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Arpit ST Report Final

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A Summer Training Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Award of Degree of

In the organization


D-8 Sudha Home Town Apartment, Parsa
Bazar, Parsa Sampatchak Road, Patna
, Bihar

Training Duration:(15/05/2023 to 30/06/2023)

Department of Civil Engineering

Patna- 8000014 (India), June 2023


I ARPIT KUMAR, do hereby solemnly declare that the work in this report was carried out by me as a result
of industrial training done at AFCONS INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. The work I have presented does not
breach any existing copyright and no portion of this report is copied or any part thereof has been submitted
anywhere as an industrial training report or otherwise; hence I the author am solely responsible for any
mistakes or errors that may occur. I also declare that any secondary information that has been used has been
duly acknowledged in this report.


ROLL NO-BTECH/15069/20



Internship is a field based practical training experience that prepares trainees for tasks they are
expected to perform on the completion of their training. Training is a prerequisite in order to
equip students with skills for future demands

As part of partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, the
department of Civil and environmental engineering under the college of engineering design art
and technology of BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MESRA PATNA sends civil
engineering students for industrial training/internship at every end of academic year and this
course is mainly intended to introduce students to various technological skills in industries and
provide on-the-job training and exposure and thereafter at end of program come up with a
report on the summary of activities done. This report is basically a presentation of what I did,
observations made, skills and different aspects learnt and discovered in my industrial training
with a construction firm called AFCONS INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. during the construction
of the three storied commercial building

Chapter one
basically, covers the introduction about the training.

Chapter two
covers the problem statement

Chapter three
covers the training methodology part

Chapter four
addresses the observations made at the training.

I would like to thank Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. For giving me this invaluable opportunity to
learn so much practical knowledge which would have impossible to learn through only looking
at images from textbook. I have gained invaluable insights into how construction of any
superstructure is handled and how any difficulty comes in between is tackled. Apart from
technical knowledge, I have gain insights into construction management, efficient man power
management and lots of other thing.

I am deeply indebted to our training In-charge at site Mr. G.S.N. Murthy sir whose help
, stimulating suggestion and encouragement helped mean time at the training site and also for
writing the training report.

My colleagues from Civil Engineering Department supported me in my project work. I want to

thank them for all their help, support, interest and valuable hints.

Especially, I would like to give my special thanks to my parents whose patient love enabled me
to complete this work. And at last, but not the least I would like to thank God for the successful
completion of my project.

We are thankful to The Project Manager: Mr. Sanjay Kumar to give us this opportunity to learn
about the construction activities in this project.

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

1.2 Scope of the Study.................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Project Background ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.4 Introduction of Organization ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Structure of Organization........................................................................................................................................ 8

SECTION 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 10

2.1 Conceptual framework/plan of activities:..................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Brief description of practical training and office work ............................................................................................ 14
2.4 Problem statement ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

SECTION 3. Training Methodology/ Site-Visit Documentation................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Orientation of study of training: ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.2 Machinery/Tools used in training: ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Lab tests: .............................................................................................................................................................. 25

Section 4. DISCUSSION OR OBSERVATION MADE AT THE TRAINING........................................................................................... 27

4.1 Discussion on observation/work done in training: ................................................................................................. 27
4.2 Following work was done during the training: ...................................................................................................... 31
4.3 Challenges during training/ safety concerns: ......................................................................................................... 33

Section 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: .................................................................................................................. 34

5.1 Overall benefits of the internship:................................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.3.1 Recommendation:................................................................................................................................................ 34
5.3.2 To the Organization .............................................................................................................................................. 35

Section 6. Training diary ........................................................................................................................................................... 39

1.1 Objective of training

The training was performed to gain practical knowledge and enhance the skills in a real
time environment as it gave an exposure to actual work experience. The summer
training helped in the understanding of the real time works and projects, industrial
environmental, work culture, team work. Besides learning different new skills and
different types of work in a company the summer training helped to clarify and choose
the department where a student wants to work in future.

