Sat - 15.Pdf - Online Subjective Answer Checker

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Examination is a test of a person‟s knowledge in a particular area which is either subjective or

objective or both. Usually, competitive examinations consist of multiple-choice questions or mcqs.
Automatic evaluation of the objective exams is beneficial as it saves time, provides efficiency,
reduces usage of resources. However, this automated evaluation technique is only for the objective
exams and not for the subjective ones. Subjective answer sheet checking is one of the huge
administrative tasks for any education institute. In this examination process, candidates need to write
answers, an examiner collects those answer sheets and submits them to authority for further checking
process. This process involves 3 levels of paper checking: -
• First Level Paper Checker,
• First Level Moderation,
• Second Level Moderation.
So, the amount of pressure education systems and teachers hold is understandable as the number of
answer sheets to evaluate is too large. So, there is a necessity for an approach which will reduce the
usage of resources by providing an approach which will automatically evaluate the answers given by
students and provide results. Such a system is the goal of this paper. We have developed an E-
assessment system that checks the answer sheet of the student and provides marks to the same. The
system consists of an algorithm that compares the student‟s answer against three reference answers
given by three different faculties and the answer with most close results and with highest precision is
taken into consideration and marks are allocated accordingly. Both the answers need not be exactly
the same or word to word. This approach can be a quick and easy way for the examiners by reducing
their workload. An automatic answer checker application that checks and marks written answers
similar to a human being. This software application is built to check subjective answers in an online
examination and allocate marks to the user after verifying the answer. The system requires you to
store the original answer for the system. This facility is provided to the admin. The admin may insert
questions and respective subjective answers in the system. These answers are stored as csv files.
When a user takes the test he is provided with questions and area to type his answers. Once the user
enters his/her answers the system then compares this answer to original answer written in database
and allocates marks accordingly. Both the answers need not be exactly same word to word. The
system consists if in build artificial intelligence sensors that verify answers and allocate marks
accordingly as good as a human being .


Examinations are of two types-descriptive or objective. Every examination need to be evaluated.

Competitive examination are of objective types they are conducted on machine and evaluated on
machine also. These systems are very useful in terms of saving resource. It has been observed that
there is no provision to extends these systems to subjective questions. Due to some problems these
systems cannot be used in board examination where students write subjective answers .AI answer
verifier systems will be able to check subjective answer written by student in an examination. It will
allocate marks accordingly as good as human being. It will help to reduce the wastage of resources
like papers and much more things. It will also overcome human limitations and speed up the overall
education system. Our main aim of the system is that it will be helpful in various universities in
academics for conducting class test, unit test and final exams.
Question Answering
Question Answering is a specialized form of information retrieval. Given a collection of documents, a
Question Answering system attempts to retrieve correct answers to questions posed in natural language. Open-
domain question answering requires question answering systems to be able to answer questions about any
conceivable topic. Such systems cannot, therefore, rely on hand crafted domain specific knowledge to find and
extract the correct answers. Closed-domain question answering deals with questions under a specific domain
(for example, medicine or automotive maintenance), and can be seen as an easier task because NLP systems
can exploit domain-specific knowledge frequently formalized in ontologies. Alternatively, closed-domain
might refer to a situation where only a limited type of questions are accepted, such as questions asking for
descriptive rather than procedural information. Our system also comes under closed domain QA where we are
supposed for accessing online based subjective examination.
Subjective Examination
Subjective examination has been a major way of evaluating a candidate‟s knowledge & understanding
about on course or subject in traditional education system for centuries (Minsu Jang et al. 2007). Every
university has its own examination pattern based on subjective examination. So in this global era of web based
education. We need to consider such examination done online (Hanumant R. Gite, C.Namrata Mahender
Generally the questions may be considered in the following forms.
Define: explain the meaning and (often) provide an appropriate example

