BeingADIK Season3 0.9.1 - Walkthrough Rev 1.3

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Being a DIK season3-0.9.

Walkthrough rev 1.3

Written by: MrBubu

Being a DIK
By DrPinkCake

This walkthrough intends to show all the paths through the game in an objective way.
Colors and styles are only meant to highlights elements, not influence your decision.
There isn't a right or wrong way through the game, only you should decide.

Only decisions that have an impact on the story or your character are shown.
There are obviously many scenes that can play differently based on your choices, but "cosmetic" differences
or small alterations in the dialogues are not part of this walkthrough.

The PDF is best viewed on a touch screen where it is easy to drag, zoom in and out with the fingers.

On a PC with Acrobat Reader, make sure to use the "hand" icon to easily drag with the mouse.
Use Control + Mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Character and game related attributes that can be increased/decreased (i.e.: a number value)
will be represented with an icon followed by the character/description name: Bubu or Bubu

More complex values will be written as text instead:

girls kissed +20

Reference to these values will reuse the same icon or text:

Bubu is at least 5
girls kissed is at least 25

While the game is being developed, decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿Granny ¿
¿grandmas kissed +20¿

: +1 Relationship point : -1 Relationship point
: +1 Approval point : -1 Approval point
: +1 Score point : -1 Score point
: +1 cheating point
: Life lost (D&G)

Flow Symbols

Skip until the next section

Decision labels
When something you do can have an impact later on in the game, a label will be visible where it happens like this
decide something #123
In some rare cases decisions can be reversed, to distinguish it more easily the label will look like this
did not decide something #123

References to this label will also include the same number

so it is easy to track it down to where it happened (could be multiple places).
decided something #123

While the game is being developed, decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿ agree ¿ #55
Reversed decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿ did not agree ¿ #55

Check the last page of the walkthrough to learn how you can use the developer console to cheat
alter their value for your benefit: Cheat without a MOD (link).

Enjoy the game!

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Season 3 Interlude ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Episode 9 - Part 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Episode 9 - Party Start ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Episode 9 - First Activity ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Episode 9 - Part 2 - Isabella .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Episode 9 - Part 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Episode 9 - Part 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Episode 9 - Party Middle .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Episode 9 - Haunted Mansion ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Episode 9 - Part 4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Episode 9 - Party End ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Episode 9 - Part 5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Jill Special Render Locations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Josy Special Render Locations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2D art Special Render Locations ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Pack Quest 04 Locations .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Cheat without a MOD ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Unlock scenes and special renders ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Being a DIK season3-0.9.1
Walkthrough rev 1.3

The walkthrough tries to be linear and

some sections should be skipped depending
on the listed condition(s).

However sometimes it is necessary to jump Season 3 Interlude (link)

ahead to a new section completely and
this can make it harder to see the flow.

Refer to this overview page to see the big picture.

Episode 9 - Part 1 (link)

Episode 9 - Party Start (link)

Episode 9 - Part 2 - Isabella (link)

Episode 9 - First Activity (link) Episode 9 - Part 2 (link)

Episode 9 - Part 3 (link)

Episode 9 - Party Middle (link)

Episode 9 - Haunted Mansion (link) Episode 9 - Part 4 (link)

Episode 9 - Party End (link)

Episode 9 - Part 5 (link)

Being a DIK
Season 3 Interlude
Zoey Home

It is!

Encourage him: CHICK Such a girl!: DIK

Your grandma must have confused her medicine. Aunt Joline found her on the floor when she checked up on her.

Is she all right?: CHICK What the fuck!?: DIK

No, you're not. You have school tomorrow morning.

Nana is important!: CHICK Fuck school!: DIK

No alcohol in this house until you're 21.

Talk back: DIK Apologize: CHICK

What's wrong?

Not your business: DIK Nothing: CHICK

I don't think it would be a great idea to show up to dinner drunk. Dad would probably tell Alison we'd been drinking.

What a snitch: DIK You're right: CHICK

Scene #1
Interlude - Zoey

Zoey? You have to eat something.

Answer: CHICK Ignore: DIK


I'll drop by and talk to her from time to time.

Appreciate it: CHICK Don't have to: DIK


Special Render Mixed #1

Now would be a good time to remember that you forgot to pack something.

LOL! Asshole!: DIK Don't scare me: CHICK


You ok?: CHICK I'm excited!: DIK


You cannot drink unless you're 21. That cannot be news to you, darling.

I am 21: DIK Drink in my room: CHICK

You'll have to wear this red wristband when you're in the bar,
and we have a collaboration with other hostels and bars in the area...
Special Render 2D art #36 (hint)


Well, you found the waves.

Love your tats: CHICK Too many tattoos: DIK

We're pretty small, but it's a living, and we tattoo each other for free.

Joke: DIK Sounds dope: CHICK

Can I see some of it?

Um... Why?: DIK Kinda personal: CHICK

We've been talking about hiring a part-timer for the reception. Can you handle bookings and shit?

Yes: CHICK Joke: DIK



It could be better: CHICK It sucks: DIK

I'll be your first if you'll let me.

Ignore him: CHICK Talk back: DIK


Sounds like you've got a lot going on for you...

Sure do: DIK Show concern: CHICK



Special Render Mixed #2

Zoey... You drew this?

Good, huh?: DIK Yeah: CHICK

Sketch some more stuff while you wait for work. If it looks good, we could use it for stencils and inspiration for the customers.

Pay me for it: DIK Sounds fun: CHICK


How's that banana working out for you?

Had better ones: DIK Back hurts

You are fuming. Did it get to ya?

I'm fine: CHICK I'm pissed: DIK

You'll get it eventually. It takes practice.

Right...: CHICK Talk back: DIK


I've always wanted to try blue, but it's scary taking that leap.

Not for everyone: DIK Encourage her: CHICK

Zoey, help me out here. You're bright. You're going to college someday too, right?

Help him out: CHICK Don't look at me: DIK


Ems and I started making shitty tattoos on each other for practice.

I can tell: DIK Which ones?: CHICK

Know what?

Fuck: DIK Discover our bodies: CHICK


First screen
Special Render 2D art #37 (hint)


Number 2
Other numbers are on the same page
Count the underlines: 5 7 5

Some guy, of course.

I don't know, to some girl?
Special Render 2D art #38 (hint)


Yeah!? I'll do that when you unfuck Bret, you skank!

Calm her down: CHICK

Take her phone: DIK
calm Emma #233

(And the gallery too!)

They're gone!

Get revenge: DIK Be a bigger person: CHICK

It is too late: DIK Thank you: CHICK


did not calm Emma #233 Scene #2

Interlude - Emma



Special Render Mixed #3


Dad. Now is not a good time for me. I-

Special Render 2D art #39 (hint)

Special Render Mixed #4
Special Render Mixed #5
Special Render Mixed #6
Special Render Mixed #7
Special Render Mixed #8
Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Part 1

on Sage branch #229 or

on Josy & Maya branch #226
on Isabella branch #228 and No
on Isabella branch #228? and
Jill really likes you #218?
Yes Jill really likes you #218 and
affinity is CHICK or Neutral?
chose Isabella instead of Jill #237 on good terms with Jill #235
broke Jill's heart #238

broke up with Jill #236

DIK house

Did I scare you?

Special Render Jill #5 (hint)

Aha... Ok... Well, take it up with Tommy again. I don't wanna get involved.

You're not gonna help?: DIK I've got this: CHICK

It's fine, you know. Everyone makes mistakes.

No mistakes: CHICK Blame Tommy: DIK

Party Planning
Activities Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
Start body shots #239 drinking competition #240 no activity
Middle telling scary stories #241
haunted mansion #242 only dancing
Late private cum-petition #243 no cum-petition

Great. I'll take food, music and check with the guys about helping out, and you can take care of beer and help with the guest list, maybe?
Special Render Jill #6 (hint)


fucked Jade #103 and

rejected Jade #165
fucked Jade #103 and No
did not reject Jade #165?
took it further with Jade #57 and
did not fuck Jade #103?
Yes No
still playing the field #230?
indifferent to Jade #244

¿ one-time thing with Jade ¿ #244

Jade's lover #244 ¿ rejected Jade ¿ #244

indifferent to Jade #244? Jade's lover #244?
Yes Yes

Yes. Of course. You smell incredibly good.

Talk to Josy Antagonize Tybalt: DIK DIK Don't stop her

¿ fuck Jade ¿ #245

Keep it together

Scene #3
Episode 9 - Jade

Sweetie, you've made it clear where your heart lies regarding Maya. However, I'd like to hear more from her.
Special Render Jill #16 (hint)

Son. I hope I'm not interrupting, but you'll never guess who just dropped by.
Special Render Jill #9 (hint)

Only if used reply 2 to Tybalt's cluck



Besides, it's my story to tell you and, as I said, I'm done pretending everything's been fine.
Special Render Jill #10 (hint)

You're mad at me...

I'm mad
I'm not mad
mad at Zoey #246


Is she a better friend than me?

