Brocade Cable Management Guide 1.0

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Cable Management Guidelines v1.

Cable Management Guidelines

Version 1.0

Publication Number: 53-0000824-01

Publication Date: October 10, 2003

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Cable Management Guidelines v1.0

Copyright © 2003, Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated.

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Cable Management Guidelines v1.0

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Document History
The table below lists all versions of Cable Management Guidelines.
Table 1

Document Title Publication Number Publication Date

Version 1.0 53-0000824-01 October 10, 2003

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Cable Management Guidelines v1.0

Table of Contents
DOCUMENT HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1 ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 SCOPE AND AUDIENCE ................................................................................................................................. 5
3 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 6
4 NEEDS ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 SITE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 8
5 DESIGN PROCESS.......................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1 SITE DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 INTER-SITE CONNECTIVITY ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.3 PATCH PANEL DESIGN ................................................................................................................................. 11
5.4 CABLE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 15
5.5 CABLE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 17
5.5.1 Typical Cable Types............................................................................................................................ 17
5.5.2 Planning Cable Layouts...................................................................................................................... 21
5.5.3 Cabling Standards within a single Rack ............................................................................................. 22
5.5.4 Cabling Standards between Racks ...................................................................................................... 23
5.5.5 Cabling Standards to Patch Panels .................................................................................................... 23
5.6 DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................................................ 24
6 CABLE IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................................................ 25
6.1 CABLE STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 CABLING BEST PRACTICES ........................................................................................................................... 28
6.3 CABLE HAZARDS ......................................................................................................................................... 28
7 MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................................................. 29

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1 Abstract
A reliable cable management strategy is a critical component for a SAN in a corporate environment. Whether for a
test lab or a highly available production SAN, a cable management strategy is a fundamental part of the
infrastructure. A good cable management strategy more than esthetics, it swill simplify the deployment of your
SAN. A poor management strategy will do far more than provide a mess of cables, it can introduce additional faults,
increase time to resolution for faults, increase the number of faults that may result in downtime, and increase the
support and maintenance environment.
The guidelines discussed in this outline are a high level overview of the primary issues that are encountered in a
SAN environment. Each SAN environment has specific needs that require detailed analysis and a custom solution.
The products shown in this document are recommendations of potential solutions. Any of the products discussed in
this document may become non-applicable or obsolete in the near future. Work with your cable vendor to
understand what products are available and how they relate to your needs.

2 Scope and Audience

This document is limited to defining the process and best practices for cable management. This document does not
provide a review of cable standards, transmission capability, or test processes. Readers should have the following
knowledge and experience:
• Basic understanding of SAN components and vocabulary
• Basic understanding of SAN designs and principles
• Hands on experience routing cables and implementing a SAN infrastructure

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3 Introduction
In a SAN environment, the strict uptime requirements do not allow sufficient time for the daunting task of
redeploying a cable strategy. To prevent additional cost and downtime, a reliable cable management strategy needs
to be implemented when a SAN is first deployed. A complete layout and documentation plan needs to be created
during the planning phase. Every SAN has constraints and factors that dominate design choices, such that no single
cabling design can meet all requirements. While a single design plan will not solve all problems, it is possible to
follow a reliable process to make sure that the majority of design concerns are addressed. By implementing a
reliable cable management strategy, a SAN environment can gain the following benefits:
• Improved supportability and fault identification
• Improved ability to isolate a fault – i.e. prevent a single cable problem from affecting multiple components
• Improved scalability – scale a design and prevent the management decay
• Reduced fault count
• Improved time to resolution
This document is intended to provide an overview of the process used to develop a cable management strategy. Best
practices and guidelines are presented throughout the document. The process and guidelines included in this
document have been developed in the Test labs at Brocade. While this process has been developed to help account
for the dynamic needs of interoperability, these are generic principles that apply to any SAN in a corporate
The cable processes discussed in this document will focus on the following areas:
Table 1: Key Focal Points for Cabling Standards

Key Focal Points for Cabling Standards

• Data collection
• Analyzing the needs of the site and of the SAN
• Design criteria
• Implementation best practices
• Ongoing management and maintenance

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4 Needs Analysis
Before designing a plan, it is critical to complete a “needs” analysis, including a list of all assumptions and
dependencies. No one cable management plan will be perfect. Each site will have to weigh factors such as: cost,
management overhead, reliability, scalability, and flexibility. Before creating a cable plan, the requirements for
each site needs to be clearly understood. This section provides some details into the type of data that should be
collected during this phase. Fundamentally two areas must be analyzed: 1) the current infrastructure, and 2) the
requirements and assumptions that will guide the implementation.

