Saga Manual
Saga Manual
Saga Manual
Edition 1.1 Rev. December 9, 2004 Revised by Javier Pineda (AESIA Desarrollo y Proyectos Medioambientales, S.L., Madrid, Spain.) and Victor Olaya. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike license. A copy of the license can be downloaded from the Creative Commons website at The license applies to the entire text of this book, plus all the illustrations that are by Victor Olaya. All the illustrations are by Victor Olaya except as noted in the photo credits or in parentheses in the caption of the gure. This book can be downloaded free of charge from in a variety of formats, including editable formats.
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This book will not be the same without the contribution of the following people, to whom I am in debt: Javier Pineda from Aesia Desarrollo y Proyectos Medioambientales S.L, who painstakingly read the text and corrected many of my mistakes. However, if you still nd any mistake, Im the one to blame, not him. . . Andre Ringeler from the SAGA Development Team, who supported the manual from the very beginning and showed great interest. Also, the chapter about programming is based in his great text First steps in SAGA modules programming, from which I borrowed many ideas and even some text fragments.
Acknowledgments Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction.What is SAGA? 1.2 Who has created SAGA? . . 1.3 How can I get SAGA? . . . . 1.4 Installing and running SAGA vii xiii 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 5 8 10 14 15 17 17 17 19 29 30 32 32 34 36 39 39 39 40 41 43 43 44 48 49
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2 SAGA fundamentals 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The SAGA GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Preferences. The parameters window. 2.4 Projects. File handling . . . . . . . . . 2.5 The SAGA module structure . . . . . 2.6 Closing SAGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Working with grids 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Displaying grids. Basic tools . . 3.3 Adjusting grid rendering . . . . 3.4 Memory handling. Saving grids 3.5 3D views . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Basic analysis functions . . . . 3.6.1 Frequency histograms . 3.6.2 Proles . . . . . . . . . 3.6.3 Regression analysis . . . 4 Working with tables 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Opening and editing tables 4.3 Creating a table . . . . . . 4.4 Creating diagrams . . . . . 5 Working with shapes 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . 5.2 Displaying vector data 5.3 The attributes table . 5.4 Editing vector data . .
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The vector hierarchy . . . . . . . Editing shapes . . . . . . . . . . Adding a new shape to the layer Creating a vector layer . . . . . .
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6 Creating layouts 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 6.2 Creating a layout . . . . . 6.3 Adding grids . . . . . . . 6.4 Adding grid leyends . . . 6.5 Adding a histogram . . . 6.6 Adding a prole . . . . . . 6.7 Adding 3D Views . . . . . 6.8 Adding shapes . . . . . . 6.9 Adding text . . . . . . . . 6.10 Arranging layout elements 6.11 Once the layout is nished
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7 A rst step into modules. Some basic grid modules 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Filtering a grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Arithmetic mean of grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Normalizing a grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 The Grid Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Changing the data storage type . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Changing grid orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Changing grid values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 Resampling a grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Merging grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11 Filling missing information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12 Creating buers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13 Creating articial grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14 Some examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14.1 Performing grid intersection . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14.2 Using masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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8 Import/Export modules 91 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 8.2 Import modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 8.3 Export modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 9 Terrain analysis. Hydrology. Lighting 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Basic morphometric analysis . . . . . . . 9.3 Creating an hypsometric curve . . . . . . 9.4 Classicating terrain forms . . . . . . . . 9.5 Preparing a grid for hydrological analysis 9.6 Calculating catchment area . . . . . . . . 9.7 Calculating upslope and downslope areas 9.8 Some hydrological indices . . . . . . . . . 9.9 Dening channel networks . . . . . . . . . 97 97 97 103 104 105 106 112 116 118
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Basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distances to channel network . . . . . Calculating time to outlet. Isochrones Other hydrological parameters . . . . Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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10 Shapes Modules 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Combining raster and vector layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.1 Creating contour lines from a grid . . . . . . . . . 10.2.2 Vectorising grid classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.3 Converting a vector layer into a grid . . . . . . . . 10.2.4 Retrieving grid information to enrich raster layers 10.3 Creating a points layer from a table . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 Merging vector layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Joining tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 Intersecting polygon layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7 Calculating geometrical properties of polygons . . . . . . 10.8 Converting lines to points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9 Creating point grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.10Moving, rotating and scaling shapes . . . . . . . . . . . .
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11 Interpolating Data. Geostatistics 11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Interpolating data using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) 11.3 Creating Thiessen Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Kriging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 Calculating Semivariances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6 Residual analysis for grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7 Representativeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8 Radius of variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cost analysis 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Creating an accumulated cost surface (isotropic) . 12.3 Creating an accumulated cost surface (anisotropic) 12.4 Further preparation of cost surfaces . . . . . . . . 12.5 Calculating a least cost path . . . . . . . . . . . .
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13 Projections. Georeference 165 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 13.2 The Proj4 modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 13.3 Georeferencing a grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 14 More Grid Analysis 14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 Discretising grids . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2.1 Clustering a grid . . . . . . . 14.2.2 Skeletonizing classes in a grid 14.3 Some image analysis modules . . . . 14.3.1 Vegetation Indices . . . . . . 169 169 169 169 171 173 173
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14.3.2 Change Vector Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 14.4 Pattern analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 14.5 Fractal dimension of a surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 15 Other modules 15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2 Changing the value of a single cell 15.3 Fitting a function to tabular data . 15.4 Rotating a table . . . . . . . . . . 15.5 Creating RGB composites . . . . . 15.6 Recreations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Programming SAGA modules 16.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.2 Modules and libraries . . . . . . 16.2.1 The constructor. Creating 16.2.2 The On Execute() method 16.3 Interactive modules . . . . . . . . 16.4 Calling other modules . . . . . . 179 179 179 180 182 182 183 185 185 185 188 192 194 194
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SAGA is a free Geographical Information System (GIS) with support for vector and specially raster data. This book describes the main features of SAGA, and its aimed at every user who wants to use the program whether as a learning tool (SAGA is a very good choice to discover GIS fundamentals) or as an allpurpose GIS with which develop real geographical analysis. No GIS knowledge is assumed, so this work can be used as a selfstudy reference by all those who want to initiate themselves in the study of Geographical Information Systems. The book is conceptually divided in two parts: the rst one (chapters from 1 to 5) deals with basic SAGA functionalities, while the second one explain how to perform data analysis using some of the most important SAGA modules. Both parts seem rather independent, but they are closely related. You can read the rst part and you will get a good knowledge of SAGA and how it works, but if you dont get into the second part you will not be able to get many results. On the other hand, you cannot study modules described in the second part without reading the rst one, since they all make use of SAGA core capabilities, which are explained in the rst ve chapters. For the technically inclined reader, I have included some information about the algorithms and technical concepts implemented in each module, targeted at those who like to get some beyond nutsandbolts descriptions. However, this information is rather limited, since the book will grow overwhelmingly large otherwise. Further references are provided in case you want to get a deeper knowledge of how a particular module works. The last chapter of the book, which could be considered as a very brief third part, introduces the fundamentals of SAGA module programming. You should only read this chapter once you have become acquainted with the information from the previous chapters. Knowledge of C++ programming is assumed. If you have ideas for something to be added, removed or altered in this document, please let me know. I would love to get as much feedback as possible from readers.
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction.What is SAGA?
Since you are reading this book, I guess you have some interest in GIS and maybe you already have a solid background on Geographical Information Systems. Perhaps, you have worked with ArcView 3.x (I pity you. . . ) or the more modern ArcGIS (not that bad. . . ), probably the two most popular GIS applications around. Or perhaps you have used GRASS in an UNIX environment and tried its dierent avor. Whichever your case, Im sure SAGA will be be a great complement to all those programs, and you will nd it really easy to adapt yourself to it. For someone who has already mastered the basic concept of GIS analysis, SAGA is not just a powerful tool, but also a very enjoyable piece of software. If you have heard of those applications named before but never used any of them, or if you never heard of them, then SAGA is a great software to get you introduced into the wonderful world of Geographical Information Systems. SAGA is amazingly powerful for raster analysis, while still being very easy to learn. Also, it can handle vector data and supports the most popular le formats for both data types, so you will have no problems when using geographical data from many dierent sources. I bet that, no matter how complex the problem you need to solve, you will never run short of raster capabilities (maybe the timeseries support that can be found in IDRISI or PCRaster is one of the main lacks, thought not a very important one). From the ground up to a more serious usage, SAGA is an interesting option to consider, since it combines a powerful geographical analysis engine with an intuitive and userfriendly GUI. Most of all, SAGA is free software, so you can use it, distribute it and even modify it freely (have a look at the GPL license under which SAGA is releases if you want more details). Neither ArcGIS, nor IDRISI, nor PCRaster are free. GRASS is free (also released under GPL), but in the time it takes to learn how to use every single module and function in SAGA you would not have done but learn how to install a GRASS distribution (if you can get any further in that time, I guess you must be some sort of GRASS wiz. . . . Then, you probably wont need this book. . . ) Last, but not least, you can develop your own SAGA modules in case you need them. Not a lot of programming knowledge is needed, you can make a complete module with 100 or 200 lines of C++ code. If you have a deep knowledge of C++ programming, you can even modify the SAGA API to create a tailored version that will fulll all of your necessities. All this sounds really good, but. . . how can I learn how to use SAGA? At the time of writing this book, there is no SAGA documentation at all, even although the software itself is quite mature (V1.1 was released on 06/03/2004). Theres a Help menu item, but no help le to go to. . . Right now, SAGA is not a widespread GIS (something that I hope this book will help to 1
change), and I believe that one of the main reasons that avoid SAGA becoming popular is the lack of documentation. So the main aim of this book is to shed a ray of light over all the great functionalities implemented in SAGA, so more and more people can enjoy them and discover a good alternative to mainstream GIS applications.
You might not be really interested in knowing who has created SAGA or how the program has evolved since its rst versions, but I believe that credit should be given to those who have created such a great GIS software. Also, this book wouldnt exist if SAGA didnt exist!! In case you like SAGA (and I guess you will), you will know who to thank for it. In case you hate it (not likely. . . ) then you will now who to blame. At this moment, SAGA is being developed and the Goettingen Univerisity, in Germany, by a small group of developers, but, since SAGA is an Open Source project, developers worldwide can join it and help. Helping does not mean just writing lines of code, but also testing, debugging or doing any other task that can help SAGA become a better software. I like to think that, writing this book, I am contributing to the SAGA project, and I would like to use this lines to invite you to contribute as well if you consider that it is worth the eort. The roots of SAGA can be found in a program called DiGeM, which was created by Olaf Conrad not so long ago. He took the main algorithms of DiGeM, changed the structure of the program to expand it and make a real GIS out of DiGeM, released the source code, and created SAGA. Right now, he works in the development of SAGA, supported by other programmers from the Goettingen University. To contact SAGA developers, you can write an email to the following email addresses: Olaf Conrad : [email protected] Andre Ringeler : [email protected]
SAGA can be freely downloaded from the Internet from several websites. Since it is free software, anyone can freely distribute it, whether in its original version or in a modied one. The main place to go is the SAGA ocial web site located at If this is too long for you to remember, you can also go to the SourceForge SAGA website, located at or, even better, this address will redirect you there: http::// From there, you can download both the source code and the compiled binary les for Windows. If you plan to develop your modules or modify the SAGA API(module development is explained in the last chapter of this book, but SAGA API modication is outside its scope), you will need the source code les. Otherwise, simply download the binaries. Some unocial modules also have to be downloaded, particularly the ones that I myself have developed. You can nd them in the Modules Contrib link in the download section of the
SAGA website, and they are identied by my own name. Download them all (only in binary form, not the source code) and extract the zip les into the folder called modules under the folder in which you unzipped the main SAGA le.
After downloading the le, you will have to install it. To install SAGA, just unzip that le in a folder of your choice, and it will automatically create the required le structure. This cannot be really called an installation process, since there is no installation software and it does not modify the windows registry or any le outside SAGAs own folder. That means that you can install SAGA even if you are not the system administrator, and that you can take SAGA from one computer to another by simply copying the directory were it is located. To execute SAGA, open a le explorer, go to the folder where you copied SAGA, get into the bin folder and double click on the SAGA-Lite.exe le. You will see the following window.
To hide the splash window, just click on it. A note for Linux users: as you might have noticed, SAGA is a Windows application. I havent tested it myself, but SAGA has been reported to work well under the WINE emulator. A native Linux version might be on the way. . .
Chapter 2
SAGA fundamentals
2.1 Introduction
SAGA is now loaded and we can start working with it. This chapter presents the main features of SAGA and the SAGA GUI. It is aimed at providing the reader with a basic knowledge of how to operate the software, open data les, dene projects and perform essential operations with spatial data, and also at describing the structure of the program. Consequently, a fundamental base is laid that will permit the comprehension of the following chapters. Although, due to its modular structure more on this will be explained later on , SAGAs features and capabilities might change depending on which modules are being used, all of the functions explained in this chapter and also in the next two ones comprise the core of the SAGA structure and, therefore, are common to all possible settings of the software and can be found in every SAGA execution. By mastering all the information included in this chapter, you can fully understand the most important aspects of SAGA and its underlying philosophy, and then extend your knowledge to other more specic aspects.
The SAGA GUI (Graphical User Interface) represents the linking element between the user and the saga API. The GUI has a pretty simple structure that allows working with many dierent data sources and results, while keeping all of them correctly organized. Fortunately, it has no complex features, and the most relevant ones require just a few mouse clicks and can be mastered almost without signicant eort (relax, no steep learning curves here at the beginning, everything its quite intuitive and easy to learn). It will not take long before you can obtain your rst results with SAGA If you have used any other GIS specially ArcGIS , you will easily adapt yourself to the design of the SAGA GUI. Anyway, if that is your case, take your time to read this chapter skip it only if you feel like you can learn this kind of stu by yourself by trial and error , since there are some distinct features some of them very interesting and useful that you have probably not seen in other similar GIS apps. The main SAGA window, when loaded for the very rst time, has a look like the one shown below these lines. 5
Of all the things that can be found in this rst window, ve of them are worth mentioning, namely 1. Menu bar 2. Status bar 3. Messages window 4. Toolbar 5. Project window The menu bar is the main element of user interaction, so we will start with it. While some menu bar items remain unchanged whatever kind of data you are working with, some others only appear when dealing with a particular element. For example, the Project and File menus will always be there, since they are related with the project as a whole, but others like the Prole menu (not shown in the above image) will be accessible only if a prole is being drawn, something that rather seldom occurs. This context dependency leads us the denition of six main contexts, with which the user should become acquainted. 1. Shapes 2. Grids 3. Tables 4. Proles 5. Layouts
Except for Proles and 3DViews (which have been included in the Working with grids chapter), they all have a special chapter dedicated to each one of them, and will be later studied in detail. By now, you just have to know that the elements that can be found in the menu bar are not always the same, and you should consider this when you want to use one of the volatile ones, so you know exactly in which context you have to look for it. Have a look at the two following images.
Both of them have plenty of windows opened (pretty impressive, isnt it? Dont worry about how they were all put there. You will soon learn to open data les). Although they
look almost the same, a closer look reveals that in the rst one the window containing a grid is activated (see the dierent color?), while on the second one the prole window is the active one. If you look at the menus, they are not the same. That means that the context is dened by the data type contained in the active window at each time. Since the toolbar presents some of the most important and frequently used menu items in a more handy way, it is also contextdependent and will change as you change from one data type to another. By placing the mouse pointer over a button in the toolbar, the program will show a little label with its description. Therefore, they are not analyzed here, since the information about their behavior can be found in the corresponding menu item that they represent. Lets go now to the project window. This window contains all the data that has been loaded into SAGA (or generated by any of its functions and modules), which is divided into three groups. 1. Shapes 2. Grids 3. Tables Even when no tables or shapes are loaded, a corresponding tab will be shown in the lower part of the project window. In this case, an empty label will be put in the window itself. On the other hand, if no grids have been loaded (or generated), no grid tab will exist. That is why now, at the beginning, you can only see two tabs in the project window. The main reason for this is that grid projects are divided according to their resolution (the cell size of the grids they contain), and SAGA can handle not just one project but many of them. While only one shape or table group is needed, the number of grid groups (and tabs) needed depends on the loaded grids. Regarding the message windows, it is shown by default by SAGA, but it takes a large space of the screen. Most users nd it better to hide it and only show it when there is a problem with the execution of a module or any other component of SAGA, so they can trace the source of the error and correct it. To do this, use the menu item Window/Messages/Show, which should have a tick. Click on it and the tick will disappear, as will do the messages window. The project window can also be hidden by using the menu item Window/Project, but it is not likely you will want to hide it. Both the project window and the messages window can be resized by placing the mouse pointer over the edge of the window and clicking and dragging to expand or shrink it as desired. Finally, the status bar displays information about the activity of the program. On the right side there is a progress bar (right now you cant see it, for theres no activity going on), and on the middle you can nd textual information (right now, the program should display a Ready label, indicating that it is prepared to perform any required operation).
Once the main components of the SAGA GUI have been described, and before we start incorporating spatial data into the program, its time to congure it so the next time we start SAGA it is adjusted to our particular needs. Not a lot of parameters can be adjusted, but we will use this brief explanation about the conguration of the program to introduce the main component that SAGA presents when it needs an input from the user. This is what we will call the parameters window
To congure SAGA, go to Preferences under the File menu. You will see a window like the one below.
Whenever SAGA requires an input from the user, it will present a window with the above structure. You will nd a two column table in which the left column includes a list of parameters and the left one the values of those parameters. As expected, the user cannot interact with the left part, but can modify the values found on the right one. Some parameters have a description that might help the user understand their meaning. When you click on a parameter, its description, if it exists, will be shown in the lower part of the window, in the gray box. You can hide this box by clicking on the Hide Info button. Many dierent kinds of parameters can be presented using this scheme, and we will study them in detail as they appear. Right now, we will focus just on the ones that appear on the preferences window. First, we will set the parameters related with the usage of modules. Most of the SAGA functionalities are included in modules which are themselves grouped in libraries. As we will see when we reach the corresponding section, those libraries have to be loaded into SAGA in order to be able to access their modules and use them. Since those modules are so important and are constantly used within a typical SAGA session, it is a good idea to load them automatically when SAGA is started. To do that, the path to the folder where the main module libraries are stored must be introduced in the Default Directory cell. Click on this cell (of course, on the Values column) and a dialog box will pop up. Select the aforementioned path and then press OK. If you remember from the Installing SAGA section, modules are kept in a folder called modules (quite logical. . . ) under the SAGA installation folder. As you can see, the parameters cannot only be set using the keyboard and directly writing its values. Some cells, when clicked, trigger dierent actions and show dialog boxes that can be used to introduce the information required in a more practical manner. The two parameters below the Default directory node are boolean parameters (that is, they can be true or false). If you click on them, a list containing true and false will show. Both parameters, an also the remaining one under the Modules node, are selfexplanatory, so you should be able to gure out their meaning. If not, have a look at the lower info box and read. Congure them to your personal preferences (personally, I nd the beep option rather annoying. . . ).
A very important feature regarding parameters in SAGA is that you can save the values of these parameters for a later use. In this case, there are not a lot of parameters, and they can be adjusted in seconds, but some other functions require a greater amount of information. For example, the parameters that control how grids are displayed are very numerous. In SAGA, you can set these parameters only once, and let the program load them each time it is started. That doesnt mean that you cannot change them again, but it means that, by default, the way grids are displayed is exactly how you like it. To do it, click on the Default Settings line and a new dialog box will appear. You will be asked for a Saga Parameters File (with the spf extension). Since we do not have one (and will not have one related to grid displaying until we reach the Working with grids chapter) just close the dialog clicking on the Cancel button. We will see how to load and save parameters les. Grid displaying parameters are the only ones that can be set by default, but almost every single function in SAGA require some parameters to be adjusted. Therefore, it is really useful to save some predened conguration to save time when working with large sets of these parameters. Once you have adjusted a set of parameters, you can save it by using the Save button. Whenever you want to recover the recorded values, just use the Load button and select the corresponding parameters le in the dialog box that will appear. If you mix up dierent parameters le (that is, for example, if you save the parameters in the preferences window and later on load them when adjusting the parameters that control another area of the program), since they refer to dierent parameters, it will have no eect at all. Going back to the SAGA preferences window, the parameters under the Grid Memory Handling node control how grids are stored in memory. They are a bit too complex to be explained now so, by the moment, leave them unchanged. Click on the OK button to close the window.
It is time now to load our rst spatial data and start discovering how SAGA can handle it and generate results from it. As we have seen before, data in SAGA is organized according to its nature. For that reason, there are tabs in the project window and dierent contexts (as we have called them) exist within the program itself. However, spatial data can be divided in two main groups, each one of them featuring its particular functions and command in SAGA. These two are the wellknown raster and vector groups, from which the user has probably heard before. Its not the aim of this book to present the theoretical dierences between raster and vector data or analyze the suitability of each one of them for a particular task. I recommend having a look at the references and getting a good book about the subject (there are plenty of them). Although it is not necessary to have a deep knowledge about raster/vector fundamentals, the user should become acquainted with those concepts before starting to work with spatial data. Assuming that you have some sort of notion about the dierences between raster and vector data, we will try to outline how both data types can be incorporated into SAGA and how they are organized. Although some vector capabilities are included in SAGA (and they are increasing in each new release), SAGA still remains a raster GIS, mainly due to the great number of raster analysis modules in comparison with the rather limited amount of modules that perform their operations on vector data.
In the course of a SAGA session, many raster or vector les can be opened, each one of them containing information about a particular parameter of a geographical area. All this information can be grouped into a project, so the next time that this area has to be studied all the les can be loaded at once instead of le by le. In the following pages, we will study how to open data les and how to create and use projects, whether they are comprised of raster layers or vector layers (the term layer will be used indistinctly for raster and vector data, and you will nd it in almost all the GISrelated texts). First of all, lets open a grid le with a Digital Elevation Model. From the same website where you have downloaded SAGA (and maybe this manual), you can also get some demo data. Download the le and unzip it wherever you want. Now, select the Open. . . menu item in the File menu. In the dialog that will appear you can select the le you want to open. From this dialog you can open raster and vector data, and even tabular data. However, only a few le formats are supported, and the raster ones are not very usual and not supported by other GISs. You will not have any problem with vector data, since the ESRI shapele format (the most popular one for vector data) is supported, but you will not be able to open raster layers in some of the most popular le formats. To open those les, Import/Exports modules have to be loaded. This subject will be explained a couple of chapters later. Right now, we will just focus on the le formats that are supported by SAGA without needing any additional modules. The native saga format for raster data is the DiGeM le format. DiGeM is SAGAs predecessor and was developed by the same author of SAGA. Consequently, the author has kept the implementation of this le format from one program to another. In the folder where you have unziped the le, select the le named test.dgm. You can select more than one le at a time, by using the shift and control keys as with any other windows application. When using Import/Export modules, you will only be able to open les one by one. If you have already opened the test.dgm le, the rst thing you will notice is the new tab in the project window. It should say 1. Grid-Project [90]. That 90 means that the cell resolution equals 90 meters. From now on, if you open (or generate) any other grid le that represents the same geographical area and has the same cell size as the already loaded one, it will be included into this project. If it has a dierent cell size or represent a dierent geographical area, a new project will be created automatically. For example, if you open a raster layer with a cell size of 200 meters, a new tab will appear with the label 2. Grid-Project [200]. Lets go now for a vector le. As before, select the Open. . . menu and open this time the le called test.shp. A new window will appear, showing some lines that represent a channel network.
Although this channel network corresponds to the same geographical area as the raster layer already opened (in fact, it has been created using it), they are kept in isolated windows. SAGA separates raster and vector data (as opposed to, for example, ArcGIS), but we will soon see that they can be combined without much eort, at least for visualization purposes. When dealing with raster data, a vector layer can be added, but the raster settings will rule the display and the menus for raster layers will be shown in the menu bar. The same will happen when working with vector data. You can alternate between the raster and vector tabs in the project window. Raster layers are represented using a small thumbnail, while vector layers are presented simply by their name. Select the GridProject tab and then rightclick on the project window. You will see the following pop up menu
If you place the mouse cursor over the project menu item, a new menu will get unfolded.
Select the Info menu item and you will get information about the grid project and the les that are included in it.
This time, you cannot edit the information in this window. This is not a data input window, but an informative one. Can you see the Load and Save buttons for loading and saving parameter sets? Of course not! They would not be especially useful here. . . Close the window by clicking on the close button. From the previous menu you can also select the Project/Save. . . menu item. It allows you to save the structure of the actual project, so you can open it later with just a single mouse click. To experience how projects work in SAGA, follow this steps. Select the Save menu and in the dialog box that will appear type a name for the project (i.e. testproj.spg). Click the OK button. The project is now saved. Close the grid project by selecting the Project/Close menu item. SAGA will ask you if you really want to close it. Press the Yes button.
Right now, theres no grid project and, therefore, no raster data tab in the projects window. Reopen the project you have just saved (and closed), by selecting the Open. . . menu item under the File menu and then selecting the lename you entered when saving the project. As you can see, the File/Open. . . menu item can be used to open all kinds of les, whether single data les (vector and raster) or whole projects (also vector and raster). If you want to work with a vector project, just select the Shapes tab in the project window and then right click in the window itself. A pop up menu will appear, which contains similar menu items as in the raster case.
As it has already been said before, most of the functionalities of SAGA (among them, the more interesting and powerful ones) are included in module libraries that have to be loaded before using them. Some of those modules are provided with SAGA itself and included in the SAGA distribution, while others have been developed by external collaborators (or you can even develop your own ones if you feel capable. . . ) We already saw in the Preferences section how to load some modules by default. However, only a folder can be specied as the default for modules, and you might have several modules in other dierent folders. If you want to use these modules, you will have to make use of the Module Library Manager. The Module Library Manager can be called by selecting the Module Library Manager. . . menu item under the Modules menu. A window like the one below will appear.