¿ better friend ¿ #247

Special Render Jill #7 (hint)
Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Party Start
Free roam party

Dad chat #226 Jacob's 2D art

Only if on Josy & Maya branch

I love you too, Dad.: CHICK Maya chat fucked Jade in a motel #217
Dad... That kiss emoji makes your text look weird as hell.: DIK Can buy: Special Render 2D art #5 - Level 2: Jade
Any choices until the end: Maya fucked Maya in the classroom #222
Phone available
Can buy: Special Render 2D art #9 - Level 2: Maya
No Shops
fucked Melanie at the dorm party #221
Recommendation: Spend all money #226
Can buy: Special Render 2D art #10 - Level 2: Melanie
Only if on Josy & Maya branch

Josy chat Only if on Jill branch fucked Nora in the bathroom #172
Jill chat Can buy: Special Render 2D art #11 - Level 1: Nora
I'll let you get back to putting on your costume. We'll talk soon.
Can buy: Special Render 2D art #16 - Level 1: Zoey
Can't wait to see you tonight. Good luck with the costume!: Josy Any choices until the end: ¿Jill¿

Tasks & Events

Activation Condition Task / Event Completion Steps Unlocks
on Josy & Maya branch #226 Text Maya 1. Text Maya Right hallway
on Josy & Maya branch #226 Text Josy 1.Text Josy
End Door Kitchen
on Jill branch #227 Text Jill 1. Text Jill Left Door Theater
was rejected by Ida on swyper #76 Talk to the group outside your room 1. Talk to santa in Right hallway Middle Door Bathroom
Apologize: CHICK Right Door Photo studio
Confront: DIK Down Arrow Main party room Kitchen
Talk to Jamie 1. Talk to Jamie in Main party room Talk to Leon
Complete "Talk to Jamie" Talk to Leon 1. Talk to Leon in Left hallway Special Render Josy #6 (hint)
2. Talk to Leon
Right Arrow Right hallway
Talk to Zoey 1. Talk to Zoey in Main party room
Corridor Theater Down Arrow Dining room
Talk to the girls 1. Talk to the girls in Mezzanine
Talk to Sally 1. Talk to Sally in Derek's room on Isabella branch #228 Left Door Upper bathroom
Special Render Josy #11 (hint)
2. Talk to Sally Isabella calls Right Door Derek's room
Wait for Bella by your window Left Arrow Upper main room Up Arrow Theater2
not on Isabella branch #228 Down Arrow Corridor2 Down Arrow Right hallway John Boy's room
Scene Isabella & Jill
Talk to Rusty 1. Talk to Rusty in Upper main room Special Render Josy #5 (hint)
2. Talk to Rusty
Up Arrow Dining room upstairs
Talk to Derek 1. Talk to Derek in Upper lounge
2. Talk to Derek Corridor2 Theater2 Down Arrow Corridor

Find your sword 1. Grab it in Dining room Talk to Tommy Door John Boy's room Money: $1
Complete "Find your sword" Talk to Tommy 1.Talk to Tommy in Main party room Find the beer tap Right Arrow Upper main room
Bring a keg to Tommy Down Arrow Corridor Left Arrow Theater
Complete "Talk to Tommy" Find the beer tap 1.Grab it in Nick's room If "Bring a keg to Tommy" is complete Nick's room
Install the beer tap
Complete "Talk to Tommy" Bring a keg to Tommy 1.Grab it in Tommy's room2 If "Find the beer tap" is complete Special Render Josy #9 (hint)
2. Talk to JB If on Isabella branch #228 Beer tap
Isabella arrives (go to Your room) Derek's room Leon's room
Down Arrow Dining room upstairs
If not on Isabella branch #228
Down Arrow Corridor Special Render Josy #7 (hint)
First Activity starts in Main party room
End free roam
Only if completed "Bring a keg to Tommy" Install the beer tap 1. Go to Main party room If on Isabella branch #228 #228 Down Arrow Mezzanine
first and then "Find the beer tap" Isabella arrives (go to Your room) Only if not on Isabella branch

If not on Isabella branch #228 Jump to Episode 9 - Part 2 (link)

Jacob's room
First Activity starts in Main party room
on Isabella branch #228 and Wait for Bella by your window 1. Window hotspot in Your room Special Render Josy #3 (hint)
completed all other tasks Upper bathroom
Go to Derek's closet 1. Go to Derek's room Down Arrow Dining room upstairs
not on Isabella branch #228 Left hallway Special Render Josy #12 (hint)
and completed First Activity
Stairs Tommy's room Down Arrow Corridor
Other Events Up Arrow Left hallway2
Talk to the dormies in Main party room Right Arrow Main party room Tommy's room
People watching the movie in Theater
Special Render Josy #13 (hint)
Curtain Tommy's room2
Left hallway2 Special Render Josy #2 (hint) Down Arrow Left hallway

Left Door Jamie's room Down Arrow Right hallway

Mezzanine Right Door Rusty's room
Your room Down Arrow Left hallway
Photo studio Left Door Upper main room Tommy's room2
Left Arrow Your room corner
Right Door Leon's room
Right Arrow Photo studio
Down Arrow Main party room Dining room Special Render Josy #14 (hint)
End free roam Special Render Josy #8 (hint)
Sword Keg
Only if on Isabella branch
Left Arrow Your room
Rusty's room
Stairs Dining room upstairs Down Arrow Tommy's room
Window Down Arrow Right hallway Special Render Josy #10 (hint)
Jump to Episode 9 - Part 2 - Isabella (link) Left Door Rusty's room
Upper main room Evidence #4: Number 4
Right Door Jamie's room
Door Dining room Up Arrow Kitchen
Special Render Josy #15 (hint)
Down Arrow Left hallway2 Jamie's room
Main party room
Up Left Arrow Corridor
Your room corner Money: $1 Up Right Arrow Upper lounge Special Render Josy #4 (hint)

Desk Your desk Got keg and tap Down Arrow Mezzanine Dining room upstairs
Door Dining room
Right Arrow Your room Only if not on Isabella branch Down Arrow Left hallway2
Jump to Episode 9 - First Activity (link) Special Render Josy #16 (hint)

Stairs Mezzanine Left Door Nick's room

Upper lounge Right Door Jacob's room
Door Left hallway
Your desk Down Arrow Right hallway Up Arrow Dining room
Special Render Josy #1 (hint)
Down Arrow John Boy's room
Down Arrow Your room corner
Down Arrow Upper main room

Talk to JB Talk to Sally

How do you know her again? Is that how you greet your guests?

Ex-girlfriend How I greet you: DIK I was surprised Sorry: CHICK

Childhood friend
¿ ex-girlfriend ¿ #249

We're waiting for Derek. He said he was going to mix us drinks.

Talk to Leon

We were gonna have theme costumes and he bailed on me. I feel ridiculous wearing this.

Offer to help

Sympathize: CHICK Joke: DIK

And for you... How about something sweet?

She's a party killer, dude. In a few hours she'll be lecturing people on why they shouldn't be wearing slutty outfits.

Tease her more: DIK Don't tease her: CHICK

If it's needed: DIK I can't do that: CHICK Joke: DIK

A tequila drink for Karen is coming up...

Talk to Rusty

repaired the DIK house #219?
Yes Green mixer and lime

After all you did to get us back on track after the alphas trashed this place.

I'm surprised you didn't fuck that up.

Soda, lemon and salt Neat

Don't mention it You're the real leader: CHICK, DIKs

Joke: DIK
I know what I'm doing Me too Only if affinity is DIK

Talk to Derek

Actually... My hopes of you making me something I'd enjoy are exceptionally low. Give me a beer.
Who even invited these two?

Derek's special bottle: DIK

We can throw them out: DIK Don't start something: CHICK Derek's special #248
Being a DIK
Episode 9 - First Activity
First Activity

having a drinking competition #240

doing body shots #239

What do you say, my half-naked brother with a skirt? Who's your winner in this race?

DIKs! Can we get 18 shots to the stage?

Becky Christie Kylie Too close to call

¿ winner is Becky ¿ #253 winner is Christie #253
winner is Kylie #253
¿ tie ¿ #253
Body shots with Becky
¿ with Becky ¿ #250

Hype the crowd
Hype Becky: CHICK
(Mouth shot!)
Body shots with Tiffani ¿ winner is Becky ¿ #253
Hype Christie: CHICK
winner is Christie #253
Hype Kylie: CHICK
winner is Kylie #253
Enjoy it too much
Neg Becky: DIK
Transfer shot: Spill shot Only if stopped playing the field Neg Christie: DIK
(Mouth shot!)
Neg Kylie: DIK
winner is Kylie #253

not doing body shots #239 and

not having a drinking competition #240
Enjoy it too much
Pour it on my chest! Hurry!!! No
affinity is DIK?
Transfer shot Spill shot Only if stopped playing the field

¿x1¿ Yes

*Crowd shouts*

Pour fast: Pour slowly

Don't be shy. Say hello to her.

Spilling doesn't disqualify: DIK

Hype the crowd
¿ tie ¿ #253
Hold still! Don't drop the shot.
Greet Tiffani's hole: DIK
Only if stopped playing the field
Try to ignore it: CHICK
¿ lick Tiffani¿ #252
Drop the shot: $nbssp
Focus drinking competition winner is not Christie #253 and No
Lose all
drinking competition winner is not Kylie #253?

Yes! I'm the best nurse!

Only if got at least 2

¿ winners ¿

Neg Becky: DIK Whatever you say

Yes No
on Isabella branch #228?

Jump to Episode 9 - Part 3 (link) Jump to Episode 9 - Party Start (link)

Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Part 2 - Isabella

Of course, I have.

I feel the same: ¿Isabella¿ That's nice

Like what?

Only available if affinity is CHICK

Underdressed Hot Joke
Dodge the bullet: ¿Isabella¿

Jump to Episode 9 - First Activity (link)

Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Part 2

Or...we can cuddle.

Try sexy stuff

not on Jill branch #227
¿ sexy stuff with Jill¿ #255


Scene #4
Episode 9 - Jill


Scene #5
Episode 9 - Sage

Yeah. Call me something nasty.

not on Sage branch #229

Sexy Whore: DIK Slut

Josy & Maya

We can get several and change between them.

Kinda funny: Josy

Pretty lame: Maya
¿ side with Josy ¿ #254

not on Josy & Maya branch #226


Go with Maya: Maya Go with Josy: Josy


#207 #140 #244

Only available if got Nora's number Only available if Nicole likes you Only available if Jade's lover
Text Nora (Got Nora's number) Text Nicole (Nicole Likes you) Text Jade (Ongoing affair)
¿ text Nora ¿ #256 ¿ text Nicole ¿ #257 ¿ text Jade ¿ #258

Only available if fucked Lily
Text Lily (Lily likes you) #196
Only available if had threesome with Riona & Camila
#216 ¿ text Lily ¿ #260 #194
Only available if got intimate with Quinn or fucked Riona at the HOT party
Text Quinn (Quinn likes you) or fucked Riona
stopped playing the field Text Riona (Riona likes you)
¿ text Quinn ¿ #259
¿ text Riona ¿ #261

Scene #6
Episode 9 - Lily

Haha! He's pretty cute, but I don't know... He came dressed as a Spartan. Maybe he's the violent type?

You got me there

Not really
¿ violent type ¿ #262
Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Part 3

on Isabella branch #228?

I don't know yet. I don't want to scare her away.

Take it easy: CHICK Joke: DIK

[your name]!
Special Render Jill #8 (hint)

Yes No
on Josy & Maya branch #226?

I see you're still looking great in those outfits. Excuse me for trying to save us money.

Notice Josy's hairstyle: Josy Notice Maya's hairstyle: Maya Notice their hairstyles: Josy, Maya Anyway...
Don't fight tonight
¿ let the girls fight ¿ #263

broke up with Jill #236 not on Jill branch #227

or and No
on Jill branch #227? #235 #237
on good terms with Jill and chose Isabella instead of Jill or
on Jill path #138? broke Jill's heart #238?
Yes Yes
Breakup flashback
talked with Jill #201?

