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Table 1. Test results data on the undershot waterwheel that at a lamp load of 100 W, the rotation of the wheel can reach
Electric Waterwheel Generator/ Electric Voltage Mass Water 45 rpm. The rotation speed of the waterwheel decreases to 15.255
Load Rotation Electric Current (V) flow rate Velocity rpm along with the increase in the highest lamp load at the time of
(W) (RPM) Power (A) ( ) testing, which is 800 W.
( )
0 48,42 2152 0 345 0,476 3,229
100 45 2000 0,6 293 0,476 3,229
140 42.39 1884 0,75 276 0,476 3,229
180 31.185 1386 0,8 203 0,476 3,229
200 30.082 1337 0,85 194 0,476 3,229
240 27.697 1231 0,95 160 0,476 3,229
280 25.402 1129 1 148 0,476 3,229
300 24.885 1106 1,05 136 0,476 3,229
340 23.872 1061 1,1 110 0,476 3,229
380 23.152 1029 1,2 100 0,476 3,229
400 22.425 996.7 1,25 92 0,476 3,229
440 21.307 947 1,3 90 0,476 3,229
480 20.661 918,3 1,35 84 0,476 3,229
500 20.571 914,3 1,4 80 0,476 3,229
Fig. 3. Characteristics of generator power toward the electric load
540 19.836 881,6 1,45 74 0,476 3,229
580 19.192 853 1,5 70 0,476 3,229 Fig. 3 explained that the highest electrical power that can be
600 18.99 844 1,5 68 0,476 3,229 achieved is 207 W at a lamp load of 140 W, and the discharge
tends to be constant. While the highest lamp load that can be
640 18.184 808,2 1,55 64 0,476 3,229
achieved is 800 watts, with a voltage of 42 V and the lowest
680 17.172 763,2 1,55 60 0,476 3,229 power achieved is 71.4 W. The above is influenced by the rotation
700 16.989 755,1 1,6 55 0,476 3,229 of the pinwheel which decreases with increasing electrical load.
740 16.254 722,4 1,6 50 0,476 3,229 So that as the lamp load increases, lower electrical power is
generated. From the data above, the maximum power occurs at a
780 15.592 693 1,65 45 0,476 3,229
voltage of 276 V, because at that point, a current of 0.75 A is
800 15.255 678 1,7 42 0,476 3,229 generated. So that the optimal power is 207 W.
4 Conclusions
The following are the turbine's specifications: The diameter of
Fig. 2. Characteristics of turbine rotation toward the electric load the turbine is 1.1 meters, the width of the turbine is 0.7 meters, the
Fig. 2 shows that the higher the installed lamp load, the lower flow rate is 0.476 m3/s, the water level at the water channel is 0.64
the rotation of the waterwheel produced. In addition, it can be seen meters, the rotational speed of the turbine is 42.39 revolutions per
Disseminating Information on the Research of Mechanical Engineering - Jurnal Polimesin Volume 21, No. 2, April 2023 216
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