Project Proposal

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INTRODUCTORY LESSONS/REVIEW OF Complementation-working and acting together-involves

CONCEPTS people taking part in the organizational tasks for shared

Elements of Administration
1. Administration
2. Social Administration Organization and management are two primary elements
3. Social Welfare Administration of administration.
4. Administrator
5. Sustainable Development Organization is the setting up of the framework or
6. Social Planning structure of the different units of the system to carry out
or perform distinct tasks for attainment of the goals of
What is Administration? administration.

It is a process of defining and attaining the objectives of Social Administration

the organization through a system of coordination and
cooperative effort. (Herman Stein) It focuses on policies, planning and administration of
goods and services in relation to the political social and
Activities economic institutions and to the determinants of the
distribution of national resources to social welfare needs
1. Determination of goals and /or setting of objectives (Archie Hanlan).
2. Formulation of policies
3. Maintenance of an organization It is also used refer to administration in the fields of
4. Formulation of plans health, education, and other social development fields.
5. Securing of resources
6. Selection of technologies necessary for operations Social Welfare Administration
7. Design of programs and services
8. Optimization of organizational behavior refers more specifically to the administrative processes
9. Evaluation of results for the improvement of services in social welfare agency, the formulation of its policies
10. Accounting for resource utilization and plans, and their implementation into programs and
services for specific client groups.
Characteristics of Administration
E. Schwartz claims that the major objective of social
1. Administration is a human enterprise that involves the welfare administration is the enhancement of social
activity of people in the organization. functioning.
2. It is a continuous, dynamic process for a common
purpose or goal that is pursued through an uninterrupted, Administration of public and private social agencies is
continuing interactive activity between and among designed and organized to achieve the full effect of the
people in vertical and horizontal positions in the services for which they have been established
3. The resources of people and materials are harnessed Management of social agencies is oriented to aid people
and coordinated to achieve organizational goals. in the most efficient way.
4. Leadership is implicit in administration. Leadership
has been defined as the ability of an individual to What does Administrator do?
influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute
toward the effectiveness and success of the organization Administrators perform policy and decision-making
of which they are members. functions at the executive level, and managers
implement those policies and decisions to achieve the
Why Leadership is important in any organization? organization's goals and objectives

Leadership occurs at all levels of the organization. The Seven Functions of Social Agency Administration
task of leadership varies with the position that it (Gulick POSDCORB)
occupies in the organizational hierarchy, be it at the top-
level, mid-level, etc 1. Planning
2. Organizing
Coordination, cooperation, and participation are the 3. Staffing
means for achieving the organizational goals. 4. Directing
5. Coordination
6. Reporting
7. Budgeting
1. Policy Formulation
PLANNING 2. Planning and Programming
3. Controlling
The process of envisioning the future structure and 4. Communication
operation of the social agency, including the 5. Financing or Financial Management
determination and clarification of the objectives, 6. Recording and Reporting
functions, and policies to be pursued. 7. Public Relations
8. Evaluation and Research
This provides the administrative structure of the agency.
It determines the functions of the “group of ultimate Defined as development that is likely to achieve lasting
control,” such as the members of a private family satisfaction of human needs and improvement of the
welfare agency, of the “governing board”, of the quality of life and encompasses
executive, and of the staff
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present
STAFFING without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs
This refers to personal administration, which includes
the realization of the agency’s personnel policies on Two Concepts of Sustainable Development
recruitment and employment, tenure, salaries, vacations,
and working conditions, and the evaluation of the The concept of needs,in particular the essential of the
performance of the members of the staff to ensure world’s poor, to which overriding priority should be
efficient service and fair treatment. given.

DIRECTING The idea of limitations imposed by the state of

technology and social organizations on the
This is the distinct determination of each staff member’s environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.
assignment and the establishment of lines of
responsibility and authority. And what is the concept?

COORDINATION The concept of sustainable development is rooted in this

short of systems thinking. It helps us to understand
The process of organizing people or groups so that they ourselves and our world.
work together properly and that each and every
members of the organization have harmonious The problem we face are complex and serious – and we
functioning for effective results. can’t address them in the same way we created them.
But we can address them.
Goal of the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
This is the administrative function of rendering to the Development (PSSD)
governing board, to the membership or legislative body,
and to the public an account of the agency’s work. It The Strategies are:
requires a system of recording and accounting, statistics,
and research upon which the reports are based 1. Integration of environmental consideration in
BUDGETING 2. Proper pricing of natural resources;
3. Property rights reform;
The function of mobilization disbursement, and control 4. Establishment of an integrated areas systems;
of the financial resources of the agency. It also involves 5. Rehabilitation of degraded Ecosystem;
the setting up of proper accounts, fiscal records, and 6. Strengthening of residuals management in industry
controls to guarantee that the received money is spent pollution control;
wisely and in accordance with the policies and rules of 7. Integration of population concerns and social welfare
the agency. in development planning;
8. Inducing growth in rural areas;
Remember 9. Promotion of environment education; and
 Luther Gulick is cited for having invented a kind of 10. Strengthening of citizen’s participation and
“magic formula,” for this above classification: constituency building
 Other administrative functions were added such as:
The Three (3) Dimensions to Sustainable Resources are those things that can be used to improve
Development. the quality of community life

