1 Crystal Structure
The left hand side of Fig. 1 shows a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice of atoms.
1. Draw the smallest possible unit cell of the lattice into the figure.
2. The right hand side of Fig. 1 shows four possible solutions for the corresponding reciprocal
lattice. Which is the correct one? Answer: C
Figure 1: Two-dimensional hexagonal lattice and candidates for the corresponding reciprocal lattice.
2 Crystal Structure
Figure 2 shows two two-dimensional lattices of atoms.
1. Draw the vectors that describe the structures’ Bravais lattices into the figure.
2. How many atoms do the smallest unit cells (or the basis of the two structures) contain?
A ( ) The left unit cell contains 2 atoms and the right unit cell contains 4.
B (x) The left unit cell contains 1 atom and the right unit cell contains 2.
C ( ) The left unit cell contains 1 atoms and the right unit cell contains 4.
D ( ) The left unit cell contains 2 atoms and the right unit cell contains 6.
Figure 2: Two-dimensional crystals.
3 Crystal Structure
Figure 3(a) shows a two-dimensional crystal.
1. Which marked area in Figure 3(a) is the correct unit cell? Answer: C
2. Which set of reciprocal lattice vectors in Figure 3(b) corresponds to the correct unit cell in
Figure 3(a)? Answer: C
a C
b b/2
Figure 3: (a) A two-dimensional crystal. (b) Possible reciprocal lattice vectors with their length.
4 Crystal Structure
1. Figure 4 shows a two-dimensional lattice with different grey areas lined out.
(a) Which of these grey areas IS NOT a unit cell of the lattice? Answer: D
(b) Which unit cell is the Wigner-Seitz cell, i.e. the area of points closer to a given lattice
point than to any other? Answer: B
(c) How many lattice point does the cell C contain?
• ()1
• (x) 2
• ()4
• ()6
A (x) 1,1,3
B ( ) 1,4,6
C ( ) 1,4,8
D ( ) 1,6,8
a D E
Figure 6: (a) A two-dimensional crystal. (b) Possible reciprocal lattice vectors with their length.
A ( ) λ = |G|
B ( ) λ = 2π|G|
C ( ) λ = 1/|G|
D (x) λ = 2π/|G|
A (x) The plane waves always have the periodicity of the lattice, i.e. one gets the same
value when moving the position by one lattice vector.
B ( ) The plane waves do not necessarily have the periodicity of the lattice.
C ( ) The plane waves always have the periodicity of the reciprocal lattice, i.e. one gets
the same value when moving the position by one reciprocal lattice vector.
D ( ) The plane waves do not necessarily have the periodicity of the reciprocal lattice.
9 X-ray diffraction
Figure 8 shows a cut through a reciprocal lattice and an arrow denoting the wave vector of the in-
coming X-rays. Draw the direction(s) in which you would expect to observe constructive interference
as additional arrows into the figure.
Figure 8: Cut through a three-dimensional reciprocal lattice with the wave vector of incoming X-rays
denoted by an arrow.
Chapter 2
10 Cohesive energy and lattice energy
The table gives the cohesive energy and lattice energy for a couple of ionic crystals in eV per pair of
atoms. Based on this information, which crystal would you expect to be most susceptible to being
dissolved in water? Answer: KCl
Answer Substance cohesive energy lattice energy
A LiF 9.01 11.00
B NaCl 6.70 8.24
C KCl 6.75 7.48
D KF 7.70 8.65
11 Cohesive energy
What is a typical value for the cohesive energy in a covalently bonded solid per atom?
A ( ) 0.5 meV
B ( ) 50 meV
C (x) 5 eV
D ( ) 500 eV
Chapter 3
12 Mechanical Properties
The yield strain y of a metal is typically
A (x) y ≈ 0.01
B ( ) y ≈ 1
C ( ) y ≈ 10
13 Mechanical Properties
Consider a graphite crystal as in Figure 9. Considering the bonding in graphite, in which direction
do you expect to have a higher Young’s modulus? (Note that this is not about shearing the crystal.
