Rules of Procedure of The 11th Parliament

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SUPPLEMENT No. 18 14th May, 2021


to The Uganda Gazette No. 42, Volume CXIV, dated 14th May, 2021
Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government.


2021 No. 30.



Part I
1. Short title
2. Interpretation

Part II
Oaths, Elections, General Authority of Speaker,
Suspension of Rules, Whips and Related Matters
3. Oath of Member
4. Language
5. Election of Speaker
6. Election of Deputy Speaker
7. General Authority of the Speaker
8. Procedure in case not provided for and
9. Sitting arrangement in the House
10. Presence of President in the House
11. Parliamentary Commissioners
12. Election of Members of the East African
Legislative Assembly
13. Election of Members of Pan African
14. Role and functions of the Leader of the
15. Whips
16. Suspension of Rules

Part III
Meetings, Sittings and Adjournment of the House
17. Meetings
18. Emergency meetings
19. Sittings of the House
20. Suspension of sittings and recall of House
from adjournment
21. Request for recall of Parliament from
22. Public holidays
23. Sittings of the House to be public
24. Quorum of Parliament

Part IV
Order of Business

25. Order of Business

26. Procedure of Business
27. Order Paper to be sent in advance to
28. Statement of business by Leader of
Government Business
29. Weekly Order Paper

Part V
30. Petitions

Part VI

31. Laying of Papers

32. Mode of Laying of Papers

Part VII
Presentation of Reports of Parliamentary
Delegations Abroad

33. Laying of Reports of parliamentary

delegations abroad
34. Laying of Committee field reports
35. Laying of the Reports by Leader of
36. Laying of records of debates, Bills and Acts
of the East African Legislative Assembly
37. Laying of the Resolutions of the Pan
African Parliament
38. Laying of the decisions of the African
39. Laying of Reports by the Commission

Treaties, Protocols and International

40. Presentation of treaties, protocols

or international agreements before

Part IX
Prime Minister’s Time, Questions to Ministers
and Other Members

41. Prime Minister’s Time

42. Questions to Ministers
43. Questions to Chairpersons and the
44. Conditions for admissibility of questions
45. Questions for oral answer
46. Order of oral questions to be determined
by lot
47. Manner of asking and answering questions
48. Supplementary Questions
49. Notice of urgent questions
50. Ministers to attend the House to answer
51. Rota of questions

Part X
Statements by Ministers, Members and Personal

52. Statements by Ministers

53. Statements by the Leader of the Opposition
54. Statements by Members
55. Personal Explanations

Part XI
Motions and Amendments to Motions

56. Notice of Motions

57. Oral notice of Motions
58. Amendment of notices of Motion
59. Motion without notice
60. Seconding of Motions
61. Amendments to Motions
62. Withdrawal of Motions
63. Manner of debating Motions
64. Adjournment Motion: Definite matter of
urgent public importance
65. Motion for adjournment of debate (Dilatory
66. Debate interrupted by adjournment of the
67. Half Hour Motions
68. Motion with regard to settlement of
financial matters
69. Motions to amend Rules

Part XII
Rules of Debate
70. Time and manner of speaking
71. Close of debate
72. Contents of a speech
73. Sub-judice Rule
74. Scope of debate
75. Newspapers, periodicals not to be read in
the House
76. Reading of Speeches by Members
77. Speaker not to participate in debate
78. Interruption of debate
79. Motion that a Member no longer be heard
80. Anticipation
81. Motion for closure of debate

Behaviour of Members During Debate

82. Dress Code

83. Behaviour of Members in the House
84. Use of unparliamentary language
85. General behaviour
Part XIV
Order in the House

86. Chair to be heard in silence

87. Decision of the Speaker or Chairperson
88. Order in the House
89. Naming and suspension of Members
90. A Member suspended to withdraw from
91. Defamatory statements to be investigated
by Committee on Rules, Privileges and
92. Powers of the Speaker to adjourn the
House or suspend sitting

Part XV
Voting IN the House

93. Questions to be decided by majority

94. Declaration of personal interest in any
matter before the House
95. Ex-officio Members of Parliament
96. Voting in the House
97. Voice voting
98. Secret vote
99. Roll call and tally
100. Electronic voting
101. Division
102. Division by Speaker
103. Special consideration for Members with
104. Voting in error
105. Equality of votes

Part XVI
Votes of Censure and Removal from Office

106. Votes of censure and removal from office

107. Removal of the President under article 107
of the Constitution
108. Procedure for the removal of Speaker or
Deputy Speaker
109. Vote of censure against Ministers
110. Removal of a Commissioner
111. Other Provisions relating to the removal of
a person from office

Leave of Absence

112. Leave of absence

113. Leave of absence in Committees
114. Attendance of Sittings by Minister

Form, Publication and Introduction of Bills

115. Form of Bills

116. Subject matter of Bills
117. Bills to be published in Gazette
118. Certificate of financial implications
119. Urgent Bills
120. Bills to be delivered to Clerk for distribution
to Members
121. Private Members’ Bills
122. Procedure for Private Members’ Bills
123. Bills introduced by Committees under rule
124. Rules regarding settlement of financial
125. Bill to be read three times
126. Prohibition of Bills promoting one-party
127. Prohibition of Bills derogating from
particular human rights and freedoms

Part XIX
Progress of Bills
First Reading
128. First Reading
129. Reference of a Bill to a Committee

Part XX
Second Reading

130. Second Reading

Part XXI
Bills in Committee

131. Bills in Committee

132. Functions of a Committee of the Whole
House and Select Committee on a Bill
133. Committee of the Whole House
134. Procedure in Committee of the Whole
House on a Bill
135. Procedure in Select Committee on a Bill

Recommittal and Third Reading of a Bill

136. Report of Committee after Committee

137. Third Reading and passing of Bills
138. Recommittal of a Bill reported from
Committee of the Whole House
139. Proceedings on Bills reported from Select
140. Withdrawal of Bills
Delays With Bills

141. Delays with Bills

142. Petitions by particular persons to be heard
when a Bill affects their interest
143. Bills returned by President

The Estimates, Budget And Committee of Supply
144. Submission of Budget Framework Paper
and proposed annual budget
145. Consideration of the Budget Framework
146. Policy statements
147. Alternative policy statements
148. Submission of the proposed annual budget
149. Consideration of the reports on Policy
Statements and the proposed annual budget

150. Consideration of Bills operationalising the
collection of taxes
151. Committee of Supply
152. Consideration of the Appropriation Bill
153. Consideration of supplementary estimates
154. Rules governing Committee of Supply
when considering annual or supplementary
155. Consideration of loans and guarantees

Part XXV
Committees of Parliament
156. Committees of Parliament
157. Standing Committees and Sectoral
158. Standing Committees
159. General Functions of Committees of
160. Representation on Standing Committees
161. Membership of Standing Committees
162. Vacancy on Standing Committees
163. Composition of Committee on Appointments
164. Chairperson of Committee on
165. Meetings of Committee on Appointments

166. Quorum of Committee on Appointments
167. Functions of Committee on Appointments
168. Submission of names to the Committee on
169. Nominations not approved
170. Committee on Appointments to report to
the House
171. Report to President
172. Appeal to the House
173. Composition and Functions of the
Committee on Budget
174. Composition and functions of the
Committee on Public Accounts (Central
175. Functions of the Committee on Rules,
Privileges and Discipline
176. Composition of Business Committee
177. Functions of the Business Committee
178. Functions of the Committee on the National
179. Functions of the Government Assurance
and Implementation Committee
180. Withdrawal of assurance
181. Functions of the Committee on Public
Accounts (Commissions, Statutory
Authorities and State Enterprises)
182. Functions of the Committee on Public
Accounts (Local Government)
183. Functions of the Committee on Equal
184. Functions of the Committee on Human
Immuno-Deficiency Virus/Acquired
Immune-Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/
185. Functions of the Committee on Human
186. Functions of the Committee on Climate
187. Sectoral Committees
188. Composition of Sectoral Committees
189. Functions of Sectoral Committees
190. Select Committees

Ad-hoc Committees

191. Ad-hoc Committees

Operation of Committees Generally

192. Application of this Part

193. Rules to apply generally
194. Chairpersons of Committees
195. Removal of Chairperson or Deputy
Chairperson from office
196. Re-designation of a Chairperson
197. Quorum of Committees
198. Clerk to Committee
199. Instructions to Committees
200. Duration of Committee
201. Decisions by the Committee
202. Sub-committees of Committees
203. Meetings of Committees
204. Report to be signed by Chairperson and
205. Minority Report
206. Only Members may vote
207. Agenda and minutes of meetings
208. Special powers of Committees
209. Co-opting Members
210. Counsel
211. Evidence of witnesses
212. Examination on oath or affirmation
213. Expenses of witnesses before Committees
214. Issue and service of summons
215. Withdrawal of documents before
216. Publication of evidence before reports of
217. Admission of certain papers in evidence in
218. Time frame for Committees to report
219. Minutes of Proceedings to accompany
Committee reports
220. Action taken reports

221. Consideration of the Treasury Memoranda
222. Reconsidering a decision of the House
223. Ceremonial speeches and speeches by
distinguished personalities
224. Contempt of Parliament
225. Notice of meetings
226. Minutes
227. Records
228. Official Report
229. Expunging from the Official Record
230. Electronic Coverage of Parliamentary
231. Broadcasting
232. Custody and production of papers
233. Admission of the public and the press into
the House and Committees
234. Business of Committee not to lapse on
prorogation of the House
235. Lapse or reinstatement of parliamentary
Business upon dissolution of the House
236. Assistance to Persons with Disabilities
237. Withdrawal of Strangers
238. Adjustments in numbering in Bills
239. Employment of Members in professional
240. General application of rules to digital
parliamentary processes
241. Publication of the Rules of Procedure of

The Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of
(Under article 94(1) of the Constitution of the
Republic of Uganda)

In exercise of the powers conferred upon Parliament

by article 94(1) of the Constitution of the Republic
of Uganda, these Rules are made this 14th day of
May, 2021.

1. Short title
These Rules may be cited as the Rules of Procedure
of the Parliament of Uganda.

2. Interpretation
(1) In these Rules of Procedure, unless the
context otherwise requires—

“Arms” means fire arms;

“Bill” means the draft of an Act of Parliament

and includes both a Private Member’s
Bill and a Government Bill;
“By order of Parliament or the House” or
any expression of similar import, means
ordered by a majority decision of the

“Cabinet” means the Cabinet of Uganda

and includes the President, the Vice
President, the Prime Minister and such
number of Ministers as may appear to the
President to be reasonably necessary for
the efficient running of the State;

“Chairperson” means a person presiding over

a Committee;

“Chief Opposition Whip” means a Member

appointed by the party in opposition to
the Government and having the greatest
numerical strength in Parliament;

“Clerk” means the Clerk to Parliament, a

Deputy Clerk or any Clerk Assistant;

“Commission” means the Parliamentary

Commission established under the
Administration of Parliament Act, Cap.

“Commissioner” means a Member of the

“Committee” means a Committee of the
Whole House, a Standing Committee, a
Sectoral Committee, a Select Committee,
an Ad-hoc Committee or any other
Committee of Parliament;

“Committee of the Whole House” means a

Committee composed of the whole body
of Members of Parliament;

“Constitution” means the Constitution of the

Republic of Uganda;

“Division” means the division of Members in

the lobbies for the purpose of voting as
described in rule 101 of these Rules;

“Functions” means tasks or mandates and

includes powers and duties;

“Government Chief Whip” means a Member

appointed by the Government from
among the Members of Parliament
representing the ruling party.
“House” means a sitting of Members in the
Chamber of Parliament and Members
virtually present in the House;
“Independent Member” means a Member
elected independent of any political
organisation or political party;

“Leader of Government Business” means

the Prime Minister appointed by the
President, with the approval of Parliament
and responsible for Government Business
in the House;

“Leader of the Opposition” means the

Parliamentary leader elected by the
party in opposition having the greatest
numerical strength in Parliament and
officially announced as such by the

“Leave of Parliament or the House” or any

expression of similar import, means
permission or agreement given by the
majority of Members of the House;

“Lobby” means the covered corridor adjoining

the Chamber of Parliament and includes
any place which makes it possible to
separate Members voting for any Motion
from Members voting against;

“Meeting” means any sitting or sittings of
Parliament commencing when Parliament
first meets after being summoned at any
time and ending when Parliament is
adjourned sine die or at the conclusion of
a session;

“Member” means a Member of Parliament;

“Member virtually present in the House”

refers to a Member participating in
the proceedings of Parliament outside
the Chamber of Parliament through
a designated digital platform having
obtained leave of the Speaker and
registered with the Clerk to so appear
at least twelve hours before the
commencement of a sitting;
“Minister” means a Minister of Government
and includes a Prime Minister, a Deputy
Prime Minister, and a Minister of State;
“Motion” means a proposal made by a
Member that Parliament or a Committee
of Parliament do something, order
something to be done or express an
opinion concerning some matter;
“Official Report” means the official report
referred to in rule 228 of these Rules;
“Paper” means any document in any form that
may be laid on the Table;
“Party or Organisation” means a registered
political party or organisation that has
representation in Parliament;
“Petition” means a written prayer or plea
presented to Parliament; and includes
all similar submissions whether relating
to public or private matters of general
policy, or to redress local or personal
“Prayer” means the prayer prescribed in
Appendix A;
“Precincts of the House or Parliament”
means the Chamber, the lobbies, the
galleries and grounds of Parliament
building and such other places as the
Speaker may from time to time specify;
“Private Members Business” means Business
other than Government Business and
includes Business of opposition parties or
individual Members;
“Question” except in respect of question time
or period and a question of privileges,
means a proposal presented to Parliament
or a Committee of Parliament by the
Speaker or Chairperson for consideration
and decision or disposal in some manner;

“Recess” means a period during which the

House stands adjourned to any other day
other than the next normal sitting day;
“Sergeant-at-Arms” includes Deputy
Sergeant at-Arms and any Assistant
Sergeant at-Arms;
“Session” is a period beginning with the date
when Parliament commences to sit upon
being summoned by the President or
Speaker by proclamation under clauses
(1) and (2) of article 95 of the Constitution,
and ending with the date when it is
prorogued by the Speaker under clause
(3) of article 95 or when it is dissolved
under article 96 of the Constitution;
“Shadow cabinet” means Members of the
Opposition in Parliament appointed by the
Leader of the Opposition, in consultation
with his or her Party leadership, with
portfolios and functions that correspond
to those of Cabinet Ministers;

“Sitting” means a period during which

Parliament is sitting continuously without
adjournment and includes any period
during which it is in Committee;

“Speaker” means the Speaker of Parliament,

and includes the Deputy Speaker;

“Stranger” means a person other than the

President, Vice-President, Prime Minister,
the Speaker, a Minister, a Member, or an
officer of the House;

“Substantive Motion” means an independent

Motion of which notice is duly given but
which is neither incidental nor relating to
proceedings or order of the day already
before the House;

“Table” means the Clerk’s Table or virtual Table

designated by the Speaker from time to
time and accessible to all Members;

“Tabling” means the laying of an official
document on the Table and laying
before Parliament shall be construed

“Whip” means a Member appointed by the

leadership of a party or organisation to
look after the conduct of its Members in
relation to the Business of the House or

(2) In these Rules a reference to an ex-officio

Member of Parliament means a Vice-President
or Minister who, not being an elected Member of
Parliament is a Member by virtue of paragraph (d) of
clause (1) of article 78 of the Constitution and who
is, under that provision, not allowed to vote on any
issue requiring a vote in Parliament.

(3) Where any reference is made in these

Rules to a matter concerning the privileges of the
House, it shall be taken to be a reference to privileges
of the House within the meaning of the Parliament
(Powers and Privileges) Act, Cap. 258.

3. Oath of Member
(1) Every Member shall before formally taking
his or her seat in Parliament, take and subscribe in
a manner prescribed by law, the Oath of Allegiance
and the Oath of a Member of Parliament as specified
in the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution.
(2) Except for purposes of taking the Oaths
referred to in sub rule (1), a person shall not sit or
vote in Parliament before taking and subscribing the
(3) The Clerk shall administer the Oaths
referred to in sub rule (1) prior to the first sitting of
(4) Subsequent Oaths of Allegiance of
Members of Parliament shall be administered by the
Speaker before the House.

4. Language
The proceedings and debates of Parliament shall be
in English.
5. Election of Speaker
(1) The Speaker shall be elected by the
Members of Parliament from among their number.

(2) A person shall not be qualified to be

elected Speaker if he or she is a Vice President,
Prime Minister or a Minister.
(3) A person who publicly campaigns or causes
campaigns for his or her agent, in a manner which is
in breach of rule 85 of the Rules of Procedure of
Parliament, shall be subject to the Code of Conduct
of Members of Parliament.
(4) No Business shall be transacted in
Parliament other than an election to the office of
Speaker at any time that the office of the Speaker is
(5) The Chief Justice or a Judge designated
by the Chief Justice shall preside at an election of a
(6) A person being proposed as candidate to
the office of Speaker shall give his or her consent to
the nomination.
(7) Subject to sub rule (11), of this rule, the
election of a Speaker shall be by secret ballot.
(8) At an election of the Speaker, a person
presiding shall invite nominations from Members of
Parliament present.
(9) A Member making a nomination shall
move a Motion that “(Name)............... do take
the Chair of this Parliament ‘as the Speaker’” and
shall give a brief statement of the background and
qualifications of the nominee.
(10) Nomination shall be seconded.

(11) If only one person is nominated, he or she

shall be declared elected and conducted to the Chair.

(12) Where more than one person is

nominated, the House shall proceed to elect a Speaker.

(13) When all nominations have been received,

the person presiding shall announce that “the ballot
will now be taken”.

(14) Voting shall be in the following manner—

(a) the Clerk shall ascertain the number of

Members present;

(b) before voting commences, the person

presiding shall cause to be produced one
ballot box and cause to be demonstrated
the fact that it is empty;

(c) the person presiding shall cause to be

given to each Member of Parliament
present a ballot paper on which the
Member may record his or her vote by
writing the name of the person for whom
he or she wishes to vote and depositing it
in the ballot box;

(d) a Member who wishes to vote shall

proceed to a booth or designated area
for the purpose and located to and within
reasonable distance of the ballot box and
shall, while there, write the name of the
candidate of his or her choice, fold the
marked ballot paper and drop it in the
ballot box;

(e) on the election of a Speaker no vote may

be cast, or abstention recorded, by proxy;

(f) after all Members who wish to vote

have voted, the person presiding shall,
in full view of the Members present,

cause the Clerk to empty the ballot box
and immediately count the ballot papers
contained in it;

(g) at the completion of counting, the person

presiding shall announce the result of the
voting specifying—

(i) the total number of ballot papers

contained in the ballot box;

(ii) the total number of Members who

have abstained from voting;
(iii) the number of both spoilt and blank
ballot papers; and

(iv) the number of votes obtained by

each nominee;

(h) where two or more persons are nominated

for the office of Speaker, the person
who receives the majority of the votes
of all Members present and voting shall
be declared Speaker, and if no person
receives that majority, a second election
shall be held between the two persons
who obtained the highest number of
(i) where at any ballot between two nominees
the votes are equal, another ballot shall be
held; and

(j) where a second election has to be held

under paragraph (h) and two or more
persons receive equal votes in the
second position there shall be a ballot
to determine the person to stand in that
second election and this shall be repeated
where there are ties until one person can
be identified.

(15) The person elected Speaker shall be

conducted to the Chair.

(16) As soon as possible after the election of

the Speaker and before assuming the duties of the
office of Speaker the person elected shall, in the
manner prescribed by law, take and subscribe to the
Oath of Speaker specified in the Fourth Schedule to
the Constitution as required by article 82 (10) of the

(17) In this rule the “person presiding” means

the Chief Justice or a judge designated by the Chief
Justice under sub rule (5) of this rule.

(18) The Oath of the Speaker or Deputy
Speaker shall be administered by the President or a
person authorized by the President.

(19) The person elected Speaker shall, upon

taking the oath of Speaker, be presented with; the
Mace, the Uganda Flag, the Court of Arms, the
Speaker’s robes, the Rules of Procedure of Parliament
and the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.

6. Election of Deputy Speaker

(1) The Deputy Speaker shall be elected by the
Members of Parliament from among their number.

(2) The Speaker shall preside at an election

of the Deputy Speaker.
(3) A person shall not be qualified to be
elected as Deputy Speaker if he or she is a Vice
President, Prime Minister or a Minister.
(4) An election to the office of Deputy
Speaker shall be held at the first sitting of Parliament
after that office becomes vacant.
(5) The rules prescribed for the election
and the taking and subscribing to the oath of a
Speaker shall apply with necessary modifications, to
the election of the Deputy Speaker.
7. General Authority of the Speaker
(1) The Speaker shall preside at any sitting
of the House.

(2) The Speaker shall preserve order and

decorum in the House and shall decide questions of
order and practice.

(3) In deciding a point of order or practice,

the Speaker shall state reasons for the decision and
shall cite any rule of procedure or other applicable

(4) The Speaker may invite submissions from

Members but no debate shall ensue.
(5) The Speaker may decline debate on any
8. Procedure in case not provided for and
(1) In case of any doubt and for any question
of procedure not provided in these Rules, the Speaker
shall decide, having regard to the practices of the
House, the Constitutional provisions and practices
of other Commonwealth Parliaments in so far as
they may be applicable to Uganda’s Parliament.

(2) The Speaker’s ruling under sub rule (1)
shall become part of the Rules of Procedure of
Parliament until such a time, when a substantive
amendment to these Rules is made in respect to the
(3) The amendment shall be tabled for
consideration within three months from the date of
the ruling.
9. Sitting arrangement in the House
(1) Every Member shall, as far as possible,
have a seat reserved for him or her by the Speaker.

(2) The seats to the right hand of the Speaker

shall be reserved for the Leader of Government
Business and Members of the Party in Government.

(3) The seats to the left hand of the Speaker

shall be reserved for the Leader of the Opposition
and Members of the Opposition party or parties in
the House.
(4) The Speaker shall reserve seats for
Independent Members of Parliament and other
categories of Members.

(5) The Speaker shall ensure that each Member

of Parliament has a comfortable seat.
(6) A Member virtually present in the House
shall stand or sit against a background that maintains
the decorum of the Chamber of Parliament at all

10. Presence of President in the House

(1) There shall be a Chair of State for the
President in the House.
(2) The House shall be called to order and
stand in silence whenever the President enters or
leaves the House.
(3) The President may be accompanied in the
House by an Aide-de-Camp.
(4) The President, while occupying the Chair
of State—
(a) may make a presidential statement,
which shall be heard in silence and not
followed by any comment or question;
(b) shall not participate in the proceedings
of the House in any way.

11. Parliamentary Commissioners

(1) The Parliamentary Commission,
established by the Constitution and the Administration
of Parliament Act, shall be composed of—
(a) the Speaker, who shall be Chairperson;

(b) the Deputy Speaker;

(c) the Leader of Government Business or

his or her nominee;

(d) the Minister holding the Portfolio of

(e) the Leader of Opposition or his or her
nominee; and

(f) four Members of Parliament one of whom

shall come from the opposition and none
of whom shall be a Minister.

(2) In the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy

Speaker shall chair the meetings of the Commission.

(3) At least one of the four Members referred

to in sub rule (1) (f) shall be a woman.

(4) Nomination of the candidates for election to

the Commission, of the four Members of Parliament
referred to in sub rule (1) (f) shall be made by the
Government and the Opposition sides.

(5) The constitution of the Commission under
this rule shall be done during the first meeting of the
first session of a new Parliament.

(6) The four Members referred to in sub rule

(1) (f) shall hold office for two and a half years and
shall be eligible for re-election.

12. Election of Members of the East African

Legislative Assembly
(1) The nine Members of the East African
Legislative Assembly representing Uganda shall be
elected by Parliament, not from among Members of
Parliament, representing as much as it is feasible, the
various political parties represented in the House,
shades of opinion, gender and other special interest
groups in Uganda.

(2) The election of the Members to the East

African Legislative Assembly shall be held in
accordance with the rules set out in Appendix B to
these Rules.

(3) Members of the Assembly shall report

to Parliament on the activities of the Assembly in
accordance with Appendix C.

13. Election of Members of Pan African
(1) Members of the Pan African Parliament
representing Uganda shall be elected in accordance
with these Rules, and such representation shall reflect
the proportional Party Membership in the House and
take into consideration the numerical strength of the
Parties, gender and the interests of the Independent

(2) The Members of the Pan African

Parliament shall be elected in accordance with the
rules set out in Appendix D.

(3) The election to the Pan African Parliament

shall take place in the first session of each Parliament.

(4) Members of the Pan-African Parliament

shall, with such modifications as may be necessary,
report on the activities of the Pan-African Parliament
in accordance with the rules set out in Appendix C.

14. Role and functions of the Leader of the

(1) The principal role of the Leader of the
Opposition is to keep the Government in check.