What made you choose her and not me?

Couldn't choose both

Jill really likes you #218?

I feel so guilty for doing this to you two. I never wanted to hurt your friendship.

Followed my heart

Kiss her back

¿ kiss her back ¿ #264

Sarah... Melanie...



You're killing me

Fun costumes
Only if affinity is DIK
You girls are killing me here...

I prefer the front: DIK

Grab asses: DIK

Only if stopped playing the field Don't grab them

There are a lot of cocks in disguise here. Make sure some asshole doesn't harass her.

Ok: DIKs She doesn't need it

Whoa! Heather?

Nice hair Tease I recognize that outfit Only if affinity is DIK

Go ahead and get it done. Gush over how good I look.

Flirt Tease Compliment her

Join me, will you? There are drinks everywhere. Go nuts!

Yeah, let's pretend it's not.

Only if stopped playing the field Don't kiss

I'm joking of course.

Cute costume Compliment her
¿ costume puns ¿ #265

on Sage branch #229? on Jill branch #227?
Yes Yes

What? Jill the banana

I really like you: ¿Sage¿ Thanks for the drink

Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Party Middle
Free roam party

Jamie cluck
@DIKJamie Did you take your photo in my room yet?
@DIKJamie Make sure she doesn't invite people. We're full.
Only if affinity is DIK
@FemGirlPower No. We get one night to dress up like idiots, you get the rest of the year.: DIK
Phone available
No Shops

Recommendation: Spend all money

Elena cluck
You'll regret it if you don't get your picture taken. Don't wait until you're too drunk, do it now and get it done.
@CuteButt Thanks for the help with this.: CHICK
#230 #193
Only if still playing the field and fucked Lily
@LikeTheFlower Lily! Get your ass over here! There's drinking and dancing. I know that it sounds like work, but it's not. I swear!

Tasks & Events

Activation Condition Task / Event Completion Steps Unlocks
Talk to Sage 1. Talk to Sage in Main party room Go to the theater
2. Talk to Sage
on Jill branch #227 Give Jill a tour 1. Find Jill in Main party room Dance with Jill Theater
2. Jill's tour Main party room
Complete "Give Jill a tour" Dance with Jill 1. Dance floor in Tommy's room Up Arrow Theater2
Haunted Mansion Down Arrow Right hallway
Kiss her: ¿Jill¿
Hug her Jump to Episode 9 - Haunted Mansion (link)

on Jill branch #227 Check the dining room 1. Go to the Dining room
Stairs Mezzanine
Doesn't look like it: CHICK
Door Left hallway
Never!: DIK Theater2
Down Arrow Right hallway
not on Jill branch #227 Talk to Jill 1. Talk to Jill in Main party room
Complete "Talk to Sage" and Go to the theater 1. Go to the Theater Left Arrow Theater
no task "Give Jill a tour" pending 2. Girls talk in the theater
No task "Talk to Riona" pending and Take picture with Riona 1. Go to Riona in Main party room ¿ picture with Riona ¿ #275
did not Leave Riona sad on your bed and Mezzanine
if completed "Help Josy"
did not punch Oscar or throw him out Left Door Upper main room Leon's room
Talk to Jamie 1. Talk to Jamie in Mezzanine Right Door Leon's room
Down Arrow Mezzanine
2. Talk to Jamie Down Arrow Main party room
Talk to Josy 1. Talk to Josy in Right hallway Talk to Zoey
2. Talk to Josy on Josy & Maya branch #226
Talk to Josy2
Complete "Talk to Josy" Restock cakes 1. Plate on the table in Right hallway Upper bathroom
DIKs Upper main room
2. Go to the fridge in Kitchen
¿ restock cakes ¿ #288 Down Arrow Corridor
3. Plate on the table in Right hallway Left Up Arrow Corridor
Complete "Talk to Josy" Talk to Sarah 1. Talk to Sarah in Upper main room Offer to get her some Right Up Arrow Upper lounge
Find punch for Sarah Down Arrow Mezzanine
Complete "Talk to Sarah" and Find punch for Sarah 1.Grab some on the table in Right hallway Bring punch to Sarah
Offered to get her some Dining room
Complete "Find punch for Sarah" Bring punch to Sarah 1. Go to Sarah in Upper main room
2. Talk to Sarah Special Render Jill #1 (hint)
Talk to Derek 1. Talk to Derek in Upper lounge Take picture with Camila Upper lounge
2. Talk to Derek Stairs Dining room upstairs
Sage End free roam Left Door Rusty's room
Complete "Talk to Derek" Take picture with Camila 1. Find Camila in Left hallway
Jump to Episode 9 - Part 4 (link) Right Door Jamie's room
2. Picture with Camila
Up Arrow Kitchen
on Sage branch #229 Dance with Sage 1. Dance floor in Tommy's room Down Arrow Upper main room
on Josy & Maya branch #226 Dance with Josy & Maya 1. Dance floor in Tommy's room
2. Dance with Josy & Maya
on Isabella branch #228 Take picture with Bella 1. Find Isabella in Upper lounge
2. Picture with Isabella Dining room upstairs
on Isabella branch #228 and Have Bella talk to Jill 1. Go to Right hallway Dance with Bella
Left Door Nick's room
Complete "Take picture with Bella" Left Door Upper bathroom
Right Door Jacob's room
Complete "Have Bella talk to Jill" Dance with Bella 1. Dance floor in Tommy's room Right Door Derek's room
Up Arrow Dining room
Complete " Talk to Josy" Talk to Zoey 1. Talk to Zoey in Jacob's room Talk to Riona Left Arrow Upper main room
Down Arrow John Boy's room
Take a picture with Zoey Down Arrow Corridor2
¿ picture with Zoey ¿ #280
Complete "Talk to Zoey" Talk to Riona 1. Talk to Riona in Your room
2. Talk to Riona
on Josy & Maya branch #226 and Talk to Josy2 1. Go to Derek's room fucked Maya in the classroom #222 or spent a solo night with Maya #179 Kitchen
Complete " Talk to Josy" 2. Talk to Josy2 Find Maya
Right Arrow Right hallway
Complete "Talk to Josy2" and Find Maya 1. Go to Right hallway Door John Boy's room
Down Arrow Dining room
fucked Maya in the classroom #222 or 2. Talk to Maya Down Arrow Corridor
spent a solo night with Maya #179 Right Arrow Upper main room
Complete "Talk to Josy" Talk to Quinn 1. Talk to Quinn in Right hallway still playing the field #230 and got intimate with Quinn #216
2. Talk to Quinn Take a picture with Quinn
Complete "Talk to Quinn" and Take a picture with Quinn 1. Find Quinn in Main party room John Boy's room
still playing the field #230 and 2. Picture with Quinn Derek's room Up Arrow Dining room upstairs
got intimate with Quinn #216 and Down Arrow Corridor
complete "Talk to Sage" Guests: Number 2
still playing the field #230 Dance with Camila 1. Dance floor in Tommy's room
Down Arrow Corridor
2. Dance with Camila
telling scary stories #241 and Attend scary stories 1. Go to Main party room Find Rusty
on due time (complete other tasks) Help Josy Nick's room
on Sage branch #229
Help Sage Down Arrow Dining room upstairs
Left hallway
hosting a haunted mansion and #242 Try the Haunted Mansion 1. Go to Main party room Find Rusty
on due time (complete other tasks) Help Josy Stairs Tommy's room
on Sage branch #229 Up Arrow Left hallway2
Help Sage Right Arrow Main party room
Jacob's room
not telling scary stories #241 and Pass time 1. Go to Main party room Find Rusty
not hosting a haunted mansion #242
and Help Josy Special Render Jill #2 (hint)
on due time (complete other tasks) on Sage branch #229
Help Sage Down Arrow Dining room upstairs
Left hallway2
After Activity 2 Find Rusty 1. Find Rusty in Tommy's room
After Activity 2 and Help Sage 1. Find Sage in Right hallway Left Door Jamie's room
on Sage branch #229 Right Door Rusty's room
After Activity 2 and Help Josy 1. Find Josy in Main party room gave Sally Derek's special #248 Down Arrow Left hallway
Tommy's room
on due time (complete other tasks) 2. Help Josy Check Right Hallway
Complete "Help Josy" and Check Right Hallway 1. Go to Right hallway Curtain Tommy's room2
gave Sally Derek's special #248 Down Arrow Left hallway
not on Isabella branch #228 and Isabella joins the party 1. Go to Main party room Talk to Sage end free roam Rusty's room
Completed all tasks
on Isabella branch #228 and Isabella is discovered 1. Go to Main party room Talk to Sage end free roam Door Dining room
Completed all tasks Down Arrow Left hallway2
Tommy's room2
Completed all tasks Talk to Sage end free roam 1. Talk to Sage in Upper lounge
Special Render Jill #4 (hint)
Activation Condition Other Events Money: $1
Only possible before "Talk to Sage" 20% chance to catch a guy trying to piss in Your room Right hallway Down Arrow Tommy's room
Find Heather in Tommy's room2
Complete "Talk to Jamie" Talk to Leon in Upper main room Talk to Leon Table: Special Render Jill #3 (hint)

End Door Kitchen

Left Door Theater Jamie's room
Right Door Photo studio
Down Arrow Main party room Door Dining room
Down Arrow Left hallway2
Your room Your room corner Photo studio
Your desk
Left Arrow Your room corner Desk Your desk Left Arrow Your room
Down Arrow Your room corner
Right Arrow Photo studio Right Arrow Your room Down Arrow Right hallway

Girls talk in the theater

Take a look around you. I don't see anyone watching.

Special Render Jill #11 (hint)

Picture with Camila

Jill's tour

...or the flirty look?

¿ picture with Jill & Bianca ¿ #270

Stern and smart look Flirty look

I can't reach him! Haha! This will have to do. ¿ smart look ¿ ¿ flirty look ¿ #267

Gently place your hand on ass: ¿x1¿ Grab her ass: ¿x2¿ Dance with Josy & Maya
Hover-hand: CHICK
¿ grab her ass ¿ ¿ grab her ass ¿ #284

Dance with Maya Dance with Josy

Kiss her: Maya Kiss her: Josy
Don't kiss her Don't kiss her
Talk to Jamie

Leon's a dick! He's pissed at me for going back to Dany.

Picture with Isabella

Side with Leon We won't.

Side with Jamie
¿ side with Leon ¿ #285

Scary pose Cute pose

¿ scary pose ¿ ¿ cute pose ¿ #269
Talk to Sarah

¿ punch for Sarah ¿ #286

Talk to Riona

Thanks for the drink. You're such a nice DIK. Can you leave me alone? I need a minute.

