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Maktum - BioresTech - Reduced Size
Maktum - BioresTech - Reduced Size
Bioresource Technology
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Keywords: The objective of this work is to develop an integrated green process of subcritical water (SCW), enzymatic
Biohydrogen hydrolysis and fermentation of coconut husk (CCH) to biohydrogen. The maximum sugar yield was obtained at
Coconut husk mild severity factor. This was confirmed by the degradation of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. The tendency
Subcritical water of the changing of sugar yield as a result of increasing severity factor was opposite to the tendency of pH change.
Enzymatic hydrolysis
It was found that CO2 gave a different tendency of severity factor compared to N2 as the pressurizing gas. The
result of SEM analysis confirmed the structural changes during SCW pretreatment. This study integrated three
steps all of which are green processes which ensured an environmentally friendly process to produce a clean
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Widjaja).
Received 15 July 2017; Received in revised form 5 October 2017; Accepted 6 October 2017
Available online 09 October 2017
0960-8524/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Muharja et al. Bioresource Technology 249 (2018) 268–275
M. Muharja et al. Bioresource Technology 249 (2018) 268–275
which was previously reported by Datta (1981). Liquid fractions and the bonds from each of its monomers (i.e. xylose, arabinose, fructose)
solid residues were thoroughly analyzed. Liquid fraction from SCW and through reactions of dissolution and hydrolysis to water-soluble sugars
enzymatic hydrolysis were measured by using Vis-Spectrophotometer (oligomers & monomers). This is attributed to amorphous and short
(CECIL 1001, Cambridge, United Kingdom) based on DNS method to polymer chains structure of the hemicellulose which is very easily
determine the concentration of TRS (Miller, 1959). While the solid broken down by high temperatures (Gírio et al., 2010). The same trend,
fraction after SCW pretreatment was analyzed by XRD and SEM assay to Mohan et al. (2015) has obtained the highest sugar yield of 42.21% in
know the structure and morphology of crystal. Solid and liquid hy- the bamboo hydrolysis at a temperature of 180 °C and reaction time of
drolysate were taken at 6 h interval during 48 h for measurement of 25 min (SF of 3.75). It was reported that under these conditions, the
sugar and hydrogen concentration using DNS and Gas Chromatograph rate of xylose yield was highest because of the rapid decomposition
(GC-2010 Plus Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), respectively. The values of pH process even at low temperatures.
of solid hydrolysate were measured by pH meter (pH 5+ Eutech, Ayer Moreover, the TRS yield tends to decrease with increasing SF from
Rajah Crescent, Singapore). 3.25 to 7.67. These decreasing TRS yield from 14.71% to 2.94% may
due to further degradation of sugar into furfural and HMF and acetyl
2.2.5. Statistical analysis and calculations groups during subcritical water hydrolysis that was not measured in
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to analyze this study. Zhang and Wu (2013) reported that inhibitor concentration
significance level of the various severity factor (SF) by using the increases along with the increasing temperature after subcritical CO2
Minitab 16 statistical software (Minitab Inc., ITS Surabaya, Indonesia). pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. At the same operating condition,
Significance was assumed if the p < .05. All the running was con- HMF concentration increased from 0.01 g/L to 0.46 g/L at 140 °C to at
ducted and analyzed in triplicate. 180 °C for 100 min (SF of 3.18 and 4.36), respectively, as well as fur-
The severity factor is usually represented as a log function using fural from 0.01 to 6.19 g/L and acetic acid of 0.69 to 5.41 g/L. The same
following equation: result was obtained by Prado et al. (2014) that furfural mass increased
from 7.49 to 23.33 g/100 g raw material at 212 °C (SF of 4.77) to 259 °C
LogR0 = Log [t exp((T −Tr )/14.75)] (1) (SF of 6.16), respectively. Likewise, HMF, 4-hydroxybenzoic and va-
where t corresponds to SCW pretreatment time (min), T and Tr is the nillin increased with increasing temperature.
