2022-2023 Q4 Report Card

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Atholton High School

6520 Freetown Rd, Columbia, MD 21044

Office: (410) 313-7065 Student Services: (410) 313-7068
Student Progress Report - School Year 2022-2023 - Quarter 4
Rodriguez, Joshua E. Grade: 11 Counselor: O'Connor Rudman, E.
004006601 Homeroom: Hinson, I.
Course Teacher 1st 2nd Exam 3rd 4th Exam Final
Modern World History (SO-600-1) Hinson, I. E E E D D E E
Period: 1 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 7/4 0/21 0/23 0/21
Principles of Marketing-Honors (CT-450- Lathroum, M. D E B E C C D
Period: 2 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 7/1 1/14 0/17 0/14
Algebra II (MA-461-1) Khan, S. E E E E D E E
Period: 3 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 7/0 1/12 0/18 0/7
PLTW DigElectronic G/T (CT-825-1) Cramer, B. E E E
Period: 4 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 4/1 1/1 0/0 0/0
English 11 - Hon (LA-602-1) Mackechnie, C. E E E E D C E
Period: 4 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 4/1 0/7 0/5 0/7
Financial Literacy (MC-505-8) Carr-Spence, S. E A A C
Period: 4 Credits: 0.50 Excused / Unexcused Abs 0/0 0/0 0/12 0/5
Art I: Found of Studio (VA-400-1) Brenfleck, S. E E E E E E E
Period: 5 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 8/1 1/16 0/17 0/12
Advanced Physical Science (SC-660-1) Lindsey, D. D D D D C D D
Period: 6 Credits: 1.00 Excused / Unexcused Abs 9/3 1/11 0/14 0/9
Completed Service Requirement: 60.00 / 75.00 Weighted GPA 0.29 0.14 0.29 1.64 0.46
Completed World of Work Requirement: NO
YTD: Present: 115.00 Absent: 65.00 Tardy: 42.00
Cumulative Weighted GPA: 1.33
Cumulative Unweighted GPA: 1.26

School Message: Howard County Evaluation Codes: The following symbols indicate the
Have a safe and happy summer! teacher's evaluation of the student's performance in relation to
achievement goals set for him/her.

A Consistently at the highest level of achievement

B A high level of achievement
C Acceptable level of achievement
D A low quality of achievement
E Unsatisfactory level of achievement
I Incomplete
N Greater than 5% absence; no credit awarded
W Withdrawal
X Late enrollment; no credit awarded
Z Exam not taken; no credit awarded


Rodriguez, Joshua E.
6637 Dovecote Dr
Columbia, MD 21044 Printed on 06/16/2023 at 3:27 PM

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