Leave Leave
Leave Riona sad on your bed
Take a picture together Try to cheer her up
¿ try to cheer her up ¿ #290

What a lame answer.

No, I don't want to see more blood spilled.

Something sexy
¿ sexy ¿ #278 Hug her
Riona confides #291

Do we look fuckable? Something cute No

still playing the field #230?
¿ cute ¿ #279


Yes: DIK Looks good: CHICK Not to me: DIK

Cheer her up

Kiss her
¿ kiss her ¿ #292

Wanna take a picture with us? Don't kiss her

Special Render 2D art #47


Let's do it like this...

Talk to Josy2
No thanks

Only available if affinity is DIK Hi, is this Josy's friend?

Grab their asses
#230 Hold up sword
Only if stopped playing the field
¿ picture with Sarah & Melanie ¿ #283
¿ grab their ass picture ¿ #282
Yes More than a friend: Josy

Imagine if we never did. We'd meet here at college instead; it might have been totally different.
Talk to Josy

on Josy & Maya branch #226? not on Maya & Josy path #101?
Yes Yes Reassure her: Josy Who knows?

Yes! What should we do? Wanna take one with me?

Talk to Maya

Funny pose Sweet pose Sure

#271 #272
But you're right... Nothing about this is wrong.
¿ funny pose ¿ ¿ sweet pose ¿ ¿ picture with Josy ¿ #281

Can't help but wonder, no?

Keep making out
fun with Maya #293
Mention Josy

All the time A bit

#230 #230 Scene #8
Only if stopped playing the field Only if stopped playing the field We wouldn't have worked out Episode 9 - Maya
¿x2¿ ¿x1¿ ¿ wouldn't have worked out ¿ #289
¿ all the time ¿ #289 ¿ a bit ¿ #289

Talk to Quinn

What? A bus?
Special Render Jill #12 (hint)

Help Josy
Picture with Quinn

Major Choice I was thinking you could cover me up.

DIK CHICK Hold her tits Funny picture

Neutral ¿ hold her tits ¿ ¿ funny picture ¿ #274
Only available if affinity is DIK or Neutral Only available if affinity is CHICK or Neutral
or affinity is Neutral and or affinity is Neutral and
fought the jocks
or fought Caleb
or fought Tommy
#142 Throw him out did not fight the jocks
and did not fight Caleb
and did not fight Tommy

Punch him ¿ throw him out ¿ Comfort Josy
¿ punch him ¿ ¿ comfort Josy ¿ #295

Dance with Camila

Yeah, right.

Talk to Sage

not on Sage branch #229?

Disappointed, huh? Dance with Camila

Only if stopped playing the field No More like worried What about that sword?

Tease her
fuck Camila #294

Not likely. Stand next to me for one. Stop her

Scene #9
Special Render 2D art #40
Episode 9 - Camila
Sexy pose
#229 #230
Funny pose Only if not on Sage branch and stopped playing the field

¿ funny pose ¿ #276 ¿x1¿

¿ sexy pose ¿ #277

Talk to Leon

Talk to Derek It's impossible to get laid while wearing this.

I'm thinking about if I should make my move on her or not...

Remove the wig I bet I could: DIK

Don't do it

Go for it Not when you're drunk

You don't see it?

Humor him: DIKs No

Yeah! Talk me up to her. Be my wingman.

Ok, I'll do it
Not gonna happen
¿ help Derek ¿ #287
Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Haunted Mansion
Free roam haunted mansion

If you find it difficult to find where to click
with the flashlight, open the settings and
disable special effects (change screen to take effect)

Main room
After reading the clues
Cage Cage Note
Found the 3 keys
Jars Jars Note: Read the clues
Lock: Escape
Torture device Torture device
Down Arrow Main room
Freezer Freezer Down Arrow Main room
Door Door
Down Arrow Note

After reading the clues
Third jar from the left: Key

Down Arrow Main room

Torture device
Get the combination
Open the latch (top part)
Read the symbols

Down Arrow Main room

After finding the combination
Lock: open the freezer
Get the key in the heart

Down Arrow Main room

Cage top

Cage Key
on Sage branch #229
Up Arrow Cage top Scene #7: Episode 9 - Sage
Down Arrow Main room Will exit the basement automatically

Down Arrow Cage

Jump to Episode 9 - Party Middle (link)

Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Part 4

Fix the electricity

1. Up Arrow
2. Tommy
3. Up Arrow
4. Stairs

Jacob says
Uh... I'm not sure. I'm not good at these things. There are 3 rows of switches here...

Special Render Jill #17 (hint)


on Jill branch #227?

Would you like to meet my parents?

Of course Do I have to?: ¿Jill¿

Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Party End
Free roam party

Pack Quest

Special Render Mixed #9

Special Render Mixed #10
Phone available Special Render Mixed #11
No Shops Special Render Mixed #12
Recommendation: Spend all money Special Render Mixed #13
Special Render Mixed #14
Special Render Mixed #15
Special Render Mixed #16

Tasks & Events

Activation Condition Task / Event Completion Steps Unlocks
Riona confided in you #291 Find Riona 1. Find Riona in Right hallway
2. Talk to Riona
Find Sandy 1. Find Sandy in Tommy's room
Check upstairs 1. Go to Upper main room Theater
Talk to Nicole 1. Talk to Nicole in Right hallway Talk to Tommy
2. Talk to Nicole Up Arrow Theater2
Complete "Talk to Nicole" Talk to Tommy 1. Talk to Tommy in Main party room Down Arrow Right hallway
2. CUM-petition
Before the costume competition Find Becky 1. Find Becky in Jacob's room Warn Jacob Left hallway
Complete "Find Becky" and Warn Jacob 1. Warn Jacob in Tommy's room
before the costume competition Stairs Tommy's room Theater2
Talk to the ghost 1. Talk to the ghost in Right hallway on Isabella branch #228 Door Porch
2. Talk to Tara Talk to Bella Up Arrow Left hallway2 Left Arrow Theater
on Isabella branch #228 and Talk to Bella 1. Talk to Bella in Main party room Scene #12: Episode 9 - Isabella Right Arrow Main party room
complete "Talk to the ghost"
Check Rusty's room on Jill branch #227 or Jill really likes you #218 on Jill branch #227
¿ catch Matthew cheating ¿ #299 Talk to Jill & Bianca Leon's room
on Jill branch and #227 Talk to Jill & Bianca 1. Talk to Jill & Bianca in Upper lounge Upper lounge
complete "Check Rusty's room" Special Render Jill #15 (hint)
Talk to Heather 1. Talk to Heather in Leon's room Pack Quest #6 (hint) Pack Quest #5 (hint)
2. Talk to Heather
Down Arrow Upper main room Down Arrow Mezzanine
Talk to Josy & Maya 1. Talk to Josy & Maya in Main party room Talk to Zoey
Complete "Talk to Josy & Maya" Talk to Zoey 1. Talk to Zoey in Upper main room Find Zoey
Complete "Talk to Zoey" Find Zoey 1. Go to Tommy's room
Before the costume competition Check Jamie's room 1. Go to Jamie's room
Help John Boy 1. Go to Main party room Let them in Left hallway2 Upper bathroom
2. Preps arrive Check the theater Only accessible after task "Find Sally"
Turned them away Special Render Jill #14 (hint)
Kick out the preps Pack Quest #2 (hint)
Complete "Help John Boy" and Check the theater 1. Go to the Theater Left Door Jamie's room
Down Arrow Corridor
let them in Right Door Rusty's room
Complete "Help John Boy" and Kick out the preps 1. Find the first in Tommy's room Down Arrow Left hallway
turned them away 2. Find the second in Left hallway
On due time (complete other tasks) Check the porch 1. Talk to Sage in the Porch Pick top three costumes / Talk to Sage
Complete "Check the porch" Pick top three costumes / Talk to Sage 1. Pick costumes Find Jamie Bathroom
2. Talk to Sage in the Porch Say goodbye to Zoey
3. Let's do it on Maya & Josy path #101 and on Sage branch #229 or
Main party room Down Arrow Right hallway
4. Costume competition on Jill branch #227 or on Isabella branch #228 Pack Quest #1 (hint)
Check your room
Otherwise Stairs Mezzanine
Find Josy & Maya Door Left hallway Dining room
After the costume competition Check downstairs bathroom 1. Go to Bathroom Down Arrow Right hallway
After the costume competition Say goodbye to Rio & Cammy 1. Go to Right hallway End free roam Stairs Dining room upstairs
After the costume competition and Find Sandy 1. Find Sandy in Left hallway Isabella, Quinn or Lily & Nicole Left Door Rusty's room
fucked Nicole and Sandy #173 or 2. Talk to Sandy
Jump to Episode 9 - Part 5 (link) Right Door Jamie's room
fucked Sandy at the Pink Rose #214 Up Arrow Kitchen
After the costume competition and Find Josy & Maya 1. Find them in Rusty's room Check your room
not on Maya & Josy path #101 or 2. Talk to Josy & Maya
not on Sage branch #229 and
not on Jill branch #227 and Mezzanine
Dining room upstairs
not on Isabella branch #228
After the costume competition
After the costume competition Find Jamie 1. Find Jamie in Main party room Left Door Nick's room
Money: $1
After the costume competition Say goodbye to Zoey 1. Find Zoey in Main party room still playing the field #230 and not mad at Zoey #246 Right Door Jacob's room
Crash in your room Left Door Upper main room Up Arrow Dining room
¿ crash in your room ¿ #309 Right Door Leon's room Down Arrow John Boy's room
After the costume competition and Check your room 1. Go to Your room Find Sally Down Arrow Main party room
no task "Find Josy & Maya" pending 2. Vinny still playing the field #230 and Nicole likes you #140 or fucked Lily #193
Talk to Lily & Nicole
still playing the field #230 and got intimate with Quinn #216 Kitchen
Talk to Quinn
Upper main room
Complete "Check your room" Find Sally 1. Go to Upper bathroom Offer your clothes Right Arrow Right hallway
2. Talk to Sally ¿ help Sally ¿ #311 Up Arrow Corridor Down Arrow Dining room
Complete "Check your room" Talk to Sarah & Melanie 1. Find them in the Kitchen Possibility to leave with them and end free roam Right Arrow Upper lounge End free roam Sarah & Melanie
2. Talk to Sarah & Melanie Down Arrow Mezzanine Jump to Episode 9 - Part 5 (link)
Complete "Check your room" and Talk to Lily & Nicole 1. Find them in the Main party room Possibility to leave with them and end free roam End free roam
still playing the field #230 and 2. Talk to Lily & Nicole If not on Josy & Maya branch
and on Maya & Josy path
Nicole likes you #140 or
#229 #227 #228
either on Sage branch or on Jill branch or on Isabella branch
fucked Lily #193 ¿ Josy & Maya breakup ¿ #312