(2) The Leader of the Opposition shall under
sub rule (1), in consultation with his or her party
leadership appoint a shadow cabinet from Members
of the opposition in Parliament with portfolios
and functions that correspond to those of Cabinet
(3) The Leader of the Opposition shall be a
Member of the Business Committee, the Committee
on appointments and shall hold regular consultations
with the Leader of Government Business and the
(4) The Leader of the Opposition shall study
all policy statements of Government with his or her
shadow ministers and attend Committee deliberations
on policy issues and give their party’s views and
opinions and propose possible alternatives.

15. Whips
(1) There shall be in Parliament a
Government Chief Whip appointed by the
Government from among Members of Parliament
representing the ruling party.
(2) The role and functions of the
Government Chief Whip is to ensure due attendance,
participation in proceedings and voting in Parliament
of Members of the ruling party.
(3) The Government Chief Whip shall also
perform such other functions as provided under sub
rule (10) of this rule.

(4) There shall be in Parliament a

Chief Opposition Whip appointed by the party
in Opposition to the Government and having the
greatest numerical strength among the Opposition
parties in Parliament.

(5) The role and functions of the Chief

Opposition Whip is to ensure due attendance,
participation in proceedings and voting in
Parliament of Members of the Party in Opposition to
the Government and having the greatest numerical
strength in Parliament.

(6) The Chief Opposition Whip shall also

perform such other functions as provided under sub
rule (10) of this rule.

(7) A Party in Opposition may appoint its

party Whip.

(8) The role and functions of a Party Whip is to

ensure due attendance, participation in proceedings
and voting in Parliament of Members of the Party.

(9) The Party Whip shall also perform such
other functions as provided under sub rule (10) of
this rule.

(10) Other functions of the Government Chief

Whip, Opposition Chief Whip and Party Whip shall

(a) organizing party business;

(b) keeping Members informed of

parliamentary Business;

(c) supplying lists of Members to serve on

Standing and Sectoral Committees;

(d) co-operating with Whips in putting

into effect and coordinating agreed
parliamentary Business;

(e) acting as intermediaries between leaders

and other party Members;
(f) arranging representations of party
Members on official parliamentary
delegations; and

(g) acting as tellers during divisions.

16. Suspension of Rules
(1) A Member may, with the consent of
the Speaker, move that a rule be suspended in its
application to a particular Motion before the House
and if the Motion is carried, the rule in question shall
be suspended.

(2) This rule shall not apply in respect to rules

5, 6, 11, 12, 13(1), 16 and 98.


17. Meetings
(1) Subject to these Rules, the House shall
meet on such days and such places as the Speaker
shall determine.

(2) Not less than fourteen days before the date

of meeting, the Clerk shall dispatch a notice of the
meeting to each Member.

(3) When the House has been adjourned by

the Speaker to a specified date no further notice shall
be necessary.

18. Emergency meetings
In the case of an emergency, the Speaker may call a
special meeting at any time and at such place as he
or she considers expedient, giving reasonable notice.

19. Sittings of the House

(1) A sitting of the House is duly constituted
when it is presided over by the Speaker or Deputy

(2) Subject to sub rule (4), the House shall

sit on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

(3) Sittings shall, subject to the directions

of the Speaker, ordinarily be between 2:00 O’clock
in the afternoon and 7:00 O’clock in the evening.

(4) Notwithstanding sub rules (2) and (3)

of this rule, the Speaker may, having regard to the
state of Business of the House, direct that sittings be
held outside the period prescribed in sub rule (3) or
on days other than those prescribed in sub rule (2).

(5) The Clerk shall notify all Members of

the time of all sittings.

20. Suspension of sittings and recall of House
from adjournment
(1) The Speaker may at any time suspend a
sitting or adjourn the House.
(2) The Speaker shall be responsible,
after consultation with the Business Committee, for
fixing the time when a sitting of the House should be
adjourned sine die.

(3) The Speaker may, if he or she thinks fit,

call a sitting of the House before the date or time to
which it has been adjourned or at any time after the
House has been adjourned sine die.

21. Request for recall of Parliament from recess

(1) Parliament shall be recalled from recess
by a request made in writing by at least one third of
all Members of Parliament.

(2) The request made in sub rule (1) shall

be by way of Petition made to the Speaker, stating;

(a) that Parliament is in recess;

(b) the Business to be considered; and

(c) prayers sought.

(3) The main subject of the Petition shall
be reflected on each page of the Petition.
(4) Any signature appended to the Petition
shall not be withdrawn.
(5) The Speaker shall, upon receipt of the
Petition in sub rule (2) summon Parliament to meet
within twenty one days from the date of receipt of
the Petition.

22. Public holidays

The House shall ordinarily not sit on public holidays.

23. Sittings of the House to be public

(1) Subject to these Rules, the sittings of
the House or of its Committees shall be public.
(2) The Speaker may, with the approval
of the House and having regard to national security,
order the House to move into closed sitting.
(3) When the House is in closed sitting
no stranger shall be permitted to be present in the
chamber, side lobbies or galleries.

(4) The Speaker may cause the proceedings

and decisions of a closed sitting to be recorded or
issued in such manner as he or she thinks proper.
(5) A person other than a Member acting
under the authority of the Speaker shall not keep a
note or record of proceedings or decision of a closed
sitting of the House.
(6) A person other than a person acting
under the authority of the Speaker shall not issue a
report of, or purport to describe the proceedings or
any decision of a closed sitting.
(7) Disclosure of proceedings or decision
of a closed sitting by any person in any manner shall
be treated as gross breach of privileges of the House.

24. Quorum of Parliament

(1) The quorum of Parliament shall be one
third of all Members of Parliament entitled to vote.
(2) The quorum prescribed under sub rule
(1) shall only be required at a time when Parliament
is voting on any question.
(3) At any time when a vote is to be taken,
the Speaker shall ascertain whether the Members
present in the House form a quorum for the vote to
be taken, and if he or she finds that the number is
less, the Speaker shall suspend the proceedings of
the House for an interval of fifteen minutes, and the
bell shall be rung.
(4) If on the resumption of proceedings
after the expiry of fifteen minutes, the number of
Members present is still less than the required quorum
for voting, the Speaker shall proceed with other
Business or suspend the sitting or adjourn the House
without question put and in case of a Committee, the
Chairperson shall adjourn the Committee.

(5) If it appears to the Chairperson in a

Committee of the Whole House that there is less
than the required quorum for the Committee to take
a decision, the House shall be resumed thereupon
and the Speaker shall act in accordance with the
procedure set out in sub rules (3) and (4).
(6) For the avoidance of doubt, a Member
virtually present in the House shall form part of the
quorum of the House.


25. Order of Business

(1) The Speaker shall determine the order
of Business of the House and shall give priority to
Government Business.
(2) Subject to sub rule (1), the Business for
each sitting as arranged by the Business Committee
in consultation with the Speaker shall be set out in
the Order Paper for each sitting and shall whenever
possible be in the following order—

(a) Prayers, in the form prescribed in

Appendix A to these Rules;
(b) Administration of Oaths;
(c) Election of Speaker and Deputy Speaker;
(d) Communication from the Chair;
(e) Short reaction to communication;
(f) Addresses by the President;
(g) Message from the President;
(h) Addresses by Distinguished Personalities;
(i) Bills- (First Reading);
(j) Statements by Ministers;
(k) Statement by the Leader of the Opposition;
(l) Statement by a Shadow Minister;
(m) Personal explanations/brief statements by
(n) Presentation of Petitions;
(o) Laying of Papers;
(p) Presentation of reports of Committees by
laying them on the Table;
(q) Presentation of reports of parliamentary
delegations abroad;
(r) Questions to Ministers, the Commission
and Committee Chairpersons;
(s) Motions for introduction of Private
Members’ Bills;
(t) Motions for the adjournment of the House
on a definite matter of urgent public
(u) Half-hour Motions;
(v) Oral notices of Motions;
(w) Ceremonial Speeches;
(x) Complaints on contempt of Parliament;
(y) Government Business that is Motions,
Second Readings and subsequent stages
of Bills and proceedings of the Committee
of Supply arranged in order of precedence
in accordance with this rule; and
(z) Other Motions.
(3) A Statement made by a Member under sub
rule (2)(m) shall be non-controversial, on a matter of
public importance or an emergency, and statements
made under this sub rule shall not take more than
fifteen minutes of the House’s time.
(4) The Speaker may order the Member to
resume his or her seat if in the opinion of the Speaker,
improper use is being made under sub rule (3).
(5) Parliament may proceed to any of the
items under paragraph (a) to (v) of sub rule (2) out of
the regular order, on a Motion, which may be made
without notice, and shall take precedence over all
other Business.

(6) The Clerk shall, on instructions of the

Speaker, draw up the order of Business for each sitting.
(7) An item of Business standing on the Order
Paper on any particular day which has not been
completed or reached on the interruption of Business
under the relevant provisions of these Rules, shall be
placed on the Order Paper for the next sitting in such
order as the Speaker may decide.

26. Procedure of Business

(1) Government Business shall consist of
public Business in the name, or in the charge of a

(2) Subject to these Rules, Government

Business shall take precedence over Private
Members’ Business on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
(3) Private Members’ Business shall consist of
Business in the name or in the charge of a Member
other than a Minister.

(4) The first two hours of a sitting on every

Thursday shall be allotted to the transaction of
Private Members’ Business.
(5) If there is no sitting of the House on
Thursday, the Speaker may in consultation with the
Leader of Government Business, and the Leader of
the Opposition direct that any other day in the week
be allotted for Private Members’ Business.

27. Order Paper to be sent in advance to

(1) The Clerk shall send to each Member a
copy of the Order Paper for each sitting—
(a) in the case of the first sitting of a meeting,
at least two days before that sitting;

(b) in the case of any other sitting, at least

three hours before the sitting without fail.
(2) Subject to sub rule (1), the Clerk shall,
every Friday, send to each Member a copy of the
Business arranged for the succeeding week.

(3) The Clerk shall keep a book to be called
Order Book in which he or she shall enter and number
in succession all matters intended for discussion at
each meeting.

28. Statement of Business by Leader of

Government Business
(1) The Leader of Government Business
shall, at every last sitting day of the week, make a
statement in the House regarding the Government
Business of the succeeding week.

(2) The Speaker shall cause the statement

to be reflected on the Order Paper of the last sitting
of the House of the week.

29. Weekly Order Paper

(1) A Weekly Order Paper including relevant
documents, shall be made and distributed to every
Member through his or her pigeon hole and where
possible, electronically.
(2) Where the relevant documents referred
to in sub rule (1) originate from a Government
department, sector or agency, the responsible
Minister shall avail to the Clerk sufficient copies of
the documents for distribution to Members.

30. Petitions
(1) Subject to these Rules, every application
to Parliament shall be in the form of a Petition.

(2) A Petition shall be filed with the Clerk who

shall immediately notify the whips and Table them
before the Business Committee.

(3) A Petition shall be presented by a Member

who shall be responsible for the observance of the
rules contained in Appendix E to these Rules and
to inform the House that the Petition is properly

(4) In presenting a Petition, a Member shall

confine himself or herself to a statement of the parties
from whom it comes, the number of signatures
attached to each of the material allegations and the
requests contained in it.

(5) A Petition shall be laid on Table without

question put and may be ordered to be printed or,
if relating to a matter other than a Bill before a
Committee, may be referred to a Committee by the
(6) Notwithstanding sub rule (5), the Speaker
may refer a Petition of an urgent matter to a particular
Minister or Committee where he or she is of the
opinion that the Petition would be better handled by
such a Minister or Committee.

(7) The Minister or Committee in sub rule (6)

shall report back to Parliament within the stated time.

(8) The Speaker shall inform the House of his

or her decision in sub rule (6).

(9) The Speaker may also refer a Petition to a

Select Committee on a Bill under rule 142.

(10) A Petition referred to a Committee shall

be disposed of within forty five days from the date
the Petition is referred to it.

(11) A Member may move a Motion that

a Petition be rejected on the ground that it is not
properly and respectfully worded or on any other
ground and if the Motion is duly seconded and
carried, the Petition shall be rejected.

(12) A Petition not relating to a breach of the

privileges of the House and which, according to the
rules contained in Appendix E or usual practice of
the House, shall on being received be brought to the
Table under the direction of the Speaker.
(13) After consideration of a Petition under
this rule, the House may take any decision it
considers appropriate and communicate its decision
to the petitioner through the Office of the Speaker.
(14) The Clerk to Parliament shall, where
necessary, afford the Member presenting a Petition
professional assistance in drafting the Petition.

31. Laying of Papers
(1) A Member shall lay a Paper on Table in the
(2) Notwithstanding sub rule (1), a Member
may, with leave of the Speaker, lay a Paper on
a Virtual Table designated by the Speaker and
accessible to all Members.

32. Mode of Laying of Papers

(1) The Clerk shall ensure that a Paper to be
laid on Table is distributed to all Members before it
is laid.
(2) As soon as the Clerk announces “Papers
for Presentation” the Paper shall be laid on the Table
without question put.

(3) If so desired by the person presenting a

Paper, a short explanatory statement may be made
by him or her upon its presentation.

(4) A Paper presented to the House shall be

recorded as so presented in the first issue of the
minutes thereafter and serially numbered by the
Clerk who shall cause the same to be deposited into
the Parliamentary Library.

(5) A Paper laid on Table may be referred to

the relevant Committee.


33. Laying of reports of parliamentary

delegations abroad
(1) The leader of a parliamentary delegation
or a Member acting on his or her behalf, shall within
fourteen days of sitting after return to Uganda, lay
on Table a report on the activities of the delegation.

(2) Upon laying of the report under sub rule
(1), the leader of the delegation or the Member shall
present a brief summary of the report and highlight
the key lessons learnt and recommendations
contained in the report.

(3) The Speaker shall appoint time, not

exceeding forty five minutes, for debate.

34. Laying of Committee field reports

(1) The Chairperson or a Member acting on
behalf of the Chairperson of the Committee which
travelled to the field to conduct parliamentary
Business shall lay on Table a report containing the
activities of the Committee’s field visit.

(2) Upon laying of the report under sub rule

(1), the Chairperson or the Member shall present a
brief summary of the report and highlight the key
recommendations contained in the report.

(3) The Speaker shall appoint time, not

exceeding forty five minutes, for debate.

35. Laying of Reports by Leader of Opposition

(1) Where the Leader of the Opposition
conducts a study for parliamentary purposes, the

Leader of the Opposition or a Member acting on
behalf of the Leader of the Opposition shall lay
on Table a report within twenty one days after
conclusion of the study.

(2) Upon laying of the report under sub rule

(1), the Leader of the Opposition or the Member shall
present a brief summary of the report and highlight
the key recommendations contained in the report.

(3) The Speaker shall appoint time, not

exceeding forty five minutes, for debate.

36. Laying of records of debates, Bills and Acts

of the East African Legislative Assembly
(1) In accordance with article 65 of the
Treaty for the Establishment of the East African
Community, the Minister responsible for East
African Community affairs shall, within twenty
one days after the end of every session of the East
African Legislative Assembly, lay on Table—

(a) copies of records of all relevant debates

of the meetings of the Assembly;

(b) copies of Bills introduced into the

Assembly; or

(c) Acts of the Community,
for information.
(2) Upon laying of records of debates, Bills
and Acts, the Minister shall present a summary of
the debates, Bills and Acts highlighting the key
issues for parliamentary action.

(3) Debate shall not ensue.

37. Laying of Resolutions of the Pan-African

(1) Upon conclusion of every session of
the Pan African Parliament, a Member of the Pan
African Parliament shall lay on Table, copies of the
Resolutions of the Pan-African Parliament.

(2) Upon laying of the Resolutions in sub rule

(1), a Member of the Pan-African Parliament shall
present a summary of the Resolutions, highlighting
the key issues for parliamentary action.

(3) Debate shall not ensue.

38. Laying of decisions of the African Union

(1) The Minister responsible for Foreign
Affairs shall present a bi-annual report on the
decisions and Resolutions of the African Union
Organs, Summit of Heads of State, the Executive
Council of Ministers, and the Permanent
Representatives Council.

(2) The report in sub rule (1) shall highlight

the key issues for parliamentary action.

(3) Debate shall not ensue.

39. Laying of Reports by the Commission

(1) Where the Speaker or Commission
conducts a study for parliamentary purposes, the
Speaker shall nominate a Commissioner to lay
on Table a report within twenty one days after
conclusion of the study.

(2) Upon laying of the report under sub rule

(1), the Commissioner shall present a summary of
the report highlighting the key recommendations
contained in the report.

(3) The Speaker shall appoint time, not

exceeding forty five minutes, for debate.


40. Presentation of treaties, protocols or

international agreements before Parliament
(1) The Minister responsible for treaties,
protocols or international agreements shall lay
before Parliament, a treaty, protocol or international
agreement entered into by the Government of
Uganda, within six months after it has been
concluded or signed.

(2) The Committee on Foreign Affairs shall

examine a treaty, protocol or international agreement
laid before Parliament and shall report to the House
within forty five days.

(3) The Minister shall, at least twice a year,

report to Parliament on the implementation of any
treaty, protocol or international agreement entered
into by Government.

(4) Where an international treaty, protocol

or international agreement imposes an obligation
on Uganda to submit periodic reports, the Minister

responsible for the coordination and implementation
of the treaty, protocol or international agreement shall
present to Parliament the draft periodic compliance
reports prior to them being submitted to the relevant
treaty body.


41. Prime Minister’s Time

(1) There shall be time designated as Prime
Minister’s Time, commencing at 4.00 p.m. every

(2) During the Prime Minister’s Time—

(a) the Prime Minister may make a statement,

(b) Questions may be put to the Prime
Minister relating to matters of
Government policy or the general
performance of the Government and
Government Agencies.

(3) Questions to the Prime Minister shall be

made in writing and submitted to the Clerk.

(4) The Clerk shall enter all questions in the
Prime Minister’s Question Record Book and select
fifteen questions by raffle which shall be forwarded
to the Prime Minister.

(5) The Prime Minister shall provide written

responses copied to the relevant Member and respond
to these questions during the Prime Minister’s
question time.
(6) The Clerk shall publish a list of all
questions and the responses made every month.
(7) In the absence of the Prime Minister, the
Deputy Prime Minister may make a statement or
answer questions put to him or her.
(8) The Prime Minister’s time shall not exceed
forty five minutes.
(9) The Leader of Opposition shall have a
right to comment or reply.

42. Questions to Ministers

(1) Questions may be asked of Ministers
relating to public affairs with which they are officially
connected, proceedings pending in Parliament or
any matter of administration for which the Ministers
are responsible.
(2) Questions relating to matters which
are under the control of a statutory body must be
restricted to those matters for which a Minister is
made responsible by law or which affect the general
policy of that statutory body.

43. Questions to Chairpersons and the

(1) Questions may be asked of a Committee
Chairperson relating to a Bill, Motion or other public
matter connected with the Business of the House for
which a Committee is responsible.

(2) Questions may be asked of the Commission

relating to the administration of Parliament or other
Commission matters.

44. Conditions for admissibility of questions

(1) A question shall not—
(a) include the name of a person or statement
of fact unless it is necessary to make the
question intelligible and in the case of a
statement of fact, can be authenticated
by the Member concerned; or contain
charges which the Member asking the
question is not prepared to substantiate;

(b) contain any argument, expression of
opinion or inferences, imputations,
epithets or controversial, ironical or
offensive expressions or hypothetical

(c) be asked which raises an issue already

decided, or which has been answered
substantially, during the current Session;

(d) be asked regarding proceedings in a

Committee which have not been tabled
before the House by a report from the
(e) solicit the expression of an opinion or
the solution of an abstract legal case or a
hypothetical proposition;

(f) be asked as to the character or conduct

of any person except in his or her official
(g) refer to more than one subject and shall
not be of excessive length;

(h) be asked the answer to which is readily

available in official publications;
(i) be asked on the character or conduct of
persons whose conduct may only be
challenged on a substantive Motion; and

(j) be drafted as to be likely to prejudice a

case under trial.

(2) A supplementary question shall be subject

to the same rules of order as an original question.

45. Questions for oral answer

(1) Notice of a question for Oral Answer
shall be given by delivery of the written question
marked with “oral reply” to the Clerk at least three
days (exclusive of any Saturday and Sunday or
public holiday) before the day on which the sitting
commences at which the Member proposes to ask
the question.

(2) The Clerk shall ensure that the notice

delivered to him or her under sub rule (1) is
communicated to the person required to answer it as
soon as is practicable from the date of delivery and
the person asking the question shall be informed of
the communication.

(3) The response by a Minister to a question

asked of him or her shall be sent to the Clerk within
five working days and the Clerk shall distribute the
response to the Members within five days.

(4) A Minister shall not take more than two

weeks to respond to a question from a Member.

(5) Answers to questions not marked “for oral

reply” shall be communicated in writing to Members
and shall be printed in the official report.

(6) There shall be a question record book to be

kept by the Clerk, which shall be open for inspection
by Members and in which shall be recorded—
(a) all questions submitted by Members;
(b) name of Member asking the question;
(c) date of receipt of the question;
(d) date of dispatch of the question to the
person required to answer; and
(e) date of answer in the House.
46. Order of oral questions to be determined
by lot
(1) The order in which questions for oral
answers shall be placed on the list of questions
shall be determined by lot under the direction of the
(2) Not more than three questions for oral
answers shall be asked by a Member at any one
(3) The answer to any question remaining on
the Order Paper after the time allocated for questions
has passed shall be printed in the Official Report.

47. Manner of asking and answering questions

(1) During question time, the Speaker shall
call successively each Member in whose name a
question stands on the Order Paper.
(2) The Member called upon shall rise and read
out the number assigned to the question standing in
his or her name on the Order Paper.
(3) In the absence of the Member asking the
question, any Member authorized by the Member may,
with the Speaker’s prior permission, read the number
of the question on behalf of the absent Member.
(4) The answer to any question shall be printed
and a copy of it supplied to the Member asking it, not
less than fifteen minutes before the time fixed for the
sitting at which the question is to be answered, and
the answer shall be read by the Member to whom the
question is addressed or by the Member acting for
the Member to whom the question is addressed.
(5) The reply to a question shall be limited to
three minutes. However, if the Speaker considers
that the matter is of sufficient importance, up to an
additional two minutes may be added to this time.

(6) Without prejudice to the right to answer a

question, no Member shall address the House upon
any question, nor in asking the question, shall any
argument or opinion be offered.
(7) When any question has been asked and
answered, no debate on it shall be permitted.
48. Supplementary questions
(1) As soon as a question is answered in the
House, any Member, starting with the Member
who asked the question, may, without notice, ask a
supplementary question for the further elucidation of
any matter of fact regarding the answer, which has
been given.
(2) A supplementary question shall arise
directly from the answer to the original question and
shall not be used to introduce matters not included in
the original answer to the question.
(3) The reply to each supplementary question
shall, except with the permission of the Speaker, be
limited to two minutes.
49. Notice of Urgent Questions
(1) A question shall not be asked without
notice unless it is of an urgent nature relating either
to a matter of public importance or the arrangement
of Business.

(2) A question without notice shall only be

asked with the prior leave of the Speaker.

(3) The Speaker shall determine the admissibility

of a question in accordance with Rule 44.

(4) Where the Speaker is of the opinion that

any question, which a Member has sought leave to
ask without notice, infringes any of the conditions
set out in this rule, the Speaker may direct that it be
printed or asked with such alterations as the Speaker
shall direct, or that it be returned to the Member
concerned as being inadmissible.

(5) Where the Speaker has refused to admit

any question under this rule, the Member bringing
the question is entitled to appeal in writing to the
Business Committee for a decision.

50. Ministers to attend the House to answer
(1) A Minister shall attend sittings of the
House to answer questions asked of him or her.

(2) Question time to Ministers shall ordinarily

not exceed two hours except that the Speaker may, in
exceptional cases, exercise his or her discretion and
permit questions after the expiry of the two hours.

(3) The question shall be asked on Wednesdays

and Thursdays of the week of the sitting of

(4) It shall be disorderly conduct of a Member

to fail to ask or for a Minister to fail to answer a
question listed on the Order Paper without the leave
of the Speaker.

51. Rota of questions

The time available for answering questions shall
be allotted on different days in rotation relating
to such Ministry or Ministries as the Speaker may
determine, and on each such day, only questions
relating to the Ministry or Ministries for which time
has been allotted on that day shall be placed on the
list of questions for oral answer.
52. Statements by Ministers
(1) A Minister may make a statement at the
appropriate time with the prior permission of the
Speaker whether for the purpose of explaining
Government policy or action upon any matter.
(2) A statement made by a Minister may be
debated provided that such debate shall not exceed
one hour.
(3) A Statement by a Minister shall be in
written form.

53. Statements by the Leader of the Opposition

(1) The Leader of the Opposition may make
a statement at the appropriate time on the sequence
of Business prescribed by rule 25, with the prior
permission of the Speaker, in regard to the State
of the Nation Address, Budget Framework Paper,
budget proposals, alternative policy or action upon
any matter.
(2) The Statement made by the Leader of
Opposition may be debated by the House provided
that such debate shall not exceed one hour.
54. Statements by Members
(1) With the leave of the Speaker, a Member
may make a statement on any matter of urgent public
importance relating to the functions of the House.