1.2 Scope of the Study

The training was important as it provided an approach to the implementation of the

theoretical knowledge into the practical world problems. The training also helped in
building a strong career profile. the summer training also provided a chance to network
with professionals and workers.

1.3 Project Background

The ongoing project was on an Elevated Grade Road along Eastern Side of Patna – Gaya
Railway Line from Mithapur to Ram Govind Singh Mahauli Halt Patna, Bihar andthe
project was taken by Afcons Infrastructure Limited. The project was considered by
Afcons Infrastructures as the company has a leading presence in Engineering &
Construction, Infrastructure also the company specializes in infrastructural
development of tunnels, hydro works, railways, metro, light rails, highways, bridges,
flyovers, viaducts, elevated corridors, dry docks, and slipways.

1.4 Introduction of Organization

Afcons is an engineering and construction company. The group companies build mega-
structures, develop iconic landmarks, drive innovative technologies in water
management, renewable energy, oil & gas and power, with a focus on good governance,
and, sustainable development, to engineer a better planet.
 The company vision is to build an environment that helps in the creation of
knowledge and its application to work, and to excel in all of their business
activities and strive to build Shapoorji Pallonji Group into a creative
 And their mission is to be a Prominent Transnational Infrastructure
Company recognized for Business Innovations, focused on Total
Satisfaction and Enhanced Value Creation for all its Stakeholders.

1.5 Structure of Organization


Execution Casting yard Planning QA / QC

yard head head head head

Site Casting yard Planning QA/QC

Engineers engineers engineers Engineers

1.6 Introduction of Site: Brief Overview

The site is located at Parsa Bazar, Parsa Sampatchak road, Patna, Bihar.

The latitude of the site: 25.5383295

And longitude of site: 85.1344823

Fig: Casting yard


The project is on an Elevated Grade Road along Eastern Side of Patna – Gaya Railway Line
from Mithapur to Ram Govind Singh Mahauli Halt Patna, Bihar. The project is an 8.86 km
long elevated grade road on EPC mode.

2.1 Conceptual framework/plan of activities:

Construction planning involves identifying all the required steps to build a structure,
splitting them into defined activities, ordering these steps logically, and determining the
necessary materials, manpower, and equipment. The steps involved are:

1. Survey: Construction surveying is useful for assessing the arrangement of the buildings,
roads, power lines, gas mains and other structures surrounding potential construction
sites. Analyzing this information makes it easier to plan construction projects.

2. Land acquisition: Land acquisition simply refers to the process by which private land
is acquired for some public purpose especially development like construction of roads,
canal, dams, bridges, buildings, railway lines etc. The acquired land indirectly helps in
development of society as well as Nation. The landowner may be left with the right to
negotiate the amount of compensation proposed. This includes land or assets for which
the owner enjoys uncontested customary rights.

3. Soil testing: Soil testing is primarily done to test the bearing capacity. The chemical and
physical composition of the soil is checked during this process. The soil must havethe
ability to withstand the weight of the building. Soil testing also determines the depthand
length of the pillars that will be inserted into the soil to lay the building's foundation. The
results of soil testing are used to determine the likelihood of foundation problems and
the best construction methods to use.

4. Barricading: Barricading in construction is a general term for a wide range of traffic
control, pedestrian safety, and perimeter security equipment. This includes both
permanent and temporary barricading, but most commonly temporary, as is the nature
of construction sites.
The main types of construction barriers used in the construction site are:
 Concrete Construction Barriers.
 Plastic Construction Barriers.
 Guard Rails.

Fig: Barricades

5. Excavation: Excavation is the process of moving earth, rock or other materials with tools,
equipment or cranes. It also includes trenching, wall shafts, tunnelling and underground.
It is the preliminary activity of the construction project.