pretreatment and reference (100 °C) temperature (°C), respectively. The Fig. 2 also shows the changing of pH values as result of increasing
value of 14.75 is an empirical parameter of activation energy from severity factor. Increasing the sugar yield when severity factor was
pseudo-first-order kinetics (Monlau et al., 2014a). increased was accompanied by decreasing pH value. This could be ex-
TRS yield is defined by Eq. (2) plained that CO2 as the pressurizing gas dissolve in the medium re-
sulting formation weak acid HCO3- (Yang et al., 2017). This will help
mass of reducing sugar obtained (g ) the degradation of hemicellulose and cellulose to form sugar. Further
TRS yield = × 100%
mass of initial coconut husk (g ) (2) increase of severity factor resulting in decreasing sugar yield was fol-
lowed by a slight increase of pH values. This may be attributed to the
formation of a degradation product of lignin such as phenolic com-
3. Results and discussion pound (Ciftci and Saldana, 2015; Naseeruddin et al., 2013). In the
subcritical water process, the high SF decrease pH as increasing number
3.1. Pretreatment and hydrolysis in subcritical water of hydronium ion. Indeed, the maximum H+ and OH− concentrations
are reached at the highest SF of 7.67 (at 300 °C) which favoring acid/
3.1.1. The effect of severity factor of SCW hydrolysis on the total reducing base catalyzed reactions and allowing water to act as a catalyst (Prado
sugar yield et al., 2016). These results are consistent with the study by Khuwijitjaru
Fig. 2 presents the effect of severity factor of SCW hydrolysis on the et al. (2012). They reported a decreasing of pH values during subcritical
total reducing sugar (TRS) yield obtained after SCW hydrolysis applied. water hydrolysis of coconut meal from 6 to 3 with increasing tem-
As shown in Fig. 2, at low-intermediate severity factor (SF) of SCW, the perature from 100 (SF of 1.78) to 200 °C (SF of 4.72).
sugar yield recovered gradually increases with increasing SF of 2.37 to The effect of severity factor to degradation of lignocellulose com-
3.25 from 5.04% to 14.71%, respectively. Based on ANOVA results, the positions of CCH after SCW hydrolysis applied was shown in Fig. 3. The
SF significantly influenced TRS yield of CCH during SCW pretreatment degradation of hemicellulose increases gradually from 0.255 to 0.767 g
due to p < .05. In this condition, hemicellulose firstly starts breaking at low SF of 2.367 to mild SF condition of 3.54, respectively, (see
Fig. 3a). The figure shows that the rate of hemicellulose decomposition
is faster than cellulose because hemicellulose has an amorphous mo-
lecular structure whereas cellulose is crystalline. Further increase of the
SF value causes a slight decrease of the hemicellulose. The same trend
was also obtained by Gonzales et al. (2016a) on the reports of hemi-
cellulose (xylose) recovery after acid pretreatment applied on empty
palm fruit bunch, rice husk and pine tree wood. The hemicellulose re-
covery in these three types of biomass increases during the low to mild
combined severity factor and then decreases with increasing SF value.
The higher severity condition corresponds to further reaction between
xylose and a pseudo-lignin compound which lead to an increase the
acid-insoluble lignin fraction (Monlau et al., 2014a).
As shown in Fig. 3b, the degradation of cellulose increased by in-
creasing SF value. Nguyen Thi et al. (2017) also reported a decreasing
of cellulose content under higher SCW temperature. Although the de-
gradation cellulose increases with increasing temperature, it must be
highly controlled considering that at high temperatures, the rate of
glucose decomposition and other oligomers is the faster than cellulose
hydrolysis rate (Zhao et al., 2011). This will allow for further de-
Fig. 2. The TRS yield and pH behavior of liquid fraction after SCW hydrolysis applied.
gradation of sugars and oligomers into compounds that can inhibit both
M. Muharja et al. Bioresource Technology 249 (2018) 268–275
Fig. 3. Degradation of lignocellulose (hemicellulose (a), cellulose (b), and lignin (c)) content of solid fraction after SCW hydrolysis.
M. Muharja et al. Bioresource Technology 249 (2018) 268–275
Table 1
Literature review on various pretreatment in TRS yield.