Using the Module Library Manager you can load module libraries into memory, but also unload them in case you need it. If some libraries are already loaded (and they will be if you have correctly set the default path for modules before starting SAGA), you will see their names in the left side of the manager window. If you click on any of these names, the modules included in the selected library will appear in the box labeled Modules. Clicking on any of them will cause its description to appear in the text box below. To load a library, click on the Load Library button and then select the library you want to load. Its name will appear along with the already loaded ones. To unload a library, select it in the left list and then click the Unload Library button. When developers create their libraries, they usually add some information about them in the source code, describing the parameters that must be supplied to each module or including some references where further information can be found about the implemented algorithms. Some of this information will appear in the info box that we have already seen as a part of the parameters window. This inner documentation can be taken out of each library and each module, and formatted in order to create a good documentation resource. SAGA itself is capable of automatically create documentation in HTML format which can be later used to know the characteristics of each module. You can control where in your hard disk this HTML les are stored, by specifying a folder using the Select Folder button. To read the generated documentation, from the main menu (outside the Module Library Manager), select the Module Libraries menu item under the ? menu. Once the HTML les
have been created, you can also view them using you favorite web browser. To close the Module Library Manager, use the Close button. If you just want to load a single library (or a bunch of them), and you have no need of knowing which modules are included in each one, or you dont want to unload any other library, using the Module Library Manager might be a bit awkward. In this case, you can use the Load Library menu under the Modules menu. Whichever method you use to load you libraries (or even if they are all loaded at the beginning of the SAGA session), every module library will have its menu item and all its modules will have their one under the latter. That means that, as you load more modules, the Modules menu under which all of them can be accessed will get populated. That also means that most of the usual operations that can be performed using SAGA are found under the Modules menu, and, consequently, it should be available whatever the context you are in. Since the module structure of SAGA allows the development of modules that deal with raster data, vector data, both of them or none of them (in fact, you can even develop modules that dont perform any spatial analysis or have any GIS component. . . ), access to modules should not be contextdependent. However, modules itself can be context dependent. If no raster layer has been loaded an a module takes raster data as input, you will probably not be able to use it. Several chapters are dedicated in this book to some of the most important modules, describing their particularities. However, right now you just should learn that modules gather under the Modules menu, and that calling them is as simple as clicking in their menu item.
Closing SAGA
After nishing a SAGA session, just click on the upper right corner of the main window or select the Exit menu item in the File menu. If you have opened any grid or shape using the Import/Export modules (that is, if you have opened any non native le), SAGA will ask you to save those les. Also if you have generated any grid or shape layer and not saved it, it will also prompt you, in order to avoid data losses. You will see a window like the one below.
If you want to save any (or all) of the layers you have been working with, just select the desired format and specify the path to which it must be saved. After setting these parameters, just press OK and SAGA will be closed.
Chapter 3
You should already know how to load raster and vector layers (at least in those formats supported by SAGA without the need of any additional module), and create projects with them. Its time now to start working with those layers and discover how SAGA can handle them and oer some nice results. Although the most intensive procedures and algorithms are kept in modules, SAGA itself includes a nice set of functions that prove themselves really useful for the everyday GIS work, and a great amount of them are targeted to grid analysis. For this reason, and also because SAGA is mainly a raster analysis tool (a nature inherited from its predecessor DiGeM), we will deal with grid functions now and leave vector stu for a later chapter. However, raster layers are not only the source data for performing analysis, but also something with which the user can interact, and something from which he can obtain other results, particularly those related to its visualization and displaying. Therefore, before beginning to extract information from raster layers we will have a look at how SAGA displays grid layers and how the user can perform this interaction. Also, some Input/Output functions (specially output) will be analyzed, completing what was previously said about the handling of raster data les.
The rst thing to do to display a grid is simply doubleclicking on its thumbnail1 . If you loaded the test.dgm le, you will get a window like the one shown below.
Linux users might have problems with this. Open the grid view window using the popup menu instead
In it, you can see the Digital Elevation Model with a great level of detail, identifying high areas (depicted with brown and white tones) and low areas (with green and blue tones). The window in which the grid is displayed has a status bar in it with four little text boxes. From left to right, these boxes contain the following information. Scale of the representation: this is NOT a cartographic scale but rather a pixel scale. It shows the ratio between the dimensions of the grid (in cells) and the dimensions of its screen rendering (in pixels). X coordinate of the mouse pointer: If you move the mouse over the image, you will see how this value (and also the following two ones) change. Also, if more than one grid window is opened, although you move the mouse only over one of them, the values in the status bars of the other windows will change as well. Y coordinate. Z value: The value of the cell the mouse is over. In this case, since it is a DEM, this value represents the elevation of the cell. Surrounding the grid you can see the coordinates of its four corners. Now, lets focus on the lower areas of the terrain (the ones with a lower height), which are located approximately in the centerleft part of the grid. SAGA has the usual zoom functions that allow the user to reach the desired level of detail and closeness (of course, always within the limits imposed by grid resolution), or restrict the display to a particular area. Four main buttons can be used to select four dierent functions regarding grid visualization (this time i will consider buttons instead of menus, since the latter are seldom used for this purposes), namely Zoom in Zoom out Zoom area Pan
The Zoom in tool will make the grid window bigger, thus approaching it to the user. The Zoom out tool will shrink the grid window, thus taking away the grid from the user. The Zoom area tool allows you to select the region that you want to view. Click and drag onto the image to dene this region. This tool does not expand or shrink the grid window, but adapts the dened region to the actual size of it. The smaller the region you dene, the closer you will see it, since it will have to be expanded to t into the grid window. If you want to go back to a previous extent, right click on the image. If you select a small region and after that you use the Zoom out tool, the image will grow, but it will still be conned to the region dened by the Zoom area tool. You can return to the full extent by using the Grid/Grid View/Full Extent menu item. The Pan tool allows you to move the dened region along the grid. Simply click and drag to do it. Another tool that can be used for this purposes is the magnier. To activate it, select the Magnier menu item under the Grid menu (or click on the Magnier button) You will see a little window next to the grid window. Do not maximize the grid window, since it will hide the magnier. Place them one by the other. Now, if you click on the grid window, a bounding box will appear. The area enclosed by this box can be seen in the magnier window at a greater scale. You can modify the size of this window and the bounding box will automatically adjust its size.
After using the magnier window, simply close its window by clicking on its upperright corner.
Now that you know how to move through a grid layer, select an area and display it at your preferred resolution, we can see some further adjustments that will improve the way raster data is displayed. These, along with all the functions that we have previously seen, will allow you to fully interpretate grid data, and to get the most out of any grid layer that you use within SAGA.
To access all the aforementioned adjustments, select the Grid/Settings. . . menu item. This will cause a new parameters window to appear, containing many dierent parameters and also some additional noneditable information about the grid. The values in this window correspond to the grid that is selected (the one you worked with the last time). Since this values are not common to every grid, but can be adjusted specically for each one, you can render each grid using dierent parameters depending on the kind of information they contain. Another way to get to the grid parameters window is by rightclicking on a thumbnail in the project window and then selecting the Settings menu item. The rst parameters we nd in the grid parameters window are some basic data about the grid itself. The only editable elds here are Name and Units.
Modify the Name eld to change the name used to identify the grid. Notice that, although the name of the grid and the name of the le where it is stored are usually the same, changing the former will not aect the latter. Modify the Units eld to specify the units in which the Z values are expressed. This unit will appear next to the Z values in the status bar of the Grid window. The cell value that appears on the grid view is the value contained in the cell multiplied by the value in the Z factor eld. Change this if you want these values to be expressed in other scale or other units dierent to the ones really stored in the grid. We will see a usage of this in the chapter about terrain analysis. After these parameters we nd a small set of them related with memory handling.
Again, they will not be explained here, but a little bit later in this same chapter. Anyway, safe for some rare cases, its usually better to leave them unchanged and accept their actual values. The Frame Size parameter controls the size of the frame area around the image, where the corner coordinates are displayed. In the following image you can see how it aects the way grids are displayed (notice the bigger frame size). This will also have eect when creating layouts.
Unless you work with very large grids or you are running short of memory, you are not likely to use the next parameter, Limit Size.
If you set it to true and enter a bitmap size in the Size Limit eld, SAGA will not use more than this amount of memory to display a grid. That means that, if more memory is needed when you enlarge an image, it will not be shown in full detail event if the grid itself has enough resolution. Try setting a very low value and then use the zoom tools in the grid window to enlarge it. You will probably get a heavily pixelated image. Again, this is not a feature you are going to adjust very often, but you must take care when opening large grids, specially if they contain feature information. For example, have a look at the following screenshot, which represents a close up of a grid containing road information. Cells with a value of 2 are roads, while cells without value are nodata cells.
Numerical information is not coherent with cell coloring!! (we will see in a couple of lines how to make those numerical values appear on screen). This is because SAGA has not enough memory to create a detailed bitmap and, if you zoom too close, you can notice this lack of detail. This same low detail is used when saving a grid as a bitmap, so you should not limit bitmap size if you plan to create an image from a grid. Going back to the parameters window, a more useful set of parameters is the one related with nodata values.
Sometimes, you do not have information in all the cells of a grid layer. SAGA provides a very easy way to tell the program how this cells can be recognized. When SAGA encounters one of this cells, it just ignores it and does not use it for any of the calculations at all. No data cells are usually identied by the value they have, which is usually outside the range in which normal values for the variable being represented can be found. For example, if you are working with a DEM (that is, you are working with heights) and using meters as units, a value of -99999 is not likely to appear, so can be used as a no data value. In fact, -9999 and -99999 are probably the most usual no data values. To set this value, just enter it in the No Data Value eld. In case you want to use a range of no data values instead of just a single one, set the Use Nodata Range eld to true and then introduce the upper range value in the Upper Range Value eld. The value previously set in the No Data Value eld will be used as lower range value.
No data cells (whether they have been identied using a single no data value or a full range of them) are represented with an special color. You can select it by clicking on the No Data Color eld to see the typical Windows color picker dialog (mine is in spanish, as you can see. . . ).
You can nd some xed elds (you cannot edit them) below the last ones, which provide some basic statistical information.
Since they cannot be modied, no more has to be said about them. After the previous general parameters, we get into the Colors section, probably one of the most important ones regarding grids, and the one that we will use to modify the way a grid layer is displayed on screen.
The elds under Shade Grid With. . . can be used to add a relief appearance to any grid. The most important parameter here is the name of the grid that contains the shading information. These grids can be generated from a simple DEM by using the Terrain Analysis/Lighting/Analytical Hillshade module, which will be described in a later chapter. However, the le you downloaded also includes a hillshade grid. Of course, to use a hillshade grid, it must have the same extension and cell size as the grid you want to shade. Therefore, if both of them are already loaded, they should be in the same project, not in separate ones.
Only those grids that are in the same project as the grid whose shading is being adjusted will appear on the list in the Shade Grid With. . . eld. The following picture shows the dierence between the shaded and the unmodied image.
Adjust the intensity of the shading by modifying the Mode and Range parameters. I guess that the eect of this parameters can be better understood by toying a bit with them instead of trying to explain it, so just try yourself. Anyway, default values are usually better than any other combination, so you will probably go back to them after a few tries. The Classication Type item can be used to set how SAGA displays cells with dierent values. If you set it to Metric (its default value), SAGA will dene a color ramp from the value of the minimum value cell to the maximum one, and assign colors to the remaining cells (whose values will always be between the two previous ones) by simple interpolation. This method is recommended better when working with grids that represent continuous variables such as height, temperature or slope. Instead of using the maximum and minimum values as boundaries for the color ramp, the Display Range eld can be used to set userdened values. If you want to use the relative maximum and minimum values of the displayed area (not of the whole grid), set to true the Automatic Stretch parameter, located near the bottom of the parameters list. You can dene the color ramp used, by clicking on the Color Classes eld. A window similar to the next one will appear.
Four graphic boxes are shown in this window. The three rst one correspond to the color components red, green and blue, while the last one represents the colors obtained by combining them. You can change this colors by clicking and dragging on each box. Again, just mess with it until you understand how it works, it is quite easy. You can load and save color ramps using the Load and Save buttons. SAGA comes with a large set of predened color ramps that can be found in the pallets folder. Have a look at them, you will surely nd one that ts your needs. (I love the eire one . . . ) You can generate random palettes by using the random button The level of detail of the palette can be modied by changing the number of classes it is divided into. Just enter this number in the textbox labeled Classes and then press the Change button. The way SAGA performs the interpolation between the max and min values can also be modied. Linear interpolation is the default, but you can select logarithmic or inverse logarithmic interpolation using the Scaling Mode parameter. If using one of the two logarithmic modes, you can also set an scale factor using the corresponding eld. Logarithmic scaling mode is useful when displaying grids with a high standard deviation. For example, you will need it when dealing with ow accumulation grids, which will be a key tool in the chapters dedicated to terrain analysis and hydrology. By now, just have a look at how dierent a ow accumulation grid looks when displayed using a linear scaling mode on the left, not a lot of information is shown or a logarithmic one on the right, with much more information being shown .
The logarithmic scaling mode also aects how histograms, which will be studied a few pages later in this same chapter, are displayed. When we reach that section, we will explain this in detail. If instead of a continuous grid you have a grid with discrete values (i.e. a land cover grid), maybe you would like to change the Classication Type from Linear to Scheme. If you do this, SAGA will not use a color ramp, but a table, to assign a color to each grid cell. This table contains dierent groups, each one of them with a lower and an upper value, and the color that has to be assigned to the cells with values into this group. To dene this table, click on the Table eld. You will get a window with a table that represent the current palette, with as many dierent rows as classes were in the palette.
There is a chapter in this book dedicated to tables, so here I will just show some fundamental ideas.
You can change the four text elds simply by typing in them the values you want. Dont forget that the Minimum and Maximum elds should contain only numerical values. Use the Add and Insert buttons to add new rows at the end of the table or at the current place. To delete a row, click on it to select it and then use the Delete button. To change the colors, you have to double click on the color cell to get the color picker window. This classication type is also useful if you want to make dierent groups when displaying a continuous grid. For example, lets say that you have a grid representing slope and you consider that slope under 10% is OK for a particular activity, slope between 10% and 25% is not so good but still suitable, and, nally, that this activity cannot take place in those cells whose slope exceeds 25%. The table in this case will look like the one under this lines.
Try to create it by using the functions explained above. Notice that a similar eect can be achieved reclassifying the grid data into groups (this can be done using a module) which will turn the continuous information into a discrete one, but this will completely alter the data. If you simply change the table used to assign the colors, the grid will remain unchanged. We can say that reclassifying grid values is a real grid operation (and, as such, needs a module to be performed), while using a table (this kind of tables are usually called lookup tables) is just some sort of visual trick. After this brief explanation, lets continue analyzing other parameters found in the parameters window. When representing a grid layer, it does not have to be represented apart from other grid or raster layers. We have already seen how to combine two grid layers to create a shaded relief image. Now we will see how to add vector elements and other grid layers and combine them into just one view.
To add a vector layer, click on the Overlay/Shapes item and you will see the following window:
We havent seen this window yet, but it will appear whenever SAGA permits a multiple selection of elements. On the left size of the window you have all the elements that can be selected. As you double click on them, they also appear on the right size, which contains the selected elements. Double click on the right side to remove elements. They can also be selected (or unselected) by singleclicking on any one of them and then using the >> and << buttons. Using the Up and Down buttons, the selected elements can be ordered according to your preferences. This order will aect the way layers are displayed, in case they overlap. You will understand this when you get to the Working with shapes chapter. The test.dgm grid with the test.shp le on it looks like this:
To add grids, the procedure is almost identical. Click on the Overlay/Grids button and discover it by yourself. Setting the Display Values parameter to true will cause grid values to be displayed when you get close enough to a grid using the zoom tools, as shown in the following image.
The number of decimal places and the font used to display the values, both can be adjusted using the Decimal Places and Font parameters. Clicking on the Font eld you will cause the following dialog to appear (again, mine is not in English but in Spanish. . . ).
Probably you will already know how to use it, since it can be found in almost every Windows application. . . The last additional element we can incorporate into a view are ow lines. Select a DEM in the Elevation eld and (in case you have one) a preferred routing grid in the eld with the same name, and you will see how cells are connected using their ow directions. This will be all explained in detail once we reach the hydrology chapter, dont worry if you do not understand what it means. When you get close to a grid, ow lines look like the ones in the image below.
However, if you zoom out of the grid, you will reach a point (unless your grid is really small) where ow lines cannot be distinguished. Depending on the scale you are using, you will like to activate this feature or remove it, since it is rather time consuming and ow lines can even hide the grid completely. And nally, the last parameter in the Grid Parameters window allows you to numerically set the zooming factor instead of using the zoom tools. Changes will be made once you close the parameters window and the view can be updated.
Once you load a grid, it is stored in memory and SAGA doesnt need to use the le to retrieve the information contained in that grid. In a typical SAGA session, you are likely to use a few source grids and, using modules, create a a few more. If the area covered by those grids is large or if you use a small cell size, each grid will contain millions of cells, each one with its own information. Consider this, and you will see that it is not so dicult to create a SAGA project that contains more data that what can be held in memory. For this reason, a good memory management is a key element of a GIS software, and SAGA is no exception. SAGA incorporates compression methods that shrink grids so they dont need so much memory to be stored. You should use them in case you are having problems with memory. Otherwise, its better not to use them, since they cause data access data to be slower. Also, if even more memory is needed, data can be stored in the hard disk using virtual memory resources. To select the way a grid is stored , you can select the menu items RTL compression or File Cache in the Grid/Memory menu. These concepts regarding memory handling are rather technical, and perhaps not suitable for the average SAGA user, so if you dont understand what those terms means, you probably dont need to use them. Another much more useful set of features can be found in the Grid/Save menu. If you have modied a grid or created a new one, you might want to save it. As we saw when we loaded the test.dgm grid, some le formats are available without using any modules, while others are not. The same applies to saving a grid, since only the native formats (i.e, the DiGeM format) can be used to save the grids included in a grid project. Other formats are also supported, but we will not learn how to use them until we reach the chapter dedicated to Import/Export modules. However, there are other interesting functions regarding grid saving that we will not found in any module, thus compelling us to employ the DiGeM format if we want to use them. If you simply want to save a Grid, select that grid and then go to the Save/Save. . . menu item. Type in the lename you want to use, and your grid will be saved. If you dont want to save the whole grid, but just a portion of it, you can use the zoom tools to display the desired portion and then use the Save Zoom Area. . . menu item. You will not nd this function in any module, so if you want to export the zoomed area to any other format supported by SAGA Import/Export Modules, you will have to save it as a DiGeM le, then open it, and nally export that whole le in the desired format. To create a new project restricted to that area, you can use the Save Zoom Area as new Project menu item.
3D views
A favorite of many users (though seldom used for real practical purposes), 3Dviews oer a new way of displaying data, helping you to be aware of many details than can be overlooked when just using simple 2D representations. Also, they are fun (at least the rst times you use them), and quite impressive, so it is worth writing a couple of lines about them. To make a 3D view, you need two things: a grid to represent and another one where the height values are stored. Of course, both of them can be the same. Also, heights does not have to be true heights (that is, heights over sea level), but any other parameter than you might want to see in 3D. For example, a 3D view using a accumulated cost surface (we will see how to create them using the cost analysis modules) as height grid can be very useful to understand where least cost paths must be located. To see a 3D view of a grid, rightclick on its thumbnail and select the 3DView menu item. The parameters window you will see has many dierent parameters you can set. However, most of them can be changed more easily once you are in the 3D rendering screen, so we will ignore them now and just consider those that have to be set from this window. The most important one is, of course, the elevation grid. As it happened when shading a grid, only those grids with similar dimension and cell size as the one been represented can be used as elevation grid. You will nd them in the list in the Elevation eld. Skipping most of the remaining parameters we get to the two last ones. Using them you can change the appearance of the background of the window, setting it to a single color (you should already know how to select a single color as a parameter in SAGA) or a bitmap. When you select a bitmap, the background color is ignored. Once this parameters have been congured, click on the OK button. The 3Dview window should look like this.
If you ever wondered what it was like to y through the Yukon valleys like an eagle but never could do it, this time you will be able to make your dreams come true. Hold on. . . we are taking o! Once airborne, grab the mouse and drag over the 3Dview while right clicking. Then, leftclick and drag it to alter the rendering in a dierent way. These are the two main controls you have to modify the view and adjust it to your needs. As you click and drag, the values in the status bar of the 3Dview window will change. Now, if you select the Settings menu item under the 3DView menu, you will see the parameters window again. Notice how the rotation and shift values have changed. Close the window and go back to the 3Dview window. By using all the arrow buttons in the toolbar you can move an rotate the surface in many dierent ways. Again, the behavior of these functions is better understood simply by using them and experimenting, so I will leave them unexplained.
3.5. 3D VIEWS
The buttons that control the vertical exaggeration (the two rightmost ones) are specially interesting, specially when using an elevation grid with a smooth relief. If you bring the surface too close to you, you might be able to distinguish the pixels, revealing the poor resolution of the image (at least, for that scale). To avoid this, SAGA can interpolate the color values between adjacent cells to smooth the resulting image, as it is shown under these lines.
This task is rather time consuming, so you might want to disable it with larger grids or if you dont have a computer with a large amount of memory. Once you have obtained a good perspective of the surface, you can save the image so later you can include it in another document or do with it whatever you want. Select the Save Bitmap. . . menu item and type in the lename you want to use. Unfortunately, only bmp les are supported, but it is quite easy to convert them to JPEG format or any other popular format, using a more specic image software. Apart from saving single static images, you can use the builtin sequencer to save sets of images that can be later used to create ythrough animations. Before starting the sequencer, select the base name that will be used to compose the full lename under which each frame of the sequence will be saved. Select the 3DView/Sequencer/Save Frames. . . menu item and use the dialog that will appear to get to the folder where you want to save the frames. Then, type the base name, for example sequence. SAGA will save each frame using a lename like sequence 001.bmp, sequence 002.bmp . . . and so on. Now, activate the recorder selecting the 3DView/Sequencer/Record menu item. Once it is activated, you can use the usual mouse control to move through the 3Dview and change its rendering parameters. As you change the view, SAGA will record the corresponding frames in the folder you specied. When nished, click again on the Record menu item to stop recording. You can add a frame with the current view to the sequence by using the Add Position frame. Frames are stored in bitmap format in your hard drive, but SAGA also keeps them in memory while you are in the 3Dview window. You can retrieve them and see a ythrough animation using the Play command in the Sequencer menu. If you want the animation to repeat over and over again, select the Play Loop menu item. The last (and, denitely, the most bizarre) function regarding 3Dviews is the creation of anaglyphs. Yes, you are right, anaglyphs are those things that, when you look at them using glasses with each eye of a dierent color, you can see them in full 3D. I have to confess that I have not tried this completely (it is not very easy to get the glasses right now, and I am too lazy to build a pair of them myself), but here is a screenshot of an anaglyph created using SAGA so you can have an idea of how they look like.
Some parameters related with anaglyph creation can be adjusted using the Settings. . . menu item, but I am afraid I cannot write much about them. To nish this section, here is a little tip: to get more realistic 3D views, shade the grid before using it to generate the view.
Time has come now to start obtaining our rst results. In this section we will get some graphical results, but also some numerical ones. Although they are not very numerous (I repeat that most of the SAGA functionalities are kept in additional modules), they will help you to fully understand the SAGA GUI and the SAGA structure, and will prepare the path to the Working with shapes chapter (there are many things in common between vector functions and raster functions in SAGA) and, later on, to the detailed study of modules. The results we will obtain include: Frequency histograms Proles Regression analysis
Frequency histograms
To know how values are distributed in a grid, you can generate a frequency histogram from them. To do it, select the Histogram menu item in the Grid Menu. As it happens with other grid commands, you can also nd this menu item in the menu that pops up after rightclicking on the grid thumbnail. The frequency histogram for the test.dgm grid looks like this:
In it, you can see how height values are distributed in the grid, ranging from a lower value around 950 meters to a higher one around 2400 meters, with most values not being greater than 2000 meters. Also you should be able to recognize the typical bellshaped curve, since those height values follow (more or less) a gaussian distribution. Depending on the kind of information that is represented in the grid, histograms might provide further information regarding other dierent variables. For example, the histogram derived from a timeout grid resembles the unit hydrograph of the basin considered for calculating those time values, thus providing some hydrological information about that basin. What else can we do with a frequency histogram apart for just looking at it and interpreting its meaning? Well, rst of all it can help us to modify the range of values used to display the grid and assign a color to each grid cell. Imagine that, for some reason, you want to graduate the values from 1000 to 1500 meters, and neglect those ones that fall outside those limits. Of course, you could use a table instead of a color palette, or even reclassify the grid data, but it is quite easier to change the rendering range. You can set the values numerically in the grid settings window, or directly on the histogram window just using your mouse. To dene a new range, just click and drag to select the values contained in it (in this case, those between 100o and 1500 meters. When you release the mouse, the grid view and the thumbnail will be updated. Every cell with a value lower than the lower value of the range (1000) will be displayed using the lower color, and those cells with higher values that the higher range value(1500) will get the higher color.
If you change the classication type, the shape of the histogram and its coloring will also change, as can be seen in the following two histograms (linear classication type on the left, logarithmic on the right) obtained from the test.dgm grid.
Histograms are not just a visual element. Their source information (the one used to draw the histogram) can be shown as tabular data. To do that, select the As Table menu item, (the only one) under the Histogram menu. We will work more intensely with tables in the next chapter and you will learn how to handle them within SAGA. By now, just remember how to get a table from a frequency histogram, because we will use these tables later.
Imagine that you want to go from point A to point B, and you have the DEM of the area in which those points are located. You might like to know if the line that connects both points (or even a path made up of several linear sections) hopefully goes through at terrain or you will have to climb steep slopes in your way. A prole of the path would be a very interesting tool for that purpose. Now imagine that you have created an accumulated cost surface (you will learn how to do that in a few chapters) and you want to a least cost path using it. Also, you are interested in having the longitudinal prole of that path. For the two preceding cases, SAGA features some simple (yet powerful) capabilities for dealing with proles, which will be explained in this section. There are two main ways to dene a path: drawing it as a set of connected linear segments, or dening a single point and letting SAGA calculate the rest of points according to some conditions. The former is the one selected by default, so I will start with it. To dene a prole, select the Prole menu item under the Grid menu. It will only be available if the view window of the current grid is visible (you have to use it, you cannot dene the path on the thumbnail!). A blank window will appear. As you start introducing points, the prole along the lines dened by those point will be drawn in this window.
To introduce a point, simply click on the grid view window in the location where you want to place that point. After you introduce the rst one, when you move the mouse over the grid, you will see a line joining the current mouse position and the last point you introduced. Along with the prole itself, additional information can be found in the prole window, namely: Vertical exaggeration Horizontal length of prole Maximum Z value Minimum Z value Dierence between the two above factors. Select as many points as you want and then rightclick to nish the path.
Now you have the prole you wanted (in case you want a dierent one, just start creating a new one an it will be replaced). To suit the information in this prole to your needs, you can adjust how it is displayed or you can convert it to a dierent data format (right now you just have an image of the prole). You can convert it to a table, a point vector layer (one point for each cell the path runs across) or a line vector layer. To do this conversion, select one of the menu item under Prole/Convert to . . . . Dont forget that you have to activate the prole window (just clicking on it) to see the Prole menu. If you select Points or Lines a new window will appear containing vector data. If you select Table, you will see a table like the following one.
We will see how to work with vector and tabular data in the next two chapters. Although this kind of proles are useful, it is usually more interesting to let SAGA dene the path from a single point. Also, this proles, since its the program who traces the path to follow, are far more precise (you can notice this dierence when converting them to lines) To create this proles, select the Trace ow menu item. Now, when you select a point in the view window, SAGA will calculate the route that ow would follow downward from this point. This can be used to draw a prole of a river, going down from its header to its lower part. SAGA traces the ow until it reaches the boundaries of the grid or a sink cell is found. Now select the Prole/Settings menu item to see the prole parameters window. If you have a preferred routing grid, you can select it in the eld Sink Routes an SAGA will be able to trace ow over sink cells. You will probably remember that we mentioned preferred routing when we saw the Flow Lines parameter. As then, dont worry if you dont understand all this, because it will be explained later with much more detail. The ow path will be drawn onto the grid view window.
