annually by a qualified actuary using the projected unit credit method.
Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability, which comprise actuarial gains and losses, are recognised immediately in OCI. The Bank
determines the net interest expense (income) on the net defined benefit liability (asset) for the period by applying the discount rate used to
measure the defined benefit obligation at the beginning of the annual period to the then-net defined benefit liability (asset), taking into account
any changes in the net defined benefit liability (asset) during the period as a result of contributions and benefit payments. Net interest expense,
current service cost and other expenses related to defined benefit plans are recognised as salaries and allowances in profit or loss.
When the benefits of a plan are changed or when a plan is curtailed, the resulting change in benefit that relates to past service or the gain or
loss on curtailment is recognised immediately in profit or loss.
c. Worker's Profit Participation Fund (WPPF)
Consistent with the industry practice and in accordance with section 11(1) of the Bank Company Act,1991 (as amended up to date) and
subsequent clarification given by Bank & Financial Institutions Division (BFID), Ministry of Finance, no provision has been made by bank in the
reporting period for WPPF.
d. Life Insurance
The objective of the scheme is to provide death or permanent disability benefits to its confirmed employees and on their families with a sum
equal to 50 times (in case of normal death) and 100 times (in case of accidental death) of the last drawn basic salary to the nominee.
e. Welfare Fund
The objective of the Employees’ Welfare Fund is to provide regular category employees from Officer Grade-1 to Senior Principal Officer of the
BRAC Bank incurring severe accidents during official job, extended illness (not less than 3 months), Education for Children, Marriage of Children
which costs would not be affordable by the employee and which are not covered by any other means. All regular confirmed employees of the
Bank are contributing monthly to the Fund according to the designation. The sum subscribed monthly from salaries of the employees is credited
separately in an “Employee Welfare Fund” as a liability of the Bank. There are at least 3 (three) members of Management Committee to manage
the fund. The Managing Director and CEO of the Bank is the Chairman of this committee and other 2 (two) members are nominated from the
regular category staff.
f. Hospitalization Insurance
The Bank has introduced a health insurance scheme to its confirmed employees and their respective dependents at rates provided in the health
insurance coverage policy.
g. Performance bonus
BRAC Bank provides performance bonus to the eligible employees every year. This bonus amount is being distributed among the employees
based on their performance rating and management decision. The bonus amount is paid annually, normally in the following year and the costs
are accounted for in the period to which it relates.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Car Loan: All confirmed staff at job grade from PO can avail staff car loan taking approval from department head and head of HR.
3.2.8 Taxation
Income tax on profit for the year comprises current and deferred tax and is based on the applicable tax law in Bangladesh. It is recognised in the
income statement as tax expense.
a. Current Tax
Current tax is the expected tax payable on taxable income for the year, based on tax rates and tax laws which are enacted at the reporting date,
including any adjustment for tax payable in previous periods. Current tax for current and prior periods are recognised as a liability or asset to the
extent that it is unpaid or refundable.
b. Deferred Tax
The Bank accounted for deferred tax as per IAS 12 Income Taxes. Deferred tax is accounted for any temporary differences between the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax base.
Deferred tax assets, including those related to the tax effects of income tax losses and credits available to be carried forward, are recognised
only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences or unused tax
losses and credits can be utilised.
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences. They are also recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on
investments and it is probable that temporary differences will reverse in future. Deferred tax assets associated with these interests are
recognised only to the extent that it is probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future and there will be sufficient
taxable profits against which to utilise the benefits of the temporary difference.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period(s) when the asset and liability giving rise
to them are realised or settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date. The
measurement reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Bank, at the reporting date, recovers or settles the
carrying amount of its assets and liabilities.
3.2.9 Earnings Per Share
Earnings Per Share (EPS) has been computed by dividing the basic earning by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding at
the end of the year as per IAS 33 Earnings Per Share.
a. Basic earnings
This represents earnings for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders. Net profit after tax less preference dividend has been considered as
fully attributable to the ordinary shareholders.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
All treasury functions are clearly demarcated between treasury front office, mid office and back office which has separate and independent
reporting lines to ensure segregation of duties and accountability and also helps minimize the risk of compromise. The front office is involved
only in dealing activities, mid office is involved in monitoring of different limits, e.g. counterparty limits, dealers' trading limits, stop/loss limits,
etc. and calculation of Value at Risk (VaR) and reports directly to the Chief Risk/Operating Officer of the bank. Treasury back office is responsible
for all related processing functions with separate reporting line to the Head of Operations.
Dealing room is well-equipped with Reuter’s dealing system, a number of FX trading platforms and voice loggers, etc. State-of-the-art treasury
system is in place to ensure straight through processing (STP) of all deals. Dealing room also offers an FX trading platform ‘BBL Electra’ to
counterparty banks where all deals are auto-hedged and processed through STP without creating any position for the dealing room. The robust
treasury system of the Bank also facilitates the mid office in effective monitoring and risk reporting and the back office with different reports,
along with easy processing of transactions. Counterparty limit is set by the Credit Committee and monitored by the mid office. Clearly expressed
dealers’ trading limits, stop-loss limits and currency-wise open position limits are in place that are monitored by the mid office. All Treasury
including FX transactions are carried out by well-trained and dynamic dealers who ensure local and global regulatory compliance.
D. Asset liability management
Changes in market liquidity and or interest rate exposes the bank’s business to the risk of loss, which may, in extreme cases, threaten the
survival of the institution. Thus, it is essential that the level of balance sheet risks are effectively managed, appropriate policies and procedures
are established to control and limit these risks and proper resources are made available for evaluating and controlling these risks. The Asset
Liability Management Committee (ALCO) of the bank monitors liquidity and market risks of the bank and plans balance sheet & pricing strategy
accordingly. Bank has dedicated ALM desk under Treasury and FI division, to support ALCO in decision making.
ALCO also reviews the country’s overall economic position, the bank’s liquidity position, ALM ratios, interest rate risks, capital adequacy,
deposit/advances growth, cost of deposit and yield on advances, FX gap, market interest rates, loan loss provision adequacy and deposit and
lending pricing strategy.
E. Operational Risk
Operational risk is the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting a wide variety of causes associated with the Bank’s processes, people, technology or
infrastructure, or from external factors. Operational risk is inherent in the Bank's activities and as with other risk types is managed through an
overall framework with checks and balances that include implementation of three line of defence, recognised ownership of the risk by the
businesses and independent risk management oversight.
The operational risk policy codifies the core governing principles for operational risk management and provides a framework for operational risk.
In accordance with the policy, each business area is responsible to identify its key operational risks as well as the controls established to
mitigate those risks and to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, regulatory administrative actions and the Bank's policies.
The Bank’s objective is to manage operational risk so as to balance the avoidance of financial losses and damage to the reputation of the Bank’s
reputation with overall cost effectiveness and innovation. In all cases, the Bank’s policy requires compliance with all applicable legal and
regulatory requirements.
F. Equity Risk
Equity risk arises from movement in market value of equities held. The risks are monitored by Bank's Treasury and Fis Division under a well
designed policy framework.
G. Prevention of Money Laundering (ML), Terrorist Financing (TF) and Proliferation Financing (PF)
The Bank as the legal framework of the “Money Laundering Prevention Act, 2012 (amended in 2015)” and Anti Terrorism Act, 2009 (amended in
2013), has been pursuing the policy of closed-fisted compliance with all directives and circulars issued by regulatory body to ensure the culture
of good governance in all aspects of its banking services and operations. The BRAC Bank has implemented additional processes and procedures
covering areas of CDD/KYC, review of high-risk accounts, Trade CDD and risk grading of customers, PEP/IP, Ultimate Beneficial Owner guideline,
name screening (that includes sanctions and adverse media) are under monitoring and revision to ensure policies of the Bank remains up-to-
New transaction monitoring reports that has been introduced with a risk-based approach resulted in the detection and reporting of suspicious
activities/transactions (SAR/STR). Further discipline was brought in improving the quality of the quarterly meeting and self-assessment reports
by branches through training and guidance notes to assess themselves. As the key objectives of the Bank are to ensure the implementation of
policies and procedures in line with BFIU Guidelines, improve employee awareness and commitment, integrate higher engagement and focus of
Senior Management within Bank's control measures to improve overall AML-CFT Governance and better mitigate the money laundering &
terrorist financing risk, thereby thriving to increase AML/CFT rating through a continuous process.
H. Internal Control and Compliance (ICC)
The bank has instituted internal control mechanism to provide reasonable assurance regarding the attainment of objectives in the effectiveness
and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and internal policies. Through
internal control systems, the bank identifies weaknesses associated with the process and adopts appropriate measures to overcome these
The main objectives of internal control are as follows:
a) Operations objectives: Attainment of the bank’s mission and vision.
b) Reporting objectives: Timely, accurate and comprehensive reporting - financial and non-financial, internal and external.
c) Compliance objectives: Conducting activities and taking specific actions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
The bank has established an effective internal control system whose primary aim is to ensure the overall management of risks and also provide
reasonable assurance that the objectives set by the bank will be met. It has been designed to develop a high level of risk culture among our
people, establish efficient and effective operating standards, ensure reliability of internal and external information, including accounting and
financial information, secure the bank’s operations and assets, and comply with laws, regulatory requirements and internal policies.
The key functions that have been established in reviewing adequacy and integrity of the system of internal controls are as follows:
a) Various committees are established by the Board to assist it in ensuring the effectiveness of the bank’s daily operations are in accordance
with the corporate objectives, strategies and the annual budget, as well as approved policies and business directions.
b) The Internal Audit Department of the Bank checks for compliance with policies and procedures and the effectiveness of the internal control
systems on an ongoing basis using samples and rotational procedures and highlights significant findings in respect of any non-compliance.
c) Audits are carried out on various departments/units, SME Service Centres and all branches in accordance with the annual audit plan,
approved by the Audit Committee of the Board. Findings of the internal audit are submitted to the Audit Committee of the Board for review
at their periodic meetings.
d) The Audit Committee of the Board of the bank reviews internal control issues identified by the Internal Audit Department, Bangladesh Bank,
External Auditors and the management, and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management and internal control
systems. The minutes of the Audit Committee meetings of the Board are tabled at the meetings of the Board of Directors of the bank on a
periodic basis.
e) Self-assessment of anti-fraud internal controls is carried out on a semi-annual basis and is sent to Bangladesh Bank, as per requirements of
DOS Circular Letter No. 10, dated 09 May 2017, issued by Bangladesh Bank.
f) In assessing the internal control system, identified officers of the bank continued to review and update all procedures and controls that are
connected with significant accounts and disclosures of the financial statements of the bank.
I. Information and communication technology (ICT) security
BRAC Bank is dedicated to provide high-quality service and banking security. The bank has an ICT security strategy for cyber security and ICT risk
mitigation, in accordance with the Bangladesh Bank ICT guidelines stated in BRPD circular no. 14 dated 23 October 2005 regarding “Guideline
on Information and Communication Technology for Scheduled Banks”, BRPD circular no. 21 dated 20 May 2010 and BRPD circular no. 09 dated
17 September 2015 and well-established frameworks and international standards and controls, such as COBIT, ITIL, ISO 27001, ISO 18788,
Bank has implemented multiple robust security solutions to prevent any unwanted/unauthorized/ unauthorized malware attack as well as a zero-
day attack based on static behavior, to detect and prevent data leakage, unauthorized use and transmission of sensitive information, and to
reduce insider threats by detecting the inappropriate actions that can lead to malware infections or data breaches, etc. The Bank has also
implemented a thorough Data Leakage Prevention scheme to safeguard the data of its clients and the bank itself.
Comprehensive annual maintenance contracts (AMCs) and service level agreements (SLAs) were established with partners of major data
center equipment manufacturers to guarantee 24x7 servicing for all active data center and disaster recovery site equipment. With the upgrade
to the monitoring system of the data center and disaster recovery site, the bank is now able to proactively monitor all system parameters and
take appropriate preventative action. Additionally, BRAC Bank has implemented the ITIL framework of best practice recommendations to ensure
complete IT service management.
The BRAC bank believes integrated cyber protection and digital transformation to be essential. As a digitally oriented bank, BRAC Bank has built
a comprehensive cyber security roadmap and is aiming to equip itself with the finest personnel, security solutions, processes, and procedures.
BRAC Bank utilizes premier worldwide external organizations to undertake assessments and regularly assesses its cyber security posture and
future readiness.
J. Implementation of BASEL- III
To cope up with the international best practices and to make the bank’s capital shock absorbent ‘Guidelines on Risk Based Capital Adequacy
(RBCA) for banks was introduced by Bangladesh Bank as per BASEL III. BASEL III framework has three main components referred to as pillars:
i. Pillar I addresses minimum capital requirement;
ii. Pillar II elaborates the process for assessing the overall capital adequacy aligned with risk profile of a bank as well as capital growth plan;
iii. Finally, Pillar III gives a framework of public disclosure on the position of a bank's risk profiles, capital adequacy, and risk management
BRAC Bank has fully complied with all the directives provided by the Central bank from time to time, starting from Pillar I, II and III reporting
requirements to periodic Stress Testing activity etc. Formation of BASEL Steering Committee chaired by the Managing Director of the bank helps
us to ensure supreme governance and strict regimentation at execution level. As yet, BRAC bank has been able to successfully implement the
phase in transition arrangement for Basel III, which started from the year 2015 and ended in 2020.
As per RBCA Guideline, all scheduled banks are required to calculate Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio (CRAR) based on ‘Solo’ basis as well
as on ‘Consolidated’ basis. The calculation of CRAR under Basel III has been made as per “Guidelines on Risk Based Capital Adequacy as issued
by Bangladesh Bank vide BRPD Circular no. 18 dated December 21, 2014 and subsequent related circulars of Bangladesh Bank.
BRAC Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
4 Cash
Cash in hand (Including foreign currency) 4.1 11,918,067,777 9,207,161,626 11,822,688,624 8,424,680,663
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s)
(Including foreign currency) 4.2 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
31,871,593,250 23,459,424,430 31,776,214,097 22,676,943,467
4.1 Cash in hand (Including foreign currency)
Local currency 11,836,218,828 9,166,408,109 11,740,839,675 8,383,927,146
Foreign currency 81,848,949 40,753,517 81,848,949 40,753,517
11,918,067,777 9,207,161,626 11,822,688,624 8,424,680,663
4.2 Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s)
(Including foreign currency)
Local currency 17,384,764,667 12,208,257,526 17,384,764,667 12,208,257,526
Foreign currency 1,611,159,007 961,504,172 1,611,159,007 961,504,172
18,995,923,674 13,169,761,698 18,995,923,674 13,169,761,698
Sonali Bank as an agent of Bangladesh Bank (local currency) 957,601,799 1,082,501,106 957,601,799 1,082,501,106
19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Bi-weekly basis
The Bank maintained excess cash reserve of Tk. 4,461,126,945 against minimum requirement of 4.0% & 2.0% (of ATDTL) for DBO & OBO on bi-weekly basis which is the summation of excess cash
reserve maintained over required in the last fortnight (bi-week) of 2022.
4.4 Statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) (Bank only)
As per section 33 of the Bank Company Act 1991 (amended up to 2013) & MPD circular no. 2 dated 10 December 2013 issued by Bangladesh Bank (effective from 1 February 2014), BRAC Bank Limited
has been maintaining 13% SLR on weekly average total demand and time liabilities (ATDTL) of a base month which is two months back of the reporting month (i.e. SLR of December 2022 is based on
weekly ATDTL of October 2022), according to DOS Circular No. 1 & 26 and BRPD circular No. 31 issued on 19 January 2014, 19 August 2019 and 18 June 2020 respectively for both DBO & OBO.
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
5.1.1 Balance with other banks and financial institutions (Inside Bangladesh)
Current accounts
Standard Chartered Bank 164,681,276 697,558,859 34,701,716 62,953,505
Southeast Bank Limited 213,395,231 234,305,990 - -
Al-Arafa Islami Bank Limited - 253,887 - -
Jamuna Bank Limited 646,577,801 241,354,134 - 23,314
Prime Bank Limited 2,000,553,679 9,230,839 544,797 9,071,179
NRB Global Bank Limited 1,200,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,000,000
Midland Bank Limited 14,753,454 1,593,920 1,500,000 1,500,000
Mutual Trust Bank Limited 361,222,986 3,413,896,870 - -
Pubali Bank Limited 284,810,139 122,888,233 8,400,689 8,515,281
Janata Bank Limited 607,165 3,379,141 599,333 2,211,029
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited 36,252,238 7,427,580 36,252,238 6,334,880
The City Bank Limited 1,409,005,698 2,059,742,754 214,674 216,451
Agrani Bank Limited 25,137,755 10,550,205 4,418,575 5,330,389
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 114,723,914 4,035,199 435,579 470,174
United Commercial Bank Limited 1,780,889,910 918,964,790 201,488 202,805
National Bank Limited 297,736 3,018,628 297,736 305,559
Sonali Bank Limited 125,005,940 244,447,395 5,781,430 2,137,294
Dutch Bangla Bank Limited 11,486,431 2,106,776 11,486,431 2,106,776
IFIC Bank Limited 1,980,619 - - -
Rupali Bank Limited 9,219,683 2,031,388 425,233 403,045
Social Islami Bank Limited 1,213,865 1,133,586 - -
First Security Islami Bank Limited 5,031,001 4,895,934 3,599,617 3,544,921
EXIM Bank Limited 11,281,895 12,273,490 11,281,895 11,222,970
BASIC Bank Limited 837,662 814,470 837,662 814,470
Bank Asia Limited 1,624,782 7,416,397 - -
Standard Bank Limited 502,149 843,731 500,000 -
Meghna Bank Limited - 1,473,335 - -
One Bank Limited 1,066,909,962 1,591,498,158 2,370,212 68,369
Mercantile Bank Limited 1,165,240,429 386,036,905 2,433,535 2,433,535
Union Bank Limited 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Trust Bank Limited 301,149,089 62,653,151 - -
Eastern Bank Limited 2,122,017,483 1,053,264,735 - -
Dhaka Bank Limited 1,121,797,710 334,393,959 - -
NCC Bank Limited 1,147,004,493 116,770,312 - -
Habib Bank Limited 8,208 2,311 - -
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
NRB Commercial Bank Limited 525,119 522,131 - -
NRB Bank Limited 9,022 9,712 - -
The Premier Bank Limited 1,131,603 - - -
AB Bank Limited 1,382,163 1,301,813 - -
Uttara Bank Limited 1,415,982 1,336,589 - -
Allied Bank Limited 377,762 399,608 - -
Security deposit to bank by BRAC Sajaan Exchange Ltd - 3,330,733 - -
14,151,762,034 11,558,657,648 127,982,840 121,365,946
Fixed deposit with banks
Southeast Bank Limited - 1,000,000,000 - -
Mutual Trust Bank Limited 3,100,000,000 - - -
The City Bank Limited - 4,000,000,000 - -
NCC Bank Limited 8,010,000,000 1,710,000,000 3,000,000,000 1,700,000,000
Jamuna Bank Limited 114,208,772 3,009,481,081 - 2,000,000,000
Dhaka Bank Limited - 500,000,000 - -
United Commercial Bank Limited 3,600,000,000 6,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 -
Mercantile Bank Limited 5,578,267,327 3,073,467,327 1,500,000,000 -
Standard Chartered Bank 30,083,669 29,544,482 - -
Prime Bank Limited - 2,000,000,000 - -
Standard Bank Limited 800,000,000 1,500,000,000 800,000,000 1,500,000,000
Eastern Bank Limited 200,000,000 - - -
Janata Bank Limited - 7,840,000,000 - -
Sonali Bank Limited 1,000,000,000 13,150,000,000 - -
Pubali Bank Limited 1,000,000,000 -
Agrani Bank Limited - 8,240,000,000 - -
Trust Bank Limited 6,502,000,000 - - -
Padma Bank Limited 10,918,428 10,315,000 - -
29,945,478,196 52,062,807,890 7,300,000,000 5,200,000,000
Fixed deposit with financial institutions
Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Limited - 140,000,000 - 140,000,000
United Finance Limited 700,000,000 800,000,000 700,000,000 800,000,000
IPDC Finance Limited 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000
Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited - 3,000,000,000 - 3,000,000,000
3,700,000,000 6,940,000,000 3,700,000,000 6,940,000,000
33,645,478,196 59,002,807,890 11,000,000,000 12,140,000,000
47,797,240,230 70,561,465,538 11,127,982,840 12,261,365,946
There are some unreconciled entries as on 31 December 2022 and status of unreconciled entries has been presented in Annexure-B-2.