Complete "Check your room" and Talk to Quinn 1. Find Quinn in Main party room Possibility to leave with her and end free roam John Boy's room
still playing the field #230 and 2. Talk to Quinn Jump to Episode 9 - Part 5 (link) Up Arrow Dining room upstairs
got intimate with Quinn #216 Down Arrow Corridor
still playing the field #230 and End the night with someone 1. Talk to Josy & Maya in Upper main room
Completed all tasks Or
Talk to Josy & Mayaend free roam
on Josy & Maya branch #226 or Talk to Josy & Mayaend free roam 1. Talk to Josy & Maya in Upper main room Corridor
Nick's room
on Sage branch #229 or
Left Door Upper bathroom
on Jill branch #227 or Right Door Derek's room Pack Quest #8 (hint)
on Maya & Josy path #101 and on Isabella branch #228 Down Arrow Corridor2
and Completed all tasks Down Arrow Dining room upstairs
Left Arrow Upper main room
not on Maya & Josy path #101 and Talk to Bellaend free roam 1. Talk to Isabella in Main party room
on Isabella branch #228 and
Completed all tasks

Corridor2 Jacob's room

Activation Condition Other Events
Jamie's magic trick & Tommy in Main party room Door John Boy's room Down Arrow Dining room upstairs
Only possible before "Check the porch" Try to get in the Photo studio Right Arrow Upper main room
on Isabella branch #228 Derek & Isabella in Right hallway Down Arrow Corridor

Tommy's room
After the costume competition
Right hallway Girls: Number 2

Rusty's room End Door Kitchen Curtain Tommy's room2

Your room Derek's room Down Arrow Main party room
Only accessible once you get Your desk Down Arrow Left hallway
the task "Check your room" Only accessible once you get Pack Quest #4 (hint) Left Door Theater
the task "Check your room" Pack Quest #10 (hint)
Middle Door Bathroom
Left Arrow Your room corner Door Dining room Right Door Photo studio
Down Arrow Your room corner Down Arrow Corridor
Right Arrow Photo studio Down Arrow Left hallway2
Tommy's room2

Pack Quest #3 (hint)

Photo studio Porch
Your room corner Only accessible once you get Jamie's room Down Arrow Tommy's room
Only accessible once you get the task "Check your room"
the task "Check your room" Special Render Jill #13 (hint)
Pack Quest #7 (hint)
Left Arrow Your room Pack Quest #9 (hint)
Desk Your desk
Down Arrow Right hallway Door Dining room
Right Arrow Your room Down Arrow Left hallway
Down Arrow Left hallway2

Pick costumes

Costume choices Costume competition

You can select 3, if you already selected 3 and pick

someone else you can choose whom to replace
Talk to Riona
1. Riona in the Porch
2. Camila in the Porch Winner
Yes No
still playing the field #230
? 3. Lily & Nicole in Right hallway If they were selected here are the possible winners in order
4. Derek in the Theater
5. Elena & John Boy in Upper lounge
Final choices
¿ Isabella ¿ #304
What are you up to? Major Choice 6. Leon in Tommy's room Leon
7. Sarah & Melanie in Dining room ¿ Jill¿ #304
Touch their tits #228 ¿ Maya ¿ #304
If on Isabella branch
¿ Josy ¿ #304
Only if stopped playing the field
¿x2¿ Else ¿ Riona ¿ #304

Make out Refuse her Don't touch them Kylie ¿ Camila ¿ #304
DIK CHICK not mad at Zoey #246 You ¿ Lily ¿ #304
¿ make out ¿ #296 ¿ refuse her ¿ #296
8. Zoey in Upper main room Any of your top three except Leon if you picked him ¿ Zoey ¿ #304
Only available if affinity is DIK or Neutral Only available if affinity is CHICK or Neutral
or affinity is Neutral and Neutral on Jill branch #227
or affinity is Neutral and ¿ Leon ¿ #304
fucked Riona at the HOT party or did not fuck Riona at the HOT party
and 9. Jill in Upper lounge
fucked Riona
or Tell her about your situation did not fuck Riona
and on Josy & Maya branch #226 or not on Maya & Josy path #101
¿ explain the situation ¿ #296 10. Josy & Maya in Main party room
had threesome with Riona & Camila did not have threesome with Riona & Camila

Make out: ¿x2¿ Refuse her on Isabella branch #228

#296 ¿ refuse her ¿ #296 11. Isabella in Main party room
¿ make out ¿
But she won't let you pick her


Special Render 2D art #48 Special Render 2D art #49

Ah, so you do know your history.

Talk to Nicole Rude: DIK Non-confrontational: CHICK

I'm so happy we came!

I can't get over how good you look in that costume. Are those your abs?

Major Choice

Grab ass: DIK

Only if stopped playing the field Don't grab ass: CHICK
Only available if affinity is DIK or Neutral Neutral Only available if affinity is CHICK or Neutral
or affinity is Neutral and or affinity is Neutral and
fought Caleb
and fought Tommy
#142 Tell him off did not fight Caleb
or did not fight Tommy

Punch him ¿ tell him off ¿ Defuse the situation
No ¿ punch him ¿ ¿ defuse the sitation ¿ #310
fucked Lily #193?

I don't think he likes his girls bad.

Talk to Sarah & Melanie

still playing the field #230

I like them bad: DIK and
fucked Sarah #146 or No
Only if stopped playing the field Talk about something else: CHICK
fucked Sarah at the dorm party #220 or
fucked Melanie at the dorm party #221 or
fucked Melanie #67?

Yeah? Wanna join us?

having a private cum-petition #243 and No

still playing the field #230?
End the night with Sarah & Melanie
Hey, I was gonna offer first! fuck Sarah & Melanie #313
Not yet
End the night in a different way
Can comme back later to choose again

Jump to Episode 9 - Part 5 (link)

Join CUM-petition
Skip it
join the cum-petition #297

Talk to Lily & Nicole

CUM-petition Catch her drift?

not having a private cum-petition #243 or End the night with Lily & Nicole
Scene #11
not joining the cum-petition #297 Episode 9 - CUM-petition fuck Lily & Nicole #314
Not yet
End the night in a different way
Can comme back later to choose again

Jump to Episode 9 - Part 5 (link)

Talk to Tara

still playing the field #230? Talk to Quinn

*Mwah* Thanks! ¿ Quinn ask about the challenge ¿ #315

fucked Camila #294 or

Kiss her Yes No
let Heather use you #300 or
#298 Let her go: CHICK
¿ kiss her ¿ joined the halloween cum-petition #297?

They aren't drained.. You're probably the only dude to not get laid in that outfit at a Halloween party.

Convince her I'll find someone else Saved myself for you I'll find someone
Talk to Heather

Did you check the dance floor?

It should be. Wanna head back to my lair?

Check her tits: DIK Focus on eyes: CHICK

End freeroam
fuck Quinn #316
I mean, he doesn't ask for permission to be with others; why should I? Not yet
Can comme back later to choose again

Jump to Episode 9 - Part 5 (link)

That wasn't what I meant

You're not wrong

Talk to Josy & Maya

Yes No
still playing the field #230?

No, I can do it.

Major Choice Shut up, it's just a blowjob. I'm using you.

Alone time with Josy Alone time with Maya

Maybe in the future?
DIK #230 ¿ alone with Josy ¿ #317
¿ alone with Maya ¿ #318
Only if stopped playing the field Refuse
Let her use you Neutral
¿x1¿ ¿ refuse ¿ #300
let her use you #300
Maybe in the future? CHICK
¿ maybe later ¿ #300
Only if stopped playing the field Refuse
¿x1¿ ¿ refuse ¿ #300
Scene #13
¿ maybe later ¿ #300 Episode 9 - Josy & Maya
Scene #10
Episode 9 - Heather

Truth or Dare Girls you've been with Girls you've been with
Maya Truth
Talk to Sandy Zoey #24
Any choice Josy
Only if fucked Sarah
Truth from Maya Maya or had fun with the HOTs in the bath
Yes No #146
still playing the field #230? Drink: Josy, Maya #10 or fucked Sarah
Only if got involved with Camila & Quinn #220
or fucked Sarah at the dorm party
Truth or fucked Camila and Mona

#111 Sarah
Mhm. I've waited all night to pounce on you. Not at all? Like, not even at the club? 10 or more: Josy, Maya or fucked Camila #220
6 to 9 Only if fucked Sarah at the dorm party '
or fucked Camila at the HOT party
5: BUG will skip or ordered spicy
not on Josy & Maya branch #226 4: Josy, Maya Camila #51
#60 Only if had private dance with Envy
Only if fucked Quinn & Riona
3: Josy, Maya #99 or fucked Nicole and Sandy

or fucked Quinn on the roof

Accept Maya Dare or fucked Nicole at the Pink Rose

Maybe at the club: ¿x1¿


Decline or got involved with Camila & Quinn

Not even at the club an embarrassing cluck. Nicole
¿ accept ¿ #301 ¿ maybe at the club ¿ #302 or fucked Quinn in your room

¿ Maya cluck dare ¿ #305 #173

Quinn Only if fucked Nicole and Sandy
Any other choice #60 or fucked Sandy at the Pink Rose

Only if fucked Quinn & Riona

Dare from Maya #24 Sandy
or fucked Sarah
Enjoy #110 #84
or fucked Riona Only if licked Ashley '
Josy Dare #194

Any other choice or fucked Riona at the HOT party Ashley

#12 #83
Let us post a cluck for you or ordered Japanese Only if Lily grinded you
Preps arrive ...didn't bring more condoms. or had blowjob from Lily
#129 #193
¿ Josy condom cluck dare ¿ #307 Only if had a blowjob from Cathy ' or fucked Lily
Yes #223 No ...came dressed as a fairy, when... Cathy or fucked Lily at the Pink Rose
called a truce with the preps ? #80 Lily
¿ Josy diapers cluck dare ¿ #308 Only if had fun with Isabella in the shower
#137 #57
or had fun with Isabella in the sauna Only if took it further with Jade '
Halloween is supposed to be fun and we heard you guys are it tonight. Automatic choice Jade
Post it Isabella
Turn them away
Don't post it #67 #77
Only if fucked Melanie Only if fucked Rose '
#306 #24
¿ Josy did not post a cluck under a dare ¿ or fucked Sarah
#114 #38
Truth from Josy or had fun with the HOTs in the bath
Only if Quinn saw you and Sage
Truth or fucked Melanie at the dorm party or fucked Sage after movie night
Let them in I wish I knew: Maya, Josy or fucked Sage on Tybalt's bed
2 #303 Turn them away #197 #188

¿ truce with the preps ¿ It's for the best Only if got a blowjob from Becky ' or fucked Sage outside
Drink Becky Sage
Josy Truth #56
Only if accepted Madame
Only if fucked Camila and Mona '
Any choice Madame
Dare from Josy #172 #300
Only if fucked Nora in the bathroom ' Only if let Heather use you '
Do it
Nora Heather
Drink: Maya
Being a DIK
Episode 9 - Part 5

Scene #15
Episode 9 - Jill

Jill orgasm
On the third choice loop while doing it 'Standing',
after Jill says '(Yeah... If he keeps this up for a minute or so, I might...)'
go on the next screen (no dialogie and no menu) and wait for 45 seconds

¿ Jill orgasm ¿ #319

was rejected by Ida on swyper #76?

