Pathology Syllabus II BHMS

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(A)Pathology and microbiology shall be thought in relation to concept of miasms as

evolved by Samuel Hahnemann and further developed by JT Kent, JH Allen and other
stalwarts, with due reference to Koch’s postulate,correlation with Immunity,susceptibility
and thereby emphasizing homoeopathic concept of evolutionof disease and cure
(B)Focus will be given on the following points,
a. Pathology in relation with Homoeopathic MateriaMedica
b. Correlation of Miasms and Pathology
c. Characteristic expression of each Misam
d. Classification of symptom and Diseases according to pathology
e. Pathological finding of Disease and their findings, interpretation and usage
in management of patients under Homoeopathic treatment
(C)To summarise all the topics in general and systemic pathology and
microbiologyshould be correlated,at each juncture, with Homoeopathic principles so that
the importance of pathology in homoeopathic systemcould be understood by students.
01. Cell Injury and cellular adaptation
02. Inflammation and repair (Healing).
03. Immunity
04. Degeneration
05. Thrombosis and embolism
06. Oedema
07. Disorders of metabolism
08. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy
09. Anaplasia
10. Metaplasia
11. Ischaemia
12. Haemorrhage
13. Shock
14. Atrophy
15. Regeneration
16. Hyperemia
17. Infection
18. Pyrexia
19. Necrosis
20. Gangrene
21. Infarction
22. Amyloidosis
23. Hyperlipidaemia and lipidosis
24. Disorders of pigmentation
25. Neoplasia
26. Calcification
27. Effects of radiation
28. Hospital infection
01. Mal-nutrition and deficiency diseases.
02. Diseases of Cardiovascular system
03. Diseases of blood vessels and lymphatic
04. Diseases of kidney and lower urinary tract
05. Diseases of male reproductive system and prostate
06. Diseases of the female genitalia and breast.
07. Diseases of eye, ENT and neck
08. Diseases of the respiratory system.
09. Diseases of the oral cavity and salivary glands.
10. Diseases of the G.I. system
11. Diseases of liver, gall bladder, and biliary ducts
12. Diseases of the pancreas (including diabetes mellitus)
13. Diseases of the haemopoetic system, bone marrow and blood
14. Diseases of glands-thymus, pituitary, thyroid, and parathyroid, adrenals, parotid.
15. Diseases of the skin and soft tissue.
16. Diseases of the musculo-skeletal system.
17. Diseases of the nervous system.
18. Leprosy
I. General Topics:
1. Introduction
2. History and scope of medical microbiology
3. 3. Normal bacterial flora
4. 4.Pathogenicity of micro-organisms
5. 5. Diagnostic microbiology
II. Immunology:
01. Development of immune system
02. The innate immune system
03. Non-specific defense of the host
04. Acquired immunity
05. Cells of immune system; T cells and B cells Cell mediated immunity
06. The compliment system
07. Antigen; Antibody; Antigen - Antibody reactions (Anaphylactic and Atopic);
Drug Allergies 8.Hypersensitivity
09. Immuno-deficiency
10. Auto-immunity
11. Transplantation
12. Blood group antigens
13. Clinical aspect of immuno-pathology.
III. Bacteriology:
01. Bacterial structure, growth and metabolism
02. Bacterial genetics and bacteriophage
03. Identification and cultivation of bacteria
04. Gram positive aerobic and facultative anaerobic cocci, eg.Streptococci,
05. Gram positive anaerobic cocci, e.g. peptostreptococci
06. Gram negative aerobic cocci, eg. neisseria, moraxella, kingella.
07. Gram positive aerobic bacilli, eg. corynebacterium, aacillus anthrax, cereus
subtitis, mycobacterit tuberculosis, M. leprae, actinomycetes; nocardia, organism
of enterobacteriaceae group.
08. Gram positive anaerobic bacilli, eg. Genus clostridium, lactobacillus.
09. Gram negative anaerobic bacilli, eg. bacteroides, fragilus, fusobacterium.
10. Others like- cholerae vibrio, spirochaetes, leptospirae, mycoplasma,
chlamydiae, rickettsiae, yersinia a pasturella.
IV. Fungi and Parasites:
1. Fungi - (1) True pathogens (cutaneous, sub-cutaneous and systemic infective
agents), Opportunistic pathogens.
2. Protozoa - (1) Intestinal (Entamoebahistolytica, Giardia lamblia,
Cryptosporidumparvum), Urogenital (Trichomonasvaginalis) 3) Blood and
Tissues (Plasmodium-species, Toxoplasma gondTrypanosoma species,
leishmania species).
3. Helminths - (1) Cestodes (tapeworms)- Echinococcusgranulosus,
Taeniasolium, Taeniasaginata(2) Trematodes (Flukes):
Paragonimuswestermani, Schistosomamansoni, Schistosomahaematobium (3)
Nematodes- Ancylostomaduodenale, Ascarislumbricoides,
Enterobiusvermicularis,Strongyloides, Stercoralis, Trichuristrichiura,
Brugiamalayi, Dracunculusmedinensis, Loa loaOnchocerca volvulus,
V. Virology:
01. Introduction
02. Nature and classification of viruses
03. Morphology and replication of viruses
04. DNA viruses: (i) parvo virus (ii) herpes virus, varicella virus, CMV, EBV. (iii)
hepadna virus (hepatitis virus) (iv) papova virus (v) adeno virus (vi) pox virus-
variola virus, vaccinia virus, molluscumcontagiosum etc.
05. RNA viruses: (a) orthomyxo virus: (i) entero virus (ii) rhino virus (iii) hepato
virus (b) paramyxo virus- rubeola virus, mumps virus, Influenza virus etc. (c)
phabdo virus (d) rubella virus (german measles) (e) corona virus (f) retro virus (g)
yellow fever virus (h) dengue, chikungunya virus (i) Miscellaneous virus: (1)
arena virus (ii) corona virus (iii) rota virus (iv) bacteriophages
VI. Clinical microbiology: (1) Clinically important microorganisms (2) Immuno-
prophylaxis, (3) Antibiotic Sensitivity
VII. Diagnostic procedures in microbiology: (1) Examination of blood and stool (2)
Immunological examinations (3) methods (4) Animal inoculation.
VIII. Infection and Disease: (1) Pathogenicity, mechanism and control (2) Disinfection,
and sterilisation (3) chemotherapy (4) Microbial pathogenicity
Teaching of histopathological features with the help of slides of common
pathological conditions from each Elvstern.IL. Teaching of gross pathological
specimens for each system.Histopathological techniques, e.g. fixation, embedding,
sectioning and staining by common dyes and stains.Frozen sections and its importance.
Electron microscopy; phase contrast microscopy.


