2 18 2 7 Access Control Procedure
2 18 2 7 Access Control Procedure
2 18 2 7 Access Control Procedure
Approved: TITLE: Access Control Procedure
Information Security Officer Date
Organization Responsible for Interpretation:
Information Security
The purpose of this procedure is to establish direction and requirements for access to New York
State Department of Transportation (hereafter NYSDOT) data, information and systems. To
preserve the integrity, confidentiality and availability of NYSDOT’s information assets, NYSDOT
will use logical and physical access control mechanisms commensurate with the value,
sensitivity, consequences of loss or compromise, legal requirements and ease of recovery of
those assets.
This procedure applies to all data, information and systems owned or operated by NYSDOT at
all locations with access to NYSDOT systems. It applies to all vendors, contractors,
subcontractors, consultants, sub-consultants, staff augmentation consultants, volunteers,
individuals doing research, student interns, temporary employees, and other persons including
those Users affiliated with third parties and other organizations that access NYSDOT data,
information and systems. Throughout this procedure, the words Information User and User will
be used to collectively refer to all such individuals.
Access to data, information and systems will be granted only when a legitimate business need
has been demonstrated, access has been approved in advance by the Information Owner, and
all applicable policies, procedures and requirements have been complied with. When a User no
longer has a need for system access by reason of job reassignment, retirement, termination of
contract, end of project, etc. all system privileges must cease, and access to information must
likewise cease.
User privileges must be defined so Users cannot gain access to, or otherwise interfere with, the
individual activities of other Users or any data that the Information Owner has not specifically
authorized access to for that User.
The principle of least privilege requires that a User be given no more privilege than
necessary to perform an authorized job or task. Ensuring least privilege requires identifying
what the User's job is, determining the minimum set of privileges required to perform that
job, and restricting the User to those privileges and nothing more. Privileges should be
granted only for the timeframe required for the job. The principle of least privilege will be
employed requiring that access control permissions for all systems must be set to a default
which blocks access by unauthorized Users, and every information system privilege which
has not been specifically allowed is forbidden.
Manual: Administrative Policies & Procedures Code: Date: 10/12/2005 Page 2
Whenever a business process involves sensitive or critical information, the system must
include controls involving a separation of duties or other compensating control measures.
These control measures must ensure that no one individual has exclusive control over these
types of information assets or functions related to them. An example of a lack of separation
of duties is where a single person has control of issuing checks and maintaining the financial
transaction history data.
When the Acceptable Use Procedure, MAP, is fully approved and implemented, all
Users requiring authorization to use NYSDOT data, information and systems that are
connected to NYSDOT internal networks will be required to sign an Acceptable Use
Agreement prior to being issued a user-ID. The User’s signature will indicate the involved
User understands and agrees to abide by all policies, directions and procedures related to
computers, networks, applications and data that NYSDOT issues.
All outside parties with access to NYSDOT data, information and systems must refrain from
disclosing any information deemed non-Public by NYSDOT. For outside parties employed
under a contract, purchase order, or agreement, a standard Information Security
Confidentiality Clause will be included in all agreements, contracts, and purchase orders
between NYSDOT and the outside party being granted access to NYSDOT data, information
and systems. A written Non-Disclosure Agreement will be used for all individuals or entities
that are providing services to NYSDOT (requiring access to confidential data) but are not
under contract with NYSDOT. Examples of persons providing services to NYSDOT who are
not under contract would include student interns, volunteers, instructors, professors, guest
speakers, and members of professional organizations. (Refer to NYSDOT Non-Disclosure
A number of local, state and federal agencies, authorities, consortiums and other NYSDOT
business partners routinely share data with NYSDOT. These outside entities will be required
to enter into a Use and Dissemination Agreement with NYSDOT when the Use and
Dissemination Procedure, MAP is fully approved and implemented. In the
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Information about security measures for computer systems, networks, applications and
information is confidential and should not be released to anyone who is not an authorized
User of the systems involved unless the permission of the Information Security Officer (ISO)
has first been obtained.
Access control is any mechanism to provide access to data. For computer access, a User
must first log in to a system, using an appropriate authentication method. The access
control mechanism controls what operations the User may or may not perform by
comparing the user-ID to an access control list.
Access control procedures are the methods and mechanisms used by Information Owners to
approve permission for Users to access data, information and systems.
A system shall be defined as an interconnected set of information resources under the same
direct management control that shares common functionality. A system may include
hardware, software, information, data, applications or communications infrastructure.
Individual accountability is required when accessing all New York State and NYSDOT
electronic resources. Access to computer systems and networks must be provided using
individually assigned unique computer identifiers, known as user-IDs. Individuals who use
Manual: Administrative Policies & Procedures Code: Date: 10/12/2005 Page 4
New York State computer resources must only access resources to which he or she is
authorized. Associated with each user-ID is an authentication token, such as a password,
which must be used to authenticate the person accessing the data, information or system.