Describe / illustrate: present the main points with clear examples that enhance the discussion
Differentiate / distinguish: present the differences between two things
Discuss / explain: present the main points, facts, and details of a topic; give reasons
Enumerate / List / Identify / Outline: write a list of the main points with brief explanations
Interpret: present your analysis of the topic using facts and reasoning
Justify / Prove: present evidence and reasons that support the topic
Summarize: briefly state the main ideas in an organized manner
Trace: state the main points in logical or chronological order
In this paper we have discussed two issues related to examination & a simple Psycho based solution is
Online Subjective Examination
Our system works on an attempt to consider candidates answer by extracting the required intentional
part of an answer to a prescribed template or model answer already provided in the Question answering
framework. There is always an urge to justify an answer is appropriate or not. That is we have to find the
confidence level for a given answer, by comparing it to the model answer. That is every word in an answer
does not play an important role while evaluation process. To justify such case we have consider answer in one
Question Processing Module
The question type, usually based on a taxonomy of possible questions already coded into the system;
The expected answer type, through some shallow semantic processing of the question; and The
question focus, which represents the main information that is required to answer the user‟s question.
These steps allow the question processing module to finally pass a set of query terms to the Paragraph
Indexing module, which uses them to perform the information retrieval.
Answer Processing
The Answer Processing module is responsible for identifying and extracting the emphasized words
which are responsible for the response of the answer.
Answer Identification
The use of a part-of-speech tagger (e.g., Python POS tagger) can help to enable recognition of answer
candidates within identified model answer. Answer candidates can be ranked based on measures of distance
between keywords, numbers of keywords matched and other similar heuristic metrics.
Answer Extraction
Once an answer has been identified, the shallow parsing performed is leveraged to extract only the
relevant word or phrase in answer to the question.
Answer Correctness

Confidence in the correctness of an answer can be increased in a number of ways. One way is to use a
lexical resource like WordNet (Synonyms) to verify that a candidate response was of the correct answer type.
One line answer
In our system we are paying attention for answer accessing majorly by considering length and
paraphrasing. One line answer or Define may have a sentence which may have 10 words or 15 words
as per the writing style of the candidates so we cannot fix single line answer with fixed number of
words used. So only point to be find single sentence is to find the full stop.
For e.g. one line answer, expressed in different mode or synonym based answer etc. (where s is stands
for original and t is for its paraphrase)
Tom purchased a Honda from John.
Tom bought a Honda from John.
It was a Honda that John sold to Tom.


Software, generally sense, is understood as a group of instructions or programs that instructs to a

computer to perform specific tasks. Software could be a general term that's wont to describe computer
programs. Scripts, applications, programs and a group of instructions are all different terms wont to
describe software.
The theory of software was first proposed by Alan Mathison Turing in 1935 in his essay
"Computable numbers with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem." However, the word
software was proposed by statistician and mathematician John Tukey in a very 1958 issue of yank
Mathematical Monthly within which he discussed the electronic calculators' programs.
Software is typically divided into three categories:
• System software could be a base for application software. System software generally includes
operating systems, device drivers, text editors, compilers, disk formatters and utilities helping the pc
to regulate more efficiently. it's responsible in providing basic non-specific-task functionalities and
management of hardware components. The system software is typically written within the language
of C programming.
• Programming software could also be a group of tools to help developers in writing programs. the
numerous tools available are linkers, compilers, interpreters debuggers and text editors.
• Application software is typically used to perform certain tasks and also the samples of the applying
software includes educational software, database managing systems, office suites, application on
gaming. the applying software can either be one program or a gaggle of portable programs.

Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data
structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python‟s
elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal
language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.

The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or
binary form for all major platforms from the Python Web site,, and
may be freely distributed. The same site also contains distributions of and pointers to many
free third party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation.

The Python interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types implemented in
C or C++ (or other languages callable from C). Python is also suitable as an extension
language for customizable applications.

This tutorial introduces the reader informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python
language and system. It helps to have a Python interpreter handy for hands-on experience, but
all examples are self-contained, so the tutorial can be read off-line as well.

For a description of standard objects and modules, see The Python Standard Library. The
Python Language Reference gives a more formal definition of the language. To write
extensions in C or C++, read Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter and Python/C
API Reference Manual. There are also several books covering Python in depth.

This tutorial does not attempt to be comprehensive and cover every single feature, or even
every commonly used feature. Instead, it introduces many of Python‟s most noteworthy
features, and will give you a good idea of the language‟s flavor and style. After reading it,
you will be able to read and write Python modules and programs, and you will be ready to
learn more about the various Python library modules described in The Python Standard

The Python Standard Library

While The Python Language Reference describes the exact syntax and semantics of the
Python language, this library reference manual describes the standard library that is
distributed with Python. It also describes some of the optional components that are commonly
included in Python distributions.

Python‟s standard library is very extensive, offering a wide range of facilities as indicated by
the long table of contents listed below. The library contains built-in modules (written in C)
that provide access to system functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise be
inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide
standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming. Some of
these modules are explicitly designed to encourage and enhance the portability of Python
programs by abstracting away platform-specifics into platform-neutral APIs.

The Python installers for the Windows platform usually include the entire standard library
and often also include many additional components. For Unix-like operating systems Python
is normally provided as a collection of packages, so it may be necessary to use the packaging
tools provided with the operating system to obtain some or all of the optional components

Dealing with Bugs

Python is a mature programming language which has established a reputation for stability. In
order to maintain this reputation, the developers would like to know of any deficiencies you
find in Python.

