Hydrological Model Optimization Using Multi-Gauge Calib (MGC) in Mountaneous Region
Hydrological Model Optimization Using Multi-Gauge Calib (MGC) in Mountaneous Region
Hydrological Model Optimization Using Multi-Gauge Calib (MGC) in Mountaneous Region
This paper was originally published by IWA Publishing. It is an Open Access work,
and the terms of its use and distribution are defined by the Creative Commons
licence selected by the author.
It is a challenge for hydrological models to capture complex processes in a basin with limited data Sead Ahmed Swalih (corresponding author)
Ercan Kahya
when estimating model parameters. This study aims to contribute in this field by assessing the Civil Engineering Department,
Istanbul Technical University,
impact of incorporating spatial dimension on the improvement of model calibration. Hence, the main Istanbul,
objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of multi-gauge calibration in hydrological model
E-mail: [email protected]
calibration for Ikizdere basin, Black Sea Region in Turkey. In addition, we have incorporated the
climate change impact assessment for the study area. Four scenarios were tested for performance
assessment of calibration: (1) using downstream flow data (DC), (2) using upstream data (UC), (3)
using upstream and downstream data (Multi-Gauge Calibration – MGC), and (4) using upstream and
then downstream data (UCDC). The results have shown that using individual gauges for calibration (1
and 2) improve the local predictive capacity of the model. MGC calibration significantly improved the
model performance for the whole basin unlike 1 and 2. However, the local gauge calibrations
statistical performance, compared to MGC outputs, was better for local areas. The UCDC yields the
best model performance and much improved predictive capacity. Regarding the climate change, we
did not observe an agreement amongst the future climate projections for the basin towards the end
of the century.
Key words | climate change, hydrological modelling, multi-gauge calibration, SWAT
• Four calibration techniques were investigated: (1) downstream calibration (DC), (2) upstream
calibration (UC), (3) calibration with both upstream and downstream data (MGC), and (4)
calibration with first from upstream data, then downstream data sequentially (UCDC).
• UC and DC improve the predictive capacity of the model only for the region where calibration
data is used. They gave a better statistical performance for the particular region compared with
• MGC calibration significantly improved the model performance for the whole basin unlike the
local gauge calibrations.
• UCDC technique gave best model performance, where the model performance improved for the
whole study area far better than the other calibration techniques.
• No agreement observed amongst future climate projections for the study area.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits copying
and redistribution for non-commercial purposes with no derivatives,
provided the original work is properly cited (http://creativecommons.org/
doi: 10.2166/hydro.2020.034
341 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
Hydrologic models have been widely used in hydrological addition, the impact of the model calibration techniques
research and water resource management studies. Hydrolo- on the hydrological modeling of the basin and climate
gical models are increasingly used to simulate changes in change impact assessment will be studied.
the basin management, not only for investigating the
impacts of external influences, but also for discovering
the impacts of future data series (observing climate LITERATURE REVIEW
change, drought and flood studies) (Zhang et al. ).
The physical hydrological model, namely Soil and Water A number of attempts have been conducted by hydrologists
Assessment Tool (SWAT), is a river basin scale model to incorporate model parameters spatially to improve model
requiring specific information about weather, soil proper- accuracy. In 2005, a multi-variable and multi-site approach
ties, topography, vegetation, and land management to the calibration and validation of the SWAT model for
practices occurring in a basin (Arnold et al. ; Neitsch the Motueka catchment, New Zealand, was conducted
et al. ; Winchell et al. ). It has gained international and found that the method improved the model calibration
acceptance as a robust interdisciplinary basin modeling and validation (Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.78 and 0.72
tool. However, calibration has been one of the major chal- respectively) (Cao et al. ). In another study, spatially dis-
lenges in developing hydrological models in such a way tributed calibration at sub-basin level and temporal
that simulations will be in good agreement with observed validation at the stream gauges outlet points was conducted
flows. The SWAT model calibration has been improving to incorporate the spatial and temporal hydrological pat-
due to continuing advancements in the calibration tech- terns for two river basins in the Ohio, USA, region and
niques (Van Griensven et al. ; Arnold et al. a, found out that spatially distributed calibration and vali-
b; Ercan et al. ). dation of the basins improve the model predictive capacity
In past decades, many calibration methods have been (Santhi et al. ). Similar studies conducted by Lu et al.