Passwords must be treated as confidential information, and must not be disclosed. Each
individual is responsible to reasonably protect against unauthorized activities performed
under their user-ID.
Information Owners are responsible for determining who should have access to protected
resources and what those access privileges will be (read, update, etc.). These access
privileges will be granted in accordance with the Information User’s job responsibilities.
Information Owners may delegate administrative responsibility but are ultimately
accountable for the information. (Refer to MAP Information Security Roles and
Responsibilities Policy).
User Managers have a pivotal roll in the security of NYSDOT information. It is the
responsibility of User Managers to document and request system access on behalf of
Information Users when access is required in the performance of duties. It is the
responsibility of the User Manager to request the User’s access be revoked in the event of a
change in job responsibilities or status of an Information User. (Refer to MAP
Information Security Roles and Responsibilities Policy).
The Information Security Liaison serves as a primary point of contact between their
Program Areas and the ISO on informational and operational security issues. Each Program
Area and Region must assign the role of Information Security Liaison. These responsibilities
may be fulfilled by the IT Coordinator or IT Manager. The Information Security Liaison shall
validate requests for User access to data, information and systems from supervisors or
managers and authenticate the requestor. The Information Security Liaison will also
provide information security support for their constituents and provide feedback to the ISO
regarding problems with policy and security issues. (Refer to MAP Information
Security Roles and Responsibilities Policy).
All computers connected to the NYSDOT network must have an authentication mechanism
such as a user-ID and password for access control. Multi-user systems must employ user-
IDs and passwords unique to each User, as well as User privilege restriction mechanisms.
All workstations whether connected to the network or not, must employ hardware or
software controls approved by the ISO and implemented by the system administrator that
prevent unauthorized access.
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All Users must be positively identified prior to being able to use any data, information or
system. Positive identification for internal networks involves both a user-ID and a
password, both of which are unique to an individual User.
Users must not use the same user-ID or password that they use for access to NYSDOT
systems and information to access non-NYSDOT systems, including any Internet accounts.
If NYSDOT participates in the New York State Directory Service (NYSDS), the User’s
NYSDOT or NYeNET user-ID and password will be accepted by the other participating
The log-in process for network-connected computer systems must simply ask the User to
log-in, providing prompts as needed. Specific information about the organization managing
the computer, the computer operating system, the network configuration, or other internal
matters must not be provided until a User has successfully provided both a valid user-ID
and a valid password. If any part of the log-in sequence is incorrect, the User must not be
given any information about the source of the problem but simply be informed that the
attempt failed.
Each user-ID must be unique and forever connected solely with the User to whom it was
assigned. After a User is removed, there must not be any re-use of the involved user-ID.
Every user-ID and related password is intended for the exclusive use of a specific individual.
While user-IDs can be communicated in electronic mail messages and in other places,
passwords must never be shared with anyone (IT support staff have their own access
privileges and will never need to obtain a User's password). A User may have more than
one user-ID and password combination if access to multiple security systems is required for
the Users assignments.
All production information system user-IDs must have an associated password or a stronger
mechanism (such as a dynamic password token) to ensure that only the authorized User is
able to utilize the user-ID. Users are responsible for all activity that takes place with their
user-ID and password (or other authentication mechanism). Users must immediately
change their password if they suspect that it has been discovered or used by another
Likewise, Users must notify the Help Desk if they suspect that these mechanisms have been
compromised. User-IDs may not be utilized by anyone but the individuals to whom they
have been issued. Users must not allow others to perform any activity with their user-IDs.
Similarly, Users are forbidden from performing any activity with IDs belonging to other
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Portable, laptop, notebook, palmtop, and other transportable computers must not store,
contain or utilize any confidential or sensitive information unless protected by the standard
login process as described above. Users are responsible for the physical security of these
devices and the protection of information stored on them.
Whenever non-public information is written to a floppy disk, magnetic tape, smart card, or
other storage media, the storage media must be suitably marked with the highest relevant
sensitivity classification. When not in use, this media must be stored in a secure location.
Controls must be in place to prevent confidential or sensitive information from being viewed
by unauthorized personnel. The User must ensure that confidential material is printed on a
properly secured printer or one attended to by a person authorized to view the material.
Users must NOT establish electronic bulletin boards, local area networks, FTP servers, web
servers, or modem connections to existing local area networks or other multi-user systems
for communicating information without the specific approval of the ISO. Only designated
Office of Information Services staff with special privileges may establish these types of
Before computer storage media is sent to a vendor for trade-in, servicing, or disposal, all
sensitive information must be destroyed or concealed according to methods approved by
the Information Security Officer.
Information Owners establish access conventions for the revocation of User access
privileges to the data they own. The Owner’s designee will use these conventions to grant
and revoke User privileges on behalf of the Owner.
