Towards Environmental Sustainability in The Local Community Future Insights For Managing The Hazardous Pollutants at Construction Sites
Towards Environmental Sustainability in The Local Community Future Insights For Managing The Hazardous Pollutants at Construction Sites
Towards Environmental Sustainability in The Local Community Future Insights For Managing The Hazardous Pollutants at Construction Sites
Editor: L. Eder Although various technologies are being developed in the construction industry, management technologies for
achieving environmental sustainability in the local community are still lacking. As such, this study suggests
Keywords: future insights for the development of an automated intelligent environment management system for the pro
Construction industry motion of environmental sustainability in the local community, through a systematic review of 1,707 relevant
Pollutants management
literature. The systematic review was conducted in two steps: (i) quantitative review: keyword co-occurrence and
Systematic review
trend analysis; and (ii) qualitative review: a review on monitoring, evaluation, and improvement technologies.
New technology
Application strategy As a result, the research level related to the local-level pollutants (noise, vibration, and dust) was found to be
Intelligent system quantitatively insufficient, and the limitations of the existing technologies for these pollutants were presented.
Eventually, to overcome these limitations, new technologies and application strategies that can be applied to
construction sites as future research roadmap to effectively manage the hazardous pollutants were proposed.
Furthermore, an intelligent management system should be developed, and the management of environmental
complaints is also necessary for environmental sustainability at the local level in the construction industry. As a
fundamental study, this study could become a benchmark for future researches dealing with environmental
sustainability and hazardous pollutants in the construction industry.
1. Introduction were conducted (Kim, 2010; Wi et al., 2020; Osmani et al., 2008; Hos
sain et al., 2019). Also, many studies were conducted on environmental
To solve various environmental issues worldwide, the construction sustainability in the construction industry, and future research roadmap
industry is taking the lead in implementing sustainability measures by was proposed through a systematic review based on previous studies
applying eco-friendly technologies (in line with the sustainable devel (Araújo et al., 2020; Det Udomsap and Hallinger, 2020; Francis and
opment goals defined by United Nations (UN) (United Nations Dev. Thomas, 2020; Badi and Murtagh, 2019; Kabirifar et al., 2020). Araújo
Program, 2020; Hill and Bowen, 1997; Shen et al., 2007). Moreover, et al. (2020) and Det Udomsap and Hallinger (2020) suggested insights
with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new intelligent technologies into the research field on environmental sustainability in the construc
(artificial intelligence (AI), information and communications technol tion industry. Francis and Thomas (2020) and Badi and Murtagh (2019)
ogy (ICT), virtual reality (VR), etc.) are intended to be rapidly intro presented the directions of research on each lean construction and
duced in the construction industry (Yeom et al., 2020a; Bradley et al., supply chain management to achieve environmental sustainability in
1993; Alsafouri and Ayer, 2018). Despite the development of these the construction industry. Kabirifar et al. (2020) proposed the contrib
innovative technologies, environmental sustainability at the local or uting factors for effectively managing the construction and demolition
global level has yet to be achieved due to the indiscriminate use of en waste (CDW). In a word, these studies only reviewed either the entire
ergy, overconsumption of materials, and emission of hazardous pollut research field on environmental sustainability in the construction in
ants (Abergel et al., 2017; Hong et al., 2014a). dustry or on only one category (management methods or pollutants).
To address these issues, a wide range of researches on pollutants These review studies focused more on hazardous pollutants at the global
* Corresponding author at: Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Hong), [email protected] (H. Kang), [email protected] (J. An), [email protected] (J. Choi),
[email protected] (T. Hong), [email protected] (H.S. Park), [email protected] (D.-E. Lee).
Received 24 June 2020; Received in revised form 6 August 2020; Accepted 24 August 2020
Available online 2 September 2020
0304-3894/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
level (CDW, greenhouse gases (GHGs), etc.) than on the local level required to achieve environmental sustainability in the construction
(noise, vibration, dust, etc.). The pollutants that are generated contin industry for the local community?; and then (ii) What are the new
uously at construction sites, however, can not only contaminate the strategies for environmental sustainability in the construction industry?
environment of the local community but also cause serious health Through the systematic review, future research roadmap for developing
problems and property loss for the local residents (Li et al., 2016; a pollutant management system was suggested to achieve environ
Wong-McSweeney et al., 2016a). As the damage to the local community mental sustainability in the construction industry at the local level.
from these hazardous pollutants increases, environmental conflicts be Following this introduction, the review methodology that was
tween construction firms and local residents continue to arise, which is employed in this study from the quantitative and qualitative perspec
considered a major social problem (Eom and Paek, 2009; Central tives is described in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 provides the research interests
Environmental Dispute Mediation Committee, 2018). Accordingly, to and trends on environmental sustainability in the construction industry
minimize the environmental problems in the local community, envi based on the results of the quantitative review. Chapter 4 analyzes the
ronmental sustainability should be achieved by effectively managing the management technologies for environmental sustainability at the local
pollutants arising from construction sites. level in an in-depth way based on the results of the qualitative review,
This study, which was motivated by the desire to achieve environ focusing mainly on the monitoring, evaluation, and improvement
mental sustainability, carried out a systematic review of the relevant technologies. Then the limitations of the previous studies that need to be
literature with the following questions: (i) What is the research level overcome in the future were also analyzed. As a result, Chapter 5
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
discusses the new insight and future research roadmap for managing higher the number of studies in which these keywords occur at the same
hazardous pollutants in the construction industry, and Chapter 6 pro time. In addition, the level of interest for each keyword was determined
poses open-research challenges with the end in view of achieving through the following three standards: (i) total link strength; (ii) link;
environmental sustainability in the local community. Finally, Chapter 7 and (iii) occurrence. Total link strength is the sum of the strengths of all
presents the conclusion, with the study’s contributions and limitations. the edges for a keyword; the larger its value is, the higher the interre
lationship with other keywords (Pauna et al., 2019; Skaf et al., 2020;
2. Review methodology Martinez et al., 2019a). Link is the total number of edges for a keyword;
the greater its value is, the more diverse the keywords that occur
First of all, the target studies were extracted by conducting the concurrently (Lee and Su, 2010; Martinez et al., 2019b). Occurrence is
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis the number of articles containing a keyword; the larger its value is, the
(PRISMA) methodology (refer to Fig. 1) (Moher et al., 2009; Mayeda greater the number of articles containing the keyword.