Fig: Excavation of soil at site

6. Surface profiling and compaction: After the excavation of earthworks the site is made
compatible to be worked upon. The soil is made even and compacted by applying
mechanical compactive effort to densify a soil by reducing the void space between soil
particles. Compaction occurs when particles are pressed together to reduce the space
between them. Soil compaction is necessary to increase the bearing capacity and stiffness
of in-situ soils. Compaction increases the shear strength of soils by adding friction from
the interlocking of particles.

2.2 Brief description of the site element

 Pedestal: concrete or built-up metal member constructed on top of a bridge seat for the
purpose of providing a specific bearing seat elevation. A pedestal is used as a base to
support columns, statues or other ornaments. A classical pedestal may be square,
octagonal or circular and is usually made up of three elements: Plinth: This is the lowest
part of the base of a column or pedestal.

 Bearing: A bearing is provided between the bridge girder and the pier cap. The main
function of the bearing to allow free movement or vibration of the top superstructure
and reduce effect stress to reach the bridge foundation.

 Segments: A segment is pre casted box girder type element of the bridge over which
the deck of the bridge is made. The segments are joined together to make a continuous

Fig: Segments

2.2 Brief description of practical training and office work

The practical work and office work that were carried out during the training are

1 Orientation: The orientation program was conducted to convey some important

points about the company and their workforce, they were primarily about
a. Corporate culture
b. Company values, missions, visions
c. Organizational structure
d. Team leadership
e. Company policies
2 Safety training: Safety training were done to protect one from work-related injuries, and it was
especially important as company work was in a harsh environment. The topics discussed in the
safety training program included:
a. Use of protective gears
b. First aid
c. Construction safety
3 Planning: The planning department was responsible for the planning of maximizing
work efficiency along with reducing the cost for company thus providing greater
profits. These include:
a. Deciding of manpower
b. Picking up right local contractors
4. Execution: The execution department was responsible for the supervision and
completion of the in-situ work. All the construction works were carried out by the
execution department only. The works include;
a. Making of reinforcements for segments, piles, pile caps, piers as per
b. Shuttering of the reinforcements and then concreting it.
c. Curing of the concrete
5. Quality control / quality assessment: The QA/QC department was responsible for
checking the quality of the materials used in construction as well as carrying out the
test of materials in lab and inspection of the project. The work includes:
a. Lab tests for cement, aggregates, sand
b. Documenting of quality assurance plans

c. Inspection test plans
d. Carrying out batch trials of different mix designs

2.4 Problem statement

Ideally any road should not be traffic congested and the vehicles should be free to bypass
the railway crossing hassle free and without any traffic jams.

Currently due to the increased number of vehicles on the road with limited space for road
and the increasing overrun on road by street vendors with most of the pedestrians walking
on road covering up large areas of road and narrowing the road space for the running

The narrowing down of road causes traffic congestion relating to noise and air pollution to
the environment. Long hours of traffic jams may arise dangerous situation at the railway

The elevated grade road is being constructed to overcome these traffic issues and to
decongest traffic on Patna Bypass, which serves as entry and exit points for vehicular
movement. The Elevated Grade Road along Eastern Side of Patna – Gaya Railway Line
from Mithapur to Ram Govind Singh Mahauli Halt Patna, Bihar would provide a viable
alternative for vehicular owners to bypass likely congestion on Patna Gaya Road near
Ramchak Bairiya after the interstate bus terminal (ISBT) becomes fully operational later
this year.

SECTION 3. Training Methodology/ Site-Visit

3.1 Orientation of study of training

The elevated grade road project was Eastern Side of Patna – Gaya Railway Line from
Mithapur to Ram Govind Singh Mahauli Halt Patna, Bihar and the project was being
handled from casting yard area. The casting yard for the project was built in an area of
around 25acres of land. The casting yard was like the main area of the project from where
all the work was been handled, segments were built and stored etc.