She called you names and said you were horrible to her...and a bully. What was that about?

not on Jill branch #227

She's lying It's my fault I don't know: ¿Jill¿

She is, isn't she? It was such a shame that Olivia got sick.

Tell Jill what you saw

Don't tell Jill about Matthew
¿ tell her ¿ #320

Special Render 2D art #41 Special Render 2D art #42


Answers don't matter but here are the good ones

1. Bathroom downstairs
2. Dining room

Scene #17
Episode 9 - Sage
not on Sage branch #229

You'd be on board for everything I'd suggest, wouldn't you?

I prefer vanilla
¿ prefer vanilla sex ¿ #321


Scene #14
Episode 9 - Isabella

not on Isabella branch #228

If you select Reverse cowgirl a second time,
after the scene it will jump to the cum menu

Josy & Maya

Scene #16
Episode 9 - Josy & Maya

Special Render 2D art #43 Special Render 2D art #44

Special Render 2D art #45 Special Render 2D art #46

Maya Josy
fucked Maya in the classroom #222 fucked Josy in the bathroom stall #206
followed Maya #121 followed Josy #120
spent a solo night with Maya #179 spent a solo night with Josy #180
fucked Maya #61 fucked Josy in your room #174
had fun with Maya #293 left the HOT party with Josy #191

not on Josy & Maya branch #226

Josy VS Maya
Josy 2 more than Maya: Maya, Josy
Josy less than Maya: Maya, Josy
It sounds like we're about even: Maya, Josy

It's all about opportunity Bad to keep count: Josy, Maya

I think that's what I can share at the moment.

Hug Maya: Maya Let her get out of it

Lily & Nicole

Scene #18
Episode 9 - Lily & Nicole
not fucking Lily & Nicole #314

Special Render 2D art #51


not fucking Quinn #316 Scene #19

Episode 9 - Quinn

Sarah & Melanie

He's still not saying it.

I wanna fuck your asses

I wanna fuck you Anal sex
Vaginal sex
¿ wanna fuck their asses ¿ #324

not fucking Sarah & Melanie #313

Scene #20
Episode 9 - Sarah & Mel

*Lick lick* Do you like it?

Not for me
¿ like rim job ¿ #325


Can we stay the night?

stopped playing the field #230 or

ended the night with someone

Join them
Take the couch
¿ join them ¿ #326


Second screen after party planning results

Special Render Josy #17 (hint)

Yes No
fucked Lily & Nicole #314?

Final ending with the girl(s) you ended with

Only available if fucked Lily
Spoon Lily
Only available if Nicole likes you ¿ spoon Lily ¿ #323
Spoon Nicole Don't spoon
¿ spoon Nicole ¿ #322

Special Render 2D art #50


Special Render Josy #18
Special Render Josy #19
Special Render Josy #20
Special Render Jill #18
Special Render Jill #19
Special Render Jill #20
Jill Special Render Locations

Jill Special Render #1 Jill Special Render #2

Jill Special Render #3 Jill Special Render #4

Jill Special Render #5 Jill Special Render #6

Jill Special Render #7 Jill Special Render #8

Jill Special Render #9 Jill Special Render #10

Jill Special Render #11 Jill Special Render #12

Jill Special Render #13 Jill Special Render #14

Jill Special Render #15 Jill Special Render #16

Jill Special Render #17

Josy Special Render Locations

Josy Special Render #1 Josy Special Render #2

Josy Special Render #3 Josy Special Render #4

Josy Special Render #5 Josy Special Render #6

Josy Special Render #7 Josy Special Render #8

Josy Special Render #9 Josy Special Render #10

Josy Special Render #11 Josy Special Render #12

Josy Special Render #13 Josy Special Render #14

Josy Special Render #15 Josy Special Render #16

Josy Special Render #17

2D art Special Render Locations

2D art Special Render #36 2D art Special Render #37

2D art Special Render #38 2D art Special Render #39

Pack Quest 04 Locations

Pack Quest 4 - #1 Pack Quest 4 - #2

Pack Quest 4 - #3 Pack Quest 4 - #4

Pack Quest 4 - #5 Pack Quest 4 - #6

Pack Quest 4 - #7 Pack Quest 4 - #8

Pack Quest 4 - #9 Pack Quest 4 - #10

Being a DIK season3-0.9.1
Walkthrough rev 1.3

Cheat without a MOD

So you want to try out a new branch but do not feel like completely starting over a new game?

Don't worry, with the developer console you can easily modify in-game variables.
You only need some basic understanding of scripting, no MOD required.

First of all, you need to enable the developer console, if you are lucky it is already enabled,
type Shift+O in the game (Hold the SHIFT key and type the letter O).
If not, close the game, go to the game directory and either create a file
named options.rpy or edit with a simple text editor (e.g.: Notepad) if it already exists.
Write the following lines at the end:

init python:
config.developer = True

Note: There are 4 spaces before 'config.developer = True'

In many cases the game might start correctly once but crash after that.
If that happens delete the file options.rpyc that gets created
automatically after starting the game with the file options.rpy present

This can be automated on windows with the following script: BeingADIK.cmd

with the following content:

del game\options.rpyc
start "" "BeingADIK.exe"

Start the game and load a savegame, type SHIFT+O to open the console and use the ESC key to exit

Character variables
variable: The variable
definition: what it represents
set variable / new value: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable on or set a new value
unset variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable off
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

Note: Be careful when modifying your character stats, the game stores a lot more variables
and will re-calculate them so your change might not be permanent

variable definition set variable / new value unset variable check current value
dik Your DIK score (-20 to 20) dik = value dik

dtype status dtype = value dtype

affinity affinity DIK: affinity = "DIK" affinity

Neutral: affinity = "NEUTRAL"
CHICK: affinity = "CHICK"
permanent_affinity If you have permanent affinity permanent_affinity = True permanent_affinity = False permanent_affinity

money The money in your wallet money = value money

RPisabella Isabella relationship points RPisabella = value RPisabella

RPjill Jill relationship points RPjill = value RPjill

RPjosy Josy relationship points RPjosy = value RPjosy

RPmaya Maya relationship points RPmaya = value RPmaya

RPsage Sage relationship points RPsage = value RPsage

RPderek Derek relationship points RPderek = value RPderek

RPdiks DIKs relationship points RPdiks = value RPdiks

RPjocks Jocks relationship points RPjocks = value RPjocks

RPnerds Nerds relationship points RPnerds = value RPnerds

RPpreps Preps relationship points RPpreps = value RPpreps

tc Times cheated on LI tc = value tc

ep6_dng_points Episode 6 D&G life points ep6_dng_points = value ep6_dng_points

ep7_patrick_score Patrick's approval points ep7_patrick_score = value ep7_patrick_score

Game Decisions Variables

label: The label as found in the walkthrough

set variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable on
unset variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable off
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

label set variable unset variable check current value

calm Emma #233 emma_calm = True emma_calm = False emma_calm

relationship with Jill #234 good terms: ep9_jill_mood = 0 ep9_jill_mood

broke up: ep9_jill_mood = 1
chose Isabella: ep9_jill_mood = 2
broke her heart: ep9_jill_mood = 3

on good terms with Jill #235 ep9_jill_mood_0 = True ep9_jill_mood_0 = False ep9_jill_mood_0

broke up with Jill #236 ep9_jill_mood_1 = True ep9_jill_mood_1 = False ep9_jill_mood_1

chose Isabella instead of Jill #237 ep9_jill_mood_2 = True ep9_jill_mood_2 = False ep9_jill_mood_2

broke Jill's heart #238 ep9_jill_mood_3 = True ep9_jill_mood_3 = False ep9_jill_mood_3

body shots #239 ep9_body_shots = True ep9_body_shots = False ep9_body_shots

drinking competition #240 ep9_drinking_competition = True ep9_drinking_competition = False ep9_drinking_competition

telling scary stories #241 ep9_scary_stories = True ep9_scary_stories = False ep9_scary_stories

haunted mansion #242 ep9_haunted_mansion = True ep9_haunted_mansion = False ep9_haunted_mansion

private cum-petition #243 ep9_cumpetition = True ep9_cumpetition = False ep9_cumpetition

relationship with Jade #244 indifferent: jade_state = 0 jade_state

lovers: jade_state = 1
rejected her: jade_state = 2
one-time thing: jade_state = 3

¿ fuck Jade ¿ #245 ep9_jade_lewd = True ep9_jade_lewd = False ep9_jade_lewd

mad at Zoey #246 ep9_mad_at_zoey = True ep9_mad_at_zoey = False ep9_mad_at_zoey

¿ better friend ¿ #247 ep9_derek_better_friend = True ep9_derek_better_friend = False ep9_derek_better_friend

Derek's special #248 ep9_sally_drink = True ep9_sally_drink = False ep9_sally_drink

¿ ex-girlfriend ¿ #249 ep9_jb_gf = True ep9_jb_gf = False ep9_jb_gf

¿ with Becky ¿ #250 ep9_body_shots_becky = True ep9_body_shots_becky = False ep9_body_shots_becky

¿ winners ¿ #251 ep9_shot_win = True ep9_shot_win = False ep9_shot_win

¿ lick Tiffani ¿ #252 ep9_tiffani_lick = True ep9_tiffani_lick = False ep9_tiffani_lick

drinking competition winner #253 ep9_drink_win = "Becky" ep9_drink_win = " " ep9_drink_win
ep9_drink_win = "Christie"
ep9_drink_win = "Kylie"
ep9_drink_win = "tie"

