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Application of Response Surface Design for Optimization of
Direct Red Dye Biosorption onto Cockleshells
Zakaria Laggoun 1 , Amel Khalfaoui 1 , Abderrezzaq Benalia 2,3 , Amira Fadia Ghomrani 2,4 ,
Raouf Bouchareb 2 , Asma Mahfouf 2 , Antonio Pizzi 5 , Antonio Panico 6 and Kerroum Derbal 2, *

1 Laboratory of Environmental Process Engineering (LIPE), Department of Environmental Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering Process, University Salah Boubnider-Constantine 3, New City Ali Mendjeli,
Constantine 25000, Algeria; [email protected] (Z.L.);
[email protected] (A.K.)
2 Laboratory of Process engineering for Sustainable Development and Health Products (GPDDPS),
National Polytechnic School of Constantine, Department of Process Engineering, Constantine 25000, Algeria;
[email protected] (A.B.); [email protected] (A.F.G.);
[email protected] (R.B.); [email protected] (A.M.)
3 Higher Normal School of Constantine, New City Ali Mendjeli, Constantine 25000, Algeria
4 Physics of Matter and Radiation Laboratory (LPMR), Department of Process Engineering, Faculty of Science
and Technology, University Mohamed Cherif Messaadia, BP 1553, Souk Ahras 41000, Algeria
5 Laboratoire d’Etude et Recherche sur le Matériau Bois (LERMAB), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des
Technologies et Industries du Bois (ENSTIB), University of Lorraine, 27 Rue Philippe Seguin,
88000 Epinal, France; [email protected]
6 Department of Engineering, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, 81031 Aversa, Italy;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +213-697812907

Abstract: This work emphasizes the efficiency of the response surface design to optimize the pa-
rameters affecting the removal of a textile dye—Direct Red 81 (DR-81)—by biosorption on seafood
waste, namely, cockleshells (CS). The adsorbent was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), thermogravi-
Citation: Laggoun, Z.; Khalfaoui, A.; metric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET)
Benalia, A.; Ghomrani, A.F.; analysis of surface and pH points of zero charge (pHpzc ). A Box–Behnken design (BBD) with three
Bouchareb, R.; Mahfouf, A.; Pizzi, A.; factors was used to optimize the experimental conditions. After the experiment and data analysis,
Panico, A.; Derbal, K. Application of the optimal conditions found were 1 g of adsorbents, 10 mg/L of initial dye concentration, and a
Response Surface Design for pH of 2 in the adsorbate solution, with the highest removal efficiency of 99.98%. The experimental
Optimization of Direct Red Dye results were analyzed by the ANOVA test, and they demonstrated the acceptability of the quadratic
Biosorption onto Cockleshells. Appl. regression model. The adjusted determination coefficient R2 (adj) was equal to 98.82%, indicating an
Sci. 2023, 13, 12333. https://doi.org/
excellent relationship between the predicted and experimental responses. Langmuir isotherms were
determined to be the best-fitting model, and the maximum adsorption capacity was 4.65 mg/g. The
Academic Editor: Giacomo Dacarro adsorption process was endothermic and fit the pseudo-second-order model. The negative values of
∆H and ∆S in the thermodynamic research showed that the bio-adsorption technique for the removal
Received: 12 August 2023
of Direct Red 81 is exothermic, spontaneous, and feasible. In addition, the negative value of ∆G
Revised: 5 September 2023
Accepted: 9 September 2023
indicates that the adsorption mechanism occurs at solid–liquid interfaces with an increasing number
Published: 15 November 2023 of species.

Keywords: cockleshells; bio-adsorption; Direct Red 81; RSM; Box–Behnken

Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
1. Introduction
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Water pollution is a phenomenon that has a negative impact on both human health
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
and ecosystems [1]. The most polluting dyes allowed are mainly used in the leather, plastic,
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ mineral oil, and cosmetic wax industries [2], as well as in other industries such as food,
4.0/). paper, textiles, and pharmaceuticals, with an annual output of 7 ∗ 105 tons [3]. These

Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132212333 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 2 of 21

dyes are harmful, carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic, and harmful to human health, and they
undoubtedly harm the environment [4].
In previous years, there have been several works on the removal of dyes by biological
and physicochemical treatments, including coagulation, flocculation, filtration, advanced
oxidation, ion exchange, membrane processes, aerobic and anaerobic degradation [5],
membrane distillation [6], electrochemical methods [7], irradiation [8], Fenton reaction [9],
reverse osmosis, precipitation, ozonation [1], and adsorption [10]. These treatments are
effective yet highly costly, limited in efficiency, and deficient in process selectivity [11].
In addition, other hazardous byproducts are formed and require further treatment, with
consequent energy consumption [12].
Compared to other water treatment processes, adsorption is one of the simplest, safest,
and most versatile techniques to retain the pollutants [13]. It is the most efficient technique,
with minimal use of chemicals, and it is easier to implement in wastewater treatment
plants [14].
Bio-adsorption is an approach that is generally applied to eliminate heavy metals [15]
and different types of organic pollutants [16]. The use of various alternative adsorbents can
be both effective and less expensive in removing organic pollutants, such as nutrients and
dyes, according to research [17]. For example: rice husk [18], orange and banana peels [19],
bark, pineapple stem waste, water hyacinth pulp powder, tuberous pulp, sugarcane pulp,
coconut pulp [20], tea waste, com cob, wheat bran, peanut skin, bamboo activated carbon,
modified corncobs, modified cassava waste, lemon peel, durian peel [21], pomelo peel [22],
potato peel [23], chitosan, zeolite, and activated carbon [24].
Cockleshells have become a major source of protein in Southeast Asia and a source of
calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) in Malaysia. The strong demand for marron-based seafood has
generated a considerable quantity of shellfish. A number of studies have been conducted
to utilize waste cockleshells as valuable materials. For example, the mineral content of
CaCO3 in shell waste can be converted into lime to be used as a heterogeneous catalyst
in biodiesel production, biolubricant production, and also as an adsorbent in wastewater
treatment processes [25].
Cockleshells may be considered to be an inexpensive source of CaCO3 . They are
composed of CaCO3 , mainly as a mineral calcite or aragonite. CaCO3 is gaining a lot of
attention for its role as a heavy metal adsorbent. CaCO3 is a must for absorbents because it
can be regenerated with low-cost HCl to desorb heavy ions and maintain high adsorption
capacities after multiple cycles. Using cockleshells as an adsorbent could represent an
economic and environmental way forward, as the process is highly efficient and uses low-
cost materials for the exploitation of aquaculture waste products to achieve a zero-waste
production system [26].
Cockleshells, which are natural marine waste, were used as bio-adsorbents in this research.
The cockleshells were evaluated for removing Direct Red 81 from aqueous solutions.
The effects of time, initial concentration, mass of bio-adsorbent, temperature, and
solution pH were studied to find the optima of these effects on the adsorption of DR-81.
Kinetics, thermodynamics, and optimization by Box–Behnken design were studied.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. DR-81 Solution
Direct Red 81 is a toxic, sulfonated, azo-based anionic dye. The structure is given
in Figure 1; molar mass: 676 g/mol; chemical structure: C29 H19 N5 N2 O8 S2 ; wavelength:
509.8 nm, was procured from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). First, the stock solution
(1 g/L) was prepared by dissolving 1 g of Direct Red 81 in a volume of 1000 mL of distilled
water. The pH of the solution was adjusted by adding concentrations of (0.1–1 N) HCl or
(0.1–1 N) NaOH.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 21
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 3 of 21

Figure DR-81[27].