User Managers must promptly report all significant changes in a User’s duties or
employment status that result in changes to access privileges using the computer account
administration process. For all terminations, a designated organization such as Human
Resources must also notify the ISO who will monitor the removal of User access to all data,
information and systems to assure compliance.
User Managers must reevaluate the system privileges granted to Users every twelve (12)
months. In the event that access requirements of the user have changed, the User
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Manager must modify the User’s access as detailed in the computer account administration
When a User leaves, both computer-resident files and paper/manual files must be promptly
reviewed by his or her immediate manager to determine who should become the custodian
of such files, and/or the appropriate methods to be used for file disposal. The User Manager
must then promptly reassign the computer User's duties as well as specifically delegate
responsibility for the files formerly assigned to that User.
User-IDs which have not seen any activity for a period of three months will have their
privileges automatically revoked. Users who come back from an extended vacation,
temporary reassignment or a leave of absence must have their manager reestablish their
If there has been no activity on a workstation for twenty (20 minutes), the system must
automatically blank the screen and suspend the session. Re-establishment of the session
must take place only after the User has provided a valid password.
Difficult-To-Guess Passwords
To minimize the likelihood of compromise, Users must choose passwords that are difficult to
guess. This means that passwords must NOT be related to one's job or personal life. For
example, a car license plate number, a child's name, job/hobby or fragments of an address
must not be used. This also means passwords must not be a word found in the dictionary
or some other part of speech. For example, proper names, places, technical terms, and
slang must not be used.
Password Constraints
To ensure good password management, the following password standards must be
implemented on all NYSDOT platforms when technically feasible:
password must not be the same as the user-ID;
password length minimum of eight (8) characters;
strong passwords including alpha and numeric characters;
maximum password age 90 days;
minimum password age seven (7) days except for initial passwords which must be
changed at the first logon;
password uniqueness (history) - 12;
lock out account after a specified number of failed log-on attempts - 6 invalid
password lockout duration - forever, or until reset by an authorized person;
Password Management
Passwords, access control lists and other access control information must always be
encrypted in storage or when transmitted over networks. Controls must be in place to
prevent the unauthorized retrieval and use of stored passwords and access control
Initial passwords issued to a new User must be valid only for the new User's first on-line
session. At that time, the User must be forced to choose another password. This same
process applies to the resetting of passwords in the event that a User forgets a password.
Users must not share their individually assigned account password with anyone, including
their manager or co-workers. Instead, Users must employ ISO approved, authorized
mechanisms to share information such as local server shared directories, electronic mail,
intranet pages, or floppy disks.
The display and printing of passwords must be masked, suppressed, or otherwise obscured
so that unauthorized parties will not be able to observe or subsequently recover them.
Users are responsible for establishing passwords for all applications and systems software
that comply with NYSDOT’s password standards.
Password resets may only take place after the requester has been properly authenticated.
The ISO must approve all methods of requester authentication and password
communication. To obtain a new or changed password, a User must go through the
prescribed authentication and password reset process. After the password has been reset,
the User must log in and change the password at the first opportunity.
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After a password has been changed, an email notification must be sent to the User. The
User must contact Information Security immediately if the reset was not initiated by the
The following standards prevent access to production data by unauthorized personnel and
improve the integrity of applications.
Application Development
Prior to moving software to production status, programmers and other technical staff must
remove all special access paths so that access may only be obtained via normal secured
channels. This means that all trap doors and other short-cuts that could be used to
compromise security must be removed. Likewise, all system privileges needed for
development efforts, but not required for normal production activities, must be removed.
All the User-level and administrative-level access controls required by information security
policies and procedures must be established and enabled before production information
systems can be placed into operation.
Migration Control
A methodology must be implemented for an orderly and controlled migration of software
from the development environment, through the test environment and ultimately to the
production platforms. Application development staff must not have the ability to move any
software directly into the production processing environment. Controls must be in place to
prevent the migration of unauthorized application code into the production environment.
The ISO will prepare regular reports for management regarding security access issues,
incidents, status, degree of compliance, changes and initiatives and other relevant events.
What to Report
Any security incidents including unauthorized access or attempts, theft or disclosure of
passwords or access controls, any loss, alteration or suspected disclosure of data or any
violation of security policies, procedures and standards must be promptly reported to the
NYSDOT Help Desk.
Non-compliance with these and other information security requirements can result in loss of
access to data, information and systems. Disciplinary action up to and including termination
and other civil and criminal penalties as may be applicable.
New York State Information Security Policy – Cyber Security Policy P03-002
Information Security Policy, MAP
Non-Disclosure Procedure, MAP
Information Security Roles and Responsibilities Policy, MAP
Privileged Access Procedure, MAP
Disciplinary Procedure, MAP 4.8-2
Removal of Computer Accounts, Bulletin B-04-G 042
Connecting to the NYSDOT Network, Bulletin B-04-G 053
Password Security, Bulletin B-05-G 175