Diremon Volume 3 - Compressed
Diremon Volume 3 - Compressed
Diremon Volume 3 - Compressed
Lluis Abadias brings the powerful Diremon to life,
turning some of our favorite critters into
menacing monsters. This volume features Dire
Beedrill, Dire Chandelure, Dire Ditto, and Dire
Dragonair on the cover..
City construction has encountered a deadly hunter in the forest. Looking for brave adventurers to discover the identity of
the assailant. See Castor’s Construction for details.
(The city is attempting to expand onto territory protected by a Dire Beedrill. The construction company will pay a negligible
amount for information on the creature and a hefty sum to have it exterminated. Some dryads in the forest will explain the
Dire Beedrill’s actions, asking for your help in pushing back the construction instead. They offer information one of the
party members needs in return.)
Looking for reliable work, join Desert Escort. Good pay, reliable employment for strong workers.
(A local company makes a living by hiring out mercenaries to escort caravans across the desert. Many perils await in the
desert but the dreaded Dire Cacturne is among the deadliest. Unbeknownst to the party, the company makes a habit of
overcharging the patrons, underpaying the adventurers, and underreporting how many casualties occur.)
Adbmal Labs requesting subjects for brief study. Adventurers preferred. Apply in person with full equipment.
(A local research lab has accidentally created a Dire Ditto and is using the cover story of “collecting research subjects” to
hire adventurers to hunt the creature down. It has retreated to the sewers and has been rapidly mutating there. The
research lab refuses to tell how many adventurers have been sent down there but offer lots of gold for its destruction and
even more for the party’s silence.)
Building an escort party to climb the Dragon’s Horn. Only the strongest need apply.
(A young, rich, and egotistical child of a local royal has decided they want to climb the Dragon’s Horn, the highest mountain
around, and seek the council of the Dire Dragonair rumored to live there. They pay half up front but will likely not survive
the encounter with the ancient creature. The Dire Dragonair offers intense wisdom to any party members who make it to it
Wanted A’giri, leader of the Hydro. Substantial rewards. See Constabulary for more details.
(A wanted poster leads the party on an adventure to find the leader of a mercenary group named Hydro. After tracking
them through the city, defeating several of their lower level and some high-level members, they chase A’giri to the Last
Rest Lighthouse and begin the Losing Team’s Gambit adventure, detailed later in this volume.)
Cow trainers needed. Must be comfortable in dangerous situations. Apply at Muscle Farms.
(A Dire Miltank farm must keep their bovines healthy, part of which is making sure they have proper exercise. The party is
outfitted in clown uniforms and given “safety” weaponry and told to fight a Dire Miltank (or three) until the creatures are
exhausted. The outfits and weapons allow the party to use their full abilities, including spells, without fear of killing the Dire
Miltank, though the party can still die, if things turn bad.)
Dire Umbreon
(This does not appear on the job board, instead the party is contacted via their dreams by the Dire Umbreon, who asks for
their assistance. A local wizard has accidently released a small swarm of aberrant creatures into the city, creatures who
are mimicking the locals impossibly well. The party must decide if they want to follow the advice they keep receiving in
their dreams or reject the offer as the workings of something more nefarious.)
One of my dogs has gone missing. Responds to Budro. Come to Spark Ranch for more info.
(A Dire Yamper has escaped from a local ranch and has been causing havoc in the forest. It has made a mess of local
goblin camps and is being hunted by them. Rancher needs help finding the dog and returning them to the ranch safely.)
Though you may be influenced by your diremon traits, the
DEMIMON choice of alignment is ultimately up to you.
“You are destined for great things. To lead a life of adventures
Size. You are between 5 and 7 feet tall and may vary wildly
and triumph!” She said pleadingly.
in weight, easily ranging from 80 pounds to 800. Your size is
“What if that’s not what I want.?” He responded.
“It’s not your decision.” She told him bluntly. “Just look at
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30.
you. You have to be part of some sort of destiny.”