1. Economic Why should you identify local needs and resources?

2. Social
3. Environment 1. To understand the environment;
2. To understand public opinion; and
ROLES 3. To make decisions about priorities.

Economic Role Who benefits from identifying needs and resources?

contributing to building a strong, responsive and 1. Those experiencing the problem;

competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of 2. Service providers
the right type is available in the right places and at the 3. Community leaders; and
right time to support growth and innovation; and 4. And you!

by identifying and coordinating development You should identify needs and assets when:
requirements, including the provision of infrastructure.
1. You are planning to start a program;
Social Role 2. You are implementing an initiative; and
3. Efforts are being reviewed.
supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by
providing the supply of housing required to meet the What are the phases of developing your plan?
needs of present and future generations; and
1. Brainstorming: developing preliminary ideas
by creating a high quality built environment, with 2. Using what you already have to answer your
accessible local services that reflect the community’s questions
needs and support its health, social and cultural well- 3. Finalizing questions
being 4. Identifying your target population
5. Deciding what methods to use
Environmental Role 6. Deciding what is missing
7. Deciding if you have the resources to conduct a
contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, survey
built and historic environment; and,
Tools for Collecting Data:
as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use
natural resources prudently, minimize waste and 1. Listening sessions
pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change 2. Public forums
including moving to a low carbon economy 3. Needs assessments
4. Assets mapping
Pursuing sustainable development involves seeking
positive improvements in the quality of the built, Philippine Sustainable Development Goals
natural and historic environment, as well as in
people’s quality of life, including (but not limited to): AmBisyon Natin 2040 represents the collective long-
term vision and aspirations of the Filipino people for
1. Making it easier for jobs to be created in cities, towns themselves and for the country in the next 20 years. It
and villages; describes the kind of life that people want to live, and
2. Moving from a net loss of bio-diversity to achieving how the country will be by 2040. As such, it is an
net gains for nature; anchor for development planning across at least four
3. Replacing poor design with better design; administrations.
4. Improving the conditions in which people live, work,
travel and take leisure; and The Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 is
5. Widening the choice of high quality homes. anchored on the 0-10 point Socioeconomic Agenda of
the President and is geared towards AmBisyon Natin
Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and 2040 which articulates the Filipino people’s collective
Resources vision of a MATATAG, MAGINHAWA, at
Needs are the gap between what a situation is and what
it should be.
It also takes into account the country’s international Conclusion
commitments such as the 2030 UN Sustainable
Development Goals Participation works at the project, program and strategic
level. An inclusive and participatory planning process
15 YEARS. 17 GOALS. 169 TARGETS. 232 will produce a national plan that addresses the perceived
INDICATORS needs of the citizenry and have strong ownership by all
stakeholders in the country.
Plans developed through these approaches will have
“Participatory development is a process through which resilience and integrity over the medium term. A widely
stakeholders can influence and share control over accepted national plan will help mobilize foreign and
development initiatives, and over the decisions and domestic resources, both human and material, from the
resources that affect themselves.” (Framework for private sector, NGOs, local governments and
Mainstreaming Participatory Development Processes communities.
into Bank Operations, ADB. 1996)
The integrity of the planning process will allow
Participating in formulating the fundamental goals as development partners to “buy in” to the national plans,
well as in planning and carrying out an activity thus reducing the transaction costs of development
empowers stakeholders and fosters a sense of ownership. assistance without the need for donors to develop their
own plans and strategies for the country.
These facilitate effective project implementation,
conscientious monitoring of activities, and sustainable Three (3) “action” Words as you Integrate
outcomes. Participatory Processes into National Planning:

Empowering Poor Urban Communities and 1. Listen to what the stakeholders have to say;
Strengthening Local Institutions (Philippines)
2. Engage them in planning their future, including
The plan has four (4)stages: shared responsibilities;

