CT Lab Manual
CT Lab Manual
CT Lab Manual
Technologies Basar
TELANGANA. -504107
List of Experiments
1. Finenessofcementtest.
2. Consistencyofcementtest.
3. Initialsettingandfinalsettingtimetest.
4. Slumpconetest.
5. VEE–BEEconsistometertest.
6. Compactionfactortest.
7. Flowtabletest.
8. Bulkingofsandtest.
9. Siltcontenttest.
10. Finenessmodulusforfineaggregateandcourse aggregate test.
11. Soundness test for cement.
12. Specificgravityof cement.
13. Compressive strength ofconcrete cube.
1.Fineness of cement test.
concrete made out of it will have poor workability and will required a larger
quantity of water while mixing. Also bleeding can occur i.e. even before the
concrete set water comes out of the surface due to settlement of concrete
thecement,butmaximumlimittothiscoarsenessshellbeasfollowtoobtain minimum
degree ofgrinding.
3. Trowel.
4. Tray 30mm X30cm.
5. Bristlebrushwith25cmhandle
1. Massaccurately100gmofcementandplaceitonastandardI.S.Sieve90µ.
2. Breakdownanyairsetlumpsinthesamplewithfingers,butdonotrubonthe sieve.
3. Continuouslysievethesamplebyholdingthesieveinbothhandsandgivinga
1. Thecleaningofthesieveshouldbedoneverygentlywiththehelpofabrushi.e.-
2. After sieving, the cement must be removed from the bottom surface o sieve
3. Simplebalanceshouldbecheckedbeforeuse.
4. Sievingmustbecarriedoutcontinuously.
Sample-I Sample-II
100 100
Mass of cement – gms (M))
90/75 90/75
I.S. Sieve –Microns
15 15
Sieving time –Min
2. Standardtrowel
3. Stopwatch.
4. Weighingbalance
The Vicat’s apparatus consists of a frame and a moving rod weighing 300 gm.
The plunger is kept at the lower end of the rod. It is a cylinder 10 mm.
Diameter, A pointer connected to the rod will move along with it when it is
released, over a graduated scale kept in front of it. The cement paste to be tested
is kept in the Vicat’s mould kept below the rod on a glass plate.
withthe paste.
4. The interval from the moment of adding water to the dry cement to the
and shall not be less than 3 minutes and more than 5 minutes. Lower the plunger gently and
test the penetration.
1. If the penetration is between 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the mould the
cement with 0.85 times the water required to give the paste of standard
consistency. Start a stopwatch at the instant when water is added to the
cement. Fill the Vicat’s mould with a cement paste with in three to five
minutes after addition of water. Fill the mould completely and smooth off
the surface of this paste making it level with the top of the mould. The
cement block thus prepared in the mould is testblock.
2. Clean appliances shall be used for gauging. The temperature of water and
that of the test room at the time of gauging shall be with in (27 2)0C.
3. During the test the block shall be kept at a temperature of (27 2)0C and
block and released as described above, fails to pierce the block for 5 to 7 mm
measured from the bottom of the mould. The period elapsing between the time
when water is added to the cement and this time shall be initial settingtime.
The period elapsing between the time when water is added to the cement
and the time at which the needle makes an impression on the surface on the test
block while the attachment fails to do so shall be the final setting time.
No. Tim Reading on the scale of Vicat’s apparatus
4.Slump cone test
AIM: To determine the workability of concrete mix of given proportion by
slump test.
DESCRIPTION: The slump cone is a hollow frustum made of thin steel sheet
with internal dimensions as, the top diameter 10cm, the bottom diameter 20 cm,
and height 30 cm .It stands on a plane non- porous surface. To facilitate vertical
lifting from molded concrete it is provided with a suitable guide attachment and
suitable foot places and handles. The tamping rod is 16mm dia 60cm long and is
bullet pointed at the lower end.
Mixes are prepared with W/C. ratio 0.4, 0.5, 0.55 and 0.6. For each mix take
C.A. =10kg, F.A. =5kg and Cement = 2.5kg.
1) Mix the dry constituents to get a uniform color and then addwater.