developed for SWAT, including manual calibration and (), Bai et al. () and Zhang et al. () in the Yin-
automated procedures using the shuffled complex evol- gluoxia, Miyun and Baihe basins, China, comparing single-
ution (SCE) method and others. Arnold et al. (a, and multi-site calibration and validation of the SWAT
b) developed the SWAT-CUP program that facilitates model, showed that the parameters determined from multi-
the calibration and validation of SWAT model using the site calibration and validation were far better than those
semi-automated approach (SUFI2) (Abbaspour ). The from the single site calibrations. Haas et al. () studied
sensitivity analysis of SWAT-CUP helps check model par- a joint multi-metric calibration of flow simulated by SWAT
ameters that have a high impact on the simulations and in Treene basin, Germany. The results showed that the
make the necessary changes accordingly and model par- approach used has improved the calibrated predictions,
ameters must only be calibrated in a reasonable range where adequate model runs with good performance for
that could give meaning on the ground (Van Griensven different hydrological conditions for the flow were detected.
et al. ). For calibration studies, it is important to Contrary to the above, Shresthaa et al. () indicated that
spatially account for hydrological processes in order to multi-site calibration did not improve simulations of flow
improve the efficiency of model run time and incorporate and sediments compared to single-site calibration.
the impact of uncertainty in the model (Klemes ). This Changes have occurred in several aspects of the atmos-
task is one of the major challenges that enhances SWAT phere and surface that alter the global energy budget of the
model calibration. Therefore, the aim of this study is to Earth causing the climate to change (Solomon et al. ).
investigate the impact of incorporating hydrological pro- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
cesses spatially in order to improve model calibration. In set up by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
342 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
to provide information on climate change, has confirmed (UCDC). We analyzed the impact of these techniques on
with high confidence that the gradual increase in the aver- the hydrologic regime of the basin. Hydrological model
age temperature of the Earth’s surface is due to the simulations and statistical analysis, as well as climate
growing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the change impact assessments, have been used in the study.
atmosphere, attributed to burning of fossil fuels and changes
in land use and land cover (IPCC ). Today, Regional Cir-
culation Models (RCMs) are applied to determine the likely STUDY AREA AND DATA
effects of these changes in the GHGs. It is to be mentioned
here that a GCM/RCM is a Global/Regional Circulation The Rize province is located in the northeastern Anatolian
Model that could depict different pictures for the future mainland of Turkey, so-called the eastern Black Sea
weather over a region, and consequently affect the hydrolo- region, with an area of 3,920 km2. The average annual pre-
gic regime of basins (Elshamy et al. ). Increases have cipitation in the region is nearly 2,250 mm and total
occurred in the number of heavy precipitation events. The annual runoff is about 2,745 million m3 based on the refer-
availability of observational data restricts the types of ence period 1960–1996 (Sen & Kahya ). The study
extremes that can be analyzed. Confidence in these esti- area is a mountainous region with elevations reaching
mates is higher for some climate variables (e.g. higher than 3,000 m (Figure 1) and a very wet climate
temperature) than for others (e.g. precipitation). (Kahya et al. a). In addition, Rize province falls into
Some studies have been conducted to investigate the the homogeneous streamflow region (Kahya et al. b).
effects of multiple stream gauging stations’ data on basin-
wide calibration and validation in Turkey. The impact of Digital elevation model (DEM), soil and land use maps
size of sub-basins on the hydrologic parameters and their
spatial variability in the estimation of the hydrologic par- The Digital Elevation Model (DEM), the soil map, and the
ameters in the western Black Sea region were studied by land use map of the basin were obtained from Istanbul Tech-
Kocyigit et al. () and Akay et al. (). The studies indi- nical University (ITÜ) – Hydraulics and Water Resource
cated that multi-site calibration and validation resulted in Engineering Laboratory. The digital elevation model
satisfactory outcomes for the direct flow hydrograph but (DEM) with 28-meter spatial resolution was used which is
not the peak flow prediction. These studies have only quite sufficient for hydrological modelling studies. A total
focused on the application of hydrological models, and of 22 sub-basins were identified after delimiting the basin
very limited attempts were made in the model parametriza- boundary in ArcSWAT (Figure 1).
tion and calibration technique studies for basins in Turkey.