When you want to dene the route that ow will follow, you have to take into account the distances between each cell and its surrounding ones, so as to correctly calculate the slope that is found from the center cell to each one of its neighbors. However, if you are working with an accumulated cost surface, distances were already used to crate that surface, so you must ignore them. You will nd a eld named Consider Distance, that you should use to adjust the behavior of the routing algorithm in each case. You can modify the way SAGA renders the prole, adjusting its exaggeration. Its usually a good idea to exaggerate the representations, specially when the relief is smooth. There are two ways of selecting an exaggeration factor: using a xed one or letting SAGA adjust it automatically to the size of the prole window. If you chose the latter (the default one), modifying the size of the prole window will cause the prole to be updated and drawn again using a new exaggeration factor (try it yourself. . . )
Regression analysis
Given two grids, you can use SAGA to check if there is any kind of correlation between them. Using the Grid/Regression Analysis/New. . . command, SAGA performs a cellbycell comparison between both grids and tells you how the variations of the values in each one are mutually dependent. Lets see what that means. Open the testslope.dgm le included in the le. You should have also the test.dgm le already loaded. While our wellknow test.dgm le contains elevations, testslope.dgm contains information about the slope in each cell. This grid has been calculated using the terrain analysis modules explained later in this book. We are going to see if there is any relation between elevation and slope (that is, if steep slopes are usually found in higher areas and at surfaces on low ones, or viceversa). To do that, select the Grid/Regression Analysis/New. . . menu item. In the parameters window, set the test.dgm grid as grid A and the testslope.dgm grid as grid B (reversing this will just cause the X and Y axis to be changed). Leave the Method eld set to Grid A with Grid B. If the grid is too big, drawing all the value pairs might cause SAGA to get slow and take too much time in displaying the regression analysis resulting graph. You can modify the Draw each x.tuple to avoid this. The bigger the number you type in, the less points SAGA represents
and, consequently, the less time it takes to draw to display the graph. The default value (4) is a good choice for the grids we are using (unless your computer is too slow. . . ) Press the OK button and you will see something like this:
The classical r and r2 values are displayed along with the scattered points, and also the equation of the best t line (shown in red).
Chapter 4
Tables are a very powerful tool for displaying data. Tables are important because they constitute a linking element between SAGA and other application such as spreadsheets. Not all SAGA modules or functions generate new grids as result. Some of them return tabular data instead of new grids, and you should know how to handle this kind of result. Also, tables are required sometimes as input, and appear quite often in a regular SAGA session. Most of all, tables are used to show data from relational databases, and those are tightly linked with vector data. Thats why I have chosen to include this chapter before the Working with shapes one, since I consider them a very important part for correctly working with many elements implemented in SAGA.
To start working with tables, lets open one of them. SAGA supports DBase les and delimited text les without needing any additional module. Thus, to open a table, just select the File/Open. . . menu. There is a text le included in the le (named table.txt). Select it and press OK. A new window like the one below should appear.
You can change the information contained in a cell simply clicking on it and then typing the new value for that cell. 39
Clinking on the name of each column will cause the table to get ordered by the values on that column. If you want to add a new row (in the case of the above table, adding a new city), you can use the Add Row menu item from the Table menu. if you want the new row to be placed not at the end of the table, but at any other point, just select the row above which you want to place it and then use the Insert Row menu item instead. (remember that we have already seen this commands before, when dening lookup tables for grid coloring) You can delete rows as well, by using the Delete Row menu item. Once the table has been modied, you can save it using the Tables/Save menu item.
Creating a table
Sometimes you might need to create a table from scratch. That is useful, for example, if you want to create a point layer from a coordinates le. You can create that le using a spreadsheet (and you should if the table is too complex or feature any kind of relation between cells, for SAGA has limited capabilities), but if the table is simple, you can use SAGA builtin functions. To add a new table to the Tables project window, rightclick on it and select the Project/Add New Table menu item. You will see a new table (although it has no rows at this moment), that you have to use to dene the characteristics of the table you are about to create. Use the Add and Insert buttons to add new rows. Each one of them denes a eld in the table you want to create. For each row, you have two columns, one named Name and the other one named Numeric. Type in the name of each eld in the Name column. Introduce a zero value in the numeric column if the eld is to contain text information, or a nonzero value if that eld will contain numerical information. Add as many rows as elds you need in your table and then press the Close button. Your new table has been created and now you can start editing it. Easy as it is, many people nd this procedure a bit unclear. To help you better understand how it works, I have included a couple of examples in the following pictures. The images on the left show how data should be dened in the rst table window, while the ones on the right show those tables once created and populated with data. That should give an idea about how these two tables (the real one and the one used to dene it) relate to each other.
Try to create yourself the table in the rst example, since we will later use it for some further examples.
Creating diagrams
You can grasp a better understanding of the meaning of tabular data by graphically representing it. Although this can be done using a spreadsheet (surely, you have done that before), SAGA features some neat graphical functions that will suce in most cases. To see how his works, we will need some data. Instead of using data from the table we loaded at the beginning of this chapter, we will create a new one. If you remember, frequency histograms could be converted into tables. Create an histogram of the test.dgm grid and then convert it to a table (if you cant remember how to do that, have a look at the Working with grids chapter) Once you have the table, select the Show menu item under the Table/Diagram The following parameters window will appear.
The Attributes node contains as many elements as elds (i.e columns) are in the selected table. Thus, it will vary depending on the table, so maybe the next time you try to create a diagram you will see a dierent number of parameters. For each eld, you can chose to represent it (set to true the parameter with the name of the eld) or not (set it to false). If you choose to represent it, you can pick up a color for it using the Color parameter. The only eld that is worth representing in the histogram table is the one named Elements, so you should set the remaining ones to false. Use the Diagram type eld to choose the type of diagram to create (select lines this time). In the Label Y-axis with, select the eld to use for the scale that will appear along the Y-axis.
After all that, click on the OK button and you will get a diagram like the following one (I have changed the color from yellow to red. I found yellow too light for including the image in the text).
If you want to practice a bit more, do the following: Create a prole and then convert it to a table. Make a diagram with that table and you should get again the same prole. Have fun!
Chapter 5
Once we know how to work with raster layers, it is time to start working with the other main type of spatial data: vector layers. As you have already seen, SAGA features all the functionalities that one needs to work with grid layers, and this functionalities are very easy to learn and to use. However, the most important grid functions will be shown when we study the grid analysis modules but, nevertheless, those are functions that are not really related to the handling of raster layers, but merely to the processing of them. Handling vector layers is a bit dierent. Even if you dont need to perform complex analysis using you vector layers, you will need a large set of functions to organize your layers, edit them, or even create them from scratch. Why is that? Mainly because of the dierent nature of vector layers and because this nature is a dual one. Let me explain you this duality. While grid data is contained in the grid itself, vector data needs to be stored in a database. This causes a vector layer to be separated in two dierent entities: the shapes (points, lines, polygons. . . ) where the spatial information is kept, and the database where the information about those shapes is stored. Large databases require large (and complex) Databases Management Systems (DBMS) and, unfortunately, SAGA lacks of them. You can use vector layers and open their associated databases, but many of the most important operations that can be performed with them are not available in SAGA. That is not so bad when dealing with small vector layers, but it is quite common to nd vector layers that contain thousands of polygons and cannot be properly handled without the support of a strong and reliable DBMS. Consequently, if you plan to develop your work mostly with large vector layers, SAGA might not be a good choice for you. However, the combination of vector data and raster data has many advantages, and SAGA is perfectly capable of combining them and making it easy for the user to handle both data types without eort. For example, if you want to create a DEM from point data by interpolating the height information associated with those points, SAGA will have no problem at all and you will not feel strange when using vector data (although you will have a somehow restricted freedom to directly work with it). In contrast with other raster oriented GISs such as IDRISI, where vector data support is rather awkward, SAGA rastervector integration is seamless, such as the one found in, for example, ArcGIS (In fact, I would say that SAGA is just the opposite case to ArcGIS, because ArcGIS is mainly targeted at vector data and has some raster capabilities though not as many as SAGA implemented in the Spatial Analyst extension) Enough or not for your work, SAGA vector functions are worth a chapter in this book. I guess that the main role of vector data within SAGA is to serve the raster layers and add some extra capabilities to the ones that could be implemented if only raster data were 43
supported. With that in mind, it the following pages I will try to cover all the tasks that can be accomplished using SAGA and regarding vector layers, including their creation and edition.
You have already seen how SAGA displays vector data. When you loaded the test.shp le containing the drainage network extracted from the test.dgm grid, it automatically opened a window where that drainage network was displayed. To follow the explanation, you should have this le loaded, so in case it is not, go and open it. To learn a little bit more about how vector data is rendered on screen, lets open a new le. Go and open the test2.shp le. Instead of lines, this one contains polygons which represent the basins associated which the previously loaded drainage network. You can notice how SAGA puts both vector layers in the same window, as opposed to raster layers which are kept in isolated windows. Due to this, some new buttons are found in the toolbar that allow you to change the view according to which layer (or which shapes within a layer) you want to consider each time. You will see the Zoom Area and Pan buttons (I suppose you already know how to use them) and, on their right, the following new ones: Zoom to full extent Zoom to selected layer Zoom to selected shapes Zoom to previous extent They are pretty selfexplanatory but, anyway, i will explain them a bit. If you use the Zoom to full extent button, the zoom will be adjusted so all shape layers t into the view window. The Zoom to selected layer will adjust the zoom so the selected layer ts to full extent into the view window. To select a layer just click on its name in the Grid Project window. The test and test2 layers they both represent the same geographical area, so the eect will be the same whichever one you chose. Also, since no other vector layer is loaded, there is no dierence between using the Zoom to full extent and the Zoom to selected layer button. To depict a more realistic situation, imagine that you have a layer representing rivers of Germany and another one representing cities of Spain (no, I will not use those dreadful USA examples. I leave them for the ESRI guys. . . ). If you just want to see the spanish cities, select the corresponding layer and then click on the Zoom to selected layer button. The Zoom to selected Shapes will let you adjust the view not to a whole layer, but to just some of his elements. (we will shortly see how to select elements). This is a very useful tool, but since SAGA lacks some of the most important methods for selecting shapes, you are not likely to use it as often as you would like to. I guess to Zoom to previous extent button does not require further explanation.
While you experimented with the above tools, you will have probably wondered where the drainage network was, since only the basins seem to appear in the view window. As both layers are displayed in one window, the basins are hiding the rivers because they were loaded later and, therefore, are rendered once the rivers have already been drawn. How can you avoid this? Well, imagine that you have to draw those basins and rivers with pencil and paper (you might need some crayons as well). What would you draw rst? Of course, the basins, and then you would lay the rivers on them. If you have a screen instead of a paper, you still have to do it that way. To tell SAGA that the order in which it renders the dierent layers have to be changed, you should use the display order commands. You can reach them by rightclicking on the name of a vector layer in the project window, and then going to the Display menu. Here you nd the following menu items Move up Move down Move to top Move to bottom Use them to put the test2.dgm layer below the test.dgm one, and you should get a view like the one shown next.
Sometimes you might want to hide a layer without having to unload it. To do that, right click on the layer name and select the Visible menu item. The tick (and also the layer) should disappear. Like grids layers, vector layers have each one its corresponding parameters window. Again, you can reach it using the Settings. . . menu item under the Shapes menu. The elds in the parameters window control how each vector layer is displayed and, as we did with grids, we will explain them one by one. Among the ones under the General node, some are editable and some are xed.
You can change the name of the layer using the Name eld, and hide it setting the Visible eld to false (though it is by far easier to do it without using the settings window.) The Count eld contains the number of dierent shapes that are included in the layer. Again, the Colors node is the key one, containing the most important parameters.
Each element (whether point, line or polygon) has to be assigned a color. You have two options to assign this color: use a single color for all the elements in a layer or use a set of them. If you choose to use a single color, select it in the Default eld and then leave the Color By. . . eld set to Not Set . In case you want to use a set of colors, you can dene it using a color palette or a lookup table. Select the one you prefer and dene the remaining parameters in the same way that you did when adjusting grid displaying parameters. However, only one variable can be represented in a grid, while many variables can be associated to a vector layer, all of them stored in the corresponding database. From all of them, you must choose the one that you want to use to do the color assignment. The color ramp (if you use a color palette) will be set between the minimum and maximum values of that variable in the considered vector layer. To select the eld to use, look for it in the Color By. . . list. This color will be used to ll the interior of shapes, but you can put a border around them (only in the case of polygons). Set the Border parameter to true and select the color for the border in the corresponding Color eld. The interior doesnt have to be opaque. You can choose other options from the Fill Style list at the bottom of the window. Using the Transparent style will let you see both the rivers and the basins, even if you dont change the order in which they are drawn. Be sure to set the Border parameter to true when using the transparent style. Otherwise you will not see anything!
While grids contain only numerical information, the database associated with a vector layer can also include text information (i.e Names of the cities represented by points or the rivers represented by lines). This information can be shown in the view by adding labels close to each vector entity, as shown in the following picture.
Again, you must select the eld to use, this time from the Label By. . . list.
You can also use numerical elds, not just text ones. In this case, the number of decimal places to show can be set in the Decimal Places eld. In the case of lines and points, you will nd new elds under the Size node to control how the shapes are drawn.
You can select a xed width (or diameter, in the case of points), or assign a dierent width to each shape using the values of any eld in the associated attributes table. The following picture shows a portion of the test.shp vector layer, with line width depending on the Order eld.
Also, when working with lines, the Style eld will contain dierent styles, not related with the inside area as in the case of polygons, since lines are onedimensional entities.
As it has already been stated, there is a database linked to every vector layer. You can see its content and even change it, as we will discover in this section. To see the associated database, rightclick on the name of a vector layer and select the Attributes/Table menu item If you selected the test.shp layer, you will see a table like the following one.
Apparently, this is just a normal table, much like the ones we saw in the last chapter. However, a closer look to the toolbar reveals that some buttons are missing. Yes, you are right, you can neither add rows to the table nor remove them from it, but you can still change the values in the cells that already exist. Why is that? Well, you should not forget that this table is linked to a vector layer with spatial entities, and that each row in the table represents the data of one of those entities. If you add a new row, to which entity would it be associated? Since this entity has to be dened, the only way to add new elements is using the edition tools included in SAGA, with which we will deal in the next section. Apart from modifying the values in the table, not many more things can be done. You can create diagrams by using the Attributes/Diagram menu item, and they behave exactly like the ones we saw in the previous chapter. In the shapes toolbar you can nd an info tool: Info Tool If you click on it, a new window will appear next to the project window. If you now click on any entity of the active vector layer, SAGA will show in this window all the information associated with that entity.
That way, you can see the values of a shape without having to look for them in the table, but getting them in a more visual manner. If you want to get information about the geometrical properties instead of about the associated database (only in the case of a layer with polygons), you can right click on a shape and you will get a dialog like this.
Notice that, when you click on a row, its corresponding shape gets selected in the view. That is quite useful to locate a shape using its attributes.
In case you want to edit more than the attributes table of a vector layer, SAGA oers you some simple functions that will help you edit the shapes already included in a layer, delete them or add new ones.
We will work in this section with a layer containing lines (the test.shp layer) but the methods are very similar if you are working with points or polygons instead (I invite you to try them yourself).
Before we start editing a layer, is important that you understand the hierarchy under which vector entities are stored, because you will need to use it when adding or removing elements. Also, it will help you understand the terminology used in the menu items and, thus, will ease your way through this section. On the top of this hierarchy is situated the layer itself. A layer is composed of shapes, and those can be polygons, lines or points (SAGA can handle also multipoint layers, but they are conceptually similar to points, so I will ignore them by the moment to keep this as simple as possible.) In a layer, only one type of vector data can exists. That means that points and polygons can be shown in the same view, but they have to be kept in dierent les. Each shape is related to a row in the corresponding attributes table. Normally, a shape has a single part, but SAGA supports multipart shapes. To understand this, lets see an example. Imagine that we have a vector layer with polygons that represent countries. In its attributes table we can nd elds such as Population, Area, Gross Product and other similar ones. While a country like Germany can be represented using a single part, other countries like Spain or Portugal cannot, since there are portions of land like islands that, although belonging to these countries, are isolated. If you cant draw all the shape without lifting the pencil from the paper, you must use severals parts to dene that shape. In other words, parts are used to break down a shape into many dierent elements (parts), so a single entry in the attributes table can be linked to several isolated elements that, nevertheless, share some common properties. Finally, parts are dened by points. All the points of all the parts in a shape are responsible of the spatial properties of that shape. According to this, all vector data can be ultimately reduced to point information. Lines are dened by its nodes (which are points), and polygons by its vertices (points as well), and when editing a vector layer (whichever type of data it is made up of), you will have to edit points directly. Im sure the following picture will help you understand all the above information.
Editing shapes
Once you understand this scheme, you can start editing the test.shp layer. In it, each segment is a shape that comprises one single part, so parts and shapes are the same here. The rst thing to do is to select the shape we want to modify. Click on the Shapes/Display/Select menu item (you can also use the Select button, represented with an arrow in the toolbar). After that, go to the shapes view window and select the shape you want to edit. Its color will change from its current color (blue if you havent changed the shapes displaying settings) to red. Zoom to the selected shape until you see it full screen. Once the shape is selected, click on the Shapes/Edit/Edit Selected Shape menu item to enter the editing mode. The points that constitute the vertices of the selected line will be represented using small boxes. That indicates that the line is ready to be edited, and those boxes make it is easier to act on the points.
If you now move the mouse close to the selected line and its points, you will see the mouse pointer change. When it is close to a point (a little box), it will look like this:
That means that you can move the point, just by clicking and dragging. Try to move a couple of points from their original position to a new one. When you click on a point to move it, it is select and the color of the little box turns from black to red. If you place the mouse close to a line, SAGA will give you the chance to add a new point. The more points you add, the easier it will be to give the line the shape you want, and you will be able to do it more precisely. The mouse pointer in this case will look like the one below these lines.
When you see this mouse pointer, just click and a new will point will appear. Now you can move it as explained before. Something you can also do to edit a shape is to delete points or parts (in this case, if you delete a part, you delete the whole shape). When you click on a point and its box becomes red, the point and the part to which it belongs get selected. Now, you can use two functions to delete the point of the whole part, namely Shapes/Edit/Delete Selected Point and Shapes/Edit/Delete Selected Part. You can also nd these menu items in the menu that pops up if you rightclick on the the view window. Since I suppose you have already mastered the ins and outs of the shape/part/point hierarchy, we will now try to add a new part to or vector layer. A part should be into a shape, so the part we are going to add will get included in the shape you have been editing. However, since it is a new part, it will not be connected with all the lines and nodes that you have been editing during the last paragraphs. To create a new part, rightclick on the view and select the Add New Part menu item. It seems like nothing has happened, doesnt it? Well, not really. If you now click on the view, a point will be added for each click you make. The dierence between the dierent vector data types can be seen in the way SAGA behaves depending on the data type of the layer. In a line layer like this one, after you introduce one point, when you move the mouse you will see a line between your current mouse position and the last point that was introduced. When you want to nish editing this part, you must supply a last point, and this is done by rightclicking instead of leftclicking. This resembles the way proles are dened on a grid view. If you are working with a polygon layer, the process is quite similar, also needing a last point to close the polygon, but the lines that appear as you add points are always closed. In the case of a points layer, the thing is quite dierent, since theres no need for a nal point. The point you introduce is itself a nal point. That means that a point part contains only one point (in fact, the whole shape contains only one point, since point layers dont support parts). If after introducing a point you click again on the view, the previous point will disappear. Independently of the data type, once you nish a part (or it gets automatically nished in the case of points), you cannot add more points. If you click on the view, nothing will happen. You can now edit the part you have already dened or add a new one.
A multipoint layer is like a point layer but can contain several points in a shape. As you add new points, the previous ones will not disappear. The part doesnt have to be nished. Multipoint layers, however, are not used as frequently as the other layer types. When you have edited a shape, added new parts or removed others, these changes have to be updated in the vector layer. Select the Edit Selected Shape menu item to unmark it and SAGA will ask you if you want to keep all the changes you have made to the shape.
Apart from modifying the shapes already contained in a vector layer (whether modifying its parts, deleting them or adding new ones), you can also add new shapes (and, thus, new rows in the associated attributes table). To do it, simply select the Shapes/Edit/Add New Shape menu item and start editing in the view window. It is like adding a new shape to an already existing layer which contains no parts at all. Go to the corresponding attributes table to introduce the information about the just created shape.
Vector layers can also be created from scratch. Once a new vector layer has been created, you can start adding shapes and adding parts to them, and also editing the information in its attributes table. To create a new vector layer, select the Shapes/Project/New Shapes Layer menu item. You will see the following parameters window.
Select in the Shape Type eld the type of data that the new layer will contain. The associated attributes table also has to be dened. Select the Attributes eld and a table denition window will appear. Introduce the name and type of each eld that will be contained in the table, in the same way that was explained in the Creating a table section in the preceding chapter. Close the window pressing the Close button. Type a name for the new layer in the Name eld, press the OK button and the layer will be created and ready to be edited.
Chapter 6
Creating layouts
6.1 Introduction
Grids (and also vector layers) look good on screen. You can select the coloring you want, shade them to get a relief eect, and do many other things with them in order to make them look nice and impressive. However, those elements usually have to be printed and included in a document, and printed information has some dierent needs than the one shown on screen. SAGA can assist you formatting your layers, so you can create readytoprint designs with a much more improved appearance than if you simply print an isolated layer.
Creating a layout
To create a print layout, select the Print layout menu item in the Window menu. You will see a window like this.
A layout must be understood as an empty canvas where you can add elements regarding all data layers currently loaded into SAGA (therefore, to follow this chapter, make sure that you have at least one raster layer and one vector layer loaded). But before we can start adding elements, we need to dene the properties of that canvas, that is, of the paper in which the layout is to be printed. Select the Layout/Print Setup. . . menu item to see the typical Windows print setup dialog. Congure the size and orientation so they adjust to your needs, and then close the dialog. I will use a DIN A3 paper size with landscape orientation for the following examples. 55
Once SAGA knows the dimensions of the layout, it can add scale parameters when you add a grid or shapes layer to it. Adding objects to a layout is pretty simple. Just select one of the menu items under the Add Object menu and then click and drag onto the layout in the place where you want to put the selected element. You can later resize the element you added, by clicking on its border and dragging to expand or shrink it. Each element has its own properties, so we will study them separately. Removing an element from the grid is also quite easy. Rightclick on it and select the Delete menu item. To move an element, click on it to select it and then click inside it and drag to the new desired location. You can change the layout view by using the zoom tools, in a similar way to what you would do with a shapes view. However, two new buttons can be found in the toolbar: Fit Width Fit Height When you press these buttons, SAGA adjusts the zoom automatically to the greatest scale that allows you to see the full width (or height) of the layout. There are also three buttons with predened zoom factors (50%, 100% and 150%), but I guess they need no explanation.
Adding grids
Since you are likely to use grids to perform analysis, you are also likely to include them in your layouts. Additionaly, the information usually found in layouts is related to output data (layout are normally created to present results), and most of SAGA modules create new grids as their output. Including a grid in a layout is as simple as including any other element, just clicking and dragging onto the layout. Once you dene the bounding box inside which the grid element should be located you will see nothing but at an empty box with a label inside, similar to the one below.
That indicates that the box is suppose to contain a grid, but SAGA still doesnt know exactly which grid among all the ones than are loaded. Apart from this fundamental parameter, you can set a few more to adjust how SAGA puts the grid into your layout.
To set them, rightclick on the grid and select the Settings menu item (You can also doubleclick on the grid). The typical parameter window will appear.
The rst parameters allow you to set the position of the grid, but it is by far easier to do it using the mouse. The most important parameter is the one labeled Grid, where you should select from the list the one that you want to include in the layout. A grid can have two additional elements by it, namely a scale value and a scale bar. By default both of them are shown (their elds are set to true) buy they can be hidden by setting to false the corresponding elds. The scale value is calculated using the size of paper that you chose in the print setup dialog and the size of the grid element. However, you will probably like to use a round number, something like 1:50000, 1:100000 or similar. To do that, introduce this number in the scale(1: .. ) eld. When you close the window, it will automatically adjust the size of the grid to t that scale. The grid with its related scale and scale bar will look like this:
All the characteristics of the grid that cannot be set in the parameter window (such as color palettes, classication type, or even the size of the frame in which corner coordinates are written) are taken from the own settings of the select grid. If you modify them, SAGA will automatically update the layout view with the new settings. Apart from modifying the look of the grid object using grid settings, you can change the area shown in the layout by using the zoom tools in the grid view window. The grid element
in the layout is linked to the grid view, so it will show just the area within the current extent of the grid in its own grid window. Since the scale doesnt change unless your resize the grid object or modify it in the settings window, the object might change its dimension to adjust itself to that scale.
Since you have adjusted it in the grid settings, you know the meaning of the colors used to display a grid. Also, you can move your mouse over it and know the exact value of cells. However, once the grid is printed, this information is not available, and the nal user of the printed layout will probably not know what all those colors mean. A legend is something you must include to explain the information contained in the layout. Select the Layout/Add Object/Grid: Leyend menu item and then click and drag onto the layout to dene the area where the leyend will be placed. Again, you will not see a legend but an empty box, since you have to adjust its properties and link it to a grid. Double click on it to get to its settings window.
Along with the parameters that dene the position of the legend in the layout, you will nd the Grid eld in which you have to select the grid used to create the legend. This legend will show the colors used in the grid view, and the values that are represented by each color. If you want to add a title to the legend, set the Show Title eld to true and introduce the title text in the Title one. The font characteristics can be dened clicking on the Font cell under the Title node. The font used for the legend values, can be set using the remaining Font eld. Legends for continuous grid are not the same as those used form discrete grids. Therefore, SAGA oers two types of legends, as it is shown next.
To select one of these types, use the Style eld. If you choose the Continuum style, you will get a legend like the one on the left, while choosing the Boxes style will give you a legend like the one on the right. No data values are not included in this scale, which only contains those values between the min and max values of the grid. To show a box containing the no data value color, set the Show NoData Box to true and dene the dimensions and text of this box using the Box Height and Box Text elds. The appearance of a continuum legend can be adjusted by changing the values in the elds below the Style box. Modify the Step by Value eld to change the number of text labels containing values that will appear on the right side of the color ramp. The BoxText Spacing eld contains the horizontal distance between the color ramp and the text labels. The number of decimal places used in the text labels can be set modifying the Decimal Places eld. If the grid that is related to a legend is shaded, the legend will also have a shaded eect, so as to reect the dierent color tones that can be found for a same value.
Adding a histogram
Adding a histogram is easier than adding a grid or a legend, since no parameters must be set at all (except for its position in the layout and the grid from which the frequency data has
to be taken). Select the Layout/Add Object/Grid: Histogram menu item and then click and drag onto the layout to dene its extension. Select the grid you want to use in the Grid eld of the parameters window.