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common as
“Maybe…” he said with a breath. “But if I’m forced to live, and
well as another language of your choice.
to choose between what the world wants of me and what I
Subspecies. Each demimon is their own subspecies and
want…” he paused, looking deep into her eyes.
has a number of traits based on the diremon they originated
“I’m choosing me.”
—Snickelsox, The Power that’s Inside Typing Variant. Most demimon subspecies have a Typing
feature that grants them resistance to a type of damage and
You are something strange, an oddity in nearly any world, a vulnerability to another. Because your power is based upon
bizarrely born being of improbable lineage. You are a diremon, it may be more in line with your character to have
demimon. Demimon are humanoid distillations of the power resistance or vulnerability to a different damage type or more
and energy behind the diremon. Some of these are avatars of than one damage type. You can have resistance to multiple
the Innumerable, sent to complete a task for their greater damage types only if you have vulnerability to an equal
deity. Some are given birth into the world as a fulfillment of number of damage types. Work with your GM to determine if
prophecy, they and their parent’s lives becoming intertwined this is true for your character.
with the powers and problems your diremon abilities bring.
Many other origins are even stranger: a lab experiment gone
wrong (or right), a diremon being blessed or cursed into a new BEEDRILL DEMIMON
form, a diremon fan wishing their new body into existence, or A yellow and black warning, your insectoid frame strikes fear
even a fusion of diremon and trainer resulting in a new into those who see you.
demimon. Whatever your origin, your form and abilities will Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
almost always lead you on a path of adventure as you search Darkvision. Your insectoid eyes grant you Darkvision up to
for a place in a world that could never be ready for you. 60 feet.
Flight. You have a flying speed equal to your movement
COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE speed. You cannot fly while wearing medium or heavy armor.
Poison Jab. You can use your action to make an unarmed
Demimon are rarities in most world and draw a lot of attention
strike with your deadly stinger. The attack deals 1d6 piercing
wherever they go. Their appearance is unique, featuring a great
damage + your Dexterity modifier + 1d6 poison damage. The
deal of diremon traits bent around a humanoid frame. While
poison damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level,
you may not be the only demimon on a plane, you are likely
and 4d6 at 16th level.
the only one of your type. Due to the huge number of diremon
Weapon Proficiency. You gain proficiency with lances.
in the multiverse, it is incredibly unlikely for two of the same
Agility. You can take the dodge or disengage action as a
family to meet, much less ones with the same progenitor.
bonus action while flying.
Typing. You are resistant to poison damage and vulnerable
to psychic damage.
Demimon enjoy creating clever names that speak of their
power, lineage, and ideals. Most often this results in puns, CACTURNE DEMIMON
clever word scrambles, references to other languages or Covered in thorns, a plantlike body complimented by a sinister
locations, or portmantuas. A well-constructed demimon name smile.
will combine some of these aspects in a way that does not Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
immediately reveal itself; forcing anyone who hears it to think by 2.
on the name greatly to understand its full meaning. Darkvision. Your nocturnal nature has given you Darkvision
up to 60 feet.
DEMIMON TRAITS Needle Arm. Your hands have thin, long claws. They serve
Though demimon are incredibly varied, they all share a few as natural weapons which you can use to make unarmed
distinct characteristics. Some demimon have different strikes. On a hit, you deal 1d6 slashing damage and 1d6
specifications. In this case, replace the subspecies traits with necrotic damage. This attack can deal necrotic damage a
the original traits. number of times equal to your Constitution modifier
Ability Score Increase. An ability score of your choice (minimum of once) before finishing a long rest. After this, you
increases by 1. This cannot be the same skill your subspecies can still attack with this ability, but it will only deal the slashing
increases. damage.