2.2. Preparationofofthe
Cockleshells were collected from the beach of Djenah in the region of Jijel, Algeria.
Cockleshells were collected from the beach of Djenah in the region of Jijel, Algeria.
They were prepared by the following steps: washed several times with distilled water to
They were prepared by the following steps: washed several times with distilled water to
eliminate the impurities, smoothed to dry in ambient air, and then crushed and sieved to
eliminate the impurities, smoothed to dry in ambient air, and then crushed and sieved to
obtain granules of diameter d ≤ 125 µm. Later, they were stored in a desiccator.
obtain granules of diameter d ≤ 125 µm. Later, they were stored in a desiccator.
2.3. Adsorption Experiments
2.3. Adsorption Experiments
The batch adsorption study was carried out to determine the optimal operating condi-
tionsTheforbatch adsorption
the following studydose
effects: wasofcarried out to determine
bio-adsorbent (0.3–1.5 g);theinitial
optimal dyeoperating con-
(10–100for the following
mg/L); effects:
contact time dose
(0–60 of bio-adsorbent
min); and temperature (0.3–1.5 g); initial
(22–31–61 ◦ C),dye
the pH of the
(10–100 mg/L); contact time (0–60 min); and temperature (22–31–61
solution (2–12) was adjusted by adding concentrations of (0.1–1 N) HCl or (0.1–1 °C), and the pH of the
N) NaOH.
Adsorption kinetics were determined by contacting a 100 mL volume of Direct Red dyeN)
(2–12) was adjusted by adding concentrations of (0.1–1 N) HCl or (0.1–1 81
NaOH. Adsorptionofkinetics
at a concentration 10 mg/L were determined
with a mass of 0.5by gcontacting a 100 mL
of bio-adsorbent volume air,
in ambient of Direct
with a
Red dye speed
stirring 81 at aof
300 rpm in a of 6010 mg/L
min withtime.
contact a mass
0.5 g of were
filtered byincentrifuga-
tionwith a stirring
(HETTICH speed of32A,
ROTOFIX 300 rpm in a Hettich,
Andreas 60 min contact time.Germany)
Tuttlingen, The samples wererpm
at 4000 filtered
in an
by centrifugation
8 min (HETTICH
rotation time. ROTOFIX
The supernatants 32A,
were AndreasbyHettich,
analyzed UV–visibleTuttlingen, Germany)
spectroscopy (JASCO at
4000 rpm in an 8 min rotation
V-750) at a wavelength of 509.8 nm. time. The supernatants were analyzed by UV–visible spec-
adsorptionV-750) at a wavelength
capacity (qe ) and theof 509.8 nm.of dye removal were calculated using
The adsorption
the following capacity
equations [27]:(qe) and the percentage of dye removal were calculated using
the following equations [27]: (C0 − Ce ) ∗ V
qe = (1)
( m )∗
q = (1)
C0 − Ct
R(%) = ∗ 100 (2)
R(%) = C0 ∗ 100 (2)
where C0 and Ce are the initial dye concentration (mg/L) and the equilibrium dye con-
where C0 and
centration Ce are respectively,
(mg/L), the initial dyeVconcentration
is the volume(mg/L) and the equilibrium
of the solution (L), and m isdye theconcen-
mass of
tration (mg/L),
the adsorbent. respectively, V is the volume of the solution (L), and m is the mass of the
2.4. Characterization of Cockleshell Powder
2.4. Characterization of Cockleshell
In order to identify Powder of the biomaterial used in this study, a number
the behavior
In orderwere
of analyses to identify
behavior of the biomaterial
analysis used
study, a number
scanning of
analyses were(DSC)
calorimetry applied.
carried out using aanalysis
METTLER (TGA) and differential
TOLEDO thermal scanning
analyzer in calo-
range of(DSC)
30–906 ◦ C,carried
were out using
with a heating rate of 30 ◦ C/min
(METTLERthermal analyzer
TOLEDO in theGießen,
GmbH, range
of 30–906 °C,FTIR
Germany). with(CHIMADZU
a heating rate Code:
of 30 °C/min (METTLER
HI 98713, Chimadzu, TOLEDO GmbH,Romania)
Cluj-Napoca, Gießen, Ger- was
used toFTIR
the IR spectraCode:
of theHI 98713,
CS Chimadzu,
adsorbent in theCluj-Napoca, cm−was
range of 400–4500 1 , using
to FT/IR
find the 4600. X-ray
IR spectra of thediffraction (XRD:
CS adsorbent in D8-Discover) analysis was
the range of 400–4500 cm−1,performed
using a JASCO using
an X-ray
FT/IR 4600.diffractometer
X-ray diffractionof the PHASER-BRUKER
(XRD: brandwas
D8-Discover) analysis in the range ofusing
performed 20–80an◦ .X-ray
was used to provide
diffractometer information on shell
of the PHASER-BRUKER morphology.
brand The of
in the range aim of using
20–80°. SEMEDX was(BRUKER
used to
provide Billerica, MA,
on USA) was to determine
shell morphology. the composition
The aim of using EDXof the present
(BRUKER elements
X/6/10, in
the sample using a THERMO FISHER QUATTROS (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
ica, MA, USA) was to determine the composition of the present elements in the sample Waltham,
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 4 of 21

MA, USA). Finally, the BET (Quantachrome Instruments Corporate Headquarters, Boynton
Beach, FL, USA) analysis to determine the area of the biosorbent was carried out using a
Quantachrome® ASiQwin instrument version 5.21.
The purpose of the characterization of the biosorbent by the pHpzc value was to find
the degree and charge of ionization on the surface of the biosorbent at different solution pH
values. The protocol of pHpzc was as follows: the homogenization of a mass of biosorbent
(0.15 g) with a volume (50 mL) of NaCl solution (0.01 M) at different pH values (2–12). The
NaCl samples were adjusted with NaOH (0.01 N) and HCL (0.01 N) solutions, and the
pHF values were measured after stirring for 48 h at room temperature. The intersection of
[(pHF − pHi ) vs. (pHi )] gives the pHpzc value [28].

2.5. Experimental Design

The optimization of the removal of Direct Red dye 81 by bio-adsorption was car-
ried out by the surface response methodology (RSM). The Box–Behnken design (BBD) is
particularly noteworthy.
The main objective of this method is to optimize various processes, and it is commonly
used for experimental design [14]. The method’s aim (RSM) is to enhance the surface
response optimization, which is influenced by different parameters that are identified by
a mathematical model of the surface response as a function of individual interaction and
quadratic effects.
In this part, the effects of the following parameters were examined: concentration
(mg/L), mass of bio-adsorbent (g), and pH of the aqueous solution. Table 1 shows the
actual and coded values of the studied effects.

Table 1. Experimental ranges and levels of the factors studied in the Box–Behnken design.

Variable Symbol Levels of Coded Variables

Low Medium High
−1 0 +1
Concentration (mg/L) X1 10 55 100
Biosorbent dose (g) X2 0.3 0.9 1.5
pH X3 2 7 12

The relationship between the Y response and the independent variables can be pre-
sented by the following quadratic model [29]:

Y(R%) = b0 + ∑ bi Xi + ∑ bij Xij ∑ bii X2i (3)

where b0 is the model constant; bi , bij , and bii are the regression coefficients; Xi repre-
sents the individual effects; Xij represents the interaction effects; and Xii represents the
quadratic effects.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Characterization of Cockleshell Powder
3.1.1. Point of Zero Charge
According to Figure 2, it is the lower pH value of pHpzc on the passively charged
biosorbent surface that favors the formation of attractive forces with the anionic dye (DR-81).
Conversely, when the pH exceeds the pHpzc value, the biosorbent surface is negatively
charged, forming repulsive forces with the anionic dye [30].
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2023,13, xx FOR
13,12333 PEER REVIEW
REVIEW 55 of 21
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of 21

Figure 2. The
2. The
Figure2. curve
The curve of ∆pH
curve of ∆pH
∆pH vs.
vs. pH
pHiii for
for determination
determination of
of the
the pH
pHpzc of
pzc of
pzc CSpowder.
CS powder.

