Smart Inverters
Smart Inverters
Smart Inverters
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ABSTRACT Traditionally, a grid-interactive inverter providing ancillary services is called a smart inverter.
However, broader features will be required for the next generation of inverters that can be categorized as
self-governing, self-adapting, self-security, and self-healing. For grid-interactive inverters, the self-governing
feature can be identified as the capability of inverters to operate in grid-following and grid-forming control
modes, where the self-adapting is referred to as more flexibility realized by adaptive controllers for stable
dynamics of inverters under various grid conditions. Moreover, for supervisory control and economic
dispatch in a grid with high-penetration of inverter-based power generators, a minimum communication
might be necessary, but it can place grid-interactive inverters in danger of being hacked when self-security
becomes essential to identify malicious setpoints. Furthermore, the self-healing is defined as fault-tolerance
and stress reduction under abnormal conditions. It suggests that after realizing these features, an inverter is
called a smart inverter. In this paper, the advancements toward achieving these features for grid-interactive
inverters are reviewed.
The energy infrastructure is rapidly changing as more sus-
tainable energy resources such as photovoltaic arrays, wind
turbines, and energy storage systems are distributed within
the grid as power generation units. The power generation
from these intermittent dc and ac sources requires solid-state
converters as the interface between the energy resources and
the power grid. These converters typically contain multiple
stages, including an inverter as the grid-side stage. How-
ever, these multi-stage converters are simply known as grid-
interactive inverters, and decentralized generation units are
called distributed generators (DGs). The high-penetration of
DGs provides more flexibility for power systems, where
inverters play the most significant role in DGs. An inverter
with the capability to make proactive and autonomous deci-
sions based on local measurements and external data can
be defined as a smart inverter. Fig. 1 illustrates the desired
features of a smart inverter. For example, inverters can be pro-
grammed to provide ancillary services for power grids under
abnormal conditions to improve power quality. This mode
of operation for inverters is referred to as grid-supporting FIGURE 1. Smart inverters connected to the power grid and a cyber
mode [1], [2]. Inverters can also operate in grid-forming mode network with the features beyond the P and Q grid-feeding duty.
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and to form an islanded microgrid following a blackout caused
approving it for publication was Ning Kang . by natural disasters, etc. [3]–[8]. Furthermore, inverters play
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
160526 VOLUME 8, 2020
B. Mirafzal, A. Adib: On Grid-Interactive Smart Inverters: Features and Advancements
into the grid should be adjusted as the reactive power is P2 +Q2 = Smax2 , and thus, losing part of the normal operating
increased to avoid violating the maximum current limit of the region of an inverter in a weak grid. Being inside Smax circle,
inverter, which would otherwise trip the inverter. Along with but outside of the second circle may not necessarily lead to
the maximum current limit, shown as a circle with the radius instability unless the inverter feeds a weak grid when the
of Smax in Fig. 2, the amount of active and reactive power current harmonics can significantly distort the PCC voltage.
accessible for the inverter at a specific time depends on the Fig. 3 shows a grid-supporting inverter, which extracts the
available dc-bus voltage, Vdc , the modulation index, m, and maximum available power, PMPP , of an intermittent source,
the impedance between the inverter and the grid [15], [17], e.g. PV arrays, and feeds the grid. Voltage source invert-
[18]. The second circle with the radius of mVdc Vg / |ZTh | is ers (VSIs) are commonly employed in DG units, whereas
also shown in Fig. 2. To demonstrate this second circle, one current source inverters (CSIs) can also be applied. Unlike a
can write the power transferred from the inverter to the grid VSI that is a buck (step-down) converter, i.e. Vdc > VLL,rms ,
as follows: a CSI is a boost converter [19]–[21], and thus can be fed by a
2 parallel connection of small dc sources, enhancing the relia-
km Vdc Vg e−jδ − Vg
S = P + jQ = ∗ (1) bility and availability of DG units. Regardless of the inverter
ZTh topology, the maximum power capacity of the inverter must
where, Vdc is the dc-bus voltage, km for linear modulation of be curtailed to provide a margin, as demonstrated in Fig. 2,
three-phase inverters is 0.612m for sinusoidal-pulse-width- for injecting reactive power, and subsequently, a capability
modulation (SPWM), and 0.707m for space-vector PWM to regulate the voltage at PCC, i.e. vpcc . As shown in Fig. 3,
(SVPWM), when 0 < m ≤ 1, km Vdc is the line-line rms volt- the grid-supporting feature can be implemented by adjusting
age at the inverter terminals, Vg is the line-line rms voltage of the active and reactive power setpoints using 1P and 1Q
the grid, δ is the angle between the inverter and the grid, and adjustments through a conventional or hybrid droop control
∗ = |Z | e−jθz is the complex conjugate of the Thevenin
ZTh scheme as given below
equivalent impedance of the grid seen by the inverter, which (
P∗ = PMPP − Pc + 1P
includes the filter effect. From (1), one can simply write the (3)
following equation. Q∗ = Qref + 1Q
!2 2
!2 where, 1Q can be formulated as
Vg cos (θz ) Vg sin (θz )
P+ + Q+ (
|ZTh | |ZTh | (−1/mQ )1V |1V | > Vth
1Q = (4)
!2 0 |1V | ≤ Vth
km Vdc Vg
= (2) where, Vth is the threshold voltage determined by grid codes,
|ZTh |
e.g. IEEE Std. 1547, and mQ is the droop control coeffi-
where, Eq. (2) demonstrates a circle with the radius of cient. Notice, the output of the droop, 1Q, must be limited
mVdc Vg / |ZTh | and the center of − Vg /ZTh ∗ . As depicted between 1Qmax(−) and 1Qmax(+) , as one can derive from the
in Fig. 2, an increase in the R/X ratio the center of this normal operating region shown in Fig. 2. The active power
circle is shifted to the left, and a decrease in the available can similarly be tuned to support the grid, particularly in
dc-bus voltage, Vdc , or a low grid voltage, Vg , in which the distribution power grid, in which R/X ratio is relatively
ZTh has a relatively high value in weak grids, shrinks the high. The grid-supporting feature is not limited to the voltage
disk identified by the circle. Any change in these parameters support. Inverters can also operate as harmonic and negative
can result in intersecting this circle with the Smax circle, i.e. sequence compensators in asymmetrical three-phase systems.
