School Subjects

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Slyva M.V. Form: 3

Lesson 10
Time: 40 minutes
Topic: School subjects
 learn new words;
 repeat the structure of using «am, is, are»;
 listening to the dialogue about school subjects;
 roleplay in groups;
 make sentences.
 develop students ability to listen and repeat what they have heard (learning

new words, chant);

 develop students' ability to express their thoughts (photo to text);

 recall the structure «am, is, are»;
 develop work in pairs.
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
 name new words;
 make phrases with new words;
 answer the question of what is their favorite school subject and which subject
is easy, boring or interesting for them.
Equipment and Resources: book, notebook, workbook, presentation, audio
and video resources, website «».

Lesson Structure:

I. Beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting
- Good afternoon, children. I'm glad to see you. How are you today? Fine or
bad? It is very good. What day is it today? Yes, it is Friday and you have the
English lesson.
- Thanks for the answers.
- And now prepare for the lesson: a book, workbook, copybook and pencil
case. Are you ready? Let’s start.

2. Warming-up «What did the previous player say?»

- In this game you have to answer the questions one by one.
- Students, what do you usually have in your school bag?
For example:
-I usually have books in my bag. Mia, what do you usually have in your school
- The teacher usually has books in your bag. I usually have copybook in my
bag. Lily, what do you usually have in your school bag?

3. Topic
- Topic of today's lesson: School subjects.
In the lesson we have to:
 learn new words;
 repeat the structure of using «am, is, are»;
 listen to the dialogue about school subjects;
 make sentences;
 play games.

4. Review of the previous material:

1. - Let's start with checking homework. Your homework was to find words,
write and translate them on page 69. Open the book on page 69 and copybook with
homework. Start reading and translating the words one by one.

Paints – фарби Crayons – кольорові олівці

Sharpener – точила Ruler – лінійка
Rubber – гумка Pen – ручка
Pensil – олівець Scissors - ножиці

2. - And you will take a photo of the written homework from a workbook and
send it to me.
ІІ. The main (middle) part of the lesson
1. Learning new words
- Look at the slide. Now you and I will learn new words. Repeat, please, after

2. Learning up
- Next our exercise - match words with pictures.

3. Game «Solve the crossword»

- We open the workbook on page 87, exercise one. You need to solve the
crossword. You have 2 minutes for this exercise.
- Are you ready? Ок. Vika, read the first word.
(Перевіряємо за допомогою слайдів)
- Well done, coped with the exercise.

4. Game «Insert the missing words»

- Your next task will be to insert the missing words into the text. You have 3
minutes for this task. Write the right words in your notebooks.

I like going to school. There I study many interesting school subjects. At Maths, we
usually do sums and count, it's very difficult. We study foreign words at English. We
read texts at Reading. We learn to draw at Art, it's very easy. We write exercises at
Ukrainian. We like to sing songs at Music. We run and play ball at PM. We learn
everything about space at Science, it's very boring. And we study different programs
at IT.
- Start reading in two sentences each.

5. Game «Сhoose the correct word»

- Open the workbook on page 87, exercise 2. You need to choose the correct
word. You have 2 minutes for this task.

- Are you ready? Vika, read the first sentence with the right word in your

6. Physical warming-up
- You're probably tired, so let's get some rest and move. We get up and dance

7. 1) Pre-listening
Let's move on to 2 exercises in your book on page 70. Look at the pictures.
What do you think will be told in the dialogue?

2) While- listening
Listen to the dialogue and note which school subjects are not mentioned there.

3) Post- listening
We listen carefully to the text for the second time and then perform the
exersice “True or False”
And now we do the exercise “True or False”. We perform in teamwork.
Max missed Maths, Reading, PE and Ukrainian the day he wasn't at school.
The math was very easy.
We did nothing at the reading.
It was boring at Science.
- Ok, well done. And now let's try to play a dialogue. We need to split into
groups of two. Kate and Vika, Natalia and Martha, Ilona and Tanya. The
first group begins.

8. Grammar
- In order to perform the next exercise we need to repeat the structure of using
«am, is, are». Look carefully at the video.

9. Game «Making sentences»

- Next exercise 3 in your book on page 71.You need make up the sentences.
Look at the example in the book. Don't forget to use is in your sentences. Perform
this exercise yourself. You have 1 minutes.

- Natalia, read your sentences.

- Perfectly!!!

10. Game «Think and say»

- Next exercise 4 in your book on page 71. We have to make a sentence
looking at the example. Let's doing this exercise together. I'm starting.
- We are good at Music. Vika, the next please.
ІІI. The End of the lesson
1. Home assignment
- Вашим домашнім завданням буде 3 вправа на сторінці 87 в зошиті і
подумати над твердженням «: My favorite school subject».
У вправі вам необхідно самостійно доповнити речення. Подібне завдання
ми виконували разом із вами у підручнику.

Давайте розберемо кожне речення:

1) I am good at – я добре володію/знаю
For example: I am good at Maths.
2) ……. is easy for me – легко для мене
For example: Art is easy for me.
3) ……is boring for me – нудно для мене
For example: Music is boring for me.
4) ……is difficult for me – складно для мене
For example: English is difficult for me
Чи все зрозуміло по домашньому завданню?
2. Feedback
- We return to the book page 71, exercise 5.

- Now you and I will play the game. We need to split into groups of two.
Kate and Vika, Kate will be the first to ask Vika, Natalia and Martha, Ilona and
- You have two questions. Each member of the group must answer one of
For example:
- Anna, what is your favorite subject?
- My favorite subject is Reading. Susan, what subject is interesting for you?
- IT is interesting for me.
- You have 3 minutes to complete this exercise.
- Which group is ready to answer?

3. Sneak - Peek
- Now choose a smiley that shows your mood after the lesson.
- In the next lesson we will talk about your school. The lesson is over. I was
very glad to see you and communicate with you. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

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