Therefore, there is an obvious need to assess the impact of
spacial dimension and calibration and validation techniques DATA AND METHODOLOGY
in hydrological modeling.
Consequently, the main objective of this study is to Weather and hydrological data
evaluate the impact of multi-site calibration on the perform-
ance of hydrological model calibration and validation. To The observed precipitation data was accessed from the Turk-
achieve this, we used four different calibration techniques: ish Meteorological Directorate (MGM). We used the
(1) calibration using gauge data only from the downstream maximum and minimum temperature data from the Climate
area (DC); (2) calibration using gauge data only from the Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) which was proven to
upstream area (UC); (3) calibration using gauge data from have good accuracy with the observed temperature (Duana
both the upstream and downstream areas of the basin et al. ). The precipitation data in the vicinity of the Ikiz-
(Multi Gauge Calibration – MGC); and (4) calibration dere basin was used for the SWAT simulations. In addition,
using gauge data first from the upstream area only, then the daily flow data of three flow gauging stations found in
using the data from the downstream area sequentially Ikizdere basin were received from the Turkish General
343 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
Figure 1 | The Rize Province, delineation of the study area, and sub-basins of Ikizdere basin.
Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) (for the years from the official IPCC data repository (www.ipcc-data.org/
1971–1996) to carry out the model calibration and vali- sim/gcm_clim/SRES_AR4/index.html)
dation. The flow gauging stations of Camlıkderesi or
Ikizdere (station no. E22A015) and Tözköyderesi (station Model calibration and sensitivity analysis
no. E22A033) were used to assess the impacts of spatial
streamflow data on the overall model optimization perform- SWAT is a river basin scale model developed to predict the
ance. The third gauge of Cimil-Koknar (station no. impact of basin management on water, sediment, nutrients,
D22A096) in Ikizdere basin was insufficiently small to be and agricultural and chemical yields (Arnold et al. ). In
used for the study. After failing to simulate the Kaptanpaşa this study, the ArcSWAT program was used in setting up the
basin of Rize province within acceptable accuracy, due to model for the study area. The observed precipitation data
a shortage of observed climate and streamflow data, the Ikiz- from the Turkish Meteorological agency stations was
dere basin was selected for our study as sufficient data is employed in the SWAT model calibration. The model uses
available for hydrological modelling, which is also rec- only one climate station in each sub-basin when a single
ommended by Kahya et al. (). Moreover, the mean station is available within the sub-basin; otherwise, it
monthly values of temperature, wind speed, solar radiation demands the mean data of nearby stations. Once the deli-
and humidity were generated from the Climate Forecast neation of the basin is completed, Hydrological Response
System Reanalysis (CFSR) data, which can be accessed Units (HRU) were categorized with respect to the soil,
from the website of US National Centers for Environmental land use and slope maps overlay. Categorizing all the similar
Prediction (NCEP-CFSR). The climate change data for the parcels of land with similar hydrology, SWAT employs a
three climate models and two scenarios were downloaded lumped calculation for parameters instead of a distributed
344 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
calculation for the sake of saving time and resources. Once the relative sensitivities based on the linear approximations,
the HRU and sub-basin analysis is completed, the ArcSWAT providing only partial information about the sensitivity of
interface then inputs climate data (such as precipitation and objective function to the model parameters. In general, the
temperature) to finalize the SWAT model setup. The two larger the absolute value of t-stat and the smaller the
streamflow series in Camlıkdere station located at the down- p-value, the more sensitive is the parameter. The most sensi-
stream and Tözköydere station located at the upstream of tive model parameters are essential in model calibration as
the study area were used for the model calibration and these parameters will affect the model more than less sensi-
validation. tive parameters. The four model calibration methods were
The SWAT model setup based on the study area was simu- tested for performance. In each method, a set of five cali-
lated using precipitation data for the period 1971–1996. The bration steps were conducted until the simulated
observed precipitation was assumed the only dominant cli- streamflow at a desirable performance is attained as com-
mate variable that has direct and significant impacts on pared to the observed streamflow. It is important to note
streamflow downstream. The simulations were run on a that each calibration step consists of 500 iteration runs. The
monthly time step and a warm-up period of three years for final step was validation to evaluate the performance of the
the model to adjust itself according to the data and basin con- calibrated model with a separate precipitation forcing.