Inside the casting yard there were different offices and places where the construction works
and management works were executed. Some of these are

 Wing area: The wing area were designated places where the casting work was
done. Since the project follows the pre cast construction technology the segments
of the bridge where casted in a step-by-step process in the wing area.
 Batching plant: The yard had a batching plant where all the cement, sand,
aggregates, water, admixture was mixed to obtain concrete of desired mix design
Once the quality concrete was prepared it was transported to the site on a truck
with a revolving drum which is known as transit mixer which was later used in
concreting of segments etc.

Fig: Batching plant

 Segment storage area: The segment storage area was an area where all thesegments
after pre casting were stored till they were ready to be launched to the site.

Fig: Segment storage area

 Main office: The main office was a small single storied building where all the paper
works, staff and project handling, project maintenance, decision making works
were done.
 QA/QC Lab: The lab was a specified area for carrying out the lab tests on
construction materials and set out the criteria for a quality management system
according to ISO 9001:2015 reaffirmed 2018. These works include
a. Checking the quality of materials which are to be used in construction
b. Preparation of trial batch mix designs,
c. estimation of mix design with documentation
d. inspection test plan.

 Storage: All equipment’s related to construction and safety were handled through

 Thermal power station: For powering and running all kinds of heavy machinery.

The site of the project was located approximately 2.5km away from the casting yard area.
At site the elevated road construction was being executed. These works included

a. Piling for setting up the piles inside earth

b. Pile cap after the piles is constructed inside the earth
c. Pier construction
d. Pier cap construction

At site the whole ongoing project was barricaded to provide safety for workers and ease
of convenience for pedestrians and vehicles. The engineers were responsible for the
supervising of the whole work along with the safety of workers.

The construction of 8.86 km long Mithapur-Mahauli stretch of road in the state capital
began with the following objectives:

 To decongest traffic on Patna Bypass, which serves as entry and exit points for
vehicular movement.
 To serve as an exit route from Patna and connect traffic with the under-construction
Patna-Gaya four-lane road along Patna-Gaya railway line. “It will originate from
Mithapur flyover on Budha Marg and terminate at Parsa via Sipara in both at grade and
elevated mode.
 Mithapur-Mahauli road would provide a viable alternative for vehicular owners to
bypass likely congestion on Patna Gaya Road near Ramchak Bairiya after the interstate
bus terminal (ISBT) becomes fully operational later this year. The ISBT, being
developed on a 50-acre plot with a parking facility for more than 300 buses at a time,
has been opened with a limited number of buses originating from there.

3.2 Machinery/Tools used in training:

3.2.1 Gantry: A gantry crane is an overhead crane that has an overhead beam supported by
freestanding legs and moves on wheels, a track, or rail system carrying a bridge, trolley,
and hoist. Workshops, warehouses, freight yards, railroads, and shipyards use gantry
cranes as their lifting solution as a variation of overhead or bridge cranes.

The lifting capacity of gantry cranes ranges from a few hundred kilo to several hundred
tons. They provide an efficient and economical means for lifting and moving equipment
materials, and tools of any size or weight

Fig. Gantry

3.2.2 Launching Girders: A launching gantry (also called beam launcher, girder
launcher, bridge building crane, ) is a special-purpose mobile gantry crane used
in bridge construction, specifically segmental bridges that use precast box girder

bridge segments or precast girders in highway and high-speed rail, bridge construction
projects. The launching gantry is used to lift and support bridge segments or girders as
they are placed while being supported by the bridge piers instead of the ground.

Launching gantry machines are used to lift and support precast bridge segments and
bridge girders, while movable scaffolding systems are used for cast-in-place construction
of bridge segments.

Fig. Launching Girder

3.2.3 Stressing jack: TMG Stressing Jack (also known as Multi Strand Jack) is small,
compact and highly efficient. Unlike the Mono Jack where a single PC strand is stressed
at any one time, Stressing Jack is meant to stress all the strands in the tendon at the same
time. The purpose of stressing all strands at the same time is for speed and accuracy.