4.1 Existing Infrastructure

The existing infrastructure, which will contain the SAN environment, must be analyzed as it can place a significant
number of constraints on a cable management strategy. Here are some of the basic questions that need to be asked:
Site Connectivity: The site may have a patching infrastructure in place. Before any plans are made, this should be
documented and the capacity clearly understood. If the site is connected by a patching infrastructure, the following
questions should be asked.
• Are sites connected together by a core distribution panel or are they linked in a series?
• What is the maximum number of patch panel hops between two labs?
• How many ports are available for in each lab?
• What type of connectors are used (LC, SC, MTP, etc)
• What types of fiber is the installation based on (50 micron or 62.5 micron, Single mode or multi-mode)?
• Is the infrastructure reliable (has this been well managed, clear of dirt contamination, etc.)?
Existing Site Layout: Most of the design restrictions are based on the current layout. The following questions
should be answered:
• How many racks are in each site?
• What is the total number of switch ports in each site?
• What is the total number of nodes in each site?
• What percent of the racks have cables routed internally?
• What percent of the devices are cabled to a nearby rack?
• What percent of the devices are cabled to a distant rack (across the site or to another site)?
Existing Cables: Make sure that you understand what current standards have been put in place for cables. When a
design is complete do not accidentally mix incorrect cable types or us unreliable cables.
• What types of cables are used?
• For Multimode cables, what percent are 62.5 micron and what percent is 50 micron?
• Have the cables been kept free from dirt and other contaminates?
• Develop a breakdown of all cables categorized by length (1m, 5m, 10m, etc) and type (50 micron, 62.5
micron, etc).
Site Infrastructure: Each site will probably have some level of cabling infrastructure already in place. The
following questions should be answered:
• Where are the cabinets and other storage facilities located?
• Are raised floors or ceiling cable guides used?
• Where are the patch panels located?

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• Where is the Ethernet connectivity located?

• What is the power distribution plan for each site?
• Where are the windows (sun light) located?
• Where are the sprinklers, vents, fans, and cooling located?
• Where are the ceiling and floor panels located which maintenance will use for access to (such as ceiling
access for the cooling system)?
• Where are the fire lanes and other zones that must be clear of cables?
• Where are the doors and emergency exits located?
• What is the emergency fire and disaster plan?
• Where is the current site documentation?
These points should be covered in the documentation for each site. If it is not documented, it is critical that this data
is collected before designing the site layout. Once this data is gathered, the next step is to document the assumptions
for each site.

4.2 Site Requirements

It is important to document all requirements and assumptions. Undocumented requirements are a major source of
confusion in SAN implementation strategies. Each requirement should be rated by priority. The rating scheme
selected should be able to differentiate absolute requirements from others that are “nice to have”. A recommended
ranking system is listed below:
R2: Required Level 2. This feature is mandatory. The need for this requirement out ways any reasonable
cost considerations. If this feature cannot be met then the entire requirements list and implementation
strategy must be reanalyzed.
R1: Required Level 1. The featured is required. There is a strong need for this requirement. If the
addition of any single R1 requirement resulted in a significant scope change (2x increase in scope) then this
could be dropped. If a group of R1 priorities had to be dropped then the requirements should need to be re-
D2: Desired Level 2. This feature is desired if there is no significant scope creep. If a small addition in
scope can cover this requirements or a group of D2 requirements then this is beneficial.
D1: Desired Level 1. This feature is desired if there is no additional scope creep.
This is one possible classification list, but many others will serve as well. When documenting requirements, several
categories need to be analyzed. Table 2 and Table 3 provide an outline of the types of requirements that should be
collected and documented. The key objective is to document all assumptions and user requirements that could affect
the design choices.