ditions. The output of the model in the warm-up period was not
used for further analysis. Following successful setting pro-
cedures for SWAT, it was calibrated and validated using the Performance analysis
remaining historical streamflow data. More specifically, the
first three years (1971–1973) were used in the model warm- To evaluate the performance of the model calibration tech-
up, and the next 12 years (1974–1990) in the model calibration, niques, the following five statistical methods were used:
and finally the remaining six years (1991–1996) for the model (i) Nash–Sutcliff Efficiency (NS), which measures the close-
validation. The model was calibrated using the following four ness of the simulated value to the observed value (Equation
methods: the first one using Ikizdere streamflow data (Down- (1)); (ii) Coefficient of Determination (R 2) (Equation (2));
stream Calibration – DC), the second using Tözköydere (iii) Root Mean Square Error (RMSR) (Equation (3));
streamflow data (Upstream Calibration – UC), the third using (iv) Percentage Bias (PBIAS) (Equation (4)), and finally
both Ikizdere and Tözköydere streamflow data (Multi-Gauge (v) p-factor (the percentage of observed time series covered
Calibration – MGC), and finally the fourth calibration using by the 95% prediction uncertainty, or in short 95PPU),
Tözköydere streamflow before the calibration using Ikizdere which is a measure of uncertainty in the model (input
streamflow data (Upstream Calibration before Downstream data, parameter, model, etc.). The NS, a major objective
Calibration – UCDC). From the review of relevant literatures, function criterion, was used to assess the degree of fitness
the technique employed in this research is quite different from exhibited by the simulation with that observed. These
what has been done in the past (at least for the Black Sea methods are discussed by Moriasi et al. () in detail. In
region). Thus, it will have a significant contribution in high- addition, Molina-Navarro et al. () advised the use of
lighting the significance of incorporating spatial dimension NS as an objective function when addressing a multi-site
in hydrological model parametrization studies. and multi-variable calibration studies:
In the phase of model calibration and sensitivity analysis, 2 3
n 2
we adopted the SWAT-CUP auto-calibration tool (Abbaspour 6 (Yi Yi ) 7
6 7
). The Latin Hypercube One-factor-At-a-Time design NS ¼ 1 6 ni¼1 7 (1)
4 P obs mean 2 5
(Yi Yi )
(LH-OAT) method proposed by Morris () was i¼1
implemented to carry out the sensitivity analysis method 2 32
which uses a stratified sampling approach that better covers 6 n (Gi Si ) ð Gi Þð Si Þ 7
R2 ¼ 6 P ffi7
4rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 5 (2)
the sampling hypercube with fewer samples (White & P P 2 P
n G2i ð Gi Þ2 n Si ð Si Þ2
Chaubey ; Van Griensven et al. ). The results are
345 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
2 3
6 (Yobs Yni )7
PBIAS ¼ 1006i¼1 n 7 (4)
4 P 5
i )
i¼1 In this study, we used the SWAT model using the SWAT-
CUP model optimization tool to assess our four model
where Yiobs is the ith observation; Yin is the ith simulated value; optimization techniques. In addition, we assessed the
Yimean is the mean of observed rainfall data; Gi is ground pre- impact of climate change for the study area.
cipitation measurements; Si is satellite precipitation estimates,
and n is the total number of data pairs or observations.