It’s about either expanding the sp2 bonds in the planes or increasing the distance in between the
planes.) :
14 Mechanical Properties
1. Consider the following materials: Rubber, Diamond, Lead. When ordering the materials with
respect to their Young’s modulus (from lowest to highest value), what is the correct order?
A ( ) 2.5 meV.
B (x) 25 meV.
C ( ) 250 meV.
16 Vibrations
1. Fig. 10 shows the instantaneous displacements of atoms in a one-dimensional chain with one
atom per unit cell and lattice constant a. What is the wave vector k corresponding to these
vibrational modes?
Figure 10: Instantaneous displacement (denoted by arrows) of atoms in a one-dimensional chain for
two different vibrational modes.
A (x) λ = 2a.
B ( ) λ = 2π/a.
C ( ) λ = a/2.
17 Vibrations
Fig. 11 shows the phonon dispersion of a material. This material has
18 Vibrations
The phonon dispersion of the semiconductor Bi2 Se3 has
1. Figure 12 shows different possibilities for the dispersion of the vibrational frequencies for this
case. Which dispersion is correct? Answer: C
2. When using periodic boundary conditions for a finite chain of atoms, the number of allowed
k-points in reciprocal space is restricted. If the total length of the chain is L = N a, where N
is the total number of unit cells, what is the shortest and longest possible wave length for a
vibrational mode when you apply periodic boundary conditions?
A ( ) Shortest: a, longest L.
B ( ) Shortest: a/2, longest L/2.
C ( ) Shortest: a, longest L/2.
D ( ) Shortest: 2a, longest L/2.
E (x) Shortest: 2a, longest L.
ω (arb. units)
ω (arb. units)
0 0
-2π 0 2π -π 0 π
a a a a
k k
ω (arb. units)
ω (arb. units)
0 0
-2π 0 2π -π 0 π
a a a a
k k
This expression is
21 Heat capacity
What material has the highest molar heat capacity (the heat capacity for a solid made of NA atoms)
at 200 K?
23 Heat capacity
At very low temperatures, far below the Debye temperature, which type of solid typically has the
highest heat capacity:
A (x) a metal.
B ( ) a semiconductor.
C ( ) an insulator.
24 Heat capacity
The free electrons in a metal give the highest relative contribution to the total heat capacity
D ( ) never.
25 Heat capacity
Consider the temperature-dependent heat capacity of a three-dimensional solids in Fig. 13. Note
that what is plotted is C/T vs. T 2 ! What kind of solid does the curve correspond to?
A ( ) An insulator.
B ( ) A semiconductor.
C (x) A metal.
0 5 10
T2 (arb. units)
A (x) A Bloch wave can have the periodicity of lattice but it does not have to.
27 Bloch theorem
Consider the wave function ψk (r) of an electron moving in a three-dimensional lattice with the
Bravais lattice points given by the vectors R = ma1 + na2 + oa3 . A Bloch wave function can have
the form
A ( ) ψk (r + R) = eik·R ψk (r).
B ( ) ψk (r − R) = e−ik·R ψk (r).
28 Effective mass
The electronic dispersion of a semiconductor near the conduction band minimum can be approxi-
mated by
~2 |k|2
Ec (k) = Eg + , (3)
where Eg is the band gap energy and me is the free electron mass. What is the effective mass of
the electrons in this band? Answer: The effective mass is equal to the free electron mass me .
29 Electronic Structure
Consider the electronic structure of a one-dimensional solid in the quantum mechanical nearly free
electron model, as shown in Fig. 14. The point with the highest group velocity of the Bloch electrons
is, answer: A
-2π 0 2π
a k a
30 Electronic Structure
The lattice-periodic potential U (x) in a one-dimensional crystal with lattice constant a can be
expressed by the Fourier series
U (x) = Un eixn2π/a , (4)
If the potential is to have real values (as opposed to complex values), the complex coefficients must
A ( ) U−n = Un
B (x) U−n = Un
C ( ) U−n = −Un
D ( ) U−n = −Un
31 Electronic Structure
Consider the electronic structure of a one-dimensional solid in the so-called quantum mechanical
free electron model. In this case, a lattice-periodic potential is present but it is negligibly small.