Fig. Stressing Jack

3.2.4 Concrete vibrators: Concrete vibrators are utilized to remove air that can stay when
flowing concrete that can decay the unity of the concrete. Without a concrete vibrator,
concrete structures can back down or fail apart from weather, earthquakes, and wear and
tear over time. The vibrators are of different types depending upon their uses

a. Internal vibrator
b. External vibrator
c. Surface vibrator
d. Vibrating table

3.2.5 Rebar bending machine: Rebar bending machines are usually used for accuracy of
bending angles. The machine is suitable for bending wide varieties of steel bars, TMT,
and reinforcement bars etc used in construction. It is capable of bending the toughest
rebars and its application is very extensive. The machine is suitable to carry out different
operations on rebar according to their requirements. It contains long steel shafts that can
require bending before being used in construction. Different types of bender machines are
applied for bending the rebar in the construction industry. All the types of benders differ
in design and engineering, strength, technology and use.

Fig. Rebar bending Machine

3.2.6 Total stations: A Total Station is an electrical and digitally operated surveying
instrument used for measurement and survey work. It is a gainful instrument for
estimating points like even and vertical, and distance. The Total station used in surveying
for the measurement of field data consists of the Electromagnetic Distance Measuring &
Electronic Theodolite.

3.2.7 Piling rig machine: A piling rig is used to drive piles into soil to provide foundation
support for buildings, bridges and other structures. A heavy weight is placed between
guides allowing it to move up and down in a single line. It is widely used for cast-in-
place piles.

Fig : Piling rig machine

3.2.8 Concrete pump trucks: The concrete pump truck is a kind of high-efficiency concrete
conveying equipment that integrates the functions of driving, pumping, and distribution.
The concrete is discharged into the hopper of the pump truck, the pumping system will
press concrete into the pipeline, and then discharge from the end of pipe. During
construction, the concrete pouring position can be controlled by moving the tail pipe or
rotating the angle of the boom. This is used for concreting the segments, pile caps, piers.

3.3 Lab tests:

Testing of concrete is vital to ensure the strength and resilience of built structures. Testing
of concrete materials can be divided into two primary categories: Field testing and
Laboratory testing.

For cement we perform different tests such as:

3.3.1 Fineness test

3.3.2 Soundness test
3.3.3 Compressive strength test
3.3.4 Initial and final time test

For aggregate we perform tests such as:

3.3.5 Impact test

3.3.6 Crushing value test
3.3.7 Abrasion test

Test done/observed in lab:

Aggregate Impact Value Testing of Coarse aggregate:

Aim: To determine the aggregate impact value of a given sample of coarse aggregate


1) Mould of diameter = 102mm

2) Hammer weight = 13.75±0.25 kg

3) Free fall height = 380±5 mm

4) Taping rod = 8 mm

5) IS sieve of 2.36mm

6) Weight balance capable up to 0.1g

Theory: The aggregate impact value is defined as the relative measure of resistance of an
aggregate to a sudden shock of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact. It is measured to
determine the failure of aggregates under sudden load or impact. The test sample is passed
through 12.5mm sieve and is retained on 10mm sieve. The impact value is determined by
ratio of weight of aggregate passing through 2.36mm by the total wight of the sample.
The test is followed according to IS 2386-4 (1963).

Fig. AIV Test Apparatus


1) weight of filling cup (empty) = 712g

2) weight of filling cup + aggregate = 1092g

3) Retained weight in 2.36 mm sieve = 320g

4) Weight of sample aggregates = 1092g – 712g = 380g

4) Weight of sample passing through 2.36mm = 60g


𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 2.36𝑚𝑚

The aggregate impact value =
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

= 60 × 100 = 15.78

Result: The obtained aggregate impact value is 15.78 which shows the sample is of strong

Reference: IS 2386 – 4 (1963): Methods of test for aggregate for concrete.