(2) Any statement by a Member shall be

presented on Thursday and may be commented upon
by other Members for not more than fifteen minutes
and shall be submitted to the Speaker in writing
before 11 a.m. on the day on which it is to be made.

55. Personal explanations

(1) A Member may explain a matter of personal
nature but no controversial matter may be brought in
the explanation nor may debate arise upon it.

(2) Unless the situation warrants otherwise

any personal explanation under this rule shall be
submitted to the Speaker in writing by 11.00 a.m. on
the day on which it is to be made.



56. Notice of Motions

Subject to the provisions of rule 57, no Motion shall
be moved unless the Member moving it has given
written notice of the Motion to the Speaker and the
Clerk not less than three days previous to the sitting
at which it is intended to move the Motion.

57. Oral notice of Motions

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of rule
(a) a Member may with the leave of the
Speaker, give oral notice of a Motion
during a sitting;
(b) the Motion referred to in sub rule (1)(a)
shall not be placed on the Order Paper
until three clear days have elapsed from
the day the notice is given;
(c) where the Speaker is of the opinion that
it is in the public interest that the Motion
should be placed on the Order Paper
prior to the expiration of three days, the
Speaker may direct that it be placed on
the Order Paper at such time as he or she
thinks convenient.
58. Amendment of notices of Motion
The Speaker may permit a Member to move in
amended form, without notice, a Motion of which
notice has been given, if in the opinion of the
Speaker, the amendment does not materially alter
any principle embodied in the Motion of which
notice has been given.
59. Motion without notice
(1) The following Motions may be moved
without notice—
(a) Motion by way of amendment to a
question already proposed by the
(b) Motion for adjournment for purposes
of discussing a definite matter of urgent
public importance;
(c) Motion for the adjournment of a debate;
(d) Motion for the suspension of any rule
of procedure;
(e) Motion for the withdrawal or re-
admission of strangers;
(f) Motion for the reference of a Bill to a
(g) Motion for the House to resolve itself
into a Committee of the Whole House;
(h) Motion made when the House is in
(i) Motion for the approval of a report of
the Committee of Supply;
(j) Motion made in accordance with the
provisions of the rules governing the
procedure as to Bills;
(k) Motion which in the opinion of the
Speaker is a matter of emergency;
(l) Motion, notice of which has been
dispensed with, in accordance with rule
(m) Motion raising a question of privilege;
(n) Motion for closure of debate under rule
71; and
(o) Motion relating to an appeal from
the President or a reference from the
Committee on appointment under rule

(2) A Member may move a Motion without
notice in the following manner—

“Mr /Madam Speaker/Chairperson I rise

to move that the House/Committee
considers the following Motion without
notice under (sub rule (1)— of this

60. Seconding of Motions

(1) In the House, the question upon a Motion
or amendment shall not be proposed by the Speaker
nor shall the debate on the same commence unless
the Motion or amendment has been seconded.

(2) In Committee of the Whole House or

before a Committee, a seconder of a Motion shall
not be required.

61. Amendments to Motions

(1) When a Motion is under consideration in
the House or in the Committee of the Whole House,
an amendment may be proposed to the Motion if it is
relevant to the Motion.

(2) An amendment may be proposed to the

amendment if it is relevant to that amendment.
(3) An amendment moved and permitted by
the Speaker shall be put in writing by the mover and
delivered to the Clerk.

(4) An amendment shall not be permitted if, in

the opinion of the Speaker, it substantially alters the
principle of the question proposed.
(5) An amendment to the Motion which a
Member wishes to propose under this rule, may be
moved and seconded at any time after the question
upon the Motion has been proposed by the Speaker,
and before it has been put by the Speaker at the
conclusion of the debate upon the Motion.

(6) When the amendment has been disposed

of, the Speaker shall again propose the question upon
the Motion as amended, as the case may require, and
after any further debate which may arise on it, shall
put the question.

(7) Where two or more amendments are

proposed to be moved to the same Motion, the
Speaker shall call upon the movers in the order in
which their amendments relate to the text of the
Motion, with the one which departs furthest being
called first, or in case of doubt, in such order as he or
she shall decide.
(8) An amendment to an amendment which
a Member wishes to propose shall be moved and
seconded at any time after the question upon the original
amendment has been proposed by the Speaker, and
before it has been put by the Speaker at the conclusion
of the debate on the original amendment.

(9) The provisions of sub rule (7) of this rule

shall apply to the discussion of the amendments
to amendments, with the substitution for the word
“Motion” throughout, of the words “original

(10) When every amendment to an amendment

has been disposed of, the Speaker shall either again
propose the question upon the original amendment,
or shall propose the question upon the original
amendment as amended, as the case may require.

(11) Upon an amendment to delete any of the

words of a Motion, the question to be proposed by
the Speaker shall be “That the following words … be
deleted from the question.”

(12) Upon an amendment to insert words in,

or add words at the end of a Motion, the question
to be proposed by the Speaker shall be “That the
following words … be inserted (or added).”
(13) Upon an amendment to delete words and
insert or add other words instead, a question shall
first be proposed “That the following words… be
deleted from the question”, and if the question is
agreed to, the question shall then be proposed “That
the following words, … be inserted or added.”

(14) If the first question is negatived, no

further amendment may be proposed to the words
which were to be deleted.

(15) If an amendment is moved to an

amendment upon which the Speaker has proposed
a question, the last mentioned amendment shall be
dealt with as if it were the original Motion until all
amendments to it have been disposed of.

62. Withdrawal of Motions

(1) A Motion or an amendment to the Motion
may be withdrawn at the request of the mover, with
leave of the House or Committee before the question
is put on the Motion or the amendment.

(2) A Motion or an amendment withdrawn

under this rule may be proposed again, if, in case
of a Motion, notice as required by these Rules is
(3) If the question has been proposed on an
amendment to a Motion, the original Motion may
not be withdrawn until the amendment to the Motion
has been disposed of.
63. Manner of debating Motions
(1) When a Motion has been moved and
seconded in the House, the Speaker shall propose
the question on the Motion in the same terms as the
Motion, and debate may then take place upon that
Motion and may continue for a period not exceeding
one hour.
(2) The Speaker may at the beginning of
any debate specify the period that each Member
contributing to a debate may be given.
(3) The Speaker may call upon the mover to
reply at the end of the period allocated for debate
and immediately the mover has concluded his or her
reply, shall put the question to the House.

64. Adjournment Motion: Definite matter of
urgent public importance
(1) A Member may move the adjournment
Motion for the purpose of discussing a definite
matter of urgent public importance, and if—
(a) not less than five other Members rise in
their places in support; and

(b) the Speaker orders that the matter

is a definite matter of urgent public
importance; the Speaker shall appoint a
time on the same day when the Motion
may be moved.
(2) A Member desiring to move the
adjournment Motion under sub rule (1) shall, save
in exceptional circumstances given out to the
satisfaction of the Speaker, submit to the Speaker
the terms, in writing, of the matter which he or she
desires to be discussed at least two hours before the
commencement of the day’s sitting.
(3) In determining whether a matter should
have urgent consideration, the Speaker shall have
regard to—
(a) the extent to which it concerns the
administrative responsibilities of the
Government or could come within the
scope of ministerial action; and
(b) the probability of the matter being brought
before the House within a reasonable
time by other means.
(4) The right to move a Motion under this rule
is subject to the following conditions—

(a) the matter proposed for discussion must

be one that calls for immediate and urgent

(b) not more than one such Motion may be

made at any one sitting;
(c) not more than one matter may be
discussed on the same Motion;

(d) the Motion must not revive debate on a

matter which has already been discussed
in the same Session under this rule;

(e) the Motion must not raise a question of


(f) the debate under the Motion must not

raise any question which, according to
these Rules, can only be debated on a
substantive Motion under notice;

(5) A proceeding which has been postponed

under this rule shall be exempted from rule 27(1)
(b) for a period of time equal to the duration of the
proceedings upon a Motion under this rule, and may
be resumed and proceeded with at or after the time
fixed for debating the Motion.

65. Motion for adjournment of debate (Dilatory

(1) A Member who wishes to postpone to
some future occasion further discussion of a question
which has been proposed from the chair may move
“that the debate be now adjourned”, or in Committee
of the Whole House, “that the House do now resume
and the Committee do report thereto”, such Motion
being termed dilatory Motion.

(2) The debate on the Motion shall be confined

to the subject matter of the Motion.

(3) If the Speaker or the Chairperson holds

the opinion that a dilatory Motion is an abuse of the
Proceedings of the House or Committee, as the case
may be, he or she may decline to propose it.

(4) If the Motion is carried, debate shall be

deferred to a date fixed by the Speaker.

(5) A dilatory Motion, which has been

negatived, may not subsequently be moved during
the same debate, whether in the House or in the
Committee of the Whole House.
(6) A dilatory Motion shall be made only by
a Member who having been called by the Speaker
to contribute to a substantive Motion is holding the

66. Debate interrupted by adjournment of the

Debate interrupted by a Motion under rule 65 shall,
on coming again before the House or a Committee
of the House, be resumed at a point where it was
interrupted as if it were a continuous debate.

67. Half Hour Motions

(1) On any day on which the Order Paper
contains the item half-hour Motions, the Speaker
shall interrupt Business thirty-minutes before the
conclusion of Business or at the conclusion of
Business before that time, and call upon the Member
in whose name the item stands to move the half-hour

(2) On the interruption of Business under sub

rule (1), the closure may be moved, and if it is so
moved or if proceedings under rule 71 are already
in progress at the time of interruption, the Speaker
shall not interrupt the Business until the question
consequent upon the moving of the closure and any
further question relating to it has been decided.

(3) If Business is interrupted for a half-hour

Motion and at that hour a division is in progress, the
Speaker shall not interrupt Business until he or she
has declared the determination of the House on the
(4) The right to move the Motion shall not be
allotted to more than one Member for each Sitting,
and at the stated end of the Sitting or the conclusion of
the debate before that time, the Speaker shall put the
question on the Motion without allowing a division.
(5) Where the Member is called upon, the
sitting shall be subject to the provisions of rule 78
and debate may proceed for not more than thirty

68. Motion with regard to settlement of financial

Parliament shall not proceed on any Motion,
including any amendment to a Motion that in the
opinion of the person presiding makes provision for
any of the purposes set out in rule 124 unless the
Motion is introduced by a Member or a Minister on
behalf of the President.
69. Motions to amend Rules
(1) A Member may move that any of these
Rules be amended by giving not less than five days’
(2) The notice of Motion for the amendment
of any of these Rules shall be accompanied by a
draft of the proposed amendment.
(3) When the Motion has been proposed and
seconded, it shall stand referred to the Committee
on Rules, Privileges and Discipline, and no further
proceedings shall be taken on it until that Committee
has reported on it.

70. Time and manner of speaking
(1) A Member desiring to speak shall—
(a) in the case of a Member physically
present in the Chamber, rise and face the
Chair of the Speaker; or
(b) in the case of a Member virtually present
in the House, raise his or her hand up,
and shall not speak until he or she catches the
Speaker’s eye.
(2) When the Speaker rises during the
proceedings in the House or when the Chairperson
rises during the proceedings in a Committee of the
Whole House, every other Member shall rise.

(3) By the indulgence of the Speaker, a

Member unable to conveniently stand by reason of
sickness or disability, may be permitted to speak
while seated.

(4) The Speaker shall be referred to as Mr./

Madam/ Speaker.

(5) A Minister shall be referred to by his or

her ministerial title.

(6) Every other Member shall be referred

to as “Honourable” together with the name of his or
her constituency or the group or body represented by
the Member, that is, “the Honourable Member for ...”

(7) Where an Honourable Member has

already been referred to as described in sub rule (6)
in a speech, he or she may only be further referred
to as “My Honourable Friend” or “The Honourable
Gentleman, Lady or Member”.

(8) A Member shall not speak more than
once to a Motion except—
(a) in Committee or before a Committee of
the House; or

(b) in explanation, as prescribed in sub rule

(9) of this rule; or
(c) in the case of the mover of a substantive
Motion wishing to reply, but any Member
may second a Motion or an amendment
by rising in his or her place and saying
“Mr Speaker or Madam Speaker, I beg
to second the Motion, or amendment”
without prejudice to his or her right to
speak at a later period of the debate.
(9) A Member who has spoken to a Motion
may again be heard, for the purpose of explaining
some material part of his or her speech which has
been misunderstood, or vindicating his or her
character or conduct if it has been impugned, but
he or she must not in the process introduce a new
(10) Subject to rule 60, the mover of the
Motion shall be called upon to speak to his or her
Motion before any other Member.
(11) The Speaker may, on the commencement
of the proceedings of the day or on any Motion,
announce the time limit he or she is to allow each
Member contributing to debate and may direct a
Member to take his or her seat who has spoken for
the period given.

71. Close of debate

A Member may not speak on a question after it has
been put by the Speaker, that is, after the voices of
both “Ayes” and “Noes” have been given on it.

72. Contents of a speech

(1) A speech of a Member must have reference
to the subject matter under discussion.
(2) The conduct of the Speaker, Members, the
Chief Justice and Judges of the Courts of Judicature
shall not be raised, except upon a substantive Motion,
and, in any amendment, question to a Member or
remarks in a debate on a Motion dealing with any
other subject, any reference to the conduct of persons
mentioned is out of order.

73. Sub-judice Rule

(1) Subject to sub rule (5) of this rule, a
Member shall not refer to any particular matter
which is sub-judice.
(2) A matter shall be considered sub-judice if
it refers to active criminal or civil proceedings and
in the opinion of the Speaker, the discussion of such
matter is likely to prejudice its fair determination.
(3) In determining whether a criminal or civil
proceeding is active, the following shall apply—
(a) criminal proceedings shall be deemed to
be active when a charge has been made or
a summons to appear has been issued by
(b) criminal proceedings shall be deemed to
have ceased to be active when they are
concluded by verdict and sentence or
charges have been withdrawn;
(c) civil proceedings shall be deemed to be
active when arrangements for hearing,
such as setting down matters for hearing
have been made, until the proceedings
are ended by judgment or settlement or
withdrawal; or
(d) appellate proceedings whether criminal
or civil shall be deemed to be active
from the time when they are commenced
by application for leave to appeal or by
notice of appeal until the proceedings are
ended by judgment or withdrawn.
(4) A Member alleging that a matter is sub-
judice shall provide justification to show that sub
rules (2) and (3) are applicable.

(5) The Speaker shall make a ruling as to

whether a matter is sub-judice or not before debate
or investigations can continue.

74. Scope of debate

(1) Debate upon a Motion or amendment to a
Motion or upon a Bill, part of a Bill or amendment to
a Bill, shall be relevant to the matter being debated.

(2) Where an amendment to a Motion or to a

Bill proposes to leave out words and insert or add
other words, debate upon the question to leave out
words may include both the words to be left out and
those proposed to be inserted or added.

(3) On an amendment proposing only to leave

out words or to insert or add words, debate shall be
confined to the omission, insertion or addition of
words respectively.

(4) In any debate on an amendment to a

Motion, the Speaker may, in his or her discretion,
direct that the debate on the amendment may
include debate on the matter of the Motion where,
in his or her opinion, the matter of the amendment
is not conveniently separable from the matter of the

(5) When the Speaker gives a direction under

sub rule (4), any Member who has already spoken
to the Motion may, in speaking to the amendment,
speak only to a new matter raised by the amendment.

75. Newspapers, periodicals not to be read in

the House
Subject to these Rules, and except with the leave of
the Speaker, Members shall not read newspapers or
periodicals or books in the House.
76. Reading of Speeches by Members
(1) A Member shall not read his or her speech,
but may read extracts from written or printed
documents in support of his or her argument and
may refresh his or her memory by reference to notes.
(2) The Speaker may, in exceptional
circumstances, permit a Member to read his or her
77. Speaker not to participate in debate
The Speaker shall not take part in debate before the
House, but may give guidance to the House on a
matter before it.
78. Interruption of debate
(1) Debate may be interrupted—
(a) by a matter of privilege suddenly
(b) by a point of order being raised;
(c) upon a point of information or
elucidation or clarification;
(d) upon a point of procedure.
(2) Where a Member rises on a point of
procedure or point of order, the Member holding the
floor shall immediately resume his or her seat.
(3) Where the point of procedure or point of
order has been raised under sub rule (2), no other
Member shall, except with leave of the Speaker, rise
until the Speaker has decided on the matter.
(4) Where a Member interrupts debate on a
point of procedure, the Member shall state the rule
of procedure he or she deems to have been breached
by the Member holding the floor or the procedural
matter he or she wishes to be ruled upon, before
subjecting the Member to the Speaker’s ruling.
(5) A Member may rise on a point of
information or elucidation or clarification based on a
matter raised by a Member holding the floor but may
only proceed with the point if the Member holding the
floor is willing to give way and resume his or her seat.

(6) Where effect has been given to the decision

on the point of procedure or order, the Member who
was speaking is entitled to proceed with his or her
speech unless the decision prevents him or her from
doing so.

(7) When giving leave to interrupt debate, the

Speaker shall follow the following precedence—
(a) points of privilege;
(b) points of procedure;
(c) points of order;
(d) points of information, elucidation or

(8) A Member who stands up to interrupt

debate on a point of privilege, procedure, order,
information or clarification shall not depart from that

79. Motion that a Member no longer be heard

Where a Member persists in irrelevancy or tedious
repetitions or uses objectionable words and on being
called to order fails to retract or explain the words and
offer an apology to the satisfaction of the Speaker, a
Member may, with the consent of the Speaker, move
that the Member using the objectionable words no
longer be heard, and the question on that Motion
shall be put forthwith without amendment or debate.

80. Anticipation
(1) It is out of order to anticipate a Bill by
discussion of a Motion dealing with the subject
matter of the Bill on a day prior to that appointed for
the consideration of that Bill.

(2) It is out of order to anticipate a Motion by

discussion of a matter directly relating to the subject
matter of the Motion prior to the date appointed for
the consideration of the Motion.
(3) In determining whether a discussion is out
of order on the ground of anticipation, the Speaker
shall have regard to the probability of the subject
matter in anticipation being brought before the
House within a reasonable time.

(4) A Member may not, during debate, refer

to a matter in a Committee report until such a report
has been tabled in the House.

81. Motion for closure of debate
(1) After a question has been proposed in the
House or in Committee and debated, a Member may
move “That the question be now put”, and, unless it
appears to the Speaker that the Motion is an abuse
of the rules of the House or an infringement of the
rights of a Member, the question “That the question
be now put” shall be put forthwith and decided
without amendment or debate.
(2) If the question of closure is agreed to by
a majority, the Motion which was being discussed
when the closure Motion was moved shall be put
forthwith without further discussion.
82. Dress Code
(1) A Member shall dress in a dignified manner
stipulated as follows—
(a) For male Members;
(i) a suit, shirt and tie;
(ii) a pair of long trousers with a
(iii) a kanzu and jacket;
(iv) a safari suit;
(v) decent traditional wear; or
(vi) military attire for Members of
the Armed Forces.
(b) For female Members;
(i) a suit;
(ii) dress or dress with jacket;
(iii) blouse and skirt or blouse and
skirt with jacket;
(iv) decent traditional wear; or
(v) military attire for Members of the
Armed Forces.
(2) A Member shall put on dignified shoes,
save that a Member may, with leave of the Speaker,
put on foot wear which may not necessarily be
described as shoes.

83. Behaviour of Members in the House

(1) During a sitting—
(a) a Member shall enter or leave the House
with decorum;
(b) a Member shall not cross the floor of the
House or move around unnecessarily;
(c) while a Member is speaking, all other
Members shall be silent and shall not
make unseemly interruptions;
(d) when a Member has finished his or her
observation he or she shall resume his or
her seat;

(e) a maiden speech shall not be interrupted

except by the Speaker or in circumstances
which in the opinion of the Speaker
warrant interruption;

(f) a Member shall not, without the consent

of the Speaker, bring into the House
anything other than papers, books or other
documents which are directly connected
with the Business of the House;

(g) a Member shall not bring into the House

any camera, arms or weapon, tape
recorder, transistor radio; and

(h) a Member shall not clap in the House.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (g), a Member

may bring in specific electronic devices that cannot
disrupt the proceedings of the House and also pass
the security test of Parliament.

84. Use of unparliamentary language
It is out of order to use offensive, abusive, insulting,
blasphemous or unbecoming words or to impute
improper motives to a Member or to make personal

85. General behaviour

The behaviour of a Member shall be guided by
the Code of Conduct of Members prescribed in
Appendix F.



86. Chair to be heard in silence
When the Speaker addresses the House, a Member
then standing shall immediately resume his or her
seat and the Speaker shall be heard in silence.
87. Decision of the Speaker or Chairperson
(1) The Speaker or the Chairperson of a
Committee shall be responsible for the observance
of the rules or order in the House or Committee.
(2) The decision of the Speaker or Chairperson
on any point shall not be open to appeal and shall not
be reviewed by the House, except upon a substantive
Motion made after notice.
88. Order in the House
(1) The Speaker or the Chairperson, after
having called the attention of the House or the
Committee to the conduct of a Member who persists
in irrelevance or tedious repetition either of his or her
own arguments, or of the arguments made by other
Members in the debate, may direct the Member to
discontinue his or her speech.
(2) The Speaker or Chairperson, shall order
any Member whose conduct is grossly disorderly to
withdraw immediately from the House or Committee
for the remainder of that day’s sitting and the Clerk or
the Sergeant-at-Arms shall act on such orders as he
or she may receive from the Speaker or Chairperson
to ensure compliance with this rule.

89. Naming and suspension of Members

(1) If the Speaker or the Chairperson of any
Committee considers that the conduct of a Member
cannot be adequately dealt with under sub rule (2) of
rule 88, he or she may name the Member.

(2) Where a Member has been named,

(a) in the case of the House, the Speaker
shall suspend the Member named from
the service of the House; or
(b) in the case of a Committee of the
Whole House, the Chairperson shall
forthwith leave the Chair and report
the circumstances to the House and
the Speaker shall suspend the Member
named from the service of the House.

(3) Where a Member has been named by a

Chairperson of a Committee, the Chairperson shall,
with the consent of the Committee, suspend the
Member named from its service and report at the
next sitting of the House.

(4) If a Member is suspended, his or her

suspension on the first occasion in a Session shall
be for the next three sittings, excluding the sitting
in which he or she was suspended; on the second
occasion in a Session, for the next seven sittings
excluding the sitting in which he or she was
suspended, and on the third and any subsequent
occasion during the same Session, for the next
twenty eight sittings of the House, excluding the
sitting in which the Member was suspended.

(5) Notwithstanding the number of days a

Member has been suspended, the suspension shall
cease at the end of the Session in which he or she
was suspended unless the House otherwise directs.
(6) Where a Member who has been
suspended under this rule from the service of the
House refuses to obey the direction of the Speaker
when summoned under the Speaker’s orders by
the Sergeant-at-Arms to obey such direction, the
Speaker shall call the attention of the House to the
fact that recourse to force is necessary in order to
compel obedience to his or her direction, and the
Sergeant At Arms shall be called upon to eject the
Member from the House.

(7) Subsequent to the suspension, on receipt

from a Member so suspended a written expression
of regret, the Speaker shall read the message to the
House and upon a Motion moved by any Member for
the discharge of the order of suspension, the question
thereon shall be decided without amendment or
debate. If the question is agreed to, the order shall be
discharged and the Member shall be re-admitted.

(8) Suspension from the service of the

House shall exclude a Member so suspended from
serving on a Committee to which he or she may have
been appointed prior to his or her suspension and
bar him or her from lodging questions or notices of

90. A Member suspended to withdraw from
A Member who is ordered to withdraw under sub rule
(2) of rule 89 or who is suspended from the service
of the House by virtue of sub rule (2) or (3) of rule
89 shall immediately withdraw from the precincts of
the House until the end of the suspension period.

91. Defamatory statements to be investigated

by Committee on Rules, Privileges and
(1) Whenever in the opinion of the Speaker
or person presiding in a Committee a statement
made by a Member is prima facie defamatory of any
person, the person presiding shall refer the matter
for inquiry to the Committee on Rules, Privileges
and Discipline which shall report its findings to the
House not later than twenty one days after the matter
is referred to it.

(2) Where the Committee reports to the

House that the statement made by the Member is
defamatory of any person, the Member who made
the statement shall, within seven days after that
report, render an apology at the bar of the House, the
terms of which shall be approved by the Committee
and communicated to the person who was defamed.

(3) Where a Member refuses to render an
apology in accordance with sub rule (2), the Speaker,
upon the circumstances of the matter being reported
to him or her by the Chairperson of the Rules,
Privileges and Discipline Committee shall suspend
that Member for the duration of the Session.

92. Powers of the Speaker to adjourn the House

or suspend sitting
In the case of grave disorder arising in the House
the Speaker may adjourn the House without question
put, or suspend the sitting until a time to be named
by the Speaker.


