3rd Sem Bca BSC It Jan 2023

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Roll No.

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main
question. ■ '

(iii) Total marks in each main question are twenty.

(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) Differentiate between serial and parallel transmission. In which type of

transmission data gaps are there ‘? (CO 1)

(b) Describe the protocol hierarchy which is modified by BADACH et al. in

2003. (CO3)
(c) What is hybrid network using different types of cabling ? Explain single
and multi-mode. Explain with suitable examples. (CO2)

2. (a) Write the advantages, disadvantages and applications of 4 phase shift

keying helpful to coverts the signals. (CO5)

P. T, O.

(b) Explain the frame format for TCP. Work of each section should be
described? (CO1)

(c) Implement CRC on message 1010000, where polynomial is x3 + 1 along

with flow chart. (CO2)

3. (a) What are the types of polar line coding to converts the digital signals ?
Explain with suitable example. (CO3)
(b) Flow chart for Carrier Sense Multiple Access and Collision avoidance.

(c) Differentiate between recursive and iterative DNS resolver processing
with suitable diagram. ,. (CO4)

4. (a) Differentiate between types of automatic repeat request and where only
the frame is sent again which is corrupted or lost. (CO5)
(b) Differentiate between routers and switched with merits, demerits and
application. (C02)

(c) Differentiate between packet and message switching. Which one is also
known as store and forward ? (CO1)

5. (a) Differentiate between unicasting, multicasting and broadcasting casting.

In which multiple receivers are linked to one ? (CO1)
(b) Write and explain the standard, fast and giga ethemet along with
ethemet tree. (CO2)
(c) Explain flow processing of protocol which has manager, agent and MIR
components with suitable diagram. (CO4)

Roll No......................

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.
1 . * •
(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main
(iii) Total marks in each main question are twenty.
(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) (i) What is Algorithm ? Explain with example, how is it used as a

problem solving tool.

(ii) Define variable. Explain the rules for constructing variables in

C language. . . (CO1, CO2)
(b) Explain a general structure of C program with an example. (CO1, CO2)
(c) Write a program to read n unsorted numbers to an array of size n and
pass the address of this array to a function to sort the numbers in
ascending order using bubble sort technique. (CO 1, CO2)

2. (a) (i) Explain the different types of loops in C with syntax and example.

P. T. O.
(2) TBC-101/TBI-102

(ii) Write a program to find the number and sum of all integers between
200 and 300 which are divisible by 9. (CO3, CO4)
(b) Explain string manipulation library functions with their syntax. Write a
program to check whether a string is palindrome or not. (CO3, CO4)
(c) Explain switch statement with syntax. Write a C program that takes
from user an arithmetic operator (+, *, or /) and two operands.
Perform -corresponding arithmetic operation on the operands using
switch statement. •, (CO3, CO4)

3. (a) (i) What is array ? Explain the declaration and initialization of one
dimensional and two dimensional arrays with an example.
(ii) Write a C program to print diagonal elements of matrix.
(CO2, CO3, CO4)
(b) (i) Write an algorithm an develop a C program that reads N integer
numbers and arrange them in ascending order using insertion sort.
(ii) Write a C program to find the transpose of a given matrix.
(CO2, CO3, CO4)
(c) Explain call by value and call by reference. Differentiate between call
by value and call by reference with a suitable example. _' •
(CO2, CO3, CO4)

4. (a) What is function ? Explain different' classification of user defined

functions based on parameter passing and return type with example.
(CO3, CO5, CO6)
(b) (i) What is Recursion ? Write a C program to find the factorial of a
number using recursion.
(ii) Explain any five pre-processor directives in C. (CO3, COS, CO6)

(c) (i) What is a Pointer ? Explain how the pointer variable declared and

(ii) Write a program in C to find the sum and mean of all elements is an
array using pointers. (CO3, CO5, CO6)

5. (a) (i) Differentiate between structure and union with suitable example.
(ii) Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd using
functions. (CO4, CO5, CO6)
(b) Write a C program to maintain a record of „n“ students details using an
array of structures with four fields (roll no, name, marks and grade).
Assume appropriate data type of each field. Print the marks of the
student given the student name.as input. . (CO4, CO5, CO6)
(c) Write a program to read and write data from/in file. (CQ4, CO5, CO6)

TBC-101/TBI-102 7^0
Roll No.




Time : Three Hours *

Maximum Marks: 100

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main


(iii) Total marks in each main question are .twenty.