Substrate Pre-treatment Severity Factor Reactor Type TRS yield (%) References
Eucalyptus Liquid hot water 3.66 Batch 13.79 Weiqi et al. (2013)
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) meal CO2-SbCWH 4.22 Batch 13.6 Khuwijitjaru et al. (2012)
Coconut Husk CO2-SbCWH 6.10 Semi-batch 11.7 Prado et al. (2014)
Corn Stover CO2-SbCWH 4.02 Batch 20.81 King et al. (2012)
Corn cob 4.02 23.38
Switch grass 3.72 8.23
Coconut Husk CO2-SbCWH 3.25 Batch 20.64 This Study
Coconut Husk N2-SbCWH 4.13 Batch 11.8 This Study
gradually decreases to 8.36 g xylose/100 g raw material at SF of 4.25. Although the clustering of low, medium and high SF in Fig. 5 cor-
This might be explained by the breaking of the polysaccharide chain relates to the clustering of operating pressure of SCW of 40, 80 and
(i.e. arabinan, xylan and glucan) into oligosaccharides in the mild se- 160 bar, respectively, it is difficult to say that pressure may give effect
verity of subcritical water. Increasing severity caused further degrada- to the sugar yield since, at this increasing pressure, the temperature was
tion of oligosaccharides to their monomers but simultaneously sugar increased accordingly. Effect of pressure has been studied and found
degradation compounds were formed (Prado et al., 2016). This reveals that it gave no significant effect to sugar yield during SCW (data not
the existence of an optimal severity factor in order to obtain the best shown). Prado et al. (2016) in the review of the pressure effect of SCW
yield of sugar during SCW. revealed similarly that in general, the pressure is not a key parameter of
In contrast to CO2, surprisingly, TRS yield on SCW hydrolysis the pretreatment condition.
pressured by N2 shows a constant increase even as it is elevated to the The decreasing of sugar after attaining its highest value occurred
most severe conditions (SF of 4.13). Table 1 shows a comparison of the because enzymatic hydrolysis has a characteristic of having high initial
sugar yield according to the literature review. The highest TRS yield rapid rate followed by slower and sometimes incomplete hydrolysis
using N2 in the present study was obtained at SF of 4.13. Öztürk et al. (Gabhane et al., 2014). A study by Ramos-gonza (2017) showed that
(2010) reported that no significant difference between the two gases for the enzyme activity decreased continually and only reached 20% of its
hydrolysis of kenaf stems by subcritical water. Although the yield by initial activity after having pre-incubation at 60 °C for 4 h.
using N2 was lower than CO2, N2 can be a promising gas for future SCW Table 2 summarizes the result of TRS yield at various SF. Mono-
hydrolysis. This is because N2 has lower price and inert in addition to meric sugar liberated from cellulose and hemicellulose by the catalytic
the constant increase of sugar yield even at increasing severity factor. action of enzyme contributed significantly to the total reducing sugar
obtained. It can be seen that the highest yield of total reducing sugar
3.1.2. Characterization of SCW solid residue was obtained at mild SF. The total TRS yield was significantly influ- Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) analysis. SEM was used to enced by the SF based on ANOVA analysis (p < .05).
compare morphological changes in coconut husk before and after
pretreatment. As shown by SEM images of SCW-treated at 150 °C, 3.3. Hydrogen from fermentation process
80 bar (SF of 3.25), the structure of untreated lignocellulose is smooth,
tight and contiguous, whereas after pretreatment it showed extensive Fermentation was performed using substrate from the SCW hydro-
anomalous porosity and more rough, hollow and amorphous. These lysate and enzymatic hydrolysate. Both substrates were chosen from the
structural changes help to expose the fasciculi to enzyme access and best SCW condition which gave the highest total sugar concentration.