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
5.2 Balance outside Bangladesh
On shore balance 5.2.1 10,300,711,807 13,827,605,643 10,274,159,644 13,747,343,470
Off shore balance 5.2.1 2,382,125,360 5,974,658,657 2,382,125,360 5,974,658,657
12,682,837,167 19,802,264,300 12,656,285,004 19,722,002,127
Less: On shore to BBL off-shore placement 7,528,733,120 12,102,416,928 7,528,733,120 12,102,416,928
5,154,104,047 7,699,847,372 5,127,551,884 7,619,585,199
5.2.1 Balance with other banks and financial institutions (outside Bangladesh)
On shore balance
Standard Chartered Bank-New York, USA 648,185,631 497,936,217 648,185,631 497,936,217
Standard Chartered Bank, United Kingdom 107,923,960 16,027,822 107,923,960 16,027,822
Standard Chartered Bank, Frankfurt, Germany 368,010,970 14,323,040 368,010,970 14,323,040
Mashreq Bank, New York, USA 149,848,892 69,942,687 149,848,892 69,942,687
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi 20,512,994 5,975,580 20,512,994 5,975,580
ICICI Bank Limited, Mumbai, India 74,637,602 6,962,245 74,637,602 6,962,245
Zuercher Kantonal Bank, Switzerland 13,630,753 3,721,299 13,630,753 3,721,299
Commerz Bank AG, Germany (USD) 6,466,957 1,908,554 6,466,957 1,908,554
Commerz Bank AG, Germany (EURO) 14,920,292 (72,805,071) 14,920,292 (72,805,071)
Commerz Bank, Frankfurt, Germany (GBP) 6,254 5,815 6,254 5,815
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA 711,997,619 331,450,001 711,997,619 331,450,001
HDFC Bank Limited, India 257,249,753 19,459,599 257,249,753 19,459,599
Habib Metro Bank Limited - 1,790,293 - 1,790,293
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Sydney (AUD) 8,273,641 605,425,151 8,273,641 605,425,151
AB Bank Limited, Mumbai, India 44,940,238 16,637,248 44,940,238 16,637,248
AXIS Bank Limited 57,087,322 44,326,693 57,087,322 44,326,693
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (AED) 5,194,973 6,196,415 5,194,973 6,196,415
Kookmin Bank, Seoul, South Korea (USD) 6,039,326 6,187,529 6,039,326 6,187,529
Citi Bank N.A., New York, USA 41,089,752 24,844,680 41,089,752 24,844,680
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co. Ltd, China (CNY) 2,011,473 813,173 2,011,473 813,173
DBS Bank Ltd, Singapore, SGD 17,357,195 13,486,513 17,357,195 13,486,513
Punjab National Bank, Kolkata (USD) 115,867,928 30,311,059 115,867,928 30,311,059
Al Rajhi Bank, Riyadh (SAR) 3,187,340 - 3,187,340 -
Meezan Bank Limited, Gtb Karachi, ACU (USD) 70,985,659 - 70,985,659 -
Balance with different banks maintained by BRAC SAAJAN Exchange Ltd. 26,552,163 80,262,173 - -
2,771,978,687 1,725,188,715 2,745,426,524 1,644,926,542
Add: On shore to off shore placement 7,528,733,120 12,102,416,928 7,528,733,120 12,102,416,928
Total on shore balance 10,300,711,807 13,827,605,643 10,274,159,644 13,747,343,470
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Off shore balance
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York 702,418,166 138,374,290 702,418,166 138,374,290
JP Morgan AG, Frankfurt, Germany 25,564,908 425,313 25,564,908 425,313
JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA, London 1,390,286 1,459,054 1,390,286 1,459,054
BBL OBU to Other Bank OBU placement 1,652,752,000 5,834,400,000 1,652,752,000 5,834,400,000
Total off shore balance 2,382,125,360 5,974,658,657 2,382,125,360 5,974,658,657
12,682,837,167 19,802,264,300 12,656,285,004 19,722,002,127
Less: On shore to BBL off-shore placement 7,528,733,120 12,102,416,928 7,528,733,120 12,102,416,928
5,154,104,047 7,699,847,372 5,127,551,884 7,619,585,199
There are some unreconciled entries as on 31 December 2022 and status of unreconciled entries has been presented in Annexure-B-1 and detail balance has been presented in Annexure - C except BBL
OBU to Other Bank OBU placement.
5.3 Maturity grouping of balance with other banks and financial institutions
On Demand - - 3,602,782,724 -
Up to 1 month 13,157,601,136 6,339,852,686 2,402,752,000 6,548,951,145
More than 1 month but not more than 3 months 24,335,099,107 21,968,040,315 10,250,000,000 8,432,000,000
More than 3 months but not more than 1 year 15,458,644,034 49,953,419,909 - 4,900,000,000
More than 1 year but not more than 5 years - - - -
More than 5 years - - - -
52,951,344,277 78,261,312,910 16,255,534,724 19,880,951,145
6 Money at call on short notice
IDLC Finance Limited 3,000,000,000 3,500,000,000 3,000,000,000 3,500,000,000
Delta BRAC Housing Finance Corporation Limited 3,000,000,000 - 3,000,000,000 -
Pubali Bank Limited 826,376,000 - 826,376,000 -
6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000 6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000
7 Investments
Government 7.1 107,319,008,486 60,998,642,835 56,637,669,673 44,051,798,178
Others 7.2 9,232,985,372 9,069,950,469 7,650,012,591 7,539,016,664
116,551,993,858 70,068,593,304 64,287,682,264 51,590,814,842
7.1 Government (investment in Govt. securities)
Treasury bills 7.1.1 502,645,248 1,658,322,369 502,645,248 79,924,246
Treasury bonds 7.1.2 106,814,835,338 59,339,039,666 56,133,496,525 43,970,593,132
Prize bonds 1,527,900 1,280,800 1,527,900 1,280,800
107,319,008,486 60,998,642,835 56,637,669,673 44,051,798,178
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
7.1.1 Treasury bills
Treasury bills (91 Days) - 79,924,246 - 79,924,246
Treasury bills (182 Days) - 1,479,534,000 - -
Treasury bills (364 Days) 502,645,248 98,864,123 502,645,248 -
502,645,248 1,658,322,369 502,645,248 79,924,246
7.1.2 Treasury Bonds
Treasury bonds (2 years BGTB) 15,126,121,903 13,314,480,669 7,037,969,509 -
Treasury bonds (5 years BGTB) 26,035,244,848 27,236,823,583 24,087,842,247 27,230,297,168
Treasury bonds (10 years BGTB) 17,697,865,069 8,660,373,429 9,737,871,279 8,660,373,429
Treasury bonds (15 years BGTB) 8,490,777,069 2,466,208,715 1,100,623,840 1,535,758,458
Treasury bonds (20 years BGTB) 26,973,511,049 6,544,164,077 1,677,874,250 6,544,164,077
Reverse REPO 12,491,315,400 1,116,989,193 12,491,315,400 -
106,814,835,338 59,339,039,666 56,133,496,525 43,970,593,132
7.1.3 BB category wise investment
Held for trading (HFT) 27,931,292,483 16,203,146,653 27,931,292,483 16,203,146,653
Held to maturity (HTM) 79,386,188,103 44,794,215,382 28,704,849,290 27,847,370,725
Other securities 1,527,900 1,280,800 1,527,900 1,280,800
107,319,008,486 60,998,642,835 56,637,669,673 44,051,798,178
7.2 Others (investment in other than Govt. securities)
Corporate bonds- unquoted and quoted 7.2.1 2,480,000,000 2,900,000,000 2,480,000,000 2,890,000,000
Ordinary shares and mutual funds (MFs) - unquoted and quoted 7.2.2 6,750,485,372 6,165,950,469 5,167,512,591 4,645,016,664
Preference shares 7.2.3 2,500,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 4,000,000
9,232,985,372 9,069,950,469 7,650,012,591 7,539,016,664
* Investment in shares, mutual funds and preference shares are detailed in Annexure-D.
7.2.1 Corporate bonds- unquoted and quoted
North West Power Generation Company Limited Coupon Bearing Bond 1,200,000,000 1,500,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,500,000,000
Jamuna Bank II Floating Rate Subordinated Bond 180,000,000 270,000,000 180,000,000 270,000,000
Bank Asia Floating Rate Subordinated Bond - 20,000,000 - 20,000,000
EBL Floating Rate Subordinated Bond - 20,000,000 - 20,000,000
Prime Bank Floating Rate Subordinated Bond - 20,000,000 - 20,000,000
EXIM Bank Mudaraba Subordinated Floating Rate Bond - 50,000,000 - 50,000,000
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
AB Bank Floating Rate Subordinated Bond II - 60,000,000 - 60,000,000
MTBL Floating Rate Subordinated Bond - 50,000,000 - 50,000,000
MTBL Floating Rate Subordinated Bond IV 400,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000
Meghna Bank 1st Subordinate Coupon Bearing Bond 200,000,000 - 200,000,000 -
1,980,000,000 2,390,000,000 1,980,000,000 2,390,000,000
Beximco Green Sukuk Al Istisna'a - 10,000,000 - -
Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited Bond 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000
500,000,000 510,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000
2,480,000,000 2,900,000,000 2,480,000,000 2,890,000,000
7.2.2 Ordinary shares and mutual funds (MFs) - unquoted and quoted
Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd (IIDFC) 29,683,820 29,683,820 29,683,820 29,683,820
Bangladesh Rating Agency Limited (BDRAL) 10,671,700 10,671,700 10,671,700 10,671,700
Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL) 6,277,770 6,277,770 6,277,770 6,277,770
Investment in non-publicly traded mutual fund 441,872,220 249,686,370 441,872,220 249,686,370
Investment in share - IPO 46,637,763 - - -
Investment in DSE & CSE 96,986,595 96,986,595 - -
632,129,868 393,306,255 488,505,510 296,319,660
Investment in secondary market 6,118,355,504 5,772,644,214 4,679,007,081 4,348,697,004
6,118,355,504 5,772,644,214 4,679,007,081 4,348,697,004
6,750,485,372 6,165,950,469 5,167,512,591 4,645,016,664
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
8 Loans and advances
Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc. 8.1.1 222,711,877,598 169,128,372,833 221,303,533,974 168,205,415,381
Small and medium enterprises 8.1.2 187,247,111,913 150,749,009,625 187,247,111,913 150,749,009,625
Bills purchased and discounted* 8.2 2,125,761,073 2,257,805,981 2,125,761,073 2,257,805,981
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
* Bills purchased and discounted excludes bills purchased and discounted of small and medium enterprises (SME).
8.1.1 Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc.
Overdrafts 14,264,660,532 9,386,377,592 14,264,660,532 9,386,377,592
Demand loans 93,550,846,726 63,339,447,043 93,550,846,726 63,339,447,043
Term loans 101,066,162,683 84,980,045,030 101,066,162,683 84,980,045,030
Lease receivables 488,267,689 823,850,563 488,267,689 823,850,563
Credit Cards 10,794,068,205 8,562,449,791 10,794,068,205 8,562,449,791
Staff loans 1,152,911,527 1,123,591,696 1,139,528,139 1,113,245,362
Margin loan 2,383,856,084 1,769,581,139 - -
223,700,773,446 169,985,342,854 221,303,533,974 168,205,415,381
Less: Inter company elimination 988,895,848 856,970,021 - -
222,711,877,598 169,128,372,833 221,303,533,974 168,205,415,381
8.1.2 Small and medium enterprises
Overdrafts 12,992,885,904 17,716,943,831 12,992,885,904 17,716,943,831
Demand loans 13,789,378,536 13,336,489,437 13,789,378,536 13,336,489,437
Term loans 160,407,248,749 119,647,429,292 160,407,248,749 119,647,429,292
Lease receivables 3,904,457 12,493,658 3,904,457 12,493,658
Bills purchased and discounted (SME) 53,694,267 35,653,407 53,694,267 35,653,407
187,247,111,913 150,749,009,625 187,247,111,913 150,749,009,625
8.2 Bills purchased and discounted
Bills purchased and discounted (except SME) 2,125,761,073 2,257,805,981 2,125,761,073 2,257,805,981
Bills purchased and discounted (SME) 53,694,267 35,653,407 53,694,267 35,653,407
2,179,455,340 2,293,459,388 2,179,455,340 2,293,459,388
8.3 Net loans and advances
Gross loans and advances 412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
Less: Interest suspense 17.6 1,710,681,546 1,637,871,114 1,710,681,546 1,637,871,114
Less: Provision for loans and advances including Covid special provision 17.1 15,386,996,797 13,997,832,683 14,175,161,027 12,778,727,514
394,987,072,241 306,499,484,642 394,790,564,387 306,795,632,359
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
8.4 Loans and advances under the following broad categories
Inside Bangladesh:
Loans 384,754,942,424 294,765,610,883 383,346,598,800 293,842,653,431
Cash credit - - - -
Overdrafts 27,257,546,436 27,103,321,423 27,257,546,436 27,103,321,423
412,012,488,860 321,868,932,306 410,604,145,236 320,945,974,854
Outside Bangladesh:
Loans - - - -
Cash credits - - - -
Overdrafts 72,261,724 266,256,133 72,261,724 266,256,133
72,261,724 266,256,133 72,261,724 266,256,133
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
8.5 Geographical location wise portfolio grouping
Inside Bangladesh: Rural
Dhaka Division 21,801,834,985 16,286,585,281 21,801,834,985 16,286,585,281
Chattogram Division 7,748,731,551 5,710,367,078 7,748,731,551 5,710,367,078
Khulna Division 2,135,336,810 1,867,179,063 2,135,336,810 1,867,179,063
Sylhet Division 684,612,772 587,922,421 684,612,772 587,922,421
Barisal Division 2,676,094,860 2,252,683,323 2,676,094,860 2,252,683,323
Rajshahi Division - - - -
Rangpur Division - - - -
Mymensingh Division - - - -
35,046,610,978 26,704,737,166 35,046,610,978 26,704,737,166
Inside Bangladesh: Urban
Dhaka Division 271,970,483,868 206,468,770,801 270,562,140,244 210,003,581,273
Chattogram Division 36,572,748,273 29,398,804,991 36,572,748,273 29,933,898,705
Khulna Division 19,220,934,984 14,920,391,316 19,220,934,984 14,920,391,316
Sylhet Division 6,997,893,761 6,052,596,788 6,997,893,761 5,517,503,075
Barisal Division 17,773,535,883 3,754,903,491 17,773,535,883 14,860,502,458
Rajshahi Division 6,891,514,015 20,018,904,916 6,891,514,015 5,263,466,418
Rangpur Division 12,180,549,220 6,403,619,148 12,180,549,220 9,309,338,283
Mymensingh Division 5,358,217,878 8,146,203,689 5,358,217,878 4,432,556,160
376,965,877,882 295,164,195,140 375,557,534,258 294,241,237,688
Outside Bangladesh 72,261,724 266,256,133 72,261,724 266,256,133
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
8.6 Loans and advances on the basis of significant concentration
8.6.1 Loans and advances to directors, executives and others
Directors, subsidiaries and others 989,873,937 857,164,160 989,873,937 857,164,160
Managing Director and CEO - - - -
Senior executives 127,336,202 117,266,663 113,952,814 106,920,329
Other executives and staffs 1,025,575,325 1,006,325,033 1,025,575,325 1,006,325,033
1,152,911,527 1,123,591,696 1,139,528,139 1,113,245,362
Agro-based 18,197,184,243 19,580,349,837 18,197,184,243 19,580,349,837
Large and medium 96,137,380,399 67,128,717,347 96,137,380,399 67,128,717,347
Small and cottage 28,146,418,322 26,021,968,591 28,146,418,322 26,021,968,591
Service industry 25,376,563,870 14,618,681,406 25,376,563,870 14,618,681,406
167,857,546,834 127,349,717,181 167,857,546,834 127,349,717,181
Agricultural 5,687,724,141 5,753,930,713 5,687,724,141 5,753,930,713
Consumers 75,941,549,558 64,361,156,599 75,941,549,558 64,361,156,599
Trade and commercial 143,656,845,308 106,519,590,246 142,261,885,072 105,606,979,128
Others 16,798,299,279 16,170,037,844 16,798,299,279 16,170,037,844
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
8.6.2 Staff loan
Personal loan 48,030,769 58,119,303 34,647,381 47,772,969
Car and motorcycle loan 567,667,332 547,275,877 567,667,332 547,275,877
House building loan 537,213,426 518,196,516 537,213,426 518,196,516
1,152,911,527 1,123,591,696 1,139,528,139 1,113,245,362
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Service industries 6,489,929,560 4,943,877,117 6,489,929,560 4,943,877,117
Textile 146,335,501,432 106,736,606,921 146,335,501,432 106,736,606,921
Trade service 70,285,749 70,785,749 70,285,749 70,785,749
Others 32,295,087,215 26,073,918,516 30,886,743,591 25,150,961,064
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
8.8 Securities wise loans and advances including bills purchased and discounted
Collateral of moveable/immoveable assets 126,686,442,834 135,307,188,774 126,686,442,834 135,307,188,774
Local banks and financial institutions guarantee - - - -
Government guarantee - - - -
Foreign banks guarantee - - - -
Export documents - - - -
Fixed deposit receipts (FDR) 6,748,674,909 5,791,509,559 6,748,674,909 5,791,509,559
FDR of other banks - - - -
Government bonds - - - -
Personal guarantee and other securities 277,021,246,522 179,969,307,739 277,007,863,134 179,958,961,405
Other securities 1,628,386,319 1,067,182,367 233,426,083 154,571,249
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
8.9.2 Sector wise concentration of classified loans and advances/ NPL of the Bank
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
8.10 Details of large loan (Standalone basis)
Large loan clients are those to whom loans and advances sanctioned are 10% or more of the total regulatory capital of the Bank. Total capital of the Bank was Taka 49,118,601,214 as at 31 December
2022 and taka 44,131,714,067 as at 31 December 2021. Client wise details of large loans have been presented in below:
Number of clients 22
Amount of outstanding loans and advances 79,698,345,561
Amount of classified loans and advances NIL
Client wise break-up is as follows:
SL Name of clients Funded Non-funded Total Outstanding
1 Meghna group of industries 2,233,750,906 4,686,834,775 6,920,585,681
2 BSRM group 5,733,020,639 683,562,443 6,416,583,082
3 Summit group 3,919,864,694 2,445,333,880 6,365,198,574
4 Abul Khair group 2,603,843,863 3,383,574,207 5,987,418,070
5 City group 2,952,999,915 2,249,590,927 5,202,590,842
6 PRAN-RFL group 4,178,180,074 479,259,185 4,657,439,259
7 Renata group 4,199,383,041 138,210,223 4,337,593,264
8 Walton group 3,860,443,442 136,684,425 3,997,127,868
9 Akij group 3,529,105,292 295,666,550 3,824,771,842
10 Bitopi group 2,789,779,566 680,690,898 3,470,470,464
11 Veon group 1,513,770,480 1,890,105,041 3,403,875,520
12 Samuda group 2,179,325,467 1,201,814,338 3,381,139,805
13 Confidence group 2,001,184,438 1,352,534,532 3,353,718,971
14 Urmi group 1,497,418,180 1,156,821,337 2,654,239,518
15 Meghna cycle group 2,052,455,417 420,108,586 2,472,564,003
16 Mir group 1,777,447,327 614,087,775 2,391,535,102
17 Badsha group 1,750,332,666 625,188,588 2,375,521,254
18 BRAC group 1,834,228,860 224,936,135 2,059,164,995
19 Square group 735,295,244 1,322,575,503 2,057,870,747
20 Robi Axiata 1,589,064,624 459,827,419 2,048,892,043
21 Yunusco group 1,464,201,374 485,584,663 1,949,786,037
22 Nesco-Desco group - 370,258,620 370,258,620
Grand Total 54,395,095,508 25,303,250,051 79,698,345,561
Note: Large exposures has been calculated on the basis of BRPD Circular No 01, dated 16 January 2022.