3.1.2. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and DSC
3.1.2. Thermogravimetric
Thermogravimetric Analysis
Analysis (TGA)
(TGA) and
and DSC
The main purpose of TGA and DSC analysis is to characterize materials by studying
The main purpose of TGA and DSC analysis is
main purpose of TGA and DSC analysis is to
to characterize
characterize materials
materials by
by studying
the variation in material mass as a function of time or temperature and the heat exchange
the variation
variation in
in material
material mass
mass as
as aa function
function ofof time
time or
or temperature
temperature and
and the
the heat
heat exchange
between a sample and a reference. Figure 3 shows the TGA and DSC graphs.
between aa sample
sample and
and aa reference.
reference. Figure
Figure 33 shows
shows the
the TGA
TGA and
and DSC
DSC graphs.

Figure 3.
Figure3. The
3. The graphs:
Thegraphs: (a)
graphs:(a) thermogravimetric
(a)thermogravimetric analysis
thermogravimetricanalysis (TGA)
analysis(TGA) and
(TGA)and (b)
(b) differential
differential scanning
scanning calorime-
try (DSC)
try (DSC) of cockleshell
of cockleshell powder.
(DSC) of cockleshell powder.

From Figure
From Figure
Figure 3a, 3a, we
3a, we can
we can note
can note the
note the presence
the presence
presence of of three
ofthree stages
stagesof of mass
ofmass loss:
massloss: The
loss: The first
The first loss
first loss
of 0.25%
of 0.25%
0.25% massmass can
mass cancanbebe attributed
attributed toto the
to the evaporation
the evaporation
evaporation of of moisture
of moisture present
moisture present
present in in the
inthe cockleshell
powder[26]. [26]. The
[26].The second
second loss
loss (1.55%)
loss (1.55%) is
is due
is due to
to the
due the
the dehydration
to dehydration of theof
dehydration the
the water
ofwater in the in
water the
the car-
in car-
network network
due to due
the to the transformation
transformation of the of the aragonite
aragonite phase phase (unstable
bonate network due to the transformation of the aragonite phase (unstable phase) towards phase)phase) towards
towards the
the calcite phase [31]. The third loss is a stage of rapid degradation of the mass up to aaa
calcite phasephase[31].[31].
The The third
third lossloss
is is
a a stage
stage ofof rapid
rapid degradation
degradation ofof the
the mass
mass up
up to
percentage of of 43.51%,
of43.51%, which
43.51%, which represents
which represents
representsthe the decomposition
decomposition of of calcium
of calcium carbonate
calcium carbonate
carbonate and and
and thethe
formationof of calcium
ofcalcium oxide
calciumoxide with
oxidewith the
with the release
the release
release of of carbon
of carbon dioxide—a
carbon dioxide—a reaction
dioxide—a reaction that
reactionthat has
that has already
has already
been recorded
A stabilization
A stabilization phase
stabilization phase
phasecan can also
alsobebe observed:
observed: the the weight
the weight
weight ofof the
of the sample
the sample remains
sample remains almost
remains almost
stable from
from temperatures
temperatures above
above 874.76
874.76 ◦°C,
C, indicating
indicating the
the complete
complete formation
formation of
of calcium
stable from temperatures above 874.76 °C, indicating the complete formation of calcium
oxide [26]
oxide[26] with
[26]with purity
purityof of 43.51%.
resents the melting temperature of the material. The presence of a single peak shows that
the cockleshell powder contains a single phase, giving an idea of the purity of the sample.

3.1.3. FTIR Analysis

Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 According to the existing literature, carbonate groups play a greater role in determin- 6 of 21
ing the bonds between the surface of the CS adsorbent and Direct Red 81 dye (DR-81).
There are four vibration modes assigned: asymmetric stretching mode (V1), out-of-plane
The (V2),
DSC doubly
graph in degenerate
Figure 3bplanar
showssymmetry (V3), and doubly
a single endothermic peak degenerate
at 898 ◦ C, planar
bending mode (V4) [33].
represents the melting temperature of the material. The presence of a single peak shows that
Figure 4 shows
the cockleshell powder thecontains
appearance of the
a single micrometric
phase, giving an bands
idea of
of raw cockleshell
the purity of thepowder,
with peaks at 711.6, 855.27, 1080.91, 1449.24, and 1786.72 cm−1. After the adsorption of the
DR-81FTIRdye, Analysis
a slight transition in the position of certain peaks was observed, but no change
in structure
According wastoobserved
the existingdue to the appearance
literature, or disappearance
carbonate groups play a greaterofrole
other peaks. This
in determining
may be attributed to the conservation of the physicochemical
the bonds between the surface of the CS adsorbent and Direct Red 81 dye (DR-81).properties [34] of the CS
adsorbent after the adsorption of DR-81.
are four vibration modes assigned: asymmetric stretching mode (V1), out-of-plane bending
(V2),The presence
doubly of the 711.6
degenerate planarcm −1 band indicates that there is a structural change in the
symmetry (V3), and doubly degenerate planar bending
mode ions
(V4) with respect to the symmetry of the calcite phase (V4), which also represents
the band
Figureof 4the aragonite
shows phase [33].ofThe
the appearance the appearance
micrometricofbandsthe peaks
of rawatcockleshell
855.27 andpowder,
cm−1 represents
with the inactive
peaks at 711.6, 855.27, carbonate ions (CO
1080.91, 1449.24, 32−) 1786.72
and cm−1 . After
of the aragonite phasethe[35] assigned by
adsorption of
the DR-81 dye, modes
a slightV2 transition
and V1, respectively.
in the positionTheofappearance of awas
certain peaks large peak at 1449.24
observed, but no
cm−1 caninalso
change be explained
structure by the structural
was observed due to thechange in the symmetry
appearance of the aragonite
or disappearance phase
of other peaks.
This to vibration
may be attributed mode
to the V3, or by theofpresence
conservation of alkyl groups
the physicochemical in the [34]
properties polymorphic
of the CS
adsorbent after the
aragonite phase adsorption of DR-81.

Figure 4. FTIR spectrum
4. FTIR spectrum of
of cockleshell
cockleshell (CS)
(CS) powder
powder (a)
(a) before
before and
and (b)
(b) after
after DR-81
DR-81 adsorption.

The presence of at
711.6 cm −1
Finally, the peak cm−1 isband
clear indicates that
evidence of thethere is a of
presence structural change in
a single crystalline
the calcium ions with respect to the symmetry of the calcite phase (V4),
domain of the aragonite phase. Additionally, it confirms the fundamental changes which also
resents the band of the aragonite phase [33]. The appearance of the peaks at 855.27 and
1080.91 cm−1 represents the inactive carbonate ions (CO3 2− ) of the aragonite phase [35]
assigned by the vibration modes V2 and V1, respectively. The appearance of a large peak
at 1449.24 cm−1 can also be explained by the structural change in the symmetry of the
aragonite phase assigned to vibration mode V3, or by the presence of alkyl groups in the
polymorphic aragonite phase [31].
Finally, the peak at 1786.72 cm−1 is clear evidence of the presence of a single crystalline
domain of the aragonite phase. Additionally, it confirms the fundamental changes in the
vibrational mode positions of the sample resulting from the modification of the electrostatic
valence of the CaO bond due to changes in the oxygen atoms in the environment [31].
Figure 5 shows the presence of CaCO3 (aragonite) at positions 2 theta of 26.03, 27.25,
33.07, 36.11, 38.54, 41.09, 42.90, 45.82, 48.37, 52.38, and 53. These two positions correspond
to the crystal planes (1 1 1), (0 2 1), (0 1 2), (1 0 2), (1 1 2), (0 2 2), (1 3 1), (2 2 0), (2 2 1), (0 4
1), (1 3 2), (1 1 3), and (0 2 3), respectively. Other parameters include a = 4.95410 Å, b =
7.94940 Å, and c = 5.71860, with an orthorhombic crystal system.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 7 of 21
The assignments of position 2 and other parameters for aragonite from XRD were in
agreement with the reference code [96-901-5718] of a hexagonal crystal system, with the
characteristic peak positioned at 2 theta = 26.03 and the crystal plane of (1 1 1). A similar
studyX-ray Diffraction by
was conducted Analysis
[32]. (XRD)
The usewas
There of XRD
alsogives information
no change in theon the molecular
cockleshell structure
powder’s andafter
peaks morphological shapeof
the adsorption
the cockleshells. Figure 5 shows
This latter observation the XRD
indicates of cockleshell
that the adsorption powder
of DR-81before andnot
dye does after the
adsorption of the Direct
the physicochemical Red 81 dye.
properties [34] of the CS adsorbent.