and Boyd, 2020; Schweiker et al., 2020). As the Scopus database has a In general, to conduct keyword co-occurrence analysis, the keywords
broader coverage of scientific publications compared to other databases should be sorted out, and the analysis methods to use should be decided
(Web of Science, Google Scholar, etc.), records were collected from the as follows. First, the keywords were sorted out by unifying the keywords
Scopus database in this study (Mongeon and Paul-Hus, 2016; Zhao et al., with similar meanings into one keyword (e.g., “life cycle assessment”
2019). and “LCA” were unified into “life cycle assessment”) and dividing a
As shown in Fig. 1, in phase 1 (identification), records related to keyword with multiple meanings into multiple keywords (e.g., “reuse
management technologies for achieving environmental sustainability in and recycling” was divided into “reuse” and “recycling”). Second, to
the construction industry were collected using the keywords defined create a keyword co-occurrence network, the counting method and the
according to the following three categories: (i) construction industry: minimum number of occurrences should be determined. The counting
construction industry, construction project, and construction site; (ii) method determines the strength and is divided into full counting (sets
environmental sustainability: environment* and sustainab* (Boolean (*) the weight of strength equal for each co-occurrence) and fractional
identified all the different forms of the word); and (iii) technology: counting (sets the fractional weight of strength for each co-occurrence
management, monitoring, reduction, mitigation, improvement, conser according to the number of keywords in an article). For example,
vation, and evaluation. As a result, when a search using these keywords when there is n number of keywords in two articles, full counting sets
was made in the Scopus database, a total of 11,332 records were iden the weights of strength for each article equally to 1, whereas fractional
tified. In phase 2 (screening), the records identified in phase 1 were counting sets the weights differently to 1/(n-1). Based on the previous
screened using the following three steps: (i) the document type was studies suggesting that fractional counting is preferable to full counting
limited to “article,” which represents the most influential records in the through the theoretical considerations and the empirical analyses
scientific analysis (Darko et al., 2020); (ii) records that do not fit the (Perianes-Rodriguez et al., 2016), this study created a keyword
research scope were excluded based on the contents of the title and co-occurrence network using the fractional counting method. Also, the
abstract (i.e., whether records are related to the construction industry, number of keywords appearing in the keyword co-occurrence network
construction phase, and environmental sustainability); and (iii) the varies depending on the minimum number of occurrences. Accordingly,
language was limited to English, the most widely spoken language in the several attempts were made to establish the minimum number of oc
world and no limit was placed on the data range so that all the relevant currences that could form the most optimal, controllable, legible, and
records published across the entire period could be analyzed. Through reproducible network (Darko et al., 2020; Hosseini et al., 2018). After
this screening phase, a total of 9,157 records were screened from among determining the keyword sorting and analysis methods to be used, a
the 11,332 identified records. In phase 3 (eligibility), the same research keyword co-occurrence network can be created through VOSviewer
scope as that in phase 2 was applied to evaluate the eligibility of the 1.6.14.
full-text records, and in this process, 468 records were removed from the Second, the research trends are essential information for identifying
review. In phase 4 (included), 9,625 records that do not fit the purpose of the variability of interest for each field and research in time series.
this study were removed through PRISMA, and a total of 1,707 records Through the trend analysis conducted in this study, it was possible to
(previous studies suitable for the purpose of this paper, to conduct a grasp the recent researches that had been conducted related to envi
systematic review) were selected as a result. ronmental sustainability, their trend, and how they are commercially
used. Ultimately, by analyzing the recent research trends in this study,
2.1. Quantitative review of environmental sustainability in the various studies on environmental management technologies that need to
construction industry be performed in the future for the achievement of environmental sus
tainability can be identified. Accordingly, the research trend analysis
In the previous step, all the studies related to environmental sus was conducted using the data on the number of publications per year of
tainability in the construction industry were extracted. In this study, a papers related to the target research field. Research trend analysis was
quantitative review was performed to objectively analyze and evaluate also conducted on the hazardous pollutants determined in the keyword
the research interests and trends on hazardous pollutants at the local co-occurrence analysis. As a result, the interest levels and trends for each
level in the target research field. hazardous pollutant were analyzed through the number and tendency of
First, keywords in studies are essential information that implies the publications.
concepts related to the subject matter of a paper. Therefore, to analyze
the interests regarding each target research field (i.e., keywords), 2.2. Qualitative review of the technology for managing the local-level
keyword co-occurrence analysis was performed to yield statistical in pollutants
formation (related to the number of studies with a pair of keywords)
indicating the relationship between the keywords and interests for each The research interests and trends were analyzed based on the
keyword (Darko et al., 2020; Zou et al., 2019). The visualized results of quantitative data from the previous studies, through the quantitative
the keyword co-occurrence analysis, the keyword co-occurrence review discussed in Chapter 2.1. Based on the results of the quantitative
network, were generated via the VOSviewer 1.6.14 software (van Eck review, in this chapter, new insights into technologies for managing the
and Waltman, 2013). The keyword co-occurrence network consists of pollutants from construction sites were sought to archive materials on
nodes (i.e., keyword), edge (i.e., the relation between two keywords), environmental sustainability in the local community. Therefore, among
and strength (i.e., the attribute of each link [positive numerical value]). the extracted studies, studies on environmental sustainability at the
In this network, the higher the strength of a pair of keywords is, the local level in the construction industry were qualitatively reviewed in an
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
Table 1 (continued ) Most of the previous relevant studies mainly focused on promoting
Keywords Total link Links Occurrences Rank industrial ecology rather than assessing the negative impacts of these
strength pollutants, which are not hazardous pollutants from the construction
Supply chain
management • Noise, vibration, and dust: Among the hazardous pollutants that cause
Assessment 10 (55) 11 (59) 12 (61) 62 damages to the local community, noise, vibration, and dust
Cement 8 (69) 12 (54) 13 (55) 63 (including particulate matter [PM]) were selected as nodes. In some
Construction process 10 (55) 7 (74) 14 (53) 64
previous studies, exposure assessment was performed to investigate
Procurement 9 (63) 11 (59) 12 (61) 65
Mechanical property 8 (69) 8 (69) 17 (45) 66 the health hazards of noise and dust on the construction workers
Exposure assessment 10 (55) 7 (74) 13 (55) 67 (Sanjel et al., 2018; Hadzi-Nikolova et al., 2018; Seixas et al., 2003;
United Kingdom 10 (55) 8 (69) 12 (61) 68 Taylor et al., 2002). Some studies analyzed the impacts of the vi
System dynamics 9 (63) 12 (54) 11 (68) 69 bration and dust generated from drilling and crushing operations
Air pollution 9 (63) 8 (69) 13 (55) 70
Australia 9 (63) 9 (67) 12 (61) 71
(Rempel et al., 2019; Jabbour et al., 2017). Among the technologies
Vibration 7 (73) 6 (79) 16 (48) 72 selected as nodes, only BIM was used to visualize dust data (Smaoui
Sustainable building 7 (73) 12 (54) 10 (74) 73 et al., 2018). The research interest rankings of noise, vibration, dust,
Green supply chain 8 (69) 9 (67) 11 (68) 74 and PM were 47, 72, 28, and 60, respectively, lower than those of all
the other hazardous pollutants (i.e., CDW, CO2, GHG, and fly ash). In
Built environment 6 (77) 11 (59) 11 (68) 75
Strength 7 (73) 7 (74) 11 (68) 76 addition, noise, vibration, dust, and PM all showed a smaller
Microstructure 6 (77) 8 (69) 10 (74) 77 research interest than occurrences in terms of total link strength and
Constructions worker 7 (73) 7 (74) 10 (74) 78 link. In other words, noise, vibration, dust, and PM exhibited very
Optimization 4 (79) 7 (74) 10 (74) 79 little research correlation with other pollutants.