2) The internal surface of the mould is to be thoroughly cleaned and
3) Place the mixed concrete in the cleaned slump cone in 4 layers each
5) As soon as the concrete settlement comes to a stop, measure the
Degreeofworkability Slump
5.VEE–BEE consistometer test.
AIM: To find workability of concrete by Vee-Bee consistency test in terms of
Vee Bee Seconds
Vee Bee consistometer, Stopwatch, Balance, Tray, Tamping rod, measuring
jar, Weights and Trowels.
The consistometer is used for determining the consistency of concrete by
vibrating and transforming a concrete specimen from the shape of conical
frustum into a cylinder.
The consistometer consists of a
1. A vibrator table, which vibrates a rate of 3000 vibrations / min.
2. A metal pot, which holds the specimen when the concrete is vibrated. It
is secured to the vibrator table by bolts.
3. Slump cone of 300 mm high, 200 mm at the bottom and 100 mm at the
top (Open both ends).
4. Swivel arm holder: A tube, which is fixed the rear of the base of the
vibrator table. It has 4 positioning slots for swivel arm to position the metal
cone over the slump cone or Perspex disc on the specimen or to position both
of them away.
5. Swivel arms the Swivel moves freely inside the swivel arm holder. A
metal rod and a guide sleeve are fixed to the swivel arm. The graduated metal
rod passes through the guide sleeve.
6. Metal cone - this is in the form of a frustum of cone with open ends
(funnel). This is fixed to the swivel arm
7. Graduated rod
8. Tamping rod. A metal rod of 16 mm x 60 cm. long with one end bullet
1. Position the metal cone over the slump cone. Place the concrete inside
the slump cone in 4 layers each approximately 1/4 of the height. Strokes are
applied by the rounded end of the tamping rod. Distribute the strokes in a
uniform manner over the cross section.
2. After the top layer has been rodded, position the metal cone of the swivel
arm away, and strike off the concrete, level with the top of the cone using a
trowel so that the mould is exactly filled.
3. Remove any material spilled inside the metal pot or sticking on to the
side of the slump filled.
4. Position the Perspex disc over the cone and note down the reading on the
graduated rod (L1). After keeping the disc away, lift the slump cone vertically
and remove.
5. Position the disc over the concrete. Note down the reading of the
graduated rod (L2). The difference in the readings gives the slump in
6. Switch on the vibrator starting a stopwatch simultaneously. Allow the
concrete to spread out in the pot. When the whole concrete surface uniformly
adheres to the Perspex disc, stop the watch, simultaneously, switch off the
vibrator. Note down the time in seconds. Also note the reading on the
graduated rod (L3).
7. The consistency of the concrete is expressed in Vee-Bee degrees which
equal to the time in seconds.
8. Repeat the procedure of different W/C ratios viz.: 0.4, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6 &
9. Draw a graph between slump in centimeters and Vee – Bee Degrees.
10. Knowing the dia of the disc and the height of the concrete after Vibration
(30+ L1 – L3), the Volume of the concrete can be computed.
6.Compaction factor test
APPARATUS: Compacting factor apparatus, Balance, Weights, Trays, Tamping rod and
Compacting factor is defined as the ratio of weight of partially compacted concrete to the
weight of fully compacted concrete.
Four mixes are prepared with W/C., ratios 0.4, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6 and 0.65. For each mix take 2.5
kg of cement, 5 kg of fine aggregate and 10 kg of coarse aggregate.
1. Mix the dry constituents to get a uniform color and then add water.
2. The internal surfaces of the hoppers and cylinder are thoroughly cleaned.
3. The sample of concrete to be tested is placed gently in the upper hopper.
4. The hopper is filled level with its brim and the trap door is opened so that the concrete
falls into the lower hopper.
5. If concrete has a tendency to stick to the sides of the hopper, the concrete should be
slowly pushed down by inserting the tamping rod into the concrete.
6. Immediately after the concrete comes to door of the lower hopper, it is opened and
the concrete is allowed to fall into the cylinder.
7. The excess of concrete in the cylinder above the top is cut off and made level with
trowels. The outside of cylinder is wiped clean.