Age. While your ultimate age depends on the diremon you Sneaky. You gain proficiency with Stealth.
are based on, most demimon can live well past 500 and are Leech Seed. If you make a successful Needle Arm attack
considered mature around 20. against a creature, you can use a bonus action to attempt to
Alignment. You are inherently unique in whatever world infest them with draining seeds. The creature must succeed on
you inhabit and not beholden to any one set of morality. a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution
modifier + your proficiency bonus) or have the seeds buried in
them. At the start of each of their turns, they lose 1d6 hit DRAGONAIR DEMIMON
points and you are healed the number of hit points lost. The Svelte scales and calm eyes contrast your imposing horn and
effect ends if you end your turn more than 30 feet away from magical aura.
the creature, if they spend their action to dig the seeds out, or Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
after 1 minute. Once you succeed in infecting a creature with Long Memory. You gain proficiency in History.
Dragon Rage. Once on your turn, when you make an attack
these seeds, you must finish a long rest before you can
or cast a spell, you can cause it to ignore immunity and
attempt it again.
resistance. You can do this once before finishing a long rest.
Spike Shield. Creatures take 1d8 piercing damage if they
Marvel Scale. When you take damage from a spell or effect
attempt to grapple you and 1d4 piercing damage at the start of that deals a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or
each of their turns spent grappling you while you are slashing, you can use your reaction to become resistant to that
conscious. type of damage, after taking the damage, for 1 minute. You can
Typing. You have resistance to psychic damage and use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
vulnerability to cold damage. modifier (minimum of once) before finishing a long rest. You
can only be resistant to a single damage type at a time through
Burning with arcane energy, your body is a mash of glass, steel, Shed Skin. If you use the Marvel Scale ability and are then
and fire. hit with a spell or effect that deals the damage type you are
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. resistant to, you can use your reaction to shed the shining
Soul Strength. You have advantage on saving throws scales and completely negate the damage of the spell or effect.
against being charmed or frightened. This ends your Marvel Scale ability. You can use this feature
Infiltrator. If making an attack against a creature wearing once before finishing a short or long rest.
magical armor or using a magical shield, you can choose to Typing. You have resistance to lightning damage and
negate the magical bonus to their AC when you make an attack. vulnerability to cold damage.
You can do this after you make the roll but before you know the
result. You can use this ability once before finishing a short or
long rest.
Shadowball. When you cast a damaging spell that has an
area of effect of a sphere, you can add 1d6 necrotic damage to
the possible damage of the spell. The necrotic damage
increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th
level. You can use this ability once before finishing a short or
long rest.
Imprison. When a creature hits you with a spell attack, you
can use your reaction to attempt to seal some of their magic
away. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
(DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be
unable to cast cantrips for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the
saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success. You can use this feature once before
finishing long rest.
At 6th level, this ability seals 1st level and lower spell slots. At 11th
level, it seals 2 nd level and lower spell slots. At 16 th level it seals
3rd level and lower spell slots. Lower level spells can still be
cast using higher level spells slots.
Typing. You have resistance to fire damage and
vulnerability to radiant damage.
Immutable and strange, you can be many things or nothing at
the same time.
Ability Score Increase. An ability score of your choice
increases by 2. You can move the increase to a different score
when you finish a long rest. This cannot be the ability score
increased by the base species increase.
Transform. Choose up to three demimon subspecies traits
(except Ability Score Increase) and take them as your own. You
can exchange one of your choice for another one from a
demimon you spend a short rest within 30 feet of. Your body
changes to reflect these new abilities, such as growing wings or
sharp spines.
Blindsight. You have blindsight up to 30 feet.