Histograms in the layout are linked to real histograms, so a histogram windows must be open. Otherwise, you will just see a blank box, as if no grid had been linked to the histogram element.
Adding a prole
If you know how to add a histogram to a layout, you already know how to add a prole. Select the Layout/Add Object/Grid: Histogram menu item, dene its extension in the layout and link it to a grid. As in the case of histograms, a real prole must be created, so go to the grid view window and create one using the grid that you linked to the layout prole. As you change this prole, it will also change automatically in the layout.
Adding 3D Views
The last element related with grids that you can add to a layout is a 3D view. Again, adding it is as simple as dening its extension and linking it to a grid. The characteristics of the 3D view are controlled using the own 3D View parameters window, which means that, as in the preceding cases, a 3D window must be open or the 3D View element will otherwise appear as a blank box in the layout.
Adding shapes
Shapes are not dierent from grids, except for those things that we already saw in the Working with shapes chapter. Therefore, parameters such as position and dimension, or the presence or absence or scale bars, can be set in the corresponding parameter window, which resembles the one previously used with grid objects. The only dierence is that you dont have to select a grid, since all shape layers are represented simultaneously (thats why, when you add a shapes object, you will not get an empty box, but already an image of the current shapes view). To add a shapes element, select the Layout/Add Object/Shapes menu item and draw its bounding box in the layout. As it happened with grid objects, shapes objects are also linked to their corresponding view window, considering this time not only its extent, but also its drawing order and other settings that were not found in the case of grids. Therefore, to control which vector layers are included in the layout, simply hide the ones you want to leave out in the shapes view window. In short, shapes objects behave quite similar to grid object, so you will probably not have any problem with them at all.
Adding text
Grids and shapes are the most important elements of a layout, but the appearance of a layout is quite poor if no additional text is added. Some elements such as legends or grids have their own text labels, but they are not enough to give a full description of what the layout represents. Whether you need to put a title in the layout or an explanation under a grid element, the text capabilities of SAGA will prove highly useful. To add a text box, select the Layout/Add Object/Text menu item and dene its extension clicking and dragging onto the bounding box. You will see inside a box a small text (the default font size is so small that, in fact, you might not be able to read this text if the zoom is set as full extent) Double click on the text box to edit its content.
To edit the text, click on the Text eld and you will get to a text editing window.
Simply write here the text you want to appear in the text box. You can change the font that is used in this window using the Font button, but this will have no eect on the text that will be print on the layout. To change the characteristics of the text in the layout, close the text editing window and use the Font eld of the parameters window instead. The way text is aligned within the bounding box that you dened can be selected in the Align eld. Lastly, if your text contains several dierent lines, the distance between these lines can be changed modifying the value in the Vertical Distance eld.
Now you know how to add the dierent elements to the layout and adjust their properties. However, there are still some adjustment that can be made and will have their eect in case some of those elements overlap.
If you remember from the Working with shapes section, if several layers overlapped, you should set the drawing order so as to avoid some information to get covered and disappear. The same happens with layout elements. If you rightclick on any of them, you will nd four menu items (with the same name as the ones in the Grid menu) that can help you set the right order for your elements. The following gure shows a layout(not a very stylish one, I must admit. . . ) where elements overlap showing the meaning of the drawing order. As you can see, blank areas in proles and histograms behave like transparent ones, so you can see through them independently of their position in the drawing order.
When arranging your elements in a layout, its a good idea to keep them aligned to get a cute appearance instead of a rather messy one. While you can freely move each element until you get a good alignment, theres a more precise way to do it. Select the Layout/Align objects to grid menu item and a dotted grid will appear.
Now, whenever you move an object, it cannot end in any position within the grid, but its upperleft corner must be located exactly in one of the dots of the aforementioned grid. That way, it is easier for you to know when two object are correctly aligned. Sometimes elements of a grid are tightly related, so tightly that you would even like to join them so they can be considered as a single one. To do this SAGA has a Group command that groups all the element that are select. To select more than one single element, use the shift key and click on all the ones you want to select, while holding it. Elements that are grouped move as a single one, so if you grouped them when they were aligned, they will keep their alignment. To revert to the previous conguration, right click on the group of elements and select the Ungroup menu item.
After you nish designing your layout, you will like to do something with it. The most usual thing you will do is printing it, but other things can be done with it that will help you creating other layouts later or maybe improving it in another software. If you simply want to print your layout, just go to the Layout/Print menu item. You can see a print preview using the Print preview. . . menu item. These are the typical functions found in almost every Windows application with printing capabilities, so there is no need for further information. If you plan to use your layout in an image processing software, you will need to save it in a compatible format. SAGA supports the Windows metale format, and you can save your layout using the Layout/Save as Window Metale. . . menu item. No other format is supported, but, once again, there are many applications for converting between graphics le formats (and a lot of them are free ones). Also, you can select objects in the layout and copy them to clipboard using the Copy Selected Objects into Clipboard menu item, although this is a rather confusing option. Dont forget that, eventually, you will print the layout or the modied version of it you create with the objects that you copied into the clipboard. Scale here is a very important thing to consider, and if you resize those objects in another software, the scale values will not be aected, thus showing a wrong scale. Always keep this in mind when moving elements between SAGA and any other software. If you have created a template, you can later use its structure as a template. This is useful if you have to include your layouts in a project (all the layouts should have a similar appearance) or simply if you really like your design and dont want to spend your time designing it again the next time. To save a layout, use the Save Layout. . . menu item. To open a layout, use the Load Layout. . . menu item. When you load a previously saved layout, you will have to adjust some properties of its elements (remember, double click on each of them and you will get to the parameter window), but the design of the layout and its most fundamental characteristics (the ones that usually take longer to adjust) will not need any adjustment at all.
Chapter 7
Now you know how to handle all of SAGA basic functionalities. You should feel comfortable in the SAGA environment, and, if you have carefully read the preceding chapters, you should be prepared to deal with any kind of new result that SAGA might create, whether a grid, a vector layer, a table or whatever. It is time, then, to start studying some of the most important SAGA modules and explore their possibilities. This chapter describe the modules implemented in the Grid and Grid module libraries. Therefore, be sure that these libraries are already loaded. The modules in these libraries are mostly used to prepare grid layers and modify them, so they can be ready for being used as source data in other modules or for any other purpose. Things such as ltering a grid or modifying its cell size, among others, can be accomplished using this modules. Except for the Grid Calculator one, most of the modules described here dont oer results in a strict sense, but their importance is, nevertheless, enormous. You will surely discover it once you really start working with grid data for real purposes (the real world is always tougher. . . )
Filtering a grid
Lets start our trip into the vast realm of modules with an easy group of them: the ltering modules. You can found them in the Modules/Grid/Calculus/Filter menu (since all the menu items regarding modules are under the Modules menu, I will not write it from now on to avoid large menu paths. In this chapter, all of them are under the Grid menu, so sometimes I might omit it). First of all, what is a lter? A lter modies all the cells in a grid (applying dierent algorithms and formulas) to generate a new version of that grid. The grid you obtain after a ltering process represents the same variable and in the same units as the original grid. Users acquainted with digital image processing will have no problems understanding this concepts. The most common use for a lter is the elimination of noise. Single cells with unexpectedly high values are a good example of what noise means. When dealing with images instead of data grids, lters are a basic tool that is constantly used to prepare those images before any further processing. However, you should be careful when applying lters to data grids, since 65
their eect can signicantly alter their information. For example, applying a smoothing lter to a DEM is a somehow rude way of eliminating small sinks, but is not recommended, since it changes the height information contained in all of the cells, while only some of them should be modied. Although it removes noise, a smoothing lter causes the ltered grid to have a lower lever of detail than the original one. Always have this in mind when you use a lter: The less you modify the grid (assuming its information is reliable and comes from a good source), the more accurate your results will be. To get a feel of what ltering means, lets lter our already familiar test.dgm grid. Select the Filter/Simple Filter for Grids menu item to get to the following parameters window.
I will use this rst module to introduce some of the features that are common to most modules, so once you learn them here there will be no need of explaining them again each time they appear (thus saving me a great eort and making the text more uid and less boring for you) The rst thing to do here is to select the grid that will be used as input. You will nd this in each and everyone of the SAGA modules, since all of them need some input to work with. This input, however, will not always be a grid, but also a vector layer or even a set of several dierent input elements. Select the test.dgm grid as input. You can see that there is a red box in the Input eld, as opposed to a black one in the Output one. That means that this input is compulsory. Here, only one element is needed as input, but we will see other modules where more than one element can be used as input, some of them being optional. Once the input is set, you have to select the output. Again, you will see this in all modules, for always some kind of output is generated. Whether this output is a grid, a shapes layer or table, you will always nd the same elements in the corresponding output eld (or elds): a NOT SET , a CREATE NEW value and then the names of all the elements that are currently loaded in SAGA and whose data type is the same as the data type of the output (grid, shape, etc.). If the result is a grid, only those grids included in the current project will be shown. I will explain what all this options mean. NOT SET : If an output eld is set to NOT SET , SAGA will not generate that result. There is no point on using this in here, but some modules generate several elements as result and one might only be interested in some of them. CREATE NEW : Using this option will cause SAGA to generate a new element from scratch. That is, if you have a project with just one grid and select this option, your project will have two grids once the module has nished its work. Name of element: Selecting the name of an already existing element will cause SAGA to put the results of module execution in the selected element, overwriting it. Dont forget that SAGA has no undo capabilities, so if you overwrite a grid you will not be able to recover it.
In this case, selecting the test.dgm grid as output is an interesting option, since you might want to substitute the original grid with the ltered one. However, select CREATE NEW , so you can later see the dierence between both grids. The way the simple lter is performed can be adjusted by modifying the values in the Search Mode, Filter and Radius Grid. First, you should select the type of lter you want to pass to your input grid. These are the available lters: Smooth: Smoothing a lter will soften the dierence between a cell and its surrounding cells. The 2D representation of the grid will get blurred. The 3D view will show a smoother relief. The new value is calculated using the following formula: z =z Where z is the average value in the analysis window. Sharp: This lter has the opposite eect to the smoothing one, accentuating the dierences between cells. Its formula is as follows: z =2zz (7.2) (7.1)
Edge: Use this to detect edges and areas of high variation in a grid. The resulting is not a grid similar to the input one, but rather dierent, so you will not be able to use it just like the original one. The formula for this module is: z =zz (7.3)
Since the new values assigned to each cell are calculated from the original values of the cell and the values of its surrounding ones, the number of cells to consider around the central one has to be dened. To do that, you have two parameters, namely Search Mode and Radius. Using the Search Mode you can select a round or square group of cells to be considered around the central one. The size of this group, expressed as the number of cells to consider to each size of the central cell, can be set using the Radius eld. The higher the value you introduce, the more accentuated the eect of the lter will be. After all the parameters have been set, press the OK button. You will see how SAGA works, and its progress will be shown in the progress bar on the lowerright part of the main window. Once it has nished ltering the grid, you will have a new one in the grid project window. You have just used your rst module and performed your rst processing operation on a grid. As you can see, using this module was not really hard, just a couple of parameters to set and not much more. Notice how, after you use a module, a new menu item appears in the Modules menu. The last four modules that have been used have its own menu item here, so they can be more easily used next time. The usage of the other lter modules is quite similar, so instead of explaining how to use them (which would be redundant) I will describe the eect that each lter has on the input grid, and when you should use each one of them. The second lter menu item you can found is the Gauss Filter for Grid. A Gaussian lter is an smoothing lter, but its mathematical background its a bit more complex than the simple lter. Also, its smoothing eect is stronger then the one you can get with the simple lter. To adjust the smoothing intensity, use the Standard Deviation parameter. You will nd as well the usual Radius and Search Mode elds. The greater the Standard deviation value, the greater Radius you should introduce.
The next menu item you can nd is Laplacian Filter for Grids. Unlike the Gaussian lter, a Laplacian lter is an edge detection lter. It is a commonly used lter in image processing, but a not so usual one with other kinds of grids. Passing a Laplacian lter over a DEM can be used to the study landforms or detecting concave and convex areas, but we will see more detailed ways to do this once we reach the terrain analysis chapter. The last lter available in SAGA is the Multi Direction Lee Filter, another noise removing lter. Thanks to its characteristics, it can be used on DEMs with lower loss of detail, since it preserves slopes. The parameters window of this lter is a a bit dierent to the ones we have already seen.
Here you can nd multiple outputs, although by default just one of them is created. The two remaining ones are a grid with the minimum variance of each cell, and another one with the direction of the lter with that minimum variance. These directions are numbered from 1 to 16. You should try all the lters and experience with them. Get some new data and apply those lters to it to see how each one of them behaves. Better yet, wait until we explain other modules and use the new grids obtained from them to test the behavior of each lter.
The grid calculator, which will be explained in this same chapter, can be used to perform mathematical operations involving one or several grids. The calculation of an arithmetical mean can, therefore, be accomplished using the grid calculator module, but theres a simpler module that we can use for this purpose, and that will help us to continue discovering how modules work, at the right pace. Select the Calculus/Arithmetic Mean of Grids menu item. As you probably expected, the parameters window associated to this module is quite simple. The only information you need to enter is the name of all the grids that you want to use to calculate their mean value. As output, only one grid is generated, containing that mean value. Since a multiple selection is required, SAGA will display a multiple selection dialog when you click on the Grids eld.
Move to the box on the right all the grids you want to use and then select OK Then select OK in the parameters window and you will have your new grid calculated.
Normalizing a grid
Sometimes, you might need the values of a grid to be expressed using a dierent scale, usually from 0 to 1. This is quite common when you deal with several grids and you want to use a model in which each parameter should be scaled according to a particular scale such as the aforementioned 01 one. Again, you can normalize a grid simply using the grid calculator, applying this formula: xi,j min (7.4) max where min and max are, respectively, the minimum and maximum values found in the grid. However, SAGA has a single module that simplies this task, and it will be described next. Select the Normalize grid menu item. The parameters window you will see is very simple. Select an input and an output grid, and then choose from one of the two available methods. xi,j = (0.0 < x < 1.0): If you select this option, SAGA will use equation 7.4 to normalize the grid Standard Deviation: If this method is selected, the standard deviation of the resulting normalized grid will equal 1.
One of the most useful modules that you can nd in SAGA is the grid calculator. Since it is a very exible module, it allows your to perform all kind of arithmetical operations with grids, and can be, therefore, used for a large variety of purposes. The Grid calculator can be invoked using the Calculus/Grid Calculator menu item. Its parameters window is quite simple, although it is a bit more tricky than what we have already seen for other modules (dont worry, it is still quite easy). The rst thing to do is to select all the grids that we are going to use in your calculations. This can be done by clicking on the Input Grids eld and then selecting them in the multiple selection window that will appear. The order in which selected grids appear in the box on the right is very important, so pay close attention to it. Later, when you introduce the formula that denes the operation you want to perform, you will not call grid by their names, but using single characters that are assigned to each grid depending on its position in the selection list. The scheme used to assign this single characters is rather simple: the rst grid will be called a, the second grid will be b, the third one c, and so on. The grids are named in alphabetical order, so you dont have to use their full names when referring to them. The drawback of this is that you will have to remember the order in which you selected them. Otherwise, you are likely to mess the results. . . . Of course, after selecting the input grids, you have to select an output one. You can use a grid as input and also as output, there is no problem with that. The internal architecture of SAGA allows to do this. Once input and output grids are set, it is time to deal with the key element of the module: the Formula eld. Here you must write the arithmetical formula you want to use, and you have to do it according to some rules. I will try to explain all the important concepts that are
needed to get the most out of this module. You can also nd some of this information in the info box of the parameters window. Starting from the most basic concepts, you can introduce integer and real numbers and make elemental operations with them. Theres no need of using grids (although this is not really useful). For example, the formula 1+5*6 will yield as result a constant grid with a Z value of 31. Operator precedence is as usual: + and - evaluated before * and /, and those before the power operator.: For ArcView users: ArcView Map Calculator doesnt use this same order, so if you have used it you might get a bit confused. To avoid mistakes, use parentheses whenever you are not completely sure of how elements in a formula will get evaluated. You have to check the integrity of the formula yourself. SAGA wont complain of a formula like 4*+2/, but surely will not give a good result. Some weird results can be obtained as well by using a character not assigned to a grid (because there are not enough of them to reach that character). Grids are used just like numbers, you simply type in their names in the formula and thats it. For example, the following formula will calculate the arithmetical mean of the two rst selected grids: (a+b)/2 The following operators are supported by SAGA: Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Multiplication (*) Division (/) Power ) ( Along with this, there are some function that you can use. Some of them just need one parameter, which you should enclose in parentheses, but some of them take two. SAGA supports the following functions. An example is given for some of them to help you understand how they work. ln(x): returns natural logarithm of x. (but ln(e) will not return 1 !!!) sin(x): returns the sine of x. x must be in radians cos(x): returns the cosine of x. x must be in radians cos(x): returns the tangente of x. x must be in radians asin(x): returns the arcsine of x, in radians acos(x): returns the arccosine of x, in radians atan(x): returns the arctangent of x, in radians atan2(x,y): returns the arctangent y/x, in radians abs(x): return the absolute value of x. abs(-5)=5 int(x): returns the integer part of x. int(5.4)=5
7.5. THE GRID CALCULATOR mod(x,y): returns the modulus of x/y. mod(7,4)=3
You can also perform some boolean operations with the grid calculator. False is coded with a zero value and true with a 1 value. These are the boolean functions implemented in SAGA: gt(x,y): true if x is greater than y lt(x,y): true if x is lower than y eq(x,y): true if x equals y. When using this function SAGA evaluates it in a percell basis. Therefore, eq(a,b) will not return 1 if grid a equals grid b. It will return 1 for those cells that have the same value in both grids, and zero otherwise. ifelse(condition, x, y) returns x if condition evaluates to true (condition=1) or y if it evaluates to false You can combine this functions and nest them to make complex formulas, but sometimes it is better to perform several dierent calculations rather than trying to get the nal result all at once, since the dened formula can get quite unmanageable. A little tip: take care with no data values. Also, if the grid calculator has to evaluate an expression such as 0 , it will return a no data value. Divisions by zero such as 4 will not return 0 0 a no data value, but an innite value. Pay also attention to zero values when using the grid calculator. To see how powerful this module can be, lets work out a couple of examples. For the rst example you will need an original grid and a ltered one (if you dont have it, create it using any of the ltering modules). We will try to see how the ltering process has altered the grid. Go to the grid calculator and select both grids in the Grids eld. Put the original one rst, so it will be referred using character a. Now, type the following formula in the corresponding eld: a-b. Press the OK button and you will get a grid like this:
This grid represents the dierence between the original and the ltered DEM. Go to the ltered one and have a look at its parameters window. Remember that it contained some statistical values. The average value of this grid will be a good indicator of how much our DEM has changed after the ltering process. The frequency histogram is also an interesting tool for this purposes. Now for the second example, imagine that you want to create a very easy landuse grid. To create it, you will assign the value 1 to all the cells that are under 1600 meters and 0 to the remaining ones, since you consider that no vegetation grows above 1600 meters. How would you do it? It is quite easy. Go to the grid calculator and select the test.dgm grid as the only grid to be used for this calculation. You will see that, if you have previously selected some grids for using them in the grid calculator, next time you use the module they will be already selected. You will probably see 2 list item(s) in the Grids eld. Now go to the Formula eld and enter this: ifelse(lt(1600,a),1,0) You will get the following grid:
Dont worry if you dont understand the above formula. Try all the functions individually and once you understand them, try to combine them and make more complex expressions.
You should already be aware that grids usually occupy very large amounts of memory. Until now, we have used grids containing continuous and discrete values, and nothing has been said about the precision needed to handle and store them. While a DEM must have a great accuracy, and it should be possible to use Z values such as 431.65, some more simple grids (think about the one just with 1s and 0s that we created using the grid calculator) dont need so much precision. Higher precision involves larger amounts of memory. Therefore, it is a good idea to reduce the precision of those grids that do not need it. To do that, we can use the Tools/Change Data Storage Type module. Select it and you will see the following parameters window:
Apart from the Input and Output elds, you nd one labeled Data Storage Type, with a list of dierent storage types. As a rule of thumb, the less bytes the data storage type uses, the simpler the grid has to be to avoid data losses. The oating point storage types allow the storage of real values, while the remaining ones can only handle integer values. Once again, if you dont understand what this means, you should not use it. Misusing this module can be a great source of problems. For example, using a nonoatingpoint type its not compatible with normalizing a grid, since all the values will be converted to real values ranging from 0 to 1. Since that storage type cannot handle real values, all values less than 1 will get truncated to 0. Anyway, here is a brief description of all this data types: 1 byte signed: Integer values from -128 to 127 1 byte unsigned: Integer values from 0 to 255 2 bytes signed: Integer values from -32768 to 32767 2 bytes unsigned: Integer values from 0 to 65535 4 bytes signed: Integer values from 2147483648 to 2147483647 4 bytes unsigned: Integer values from 0 to 4294967295 4 bytes oating point: Real values with seven digits precision. 8 bytes oating point: Real values with fteen digits precision. In some cases, however, you might want to use integer data storage types not for memory handling purposes, but for other reasons. When dealing with discrete parameters, integer grids are usually more interesting, since Z values are usually just used for classication purposes and they do not really contain a real (not in the sense of R) value. My advise is to be cautious with this module, specially when using the 1 and 2 bytes data types. Dont use them unless you know exactly what you are doing.
Rotating or mirroring an image is something that you can nd in every image processing program. SAGA also has its own module to do this basic operations. Select the Tools/Change Grid Orientation menu item. You will nd in the parameters window the usual Input and Output elds, and one labeled Method. There are four available methods, namely Copy, Flip, Mirror and Invert. The Copy method will make a new grid with an exact copy of the input one, cloning it. For the remaining ones, I believe a picture is worth a thousand words, so have a look at the following one to understand what they do.
Maybe the Invert method its the hardest one to gure out. Instead of modifying the position of each cell like the other methods, it modies the Z values, using the following formula: z = max z + min where max and min are, respectively the maximum and minimum Z values of the grid. (7.5)
Changing grid values can be useful in some situation. If your remember the Working with grids chapter, we used a lookup table to dene the coloring of a DEM according to its suitability for an activity (which was evaluated using the slope). Although visually the DEM would be divided into classes (good, not so good and unsuitable), actually the grid retains its values and we couldnt use in any calculation that needed the values to be divided into the three aforementioned groups. We need to change the cell values, not just their appearance. To do this, a similar lookup table should be used, but this time in the Change Grid Values module instead of in the settings of the grid. Select the Tools/Change Grid Values menu item to get to the following parameters window.
Clicking on the Lookup Table eld will cause a table window to appear.
Here you cannot nd a color selection cell, but the same boundary value cells that appeared in the grid settings can be found. As with other tables, you can add and remove rows and edit the cells just entering the new values you want to use. In the Replace with eld you can introduce the new values to assigns to the cells within the limits dened by the other two elds of each row. By default, only the lower value is used. All cells containing the same Z values as the one introduced in the Low Value eld will be assigned the corresponding Replace with value. But this is not the kind of method we need to change the slope values into suitability ones. However, SAGA oers other alternatives. Here they are: Grid value equals low value: The default one. This is not very useful with grids representing continuous variables, but it is a used quite often with grid containing discrete ones. Imagine that you have a landuse grid divided into 10 dierent classes. Now imagine that landuse has changed in this area and all of the cells of one class have to be converted to another one. Introduce the value assigned to the old class in the Low Value eld and the one assigned to the new class in the Replace with eld, and you will have it. Low value < Grid value < High value: The one that we have to use to create the suitability map. All the cells whose values are greater than the lower value and lower that the higher one will get the value in the Replace with eld. Low value <= Grid value < High value: Surely you will be able to gure it out yourself. Now, for a practical result, here you have the suitability map. You can see the grid settings window to see how the maximum and minimum values of the grid have changed.
Resampling a grid
We have seen that grids that represent the same area and have the same cell size are put into the same grid project when opened or created. Lets say that you have a DEM and a land cover grid, but the latter has a cell size twice the one of the former. If you open both grids, they will be put into separate projects and you will be unable to use them together (for example, as input grid in the grid calculator). In this case, you should change the size of one of them so both can get into the same project. Now, consider this situation. You are studying a large area and you have a very precise information of it. The DEM you have has a cell size of only 10 meters, thus resulting in a huge le which almost collapses your PC. As you are developing a macro scale study, you dont need a high precision, and it would be enough for you to have a DEM with a cell size of 50 meters (which would mean a le 25 times smaller and a great relief for your CPU). The problems depicted in the above situations can be solved simply resampling the grid, but, since each case is dierent, the parameters and methods used to perform this resampling are dierent. Select the Tools/Resample Grid to start working. This rst parameters window (and I say rst because this time there are a couple more yet to come. . . ) is quite simple.
Select the grid you want to resample in the Input eld and then the characteristics of the new grid to be created (the resampled one). The following options are available: Specify dimensions: The user can specify the new cell size in the current grid units. The resulting grid will cover the same area but with a dierent number of cells. This should be used in the second of the above depicted cases.
Create new grid in existing project: Use this to move grids between projects, as needed in the rst situation depicted above. The resulting grid will have the same characteristics as the grids of the specied project. That means that not only the cell size will be modied, but also (if needed) the boundaries of the grid will be change to t into the project. Overwrite existing grid: Same as above, but instead of creating a new grid in the project it will overwrite an already existing one. For our st try, we will choose the rst option, Specify dimensions. Press the OK button and you will see the following parameters window:
Only the rst eld is editable. Enter in this eld the cell size you wish for the new grid. Once you have typed it in, press enter or click with the mouse somewhere else, so SAGA can process the introduced value and update the elds containing the number of rows and columns of the new grid. The lower the number you introduce, the greater the number of rows and columns, and viceversa. Once you have introduced the desired cell size, press the OK button to get to the third (and last) parameters window.
Only one eld can be found here: Interpolation method. If you are downscaling the grid (that is, resampling the grid to a new one with a smaller cell size) you will have ve options to choose from: Nearest Neighbor Bilinear Interpolation Inverse Distance Interpolation Bicubic Spline Interpolation BSpline Interpolation These are the methods that SAGA will use to assign data to all those cells that did not exist in the original grid (since the resampled grid is bigger, it will have more cells) When you are upscaling (that is, creating a new grid with a larger cell size), a new option will appear: Mean value SAGA will use this method also to calculate the values of the cells in the new grid. Since the grid is now smaller, the space occupied in it by one cell was occupied by more than one cell in the original one. Using the values of this cells, a new value is obtained according to the selected method.