Note: aLEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and the
numbers within parentheses mean rank for each standard. As a result, in the research field of environmental sustainability in
the construction industry, hazardous pollutants were divided into the
following two categories, except for the other industrial wastes (refer to
industry, researchers from various fields with a high interest in CDW Fig. 3): (i) global-level pollutants: CDW, GHG and energy; and (ii) local-
have performed several studies to solve the CDW problem. level pollutants: noise, vibration, and dust. In the case of the global-level
• Greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy: GHG (mainly CO2) emissions pollutants, as it is recognized as the most severe problem of the con
resulting from energy consumption is the most significant contrib struction industry in terms of environmental sustainability, many pre
utor to climate change (especially global warming). In the research vious studies applied various concepts and technologies to manage such
field of environmental sustainability in the construction industry, pollutants. On the other hand, the local-level pollutants showed the least
GHG, CO2, and energy were selected as the nodes that receive the interest in the research field of environmental sustainability in the
most interest after CDW (18th, 8th, and 13th places, respectively). In construction industry. In addition, the research on these pollutants was
many previous studies, the environmental impacts (global warming not only lacking but also formed a separate research field. As a result,
potential) of the energy consumed and CO2 emissions generated there was a lack of technical development and research interest in local-
during the life cycle of building materials (concrete (Abbas et al., level pollutants compared to other pollutants. Therefore, there is an
2020; Laiblová et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2019), timber (Maxineasa urgent need to introduce new technologies and innovative management
et al., 2018; Balasbaneh and Bin Marsono, 2017), etc.) and members measures for the more efficient management of the construction
(slab (Na and Paik, 2019; Paik and Na, 2019; Wang et al., 2018), roof environment.
(Vaz and Sheffield, 2014; Rivela et al., 2013), etc.) were assessed
using the LCA methodology. In addition, as in the case of CDW, many 3.2. Trends of environmental sustainability research according to regional
attempts have been made to reduce the GHG emissions and energy boundaries
consumption based on various concepts (lean construction (Heravi
et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2013), prefabrication (Du et al., 2019; Wu, This study compared the research trends on environmental sustain
2015; Mao et al., 2013), etc.) and methods (BIM (Santos et al., 2020; ability in the construction industry and on global- and local-level pol
Vishnu and Raj, 2019; Zhou and Rezazadeh Azar, 2019), analytic lutants, as defined in Chapter 3.1. Fig. 4 shows the research trends on
hierarchy process (Wang et al., 2019; Kamali et al., 2019), optimi environmental sustainability in the construction industry by year, from
zation (Yeo and Potra, 2015), etc.). In line with the global trend to 1974 to 2020. As shown in Fig. 4, overall, the research interest in the
mitigate climate change, many studies in relation to the construction field had a tendency to increase gradually from 1974 to 2020, and the
industry have sought to evaluate and reduce the GHG (CO2) emis publication of the largest number of studies in a year (266) was seen in
sions and energy consumption. 2019. The UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) (United Nations,
• Other industrial waste: Research has been conducted to utilize the 1972) was established in 1972 with an interest in environmental con
various types of waste from industries other than the construction servation and sustainable development. Research on environmental
industry as building components and materials (concrete, cement, sustainability in the construction industry began in 1974 and gradually
brick, etc.). Fly ash (Bajpai et al., 2020; Huseien and Shah, 2020; increased. Moreover, as the number of international activities and
Sutcu et al., 2019; Arulrajah et al., 2016), glass (Arulrajah et al., conventions related to the environment (e.g., the Kyoto Protocol (Ger
2015; Letelier et al., 2019; Bisikirske et al., 2019), plastic (Záleská den, 2018), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (Way, 2016),
et al., 2018; Ozbakkaloglu et al., 2017; Mohammadinia et al., 2019), etc.) has increased since about 2000, the number of studies related to
tier (Landi et al., 2020; Gregori et al., 2019; Govinda Rajulu et al., environmental sustainability in the construction industry has also
2017), etc. were recycled as building materials. Only fly ash was increased exponentially. To be specific, the number of studies related to
selected as a node among other industrial wastes, and the research environmental sustainability in the construction industry that have been
interest in fly ash was the 26th highest. In addition, most of the published since 2000 (1,631 studies published from 2001 to 2020) is
previous studies on other industrial wastes sought to improve the more than 21.5 times that of the studies on the same topic that were
proper mechanical properties (i.e., strength, compressive strength, published before 2000 (76 studies published from 1974 to 2000).
flexural strength, and durability) of concrete containing these wastes Meanwhile, Fig. 4 shows that of the 1,707 studies related to envi
recycled (Sisol et al., 2019; Patel et al., 2020; Muñoz et al., 2019). ronmental sustainability in the construction industry, 695 studies (40.7
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
%) and 173 studies (10.1 %) were related to global- and local-level increased since then. Meanwhile, the number of studies published since
pollutants, respectively. The research interest in global-level pollutants 2000 (153 studies) is 7.7 times the number of studies that were pub
has gradually increased since 1974, with the largest number of studies lished before 2000 (20 studies).
(106 studies) published in 2019. In addition, the number of studies on As a result, the number of studies related to local-level pollutants was
global-level pollutants that have been published since 2000 (677 4.0 times less than that of studies related to global-level pollutants. In
studies) is more than 37.6 times the number of studies on the same topic addition, the analysis revealed that the research interest in the local-
that were published before 2000 (18 studies). On the other hand, the level pollutants was 4.9 times less likely to increase than that in the
degree of increase in research interest overtime was less for the local- global-level pollutants (showing an exponential increase from 1974 to
level pollutants than for the global-level pollutants. The largest num 2020). In line with the results presented in Chapter 3.1, there was a
ber of studies on local-level pollutants (17 studies) was published in marked lack of research on the local-level pollutants compared to the
2016, but the number of studies published on said topic has not global-level pollutants.