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
8.11 Particulars of required provisions for loans and advances (Bank only)
Amount in Taka
Outstanding loans and Percentage (%) of Required provision Required provision
Status Base for provision
advances 2022 required provision 2022 2021
All unclassified loans (Other than Small and Medium Enterprise
Financing, Consumer Financing, BHs/MBs/SDs, Housing and 138,616,008,372 138,566,463,509 1%** 1,778,829,266 1,331,178,040
loans for professional*)
Small and Medium Enterprise Financing 176,308,310,896 176,308,310,896 0.25% 440,770,777 356,006,759
Loans to BHs/MBs/SDs against share etc.* 1,140,548,317 1,140,548,317 2% 22,810,966 15,806,672
Housing Finance 12,135,153,745 12,135,153,745 1% 121,351,537 129,508,580
Loans for professionals to Set up business (LP) 5,402,713,749 5,402,713,749 2% 108,054,275 105,836,050
Consumer finance 46,213,205,233 46,213,205,233 2% 924,264,105 734,780,715
Consumer finance (Credit Card) 10,266,549,799 10,266,549,799 2% 205,330,996 159,794,280
Short Term Agricultural and Micro Credit 4,185,757,607 4,185,757,607 1% 41,857,576 39,409,917
Staff Loan 1,139,528,139 - 1% - -
395,407,775,857 394,218,702,856 3,643,269,498 2,872,321,013
Classified - Specific provision
Sub-standard 3,376,237,529 2,422,283,006 20%*** 439,033,298 210,607,228
Doubtful 2,535,948,774 1,943,776,800 50%*** 499,174,067 145,090,096
Bad/Loss 9,356,444,799 6,954,244,541 100%**** 7,065,798,541 7,627,363,819
15,268,631,102 11,320,304,347 8,004,005,906 7,983,061,143
410,676,406,959 405,539,007,203
Special General Provision Covid-19
Special general provision Covid-19 for 2020 1% 385,747,960 564,532,639
Special general provision Covid-19 for 2021 1.5%, 2% 179,414,701 219,674,585
Special general provision Covid-19 for 2022 1% & 2% 17,320,997 -
582,483,659 784,207,224
Total required provision for loans and advances 12,229,759,063 11,639,589,380
Total provision maintained (Note 17.1) 14,175,161,027 12,778,727,514
Excess provision over minimum required provision prescribed by Bangladesh Bank 1,945,401,964 1,139,138,134
* BHs = Brokerage Houses, MBs = Merchant Banks, SDs = stock dealers against shares
** For rescheduled loans, 50% and 100% provision has been made as per NOC circular
*** For small, micro & cottage enterprises under CMSME financing provision requirement is 5% for sub-standard and 20% for doubtful classification as per BRPD circular
**** Note that provision for bad and loss includes a provision of BDT 111,554,000 for bank guarantee as per BB audit advice in 2021
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
2022 2021
Taka Taka
i) Loans considered good in respect of which Bank is fully secured 82,497,853,549 86,137,720,340
ii) Loans considered good against which Bank holds no security other than the debtor's personal guarantee 327,039,025,272 233,961,265,285
iii) Loans considered good secured by the personal undertakings of one or more parties in addition to the personal guarantee of the debtor 1,139,528,139 1,113,245,362
iv) Loans adversely classified; provision not maintained there against - -
410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
v) Loans due by directors or officers of the banking company or any of these either separately or jointly with any other persons 1,140,506,228 1,113,439,501
vi) Loans due from companies or firms in which the directors of the bank have interested as directors, partners or managing agents or in case of 988,895,848 856,970,022
private companies as members
vii) Maximum total amount of advance including temporary advance made at any time during the year to directors or managers or officers of the 1,140,506,228 1,113,439,501
banking companies or any of them either separately or jointly with any other person
viii) Maximum total amount of advances, including temporary advances granted during the year to the companies or firms in which the directors of 988,895,848 856,970,022
the banking company have interest as directors, partners or managing agents or in case of private companies, as members
ix) Due from banking companies - -
x) Information in respect of classified loans and advances
a) Classified loan on which interest has not been charged to income 15,268,631,102 12,522,560,419
i) Increase/decrease of provision (specific) 440,870,144 1,466,974,668
ii) Amount of loans written off 2,067,242,232 1,634,560,945
iii) Amount recovered against loan previously written off 809,572,845 707,517,594
b) Amount of provision kept against loan classified as "bad/loss" on the date of preparing the balance sheet 7,065,798,541 7,627,363,819
c) Interest creditable to the Interest Suspense account 1,408,486,946 1,533,746,003
xi) Cumulative amount of the written off loan
Opening balance 22,743,200,267 21,108,639,322
Amount written off during the year 2,067,242,232 1,634,560,945
24,810,442,499 22,743,200,267
The amount of written off loans for which law suits have been filed 22,675,202,492 21,652,814,618
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
8.13 Write off of loans and advances (net basis)
Balance at the beginning of the year 12,508,427,034 11,646,828,978 12,508,427,034 11,646,828,978
Add: Write off during the year 2,067,242,232 1,634,560,945 2,067,242,232 1,634,560,945
Less: written-off recovery and interest waiver 868,939,265 772,962,889 868,939,265 772,962,889
Balance at the end of the year 13,706,730,001 12,508,427,034 13,706,730,001 12,508,427,034
8.14 Bill Purchased and Discounted under the following broad categories
Inside Bangladesh 2,179,455,340 2,293,459,388 2,179,455,340 2,293,459,388
Outside Bangladesh - - - -
2,179,455,340 2,293,459,388 2,179,455,340 2,293,459,388
8.15 Maturity wise grouping of loans and advances
On demand 37,177,621,706 26,883,955,082 1,884,609,633 27,740,925,103
Up to 1 month - - 36,281,907,921 -
Not more than 3 months 67,860,734,336 50,194,511,523 67,860,734,336 50,194,511,523
More than 3 months but not more than 1 year 163,827,804,476 133,482,324,464 161,443,948,391 131,712,743,325
More than 1 year but not more than 5 years 122,600,813,738 97,469,578,104 122,587,430,351 97,459,231,770
More than 5 years 20,617,776,328 14,104,819,266 20,617,776,328 14,104,819,266
412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
8.16 Maturity wise grouping of lease receivables including SME
On demand 913,172 1,151,132 913,172 1,151,132
Up to 1 month 512,992 - 512,992 -
Not more than 3 months 1,757,045 2,344,909 1,757,045 2,344,909
More than 3 months but not more than 1 Year 6,740,340 18,873,511 6,740,340 18,873,511
More than 1 year but not more than 5 years 482,248,597 475,272,980 482,248,597 475,272,980
More than 5 years - 338,701,689 - 338,701,689
492,172,146 836,344,221 492,172,146 836,344,221
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
9 Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures
Land 527,275,400 527,275,400 527,275,400 527,275,400
Office floor space 20,855,926 20,855,926 4,034,334 4,034,334
Furniture and fixture 2,387,318,002 2,336,543,136 2,170,822,095 2,140,914,382
Office equipment 1,473,696,734 1,450,379,835 1,361,168,512 1,344,953,601
IT hardwares 7,029,432,768 6,284,258,630 3,275,504,031 3,049,688,043
Motor vehicles 650,117,297 504,714,769 422,497,790 354,296,880
Leasehold improvements 157,107,776 134,421,114 - -
Right of use assets (ROU) as per IFRS 16 7,299,267,882 6,448,373,021 6,103,024,179 5,489,602,469
Capital expenditure work in progress 584,054,423 585,568,883 207,119,223 251,206,514
IT software (finite useful lives) 7,542,139,410 6,081,922,651 2,800,445,366 2,322,117,221
Total cost 27,671,265,618 24,374,313,365 16,871,890,930 15,484,088,844
Accumulated depreciation and amortisation 14,207,751,270 11,540,143,941 9,092,544,237 8,029,221,445
Written down value at 31 December 13,463,514,348 12,834,169,424 7,779,346,693 7,454,867,399
* Fixed assets schedules on standalone basis are shown in Annexure-E.
10 Other assets
Income generating
Interest receivables 10.1 3,811,701,206 2,721,178,635 3,811,701,206 2,721,178,635
Dividend receivables 69,353,683 35,919,830 69,353,683 35,919,830
Investment in subsidiary 10.2 - - 13,571,306,097 13,161,378,451
Investment/carrying value in associates 10.3 21,206,835 21,115,234 21,206,835 21,115,234
Investment in swift share 8,083,464 8,083,464 8,083,464 8,083,464
Prepaid interest expenses on IFFD 2 24,511,806 2 24,511,806
Receivables against sanchayapatra 22,879,838 44,502,037 22,879,838 44,502,037
Balance with BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited 2,351,718 1,166,738 2,351,718 1,166,738
Non- Income generating
Stock of stamps 49,971,414 48,826,086 49,971,414 48,826,086
Stock of security stationery 40,311,581 47,369,961 40,311,581 47,369,961
Stock of printing stationery 14,557,854 12,007,770 14,557,854 12,007,770
Advance to staff 7,503,770 6,617,457 7,503,770 6,617,457
Advance to supplier 30,635,256 30,451,912 9,170,157 24,933,886
Advance value added tax 5,858,631 4,370,000 5,858,631 4,370,000
Advance to SME unit offices 1,308,690 1,308,690 1,308,690 1,308,690
Advance against office rent 72,000,795 68,234,617 72,000,795 68,234,617
Advance security deposit 16,571,559 13,362,635 12,103,651 8,894,727
Receivables from biTS 154,857,249 187,859,621 154,857,249 187,859,621
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Deferred revenue expenditure 231,241,555 173,250,448 231,241,555 173,250,448
Deferred tax asset 10.4 6,411,981,091 5,233,012,588 4,769,561,708 4,147,255,591
Receivable settlement account-OBU/DBU - 11,166 - 11,166
Net plan assets - employees' gratuity fund 10.5 132,156,493 127,281,040 132,156,493 127,281,040
Other receivables 10.6 2,618,589,473 1,887,698,086 2,618,589,473 1,887,698,086
Other assets of subsidiaries 10.7 7,080,720,520 5,524,084,643 - -
20,803,842,677 16,222,224,464 25,626,075,864 22,763,775,341
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
10.4 Deferred tax asset/(liability) (Bank only)
Deductible/(Taxable) Deferred Tax Asset/
Particulars Accounting base Tax base Applicable tax rate
temporary difference (Liability)
Balance as at 31 December 2022
Loan loss provision including Covid-19 special provision (Note -17.1) 10,907,648,940 - 10,907,648,940 37.50% 4,090,368,353
and QJ general provision of BDT 722,066,972
Actuarial valuation measurement loss 158,308,084 - 158,308,084 37.50% 59,365,532
Provision against capital market (Note -17.4) 34,119,549 - 34,119,549 10.00% 3,411,955
Fixed assets except RoU (Annexure - E) 2,858,164,885 4,060,036,190 1,201,871,305 37.50% 450,701,739
Right of use assets (RoU) as per IFRS 17 (Annexure - E) 4,183,776,896 764,211,113 (3,419,565,783) 37.50% (1,282,337,168)
Leased Liability as per IFRS 16 (Note - 17) 3,861,470,125 - 3,861,470,125 37.50% 1,448,051,297
Deferred tax asset (a) 4,769,561,708
Deferred tax liability arises due to actuarial valuation gain - - - 37.50% -
Deferred tax liability arises from fair value gain as per IFRS 9 8,992,839,090 - (8,992,839,090) 15.00% (1,348,925,863)
Interest receivable from treasury bills and bonds (Note -10.1) 925,810,324 - (925,810,324) 37.50% (347,178,872)
Dividend receivables (Note -10) - - - 20.00% -
Deferred tax liability (b) (1,696,104,735)
Net deferred tax asset at 31 December 2022 (a+b) 3,073,456,973
Increase of deferred tax asset recognised in profit and loss account as income 562,940,585
Decrease of deferred tax liability recognised in profit and loss account as income 27,072,306
Net Deferred tax income recognised in profit and loss account during the year ended 31 December 2022 590,012,891
Net Deferred tax liability recognised in equity during the year ended 31 December 2022 (42,621,486)
Balance as at 31 December 2021
Loan loss provision including Covid-19 special provision (Note -17.1) 9,744,711,824 - 9,744,711,824 37.50% 3,654,266,934
Provision against capital market (Note -17.4) 13,580,119 - 13,580,119 10.00% 1,358,012
Fixed assets except RoU (Annexure - E) 2,522,794,574 3,532,771,605 1,009,977,031 37.50% 378,741,387
Right of use assets (RoU) as per IFRS 17 (Annexure - E) 4,150,429,766 847,913,185 (3,302,516,581) 37.50% (1,238,443,718)
Leased Liability as per IFRS 16 (Note -17) 3,603,554,603 - 3,603,554,603 37.50% 1,351,332,976
Deferred tax asset (a) 4,147,255,591
Deferred tax liability arises due to actuarial valuation gain 8,221,604 - (8,221,604) 37.50% (3,083,101)
Deferred tax liability arises from fair value gain as per IFRS 9 8,688,141,840 - (8,688,141,840) 15.00% (1,303,221,276)
Interest receivable from treasury bills and bonds (Note -10.1) 978,845,897 - (978,845,897) 37.50% (367,067,212)
Dividend receivables (Note -10) 35,919,830 - (35,919,830) 20.00% (7,183,966)
Deferred tax liability (b) (1,680,555,555)
Net deferred tax asset at 31 December 2021 (a+b) 2,466,700,036
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Increase of deferred tax asset recognised in profit and loss account as income 948,468,648
Decrease of deferred tax liability recognised in profit and loss account as income 176,309,838
Net Deferred tax income recognised in profit and loss account during the year ended 31 December 2021 1,124,778,486
Net Deferred tax liability recognised in equity during the year ended 31 December 2021 (1,016,784,141)
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
10.5.1 Fair value of plan assets - gratuity fund
Fair value of plan assets as on 1 January 2,278,452,754 1,968,963,855 1,749,085,730 1,511,837,864
Interest income on plan assets 157,417,716 136,065,408 157,417,716 136,065,408
Actual employer contributions 481,503,712 249,642,432 409,262,679 177,401,399
Actual net benefits payments (156,555,251) (90,128,124) (156,555,251) (90,128,124)
Remeasurement gain/(losses) on plan assets (19,124,608) 13,909,183 (19,124,608) 13,909,183
Fair value of plan assets as on 31 December 2,741,694,323 2,278,452,754 2,140,086,266 1,749,085,730
10.5.2 Defined benefit obligation - gratuity fund
Defined benefit obligation as on 1 January 2,151,171,714 1,620,587,088 1,621,804,690 1,163,461,097
Current service cost 409,186,202 358,220,441 249,312,832 198,347,071
Past service cost due to amendment of gratuity benefits 145,962,422 - 145,962,422 -
Interest cost - 104,711,499 - 104,711,499
Actual net benefits payments (156,555,251) (90,128,124) (156,555,251) (90,128,124)
Remeasurement (gain)/loss 59,772,743 157,780,810 147,405,080 245,413,147
Defined benefit obligation as on 31 December 2,609,537,830 2,151,171,714 2,007,929,773 1,621,804,690
10.5.3 Remeasurements gain/(loss) of defined benefits liabilities/assets
Opening balance (133,663,763) (76,606,123) 5,138,502 149,828,479
Remeasurement gain/(losses) on plan assets (19,124,608) 13,909,183 (19,124,608) 13,909,183
Remeasurement gain/(losses) on defined benefit obligation (59,772,743) (157,780,810) (147,405,080) (245,413,147)
(212,561,114) (220,477,750) (161,391,186) (81,675,485)
Less: Deferred tax (expense)/income 62,448,633 86,813,987 62,448,633 86,813,987
(150,112,481) (133,663,763) (98,942,553) 5,138,502
* Remeasurement gain/(loss) has been recognised as per actuarial valuation report 2022.