1. Which of the electronic structures in Fig. 15 describes this situation? Answer: C
2. What is the effective mass of the electrons in the free electron model? Give your result here
in units of kg. Answer: 9.1 × 10−31 kg
A ( ) Yes
B (x) No
A (x) a metal.
B ( ) a semiconductor.
C ( ) an insulator.
A (x) A metal.
B ( ) A semiconductor.
C ( ) An insulator.
energy (eV)
Figure 16: Band structure of a single layer of TaS2 . The structure is shown in the inset with the Ta
atom in the centre and the S atoms above and below.
Density of occupied states
f(μ,T) g(E)
1H 1T
A ( ) a metal.
A (x) Yes.
B ( ) No.
energy (eV)
A ( ) a metal.
B ( ) a direct band gap semiconductor.
C (x) an indirect band gap semiconductor.
Energy (eV)
-4 Γ
Chapter 7
39 Intrinsic and doped semiconductors
In an intrinsic semiconductor, the chemical potential is found
D (x) somewhere within the band gap but there is insufficient information in the question to
determine where.
2. How does the mobility of electrons in a metal and in the conduction band of a semiconductor
change as the temperature is raised?
where E0 is an energy offset, γ is a positive parameter with the dimension of an energy, k is the
one-dimensional wave vector and a the lattice constant. Calculate the effective mass close to k = 0.
The effective mass is
A (x) ~2 /(a2 γ)
B ( ) ~2 /(a2 γ 2 )
C ( ) ~2 /(2a2 γ)
D ( ) ~2 /(4πa2 γ)
E ( ) ~2 /(2πa2 γ)
F ( ) ~2 /(2πa2 γ 2 )
A (x) n-doped.
B ( ) p-doped.
C ( ) pn-junction.
D ( ) np-junction.
43 Hall effect
The Hall effect can be used to determine:
D (x) A and B
E ( ) B and C
44 Semiconductors
Consider an ideal intrinsic semiconductor in thermal equilibrium. No external forces or fields are
applied to this semiconductor. Let n denote the concentration of electrons in the conduction band
while p denotes the concentration of holes in the valence band. At room temperature, we have
A (x) n = p.
B ( )n ≈ p but p 6= n.
C ( )n p.
45 Semiconductors
Figure 22 shows the electronic band dispersion near the fundamental gap of a semiconductor.
A ( ) The effective mass of the electrons is higher than that of the holes.
B (x) The effective mass of the holes is higher than that of the electrons.
C ( ) The effective masses of the electrons and the holes are equal.
Energy (arb. units)
k (arb. units)
0 a
Atomic separation (arb. units)
47 Semiconductors
The “ionization energy of a donor in a semiconductor” refers to the difference between:
A ( ) the energy of an electron bound to the donor and the top of the valence band.
B (x) the energy of an electron bound to the donor and the bottom of the conduction band.
C ( ) the energy of an electron bound to the donor and the bottom of the valence band.
D ( ) the energy of an electron bound to the donor and the top of the conduction band.
48 Intrinsic semiconductors
Consider an intrinsic semiconductor with the typical situation of the hole effective mass being higher
than the electron effective mass. For temperatures of 0 < T Eg /kB , the chemical potential is
D ( ) somewhere within the band gap but there is insufficient information in the question to
determine where.
49 Semiconductor Devices
Figure 24 shows a pnp metal oxide field effect transistor. What has to be the sign of the gate voltage
needed to establish a conductive channel between source and drain?
A ( ) positive.
B (x) negative.
Figure 24: Sketch of a pnp field effect transistor with doping type (p/n) indicated.
50 Semiconductor Devices
Figure 25 shows the band energies near the junction of a p-type and n-type semiconductor. We
assume that the semiconductor material on both sides is Si with a band gap of 1.1 eV. Just the
doping is different.
A ( ) If you connect the “+” side of the battery to the left hand side of the device and the
“-” side of the battery to the right hand side, a higher current would flow than if you
connect it the other way round.
B (x) If you connect the “-” side of the battery to the left hand side of the device and the
“+” side of the battery to the right hand side, a higher current would flow than if you
connect it the other way round.