(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) Explain disadvantages of conventional file-based system compared to

Database Management System. (CO1, CO3, CO5, CO6)

(b) Define E-R diagram. Discuss generalization and specialization in E-R

diagram with suitable diagram. (CO1, CO3, CO5, CO6)

(c) Write short notes on any/wo of the following: (CO1, CO3, CO5, CO6)

(i) Instances and schemas

P, T. O.
(2) TBC-302

(ii) Data dictionary

(iii) NULL constraint

(iv) Super Key

(v) Deadlock of transaction

2. (a) Explain the three-level architecture of DBMS.

(b) What is a Transaction ? Explain the properties of the transaction.
Explain the States of the transaction with a neat sketch. (CO1, CO5)
(c) List all the Relational algebra operators. Explain 'the working of
Cartesian product Operation and the Division Operation with an
appropriate example. ' , (CO1.CO5)

3. (a) We have following relations.: (CO1,CO4CO5)

EMP(empno, ename, jobtitle, managemo, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno)

DEPT(deptno, dname, loc)

Answer the following queries in SQL.

(i) Find the Employees working in the department 10, 20, 30 only.

(ii) Find Employees whose names start with letter A or letter a.

(iii) Find Employees along-with their department name.

(iv) Insert data in EMP table.

(v) Find the Employees who are working in Smith’s department.

(vi) Update Department name of Department No = 10.

(vii) Display employees who are getting maximum salary in each


(b) What is an Entity ? Explain different types of Entities. Draw E-R

diagram with Customer, Loan and Payment sets. (CO1, CO4, CO5)

(c) (i) State differences between conflict serializability and view


(ii) Describe GRANT and REVOKE commands. (CO1, CO4, CO5)

4. (a) Solve the queries for the following database using Relational Algebra :

(CO2, CO4, CO3)

branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets)

_ customer (customer-name, customer-street, customer-only)

account (account-number, branch-name, balance)

loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount)

depositor (customer-name, account-number)

borrower (customer-name, loan-number)

(1) Find all loans of over $1200.

(2) Find the loan number for each loan of an amount greater than

(3) Find the names of all customers who have a loan, an account, or
both, from the bank.

(4) Find the names of all customers who have a loan and an account at

P. T O.

(5) Find the names of all customers who have a loan at the Perryndge

(6) Find the names of all customers who have a loan at the Perryndge

branch but do not have an account at any branch of the bank.

(7) Find the names of all customers who have a loan and an account at

the Perryridge branch.

(b) What is functional dependency ? Explain its types in detail.

(CO2, CO4, CO3)

(c) Write query for the following : . (CO2, CO4, CO3)

(1) To create a table from a table

(2) To eliminate duplicate rows

(3) To add a new column in the table

(4) To sort data in a table

5 (a) What is meant by normalization ? Write its need. List and discuss
various normalization forms. (COL 003, C05, C06)

Given relation R with attributes A,B,C,D,E,F and set of FDs as





Find out closure of the all attributes.

(5) TBC-302

(b) Write queries for the following tables : (CO1, CO3, CO5 CO6)

T1 (Empno, Ename, Salary, Designation)

T2 (Empno, Deptno)

(1) Display all the details of the employee whose salary is lesser than
(2) Display the Deptno in which Employee Seeta is working.

(3) Add a new column Deptname in table T2.

(4) Change the designation of Geeta from ‘Manager’ to ‘Senior


(5) Find the total salary of all the employees.

(6) Display Empno, Ename, Deptno and Deptname.

(7) Drop the table T1.

(c) Explain conflict serializability and view serializability.

(CO1, CO3, CO5, CO6)

TBC-302 32-0
Roll No.


Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Note ; (i) AU questions are compulsory.

(u) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main
(in) Total marks in each main question are twenty.

(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) ata nmtime errore ? How can we use tty without catch ? Explain
with the help of an example. (CO 1)
(b) What is difference between Sting class over String Buffer ? Write a

program to check whether entered string is palindrome or not.

M t . (CO1.CO2)
(0 What are inner classes in Java ? How can wp nw
now can we use anonymous class to
override a method ?
2. (a) What are protected methods In Java ? How can we use static import?