I will not explain here the characteristics of all this methods. Some of them are more time consuming and yield better results, while some are preferred in some circumstances. Again, the dierences between them can be better understood using digital images than grids, so if you have a background in digital image processing you will probably know them already. There is, however, one dierence that I would like to point out, because it is really important, since not knowing it can lead to really wrong results. All the methods except for the Nearest Neighbour one can introduce values in the resampled grid that are not found in the original one. That means that if you have two cells with values 1 and 2 and a new value has to be calculated for a cell between them, this value can equal 1.5, even if all the cells in the original grid are integer values. This is interesting when dealing with grids that represent continuous variables, but its not a good thing when you are working with discrete grids. Imagine that the previous grid is a landuse grid and value 1 represents forested land, while value 2 represents urbanized land. What does value 1.5 means? Nothing. Classes are represented by integer values, and an integer value should go into each cell of the resampled grid. So whenever you work with grids containing classes instead of actual values, always use the Nearest Neighbor method to keep the coherency of the new grid. Going back to the rst parameters window, lets see this time how to create the resampled grid using the dimensions of an already existent one. But before we keep going, do the following: use the zoom tools to select a region within the test.dgm grid and save this region using the Save Zoomed Area as New Project. . . menu item. A new project will appear containing this portion of the test.dgm grid. We are going to introduce this portion into the project in which the test.dgm grid is contained. Run the Grid Resampler module again and select the portion of test.dgm grid as input and the Create new grid in existing project method in the Target Grid eld. Press the OK button and you will get to the following parameters window:
Now simply choose from the list the grid whose dimensions you want to taken for the resampled grid. Not only its dimension are used, but also its coordinates and its extent. Cells in the resampled grid that dont overlap with the original grid will get a no data value. Therefore, if the original grid and the grid you select are not in the same geographical area (they do not overlap at all) you will get just a no data grid. Press the OK button and you will get to the third parameters window, which is the same for all the target grid options. Select the interpolation method you prefer, and close the window using the OK button. If you now go to the project where the test.dgm grid is located, you will nd a grid like this.
Merging grids
Quite often, the information about a geographical area is scattered in several les, specially if this area is large. If you have to perform some kind of analysis on this area, you might want to gather all this information into just one le, so it is easier to use it. Sometimes this is even a must, for example in the case of hydrological analysis, since the connection between dierent grids is important to extract results. To merge several grids, you rst have to load them. They will be located in separate projects, as their extents are dierent, but they must have the same cell size. Therefore, if they have dierent cell sizes, you must use the Grid Resampler module to homogenize them. To start working, create a couple of new projects selecting portions of the test.dgm grid and then using the Save Zoomed Area as New Project. . . command. Select the Merge Grids menu item.
Introduce as input all the grids that you want to merge, and select an output grid. If you select the CREATE NEW item, the new grid will have the smallest extent needed to include all the input grids. If you select an already existent grid, the new grid will have its same extent and grid size. Be careful when using the CREATE NEW option, because if the input grids are far from each other, the minimum grid needed to enclose them might be too large, even causing your computer to freeze. When using an existing grid as output, the cells size of this grid is used, and some interpolation will be performed if input grids have a dierent cell size. What was said about this subject in the last chapter applies here as well. Also, when using this option, the input grids can have dierent cell sizes. Merging a couple of portions of the test.dgm grid will yield a result similar to the one below.
See how some cells have been lled with no data values (the gray ones).
The modules under the Grid/Tools/Gaps menu can be used to complete grids that are missing information in some of their cells. The Close Gaps and Close One Cell Gaps will perform this completion using solely the information contained in the grid to complete, while the remaining one, Grid Completion, will use and additional grid. The parameters window of the Close One Cell Gaps module is very simple, just containing the Input and Output elds. Use this module when isolated cells of a grid contain no data values and you want to replace them with new values obtained from the surrounding cells. If the areas missing data are larger that just a single cell, you should use the Close Gaps module. In its parameters window, along with the Input and Output elds you will nd one named Tension Threshold. This parameters controls how the available information is used to ll the cells with no data values. Try dierent values until you nd the one that suits you. Larger values take a shorter processing time. When you use this module, SAGA goes through several processing stages. You can see its progress in the grid window, which gets updated at each stage. Taking the grid that we obtained as a result from the Merge Grid module (which contained large no data areas) and completing it using the Close Gaps module, we get something like this:
Clearly, the no data areas are way too large, but with smaller ones the results can be quite satisfying. Also, no data areas surrounded by cells containing valid information generate better results than areas located in the outside, as in the example grid. To perform a more complex grid completion, use the Grid Completion module.
Using this module, the additional information for the no data cell is not taken for the grid itself, but from an additional one. Select the grid with missing data in the Grid with Gaps eld, and the one containing additional information in the Grid with additional data eld. Select an output in the Complete Grid eld and press the OK button.
Creating buers
Buers are one of the most useful functionalities found in GIS applications. They are usually conceived as a vector operation, but they can also be created using raster layers. To create a buer you will need a raster layer containing feature information. The features are represented with cells containing any valid value except zero and the remaining cells not to be buered must have a no data value or a zero value. With this information, the buering module creates a new grid in which features cells are assigned a value of 1, cells that are included within the buer are assigned a value of two, and the remaining one remains as no data cells. We havent used yet any features grid, so the rst thing to do is to load one. Go and load the testchan.dgm grid included in the le. This is the same as the test.shp le, which contained a channel network, but in raster format. Lets calculate an inuence area on both sides of these channels. Select the Grid/Tools/Buer menu item.
The inuence area we are about to create has to be dened, introducing the distance to be put around those cells that contain feature information (cells with nonzero values that do not equal the no data value). There are two ways of introducing this distance: using a xed one or one that depends on the value of each cell. To use a xed distance, set the Buer Distance eld to Fixed and type in the distance in the Distance eld. It should be expressed in the same units as the cell size (usually meters). Using this method, SAGA includes in the buer all those cells that are within the specied distance from a feature cell. The buer analysis is performed in a percell basis, even when the features represented are polygons or lines. Choosing a distance of 500 meters you should get the following grid:
Along with this method, SAGA allows to dene a dierent buer for each cell, so some of them can have larger inuence areas according to their characteristics. In the example grid (testchan.dgm), each cell contains the order of the river that ows through it, higher values thus representing more important rivers. We can use this values to assign larger buers to those rivers of a higher magnitude. Select the Cell Value item in the Buer Distance eld. The value found in each feature cell will now be used to create a buer around it. In the case of the testchan.dgm grid, however, selecting this option will cause the resulting grid to be practically identical to the original one, and almost no buers will be created. Why? The values in the testchan.dgm grid, which represent orders, range from 1 to 129. Consequently, buers created using this values will never be wider than 129 meters. Since cell size in this example grid equals 90 meters, the width of the buer will be almost always less than one cell and, therefore, no buer will be created around most cells. Try using the grid calculator to create a new grid that you can use to dene the inuence area. For example, multiply the testchan.dgm grid by 10, and you will get a 200 meter wide
buer (200 meters on each side, 400 meter total width) in channels with an order of 20, 500 meters for those with an order of 50, and so on. The resulting grid from this will look like the one shown below:
Sometimes it might be useful to be able to generate articial grids. The modules Grid Function and Random Terrain can generate mathematical terrains or real looking ones from scratch (i.e without needing any other grid), that can be used for dierent purposes. From a practical point of view, you will probably never need to use these modules, but they are quite interesting from a scientic point of view. As such, we will later use the results of this modules to test the algorithms implemented in the terrain analysis library. Starting with the rst one, select the Calculus/Grid Function. This module will create a grid using a formula that will give each cell a Z value depending on its x and y coordinates. That is,
z = f (x, y)
To dene this formula you can use all the functions already explained in the grid calculator section, even the boolean ones!! The dierence here is just that the Z values are not calculated using the value of the cell in a grid, but its position within it. Since you already know how to use formulas in SAGA, the only thing you have to learn is how SAGA calculates the x and y coordinates of a cell. Using its real UTM coordinates? Counting the number of cells from a reference point? None of them. To illustrate how this calculation is performed, have a look at this very simple graph:
There are four boundary values, namely xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax. Using this values (which correspond to the boundary cells indicated in the corners of the above image) SAGA calculates the remaining ones just interpolating them. By changing this four values you can get dierent results using the same formula. Here you have a couple of examples that will help you understand how this module works:
As it was said before, this mathematical surfaces will be used in the terrain analysis chapters, so I will leave you a little homework. Test your maths skills and try to create a semispherical suface using the Calculus/Grid Function module. Dont worry if you cant, I will give you the formula in a few chapters.
Although this surfaces are quite interesting, they dont look very real, at least if we want to use them as a Digital Elevation Model (fortunately the earth surface doesnt have a regular sinusoidal shape. . . ). If you need a more realistic terrain, the Random Terrain module will help you generate it. Select the Tools/Random Terrain menu item. You will see the following parameters window.
Two values control how the terrain is created: Iterations: The more iterations it makes, the larger time it takes to nish, but the more evolved the resulting terrain is. Radius: The radius denes the size of the area aected by each iteration. A larger radius implies a larger time needed to complete module execution. After selecting these parameters, you must dene the extent of the grid you are about to create. Three options are available: User Dened Grid Grid Grid Projects These are very similar to what we saw in the section about grid resampling, so I suppose you will have no problem understanding what each one means. If you select the User Dened Grid option, you will be prompted for the dimensions and the cell size of the new grid.
Since the grid is created from scratch, and no coordinates are introduced in any eld, the coordinates of the lower left corner of the grid are set to (0,0). Anyway, coordinates will not probably be needed when working with an articial grid such as this.
Some examples
Before we head into the next chapter, lets have a look at a couple of interesting examples. Although you already know how to use modules such as the grid calculator, its a good idea to study a few real problems and try to solve them using these modules. By doing this, you will learn some tips and tricks about all the functions described in this chapter, that will surely help you solving other problems. In this section we will learn how to intersect two thematic grids and create a new one from this intersection, and also how to constrain grid data to a region of interest using bitmasks.
For the rst case, we will deal with some hydrological concepts that I will briey introduce before starting. If you are already acquainted with them, skip a couple of paragraphs to get directly into the SAGA stu. There are many methods for calculating runo from rainfall values. A widespread method is the socalled Curve Number method, with evaluates runo using a value between 0 and 100. 0 indicates that no runo is generated, while 100 means that the surface is completely impermeable and every single drop of rain will become runo. The exact formula to estimate runo from rainfall value and Curve Number value is: PE = (P 0,2S) P 0,8S =0
if P 0, 2S if P < 0, 2S
where P represents rainfall, R runo, and S maximum potential retention. The Curve Number is used to calculate S, according to S = 2, 54 1000 10 N (7.8)
where N is the Curve Number. Simplyng a bit, we can assume that the Curve Number value mainly depends on the type of soil and the landuse. There are many available tables that dene this dependency, but, to keep this exercise as simple as possible, I will use the following one, which is simply an excerpt from a larger one, adapted to the values in the example grids included in the les (these grid les are named CNSoil.dgm and CNLand.dgm) Soil Type A 72 62 36 Soil Type B 81 71 60 Soil Type B 88 78 73
Cultivated land without conservation treatment Cultivated land with conservation treatment Woods and forests
The dierent soil and land use classes are codied in the corresponding grids as follows: Cultivated land without conservation treatment = 1 Cultivated land with conservation treatment = 2 Woods and forests = 3 Soil Type A = 1 Soil Type B = 2 Soil Type C = 3
Using these two grids (load them in case you have not already done it) and the above table, how can we generate a new grid containing Curve Number values? Clearly, we must use the grid calculator to perform some kind of operation using the soil and landuse grids, but that will not be enough. The question here seems to be: which formula should I introduce in the grid calculator? Well, the key is not in the formula, but in the combination of the formula itself and the values used to code the dierent soil type and landuse classes. Imagine that you use the following formula in the Formula eld of the grid calculator: a*b . This is not a good idea, because the combination of a cultivated land without conservation treatment and a soil of type B will yield the same result as the combination of cultivated land with conservation treatment and a soil of type A, that is, 3. That value of 3 is not a Curve Number value, but a class of Curve Number values. If you later want to assign this class a real Curve Number value, which one will you use? 81? 62? To ensure that a CN class number can only be produced by one (and only one) combination of soil type and landuse, we can change the coding of values and use the following one: Cultivated land without conservation treatment = 1 Cultivated land with conservation treatment = 3 Woods and forests = 5 Soil Type A = 7 Soil Type B = 11 Soil Type C = 13 By using prime numbers, we avoid coincidences, so there is a biunivocal relation between combinations of landuse and soil type, and the values in the resulting Curve Number class grid. However, for parameters with a larger number of classes, using prime numbers might not be very handy. Every one knows the rst ten or so rst prime numbers, but for the next ones you will probably need to use an Erathosthenes sieve or any other similar thing. A more practical solution can be found using the formula a+b and coding the soil type and land use classes using powers of two (or any other number you want). Have a look at the following tables to see what I mean. Cultivated land without conservation treatment = 1 Cultivated land with conservation treatment = 2 Woods and forests = 4 Soil Type A = 8 Soil Type B = 16 Soil Type C = 32 If now you add both grids and you nd a value of 20 in a cell, you know that it is a cell with soil type B in which a forest is found (computer geeks will like to write down the number in binary to see more clearly where it comes from), so it should have a Curve Number of 60. Well, now that you know the theory, lets calculate that CN grid using the landuse and soil type grids form the le. We will use the last coding scheme, that is, using powers of two.
To change the original coding, run the Replace Grid Values module and enter the following table in the Lookup table eld for the landuse grid.
Now add the modied grids and you will get a grid containing CN classes. To turn this classes into their corresponding CN values, use the Replace Grid Values module again, selecting this last grid as input and using the following lookup table:
Using masks
Masks can be used to exclude cells from analysis or simply to exclude them from being represented. A very simple way of creating masks is using 1 and 0 values, and also no data values. Whenever a cell with a no data value is used to evaluate an expression using the grid calculator, this expression always returns another no data value (more precisely, the no data value of the resulting grid, so the cell in that grid is set to no data). Open the testtime.dgm le included in the one. It contains a grid of the same characteristics as the test.dgm grid (and will be, consequently, put into its same project), representing travel time to the outlet of a basin (we will see how to create this grid in a few chapters). All the cells outside the basin are set to no data.
We can use this grid to create a mask and later apply it to any grid, so only those cells located into the basin are shown and the rest of them are ignores. That will result in a nicer appearance (if we are working with a basin, there is no point on showing the outside cells), but also it can cause some modules to execute faster on this grid, since the information in all the no data cells can be neglected when performing calculations. We will use a mask that, when multiplied by another grid, leaves the cells inside the basin unchanged and turns the remaining ones into no data cells. To get this, we need all the values into the basin to equal 1. Dividing the time out grid by itself will produce the desired mask. All of the cells outside the basin will become no data cells, since no data values are involved in the calculation. Also, if all the cells outside the basin equaled zero, they would get a no data value in the output grid, since 0 results in no data. 0
Multiply the test.dgm grid and the mask grid and you will get the following result.
If you change the no data value color to white, the appearance is even nicer.
Chapter 8
Import/Export modules
8.1 Introduction
SAGA IO capabilities have been enough until now, mainly because all the example layers (whether raster or vector) were stored in natively supported le formats. However, specially in the raster case, you are likely to found information stored in many other dierent formats within your daily work with SAGA. Most of this formats are also supported, but additional modules are needed. Not only input capabilities are implemented in these modules, but also some output ones. You will nd them very helpful, since you might need to use some of the generated grids or vector layers in other applications that do not support SAGA native formats. Nevertheless, if you have no need of exporting data, I recommend to use the Shapele format for vector layers and the DiGeM format for raster ones (they are faster and easier), and use Import/Export modules only when no other suitable alternative can be found. The number of le formats supported by SAGA via Import/Export Modules is quite large and constantly growing (and, probably, support for more new formats will be added in each new version). Each le format has its corresponding module and all of them behave rather similar, so this chapter will just introduce the main structure of Import/Export modules and add some information about each supported le format, instead of describing each one of them individually.
Import modules
Most of the import modules deal with raster data, while only two of them can handle vector data. This is quite logical, considering that the most popular vector le format ESRI Shapele is supported by SAGA without needing any module (on the other hand, SAGA native raster format, the DiGeM format, is used exclusively within SAGA, and I do not know of any other application that supports this format). Raster import modules can be found under the File/Grid/Import menu. Select the Import ESRI ArcInfo Grid menu item to get to the following parameters window.
You will nd a File eld in all the parameters windows of all the import modules, and most of the times nothing else. 91
Simply click on the File eld to see a le selection dialog, select the le you want to import, close the dialog and press the OK button. The le you selected will be loaded and a new grid thumbnail will appear in the project window. As you can see, just one le can be opened each time you execute the module. This can be rather awkward if you want to build a big project whit a large number of raster layers, all of them stored in a le format that requires using an Import/Export Module. For that reason, I recommend to save the layer in DiGeM format as soon as you open it, so you can forget about the original le and work just with a new one which SAGA can open by itself. Also, have in mind that projects cannot be created with layers that are not saved in SAGA native le formats. Although they are all very simple, some modules need some additional information apart from the lename. Here is a list of those modules and a brief explanation of what else you have to introduce in their parameters window. Import Surfer Grid: Information about no data values must be provided. Import Binary Raw Data: The most complex one. You must know several grid properties such as number of rows and columns, cell size, etc. More likely to use with images. Not for the beginner. If you are using it, surely you know how to do it. Import Windows Bitmap: Easy. . . Import USGS SRTM Grid: Use it to import United Stated Geographical Service les. The resolution of the grid must be dened. Import MOLA Grid: Wanting to do some terrain analysis in Mars? Use this module to open NASA les with martian elevation models. Import SRTM30 DEM Use it to import elevation data from NASAs Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Notice how the File eld has been replaced with a Path eld. Select here the path where the uncompressed les can be found. Use the four remaining eld to dene the extension of the area you want to import. SRTM data can be downloaded from: Import GDAL: The GDAL library is an open source library that support a large number of image and grid le formats. It has been developed as an independent project, but, since it is open source, it can be incorporated into other programs, such as SAGA. With it you can import the following le formats (yes, some of them can also be imported using other modules). VRT: Virtual Raster GTi: GeoTIFF NITF: National Imagery Transmission Format HFA: Erdas Imagine Images (.img) SAR CEOS: CEOS SAR Image CEOS: CEOS Image ELAS: ELAS
8.2. IMPORT MODULES AIG: Arc/Info Binary Grid AAIGrid: Arc/Info ASCII Grid SDTS: SDTS Raster DTED: DTED Elevation Raster PNG: Portable Network Graphics JPEG: JPEG JFIF MEM: In Memory Raster JDEM: Japanese DEM (.mem) GIF: Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) ESAT: Envisat Image Format BSB: Maptech BSB Nautical Charts XPM: X11 PixMap Format BMP: MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap PCIDSK: PCIDSK Database File PNM: Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm) DOQ1: USGS DOQ (Old Style) DOQ2: USGS DOQ (New Style) ENVI: ENVI .hdr Labelled EHdr: ESRI .hdr Labelled PAux: PCI .aux Labelled MFF: Atlantis MFF Raster MFF2: Atlantis MFF2 (HKV) Raster FujiBAS: Fuji BAS Scanner Image GSC: GSC Geogrid FAST: EOSAT FAST Format BT: VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format L1B: NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set FIT: FIT Image USGSDEM: USGS Optional ASCII DEM GXF: GeoSoft Grid Exchange Format
Import Image: This module support several image le formats, including bitmaps and some others also supported by the GDAL library. However, if features an additional functionality: if you set the Split channels to true, instead of creating a new grid with the chosen image, it creates three independent grids (all of them in the same project), containing the red, blue and green channels of the image. Unlike raster ones, vector import capabilities are rather reduced, but interesting anyway. When importing a vector layer you will not be prompted just for the name of the le to import. Since several vector entities can coexist within just one vector layer, you will be able to choose whether to create a new layer from the information contained in the imported le, or add it to an already existent one. Also, some additional data might be required depending on the chosen le format, as it happened in the case of raster layers. Two vector le formats are supported: GStat Shapes and XYZ. The following picture shows the parameters window for the rst one of them.
As you can see, it is as simple as possible, so no further explanation is required. If you choose to open a XYZ le, you will nd a parameters window like this:
A typical XYZ le is a text le with an structure like the one below. X Y Z -0.743663 0.401532 0.000000 0.200990 0.512085 0.000000 0.517549 0.255804 0.000000 0.437153 -0.030629 0.000000 0.180891 -0.347212 0.000000 It is divided into columns containing X, Y and Z values (some other columns might also be present, but they are optional and depend on the data associated to the layer), and each row contains information about a single point (remember that all vector entities could be reduced to points. . . ). The rst row containing the names of the columns is not always found. If there is a header row, you must tell SAGA to ignore it, setting the File contains headline to true. Introduce the number of columns (3 in the above example) in the Number of Columns eld, and then enter the number of the columns that contain the X and Y coordinates of each point. This information will be used to locate the points in the view window, and will also appear in the attributes table of the vector layer. Columns are numbered from left to right starting from 1. Vector layers created with this module are always point layers. If those points represent line nodes, then you will have to run another module to reconstruct the lines, but the import module itself is not capable of creating any other type of vector layer.
Export modules
Less numerous than import modules, export modules are pretty similar to those, except maybe for requiring some additional information (not much) to be provided. Again, we will start with raster ones. These are the available modules: Export ESRI Arc/Info Grid:
The parameters window is very similar to the corresponding import module, but three new parameters can be found. The rst one is the type of le to create, whether binary of ASCII, and the second one the number of decimal places to use when saving ASCII les. ASCII les are plain text les that can be edited using a simple text editor such as Windows notepad and read directly on screen, unlike binary les. A cell must be used to georeference the grid. Either a corner or a center cell can be used for this purpose. To select which one of them to use, select it from the list in the Georeference eld. Pay attention to Zfactors when exporting a grid. Exported grids contain the values of the grid, not the ones you see after applying the Zfactor. Therefore, if you export a slope grid and later import it, since the default Zfactor is 1 you will get the imported grid in radians. Be sure to change the Zfactor if you want to have your grid again in degrees. Export Surfer Grid: Just like the import module, but you can choose whether to create a binary or an ASCII le. Export Grid to XYZ: Export the grid as a collection of points with Z values, one for each cell. Caution: very large les might result from using this module. Set to true the Write Field Names to include a header describing each eld. Export Image Using this module you can save the grid as an image, in other formats rather than the awkward Windows bitmap format. The whole grid is saved, theres no option here to save just the zoomed area. As for vector export modules, they are also very simple and do not need much explanation. These are the available vector export modules: Export GStat Shapes. Exactly like the import one. Export Shapes to XYZ:
If you set the Save All Attributes led to true, all elds in the attributes table of the exported layer will be saved. Otherwise, only the eld selected in Save Attribute will be added to the X and Y values of each point. Export Shapes to Generate: This le format is not supported by any import module. Only a eld of the attributes table can be exported. Select it from the Field list.
Chapter 9
It is not venturous to say that we are now in the most important chapter of the book or, at least, the most genuine one. Terrain analysis is a key tool in GIS applications, but is even more important in SAGA, since SAGA comes from a terrain analysis tool such as DiGeM and it is itself a very powerful software to work with Digital Elevation Models. Terrain analysis tools are included in the Terrain module library. However, not only these modules are described here. Since some of them deal with hydrological concepts, other modules for hydrological analysis have been also included in this chapter, so as to keep them together. You will nd them in my library, which can also be downloaded from the SAGA website. As a consequence of all this, be ready for a rather dense and long chapter, but also be prepared for some of the (IMHO) most interesting stu presented here. Terrain analysis modules not only feature some very important functionalities, but are also built using module capabilities that have not been described yet. Therefore, this chapter will also introduce you some new characteristics and elements of modules that go beyond the simple parameters windows that you already know. Having an overall understanding of the algorithms implemented in these modules and knowing the meaning of the resulting grids is here more important than it was in other chapters, so more detail has been put in describing the elements that will appear through the following section. Read this descriptions carefully, since it is quite easy to misunderstand some of the terrain analysis features and get wrong results from them. The only thing you need to work with this modules is a DEM. You already have one, the test.dgm grid. You can unload the remaining example les, since we are not going to use them in this chapter. And now, lets get down to the nittygritty.
We will start from the ground up to the most complex modules and functions. That does not mean, however, that this rst modules are less useful that the ones yet to come. In fact, the rst new grids we are going to calculate (slope and aspect) are among the most important and most frequently used of all the ones that we are about to create in this chapter. 97
Under the Terrain Analysis/Morphometry module, you can nd several menu items. Among them, Local Morphometry is by far the one you are most likely to use in a regular terrain analysis session. Select it and you will get to the following parameters window.
As it has been said, no more than a DEM is needed, which must be supplied to the module using the Elevation eld. Several grids can be created as output, two of them already set to CREATE NEW by default. Since we want to study the whole module and all its possible results, set the remaining output elds to CREATE NEW too. The last eld (and the most important one) can be modied to select the desired method that SAGA will use to perform the morphometric analysis. The following methods are available. Maximum Slope (Travis et al. 1975) Maximum Triangle Slope (Tarboton 1997) Least Squares Fit Plane (Costa-Cabral & Burgess 1996) Fit 2.Degree Polynom (Bauer, Rohdenburg, Bork 1985) Fit 2.Degree Polynom (Heerdegen & Beran 1982) Fit 2.Degree Polynom (Zevenbergen & Thorne 1987) Fit 3.Degree Polynom (Haralick 1983) The one set by default (Fit 2.Degree Polynom (Zevenbergen & Thorne 1987)) is usually a good choice. In practice, theres not a great conceptual dierence between the last four ones, so its up to you to choose any of them. The rst two methods are, however, a bit dierent. They are associated with ow routing algorithms and not just with morphometrical analysis. Due to this, they do not describe local morphometry using a bidimensional function z = f (x, y), and are, therefore, less suitable for some operations. Slope and aspect can be used for all purposes, but curvatures might not be calculated with accuracy, since those methods were not originally conceived having them in mind. Use this two rst methods when you are using its corresponding ow routing algorithms, but if you are just interested in local morphometry, better use one of the others. Once all the parameters are set, press the OK button and you will have ve new grids in the grid project window. We will carefully analyze each one of them. The rst one is the slope grid.
If you open the settings window of this grid, you will see that its values range from 0 to 58.537. Now have a look at the histogram of the above grid.
Can you see something strange? The values in the histogram are all lower than 1!! Dont worry, there is an explanation. Values of the slope grid have been calculated in radians. However, radians are not very useful, since it is more intuitive to have them expressed in degrees or in percentage. To change the units from radians to degrees, the Z factor is used, and a value of 57.2958 (180/PI) has been introduced in the corresponding Z factor eld (go to the settings window to see it). The values in the grid are in radians, but you see them in degrees in the view grid window. The same Z factor is used in the aspect grid.
Values in this grid indicate orientation, measured clockwise from North. The grid view looks quite like a shaded grid, but it is not. Hillshade grids and aspect grids share some things in common but are not the same thing. You should have a look at the color palette used with the aspect grid to understand why it looks like that. Slope and aspect dont require further explanation. From a mathematical point of view, they are calculated using the rst derivate, and their meaning is rather intuitive. The remaining grids that we have created are calculated using the second derivate, and their meaning is not so straightforward. They involve more complex mathematical ideas, and can be interpreted in dierent ways. The second derivate of a function can be used to know if it is concave or convex at a concrete point. When working with a surface it can be calculated in any direction, yielding dierent results. The two most important directions are the maximum slope direction and the one perpendicular to this. The values obtained from this are, respectively, the prole curvature and the plan curvature.