1. Communities engage in action planning and form 3. Respond appropriately; for as citizens they deserve a
teams to address the four components of the project: response, even if the answer is no (often the case when
livelihood, land security, infrastructure, and social Government officials have to balance the greater public
services. A board is formed that includes the chairs of good against parochial interests).
each team.’
2. Community organizations (for each group of
households) become more structured and legitimized. A The term can also be referred to as project directed
general assembly, including either the husband or wife management. It is a project management methodology
of each household, is formed and elects its leaders. The focusing on structuring projects around goals
community organization is then equipped to transact
business with external parties. A Goal Oriented Project is a project that is completely
aligned to it’s project goals
3. Community organizations in a contiguous area are
then organized into clusters, forming a coalition or It is a project that has great, clear, project goals
federation headed by a cluster council. The cluster
council advocates on behalf of the members of its cluster Goal orientation
to the village development council, based on each
community’s development plans. describes the actions of people and organizations
regarding their primary aims.
4. Cluster councils further coalesce into a municipal or
citywide organization in order to represent the In business, goal orientation is a type of strategy that
community organizations before the local government affects how the company approaches its revenues and
decision-making bodies. The citywide organization plans for future projects.
assesses city development and housing and land use
plans, and ensures that cluster needs and priorities are While all businesses are naturally goal oriented in some
incorporated into the city development agenda. way, goal orientation plays an important role in focus
Assessments are likewise undertaken of the city and and fund allocation.
village budgets to ensure that their use reflects balanced
responsiveness and sensitivity to the needs of the urban Goal orientation also plays a part in management styles
poor. and information technology projects.
A Successful and Goal-Oriented Project Manager problem-solving skills because an assignment
cannot be delayed.
1. A project manager is an expert in the field of
assignment management. They handle a 7. Project Managers should be able to manage
responsibility of planning, executing, controlling, conflicts and have creative thinking abilities.
and closing of any business project. This leader is Since there is a schedule that often needs to be
the individual accountable for finishing the specific strictly to be followed in business, they need to
project assigned to his or her team of employees. have mastered proper time management skills.
Estimating the cost of any project is critical and a
2. Project Managers are trusted to create accessible good manager should be able to determine the
objectives for any business task, meeting the necessary budget for any endeavor and stick to it
requirements and managing the possible constraints because it is one of the most important factors for
of the assignment in terms of cost, scope, quality, an individual acting in this role.
and time. He or she frequently represents a client
who has to actuate their exact needs and 8. A project manager must be careful in letting
expectations for the project. They should also be barriers happen in the course of the whole
knowledgeable in forming close contacts with the assignment. Some of these barriers are poor
appointed representatives. communication, bad weather, poorly set goals,
disagreements, and personality collisions. Since it is
3. The title of being an task manager has become a often inevitable for these unfortunate events to
term globally used for someone who is given the happen, a project manager must not assume
responsibility to accomplish any task. But it everything will be on track and must anticipate and
should actually be used for an individual with full prepare a solution ahead of time for any problem or
accountability and with a similar level of setback that might arise.
authorization required to finish an task. If someone
does not meet the high levels of both factors, he or 3. EMPOWERMENT AND RESILIENCY MODEL
she is better off called as an task administrator or
expeditor. Resilience refers to a positive adaptation, or ability to
maintain or regain mental health, despite experiencing
4. A good project manager has a set of activities that adversity” (Herrman, 259).
must be done step by step. They have to define the
assignment, narrow it down into a group of “the ability to bounce back from adversity and
accomplishable tasks, attain applicable resources, successfully adapt to the demands of stressful situations”
and form an efficient team to do the duty. They (Mak, 2).
must set the clear goal of the assignment to
induce motivation to the group of employees they “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity.
have assembled into a team to accomplish the task Research has shown that resilience is ordinary, not
at hand on schedule. extraordinary” ("Road to resilience," 2012)

5. Since this manager will be receiving updates of the Principle of Self- empowerment:
tasks, he or she must also inform the stakeholders
about the development from time to time. They Stresses the clients rights and responsibility in the
should also assess for constraints and risks that development of human empowerment.
could affect the whole development and provide a
preventive solution before they fall back in “People empower themselves: social workers should
schedule. Even if they went through the critical assist” (Boehm, 450)
phase of planning, there can be unpredictable
events and a good PM should be ready to adapt Key Elements:
to and manage them
1. Knowledge
6. He must possess business skills such as leadership 2. Behavioral skills
abilities since he or she will be the one to lead a 3. Self- responsibility
team and make sure that the regulations are
followed. They should always create an effective Tying the two together:
rapport with a wide variety of people as they
often act as a client representative. They must be The strengths based perspective helps build a persons
knowledgeable on negotiating, influencing, and resilience while empowerment is at the core of the
planning skills as well. When unexpected events or perspective.
constraints happen, a PM should have excellent
Resilience and empowerment work together and lead to Principles of the New Human Rights-Based
wellness for the individual. Framework for Development