10.6 Other Receivables
Receivable against remittance 27,644,923 11,559,766 27,644,923 11,559,766
Receivable against DD 189,500,000 133,000,000 189,500,000 133,000,000
Receivable against cards 111,440,750 64,353,917 111,440,750 64,353,917
Receivable from merchant 286,156,041 241,107,676 286,156,041 241,107,676
Receivable from partners 2,679,383 220,116 2,679,383 220,116
Receivable from co-brand ATM 27,020,242 27,020,242 27,020,242 27,020,242
Receivable against fraud and forgery/protested bill 119,040,216 117,873,609 119,040,216 117,873,609
Receivable from NPS 178,437,000 103,551,000 178,437,000 103,551,000
Sundry debtors* 1,471,753,211 1,150,197,828 1,471,753,211 1,150,197,828
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Receivable from BACH 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Coupon interest adjustment 181,239,015 13,627,536 181,239,015 13,627,536
REPO interest expenditure - (1,119,412) - (1,119,412)
Interest rate swap 18,678,692 21,305,808 18,678,692 21,305,808
2,618,589,473 1,887,698,086 2,618,589,473 1,887,698,086
*In compliance with FRC notification no. 179/FRC/FRM/Notification/2020/2, we have already adjusted the forfeited fund previously distributed among active members of provident fund for the
period from 2015 to 2021 as per the existing Fund Rules. Additionally, we have recognized other receivable of BDT 1,287,595 under sundry debtors for the forfeited fund for 2022.
10.7 Other assets of subsidiaries
BRAC EPL Investments Limited 88,878,423 65,146,951
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited 123,946,712 80,943,352
bKash Limited 6,919,169,697 5,344,095,037
BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited 32,691,029 60,971,865
7,164,685,861 5,551,157,205
Less: Inter company transactions:
BRAC Bank Limited 15,056,402 22,664,005
bKash Limited 68,908,939 4,408,557
83,965,341 27,072,562
7,080,720,520 5,524,084,643
11 Non-banking assets Possession date
M/S Macca And Modina Store 16 January 2017 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
M/S. Akash Auto Mobile 11 June 2018 3,041,700 3,041,700 3,041,700 3,041,700
M/S Shawan Enterprise 12 January 2021 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
M/S SB Variety Store* 12 October 2022 6,800,000 - 6,800,000 -
11,341,700 4,541,700 11,341,700 4,541,700
*The Bank has been awarded ownership of the mortgaged property M/S SB Variety Store, verdict of the honourable Artharin Court of Jamalpur under Section 33(7) of Artharin Adalat Ain 2003 and
reported as non-banking assets in accordance with Bank Companies Act 1991 and BRPD circular no. 14 of 2003. The value of the non-banking assets has been determined on the basis of valuation
report of an independent valuer.
12 Goodwill
(i) BRAC EPL Investments Limited 246,289,821 246,289,821
(ii) BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited 1,126,273,572 1,126,273,572
(iii) BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited* - 54,905,518
Total 1,372,563,393 1,427,468,911
*Please refer to note-38 impairment of goodwill for relevant explanation
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
13 Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents
Borrowings inside Bangladesh 13.1 207,944,839 429,000,000 - 429,000,000
Borrowings outside Bangladesh 13.2 38,700,865,687 23,721,953,707 38,685,377,271 23,705,564,025
38,908,810,526 24,150,953,707 38,685,377,271 24,134,564,025
13.1 Borrowings inside Bangladesh
Eastern Bank Limited 207,944,839 - - -
Woori Bank - 429,000,000 - 429,000,000
207,944,839 429,000,000 - 429,000,000
13.2 Borrowings outside Bangladesh
State Bank of India, Hong Kong 2,479,128,000 858,000,000 2,479,128,000 858,000,000
Nabil Bank Limited, Nepal 639,026,231 300,300,000 639,026,231 300,300,000
HDFC Bank Limited, India 1,549,455,000 858,000,000 1,549,455,000 858,000,000
Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore 516,485,000 2,368,080,000 516,485,000 2,368,080,000
Asian Development Bank 3,098,910,000 2,574,000,000 3,098,910,000 2,574,000,000
Caixabank S.A. 6,920,899,000 561,185,625 6,920,899,000 561,185,625
The National Bank of Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE 5,164,850,000 1,716,000,000 5,164,850,000 1,716,000,000
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE 1,549,455,000 2,574,000,000 1,549,455,000 2,574,000,000
CDC Group Plc, United Kingdom 886,288,260 1,471,298,400 886,288,260 1,471,298,400
International Finance Corporation (IFC), USA 3,098,910,000 4,719,000,000 3,098,910,000 4,719,000,000
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. Singapore 5,061,553,000 1,287,000,000 5,061,553,000 1,287,000,000
Bank Muscat Saog, Oman 1,756,049,000 - 1,756,049,000 -
Cargill Financial Services International 3,098,910,000 - 3,098,910,000 -
Commercial Bank of Qatar 1,032,970,000 - 1,032,970,000 -
Mizuho Bank Ltd, Singapore 1,032,970,000 - 1,032,970,000 -
Yes Bank, India 799,518,780 - 799,518,780 -
DBS Bank, Singapore - 2,402,400,000 - 2,402,400,000
Axis Bank Limited - 858,000,000 - 858,000,000
Siddhartha Bank Limited, Kathmandu - 300,300,000 - 300,300,000
First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC, UAE - 858,000,000 - 858,000,000
Millennium Bank, Portugal 15,488,416 16,389,682 - -
38,700,865,687 23,721,953,707 38,685,377,271 23,705,564,025
13.3 Security against borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents:
Secured (Treasury bills) - - - -
Unsecured 38,908,810,526 24,150,953,707 38,685,377,271 24,134,564,025
38,908,810,526 24,150,953,707 38,685,377,271 24,134,564,025
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
13.5 Maturity wise grouping of borrowing from other bank and financial institutions
Repayable on demand 6,445,003,282 1,233,701,684 7,446,298,531 2,102,100,000
Not more than 3 months 10,636,443,541 5,222,479,736 10,536,294,000 4,928,405,625
More than 3 months but not more than 1 year 21,827,363,703 16,958,608,287 20,702,784,740 16,367,894,400
More than 1 year but not more than 5 years - 736,164,000 - 736,164,000
More than 5 years - - - -
38,908,810,526 24,150,953,707 38,685,377,271 24,134,564,025
14.1 Maturity wise grouping of Borrowings from central bank & government agencies
Repayable on demand 5,631,493,289 1,471,515,580 5,631,493,289 1,471,515,580
Not more than 3 months 8,114,768,696 4,159,284,124 8,114,768,696 4,159,284,124
More than 3 months but not more than 1 year 12,381,754,222 11,097,209,099 12,381,754,222 11,097,209,099
More than 1 year but not more than 5 years 16,010,838,538 5,684,815,855 16,010,838,538 5,684,815,855
More than 5 years 45,647,064 763,079,166 45,647,064 763,079,166
42,184,501,809 23,175,903,824 42,184,501,809 23,175,903,824
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
16 Deposits and other accounts
Current accounts and other accounts 16.1 187,855,608,325 164,417,743,536 123,148,401,399 109,462,945,554
Bills payable 16.2 1,739,503,614 2,367,889,416 1,739,503,614 2,367,889,416
Savings deposits 16.3 71,890,957,598 68,334,576,200 71,890,957,598 68,334,576,200
Term deposits* 16.4 182,973,780,522 127,956,809,129 185,088,946,361 133,172,621,149
Other deposits 16.5 2,598,966,270 1,252,882,201 2,598,966,270 1,252,882,201
447,058,816,329 364,329,900,482 384,466,775,242 314,590,914,520
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
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Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
16.4 Term deposits
Local currency 181,477,648,780 131,121,074,245 181,477,648,780 131,121,074,245
Foreign currencies 3,611,297,581 2,051,546,904 3,611,297,581 2,051,546,904
185,088,946,361 133,172,621,149 185,088,946,361 133,172,621,149
Less: Inter unit/company elimination 2,115,165,839 5,215,812,020 - -
182,973,780,522 127,956,809,129 185,088,946,361 133,172,621,149
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
16.6.1 Deposits from banks inside Bangladesh
Current deposits:
NRB Bank Limited 1,346,966 1,436,920 1,346,966 1,436,920
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 440,548 - 440,548 -
One Bank Limited 977,208 151,297 977,208 151,297
Meghna Bank Limited 409,935,258 535,996 409,935,258 535,996
412,699,980 2,124,213 412,699,980 2,124,213
Special notice deposit:
Dutch-Bangla Bank Mobile Banking-Rocket 3,379,467 40,989,733 3,379,467 40,989,733
Term deposits from Banks:
State Bank of India - 400,000,000 - 400,000,000
Habib Bank Limited - 500,000,000 - 500,000,000
Pubali Bank Limited - 3,000,000,000 - 3,000,000,000
- 3,900,000,000 - 3,900,000,000
Total deposits from banks 416,079,447 3,943,113,946 416,079,447 3,943,113,946
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
16.8 Maturity wise grouping of deposits and other accounts
Repayable on demand 12,889,777,748 10,678,266,582 12,889,777,748 10,678,266,582
Repayable within 1 month 39,478,409,574 29,812,031,680 33,816,689,751 26,823,992,430
Over 1 months but within 6 months 123,692,377,070 78,146,789,069 123,692,377,070 78,146,789,069
Over 6 months but within 1 year 126,570,721,489 111,672,492,397 69,640,400,225 64,921,545,685
Over 1 year but within 5 years 141,455,809,394 130,364,719,339 141,455,809,394 130,364,719,339
Over 5 years but within 10 years 2,971,721,054 3,655,601,415 2,971,721,054 3,655,601,415
Over 10 years - - - -
Total balance 447,058,816,329 364,329,900,482 384,466,775,242 314,590,914,520
Unclaimed deposits for 10 years or more 57,875,419 50,123,305 57,875,419 50,123,305
As per Bank Company Act 1991, Section 35 and BB circular letter no. BRPD 10 dated 12 September 2018, if any money or valuable asset (except deposits from Government, minor or litigation) is
unclaimed for ten years or above as of 31 December every year, a three months’ notice will be given to depositors concerned. Based on the response from the concerned depositors by following three
months, amount will be paid to them otherwise unclaimed deposit will be deposited to Bangladesh Bank by 30 April of the following year. We reported BDT BDT 57,875,419 as 10 years and above
unclaimed deposit amount as on 31 December 2022 (cut off basis) to Bangladesh Bank.
17 Other liabilities
Provision for loans and advances 17.1 14,602,789,573 13,213,625,459 13,390,953,803 11,994,520,290
Special general provision Covid-19 17.1 784,207,224 784,207,224 784,207,224 784,207,224
Provision for interest receivable from loan 17.2 20,676,127 13,457,003 20,676,127 13,457,003
Provisions for off balance sheet Items 17.3 911,486,554 706,746,134 911,486,554 706,746,134
Provision for diminution in value of investments 17.4 34,119,549 13,580,119 34,119,549 13,580,119
Provision for other assets 17.5 247,263,926 234,820,125 247,263,926 234,820,125
Provision against non banking assets (NBA) 6,800,000 - 6,800,000 -
Interest suspense 17.6 1,710,681,546 1,637,871,114 1,710,681,546 1,637,871,114
Withholding tax payable 17.7 546,837,799 201,214,386 546,837,799 201,214,386
VAT payable 17.8 231,322,683 208,608,833 231,322,683 208,608,833
Excise duty payable 329,663,279 262,341,336 329,663,279 262,341,336
Provision for taxation net off AIT 17.9 5,448,621,002 5,920,521,742 4,144,359,024 5,021,558,503
Deferred tax liability 10.4 347,178,871 377,334,278 1,696,104,735 1,680,555,555
Interest payable on borrowings 733,123,758 331,043,315 733,123,758 331,043,315
Accrued expenses 4,781,984,329 5,337,303,430 1,367,743,072 2,108,043,731
CSR Fund (FX gain) 17.14 188,198,573 - 188,198,573 -
Share subscription - IPO (refund warrant) 273,606 229,509 273,606 229,509
Payable to off-shore banking unit 4 - 4 -
Unclaimed and undistributed dividend 17.10 11,588,296 9,676,218 11,588,296 9,676,218
Suppliers payable 162,427,092 125,946,941 162,427,092 125,946,941
Leased liabilities as per IFRS 16 4,465,075,566 4,085,484,681 3,861,470,127 3,603,554,604
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Payable against exchange houses 60,200 100 60,200 100
Payable against insurances 6,260,997 6,155,625 6,260,997 6,155,625
Payable against proxy account 1,366,816 206,092 1,366,816 206,092
Payable against SWIFT charge 27,144,741 1,716,000 27,144,741 1,716,000
Start-up Fund 17.11 158,509,361 100,877,625 158,509,361 100,877,625
Other payables 17.12 4,188,126,315 3,716,340,999 4,188,126,315 3,716,340,999
Other liabilities of subsidiaries 17.13 2,058,793,026 2,018,766,783 - -
42,004,580,813 39,308,075,071 34,760,769,207 32,763,271,381
17.1 Provision for loans and advances including Covid special provision
A. General provision including Covid special provision
Provisions held at the beginning of the year 3,818,222,914 3,254,158,676 3,818,222,914 3,254,158,676
Add: Transfer from specific provision 210,677,063 64,204,586 210,677,063 64,204,586
Add: Special general provision Covid-19 - 10,077,106 - 10,077,106
Add: Net charge to profit and loss A/C 575,618,832 490,317,074 575,618,832 490,317,074
Add: Exchange difference 169,267,474 (534,528) 169,267,474 (534,528)
Provisions held at the end of the year 4,773,786,283 3,818,222,914 4,773,786,283 3,818,222,914
B. Specific provision
Provisions held at the beginning of the year (i) 10,179,609,769 8,552,594,541 8,960,504,600 7,493,529,932
Less: Transfer to general provision (ii) (210,677,063) (64,204,586) (210,677,063) (64,204,586)
Less: Write off during the year (iii) (1,875,687,554) (1,503,380,807) (1,875,687,554) (1,503,380,807)
Add: Provision charged for the year including special provision Covid-19 (iv) 2,172,220,677 3,178,139,884 2,179,490,076 3,018,099,324
Add: Recovery of written off bad debts (v) 809,572,845 707,517,594 809,572,845 707,517,594
Add: Exchange difference (vi) 347,744,685 16,460,737 347,744,685 16,460,737
Net charge to profit and loss A/C (vii) = (iv)-(v) 1,362,647,832 2,470,622,290 1,369,917,231 2,310,581,730
Provisions held at the end of the year (i+ii+iii+iv+v+vii) 10,613,210,514 10,179,609,769 9,401,374,744 8,960,504,600
Total provision held at the end of the year (A+B) 15,386,996,797 13,997,832,683 14,175,161,027 12,778,727,514
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
17.3.1 Particulars of required provisions for off balance sheet items - general provision (Bank only)
Percentage (%) of Required provision Required provision
Particulars Base for provision
required provision 2022 2021
Acceptances and endorsements (net of UPAS Loans) 46,851,368,815 1% 468,513,688.00 323,280,430
Irrevocable letters of credit 27,451,963,219 1% 274,519,632.00 265,982,034
Letter of guarantees 18,607,062,875 1% 186,070,629.00 117,934,147
Total required provision before considering counter guarantee 929,103,949 707,196,612
Deduction for counter guarantee 17,617,395 3,955,406
Total required provision 911,486,554 703,241,206
Total provision maintained (Note 17.3) 911,486,554 706,746,134
Excess/(short) provision - 3,504,928
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Other receivables 1,406,755,963 639,676 13,669,813 14,309,489
Receivable from partners 2,679,383 - - - -
Receivable from co-brand atm 27,020,242 - 27,020,242 27,020,242 27,020,241
Receivable for fraud and forgery-protested bill 119,040,216 - 119,040,216 119,040,216 117,873,609
Receivables in cash shortage-branch 1,416,050 - 1,416,050 1,416,050 1,324,350
Receivables in cash shortage-atm 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 220,000
Receivable from BBL-RBL atm 5,144,030 - 5,144,030 5,144,030 5,144,030
Receivable from BACH 5,000,000 - - - 5,000,000
Proxy accounts - - - - 4,788,745
Receivables against remittance 27,644,922 - - - 1,600,000
Charge back receivables in suspense-cards - - - - 143,635
Receivable for outstanding priority pass bill payment - - - - 22,276
Receivable from merchant(On US)-cards - - - - 193,925
Receivable for Govt stimulus 127,545,483 - -
Subsidy receivable from BB-financial stimulus fund 2,749,620 - - - -
Unclaimed dividend paid to BSEC 60,840,320 - 60,840,320 60,840,320 60,840,320
Total required provision for other assets 232,869,007 224,171,131
Total provision maintained 247,263,926 234,820,125
Excess/(short) provision 14,394,919 10,648,994
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Payable on local LC 297,114 979,909 297,114 979,909
Payable on foreign buyer agent 18,633,996 18,788,738 18,633,996 18,788,738
Freight forward agency commission 731,720 - 731,720 -
Payable on IGW services 3,446,146 859,352 3,446,146 859,352
Payable on others 15,969,654 11,034,408 15,969,654 11,034,408
546,837,799 201,214,386 546,837,799 201,214,386
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
17.12 Other payables
Payables related to cards and others 657,651,647 516,065,060 657,651,647 516,065,060
Payable to merchant 6,058,310 4,791,116 6,058,310 4,791,116
