Design - F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Online Medicine Ordering System

Design Document

Version 1.0

Group ID: F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

Supervisor Name: Nida Anwar

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Revision History

Date Version Description Author

The purpose of this document is to
describe the implementation of “Online
21/01/2019 1.0 Medicine Ordering System” web MC180204630,
application described in the Online
Medicine Ordering System’s Software
Requirements Specification.

This Design Document provides a

description of the system ERD,
Sequence Diagrams, Architecture
Design Diagram, Class Diagram,
Database Design, Interface Design and
Test Cases.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction of Design Document 04

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 05

3. Sequence Diagrams 06

4. Architecture Design Diagram 10

5. Class Diagram 11

6. Database Design 12

7. Interface Design 13

8. Test Cases 16

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1. Introduction of Design Document

The purpose of this document is to describe the implementation of the “Online Medicine
Ordering System” described in the Requirements phase. The efforts are to automate the
existing manual system with the help of advance computerized software so, that valuable
data can be stored for longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. The
registered user can access the account with valid credentials. User can surf the medicine
items according to categories, Cart and online payment options are available to user. User
can track their orders with the medicine details.

This phase starts with the requirement document delivered by the requirement phase and
maps the requirements into graphical representation of system components, their
relationships, working and sequences. The architecture defines the components, their
interfaces and behaviors. The design document describes a plan to implement the
requirements. This phase represents the “How” phase. Details on computer programming
languages and environments, machines, packages, application architecture, distributed
architecture layering, memory size, platform, algorithms, data structures, global type
definitions, interfaces, and many other engineering details are the deliverables of design
It serves as the primary reference for code development and hence should contain all the
information which may be required by a programmer to write the code.
This design document of Online Medicine Ordering System includes:

 Entity Relationship Diagram

 Sequence Diagrams

 Architecture Design Diagram

 Class Diagram

 Database Design

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 Interface Design

 Test Cases

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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3. Sequence Diagrams

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4. Architecture Design Diagram

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5. Class Diagram

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6. Database Design

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7. Interface Design

a. Login Page:

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b. User Registration Page:

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c. Medicine Items Page:

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8. Test Cases

Test Case ID 01
Test Case Title Registration
Description The User has to Register / Create Account. Customer can create or
register by himself by filling a registration form.
Actors Customer
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Login” Button displaying on the page.
2. User will enter his/her Username and Password.
3. User will click on “Login” button displaying on the page.
4. System will verify the data attributes.
5. System will allow the user to login into the system after a
successful verification of data attributes entered by the user.
Expected Results User should be able to Register / Create Account.
Actual Results User has Registered / Created an Account successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 02
Test Case Title Login Account
Description The User has to login into the site/system. The User have to enter his/her
Username and Password to get login into the system.
Actors Customer, Admin
Pre-Conditions  User has a Valid Username.
 User has a Valid Password.
 System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Register” Button displaying on the page.
2. System will display a registration form.
3. User will fill the registration form.
4. User will click on “Register” button displaying on the page.
5. System will validate the data attributes.
6. System will verify the data attributes.
7. System will register the User after a successful verification
and validation of data attributes entered by the user.
Expected Results User should be able to login into the system.
Actual Results User logged in successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 03
Test Case Title View Orders
Description The User has to view the orders such as placed orders and delivered
Actors Admin
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
 User is logged in.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Manage Orders” button displaying on the
2. System will display the options to choose for viewing the
type of orders.
3. User will be choosing an option to view orders.
4. System will display the orders details or status.
5. User will manage the orders based on his/her role in the
Expected Results User should be able to view orders.
Actual Results User has managed orders successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 04
Test Case Title Manage Medicine Items
Description The User has to insert, update and delete the Medicine Items from the
menu list. Only Admin is authorized to manage the Medicine Items in
this system.
Actors Admin
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
 User is logged in.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Manage Medicine Items” button
displaying on the page.
2. System will display the Medicine items with details.
3. User will select an Item from the list.
4. User will click on “Insert Medicine Item” button displaying
on the page to insert a new Medicine Item into the system.
5. System will show the form to enter data about item.
6. User will fill the form or enter data about that item.
7. User will click on “Insert” button displaying on the page.
8. System will insert that item and save changes.
9. User will click on “Update” button displaying on the page to
update the information about selected Medicine Item from
the list.
10. System will display the form with item information which
can be updated.
11. User will make changes into the information.
12. User will click on “Save” button displaying on the page.
13. System will save the changes made by User.
14. User will click on “Delete” button displaying on the page to
remove an Item or Medicine Item from the list.
15. System will remove the Item from the system.
16. System will save changes.
Expected Results User should be able to manage Medicine Items.
Actual Results User has managed Medicine Items successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 05
Test Case Title Manage Medicine Categories
Description The User has to insert, update and delete the Medicine Categories. Only
Admin is authorized to manage the Medicine Categories in this system.
Actors Admin
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
 User is logged in.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Medicine Items” button displaying on the
2. System will display the Medicine Items list.
3. User will be choosing a Medicine Item which he/she wants.
4. User will click on “Place Order” button displaying on the
5. System will add that Medicine Item into the his/her Cart.
6. User will click on “Proceed” button displaying on the page to
confirm the Purchase.
7. User will confirm his/her Placed Order.
8. System will send the confirmation against that order in the
form of order no. and will save the changes.
Expected Results User should be able to manage Medicine Categories.
Actual Results User has managed Medicine Categories successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 06
Test Case Title Place Order
Description The User has to place an order. Customer selects a Medicine Item from
the menu list and can add that Medicine Item into the Cart. Customer
confirm the Order by making payment or picking his/her Item.
Actors Customer
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
 User is logged in.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Check Order Status” button displaying on
the page.
2. System will display the form and ask for the order no. to
3. User will provide the Order No. and will click on “Check
Status” button displaying on the page.
4. System will look for that Order in the system.
5. System will display the status of his/her order.
Expected Results User should be able to place an order.
Actual Results User has placed an order successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 07
Test Case Title Check Order Status
Description The User has to check his/her Order status. Customer can check status of
his/her order by providing the order no. and System display the status of
his/her order online.
Actors Customer
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
 User is logged in.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Make Payment” button displaying on the
2. System will display the available payment methods.
3. User will be choosing the appropriate payment method to
make payment.
4. System will display the form to collect User information for
making payment.
5. User will fill the form by providing the information.
6. User will click on “Make Payment” button displaying on the
7. System will save the information provided by the User and
proceed the request for payment.
Expected Results User should be able to check order status.
Actual Results User has checked the order status successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Test Case ID 08
Test Case Title Make Payment
Description The User has to make Payment Online. Customer be able to make
payment online to confirm his/her order.
Actors Customer
Pre-Conditions  System should be connected with the database.
 Application should be running properly.
 User is logged in.
Test Steps 1. User will click on “Manage Medicine Categories” button
displaying on the page.
2. System will display the Medicine Categories with details.
3. User will select a Category from the list.
4. User will click on “Add Medicine Category” button
displaying on the page to Add a new Medicine Category into
the system.
5. System will show the form to enter data about Category.
6. User will fill the form or enter data about that Category.
7. User will click on “Add” button displaying on the page.
8. System will insert that Category and save changes.
9. User will click on “Update” button displaying on the page to
update the information about selected Medicine Category
from the list.
10. System will display the form with Category information
which can be updated.
11. User will make changes into the information.
12. User will click on “Save” button displaying on the page.
13. System will save the changes made by User.
14. User will click on “Delete” button displaying on the page to
remove a Category or Medicine Category from the list.
15. System will remove the Category from the system.
16. System will save changes.
Expected Results User should be able to make payment online.
Actual Results User has made payment online successfully.
Status (Pass/Fail) Pass
Tested By F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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