Living Things Experience Is

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Characteristic of living things isexpect…

1. Moving
2. Breathing
3. Remain still
4. Growing
2. Human breathe with their…
1. Lungs
2. Skin
3. Gills
4. Trachea
3. Look at the picture below!

Living things experience is…

1. Moving
2. Grow and thrive
3. Sensitive to stimulation
4. Eating
4. “ Growth “ in Indonesian language is…
1. Kehidupan
2. Berkembang biak
3. Tumbuh
4. Pertumbuhan
5. Corn breeds with…
1. Seed
2. Bud
3. Tuber
4. Rhizoma
6. “Benefit “ in Indonesian language is…
1. Manfaat
2. Contoh
3. Tumbuhan
4. Sumber
7. Wood can be used as a…
1. Clothing material
2. Source food
3. Healthy
4. Industrial raw material
8. Cotton can be used as a…
1. Clothing material
2. Source food
3. Healthy
4. Industrial raw materials
9. Ginger can be used as a…
1. Clothing material
2. Source food
3. Healthy
4. Industrial raw materials
10. Crocodile skin used to make a clothing raw materials. Clothing meaning
1. Kulit
2. Pakaian
3. Digunakan
4. Membuat
11. When we have to water the plants?
1. In the morning
2. In the afternoon
3. In the evening
4. In the morning and evening
12. “ Object “ in Indonesian language is…
1. Benda
2. Benda hidup
3. Benda mati
4. Batu
13. Bottle has made of… object
1. Wood
2. Paper
3. Plastic
4. Glass
14. Chair and table were made of…object
1. Wood
2. Paper
3. Plastic
4. Glass
15. “ Liquid “ in Indonesian language is…
1. Padat
2. Cair
3. Gas
4. Oksigen
16. The example of solid object is…
1. Cooking oil
2. Shampoo
3. Oxygen
4. Book
17. “ Melt “in Indonesian language is…
1. Mencair
2. Membeku
3. Menguap
4. Mengembun
18. “Obligation “ in Indonesian language is…
1. Hak
2. Kewajiban
3. Kesehatan
4. Menjaga
19. a – body – keep – healthy
The correct sentence is…
1. Keep healthy body a
2. Healthy a keep body
3. A keep healthy body
4. Keep a healthy body
20. What is the right at home?
1. Eat nutritious food
2. Love parents
3. Thankyou parents
4. Pray for parents
21. Look at the picture below!

What ia the rights at home according to the picture?

1. Eat nutritious food
2. Live in a comfortable home
3. The right to love
4. Neatly dressed
22. Example obligation to school is…
1. Respect for the teacher
2. Playing with neighbors
3. Cleaning the house
4. Get clean food
23. Look at the picture below!

What is our obligation at school according to the picture?

1. Learn
2. Cleaning the class
3. Do the task
4. Picket
24. We – to – must – neighbors – respect - the
The corret sentence is…
1. We must respect to the neighbors
2. We respect must to respect
3. Must we respect to neighbors
4. To neighbors must we respect
25. read – book – a – Indonesia – edo – about
The correct sentence is…
1. Edo a read book about Indonesia
2. Edo read a book about Indonesia
3. Book about Indonesia Edo a read
4. Edo read about Indonesia a book
2. Answer the following question!
1. walk – with – Humans – legs - their
2. like – eat – I – and – vegetable – fish
3. Benefit of betel leaf is…
4. Benefit of bamboo is…
5. Table has made of…
6. Tire has made of…
7. Book has made of…
8. Pan has made of…

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