In contrast to a grid-following inverter, a grid-forming
inverter operates as a voltage source, see Fig. 5, and
Table 1. In a power grid, not all inverters need to work
in grid-forming mode [3]–[8]. Generally, inverters powered
by non-intermittent sources such as battery energy storage
and natural gas microturbines are chosen to be grid-forming
FIGURE 4. Block diagram and decision table for negative-sequence
inverters, while the remaining inverters can operate in their
controller in grid-supporting mode. original mode of operation, e.g. grid-feeding mode. Inverters
powered by renewable sources such as PV arrays and wind
turbines can also operate in grid-forming mode, but only
when they are equipped with their own energy storage units.
Asymmetrical anomalies can occur due to asymmetrical A grid-forming inverter must be sized for higher-rated values
faults in the power grid and uneven distribution of single- compared to an equivalent grid-feeding inverter to provide
phase loads in the distribution grid. A smart inverter can sufficient flexibility and a stability margin, particularly in
support the grid in such instances by providing negative- asymmetrical and weak grids.
sequence compensation services on top of the positive- To form islanded microgrids, and possibly form a grid
sequence reactive power support [22]–[26]. of these microgrids, smart inverters must optimally share
As shown in Fig. 4, supplementary q- and d-axis current the total load among themselves and other power gener-
control paths can be inserted to the control scheme for pro- ation units. The power-sharing and the control of voltage
viding negative-sequence compensation to the grid currents, and frequency can be achieved using either centralized or
irrespective of whether the control scheme is formulated decentralized techniques. The main features of centralized
based on stationary or synchronous reference frames [22]. and decentralized techniques are discussed in the following
These paths feed the negative-sequence components of the subsections.
grid current back to the controller, as shown in Fig. 4, with a
zero-reference value to achieve balanced grid currents while
the local load might be asymmetrical. However, negative-
sequence compensation provided in such a way does not com- In the centralized control approach, inverters adopt a com-
pensate for the negative-sequence component of the voltage at munication based secondary control structure [10]–[13], [27],
PCC. Therefore, oscillations in the active and reactive power [28], which can be categorized as master-slave, concentrated,
may still remain, which in turn can cause a ripple in the and distributed control techniques. The master-slave and dis-
dc-bus voltage of the inverter. The ripples extending beyond tributed control techniques are explained below.
the voltage ratings of the capacitor can damage the dc-bus
capacitors. The setpoints of the negative-sequence controller a: MASTER-SLAVE CONTROL TECHNIQUE
can be adjusted to any value other than zero to mitigate some In a master-slave scheme, an inverter operates as a voltage
of the oscillations. In general, the desired values of the con- source to regulate voltage magnitude and frequency while
troller can be set to either mitigate active and reactive power other inverters operate as current sources [29], [30]. The
oscillations or compensate unbalanced grid currents [23], see inverter that regulates the voltage and frequency is called
Fig. 4. More control objectives for the negative-sequence con- master-inverter. Master inverters softly start before slave-
trollers have also been proposed in the literature [24], [25]. inverters feed an islanded microgrid. For small microgrids,
In [24], the setpoints of the negative-sequence controllers are a single grid-forming or master-inverter is sufficient to reg-
designed to reduce the negative-sequence component of the ulate the amplitude and frequency of the voltage at the
voltage at PCC. In [25], the objective of the controllers is main ac bus. However, for a large microgrid, one inverter
to reduce the power oscillation as much as possible while would not be able to handle the load variations of the micro-
also limiting the currents at their rated values. A smart grid, and as such, multiple grid-forming or master-inverters
inverter equipped with a negative-sequence compensation might be required. To synchronize the grid-forming inverters,
feature should be capable of providing such services based a communication link, which will share the phase and fre-
on the appropriate control objective depending on the specific quency of a reference signal, is required [11], [29], [30]. The
situation. Since the inverter references are unbalanced when master-slave technique provides outstanding power-sharing
providing negative-sequence compensation, some of the ref- performance. In the case of tripping the master-inverter, one
erences may reach the overmodulation region even at rated of the slave-inverters needs to be seamlessly switched to
power. A low-frequency common-mode signal can be added operate as the new master-inverter.