Table 2: Growth and Density Requirements

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Growth and Density Requirements

Ref Description Required Nice To Notes


1.1 Define the capacity each site is expected to scale to in the next 12 months.

1.2 Define the minimum capacity each site is expected to scale in the next 12-24 months.

1.3 Define the maximum capacity each site is expected to scale to over the next 12-24

1.4 Define the frequency that you expect to be able to make additions to the fabric.

1.5 Define if the site infrastructure is intended to stay static or if it needs to be a dynamic
area with many changes. (This is a critical requirement to analyze as it can affect
your design choices.)

1.6 Define the maximum capacity that each SAN is planned to support.

1.7 Define the maximum number of connections between each site (this does not have to
be limited to the current infrastructure).

1.8 Define the maximum number of ports expected per rack.

1.9 Define the percent of rack space allocated for cable guides within each lab. Define
the maximum, minimum, and average if possible.

1.10 Specifically call out any requirements for racks that can allocate less than 10-20% of
the available rack space to cable management.

Table 3: Usability Requirements

Usability Requirements

Ref Description Required Nice To Notes


2.1 Define fire lanes and other areas that must be clear of all cables.

2.2 Define the space behind or between racks and the expected level of access.

2.3 Define which type of user will have access to which labs.

2.4 Define all areas where frequent access is required and a large snag potential exists.
These areas will require more strict cable management.

2.5 Define any appearance requirements and the audience for the site. (A visually
appealing site may not be optimized for support or fault isolation. The value of
appearance over ease of use must be weighed).

2.6 Define the importance of being able to isolate faulty cables and replace them. Define
the acceptable level of impact that removing one cable can have on other cables.

2.7 Define the need for any racks to roll in and out of the site. Include the required
clearance height. Define the path that all equipment entering the site will follow and
define that this area must be free from any located snag.

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5 Design Process
During the design process, document the full layout including all required equipment. Continuing through the
design process, follow the steps below. This is a proposed process only. Any site design process will generally be
sufficient. The following sections will focus in more depth in each of these areas:
• SAN Design
• Inter-site connection design
• Site patch panel design
• Cable Management Requirements
• Cable Requirements (patch cords, bundle cable etc)
• Site Documentation Standards

5.1 Site Design

Define the layout for each site before implementing a routing plan. The layout out plan should provide a logical
naming convention for each site and each rack location within the site. Link the naming convention to the Ethernet
port and patch panel port naming convention. Standardizing on a common naming convention will eliminate
confusion when discussing the location of a device, port, or rack. Many site problems are introduced because of bad
of improper documentation. Standardizing the naming convention can greatly reduce this risk. A suggested naming
convention is below:
SJ1 – Building Identifier, San Jose 1
5th Floor
W2 – West Side, lab 2
B3 – Row B and Rack 3
This provides a name convention for the rack. An Ethernet port or patch panel port can be indicated using an
additional identifier. In this way when a port is referenced, the exact location of a problem can be located.
Typically, the building identifier is left of any ports that are local to the lab. Any ports that connect the labs (or
buildings) through a central distribution panel should include the building identifier.
Static vs. Dynamic: This is a critical design constraint on the site layout. Each rack in each site needs to be rated by
how often changes are expected to be made. Select cables based on the frequency and magnitude of the changes.
• Dynamic: Significant modifications and changes are made to the rack cable layout about every six months.
• Static: Minor changes are made every year or two.
Note: All the cases between these two extremes are a judgment call.
Once the current layout is complete, evaluate the impact of both the minimum and maximum growth projections.
Make sure that the process to scale is clearly planned. Even the best site design plan will decay into chaos over
time. This is so predictable that you can frequently define a half-life (like a radio active half-life) that is based on
frequency of changes and the number of additions to the site. Another major factor is the growth plan for the lab.
With a solid growth plan the decay problem can be significantly mitigated or controlled. Without a proactive
growth plan, no amount of reactive support can save a site infrastructure, and it will revert to a chaotic system. If a
site is planned to be live for more than three years, a growth plan is mandatory.

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5.2 Inter-Site Connectivity

Once the site design is completed and the growth plan documented the inter-site connections should be clear.
Make sure that you have sufficient capacity to connect you labs together and that there is 10-20% extra capacity
beyond your expected needs. The primary cost for a patching infrastructure is installation, not the cost of
materials. Adding two to four extra ports is usually a minimal addition when connecting labs within the same
building. Several deigns can be used for connecting labs together. Typical layouts include: A ring
configuration where each site is connected in a series. Take the case where five labs exist A, B, C, D, and E. If
these are connected in a series then each site can only connect to each of the neighbors. This can work well
with three labs but beyond this number, management becomes increasingly complex and there is a larger risk
that there will be a conflict. An alternate connection method is to have the labs connected to a distribution
panel. Frequently you will find all the labs on a floor attached to a common distribution panels and then the
entire then floor through a second Panel. This can be an expensive solution and the capacity requirements for
connection to labs on the same floor and other floors will need to be clearly understood.