93. Questions to be decided by majority

(1) Except as otherwise prescribed by
the Constitution or any law consistent with the
Constitution, all questions proposed for decision
of Parliament shall be determined by a majority of
votes of the Members present and voting.
(2) Notwithstanding sub rule (1), a Member
on leave of absence may appoint another Member to
vote on his or her behalf using the prescribed proxy
Form in Appendix H.
(3) The proxy form shall be submitted to the
Clerk within twelve hours before the commencement
of the sitting to which it relates.

(4) The person presiding in Parliament

or Committee shall have neither an original nor
a casting vote and if upon any question before the
House, the votes are equally divided, the Motion
shall be lost.

94. Declaration of personal interest in any

matter before the House
(1) A Member shall not take part in the
discussion of any matter before the House or
Committee, in which he or she has direct pecuniary
interest unless he or she has declared the nature of
that interest to the House or Committee.

(2) A Member having interest in any matter

before the House shall declare the nature of his or
her interest in the matter and shall not vote on any
question relating to that matter.

(3) At the time of voting, a Member, who

has declared his or her interest under this rule shall
absent himself or herself from the meeting until
voting is over.

(4) If a Member fails to declare his or her
interest under sub rule (1), a Member may raise the
matter in the House and the Speaker may order that
the first-mentioned Member shall not vote on the
matter and may refer the conduct of that Member to
the Rules, Privileges and Discipline Committee.

(5) The Committee may, after investigation,

recommend to the House such action on the matter
as it may consider appropriate.

95. Ex-officio Members of Parliament

A Vice-President, Prime Minister or a Minister who
by virtue of article 78 of the Constitution, is an ex-
officio Member of Parliament, shall not vote in the

96. Voting in the House

(1) Subject to rule 95, every Member
present in the House at the time of voting shall cast a

(2) Voting in the House shall be by—

(a) voice voting;
(b) secret voting;
(c) electronic voting;
(d) division;
(e) roll call and tally; or
(f) voting by show of hands.

(3) The Speaker may, where necessary,

designate a specific voting method for a Member
virtually present in the House, where the Member
is unable to vote through any of the voting methods
specified under sub rule (2).

97. Voice Voting

(1) Except where these Rules expressly
provide otherwise, where a matter is to be put to vote,
voice voting shall be the default method of voting.

(2) When a question has been put by the

Speaker or the Chairperson, the votes shall be taken
by voices of “Ayes” and “Noes” and the result shall
be declared by the Speaker or the Chairperson.

98. Secret vote

There shall be secret voting in the House in respect
(a) the election or removal of a person
holding office under the Constitution or
under a law made under the Constitution;
(b) removal of a Commissioner; and
(c) on any matter where the House resolves
that such matter be voted upon by secret

99. Roll call and tally

(1) Roll call and tally voting shall be held
in the following circumstances—

(a) at the second and third reading of a Bill

for an Act of Parliament to amend a
provision of the Constitution;
(b) on a decision to censure a Minister;
(c) on a decision, on an appeal from the
President, or a reference from the
Appointments Committee on an appeal
to the House.
(2) When the Speaker directs a roll call and
tally voting to be taken, the bell shall be rung for five

(3) The names of the teller for the “Ayes”

and the teller for the “Noes” shall be submitted to
the Speaker and the Speaker shall direct the tellers to
take seats at designated places.

(4) The Speaker shall then direct the doors to
be locked and the bar drawn and no Member shall
thereafter enter or leave the House until after the roll
call vote has been taken.

(5) The Speaker shall put the question again

and direct the Clerk to call out the names of Members
in alphabetical order in the presence of the tellers.

(6) When called out, a Member shall,

thereupon rise in his or her place and declare, or use
a recognizable sign to assent, dissent or abstain to
the question in the following manner; “I vote Yes”;
or, “I vote No”; or, “I Abstain”, or use a recognized
sign language.

(7) After the Clerk has read the last name

on the list, the tellers shall present the result of the
roll call vote to the Speaker who shall thereupon
announce the result of the vote to the House.

(8) In case of confusion or error occurring in

the course of a roll call and tally voting concerning
the numbers or names recorded, which cannot
otherwise be corrected, the Speaker shall direct the
House to proceed to another roll call vote.

100. Electronic voting
(1) Electronic voting shall be ordered by the
Speaker where—

(a) the House resolves that a matter be voted

upon electronically; and

(b) after the Speaker has announced the results

of the voice voting, and immediately
forty or more Members stand in their
places signifying their disapproval of the
outcome of the vote and in the opinion of
the Speaker, he or she deems it fit that the
matter be voted upon electronically.

(2) When electronic voting is to be taken in

the House, the bell shall be rung for five minutes
after which, the House shall proceed to vote.

(3) During electronic voting, a Member shall

cast his or her vote by pressing either the “Yes”,
“No” or “Abstain” button.

(4) As soon as the result of the voting appears

on the indicator board, the Speaker shall declare the
results of the votes cast forthwith.

(5) A Member who is not able to cast his or
her vote electronically, due to any reason considered
justifiable by the Speaker, may before the declaration
of the results by the Speaker, have his or her vote
recorded verbally.

(6) Where a technical failure, confusion or

error occurs in the course of electronic voting which
in the opinion of the Speaker cannot otherwise be
corrected, the Speaker may direct the House to
another round of voting.

(7) Where the technical failure, confusion or

error continues to occur in the course of electronic
voting, the Speaker may direct the House to proceed
to a division or any other manner of voting.

101. Division
(1) A division may be ordered by the Speaker
or Chairperson where—
(a) a technical failure, confusion or an error
has occurred in the course of electronic
voting and electronic voting cannot
proceed; or
(b) the Speaker has announced the results
of the voice voting, and immediately
forty or more Members stand in their
places signifying their disapproval of the
outcome of the vote.

(2) Where a division has been ordered, the

lobbies shall be cleared for that purpose.

(3) The Speaker or Chairperson shall direct

the “Ayes” into the lobby on his or her right and the
“Noes” into the lobby on his or her left and appoint
two tellers for each lobby and one for those who
abstain to count the votes.

(4) The tellers shall take positions by the

rear doors to the respective lobbies and Members
shall enter the lobbies by the rear doors and shall
leave through the fore doors back to the Chamber.
(5) Members shall have their names
recorded as they pass through the rear doors.
(6) After the lapse of a reasonable period
from his or her original direction, the Speaker shall
direct that the rear doors giving access to the division
lobbies from the Chamber be closed.
(7) A Member is not obliged to vote, and a
Member who does not wish to vote shall not enter a
division lobby while a division is in progress.
(8) A record shall be made of the names of
Members who abstain.
(9) When all Members wishing to vote have
left the division lobbies, the tellers shall return to the
Chamber and shall report the number of those who
have voted in their respective lobbies, and those who
have abstained, to the Speaker or the Chairperson,
who shall then declare the results of the division.
(10) The rear doors giving access to the
lobbies from the Chamber shall then be unlocked.
(11) In the case of confusion or error
occurring in the course of a division concerning
the numbers recorded which cannot otherwise be
corrected, the Speaker or the Chairperson shall direct
the House or the Committee, as the case may be, to
proceed to another division.
(12) For the purposes of this rule, unless
the context otherwise requires “fore doors” means
those doors on the sides of the Chamber nearest to
the Speaker; “rear doors” means those doors on the
sides of the Chamber furthest from the Speaker.

102. Division by Speaker

The Speaker or Chairperson may at his or her
discretion, order a division.
103. Special consideration for Member with
A Member who is incapacitated by physical infirmity
or disability shall for the purpose of a division be
counted and recorded in the House.
104. Voting in error
If a Member states that he or she voted in error or that
his or her vote was counted wrongly, the Member
may, immediately before the Speaker announces the
figures and before the Speaker declares the results of
the division, move to have his or her vote correctly
105. Equality of votes
If the numbers in a division are equal, the Motion
shall be considered lost.

106. Votes of censure and removal from office
The House may pass a resolution for the removal
of the President from office, or pass a vote of no
confidence in the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker,
or pass a vote of censure against a Minister as
prescribed by the Constitution or for the removal of
a Commissioner.
107. Removal of the President under article 107
of the Constitution
(1) The President may be removed from
office by a resolution of Parliament, on grounds
prescribed under article 107 of the Constitution.

(2) A Motion for a resolution for the

removal of the President shall be initiated by a notice
in writing to the Speaker, signed by not less than one
third of all Members of Parliament, indicating their
intention to move a Motion for a resolution for the
removal of the President, on grounds of either—

(a) abuse of office or wilful violation

of the oath of allegiance and the
Presidential oath or any provision of
the Constitution;

(b) misconduct or misbehaviour; or

(c) physical or mental incapacity.

(3) A Member who is desirous of moving a

Motion for the removal of the President shall notify
the Clerk in writing of his or her intention, citing the
grounds for the proposed Motion and giving detailed
particulars supporting such ground.
(4) The Clerk shall, within three days upon
receipt of the notice of a Motion under sub rule (3),
notify Parliament by causing the notice, grounds and
particulars supporting the grounds of the proposed to
be pinned on the Members’ notice board.

(5) The Clerk shall on the date and time of

pinning the notice of Motion on the Members’ notice
board also cause to be prepared and deposited with
the Sergeant-at-Arms, for a period of ten working
days, a list of all Members of Parliament with
an open space against each name for purposes of
appending of signatures which list shall be entitled

(6) After one third of the Members have

appended their signatures on the list signifying
support for the proposed Motion, the Sergeant At
Arms shall, with immediate effect, forward the list to
the Clerk who shall not later than twenty four hours
transmit the notice of Motion, the grounds and all
supporting particulars and signatures to the Speaker.

(7) A signature appended to the notice shall

not be withdrawn.

(8) If within ten days referred to in sub rule
(5), less than one third of Members have appended
their signatures on the same, the notice shall lapse.

(9) For purposes of a notice for a resolution

based on grounds under paragraphs (a) and (b) of
sub rule (2), the Speaker shall, within twenty four
hours of receipt of the notice and accompanying
particulars, forward the same to the President and a
copy of the same to the Chief Justice.

(10) Within seven days from receipt of the

notice, the Chief Justice shall constitute a Tribunal
of three Supreme Court Justices to investigate the
allegations contained in the notice and establish
whether there is a prima facie case for the removal
of the President.

(11) The Tribunal’s investigations shall be

carried out within a period of seven consecutive
(12) The President shall be entitled to appear
in person or by a representative of his or her choice
before the Tribunal.

(13) If the Tribunal’s finding is that there is a

prima facie case for the removal of the President, the
Speaker shall, after the tabling of the report, cause
the Motion to be formally moved and debate on the
Motion shall take not more than three days.

(14) The mover of the Motion shall be

entitled to a closing speech at the end of the debate.

(15) If at the end of the debate, Parliament

passes the Motion by not less than two thirds
majority of all the voting Members of Parliament,
the President shall cease to hold office.

(16) If the Tribunal finds that there is no

prima facie case made against the President, the
Speaker shall report this finding to Parliament and
no debate shall ensue on the matter.

(17) For purposes of a resolution based on

ground referred to in sub rule (2) (c), the Speaker
shall, within twenty four hours of receipt of the
notice and particulars supporting it, transmit a copy
of the Motion to the President and the Chief Justice.

(18) The Chief Justice shall, within seven

days of receipt of the notice, and in consultation
with the professional head of Medical Services in
Uganda, constitute a Medical Board comprising

five qualified and eminent medical specialists for
purposes of examining the President in respect of the
alleged incapacity.

(19) Within twenty-four hours of

constitution of the Medical Board, the Chief Justice
shall inform the President and request him or her
to submit himself or herself, within seven days, for
examination by the Board.

(20) The Medical Board shall on examining

the President, report its findings to the Speaker, who
shall lay the same on the Table within twenty four
hours of its receipt.

(21) If the Board finds that the President is

still capable of performing the functions of the office
of President, the Motion shall lapse.

(22) If the Board finds that the President

is, by reason of the physical or mental incapacity,
unable to perform the functions of the office of the
President, the Speaker shall, within fourteen days of
receipt of the report, cause a formal Motion for the
removal of the President to be moved in Parliament
by any Member who shall cite in full the findings of
the Medical Board.

(23) If after the expiry of seven days referred
to in sub rule (18), the President refuses or fails to
submit himself or herself for examination by the
Board, the Chief Justice shall report the same to the
Speaker, who shall report to Parliament and cause a
formal Motion for a resolution for the removal of the
President to be moved within forty eight hours after
the receipt of the report.
(24) The President is entitled to appear in
person and be heard or to be assisted or represented
by a lawyer or other expert or person of his or her
choice during the proceedings of Parliament relating
to the Motion for his or her removal.
(25) If Parliament passes the Motion for the
removal of the President by not less than two-thirds
majority of all Members of Parliament, the President
shall cease to hold office.
108. Procedure for removal of Speaker or
Deputy Speaker
(1) A Motion for a resolution for the
removal of the Speaker or Deputy Speaker from
office shall be moved in the following manner—
(a) seven days’ notice, signed by not
less than one third of all Members of
Parliament, shall be given to the Clerk;
(b) the Clerk shall, within twenty four
hours of receipt of the list of names,
forward the notice to the Speaker or
Deputy Speaker, as the case may be;
(c) the Motion shall be tabled in Parliament
and shall be listed for debate within
fourteen days after receipt of the notice
by the Speaker or Deputy Speaker;
(d) in debating the Motion under paragraph
(c) Parliament shall constitute itself
into a Committee, which shall report its
findings to Parliament for adoption.
(e) the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker is
entitled to appear in person and to be
assisted or represented by a lawyer or
any other person when the Committee
of the Whole House is considering the
Motion for his or her removal.

(2) Sub rules (3) to (8) of rule 107 shall

apply to the removal of the Speaker or Deputy
Speaker with such modification as may be necessary.

(3) Neither the Speaker nor the Deputy

Speaker in respect of whom proceedings for removal
have commenced, shall preside over the proceedings.
(4) If Parliament passes the Motion for
removal of the Speaker or Deputy Speaker by not less
than two-thirds majority of all the voting Members
of Parliament, the Speaker or Deputy Speaker shall
cease to hold office.

109. Vote of censure against Ministers

(1) A Member who is desirous of moving
a censure Motion against a Minister shall notify the
Clerk in writing of his or her intention, citing the
ground for the proposed censure Motion and giving
detailed particulars supporting such grounds.

(2) The Clerk shall, within three days upon

receipt of the notice of censure under sub rule (1)
notify Parliament by causing the notice, the ground
and particulars supporting the ground of the proposed
censure Motion to be pinned on the Members’ notice
(3) The Clerk shall on the date and time
of pinning the notice of censure on the Members’
notice board cause to be prepared and deposited with
the Sergeant-t-Arms, for a period of ten working
days, a list of all Members of Parliament with
an open space against each name for purposes of
appending of signatures, which list shall be entitled
(4) Any signature appended to the list as
provided under sub rule (3) shall not be withdrawn.
(5) After at least one third of the Members
have appended their signatures on the list signifying
support for the proposed Petition under clause (1) of
article 118, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall immediately
forward the list to the Clerk, who shall not later than
twenty four hours, transmit the notice of censure,
grounds and particulars supporting the various
grounds and the supporting signatures to the Speaker.
(6) If after the ten working days referred
to under sub rule (3), less than one third of all the
Members have appended their signatures on the list,
the notice of censure shall lapse.
(7) On receipt of the proposed Petition,
grounds and the particulars supporting the grounds
and supporting signatures, the Speaker shall cause
the proposed Petition to be placed on the Order
Paper for the next working day during which the
chief petitioner shall formally move the censure
Motion and lay all supporting documents on the
Table and each document so laid shall be endorsed
by the Clerk.
(8) The Petition of censure having been
moved, the Speaker shall forward the text of the
Motion, the supporting grounds, particulars and
the supporting documents to the President within
seventy-two hours of moving of the Motion, for
onward transmission of the same to the concerned
(9) Fourteen days from the date of
transmission of the Motion to the President, the
Speaker shall cause to be appointed a Select
Committee to which the Motion and all supporting
documents shall be referred and the Committee
(a) scrutinise and identify prima facie
evidence to the allegations in the
(b) lead the House under the provision of
sub rule 11 herein, in the proceedings
of censure.

(10) In the exercise of its duties under sub

rule (9) (a) the Committee—
(a) may co-opt any person to the Committee;
(b) may receive supplementing information
from any Member of Parliament;
(c) shall allow the Minister who is the subject
of the Motion or his or her representative
to appear before the Committee to defend
himself or herself against any allegations
made against him or her.

(11) Within fifteen days after receipt of the

Motion, the Chairperson of the Select Committee
shall report to the House the findings of the Select

(12) On receipt of the Committee’s report,

and notwithstanding the findings of the Committee,
the Speaker shall call upon the chief petitioner to
open debate on the Motion, followed by a defence
by the concerned Minister and a debate by the House
unless the Motion is withdrawn.

(13) After debate, the House shall vote on

the Motion and if carried by more than half of all
the voting Members of Parliament, the Speaker shall
inform the President of this fact within twenty four
hours from the time the Motion was voted upon.

110. Removal of a Commissioner

(1) A Member of the Commission, other
than the Speaker or the Leader of Government

Business, Leader of the Opposition or the Minister of
finance may be removed from office by Parliament
(a) incompetence;
(b) misconduct;
(c) insanity; or
(d) inability to perform the functions of his or
her office arising from infirmity of body
or mind.

(2) A Motion for a resolution for the

removal of a Commissioner shall be initiated by a
notice in writing to the Clerk, signed by not less than
one third of all the voting Members of Parliament,
indicating their intention for moving the Motion for
the removal.
(3) The notice under sub rule (2) shall
indicate the grounds for the Motion and all particulars
supporting the grounds.
(4) The provisions of sub rule (2) to (7) of
rule 107 shall apply with necessary modifications, to
the removal of a Commissioner.
(5) A Motion for the resolution under this
rule shall be placed on the Order Paper, fourteen
days from the date on which notice to remove the
Commissioner shall have been communicated to the

(6) A Commissioner shall be removed

upon the vote of at least half of all voting Members
of Parliament.

111. Other Provisions relating to the removal of

a person from office
(1) The person being removed from office
shall be entitled to appear before the Committee in
person and shall be entitled to legal representation.

(2) The person being removed from

office shall be availed with the report of the Select
Committee, together with any other evidence
adduced at least five days before the debate on the

(3) Debate on the Motion for the removal

of a person from office shall take precedence over all
other debates on the Order Paper for the day.

(4) During the debate, any Member may,

with leave of the Speaker and on giving adequate
notice, produce additional evidence in support of his
or her argument.
(5) When the Speaker is satisfied that the
Motion has been adequately debated, the Speaker
shall call upon the person who is being removed
from office to answer issues raised in the debate,
and then call upon the Chief Petitioner, to wind up


112. Leave of absence

(1) Every Member shall attend the sittings
of the House unless leave of absence has been
granted to him or her by the Speaker.

(2) Leave of absence may be granted by

the Speaker to a Member who shows sufficient
cause justifying his or her absence or who is away
on official or parliamentary duties.

(3) Application for leave of absence shall

be in writing unless the Speaker, in exceptional
circumstances otherwise, permits.

(4) The decision of the Speaker in sub rule

(3) shall be in writing.

(5) In exceptional cases, the Whip of
a political organisation or a political party may
inform the Speaker of a Member’s absence and the
circumstances leading to such absence.

(6) Except with the permission of the

Speaker, a Member shall not absent himself or
herself from fifteen or more sittings of the House
during any period when the House is continuously

(7) The Speaker shall, if it comes to his or

her attention that a Member is consistently absent
from the sittings of the House without permission,
give a written warning to the Member, which
warning shall, in addition, be read during a sitting of

(8) Where any Member alleged to have

infringed sub rule (6), persists in absenting himself
or herself from sittings of the House after having
been warned by the Speaker under sub rule (7) of this
rule, the conduct of that Member shall be referred by
the Speaker to the Committee on Rules, Privileges
and Discipline.

(9) A Member whose conduct is under
investigation by the Committee on Rules, Privileges
and Discipline under this rule is entitled to be heard
in his or her own defence and may be represented by
Counsel of his or her own choice.
(10) Where the Committee on Rules,
Privileges and Discipline, upon investigation, finds
the allegation referred to it against a Member under
sub rule (8) proved, and the report of the Committee
is tabled and debated in Parliament, the Member
shall, on the basis of that finding, cease to be a
Member under article 83 (1) (d) of the Constitution.

113. Leave of absence in Committees

(1) Rule 112 shall, with necessary
modifications, apply to meetings of the Committees
of Parliament.
(2) The Chairperson of a Committee shall
report to the Speaker any Member who misses fifteen
consecutive meetings of the Committee without
permission, and the Speaker shall give a written
warning to that Member.
(3) If after a warning under sub rule (2), the
Member continues to be absent from the meetings
of the Committee, the Speaker shall suspend the
Member from the Committee.
114. Attendance of Sittings by Minister
(1) For any Ministry, the Minister or at
least the Minister of State shall attend sittings of the
House and where none of them is able to attend, the
Minister shall request another Minister to represent
that Ministry’s interests in the House and notify the
Speaker accordingly.

(2) The Leader of Government Business

shall ensure that sub rule (1) is complied with.


115. Form of Bills

(1) A Bill shall bear at the head, a short title
and along title describing the leading provisions of
the Bill.

(2) To each clause in a Bill, there shall be,

for ease of reference, annexed in the margin or at the
top, a short indication of its contents.
(3) The provisions of a Bill shall be
prefaced by the words of enactment provided under
the Acts of Parliament Act, which words shall extend
to all clauses and the Schedules of the Bill.
(4) Where a Bill contains more than one
enactment, it shall be divided into clauses and if a
clause contains more than one enactment, it shall
be divided into sub-clauses, in each case numbered

116. Subject matter of Bills

(1) Matters with no proper relation to each
other shall not be provided for in the same Bill.

(2) A Bill shall not contain anything foreign

to what its long title imports.

117. Bills to be published in Gazette

(1) A Bill shall be published in the Gazette.

(2) A Bill shall be accompanied by an

explanatory memorandum setting out the policy
and principles of the Bill, the defects in the existing
law, if any, the remedies proposed to deal with
those defects, and the necessity for introduction of
the Bill.

(3) The explanatory memorandum shall be

signed by the Minister or a Member introducing the

118. Certificate of financial implications
(1) A Bill introduced in the House shall
be accompanied by a Certificate of Financial
Implications issued by the Minister responsible for

(2) The Certificate of Financial Implications

issued under sub rule (1) shall indicate the estimates
of revenue and expenditure over the period of not
less than two years after the coming into effect of the
Bill when passed.

(3) In addition to the requirements under

sub rule (2), the Certificate of Financial Implications
shall indicate the impact of the Bill on the economy.

(4) Notwithstanding sub rules (1), (2) and

(3), a Certificate of Financial Implication shall be
deemed to have been issued after sixty days from the
date of request for the certificate.

119. Urgent Bills

(1) Where, upon the recommendation of
the appropriate Committee of the House appointed
for the purpose, the House determines that a
particular Bill is of an urgent nature, that Bill may be
introduced without publication.
(2) Copies of a Bill referred to in sub
rule (1) shall be distributed to Members, and the
Bill may be taken through all its stages in a day,
notwithstanding anything in these Rules.

120. Bills to be delivered to Clerk for distribution

to Members
(1) On publication of a Bill in the Gazette,
the Minister in charge of the Bill shall deliver to the
Clerk a sufficient number of copies for distribution
to Members.

(2) On receipt of the copies of the Bill

under sub rule (1), the Clerk shall immediately
dispatch a copy to every Member.

(3) Where a Bill seeks to amend an

existing Act, the text of the relevant part of the law
to be amended shall be copied and supplied together
with the amending Bill, unless in the opinion of the
Speaker the amendment is of a minor nature or is

(4) In the case of a Private Member’s` Bill,

the Clerk shall ensure the publication of the Bill
in the Gazette and the distribution of copies, to all

121. Private Members’ Bills
(1) A Member has a right to move a Private
Member’s Bill.

(2) A Member moving a Private Members’

Bill shall be afforded reasonable assistance by the
Department of Government whose area of operation
is affected by the Bill.
(3) The Clerk to Parliament shall, where
necessary, afford the Member moving the Private
Members’ Bill professional assistance in the drafting
of the Bill.
(4) The Clerk shall compile the final Bill to
be attached to the Motion under rule 122.

122. Procedure for Private Members’ Bills

(1) A Private Members’ Bill shall be
introduced first by way of Motion to which shall be
attached the proposed draft of the Bill.
(2) If the Motion is carried, the printing
and publication of the Bill in the Gazette shall be the
responsibility of the Clerk.
(3) Following the publication of the Bill in
the Gazette, the progress of the Bill shall be the same
as that followed in respect of a Government Bill.
123. Bills introduced by Committees under
rule 159
(1) A Committee of the House may initiate
any Bill within its area of competence.

(2) A Bill initiated by a Committee shall be

introduced by the Chairperson of the Committee in
the same manner as a Private Member’s Bill.