Positive values describe convex curvature, negative values concave curvature. How to interpret this values? Concavity and convexity can be associated with ow accumulation and dispersion, respectively, so combining the values of both curvature grids you can get a basic idea of how ows behave. This values can also be used to extract some conclusions regarding erosion patterns and other similar physical processes but, since there are other more precise methods to do this which will also be described in this chapter, it is not a good idea to explain this subject with greater detail. Using the quantitative description of curvature provided by the plan and prole curvature grids, a qualitative description can be obtained using the Curvature Classication module.
Introduce the plan and prole curvature grids as input and specify a threshold for plane cells. Curvature values under this threshold are considered plane (in the direction of the curvature). With these values, SAGA generates a new grid in which cells are divided in 9 dierent classes. The meaning of each class is described next.
0: Plan curvature: concave. Prole curvature: concave. 1: Plan curvature: concave. Prole curvature: plane. 2: Plan curvature: concave. Prole curvature: convex. 3: Plan curvature: plane. Prole curvature: concave. 4: Plan curvature: plane. Prole curvature: plane. 5: Plan curvature: plane. Prole curvature: convex. 6: Plan curvature: convex. Prole curvature: concave. 7: Plan curvature: convex. Prole curvature: plane. 8: Plan curvature: convex. Prole curvature: convex.
Another similar grid that can be calculated using the morphometry modules is the convergence index grid. The convergence index gives a measure of how ow in a cell diverges (convergence index < 0) or converges(convergence index > 0). These convergence/divergence behavior of ow can be studied using curvature values, as we have already seen, but the convergence index provides a rather more handy way of doing it. To use this module, you simply have to provide a DEM as input and select one of the two available methods: aspect and gradient. Dierences between these methods are not really signicant (here is a little exercise you can try: evaluate the dierence between aspect and gradient methods using the modules you already know). A convergence index grid looks like this.
Until now, we have only seen modules that created grids as output. The hypsometry of a grid, however, is not something that can be expressed using a grid, but needs to be given in some tabular or graphical form. Consequently, the Hypsometry module creates a table instead of a grid, as we will now see. Run this module selecting the Morphometry/Hypsometry menu item.
Select the test.dgm grid in the Input eld and set the Output eld to CREATE NEW . The Number of Classes eld denes the number of rows that the resulting table will have. The higher value you enter, the more accurate the hypsometric curve will be. After setting this parameters, press the OK button. Apparently, nothing has happened, but if you click now on the Table tab in the projects window, you will see a table named Hypsometric Curve. Open it.
Here is the information about how heights are distributed in the grid. You can also create it (with much more work, of course, and using a spreadsheet) from the frequency histogram. To see the Hypsometric Curve (and not just its associated table), create a diagram using only the Relative Area eld. You should get something like this.
I recall here the usefulness of grid masks. Having an hypsometric curve of a grid is not very useful, but the hypsometric curve of a basin is one of the most classical elements used to describe it. As we saw in the last chapters, values outside the basin can be neglected using a bitmask, thus turning a rather useless result into a really interesting one.
If you take a cell from a DEM and its 8 neighbor cells, you can classify the morphology the center cell according to the elevation values of all of them. Comparing those values, a cell can be assigned one of the following 7 categories of morphometric features (try to gure out why those value. . . ): 9. Peak -9. Pit 1. Pass 2. Convex break -2. Concave break 7. Ridge -7. Channel Creating a grid with those values can be accomplished using the Indices/Surface Specic Points module. Simply select a DEM as input and then set the Method eld to Peucker & Douglas. In the Threshold eld introduce the threshold that will divide convex breaks from concave ones. Press the OK button and you will get a grid like the following one.
As you have noticed, there are other available methods in this module, but the Peucker & Douglas method is probably the best known DEMbased one for identifying morphometric features.
If you try other methods you will get dierent classications, all of them being simpler and, at the same time, not so easy to interpret or to use for practical purposes. As an example, here is the meaning of the values of the Mark Highest Neighbour method (directly taken from the module source code): 2. Saddle 1. Bottom line -1. Divide Nothing
From this point, we will start analyzing the hydrological modules that are found in the Terrain and Hydrology libraries. However, DEMs are not always prepared for hydrological analysis, so before we can start extracting hydrological information from a DEM, some modications have to be usually done to it so as to ensure that other modules (which we will shortly see) will not yield wrong results. The main source of these wrong results are pits, that is, cells or groups of cells that are surrounded by others with higher elevation. Since there are no lower cells through which route the ow, ow routing algorithms behave badly in this cells. They have to be lled before using any module that involves ow routing, a task that can be accomplished using the modules located under the Terrain Analysis/Preprocessing menu. There are two main ways of preprocessing a DEM. You can create a new standalone DEM with all those pits and sinks corrected, or create a supporting grid with the ow directions of the cells that comprise the sinks and later use both as input for the ow routing algorithms. To create the last one, select the Sink Drainage Route Detection menu item. You will see the following parameters window.
Select the DEM in the Elevation eld and another grid in the Sink Routes eld. Do not select the same DEM, since both the original DEM grid and the sink routes grid have to be used together. A height threshold can be introduced in the Threshold Height eld (select the Threshold eld to to true to use it), but you are not likely to use it, since it is not specially useful. Better leave it unchanged. Press the OK button to start module execution. The resulting sink routes grid will be almost completely lled with 0 values, corresponding to areas without sinks that will not cause any problem to ow routing algorithm. The remaining ones, those cells located within sinks, are assigned an integer value ranging from 1 to 8, which indicates the ow direction that has to be taken from that cell to abandon the sink. This information is used by the ow routing algorithms whenever they cannot calculate one just using elevation data from the DEM.
To create a standalone preprocessed DEM that can be used for hydrological analysis without needing a grid like the previous one, select the Fill Sinks menu item.
Simply introduce the DEM you want to preprocess in the Elevation eld and select the output one in the Preprocessed DEM eld. To avoid confusions, it is a good idea to select the original DEM as output, so it gets overwritten and you can only work with the corrected one. In fact, in this case, if you set the Preprocessed eld set to NOT SET , the preprocessed grid will be written into the original DEM grid. The most usual way to correct sinks is lling them, but you can also choose to create drainage routes through them, excavating the borders of each sink. To select between one of these options, use the Method eld. For practical purposes there is not a signicant dierence between them in most cases. Optionally, a grid with sink routes such as the one created before can be used, selecting it in the Sink Routes. It will help SAGA to decide how to ll or excavate the sinks.
Now that we have preprocessed our DEM and it can be used by ow routing algorithms, it is time to get into some serious hydrological stu. SAGAs powerful raster analysis engine is at its best when dealing with ows and other hydrological concepts, surpassing every other GIS in its capabilities and its usability. However, before using the modules in which the aforementioned algorithms are implemented, it is a good idea to introduce some basic ideas about them. Flow routing algorithms constitute the key element of hydrological analysis, and this is, consequently, a largely developed area. Many dierent alternatives exist, each one of them with its pros and cons. Explaining them in detail will take too long, and I will just present those ideas that are more interesting from a practical point of view, so you can have a notion of the dierence it makes using one or another method. Basically, methods can be divided in two groups: Those who consider the ow to move between cell centers and those in which the ow moves freely around the DEM (known as Flow Tracing algorithms). The ones in the former group are related with the D8 method (the oldest and the only one that you will nd in other GISs) while the ones in the latter are quite more complex and its use is rather restricted. Another division can be made separating those who consider an unidimensional ow (commonly referred as Single Flow Direction algorithms) and those who consider a bidimensional one (Multiple Flow Direction Algorithms). Attending to these groupings, we can describe the modules implemented in SAGA, namely Deterministic 8 (D8): The classical. Flow goes from the center of a cell to the center of one(and only one) of the surrounding cells. Flow directions are, therefore, restricted to multiples of 45o , which is the main reason for most of the drawbacks of the method. (OCallaghan & Mark 1984).
Rho8: Same as above but with an stochastic component that should improve it. The ow direction is determined by a random argument that is dependent on the dierence between aspect and the direction of the two adjacent neighbor cells. Not very useful. . . (Faireld & Leymarie 1991). Deterministic innity (D): Flow goes from one cell to two contiguous surrounding cells, thus considering a bidimensional ow and overcoming the drawbacks of the D8 method. (Tarboton 1998). Braunschweiger Digitales Reliefmodell: Another Multiple Flow Direction algorithm. The ow is splitted between the surrounding cell whose orientation is nearest to the aspect of the center cell and its two adjacent cells. (Bauer, Bork & Rohdenburg 1985). FD8 (found in SAGA simply as Multiple Flow Direction): A D8derived bidimensional ow routing algorithm. (Quinn et al 1991). Kinematic Routing Algorithm (KRA). An unidimensional ow tracing algorithm. Flow behaves like a ball rolling down the DEM, without restricting its position to the center of cells. (Lea 1992). Digital Elevation Model Network (DEMON): The most complex one. A bidimensional ow tracing algorithm. Rather time consuming. (Costa-Cabral & Burgess 1994).
With these information it should suce to start working with hydrological modules. As we use each method, you will understand the dierences between all of them and nd which one is better for you to use. For further information, try the references shown above. Flow directions for each cell are not very useful itself (also, some methods dont use a ow direction in a strict sense), but can be used as a basis for more interesting result. The most important parameter that can be derived is the catchment area, also know as ow accumulation (hence the menu name, as we will see). The catchment area of a cell indicates the area upslope that cell whose ow will eventually reach it. As we will shortly see, a catchment area grid is needed as input in a large number of the modules described in this chapter. The methods used to generate a catchment area grid are dierent depending on which ow routing algorithm is used. Therefore, they are implemented in dierent modules. Three modules can be used to create a catchment area grid, all of them found under the Terrain Analysis/Flow Accumulation menu: Parallel Processing, Recursive Upward Processing andFlow Tracing. As expected, ow tracing algorithms are found in the Flow tracing modules, while the remaining ones (the D8derived algorithms) are implemented in the modules Parallel Processing and Recursive Upward Processing. There is no dierence in the results you can obtain from the two last ones (except for the fact that one more grid can be calculated using the rst one) so I will explain just one of them. Select the Parallel Processing menu item to get to the following parameters window.
Three elds can be found under the Input node, only one of them (the DEM) being compulsory. If you have preprocessed the DEM using the Sink Removal module, there is no need to use the Sink Route eld. However, if the DEM is not preprocessed, you should select a grid containing sink routes to avoid errors when running the ow routing algorithms Using the last input eld, Weight, you can adjust the weight that each cell has when calculating catchment areas. Lets see an example of how this can be used. Catchment areas are expressed in area units (that is, if cell resolution is expressed in meters, catchment area will be expressed in square meters). If you know the amount of runo produced in each cell expressed in height units (usually millimeters), you can turn this catchment areas for each cell into runo volumes that drain to them. However, not all cells generate the same runo, so each one will have a dierent weight in the runo grid. If you have a runo grid, put it in the Weight grid and it will be used to calculate catchment areas. When the Weight eld is left as NOT SET , each cell contributes to the catchment area with its own area, which equals the square of its cell size. If a weight grid is used, each cell contributes with the value assigned to this cell in the weight grid. So, if 1000 cells with a value of 2 in that weight grid ow to a cell, this last one will have a value of 2000 in the catchment area grid. Notice that, actually, the resulting grid is not a a catchment area grid but, in fact, a runo volume grid, thus having dierent units (cubic meter instead of square meters, assuming that runo grid in each cell was expressed in that unit). To take a break from so much theory, lets calculate a catchment area grid. Select the test.dgm grid in the Elevation eld (I assume that you have preprocessed it), and press the OK button. Later we will study the remaining elds in the parameters window but, by now, focus your attention on the just created grid, which should look like this.
I know what you are thinking. Not very impressive, isnt it? It is almost completely white! Theres much more information in the grid than what you can see, but the way this values are distributed results in such an empty appearance. For a more eyecatching representation, try a logarithmic scaling mode (in case you do not remember, this can be done using the settings window of the grid). The grid should now look like the one below.
Although there are dierences between the catchment area grids created using one or another ow routing algorithm, their appearance will always be like that, since those dierences are quite subtle and normallly cant be visually appreciated. Going back to the parameters window, we nd many other grids as output. Set them all to CREATE NEW so we can have a look at them and explain a couple of things about their meaning. As it has been said, depending on which module you execute, you will be able to generate more or less new grids. Since we are using the Parallel Processing module, which is the richest
one, I will explain all of these grids, but be aware that not all of them can be generated with other modules. However, the rst three (catchment area, catchment slope and catchment height) are always available. Under the Options node you can nd several elds regarding how all these grids are calculated. The ow routing algorithm to use can be selected in the Method eld, and depending on which module you are running, you will nd dierent options. The remaining elds contain parameters used by some of the available methods, but a deeper knowledge of them is needed to understand the meaning of this parameters (and even more to use them and adjust them to your needs) so I will not give further explanations about them. If you are interested in this subject, read the provided references and you will surely nd what you are looking for. The rst grid apart from the catchment area one is the catchment slope grid.
In it, the value of each cell represents the average slope of all the cells that drain to that one. Slopes are represented in radians (the Z factor equals 1 in this grid), so take care if you are going to use this grid along with the slope grid obtained from the Local Morphometry module. The last one of this three grids is the catchment height grid. Its values represent the average height of the upslope cells over each one. It is calculated as the average height of all upslope cells minus the height of the considered cell. Here you have the catchment height grid created from the test.dgm grid.
Among those grids not available in all modules, we nd the catchment aspect grid, whose values represent an averaged aspect of all the cells upslope each one.
This values are also expressed in radians, not degrees. I have changed the color palette, so the result you will have will look dierent. The last grid that can be created is the ow path length grid.
Its values are expressed in the same units as the grid cell size. All these grids also depend on the ow routing algorithm, but that dierence is not signicant and it cannot be said that the more precise algorithms yield more precise result for this parameters. Now that you know how to calculate catchment area grids, the dierences between ow algorithms can be seen calculating a catchment area grid for a same DEM using all these algorithms. Instead of using the complex test.dgm grid, we will use a simpler mathematical semispherical surface, which can be created using the Grid Function module. Set the xmin and ymin values to -1 and the xmax and ymax values to 1 and use the following formula in the Formula eld: 1-(x*x+y*y) Now, calculate catchment area grids using this grid as input and some of the available ow routing algorithms, and you will see clear dierences between them. Below you can see, from left to right, the D8, Rho8 and MFD grids. Try yourself the other ones.
The value in each cell of the catchment area grid indicates the area upslope that cell. However, it is also interesting to know, not only the extension of this area, but also where this area is located, that is, the shape of the associated basin. Downslope area (its location) can be calculated as well, indicating through which cells the ow will go from a selected one.
All those results depend on the selected cell, and in this section we will see a new kind of module, an interactive one, that will appear in all those calculations that need the introduction of a cell as input. Instead of using the parameters window, the user can interact with the grid and use the grid view window to make this selection. Select the Flow Accumulation/Upslope Area.
The parameters window looks quite similar to the one in the catchment area modules, but with less elds. No Weight eld is found in here, and only an output grid is generated. Flow routing algorithms are also used, and you can select the one you prefer in the Method eld. Some algorithms such as the ow tracing one are not suitable for this kind of calculation, so only some of them can be found in here. Press the OK button. Nothing happens (a grid has been created in the project window, but its thumbnail is completely blue). SAGA is waiting for a last input, but this time you have to enter it not with the keyboard but with your mouse. You can go to any grid within the active project and just click on the cell you want to select. In this case, it is more interesting to select a cell with a high catchment area value, so a bigger basin is calculated. Therefore, the catchment area grid should be used to select a cell. Once you select it, SAGA will start calculating and the new grid will be created. Depending on the cell you pick up, you will have a dierent basin, but the resulting grid will look like this.
Probably you have noticed how similar it is to the bitmask grid that we used at the end of the last chapter. That is because I chose the D8 algorithm, and the ow from a cell can ow into the basin or not. Using other methods, since they consider bidimensional ows, a cell in the border of the basin can give its ow to several cells, some of them in the basin and some
outside it. Its a subtle dierence, but it can be easily appreciated if you compare the above image with the following one calculated using a Multiple Flow Direction algorithm.
This should help you to understand the dierences that arise from using one algorithm or another. In the case of a normal module, the module is executed when the OK key is pressed and, once the results have been generated, the modules ends it execution and you can use other modules or do whatever you want without restrictions. However, interactive modules do not nish their execution once the results have been created. If you go to the Modules menu, you will see at its bottom part the name of the current module, marked with a tick.
That indicates that the module is still active and, since it is an interactive module, waiting for a new input. If you select any other cell in the grid view window, all the results (in this case a new basin) will be calculated again, overwriting the already existent ones. If you now try to execute another module, SAGA will not allow you do it, since two modules cannot be executed simultaneously.
To nish module execution, go to the Modules menu and click on the menu item with the tick. SAGA not only removes that tick, indicating that now the module is not running, but also perform some nal calculations. In the case of the Upslope Area, the basin seems to have vanished. SAGA has substituted the values of cells inside the basin with catchment area values, and all the outside cells have been assigned a zero value. If you set the scaling mode to Logarithmic, you will see the following grid.
Once you know how to use this module, it will not be dicult for you to understand how the Downslope Area works. Its parameters window is identical to the one in the Upslope Area method, and after you close it pressing the OK button you will have to pick up a cell in the grid view window. This time however, SAGA will assign a nonzero value to all the cells downslope the selected one, and a zero value to the remaining ones. Notice that, unlike in the Upslope Area module, all ow routing algorithms are available in the Method eld. The resulting grid will look like this:
If you remember how to create proles, this is rather similar (here a new grid is created, there a prole was calculated and the ow path was drawn onto the DEM grid). The ow path calculated to create a prole is calculated using the D8 algorithm.
Catchment area grids can be used to calculate some very interesting indices, which will supply useful information about the hydrological characteristics of each cell. This indices are calculated using rather simple formulas that involve catchment area and slope as their main parameters, and that could be easily evaluated using the grid calculator. However, SAGA provides a readytouse module that will ease this task, avoiding the introduction of any formula. To start this module, select the Indices/Topographic Indices menu item.
As expected, slope and catchment area grids are required as input, and a third optional grid appears also under the Input node. This grid should contain transmissivity values to be used for the rst output grid, Topographic Index. It is extremely rare to have information about transmissivity, so you will probably never use this eld. If no grid is selected, a constant transmissivity is assumed. Select the grids in the Slope and Catchment Area elds and press the OK button. You will get three new grids, which will be explained next. The rst one is the wetness index index grid.
The wetness index (also known as Topographic Index is calculated using the following expression.
W =
a ln S
where a is specic catchment area, S is slope and T0 is soil transmissivity. The wetness index comes from the TOPMODEL (Beven & Kirby, 198) hydrological model, and is related with soil moisture. It indicates the tendency of a cell to produce runo, since areas with high moisture are more prone to become saturated. The higher the value of this index in a cell, the higher soil moisture that can be found in it. Using slope and catchment area another index can be calculated: the stream power index.
This index is related to erosion processes, constituting an indicator of the capabilities of a ow to generate net erosion. It is dened by the following equation.
SPI = aS
Another erosion related parameter is the LS factor, which is used in the wellknown Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). However, the original equation for the LS factor which used slope and slope length as main parameters , has been substituted by a new one which uses catchment area as its main parameter, thus adapting it to the capabilities associated with DEMs. An LS factor grid looks like this.
We have already use catchment area grids to obtain new grids which contained some other continuous parameters. However, one of the most important (if not the most) task that can be accomplished using catchment area information is the extraction of channel networks, a task completely dierent to what we have already seen. Channels are usually located in areas through which a great amount of water ows, so this water denes the channel itself and modelates its shape. Therefore, it is quite logical to try to extract those channels from catchment area grids, which indicate the amount of cells located upslope each one and, consequently, can be used to evaluate the amount of water that will ow through it coming from all those upslope cells. There are many dierent ways of using catchment area grids for this purpose, some of them involving additional grids, and each one of them has its pros and cons as it happened with ow routing algorithms. They are not going to be explained in this book (once again, references for further study are given), but we will see how SAGA features a very exible module that can be easily adapted to any of those methods. To open it, select the Channels/Channel Network to get to the following parameters window.
Two grids are compulsory: The elevation grid that will be used to route the ow and trace the channels, and an initiation grid that will supply the information about where this ow has to be routed to create those channels. As usual, a ow direction grid can be used if the elevation grid is not preprocessed, so as to help SAGA route the ow over closed depressions.
The other key grid that has to be introduced is the Inititation Grid. SAGA will choose as initiation cells (cells from where the ow will be routed to trace channels) those cell in the initiation grid that fulll a particular condition.
The dierences between all the channel tracing methods lay in the characteristics of the initiation grid. Depending on the underlaying theoretical ideas of the method, a dierent initiation grid should be used. The most usual initiation grid to use is the catchment area grid, and this is what we will use in here. Using this grid leads to some undesired results such as a constant drainage density of the dened channel network, something that actually does not happen with real channel networks. Some alternatives have been proposed to overcome this drawback, such as using a combination of slope and catchment area as initiation parameter, but they are not frequently used, so I will stick to the classical catchment areabased method.
To dene the condition under which a channel is started, you have three alternatives: the cell has a value lower than a threshold, the cell has a value that equals the threshold, or the cell has a value greater than the threshold. This threshold must be introduced in the Initiation Threshold eld and should be in the same units as the initiation grid, so in our case it will be expressed in square meters.
Set the Initiation Type to Greater than, so all cells with a catchment area greater than the threshold will be considered as part of a channel. For the Initiation Threshold, try a value of 1000000 (six zeros). The higher you set the threshold, the less cells that will be found in the initiation grid which fulll the initiation condition, so the less channels that will be dened. There are a few dierent methods to choose the better threshold (some of them can be found in the references provided for further study), but the easiest one is just trying to make the dened channel network look as similar as possible to the real one.
To avoid very short channels segments being created, you can dene a minimum length (in cells) using the Min. Segment Length eld.
A couple of elds can be found under the Divergence node. They are related with ow tracing algorithms and a good knowledge of them is required to understand the meaning of these parameters and how to use it, so once again I will leave them unexplained. Advanced users will surely have no diculties learning how to use these parameters themselves.
Finally, lets have a look at the outputs that will be produced. Since they are all by default set to CREATE NEW , just press the OK button and three new elements will be created.
The rst one is the channel network itself, which should look like this.
It is quite similar to the testchan.dgm grid, but with a little dierence: the drainage density is higher and this grid contains more channels than the testchan.dgm grid. This is due to the dierent threshold that has been used to calculate both grid. As it happened with the testchan.dgm grid, the values in the cells indicate the order or the segment that ows across each cell. Since more channels have been dened in this new grid, the maximum order found in this grid is greater than the one found in the testchan.dgm grid. The second grid that has been created looks quite similar to the rst one.
Here, the same channels are dened, but the cells values indicate in this case the ow direction of each cell. These directions are coded from 1 to 8, counting clockwise from northeast as follows: 7 6 5 8 X 4 1 2 3
9.10. BASINS
The third output element created by this module is not a grid but a vector layer. Click on the Shapes tab in the project window and you will see a vector layer called Channel Network. It contains the same channel networks as the two previous grids, but in vector format.
Each segment from the just created channel network has an associated basin (which corresponds to the catchment area of the lower point of the segment minus the basins associated to other segment located upslope). SAGA includes a module that will allow you to create a new grid containing all this basins. To run it, select the Channels/Watershed Basins menu item
The parameters window is pretty straightforward. Select a DEM (and a sink route in case it is needed) and then the channel network you want to use. All the cells that represent an intersection between dierent channel segments will be used as outlets of the basins you are about to create. As with channel networks, you can also avoid creating very small basins, introducing a minimum size (in cells) in the Min. Size eld. Press the OK and you will get a grid like this:
As you can see, this is a grid containing discrete information. Cells of a same basin have the same value, which correspond to an ID number given by SAGA to each one of them. To adjust the number and size of basins to your needs, use dierent channel network grids. You can have a more detailed channel network grid to represent channels, but then create one using a greater threshold so it can be used to generate a basins grid with a lower number of basins (easier to use if you plan to introduce its information in a hydrological model).
Although it is quite interesting to have this information about basins in a vector format (polygons in this case), the Watershed Basins module simply creates a grid, leaving it up to you to convert its data into vector format or not. In a few chapters we will see how to create a vector layer from this grid, so you can use it along with the channel network layer.
Water behaves dierently in channels than in other areas, and dierent equations can be used to dene the ow inside and outside channels. Therefore, the distance between a cell and the closest channel is an interesting parameter than can provide some additional information about the hydrological characteristics of all those cells within a basin. The modules included in SAGA feature two dierent approaches to calculate distances from nonchannel cells to channels cells. The rst (and the most simple) one can be reached through the Channels/Overland Flow Distances to Channel Network.
Two grids are needed as input. A DEM and a grid containing channels. This grid must have the same characteristics as the channel network grid dened by the Channel Network module, which means that all channel cells must have a valid value, while those cells outside the channel must contain a no data value. Values in channel cells are irrelevant here, so both the channel direction grid and the channel network grid can be used. Also, any channel network grid you create can be used, as long as it adhere to the previously introduced restrictions. Three output grids are generated: one containing the overland ow distance and two more ones which contain the vertical and horizontal components of this distance. These distances are all expressed in the same units as the heights and cells size values from the DEM grid. An overland ow grid should look like the one depicted below.
These overland ow distances are calculated not as euclidean distances, but taking into account the real movement of water from cell to cell. For that reason, a ow routing algorithm must be used, and it can be selected in the Flow Algorithm eld. Only D8 and MFD algorithms are available. Along with this, the Vertical Distance to Channel Network module implements a dierent idea, not based on ow distance (that means that no ow routing algorithms are used) but on vertical distance between cell elevations and the elevations calculated for the channel network in that cell. The process is as follows:
The elevation of the channel network in a channel cell is simply the elevation of that cell in the DEM. For cells outside the channel network a cell elevation can be interpolated using the elevation values of channel cells. Doing this, a grid with channel network base level elevations can be calculated.
Subtracting this grid from the DEM generates a new grid which contains the dierence between cell elevation and the elevation of channel in that cell. Channel cells will get a zero value, while non channel cells will get a dierent one.
In other words, non channel cells will be assigned a value which represent the elevation dierence between those cells and the channel that ows through them, in case it existed. In the parameters window you will nd the two same inputs as in the previous module: a DEM and a channel network grid. A Tension eld can be found at the bottom of the parameter list, but I recommend not to modify it (the meaning of the results of this module is rather fuzzy itself, so trying to alter those parameters is, in the best case, something that most users will probably should never do). The resulting grid will should like this.
SAGA can also give as output the grid with channel network base levels for all cells, which will look like the one shown below these lines.