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
Based on the results of the number of studies conducted on envi conventional monitoring device (Smaoui et al., 2018; Nedoma et al.,
ronmental sustainability in the construction industry through quanti 2019). Smaoui et al. (2018) developed a real-time monitoring system
tative review, the annual publication rate of studies on pollutants was using a low-cost dust sensor to monitor the dust exposure among
analyzed in the research fields of the global- and local-level pollutants to workers, and visualized the monitored data through BIM. In such study,
grasp the research trends on environmental sustainability (refer to the accuracy of the low-cost dust sensor was enhanced through auto
Fig. 5). Fig. 5 shows that the research on the global-level pollutants, matic calibration based on the existing sensor. Nedoma et al. (2019)
including the studies on CDW, which account for 54.9 % of the total developed a fiber-optic interferometric sensor that exhibited similar
studies, were 9.8 % greater than that on GHG and energy, the same as accuracy and was superior to the conventional seismic equipment in
the results presented in Chapter 3.1. On the other hand, a greater terms of economical efficiency, to measure the vibration occurring in the
number of studies on GHG and energy have been published for the past 5 vibratory roller. In most of the previous studies on monitoring tech
years since 2015, showing a growing research interest in GHG and en nologies, the existing monitoring technology was used as a support
ergy in recent years. With respect to the research on the local-level technology to evaluate the local-level pollutants or to improve the
pollutants, the studies focused on dust, which account for 60.0 % of problems resulting from them (Rempel et al., 2019; Jabbour et al., 2017;
the total number of studies, were 33.2 and 46.8 % higher, respectively, Fostinelli et al., 2018; Hassan et al., 2016; Blair et al., 2018; Sellappan
than the studies about noise (26.8 %) and vibration (13.2 %). Further and Janakiraman, 2014; Chi et al., 2017; Ebenezer Oyedele, 2014;
more, since 2010, studies on dust have been the most published every Kokkonen et al., 2019; McLean et al., 2017; Trompf and Oosthuizen,
year. This suggests that the research on the local-level pollutants has 2015; Plaisance et al., 2017). Rempel et al. (2019) monitored the noise,
focused on dust. That is, the research target has been biased towards the vibration, and dust generated between perforating operations in the
local-level pollutants rather than the global-level pollutants. This also laboratory to evaluate the performance of two types of drills in terms of
indicates that although integrated management of the local-level pol the amount generated. Blair et al. (2018) monitored the noise generated
lutants that occur concurrently needs to be carried out, the level of during the construction and drilling operations at four locations on an
relevant knowledge is biased in one pollutant or the other, posing limits oil drilling site for 3 months. Sellappan and Janakiraman (2014)
to the efficient and effective management of such pollutants. monitored the hourly noise occurring for 12 h at six points on con
struction sites to assess the workers’ exposure to the noise arising from
4. Technology for managing the local-level pollutants through the power systems at the construction site. Chi et al. (2017) installed a
qualitative review sensor on the seat of a wheel loader to monitor the vibrations generated
between the equipment operations so as to reduce the impact of the
4.1. Monitoring technology vibrations arising from a wheel loader on its passenger. Ebenezer Oye
dele (2014) monitored the vibrations 30 min before and after blasting to
In the construction industry, monitoring technology is the process of evaluate the vibrations that occur between blasting operations for each
measuring the amount of local-level pollutants emitted from construc rock. Kokkonen et al. (2019) monitored the amount of dust by varying
tion sites due to the various equipment used and the complex tasks the sensor position and measurement time depending on the type of dust
carried out. Especially, when environmental problems occur at con (PM10 and inhalable dust) and the type of experiment (laboratory and
struction sites, the construction managers can effectively manage the field tests), to evaluate the performance of short-term water misting as
local-level pollutants by monitoring and recording them in time series. an airborne dust reduction measure after renovation work. Jabbour
In addition, the use of monitoring data as input information makes it et al. (2017) monitored the ultrafine particles arising from a concrete
possible not only to identify and evaluate the situation of construction crushing process through a chamber test. McLean et al. (2017) used a
projects over time in terms of the environment. Therefore, as monitoring portable sensor to monitor the crystalline silica around each worker
is important in construction projects, where a variety of tasks and heavy during work hours to evaluate the workers’ exposure to crystalline silica
equipment are complexly deployed and where unexpected situations by work type. Trompf and Oosthuizen (2015) monitored the amount of
frequently occur, it is essential to develop the monitoring technology to respirable crystalline silica from the devices installed on the subject
be used. workers for 6 days to assess the impact on the workers of the respirable
Nevertheless, few studies have attempted to improve the existing crystalline silica that occurs when cutting concrete.
technologies for monitoring the local-level pollutants, or to develop new To continuously measure the noise, vibration, and dust that occur
ones. Some studies developed a device that could replace the expensive simultaneously within the construction sites, where variability and risk
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
are present, an advanced monitoring technology should be applied to emissions that occur during coating applications at construction sites
the construction sites. Monitoring technology, however, was utilized in and evaluated the workers’ exposure to VOC. Paschalidou et al. (2016)
the previous studies for the purpose of data collection to analyze pol assessed the impact of subway construction on public health through the
lutants or improve the problems caused by these. There have been air quality (PM10) index. Sitalakshmi et al. Sitalakshmi et al. (2016)
almost no studies conducted to develop a device for monitoring the evaluated the correlation between workers’ exposure to cement and
pollutants or the advanced monitoring method. In most of the previous dermatitis and lung function. Second, some previous studies evaluated
studies, one type of pollutant was collected through one device, and the local-level pollutants in terms of the economic performance of a
research was carried out based on the stored pollutant data. This sug construction firm (Shah and Pataskar, 2019; Zhaoguang et al., 2019;
gests that the local-level pollutants are not being integrated monitoring Hummer et al., 2017). Shah and Pataskar (2019) evaluated the project
in real-time at construction sites. Although there are existing guidelines costs incurred from the social costs that occur due to an increase in noise
and standards for pollutant measurement at the national level, the lo at construction sites. Zhaoguang et al. (2019) measured the amount of
cations, number, and time for the measurement differ in the current dust to which workers are exposed by earthwork type and evaluated the
studies because existing standards do not clearly consider the contin health loss due to exposure to dust in terms of cost. Hummer et al. (2017)
uous monitoring for the amount of pollutants emitted from construction assessed the project costs and pollutant emissions due to various
sites. equipment combinations and project schedule adjustments from the
contractor’s perspective. Third, some previous studies evaluated the
impact of the local-level pollutants on the psychology of the local
4.2. Evaluation technology
community members (Liu et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2015; Woodcock et al.,
2016; Wong-McSweeney et al., 2016b; Newman et al., 2017). Liu et al.