Payables to co brand ATM 3,106,745 3,106,744 3,106,745 3,106,744
Miscellaneous payable 3,521,309,613 3,192,378,079 3,521,309,613 3,192,378,079
4,188,126,315 3,716,340,999 4,188,126,315 3,716,340,999
17.13 Other liabilities of subsidiaries
BRAC EPL Investments Limited 73,148,145 197,875,533
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited 702,205,336 1,008,535,941
bKash Limited 1,319,305,112 811,129,171
BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited 35,700,372 16,870,406
2,130,358,965 2,034,411,051
Less: Inter company transactions:
BRAC Bank Limited 68,908,939 4,408,557
bKash Limited 2,657,000 11,235,711
71,565,939 15,644,268
2,058,793,026 2,018,766,783
17.14 CSR Fund (FX gain)
Net CSR Fund represents the amount of CSR liability set aside from the foreign exchange gain net of tax arisen during May and June 2022 according to Bangladesh Bank directive. The calculation is
presented below:
50% of FX income for Tax charged on income
Particulars FX income May'22 FX income Jun'22 Net CSR Fund after tax
May-Jun 2022 @37.5%
Net CSR Fund expense 226,964,371 375,271,061 301,117,716 112,919,144 188,198,573
18 Share capital
18.1 Authorized capital
2,000,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each 20,000,000,000 20,000,000,000
18.2.1 History of paid-up capital
Given below the history of raising of share capital of BRAC Bank Limited:
Allotment Number of shares issued Total paid up shares Addition in amount of Total paid up capital
year Bonus shares Subscription (No of shares) share capital (BDT) (BDT)
First (Subscription to the Memorandum and Articles of
1999 - 2,000,000 2,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000
Association) at the time of Incorporation
BRAC (subscription) 2001 - 500,000 2,500,000 50,000,000 250,000,000
BRAC (subscription) 2003 - 674,500 3,174,500 67,450,000 317,450,000
ShoreCap International Ltd. 2004 - 875,700 4,050,200 87,570,000 405,020,000
International Finance Corporation 2004 - 949,800 5,000,000 94,980,000 500,000,000
IPO 2006 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 500,000,000 1,000,000,000
Bonus Share 20% 2007 2,000,000 - 12,000,000 200,000,000 1,200,000,000
Bonus Share 10% 2008 1,200,000 - 13,200,000 120,000,000 1,320,000,000
Right Share 20% 2008 - 2,640,000 15,840,000 264,000,000 1,584,000,000
Bonus Share 30% 2009 4,752,000 - 20,592,000 475,200,000 2,059,200,000
Bonus Share 30% 2010 6,177,600 - 26,769,600 617,760,000 2,676,960,000
Bonus Share 20% 2011 5,353,920 - 32,123,520 535,392,000 3,212,352,000
Denomination of face value from Tk.100 to Tk.10 per share 2011 - - 321,235,200 - 3,212,352,000
Bonus Share 20% 2012 64,247,040 - 385,482,240 642,470,400 3,854,822,400
Bonus Share 15% 2013 57,822,336 - 443,304,576 578,223,360 4,433,045,760
Bonus Share 10% 2014 44,330,457 - 487,635,033 443,304,570 4,876,350,330
Right share 50% 2014 - 221,652,288 709,287,321 2,216,522,880 7,092,873,210
Fresh Issue against Bond, 1st Conversion of Bond 2016 - 1,149,589 710,436,910 11,495,890 7,104,369,100
Fresh Issue against Bond, 2nd Conversion of Bond 2017 - 2,237,835 712,674,745 22,378,350 7,126,747,450
Bonus Share 20% 2017 142,534,949 - 855,209,694 1,425,349,490 8,552,096,940
Fresh Issue against Bond, 3rd Conversion of Bond 2018 - 2,790,534 858,000,228 27,905,340 8,580,002,280
Bonus Share 25% 2018 214,500,057 - 1,072,500,285 2,145,000,570 10,725,002,850
Bonus Share 15% 2019 160,875,042 - 1,233,375,327 1,608,750,420 12,333,753,270
Bonus Share 7.50% 2020 92,503,149 1,325,878,476 925,031,490 13,258,784,760
Bonus Share 5% 2021 66,293,923 - 1,392,172,399 662,939,230 14,965,853,280
Bonus Share 7.50% 2022 104,412,929 - 1,496,585,328 1,044,129,290 14,965,853,280
Total 14,965,853,280
18.2.2 Issued, subscribed and paid up capital
Balance at the beginning of the year 13,921,723,990 13,258,784,760 13,921,723,990 13,258,784,760
Add: Stock dividend of 2021 issued in 2022 1,044,129,290 662,939,230 1,044,129,290 662,939,230
Balance at the end of the year 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
2022 2021 2022 2021
18.3 Initial public offering (IPO)
According to IPO rules 2006 “Initial public offering (IPO)” means first offering of security by an issuer to the general public. Out of the total issued, subscribed, and fully paid up capital of the bank
5,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 100.00 each amounting to Taka 500,000,000 was raised through Initial public offering of shares held in 2006.
18.4 Cash dividend/bonus Issue
On 28 April 2022, 15% Dividend (7.5% stock & 7.5% Cash) were approved by the shareholders at it's 23rd Annual General Meeting. The stock dividend was distributed on 06 June 2022 accordingly.
18.4.1 The Bank held its 8th EGM on 3 November 2011 and changed the face value of share from Tk. 100 per share to Tk. 10 per share and market lot of shares from 50 shares to 500 shares in each lot.
The maximum limit for Authorized Share capital was increased to BDT 20,000,000,000. At 11 December 2014, DSE new Trading system launched that neutralize market lot into 1 shares.
18.5 Ordinary Shares
% of shareholding 2022 2021
No. of Shares (2022)
(2022) Taka Taka
Director 692,041,839 46.24% 6,920,418,390 6,437,712,840
Government - 0.00% - -
Institutions 196,660,035 13.14% 1,966,600,350 1,428,665,140
Foreign 503,403,548 33.64% 5,034,035,480 5,272,976,420
General public 104,479,906 6.98% 1,044,799,060 782,369,590
1,496,585,328 100% 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990
18.5.1 Share trading
Trading of BRAC Bank's ordinary shares was started on 31 January 2007 at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). The closing market price on 31 December 2022 was
Tk. 38.50 at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Tk. 38.70 at Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE).
18.6 Classification of shareholding
Range of holding of shares Number of Number of shares Percentage of holding
shareholders (2022) (2022) of shares (2022)
40,001 to 50,000 104 4,802,623 0.32%
50,001 to 100,000 199 14,148,651 0.95%
100,001 to 1,000,000 259 75,733,345 5.06%
Over 1,000,000 99 1,340,052,969 89.54%
Total 23,031 1,496,585,328 100%
18.8 Capital Adequacy Ratio - As per BASEL-III
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
2022 2021 2022 2021
Common equity tier-1 (going concern capital)
Fully paid-up capital/funds from head office for the purpose of meeting the capital adequacy 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990
Non-repayable share premium account 3,853,767,032 3,853,767,032 3,853,767,032 3,853,767,032
Statutory reserve 11,148,169,834 10,067,956,958 11,112,086,248 10,067,956,958
Retained earnings 29,086,051,630 26,402,962,532 18,798,934,455 16,329,861,552
Dividend equalization fund 355,218,455 355,218,455 355,218,455 355,218,455
Minority/Non-controlling interest in subsidiaries 19,875,982,881 19,760,616,148 - -
Sub-total 79,285,043,112 74,362,245,115 49,085,859,470 44,528,527,987
Regulatory adjustments
Goodwill and all other intangible assets 5,082,229,672 4,958,310,051 1,087,487,802 957,240,725
Deferred tax assets (DTA) 6,207,462,673 5,050,299,241 4,565,043,290 3,964,542,244
Sub-total 11,289,692,345 10,008,609,292 5,652,531,093 4,921,782,969
Total admissible tier-1 capital 67,995,350,767 64,353,635,823 43,433,328,377 39,606,745,018
Common equity tier-1 (against standard of minimum 6%) 17.88% 19.08% 12.42% 12.89%
Total capital to risk-weighted asset ratio* 19.37% 20.42% 14.04% 14.36%
Minimum CRAR % 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% 12.50%
Surplus/(deficiency) % 6.87% 7.92% 1.54% 1.86%
* In Standalone regulatory capital calculation, fair value gain of BDT 7,643,913,224 on investment in subsidiaries and associates arisen out of application of IFRS 9 for the measurement of equity
investment in subsidiaries and associate at fair value. The fair value gain/loss reported as FVOCI directly as part of equity as per IFRS 9. In absence of any specific guidelines for the treatment of Fair
value gain/loss in Risk Based Capital Adequacy guidelines by Bangladesh Bank, the fair value gain /loss has not been considered as part of Tier 1 capital. However, as this has emerged from
implementation of IFRS 9 (which came in to effect in 2018), we have requested Bangladesh Bank for their guidance on the same. While the fair value gain /loss is a part of Tier 1 capital according to the
recommendation of International Basel Committee. Had the fair value gain/loss been considered as component of Tier-I capital as per international practice, the standalone Regulatory Capital to Risk-
weighted Asset Ratio (CRAR) would have been reported at 15.72%.
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
19 Statutory reserve
Balance at the beginning of the year 10,067,956,958 9,405,017,728 10,067,956,958 9,405,017,728
Transferred from profit during the year 1,080,212,876 662,939,230 1,044,129,290 662,939,230
Balance at the end of the year 11,148,169,834 10,067,956,958 11,112,086,248 10,067,956,958
23 Translation reserve
The functional currency of the Bank's Off-shore Banking Unit (OBU) is in United States Dollar (USD). Due to recent steepest price hike of USD against bank's presentation currency BDT, a significant
increase in translation reserve has been generated both in separate and consolidated financial statements of the Bank.
24 Surplus in profit and loss account/Retained earnings (standalone)
Balance at the beginning of the year 16,329,861,552 13,680,255,527
Add: Remeasurements gain/(loss) of defined benefits liabilities (assets) 10.5.3 (104,081,055) (144,689,978)
Add: Retained surplus for the year 5,763,173,573 5,546,930,564
Less: Transfer to statutory reserve 1,044,129,290 662,939,230
Less: Start-up Fund 57,631,736 100,877,625
Less: Cash dividend paid 1,044,129,299 1,325,878,476
Less: Bonus share issued 1,044,129,290 662,939,230
Closing balance 18,798,934,455 16,329,861,552
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2022 2021 2022 2021
24.1 Surplus in profit and loss account/Retained earnings (Consolidated)
BRAC Bank Limited 18,798,934,455 16,329,861,552
18,798,934,455 16,329,861,552
BRAC EPL Investment Limited
Opening balance (1,607,496,637) (1,855,049,822)
Add: Retained surplus/(deficit) for the year 272,841,038 247,553,185
Sub total (1,334,655,599) (1,607,496,637)
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited
Opening balance 943,567,598 711,882,093
Add: Retained surplus/(deficit) for the year 68,281,410 231,685,505
Less: Transfer to statutory reserve 23,213,334 -
Sub total 988,635,674 943,567,598
bKash Limited
Opening balance 10,742,740,197 3,715,030,852
Add: Retained surplus/(deficit) for the year 59,554,596 (439,513,503)
Add: Effect of change in preference share of bKash - 7,445,299,204
Add: Remeasurements of defined benefits liability (assets) 1,145,219 21,923,644
Less: Transfer to statutory reserve 12,870,252 -
Sub total 10,790,569,760 10,742,740,197
BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited
Opening balance 3,364,585 146,462,896
Add: Retained surplus/(deficit) for the year (101,881,820) (143,098,311)
Less: Impairment of goodwill (54,905,518) -
Add: Effect of change of shareholding (1,844,745) -
Sub total (155,267,498) 3,364,585
Opening balance - (biTS) (9,074,763) (30,190,001)
Add: Share of profit/(loss) of equity in associate company - (biTS) 4,860,182 3,742,052
Gain/(loss) on disposal/loss of control of associates 2,049,419 17,373,186
Sub total (2,165,162) (9,074,763)
29,086,051,630 26,402,962,532
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24.1.1 Net effect of all items directly recognised in equity
Effect of change of shareholding in subsidiaries (1,844,745) -
Effect of change in preference share of bKash - 7,445,299,202
Remeasurement of defined benefits liabilities (assets)-Gratuity (102,935,836) (122,766,334)
(104,780,581) 7,322,532,868
24.2 Non-controlling interest
BRAC EPL Investments Limited 716,701 567,516
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited 145,404,780 137,817,957
bKash Limited 19,728,452,974 19,619,313,898
BRAC SAAJAN Exchange Limited 1,408,426 2,916,777
19,875,982,881 19,760,616,148
24.2.1 Reconciliation of Non-controlling interest
BRACEPL Investments BRAC EPL Stock BRAC SAAJAN Exchange
Particulars bKash Limited
Ltd. Brokerage Ltd. Limited
Opening balance 567,516 137,817,957 19,619,313,898 2,916,777
Share of profit/(loss) 149,185 7,586,823 107,079,957 (6,792,121)
Effect of change of shareholding - - - 5,034,641
Translation adjustment - - - 249,129
Remeasurements loss on defined benefits liability (assets) - - 2,059,119 -
716,701 145,404,780 19,728,452,974 1,408,426
25 Contingent liabilities
Acceptances and endorsements 83,028,540,659 50,478,536,940 83,028,540,659 50,478,536,940
Irrevocable letters of credit 27,451,963,219 26,598,203,443 27,451,963,219 26,598,203,443
Total Letters of credit and acceptances and endorsements 25.1 110,480,503,878 77,076,740,383 110,480,503,878 77,076,740,383
Letter of guarantees 25.2 18,607,062,875 11,793,414,671 18,607,062,875 11,793,414,671
Bills for collection 25.3 21,612,714,770 16,438,866,245 21,612,714,770 16,438,866,245
Other Commitments 25.4 15,144,320,058 28,887,787,694 15,144,320,058 28,887,787,694
165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993 165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993
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2022 2021 2022 2021
25.1 Irrevocable letters of credit including acceptances and endorsements
Letter of credit (Inland) 319,104,717 2,778,557,467 319,104,717 2,778,557,467
Letter of credit (General) 81,869,143,598 57,860,271,470 81,869,143,598 57,860,271,470
Back to back L/C 5,871,563,146 4,052,799,770 5,871,563,146 4,052,799,770
Back to back bills 5,771,087,024 1,208,061,714 5,771,087,024 1,208,061,714
Back to back bills (EDF) 16,649,605,393 11,177,049,962 16,649,605,393 11,177,049,962
110,480,503,878 77,076,740,383 110,480,503,878 77,076,740,383
Less: Margin 923,190,579 748,254,248 923,190,579 748,254,248
109,557,313,299 76,328,486,135 109,557,313,299 76,328,486,135
25.2 Letter of guarantees
Letter of guarantee (Local) 8,419,835,932 10,898,451,190 8,419,835,932 10,898,451,190
Letter of guarantee (Foreign) 2,798,693,660 576,806,964 2,798,693,660 576,806,964
Foreign counter guarantee 7,388,533,283 318,156,517 7,388,533,283 318,156,517
18,607,062,875 11,793,414,671 18,607,062,875 11,793,414,671
Less: Margin 178,553,887 216,052,368 178,553,887 216,052,368
18,428,508,988 11,577,362,303 18,428,508,988 11,577,362,303
Balance for which the Bank is contingently liable in respect of guarantee issued favouring:
Government 3,986,558,266 2,948,353,668 3,986,558,266 2,948,353,668
Bank and other financial institutions 744,161,442 589,670,734 744,161,442 589,670,734
Others 13,876,343,167 8,255,390,270 13,876,343,167 8,255,390,270
18,607,062,875 11,793,414,672 18,607,062,875 11,793,414,672
Less : Margin 178,553,887 216,052,368 178,553,887 216,052,368
18,428,508,988 11,577,362,304 18,428,508,988 11,577,362,304
25.3 Bills for collection
Outward local bills for collection 15,302,217,027 15,299,010,106 15,302,217,027 15,299,010,106
Outward foreign bills for collection 6,310,497,743 1,139,856,139 6,310,497,743 1,139,856,139
21,612,714,770 16,438,866,245 21,612,714,770 16,438,866,245
25.4 Other Commitments
Swap deals with banks and customers 13,070,011,143 10,726,189,903 13,070,011,143 10,726,189,903
Spot and forward deals with banks and customers 2,074,308,915 18,161,597,791 2,074,308,915 18,161,597,791
15,144,320,058 28,887,787,694 15,144,320,058 28,887,787,694
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25.5 Significant concentration wise grouping
i) Documentary credits and short term trade related transactions 150,700,281,523 105,309,021,299 150,700,281,523 105,309,021,299
ii) Forward asset purchased and forward deposits placed - - - -
iii) Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and commitments to lend:
-Under one year - - - -
-One year and over; - - - -
iv) Spot and forward foreign exchange rate contracts - - - -
v) Other exchange contracts 2,074,308,915 18,161,597,791 2,074,308,915 18,161,597,791
vi) Others 13,070,011,143 10,726,189,903 13,070,011,143 10,726,189,903
165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993 165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993
25.6 Suit filed by the Bank
No law suit has been filed by the bank against contingent liabilities. However, there are three performance guarantees under litigation between Bank's customers and beneficiaries. Adequate
provisions has been kept against these contingencies.