8. The weight of the concrete in the cylinder is then determined. This weight is known
as weight of partially compacted concrete.
9. The cylinder is refilled with concrete from the same sample in six layers and each is
rammed thoroughly.
10. The top of fully compacted concrete should be carefully struck off level with top
cylinder. The outside of the cylinder is wiped a clean and the weight of fully compacted
concrete is found.
W/C W1 W2 W2–W1 W3 W3–W1 C.F. =(W2–W1 / W3–W1)
Weight of cylinder W1 =
Weight of cylinder + partially compacted W2 =
Weight of Partially compacted concrete (W2-W1) =
Weight of cylinder + fully compacted concreteW3 = Weight of fully compacted concrete
(W3-W1) = Compacting factor (W2-W1) / (W3-W1). =
Maximum workability of concrete is occurring at a water / cement ratio of
7.Flow table test.
To measure the flow and workability of the concrete by using flow table
Apparatus required:
The apparatus consists of flow table about 76cm. in diameter over which concentric
l casing in the form of a frustum of a cone is used with the following internal
dimensions. The base is 25cm. in diameter upper surface 17cm. in diameter and height
of the cone is 12cm.
1.The table top is cleaned of all gritty material and is wetted. The mould is kept on
the center of the table, firmly held and is filled in two layers.
2.Each layer is rodded 25 times with a tamping rod 1.6cm in diameter and 61cm
long rounded at the lower tamping end.
3.After the top layer is rodded evenly the excess of concrete which has overflowed
the mould is removed.
4.The mould if lifted vertically upward and the concrete stands on its own without support.
The table is then raised and dropped 12.5cm 15times in about 15 seconds.
5.The diameter of the spread concrete is measured in about 6 directions to the nearest 5mm
and the average spread is noted. The flow of concrete is the percentage increase in the
average diameter of the spread concrete over the base diameter of the mould.
6.The value could range anything from 0 to 150 per cent. A close look at the
pattern of spread of concrete can also give a good indication of the characteristics of
concrete such as tendency for segregation.
Viva Voce:
8. Bulking of sand test.
AIM: To ascertain the bulking Phenomena of given sample of sand.
APPARATUS: Special Vessel for unit volume, tray, balance and weights,
Increase in volume of sand due to presence of moisture is known as Bulking of sand.
Bulking is due to the formation of thin film of water around the sand grains and the
interlocking of air in between the sand grains and the film of water.
When more water is added a sand particles got submerged and volume again becomes
equal to dry volume of sand.
To compensate the bulking effect extra sand is added in the concrete so that the ration of
coarse to fine aggregate will not change from the specified value.
Fine sands shown greater percentage of bulking than coarse sands with equal percentage of
Compact the sand in three layers in the vessel, each layer being given 25 strokes, and
Strike level at top.
Weigh it and dump it into a tray. Add a certain percent of water by weight (say 2%) of
dry compacted tray.
Add a certain percent of water by weight (say 2%) of dry compacted sand.
Mix, well till uniformly moist. Fill the container with the wet sand without any tamping
strike tip surface level, and find weight of the wet loose sand.
Repeat this with moisture contents of 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 and 20%.
Wt. of dry
% of sand in wet Bulk Factor
Wt. of wet Bulking %
S. No. water sand W3 =
sand W2 = (B.F-1) *
added gm. W1 /W3
gm 100
(X%) = W2 /
(1+0.01 x)
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
6 12
7 14
8 16
9 18
10 20
If moisture content be x% in sand, and if W3 is weight of dry sand in W2 of loose wet sand,
Then W 2 = W3 + (0.01) x W 3
W3 = W2/ (1+0.01 X).
GRAPH: Plot graph between B.F. on (Y- axis) and water content on (X- axis).
9. Silt content test.
Aim:To determine silt content in a given sample of fine aggregate
by sedimentationmethod.
Theory:This is a gravimetric method for determining the clay, fine silt and fine dust,
which includes particles up to 20 microns. Differences in the nature and density of
materials or in the temperature at the time of testing may vary the separation point.