In the construction industry, evaluation technology is the technique
(2017) assessed the responses of the local residents to the construction
used to assess the impact of pollutants from the perspective of the local
noise through surveys. Lee et al. (2015) measured the noise levels from
community members (construction firms, workers, local residents, etc.)
the six types of construction machines used for foundation and demo
based on the monitoring data on the local-level pollutants. Through the
lition work and evaluated the psychological annoyance of the workers.
evaluation results, the local community members can quantitatively
Woodcock et al. (2016) quantitatively assessed the psychological
determine the severity levels of the local-level pollutants and the need to
annoyance caused by vibration due to railway construction and light rail
devise improvement measures for such. As the type of damages received
transit in a residential environment. Wong-McSweeney et al. (2016b)
from the local-level pollutants, however, may differ depending on each
conducted a survey and assessed the effects (concerns, sensitivity, etc.)
member, there is a need to develop evaluation technologies suitable for
of exposure to the noise and vibration occurring from a construction site
each member.
on the local community members, based on the survey results.
Evaluation technology was classified according to the perspectives to
As described in the foregoing, many previous studies evaluated local-
be evaluated: (i) health perspective; (ii) economic perspective; and (iii)
level pollutants from various perspectives. The evaluation from the
psychological perspective. First, several previous studies evaluated the
health perspective, however, was mainly focused on workers, while the
impact of the local-level pollutants on the health of the local community
evaluation from the economic perspective focused only on construction
members (Roberts et al., 2018; Pelegrin et al., 2015; Su et al., 2013;
firms. Therefore, there is still a dearth of research on the health and
Bello et al., 2019; Chong et al., 2018; Cheng et al., 2017; Paschalidou
economic damages sustained by the local residents, the members of the
et al., 2016; Sitalakshmi et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2020; Azarmi et al.,
local community, from the local-level pollutants. Also, most of the
2014). Roberts et al. (2018) and Pelegrin et al. (2015) assessed the
studies dealt with the local-level pollutants on one subject, from one
impact of the noise occurring at construction sites on the workers’
perspective. As the local-level pollutants, however, can do damage to
auditory system. Su et al. (2013) investigated the effects of exposure to
various members (construction firms, workers, local residents, etc.) from
hand-transmitted and hand-arm vibration on the workers’ disorders
multiple perspectives (health, economy, psychology, etc.), the existing
(hand-arm vibration syndrome). Bello et al. (2019) evaluated the effects
evaluation technology cannot comprehensively assess the severity of the
of exposure to respirable crystalline silica and dust at demolition and
local-level pollutants.
crushing sites on the health of the managers and workers. Chong et al.
(2018) assessed the impact of exposure to asphalt fumes on the workers’
health based on the review of the asphalt fume exposure assessment.
Cheng et al. (2017) measured the volatile organic compound (VOC)
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
4.3. Improvement technology ear-cup. Edelson et al. (2009) examined the levels of construction noise
and the use of hearing protection devices (HPDs) at eight construction
In the construction industry, improvement technology is a tool sites to promote the use of HPDs for workers and pointed out that many
capable of improving the environmental sustainability of construction workers do not wear HPDs even when the noise level exceeds the
sites by minimizing the damage to the local community from these allowable limit. Neitzel and Seixas (2005) argued that the use of HPDs
pollutants based on the evaluation results for the local-level pollutants. helped reduce the subject workers’ exposure to noise but did not
Ultimately, improvement technology can be used to reduce the local- effectively protect their auditory system. Adhikari et al. (2018) evalu
level pollutants emitted from construction sites and can play an inte ated the performance of N95 filtering facepiece respirators at a con
gral role in realizing environmental sustainability. Furthermore, since struction site and demonstrated that the dust filtration efficiency of the
the applicable improvement technologies differ according to the con pleated method is higher than that of the foldable method.
ditions (building type, building process, surrounding environment, etc.) As such, many previous studies proposed various methods of
of construction sites, various improvement technologies should be reducing the local-level pollutants. The studies on evaluation technol
developed to enhance the environmental sustainability of construction ogy, however, evaluated the impact of the local-level pollutants from the
sites. health, economic, and psychological perspectives, but the studies on
Some previous studies attempted to reduce the levels of noise and improvement technology had limitations in that the evaluation was
vibration from the construction site and thus to improve environmental made based only on the pollutant level. In other words, the adverse ef
sustainability (Ebenezer Oyedele, 2014; Ning et al., 2019; Yi et al., 2018; fects from several perspectives of the reduction of the local-level pol
Nakashima et al., 2013; Park et al., 2009). Ning et al. (2019) reduced the lutants through the use of improvement technology on the local
noise levels without additional costs through the optimization of a community members were not taken into account. For example, even if
construction site layout plan before the start of construction. Yi et al. the pollutant reduction performance of the improvement technology is
(2018) reduced the levels of noise and dust through a model that de excellent, the high technology application costs may have a negative
termines the locations of the temporary facilities installed at construc impact on the construction firm in terms of economical efficiency. Due
tion sites. Ebenezer Oyedele (2014) developed a regression model for to these limitations, the owners of construction firms think that despite
the measurement of the vibration levels according to the amount and the need for the field application of the improvement technology, such
distances of the explosives used in the blasting operations and suggested technology is still lacking in terms of economic feasibility (Xing et al.,
the amount of explosives that could limit the vibration generated to an 2018; Noh et al., 2018). Lastly, it was found through the analysis that the
acceptable level. Nakashima et al. (2013) attempted to minimize the technology for addressing the problems caused by the local-level pol
levels of noise and dust generated from hydraulic excavators by lutants was very restrictive, and that various situations were not
changing the engine room cooling method and the positions of the considered in the evaluation of such technology.
exhaust outlets, and by adding sound-absorbing materials. Park et al.