FIGURE 5. Inverters in different modes of operation in grid-following for grid-tied systems, and grid-forming for islanded microgrid systems.
FIGURE 6. A demonstration of power sharing between three inverters with different capacity, Pimax , using P-f droop control technique, these
inverters contribute to the load change, 1P L , based on their capacities or droop coefficients, mPi , as 1P L = 1P1 + 1P2 + 1P3 .
FIGURE 8. A basic block diagram for VSG control technique. FIGURE 9. Block diagram of grid resynchronization control.
virtual inductance can be helpful in such cases. Therefore, inverter for providing the energy reserve necessary to supply
the virtual inductance for droop control should have a static virtual inertia [35].
element, which should stay within 0.05-0.15 pu to ensure that Centralized schemes for grid-forming inverter such as the
the equation for power transfer holds [32]. Besides, an adap- master-slave approach might be more suitable for micro-
tive virtual impedance should be incorporated to ensure that grids containing inverters in close proximity such as in smart
reactive power is properly shared among grid-forming invert- buildings, where a communication link between the inverters
ers [33]. Furthermore, a droop control method should achieve can be quickly established. For microgrids spread over a
zero error frequency restoration. distribution network, a decentralized approach might be more
suitable, whereas the droop control or virtual synchronous
generator scheme can be used based on the availability of
energy storage units.
The virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control technique
for grid-interactive inverters mimics the dynamic behavior of
electric machines, see Fig. 8. To fully achieve VSG, a DG Forming an islanded microgrid may place inverters in a
should be equipped by dc-bus energy storage to play the role weak grid condition. Therefore, self-adaptation should be
of the kinetic energy reservoir in the rotating mass of an added into the controller of smart inverters for larger stability
electric machine [34], [35]. The swing equation derived from regions and seamless transitions between modes of operation.
the equation of motion can be expressed as:
ωm − ω
dωm Power grids can encounter a loss of utility power because of
Pm − P = J ωm +D Sb (7)
dt ωref natural events or physical and cyberattacks. Therefore, invert-
ers should be programmed to detect loss of utility power,
where, J denotes the virtual inertia, D is the damping fac- and consequently, shape islanded microgrids. The terminal
tor, ωm , ω, and ωref are the virtual rotor angular frequency, voltage of inverters is measured by their local controllers.
the angular frequency of the voltage at PCC, and nominal Therefore, the simplest way to detect loss of grid is to deter-
angular frequency, respectively. Also, Pm , P, and Sb are the mine whether the measured voltage and frequency are outside
virtual shaft power determined by the droop (governor) equa- the normal range of operation defined in the IEEE Std. 1547-
tion, the active power injected to the grid measured at PCC, 2018 [16]. The time interval during which the voltage falls
and the power rating of the inverter, respectively. outside the normal range must be considered, according to
The inertia of inverter-based DGs is inherently zero unless IEEE Std. 1547-2018, before performing any reaction to
some virtual inertia has been implemented into the con- avoid false detection. The inverter can be separated from
trol schemes. Therefore, microgrids with a high number of the grid using a static transfer switch (STS). When a single
inverter-based DGs can be susceptible to sudden load changes inverter is operating in an islanded mode, reconnection to the
and disturbances. Particularly for grid-forming inverters in grid is simple since the voltage buildup at the other end of the
droop mode, the under-frequency, and over-frequency relays STS can be detected, and the inverter can be synchronized to
can be triggered under sudden changes [34]. The virtual the grid before reconnecting. To avoid high current transients,
synchronous generator method can be implemented for bet- the difference in voltage amplitude and phase across the
ter dynamic performances by adding virtual inertia to the STS can be fed to two PI controllers, which would then
inverter. Similar Q-V and P-f equations, as given in (6), can generate compensation signals to be added to the inverter
be combined with (7) to form a virtual synchronous generator voltage amplitude and phase for slowly resynchronizing to
in which the P-f droop equation is the governor of the virtual the grid, as shown in Fig. 9 [30]. However, the STS could
synchronous generator, as shown in Fig. 8. Furthermore, be far away from the inverter, and as such, the synchro-
an energy storage element can be added to the dc-bus of the nizing information would not be readily available. In such
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