Figure XRDofofcockleshell

3.1.5. 5 shows
Scanning the presence
Electron Microscopyof CaCO
(SEM)3 (aragonite) at positions 2 theta of 26.03, 27.25,
and BET Analysis
33.07, Nitrogen
36.11, 38.54, 41.09, 42.90, 45.82, 48.37, 52.38,
adsorption–desorption isotherms were usedand 53. These two positions
to determine the correspond
textural pa-
the crystal planes (1 1 1), (0 2 1), (0 1 2), (1 0 2), (1 1 2), (0
of porous materials using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method. The2 2), (1 3 1), (2 2specific
0), (2 2sur-
4 1), (1 3 2), (1 1 3), and (0 2 3), respectively. Other parameters include
area of CS was 50.954 m2/g, with a pore volume equal to 0.893 mL/g and a pore radius a = 4.95410 Å,
b = 7.94940 Å, and c = 5.71860, with an orthorhombic crystal system.
of 151.536 Å.
The assignments of position 2 and other parameters for aragonite from XRD were in
agreement with the reference code [96-901-5718] of a hexagonal crystal system, with the
characteristic peak positioned at 2 theta = 26.03 and the crystal plane of (1 1 1). A similar
study was conducted by [32].
There was also no change in the cockleshell powder’s peaks after the adsorption of
DR-81. This latter observation indicates that the adsorption of DR-81 dye does not change
the physicochemical properties [34] of the CS adsorbent.

3.1.5. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and BET Analysis

Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms were used to determine the textural param-
eters of porous materials using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method. The specific surface
area of CS was 50.954 m2 /g, with a pore volume equal to 0.893 mL/g and a pore radius of
151.536 Å.
Based on the IUPAC classification of adsorption isotherms, the BET revealed the following:
The N2 isotherm resembled type III, with a high adsorption capacity, while indicating
the presence of larger pore-size distributions, narrower mesopores, and larger micropores.
Aronson and Machlis used both alkaline digestion methods and sonic oscillation to
isolate the hyphal walls of Allomyces macrogynus [39]. Both types of preparation showed
the walls to consist of chitin, glucan, and ash. In addition, the mechanically isolated walls
contained a protein fraction whose properties and the significance thereof were not deter-
mined. Hemicellulose-type polysaccharides, pectic substances, ether-soluble lipids, and
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 8 of 21
constituents gave rise to 3–0-α-carboxyethyl hexosamine that was not found in the walls.
The walls of plants grown for 60–70 h under the prescribed conditions contained approx-
imately 60% chitin, 15% glucan, 10% ash, and 10% protein intimately associated with the
The small
walls. The hysteresis
percentagein ofthe
wallN2 adsorption–desorption
material in a mycelium, asisotherm indicates
well as the the capillary
percentage of chitin
condensation phenomenon,
in the walls, increases which
with the indicates aage
chronological mesoporous nature [36].
of the mycelium. These percentages are
From Figure
not, however, 6a, it by
affected canvariations
be observed thatcomposition
in the the shells present
of thean irregular
nutrient and non-uniform
medium. The chitin
in the walls could be hydrolyzed in the presence of chitinase or lysozyme, yet and
Therefore, according to the literature, the shells have a needle [37,38] plate
it had no
structure with parallel cleavages
detectable effect on the walls. [26].

Figure 6. SEM of CS (a) before adsorption and (b) after adsorption of DR-81.

3.1.6.From FigureComposition
Elemental 6b, it can be observed that the initially empty sites of CS become full; this
of Cockleshells
can be explained by an agglomeration of DR 81 molecules after adsorption onto the solid
The chemical composition of the cockleshell powder samples was analyzed using
surface of CS.
Aronson and Machlis used both alkaline digestion methods and sonic oscillation to
Figure 7a shows that the shell powder sample presented the following chemical com-
isolate the hyphal walls of Allomyces macrogynus [39]. Both types of preparation showed
position: oxygen, carbon, calcium, and traces of strontium (Sr). The chemicals’ percent-
the walls to consist of chitin, glucan, and ash. In addition, the mechanically isolated
ages are illustrated in the table within the figure, and they formed a salt phase of CaCO3
walls contained a protein fraction whose properties and the significance thereof were not
in aragonite form, which is consistent with the results of the FTIR and XRD.
determined. Hemicellulose-type polysaccharides, pectic substances, ether-soluble lipids,
and constituents gave rise to 3–0-α-carboxyethyl hexosamine that was not found in the
walls. The walls of plants grown for 60–70 h under the prescribed conditions contained
approximately 60% chitin, 15% glucan, 10% ash, and 10% protein intimately associated
with the walls. The percentage of wall material in a mycelium, as well as the percentage of
chitin in the walls, increases with the chronological age of the mycelium. These percentages
are not, however, affected by variations in the composition of the nutrient medium. The
chitin in the walls could be hydrolyzed in the presence of chitinase or lysozyme, yet it had
no detectable effect on the walls.

3.1.6. Elemental Composition of Cockleshells

The chemical composition of the cockleshell powder samples was analyzed using EDX.
Figure 7a shows that the shell powder sample presented the following chemical com-
position: oxygen, carbon, calcium, and traces of strontium (Sr). The chemicals’ percentages
are illustrated in the table within the figure, and they formed a salt phase of CaCO3 in
aragonite form, which is consistent with the results of the FTIR and XRD.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 21

Appl. Sci. After the adsorption of DR-81, an agglomeration of the dye molecules presented by
Appl. Sci. 2023,
2023, 13,
12333 9 9of
of 21
the chemical compositions of sulfur and chlorine at a low trace percentages is illustrated
in Figure 7b.
After the adsorption of DR-81, an agglomeration of the dye molecules presented by
the chemical compositions of sulfur and chlorine at a low trace percentages is illustrated
in Figure 7b.

Figure 7. EDX of cockleshell powder (a) before and (b) after adsorption of DR-81.
Figure 7. EDX of cockleshell powder (a) before and (b) after adsorption of DR-81.

3.2. Parameter
After theStudy of the Adsorption
adsorption of DR-81, ofanDR-81 onto the Cockleshell
agglomeration of the dyePowder
molecules presented by
the chemical
3.2.1. compositions of sulfur and chlorine at a low trace percentages is illustrated in
7. EDXofofAdsorbent
powder (a) before and (b) after adsorption of DR-81.
Figure 7b.
It is important to know the mass transfer phenomenon of DR-81 removal by the CS,
in the
3.2. range ofStudy
3.2. Parameter 0.3–1.5
Study of g. Adsorption
of the
the Figure 8 depicts
Adsorption of theonto
of DR-81
DR-81 effect
onto the of
the biosorbent
Cockleshell dosage on the DR-81
3.2.1. Effectefficiency and
Effect of Adsorbent adsorption
Adsorbent Dose capacity.
It is important to know the mass transfer phenomenon
phenomenon ofof DR-81
DR-81 removal
removal by
by the
the CS,
in the range of 0.3–1.5 g. Figure 8 depicts the effect
Figure 8 depicts the effect of biosorbent dosage
biosorbent dosage on the DR-81
removal efficiency
efficiency and adsorption capacity.

Figure 8. Effect of CS dosage on removal efficiency and adsorption capacity for DR-81 (C0 = 10 mg/L,
V = 100 mL, T = 22 °C, pH = 7.09, stirring speed = 300 rpm).