(2009) analyzed the environmental-improvement effect of line-drilling 5. Discussion and future research roadmap
screening, one of the methods of reducing the amount of vibration on
the ground caused by blasting, and suggested effective design condi 5.1. Introduction of new technologies for managing the hazardous
tions. Meanwhile, several studies sought to reduce the dust emissions to pollutants at the local level
improve the environment and thus to enhance environmental sustain
ability (Alvanchi et al., 2020; Li et al., 2019a; Xing et al., 2018; Summers In line with the global trend of striving to improve the world’s
and Parmigiani, 2015; Van Deurssen et al., 2014; Wallace and Cheung, environmental sustainability, many scholars related to environmental
2013; Zuo et al., 2017; Chang et al., 2014). Alvanchi et al. (2020) management in the construction industry mainly focus on the manage
reduced the amount of air pollution, including PM10, by selecting the ment of the global-level pollutants (i.e., CDW and GHG). On the other
optimal construction scenario (road closure schedule). Li et al. (2019a) hand, although the local community continues to sustain damages due
measured the dust concentrations generated by each work type and to the local-level pollutants (i.e., noise, vibration, and dust), the degree
analyzed the correlation between dust reduction measures or the of academic interest in the local-level pollutants is comparatively lower
application of personal protective equipment and dust reduction. Xing than that in the global-level pollutants. For this reason, the management
et al. (2018) proposed measures that the government should take in skills for the local-level pollutants were found to be insufficient
terms of technology, economy, organization, supervision, and assess compared to other areas of the construction industry (automation,
ment to reduce the quantity of dust generated by the Chinese con safety, transportation, etc.) (Pacheco et al., 2010; Baker et al., 2020;
struction industry. Summers and Parmigiani (2015) confirmed that Chen and Huang, 2013). Therefore, to achieve the environmental sus
adding a surfactant to the water sprayed during the concrete cutting tainability of the local community in the construction industry, the core
operation could effectively reduce the silica dust with a small amount of technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that could be intro
spray water. Van Deurssen et al. (2014) analyzed the correlation be duced to effectively manage the local-level pollutants were divided into
tween reduction measures against quartz exposure (local exhaust two aspects according to the characteristics of the construction site (Lasi
ventilation, water spray, etc.) by work type and psychosocial factors. et al., 2014; Bahrin et al., 2016; Kamble et al., 2018): (i) mechanization
Wallace and Cheung (2013) developed a compact-excavator-mounted and automation; and (ii) digitization and networking.
dust suppression system that exhibited about 30 times higher perfor
mance than the existing sprinkler system in terms of functionality and 5.1.1. Mechanization and automation for managing the pollutants at the
economic efficiency. Zuo et al. (2017) used the norm activation model to construction sites
analyze the relationship between managers’ sense of responsibility Mechanization and automation refer to the use of technologies
(recognition of the occurrence of dust and recognition of dust as an developed for the purpose of minimizing human labor. Mechanization
inconvenience, etc.) and dust reduction at the construction site and technology (e.g., robots) can assist or replace humans in the perfor
suggested that the manager’s sense of responsibility for dust reduction mance of tasks, whereas automation technology can automatically
be increased to reduce the dust in construction sites. Some previous perform specified tasks based on algorithms or manuals (Sobotka and
studies developed or analyzed personal protective equipment to reduce Pacewicz, 2017; Ezral et al., 2011). The mechanization and automation
the local-level pollutants to which workers are exposed (Ang et al., 2017; technologies below can be used to manage the local-level pollutants.
Edelson et al., 2009; Neitzel and Seixas, 2005; Adhikari et al., 2018).
Ang et al. (2017) developed an ear-cup made of new materials that • Drone (Li and Liu, 2019; Ham and Kamari, 2019; Entrop and Vase
lowered the noise exposure by 8.6− 12 dB compared to the existing nev, 2017): Construction sites, in which various elements exist in a
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
needed to comprehensively and immediately check the local-level 5.2.2. Evaluation of the environmental impact considering multiple local
pollutants, which vary from time to time (Hong et al., 2020). community members
Furthermore, the monitoring system of hazardous pollutants, that Previous studies evaluated the environmental impact on the local
can measure various pollutants with an integrated device, and that community members from three perspectives, as follows: (i) health
allows the measurement results to be provided to any member of the perspective (Roberts et al., 2018; Pelegrin et al., 2015; Su et al., 2013;
local community in real-time anytime, anywhere, should be applied Bello et al., 2019; Chong et al., 2018; Cheng et al., 2017; Paschalidou
at construction sites. For example, Kang et al. (Kang et al. (2020)) et al., 2016; Sitalakshmi et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2020); (ii) economic
developed the real-time integrated monitoring system called perspective (Shah and Pataskar, 2019; Zhaoguang et al., 2019; Hummer
“Monitoring for Noise, Vibration, and Dust (MONVID)” to monitor et al., 2017); and (iii) psychological perspective (Liu et al., 2017; Lee
the current levels of hazardous pollutants (i.e., noise, vibration, and et al., 2015; Woodcock et al., 2016; Wong-McSweeney et al., 2016b;
dust) in real-time. Furthermore, the wireless-network-based MON Newman et al., 2017). In these studies, however, an individual evalua
VID transmits information on measured pollutants level to the cloud tion (i.e., the impact on specific local community members from a
in real-time so that the local community members can check and particular perspective) was made, and the evaluation from the health
manage it anytime, anywhere. and economic perspectives of the local residents was still insufficient.
• Establishment of measurement methods: The measurement methods Therefore, a technology capable of evaluating the local-level pollutants
(installation location, sensor types, measurement interval, etc.) for for all the local community members needs to be devised to consider all
the local-level pollutants that occur at construction sites vary among the local community members who sustained damages due to the
the previous studies (Blair et al., 2018; Shah and Pataskar, 2019; local-level pollutants occurring at construction sites. Accordingly, there
Wichers et al., 2018), posing limitations in comparing the results of is a need for various application strategies to take into account multiple
the studies. Therefore, the measurement method of local-level pol local community members who suffer different environmental impacts
lutants that can be applied to construction sites should be established as the pollutants are managed at the construction site. The application
to efficiently monitor the pollutants at a construction site and to strategies for effectively using the environmental-impact evaluation
manage hazardous pollutants based on the results. In addition, system are as follows: (i) establishment of a multi-perspective evaluation
because the local-level pollutants can be discharged differently system; and (ii) development of an integrated evaluation index.
depending on the conditions of construction sites, the measurement
method needs to be designed to accurately monitor the local-level • Establishment of multi-perspective evaluation: To quantitatively eval
pollutants occurring at a construction site based on the monitoring uate the damage that the local community members sustain due to
data on the local-level pollutants collected from many construction the local-level pollutants, the damage items that each member sus
sites. tains (workers: health and productivity perspectives; local residents:
• Visualization of monitoring data: In the previous studies, monitoring health, and economic perspectives; etc.) should first be defined. After
data were presented using numerical values even when they were the damage items caused by the local-level pollutants are defined, an
backed up after completing the measurement of the local-level pol evaluation method for each item should be developed. For example,
lutants, or after they were confirmed in real-time. This means that the previous studies predicted the spread patterns of the construction
the monitoring data were not utilized in real-time, and accurate noise and dust from a construction site to the local residents, and the
recognition was difficult to even when they were used in real-time. health impact of construction noise and dust exposure on the local
Therefore, the monitoring data should be visualized to enable the residents was quantified using the disability-adjusted life years
local community members to more intuitively recognize the local- (DALY) metric (Jung et al., 2019, 2020). In the future, it will be
level pollutants in real-time, and respond to these. In addition, it is necessary to develop a technology for evaluating the environmental
necessary to provide a warning alarm for the hazard level of impact with no quantitative evaluation method among the envi
pollutant emissions. For example, in the MONVID’s software, a ronmental impacts on the local community members due to their
graphical user interface (GUI) was devised to provide tables and exposure to the local-level pollutants from construction sites.