124. Rules regarding settlement of financial

(1) No question shall be proposed upon
any Bill, Motion or amendment which has not been
introduced or moved by a Minister if in the opinion
of the Speaker, the object of the Bill, Motion or
amendment is to make provision for any of the

(a) the imposition of taxation or the

alteration of taxation otherwise than by

(b) the imposition of a charge upon the

Consolidated Fund or other public fund
of Uganda or the alteration of any such
charge otherwise than by reduction;

(c) the payment, issue or withdrawal from
the Consolidated Fund or other public
fund of Uganda of any moneys not
charged on that fund or any increase
in the amount of that payment, issue or
withdrawal; or
(d) the composition or remission of any
debt due to the Government of Uganda.

(2) Unless introduced on behalf of the

Government, the House shall not proceed upon a
Motion, including an amendment of a Motion, the
effect of which would be to make a provision of any
of the purposes specified in sub rule (1).

125. Bill to be read three times

A Bill shall be read three times prior to its being

126. Prohibition of Bills promoting one-party

A Bill, Motion or amendment shall not be moved
or introduced in the House which, in the opinion of
the Speaker, is likely to result in the establishment
of a one-party state contrary to article 75 of the
127. Prohibition of Bills derogating from
particular human rights and freedoms
A Bill, Motion or amendment shall not be introduced
in the House which, in the opinion of the Speaker, is
likely to result in the derogation from the enjoyment
of any of the particular human rights and freedoms
specified in article 44 of the Constitution.



128. First Reading

(1) At the time of introducing or presenting
a Bill, the Speaker shall call successively each
Member in whose name a Bill stands on the Order

(2) The Member called under sub rule (1)

shall rise and move that the Bill be read the first time
and no question shall be put.

(3) The Clerk shall read aloud the short title of

the Bill and the Bill shall then be taken as read the
First Time.

(4) Where a Bill under rule 119 has been
read the First Time without prior publication in the
Gazette, the Bill shall be published within twenty-
four hours or as soon as practicable after its being

129. Reference of a Bill to a Committee

(1) Whenever a Bill is read the First Time
in the House, it shall be referred to the appropriate
Committee appointed under the provisions of these

(2) The Committee shall examine the Bill in

detail and make all such inquiries in relation to it as
the Committee considers expedient or necessary and
report to the House within forty five days from the
date the Bill is referred to the Committee.

(3) Except in cases of very minor amendments,

and subject to rule 132, all proposed amendments to a
Bill referred to a Committee shall be presented to the
Committee by the person proposing the amendment
and the Committee shall scrutinize it together with
the Bill.

(4) The Committee may propose and accept

proposed amendments in the Bill as it considers fit,
if the amendments (including new clauses and new
schedules) are relevant to the subject matter of the

130. Second Reading
(1) Subject to this rule, the Vice-President,
Minister or other Member in charge of a Bill shall
move that the “Bill be read a Second Time” and may
speak to the Motion.

(2) The Chairperson of the Committee

to which the Bill is referred or a Member of the
Committee designated by the Committee or by
the Speaker shall, after the Motion for the Second
Reading has been moved under sub rule (1) and
seconded, present to the House the report of the
Committee on the Bill.

(3) Debate shall ensue on the merits and

principles of the Bill on the basis of the explanatory
memorandum and the report from the Committee.
(4) If the Motion is carried, the Clerk shall
read aloud the short title of the Bill, and the Bill shall
then be taken to have been read the Second Time.
(5) Subject to these Rules, the Second
Reading of a Bill shall not be taken earlier than the
fourteenth day after the publication of the Bill in the
Gazette unless this sub rule is formally suspended
for the purpose.

(6) A Motion for the suspension of sub

rule (5) may contain a reference to more than one
Bill, but a Member may require separate Motions to
be moved in respect of any particular Bill or Bills
named by him or her.
(7) The provisions of sub rules (5) and
(6) shall not apply to the Appropriation Bill or
Supplementary Appropriation Bill.


131. Bills in Committee

(1) If a Motion for the Second Reading
of a Bill is carried, the Bill shall stand committed,
immediately or on a date to be fixed, to the
Committee of the Whole House unless the House,
on Motion, commits it to a Select Committee which
shall immediately be nominated by the Speaker in
consultation with the Government and Opposition
(2) The Select Committee set up under sub
rule (1) shall take into consideration the interests of
independent Members.
(3) A Motion for the committal of a Bill to
a Select Committee under this rule—
(a) does not require notice;
(b) may be moved at any time before
the House has resolved itself into the
Committee of the Whole House on the
Bill; and
(c) may be proposed by any Member.

132. Functions of a Committee of the Whole

House and Select Committee on a Bill
(1) The Committee of the Whole House or
the Select Committee to which a Bill is committed
under this Part shall not discuss the principles of the
Bill, but only its details.

(2) The Committee of the Whole House

or the Select Committee may propose and accept
proposed amendments to the Bill as it considers fit,
if the amendments, including new clauses and new
schedules, are relevant to the subject matter of the
(3) The Chairperson of the Committee
of the Whole House or the Select Committee may
accept proposals for the correction of obvious
misprints and punctuation errors, and may instruct
the Clerk to make necessary amendments to the Bill
without any formal amendment being moved by a
Member of the House.

133. Committee of the Whole House

(1) Whenever the Committee stage of any
Bill is reached, the Speaker shall leave the chair
without putting any question and the House shall
then resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole
(2) Proceedings of the Committee of the
Whole House shall be under the chairmanship of the
Speaker acting as Chairperson of the Committee of
the Whole House.

(3) When consideration of a Bill referred

to a Committee of the Whole House have been
completed, or at any time when the Committee
desires to report that they are unable to complete
the Business before them at the current sitting, any
Member may move “That the House do resume
and the Committee of the Whole House do report
(4) The question shall then be put on the
Motion without amendment or debate and, upon
the Motion being agreed to, the House shall resume
under the Speaker and the mover of the Bill shall
report to the House how far the Committee of the
Whole House has considered the Bill.

(5) On resumption of proceedings, any

Business which the Committee of the Whole House
has reported that it has been unable to complete, shall
be placed on the Order of Business for a subsequent
sitting in accordance with rule 25.

134. Procedure in Committee of the Whole

House on a Bill
(1) When the House resolves itself into a
Committee of the Whole House, the Clerk shall call
the number of each clause or sub clause if any, of the
Bill in succession for consideration of the Committee
of the Whole House.

(2) If no amendment is proposed on the

clause, or all proposed amendments have been
disposed of, the Chairperson shall propose the
question “That the clause, or the clause as amended,
do stand part of the Bill”.

(3) Where in case of a clause called—

(a) the Chairperson is satisfied that there

has been sufficient debate on it; or

(b) all Members who wish to speak on it

have spoken,
the Chairperson shall put the question to the
Committee for its decision.

(4) The Committee of the Whole House

shall consider proposed amendments by the
Committee to which the Bill was referred and may
consider proposed amendments, on notice, where
the amendments were presented but rejected by the
relevant Committee or where, for reasonable cause,
the amendments were not presented before the
relevant Committee.

(5) The Chairperson may accept for

consideration minor amendments proposed on the
floor without notice and may refuse to propose the
question upon any amendment of which less than
one day’s notice has been given.
(6) If any proposed amendment refers to or
is not intelligible without a subsequent amendment,

notice of the subsequent amendment shall, unless the
Chairperson otherwise permits, be given before or
when the first amendment is moved, so as to make
the series of amendments intelligible.

(7) Rules 58 and 61 shall apply to the

discussion of amendments to Bills, with the
substitution of the word “clause” for the word
“Motion” throughout and any amendment proposed
to an amendment shall be dealt with before a decision
is taken on the original amendment.

(8) Where two or more amendments are

proposed on the same clause, the Chairperson shall
call upon the movers in the order in which their
amendments relate to the text of the clause, and the
amendment which in the opinion of the Chairperson
departs furthest from the text under discussion shall
be debated and disposed of first.
(9) Where two or more proposed
amendments to any clause seek to attain the same
objective but in different ways, or the wording of the
amendments differs, sponsors of the amendments
may be required by the Chairperson to discuss their
amendments and to reconcile them or agree on
compromise amendments that will be acceptable to
their sponsors.
(10) No amendment shall be moved which
is inconsistent with any clause already agreed upon
or any decision taken by the Committee of the
Whole House, and the Chairperson may, at any time
during the discussion of a proposed amendment,
direct for the withdrawal of an amendment from
the consideration of the Committee if in his or her
opinion the discussion has shown that the amendment
contravenes this sub rule.

(11) When every amendment to an

amendment has been disposed of, the Chairperson
shall either again propose the question upon the
original amendment, or shall propose the question
upon the original amendments as amended.

(12) A clause may be stood over unless a

decision has already been taken upon it.

(13) A clause that is stood over shall be

considered after the remaining clauses of the Bill
have been considered.

(14) The final question to be proposed shall

be, “That the clause, as amended, be added to the

(15) Schedules shall be disposed of in the
same way as clauses and any proposed new schedule
shall be considered after the schedules to the Bill
have been disposed of.

(16) An amendment, new clause or new

schedule may, with leave of the Committee of the
Whole House, be withdrawn at the request of the
mover, before the question has been put to it.

(17) If the question has been proposed on an

amendment to an amendment to a clause or schedule,
the original amendment may not be withdrawn until
the amendment to it has been disposed of.

(18) When every clause, schedule or

proposed new clause or new schedule have been
disposed of, the preamble, if there is one, shall be
considered and the question put “That this preamble
(as amended) be the preamble to the Bill.”

(19) No amendment to the preamble shall

be considered which is not made necessary by a
previous amendment to the Bill.
(20) If any amendment to the title of the Bill
is made necessary by an amendment to the Bill, it
shall be made at the conclusion of the proceedings
detailed above, but no question shall be put that the
title (as amended) stand part of the Bill or shall any
question be put upon the enacting formula.

135. Procedure in Select Committee on a Bill

(1) A Select Committee on a Bill shall
be subject to the provisions of Part XXVI that are
relevant to the Select Committee.
(2) When a Bill has been substantially
amended in a Select Committee, the Bill as amended,
shall be printed as part of the report of the Select
(3) After consideration of the Bill by the
Committee, the Chairperson shall lay the report of
the Committee on Table at the time specified in rule
25 and the Speaker shall appoint the time for the
consideration of the report.

136. Report of Committee after Committee
Immediately a Committee of the Whole House
has reported, the House may proceed to the Third
Reading of any Bill reported.
137. Third Reading and passing of Bills
(1) The House shall proceed to the Third
Reading of a Bill upon a Motion “That the Bill be
read a Third Time and do pass”.

(2) A Bill shall pass upon a Motion “That

the Bill entitled … do pass”.

138. Recommittal of Bill reported from

Committee of the Whole House
(1) If a Member desires to delete or amend
any provision contained in a Bill as reported from the
Committee of the Whole House, the Member may, at
any time before a Member moves the Third Reading
of the Bill, move that the Bill be recommitted
either wholly or in respect only of some particular
amendment or amendments.

(2) A notice of Motion for recommittal

is not required, and if the Motion is agreed to, the
Bill shall stand so recommitted and the House shall
proceed in accordance with sub rule (1) of rule 131
to resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole
House to consider the Business recommitted.
(3) When the whole Bill has been
recommitted, the Committee of the Whole House
shall go through the Bill as provided in rule 134.
(4) When the Bill has been recommitted in
respect only of some particular clause, amendment
or amendments, the Committee of the Whole
House shall consider only that amendment or those
amendments and any amendment which may be
moved to them, unless the Chairperson in his or her
discretion, is satisfied that the clause, amendment
or amendments proposed are substantial and it is
necessary or desirable, to reconsider the whole Bill
as provided in sub rule (3) of this rule.

(5) At the conclusion of the proceedings in

Committee of the Whole House on a Bill recommitted
either wholly or in respect only of some particular
clause, amendment or amendments, the Member in
charge of the Bill may move “That the House do
resume and the Committee of the Whole House do
report thereto” and the question on it shall be put
without amendment or debate.

(6) If the Motion is agreed to, the House

shall resume and the Member in charge of the Bill
shall report to the House and the House may then
proceed to the Third Reading of the Bill.

139. Proceedings on Bills reported from Select
(1) When a Bill has been reported from
a Select Committee, the House shall proceed
to consider the Bill as reported from the Select
Committee upon a Motion “That the report of the
Select Committee be approved”.

(2) If the Motion is agreed to without

amendment, the House may proceed to the Third
Reading of the Bill as reported from the Select

(3) Upon a Motion to approve the report of

a Select Committee on a Bill, a Member may propose
an amendment to add, at the end of the Motion,
the words “Subject to the recommittal of the Bill
either wholly or in respect only of some particular
amendment or amendments, to a Committee of the
Whole House”, and if that Motion is agreed to with
the amendment, the Bill shall stand so recommitted.

(4) The House may then, upon a Motion

made in accordance with sub rule (1) of rule 134
resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House
to consider the Business so recommitted.

(5) The Committee of the Whole House
upon a Bill, or a part or clause of a Bill recommitted
after having been reported from a Select Committee,
shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of
sub rules (2) or (3) and (4) as the case may require,
of rule 133 and the conclusion of its proceedings
and the remaining proceedings on the Bill shall be
subject to sub rules (3) and (4) of that rule.

140. Withdrawal of Bills

(1) A Member in charge of a Bill may,
at any time, give notice that he or she wishes to
withdraw the Bill, subject to the approval of the

(2) Whenever the House grants its approval

for withdrawal, the Bill shall stand withdrawn save
that the same Bill may be re-introduced after re-
publishing it in the Gazette.

(3) Should the House withhold its approval,

the Bill shall proceed in the House under the guidance
of the Chairperson of the relevant Committee.


141. Delays with Bills

(1) Subject to the Constitution, a Bill
introduced in the House shall not be with the
Committee for consideration for more than forty-
five days.

(2) If a Committee finds itself unable to

complete consideration of a Bill referred to it in sub
rule (1), the Committee may seek extra time from

(3) Where extra time is not granted or upon

expiry of the extra time granted under sub rule (2),
the House shall proceed to deal with the Bill without
any further delay.

142. Petitions by particular persons to be heard

when a Bill affects their interest
(1) Where individual rights or the property
of any particular person, association or corporate
body may be peculiarly affected by a Bill, a Petition
from any party so interested may be presented to the
House in accordance with rule 30 at any time before
the Bill has been read a Second Time.

(2) If the Speaker is of the opinion that a
Bill in respect of which a Petition has been lodged
may have any object described in sub rule (1), he
or she shall, immediately the Bill has been read a
Second Time, direct that it be committed to a Select

(3) Any Petition connected with the Bill

which has been duly presented to the House shall
stand referred to a Committee provided under sub
rule (2) above, and any person on whose behalf
the Petition was presented may be heard before the
Committee either in person or by Counsel.

143. Bills returned by President

(1) Where a Bill passed by the House is
returned to the House by the President with a request
that the House reconsiders the Bill or a particular
provision of it or any such amendments as are
recommended in his or her request, the Speaker shall
read the request of the President, or if the House is
not in Session direct that the message be published
in the Gazette.

(2) The Speaker shall refer the Bill to

the relevant Committee and the Committee shall
consider the request of the President and report to
the House within two weeks.
(3) The Minister, in the case of a
Government Bill or a Member, in the case of a
Private Member’s Bill, shall move a Motion for
reconsideration of the Bill by the House.
(4) Debate on a Motion under this rule shall
be confined to consideration of matters referred to in
the message of the President or to any suggestion
relevant to the subject matter of the amendment
recommended by the President.
(5) Where the Motion for reconsideration
is not carried, the request by the President shall
be taken to have been considered and rejected and
the Bill as originally passed by the House shall be
presented to the President for assent.
(6) An amendment relevant to the subject
matter of an amendment recommended by the
President may be moved but no further amendment
shall be moved to the Bill unless it is consequential
upon, incidental or alternative to, an amendment
recommended by the President.
(7) Where all the amendments have been
disposed of, the Minister in case of a Government
Bill or a Member in case of a Private Member’s Bill,
may move that the Bill be passed again or passed as
amended, as the case may be.
(8) Where the Bill is passed, it shall be
presented to the President indicating whether it was
passed with or without amendment.
(9) The Clerk shall certify on a Bill to be
presented to the President under sub rule (5) and (8)
the following—
“This Bill which was passed by the House
and returned by Your Excellency the President
for reconsideration has been considered and
passed again [with or without amendment]
by the House on the …… day of……20 ……
Dated……day of…… 2......”
(10) Where the President returns the
same Bill twice under clause (3) of article 91 of
the Constitution, these Rules shall, subject to
the necessary modifications and to such other
modifications as the Speaker may direct, apply.

144. Submission of Budget Framework Paper
and proposed annual budget
(1) The President shall, not later than the
31st day of December in each financial year, cause
to be prepared and laid before Parliament, a Budget
Framework Paper of the following financial year.

(2) The Budget Framework Paper shall be

accompanied by a Certificate of Gender and Equity
Responsiveness issued by the Minister responsible
for Finance.

145. Consideration of the Budget Framework

(1) The Speaker shall commit the Budget
Framework Paper to the Budget Committee for
consideration and to a Sectoral Committee, the part
of the Budget Framework Paper that falls within the
jurisdiction of the respective Sectoral Committee.

(2) A Sectoral Committee shall consider,

discuss and review the Budget Framework Paper
committed to it under sub rule (1) and submit its
report to the Budget Committee not later than the
20th day of January.

(3) The Budget Committee shall scrutinize

the Budget Framework Paper and the reports under
sub rule (2) and present a report to the House for
approval, by the 1st day of February of each year.

146. Policy statements
(1) Each Minister responsible for a vote,
Ministry or the head responsible for a vote shall by
the 15th day of March submit to Parliament a policy
statement for the proceeding financial year, for the
Ministry or vote.
(2) The policy statement made under sub
rule (1) shall be in a form prescribed by the Minister
responsible for Finance and shall contain the
(a) the achievements of the vote for the
previous financial year;
(b) the annual and three months work plans
and outcome, the objectives, outputs,
targets and performance indicators of
the work plans and outcomes;
(c) the annual procurement plan of the
(d) the annual recruitment plan of the vote;
(e) a statement of the actions taken by the
vote to implement the recommendations
of Parliament in respect to the report of
the Auditor General of the preceding
financial year;
(f) the cash flow projections of the vote;
(g) a certificate of gender and equity
(h) a vehicle utilization report;
(i) the asset register of the vote;
(j) a report on the loan portfolio and
(k) a statement on domestic arrears; and
(l) lists of requests for access to information
made by the public during the previous
year indicating whether or not access
was granted and the reasons for denial
in accordance with the Access to
Information Act, 2005.

(3) The policy statement submitted under

sub rule (1) shall be committed to the relevant
Sectoral Committee for scrutiny and report to

147. Alternative policy statements

Shadow Ministers may submit their alternative
policy statements to Parliament by the 29th day of
March every year.
148. Submission of the proposed annual budget
(1) The Minister shall, in accordance with
section 13 of the Public Finance Management Act,
2015, on behalf of the President, present the proposed
annual budget of a financial year to Parliament, by
the 1st day of April of the preceding financial year.

(2) The Speaker shall commit the proposed

annual budget to the Budget Committee of Parliament
and to a Sectoral Committee of Parliament, the part
of the annual budget that falls within the jurisdiction
of that Sectoral Committee.

149. Consideration of the reports on policy

statements and the proposed annual budget
(1) A Sectoral Committee shall consider
and review policy statements and budget estimates
committed to it under rule 148, including the budgets
of public corporations and state enterprises that fall
within their respective jurisdictions and present its
report to the House, not later than the 20th day of
April each financial year.

(2) The House shall consider the reports

of the Sectoral Committee and refer the approved
recommendations to the Budget Committee for
reconciliation, harmonisation and consolidation, not
later than the 30th day of April each financial year.
(3) The Budget Committee shall present its
report to the House, not later than the 15th day of
May each financial year.

(4) The Committee of Supply shall consider

and approve the estimates and expenditure, not later
than the 20th day of May each financial year.

150. Consideration of Bills operationalising the

collection of taxes
Parliament shall, before proceeding to the Committee
of Supply, consider the Bills operationalising the
collection of taxes.

151. Committee of Supply

(1) There shall be a Committee of the
Whole House designated “the Committee of Supply”
to which shall be referred the annual estimates or
supplementary estimates.

(2) Upon an Order of the day for Committee

of Supply being read, the Minister shall move “That
the House do resolve itself into the Committee of
Supply” for the purpose of—
(a) enabling the President, Vice President
or a Minister to deliver a financial
statement; or
(b) enabling the President, Vice President
or a Minister to initiate a debate on the
policy implied under a vote.

(3) In moving a Motion under sub rule

(2) for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (a) of
that sub rule, the mover is entitled to refer to the
revenue of Uganda and the manner in which he or
she proposes that the revenue shall be raised, and in
debating the Motion, Members are entitled to refer
to similar matters.

(4) Upon a Motion proposed by the

Speaker, the debate shall be adjourned for such
period as the Business Committee may decide.

(5) On resumption of debate on the

Motion, the Speaker shall give the first opportunity
to contribute to the Shadow Minister of finance to
respond to the Motion, followed by the Chairperson
of the Committee on the Budget, before the debate.

(6) The House shall consider the annual

estimates either on a Motion moved under paragraph
(b) of sub rule (2) or in the Committee of Supply not
later than the 20th day of May each financial year.

152. Consideration of the Appropriation Bill
(1) The Budget Committee shall scrutinise
the Appropriation Bill to ensure that the Schedule
thereto contains the allocations as appropriated by
the Committee of Supply.

(2) The Committee shall present its report,

not later than the 30th day of May each financial

153. Consideration of supplementary estimates

(1) The Minister responsible for Finance
shall, in accordance to article 156 (2) of the
Constitution and Section 25 of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2015 present before Parliament,
supplementary estimates on behalf of the President.

(2) The supplementary estimates presented

in sub rule (1) shall clearly spell out the source of
funding for the supplementary expenditure request
for each vote.

(3) The Speaker shall commit the proposed

supplementary estimates to the Budget Committee
and to each Sectoral Committee, the part of the
supplementary that falls within the jurisdiction of
the respective Sectoral Committee.

(4) The Sectoral Committee shall report
back to the Budget Committee within fourteen days.
(5) The Budget Committee shall then
present the report on the supplementary budget
request to the House.

154. Rules governing Committee of Supply

when considering annual or supplementary
(1) The House shall consider the
supplementary estimates for such period as the
Business Committee shall decide.
(2) When the House is in the Committee
of Supply to consider annual or supplementary
(a) a Member may move to reduce the
amount of the vote of the estimates, and
such Motion shall take the form that “I
beg to move that the sum of Shillings
ten thousand be reduced in respect to
(b) the Motion for reduction of the vote
shall be moved when the sub-head
to which the Motion relates is under
consideration by the Committee;
(c) where a Motion to reduce the amount of
the vote in relation to the particular sub-
head has been agreed to or negatived,
no further Motion to reduce that vote in
relation to the same sub-head shall be

(d) when a Motion is moved to reduce a

vote, the question shall be proposed
from the Chair accordingly;

(e) when consideration of a vote has been

completed, the Chairperson shall put
the question that the amount proposed
or amended if appropriate by any
reductions agreed, be provided for
under the vote;
(f) after a vote has been disposed of, it
is not in order to refer to that vote in
proceedings on a Motion relating to
another vote except for the purpose of
examples or illustration;

(g) notwithstanding the rules relating to

Motions, any Member may ask for
information relating to the details of
any vote;
(h) on the last of the allotted days, the
Chairperson shall, at such time as he
or she considers necessary to conclude
the Business on that day, put every
question necessary to dispose of the
vote then under consideration and
shall immediately put severally, the
questions with respect to the votes not
yet considered, namely, that the total
amounts of the votes outstanding be
provided for services specified, and no
debate shall take place on the questions
being put.

155. Consideration of Loans and Guarantees

(1) The Minister responsible for
Finance shall in accordance with article 159 of
the Constitution and sections 36 and 39 of the
Public Finance Management Act, 2015, present to
Parliament the proposed loan or guarantee request
for approval.

(2) The Speaker shall commit the proposed

loan or guarantee request to the Committee on
National Economy and to the relevant Sectoral
Committee, under which the subject matter of the
request falls.

(3) The relevant Sectoral Committee shall
report to the Committee on National Economy
within 14 days for consideration.

(4) The Committee on National Economy

shall present the report on the loan or guarantee
request to the House.

(5) With exception of loans raised through

issuance of securities, any loan request submitted
before Parliament for approval shall be accompanied
by the following documents—
(a) draft financing agreement;
(b) list of financing options considered
when identifying the creditor;
(c) loan disbursement and repayment
schedule; and
(d) a letter from National Planning
Authority clearing the project or

(6) Where a loan is raised through issuance

of securities, the documents under sub rule (5) (b) to
(d) shall apply.
(7) Where a loan is a project specific loan,
the following documents shall, in addition to the
documents required under sub rule (5), accompany
the loan request—
(a) social-economic impact assessment
(b) performance report for all the projects
being implemented by the sector;
(c) evidence of consistency with the National
Development Plan and Sector strategy;
(d) evidence of availability of counterpart
funds in the budget;
(e) Project Appraisal Document;
(f) procurement Plan;
(g) project implementation plan;
(h) project management structure;
(i) resettlement Action Plan, where
(j) Environmental Impact Assessment
report, where applicable;
(k) performance of past loans; and
(l) any other necessary document.