¿ side with Josy ¿ #254 ep9_josy_side = True ep9_josy_side = False ep9_josy_side

¿ sexy stuff with Jill ¿ #255 ep9_jill_lewd = True ep9_jill_lewd = False ep9_jill_lewd

¿ text Nora ¿ #256 ep9_others_texted[0] = True ep9_others_texted[0] = False ep9_others_texted_0

¿ text Nicole ¿ #257 ep9_others_texted[1] = True ep9_others_texted[1] = False ep9_others_texted_1

¿ text Jade ¿ #258 ep9_others_texted[2] = True ep9_others_texted[2] = False ep9_others_texted_2

¿ text Quinn ¿ #259 ep9_others_texted[3] = True ep9_others_texted[3] = False ep9_others_texted_3

¿ text Lily ¿ #260 ep9_others_texted[4] = True ep9_others_texted[4] = False ep9_others_texted_4

¿ text Riona ¿ #261 ep9_others_texted[5] = True ep9_others_texted[5] = False ep9_others_texted_5

¿ violent type ¿ #262 ep9_dangerous = True ep9_dangerous = False ep9_dangerous

¿ let the girls fight ¿ #263 ep9_jm_fight = True ep9_jm_fight = False ep9_jm_fight

¿ kiss her back ¿ #264 ep9_b_kissed_jill = True ep9_b_kissed_jill = False ep9_b_kissed_jill

¿ costume puns ¿ #265 ep9_rio_joke = True ep9_rio_joke = False ep9_rio_joke

¿ smart look ¿ #266 ep9_photos_0 = True ep9_photos_0 = False ep9_photos_0

¿ flirty look ¿ #267 ep9_photos_1 = True ep9_photos_1 = False ep9_photos_1

¿ scary pose ¿ #268 ep9_photos_2 = True ep9_photos_2 = False ep9_photos_2

¿ cute pose ¿ #269 ep9_photos_3 = True ep9_photos_3 = False ep9_photos_3

¿ picture with Jill & Bianca ¿ #270 ep9_photos_4 = True ep9_photos_4 = False ep9_photos_4

¿ funny pose ¿ #271 ep9_photos_5 = True ep9_photos_5 = False ep9_photos_5

¿ sweet pose ¿ #272 ep9_photos_6 = True ep9_photos_6 = False ep9_photos_6

¿ hold her tits ¿ #273 ep9_photos_7 = True ep9_photos_7 = False ep9_photos_7

¿ funny picture ¿ #274 ep9_photos_8 = True ep9_photos_8 = False ep9_photos_8

¿ picture with Riona ¿ #275 ep9_photos_9 = True ep9_photos_9 = False ep9_photos_9

¿ funny pose ¿ #276 ep9_photos_10 = True ep9_photos_10 = False ep9_photos_10

¿ sexy pose ¿ #277 ep9_photos_11 = True ep9_photos_11 = False ep9_photos_11

¿ sexy ¿ #278 ep9_photos_12 = True ep9_photos_12 = False ep9_photos_12

¿ cute ¿ #279 ep9_photos_13 = True ep9_photos_13 = False ep9_photos_13

¿ picture with Zoey ¿ #280 ep9_photos_14 = True ep9_photos_14 = False ep9_photos_14

¿ picture with Josy ¿ #281 ep9_photos_15 = True ep9_photos_15 = False ep9_photos_15

¿ grab their ass picture ¿ #282 ep9_photos_16 = True ep9_photos_16 = False ep9_photos_16

¿ picture with Sarah & Melanie ¿ #283 ep9_photos_17 = True ep9_photos_17 = False ep9_photos_17

¿ grab her ass ¿ #284 ep9_bianca_ass = True ep9_bianca_ass = False ep9_bianca_ass

¿ side with Leon ¿ #285 ep9_leons_side = True ep9_leons_side = False ep9_leons_side

¿ punch for Sarah ¿ #286 ep9_sarah_punch = True ep9_sarah_punch = False ep9_sarah_punch

¿ help Derek ¿ #287 ep9_help_derek = True ep9_help_derek = False ep9_help_derek

¿ restock cakes ¿ #288 ep9_restocked_food = True ep9_restocked_food = False ep9_restocked_food

¿ wondering about you & Josy ¿ #289 wouldn't have worked out: ep9_josy_wonder = 1 ep9_josy_wonder
a bit: ep9_josy_wonder = 2
all the time: ep9_josy_wonder = 3

¿ try to cheer her up ¿ #290 ep9_cheered_rio = True ep9_cheered_rio = False ep9_cheered_rio

Riona confides #291 ep9_riona_confided = True ep9_riona_confided = False ep9_riona_confided

¿ kiss her ¿ #292 ep9_kissed_rio = True ep9_kissed_rio = False ep9_kissed_rio

fun with Maya #293 ep9_maya_lewd = True ep9_maya_lewd = False ep9_maya_lewd

fuck Camila #294 ep9_camila_lewd = True ep9_camila_lewd = False ep9_camila_lewd

¿ help Josy major choice ¿ #295 ep9_josy_choice = "DIK" ep9_josy_choice = " " ep9_josy_choice
ep9_josy_choice = "NEUTRAL"
ep9_josy_choice = "CHICK"

¿ make out with Riona major choice ¿ #296 ep9_riona_choice = "DIK" ep9_riona_choice = " " ep9_riona_choice
ep9_riona_choice = "NEUTRAL"
ep9_riona_choice = "CHICK"

join the cum-petition #297 ep9_cumpetition_join = True ep9_cumpetition_join = False ep9_cumpetition_join

¿ kiss her ¿ #298 ep9_tara_kiss = True ep9_tara_kiss = False ep9_tara_kiss

¿ catch Matthew cheating ¿ #299 ep9_saw_matthew = True ep9_saw_matthew = False ep9_saw_matthew

Heather blowjob major choice #300 ep9_heather_lewd = Heather blowjob major choice.unset_value ep9_heather_lewd

¿ accept ¿ #301 ep9_sandy_accept = True ep9_sandy_accept = False ep9_sandy_accept

¿ maybe at the club ¿ #302 ep9_sandy_club = True ep9_sandy_club = False ep9_sandy_club

¿ truce with the preps2 ¿ #303 ep9_prep_truce = True ep9_prep_truce = False ep9_prep_truce

¿ costume competition winner ¿ #304 ep9_winner = "Isabella" ep9_winner = " " ep9_winner
ep9_winner = "Leon"
ep9_winner = "Jill"
ep9_winner = "Maya"
ep9_winner = "Josy"
ep9_winner = "Riona"
ep9_winner = "Camila"
ep9_winner = "Lily"
ep9_winner = "Zoey"
ep9_winner = "Leon"

¿ Maya cluck dare ¿ #305 ep9_maya_cluck = 1 ep9_maya_cluck = 0 ep9_maya_cluck

¿ Josy cluck dare ¿ #306 bring condoms: ep9_josy_cluck = 1 ep9_josy_cluck = 0 ep9_josy_cluck

like diapers: ep9_josy_cluck = 2

¿ Josy condom cluck dare ¿ #307 ep9_josy_cluck_1 = True ep9_josy_cluck_1 = False ep9_josy_cluck_1

¿ Josy diapers cluck dare ¿ #308 ep9_josy_cluck_2 = True ep9_josy_cluck_2 = False ep9_josy_cluck_2

¿ crash in your room ¿ #309 ep9_zoey_crash = True ep9_zoey_crash = False ep9_zoey_crash

¿ Vinny major choice ¿ #310 ep9_vinny_choice = "DIK" ep9_vinny_choice = " " ep9_vinny_choice
ep9_vinny_choice = "NEUTRAL"
ep9_vinny_choice = "CHICK"

¿ help Sally ¿ #311 ep9_helped_sally = True ep9_helped_sally = False ep9_helped_sally

¿ Josy & Maya breakup ¿ #312 ep9_jm_sad = True ep9_jm_sad = False ep9_jm_sad

fuck Sarah & Melanie #313 ep9_sarah_melanie_lewd = True ep9_sarah_melanie_lewd = False ep9_sarah_melanie_lewd

fuck Lily & Nicole #314 ep9_lily_nicole_lewd = True ep9_lily_nicole_lewd = False ep9_lily_nicole_lewd

¿ Quinn ask about the challenge ¿ #315 ep9_quinn_ask = True ep9_quinn_ask = False ep9_quinn_ask

fuck Quinn #316 ep9_quinn_lewd = True ep9_quinn_lewd = False ep9_quinn_lewd

¿ alone with Josy ¿ #317 ep9_alone_josy = True ep9_alone_josy = False ep9_alone_josy

¿ alone with Maya ¿ #318 ep9_alone_maya = True ep9_alone_maya = False ep9_alone_maya

¿ Jill orgasm ¿ #319 ep9_jill_orgasm = True ep9_jill_orgasm = False ep9_jill_orgasm

¿ tell her ¿ #320 ep9_told_jill = True ep9_told_jill = False ep9_told_jill

¿ prefer vanilla sex ¿ #321 ep9_sage_vanilla = True ep9_sage_vanilla = False ep9_sage_vanilla

¿ spoon Nicole ¿ #322 ep9_spoon_nicole = True ep9_spoon_nicole = False ep9_spoon_nicole

¿ spoon Lily ¿ #323 ep9_spoon_lily = True ep9_spoon_lily = False ep9_spoon_lily

¿ wanna fuck their asses ¿ #324 ep9_sm_anal = True ep9_sm_anal = False ep9_sm_anal

¿ like rim job ¿ #325 ep9_sm_like_rim = True ep9_sm_like_rim = False ep9_sm_like_rim

¿ join them ¿ #326 ep9_tiffani_gina_tara = True ep9_tiffani_gina_tara = False ep9_tiffani_gina_tara