Empowerment is used as helping process to assist Universality - ‘human rights are inalienable, in that they
people to use their strengths to overcome their cannot be taken away from someone or voluntarily
challenges while Resilience is the ability to recover given up.’ The universality principle is what
quickly from adversity; as well as the continuation of distinguishes human rights from other acquired rights
growth, knowledge, insight, and virtues. such as citizenship rights and contractual rights.

“Developmental RESILIENCE, healing and Non-Discrimination and Equality - ‘everyone is

WELLNESS, solution focused therapy, asset based entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
community development” (Rankin, 5). Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
The strengths perspective involves empowerment as a opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other
major part as well as resilience and wellness; you can’t status.’ Human rights apply to everyone everywhere and
have one without the other. under any circumstance.

Principles of Strengths Based Perspective Indivisibility - ‘rights are indivisible and should be
taken in a holistic way.’ No one right is more important
1. Everyone has strengths than another. For instance, we cannot negotiate with one
2. Trauma, abuse, illness, and struggle can also be bases group to get some rights and let go of other rights. Using
for challenge and opportunity RBA for development, we might set priorities to fulfil
3. Collaboration with client works best rights, but it does not mean that we let go of other rights.
4. Every environment is full of resources
Interdependence and Interrelatedness - ‘all human
How can you apply resilience and empowerment rights are closely interrelated and interdependent and
model in our course? affect one another.’ The right to education affects the
right to work and the right to good health, and vice versa.
In writing proposals we have to ensure that clients are This principle helps us to link the root causes of
given the opportunity to improve themselves through problems to the symptoms of the problem.
community building activities
Participation - ‘participation is an essential right.’ This
Social work students should empower individuals and is stated in the first article of the UN Declaration on the
include these concepts when working with people Right to Development. It means that everyone is entitled
to freely fully contribute to, participate in and enjoy
4. RIGHT BASED APPROACH political, economic, social and cultural development of
their communities. The right to participate needs to be
The human rights-based approach focuses on those who protected and guaranteed by the state and other entities.
are most marginalized, excluded or discriminated
against. This often requires an analysis of gender norms, The Rule of Law - rights must be protected by both
different forms of discrimination and power imbalances strong legislations as well as an independent judicial
to ensure that interventions reach the most marginalized system to ensure that the law is fair and is applied to all
segments of the population. people.

The Human Rights-Based Approach Accountability - this principle is another key one for
human rights. The whole idea about rights is that they
The equal and inalienable rights of all human beings must be delivered. In other words, there is an obligation
provide the foundation for freedom, justice and peace in to give these rights to their right holders. All people
the world, according to the Universal Declaration of have rights and are called right holders. The people or
Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in entities who are obliged to deliver and ensure these
1948. rights are called duty bearers.

A human rights-based approach also seeks to reinforce We can think of anyone as a right holder as well as a
the capacities of duty bearers (usually governments) to duty bearer. However most of the time duty bearers are
respect, protect and guarantee these rights. It aims to the governments and other bodies of state (hereafter
address development complexities holistically, taking referred to as the State)
into consideration the connections between individuals
and the systems of power or influence. And it The Rights Based Approach also recognizes that other
endeavours to create dynamics of accountability. nonstate parties could be duty bearers.
5. STRENGTHS BASED PERSPECTIVE Principles of the Strength-Based Approach

In social work practice, the strengths perspective has 1. The strengths approach as a philosophy of practice
emerged as an alternative to the more common draws one away from an emphasis on procedures,
pathology-oriented approach to helping clients. Instead techniques and knowledge as the keys to change. It
of focusing on clients' problems and deficits, the reminds us that every person, family, group and
strengths perspective centers on clients' abilities, talents, community holds the key to their own transformation
and resources. and meaningful change process.