graphs based on the data built in the cloud, and to facilitate the • Development of an integrated evaluation index: For the effective man
understanding of the environmental performance at the construction agement of the local-level pollutants, the evaluation results for each
site. In addition, the GUI was designed to sound a warning alarm member need to be integrated into one evaluation index. In other
when the level of pollutants exceeds the regulation standard. In the words, one monitoring value for the local-level pollutants should be
future, research intended to visualize the spread of pollutants on a calculated as one evaluation result (considering the impact on all the
map using the geographic information system (GIS) should be con local community members) to represent the level of environmental
ducted to allow local residents to intuitively identify the amount of sustainability of the construction site. By benchmarking the previous
pollutants to which they are exposed (Lee and Hong, 2019; Hong studies that integrated the results from various perspectives (Tugnoli
et al., 2014b; Khan et al., 2018). As suggested in Chapter 5.1, et al., 2008; Hendiani and Bagherpour, 2019; Li et al., 2010), future
research can also be carried out to visualize the pollutants with the research should develop an integrated evaluation index. Further
use of new technologies like AR (Yeom et al., 2020a; Li et al., 2018b; more, based on the developed integrated evaluation index, a rating
Azuma et al., 2001; Tavares et al., 2019; Yeom et al., 2020b). system can be built from the perspective of environmental sustain
ability (Zarghami et al., 2019; Talinli et al., 2005).
As shown in Fig. 6, ultimately, the real-time monitoring system can
be applied to construction sites as follows. First of all, the real-time in As shown in Fig. 7, ultimately, the multi-perspective evaluation
tegrated monitoring devices (e.g., MONVID) should be installed at system of hazardous pollutants can be realized as follows. Monitoring or
construction sites in accordance with the established measurement prediction values for hazardous pollutant levels should be used as input
methods. The monitoring devices measure the level of hazardous pol data for this evaluation system. The level of hazardous pollutants is
lutants (noise, vibration, and dust) arising from various construction evaluated from each perspective of each local community member, and
equipment and workers’ tasks, and transmit the monitoring data to a transformed into individual indices with the same scale. Finally, the
cloud server through a wireless sensor network. Finally, local commu result of integrating all individual indices can be defined as an inte
nity members can monitor and manage the level of hazardous pollutants grated evaluation index. Based on the integrated evaluation index, the
from construction sites in real-time by accessing visualized data on local community members can quantitatively evaluate the impact of
hazardous pollutants in the cloud server. hazardous pollutants on members of construction sites, and decide
whether to apply improvement measures.
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
5.2.3. Improvement of the environmental performance of construction sites solutions that can be primarily applied should be selected through
Several previous studies proposed a method of reducing the amount the qualitative items in the list (target pollutants, application re
of local-level pollutants. These studies, however, focused only on quirements, etc.). Second, the optimal improvement solution is
reducing the levels of local-level pollutants; the negative impacts on the selected through the quantitative items on the list. Meanwhile, the
local community members from other perspectives were not considered impact of the application of the improvement solution corresponding
(Chi et al., 2017; Wong-McSweeney et al., 2016b; Newman et al., 2017; to the quantitative item on the local community members varies
Ning et al., 2019; Yi et al., 2018; Nakashima et al., 2013; Park et al., from one person to another. For example, when a specific improve
2009; Alvanchi et al., 2020; Li et al., 2019a; Xing et al., 2018; Summers ment solution is applied to the construction site, it can have a posi
and Parmigiani, 2015; Van Deurssen et al., 2014; Wallace and Cheung, tive impact on the local residents in terms of health, but it can have a
2013). Therefore, an improvement technology that considers the dam negative impact on construction firms in terms of cost. Therefore, to
age from other perspectives that occurs due to the reduction of the consider all the local community members, the optimal improvement
local-level pollutants is needed to reduce the local-level pollutants that solution should be selected through multi-objective optimization. In
occur at construction sites effectively. Along with a consideration of the this case, the multi-objective optimization techniques used in the
impacts from various perspectives, there is a need to develop an construction industry can be benchmarked (Hong et al., 2019b;
improvement technology capable of taking into account the conditions Jeong et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2020). Therefore, a decision support
of the construction site and managing the pollutants so that they do not tool selecting the optimal improvement solution should be developed
exceed regulation standards. The application strategies for effectively in the future using multi-objective optimization.
determining the improvement solution for reducing the hazardous pol
lutants at the local community are as follows: (i) establishment of an As shown in Fig. 8, ultimately, a decision support tool for increasing
improvement solution list; and (ii) determination of an optimal environmental sustainability and minimizing the impacts of hazardous
improvement solution. pollutants on the local community members can be utilized as follows.
First, users of the system can select the local community members to be
• Establishment of an improvement solution list: To determine the suitable considered and hazardous pollutants to be improved. Then, among the
improvement solutions considering the various conditions of con applicable improvement solutions considering the conditions of con
struction sites, there is a need to make a list of improvement solutions struction sites, two improvement solutions are proposed: (i) user-
based on the previous studies. The list can be made up of qualitative selected solution that reflects users’ preference; and (ii) system-
items (characteristics of the improvement solution) and quantitative optimized solution for multi-objective optimization in the system. The
items (influence of the application of the improvement solution on system calculated integrated evaluation indices proposed in chapter
the local community members), and it allows the local community 5.2.2 for three cases: (i) current condition; (ii) user-selected solution
members to select their preferred improvement solution. Besides, applied condition; and (iii) system-optimized solution applied condi
future research should develop the additional improvement solutions tion. Finally, by applying the solution with the highest integrated
required based on the analysis of the existing list. evaluation index on construction sites, users will be able to not only
• Determination of the optimal improvement solution: There is a need to increase environmental sustainability but also minimize the impact of
develop a decision support tool to select improvement solutions that hazardous pollutants on the local community members.
have the most significant positive effect on the local community
members. This decision support tool can determine the optimal
improvement solution in two stages. First, the improvement
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
Fig. 7. Evaluation of the environmental impact considering multiple local community members.
6. Open-research challenges for environmental sustainability at environmental sustainability in the entire local community. Further
the local level in the construction industry more, the local community members living in a green environment can
be positively affected in terms of their health and quality of life.