Unlock scenes

number: The scene number

title: The scene title
unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

number title unlock lock check current value

1 Interlude - Zoey persistent.epi_lewd_zoey = True persistent.epi_lewd_zoey = False persistent.epi_lewd_zoey

2 Interlude - Emma persistent.epi_lewd_eb = True persistent.epi_lewd_eb = False persistent.epi_lewd_eb

3 Episode 9 - Jade persistent.ep9_lewd_jade = True persistent.ep9_lewd_jade = False persistent.ep9_lewd_jade

4 Episode 9 - Jill persistent.ep9_lewd_jill = True persistent.ep9_lewd_jill = False persistent.ep9_lewd_jill

5 Episode 9 - Sage persistent.ep9_lewd_sage1 = True persistent.ep9_lewd_sage1 = False persistent.ep9_lewd_sage1

6 Episode 9 - Lily persistent.ep9_lewd_lily = True persistent.ep9_lewd_lily = False persistent.ep9_lewd_lily

7 Episode 9 - Sage persistent.ep9_lewd_sage2 = True persistent.ep9_lewd_sage2 = False persistent.ep9_lewd_sage2

8 Episode 9 - Maya persistent.ep9_lewd_maya = True persistent.ep9_lewd_maya = False persistent.ep9_lewd_maya

9 Episode 9 - Camila persistent.ep9_lewd_camila = True persistent.ep9_lewd_camila = False persistent.ep9_lewd_camila

10 Episode 9 - Heather persistent.ep9_lewd_heather = True persistent.ep9_lewd_heather = False persistent.ep9_lewd_heather

11 Episode 9 - CUM-petition persistent.ep9_lewd_cumpetition = True persistent.ep9_lewd_cumpetition = False persistent.ep9_lewd_cumpetition

12 Episode 9 - Isabella persistent.ep9_lewd_isabella = True persistent.ep9_lewd_isabella = False persistent.ep9_lewd_isabella

13 Episode 9 - Josy & Maya persistent.ep9_lewd_jm2 = True persistent.ep9_lewd_jm2 = False persistent.ep9_lewd_jm2

14 Episode 9 - Isabella persistent.ep9_lewd_isabella2 = True persistent.ep9_lewd_isabella2 = False persistent.ep9_lewd_isabella2

15 Episode 9 - Jill persistent.ep9_lewd_jill2 = True persistent.ep9_lewd_jill2 = False persistent.ep9_lewd_jill2

16 Episode 9 - Josy & Maya persistent.ep9_lewd_jm = True persistent.ep9_lewd_jm = False persistent.ep9_lewd_jm

17 Episode 9 - Sage persistent.ep9_lewd_sage3 = True persistent.ep9_lewd_sage3 = False persistent.ep9_lewd_sage3

18 Episode 9 - Lily & Nicole persistent.ep9_lewd_ln = True persistent.ep9_lewd_ln = False persistent.ep9_lewd_ln

19 Episode 9 - Quinn persistent.ep9_lewd_quinn = True persistent.ep9_lewd_quinn = False persistent.ep9_lewd_quinn

20 Episode 9 - Sarah & Mel persistent.ep9_lewd_sm = True persistent.ep9_lewd_sm = False persistent.ep9_lewd_sm

Unlock special renders

character: The special render character

number: The special render number
unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

character number unlock lock check current value

Jill 1 persistent.ep9_cardji1 = True persistent.ep9_cardji1 = False persistent.ep9_cardji1

Jill 2 persistent.ep9_cardji2 = True persistent.ep9_cardji2 = False persistent.ep9_cardji2

Jill 3 persistent.ep9_cardji3 = True persistent.ep9_cardji3 = False persistent.ep9_cardji3

Jill 4 persistent.ep9_cardji4 = True persistent.ep9_cardji4 = False persistent.ep9_cardji4

Jill 5 persistent.ep9_cardji5 = True persistent.ep9_cardji5 = False persistent.ep9_cardji5

Jill 6 persistent.ep9_cardji6 = True persistent.ep9_cardji6 = False persistent.ep9_cardji6

Jill 7 persistent.ep9_cardji7 = True persistent.ep9_cardji7 = False persistent.ep9_cardji7

Jill 8 persistent.ep9_cardji8 = True persistent.ep9_cardji8 = False persistent.ep9_cardji8

Jill 9 persistent.ep9_cardji9 = True persistent.ep9_cardji9 = False persistent.ep9_cardji9

Jill 10 persistent.ep9_cardji10 = True persistent.ep9_cardji10 = False persistent.ep9_cardji10

Jill 11 persistent.ep9_cardji11 = True persistent.ep9_cardji11 = False persistent.ep9_cardji11

Jill 12 persistent.ep9_cardji12 = True persistent.ep9_cardji12 = False persistent.ep9_cardji12

Jill 13 persistent.ep9_cardji13 = True persistent.ep9_cardji13 = False persistent.ep9_cardji13

Jill 14 persistent.ep9_cardji14 = True persistent.ep9_cardji14 = False persistent.ep9_cardji14

Jill 15 persistent.ep9_cardji15 = True persistent.ep9_cardji15 = False persistent.ep9_cardji15

Jill 16 persistent.ep9_cardji16 = True persistent.ep9_cardji16 = False persistent.ep9_cardji16

Jill 17 persistent.ep9_cardji17 = True persistent.ep9_cardji17 = False persistent.ep9_cardji17

Jill 18 persistent.ep9_cardji18 = True persistent.ep9_cardji18 = False persistent.ep9_cardji18

Jill 19 persistent.ep9_cardji19 = True persistent.ep9_cardji19 = False persistent.ep9_cardji19

Jill 20 persistent.ep9_cardji20 = True persistent.ep9_cardji20 = False persistent.ep9_cardji20

Josy 1 persistent.ep9_cardjo1 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo1 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo1

Josy 2 persistent.ep9_cardjo2 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo2 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo2

Josy 3 persistent.ep9_cardjo3 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo3 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo3

Josy 4 persistent.ep9_cardjo4 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo4 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo4

Josy 5 persistent.ep9_cardjo5 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo5 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo5

Josy 6 persistent.ep9_cardjo6 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo6 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo6

Josy 7 persistent.ep9_cardjo7 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo7 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo7

Josy 8 persistent.ep9_cardjo8 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo8 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo8

Josy 9 persistent.ep9_cardjo9 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo9 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo9

Josy 10 persistent.ep9_cardjo10 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo10 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo10

Josy 11 persistent.ep9_cardjo11 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo11 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo11

Josy 12 persistent.ep9_cardjo12 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo12 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo12

Josy 13 persistent.ep9_cardjo13 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo13 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo13

Josy 14 persistent.ep9_cardjo14 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo14 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo14

Josy 15 persistent.ep9_cardjo15 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo15 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo15

Josy 16 persistent.ep9_cardjo16 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo16 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo16

Josy 17 persistent.ep9_cardjo17 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo17 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo17

Josy 18 persistent.ep9_cardjo18 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo18 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo18

Josy 19 persistent.ep9_cardjo19 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo19 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo19

Josy 20 persistent.ep9_cardjo20 = True persistent.ep9_cardjo20 = False persistent.ep9_cardjo20

2D art 5 - Level 2 persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[4] = True persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[4] = False persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[4]

2D art 9 - Level 2 persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[8] = True persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[8] = False persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[8]

2D art 10 - Level 2 persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[9] = True persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[9] = False persistent.art_girl_lvl2_list[9]

2D art 11 - Level 1 persistent.art_girl_lvl1_list[10] = True persistent.art_girl_lvl1_list[10] = False persistent.art_girl_lvl1_list[10]

2D art 16 - Level 1 persistent.art_girl_lvl1_list[15] = True persistent.art_girl_lvl1_list[15] = False persistent.art_girl_lvl1_list[15]

2D art 36 persistent.epi_card1 = True persistent.epi_card1 = False persistent.epi_card1

2D art 37 persistent.epi_card2 = True persistent.epi_card2 = False persistent.epi_card2

2D art 38 persistent.epi_card3 = True persistent.epi_card3 = False persistent.epi_card3

2D art 39 persistent.epi_card4 = True persistent.epi_card4 = False persistent.epi_card4

2D art 40 persistent.ep9_card1 = True persistent.ep9_card1 = False persistent.ep9_card1

2D art 41 persistent.ep9_card2 = True persistent.ep9_card2 = False persistent.ep9_card2

2D art 42 persistent.ep9_card3 = True persistent.ep9_card3 = False persistent.ep9_card3

2D art 43 persistent.ep9_card4 = True persistent.ep9_card4 = False persistent.ep9_card4

2D art 44 persistent.ep9_card5 = True persistent.ep9_card5 = False persistent.ep9_card5

2D art 45 persistent.ep9_card6 = True persistent.ep9_card6 = False persistent.ep9_card6

2D art 46 persistent.ep9_card7 = True persistent.ep9_card7 = False persistent.ep9_card7

2D art 47 persistent.ep9_card8 = True persistent.ep9_card8 = False persistent.ep9_card8

2D art 48 persistent.ep9_card17 = True persistent.ep9_card17 = False persistent.ep9_card17

2D art 49 persistent.ep9_card18 = True persistent.ep9_card18 = False persistent.ep9_card18

2D art 50 persistent.ep9_card19 = True persistent.ep9_card19 = False persistent.ep9_card19

2D art 51 persistent.ep9_card20 = True persistent.ep9_card20 = False persistent.ep9_card20

Mixed 1 persistent.epi_card5 = True persistent.epi_card5 = False persistent.epi_card5

Mixed 2 persistent.epi_card6 = True persistent.epi_card6 = False persistent.epi_card6

Mixed 3 persistent.epi_card7 = True persistent.epi_card7 = False persistent.epi_card7

Mixed 4 persistent.epi_card8 = True persistent.epi_card8 = False persistent.epi_card8

Mixed 5 persistent.epi_card9 = True persistent.epi_card9 = False persistent.epi_card9

Mixed 6 persistent.epi_card10 = True persistent.epi_card10 = False persistent.epi_card10

Mixed 7 persistent.epi_card11 = True persistent.epi_card11 = False persistent.epi_card11

Mixed 8 persistent.epi_card12 = True persistent.epi_card12 = False persistent.epi_card12

Mixed 9 persistent.ep9_card9 = True persistent.ep9_card9 = False persistent.ep9_card9

Mixed 10 persistent.ep9_card10 = True persistent.ep9_card10 = False persistent.ep9_card10

Mixed 11 persistent.ep9_card11 = True persistent.ep9_card11 = False persistent.ep9_card11

Mixed 12 persistent.ep9_card12 = True persistent.ep9_card12 = False persistent.ep9_card12

Mixed 13 persistent.ep9_card13 = True persistent.ep9_card13 = False persistent.ep9_card13

Mixed 14 persistent.ep9_card14 = True persistent.ep9_card14 = False persistent.ep9_card14

Mixed 15 persistent.ep9_card15 = True persistent.ep9_card15 = False persistent.ep9_card15

Mixed 16 persistent.ep9_card16 = True persistent.ep9_card16 = False persistent.ep9_card16

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