According to Figure 8, the removal efficiency data present two stages: In the first
Figure in
stage, 8. Effect
Effect of
of CS
CS dosage
the adsorbent on removal
dose efficiency
range ofefficiency andthere
0.3–1 g/L, adsorption
adsorption capacityfor
is an increase for DR-81
in DR-81 (C00 efficiency
removal == 10 mg/L,
V == 100
100 mL,
mL, T
T == 22
22 ◦ C,pH
°C, pH ==7.09,
from 39 to 88.06%. This phenomenon could be attributed to the presence of a large number
of unsaturated
According active
to sites [40].removal
The second stagedata
marks an increase in the
theIndosage in
the removal efficiency
efficiency present
data two two
present stages:
stages: first
the range
in the in 1–1.5
adsorbentg/L, with a
dose range decrease
of 0.3–1 in removal efficiency from 88.06% to 84.73%. In this
stage, the adsorbent dose range of g/L,
0.3–1there is an increase
g/L, there in removal
is an increase efficiency
in removal from
39 to 88.06%. This phenomenon could be attributed to the presence of a large
from 39 to 88.06%. This phenomenon could be attributed to the presence of a large number number
of unsaturated
of unsaturated active
active sites
marks anan increase
increase in in
CSCS dosage
dosage in
in the
the range
range 1–1.5
1–1.5 g/L,g/L,
withwith a decrease
a decrease in removal
in removal efficiency
efficiency fromfrom 88.06%
88.06% to 84.73%.
to 84.73%. In
In this
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 21
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 10 of 21

stage, the vacant sites of CS are totally charged by dye. Simultaneously, the capacity of
this stage,of
adsorption theDR-81
vacantbysites of CS are totally
CS decreases from 4.52 charged
to 1.20bymg/g
the increase the capacity
in the bio-
sorbent dosage from 0.3 to 1.5 g/L. This result could be explained mathematically ininthe
of adsorption of DR-81 by CS decreases from 4.52 to 1.20 mg/g with the increase the
biosorbent dosage from 0.3 to 1.5 g/L. This result could be explained mathematically
expression of the adsorption capacity (qe) cited in Equation (1). When the biosorbent dose in the
expression of the adsorption
rises, qe automatically decreases. capacity (qe ) cited in Equation (1). When the biosorbent dose
rises, qe automatically decreases.
3.2.2. Effects of Initial Dye Concentration and Contact Time
3.2.2. Effects of Initial Dye Concentration and Contact Time
The effects of the initial concentration and contact time are the two main factors to
The effects of the initial concentration and contact time are the two main factors to
maximum adsorption capacity for
adsorption capacity for DR-81
in in
the interval 0–60 min, and to control the adsorption mechanisms at different concentra-
interval 0–60 min, and to control the adsorption mechanisms at different concentrations
10 to10 to mg/L.
100 100 mg/L.
The The effects
effects ofinitial
of the the initial dye concentration
dye concentration and contact
and contact time
time on on
DR-81 removal are presented in
removal are presented in Figure 9. Figure 9.

Figure 9. Effects of initial concentration and contact time on DR-81 removal efficiency (C0 = 10 mg/L,
Figure 9. Effects of initial concentration

and contact time on DR-81 removal efficiency (C0 = 10 mg/L,
mm= =
pHpH = 7.09,
= 7.09, T =T 22
= 22
°C, C,
v =v300
= 300 rpm).

According to Figure 9, the first part of the curves (0–10 min) describes the rapid
According to Figure 9, the first part of the curves (0–10 min) describes the rapid evo-
evolution of the adsorption capacity and is explained by the great availability of active sites
lution of the adsorption capacity and is explained by the great availability of active sites
on the solid surface. The second part of the curves (10–60 min) is a slow increase in and
on the solid surface. The second part of the curves (10–60 min) is a slow increase in and
stabilization of the percentage of elimination, which indicates that the DR-81 molecules are
stabilization of the percentage of elimination, which indicates that the DR-81 molecules
in a phase of progressively occupying the available active sites and causing the saturation
are in a phase of progressively occupying the available active sites and causing the satu-
of the bio-adsorbent surface [41]. The increase in the concentration from 10 to 100 mg/L
ration of the bio-adsorbent surface [41]. The increase in the concentration from 10 to 100
with an increase in the adsorption capacity from 1.47 to 6.79 mg/L is also explained by the
mg/L with anattraction
decreasing increase forces
in the adsorption
between thecapacity from
DR-81 dye 1.47
and thetosolid
6.79 mg/L is [40].
surface also explained
by the decreasing attraction forces between the DR-81 dye and the solid surface [40].
3.2.3. Effect of the Temperature
3.2.3. Effect of the Temperature
The effect of temperature is of paramount importance; since it affects the adsorption
The effect
capacity of temperature
and the percentage ofisremoval
of paramount importance;
of the DR-81 since
dye in the it affects the adsorption
bio-adsorption process. The
capacity andofthe
adsorption percentage
DR-81 of removal
in an aqueous of the
solution wasDR-81 dyeinin
studied thethe of 22 ◦ C to 61
range ◦ C. The
The adsorption
effect of DR-81
of temperature on in
thean aqueous solution
adsorption process iswas studiedin
presented inFigure
the range
10. of 22 °C to 61
°C. The effect of temperature on the adsorption process is presented in Figure 10.
From the data in Figure 10, the decrease in the removal efficiency of DR-81 from 88
to 67%, and in the capacity of adsorption from 0.88 to 0.74 mg/g, with a rising temperature
in the range 22–61 °C, can be explained by weaker adsorption forces between the bio-
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21

adsorbent and the DR-81 molecules. This implies that when the temperature increases,
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 either the active sites on the bio-adsorbent surface are damaged [42] or the Brownian 11 of 21
movement of the DR-81 molecules increases as the temperature rises.

Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21

adsorbent and the DR-81 molecules. This implies that when the temperature increases,
either the active sites on the bio-adsorbent surface are damaged [42] or the Brownian
movement of the DR-81 molecules increases as the temperature rises.

Figure Effects
Effects of temperature
of temperature on the on the removal
removal efficiency efficiency and capacity
and adsorption adsorption capacity
for DR-81 (C0 = for DR-81
= 10mmg/L,
= 1 g, pH
m == 17.09, v==
g, pH 300 rpm).
7.09, v = 300 rpm).

3.2.4. Effect
From of the
the pH in
data of the Solution
Figure 10, the decrease in the removal efficiency of DR-81 from 88 to
andeffect of pH
in the is crucial
capacity in influencing
of adsorption fromthe 0.88
surface charge
to 0.74 of thewith
mg/g, bio-adsorbent in
a rising temperature
the solution of DR-81 ◦
dye. It was studied in the pH range of 2 to 12. Figure 11
in the range 22–61 C, can be explained by weaker adsorption forces between the bio- illustrates
the impact ofand
adsorbent pH on
thethe adsorption
DR-81 processThis
molecules. of DR-81 dye.that when the temperature increases,
either the active sites on the bio-adsorbent surface are damaged [42] or the Brownian
Figure 10. Effects of temperature on the removal efficiency and adsorption capacity for DR-81 (C0 =
10 mg/L, m = 1of the=DR-81
g, pH 7.09, v =molecules
300 rpm). increases as the temperature rises. pH=2
100 pH=4
3.2.4. Effect
of of
pHpH of the
of the Solution
Solution pH=8
The effect
effect of of
pHpHis is crucial
crucial in in influencing
influencing the the surface
surface charge
charge of of
the pH=10
the bio-adsorbent
bio-adsorbent in in the
the solution
solution ofofDR-81
DR-81dye.dye. It
It was
was studied
thepHpHrange of 2ofto212.
range to FigurepH=12
11 illustrates
12. Figure 11 illustrates the
Removal (%)

the impact
impact ofof
adsorption process
100 pH=4
40 pH=6
20 pH=12
Removal (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

40 Time (min)

Figure 11. Effects of pH solution on the removal efficiency and adsorption capacity for DR-81 (C0 =
10 mg/L, m = 1 g, V = 100 mL, T = 22 °C, stirring speed = 300 rpm).