26 Income statement
Interest, discount and similar income 26.1 37,897,775,275 30,613,868,935 32,593,018,679 26,613,113,886
Dividend income 29 265,932,312 179,816,729 265,932,312 179,816,729
Fees, commission and brokerage 26.2 9,007,549,889 7,297,576,594 3,369,781,836 2,744,920,279
Gains less losses arising from government securities 757,187,142 345,451,894 757,187,142 345,451,894
Gains less losses arising from investment securities/trading shares-MF 30,512,410 228,515,315 30,512,410 228,515,315
Gains less losses arising from dealing from foreign currencies 30 2,514,538,150 695,276,642 2,514,538,150 695,276,642
Other operating income 31 313,551,635 175,087,450 267,298,708 146,093,679
50,787,046,813 39,535,593,559 39,798,269,237 30,953,188,424
Interest paid on deposits and borrowings etc. 28 12,953,873,731 7,912,883,508 13,227,359,203 7,589,298,326
Administrative expenses 26.3 18,349,072,941 15,105,621,818 9,935,583,382 8,059,931,152
Impairment of goodwill 38 54,905,518 - - -
Depreciation on banking assets 39 3,509,901,370 3,026,776,858 1,792,138,336 1,732,111,456
Other operating expenses 40 4,474,735,716 3,383,027,192 3,713,939,396 2,627,953,670
39,342,489,276 29,428,309,376 28,669,020,317 20,009,294,604
Operating Profit 11,444,557,537 10,107,284,183 11,129,248,920 10,943,893,820
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2022 2021 2022 2021
26.1 Interest, discount and similar income
Interest on loans and advances 27,591,738,769 21,653,006,358 27,456,551,626 21,235,466,936
Interest on balance with other banks 870,824,757 594,251,565 5,502,854 2,173,585
Interest on fixed deposits with other banks 2,437,768,808 1,892,247,656 534,902,237 262,867,857
Other interest income 465,144,401 85,712,369 465,144,401 85,712,369
Interest on government securities 3,305,864,953 4,747,356,870 3,305,864,953 4,747,356,870
Interest on reverse repo 581,790,857 4,247,691 581,790,857 4,247,691
Interest on corporate & subordinated bond 244,450,943 275,455,497 244,450,943 275,455,497
Interest on interest rate swap (IRS) 5,209,823 5,319,038 5,209,823 5,319,038
Gain (loss) on interest rate swap (IRS) position (6,399,015) (5,485,957) (6,399,015) (5,485,957)
Investment income/loss from subsidiaries 2,401,380,979 1,361,757,848 - -
37,897,775,275 30,613,868,935 32,593,018,679 26,613,113,886
26.2 Fees, commission and brokerage
Fees 2,392,273,067 1,988,438,814 2,392,273,067 1,988,438,814
Commission 6,615,276,822 5,309,137,780 977,508,769 756,481,465
9,007,549,889 7,297,576,594 3,369,781,836 2,744,920,279
26.3 Administrative expenses
Salaries and allowances 12,044,197,172 9,889,092,833 8,151,587,989 6,625,995,876
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 697,538,365 645,414,492 507,158,511 473,700,396
Legal expenses 62,177,773 62,840,810 30,384,953 33,352,689
Postage, stamps, telecommunication etc. 411,043,177 317,984,231 308,505,338 222,631,352
Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 3,223,940,283 2,608,773,879 396,662,334 221,634,405
Chief executive's salary and fees 24,471,250 19,424,250 24,471,250 19,424,250
Directors' fees and expenses 4,534,312 4,572,209 2,552,000 2,437,600
Auditors' fee 8,469,389 7,125,166 1,840,000 1,840,000
Repairs and maintenance of fixed assets 1,872,701,220 1,550,393,948 512,421,007 458,914,584
18,349,072,941 15,105,621,818 9,935,583,382 8,059,931,152
27 Interest income
Interest on loans and advances 27,591,738,769 21,653,006,358 27,456,551,626 21,235,466,936
Interest on balance with other banks 870,824,757 594,251,565 5,502,854 2,173,585
Interest on fixed deposits with other banks 3,470,458,213 2,333,307,976 920,914,577 515,005,098
Other interest income 465,144,401 85,712,369 465,144,401 85,712,369
32,398,166,140 24,666,278,268 28,848,113,458 21,838,357,988
Less: Elimination of inter unit/company transactions 1,032,689,405 441,060,320 386,012,340 252,137,241
31,365,476,735 24,225,217,948 28,462,101,118 21,586,220,747
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2022 2021 2022 2021
28 Interest paid on deposits and borrowings etc.
A. Interest paid on deposits:
Current account 1,239,115,775 972,611,273 950,072,542 539,413,646
Short term deposit 165,519,630 200,927,646 165,519,630 200,927,646
Savings deposit 714,431,796 665,574,233 714,431,796 665,574,233
Term deposit 9,281,055,265 5,226,073,047 9,281,055,265 5,226,073,047
11,400,122,466 7,065,186,199 11,111,079,233 6,631,988,572
B. Interest paid for borrowings:
Interest on money at call and short notice 124,418,722 132,329,734 124,418,722 132,329,734
Interest on borrowings from banks and FIs 1,550,896,151 642,769,998 1,466,747,791 563,459,364
Interest on funding SWAP 85,424,425 19,776,850 85,424,425 19,776,850
Interest on re-finance and pre-finance from central bank & government agencies 509,774,721 406,218,426 509,774,721 406,218,426
Interest on repurchase agreement (REPO) 197,086,569 87,662,621 197,086,569 87,662,621
Interest expense-Affordable Housing Bond 118,840,082 - 118,840,082 -
2,586,440,670 1,288,757,629 2,502,292,310 1,209,446,995
13,986,563,136 8,353,943,828 13,613,371,543 7,841,435,567
Less: Elimination of inter unit/company transactions 1,032,689,405 441,060,320 386,012,340 252,137,241
12,953,873,731 7,912,883,508 13,227,359,203 7,589,298,326
29 Investment income
Interest on government securities 3,305,864,953 4,747,356,870 3,305,864,953 4,747,356,870
Interest on reverse REPO 581,790,857 4,247,691 581,790,857 4,247,691
Interest on corporate & subordinated bond 244,450,943 275,455,497 244,450,943 275,455,497
Interest on interest rate swap (IRS) 5,209,823 5,319,038 5,209,823 5,319,038
Dividend on shares & mutual funds 265,932,312 179,816,729 265,932,312 179,816,729
Capital gain (loss) on government securities 757,187,142 345,451,894 757,187,142 345,451,894
Capital gain (loss) on shares & mutual funds 30,512,410 228,515,315 30,512,410 228,515,315
Gain (loss) on interest rate swap (IRS) position (6,399,015) (5,485,957) (6,399,015) (5,485,957)
Investment income/(loss) of subsidiaries 29.1 2,401,380,979 1,361,757,848 - -
7,585,930,404 7,142,434,925 5,184,549,425 5,780,677,077
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30 Commission, exchange and brokerage
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35.1 Bonus and others
Festival bonus 2,835,000 2,100,000 2,835,000 2,100,000
Performance bonus 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Leave fair assistance 2,126,250 1,575,000 2,126,250 1,575,000
5,961,250 4,675,000 5,961,250 4,675,000
36 Directors' fees
Directors' fees represent fees paid for attending board meeting, board audit committee meeting and risk management committee meeting @ Tk. 8,000 from January to December 2022 per director
per meeting.
Meeting attendance fees 4,534,312 4,572,209 2,552,000 2,437,600
4,534,312 4,572,209 2,552,000 2,437,600
37 Auditor's fees
Audit fees 8,469,389 7,125,166 1,840,000 1,840,000
8,469,389 7,125,166 1,840,000 1,840,000
38 Impairment of goodwill
On 26 May 2021, the operations of BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited was suspended on regulatory ground by the local regulator in UK and subsequently to meet up fixed operational costs, the net
asset value (NAV) becomes negative. In 2022, considering the negative net asset value and negative cash flows, an impairment loss of goodwill amounting to BDT 54,905,518 related to BRAC Saajan
has been accounted for in the consolidated financials in line with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 36: Impairment of Assets.
39 Depreciation and repair of the bank’s assets
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
Furniture and fixtures 154,099,718 163,899,773 139,671,303 148,736,943
Office floor space 612,569 516,375 100,858 100,858
Office equipment 90,755,778 108,234,082 81,295,046 94,567,471
IT hardware 993,221,762 810,561,705 393,579,196 353,862,417
Motor vehicles 63,815,458 88,859,710 52,113,021 64,518,382
Leasehold improvement 39,156,862 12,393,972 - -
Right of use assets (RoU) as per IFRS 16 1,006,689,271 953,842,898 777,297,844 762,397,055
IT software 1,161,549,952 888,468,343 348,081,068 307,928,330
3,509,901,370 3,026,776,858 1,792,138,336 1,732,111,456
Repairs and maintenance expenses
Transportation expenses 599,399,886 528,010,816 417,009,409 371,932,390
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Equipment repairing expense 81,908,289 70,986,044 22,046,155 13,135,741
Hardware and software maintenance expense 1,039,090,279 820,320,339 10,076,930 12,967,822
Premises maintenance expense 152,302,766 131,076,749 63,288,513 60,878,631
1,872,701,220 1,550,393,948 512,421,007 458,914,584
5,382,602,590 4,577,170,806 2,304,559,343 2,191,026,040
40 Other expenses
Conveyance expense 88,041,422 127,323,767 88,041,422 127,323,767
Fuel expenses 40.1 40,352,651 24,580,181 40,352,651 24,580,181
Traveling cost 46,755,693 27,586,782 46,755,693 27,586,782
Professional fees 86,052,814 118,553,625 86,052,814 118,553,625
Entertainment 78,947,542 45,520,007 78,947,542 45,520,007
SWIFT cost - 7,663,074 - 7,663,074
Business promotion and development 76,761,080 34,250,516 76,761,080 34,250,516
Books, news papers and periodicals 652,924 148,861 652,924 148,861
Donation and subscription 40.2 435,735,033 236,669,080 435,735,033 236,669,080
Government Levy, VAT and excise duty 6,330,619 1,895,285 6,330,619 1,895,285
Other operational loss 710,236 4,484,559 710,236 4,484,559
Staff training and development 37,000,556 8,596,578 37,000,556 8,596,578
Staff liveries 21,312 185,940 21,312 185,940
Staff recruitment 4,578,608 9,478,227 4,578,608 9,478,227
Salaries and allowance - outsourcing staff 754,643,686 414,478,552 754,643,686 414,478,552
Staff sales incentives 646,306,662 398,905,613 646,306,662 398,905,613
Bank charges 21,415,936 21,638,477 21,415,936 21,638,477
Interest expense on lease liability as per IFRS 16 427,409,866 240,975,386 266,790,141 157,503,682
Documentation charges - CIB 19,931,570 7,571,438 19,931,570 7,571,438
IT enabled services 674,053,553 566,345,069 674,053,553 566,345,069
Security guard cost 211,467,465 212,770,875 211,467,465 212,770,875
Commission paid - vendor 12,224,564 9,798,827 12,224,564 9,798,827
Cash carrying charges 66,639,796 62,792,683 66,639,796 62,792,683
Spare parts expense 91,291,533 74,519,716 91,291,533 74,519,716
Archiving expense 32,535,418 30,451,572 32,535,418 30,451,572
Covid prevention expense 4,931,452 16,285,221 4,931,452 16,285,221
Miscellaneous 9,767,130 7,955,463 9,767,130 7,955,463
Other expenses of subsidiaries 40.3 647,212,755 712,008,189 - -
4,521,771,876 3,423,433,563 3,713,939,396 2,627,953,670
Less: Elimination of inter unit/company transactions 47,036,160 40,406,371 - -
4,474,735,716 3,383,027,192 3,713,939,396 2,627,953,670
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40.1 Bangladesh Bank, vide BRPD circular letter no. 28 dated 26 July 2022 and subsequent clarification, instructed all commercial banks to bring down the fuel expenses by 10% and electricity expenses
by 12.5% from the budgeted amount in 2nd half of 2022 considering the global economic crisis arising from Covid-19 and Russia-Ukraine war. The bank has taken following initiatives to bring down
the fuel and electricity costs:
i) Strict maintenance of office time aligned with day light and switching off all lights and AC after office time;
ii) Power down computers and other office equipment at the end of the day;
iii) Maximum use of day lights clearing all obstacles behind windows;
iv) Minimizing use of office vehicle and auto switch-off engine while in traffic;
v) Continuous monitoring of using lights and minimizing where possible.
The progress status has been summarized below:
SL Particulars Budget-H2, 2022 Actual-H2, 2022 Saving in exp. Savings in %
1 Fuel expense 31,927,719 26,659,391 5,268,328 17%
2 Power and electricity expenses 134,400,000 103,304,166 31,095,834 23%
40.2 The donation and subscription include the following:
i) Out of total CSR expense BDT 188,198,573 (net of income tax) made from the foreign exchange gain arisen during May and June 2022 according to Bangladesh Bank directive; BDT 48,528,973
as part of regular CSR expense to various CSR activities and remaining CSR amount of BDT 140,000,000 spent from discount on SME insurance premium as per BRPD instruction;
ii) Subscription of BDT 59,007,488 made for various sponsorship and membership held by BRAC Bank;
40.3 Other expenses of subsidiaries
BRAC EPL Investments Limited 51,090,162 27,163,142
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited 165,474,547 189,693,939
bKash Limited 399,570,392 289,758,928
BRAC SAAJAN Exchange Limited 31,077,654 205,392,180
647,212,755 712,008,189
41 Share of profit of associates
BRAC IT Services Limited 4,860,182 3,742,052
4,860,182 3,742,052
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
42 Provisions
Provision for loans and advances
Specific provision charged during the year 2,172,220,677 3,178,139,884 2,179,490,076 3,018,099,324
Recovery of written off bad debts (809,572,845) (707,517,594) (809,572,845) (707,517,594)
Specific provision (net off recovery) for the year 1,362,647,832 2,470,622,290 1,369,917,231 2,310,581,730
General provision charged during the year 575,618,832 490,317,074 575,618,832 490,317,074
Special provision Covid-19 charged during the year - 10,077,106 - 10,077,106
Total provision for loans and advances 1,938,266,664 2,971,016,470 1,945,536,063 2,810,975,910
Diminution in value of Investments 20,539,430 (74,000,000) 20,539,430 (74,000,000)
Off Balance Sheet items 204,740,420 251,500,000 204,740,420 251,500,000
Other provisions:
Other assets 16,741,298 70,093,002 12,443,801 65,866,351
Interest receivable from loan 7,128,770 - 7,128,770 -
2,187,416,582 3,218,609,472 2,190,388,484 3,054,342,261
43 Provision for taxation
Current tax expense/ (income)* 4,280,691,722 3,737,018,428 3,765,699,754 3,467,399,481
Deferred tax expense/ (income) (Net) (1,138,637,890) (1,479,828,777) (590,012,891) (1,124,778,486)
Total provision for Taxation 3,142,053,832 2,257,189,651 3,175,686,863 2,342,620,995
* Current tax includes the reversal of surplus tax provision for 2010-2017 of BDT 14 crore based on latest assessment order from tax office.
43.1 Reconciliation of effective tax rate
2022 (Standalone) 2021 (Standalone)
% Taka % Taka
Profit before income tax as per profit and loss account 8,938,860,436 7,889,551,559
Income tax as per applicable tax rate 37.50% 3,352,072,664 37.50% 2,958,581,835
Factors affecting the tax charge for current year
Inadmissible expenses 15.77% 1,409,234,884 51.36% 4,051,715,522
Admissible expenses in the current year (i.e. write-off etc.) -9.33% (833,857,792) -35.26% (2,781,861,936)
Tax exempted income 0.00% - -1.64% (129,568,012)
Tax savings from reduced tax rates for dividend 0.00% - -0.40% (31,467,927)
Tax loss/(savings) from reduced tax rates for capital gain 0.00% - 0.00% -
Reversal of previous years' excess tax (2010 - 2017) -1.57% (140,000,000) -7.60% (600,000,000)
Effect of deferred tax -6.84% (611,762,892) -14.26% (1,124,778,487)
Total income tax expenses 35.53% 3,175,686,864 29.69% 2,342,620,995
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
44 Cash and cash equivalents
Cash in hand (including foreign currency) 4.1 11,918,067,777 9,207,161,626 11,822,688,624 8,424,680,663
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agents banks (including foreign
4.2 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804 19,953,525,473 14,252,262,804
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 5 52,951,344,277 78,261,312,910 16,255,534,724 19,880,951,145
Money at call and on short notice 6 6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000 6,826,376,000 3,500,000,000
Prize Bond 7.1 1,527,900 1,280,800 1,527,900 1,280,800
91,650,841,427 105,222,018,140 54,859,652,721 46,059,175,412
45 Receipts from other operating activities
Miscellaneous income 144,733,426 35,137,230 144,733,426 35,137,230
Capital gain (loss) on shares & mutual funds 30,512,410 228,515,315 30,512,410 228,515,315
Profit share from other banks 107,150,999 107,157,532 107,150,999 107,157,532
Capital gain (loss) on government securities 757,187,142 345,451,894 757,187,142 345,451,894
Gain (loss) on interest rate swap (IRS) position (6,399,015) (5,485,957) (6,399,015) (5,485,957)
Other receipts of subsidiaries (79,218,319) (118,708,350) - -
953,966,643 592,067,664 1,033,184,962 710,776,014
46 Payment for other operating activities
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 484,199,987 464,325,834 484,199,987 464,325,834
Audit fees 1,840,000 1,840,000 1,840,000 1,840,000
Directors fees and expenses 2,552,000 2,437,600 2,552,000 2,437,600
Repair and maintenance 588,292,005 524,909,515 588,292,005 524,909,515
Other expenses 4,284,132,440 2,593,818,978 4,284,132,440 2,593,818,978
Legal expenses 24,470,575 10,260,637 24,470,575 10,260,637
Other payments of subsidiaries 329,446,015 451,880,616 - -
5,714,933,022 4,049,473,180 5,385,487,007 3,597,592,564
In Taka
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
47 Reconciliation of net profit with cash flows from operating activities (standalone basis)
Profit before tax as per profit and loss account 8,938,860,436 7,889,551,559
Adjustment for non-cash items:
Provision for loans and advances 2,755,108,908 3,518,493,504
Provision for diminution in value of investments 20,539,430 (74,000,000)
Provision for off balance sheet items 204,740,420 251,500,000
Provision for other assets 19,572,571 65,866,351
Depreciation of property plant and equipment 1,792,138,336 1,732,111,456
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 208,678,200 486,268,924
Profit on sale of fixed assets (15,414,283) (3,798,917)
Increase/decrease in operating assets & liabilities:
Loans and advances (89,464,175,973) (48,149,037,787)
Other assets (1,829,975,159) 136,271,733
Borrowings from other banks and financial institutions 33,559,411,231 11,942,273,035
Proceeds from issuance of affordable housing bond 4,751,000,000 -
Deposits from customers 67,558,949,157 26,460,328,428
Other liabilities 1,142,489,175 (532,139,845)
Income tax paid (4,642,899,233) (2,557,956,724)
Net cash flows from operating activities as per cash flow statement 24,999,023,216 1,165,731,717
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
51 General Disclosures
51.1 Audit Committee
An audit committee was constituted by the Board of Directors of BRAC Bank Limited in its 23rd meeting held on 02 March 2003. As on 31 December 2022, the Audit Committee as under:
Sl No Name of director Status with the Bank Name of the firms/companies in which they have interest Educational qualification
1 Dr. Ahsan H. Mansur Chairman Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRI) Ph.D in Economics, University of Western Ontario,
Independent Director Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd Canada, M.A. Economics, McMaster University, Canada,
Water Garden Resort and Spa M.A. in Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
2 Mr. Asif Saleh Nominated Director BRAC IT Services Limited
(Nominated by BRAC) BRAC Net Limited
Institute of Informatics and Development (IID)
Edotco Bangladesh Co. Ltd.