A very interesting parameter that can be calculated using the information in a DEM (particularly, using ow directions between cells) is the time that it takes to get out of a basin from each one of its interior cells. Having this information, not only the amount of runo that will ow through the outlet cell can be known, but also how this runo will be distributed in time. Two modules are available for accomplishing this tasks, one of them being rather more complex than the other. The more complex the method is, the larger number of input parameters it will need. We will start with the simpler one, which can be run selecting the Hydrology/Isochrones Constant Speed menu item.
Using this module, a xed speed is calculated from the characteristics of the basin, and water is assumed to ow at this speed through all the cells. Using ow directions, the ow length from each cell to the outlet can be calculated, and then converted into time using that speed. This module, like the other isochrones one, is an interactive one, so after you close the parameters window you have to select an outlet cell clicking on the grid view window. Once you select the cell, the selected basin will appear in the new grid, but until you stop the module it will not be represented with the right color pallete. The resulting grid will be like the one we already used to create a mask in the previous chapter. Times in the isochrones grid are expressed in hours. This grid has a great hydrological meaning. For example, the frequency histogram can be used to calculate an unit hydrograph of the basin, surpassing the accuracy of other simpler alternatives such as the wellknown triangular unit hydrograph. This will not be a synthetic hydrograph, but a real one, calculated using information from the basin itself and some simple physical laws about water ow. However, it is not very realistic to consider that water moves at the same speed through all the cells (time area usually underestimated using this method). Those simple physical laws can be replaced with more elaborated sets of equations, which will assign a dierent ow speed to each cell according to its properties (slope, amount of water that is expected to ow through the cell, ow rugosity. . . ). To use this more complex method, select the Hydrology/Isochrones Variable Speed menu item.
As you can see, the parameters window is much more populated than the last one, containing not only grid inputs, but also several numerical parameters under the Options node. I will explain them all in detail. Three grids are compulsory: elevation, slope and catchment area. You should need no further explanation about them. Below these, you can nd two new optional grids: Curve Number and Mannings n number. The Curve Number grid is used to estimate runo from rainfall, and, with the information given in the last chapter, you should be able to create one yourself. Mannings n number denes the ow rugosity of each cell, and is used to calculate ow speed. If you have no gridded information about these parameters (CN data is not hard to nd, but Mannings n
data is), you can use a constant value for all cells. To do that, leave the Curve Number (or Mannings n) eld set to NO SET and introduce the value to use in the Avg. Curve Number (or Avg. Mannings n) eld. This will have the same eect as selecting a grid with a constant value equal to the one introduced in the corresponding average value eld. Rainfall intensity, which is assumed to be constant all over the watershed, must be introduced in the Avg. Rainfall Intensity. Larger values will cause ow to be faster and, consequently, times in the grid to be shorter. The remaining values are related with the three types of ow that are distinguished when using this module: overland ow, mixed ow and channel ow. The boundaries of each one are dened using catchment area values, and must be introduced in the Mixed Flow Threshold and Channel Flow Threshold elds. Unlike in the Channel Network module, where threshold was expressed in the same units as cell size (squared, of course), here it is expressed in hectares. However, the default values are suitable for most cases, and changing them should only be done under some rare circumstances, when additional information is known (something that seldom happens. . . ). Mixed and channel ows are assumed to go through a triangular channel. The slope of both sides of this triangle can be adjusted modifying the values in the Channel side Slope eld. A minimum speed can be set in the Minimum Flow Speed eld to avoid very low speeds in the case of almost at cells or low runo, specially in those cells with overland ow. As shown under these lines, the grid generated from this module is quite dierent to the one created with the Isochrones Constant Speed one, and looks less uniform, since each cell has a dierent ow speed.
Apart from the isochrones modules, the library contains some other minor hydrological modules. Here, we will just have a look at one of them, but I invite you to use the other ones and try to understand their meaning and how they work (which is not dicult at all, believe me. . . ). Among this modules, the Strahler Order one generates grids in which each cell is assigned its Strahler order. Strahler orders are just another way to dene the hierarchy that exists
between dierent river segments. However, instead of just analyzing those cells through which a real river ows (that is, those calculated using the Channel Network module, it considers every single cell as part of a river. This will create a grid in which all cells have an assigned value, that can be later used in the Channel Network module as the threshold grid. To create this grid, select the Strahler Order menu item. As input, you just have to select the elevation grid. This has to be an already preprocessed DEM, since ow algorithms will use it. The resulting grid will look like this.
It looks quite similar to the catchment area grid, but here a linear scale is used instead of a logarithmic one. Also, values in this grid range just from 1 to 8 and their distribution is rather dierent. Since, as it has been said, this grid can be used as a threshold grid in the Channel Network module, that means that a channel network can be dened from a DEM without needing a catchment area grid!! Try to dene a channel network using this Strahler order grid and compare the results with the ones obtained earlier in this chapter. This should help you better understand how the Channel Network module works.
Terrain relief aects the way that shadows are casted over dierent cells, thus modifying its appearance, but also altering some very important parameters such as the amount of energy that is received from the sun in a cell. With the sole aid of a DEM and a couple of basic astronomical ideas, we can create a shaded relief representation of a grid (which, as you already know, can be used to shade any other grid of that same area) or calculate the radiation income in all of the cells of the grid, among other things. Tasks like these can be accomplished using the modules under the Terrain Analysis/Lighting modules, which we will study in this section. The rst result we are going to obtain is one with which you should have already become acquainted: a shaded relief grid. A shaded relief grid is a pseudo 3Dimensional representation of a DEM, in which cell values reect the amount of light that each cell receives. Representing this grid using a continuous bicolor color ramp gives as result a quite realistic (and very eye
catching) depiction of the area described by the DEM, as seen from above (imagine that you are ying on a plane just above this area). The Analytical Hillshade module is the one that must be used to create a shaded relief grid.
As input, just the DEM itself is needed. Since we are dealing with lighting algorithms, a light source must be dened, which can be done modifying the values in the Azimuth and Declination elds. These are the polar coordinates of the light source (i.e. the sun). Three methods are available.
Ray Tracing
Try them to see which one you like the most. Since the result of this module is rather visual, you should judge the convenience of them by the visual appeal of the grids they produce. An exaggeration factor can be introduced in the Exaggeration eld. It changes the elevations of cells, so slopes are also modied and, consequently, shadows get aected. The higher elevation value you choose, the darker that slope areas will look, in contrast with the brighter values of at areas. When I speak of dark and bright, I means those cells that have high and low values, respectively. If you use a color pallete like the one set by default, higher values are assigned a dark color while low values area assigned a bright color. Try changing it to get a dierent image. Inverting the color pallete will make higher areas look sunken under low areas, which will look more elevated, so the relief itself gets completely inverted. If the Ray tracing method is used, the exaggeration value will not be used. Although a shaded relief grid can be used to shade another grid, it is itself a very interesting result, as can be seen below these lines.
The values in the shaded relief grid are angles expressed in radians, but, once again, as it happened in the case of slope and aspect grids, a convenient Z factor is used to change those values from radians to degrees. For a more quantitative result, we will see how to calculate solar radiation income using another lighting module. Select the Lighting/Solar Radiation Sums menu item.
The parameters window is slightly more complex that the ones we have already seen in this section, since not only the DEM is needed, but also some additional information about the characteristics of the radiation and the time period to evaluate. Before we start analyzing each eld in the parameters window, lets have a look at how the resulting grid is calculated. The algorithm can be divided into the following main steps: A time range is dened.
CHAPTER 9. TERRAIN ANALYSIS. HYDROLOGY. LIGHTING This time range is divided into single days. Several equally spaced instants are dened within each day. For each one of this instants (which implies a particular position of the sun), solar radiation is calculated for each cell in the grid, using the elevation information contained in the DEM. With all the individual solar radiation grids calculated, a daily radiation grid can be created. With all the daily radiation grids, the total radiation grid is calculated for the whole time range.
Now lets see how to make all the settings so SAGA can perform this calculations. First of all, lets select the input and output grids. Nothing is new in the Input node, but we can see two options in the Solar Radiation Sum eld under the Output one. Since several grids are going to be calculated, you can choose to view them one after another and thus see the progression of the module (set the Update View eld to true), or not (set it to false). This last option will shorten module execution time. Select the units for the output grid in the Units eld. Along with the solar radiation sum grid, a duration of insolation grid is calculated. A larger duration of insolation is not necessary related to a larger radiation sum, since other parameters such as slope also have a signicant inuence on it. Lets get into the Options node. Use the Solar Constant and Transmittance of Atmosphere(%) elds to set the characteristics of the radiation that reaches the earth. Default values are a good choice for most cases, so you are likely to leave them unchanged. You must set the latitude in which the DEM is located, using the Latitude eld. This will aect the position of the sun in the sky within the selected time range. A key element to dene is the time resolution to use, that is, the spacing between those aforementioned instants in which each day is divided. The shorter time interval you choose, the more grids that will have to be calculated and thus, the more precise the result will be, but also the longer time the module will take to execute. For the calculation of daily sums, you can dene a time span in the Time Span eld, so just a part of the day is analyzed. Dening the time range is the last thing that has to be done. Three options are available: A single day. A range of days. A whole year. For the two rst ones, a corresponding node can be found in which additional information has to be entered. The elds under these nodes are all rather selfdescribing. Once all the information has been provided to the module, press the OK button. When module execution nishes (might take a long time, depending on the settings you made), you will get a grid like this.
The last lighting module, which can be executed from the Light Source Shading menu item, is an interactive one. Instead of considering a light source situated in the sky (an dened by its azimuthal and elevation angles), it considers one located in a grid cell which must be dened clicking on the view grid much in the same way as in some of the hydrological modules we have already seen. The module will create a grid indicating which cells receive the light from the source, and the magnitude of it, once again expressed as an angle. What can this be used for? Imagine that you have to assess the visual impact of a building. Place the light source in the location of that building and you will see which cells receive the light from the building (that is, which cells see the building an are thus aected by its presence). Another example: you want to place an antenna and do not know whether its signal will reach all that surrounding areas or some of them are shadowed. Run the Light Source Shading module and place the light source where the antenna is to be located. With the resulting grid, use the Change Cell Values to set a threshold over which cells can be considered shadowed (they do not get enough radio waves from the antenna), and you will get a new grid indicating those cells to which the antenna will give service. The parameters window of this module looks like this.
A simple DEM is needed as input, and just one grid is generated. The only option eld allows you to set the height over terrain level of the source light (i.e. the height of the antenna in the previous example). If you set a very high value in this eld, almost all cells will receive light, while only a few will (of course, depending on the characteristics of the terrain and the chosen cell) if a lower height is introduced. The height of the source light must be in the same units as the elevation values of the DEM.
CHAPTER 9. TERRAIN ANALYSIS. HYDROLOGY. LIGHTING A typical grid obtained from this module is shown below.
All values in this grids are lower than 90, and indicate the angle between the light coming from the source light and the terrain. A value of 90o indicates a completely shadowed area. The lower the value, the more light the cell receives perpendicularly to its surface.
Chapter 10
Shapes Modules
10.1 Introduction
Though not as numerous as raster ones, several vector modules have been developed for its use in SAGA. Among them, some just deal with vector layers, while others combine vector and raster data. Modules in this last group are probably the most important ones, since they allow to use both data format almost seamlessly and prot from the advantages of each one of them. Using this modules along with the ones introduced in chapter 7 should be enough to prepare all your data independently of its format and also obtain some interesting results. At the end of this chapter you will see how SAGA vector capabilities, though rather limited, can be incredibly useful thanks to these modules.
We will start the chapter analyzing those modules developed to ease the simultaneous use of vector and raster data layers. Learning how to use these will allow you to, for example, convert between data types or enrich the information in a layer with that contained in another of a dierent type. Not all the modules that work with vector and raster layers at the same time are included in this section (interpolation modules create grids from a points vector layer and are described in a separate chapter), but just those ones that can be found under the Grid/Shapes menu (and one under the Grid/Gridding menu).
Lets start with the rst one. Select the Contour Lines from Grid menu item.
Before the introduction of DEMs and digital cartography, elevations were usually represented using isolines (i.e. lines along which a constant elevation value is found). These isolines 133
are still used today not only for elevations, but for many other parameters such as rainfall, temperature. . . . Of course, and although this is not the primary aim of SAGA, isolines are also used to describe mathematical surfaces and other mathematical concepts. The Contour Lines From Grid module creates a vector layer containing isolines corresponding to a selected grid. Select the input grid and the output vector layer in their corresponding elds. Select the range of values to consider to create the isolines and then introduce the elevation dierence between lines in the Equidistance eld. The lower equidistance, the more lines that will be created. Here is the result for the test.dgm grid and an equidistance of 250 meters.
The inverse process, creating a grid from contour lines, can be accomplished using two dierent modules, one of which will be described in this same section.
One of the most useful modules in the Grid/Shapes menu is the Vectorising Grid Classes one.
If you remember from the terrain analysis chapter, the Channel Network module created raster and vector layers containing the calculated channel network, but only a raster layer was created when dening watershed basins from that channel network. We will now see how to create a vector layer using that grid information. Select the grid containing the basins in the Input Grid eld. Set the Output as. . . eld to Polygons. When you press the Ok button, SAGA will take all cells with the same value and create a polygon for each group of cells. The resulting shapes layer will be added to the shapes project window. I guess you can recognize it, since it is the same as the test2.shp le with which we worked in the Working with shapes chapter. Have a look at the attributes table of the just created vector layer.
The common value that all the cell within a polygon share is added in a column with the same name as the source grid. You will see several basins with a zero value. Those are the shapes that correspond to areas not into a basin (located in the boundaries of the grid), which are represented by several disjoint polygons. Dont close this vector layer, we will use it for a future example.
The inverse process to the previous one, converting a vector layer into a grid layer, can also be quite easily accomplished using another SAGA module. Select the Grid/Gridding/Shapes Layer to Grid menu item.
Select the vector layer to convert in the Shapes Layer eld. Since grids can only contain a single value for each cell, you must choose which eld from the attributes table of the selected layer you want to use. Do it in the Field cell. Of course, you must select a numerical eld, not a string one. The usual alternatives for dening output grid dimensions are found in the Target Dimensions eld. The User dened option will, however, take you to a dierent parameters window.
You must dene the cell size in the Cell Size eld, which must be in the same units as the source shapes layer. To dene the extension of the grid, you can introduce its boundaries (also in the same units as the shapes layer) in the four elds found under the Fit Extent eld. If you set this
Fit Extent eld to true, the four boundary values will be ignored and the new grid will have the smallest extension that ts to the one occupied by the shapes in the vector layer. Lastly, you must set the data storage type of the new grid. You will found this eld in all the parameters windows, independently of how you introduce the target grid dimensions. Lets see an example. Convert the test2.shp vector layer containing basins into a grid using the ID eld. You will get the following grid.
Why those colors? When basins are converted from raster to vector, the algorithm runs from the top to bottom of the grid, so the upper ones get a lower value. If you want a not so straight coloring, go to the settings window and create a random color pallete. The above grid has a cell size equal to 90 meters, the same as the original test.dgm grid from which basins were calculated. Using a coarser resolution might cause the resulting grid to be rather worse, as can be seen in the following image, with a cell size of 500 meters.
When converting vector features to raster you will always loose the inherent accuracy of them. Be sure to choose a cell size that keeps as much information as possible, while not resulting in overwhelmingly large grids. As with many other things, its a matter of balance. . .
The information contained in the attributes table of a raster layer can be enhanced adding more data to it from one or more grid representing the same geographical area. SAGA has several modules to do that, all of which will be described in this section. In the case of polygons, the rst thing we can do is to calculate average values. For example, it is very interesting to combine the just created basins layer with the Curve Number layer to get average CN value for all the subbasins. This can be used to calculate runo for each one independently and then combine the results to get a more precise hydrological model than just using an average CN value for the whole basin. Select the Grid Statistics for Polygons menu item.
Select the grid and the polygons layer to use and press the OK button. You will see have a new vector layer identical to the basins one, but with an extended attributes table.
The number of cells that lie inside each polygon, the average value of those cells and its variance have been included in the attributes table. You can also select the same layer as output and the old table will be replaced by the new one. There are other ways of adding new information to a vector layer using one (or several) grids. If instead of a polygon layer you have a points layer, you can use the Add Grid Data To a PointsShapes module
SAGA will take the coordinates of the point contained in the selected input layer and calculate the values at these locations in the chosen grids. Click on the Grids eld to get to a multiple selection dialog where you can select the grids you want to use. A new points layer will be calculated with as many new elds in its attributes table as grids were used. Point coordinates might fall inside a grid cell or covering several of them, depending on the cell size of the grid. To calculate exact values at point locations, an interpolation algorithm is used. You can select it in the Interpolation eld. If the point falls outside the grid, a nodata value will be assigned. Points layers can be created from grids without needing an already existing one. The Grid Data to Points creates a table that contains the coordinates of all the cells inside the polygons of a polygons layer, and each one of them is accompanied by the values of that cell in one or more grids.
This table can be used to create a points layer, as we will shortly see. Introduce the polygon layer in the Polygons eld (use the basins layer in this case). Again, select the grids from which you want to take the data using the Grids eld. Press the OK button and a new table will appear in the tables project window. Using the test.dgm grid as input, the resulting table looks like this.
Huge tables might result from this module, specially when using large grids, so dont get alarmed it module execution takes a long time.
You already know how to create a points layer or any other vector layer using the vector editing capabilities implemented in SAGA. Along with that, point layers can also be created from pure numerical data, without having to use the shapes view window. Whats the advantage of creating a layer this way? Well, rst of all, it allows you to turn tables like the one we obtained from the Grid Data to Points module into vector layers. Second, you can create your own tables within SAGA. And third, if you need a more complex
(but somehow regular) point distribution, you can use a spreadsheet, then save the le, import it into SAGA and create the layer from it. Select the Create Point Theme From Table menu item.
In the Input eld, select the table where coordinates are stored. As you select it, the list in the X and Y elds will get populated with the names of the columns of that table. Select which one contains each coordinate. Press the OK button and you will get a new points layer whose table is exactly like the source table, including even the coordinates columns. This is quite similar to importing a XYZ le, as we saw in the corresponding chapter about IO modules. Try creating a points layer using the example table from the Working with tables chapter. You should get something like this:
We will later use this layer to create a grid using interpolation modules, so do not close it yet.
One of the most interesting features of vector layers is that you can merge them (of course, as long as they contain the same type of data) and create a unique one which includes all their data. This is not only useful for keeping the information in a more handy and compact manner, but also for many other reasons. For example, imagine that you have several dierent les containing countries dened like polygons, one le for each continent, and you plan to create a layout with all of them representing all the countries of the world. To color them, you are going to use the population eld that can be found in all the associated attributes tables. If you use the same color pallete from all the layers, the most populated country of each continent will get the same color, meaning that China and Germany will have the same color, despite the fact that the former has a population almost 15 times as bigger as the latter. You have to use the same color pallete and also the same min and max values for all the layers, but this is not possible, since coloring setting are made individually for each one. Therefore, you need to put them all in just one global layer.
Even when two layers have the same data type, it might not be a good idea to merge them. It is no sense merging a roads layer with a rivers layer, as their attributes table will be completely dierent. Only merge layers which represent the same kind of geographical elements. To merge several layers, select them Merge Layers menu item.
There are two input elds: Main layer and Additional Layer. The layer you select in the rst one will dene how the table of the resulting layer will be. All the elds in its attributes table will appear in the attributes table of the output shapes layer, while those from the other layers to merge that are not found in the table of the main layer will be ignored. If the main layer contains a eld not found in an additional layer, the entities of this layer will have no associated information for that eld (the corresponding cells in the table will be empty) After that, click on the Additional Layers eld and you will get to a multiple selection dialog. Select all the layers that you want to merge with the main one. Press the OK button to start module execution and you will get a new layer named Merge.
Joining tables
The attributes table of a vector layer might be extended using information stored in another dierent table. If they both share a common eld, coincidences of that eld can be used to join them. Lets see a little example. Have a look at the following tables. City ID 1 2 3 4 5 City Name Madrid Barcelona Sevilla Zaragoza Alicante City Name Madrid Barcelona Sevilla Zaragoza Alicante Population 5086635 3765994 1180197 638535 380357
Using the Join Tables module you can add population data (from the table on the right) to a points theme containing the names of cities (the table on the left), using the common City Name eld. The new attributes table of the points layer will be like this. City ID 1 2 3 4 5 City Name Madrid Barcelona Sevilla Zaragoza Alicante Population 5086635 3765994 1180197 638535 380357
For a more practical example using real data, open the strassen.shp le that you will nd in your demo data folder. Also, open the table in the strassen typen.dbf le. If you open the attributes table of the shapele and the table in the dbf le, you will notice that they both have a eld named strTypID. It contains a code used to dene the dierent types of streets
and roads that are found in the shapele. However, the description of each type does not appear in the attributes table, but only in the strassen typen table. We can join both tables so when you open the strassen.shp le you dont have to open the other dbf le to see the description of each street type. This description will be in a new eld of the attributes table. Select the Join Table menu item.
Select the strassen.shp vector layer in the Shapes eld and the strassen typen table in the Table eld. In the Field lists, select strTypID in both of them. In this case, the elds used to join have the same name in both the attributes table and the standalone table, but that is not necessary. They can have dierent names, as long as they contain the same kind of information, of course. If no coincidence is found for a particular value, the additional elds will be set to zero if they contain numerical values or to Not Set if they contain strings.
We have already seen how to perform an intersection of raster layers to obtain a new one with new information. We needed some grids and a lookup table, and a couple of little tricks as well (remember those prime numbers?). For the Curve Number case, if instead of having grid layers with soil and land cover we have that information in vector format, we can intersect them without having to convert them to raster format, and get a similar result (although, of course, a vector one). As you might have already guessed, vector intersection can only be performed using polygon layers, not point or line layers. The polygon intersection module is a rich tool that can be used not only to intersect two layers, but also to perform other dierent (but closely related) operations. To work with all these functionalities, we will use two very simple polygon layers. In the le you can nd two les named intersect1.shp and intersect2.shp Open them. Each layer contains just a single polygon. Both polygons overlap, as it is shown in the following picture.
CHAPTER 10. SHAPES MODULES To start the polygon intersection module, select the Polygon Intersection menu item.
Two layers must be selected in the Layer A and Layer B elds, and an output layer must be dened. After the intersection, polygons might get splitted. If you want to keep disjoint polygons in the same shape (a multipart shape), set the Split Parts eld to false. If not, set it to true and each part will be in a separate shape. Finally The Method eld denes the operation to perform. They are all quite self describing, so instead of explaining what each one does, here is the result of each one of these operations. Im sure that this is worth far more than any text description.
We know now what happens with the polygons, but. . . what about the attributes tables? Attributes tables of the resulting layers do not contain data from the intersected layers, but just the three following elds: ID: A code for each polygon created after the intersection. ID A: The code of the polygon from layer A from which the new polygon has been created. If no polygon from layer A overlaps with the new polygon, a zero value is assigned. ID B: The code of the polygon from layer B from which the new polygon has been created. If no polygon from layer A overlaps with the new polygon, a zero value is assigned. If using the Dierence method, the ID B eld will not be found in the table. For example, here is one of the resulting attributes table. Try to guess to which operation it belongs.
Using the ID A and ID B elds, and a look up table, you can create a new eld containing other parameter such as Curve Number or similar. Think about how to do it using some of the ideas introduced in chapter 7.
Two modules can be used to calculate some geometrical stu from a polygon layer: Polygon Centroids and Geometrical Properties of Polygons The rst one will create a new points layer containing the centroids of all the polygons from a selected layer, while the second one will add two new elds to the attributes table of that layer. Lets see how they work. Select the Polygon Centroids menu item.
Select the output and input grids, press the OK button and you will get a new points layer. In the following picture you can see the basins vector layer along with its corresponding centroids layer.
The Geometrical Properties of Polygons module is even easier to use. No output layer must be selected, since the result will be added to the attributes table of the input one.
Two new elds named Area and Perimeter will appear on the attributes table. Area and perimeter values are expressed in the same units as vector layer coordinates.
As we will see in the chapter dedicated to interpolation modules, grids can be created from a points layer using several dierent interpolation techniques. However, height information is rarely found as points, but as contour lines. Those lines cannot be used as input layer by the aforementioned modules, and must be converted to points.
The Convert Lines to Points module takes all the nodes of a lines layer and creates a new theme with those nodes as point. It also adds additional points between each pair of nodes, separated by a xed userdened distance.
The parameters window of the modules is very simple. Just select the input layer (must contains lines) and an output one (which will contain points). Introduce the distance you want to use to separate points in the Distance eld. This distance must be in the same units as cell size. Using the channel network vector layer and a distance of 500 meters, you will get something like this.
When using this module to prepare vector data for interpolation, the choice of a distance must depend on the characteristics of the terrain and the contour lines (equidistance. . . ). Also, the number of points (which depends on the chosen distance) aects the performance of interpolation modules. When we reach the Interpolating Data chapter you will have a more solid theoretical base to make the right choice.
Although rather dierent to the previous one, the Create Point Grid modules can also be a very valuable tool when interpolating data. It creates a point layer where points are regularly distributed forming a grid. The dimensions of the grid and the space between points are the only required settings. What can this be useful to? I will show you a real case which I came across not long ago. Spanish Forestry Inventory was developed using a grid with points separated by 2 kilometers. A sample was taken in each point, measuring information about all the trees within a xed area from that center point. Given all the samples that contain individuals of a particular specie (in this case was Quercus suber ), how would you create a grid containing density values of that specie?
The most straightforward thing to do is just take those point and interpolate their density values, isnt it? Im sorry to say that this option is wrong. Consider two points separated 4 km and no other point between them (remember, you only have those points where a particular specie is found). Interpolating the density values, the cell situated between those samples (where a sample with no Quercus suber individuals exists, although you dont have its information) will get a value that will be close to the average of the two know densities (for the sake of simplicity Im neglecting the inuence of other points. . . ). Is that a good value? No! That cell should have a zero value!! What happens here is that we just have a portion of the original sampling grid, and we must work with the whole grid instead. Otherwise, there is not enough data to correctly create the density grid. Consequently, we must create a dummy grid and ll it with zero values to complete the grid. Also, points with known density values must be removed from this dummy grid. Using some basic vector editing functions and the Merge Layers module this can be accomplished rather easily. This lack of information is not only related to the characteristics of the grid, but also to the variable being interpolated. If we were interpolating not the density of an specie, but its average height, there would be no need of lling the grid with zero value points (in fact, that would be wrong). Points were no individuals are found must have a height value close to the average height of the surrounding ones. Right now, no individuals are found there, but if they were, it is quite logical to think that their characteristics would be an average of those found in their neighbors. The key here is that density is not a continuous value, while average height can be assumed to be continuous. (Think about that. Better yet, look for some references about statistics and learn some more. This kind of problems are one of the most interesting areas of spatial analysis and GIS applications) After all that (rather boring) theory, lets see how to create a point grid, whatever the use you are going to give it. Select the Create Point Grid menu item.
Enter the coordinates of the corners of the grid to create, and the distance between points in grid units. Negative values can also be used for the extent parameters. The new vector layer will look like this.