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

Figure Effects
Effects of pHofsolution
pH solution on the efficiency
on the removal removal and
efficiency andcapacity
adsorption adsorption capacity
for DR-81 (C0 = for DR-81
10 mg/L, m = 1 g, V = 100 mL, T = 22 °C, stirring ◦
speed = 300 rpm).
(C0 = 10 mg/L, m = 1 g, V = 100 mL, T = 22 C, stirring speed = 300 rpm).
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 12 of 21

The effects of solution pH on the removal of DR-81 are shown in Figure 11. The results
indicate that the removal efficiency of the DR-81 dye by CS decreased from 100 to 46% with
a large increase in the pH range (2–12). This was responsible for the force of attraction
between the solid surface and the functional groups of DR-81. However, when the pH was
alkaline (pH > pHPZC ), the negatively charged bio-adsorbent surface caused the formation
of repulsive forces between the bio-adsorbent and DR-81.
These results show that there is a good removal of the Direct Red 81 dye in a very
acidic environment (pH = 2). However, since almost all water’s pH varies from 6 to 8, a pH
of 6 was chosen to give an idea of the adsorption capacity under normal conditions [12].

3.3. Adsorption Kinetics and Isotherm

3.3.1. Adsorption Kinetics
The main objective of the kinetic study of the removal of organic pollutants is to
know the control mechanisms of the adsorption process as well as the mass transfer and
chemical reactions. In this research on the removal of Direct Red 81 textile dye by CS, the
following kinetic models were examined: pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and
interparticle diffusion.
The pseudo-first-order (PFO) model was based on the sorption capacity of dye on the
particle surface. The form was as follows [43]:

= k1 (qe − qt ) (4)
After integration using the initial conditions at t = 0, q = 0, we can obtain the following
expression [44]: 
Ln qe − qt = −K1 t + lnqe (5)
where K1 represents the pseudo-first-order adsorption rate (t−1 ), qe represents the adsorp-
tion capacity at equilibrium (mg/g), and qt represents the adsorption capacity at time
t (mg/g).
The pseudo-second-order (PSO) model was proposed by Ho and Mackay. This model
implies that the adsorption process between the surface of the bio-adsorbent and the
pollutant is of the chemical adsorption type. The expression is as follows [45]:

= k2 (qe − qt ) (6)
After integration using the initial conditions t = 0, q = 0, and a t, q = qt , we obtained
the following expression [24]:
1 1 1
= + t (7)
qt K2 qe 2 qe
where K2 is the pseudo-second-order adsorption constant (mg/g.min).
The intraparticle diffusion model (IPD) allows the diffusion mechanisms of the aque-
ous phase to be met in the internal pores of the adsorbent, since it is a slow process. The
expression below represents the linear form of the model [46]:
qt = Kint t 2 + C (8)

where Kint is the inter-articular diffusion constant (mg/g·min1/2 ), and C is the thickness of
the thin layer (mg/g).
The parameters of the PFO, PSO, and IPD kinetic models for the adsorption of DR-81
onto cockleshells are presented in Table 2.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 13 of 21

Table 2. Parameters of kinetic models: PFO, PSO, and IPD.


[DR-81]0 qe exp qe cal K1 qe cal K2 C
R2 R2 KId R2
(mg/L) (mg/g) (mg/g) (min−1 ) (mg/g) (g/mg·min) (mg/g)
10 0.91 0.174 0.067 0.875 0.92 1.18 0.9994 0.024 0.739 0.750
20 1.86 0.471 0.057 0.917 1.89 0.28 0.9988 0.063 1.391 0.853
40 2.58 0.128 0.034 0.168 2.57 0.15 0.9993 0.053 2.214 0.587
60 3.49 1.303 0.065 0.936 3.62 0.08 0.9988 0.167 2.279 0.942
80 3.8 0.429 0.045 0.548 3.90 0.07 0.9989 0.134 2.927 0.620
100 4.38 0.799 0.040 0.909 4.36 0.05 0.9978 0.125 3.37 0.953

The results of the adsorption kinetics of DR-81 by CS for the PFO, PSO, and DIP
models are shown in Table 2. The linear models give the correlation coefficients of the
kinetic model PSO (R2 ≥ 0.9999), which are better compared to those of the PFO model
(R2 ≤ 0.936) and the IPD model (R2 ≤ 0.942). In addition, the theoretical adsorbed amounts
in the PSO model are closer to the experimentally adsorbed amount compared to the
other kinetic models. This equality indicates that the adsorption of DR-81 by CS occurs
via chemisorption [24] and via electron exchange between the dye and the bio-adsorbent
surface through covalent forces [46].

3.3.2. Adsorption Isotherm

The model of Langmuir suggests that adsorbate molecules are retained on the solid
surface of the biomaterial in a homogeneous state, resulting in the formation of a single
layer (monolayer). The model formula is as follows [42]:

qmax KL Ce
qe = (9)
1 + KL Ce

The linear form of Equation (9) gives the following equation [47]:

Ce 1 1
= Ce + (10)
qe qmax KL qmax

where qe is the adsorption capacity of DR-81 at equilibrium (mg/g), qmax is the theoretical
maximum adsorption capacity of DR-81 (mg/g), and Ce is the concentration of DR-81 at
equilibrium (mg/L). The values of qmax , KL , RL , and R2 are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Comparison of the isotherm parameters for the biosorption of DR-81 onto cockleshells.

Adsorption Model Isotherm Parameters R2

qmax Cal = 4.65 mg/g
Langmuir KL (L/mg) = 0.146 0.982
RL = [0.406–0.064]
Kf = 1.027 mg/g
Freundlich 0.941
1/n = 0.364
BT = 0.364 j/mol
Tamkin AT = 9.358 L/g 0.97
bT = 6734.752 mg/L

According to the results in Table 3, there is a convergence between the experimental

adsorption capacity and the theoretical adsorption rate calculated by the Langmuir linear
equation, with the correlation coefficient R2 = 0.982, in contrast to the Freundlich (R2 = 0.941)
and Tamkin (R2 = 0.97) models. The Langmuir model is the best model to represent the
process of biosorption of DR-81 by cockleshells.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 14 of 21

In addition to the fact that the Langmuir model is the representative model of adsorp-
tion, another analysis to validate the model can be conducted using the separation factor
represented by the following relation [48]:

RL = (11)
1 + KL C0

The value of RL is between 0 and 1. RL decreased gradually with the increase in

concentration, showing that the latter favors the adsorption of DR-81 [49].
The results show that CS is effective in treating industrial textile wastewater and
removing cationic and anionic dyes, as well as DR-81. Other criteria for the selection of
this bio-adsorbent over other bio-adsorbents are durability, recyclability, and low cost.
CS can be considered as a potential candidate for use in the removal of dyes present in
liquid industrial textile effluents. Table 4 compares the adsorption capacities for a few
biomaterials (modified and unmodified) with the CS used in this study.

Table 4. Comparison of the maximum biosorption capacity of DR-81 dye onto various adsorbents.

Adsorbent Adsorption Capacity (mg/g) References

Soy meal hull 120.5 [50]
Bamboo sawdust 6.43 [51]
Modified bamboo sawdust 13.83 [51]
Chamomile plant 10.1 [52]
Pumice 22.422 [50]
Potato peel 58.8 [53]
Neem bark 10.41 [53]
Activated potato peel 8.4 [53]
Activated neem bark 5.71 [53]
Modified silk maze 30.30 [54]
Soil containing copper 26.2 [40]
Iron filings 25.3 [55]
GO-MVK-ANI 11.8 [56]
Sugar beet industrial filter cake waste 64.1 [57]
Cockleshells (CS) 4.65 This work

The Freundlich model (1906) is a model that applies the data for multilayer and
heterogeneous surfaces, the model equation being as follows [58]:
qe = KF ∗ Ce n (12)

The linearization of Equation (12) gives the following equation:

logqe = logKF + logCe (13)
where Kf (mg/g) is a constant related to the adsorption energy. The values of 1/n, Kf , and
R2 were calculated and listed in Table 3.
The Tamkin model is used mainly for the retention of gases on solid surfaces. Therefore,
several researchers propose applying this model to the adsorption of aqueous solutions
on the surface of bio-adsorbents and assume that the adsorbent molecules are retained on
the solid surface energetically, since the model is based on the free energy of sorption as a
function of binding energy. The linear form of the model is as follows [58]:
qe = Ln(AT Ce ) = BT Ln(AT Ce ) (14)

qe = BT Ln(AT ) + BT Ln(Ce ) (15)