5.3 Patch Panel Design

Each site will need to have a complete patch panel design completed. Consider the following when designing
the patch panel infrastructure:
q Accessibility: How frequently will the panel need to be accessed and how often will changes be made?
q Capacity: How many ports are required in each location?
q Flexibility: Will a set of nodes always require patching to a specific location or do they need any-to-
any access. Any-to-Any access requirements should be limited if possible. This increased flexibility
comes at and added management burden.
q Location: Each location may require different patch panels (roof, rack, or wall mounted, etc.)
Consider proximity to hazards (heat, light, water, dirt, grease, humans, etc).

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The following figures illustrate two different types of patch panels. Figure 1 shows a patch panel designed for
a static installation. This provides for high capacity in a compact space and provides a cover for protection.
On the downside, this panel is hard to fit fingers into and removing just one cable can be challenging. When
fully loaded, this patch panel can hold 72 ports. All 72 cables are routed in from the sides making well-
planned management mandatory. This is great for a static configuration, but it can be a burden in a dynamic

Figure 1

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Figure 2 illustrates another patch panel design. This provides a 1U patch panel with no enclosure. Notice how each
of the ports is spaced apart to allow for easy access.

Figure 2

The type patch panel in Figure 2 can be used as a distribution panel or rack mounted, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
One of the disadvantages to this type of panel is that there is no dust cover. In Figure 2 several ports without fillers
are shown. These ports should be considered contaminated and will need to be cleaned.
Another point is that both allow for easy maintenance. In Figure 1 the patch panel has inserts, which can move,
allowing easy access to the cable. The panel in Figure 2and Figure 3 has a tray that pulls out to allow access to the
ports. Although these access methods are convenient, it is critical that the cables are properly manages with
sufficient slack to allow for the maintenance. If one port requires work, a poorly designed cables management
system might require that all the ports are unplugged before removing the panel.

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After selecting the patch panels, complete the final layout. In the final layout, consider the following design
• Will each patch panel be connected to a central distribution area or to a fixed location only?
Scenario 1: A set of storage ports on the west end of the lab need to be connected to the fabric. This is the
only location to which these storage ports need to be connected.
Scenario 2: A set of Unix hosts in a lab need to be able to get connectivity to any rack in the lab through
the patch panel system. This will require a distribution panel, since direct connectivity is not possible. Try
to design around this requirement, since the additional flexibility requires increased cost and a larger
support burden.
• Will the patch panels be mounted in the ceiling, floor, or racks?
For the edge devices mounting the patch panel in the ceiling (see Figure 2) can allow for added flexibility.
This allows for the replacement of the rack allocated to that panel without disrupting the infrastructure.
Mounting the panel in a rack with other devices will require disconnecting the entire panel, not just the
patch cords, when moving the rack.
One option is to have a special rack dedicated to patch panels. By alternating patch panel racks and switch
racks, it is possible to bring a large number of edge devices to a central patching infrastructure.
Note: Floor mounted patch panels are not recommended, as they can be hard to access and easily
contaminated by dirt.
• What are the environmental hazards?
Make sure that the patch panel infrastructure is free of hazards. Design it to be static and low maintenance.
The following typical hazards should be considered:
Human: Be aware of technicians moving a rack or cable: The patch panel should be located so that no
expected activity or use can result in a failure.
Light: Do not expose the cables to direct sunlight.
Water: Do not expose the patch panels to condensation or water.
Heat and exhaust: Do not mount patch panels near equipment exhaust. This can heat the patch panel and
cause dirt to contaminate the panel.
Accessibility: Do not mount patch panels in locations that block access to lights, sprinklers, A/C access
ways. Do not block a zone that needs to be free of cables.

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5.4 Cable Management Requirements

The only way to safely route a large number of cables in a rack, or across a site, is to correctly use the appropriate
cable management product. There is a variety of cable management guides available. Figure 4 shows three
common cable guides.