4.1 Discussion on my role in training:

As an intern I was primarily in supporting role – at least in the beginning. When I join up,
my main job was to assist, learn and grow. After I had settled in, I had pulled my own
weight. In the beginning of my internship, I was simply trying to learn how the company
works. The employees and engineers helped me to get an understanding of their role. After
few days of learning the ins-and-out of the company I had started to assist and contribute
more to the team.

4.2 Discussion on observation/work done in training:

Almost half of the project work was being executed in the casting yard itself. All the paper
work and desk job was handled in the office. These works include

 making DPR’s.
 planning of methodology of project for economical work output.
 Managing of contractors, team leaders.
 conference meetings to improve and speed up the ongoing project work.
 Lab tests for concrete, making new batch trial mixes.
 preparation of estimation for mix design.

 quality assessment works etc.

Work followed in the casting yard -

1. The casting yard area has two wings where the segments of the bridge was being
2. First as per the drawing the reinforcements for the segments were made. The
reinforcements used were TMT bars of 12mm and 16mm diameters and ISMC75
channel sections were also used.
3. The reinforcements were then lifted with the help of gantry girders and were placed
in the area for concreting. Before concreting the reinforcements were put

Fig. Reinforcement Binding

in formwork of desired shape after which the concreting was done.

4. The whole structure called as segment was then cured for 7 days.
5. After the segment had achieved the required strength, Post Tensioning was done
in the segment. The post tensioning was done by HTSE cables.

6. The final works such as grouting and sandblasting were performed before storing
the segments in the storage yard.
7. The segments were casted through long line method

The engineers were responsible for the supervising of the whole casting of segments
with the safety of the workers.

After the casting of segments were finished, they were sent on site with the help of
launching girders where these segments were glued together and were placed between
piers for the formation of elevated road.

Fig. Segments storage yard

On site

 At site the area under construction was barricaded for the safety of workers and
for ease of public road use.
 The construction works of piles, pile caps, piers, pier caps & minor bridge were
performed at site.

Fig: Piling at site

Following work was done during the training:

1) Casting: Casting is a manufacturing process in which concrete material is usually poured

into a mould, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to
solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the
mould to complete the process.

2) Transverse Stressing: Stressing is the process by which a concrete element is
compressed, generally by steel wires or High tensile strands of 15.2mm. Precast elements
may be prestressed during the construction process (pre -tensioning) or structures may be
stressed once completed (post-tensioning). Prestressing compensates for the tensile stresses

Fig: Stressing

introduced when the element is loaded. Hence the concrete generally remains in

3) Grouting: Grout is generally a mixture of cement, CEBEX -100 and water or chemical
used to fill gaps. They are used in the repair of concrete cracks, fill seams and gaps in tiles,
seal and fill gaps for waterproofing, and for soil stabilization. It is also used for giving
extra strength to the foundations of load-bearing structures.

Grouts are used in a variety of application such as repair of cracks, water – stopping in
submerged structures such as canals, tunnels, etc., fill seams between tiles, and for
stabilizing soil. Here we have briefed about types of grouts used in the repair of cracks.

There are several different types of material used for grouting:

 Cement Grouting
 Chemical Grouting
 Bentonite Grouting

4) Sandblasting: Sandblasting is process of smoothing and cleaning a hard surface by

forcing solid particles across that surface at high speeds using compressed air.

4.3 Challenges during training/ safety concerns:

Major safety concerns during training are as follows:

 Working at heights
 Air borne dust and particles
 Noise
 Working safely around excavations
 Manual handling
 Slips, trips and falls


5.1 Overall benefits of the internship:

Gained a valuable exposure to how a company operates and runs also performed assigned tasks
in a real-world setting. Got an opportunity to reveal my personality and shown deference and
respect while seeking guidance and input. Gained a job experience by introducing myself to
daily rigors and task, it also helped me decide if the particular job fits my personalities or not.
It also helped me to build confidence about the particular base subject which is definitely a
beneficial thing for me.