A watertight screw-topped glass jar of dimensions similar to a 1-kg fruit preserving jar,
A device for rotating the jar about its long axis, with this axis horizontal, at a speed of 80 ± 20
A sedimentation pipette, A 1 000-ml measuring cylinder, scale, well-ventilated oven, Taping
rod etc.
A solution containing 8 g of sodium oxalate per liter of distilled water shall be taken. For use,
this stock solution is diluted with distilled water to one tenth (that is 100 ml diluted with
distilled water to one liter).
1.Approximately 300 g of the sample in the air-dry condition, passing the 4.75-mm IS Sieve,
shall be weighed and placed in the screw-topped glass jar, together with 300 ml of the diluted
sodium oxalatesolution. The rubber washer and cap shall be fixed, care being taken to ensure
water tightness.
2.The jar shall then be rotated about its long axis, with this axis horizontal, at a speed
of 80 ± 20rev/min for a period of 15 minutes
3.At the end of 15 minutes, the suspension shall be poured into the 1 000-ml measuring
cylinder and the residue washed by gentle swirling and decantation of successive 150-ml
portions of sodium oxalate solution, the washings being added to the cylinder until the volume
is made up to 1000 ml.
4.The suspension in the measuring cylinder shall be thoroughly mixed by inversion and
the tube and contents immediately placed in position under the pipette.
5.The pipette A shall then be gently lowered until the tip touches the surface of the
liquid, and then lowered a further 10 cm into the liquid.
6.Three minutes after placing the tube in position, the pipette A and the bore of tap B shall be
filled by opening B and applying gentle suction at C.
7.A small surplus may be drawn up into the bulb between tap B and tube C, but this shall be
allowed to run away and any solid matter shall be washed out with distilled water from E.
8.The pipette shall then be removed from the measuring cylinder and its contents run
into a weighed container, any adherent solids being washed into the container by distilled
water from E through the tap B.
9.The contents of the container shall be dried at 100 to 110°C to constant weight, cooled and
10.Calculations—The proportion of fine silt and clay or fine dust shall then be
calculated from the
following formula:
Percentage of Clay and Fine silt or fine dust: 100 (1000w2 _ 0.8)
W1 V
Conclusion / Result:
The clay, fine silt and fine dust content of given sample of fine aggregate is found to be ....... %
10. Fineness modulus for fine aggregate and course aggregate test.
AIM: To determine the grading of Aggregate and fineness modulus of coarse and fine
Aggregate by sieving them dry.
In cement mortar, Aggregate contains 55% of volume of mortar. While in case of
mass concrete, Aggregate contains 85% of volume of concrete. Size of Aggregate used
in concrete ranges from several cms to fraction of millimeters. The maximum size actually
used varies but in any mix, particles of different sizes are incorporated, the particle' size
distribution being referred to as grading. The grading means the art of combining various
sizes of particles composing the Aggregates to produce dense and economic mixture
using minimum cement per unit volume for a given strength. The principle of grading is
that smaller particles fill up the voids between larger particles. .
For the making of good quality concrete it is a common practice to use Aggregate at least in
two size groups, the main division being between fine Aggregates often called sand not larger
than 4.75 mm and coarse Aggregates, which comprises of material at least (75mm in size.
4.75mm size sieve makes the distinction between fine and coarse Aggregates.
Sieve analysis is carried out to test the grading of Aggregates. The Aggregates are sieved
successfully through the sieves. Confirming to I.S 460-1962. Sieve analysis is the operation of
dividing the sample of Aggregates into fraction, each consist the particles of the same size.
The test sieves used for concrete Aggregates have square opening and their properties are as per
I.S. 460-1962. Sieves are described by the size of opening (in mm) for larger sizes, and the
microns for sieves smaller then 1.18mm size, one micron being 10-6 meters.
All sieves are mounted in frames, which can rest. The material retained on each sieve after
shaking represents the fraction of Aggregates coarser than the sieve in question but finer than
the sieve used before 20mm diameter frame is used for 4.75mm or smaller size and 30cm to
45cm diameter frames for 4.75mm and larger sizes. 4.75 are dividing line between the fine and
coarse Aggregates.