Model calibration and sensitivity analysis
Climate change assessment The SWAT model of the study area was set-up and calibrated
using the observed flow data. The output of the model cali-
In this study, three regionally downscaled GCM climate bration, fitted parameter values and ranks of the sensitivity
models (MIMR, INCM3 and HADCM3) and two scenarios analysis are illustrated in Supplementary Material, Annex 1.
(A2 and A1B) were used. It is evident that the three climate Some of the parameters are significantly affected by the stream-
models are not consistent in their estimation of future pre- flow stations used in the model calibration. CH_N2 and CN
cipitation change. Except for the A1B scenario of INCM3, parameters have shown to be sensitive, which indicated the
all the other climate change scenarios predicted the same direct impact of river channel characteristics on streamflow.
or decreased precipitation across the seasons. The summary In addition, SFTMP and SNO50COV were found to be
of IPCC climate change data used in our study is presented sensitive which indicates the effect temperature on the flow
in Figure 2. The values indicate the projected precipitation regime of the basin. The majority of model parameters are
in mm at the end of the century (2080–2099) with respect less sensitive when it comes to the location of gauge data
to the baseline period (1961–1990). We implemented the cli- used for calibration.
mate change analysis by directly substituting the percentage Irrespective of the four model calibration techniques
change in precipitation forecast by the climate model for used, the best parameter values fitted for each calibration
Figure 2 | The three climate change models and two scenarios of IPCC used in the study.
346 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
6.1 (6.5)
6.3 (7.2)
used. The only exceptions are: CN2, CH_K2, LAT_TTIME,
6.4 (6.4)
6.7 (6.7)
Most of these parameters are characterized by their effect
on the river channel and soil characteristics.
11.4 (13.8) 5.9 (6.5) 5.6 (6.5) 11.4 (13.1) 10.6 (13.8) 6.2 (6.4) 5.7 (6.5) 11.7 (13.1) 11.3 (13.8)
11.6 (12.9) 6.0 (6.9) 6.5 (6.9) 10.6 (11.4) 10.9 (12.9) 5.9 (6.7) 6.0 (7.2) 10.3 (11.4) 10.9 (12.9)
Model performance
Five statistical parameters: NS, R2, RSR, PBIAS and
p-factor, were calculated to evaluate the performance of
the model and the calibration techniques (Table 1). Accord-
ing to Moriasi et al. (), model simulation can be judged
as satisfactory if NS > 0.50 and RSR < 0.70, and if PBIAS <
±25% for streamflow analysis. The SWAT model was cali-
brated using four methods (DC, UC, MGC, and UCDC).
The calibration with Tözköydere flow data (UC) gave a
good NS parameter (0.8 and 0.7 for calibration and vali-
dation respectively). That is due to low flow intensity
upstream of the basin caused by a smaller contribution
area for the river outlet. This makes calibration easier for
the objective functions to achieve a large number in a
short period of time. The calibration with only Ikizdere
The calibration was conducted using Tözköyere flow (upstream) before using the Ikizdere flows (downstream).
flow (DC) gave the NS to be 0.7 both for calibration and vali-
5.93 (7.17) –
The calibration was conducted using both Ikizdere and Tözköyere flows.
that achieved in the previous steps (0.7 and 0.6 for Ikizdere
calibration and validation respectively, 0.8 and 0.6 for Töz-
Calib. Valid.