P. T. O.

(b) What is upcasting and downcasting ? Write a program to show the use
of try with resource. (CO3)
(c) What is the use of instance and class variables in Java ? Write a
program to show the use jar files in Java. (CO4)

3. (a) Define and explain Thread life cycle. How can we use sleep method
using runnable interface ? (CO3)
(b) What are predefined streams ? Write a program to write state of an
object into a tile. (CO3)
(c) What is difference between character and byte streams ? Write a
program to copy one file data into another file. (CO4)

4.. (a) What is the use of InetAddress class ? Write ar code to send you name
from one machine to another machine using socket class. (CO4)
(b) What are various collection framework classes ? Write a program to
show the use of ArrayList over Array. (CO5)

(c) Define and explain event Delegation model using mouse listener with
the help of proper example. (CO4)

5. (a) What is the use of paint and repaint method in Applet ? Write a program
to show the use of flow layout on applet panel window. (CO5)
(b) What is the use of servlet ? Write a program to differentiate include and
forward methods. (CO4)
(c) What are statements in JDBC Api ? Write a program to differentiate
execute, executeUpdate and executeQuery methods. (CO5)

Roll No......,

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.
-— . 9

(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main
question. *
(iii) Total marks in each main question are twenty.
(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) Explain in detail about Bus and Memory transfer. Explain the diagram
and micro-operations associated with memory transfer. (CO 1)
(b) Explain the common bus system with the help of a diagram. (CO1)
(c) Explain the control unit of a basic computer. (CO1)

2. (a) What are machine language and assembly language ? Explain the
Assembler in detail. (CO2)
(b) What are the First pass and Second pass in assembler ? (CO2)
(c) Explain control memory in the context of the microprogram control
unit. ’ (CO2)

P. T. O.

3. (a) Explain the general register organization and stack organization of the
CPU. (CO3)
(b) Explain Addressing modes with examples. (CO3)
(c) What is the pipeline ? How will you compare CPU withand without
pipeline ? (CO3)

4. (a) How are the peripheral devices interfaced with the CPU ?Explain in
detail. (CO4)
(b) Explain Direct Memory Access (DMA). (CO4)
(c) Explain the Input/Output processor in detail. ' (CO4)

5. (a) Explain different types of ROMs in detail. • . (CO5)

(b) Explain the cache memory of the CPU. ; . • (CO5)
(c) Explain the locality of reference in the context of memory. (CO6)

TBC-304 320
Roll No.


Time : Three Hours

* ■ ■ k
Maximum Marks: 100

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main
question. ' .■

(iii) Total marks in each main question are twenty.

• (iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks. . ■

1. (a) Define Software Engineering. Explain Software Myths and Facts. (CO 1)

(b) What are Benefits of the Spiral model ? Why is Spiral model called
Meta model ? Justify that it is best suitable for large projects. (CO1)

(c) Explain the roles and responsibilities of software engineer. Explain why
mature process is fruitful for effective software development ? (CO1)

2. (a) Explain Project management life cycle. Justify project planning is most
important phase of project development. (CO2)

P. T. O.
(2) TBC-305/TBI-304

(b) Describe Basic COCOMO model for evaluating the cost of software
project. Provide the estimated effort and duration of a Hotel
Management Information System having 48000 LOC, a - 2.4, b - 1.05,
c = 2.5, d =.38 for basic COCOMO. (COz)

(c) Describe the major software project risks. How are these risks managed
effectively through software risk management with risk mitigation
....... „ (CO2)
strategies? •
3. (a) What strengths has software metrics provided to software engineering
teams against software crisis ? Describe software quality metrics.
(b) Explain strong cohesion and weak coupling is the desire property of a
good software design. For a good software design what are the
characteristics must be cared by software designer. ■ (CO3)

(c) Draw the control flow graph for the following code and calculate
Cyclomatic Complexity: '
int compute_gcd (int x, int y)

while (x != y)
{ ; ‘ ’
if (x > y) then • .' ,' •
x = x-y; - " . •
y = y-x;

} ' .
return x;

4. (a) Define software testing as per IEEE. Explains objectives of software

testing. Describe the software testing life cycle. (CO4)

(b) Describe CMM Model for software quality and also compare with
ISO9001. (CO4)

(c) Consider a simple program to classify a triangle. Its inputs is a triple of

positive integers (say x, y, z) and the date type for input parameters
* *
ensures that these will be integers greater than 0 and less than of equal
to 100. The program output may be one of the following words :
[Scalene;. Isosceles; Equilateral; Not a triangle, Not Possible]. Identify
the Equivalence cases for output and input domain. (CO4).

5. (a) Differentiate between effective testing Vs exhaustive testing through

boundary value analysis. Which BVA is effective and which one is
exhaustive. Why ? (CO5)

(b) Describe verification and validation through V-Shape model. (CO5)

(c) Explain the following terms : Software Maintenance, Software

Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, and CASE Tools. (CO5)

Roll No.......... ................. .....



Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main


(iii) Total marks in each main question are twenty.

(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) Explain the following Database terms with the help of an example :


(i) Data Independence

(ii) Domain

(iii) Foreign Key

(iv) Cardinality

(v) Referential Integrity

p r. a
(2) TBI-301

(b) An insurance company wishes to create a database to keep track of its

operations. A policy may be held by many policy holders. An agent
sells policies; with all policies being sold by only one agent. A
policyholder is serviced by only one agent. An agent normally works in
one office, although some agents work from home. An office may have
s. ra1 agents. Policy details held include the policy number, policy
date, policy type and insurance amount. Policyholder’s details include
policyholder number, name, and address and phone number. Agent
detail include agent code, agent name, salary and commission (2% of
total policy insurance amount sold) Office details include the office
name, office address, office phone number and manager name. (CO1)

(i) State the entity types with their identifier and the relationships,
using above description. (State any assumption)

(ii) Construct an ER diagram and use the relational mapping rules to

derive a suitable relational schema.

(c) Explain the difference between external, internal and conceptual

schemas. How these different layers are related to the concepts of
logical and physical and physical data independence ? (CO1)

2. (a) Consider the insurance database given below : (CO3)

person (driver-id, name, address)

car (license, model, year)

accident (report-number, date, location)

owns (driver-id, license)

(3) TBI-301

participated (driver-id, car, report-number, damage-amount)

Construct the following SQL queries for this relational database.

(i) Find the total number of people who owned cars that were involved
in accidents in 2004.
(ii) Find the number of accidents in which the cars belonging to
“Thakre” were involved.
(iii) Delete the Mazda belonging to “S Khan”.
(b) What is concurrency control ? Explain with suitable example. (CO3)
(c) Define the ACID properties of a transaction also explain the various
states of the transaction. (CO3)

3. (a) State the conditions for the two schedules to be equivalent. Define a
serializable schedule. (CO4 and CO5)
(b) What is deadlock handling in transactions ? Discuss two principal
methods for dealing with the deadlock problem. (CO4 and CO5)
(c) Discuss how the log file is a fundamental feature in any recovery
mechanism. Explain what is meant by forward and backward recovery
and describe how the log file is used in forward and backward recovery.
What is the significance of the write-ahead log protocol ? How do check
points affect the recovery protocol ? (CO4 and CO5)

4. (a) Explain the concept of Normalization. Why is it required ? Define the

following normal forms with example : (CO2)
(i) INF
(ii) 2NF .

(iii) 3NF

P. T. O.
(4) TBI-301

(b) In respect of project, we are given the following record types for the
relational model of the database : (CO2)
EMPLOYEE with attributes ^“Emp#” and “Name”)
ASSIGNED_Tc : with attributes (‘Project#’, ‘Emp#’)
PROJECT : with attributes (‘Project#’, ‘Project_Name’,
Express the following queries in relational algebra :
(i) Get Emp# of employees working on project Comp 353
(ii) Give details of employees (both number and name) working on
project Comp 353
(iii) Gather details of employees working on both Comp 353 and Comp
(c) What is a time stamp ? How do time stamp based protocols for
concurrency control differ from locking based protocols ? (CO2)

5. (a) Define the following : (CO2)

(i) Specialization
(ii) Generalization
(iii) Aggregation
(iv) Strong Entity
(v) Weak Entity
(b) What do you mean by relation algebra ? What are the set operations of
relation algebra ? (CO2)
(c) Defme the various constraints available in oracle. (CO2)
TBI-3 01 g0
Roll Mo.

Time: three Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two sub- questions among (a), (b) and (c) in each main
(iii) I otal marks in each main question are twem/.
(iv) Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) Appraise three state bus buffer. Draw end explain common bus system
using three state bus buffer. (qq ; \

(b) Differentiate between a direct and indirect address instruction. How

man’ refer ences to memory are needed for each type of instruction to
bring an operand into a processor register ? (CO2)
(c) Explain logical shift and circular shift micro-operation with examples.