Figure 4
The guide in the front (A) is designed as a 0U cable management guide. This can be mounted in front of a device
and will allow not take up any addition space. An illustration of how this can be racked in shown in Figure 2. This
single cable guide is sufficient for a pair of patch panels. If a 0U patch panel is selected make sure that the main
support bar is removable. Access to the device behind the cable guide will be required at some point (pull out a
drawer for maintenance, etc), and if the cable guide does not have a removable bar then the entire guide will have to
be removed. In Figure 5 notice the pin in the bottom right corner.

Main Bar Release


Figure 5

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The second guide (B) in Figure 4 is a 1U guide designed for fiber cables. The curves help prevent bend radius
violations. The last guide shown (C) is a 2U cable guide. This type of guide is more common in Ethernet cable
management but can also work well for fiber. Extra care is required so that a bend radius violation does not occur.
In addition to horizontal cable guides, it is critical to select an appropriate vertical cable guide, as shown in Figure 6.
Vertical guides provide capacity for a large quantity of cables. Curved fingers to help prevent bend radius
violations. The oval support in the center is useful when managing slack and controlling the cables.

Figure 6
When selecting a cable guide, consider the following:
1) How much space is the available? Can 20-50% of your rack space be spared for cable management?
2) How many cables do you need to manage?
3) Will the guide block access to any equipment?
4) Will the guide and your cable design support your bend radius requirements?
5) Will it be possible to isolate bad cables?
6) Does the guide allow back access? (Notice the guides in Figure 4 have holes to support rear access.)

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5.5 Cable Requirements

One of the most critical components of a cable design is proper cable selection. There are many types of cable
available, each offering a variety of benefits. When investigating cables, consider the following:
• Core diameter (5 or 62.5 micron)
• Quality of the glass used in the cable
• Thickness of the cable
• Protecting sheath strength
• Flexibility
• Cable memory
• Connector quality
• Cable labeling

5.5.1 Typical Cable Types

The following figures illustrate some of the typical cable choices available.
Figure 7 illustrates a typical multi-mode fiber cable. This cable has sufficient flexibility for nearly any cable guide.
Also, note that there are no kinks in the cable. This type of cable does not exhibit memory – the tendency to
permanently form kinks due to previous cable management. Another feature to note is that each end of the cable has
shrink-wrap with a serial number that identifies that cable. This is extremely helpful in documentation and tracing

Figure 7

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Figure 8 illustrates a cable form a different manufacturer. This cable serialized and is more rigid, but easily routed.
Evaluate each cable for the intended environment.

Figure 8

Figure 9 illustrates a thinner cable. A large quantity will take up less space. This particular cable also exhibits
memory. Notice the severe kinks. This cable could become a problem if routed in this condition. It also makes
compact storage difficult.

Figure 9

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Figure 10 illustrates a breakout cable this provides a single bundle that separates into individually protected cables.
This is cable has the highest level of protection but is also thicker than alternates. This cable is good for dynamic
areas, as the individual ports are exposed.

Figure 10

Figure 11 illustrates a bundled cable. Like Figure 10, this type of cable bundles multiple fibers. The key difference
is that each fiber has thin protection. This is ideal for a static configuration, and in a rack with high-density

Figure 11

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Figure 12 illustrates a ribbon cable with MTP connectors. The MTP connector can be seen on the right. In this
cable, all the fibers run as a group and are not individually protected. The light dots in the center of the adaptor are
the actual fiber strands. An adaptor can be used to connect this to a patch panel or allow it to fan out.

Figure 12
An MTP patch panel is shown in Figure 13. The MTP plugs in to the rear and the panel fans out to the ports. MTP
cables are not standard at this time, but will be more common upon the standardization of 10Gb. Integration of this
with an existing infrastructure can be difficult and costly.

Figure 13
When selecting the appropriate cable, consider the following:
• Do not mix 50-micron and 62.5-micron cables.
• Select components maintained easily.
• Understand your density requirements before cables are selected.
• Try to order the correct cable length. Do not use a 5-meter cable if only a 3-meter cable is required.
• Try to avoid cable with bad connectors or a cable that maintains kinks and loops.