11.4 (12.9) –
11.1 (11.4)
Table 1
347 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
values both for the upstream and downstream regions of the the algorithm adjusts all model parameters providing the
basin. The other observation was calibrating the model best optimization value (NS in our case) (Figure 5).
using the upstream gauge data (UC) which gave more accu- In addition, the temporal analysis proved the superiority
rate model performance when compared to the calibration of the fourth technique (UCDC) as compared to the first
using the downstream flow data (DC). The calibration of three techniques, since the hydrological model was opti-
the model with the flow data of Ikizdere resulted in mized using two flow gauging stations one after the other
improved NS values at the Tözköydere location too. How- (Figure 6). This allows the model to be optimized sequen-
ever, the reverse did not show a similar outcome (Table 1). tially, starting from the upstream region down to the
downstream region. The other techniques optimize the
model with local gauge data contrary to the holistic
Temporal performance approach implemented in UCDC. This results in loss of infor-
mation about the characteristics of the basin which could
In the temporal analysis, the monthly average simulated otherwise be useful to improve the model performance. In
flow values are plotted against time. The calibration of the the UCDS technique, we made sure not to change
model using the upstream flow (UC) (NS of 0.81 for cali- the parameters that were set using the upstream flow when
bration) compared to the calibration using the downstream calibrating using the downstream flow in order to maintain
flow (DC) (NS of 0.72 for calibration) demonstrated good the inter-dependence of upstream–downstream flow.
accuracy (Figures 3 and 4). The main reason is that the
upstream flow intensity is lower, making it less difficult for Climate change assessment
the algorithm to capture the distribution including the
peak flow values. When the flow value increases down- The monthly average flow values for the simulated flow,
stream, it becomes difficult to estimate the flows, as well as six climate change scenarios compared with
especially the peak flows resulting in lower calibration per- the observed flow at Ikizdere sub-basin outlet, is plotted
formance. When both the upstream and downstream flow in Figure 7. There is no consistent trend in the forecasted
data are used for model calibration simultaneously (MGC), flow for the various climate model precipitations. For the
Figure 3 | Observed flow comparison with simulated flow at Ikizdere station, for calibration and validation periods (a) and (b) respectively; and that of Tözköydere station validation (c) and
(d) (for DC – only Ikizdere flow used for model optimization).
348 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
Figure 4 | Observed flow comparison with simulated flow at Ikizdere station, for calibration and validation periods (a) and (b) respectively; and that of Tozkoydere station validation (c) and
(d) respectively (for UC – only Tözköydere flow used for model optimization).
Figure 5 | Observed flow comparison with simulated flow after calibration and validation (a) and (b) respectively for Ikizdere station; (c) and (d) for Tözköydere station (for MGC – both
Ikizdere and Tözköydere flow used for model optimization).
Figure 6 | Observed flow comparison with simulated flow after calibration and validation (a) and (b) respectively for Ikizdere station; (c) and (d) for Tözköydere station (for UCDC – Töz-
köydere flow used before using Ikizdere for model optimization).
Figure 7 | Seasonal average flow of the observed, baseline simulation and simulations with climate change forcing at Ikizdere outlet.
parameters that represent the various hydrological pro- The results of our analysis have shown that using individ-
cesses is one of the main issues hydrologists need to ual gauges for calibration improve the predictive ability of the
solve since it is impossible to measure all of the hydrologi- model for the particular region. The DC calibration technique
cal parameters. In order to assess the impact of calibration resulted in a lower performance compared to the UC, due to
techniques on the model performance, four methods were a larger drainage area for the outlet causing high flow. In cali-
tested, calibration using flow data: (1) only from upstream bration, maximizing the objective function (NS) for a large
area (US), (2) only from downstream area (DC), (3) basin area is more difficult than for a basin of small area.
using both upstream and downstream areas of the basin– Model calibration using the MGC technique significantly
multi-gauge calibration (MGC), and (4) first the upstream improved model performance as a whole, unlike the single
then downstream flow data (UCDC). The study was gauge calibrations. This is due to the fact that the model
aimed at assessing the performance of multi-gauge cali- obtains much wider information on the basin characteristics
bration over single gauge calibration techniques. to adjust its parameters when more than one gauging station
350 S. A. Swalih & E. Kahya | Evaluating hydrological model calibration techniques in a mountainous region Journal of Hydroinformatics | 23.2 | 2021
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First received 6 February 2020; accepted in revised form 19 October 2020. Available online 15 December 2020