The sieves used for concrete Aggregates consist of a series in which the clear opening in any
sieve is one half of the opening of the next larger sieve size.
Sieving can be done either manually or mechanically. In the manual operation the sieve is
shaken giving movements in all possible directions to give chance to all particles for passing.
Before the sieves analysis is performed the Aggregate sample has to be air dried in order to
avoid lumps of fine particles and to prevent clogging of finer sieves. . .
The Aggregate are sieved successfully through each sieve given in table-1 and the percentage·
by mass retained on each sieve recorded in the tabular form; Standard grading is given in table.
2 and 3 the Aggregates shall be described as belonging to any of the grading zones based on the
results obtained by the sieve analysis.
The results of sieve analysis are also to be recorded graphically, ordinate indicating percentage
passing and abscissa indicating sieve size on logarithmic scale. Logarithmic scale is used to
represent sieve of large variation in size.
Fineness modulus of coarse and fine Aggregate is also determined. Fineness modulus is defined
as the sum of the cumulative % retained on the sieves of standard series divided by 100. The
fineness modulus is an empirical factor and can be looked upon as the massed average size of a
sieve on which the material is retained, the sieves being counted from the finest. This can be
used for measuring slight variation in the Aggregate from the same sources a day-to-day check.
Smaller the value of fitness modulus finer is the sand. For good grade of concrete fitness
modulus of sand should be between 2.25-3.35 may not be satisfactory in grading. Some fraction
of particles may absent, which does not define well-graded F.A.
For high- strength & durable concrete, sand from zone I to III can be used but mix should be
properly designed. For reinforced. Concrete sand of zone IV should not be used. If course is
used in concrete, it will result in harshness, bleeding & segregation (i.e. stony mix) and if fine
sand is used in concrete, water requirement will be more & it affects durability of concrete.
Sieve analysis for coarse Aggregates shall be carried out on 9 sieves: (40 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm,
4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and 150
micron). For fine Aggregate 6 sieves (4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron
and 150 micron) are used.
80 100 - - - 100 -
63 85-100 100 - - - -
I.S. Sieve Grading Zone Grading Zone Grading Zone Grading Zone
1 2 3 4
Set of sieves confirming to IS 460-1962, known quantities of coarse and fine Aggregates.
1. Massed quantities of materials shall be taken and sieved successfully through the
specified sieves. Sieves shall be cleaned before used.
2. Each sieve shall shake separately over a clean tray for a period of not less than 2 minutes.
the shaking shall be done with motions backward and forwards, left to right, circular clockwise
and counter clockwise with frequent jarring, so that material is kept moving over solve surface.·
3. On completion of sieving the material retained over each sieve together with any
4. Material cleaned from the mesh shall be massed on a balance and recorded. .
5. The percentage by mass retained by each sieve shall be calculated and the results shall be
6. The cumulative %is calculated.
Mass of Coarse Aggregate = kg.
600 µ(0.06mm)
300µ (0.03mm)
150µ (0.015mm)
Below 150µ`
Fineness modulus =
(b)Coarse Aggregate:
Below 150µ
Fineness modulus =
CURVE: Draw grading curves for both the materials on semi log graph paper.
Minimum Maximum
Coarse Agg.
20mm 6 6.9
Fineness modulus
Confirm to limits?
11. Soundness test for cement.
AIM: Determination of soundness of cement with Le- chatelier apparatus.
It is very important that cement after setting shall not undergo any appreciable change of
volume. The unsoundness of cement is caused by the undesirable expansion of some of its
constituents after setting large change in volume result in disintegration and several cracking.
The unsoundness is due to presence of free lime, magnesia and sulphate. The free lime hydrates
very slowly because it is covered by thin film of cement, which prevents directs contact between
lime and water. After setting time and moisture hydrates.
1. Mgo up to <0.5%
2. Fine grinding
3. Allowing the cement to acrate for several days
4. Through mixing
5. Magnesium up to 6%
Le-chatelier test for free time only but presence of magnesia cannot be indicated. It is >3%
soundness by Autoclave test.
Le-chatelier apparatus, two glass plates
1. 50 gms Of cement is weighted and quantity of water required is 0.78 time std. consistency
(0.78P) & mix it in standard manner.