5.2 Conclusion:

This training helped me gain knowledge by experiencing various works taking place in the site.
By this training I had an opportunity to witness various situation in the site and practically and
innovatively overcoming them. In brief I learned about various new construction technologies
and more importantly I experienced the whole construction of laying out a span of a girder
bridge. This helped me in clearing various theoretical and practical doubts and made me
somewhat realize the future scope of Civil Engineering.

5.3 Recommendation:

5.3.1 To the Institute;

 It is really appreciated that our institute doesn’t lag in the presence of any
kind of lab equipment essential for improvising the study of the students but
there is alwaysa room to expand and need of more lab equipment is vital.
 The introduction to the new and latest lab equipment is necessary as now a
days the equipment used in the construction sites are latest and
 The Computer Aided Designing lab must be accessible to the students for
workingand improving their skills in the software used in construction and
 The equipment present in the laboratories must be repaired (as due to

COVID-19 pandemic the equipment was remained unused for long time
due to which the equipment’s are not functioning properly.

5.3.2 To the Organization

 There is a requirement of relaxation time for employees as the employees
don’t get holiday regularly.

 The internal structural environment of the organization must be quite


Fineness Test of Cement: (IS:4031-PART 1-1996)
The surface area of cement particles per unit weight is referred to as the fineness of cement, which is a
measurement of cement particle size. The cement is typically sieved through a conventional sieve to quantify
the percentage of cement particles that remain on the sieve. The surface area of cement particles per unit weight
is referred to as the fineness of cement, which is a measurement of cement particle size. The cement is typically
sieved through a conventional sieve to quantify the percentage of cement particles that remain on the sieve. An
important factor affecting the pace of hydration, early strength, workability, and durability of concrete is cement
fineness. Better concrete quality and performance are provided by cement with a higher fineness, but this may
also mean higher production costs.Cement samples are sieved via an IS sieve in order to perform the fineness
test. When a cement particle is larger than 90 microns, its weight is calculated. The fraction of cement particles
retained is then determined. This is referred to as cement's fineness.

Figure – 90 Micron Sieve

Table - Fineness of Cement
S.No. Determination Unit Sample1 Sample 2 Sample 3

A. Weight of gm 100 100 100

Cement Taken

B. Weight of gm 1.07 1.03 1.12

Cement retained
on 90-
micron Sieve
C. Percentage of % 1.07 1.03 1.12
Retained (B X
D. Percentage of % 1.07
Fineness of

Consistency of Cement: (IS:4031-PART4-1988)

The amount of water added to the 300 grams of cement determines the cement
paste's typical consistency. which will allow cement paste to be penetrated 33–
35 mm from the top of the mouldusing a Vicat plunger that is 50 mm long and 10
mm in diameter. A crucial test for determining the quantity ofwater needed to
create a cement paste with a standard consistency is the cementconsistency test.
It aids in ensuring that the concrete mix has the desired workability and
strength. The test is carried out to make sure the cement paste has the
consistency needed for adequate hydration and ensuing strength growth.

Figure – Plunger Figure - Vicat Apparatus

S.No. The Weight of Cement The Weight Plunger Time is taken Consistency
Taken ingrams (A) of Water Penetratio fromadding ofCement
Taken in n fromthe of Water̥ to (%) B
Cement X100/A
grams (A) Bottom of
Mould (mm)
A. 300 81 8.0 3:20 27.0

B. 300 84 7.5 3:40 28.0

C. 300 87 6.0 3:35 29.0

Section 6. Training diary

(15th May – 5th JUNE) Taking an overview of the training place e.g.)
• Main office
• Casting yard
• Lab
• Safety department etc.

(6th JUNE- 16th JUNE) Performed and seen many labs experiment(e.g.)

• Fineness of cement
• Aggregate Impact Value Testing of Coarse
• Consistency of cement

(19th JUNE- 30th June) Main site visit and final submission
of the project report to the training
In- Charge



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