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5.5.2 Planning Cable Layouts

When planning the cable layout in a corporate environment, the following factors should be considered and
• Number of sites
• Equipment layout for each site
• Percentage of localization for each site
• Connectivity between sites
• Environmental threats
Before a cable management plan can be completed, each of the factors must be analyzed. The most critical factor
when determining the layout is the percentage of localization for each site. This single factor will dictate the number
of patch panel ports and remote cabling. The 80/20 rule applies well to cable design. This rule is completely
dependant on the site architecture and design constraints. If a design exceeds 30-40% remote cabling, an alternative
SAN design should be investigated. Deploying a SAN with a Core/Edge architecture, and cabling only the ISLs
remotely, will reduce excess cabling. Refer to the Brocade SAN Design, Deployment, and Management Guide
(DDM) v2.1 (part number: 53-0000366-02) for information about available SAN architecture.
Once the level of localized cabling in each fabric has been determined, the connectivity between fabrics can be
evaluated. When designing fabric-to-fabric connectivity be aware of all environmental hazards. Environmental
hazards such as water, equipment exhaust, sunlight, or any other environmental hazards, should be considered
during cable selection.
Use the following the table as a guide when designing the cabling infrastructure, keeping in mind the appropriate
distance limitations.
Table 4 Cable Usage by Distance

Bandwidth Cable Type Maximum Notes

Supported Distance

Single Mode (9 um) cable 10 km With an Extended Fabrics license,

(Longwave) distances can be increased.
1 Gbit/sec Multi Mode (62.5 or 50 um) cable (50um) 500 meters The distance will be less when
(Shortwave) using older style 62.5 um fiber

Single Mode (9 um) cable 10 km With an Extended Fabrics license,

(Longwave) distances can be increased.
2 Gbit/sec Multi Mode (62.5 or 50 um) cable (50um) 300 meters The distance will be less when
(Shortwave) using older style 62.5 um fiber

NOTE: Use the appropriate SFPs, depending upon the connector type.

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5.5.3 Cabling Standards within a single Rack

When designing a cable layout within a single rack the first goal is to make sure that all equipment can be easily
removed and that no devices are blocked. In general, two forms of cable guides can be used.
• If space utilization is not a concern 1 or 2U cable guides can be used for cable routing across the rack.
These guides should be placed between every other device at a minimum. When using cable guides, make
sure to properly feed the cable into the guide. A common issue is having the device too close to the guide,
forcing a tight bend radius. Preventive measures include recessing the device or using a wider cable guide.
• If space utilization is a concern 0U cable guides can be used. These guides mount in front of devices
instead of above or below. The cable guide should not hinder the removal of a device, should a device
need to be replaced. Typically, one 0U guide placed between two devices is sufficient.
When cabling a rack, it is recommended that the ISL cables and the device cables be separated. By selecting a
consistent standard (for example: all ISLs get routed to the right and devices to the left) fault isolation can be
simplified. Cables should be routed from devices to the outer edge of the rack using the correct cable guide. Never
allocate more than two devices per cable guide, which can result in an overlap. Cable guides should be mounted at
the edge of the rack and used to route cables to the correct level. Cables should be routed back toward the center of
the rack using the appropriate guide. Excess cable should be wound on a cylinder that is the correct bend radius.
High-density cabling is recommended in some conditions, such as when routing 6 to 12 ports from one location to
another. There are three key options:
• Breakout cable: Each strand of the breakout is individually protected for maximum reliability. The down
side is the large diameter of the bundle.
• Bundled cables: A compact bundle with very light protection on each strand. This is reliable in a static
environment, but not recommended for patching devices in a dynamic environment. The advantage to this
cable is the compact form factor.
• Ribbon cable: Specialized cable with 8 to 24 strands running in a single cable. Fan out cables or patch
panels can be plugged into the ends. These are very compact and stable, however the breakout connectors
are expensive and difficult to make compatible with an LC interface. This cable is not recommended,
unless the SAN is planned to standardize on this interface. Off the shelf, components can be limiting and
most solutions require custom (expensive) parts. This solution may be more viable in the future.