BRAC Kaiyachara Tea Company Ltd Masters of Business Administration, New York University,
BRAC OSIRIS Impact Ventures Ltd. Stern School of Management
BRAC Kumon
Masters of Business Administration, New York University,
Stern School of Management
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Affordable Health Care Trust
BRAC Probashbondhu Ltd
bKash Limited
3 Ms. Fahima Choudhury Independent Director Ogilvy & Mather Communications Pvt. Ltd
Adcomm Ltd.
Adcomm Holdings Ltd.
Aktivision Advertising Ltd
Graphic People
Nazimgarh Resorts Ltd B.Sc. (Hons.) Management and M.Sc. Management from
Northbrook Consultants Ltd London School of Economics and Political Science, the
Screaming Girl Production Ltd. United Kingdom
Software People
BRAC EPL Investments limited
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited.
Northern Resort
bKash Limited
4 Ms. Farzana Ahmed Independent Director Kids Tutorial MA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics, Economics & Chartered
5 Dr. Zahid Hussain Independent Director BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited
BRAC EPL Investment Limited Ph.D. in Economics, Boston University
World Bank, Bangladesh
6 Mr. Meheriar M Hasan Nominated Director Toyota Financial Savings Bank
Master of Science in Finance, USA, BA in Economics
(Nominated by BRAC) bKash Limited
7 Mr. Shameran Bahar Abed Nominated Director bKash Limited
BA in Economics, USA, Bar-at-Law, UK
BRAC OSIRIS Impact Ventures Ltd.
8 Dr. Mustafa Kamal Mujeri Independent Director Institute for inclusive Finance and Development (InM) Ph.D. in Economics from McMaster University, Canada
M.A in Economics from McMaster University
9 Mr. Faruq Mayeenuddin Ahmed Independent Director N/A MSS in Economics, University of Dhaka
10 Mr. Salek Ahmed Abul Masrur N/A MBA ,The University of Tennessee, USA, BBA The Tri-State
Independent Director
University of Indiana.
11 Mr. Selim R.F. Hussain Managing Director & CEO Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company
BRAC EPL Investments Ltd.
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd.
MBA (IBA), University of Dhaka
bKash Limited
BRAC IT Services Limited
BRAC Sajaan Exchange Ltd
Association of Bankers, Bangladesh
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
The bank carried out transactions with related parties in the normal course of business on an arms length basis. As on 31 December 2022, the bank had following transactions with the 'Related
Party/(ies)' as defined in the BRPD circulars no. 14 issued by the Bangladesh Bank on 25 June 2003.
Details of transactions with related parties can be found at Annexure-J Taka
ii) Significant contracts where bank is a party and wherein Directors have interest: Nil
iii) Shares issued to Directors and executives without consideration or exercisable at discount Nil
iv) Lending Policies to related parties:
Lending to related parties is effected as per requirement of section 27(1) of the Banking Companies Act ,1991. Nil
v) Loan and advances to Directors and subsidiaries: 989,873,937
Classification Status Unclassified
vi) Business other than Banking business with any related concern of the Directors as per Section 18(2) of the Banking Companies Nil
vii) Investment in the Securities of Directors and their related concern Nil
51.3 Claim not Acknowledged as Debt
There was no claim against the Bank not acknowledged as debt as on 31 December 2022.
51.4 Number of Employees
The number of employees including contractual engaged for the whole year or part there of who received a total yearly remuneration of Tk. 36,000 or above were 7,863 (2021: 7,619).
51.5 Events after the Balance Sheet Date
A. The Board of Directors in its 343rd Board meeting held on 11 April 2023 has proposed total 15% dividend (Cash dividend: 7.50% and stock dividend: 7.50%) subject to the approval of the
shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting.
________________________ sd/-
_________________ sd/-
__________________ sd/-
Managing Director and CEO Director Director Chairman
Annexure - A
BRAC Bank Limited and its subsidiaries
Highlights on the overall Activities
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka unless otherwise specified
Consolidated BRAC Bank Limited
Particulars Note
2022 2021 2022 2021
Paid-up capital 18.2 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990 14,965,853,280 13,921,723,990
Total capital including general provisions 18.8 73,680,623,604 68,878,604,871 49,118,601,214 44,131,714,066
Capital surplus 18.8 26,140,806,772 26,718,367,531 5,389,635,623 5,711,756,543
Total assets 655,937,320,087 527,912,923,582 563,238,978,302 449,084,124,881
Total deposits 16 447,058,816,329 364,329,900,482 384,466,775,242 314,590,914,520
Total loans and advances 8 412,084,750,584 322,135,188,439 410,676,406,960 321,212,230,987
Total contingent liabilities and commitments 25 165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993 165,844,601,581 134,196,808,993
Income from investments 29 7,585,930,404 7,142,434,925 5,184,549,425 5,780,677,077
Profit after tax and provisions 6,121,996,724 4,652,600,294 5,763,173,573 5,546,930,564
Amount of classified loans during the current year 8.9 16,493,938,006 13,747,867,323 15,268,631,102 12,522,560,419
Provision kept against classified loans 17.1 10,613,210,514 10,179,609,769 9,401,374,744 8,960,504,600
Provisions surplus/deficit 8.11 1,945,401,964 1,139,138,134 1,945,401,964 1,139,138,134
Interest earning assets 632,686,260,328 507,237,092,081 547,340,438,588 434,883,338,336
Non-interest earning assets 23,251,059,759 20,675,831,501 15,898,539,714 14,200,786,545
Credit deposit ratio (Loans and Advances/Deposits)* - - 79.94% 81.86%
Percentage of classified loans against total loans and advances 4.00% 4.27% 3.72% 3.90%
NPL coverage ratio (incl. GP) 110% 121% 111% 124%
Total Capital to Risk-weighted Asset Ratio 19.37% 20.42% 14.04% 14.36%
Cost of fund 4.33% 4.16% 4.83% 4.49%
Cost to income ratio 70% 68% 58% 53%
Return on investment (ROI) [PAT/(Shareholders equity+Borrowings)] 4.78% 5.79% 4.69% 6.04%
Return on assets (ROA) [PAT/Average assets] 1.02% 1.11% 1.14% 1.31%
Return on equity (ROE) [PAT/Average shareholders equity] 10.16% 10.38% 10.22% 11.00%
Earnings per share [previous years figure restated] 48 4.02 3.65 3.85 3.71
Net income per share [(PAT-Dividend on preference share/No. of Ordinary Shares)]
4.02 3.65 3.85 3.71
[previous years figure restated]
Price earning ratio (Market price per share/EPS) - - 10.00 13.88
Net Asset Value per Share (NAV) [(Shareholders equity- Preference Share)/No. of
49 40.86 38.21 39.02 36.36
Ordinary Share] [previous years figure restated]
Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share [previous years figure restated] 50 25.14 2.49 16.70 0.78
* Credit deposit ratio has been computed as per Bangladesh Bank guideline.
Annexure B-1
BRAC Bank Limited
Statement of outstanding unreconciled entries in nostro accounts (foreign)
As at 31 December 2022
Nostro Account represents outstanding transactions (net) originated but yet to be responded at the Balance Sheet date. However, the status of unresponded entries as at 31 December 2022 is given below:
Amount in USD
As per Local Book As per Correspondents' Book
SL No Period of Unreconciliation Debit Entries Credit Entries Debit Entries Credit Entries
As at 31 December 2021
As per Local Book As per Correspondents' Book
SL No Period of Unreconciliation Debit Entries Credit Entries Debit Entries Credit Entries
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
01 Up-to 3 months 509 17,105,576 253 16,159,227 69 3,592,222 804 31,786,404
02 More than 03 months but less than 06 months - - 2.00 42,215.41 - - 79 328,671
03 More than 06 months but less than 09 months - - 1.00 2,547.91 - - 6 25,719
04 More than 09 months but less than 12 months - - - - - - 3 7,257
05 More than 12 months - - - - - - 1 2,103
Total 509 17,105,576 256 16,203,990 69 3,592,222 893 32,150,154
Annexure B-2
BRAC Bank Limited
Statement of outstanding unreconciled entries in nostro accounts (local)
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
As per Local Book As per Correspondents' Book
SL No Period of Unreconciliation Debit Entries Credit Entries Debit Entries Credit Entries
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
01 Up-to 3 months 12 2,606,294 - - 208 11,116,157 31 12,102,911
02 More than 03 months but less than 06 months 2 361,270 4 403 7 2,006,046 11 1,969,898
03 More than 06 months but less than 09 months - - - - - - 3 20,904
04 More than 09 months but less than 12 months - - - - - - - -
05 More than 12 months - - 27 734,389 24 2,118,119 18 847,269
Total 14 2,967,564 31 734,792 239 15,240,322 63 14,940,982
As at 31 December 2021
As per Local Book As per Correspondents' Book
SL No Period of Unreconciliation Debit Entries Credit Entries Debit Entries Credit Entries
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
01 Up-to 3 months 4 546,434 - - 75 11,881,903 6 10,296,527
02 More than 03 months but less than 06 months - - - - - - - -
03 More than 06 months but less than 09 months 1 4,000 - - - - 1 79,713
04 More than 09 months but less than 12 months - - - - - - 1 420,287
05 More than 12 months - - 27 734,389 23 2,115,119 16 347,269
Total 5 550,434 27 734,389 98 13,997,022 24 11,143,796
Annexure - C
BRAC Bank Limited
Balance with other banks-outside Bangladesh (Nostro Account)
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
2022 2021
Name of Bank Currency A/C Type Amount in foreign Exchange Amount in foreign
Equivalent Taka Exchange rate Equivalent Taka
currency rate currency
DBU balance:
Standard Chartered Bank, New York, USA USD CD 6,274,971 103.30 648,185,631 5,803,452 85.80 497,936,217
Standard Chartered Bank, United Kingdom GBP CD 867,336 124.43 107,923,960 138,528 115.70 16,027,822
Standard Chartered Bank, Frankfurt, Germany EUR CD 3,345,369 110.01 368,010,970 147,482 97.12 14,323,040
Mashreq Bank, New York, USA USD CD 1,450,661 103.30 149,848,892 815,183 85.80 69,942,687
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd JPY CD 26,540,649 0.77 20,512,994 8,019,542 0.75 5,975,580
ICICI Bank Limited, Mumbai, India USD CD 722,553 103.30 74,637,602 81,145 85.80 6,962,245
Zuercher Kantonal Bank, Switzerland CHF CD 121,981 111.74 13,630,753 39,709 93.71 3,721,299
Commerz Bank AG, Germany (USD) USD CD 62,605 103.30 6,466,957 22,244 85.80 1,908,554
Commerz Bank AG, Germany (EURO) EUR CD 135,632 110.01 14,920,292 (749,663) 97.12 (72,805,071)
Commerz Bank, Frankfurt, Germany (GBP) GBP CD 50 124.43 6,254 50 115.70 5,815
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA USD CD 6,892,723 103.30 711,997,619 3,863,054 85.80 331,450,001
HDFC Bank Limited, India USD CD 2,490,389 103.30 257,249,753 226,802 85.80 19,459,599
Habib Bank Limited, Pakistan USD CD - 103.30 - 20,866 85.80 1,790,293
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Sydney (AUD) AUD CD 119,146 69.44 8,273,641 9,713,312 62.33 605,425,151
AB Bank Limited, Mumbai, India USD CD 435,059 103.30 44,940,238 193,907 85.80 16,637,248
AXIS Bank Limited, Kolkata (ACU) USD CD 552,652 103.30 57,087,322 516,628 85.80 44,326,693
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (AED) AED CD 184,696 28.13 5,194,973 265,268 23.36 6,196,415
Kookmin Bank, Seoul, South Korea (USD) USD CD 58,466 103.30 6,039,326 72,116 85.80 6,187,529
Citi Bank N.A., New York, USA USD CD 397,783 103.30 41,089,751 289,565 85.80 24,844,680
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co. Ltd, China (CNY) CNY CD 135,569 14.84 2,011,473 60,410 13.46 813,173
DBS Bank Ltd, Singapore (SGD) SGD CD 226,591 76.60 17,357,195 212,688 63.41 13,486,513
Punjab National Bank, Kolkata (USD) USD CD 1,121,697 103.30 115,867,928 353,276 85.80 30,311,059
Al Rajhi Bank, Riyadh (SAR) SAR CD 116,019 27.47 3,187,340
Meezan Bank Limited, Gtb Karachi, ACU (USD) USD CD 687,200 103.30 70,985,659
2,745,426,523 1,644,926,542
OBU balance:
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York USD CD 6,799,986 103.30 702,418,166 1,612,754 85.80 138,374,289
JP Morgan AG, Frankfurt, Germany EUR CD 233,019 109.71 25,564,909 4,373 97.27 425,313
JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA, London GBP CD 11,183 124.32 1,390,286 12,609 115.72 1,459,054
729,373,361 140,258,656
Total 3,474,799,884 1,785,185,198
Annexure - D
BRAC Bank Limited
Investment in shares, mutual funds and quoted bonds
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Sl. Face No. of Cost of Average Total market
Name of the company Industry Market Price
no value shares holding costing price value (Tk)
Quoted ordinary shares
1 Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Limited Tannery Industries 10 86,193 91,771,631 1,064.72 952.30 82,081,594
2 Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd. Miscellaneous 10 360,946 614,266,461 1,701.82 1,722.60 621,765,580
3 Eastern Bank Limited Bank 10 1,575,243 44,926,754 28.52 31.80 50,092,727
4 Grameenphone Limited Telecommunication 10 3,100,427 1,000,947,718 322.84 286.60 888,582,378
5 Linde Bangladesh Limited Fuel & Power 10 98,165 128,911,193 1,313.21 1,397.70 137,205,221
6 Marico Bangladesh Limited Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals 10 494,626 1,069,411,830 2,162.06 2,421.50 1,197,736,859
7 Renata Limited Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals 10 127,981 129,022,131 1,008.14 1,217.90 155,868,060
8 Singer Bangladesh Limited Engineering 10 2,039,109 355,561,149 174.37 151.90 309,740,657
9 Square Pharmaceuticals Limited Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals 10 6,071,734 1,244,188,214 204.91 209.80 1,273,849,793
4,679,007,081 4,716,922,869
Quoted corporate Bond
1 APSCL redeemable coupon bearing bond Corporate Bond 5,000 100,000 500,000,000 5,000.00 5,500.00 550,000,000
500,000,000 550,000,000
Annexure - E
BRAC Bank Limited
Schedule of Fixed Assets
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Cost Depreciation Written-down
Particulars Opening Addition/ Disposals/ Total balance Opening Charge Disposals/ Total balance value as at
balance as on Revaluation Adjustments as at 31 balance as on during Adjustments as at 31 31 December
01 January 2022 during the year during the year December 2022 01 January 2022 the year during the year December 2022 2022
Property, plant & equipments (PPEs)
Land 527,275,400 - - 527,275,400 - - - - 527,275,400
Office floor space 4,034,334 - - 4,034,334 923,190 100,858 - 1,024,048 3,010,286
Furniture & fixture 2,140,914,383 117,645,818 87,738,105 2,170,822,096 1,530,914,211 139,671,303 86,961,413 1,583,624,101 587,197,995
Office equipments 1,344,953,601 84,716,918 68,502,007 1,361,168,512 1,204,097,640 81,295,046 68,478,599 1,216,914,087 144,254,425
IT Hardware 3,049,688,043 602,165,146 376,349,158 3,275,504,031 2,303,039,328 393,579,196 376,152,265 2,320,466,259 955,037,772
Motor vehicles 354,296,880 68,200,910 - 422,497,790 286,197,878 52,113,021 - 338,310,899 84,186,891
Right of use assets (RoU) 5,489,602,469 811,886,704 198,464,994 6,103,024,179 1,339,172,702 777,297,844 197,223,267 1,919,247,279 4,183,776,900
Capital expenditure work in progress 251,206,513 502,011,558 546,098,849 207,119,222 - - - - 207,119,222
Sub-total 13,161,971,623 2,186,627,053 1,277,153,112 14,071,445,564 6,664,344,949 1,444,057,267 728,815,544 7,379,586,672 6,691,858,891
Intangible assets:
With definite useful lives:
IT Software 2,322,117,221 478,328,146 - 2,800,445,367 1,364,876,496 348,081,068 - 1,712,957,564 1,087,487,802
Sub-total 2,322,117,221 478,328,146 - 2,800,445,367 1,364,876,496 348,081,068 - 1,712,957,564 1,087,487,802
As at 31 December 2022 15,484,088,844 2,664,955,199 1,277,153,112 16,871,890,930 8,029,221,445 1,792,138,336 728,815,544 9,092,544,237 7,779,346,693
As at 31 December 2021
Amount in Taka
Cost Written-down
Opening Addition/ Disposals/ Total balance Opening Charge Disposals/ Total balance value as at
balance as on Revaluation Adjustments as at 31 balance as on during Adjustments as at 31 31 December
01 January 2021 during the year during the year December 2021 01 January 2021 the year during the year December 2022 2022
Property, plant & equipments (PPEs)
Land 527,275,400 - - 527,275,400 - - - - 527,275,400
Leasehold Building 4,034,334 - - 4,034,334 822,332 100,858 - 923,190 3,111,144