The social worker practicing from this approach 2. The real challenge is and always has been whether we
concentrates wholly on identifying and eliciting the are willing to fully embrace this way of approaching or
client's strengths and assets in assisting them with their working with people. If we do, then the change needs to
problems and goals (Saleebey, 2006). start with us, not with those we serve. Embracing a
strength-based approach involves a different way of
“The strengths based perspective is a dramatic departure thinking about people and of interpreting their patterns
from conventional social work practice. of coping with life challenges

Practicing from strengths orientation means 3. With a strength-based mindset, one asks different
thiseverything you do as a social worker will be questions and communicates in ways that invites a
predicated on helping to discover, explore, and exploit curious exploration based upon a clear set of values and
clients strengths and resources in the service of assisting attitudes
them to achieve their goals and realize their dreams”

People taking control of their own lives in healthy, PROGRAM

meaningful and sustainable ways
Package or series of projects/services aimed at solving
• Focus on trusting, meaningfulness, and relationships one or more problems/needs of a certain sector such as
• Empowering people to take a lead in their own care “Health, Agriculture, Education, Social Welfare, Labor
process etc. and is assumed to help rationalize an contribute
• Working in collaborative ways on mutually agreed more efficiently to the overall development thrust.
upon goals
• Drawing upon the personal resources of motivation Example:
and hope
• Creating sustainable change through learning and Child and Youth Welfare Program
experiential growth Women in Development Program
Sustainable Agriculture Program
This emphasis on strengths is founded on the
following belief (Rapp & Goscha, 2006; Alvord & PROJECT
Grados, 2005).:
A planned undertaking; a unit of management that
1. All people have strengths and capacities clearly specifies what is to be accomplished over an
2. People can change. Given the right conditions and estimated period of time and estimated cost
resources, a person’s capacity to learn and grow can be
nurtured and realized Example:
3. People change and grow through their strengths and
capacities Women Micro-Credit Project
4. People are experts of their own situation Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Project
5. The problem is the problem, not the person Nutrition cum Livelihood Project
6. Problems can blind people from noticing and
appreciating their strengths and capacity to find their PROJECT
own meaningful solutions
7. All people want good things for themselves and have A variety of endeavors with a single purpose , well
good intentions defined structures such as small infrastructure projects,
8. People are doing the best they can in light of their to complex, multicomponent systems such as :
experiences to date Integrated Rural and Area Development Schemes
9. The ability to change is within us – it is our story

Bicol Integrate Area Development Project

National Project for Street Children TYPES OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS

PROJECT 1. Sectoral Projects (agriculture, health, social welfare,

women, etc.
A smaller, separable operational elements that lead 2. Integrated Area/Rural Development
themselves to being planned, financially, and 3. Community Development
implemented independently. 4. Organizational Development
5. Rehabilitation
Example: 6. Cooperative Movements
7. Human Resource Development
A research project on the effectiveness of volunteerism
in Community Development Program The projects may be in the form of research, direct
intervention, pilot/demonstration
Development of Program/Project Main Strategies
The smallest component of a program or a project that
describes the specific area of responsibility such as: Most strategies are based on accumulated experience
PARENT EFFECTIVENESS SERVICE, FAMILY from real projects situations.
The main strategy should describe how the project will
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT be planned to reach its goals, i.e. the choice of methods
and approaches to solve the project problems.
A process of systematic change (transformation) in
values, institutions, and practices purposely initiated Basic Principles and Values in Program/Project
through the instruments of social policy and planning for Planning
the improvement in the levels of living and quality of
life of the people, particularly the weaker and Project planning for social development does not take
marginalized sectors, with their own involvement in all place in an empty space. It moves into, and becomes a
stages (P.D. Kulkarin) part of the Local Social Processes. It leads to people
sharing resources and experiences as they work towards
their desired goals

The program/project processes are influenced by:

• The participants’ (Stakeholders) values and Traditions

• Their (Participants) opinions on what changes and

developments are desirable in a particular social

• Their opinion on what hinders those developments and



The fundamental values that should be considered in

project planning activities are:



Social development programs and programs and projects

benefit the poor , marginalized and disadvantaged
population groups promoting equal opportunities for all,
and the just distribution of the world or natural resources.
It should not support projects aimed to promote special
interests: social economic, political or religious.
It should promote dialogue and reconciliation and
breakdown barriers between people and culture.


Social Development program/project should be based on

needs, plans, and priorities of the poor/disadvantaged
population groups.

It should promote mutual commitment to partnership in

ways which strengthen the weakest partner through
shared responsibility, power and control.

It should promote democratization to making it possible

for the target population groups to organize themselves
(cooperative, solidarity groups) in order to raise their
level of participation in the local and national
development processes.

It should help each individual/participant gain greater

control over his/her life in the context of mutual


Social Development Programs/Projects should work for

the responsible ways of using and managing mutual
resources, which insures the ecological balance.

It should promote economic activities as basis for the

local communities and individual’s further development.

It should promote Human Resource Development

activities that will increase/enhance people/community
capabilities for self-reliance.

It should provide activities that are viable and can be

sustained after withdrawal of any development

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