Clinical and Chemical Pathology: estimation of haemoglobin (by acidometer)
count of Red Blood Cells and white Blood Cells, bleeding time, clotting time, blood
grouping, staining of thin and thick films, differential counts. Blood examination for
parasites. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Urine examination, physical, chemical microscopical, quantity of albumin and
sugar. Examination of Faeces: physical, chemical (occult blood) and microscopical for
ova and protozoa. Methods of sterilisation, preparation of a media, use of
microscope.Gram and acid fast stains.Motility preparation. Gram positive and negative
cocci and bacilli. Special stains for corne-bacterium gram and acid fast stains of pus
and sputum.
Preparation of common culture medias, e.g. nutrient agar, blood agar,
Robertson's Cooked Meal media (RCM) Mac-Conkey's media. Widal test demonstration
Exposure to latest equipment, viz. auto-analyzer, cell counter, glucometer.
Histopathology (a) Demonstration of common slides from each system. (b)
Demonstration of gross pathological specimens. (c) Practical or clinical demonstration
of histopathological techniques, i.e. fixation, embedding. (d) Sectioning, staining by
common dyes and stain. Frozen section and its importance. (e) Electron microscopy,
phase contrast microscopy.

No. of .Papers-02
SECTION A - General Pathology 50 Marks
SECTION B- Systemic Pathology 50 Marks

Bacteriology 25 Marks
Fungi and parasites 25 Marks
Virology 20 Marks
Clinical microbiology and diagnostic procedures 10 Marks
Microbiological control and mechanism of Pathogenicity 10 Marks
General Topics Immuno-pathology 10 Marks

Practical or Clinical
Year & Subject Written Total
Including Oral
Full Pass Full Pass Full Pass
II BHMS Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

Pathology 200 100 100 50 300 150

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