Furniture & fixture 2,096,550,341 58,151,911 13,787,869 2,140,914,383 1,395,740,435 148,736,943 13,563,167 1,530,914,211 610,000,172
Office equipments 1,307,461,739 48,474,903 10,983,041 1,344,953,601 1,120,463,136 94,567,471 10,932,967 1,204,097,640 140,855,961
IT Hardware 2,900,091,204 171,197,743 21,600,904 3,049,688,043 1,970,565,211 353,862,417 21,388,300 2,303,039,328 746,648,715
Motor vehicles 354,296,880 - - 354,296,880 221,679,496 64,518,382 - 286,197,878 68,099,002
Right of use assets (RoU) 4,374,375,108 2,600,924,979 1,485,697,618 5,489,602,469 1,465,505,184 762,397,055 888,729,537 1,339,172,702 4,150,429,767
Capital expenditure work in progress 402,817,173 108,642,199 260,252,859 251,206,513 - - - - 251,206,513
Sub-total 11,966,902,179 2,987,391,735 1,792,322,291 13,161,971,623 6,174,775,794 1,424,183,126 934,613,971 6,664,344,949 6,497,626,674
Intangible assets:
With definite useful lives:
IT Software 2,093,396,465 228,720,756 - 2,322,117,221 1,056,948,166 307,928,330 - 1,364,876,496 957,240,725
Sub-total 2,093,396,465 228,720,756 - 2,322,117,221 1,056,948,166 307,928,330 - 1,364,876,496 957,240,725
As at 31 December 2021 14,060,298,644 3,216,112,491 1,792,322,291 15,484,088,844 7,231,723,960 1,732,111,456 934,613,971 8,029,221,445 7,454,867,399
BRAC Bank Limited
Statement of Tax Position
As at 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Accounting Assessment Gross tax Adjustment of Net tax provision Tax as per latest (Short)/Excess Advance tax as Present status
year year provision in excess/deficit in financial assessment provision per assessment
financial provision during Statements order
statements 2022
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before Honorable High
2009 2010-2011 1,140,000,000 - 1,140,000,000 1,226,332,530 (86,332,530) 1,225,978,580
Court against the Order of The Taxes Appellate Tribunal
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2010 2011-2012 1,416,240,000 - 1,416,240,000 1,316,974,555 99,265,445 1,228,668,951 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2011 2012-2013 1,460,000,000 - 1,460,000,000 1,535,641,921 (75,641,921) 1,256,758,569 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2012 2013-2014 1,530,000,000 - 1,530,000,000 1,537,477,180 (7,477,180) 1,304,653,579 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2013 2014-2015 1,797,698,269 - 1,797,698,269 1,536,388,741 261,309,528 1,088,661,543 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Appeal in progress before The Honorable High Court Division
2014 2015-2016 2,097,475,597 - 2,097,475,597 1,916,762,068 180,713,529 1,250,930,480
against the order of The Taxes Appellate Tribunal
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2015 2016-2017 2,250,022,595 - 2,250,022,595 2,269,625,619 (19,603,024) 1,540,453,195 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2016 2017-2018 2,629,520,979 - 2,629,520,979 2,177,689,835 451,831,144 1,739,275,075 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Assessment in progress and filed appeal before The Honorable
2017 2018-2019 3,196,240,955 - 3,196,240,955 2,880,663,875 315,577,080 2,402,077,500 High Court Division against the order of The Taxes Appellate
Appeal filled to Commissioner Taxes of Appeal against the DCT
2018 2019-2020 2,523,031,538 - 2,523,031,538 2,601,281,979 (78,250,441) 2,459,662,676
Assessment Order
2019 2020-2021 3,718,904,812 - 3,718,904,812 3,432,353,978 286,550,834 3,432,353,978 Tax return submitted for the assessment
2020 2021-2022 2,728,499,267 (191,123,342) 2,537,375,925 2,466,141,523 71,234,402 2,174,170,846 Tax return submitted for the assessment
2021 2022-2023 4,067,399,481 (500,000,000) 3,567,399,481 3,899,871,425 (332,471,944) 3,771,290,998 Tax return submitted for the assessment
2022 2023-2024 3,905,699,754 (140,000,000) 3,765,699,754 Not yet due to submit Tax Return
BRAC Bank Limited
Statement of Segment Reporting
For the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Particulars SME Retail Corporate Treasury Total
BRAC Bank Limited
Off-shore Banking Units
Financial Statements
as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
Annexure - H
Off-shore Banking Units
Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
USD Taka USD Taka
Cash - - - -
Cash in hand
(Including foreign currency) - - - -
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent
bank(s) - - - -
(Including foreign currency)
Balance with other banks and financial
institutions 3 23,060,934 2,382,125,360 69,634,716 5,974,658,656
Inside Bangladesh - - - -
Outside Bangladesh 23,060,934 2,382,125,360 69,634,716 5,974,658,656
Continuation of Annexure - H
Off-shore Banking Units
Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
USD Taka USD Taka
Contingent liabilities
Acceptances and endorsements 10,857,616 1,121,559,199 12,205,159 1,032,165,486
Letter of guarantees 1,580,960 163,308,451 - -
Irrevocable letter of credits - - 5,118,638 436,927,963
Bills for collection 14,422,755 1,489,827,345 13,693,469 1,129,567,424
Other contingent liabilities - - 176,241 -
Total 26,861,331 2,774,694,995 31,193,507 2,598,660,873
Other commitments
Swap deals with banks and customers - - - -
Spot and forward deals with banks and - - - -
- - - -
Total off balance sheet items 26,861,331 2,774,694,995 31,193,507 2,598,660,873
Continuation of Annexure - H
Off-shore Banking Units
Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Particulars Note
USD Taka USD Taka
Provision for:
Loans and advances 17 4,787,320 406,665,510 10,976,329 938,079,064
Off balance sheet items - - - -
Others - - - -
Total provision 4,787,320 406,665,510 10,976,329 938,079,064
Profit/(loss) before taxes 278,477 72,375,663 (7,406,512) (632,439,157)
Provision for tax:
Current tax expense - - - -
Deferred tax expense/ (income) - - - -
Total provision for tax 18 - - - -
Total profit/(loss) after taxes 278,477.00 72,375,663 (7,406,512) (632,439,157)
Continuation of Annexure - H
Off-shore Banking Units
Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
USD Taka USD Taka
A. Cash flows from operating activities
Interest receipts in cash 15,581,532 1,394,352,068 9,543,342 809,552,379
Interest payment (12,722,680) (1,171,094,674) (6,790,073) (566,899,959)
Fees and commissions receipts 602,932 55,988,753 508,613 43,131,459
Cash payments to employees (1,088,154) (102,230,848) (830,183) (70,720,500)
Cash payments to suppliers (14,150) (1,330,513) (8,489) (723,860)
Receipts from other operating activities 391,005 36,401,181 530,005 45,021,853
Payment for other operating activities : (418,015) (43,711,111) (346,800) (36,747,012)
Operating cash flow before changes in operating
2,332,470 168,374,856 2,606,415 222,614,360
assets and liabilities (i)
Increase/decrease in operating assets and
Loans and advances to customers (75,672,323) (14,860,893,539) (157,942,112) (13,795,814,994)
Other assets (6,933,789) 483,784,961 67,943 (577,465)
Deposits from other banks/borrowings 24,949,943 9,967,616,012 154,703,199 13,540,915,651
Deposits from customers 11,934,195 1,402,767,792 146,412 22,121,222
Other liabilities (3,184,278) (796,591,722) 2,730,913 201,113,661
Cash utilised in operating assets and liabilities (ii) (48,906,252) (3,803,316,496) (293,645) (32,241,925)
Net cash (used)/flows from operating activities
(46,573,782) (3,634,941,640) 2,312,770 190,372,435
B. Cash flows from investing activities
Investment in commercial paper - - - -
Net cash used in investing activities - - - -
C. Cash flows from financing activities - - - -
E. Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 69,634,716 5,974,658,656 67,321,946 5,708,975,151
Exchange difference - 42,408,344 - 75,311,070
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year (D+E) 23,060,934 2,382,125,360 69,634,716 5,974,658,656
Continuation of Annexure - H
Off-Shore Banking Units
Notes to the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022
a) Basis of accounting
The off-shore Banking Units maintain its accounting records in USD from which accounts are prepared according to the Bank Companies
Act 1991, International Financial Reporting Standards and other applicable directives issued by Bangladesh Bank.
2.6 General
a) Figures appearing in these financial statements have been rounded off to the nearest Taka and rearranged wherever necessary.
Continuation of Annexure - H
2022 2021
USD Taka USD Taka
2022 2021
USD Taka USD Taka
5 Other assets
Interest receivables 9,207,982 944,365,760 2,926,535 250,930,191
Deferred revenue expenditure 587,710 60,708,662 200,313 17,186,834
Receivables against collateral margin-swap - - - 180,000
Receivable settlement account-OBU/DBU - - 6,145,767 527,306,788
9,795,692 1,005,074,422 9,272,615 795,603,813
Inside Bangladesh:
Woori Bank, Dhaka - - 5,000,000 429,000,000
On Shore to BBL Off Shore 72,822,436 7,522,339,223 141,090,169 12,105,536,457
72,822,436 7,522,339,223 146,090,169 12,534,536,457
Outside Bangladesh:
State Bank of India, Hong Kong 24,000,000 2,479,128,000 - -
Nabil Bank Limited, Nepal 6,186,300 639,026,231 3,500,000 300,300,000
HDFC Bank Limited, India 15,000,000 1,549,455,000 10,000,000 858,000,000
Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore 5,000,000 516,485,000 27,600,000 2,368,080,000
DBS Bank Singapore - - 28,000,000 2,402,400,000
Asian Development Bank 30,000,000 3,098,910,000 30,000,000 2,574,000,000
Axis Bank Limited - - 20,000,000 1,716,000,000
Caixabank S.A. 67,000,000 6,920,899,000 30,000,000 2,574,000,000
Siddhartha Bank Limited, Kathmandu - - 10,000,000 858,000,000
The National Bank of Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE 50,000,000 5,164,850,000 17,148,000 1,471,298,400
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE 15,000,000 1,549,455,000 55,000,000 4,719,000,000
First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC, UAE - - 10,000,000 858,000,000
CDC Group Plc, United Kingdom 8,580,000 886,288,260 6,540,625 561,185,625
Continuation of Annexure - H
International Finance Corporation (IFC), USA 30,000,000 3,098,910,000 15,000,000 1,287,000,000
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. Singapore 49,000,000 5,061,553,000 3,500,000 300,300,000
Bank Muscat Saog 17,000,000 1,756,049,000 10,000,000 858,000,000
Cargill Financial Services International 30,000,000 3,098,910,000
Commercial Bank Of Qatar 10,000,000 1,032,970,000
Mizuho Bank Ltd, Singapore 10,000,000 1,032,970,000 - -
Yes Bank, India 7,740,000 799,518,780 - -
374,506,300 38,685,377,271 276,288,625 23,705,564,025
447,328,736 46,207,716,494 422,378,794 36,240,100,482
Foreign currency:
Current and other accounts 626,567 64,722,483 809,354 69,442,595
Bills payable - - - -
Saving deposits - - - -
Fixed deposits 20,300,041 2,096,933,295 8,633,540 740,757,724
Other deposits 723,611 74,746,794 273,129 23,434,461
21,650,219 2,236,402,572 9,716,023 833,634,780
Total Deposit and other accounts 21,650,219 2,236,402,572 9,716,023 833,634,780
8 Other liabilities
Provisions for loans and advances 16,631,233 1,717,956,454 24,297,996 1,958,679,094
Special provision COVID-19 361,561 37,348,170 435,293 37,348,170
Provision on interest receivable 91,394 9,440,739 21,488 1,843,706
Interest suspense 1,028,776 106,269,450 1,918,811 164,633,977
Provision for taxation net off AIT 654,488 67,606,624 787,956 67,606,624
Interest payable on borrowings 4,068,022 420,214,461 1,275,007 109,395,602
Accrued expenses 419,620 35,607,707 (48,975) (4,054,049)
Suppliers payable (680) (70,212) (231,137) (19,901,732)
Payable to on-shore 23,280,472 1,709,927,600 27,431,048 2,105,368,327
Payable against SWIFT charge 9,048 934,644
Others payable 1,468,988 109,442,404 (1,526,202) 76,007,624
48,012,922 4,214,678,041 54,361,285 4,496,927,343
2022 2021
USD Taka USD Taka
Continuation of Annexure - H
10 Interest income
Interest on loans and advances 21,824,509 2,084,233,475 10,634,503 904,832,171
Interest on money at call and short notice - - - -
Interest on Funding SWAP - - - -
Other interest income 38,471 3,554,162 2,769 236,138
21,862,980 2,087,787,637 10,637,272 905,068,309
To whom it may concern
This is to certify that as detailed in the Annexure-I, BRAC Bank Limited made the custodian transactions on
account of custodian services provided during the year ended 31 December 2022, which have been verified with
the books of account, invoices and other related documents as produced to us for our verification.
We also certify that management of the Bank prepared and fairly presented of the income and expenses in
accordance with the requirement of the Securities and Exchange Commission (Securities Custodian Service)
Rules 2003, and made necessary disclosures in the Bank’s audited financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2022.
Sabbir Ahmed FCA, Partner
Enrolment No: 770
Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co
Dhaka, 11 April 2023 Chartered Accountants
Annexure - I
BRAC Bank Limited
Custodian Service
For the year ended 31 December 2022
2022 2021
Taka Taka
Operating income
Operating expenses
Salaries and allowances 2,780,388 2,805,181
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 960,135 963,510
Postage, stamps, telecommunication etc. 149,391 121,790
Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 924 909,363
Depreciation on and repairs to bank's assets 258,547 1,220,677
Other expenses 148,164 9,800,386
Total operating expenses 4,297,549 15,820,907
Operating profit 17,492,367 4,584,308
Annexure - J
BRAC Bank Limited
Details of transactions with related parties
For the year ended 31 December 2022
Amount in Taka
Additions for deposit
Deductions for deposit
SL Opening balance on made/loan Closing balance on
Name of the related parties (Companies) Relationship with BBL Balance type withdrawn/ loan
No. 01 January 2022 disbursed/interest or 31 December 2022
fees charged
1 BRAC and Its associated organization Parent Company Deposits 14,622,760,969 267,474,069,607 267,159,314,152 14,937,516,424
2 bKash Limited Subsidiary Deposits 8,539,255,713 502,155,899,099 505,488,223,013 5,206,931,799
3 BRAC EPL Investments Limited Subsidiary Deposits 15,685,315 17,348,369,036 17,253,111,165 110,943,186
4 BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited Subsidiary Deposits 242,464,433 7,014,725,820 6,679,549,425 577,640,828
5 BRAC IT Services Limited (biTS) Associates Deposits 111,170,288 493,299,919 548,651,894 55,818,313
6 BRAC SAAJAN Exchange Limited Subsidiary Deposits 60,647,285 41,598,001 98,224,767 4,020,519
7 Edotco Bangladesh Co. Limited Common Board member Deposits 120,116,043 836,366,282 955,782,510 699,815
8 Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRI) Common Board member Deposits 849,010 875,660 812,710 911,960
9 RSA Advisory Ltd. Common Board member Deposits 15,515 99,340,601 95,458,288 3,897,828
10 Blue-Wealth Assets Limited Common Board member Deposits 4,425 48,168 690 51,903
11 Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited Common Board member Deposits 55,108,388 4,938,786,419 4,991,914,807 1,980,000
12 Water Garden Resort and Spa Common Board member Deposits 343,359 12,361,366 12,581,115 123,610
13 Affordable Health Care Common Board member Deposits 71,814,240 - 71,740,690 73,550
14 BRAC EPL Investments Limited Subsidiary Continuous loan 590,713,888 1,045,238,154 1,371,158,390 916,634,124
15 BRAC Saajan Exchange Limited Subsidiary Continuous loan 266,256,133 223,156,832 29,162,423 72,261,724
17 IPDC Finance Limited Common Board member Term placement 3,000,000,000 N/A 3,000,000,000
19 BRAC IT Services Limited (biTS) Associates Receivables 187,859,621 N/A 154,857,249
20 Key Management Personnel (Note - 8.6) Senior Management Loans and Advances 106,920,329 N/A 113,952,814
BRAC Bank Employees' Gratuity Fund (Post
21 Details of transactions with BRAC Bank Employees' Gratuity Fund can be found at note no 10.5
employment benefit plan)
Note: In addition, BRAC Bank has credit exposure on NGOs where its Directors are involved in the capacity of executive committee members. As on 31 December 2022, the Bank has credit exposures
amounting BDT 845,333,012. However, as per Bangladesh Bank letter ref: BRPD (R-2)651/9(25)ka/2016-6852; such exposure shall not come under the purview of related party exposures as given to non-
profit organisations.