Appl. Sci.
Appl. Sci. 2023,
2023, 13,
15 of 21
of 21

whereqqee (mg/g)
(mg/g) is the maximum adsorption capacity, capacity,CCee (mg/L) is the
(mg/L) is the adsorbate concen-
tration at equilibrium,
equilibrium, and andAAT:TTamkin
: Tamkin constant
constant (L/g).
(L/g). TheThe Tamkin
Tamkin model model equilibrium
equilibrium con-
constant corresponds
stant corresponds to theto the maximum
maximum binding
binding energy
energy bT (mg/L),
bT (mg/L), whichwhich is related
is related toheat
to the the
heat of sorption
of sorption BT (J/mol).
BT (J/mol). The Tamkin
The Tamkin constant
constant represents
represents the variation
the variation of energy
of energy as a
as a func-
function of binding
tion of binding energy.
energy. TheThe relevant
relevant coefficients
coefficients canbebecalculated
can calculatedfrom
three isotherms,
such as K , Q
such as KLL max , R
max, RLL , K , n, A, B, and b. The values are listed in Table
, Kf,fn, A, B, and b. The values are listed in Table 3. 3.

3.4. Thermodynamic
Thermodynamic Study
Thermodynamic parameters
parameters such
such as
as Gibbs
Gibbs energy
energy (∆G),
(∆G), enthalpy
enthalpy (∆H),
(∆H), and
and entropy
(∆S) are important parameters for understanding the adsorption process [59]:
(∆S) are important parameters for understanding the adsorption process [59]:
== −RTLnKd
−RTLnK (16)

∆S ∆ ∆
LnKLnK = −−∆H (17)
d = (17)
where RRisisthe
where theconstant
·K), K represents the
Kd represents the thermodynamic
equilibrium constant, and T represents the absolute temperature in (K°).
◦ Figure
equilibrium constant, and T represents the absolute temperature in (K ). Figure 12 12 shows
the variation of lnK d as a function of 1/T. The determined slope and intercept are used to
the variation of lnKd as a function of 1/T. The determined slope and intercept are used to
calculate ∆H
calculate ∆H and
and ∆S.

Figure 12.
12. Plot
Plot of ln
ln (Kd)
(Kd) vs.
vs. 1 forremoval
Figure T for

The standard
standard exchange
exchange enthalpy
enthalpy was calculated from
was calculated from the
the Van
Van’t’t Hoff
Hoff equation
equation (see
Table 5), and the negative value ∆H = − 41.16 kJ/mol, which
Table 5), and the negative value ∆H = −41.16 kJ/mol, which indicates indicates that this
that is an
this is exother-
an exo-
mic adsorption process [60].[60].
TheThenegative value of entropy ◦ = −0.144 kJ/mol·◦ K)
thermic adsorption process negative value of entropy = −0.144 kJ/mol·°K)
solid–liquidinterface [61].
interface The
[61]. negative
The negativeGibbs
(∆G from − 6.87 to −
ues (∆G from −6.87 to −1.26 kJ/mol) indicate that the process of biosorption◦ of DR-81 on
1.26 kJ/mol) indicate that the process of biosorption of DR-81 on
cockleshells is spontaneous in nature and feasible [62,63]. The decrease in ∆G values with
cockleshells is spontaneous in nature and feasible [62,63]. The decrease in ∆G° values with
increased temperature indicates highly efficient adsorption at low temperatures [64,65].
increased temperature indicates highly efficient adsorption at low temperatures [64,65].
Table 5. Thermodynamic
Table5. Thermodynamic parameters
T (◦ K) ∆G◦ (kJ/mol) ∆H (kJ/mol) ∆S (kJ/mol·◦ K)
ΔS(kJ/mol· R2
T(°K) ΔG°(kJ/mol) ΔH (kJ/mol) R2
295 −1.32 °K)
295 −2.62 −1.32 −41.16 −0.144 0.96
304 −6.94 −2.62 −41.16 −0.144 0.96
334 −6.94
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 16 of 21

3.5. Data Analysis by Response Surface Methodology

The optimization of the DR-81 textile dye adsorption process by cockleshells was
carried out be performing 15 experiments in a Box–Behnken design. The experimental
matrix and prediction values are shown in Table 6, and the model fit and significance were
analyzed by ANOVA (Table 7). The model is considered significant when the p-values < 5%:

Y (R%) = 58.39 − 14.7888X1 + 16.7988X2 − 27.3025X3 + 1.42625X1 2 + 1.01125X2 2 − 13.9912X3 2 + 4.92750X1 X2

+ 6.065X1 X3 − 2.41X2 X3

Table 6. The uncoded Box–Behnken design matrix of experiments for DR-81 removal.

Reel Values Coded Values Y (R %)

Experiences X1 X2 X3 C (mg/L) m (g) pH Observed Predicted
1 −1 −1 0 10 0.3 7 61.77 63.75
2 +1 −1 0 100 0.3 7 21.61 24.31
3 −1 +1 0 10 1.5 7 90.19 87.49
4 +1 +1 0 100 1.5 7 69.74 67.77
5 −1 0 −1 10 0.9 2 93.17 94.00
6 +1 0 −1 100 0.9 2 52.15 52.25
7 −1 0 +1 10 0.9 12 27.33 27.23
8 +1 0 +1 100 0.9 12 10.65 9.82
9 0 −1 −1 55 0.3 2 56.31 53.50
10 0 +1 −1 55 1.5 2 90.05 91.92
11 0 −1 +1 55 0.3 12 5.59 3.72
12 0 +1 +1 55 1.5 12 29.62 32.50
13 0 0 0 55 0.9 7 58.39 58.39
14 0 0 0 55 0.9 7 58.39 58.39
15 0 0 0 55 0.9 7 58.39 58.39

Table 7. ANOVA for the fit of the experimental results to the response surface model.

Factor DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F-Value p-Value

Regression 9 10,998.8 1222.09 131.22 0.000
Linear 3 9970.7 3323.55 356.87 0.000
C (mg/L) 1 1749.7 1749.66 187.87 0.000
m (g) 1 2257.6 2257.58 242.41 0.000
pH 1 5963.4 5963.41 640.33 0.000
Square 3 759.7 253.22 27.19 0.002
C (mg/L) ∗ C (mg/L) 1 20.7 7.51 0.81 0.410
m (g) ∗ m (g) 1 16.2 3.78 0.41 0.552
pH ∗ pH 1 722.8 722.79 77.61 0.000
Interaction 3 268.5 89.49 9.61 0.016
C (mg/L) ∗ m (g) 1 97.1 97.12 10.43 0.023
C (mg/L) ∗ pH 1 148.1 148.11 15.90 0.010
m (g) ∗ pH 1 23.2 23.23 2.49 0.175
Residual 5 46.6 9.31
Lack of fit 3 46.6 15.52 3.77 0.217
Pure error 2 0.0 0. 0
Total 14 11,045.3
S = 3.05172; R2 = 99.58%; R2 (adj) = 98.82%; R2 (pred) = 93.25%.

