Tourism & Hospitality

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(b) Which of the following is not a self-management
(i) Problem solving skill
(ii) Understanding skill
( Theory )
(iii) Bargaining
Full Marks : 30
(iv) Confidence building.
Time : 1 hour

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the

(c) A room assigned for four person, having two or
more beds is called
General Instructions:
(i) Quad room
(i) Write all the answers in the Answer Script.
(ii) King room
(ii) Attempt all parts of a question together at one place.
(iii) Queen room

SECTION – A (iv) Triple room.

1. Choose the most appropriate answer from the given

options (any eight): 1 8 = 8
(d) Sharing of information by using words, language,
(a) Temporary visitors staying less than twenty four sounds and speech are known as
hours in the country visited are known as
(i) Visual Communication
(i) Tourist
(ii) In-bound tourist (ii) Verbal Communication

(iii) Out-bound tourist (iii) Written Communication

(iv) Same-day Visitors/Excursionists.
(iv) Non- verbal Communication.

HS/XI/A.Sc.Com/ToH/22 HS/XI/A.Sc.Com/ToH/22
(3) (4)

(e) Movement of the tourist within one’s own country (h) When was the term ‘Green Economy’ first coined?
is called
(i) 1988
(i) International tourist

(ii) Domestic tourist (ii) 1986

(iii) Out-bound tourist (iii) 1987

(iv) In-bound tourist. (iv) 1989

(f) Rahul gets feedback on his project work from

his class teacher. Which of these options (i) Which of the following is not a part of grooming?
demonstrate positive attitude in this situation?
(i) Shoes
(i) Rahul ignores the feedback.
(ii) Rahul takes the feedback but does not use (ii) Cleanliness
(iii) Rahul tells others that the teacher is wrong. (iii) Jewellery

(iv) Rahul learns from the feedback and makes (iv) Food habit.
his project work better.

(g) Hotels which are owned by a single owner, who (j) Tourism which consists of people who possess a
might use it for some part of the year and rent it common special interests that influences their
out for the remaining part of the year is known travel choices are known as
(i) Mass tourism
(i) Resort
(ii) Special Interest tourism
(ii) Condominium hotel
(iii) Time share hotel (iii) Sustainable tourism

(iv) Lodges. (iv) Adventure tourism.

HS/XI/A.Sc.Com/ToH/22 HS/XI/A.Sc.Com/ToH/22
(5) (6)

(k) Which of the following is a barrier of (c) Queen room

communication when the body language is
(d) Non-Verbal Communication
(e) Out-bound Tourism
(i) Cultural Barrier
(f) Table d’hote menu.
(ii) Inter-personal Barrier

(iii) Physical Barrier

(iv) Environmental Barrier.
3. Write short answer-type questions of the following
(any three): 2 3 = 6
(l) Which plans provides a room along with
breakfast, lunch and dinner? (a) Who is a meet and greet officer?

(i) European Plan (EP) (b) What are the elements of Communication Cycle?

(ii) American Plan (AP) (c) Write a short note on Eco-Tourism.

(iii) Modified American Plan (MAP) (d) How many types of Greetings are there? Explain
each of them.
(iv) Jungle Plan (JP).
(e) As a front desk agent, what are the steps you
should undertake when the guest arrives at the
reception to check-in?

(f) What are the two types of suites? Explain briefly.

(Very short answer type questions)
2. Define the following (Any four ): 1 4 = 4
4. Write long answer-type questions of the following
(a) Tourism (any three): 4  3 = 12
(b) Green Economy (a) List and explain the 4A’s of tourism?

HS/XI/A.Sc.Com/ToH/22 HS/XI/A.Sc.Com/ToH/22

(b) Explain briefly the three steps to personal


(c) What is the importance of accommodation in the

Tourism & Hospitality Industry?

(d) What are the function of the Front Office


(e) Explain the four major types of food and beverage


(f) What are the roles of the government towards

sustainable development?

Note : Answer can be accepted from outside the text

but relevant to the context.



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