resulting in high enzymatic hydrolysis yield (Sangian and Widjaja, Time courses of sugar consumption and accumulative H2 yield for 48 h
2017). fermentation are shown in Fig. 6a. The concentration increased gra-
dually accompanied by the decreasing of sugar concentration. The H2 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. According to diffraction yield of 0.175 mol/mol of sugar consumed was obtained. Fig. 6b shows
pattern, the value of crystalline index (CrI) decreased from 45.8% to the hydrogen yield obtained after fermentation of SCW solid fraction of
42.5% after the SCW pretreatment applied at 80 bar and 150 °C (SF of coconut husk for 48 h. It was obtained the total hydrogen yield of
3.25). This was derived from the difference between the crystalline 0.104 mol/mol of sugar consumed of an enzymatic hydrolysate. The
region at 2θ of 21.59° and 22.35° and the amorphous region at 2θ of maximum total hydrogen yield of variable 80 bar and 150 °C (SF of
18.76° and 18.14°. This phenomenon could be explained by the 3.25) H2 was 0.279 mol /mol of sugar consumed. Table 3 shows the
degradation of crystalline cellulose (Sangian and Widjaja, 2017). comparison of biohydrogen yield according to recently published re-
ports. The yield of the present study was lower than the others.
3.2. Sugar from enzymatic hydrolysis There are several factors which resulted in a low hydrogen yield.
Sivagurunathan et al. (2017) reported that the presence of a furanic and
Enzymatic hydrolysis performance is influenced by hemicellulose phenolic compound in the hydrolysate can cause a shifting of the
contents, porosity, the crystallinity of cellulose and lignin content acetate-butyrate pathway to the lactate-propionate pathway. Biohy-
(Zhang and Wu, 2013). Time course of sugar yield on solid residue was drogen production was depended on the acetate-butyrate pathway.
shown on Fig. 5 clustered according to the degree of SF, i.e. low, Exposed to high severity pretreatment, the abundant lignin monomers
medium and high SF. It could be seen from this figure that higher SF in the coconut husk (i.e., syringyl and guaiacyl units) are predictably
tended to result in lower sugar yield on the enzymatic hydrolysis of released (Monlau et al., 2014b). The syringyl and guaiacyl compound
solid residue. Since two kinds of enzymes cellulase and xylanase were subsequently undergoing further degradation into vanillin and syr-
employed in the present study, reducing sugars obtained from the en- ingaldehyde, respectively, which are the inhibitors of both enzymatic
zymatic process were derived from their polymer cellulose and hemi- and fermentation hydrolysis processes (Barakat et al., 2012). Moreover,
cellulose. From Table 2, the higher SF tended to give the lower total furfural, which is a derived compound of pentose, causes severe in-
amount of hemicellulose and cellulose. The higher the total amount of hibition by shifting pathway of acetate-butyrate to lactate-propionate
hemicellulose and cellulose in the solid residue the higher the reducing even at very small doses of 0.1 g/l (Liu et al., 2015).
sugar produced by the enzymatic hydrolysis. One of the attempt to increase the yield of hydrogen is to avoid the
M. Muharja et al. Bioresource Technology 249 (2018) 268–275
Fig. 5. Time course of sugar yield on solid residue at (a) low SF (0–3.25), (b) medium SF (3.25–4.13), (c) high SF (4.72–7.67).
M. Muharja et al. Bioresource Technology 249 (2018) 268–275
Fig. 6. Time course of H2 yield and sugar concentration (a) liquid fraction and (b) solid of SCW hydrolysate.
Table 3
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Empty palm fruit bunch Dilute acid in autoclave 2.04 Batch 0.96 mol H2/mol TS Gonzales et al. (2016a)
Rice Husk Dilute acid in autoclave 1.86 Batch 1.25 mol H2/mol TS
Pine tree wood Dilute acid in autoclave 2.01 Batch 0.99 mol H2/mol TS
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De-oiled rice bran Dilute acid 4.9 Batch 0.94 mol H2/mol TS Azman et al. (2016)
Oat Straw Dilute acid, Enzymatic hydrolysis 4.28 Batch 2.39 mol H2/mol RS Arreola-Vargas et al. (2015)
Coconut Husk CO2-SbCWH, Enzymatic hydrolysis 3.25 Batch 0.279 mol H2/mol RS This Study
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