In Chapter 5, various new technologies that could be introduced in The open-research challenges to be performed in the future to ulti
the construction site were selected, and strategies for the application of mately achieve environmental sustainability at the local level in the
the management technologies for hazardous pollutants at the site are construction industry are divided into two categories: (i) development of
presented under three categories (monitoring, evaluation, and an intelligent system for automatically managing the hazardous pol
improvement). Fig. 9 shows the future blueprint that achieves envi lutants from construction sites; and (ii) management of civil complaints
ronmental sustainability for the local community in the construction about hazardous pollutants filed by the residents in the local
industry by integrating the new technologies and application strategies community.
into one system based on cloud networking. This system is capable of
effectively managing the hazardous pollutants that occur at construction
sites, thereby helping create a green environment and achieve
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
6.1. Development of an intelligent system for automatically managing the in Chapter 5.2. First, the real-time monitoring of hazardous pollutants
hazard pollutants from construction sites on the same measurement methods can inform local community mem
bers of the necessity to improve environmental sustainability through
This study suggests the adoption of new innovative technologies for comparison with the regulation of pollutants. Second, the multi-
achieving environmental sustainability in the local community and perspective evaluation of hazardous pollutants that takes into accout
subdivides the significant phases of the sustainable construction tech the key impact factors (e.g., types of the local community members,
nologies into the following three phases: (i) monitoring; (ii) evaluation; evaluation targets, evaluation objectives, etc.) can assess the environ
and (iii) improvement. These main phases are capable of providing the mental sustainability and impact of construction sites in a comprehen
following positive results for environmental sustainability, as discussed sive manner, not simply monitoring the levels of pollutants. Third, the
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
optimal improvement solution of hazardous pollutants determined by management system, called “i-Environment”, so as to assure optimal
multi-object optimization considering all different environmental im environmental performance at the construction site (refer to Fig. 10).
pacts on the local community members can enhance the environmental Fig. 10 shows the proposed framework for developing the i-Envi
sustainability for the local community while ensuring that pollutants do ronment, which can be integrated into the aforementioned three phases
not exceed regulations. (monitoring, evaluation, and improvement) and considers the various
As a result, to achieve environmental sustainability with the afore factors in the construction site. The framework consists of the following
mentioned positive results through the sustainable management of the six steps: five steps for system development and one step for system
construction environment at the local level, this study suggests the application.
future direction of system integration (i.e., the development of an in
tegrated management system based on new technologies for monitoring, • Step I: Analysis of the key factors (equipment, materials, weather,
evaluation, and improvement). This study provides a systematic etc.) affecting the levels of hazardous pollutants (noise, vibration,
framework for developing an automated intelligent environment and dust) at the construction site
J. Hong et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123804
• Step II: Development and establishment of a real-time integrated for the construction of big data on them. With the use of big data, several
monitoring system of hazardous pollutants at the construction site prediction models are developed considering the types of input data,
• Step III: Development of an evaluation algorithm for the hazardous data preprocessor, and classifier, and then the optimal prediction model
pollutants considering the multiple local community members with the best prediction performance is selected. Finally, the optimal
(construction firms, workers, and local residents) and various per prediction should undergo improvement to achieve better prediction
spectives (health, economy, psychology, etc.), based on the data performance, through reinforcement learning with new data. This
collected from the developed real-time integrated monitoring system optimal prediction model can be used to more accurately predict civil
• Step IV: Establishment of an optimal improvement solution for the complaints and to take measures to prevent them based on the predic
hazardous pollutants at the construction site using machine learning tion results. That is, the use of the optimal prediction model can not only
and multi-objective optimization manage civil complaints effectively but also enhance the environmental
• Step V: Integration of the developed monitoring, evaluation, and and social sustainability.
improvement systems of hazardous pollutants for effective environ Second, to avoid unnecessary conflicts between a construction firm
mental management at the construction site and the local residents, the construction firm should pay compensation
• Step VI: Application of the developed integrated management system for the damages that the local community members sustained due to the
to construction sites, and its feasibility assessment for achieving hazardous pollutants from the construction site. It is difficult to pay
environmental sustainability in the local community differentiated compensation, however, due to the inability to quantify
the health damage (i.e., exposure degree), which varies depending on
the location of the local community members since the fact that pol
6.2. Management of civil complaints about hazardous pollutants filed by lutants spread differently according to the geographical and atmo
the residents in the local community spheric features. In addition, the degree of health damage to the local
community varies depending on the building characteristics, such as the
To achieve environmental sustainability in the local community number of building residents and their living patterns. Therefore,
through the automatic management of hazardous pollutants in the compensation indicators should be systematically established to enable
construction industry, a framework for developing an i-Environment is the payment of appropriate compensation for a situation. If a criterion
proposed in Chapter 6.1. Despite the fact that the use of an intelligent for paying differentiated compensation is systematically established as a
management system makes it possible to manage the hazardous pol compensation indicator, a system can be provided to quantify the health
lutants emitted from the construction site in real-time, the local resi damage that the local community members sustain, and thus to assist in
dents can still feel uncomfortable and file civil complaints about such the decision-making process related to the compensation payment. In
hazardous pollutants. This conflict can be resolved through mutual addition, the estimation of a reasonable compensation using the afore
consultation. In severe cases, however, construction projects may be mentioned indicator is expected to prevent unnecessary conflicts, and
suspended, or enormous compensation costs can cause construction thus to enable construction firms and local residents to maintain a
firms to suffer economic damage. Therefore, not only the management friendly relationship and to reduce the social costs incurred from
of the physical environment but also the resolution and management of conflicts.
the civil complaints unexpectedly filed for various reasons due to the
hazardous pollutants is important to achieve the complete success of the 7. Conclusion
local community in terms of environmental sustainability. To effectively
manage the civil complaints about construction pollutants filed by the With the extensive attention of the related scholars and the various
local residents, the following two categories should be developed: (i) stakeholders in the construction industry worldwide, new devices and
prediction and prevention of civil complaints; and (ii) systemization of innovative technologies have been developed in such industry. As the
compensation indicators for civil complaints. management technologies for environmental sustainability at the local
First, the accurate prediction and prevention of civil complaints is level, however, are still at an early stage, this research team recognized
the best way to manage them. There are limitations, however, in pre that a new insight into the future research direction in the construction
dicting civil complaints because civil complaints are filed under the industry needs to be suggested.
influence of various factors (amount of hazardous pollutants, charac As such, through a systematic review of 1,707 relevant literature,
teristics of the local residents, etc.). In this regard, this study sought to this study suggested future research roadmap to achieve environmental
propose a method of developing an optimal model capable of accurately sustainability for the local community by effectively managing the
predicting civil complaints. First, the quantitative factors related to civil hazardous pollutants from construction sites. Through a systematic re
complaints (amount of hazardous pollutants, the distance between the view, the research interests and trends as well as the existing
local residents and a construction site, weather, etc.) should be defined
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