Ooze Form. You are immune to being paralyzed, prone, and
A legend of sea shanties and cruel cold, covered in blue plates The night sky as a hungry blade, sparkling with stars and
and pulsing lines of energy. adorned with golden rings.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
2. Dark Pulse. When you attack a creature with a melee attack
Dive. You can breathe underwater and gain a swim speed and miss, you can use your reaction to send a wave of necrotic
equal to your base movement speed. energy out through the weapon. Make another attack roll, on a
Omega Plating. While not wearing armor, your AC is 13 + hit, the target takes necrotic damage equal to the weapon’s
your Constitution modifier. attack plus the relevant modifier. You have advantage on this
Aqua Ring. As a bonus action, you can coat yourself in second attack if made in dim or less light. This cannot be used in
healing water for 1 minute. At the end of each of your turns, you conjunction with smite spells or similar magic.
are healed 1d6 hit points. This ability ends if you fall to 0 hit Darkvision. You have Darkvision up to 60 feet.
points. You can use this ability once before finishing a long rest. Moonlight. If standing in moonlight, or anytime during a full
Ancient Power. If you make a successful melee attack moon (even if underground), you can use a bonus action to
against a target, you can use a bonus action to cause the next expend one hit dice and heal that amount.
attack you make in the next minute to become a critical hit on a Copycat. When targeted by an attack, you can use a reaction
19 or 20. You can use this feature a number of times equal to to create several illusions of yourself to manifest. The attack
your Constitution modifier (minimum of once) before finishing a made against you is then made with disadvantage. You can use
long rest. this feature once before finishing a short rest.
Sheer Cold. When you cast a spell that deals cold damage, Typing. You have resistance to psychic damage and
you can add 1d6 to the total damage dice. The cold dice damage vulnerability to force damage.
increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th
level. You can do this a number of times equal to your VOLCARONA DEMIMON
Constitution modifier (minimum of once) before finishing a long A regal silhouette of white and red, draped in soft wings flowing
rest. with celestial energy.
Typing. You have resistance to fire damage and Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
vulnerability to electric damage. Star Wings. You have a flight speed equal to your
movement speed. In direct sunlight your wings become
MILTANK DEMIMON empowered by the light, doubling your flight speed. In dim or
A tank of flesh and bone. less light, your wings radiate bright light up to 30 feet and dim
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. light 30 feet beyond that. This lighting effect lasts for 3 hours,
Milk Drink. During a short rest, you can produce one glass recharging when you spend a short or long rest in sunlight.
of fresh milk. If a creature drinks the milk, as an action, during Fiery Dance. When you cast a spell that causes fire damage,
the next hour, the creature regains 2d4 hit points and damage you can sacrifice your movement on this turn to increase the
done by melee attacks is increased by +2 for the next minute. level the spell is cast at by one, without using a higher spell slot.
You can create milk in this way a number of times equal to your Spells enhanced in this way must be cast using a spell slot of
Constitution modifier (minimum of once) before finishing a long their original level. You can use this feature once before
rest and only if you have no levels of exhaustion. A creature can finishing a short rest.
only benefit from drinking the milk once before finishing a long Heat Wave. When attacking with a weapon that deals fire
rest. damage or casting a spell that causes fire damage, you can
Rollout. Each successful melee attack you make in expend one hit dice to increase the fire damage caused by the
succession increases the next melee attack’s damage by +1 to a spell or effect by the amount rolled on the hit dice.
maximum number equal to your Strength modifier. Missing an Typing. You have resistance to fire damage and
attack or dropping to 0 hit points resets the bonus damage to vulnerability to force damage.
Scrappy. You are immune to effects that would reduce the YAMPER DEMIMON
damage of your attacks. In addition, creatures who are immune White fluff adorns your charming frame, overcharging your
to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage instead have body with harsh electricity.
resistance to your attacks, even if your attacks are not magical. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Typing. You have resistance to necrotic damage and Rattled. You have advantage on saving throws to resist fear
vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. and charm effects. If you fail a saving throw on either of these
effects, your movement speed is doubled until the effect ends.
Nuzzle. If hit with a melee attack, you can use your reaction
to send electricity back through the weapon, dealing 1d6
lightning damage to them. The lightning damage increases to
2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level.
Wild Charge. If you move at least 15 feet straight towards
an enemy and then hit them with a melee attack on the same
turn, that attack deals an additional 1d8 lightning damage. You
can do this once per turn at 1st level and twice per turn at 11th
level, requiring 15 feet of movement straight towards an enemy
both times it is used.