Table 6 shows that the individual effects of concentration (X1), mass (X2), and pH (X3)
are significant, since the p-values < 0. The regression p-value of less than 0.001 indicates
that the model is favorable for studying the biosorption process of DR-81.
The surface trace was used to develop the potential relationship between the three
variables (C, m, and pH). The surface trace in Figure 13a shows that good removal of
Table 6 shows that the individual effects of concentration (X1), mass (X2), and pH
(X3) are significant, since the p-values < 0. The regression p-value of less than 0.001 indi-
that the modelthat
6 shows is favorable for studying
the individual effectsthe
of biosorption process
concentration (X1),ofmass
(X2), and pH
The surface trace was used to develop the potential relationship between
(X3) are significant, since the p-values < 0. The regression p-value of less than 0.001 the three
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12333 cates that the model is favorable for studying the biosorption process of DR-81. of17DR-
variables (C, m, and pH). The surface trace in Figure 13a shows that good removal
of 21
81 by CSsurface
The was achieved
trace wasat aused
to developofthe10 potential
mg/L andrelationship
at a biosorbent dose of
between the1.5 g.
Figure 13b shows that there is maximum dye removal for a concentration of
variables (C, m, and pH). The surface trace in Figure 13a shows that good removal of DR- 10 mg/L and
a pH
81 by of
Figure 13c shows
achieved that a pH of 2 and
at a concentration of 10a mg/L
and at adose of 1.5 gdose
biosorbent give of
a good
1.5 g.
was achieved
efficiency.at a concentration of 10 mg/L and at a biosorbent dose of 1.5 g.
Figure 13b shows that there is maximum dye removal for a concentration of 10 mg/L and
Figure 13b shows that there is maximum dye removal for a concentration of 10 mg/L and
a pH of 2. Figure 13c shows that a pH of 2 and a bio-adsorbent dose of 1.5 g give a good
a pH of 2. Figure 13c shows that a pH of 2 and a bio-adsorbent dose of 1.5 g give a good
DR-81 dye removal efficiency.
DR-81 dye removal efficiency.

Figure 13. Three-dimensional (3D) response surface plots for DR-81 removal efficiency by CS: (a)
effect of initial concentration/adsorbent dose; (b) effect of initial concentration/pH; (c) effect of ad-
sorbent dose/pH.
Figure 13. Three-dimensional (3D)response
surface plots
plots forfor DR-81
DR-81 removal
removal efficiency
efficiency by CS:
by CS: (a)
effect of initial
(a) effect concentration/adsorbent dose;
by Minitab@16 software
of initial concentration/adsorbent (b) effect
dose;was of initial concentration/pH;
(b) effect create (c) effect
the graph in Figure
concentration/pH; of ad-
(c) effect
adsorbent dose/pH.
which shows that the maximum yield of the bio-adsorption process was higher than 100%
and the desirability d = 1 for the following operating conditions: C = 10 mg/L; m = 1.5 g;
pH =Optimization
Optimization by
by Minitab@16
2. Figure 14b represents software
the optimal was
graph used to
to create
create the
the experimental graph
theresults in
in Figure
graphapplied Figure 14a,
to the
which shows that the maximum yield of
quadratic model, giving the following results: the bio-adsorption
C = 10 mg/L; m = 1 g; pH higher
bio-adsorption process was higher
= 2. The than
than 100%
yield is
and the desirability
96.41%, d = 1 for
with a desirability d =the following
following operating
0.965. operating conditions:
conditions: C C == 10 mg/L;
mg/L; m m == 1.5
1.5 g;
pH == Figure
2. Figure
2. Figure 14b
14b represents
represents the
the optimal
optimal graph
graph of the
the experimental
experimental results
15 shows that the experimental values (R = 99.58%) are close to the predicted
2 applied to the
quadratic model,since
value (93.25%), giving
thethe following
alignment ofresults:
results: C
C == 10
10 mg/L;
the scatterplots mg/L; m ==
is very 11 g; to
close == 2.straight
pHthe The yield
The lineis
96.41%, with a desirability d = 0.965.
(R adj = 98.82%), indicating that the model is relevant, valid, and usable.

Figure 15 shows that the experimental values (R2 = 99.58%) are close to the predicted
value (93.25%), since the alignment of the scatterplots is very close to the straight line
(R2adj = 98.82%), indicating that the model is relevant, valid, and usable.

Figure 14. Process
Process optimization
optimization for
for DR-81
DR-81 removal
by Minitab (b) optimal yield of the experimental results applied to the quadraticmodel.
by Minitab (b) optimal yield of the experimental results applied to the quadratic model.

Figure 15 shows that theforexperimental values 2

(R = 99.58%)
Figure 14. Process optimization DR-81 removal (a) maximum yield ofare
theclose to the predicted
bio-adsorption process
by (93.25%),
Minitab sinceyield
(b) optimal the of
alignment of the scatterplots
the experimental results appliedistovery close to model.
the quadratic the straight line
(R2 adj = 98.82%), indicating that the model is relevant, valid, and usable.
Appl. Sci.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x12333
2023, 13, FOR PEER REVIEW 1818ofof 21

Figure 15. Normal

Normal probability
probability plot.

4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
The experimental
The experimental study
study ofof the
the elimination
elimination of of an
an anionic
anionic dye
dye such
such as
as DR-81
DR-81 from
from an
aqueous solution
aqueous solution was
was carried
carried out
out by
by studying
studying the
the effects
effects of
tion of DR-81, dose of biosorbent, and temperature.
tion of DR-81, dose of biosorbent, and temperature.
The kinetic
The kinetic study
study showed
showed that
that the
the elimination
elimination process
process of
of DR-81
DR-81 follows
follows the
the pseudo-
second-order kinetic model. The isothermal model of Langmuir represents
second-order kinetic model. The isothermal model of Langmuir represents the adsorption the adsorption
process of
process of DR-81,
DR-81, with
with aa correlation
coefficient ofof0.982.
is: q = 4.65 mg/g at a temperature of 22 ◦ C.
ity is: qmax = 4.65 mg/g at a temperature of 22 °C.
The modeling and optimization of the DR-81 biosorption process by the Box–Behnken
The modeling and optimization of the DR-81 biosorption process by the Box–
scheme gave a very satisfactory yield with a desirability d = 1 under the following condi-
Behnken scheme gave a very satisfactory yield with a desirability d ◦= 1 under the follow-
tions: C0 = 10 mg/L, biosorbent dose = 1.5 g, and pH = 2 at T = 22 C. The experimental
ing conditions: C0 = 10 mg/L, biosorbent dose = 1.5 g, and pH = 2 at T = 22 °C. The experi-
and Box–Behnken results showed convergence between them.
mental and Box–Behnken results showed convergence between them.
The use of cockleshells for the removal of dyes from anionic textiles is very efficient
The use of cockleshells for the removal of dyes from anionic textiles is very efficient
and cost-effective.
and cost-effective.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.L., R.B., A.M., A.K., K.D. and A.B.; methodology, Z.L.,
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.L., R.B., A.M., A.K., K.D., and A.B.; methodology, Z.L.,
A.K., A.P. (Antonio Pizzi), A.F.G., A.B. and K.D.; formal analysis, A.K. and A.B.; investigation, Z.L.
A.K., A.P. (Antonio Pizzi), A.F.G., A.B., and K.D.; formal analysis, A.K., and A.B.; investigation, Z.L.
and K.D.; data curation, Z.L., A.K., A.F.G., A.P. (Antonio Panico) and K.D.; writing—original draft
and K.D.; data curation, Z.L., A.K., A.F.G., A.P. (Antonio Panico), and K.D.; writing—original draft
preparation, Z.L., A.M., R.B., A.K., K.D., A.B. and A.P.; writing—review and editing, K.D., R.B., A.P.
preparation, Z.L., A.M., R.B., A.K., K.D., A.B., and A.P.; writing—review and editing, K.D., R.B., A.P.
(Antonio Panico) and A.P. (Antonio Pizzi); supervision, K.D., A.K., Z.L. and A.P. (Antonio Pizzi);
(Antonio Panico), and A.P. (Antonio Pizzi); supervision, K.D., A.K., Z.L., and A.P. (Antonio Pizzi);
project administration, A.K. and K.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
project administration, A.K., and K.D., All authors have read and agreed to the published version
the manuscript.
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available upon
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available upon
request from the corresponding author.
request from the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: This
Acknowledgments: Thiswork
supported byby
thethe University
University of Constantine
of Constantine 3 (Algeria)
3 (Algeria) and
and Na-
National Polytechnic School of Constantine (Algeria).
tional Polytechnic School of Constantine (Algeria).
Conflicts of
Conflicts of interest: The authors
Interest: The authors declare
declare no
no conflict
conflict of
of interest.
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