It can be sometimes faster to fix bugs yourself and contribute patches to Python as it
streamlines the process and involves less people. Learn how to contribute.

Documentation bugs

If you find a bug in this documentation or would like to propose an improvement, please
submit a bug report on the tracker. If you have a suggestion how to fix it, include that as well.

If you‟re short on time, you can also email documentation bug reports to [email protected]
(behavioral bugs can be sent to [email protected]). „docs@‟ is a mailing list run by

Introduction to Data Mining

Data mining integrates approaches and techniques from various disciplines such as machine
learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, neural networks, database management, data
warehousing, data visualization, spatial data analysis, probability graph theory etc. In short,
data mining is a multi-disciplinary field.

Statistics includes a number of methods to analyze numerical data in large quantities. Different
statistical tools used in data mining are regression analysis, cluster analysis, correlation
analysis and Bayesian network. Statistical models are usually built from a training data set.
Correlation analysis identifies the correlation of variables to each other. Bayesian network is a
directed graph that represents casual relationship among data found out using the Bayesian
probability theorem. Given below is a simple Bayesian network where the nodes represent
variables whereas edges represent the relationship between the nodes.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the collection of methods, principles and algorithms that enables learning and
prediction on the basis of past data. Machine learning is used to build new models and to search for a
best model matching the test data. Machine learning methods normally use heuristics while searching
for the model. Data mining uses a number of machine learning methods including inductive concept
learning, conceptual clustering and decision tree induction. A decision tree is a classification tree that
decides the class of an object by following the path from the root to a leaf node. Given below is a
simple decision tree that is used for weather forecasting.

Database Oriented Techniques

Advancements in database and data warehouse implementation helps data mining in a number of
ways. Database oriented techniques are used mainly to develop characteristics of the available data.
Iterative database scanning for frequent item sets, attribute focusing, and attribute oriented induction
are some of the database oriented techniques widely used in data mining. The iterative database
scanning searches for frequent item sets in a database. Attribute oriented induction generalizes low
level data into high level concepts using conceptual hierarchies.

Neural Networks

A neural network is a set of connected nodes called neurons. A neuron is a computing device that
computes some requirement of its inputs and the inputs can even be the outputs of other neurons. A
neural network can be trained to find the relationship between input attributes and output attribute by
adjusting the connections and the parameters of the nodes.

Data Visualization

The information extracted from large volumes of data should be presented well to the end user and
data visualization techniques make this possible. Data is transformed into different visual objects
such as dots, lines, shapes etc and displayed in a two or three dimensional space. Data visualization is
an effective way to identify trends, patterns, correlations and outliers from large amounts of data.


Data mining combines different techniques from various disciplines such as machine learning,
statistics, database management, data visualization etc. These methods can be combined to deal with
complex problems or to get alternative solutions. Normally data mining system employs one or more
techniques to handle different kinds of data, different data mining tasks, different application areas
and different data requirements.

Patterns in Data Mining

1. Association
The items or objects in relational databases, transactional databases or any other information
repositories are considered, while finding associations or correlations.

2. Classification
● The goal of classification is to construct a model with the help of historical data that can accurately
predict the value.
● It maps the data into the predefined groups or classes and searches for the new patterns.
For example:
To predict weather on a particular day will be categorized into - sunny, rainy, or cloudy.

3. Regression
● Regression creates predictive models. Regression analysis is used to make predictions based on
existing data by applying formulas.
● Regression is very useful for finding (or predicting) the information on the basis of previously
known information.
4. Cluster analysis
● It is a process of portioning a set of data into a set of meaningful subclass, called as cluster.
● It is used to place the data elements into the related groups without advanced knowledge of the
group definitions.

5. Forecasting
Forecasting is concerned with the discovery of knowledge or information patterns in data that can
lead to reasonable predictions about the future.

Technologies used in data mining

Several techniques used in the development of data mining methods. Some of them are mentioned

1. Statistics:

● It uses the mathematical analysis to express representations, model and summarize empirical data or
real world observations.
● Statistical analysis involves the collection of methods, applicable to large amount of data to
conclude and report the trend.
2. Machine learning

● Arthur Samuel defined machine learning as a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn
without being programmed.
● When the new data is entered in the computer, algorithms help the data to grow or change due to
machine learning.
● In machine learning, an algorithm is constructed to predict the data from the available
database (Predictive analysis).
● It is related to computational statistics.
The four types of machine learning are:

1. Supervised learning
● It is based on the classification.
● It is also called as inductive learning. In this method, the desired outputs are included in the training
2. Unsupervised learning
Unsupervised learning is based on clustering. Clusters are formed on the basis of similarity measures
and desired outputs are not included in the training dataset.


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