156. Committees of Parliament

(1) In accordance with article 90 of the
Constitution, the House shall appoint Committees of
Parliament necessary for the efficient discharge of
its functions.

(2) For the avoidance of doubt, these

Rules shall prescribe the powers, composition and
functions of Committees.


157. Standing Committees and Sectoral

(1) The House shall have Standing and
Sectoral Committees as provided for in this Part.

(2) The Vice-President, Prime Minister or

a Minister shall not be a Member of a Standing or
Sectoral Committee; and if a Member of any such
Committee becomes the Vice-President, Prime
Minister or a Minister, he or she shall cease to be a
Member of the Committee.

(3) Except as provided by these Rules in
respect to the Business Committee, Appointments
Committee, and the Budget Committee, a Member
shall not belong to more than two Committees.

(4) The Speaker shall ensure that at

least 40% of the leadership of the Committees of
Parliament are women.

158. Standing Committees

(1) Standing Committees of the House
shall have a tenure of office of two and a half years
and shall be the following—
(a) the Committee on Public Accounts
(Central Government);
(b) the Committee on Rules, Privileges and
(c) the Business Committee;
(d) the Committee on Budget;
(e) the Committee on National Economy;
(f) the Committee on Appointments;
(g) the Committee on Equal Opportunities;
(h) the Government Assurance and
Implementation Committee;
(i) the Committee on Public Accounts
(Commissions, Statutory Authorities
and State Enterprises);
(j) the Committee on Public Accounts
(Local Governments);
(k) the Committee on HIV/AIDS and
related matters;
(m) the Committee on Human Rights; and
(n) the Committee on Climate Change.

(2) Except as provided by these Rules, in

respect of the Business Committee and the Budget
Committee, a Member may not belong to more than
one Standing Committee.

159. General Functions of Committees of

The functions of Committees of Parliament in
addition to their specific functions under these Rules
shall include the following—

(a) to discuss and make recommendations on

Bills laid before Parliament;

(b) to initiate any Bill within the Committee’s

area of competence;
(c) to assess and evaluate activities of
Government and other bodies;
(d) to carry out relevant research in their
respective fields;
(e) to report to Parliament on their functions;
(f) to carry out any other function as the
House may assign from time to time.

160. Representation on Standing Committees

(1) The Members of Standing Committees
shall be selected from among Members of Parliament.

(2) In the selection of Members of Standing

Committees, the parties represented in Parliament
shall designate through their Whips, membership to
Committees on the basis of Party representation in
the House.

(3) Unless otherwise provided in these

Rules and as far as reasonably practicable, the
overall membership of Committees shall reflect
proportional membership in the House taking into
consideration the numerical strength of the Parties
and the interests of the Independent Members.
(4) Independent Members shall apply to the
Clerk to join Committees of their choice and the
Speaker shall accordingly ensure that the Members
join the Committees of their choice.

(5) Parties have powers to withdraw and

relocate Members from individual Committees.

(6) The Party or Organization in

Government shall designate the Chairperson and
Deputy chairperson of each Standing Committee of

(7) Notwithstanding sub rule (6), the

Standing Committees on Public Accounts (Central
Government), Public Accounts (Local Government),
Public Accounts (Commissions, Statutory
Authorities and State Enterprises), and Government
Assurances and Implementation shall be chaired and
deputized by Members designated by the official
Opposition Party or Organization.

(8) Members designated under this rule

shall be announced by the Speaker in Parliament and
accordingly assume their respective membership or

161. Membership of Standing Committees
Subject to these Rules, each Standing Committee,
apart from the Business Committee, the Budget
Committee and the Appointments Committee, shall
comprise not less than fifteen Members and not more
than thirty five Members selected in accordance with
these Rules.

162. Vacancy on Standing Committees

Where a vacancy occurs in a Standing Committee,
the Clerk shall notify the Speaker, who shall, in
consultation with party Whips and Independent
Members, fill the vacancy within one month of the
occurrence of the vacancy.



163. Composition of Committee on

The Committee on Appointments shall comprise
thirty Members designated by party Whips on the
basis of proportional party membership in the House,
taking into consideration the numerical strength of
the Parties and interests of Independent Members.

164. Chairperson of Committee on
(1) The Speaker shall be the Chairperson
of the Committee on Appointments.
(2) The person presiding over a meeting of
the Committee on Appointments shall neither have
an original nor a casting vote.

165. Meetings of Committee on Appointments

(1) Meetings of the Committee on
Appointments shall be convened by the Speaker and
in his or her absence, the Deputy Speaker.
(2) The Proceedings of the Committee on
Appointments shall be closed.
166. Quorum of Committee on Appointments
The quorum at any meeting of the Committee on
Appointments is one half of the Members of the

167. Functions of Committee on Appointments

(1) The Committee on Appointments
shall be responsible for approving, on behalf of
Parliament, the appointment of persons nominated
for appointment by the President under the
Constitution, or any other appointment required to
be approved by Parliament under any law.
(2) The Committee on Appointments shall
also deal with any question which arises under clause
(4) of article 113 of the Constitution as to whether or
not any office is an office of profit or emolument, the
holding of which is likely to compromise the office
of a Minister or a public officer.

168. Submission of names to the Committee on

(1) The names of persons nominated for
appointment shall be communicated in writing to the
Committee on Appointments through the Speaker.

(2) The Chairperson of the Committee on

Appointments shall communicate to Members of the
House, the names of persons submitted for approval
and the date of sitting of the Committee to consider

(3) Every decision of the Committee on

Appointments shall be by open vote.

(4) A candidate shall be taken as approved

provided votes cast in favour of that candidate
constitute a simple majority of Members present and

(5) If the votes are equal, the candidate
shall be taken not to have been approved.

(6) A Member of the Committee on

Appointments whose name has been submitted to
the Committee for approval shall not participate in
the proceedings of the Committee when his or her
name is under consideration, except as a candidate.

(7) The Committee on Appointments may

summon a person whose name has been submitted
for approval to appear before it.

(8) A person whose name has been submitted

to the Committee on Appointments for approval,
shall be given an opportunity to answer before
the Committee to any adverse statements made
against him or her and shall be availed all necessary
documents for that purpose.

169. Nominations not approved

(1) The approval by the Committee on
Appointments shall not be withheld unless the
Committee is satisfied on evidence that the person
nominated does not possess qualifications as
prescribed by law to hold that office.

(2) The Committee on Appointments shall
act expeditiously and shall, within fifteen days
after receipt of the nomination, take an appropriate
decision on a nomination submitted to it.

(3) Where, upon consideration of a

nomination, the Committee on Appointments finds
itself unable to take a decision on the nomination
by reason of inadequate information or any other
reason, the Committee shall, within three working
days after coming to that conclusion, communicate
to the President that the Committee is unable to take
a decision and the reasons for it.

170. Committee on Appointments to Report to

the House
The Chairperson of the Committee on Appointments
shall report to the House any appointment approved
by the Committee and the report shall not be subject
to debate.

171. Report to President

The Speaker shall communicate to the President in
writing within three working days after the decision
of the Appointments Committee on any person
nominated by the President for appointment.

172. Appeal to the House
(1) Where the President’s nominee is not
approved by the Committee, the President may
appeal to the House to take a decision on the matter.

(2) The Committee on Appointments may

by resolution of at least one third of its Members,
refer a particular nomination to a decision of the
(3) The decision of the House under this
rule shall be communicated to the President by the

173. Composition and Functions of the

Committee on Budget
(1) The Budget Committee shall comprise
thirty Members designated by Party Whips on basis
of proportional Party membership in the House
taking into consideration the interests of Independent

(2) A Chairperson of a Standing or Sectoral

Committee shall be an ex-officio Member of the
Budget Committee.

(3) The functions of the Budget Committee

shall be to—
(a) examine and recommend to Parliament
for approval of the Charter of Fiscal

(b) consider and recommend on any requests

by the minister for deviations from the
Charter of Fiscal Responsibility;

(c) consider the Appropriation Bill based

on the decisions of the Committee of

(d) examine the Budget Framework Paper

and report to the House;

(e) scrutinise the proposed annual budget

and harmonise recommendations of the
House on the reports of the Sectoral
Committees on Ministerial Policy

(f) scrutinize and advise Parliament on the

certificate of compliance of the annual
budget to the National Development
Plan and the Certificate on Gender and
Equity Responsiveness under sections
13 of the Public Finance Management
Act, 2015;
(g) review proposals, monitor operations
and report on the Contingencies Fund;

(h) review and advise Parliament on the

reports submitted by the Minister to
Parliament on fiscal performance and
the economy as provided for under
section 18 of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2015;

(i) scrutinize the annual performance of

the multi-year commitments report;

(j) scrutinize and advise Parliament on

the budgets of public corporations
and state enterprises submitted under
section 13(11) (f) of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2015;

(k) consider the annual budget, compile

amendments and report to the House;

(l) carry out such other functions relating

to the annual budget as may be assigned
to it by the House.

174. Composition and functions of the
Committee on Public Accounts (Central
(1) The Committee on Public Accounts
(Central Government) shall comprise not less than
fifteen and not more than thirty five Members
designated by Party Whips on basis of proportional
party membership in the House taking into
consideration the interests of independent Members.

(2) The function of the Committee shall

be to examine the audited accounts showing the
appropriation of the sums granted by Parliament to
meet the expenditure of the Central Government and
the Judiciary.

(3) The Clerk shall receive the Auditor

General’s report submitted in accordance with clause
(4) of article 163 of the Constitution relating to the
Central Government and the Judiciary.

(4) The Speaker shall cause the report to be

laid before the House by a Commissioner, and the
report shall be referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts (Central Government).

(5) In scrutinizing the report of the Auditor

General, the Committee shall satisfy itself that—
(a) the monies appropriated by Parliament
and disbursed were legally available for,
and applicable to, the service or purpose
to which they have been applied or

(b) the expenditure conforms to the authority

which governs it;

(c) re-appropriation has been made in

accordance with the provisions of the
rules of a competent authority; and

(d) the intended value of the expended

monies was attained.

(6) The Chairperson of the Committee shall

Table the report of the Committee before the House
for purposes of debate, within six months of the
referral of the report of the Auditor General to the

175. Functions of the Committee on Rules,

Privileges and Discipline
(1) The Committee on Rules, Privileges and
Discipline shall, by order of the House—

(a) inquire into any complaint of contempt of
Parliament or breach of privilege or any
matter of privilege which may be referred
to it and to recommend to the House such
action as the Committee may consider

(b) consider any matter of discipline referred

to it by the Speaker or the House including
attendance of Members at sittings of
Committees, and to report its findings to
the House;
(c) review these Rules from time to time and
to make such recommendations to the
House for amendment as the Committee
considers necessary for the satisfactory
functioning and efficient transaction
of the Business of the House and its
(d) examine and advise the House on
amendments proposed to these Rules,
by Members or other Committees of the
House; and

(e) carry out such other functions as are

conferred by these Rules or assigned by
the House.
(2) The findings and recommendations of
the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline
shall be presented, debated and approved by the
(3) Without prejudice to sub rule (2),
where an affected party agrees to the findings and
recommendations referred to in that rule, there shall
be no debate save approval of the report by the
(4) Once the House has pronounced itself
on any report presented under this rule, the decision
of the House shall be binding on the parties.
176. Composition of Business Committee
(1) The Business Committee shall comprise
the following Members—
(a) the Speaker;
(b) the Deputy Speaker;
(c) the Leader of Government Business;
(d) the Leader of the Opposition;
(e) the Government Chief Whip or his or
her nominee;
(f) the Chief Opposition Whip or his or her
(g) other Party Whips;
(h) two Independent Members of
Parliament decided upon by the
Speaker, taking into account gender;
(i) Chairpersons of Committees.

(2) The Chairpersons of Committees shall

be ex officio Members with no right to vote.
(3) The Speaker shall preside over a sitting
of the Business Committee and in his or her absence,
the Deputy Speaker.

177. Functions of the Business Committee

(1) Subject to rule 25, the Business
Committee shall arrange the Business of each
meeting and the order in which it shall be taken,
except that the powers of the Committee shall be
without prejudice to the powers of the Speaker to
determine the order of Business in Parliament and
in particular the Speaker’s power to give priority to
Government Business as required by clause (4) (a)
of article 94 of the Constitution.
(2) The Committee may, in consultation
with the Speaker, recommend the time allotted for
debate on the stages of Bills and other Business.
(3) The Committee may indicate in the
proposed time Table the different hours at which the
various stages of a Bill or other Business shall be
(4) The allocation of time in respect of
Bills and other Business as approved by the Business
Committee shall take effect as if it were an order of
the House and shall be notified in the Order Paper.

(5) The Committee shall assign the time

frame on items of Business, which is to be allocated
among the parties represented in the House.

(6) Without prejudice to the above

functions, the Committee shall carry out such other
functions as are conferred by these Rules or as the
House may assign to it.

(7) The sittings of the Business Committee

shall not be in public and it shall meet at the request
of the Speaker or of not less than one third of the
Members of the Committee or when directed by the

(8) A variation in the allocation of time

order shall not be made except on a Motion made
and agreed to by the House, except that the Speaker
may, increase the time allocated for a period not
exceeding one hour, without a Motion being moved.

178. Functions of the Committee on the National

(1) The Committee on the National
Economy shall review, consider, and scrutinise all
matters relating to national economy generally,
finance and any other matter referred to it by the
(2) The Committee on National Economy
shall, in particular have the following functions—

(a) to examine and monitor the state of the

national economy;
(b) to examine the terms and conditions of
the loan;
(c) to assess annually the performance
of loans and guarantees approved by
(d) to examine the annual state of
indebtedness and management of
Government debt, including the debt
management performance assessment
(e) to examine loan guarantee requests and
assess the performance of existing ones
by Government;

(f) to examine the report on grants received

by Government; and

(g) to explore means of improving the

national economy.

179. Functions of the Government Assurance

and Implementation Committee
(1) The Government Assurance and
Implementation Committee shall—

(a) record and scrutinise the assurances,

promises and undertakings given by
a Minister, Prime Minister, President,
Vice-President in the House from time
to time;

(b) monitor and evaluate the fulfilment of

Government assurances; and
(c) exercise such other functions that are
not covered by paragraphs (a) and (b)
as may be allocated to the Committee
by the Speaker from time to time.
(2) Where the time frame is not given
by the Minister, the Government Assurance and
Implementation Committee shall determine the
category within which it falls and accordingly
determine the time frame within which it ought to be
(3) For purposes of sub rule (2), the
categories shall include—
(a) emergency assurances;
(b) short term assurances;
(c) midterm assurances; or
(d) long term assurances.
(3) The Chairperson of the Government
Assurance and Implementation Committee shall
present a report to the House on the status of the
implementation and extent to which the assurances,
promises and undertakings have been fulfilled,
withdrawn or broken from time to time.
(4) The report submitted under sub rule (3)
shall be debated by the House.
(5) The Leader of Government Business
shall respond to the report and issues raised during
the debate.
(6) The Committee shall submit to each
Sectoral Committee, a list of Government assurances
that are pending fulfilment during consideration of
the Budget Framework Paper.

(7) The Speaker shall allot time for

Members to raise specific Government undertakings
and assurances made in their constituencies.

180. Withdrawal of assurance

(1) A withdrawal of an assurance or
undertaking shall be made to the Committee of
Government Assurance and Implementation which
shall in turn report to the House.
(2) For purposes of this rule, an assurance
shall mean any undertaking or promise, made
by a Minister, Prime Minister, President, or Vice
President on the floor of the House.

181. Functions of the Committee on Public

Accounts (Commissions, Statutory
Authorities and State Enterprises)
(1) The function of the Committee on
Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State
Enterprises is to examine the reports and audited
accounts of Statutory Authorities, Corporations and
Public Enterprises;
(2) The Clerk shall receive the Auditor
General’s report submitted in accordance with
clause (4) of article 163 of the Constitution relating
to Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State
(3) The Speaker shall cause the report to be
laid before the House by a Commissioner, and the
report shall be referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts (Commissions, Statutory Authorities and
State Enterprises).
(4) The Committee shall, upon receipt
of the Auditor General’s report under sub rule
(3), consider and examine the recommendations
of the Auditor General on the audited accounts of
the Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State
(5) The Chairperson of the Committee
shall present the report of the Committee before the
House for purposes of debate, within six months of
the referral of the report of the Auditor General to
the Committee.

182. Functions of the Committee on Public

Accounts (Local Government)
(1) The Minister responsible for local
governments shall, in accordance with section 88 (8)
of the Local Governments Act, Cap. 243 lay before
Parliament, reports of the local government public
accounts committees on the examination of the
reports of the Auditor General, chief internal auditor
and any reports of commissions of inquiry.

(2) The report submitted by the Minister shall

be referred to the Committee on Public Accounts
(Local Governments).

(3) The Clerk shall receive the Auditor

General’s report submitted in accordance with clause
(4) of article 163 of the Constitution relating to local
government accounts.

(4) The Speaker shall cause the report to

be laid in the House by a Commissioner, and the
report shall be referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts (Local Governments).

(5) The Committee shall, upon receipt of the

Auditor General’s report under sub rule (3) and
the reports submitted under sub rule (1), consider
and examine the recommendations of the Auditor
General and the report of the local government
public accounts committees.

(6) The Chairperson of the Committee shall
present the report of the Committee before the
House for purposes of debate, within six months of
the referral of the report of the Auditor General to
the Committee.

183. Functions of the Committee on Equal

(1) The Committee on Equal Opportunities
shall monitor and promote measures designed
to enhance the equalisation of opportunities and
improvement in the quality of life and status of all
people including marginalised groups on the basis
of gender, age, disability or any other reason created
by history, tradition or custom for the purpose of
redressing imbalances which exist against them.

(2) The Committee on Equal Opportunities

shall, in the performance of its functions—

(a) examine and make recommendations

on relevant Bills and other matters to
ensure compliance with the relevant
constitutional provisions and favourable
responsiveness to gender, and other
marginalised groups;

(b) initiate relevant Bills and Motions
appropriate for the protection,
equalization of opportunities and
promoting the welfare of women, youth,
workers, persons with disabilities and
other marginalised groups;

(c) monitor and evaluate activities of

Government and other bodies in
determining the extent to which they
contribute to the realisation of ideals
enshrined in the Constitution and other
relevant laws; and

(d) carry out or cause to be carried out research

in the relevant areas to assist Parliament
make decisions to enable it attain the goal
of equalization and improving welfare of
various groups.

(3) The Committee on Equal Opportunities

shall act with a view to realizing the provisions of
articles 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 of the Constitution and
other articles of the Constitution relating to equal

(4) The Committee on Equal Opportunities

shall report to the House at least twice a year.
184. Functions of the Committee on Human
Immuno-deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune-
Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
(1) The Committee on HIV/AIDS shall—
(a) coordinate HIV/AIDS activities
of Parliament and provide a link
between Parliament with the Uganda
Aids Commission and the Ministry
responsible for Health, in combating
the epidemic in Uganda;
(b) scrutinise the HIV/AIDS policies,
monitor and evaluate strategies
and activities of Government, local
government and other bodies aimed at
HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment
and psycho- social support of infected
and affected persons;
(c) examine and make recommendations
on relevant Bills and other matters
relating to HIV/AIDS; and
(d) in cooperation with the Uganda
Aids Commission and the Ministry
responsible for Health, initiate
relevant Bills and Motions required for
combating the epidemic in Uganda.
(2) The Committee on HIV/AIDS shall report
to Parliament at least twice a year.

185. Functions of the Committee on Human

(1) The Committee on Human Rights shall
have the following functions—

(a) to track and report on human rights

concerns in every Business handled by

(b) to monitor Government compliance

with national and international human
rights instruments to which Uganda is
a party and follow up on Government
periodic reports to international human
rights monitoring bodies;

(c) examine the recommendations in the

Uganda Human Rights Commission
reports and ensure that Government is
held accountable in this regard;

(d) to inquire into any matter relating to

human rights in Uganda; and

(e) carry on such other functions relating to
human rights as may be assigned to it
by Parliament under these Rules or any
other law in force.

(2) The Committee on Human Rights shall

report to Parliament at least twice a year.

186. Functions of the Committee on Climate

(1) The Committee on Climate Change
shall provide oversight on the responsiveness
of Government to matters of climate change, its
mitigation and adaptation.

(2) The Committee shall in the performance

of its functions under sub rule (1)—
(a) scrutinize all Bills presented before
Parliament in relation to climate change
mitigation and adaptation;
(b) coordinate parliamentary activities
related to climate change;
(c) make recommendations to Parliament
on legal and institutional mechanisms
to address climate change;
(d) supervise implementation of climate
smart practices in public and private
(e) monitor technological transfers in order
to mitigate effects on the environment;
(f) make recommendations to Parliament
on how to mitigate the effects and
impact of climate change; and
(g) provide a link between Parliament
and other institutions in mitigating the
effects and impacts of climate change.

(3) The Committee shall report to Parliament

at least twice every session.



187. Sectoral Committees

(1) There shall be Sectoral Committees of the
House, whose Members shall be designated by Whips
on basis of Party or Organisation representation and
interests of Independent Members in the House at
the beginning of every session of Parliament.

(2) The Sectoral Committees shall be on the
following sectors—
(a) Agriculture, Animal Industry and
(b) Tourism, Trade, and Industry;
(c) Health;
(d) Education and Sports;
(e) Gender, Labour and Social Development
including equal opportunities and
interest groups;
(f) Physical Infrastructure covering—
(i) Lands;
(ii) Housing;
(iii) Urban development;
(iv) Works and Transport; and
(v) Physical Planning.

(g) Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

(i) Judiciary,
(ii) Parliament,

(iii) Justice,
(iv) Law Reform Commission,
(v) Electoral Commission,
(vi) Human Rights Commission, and
(vii) Inspectorate of Government;
(h) Public Service and Local Government;
(i) Environment and Natural Resources
(i) Energy;
(ii) Water;
(iii) Minerals and Petroleum; and
(iv) Environment;
(j) Presidential Affairs covering—
(i) Office of the President;
(ii) State House;
(iii) Office of the Vice President;
(iv) Office of the Prime Minister;
(v) Internal Security Organization;
(vi) External Security Organization;

(vii) Directorate of Ethics and integrity;
(viii) Uganda Aids Commission; and
(ix) Kampala Capital City Authority.
(k) Foreign Affairs covering—
(i) Missions abroad; and
(ii) Bilateral, multi-lateral and inter-
governmental relations;
(l) Defence and Internal affairs covering—
(i) Ministry of Defence,
(ii) Ministry of Internal Affairs;
(iii) Uganda Police Force, and
(iv) Uganda Prisons Service,

(m) Finance, Planning and Economic

Development covering—
(i) Ministry of Finance, Planning and
Economic Development and its
agencies; and
(ii) Office of the Auditor General
(n) Information, Communication Technology
and National Guidance;
(o) East African Community Affairs;
(p) Science, Technology and Innovation.

188. Composition of Sectoral Committees

(1) A Sectoral Committee shall consist of
not less than fifteen Members and not more than
thirty Members selected from among Members of

(2) In the selection of Members of Sectoral

Committees, the parties or organizations represented
in Parliament shall designate through the Whips,
membership to Committees on the basis of Party or
Organization representation in the House.

(3) Unless otherwise provided in these

Rules and so far as reasonably practicable, the
overall membership of the Committees shall reflect
proportional membership in the House taking into
consideration the numerical strength of the parties
or organizations and the interests of the Independent

(4) Independent Members shall apply to the

Clerk to join Committees of their choice and the
Speaker shall accordingly ensure that the Members
join the Committees of their choice.
(5) Parties or Organizations shall have powers
to withdraw and relocate Members from individual

(6) The Party or Organization in Government

shall designate the Chairperson and Deputy
Chairperson of each Sectoral Committee provided
that no active Member of the Uganda Peoples
Defence Forces shall be designated Chairperson or
Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Defence
and Internal Affairs.

(7) Members designated under this rule shall

be announced by the Speaker in Parliament and
accordingly assume their respective Membership or

189. Functions of Sectoral Committees

Sectoral Committees shall have the following

(a) to examine and comment on policy

matters affecting the Ministries covered
by them;
(b) to initiate or evaluate action programmes
of Ministries and sectors and to make
appropriate recommendations on them;
(c) to examine Bills referred to the Sectoral
Committee by the House;

(d) to examine Government recurrent and

capital budget estimates and make
recommendations on them for general
debate in the House;

(e) to monitor the performance of Ministries,

Departments and Agencies;

(f) to monitor Government compliance with

approved plans and programmes; and

(g) to monitor the progress on implementation

of the sustainable development goals
made by the sectors that fall within their


190. Select Committees

(1) The House may, at any time upon a
Motion moved after notice given, appoint a Select
Committee to investigate a particular matter.

(2) A Select Committee shall comprise at
least five Members who shall be designated by
Party Whips, on the basis of proportional Party
representation in the House, taking into consideration
interests of the Independent Members in the House.