Typing. You have resistance to lightning damage and
vulnerability to force damage.
Dire Beedrill
Regional Effects
The region containing a Dire Kyogre’s lair is
warped by the creature’s magic, which creates
one or more of the following effects.
• Within 10 miles of the lair, mundane
fires are incredibly hard to start and
maintain, with the best rarely rising
above the heat of an average torch.
The Losing Team’s A piercing blue light swings out from the
Gambit (Level 15+) top of the lighthouse. It flashes deep out to
Having been beaten time and time again in the the sea, highlighting the silhouette of the
quest for conquest, a sect of a the dangerous titanous Dire Kyogre approaching
aqua-themed mercenary guild has come to
the remote lighthouse to summon the Dire 1 - Ground Floor
Kyogre. The creature has already been spotted
but if the Alpha Stone can be taken down from
the lighthouse, there is still a chance to route The outside door is guarded by a few
the creature from the shores of this land. mercenaries and some of their Diremon.
They are on edge and looking for a fight.
This floor houses a few small rooms, The rotating blue light roams across the
usually reserved for resting. They are now fearsome face of the Dire Kyogre as it looks
full of overturned beds and other furniture down at you. Its eyes hold no malice, only
blocking the stairwell. hunger. Its looming figure surrounds the
entire lighthouse now, nearly wrapping
Blockade. There are a few mercenaries around it in a sadistic hug.
(Bandit Captain) holding the blockade (*) in
place and continuing to repair it as the party Final Boss. Here the party can attack the
tries to destroy it. Two Alpha Water Dire Kyogre or attempt to route it. No matter
Elementals will wash through the barricade how harsh the battle becomes, the lighthouse
and attack the party. If the party is too will remain functionally intact, though some
preoccupied with the elementals to attack the cosmetic damage may occur. If the Kyogre
barricade, the mercenaries will take shots at drops to less than 50 Hit Points, it will attempt
them through holes in it. to flee.
Care Supplies. Like the level below, this Alpha Orb. In place of the normal light, is
area is filled with items needed for an the Alpha Orb. It can be taken from its perch
adventuring life, though many of the items by a successful Strength check (DC 22). The
here are focused around personal care like Dire Kyogre will attempt to take it and will
resting and grooming. attack any creatures who try to keep the orb
from it.
3 - Level 3
Additional Challenge
Though this small adventure is meant for an
As you climb the last stair, you come face to already powerful party, do not be afraid to add
face with the leader of this group and their in extra Diremon to increase the challenge if
2 beasts. Their eyes have rolled back into needed. If they are finding the Dire Kyogre too
their head and they are clearly marching to easy, have the boss summon a few Alpha
the will of the Dire Kyogre. Outside, the Water Elementals to take some attention
storm has become impossibly strong and away from it.
you can feel the Dire Kyogre drawing
nearer. Alpha Orb
Wondrous item, very rare (requires
Leader. The mercenary leader (Gladiator) attunement)
and their 2 Diremon (CR 14 or less) reside on By shouting the command word as a bonus
this floor and will all attack the party action, the attuned creature can call upon the
ruthlessly. Even the Diremon have given into strength of Dire Kyogre. They are coated in
the furious energy, being immune to any healing, breathable water, healing themselves
attempts to charm or frighten them. and allied creatures within 15 feet, 13 (2d12) hit
points at the end of each of their turns for the
next minute. At the end of the minute, the
attuned creature can regain up to 1d6
expended Hit Dice. This item has one charge
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that is replenished at dawn each day.
Art @LluisAbadias Patreon.com/LaserLluis
Stats/Lore @Snickelsox Patreon.com/Snickelsox
Base Map @DysonLogos Patreon.com/DysonLogos
Pokemon is owned by the Pokemon Company
#DireEmAll No 30
Dire Miltank
Beefcake Bovines