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5.5.4 Cabling Standards between Racks

When cabling between racks, the same guidelines as same rack cable management should be followed. Cable
guides must be used and cables should be routed to the rack edge and then to the correct height. Try to group cables
into common types (storage ports, host ports, ISLs, etc.) It is generally easier to trace an individual cable by
grouping common types. It is also recommended to standardize the side of the rack which is used for devices and
which side is used for ISLs. This will further help isolate the different the cables. Another recommendation is to
make sure that any cables that have to cross a rack are not routed within the rack. It may be necessary to remove a
single rack and routing a cable through an adjacent rack will require that cables to be disconnected. Make sure that
the cable design minimizes the impact of any device or rack removal.

Figure 14

5.5.5 Cabling Standards to Patch Panels

When using patch panels a few unique constraints must be considered.
Cable type: In a patching infrastructure it is key that all of the cables are the same diameter. 50 micron cables
should be used in a patching infrastructure if possible. Do not mix 62.5 and 50 micron cables in the same patching
structure. Doing so may lead to intermittent link loss issues than can be difficult to troubleshoot.
Bundled or breakout cables: since patch panel cables are static, it is recommended to use bundled cables.
Breakout cables are sufficient, but the added protection results in a wider diameter that is more difficult to route.
Position patch panels close to the ceiling to prevent contamination from dirt. It is critical that any unused port
remain covered at all times.

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5.6 Documentation
Documenting the cable plan is critical for future management. A reliable standard for labeling all cables and should
be clearly established, including:
• All site-to-site patch panels
• All building–building patch panels
• All site patch panels
• The source, destination, and serial number of all cables at the site
• Cable Properties
o Cable manufacturer
o Cable length
o Cable type
o Other Cable properties
This is a significant documentation burden, however skipping this step will result in more work in the future.
Documentation is must be well maintained in a static environment. In a dynamic environment, balance the level of
documentation with the frequency of changes. Use the level of documentation that works for your site, but make
sure it is consistent across the site.

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6 Cable Implementation
Good cable management standards are a requirement in any corporate environment. It is clear that a poor cable
management plan will result in chaotic infrastructure and an increased management burden to trace cables. In
addition, a poor cable management plan can put a highly available SAN at risk. It is important to follow good
cabling standards to minimize this potential threat.

6.1 Cable Standards

A common issue with cable management is cables overlapping multiple pieces of equipment. This simple design
flaw has two major affects on infrastructure.
A single component may be hindered or prevented from being replaced without added interruption. A typical
corprate environment implements a SAN design that has both resilient and redundant components. In order to
benefit from this architecture, it is critical that a component can be replaced without interruption to the SAN. Due to
overlapping cables, adjacent devices may need to be disconnected to remove or replace a component. This can turn
a simple procedure that would only slight reduce the integrity into a massive disruption. Figure 15 shows a well
cabled environment that is open to this flaw. If the center switch requires replacement it may be necessary to unplug
cables on the adjecent switch. This flaw can be avoided easily and should not be tolerated. Figure 16 shows a
configuration with no overlap.

Figure 15

Figure 16

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Overlapping cables can cross the exhaust of a device. This needs to be carefully monitored so that exhaust heat does
not reduce cable integrity.
When designing a cable management strategy the following cable limitations must be considered:
Bend radius: Do not violate the minimum bend radius anywhere in the entire path of the cable.
Shear Force: Any object that has the potential of applying a contact shear force to a cable must be carefully
analyzed. Doors and other moving components should be carefully analyzed to make sure that in all positions they
do not apply a shear force.
Cable Strain: A good cable design will provide sufficient slack to prevent a significant strain. While this is often
sufficient, the weight of a group of cables hanging without support must be considered. This is especially a concern
if any device exhaust heats the cable. Another case frequently missed is the effect of doors, sliding patch panels, and
moving components.
Violating these rules can result in internal faults in the cable. In some cases this can cause a complete failure of a
cable. Often, faults result in intermittent problems that require a specific cable orientation. This type of fault can be
difficult to isolate and the best resolution for this is preventive maintenance. Use the following guidelines when
planning a cable layout.
Adhere to manufacture recommended bend radius limitation. As a general rule a bend should not have a radius of
less that one inch but each manufacture can provide more precise guidelines for their cable. A common mistake is to
route cables over a 90 degree angle. When loose this does not cause a problem, but if the cables are pulled taught
then a 90 degree bend can occur. Over time this can destroy a cable even if there is only limited strain.
Verify that there is no shear force applied to the cable. Any potential must be carefully analyzed and eliminated.
Look for doors, weights, and tight corners or narrow ridges. Some cable management guides designed for CAT5
have thin plastic fingers. If the cable is pulled in the wrong direction these can result in a significant shear force.
Verify that no strain is applied to the cables. Analyze the full path of the cables and make sure that there is sufficient
slack for patch panels and devices to move. Moving a patch panel may be required for maintenance and testing
The following figures illustrate some common cable management mistakes:

Figure 17
Through bad cable management, it is possible to force a bend radius violation. In Figure 17, notice the cable on the
left. If left slack, these cables would be fine. Under tension the cable guide forces a bend radius violation and
magnifies the strain on the cable. This is a good example of how tension on the cable can result in a shear force.
This also illustrates why care must be taken with cable guides.

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The cable guide in Figure 18 is designed to prevent a bend radius violation. The bend on the left has been
deliberately exaggerated to show that even with a custom-made cable guide, it is possible to cause a significant
bend. However, this is an extreme case and it is much more difficult with this type of guide.

Figure 18
Illustrated on the left side of Figure 19 is a well-managed environment. A closer investigation reveals that the
number of cables routed to each guide exceeds capacity. On the right, the cables are visible after removing the
faceplate on the horizontal cable guide. Notice the crease down the center of the cables caused by the faceplate. Do
not underestimate the weight or pressure that a mass of cables creates. A mass of cables in a small area is likely to
create an extreme stress on a few cables. Forcing too many cables into a small space is a common cause for cable

Figure 19
Contamination from dirt and debris is another concern that must be accounted for in a SAN environment. Dirt and
debris are the potential cause of intermittent failures. All cables that are not connected should be properly capped
and protected. Carefully monitor patch panel ports that are near a system exhaust, and if possible try to move the
patch panel away from any exhaust.
Most cables can be cleaned onsite. Basic kits are available that will allow engineers to test their infrastructure.
These tools are a requirement. Without these tools fault isolation is completely impossible.

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6.2 Cabling Best practices

• Label each end of the cable with a removable label that identifies the source and destination. Be very
careful if zip ties are used. If pulled too tight, sever pressure may be applied to the cable.
• Bundle cables together in groups of four whenever possible. A bundle is easier to manage. Bundle the
cables with wraps, wire ties, or Velcro every 18 to 24 inches. This can vastly improve the ability to isolate
a bad cable and remove it with minimal impact.
• In a high-density environment, try using a combination of thinner patch cables, patch panels, and bundled
cables. This can be effective in a static environment. Do not design a dynamic high-density system.
• Use the correct length cable
• Try to separate ISL cables and device cables.
• Use horizontal guides to route cables to the edge of a rack. Use vertical guides to route cables to the
correct height.
• Do not mix 50 micron and 62.5-micron cables.
• Keep patch panels clean and all ports capped.
• Keep all cables bagged and capped when not in use.

6.3 Cable Hazards

One of the major problems in a site is unplanned disconnects. The following is a list of general guidelines to
minimize this risk:
• Incorrect cable removal: Reliable documentation is required to prevent an unintentional discontent.
Documentation needs to be standard across all sites. All patch panels, nodes, switch ports, and patch cables
should be documented.
• Snag Threats: Human intervention is the most common fault in a cable environment. Keep cable plans neat
and compact. Do not leave cables free to allow a snag or to trip an engineer. Be aware of the path when
moving racks, and keep cables clear. Keep cables clear of all door ways
• Maintenance: Frequently, correcting one problem causes another. Make sure that all fiber cables are
isolated from power cords and Ethernet cords. Be sure to route cables around racks, not through racks and
to route cables around devices, not through across devices. Leave sufficient slack for access to required
• Environmental: Keep sunlight, moisture, chemicals, and chemical fumes away from cables. Many cables
have a semi permeable sheath and direct contact with water or chemicals can cause a failure.
• Other cables: One cable by itself is not an issue. However, one cable with hundreds of cables pressing on it
could be a significant problem. The weight of the cables can cause a fault over time, as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20

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7 Maintenance
Without regular maintenance the quality of a site infrastructure will start to decay. Two key factors can help prevent
this decay: Comprehensive documentation and a clear growth plan. Once these are established, two primary
activities must be covered.
1) Proactively schedule maintenance or site expansion
2) Reactively clean up and document changes made during a crisis affecting the SAN.

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