(3) The Speaker shall, in consultation with the

Government Chief Whip and the Chief Opposition
Whip, appoint Members and the Chairpersons of the
Select Committee.

(4) Three Members shall form a quorum if

the Committee consists of five Members, and if the
Committee consists of more than five Members, the
quorum shall be one third of all the Members.

(5) Where for any reason a Member of a

Select Committee is unable to act, another Member
may be appointed in his or her place, taking into
consideration party proportionality in the House.


191. Ad-hoc Committees

The House may at any time, on the advice of the
Business Committee, appoint an Ad-hoc Committee
to investigate any matter of public importance that
does not come under the jurisdiction of any Standing
or Sectoral Committee or that has not been dealt
with by a Select Committee.


192. Application of this Part

This Part applies to Committees generally unless
express provision is made to the contrary in these

193. Rules to apply generally

(1) In Committees, these Rules shall be
observed so far as may be applicable.

(2) The Chairperson of a Committee shall

maintain order in the Committee and decisions on all
questions of order and disorder in a Committee shall
be dealt with under rule 88.

194. Chairpersons of Committees

(1) A Member shall not chair more than
one Committee of the House or be a Chairperson or
Deputy Chairperson at the same time.

(2) A Commissioner shall not be a
Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a Committee.

(3) Sub rule (1) shall not apply to the

Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

195. Removal of Chairperson or Deputy

Chairperson from office
(1) A Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson
of a Committee may be removed by Members of
the Committee on a Motion supported by two thirds
of all Members of the Committee on any of the
following grounds—

(a) incompetence;

(b) misconduct or misbehaviour;

(c) failure or refusal without justifiable reason

to execute the duties of the Committee.

(2) The Motion for removal of the

Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson shall be initiated
by not less than one third of the Members of the
Committee by giving seven days’ notice to Members
of the Committee, including the Chairperson or
Deputy Chairperson, and to the Speaker, that they
are dissatisfied with the conduct or performance of
the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson and intend
to move a Motion for his or her removal.

(3) The Motion shall not be debated before

the expiration of fourteen days after a copy of the
notice is received by the Chairperson.

(4) The Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson

in respect of whom a Motion of removal is to be
moved is entitled during the debate to be heard in his
or her defence.

(5) The Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson

in respect of whom proceedings for removal have
commenced shall not preside over any proceeding of
the Committee until the removal proceedings have
been concluded in his or her favour.

(6) The Committee shall make a report

in the House on the removal of the Chairperson or
Deputy Chairperson.

(7) The party Whip or the Speaker as the

case may be, shall designate another Chairperson
or Deputy Chairperson within seven days after the
removal of a Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.

196. Re-designation of a Chairperson
A Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a
Committee may be re-designated at any time of his
or her tenure by the relevant Whip, with the approval
of the House.
197. Quorum of Committees
(1) Unless the House otherwise directs
or these Rules otherwise provide, the quorum of
a Committee of the House shall be one third of its
Members and shall only be required for the purpose
of voting.
(2) The number of Members required to
form the quorum of every Committee under sub rule
(1) shall be in addition to the Chairperson or any
other Member presiding.
(3) If at any time of voting during the
sitting of a Committee there is no quorum, the
Chairperson or other person presiding shall adjourn
the proceedings of the Committee to a future day
or a later time on the same day after allowing a
reasonable time to ascertain whether or not a quorum
can be realised.
198. Clerk to Committee
The Clerk shall be the Clerk to every Committee and
may delegate his or her duties to a Deputy Clerk or
a Clerk Assistant.
199. Instructions to Committees
(1) Subject to any instructions by the House,
the deliberations of every Committee shall be
confined to the matter referred to it by the House,
and in the case of a Committee on a Bill, to the Bill
committed to it and any relevant amendments.

(2) Subject to sub rule (4), instruction to a

Committee may empower a Committee to consider
matters not otherwise referred to it.

(3) Instruction shall not be given to a

Committee to do what it is already empowered to do
or to deal with a question beyond the scope of a Bill
or matter referred to it.

(4) Instruction to a Committee extending or

restricting the order of reference may be moved in
the House, after notice, on any day prior to the report
of the Committee.

200. Duration of Committee

A Committee may continue to sit although the House
may be adjourned, and the Committee shall not be
dissolved until the presentation to the House of its
report or until dissolved by the House.
201. Decisions by the Committee
(1) A decision of a Committee shall be arrived
at by consensus and in the absence of a consensus,
a decision shall be by the votes of the majority of
Members of the Committee present and voting.

(2) The Chairperson or other person presiding

at a meeting of a Committee shall have neither a
deliberative nor a casting vote and where the votes
are equal, the proposal shall be taken to be lost.

202. Sub-committees of Committees

A Committee may, if it deems fit, appoint from its
number a Sub-committee and assign to it such of
its functions as the Committee considers fit and the
Sub-committee shall report to the Committee.

203. Meetings of Committees

(1) A Committee shall commence sittings
as soon as possible after it has been appointed to
consider a Bill or other matter referred to it by the

(2) A meeting of the Committee shall be held

at such a time and place as may be determined by
the Chairperson of the Committee or in his or her
absence, by the Deputy Chairperson.

(3) Meetings may be called at the request
of not less than one third of the Members of the

(4) Unless the House, is sitting, not less than

forty eight hours’ notice shall be given to Members
of the Committee when calling any meeting.

(5) A meeting of the Committee shall be

presided over by the Chairperson of the Committee
and in his or her absence, by the Deputy Chairperson
or, in the absence of both of them, by a Member of
the Committee elected by the Members present and

(6) A Committee may sit while the House

is sitting but on any vote or a division being called in
the House, the Chairperson of the Committee or any
other person presiding shall suspend the proceedings
of the Committee for such time as may, in his or her
opinion, enable Members of the Committee to vote
in the division.

(7) A Member may attend a meeting of

a Committee of Parliament through a designated
digital platform.

(8) Rules governing the participation of
Members in proceedings of Parliament outside the
Chamber of Parliament through a designated digital
platform shall, with necessary modifications, apply
to the participation of Members in a meeting of a
Committee through a designated digital platform.

204. Report to be signed by Chairperson and

(1) A report of a Committee shall be signed
and initialled by at least one third of all the Members
of the Committee, and shall be laid on Table.

(2) Members of the Committee making the

report shall be collectively responsible for decisions
contained in the report and shall not debate the report
on the floor of the House.

(3) In case of a complaint as to the

authenticity of a report, the Speaker shall halt debate
on the report and refer the matter to the Clerk for
investigation who shall report back to the Speaker
before the next sitting of the House.
(4) Upon receiving the report from the
Clerk, the Speaker shall inform the House of the
findings and a decision will be taken on both the
complaint and the report.
(5) The report of a Committee on a Bill

(a) be uploaded on the parliamentary

information system for the information
of Members before it is laid on Table;

(b) only be debated after the expiry of at

least three days from the day it was
laid on Table by the Chairperson or
the Deputy Chairperson or a Member
nominated by the Committee or by the

(6) Notwithstanding sub rule (5), debate

on the report may, in the discretion of the Speaker,
(a) if three or more days have elapsed since
the report of the Committee was uploaded
on the parliamentary information system
and a notification of the existence of the
report sent out to all Members by the
Clerk; and

(b) after it has been laid on Table by the

Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson or
a Member nominated by the Committee
or by the Speaker.

(7) Any Member’s initial or signature

appended to the report shall not be withdrawn.

(8) The Chairperson or a Member of the

Committee may move in the House that the report
from the Committee be adopted.

(9) The report of the Committee shall form

part of the record of the House.

205. Minority Report

(1) A Member or Members dissenting from
the opinion of a majority of a Committee may state
in writing the reasons for his or her or their dissent,
and the statements of reasons shall be appended to
the report of the Committee.

(2) The Member or Members dissenting from

the opinion of the majority of the Committee shall be
given time to present the minority report at the time
of the consideration of the Committee report.

(3) In preparing a minority report, a Member

shall be afforded reasonable assistance by the Office
of the Clerk.
206. Only Members may vote
(1) A Member of the House who is not a
Member of a Committee may, unless the House or
the Committee concerned otherwise orders, take part
in the public proceedings of the Committee, but he
or she shall not vote, nor shall he or she be part of
any quorum.
(2) Subject to these Rules and except as
otherwise directed by the House, a Member referred
to in sub rule (1) may attend private sittings of the
Committee with the approval of the Committee.

207. Agenda and minutes of meetings

(1) The Clerk of a Committee shall transmit
written notice of each meeting addressed to each
Member of the Committee, together with a copy of
the agenda.
(2) The Clerk of a Committee shall record
the minutes of proceedings of the Committee.

208. Special powers of Committees

In the exercise of its functions, a Committee—
(a) may call any Minister or any person
holding public office and private
individuals to submit memoranda or
appear before them to give evidence;
(b) may employ qualified persons to assist it
in the discharge of its functions;

(c) may call or invite any person to take part

in the proceedings of the Committee
without the right to vote;

(d) shall have the powers of the High Court


(i) enforcing the attendance of

witnesses and examining them on
oath, affirmation or otherwise;

(ii) compelling the production of

documents; and

(iii) issuing a commission or request to

examine witnesses abroad.

(e) order for the arrest and confinement of

a recalcitrant witness for purposes of
investigation by a competent authority; or

(f) cite any person for contempt of


209. Co-opting Members
(1) A Committee may, with the approval of
its Members, co-opt any other Member who is not a
Member of the Committee for a specific purpose and

(2) A Member co-opted under this rule may

participate in the proceedings of the Committee but
shall have no vote on any matter to be decided by the

210. Counsel
(1) A Committee shall have power to request
the Attorney General to attend upon the Committee
and give such legal assistance as may be required.

(2) A person alleged to be in contempt of

Parliament may be represented by counsel in
proceedings in the Committee on Rules, Privileges
and Discipline.

(3) A witness before any other Committee

may also be represented by counsel.

211. Evidence of witnesses

(1) The evidence of a witness shall be
recorded and a copy of the evidence may be sent to
the witness, on request.
(2) A witness may, within seven days from the
date of receipt of the copy, suggest corrections to his
or her evidence due to inaccurate reporting and the
evidence shall be printed with such corrections as
may be approved by the chairperson.

(3) The Committee may at its discretion

refuse to hear any irrelevant evidence or listen to any
recalcitrant witness.

212. Examination on oath or affirmation

(1) A Committee shall have power to cause a
witness to be examined on oath, and the clerk to the
Committee shall have authority to administer it.

(2) A witness may, instead of taking the oath

make a solemn affirmation.

(3) The oath or affirmation under this rule is

prescribed under Appendix I.

213. Expenses of witnesses before Committees

(1) The rate of allowance to be paid for the
expenses of any person appearing as a witness before
a Committee shall be the same as would be payable
to that person if he or she were a witness attending
the High Court.

(2) For purposes of this rule, “witness”
means a person who testifies before a Committee
upon issuance of a summons by that Committee
and does not include a person who appears before
a Committee to give evidence in his or her official

214. Issue and service of summons

(1) An order to attend or to produce
documents before a Committee shall be notified by
a summons signed by the Clerk to Parliament under
the direction of the Speaker.

(2) The summons shall state the time when

and the place where the person summoned is required
to attend and the particular documents which he or
she is required to produce.

(3) The summons shall be served on the

person mentioned in the summons by delivering to
him or her a copy of it or by leaving it at his or her
usual place of abode with an adult person; or where
this is not known, by publishing it in the press.

(4) Summons under this rule may be served

by an officer of the House or a police officer.

215. Withdrawal of documents before
(1) A document received by a clerk to a
Committee shall not be withdrawn or altered without
the knowledge and approval of the Committee.

(2) A clerk to a Committee shall receive all

documents on behalf of the Committee.
(3) A document received under sub rule
(1) shall only be withdrawn or amended with the
knowledge and approval of the Committee.

216. Publication of evidence before reports of

(1) A Committee shall have power to
authorise the Clerk to Parliament to supply a copy of
its report to an officer of a Government department,
to a witness who has given evidence to a Committee,
or to its Sub-committee as the Committee considers
appropriate, to lobby journalists and to other
representatives as the Committee deems fit, after
the report has been laid on Table, but before then, a
Member or any other person shall not publish such
(2) Evidence or a document received by
a Committee shall not be published or otherwise
disclosed to any person other than a Member of
Parliament, until the report of the Committee is
presented to the House.

217. Admission of certain papers in evidence in

Where an inquiry affects the privileges, immunities
and powers of the House or any of its Members, a
copy of the proceedings of the House or a report
from a Committee shall be admitted as prima facie

218. Time frame for Committees to report

(1) Every Committee, except a Committee
where specific assignments are made, to which a
matter is referred, shall report to the House within
forty five days.

(2) If a Committee finds itself unable to

complete any investigations, inquiry or other matter
referred to it within the period provided in sub
rule (1), the Committee may seek extra time from

(3) Where extra time is not granted or upon

expiry of the extra time granted under sub rule (2),
the House shall proceed to deal with the matter in
question without further delay.

219. Minutes of Proceedings to accompany
Committee reports
The minutes of the proceedings of a Committee
shall together with a report of the Committee be laid
on Table by the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson
or a Member of the Committee nominated by the
Committee, when reporting to the House.

220. Action Taken Reports

A Minister shall submit to Parliament an action
taken report detailing what actions have been taken
by the relevant Ministry following the resolutions or
recommendations of Parliament.


221. Consideration of the Treasury Memoranda

The Speaker shall after receiving the Treasury
Memoranda, refer it to the Auditor General for
auditing in accordance with the National Audit Act,

222. Reconsidering a decision of the House

(1) It is out of order to attempt to reconsider
a specific question upon which the House has come
to a conclusion during the current Session.

(2) Notwithstanding sub rule (1), the House
may reconsider its decision upon a substantive
Motion for the reconsideration, moved under notice
of not less than fourteen days.

223. Ceremonial speeches and speeches by

distinguished personalities
(1) A ceremonial speech may be allowed
by the Speaker but such speech shall be confined to
commemorating a special event or occasion of death
of a distinguished person.

(2) Distinguished persons from within or

without the Nation may be allowed by the Speaker
to address the House on any matter of importance.

224. Contempt of Parliament

An act or omission which obstructs or impedes
Parliament in the performance of its functions or
which obstructs or impedes a Member or officer of
Parliament in the discharge of his duties or affronts
the dignity of Parliament or which tends either
directly or indirectly to produce such a result shall
be contempt of Parliament.
225. Notice of meetings
Before the beginning of a new Session the Clerk
shall, under the authority of the Speaker, send to
each Member a written notice directing attention to
the Proclamation summoning Parliament.

226. Minutes
The Clerk shall keep the minutes of the proceedings
of the House, which shall record the attendance of
Members at each sitting and all decisions taken by
the House.

227. Records
(1) The Clerk shall—
(a) be responsible for making entries and
records of Business approved or passed
in the House;

(b) have custody of all records and other

documents belonging or presented to
the House; and

(c) keep secret all matters required by the

House to be treated as secret and not
discuss them before they are officially

(2) The records kept under this rule shall

be open to the inspection of Members under such
arrangements as the Speaker may direct.

228. Official Report
(1) The Clerk shall be responsible for
ensuring that all Parliamentary proceedings are
reported word for word and that an official report
of the proceedings made is published as soon as
possible after each sitting.

(2) For the purposes of sub rule (1) the

Clerk shall act in accordance with such orders as the
Speaker may give from time to time.

229. Expunging from the official record

Where the Speaker is of the opinion that the words
that have been used in debate are defamatory,
indecent, un-parliamentary or undignified, the
Speaker shall order that such words be expunged
from the official record of Parliament.

230. Electronic Coverage of Parliamentary

(1) Parliamentary proceedings may be
broadcast by electronic media having due regard to
the dignity of the House.

(2) Television coverage of the proceedings

of the House shall be regulated by the rules set out in
Appendix G of these Rules.

231. Broadcasting
(1) The proceedings of the House shall be
available for broadcast on radio and television during
all hours of sitting except under circumstances
determined otherwise by the House and as directed
by the Speaker.

(2) Broadcast of the proceedings of the

House shall maintain such standards of fairness as
may be adopted by the House.

232. Custody and production of Papers

(1) A Paper laid before the House shall,
upon production, be deposited with the Clerk who
shall be responsible for its safe custody.

(2) A Paper shall be available for production

before the House whenever required by a Member
and shall be at all times open to the inspection of

233. Admission of the public and the press into

the House and Committees
(1) Members of the Public and of the Press
may be admitted to debates in the House under rules
that the Speaker may make from time to time.

(2) The Clerk and the Sergeant-at-Arms
shall ensure that all rules made under this rule are
complied with.

(3) Subject to such rules made under sub

rule (2), the authority to admit strangers shall be
with the Clerk acting on behalf of the Speaker.

(4) A Member shall not bring a stranger

into any part of the House reserved for Members
while Parliament is sitting.

(5) A person shall not carry into the gallery

a briefcase, firearm or any weapon.

(6) A person shall not smoke or read a book

or newspaper, draw or stand in the galleries.

(7) A person admitted under this rule shall

act with decorum and dress in a dignified manner.

(8) In accordance with the rules made under

this rule, a Member of the press or media accredited
to Parliament or any other press person may be
admitted into the press gallery with an electronic
device for recording and coverage purposes.

234. Business of Committee not to lapse on
prorogation of the House
(1) Business pending before a Committee
shall not lapse only by reason of the prorogation of
the House.

(2) A Committee which is unable to

complete its work before the expiration of its term
or before the prorogation of the House may report to
the House that the Committee has not been able to
complete its work.

(3) A preliminary report, memorandum or

note that the Committee may have taken shall be
made available to the new Committee.

235. Lapse or reinstatement of Parliamentary

Business upon dissolution of the House
(1) A Bill, Petition, Motion or other Business
before the House or a Committee during a term of
Parliament lapses upon dissolution of Parliament.

(2) Notwithstanding sub rule (1), a Bill,

Petition, Motion or other Business before the House
or any of its Committees may be reinstated in the
next Parliament by a resolution of Parliament.

(3) The reinstatement of a Bill, Petition,
Motion or other Business before Parliament or a
Committee shall be treated as a fresh reference to
that Committee.
(4) The resolution of Parliament referred to
in sub rule (2) shall be passed in the second sitting of
the first session of Parliament.
(5) Business reinstated shall be handled
and completed in the first session of Parliament.

236. Assistance to Persons with Disabilities

(1) The Speaker or a Chairperson of a
Committee shall take all necessary steps to ensure
that Persons with Disabilities are facilitated in their
participation in proceedings of the House or its
Committees including—
(a) allowing a person who is not a Member or
an officer of the House to give reasonable
assistance to a Member with disability;
(b) allowing a Member with disability to
bring into the House crutches, equipment
or other aid needed by the Member owing
to his or her disability to enable that
Member to participate in the proceedings
of the House or a Committee.
(2) A person allowed to give assistance to a
Member under paragraph (a) of sub rule (1) shall act
with decorum, dress in a dignified manner, and take
the oath of secrecy.
237. Withdrawal of Strangers
(1) A Member may, without notice, at
any time, for the purpose of enabling a matter to be
debated in the absence of Strangers, rise and move
“That Strangers do withdraw” and if that Motion is
seconded, the Speaker or Chairperson shall put the
question on it immediately without amendment or
(2) When the Motion has been agreed to,
and after the matter which gave rise to the Motion
has been disposed of, a Member on being called
by the Chairperson, may move “That Strangers
be re-admitted”, and if that Motion is seconded,
the Speaker or Chairperson shall put the question
immediately without amendment or debate.
(3) The Speaker may at any time order a
stranger to withdraw and the doors of the Chamber
of the House to be closed.
(4) The Clerk and the Sergeant-at-Arms
shall ensure that an order for the withdrawal of
Strangers is duly complied with.
238. Adjustments in numbering in Bills
Subject to the directions of the Speaker, the Clerk
may make such adjustments and modifications in
the numbering of provisions or, in references in a
Bill approved by the House, and make such other
adaptations as may be necessary to accord with
decisions taken by the House on a Bill.

239. Employment of Members in professional

A Member shall not appear before the House or a
Committee of the House as Counsel for any party or
in any capacity for which he or she is to receive a fee
or reward in any matter to be deliberated upon by the
House or a Committee.

240. General application of rules to digital

parliamentary processes.
(l) Except where these Rules provide
otherwise, the rules shall apply to all digital
parliamentary processes online and to a Member
virtually present in the House or Committee.
(2) A requirement for written notice to the
Speaker or Clerk under these Rules, may be satisfied
by a Member submitting the notice by email to
[email protected], clerk@parliament. or to any other digital platform designated by
the Speaker.
(3) A document relating to a Committee
meeting and sitting of the House may be distributed
by electronic means to which a Member has access.
(4) For the avoidance of doubt, the rules
relating to the participation of a Member in the
proceedings of Parliament outside the Chamber of
Parliament through a designated digital platform
shall only take effect upon a proclamation made by
the Speaker.

241. Publication of the Rules of Procedure of

The Speaker shall, as soon as practicable, cause the
publication of these Rules in the Gazette.


Rule 2, 25

(Recited at the commencement of Sittings of


ALMIGHTY GOD, Who in Your infinite wisdom

and providential goodness has appointed the offices
of leaders and Parliaments for the welfare of society
and the just government of humanity; We beseech
You to look upon, with Your abundant favour, these
Your servants, whom You have been pleased to call
to the performance of such important trusts in this

LET YOUR blessing descend upon them here

assembled, and grant that they may, as in your
presence, treat and consider all matters that shall
come under their deliberation, in so just and faithful
a manner as to promote Your Honour and Glory, and
to advance the Good of those whose interests You
have committed to their charge.


Rule 12 (2)



IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by article

50(1) of the Treaty for the Establishment of the
East African Community, Parliament makes the
following Rules:­


1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Election of Members
of the East African Legislative Assembly Rules.

2. Interpretation
(1) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise
requires, and subject to sub rule (2) all Parliamentary
words and expressions used shall have the same
meaning assigned to them in the Rules of Procedure
of Parliament.
(2) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise
“Assembly” means the East African Legislative
Assembly established by the Treaty”;
“Candidate” means a person who is nominated
to stand for election to the Assembly;
“Committee” means the verification Committee
created under rule 8 of these Rules;
“Election” includes the process of nomination
and voting of candidates to the
“Nomination” means nomination as a candidate
to stand for election to the Assembly.
“Secretary General” means the Secretary
General of the East African Community;
“Treaty” means the Treaty for the establishment
of the East African Community.

3. Appointment of nomination day etc.
(1) The Clerk shall issue a notice in the
Gazette and the mass-media appointing two days
during which the nomination of candidates shall take
(2) The notice issued under sub rule (1)
shall indicate the place, date and time fixed for the
nomination of candidates.

4. Nomination of candidates under party

(1) A political party represented in Parliament
may nominate candidates for election to the
Assembly in the format prescribed in schedule 1.

(2) The nomination of candidates under sub

rule (1) shall represent as much as it is feasible,
gender and other special interest groups.

(3) A party nominating a candidate under sub

rule (1), shall tender the nomination in writing to the
Clerk indicating the following—

(a) a statement under oath in the format

prescribed in schedule 1 specifying the
name, educational qualifications, address
and occupation of the candidate;

(b) a statement under oath in the format

prescribed in schedule 3 by the candidate
stating that the candidate—

(i) is a citizen of Uganda;

(ii) qualifies to be elected a Member of


(iii) is not a Member of Parliament;

(iv) is not holding office as a Minister;

(v) is not an officer in the service of the

East African Community;

(vi) has proven experience or interest

in consolidating and furthering
the aims and the objectives of the

(c) The Secretary General of a party or

a person authorised by him or her
nominating a candidate under this rule
shall endorse and seal the nomination
form of the candidate.

5. Nomination of Candidates independent of a

political party or organization.
A person intending to stand for election to the
Assembly independent of a political party or
organization shall submit—
(a) his or her duly filled nomination form in
the format prescribed in schedule 2 to the

(b) a statement specifying the name,

educational qualifications, address and
occupation of the candidate;

(c) a statement in compliance with rule 4 (3)


6. Signatures supporting nominations

(1) All nomination forms shall include the
names, signatures and constituency of not less
than five Members of Parliament supporting the
nomination of the candidate.

(2) A Member of Parliament shall not

nominate more than nine candidates for election to
the Assembly.

(3) Where a Member nominates more than

nine candidates, the Member shall be cited for
contempt of Parliament in accordance with Rule 224
and referred to the Committee on Rules, Privileges
and Discipline.

(4) The tenth candidate and subsequent
candidates nominated by the Members shall be
granted three working days to find an alternative
Member to nominate them.

7. Payment of nomination fee

A candidate is required to pay a nomination fee of
Uganda Shillings three million.

8. Withdrawal or Death of a Candidate

(1) Subject to sub rules (2), (3) and (4), a duly
nominated candidate for election may withdraw his
or her nomination at any time before the declaration
of elected Members.

(2) Withdrawal of a nominee under sub

rule (1) shall be effected by a written notification
to the Clerk and shall be signed by the nominee
personally and by the Secretary General of the Party
which nominated him or her where a candidate was
nominated by a political party.