2. (a) Discuss on the complete process of assembly to machine language
conversion, with the help of two pass assembler flowchart. (CO3, CO6)

P. T. O,
(2) TBI-302

(b) A digital computer has a common bus system for 16 registers of 32 bits
each. The bus is constructed with multiplexers. (CO3, CO6)
(’) How many selection inputs are there in each multiplexer ?
(ii) What size of multiplexers are needed ?
(iii) How many multiplexers are there in the bus ?
) Dfrmss on-that how data is transferred from main memory to cache
memory. Also describe associative and direct memory mapping
techniques. (CO3, CO6)

3. (a) A computer uses a memory unit with 256K words of 32* bits each. A
binary instruction code is stored in one word of memory. The
instruction has four parts : an indirect bit, an operation code, a register
code part to specify one of 64 registers, and an address part. (CO2)
(i) How many bits are there in the operation code, the register code
part, and the address part ?
(ii> Draw the instruction word format and indicate the number of bits in
each part.
(iii) How many bits are there in the data and address inputs of the
memory ?
(b) Summarize the stack organization. Describe all the functionality
regarding to stack. (CO3)
(c) Criticize that how direct memory access technique is more useful as
compared to other modes of transfer ? Explain direct memory access
controller with the help of a block diagram. (CO5)

4. (a) Memory size of a basic computer is 4096X16. For this basic computer
draw and explain various instruction formats. (CO3, CO4)

(b) Conclude the pipelining concept with the help of a six segment pipeline
diagram. (CO3, CQ^
(c) An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location
301. re address field has the value 400. A processor register R1
c untains the number 200. Evaluate the effective address if the
addressing mode of the instruction is (i) direct; (ii) immediate:
(iii) relative; (iv) register indirect; (v) index with R1 as the index
register. (CO3, CO4)

5. (a) Starting from ar. initial value of R = 11011101, determine the sequence
of binary vaiues in R after a logical shift-left, followed by a circular
shift-right, followed by a logical shift-right and a circular shift-left.

(CO2, CO3)
(b) How different types of memories are organized in a basic computer ?
Draw and explain the memory hierarchy structure. (CO2, CO3)
(c) Discuss on the cache memory and virtual memory used in a system.

(CO2, CO3)

Roil Mo.............

b, iD SEMESTER EXA P kIATJOM, Jan., 2023
Time : Three Hours *■

: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two sub-questions among (a\ (b; and (c) in each main
(ib) Total marks in each main Question
x are ..wen tv.
(r , Each sub-question carries 10 marks.

1. (a) (i) You have two computers connected by an Ethernet hub at home. Is
this a LAN, a MAN, or a WAN ? Explain your reason.
(i ) Assume six devices are arranged in i h topolcw*. Hoi
* ‘j
cables are needed ? How many ports are needed for each device ?

(b) Explain tne advantages and disadvantages of various ncK/ork
topologies. Explain which one is best suitat 1for any organized. n.

(c) A line has a signal-to-noise ratio of 100 and a bandwidth of §000 KHz.
WTn is the ■ lantmum data ••ate supported by this ’me ? <COv
(2) T8I-3Q3/TBS-391

2. (a) The bandwidth of the channel is 5 KHz, find the bit rate, baud rat? and
’ off e channel if each signal isc . bits. (
(b) Exp’ain digital tc-analog conversUn te -hTV ?s with p - -m cvernc’?-.
:■ -digl ' ' ■ - -
• .. /tku an 1 de na modulation. (CO4j

3 (a; Mafch the following to one or more layers of the OS! model : (CO3)
(i ■" Communicates directly with user’s application program.
(ii) Error correction and retransmission.
(iii) Mechanical, electrical, and functional interface.
(i ) Respon ability for carrying antes between adjacent nock
(\ Provides i er services such as e-mail and file transfer.
(’ , V. hat are 1 il il 3 c f tl Network I y ■ 1 1 m sp 1 layer
in tm uitcmet model ?„ ^-‘£j

(c) (i) Name some services provided by the Data Link layer in the Internet
(ii) How do the layers of the Internet model correlate to the layers of
the OSI model ? (CO5)

4. (a) Using the CRC error detection method the data word 1010011110 and
the divisor 10111. (CO3)
(i) Show the genu".-.ion c ' codeword at the sender site (using
binary division).
(ii) Show tl ' g of the codeword at the receiver site (assun ■

(b) Explain the corision-free protocols like bit map protocol and binary
-. - > ■ • ■ . 2 ----,.-1't vs
i- -.*. -,..- .' •' . ’ (.
(c) Fin ' ictid and the host IP ad (C< A)

(i) 1
(hi) "03.34.5-. 12

5. (a) Explain the various fields of IPv4 header. (CO3)

v’o) rind the shortest path (Dfkstca A-^oridnn) for ad the rlodes from
node A. (CO4)


H 303/TBS-301

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