μ Valence
Eg band
Figure 25: Valence band and conduction band near the junction between two semiconductors of
different doping type.
51 Semiconductor Devices
Figure 26 shows the band structures of two semiconductors.
A ( ) The material X has a direct band gap and the material Y has an indirect band gap.
B (x) The material Y has a direct band gap and the material X has an indirect band gap.
Energy (eV)
52 Semiconductor devices
Consider a pn-junction in thermal equilibrium and without an applied bias voltage. The chemical
potential is
A ( ) at a higher energy on the p-side than on the n-side.
A ( ) negative
B ( ) zero
C (x) positive
54 Pauli paramagnetism
When an external magnetic field is applied to a metal, the alignment of the free electrons’ spin
magnetic moments with the field leads to a strong paramagnetic susceptibility (χ > 0.5) for
C (x) never.
55 Magnetism
What is the fraction of the conduction electrons in a metal that contribute to its paramagnetism
(the so-called Pauli paramagnetism)?
56 Magnetism
In our quantum mechanical treatment of magnetism for free electrons, we found a contribution to
the first order energy perturbation of
e2 2
B hψ|(x2 + y 2 )|ψi. (6)
8me 0
This contribution gives rise to
A ( ) paramagnetism.
B (x) diamagnetism.
C ( ) ferromagnetism.
D ( ) anti-ferromagnetism.
57 Magnetism
Consider the temperature dependent magnitization of a ferromagnetic material (without externally
applied magnetic field). This is
D ( ) Constant and large up to the Curie temperature and much smaller above the Curie tem-
Chapter 9
58 Dielectrics
1. We have modelled the frequency-dependence of the dielectric function (ω) in an ionic crystal
by a single harmonic oscillator that can couple to electromagnetic radiation. Figure 27 shows
the result. Can you identify the real and imaginary parts of (ω)?
A (x) The left side shows the real part and the right side the imaginary part.
B ( ) The right side shows the real part and the left side the imaginary part.
2. At what frequency does the system absorb most energy of the incoming radiation?
5 εstat
0 ω0 0 ω0
Figure 27: Real and imaginary part of the dielectric function for a single harmonic oscillator.
Chapter 10
59 Superconductivity
Superconducting materials loose the property of being superconducting above the critical temper-
ature TC . There are other factors that can cause the superconductivity to break down. Name one
example. Answer: current density, magnetic field
60 Superconductivity
Suppose that you could change the vibrational energies in a superconducting material without chang-
ing anything else. What would you expect to happen to the superconducting transition temperature
when you increase all the vibrational energies? It would
A (x) increase.
B ( ) decrease.
C ( ) remain the same.
61 Superconductivity
Compare the absolute magnitude of a superconductor’s magnetic susceptibility |χSm | to that of the
diamagnetic material graphite |χgr
m |.
B ( ) |χSm | |χgr
m | (i.e. orders of magnitude different)
C ( ) |χSm | ≈ |χgr
m | (i.e. similar order of magnitude)
62 Superconductivity
Suppose that you could change the mass of the atoms in a superconductor without changing anything
else. How would an increased mass affect the superconducting transition temperature TC ?
A ( ) TC would not be affected.
B ( ) TC would increase.
C (x) TC would decrease.
63 Superconductivity
Suppose that you could change the force constants between the atoms in a superconductor without
changing anything else. How would a higher force constant affect the superconducting transition
temperature TC ?
A ( ) TC would not be affected.
B (x) TC would increase.
C ( ) TC would decrease.
64 Superconductivity
What role plays the density of states at the Fermi energy of a metal with respect to the supercon-
ducting transition temperature TC ? Increasing the density of states at the Fermi energy causes TC
A (x) increase.
B ( ) decrease.
65 Superconductivity
The magnetic susceptibility of a superconductor in the superconducting state is
A ( ) positive.
B ( ) zero.
C (x) negative.
66 Superconductivity
In the superconducting state, a superconductor is
A ( ) paramagnetic.
B (x) diamagnetic.
C ( ) ferromagnetic.
D ( ) anti-ferromagnetic.