(3) Where a nominee withdraws before or

on the Election Day, the Speaker shall inform the
Members of the withdrawal.

(4) Where a nominee withdraws or dies before
the election, the Speaker shall inform the House and
the Clerk shall re-open nominations to enable a new
candidate to be nominated.

(5) The fresh nomination shall only be open

to a person belonging to a political party, gender,
shades of opinion or other interest groups to which
the deceased nominee belonged.

(6) The Party or the Chairperson of the

verification Committee, as the case may be which
nominated or approved a nominee who dies or
withdraws from the elections shall nominate another

9. Verification Committee
(1) There shall be a verification Committee
consisting of twenty Members of Parliament
nominated by the Speaker with the approval of

(2) The membership of the Committee shall

reflect the various political parties and organizations
represented in Parliament, shades of opinion, gender
and other special interest groups.

10. Forwarding nomination papers
The Clerk shall receive and shall as soon as is
practicable forward to the verification Committee
the documents referred to in rules 4 and 5.

11. Verification of nominees

(1) The verification Committee shall consider
the nominees and all applicants independent of
a political party or organization and shall ensure
that the requirements of article 50 of the Treaty are

(2) The list of nominees verified and found

to have satisfied the requirements of rule 4 and 5
shall be published in the mass media and shall be
displayed on all notice boards of Parliament.

(3) The Chairperson of the verification

Committee or any other authorized Member of the
verification Committee shall submit the names of
the successfully nominated candidates to the Clerk
to Parliament.

12. Successfully verified nominees

The Chairperson of the verification Committee or
any other authorized Member of the Committee,
shall, upon satisfaction that the requirements of

rules 4 and 5 have been met, submit the names of
the successfully nominated candidates to the Clerk
to Parliament.

13. Campaign and Voting

(1) A person duly verified and nominated in
Parliament shall be given at least seven minutes by
the Speaker to address Parliament.

(2) Voting of Members of the Assembly shall

be done in the plenary by secret ballot.

(3) The Clerk shall ensure that the relevant

materials for voting are in place.

(4) The ballot paper to be used in the election

shall be in the form prescribed in schedule 4.

14. Compliance with article 50 (1) of the Treaty

for the Establishment of the East African
The Speaker shall ensure that the Members elected
under Rule 12, in as much as it is feasible, represent
the various political parties represented in Parliament,
shades of opinion, gender and other special interest
groups in Uganda.

15. Declaration of elected Members
(1) The Speaker shall announce to the House
the results of the election conducted under Rule 12
of the Rules of Procedure in accordance with article
50 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East
African Community.
(2) Upon announcing the results in (1), the
Speaker shall proceed to declare the successful
candidates as Uganda’s representatives to the

16. Publication in Gazette

The Clerk shall as soon as practicable cause the
publication in the Gazette of the names declared by
the Speaker under rule 14.

17. Transmission of names of Elected Members

to the Secretary General
The Clerk shall transmit to the Secretary General of
the East African Community the names of the duly
elected Members as published in the Gazette.

18. Miscellaneous
(1) Where any matter arises which is not
specifically provided for in these Rules, the Speaker
shall make a ruling directing what is to be done in
respect of that matter.
(2) In making a ruling under sub rule (1),
the Speaker shall be guided by the practices and
procedures normally followed in similar situations
with regard to Parliamentary elections.

19. Amendment of rules

These Rules may be amended at any time by a
resolution of Parliament on a Motion submitted
to it by the Committee on Rules, Privileges and

Rule 4(1)
Nomination Form A
I,______________ being the Secretary General/
person authorised by the Secretary General of
__________ Political Party/Organisation do
nominate, on behalf of my Party the following
person as a candidate for election as a Member of the
East African Legislative Assembly and I do certify
that to the best of my belief he/she is qualified to be
elected as such—

Other Academic
Surname names
Age Address






















Oath Authenticating Statement

I, ______________, solemnly swear in the name of
the Almighty God/solemnly affirm that the statement
in this nomination paper of my name, age, address,
occupation, address for service of process and papers
and the name and address of my appointed agent are
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Before me ______________ A commissioner for
oaths/magistrate, chief registrar of the High Court
(including deputy and district registrar) or other
person authorised by law to administer oaths.
Rule 5
Nomination Form B
I, ______________ being a person independent
of a political party or organisation in Uganda do
hereby present myself as a candidate for election as
a Member of the East African Legislative Assembly
and I do certify that to the best of my knowledge I
am qualified to be elected as such and the following
are my particulars—
Other Academic
Surname names
Age Address





















We, the undersigned Members of Parliament support

the nomination of _______ as a candidate for election
as a Member of the East African Legislative Assembly.
Name Community Surname





















Oath Authenticating Statement

I, _____________________________, solemnly
swear in the name of the Almighty God/solemnly
affirm that the statement in this nomination paper
of my name, age, address, occupation, address for
service of process and papers and the name and
address of my appointed agent are correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.


Before me _____________ A commissioner for

oaths/magistrate, chief registrar of the High Court
(including deputy and district registrar) or other
person authorised by law to administer oaths.
Rule 4

Statement under Oath by person nominated

Statement under Oath by Person to be nominated

as a Candidate for election to the East African
Legislative Assembly.
I, _______________________________, solemnly
and sincerely state that—

1. I am a citizen of Uganda.

2. I am not below the age of eighteen years.

3. I am not a traditional or cultural leader (as

defined in article 246(6) of the Constitution of

4. I have proven experience or interest in

consolidating and furthering the aims and
objectives of the community evidence of which
I attach to this statement.

5. I have the following educational qualifications

for standing for East African Legislative
Assembly election—
(a) __________________________________
(b) __________________________________
(c) __________________________________
(c) __________________________________
(d) __________________________________
(e) __________________________________
(f) __________________________________

6. I am not under sentence of death or other

sentence of imprisonment exceeding nine
months without the option of a fine, imposed on
me by any competent court.

7. I have not been adjudged or otherwise

(a) bankrupt under any law in force in Uganda
from which I have not been discharged; nor
(b) to be of unsound mind, under any law in
force in Uganda.

8. I am not disqualified—
(a) by reason of being a Member of
(b) by reason of holding office as Minister;
(c) by reason of being in the service of the
East African Community as an officer;
(d) for any other reason under the Treaty
for the Establishment of the East
African Community.

Consent to Nomination as a Candidate

I consent to my nomination as candidate for

______________ of the East African Legislative
Assembly and I make this solemn statement knowing
and believing it to be true.

Subscribed and solemnly declared by me

at __________, on this ________ day of
________________, 20 __________.


Before me ______________ A commissioner for

oaths/magistrate, chief registrar of the High Court
(including deputy and district registrar) or other
person authorised by law to administer oaths.

Rule 12 (4)

NB: Tick Nine (9)

Name of Candidate (Political Party or Voter’s Choice













Rule 12(3) and 13 (4)


1. The Members of the East African Legislative
Assembly shall present a bi-annual report of the
activities of the Assembly for the relevant year
to Parliament through the Committee on East
African Community Affairs.
2. Such bi-annual reports shall be presented at
regular meetings of the Committee at a time
to be determined by the Chairperson of the
3. The Members of the Assembly may, if they
consider it desirable to do so, present any special
report, or make any appropriate consultations
with the Committee, on any matter which is
relevant to the work of the Assembly at any
other scheduled meeting of the Committee.

4. (1) All Members of the Assembly may be

present at the time of presentation of any
(2) All such reports shall subsequently be laid
on the Table of the House for comments
from the Committee. The House may
whenever it deems fit, debate the comments
of the Committee.


Rule 13 (2)



In exercise of powers conferred by article 5 of

the Protocol to the establishment of the African
Community relating to the Pan-African Parliament,
Parliament makes the following Rules:—

1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Election of Members
of the Pan-African Parliament Rules.

2. Interpretation
In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
all Parliamentary words and expressions used shall
have the same meaning assigned to them in the
General Rules of Procedure of Parliament, and
“Election” means the process of approval of names
nominated by Political Parties or Organizations
represented in the House and presented to the House
by the Speaker.



3. Election of Members of the Pan-African

The Members of the Pan-African Parliament shall
be elected or designated by Parliament from among
their number.

4. Tenure
(1) Subject to the Protocol establishing the African
Community and the Pan-African Parliament,
the term of a Member of the Pan-African
Parliament shall run concurrently with his or
her term in Parliament

(2) The Seat of a Member of the Pan-African

Parliament shall become vacant if he or she—
(a) dies;
(b) resigns in writing to the President of the
Pan- African Parliament;
(c) is unable to perform his or her functions for
reasons of physical or mental incapacity;
(d) is removed on grounds of misconduct;
(e) ceases to be a Member of Parliament;
(f) is recalled by Parliament;
(g) When Uganda withdraws from the African




5. Nomination and election of Members

The Political Parties or Organizations represented in
the House shall submit names to the Speaker, on the
basis of proportional Party Membership taking into
consideration the numerical strength of the Parties,
interests of Independent Members and gender.

6. Rules 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Appendix B of

these Rules shall, with necessary modifications,
apply to the election of Members of the Pan-
African Parliament

Rule 30
1. A Member presenting a Petition to the House
must put his or her name at the beginning of it
and shall give notice of his or her intention to
present the Petition by entering his or her name
on the notice paper reserved for that purpose.
2. A Petition must contain a prayer at the beginning
of it stating the general object of the petitioner
or the nature of the relief asked for.
3. A Petition must be signed or thumb-printed or
marked by at least one person.
4. If signatures are affixed to more than one sheet
the prayer of the Petition must be repeated at the
head of one side of each sheet, but signatures
may be written on either side of any sheet.
5. A person signing a Petition must write his or
her address after the signature.
6. A Petition must be written in the English
7. A Petition must be signed by the parties whose
names are appended to it by their names or
8. A Petition of a corporation aggregate shall be
under its common seal.
9. No erasures or interlineations may be made in
any Petition.
10. A Petition must be respectful, decorous and
temperate in language.
11. The style in which a Petition to Parliament shall
be drawn up shall be as follows—


The Humble Petition of (here insert the names

or description of the petitioner or petitioners).

STATES That (here set forth the case or

circumstances to be brought to the notice of

THEREFORE your Petitioner (or Petitioners)

prays (or pray) that (here set forth the particular
object of the Petitioner or nature of the relief
asked for).
And your Petitioner(s), as in duty bound, will
ever pray, et cetera.

Signatures with addresses to follow.

Rule 85



1. Purpose of the Code

The purpose of the Code is to assist Members in the
discharge of their obligations to the House, their
constituents and the public at large.

2. Public Duty
(1) By virtue of The Oath of allegiance taken by all
Members, Members have a duty to be faithful
and bear true allegiance to the Republic of
Uganda and to preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution and to uphold the law and act
on all occasions in accordance with the public
trust placed in them.

(2) Members have a general duty to act in the

interests of the nation as a Whole; and special
duty to their constituents.

3. Personal Conduct
Members shall observe the general principles of
conduct specified below—

(a) Selflessness: Members should take
decisions solely in terms of the public
interest. They should not do so in order to
gain financial or other material benefits for
themselves, their family, or their friends;
(b) Integrity: Members should not place
themselves under any financial or other
obligation to outside individuals or
organisations that might influence them in
the performance of their duties;
(c) Objectivity: In carrying out Business,
including making recommendations on
public appointments, awarding contract,
or recommending individuals for rewards
and benefits, Members should make
choices on merit;
(d) Accountability: Members are accountable
for their decisions and actions to the
electorate and must submit themselves to
whatever scrutiny is appropriate;
(e) Openness: Members should be as open
as possible about all the decisions and
actions that they take and should give
reasons for their decisions and restrict
information only when the public interest
clearly demands;
(f) Honesty: Members have a duty to declare
any private interests relating to their
Parliamentary duties and to take steps to
resolve any conflicts arising in a way that
protects the public interest;
(g) Leadership: Members should promote and
support good governance by leadership
and example.
4. Public Interest
Members shall base their conduct on full
consideration of the public interest, avoid conflict
between personal interest and the public interest and
resolve any conflict between the two, at once, and in
favour of the public interest.

5. Public Trust
Members shall at all times conduct themselves in
a manner which will maintain and strengthen the
public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of
Parliament and never undertake any action which
may bring the House or its Members generally, into

6. Corruption
The acceptance by a Member of a bribe to influence
his or her conduct as a Member, including any fee,
compensation or reward in connection with the
promotion of, or opposition to, any Bill, Motion, or
other matter submitted, or intended to be submitted
to the House, or to any Committee of the House, is
contrary to this Code of Conduct.

7. Declaration of Interest
Members shall fulfill conscientiously the
requirements of the House in respect of the declaration
of interest and shall always draw attention to any
relevant interest in any proceeding of the House
or its Committees, or in any communications with
Ministers, Government Departments or Executive

8. Openness
In any activities with, or on behalf of, an organisation
with which a Member has a financial relationship
including activities which may not be a matter
of public record such as informal meetings and
functions, Members must always bear in mind the
need to be open and frank.

9. Acting as paid advocate

No Member shall act as a paid advocate for any
person or organisation in any proceedings of the

10. Improper use of Payments
No improper use shall be made of any payment or
allowance made to Members for public purposes
and any rules which apply to such payments and
allowances must be strictly observed.

11. Use of Information Received

Members must bear in mind that information
which they receive in confidence in the course of
their Parliamentary duties should be used only
in connection with those duties, and that such
information must never be used for purposes of
publicity or financial gain.

12. Matters not Provided for

For any matter, which is not provided for, Members
may seek advice of the Speaker or of the Committee
on Rules, Privileges and Discipline.

Rule 230
1. Objective
The Clerk shall seek to give a full, balanced, fair and
accurate account of Proceedings of the House with
the aim of informing viewers about the work of the

2. Dignity of the House

In covering the Proceedings of the House, the Clerk
shall have regard to the dignity of the House and
its functions as a Legislature rather than a place of
3. Restricting Filming of certain Parts of the
(1) The Press and public galleries, the
officials’ and the area behind the Speaker’s Chair,
not being directly related to proceedings, shall not be
shown, other than unavoidably, as part of the wide-
angle or other authorized shots of the Chamber.
(2) Great care shall be exercised in showing
the Speaker. Shots designed to show the Speaker
receiving advice from a Clerk at the Table shall not be
used. Officers of the House and Chamber attendants
attending in the Chamber should not normally be
shown, other than unavoidably, as part of the wide
angle or other authorized shots of the Chamber.

(3) During Divisions, a wide-angle shot of

the Chamber may be used. In addition, the following
events relating to Divisions may be shown using
the standard format; that is to say, secondment of a
Motion by a Member(s), the putting of the Question,
the announcement of the names of the Tellers; any
points of order which may arise, together with any
response by the Chair; and the announcement by the
Tellers and the Chair of the voting figures.
(4) In no circumstances should close up
shots of Members’ or officers’ papers be taken.

4. Style and Presentation

(1) The standard format for depicting
the Member who has the floor shall be a head and
shoulders shot, not a close-up.

(2) The camera shall normally remain on

the Member speaking until he or she has finished.

(3) Wide-angle shots of the Chamber may

be used from time to time, such as when the gallery
camera focuses on a Member who has just been
called, moving a Motion or at times when no single
Member has the floor, and to establish the geography
of the House for the benefit of viewers, or to establish
Members wishing to contribute to a debate.

(4) As a matter of general practice, the

gallery camera shall focus on a Member whenever
he or she rises and this principle should be applied
all the more strictly during incidents of disorder.

(5) Occasional cut-away shots to illustrate

individual reactions shall be allowed, but only to
show a Member who has been referred to by the
Member speaking.

(6) Medium-angle shots, including over-

the-shoulder shots, are permissible where the gallery
camera shows both the Member who has the floor
and another Member intervening or seeking to do so.
(7) Occasional group shots mid-way
between the standard head and shoulders shot at the
wide-angle shot shall be permitted and such shots
may be used either for the purposes of showing
the reaction of a group of Members, or in order to
establish the geography of a particular part of the
5. Special Camera Techniques
(1) In no circumstances are split- screen
shots to be used.

(2) Panning shots along the benches shall

not normally be used.

(3) Occasional zoom shots are permitted.

6. Disorder in the Galleries

(1) Neither interruptions from, nor
demonstrations in the galleries are “proceedings”,
and as such they shall in no circumstances be

(2) If an incident of the sort described in

subparagraph (1) occurs in such a way as to interfere
with an otherwise permissible shot, the gallery
camera shall show a wide-angle shot of the Chamber
which does not show the offending incident, or focus
on the Speaker.

7. Disorder on the Floor of the House

(1) Televising may continue during
incidents of grave disorder or unparliamentary
behaviour for as long as the sitting continues, but
subject to the following guidelines—
(a) on occasions of grave disorder, the
gallery camera shall normally focus on
the Speaker for as long as proceedings
continue, or until order has been

(b) in case of unparliamentary behaviour,

the gallery camera shall normally focus
on the Speaker and shall certainly do
so if he or she rises, but occasional
wide-angle shots of the Chamber are

(2) For purposes of paragraph (1)—

(a) “grave disorder” means incidents of

individual, but more likely collective,
misconduct of serious disruptive nature
as to place in jeopardy the continuation
of the sitting;

(b) “unparliamentary behaviour” means

any conduct which amounts to defiance
of the Chair but which falls short of
grave disorder.

8. The use of Signals by Broadcasters
(1) Extracts of parliamentary proceedings
may be used for information, education and news

(2) No extracts of Parliamentary

Proceedings may be used in any light entertainment
programme or in a programme of political satire.


Rule 93(2)



I …………………………………………Member of
Parliament representing.......................... do hereby
appoint .................................................... Member
of Parliament representing ............................ ....... Vote on my behalf
on questions put to the following matters before the


Dated this............. day of ............... 20..... by



Verification by the Clerk to Parliament

This proxy was received on ........

hours. Mode of delivery ..............…………………..



Rule 212


Part A- Oath
solemnly swear that the evidence I shall give touching
the matter before the Parliamentary Committee on
………………………………….. shall be the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
So help me God/Allah

Witness Signature …………………………………

Sworn before………………………………………..


Dated this………… of…………………..,


Part B- Affirmation

……………… solemnly affirm that the
evidence I shall give touching the matter before
the Parliamentary Committee ……………………
shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth.

Witness Signature…………………………..

Sworn before……………………………….

Dated this………… of……………….., 20......

leave of, 112
leave of in Committees, 113
definite matter of urgent public importance, 64
procedure in Select Committee, 135
recommittal of, reported from Committee of
the Whole House, 138
adjustments in numbering, 238
certificate of financial implications, 118
delays with, 141
first reading of, 128
form of, 115
functions of Committees, 132
in Committee, 131
introduced by Committees under Rule123, 159
passing of, 137
Petitions by particular persons whose interests
are affected, 142
private Members’ Bills, 121
procedure for private Members’ Bills, 122
procedure in Committee of the Whole House,
proceedings on Bills reported from Select
Committee, 139
prohibition of Bills derogating from particular
human rights & freedoms, 127
prohibition of Bills promoting one-party state,
reference of a Bill to a Committee, 129
returned by President (under article 91) of the
Constitution, 143
rules regarding settlement of financial matters,
article 93 of the Constitution, 124

Second Reading of, 130
subject matter of, 116,
third Reading of, 137
to be delivered to Clerk for distribution to
Members, 120
to be published in Gazette, 117
to be read three times, 125
urgent Bills, 119
withdrawal of, 140
Functions of, 173
presentation of, 144
order of, 25
procedure of, 26
statement by the Leader of Government
Business, 28
composition of, 176
functions of, 177
votes of, 106
to be heard in silence, 86
decision of, 86
Commissioners: see also
election of, 11
annual estimates, consideration of, 151(6)
COMMITTEE OF THE Whole House, 133
procedure in, 134
appeal to the House, 172
chairperson of, 164
composition of, 163
meetings of, 165
nominations not approved, 169
quorum, 166
report to the President, 171
secrecy of proceedings of, 165(2)
submission of names to, 168
to report to the House, 170

admission of certain papers in evidence, 217
decisions by, 201
duration of, 200
leave of absence, 113
on Appointments, 163
on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and
State Enterprises, 181
on Equal Opportunities, 183
on Government Assurances, 179
on HIV/AIDS, 184
on Local Government Accounts, 182
on National Economy, 178
on Rules, Privileges and Discipline, 175
report of, after Committee stage, 136
Select Committee, 190

application of, 192
chairpersons of, 194
co-opting of Members, 209
Counsel, 210
expenses of witnesses before Committees, 213
general functions of: article 90 (3) of the
Constitution, 159
instructions to, 199
meetings of, 203
only Members may vote, 206
powers to examine an oath or affirmation, 212
rules to apply generally, 193
special powers of: article 90 (4) of
Constitution, 208
Standing, 158
sub-committees of, 202
time-frame for Committees to report, 218
withdrawal of documents before Committees,
complaints of, 224
behavior of Members during, 83
close of, 71
closure of, 81
interrupted by adjournment of House, 66
interruptions of, 78
scope of, 74
election of, 6
procedure for the removal of, 108
by Speaker, 102
Rules of procedure, Appendix B
Rules of procedure, Appendix D
admission of certain papers in evidence in
Committee, 217
publication of evidence before reports of
Committees, 216
Procedure of, 26

admission of public and press into, 233
allocation of time of, 177 (4)
appeal to, 172
leave of absence from, 112(1)
meetings of, 17
personal interest, declaration of in any other
matter before the house, 94
recall of from adjournment, 21
special consideration of Members with
disability, 103
agenda of, 209
emergency meetings, 18
minutes of, 219
notice of, 225
behavior of during debate, 83
code of conduct, Appendix F
co-opting of, 209
declaration of personal interest in any matter
before the House,98
employment of in professional capacity, 239
Ex-officio, 95
general behavior, 85
naming of, 89
suspension of, 89
withdrawal from precincts after suspension, 90
attendance of sittings, 114
to attend the house to answer questions, 50
vote of censure against:
article 118 of the Constitution, 109
for adjournment of Debate, 65
that a Member be no longer heard, 79
to amend rules, 69
with regard to settlement of financial matters:
article 93 of the Constitution, 68
without notice, 59
amendment of notices of, 58
amendments to, 61
half-hour, 67
manner of debating, 67
notice of, 56
oral notice of, 57
seconding of, 60
withdrawal of, 62
not to be read in the House, 75
affirmation of, 212(2)
by Member: article 81(4) of the Constitution, 3
examination on, 212 (1)

order to be determined by lot, 46
Chair to be heard in silence, 86
decision of Speaker or Chairperson, 87
in the House, 88
article 94(4) of Constitution, 25
to be sent in advance to Members, 27
mode of laying of, 32
custody of, 232
presentation of, 25
production of, 232
general functions of, 159
membership of, 161
representation on, 160
vacancy on, 162
election of, 11
removal of, 110
not to be read in the House, 75
by particular persons to be heard when a Bill
affects their interest, 142
rules for, Appendix E
procedures in cases not provided for, 8
Appendix A
presence in the Chamber, 10
removal of under article 107
of the Constitution, 106
article 94(4) of the Constitution, 121
procedure for, 122
answering of, 50
conditions for admissibility, 44
manner of asking, 47
rota of, 51
subject-matter of, 42
supplementary questions, 48
to be decided by the majority: article 89 of
Constitution, 93
Chairperson to the Commission, 43
urgent questions, notice of, 49
of Committee on Appointments, 166
of Committees, 197
of Parliament: article 88 of Constitution, 24
of chairperson, 195
of Parliamentary Commissioners, 110
of President: article 107 of the Constitution,
of Speaker or Deputy Speaker: article 82(7)
(e) of the Constitution, 108
other provisions relating to the removal of a
person from office, 111
votes of, 106
minority report, 205
minutes of proceedings to be brought up with
report of Committees, 226
to be signed by Chairperson and Members, 204
presentation of by parliamentary delegations
abroad, 33

concerning Petitions, Appendix E
of television coverage of
parliamentary proceedings, Appendix G
regarding settlement of financial matters:
article 93 of Constitution, 124
suspension of, 16
to apply generally, 193


constitution of, 190
composition of, 188
functions of, 189
arrangement in the House, 9
attendance by Ministers, 114
commencement and conclusion of, 19
of the House, 19, 23
suspension of, 20
decision of, 87
general authority of, 7
election of: article 82 of the Constitution, 5
not to participate in debate, 77
powers to adjourn House or suspend sitting, 97
procedure for the removal of, 108
manner of, 70
time of, 70
by distinguished personalities, 223
ceremonial speeches, 223
contents of, 72
reading of by Members, 76
membership of, 161
representation on, 160

by Members, 54
by Ministers, 52
defamatory statements to be investigated by
Committee on Rules, Privileges and Disci-
pline, 91
withdrawal of, 237
Sub-judice Rule, 73
issue of, 214
service of, 214
rules of procedure of election, Appendix B
procedure for Members to submit reports to
Parliament, Appendix C
rules of procedure of election, Appendix D

notice of, 49
equality of, 105
in error of, 99(8), 104
roll call and tally, 99
secret vote, 98
voice voting, 97
evidence of, 211
witnesses, expenses of before Committees,



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