Operation Plan Summary Template

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California Public Utilities Commission

Electric Generation Performance Branch GO 167 - Operation Plan Summary

The Operation Plan Summary shall consist of two Parts:

Part 1
A Brief Unit Plan that describes the plan using a narrative format. For the Unit Plan, it should include the following content elements (generally including at least a short section for each content element): Planned life of the plant Role of the plant in the transmission system (e.g., base load, peaker, etc.) Seasonal or year-round operation Used regularly every year, or only in years of high demand or low supply The level of availability the GAO intends for the plant Current evaluation of plant condition Investment strategy the GAO plans for the plant o Design or operating issues that can be addressed economically o Design or operating issues that can not be addressed economically (with explanation)

The Unit Plan should be a narrative, with at least a substantial paragraph for each content element and section. Where documents exist that explain the GAOs plans for the plant in detail, reference those documents by name and document number.

Part 2
This portion of the Operation Plan Summary should include a listing and description, for each standard (not for each guideline) of the plant documents that show compliance with that standard. An example is shown in Attachment A.


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California Public Utilities Commission

Electric Generation Performance Branch GO 167 - Operation Plan Summary

Attachment A
Example of Compliance with an Operation Standard in accordance with Part 2:

Big Bend Power Plant

We comply with Operation Standard No. 6: Training Support.
The objective of this program is to develop selected personnel into knowledgeable, competent, and otherwise qualified Plant Equipment Operators in the most thorough and expeditious manner possible, using resources available in the Company. Our training documents contain the basic procedures to be implemented in the training of operating personnel and establish standards for the qualification of such personnel for upgrade and promotion. Operator training and qualification requirements are divided into 3 general categories as follows: A. Apprentice Plant Equipment and Operating Assistant Training and Qualification Programs Station Operator Training and Qualification General Operator Training Requirements

B. C.


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California Public Utilities Commission

Electric Generation Performance Branch GO 167 - Operation Plan Summary

Attachment A
Example of Compliance with an Operation Standard in accordance with Part 2:

Big Bend Power Plant

Operation Standard No. 6: Training Support.
The following table is a list of the most applicable documents that address Operation Standard No. 6.

Document No.

Document Title

Latest Revision Date

Brief Description


Generating Station Engineer Training


This is a company issued manual that describesand includesit is located in the companys electronic files etc.


Qualifications of Maintenance Personnel


This is a company issued manual that describesand includes forms.etc.


Qualifying Personnel to Operate Mobile Equipment


This is a company issued video that describesandincludes electronic videos of how toetc


Contractor Training and Qualifications


This is an OEM issued manual that describes..etc


Safety Training Manual


This is a company issued manual and is supplemented by OSHA referenced documentsetc.


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