2. Fill this mixture in to the mould and keep on the glass plate
3. The mould covered on the top with another glass plate.
4. The whole assembly immersed in water for 24 hrs at 27-32 degrees C temperature.
5. Measure the mould again in water, which is boiled at boiling temperature for 25- 30 min.
6. Keeps it boiling for 3 hrs.
7. Remove the mould from water and allow it to cool.
8. Measure the distance between indicator points.
DEFINITION: Specific gravity of cement is defined as the ratio of weight of a given volume of
cement at a given temperature to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at the same
temperature both weights being taken in air.
MATERIAL: Kerosene free of water, naphtha having a specific gravity not less than 0.7313
shall be used in the specific gravity determination.
13. Compressive strength of concrete cube.
AIM: To determine compressive strength for
Concrete is primarily strong in compression and in actual construction. The concrete is used in
compression. Concrete, which is strong in compression, is also good in other quality. Higher the
compression strength better is the durability.
Bond strength is important in R.C.C. Compressive strength also indicated extent of control
exercised during construction. Resistance to abrasion and volume stability improves with the
compressive strength. Test for compressive strength in therefore very important in quality
control of concrete.
Preparation and conduct of compressive strength is comparatively easy and gives consistent
results than tensile strength or flexural strength. This test for determining compressive strength
of concrete has therefore assumed maximum importance.
Cylinder used is 150 mm diameter and 300 mm height. Whenever cylinders are used for
compressive strength results, the cube strength can be used to calculate with the following
Minimum cylinder strength required = 0.8 × compressive strength specified for 150 mm cube.
1. Cube moulds 100 mm size and 150 mm size as per I.s.156-1959 cylinder mould 150 mm
diameter X 300 mm high as per I.s.156-1959.
2. Towels.
3. G.I. sheet for mixing.
4. Tamping rod of 16 mm diameter and 600 mm long bullet point at the lower end.
5. Glass plate thicker than 6.5 mm or machined metal plate 1.3 mm thickness and of
dimensions greater than 175 mm.
6. 100 tone compression testing machine.
1. Fill concrete into the mould in layer approximately 50 mm deep by moving the scoop
around the top edge of the mould as the concrete slides form it, in order to ensure the
symmetrical distribution of the concrete within the mould.
2. Compaction:
If compaction is done by hand tamps the concrete with the standard rod, strokes being uniformly
distributed over the cross section of the mould. For 15cm cube, number of strokes should not be
less than 35 per layer and 25 strokes for 10cm cubes. For the cylindrical specimens, number of
strokes shall not be 30 per layer. Tamp the sides of the mould to close the voids left by tamping
3. If compaction is done by vibration then each layer is compacted· by means of a suitable
vibrating hammer or vibrator or vibrating table. Mode and quantum of vibration of laboratory
specimen shall be nearly the same as those adopted in actual operation
4. Capping:
Cylindrical specimens are capped with a thick layer of neat cement generally 2 or 3 hours after
molding operations. Caps shall be formed by Blass plate or metal plate. Work the plate on the
mould till its lower surface rests on the top of the mould. The cement for the capping shall be
mixed to a stiff plate for about 2 hours before it is to be used in order to avoid tendency of the
cap to shrink. Adhesive of the paste to the cawing to the capping plate can be avoided by
coating the plate with a thin of oil or grease.
5. Curing:
Storing the specimen in a place for 24 + 0.5 hours from time addition of water to dry
ingredients~ Remove the specimen from the mould and keep it immediately submerged in
clean, fresh water and keep them until taken out just prior to rest. Water in which the specimen
is submerged shall be renewed at every 7 days.
8. Precautions:
See that the load is applied in the center. Even a small eccentricity can cause serious deviation.
Sr. Specimen
No. 1 2 3 4 5
2. Identification No.
3. Produced on Date
4. Tested on Date
Length I mm
6. Measurements Breath b mm
Height d mm
8. Volume V = A × c mm3
14. %Deviationfromavg.
Thecompressivestrengthoftheconcreteat28daysf ckis