Shapes in a vector layer can be moved, scaled and rotated using three very handy modules. Although this operations might seem rather imprecise from the cartographers point of view, if you work abundantly with vector data you will come across many dierent situations where moving or scaling shapes might be useful to adapt some data or perform some tricks that might ease your work. Some typical uses are rescaling to change the units of measurement (for example, from meters to feet) or changing the origin of a coordinate system. The Transform Shapes module performs these three operation (or just some of them) using just one parameters window.
Leaving the default values will not transform the shapes at all, so if you just want to rotate a layer, leave the parameters under the Move and Scale nodes unchanged. If you want to move the shapes in a layer, just enter the x and y osets in the dX and dY elds. To rotate a layer, introduce the angle in degrees and select an anchor point, entering it x and y coordinates. Angles are measured clockwise from north, and negative values can be used as well. The anchor point is also used to scale the shapes of a layer. You must dene the scale factor in both horizontal and vertical direction. For example, to make every shape twice as big, introduce a value of 2 in the Scale X and Scale Y elds
Chapter 11
Much of the data you are going to work with will not be in raster format. Starting from height information, which, as we have already seen, is frequently represented using contour lines, many variables are stored using vector layers. Since many modules (most of them, in fact) work only with raster data, converting data from one format to another is something that you must learn in order to be able to use all the information that you nd. Learning how to convert data from vector to raster is not only about learning how to use a couple of modules. We have already seen how to create grids from vector layer using the Shapes Layer to Grid module, but in this chapter we will study some more complex modules which not just create a raster clone of a vector layer, but can enhance this layer using interpolation algorithms. This requires some extra knowledge about how to adjust this algorithms, so as to avoid getting wrong results or misusing them. When you interpolate data, you create new data, and the quality of this new data must be taken into account when later using the resulting grids. A couple of basic ideas will help you learn how to create data with enough quality (or sadly realize that your source vector data is not good enough to create a good raster layer). In this chapter we will work only with points layers, leaving line layers and polygon layers aside. Converting a point layer into a grid with the Shapes Layer to Grid module will result in a grid probably containing many no data cells. Using the modules described in this chapter, you will obtain complete grids, even if the source vector layer contains just a single point. You will better appreciate this dierence when we start working with the interpolation algorithms. Modules described in this chapter can be found in the Grid library, but also in three other ones named Geostatistics, Geostatistics Grid and Geostatistics Kriging. These libraries contain also some modules that do not create grids from vector layers, that will also be described here so as to keep them all together.
The easiest module to interpolate data can be run selecting the Gridding/Inverse Distance menu item. 149
Select the points layer you want to interpolate and then select in the Field list the eld where data to be interpolated is stored. Of course, this has to be a numerical eld. Under the Options node you will nd four elds. One of them is the already known Target Dimension one, which needs no further explanation, as do the parameters windows that will appear once you press the OK button. The remaining three elds control the behavior of the interpolation algorithm. For each cell in the output grid, an area of a xed radius is searched around it for points containing source values. You can set this radius using the Search Radius eld. Try to select the minimum radius that ensures that a suciently large number of points is found around each cell. Larger radius values will cause module execution to take longer, so you should try to nd a correct balance. You can introduce in the Maximum Points eld a maximum number of surrounding points to be considered when assigning data to a cell. If this eld is set to x, only the values of the closest x points around a cell will be used by the interpolation algorithm. To explain the meaning of the last parameter a bit of math is needed. If N points are found around a cell within the selected search radius, the value assigned to that cell is calculated using the following expression z=
n k i=1 zi di n k i=1 di
where z is the value of the point and d the distance from that point to the cell being interpolated. The value of n can be introduced in the Inverse Distance:Power eld. 1 and 2 are typical values that will do for most cases. Interpolating the points layer created from a coordinates table (go back to 10.3 if you do not remember) yields the following result (a cell size of 0.1 meters has been used, and I have added some contour lines so you can see more clearly the resulting relief ).
The Inverse Distance module, as well as other interpolation modules that we will shortly see, always creates a continuous grid. For most variables this is preferred, but discrete grids are a valuable tool too. Probably you have already heard about Thiessen Polygons. Given a set of points, each of them has it corresponding Thiessen polygon which represent all those areas that are closer to that point than to the remaining others. In mathematical literature, Thiessen polygons are usually referred as constituting a Voronoi tessellation. When to use Thiessen polygons? Say you have points that represent Metro stations, each one of them with a distinct number (which is kept in an ID eld in the attributes table). Calculating Thiessen polygons will tell you which areas have each stations as their closest ones, thus meaning that people from those areas will surely use that station. This way you can see, for example, which one will get more people. Interpolating the values from those points using IDW will have no sense at all. Thiessen polygons are primarily a vector result, but they can also be calculated under a raster scheme. To do it, you just have to use the nearest neighbor interpolation algorithm, so the value of each cell is the one of its closest data point. To run the corresponding module, select the Nearest Neighbour method.
As you see, the parameters window is even simpler, since no additional parameters have to be set for the algorithm itself. Im sure that you know what to do with the remaining ones. The resulting grid from this method, using the same point layer as in the previous IDW based one, looks as follows.
Kriging is a complex geostatistical technique used to create regular grids from irregularly spaced data points. Unlike IDW, which requires just a few parameters to be adjusted, kriging
is much more dicult to use, as can be seen in the following parameters window, which corresponds to the Ordinary Kriging module.
Its not the purpose of this book to introduce the rather complicated ideas that lay under the kriging algorithms (that will take many pages and will surely not be as good as any book you can read on the subject), so only the information regarding module usage will be described here. SAGA includes four modules to perform kriging interpolation. Ordinary Kriging Ordinary Kriging (Global) Universal Kriging Universal Kriging (Global) The modules containing (Global) in their names are just like the ones without it, but a bit simpler, since a maximum search radius is not used and the weighting matrix is generated once globally for all points. Consequently, you will nd none of the elds under the Min./Max.Number of Points node in their parameters window. The universal kriging, which should be used if there is a gradual trend in the data, is a bit dierent. You will not nd any of the usual ways of dening grid dimensions. Instead, dimensions are dened using the extension of the grids introduced in the Grids eld, an input also required for this type of kriging. In the case of the ordinary kriging, two output grid are always generated: one containing the interpolated values and one containing variance information. When using universal kriging, you can choose which ones of these possible results you want to create. Now for a little example try this: Take the test.dgm grid and create contour lines from it (an equidistance of 500 meters will be OK for practical purposes) Convert this lines into points. Interpolate this points data using the Inverse Distance module.
Using the default values for its parameters (except for the search radius, change it to 3000 or you will get some no data cells), you should obtain the following grid.
It doesnt really look like the original DEM, and it is not dicult to realize that it is not a very accurate terrain representation. Why is that? First, I suggested an equidistance of 500 meters for the sake of speed. Using an equidistance of 20 meters will generate several times more contour lines (and, consequently, more points), thus meaning a rather longer execution time for the interpolation modules. However, contour lines themselves are rather accurate and contain a lot of points very close one to each other whatever the distance you entered in the Convert Lines to Points module. That means that most cells will reach the maximum number of point using points from the same line that have the same height value. That is the main reason for the large green at area to appear in the middle of the grid. Also, notice how the grid looks better in high areas, since the relief is more mountainous there and contour lines are thus closer. The purpose here is not to create a very accurate grid (we have the test.dgm grid already), but to show you how to get the most out of your points data using the module settings. Therefore, it is now your turn to enter dierent values and compare the results you get. Try larger search radius or increase the maximum number of points. If you have patience (or a supercomputer), try using contour lines with a higher level of detail In case you want to practice more (way to go!), do the same using one of the kriging modules instead and check your results against the real DEM.
Calculating Semivariances
As it was said at the beginning of this chapter, the geostatistical libraries where kriging modules are stored also contain some other modules that, although not aimed at the creation of regular grids from scattered point data, are closely related to some concepts used in the modules already described (specially to the kriging ones), and will be thus explained in this same chapter. The rst of these modules is the Semi-Variances one.
As input, you need a points layer. Select it in the Data Points eld, and then select the eld where the data to use can be found. Adjust the values in the Distance Increment and Skip Number and press the OK button. The module generates as output a new table named [Name of Points Layer]: Semivariances.
Along with the previous module, which took a vector input and generated a table, three modules can be found that perform their calculations on grids and generate just gridded results. These modules can be found under the Geostatistics/Grid menu. Probably the most useful of them is the Residual analysis (Grid) one, which generates a large number of grids containing simple statistical parameters that can be used for many dierent purposes.
As you can see, most of the elds in the parameters window of this module are related to output grids, input elds being rather limited. The way all of this output grids are calculated is quite simple: for each cell a xed number of other cells in its neighborhood are considered, and the values of these cells are used to calculate all of the statistical parameters. The number of cells to be considered can be adjusted as usual, dening a search radius (in cells) in the Radius (Cells) eld. This denes what is usually called the analysis window of a cell. Remember that the larger the radius, the more cells that have to be analyzed and the longer it takes for the module to execute. The following grids are calculated. Their corresponding mathematical expression are given when needed. For the sake of space, only some of the resulting grid images are included.
Mean value: The resulting grid will look much as if you passed a smooth lter over the grid. The larger the radius, the more blurry the output image will be. Dierence from mean value: Equals the value of the cell minus the mean value of its surrounding analysis window. Standard deviation: Range: Dierence between the maximum and the minimum values found in the analysis window. When working with a DEM, some of this statistical parameters can be assigned a morphometrical interpretation. For example, this range is obviously related to the slope of each cell. Have a look at its grid and notice how similar it is to the slope grid.
For a more accurate comparison, try a regression analysis. Use a small radius, as most algorithms for morphometric analysis use a 3 3 analysis window. Deviation from mean value: D= Where z is the cell value, z is the mean value of the analysis window and S is the standard deviation. Percentile: P = 100Nl N 1 (11.3) zz S (11.2)
Where Nl is the number of cells in the analysis window lower than the central one and N is th total number of cells considered.
Try to gure out which morphometrical parameter this grid is related to. . .
Unlike the previous module, the Representativeness (Grid) one generates a single grid as output which just contain variance values calculated within a given search radius.
This search radius has to be entered in the Radius(Cells), having the same meaning as in the last module. The representativeness grid for a radius of 5 cells looks like this.
Since its results admit several dierent interpretations, you are not likely to use this module as often as the Residual Analysis.
Radius of variance
Closely related to variance, the radius of variance can be calculated using the homonymous module.
This modules evaluates the variance in the neighborhood of a cell using increasing radius values to dene that neighborhood. The minimum radius needed to reach a particular variance value is the radius of variance of that cell. You must introduce the threshold variance in the Variance eld. To avoid very large search radius being used, a limit radius value can be introduced in the Radius eld. If once this limit is reached the variance is still lower than the threshold, the limit radius value is assigned to the cell being analyzed. Radius of variance values can be expressed in cells or in grid units. You can select between this two options using the Type of Output eld. Below this lines you can see a radius of variance grid created using the test.dgm DEM.
Chapter 12
Cost analysis
12.1 Introduction
Another one of the strong capabilities of raster GISs is the analysis of costs and the denition of optimal routes through cost surfaces. In this chapter we will study a couple of modules that you can use to perform two dierent kinds of cost analysis. Before we get into the modules themselves and start describing their usage, lets see a couple of very simple examples that will help you understand the purpose of this modules and the dierences between them. For the rst one, there is a le in the le called roads.dgm. It contains roads, and each road cell is assigned a number which represents the average time needed to go through that cell (which is a function of the type of road in it). Points where no roads are found are assigned a no data value.
Sometimes you will have grids containing speeds instead of times. You can rather easily change from one to another using the grid calculator and knowing the cell size value. Now the question is: from a road cell, which is the fastest route to get to another one?. This fastest path is what we will call the least cost path. Cost here is expressed in terms of time: which path takes the least time to get from here to there? For the second example, picture yourself inside our wellknown test.dgm grid. At the top of a mountain there is a house and you want to get there but, of course, you want to get there by the easiest path. Unlike in the previous example, cost here is expressed in terms of eort, 159
you want to nd not the fastest path, but the one that takes a lower eort to walk. Also unlike in the case of roads, where the speed was the same whatever the direction in which you crossed the cell, eort here is higher when climbing a steep cell than when going downhill through that same cell. The rst example is based on an Isotropic cost surface (i.e. same cost for all directions), while the second one is based on an anisotropic cost surface. For the two cases depicted above, calculating a least cost path involves the following steps.
Preparing a cost surface. If it is an anisotropic one, also a grid with maximum cost direction must be prepared. Preparing a grid with destination cells. Those cells must have a nonzero value, while the remaining ones must have a zero or a no data value. Creating an accumulated cost surface. It contains not the cost trough each cell, but the overall cost to get from that cell to the closest destination one. Selecting an origin cell in the accumulated cost surface. SAGA will trace the least cost path using it, much in the same way as water is routed through a DEM.
Lets see now how to fully develop the two proposed examples using SAGA.
We will start with the easiest case. The roads.dgm grid is itself a cost grid, so no further work is required. We can put that grid straight into the accumulated cost module along with a destination cells one. You will nd such a grid also in the le, named costpoints.dgm. Of course, destination points must fall in cells with a valid cost value. Otherwise, they are ignored. Once those grids have been loaded, select the Grid/Cost Analysis/Calculate Acc. Cost (Isotropic) menu item.
The parameters window doesnt need much explanation. Select the two input grids and press the OK button. You will get the following cost grid.
Of course, all of the no data cells remain so in the accumulated cost grid. No data cells are ignored, so the least cost path can never pass through them. That means that, using the roads.dgm grid, only road cells are considered. You can get a similar eect by assigning a very high cost value (and when I say high I mean very high, so as to make going through those cells completely unaordable) to all cells outside the roads. However, this is not recommended, since it can have many drawbacks, as we will see in the case of working with anisotropic cost surfaces. Also, cells with high values are processed (unlike no data cells, which are ignored) thus resulting in a longer execution time.
For the second case, things are not so simple. First of all, we need a cost surface, and we do not have it. We have the DEM, but there is no relation between the elevation of a cell and the eort it takes to walk through it. Can you think of a better DEMbased parameter we can use for a cost grid? Yes, the slope is a very good one! The steeper the cell, the more eort it takes to cross it. For the sake of simplicity, I will use the whole slope grid just as it comes from the Local Morphometry module, but you can modify it to get a more real result. For example, you can set a threshold above which cells can be considered impossible to climb. A good idea is to set a no data value range for the slope grid, so all cells above the threshold are considered as no data cells. Dont use here very high values because, since we are working with an anisotropic cost surface, they will not mean a very high cost when cells are crossed in the direction opposite to the maximum cost one. You cannot climb a cell with a very high slope, but also you will not be able to descend across it, since it might be dangerous. So, to completely discard this kind of cells, use just the old good no data values. Once we have a cost surface, we need a maximum cost directions grid. Guess what we can use? You are right again, the aspect grid!!. Here we cannot (and must not) modify this grid, so we can put it into the cost module just as it comes. A little adjustment is needed, however, before using the aspect and cost grids. Values in both of them are expressed in radians (remember all the stu about the Z factor?), and the cost modules needs them in degrees. Use the grid calculator to convert them. Now select the Grid/Cost Analysis/Calculate Acc. Cost (Anisotropic) menu item
The three input grids need no further explanation. You already have them and just have to select them, each one in its corresponding eld. The cost through each cell is calculated using the following equation:
cos Fe = Fs
k ()
Where Fe is the eective friction, Fs is the stated friction (the value in the cost grid), is the dierence between the maximum cost direction and the direction in which the cell is crossed, k is an additional factor that regulates how cost changes as both angles dier. You can adjust the k factor using the k factor eld. The default value is a good choice for most cases. When done, press the OK button and you will get the following grid (this module is rather time consuming, so be patient. . . )
Quite logically, its global appearance resembles the original elevation grid (think about that. . . )
Sometimes, creating an anisotropic cost grid is not as easy as simply calculating slope and aspect grids from a DEM. Some situations require several cost surfaces to be considered, and they have to be all put into one single grid before they can be used as input to the anisotropic cost module.
For example, you might consider the eect of the wind in the above case, so the cost of each cell is also a function of how the wind blows in that cell. The most tricky part about this is how to add all those individual cost surfaces (each one of them with its accompanying maximum cost direction grid, of course). A very usual way to do it is to convert each pair of values (cost and direction) to a new pair of x and y values reecting the cost in the directions of the X and Y axis. This way, all X grids can be added to create a global X component grid, and the same with the Y grids. Those two grids can be nally used to create cost and direction grids for the whole set of dierent cost factors. This operations can be performed in SAGA using two modules: Polar to Rect and Rect To Polar Select the Polar to Rect menu item.
Using this module is pretty simple. Just select the input grids and it will generate the desired X component and Y component ones. The angle grid has to be in radians this time, not in degrees. Using the slope and aspect grid, you will get the following grids:
Calculating a least cost path does not involve using any additional module at all. You can calculate them using the prole function that is incorporated in the SAGA GUI, and selecting the Trace Flow option. As it was said in the Working with grids chapter, you must set the Consider Distance eld to falseClick on any point of the accumulated cost grid and SAGA will trace the optimal route from that point to the closest (in term of cost, not in terms of euclidean distance) destination point.
Chapter 13
Projections. Georeference
13.1 Introduction
All the information used within SAGA (except for, perhaps, tabular data) must be georeferenced. Without georefence (that is, if the position and dimension of a layer whether raster or vector is unknown), many basic tasks such as measuring a distance or combining several layer cannot be accomplished. SAGA features some modules that will help you to either georefence unreferenced data or change the projection of already georeferenced layers. This is particularly useful when working with several dierent layers that span a large territory, since (if using the UTM projection) they might have been georeferenced considering dierent UTM zones. In this case, you can convert all georeferences to a single UTM zone, or (which is less common but far better), using geodetic coordinates instead of projected ones. These projection modules can be used with raster and vector data indistinctly.
Wheter you want to change the georeference of a raster or a vector layer, you will nd a corresponding Proj4 module. The Proj4 Cartographic Projections library was developed by Gerald Evenden (USGS) and released under a free license (more precisely, a MIT license), and it is used in several relevant GIS projects, SAGA being among them. To nd more information regarding this library and its underlying theory, you can go to Both the raster and the vector Proj 4 modules share a common usage with just very subtle dierences, so only a global description of them will be given, to avoid redundancy. Make sure that you have a raster layer loaded and go to Grid/Projection/Proj4(Grid). (The vector module can be found in Shapes/Projection/Proj4(Shapes)). You will see the following parameters window: 165
Although it seems rather complex, it is in fact quite easy to use this module. The only thing you can do is to transform data from geodetic to projected coordinates or viceversa, which you must select in the Direction eld. What if you want to transform a layer from a projection system to a dierent one? Simply transform it to geodetic coordinates and then from there to the new projection system. As expected, only one input is needed and only one output is generated. In the case of working with a raster layer, you can choose the type of output in the Target eld. Along with some options that you will recognize from precedent chapters, you will nd two new ones: Automatic Fit: This option will adjust the extension of the new grid to the smallest area enclosing the transformed data. Have in mind that the transformation might cause no data cells to appear, since it performs operations that might rotate the grid. If you choose this method, you will see the following parameters window.
Apart from a cell size for the output grid, select one of the two available methods in the Fit Size eld. The rst is fastest than the second. Shapes: Instead of a new grid, a new points layer is created, with one point for each transformed cell. A little warning: when transforming from projected coordinates to geodetic ones and using the User Dened or Automatic Fit methods you will be prompted for a cell size. Have in mind that cell size is not in meters, but in degrees, so a cell size of 1 will not yield a very precise grid, but a very small one, maybe with just one single cell. Since grid extent will change from the original grid to the transformed one, an interpolation method is used, which you must select from the list in the Grid Interpolation. If you are transforming a shapes layer it is even easier, and you will nd just an output eld with the usual options.
The remaining elds are pretty selfexplanatory, and you will surely understand how to use them. If you select the Predened Standard Ellipsoids option in the Ellipsoid eld, you must choose which ellipsoid to use from the list that can be found in the Predened Standard Ellipsoids eld. Otherwise, you must dene the ellipsoid parameters using the corresponding elds (which depend on the type of ellipsoid you select). Some projections require additional parameters to be entered. For example, UTM projection needs information about which zone the layer is located in.
Enter the number of the zone in the zone eld and set the South eld to true if the layer is located in the southern hemisphere or to false if it is located in the northern one.
Georeferencing a grid
To georeference a grid you will need two modules, one for performing the georeferencing procedure itself and another one to prepare the information required by this module. If you run the Georeference(Grid) module, you will see the parameters window shown next.
First of all, select in the Source eld the grid you want to georeference. Also, you need two points layers: one containing point in grid coordinates and the other one containing those same points in real coordinates. Select them in the Unreferenced Shapes and Referenced Shapes elds respectively. The only two parameters that you can use to adjust how the new georefereced grid is created are the interpolation method and the extension of the target grid. As in the previous module, the Shapes and Automatic Fit options are available. The tricky part here is not how to use the module (which, as we have seen, is pretty straightforward), but how to create those points layers. The simplest way to do that is using the Collect Points module.
You can see that the output of this module is a pair of points layers, exactly what is needed for the Georeference(Grid) one. As input, you must enter a grid, particularly the one you want to georeference. Do it in the Input eld. This is an interactive button, so when you press the OK button nothing will happen. Now you can start selecting points on the input grid whose coordinates are known, and for each one of them, a new point shape will be added to each one of the output layers.
When you click on the grid, you will be prompted for the coordinates of that point (the real ones).
Repeat this at least three times, for the georeferencing module will not execute with less than that. Once you have nished collecting points, unload the module clicking again in its menu item.
Chapter 14
Apart from the already described ones, SAGA includes many other modules that, although being rather important, do not constitute by themselves welldened groups like the ones before. Instead of dedicating a chapter to each one or two of them, I have grouped this modules under this chapter and entitled it More Grid Analysis, hoping that you can nd in here what you were looking for in case you did not nd it in other parts of this book. I have chosen this title, since almost every one of them takes some kind of grid as input and most of them generate just other grids as output. I assume that you already have a good command of SAGA and its modular architecture, so the explanations and descriptions in this chapter might be a bit less detailed than in previous ones, inviting you to explore some modules by yourself. However, the meaning of the outputs that each module generates will always be explained.
Discretising grids
We have already seen the dierence between a grid containing a continuous variable such as a DEM, and a grid containing a discrete one such as a Curve Number grid. Discrete grids are also useful when used with continuous variables, classifying the variable into classes, since this qualitative grids can be combined with other noncontinuous grids to get result that would be more dicult to obtain using just the continuous one. You can quite easily convert a raster layer such as a DEM into a grid containing classes using the Change Grid Values module, which we saw some chapters ago. However, there are better ways to do this than simply reclassifying the values, which can also be used for several grids at once, not just for a single one. We will see in this section three modules that deal with discrete grids, all of which can be found under the Grid/Discretisation menu.
Clustering a grid
Probably the most useful one of these three modules is the Cluster Analysis for Grids 169
Using this module, you can convert a continuous grid (or a bunch of them) in a classied one, using algorithms that do not only take into account the value of the cell, but also the values of its surrounding ones and its position within them. You can select several grids using the Input Grids eld and selecting them in the usual multiple selection window. As output, the module creates a new grid with classied information, but also a table with some very interesting statistical values. Choose a method from the Method list. Each one creates a dierent grid, so try them and select the one you consider better for your purposes. One of the key parameters of the module is the number of dierent classes that you want to create. Introduce it in the Clusters eld. The larger the number of clusters, the more times the module has to iterate, thus resulting in a longer execution time. Input grids can be normalized by standard deviation before clustering. Set to true the Normalize eld if you want grids to be normalized. The clustering process involves iterating and creating several grids before reaching the nal one. If you want to see this intermediate grids as they are created, set the Update View to true. Module execution will take a longer time, but its quite nice to see how grids evolve (it has a sort of psychotropic LSDesque feel to it), so try it at least once to see what I am talking about. For an example, we will not use the test.dgm grid here, but the one that we created in the interpolation chapter using the inverse distance method. Using the Hillclimbing method and introducing a value of 10 in the Clusters eld, you should get a grid like this:
If you go to the table project window yo will nd a table named Cluster Analysis. Open it.
The table contains information for each one of the created clusters. Each one has an ID (the value in the clustered grid), and you can see the variance and the number of cells in it. Apart from this columns, you will nd a new one for each grid that was used as input. In this case, since we just used one grid, there is only one additional column, named 01 Points from Table (Inverse Distance). The value in this column indicates the mean value of this grid in the cluster. If you order the record of the table according to their mean values for the input grid, you can see that a higher ID does not imply a higher mean value. Take care when interpreting the clustered grid, and always go to its assocated table to check the values of each cluster.
Skeletonization is the process of taking away pixels from a feature (dened by a block of pixels) until that feature is as thin as possible and still recognizable. Skeletonization is widely used in image analysis, but it also has great interest from the GIS point of view. You can use skeletonization to thin roads in a grid in case they are more than one pixel wide, leaving only the core information about them. If you later want to vectorize this roads, the narrower they are, the better results you will get. Skeletonization can be performed in SAGA using the Grid Skeletonization module. This module takes a single (discrete) grid as input and generates a new one containing skeletonized features. Optionally, this features can be output in vector format, a new shapes layer being thus created. The main options that can be found in the parameters window are the method to use (as in the case of clustering, try them to see which one gives a better result for your particular case), the initiation criterion and its threshold, and a convergence factor. Lets work out an example so you can see the eect that those parameters have on the resulting skeletonized grid. To prepare an input grid, take the grid containing the channel network that we created on the terrain analysis chapter and resample it to a cell size of 500 meters. Use the Mean Value interpolation method to get the following grid.
Notice how the resampling has caused some channels to be several cells wide, specially at their higher segments. We will try to get a new grid with narrower channels. Select this grid as input in the skeletonization module and introduce the following parameters. Method: Standard Initialisation: Greater than Threshold: 0.5 Convergence: 3 You will get this new grid.
In it, cells outside channels get a value of 0, channel cells get a value of 2, and some cells close to channel cells get a value of 1. You can take away this last cells by changing their value to 1 or, better yet, setting a no data value range from 0 to 1. This way you will get a grid containing the desired thinned channels, dened by cell whose value equals 2. Below you can see how the nal grid looks like.
Let me leave you a little homework: try to get a thinned channels grid but, instead of assigning the same value (=2) to all channel cells, assign to each cell its channel order. Easy, dont you think?
The number of SAGA modules dedicated to image analysis is quite limited, although the own structure of SAGA makes it quite easy to implement them much in the same way as all the raster modules we have already seen. Some of these raster modules such as the clustering one can be used as a basic tool to perform unsupervised image classication, but that is not their main aim and better tools could be implemented in separate modules. In this section we will have a look at two very easy modules that allow the extraction of simple but very valuable results.
Vegetation Indices
Vegetation Indices (VIs) can be used to estimate vegetation cover or even the vigor of vegetation where it exists. For example, they can be used to derive Leaf Area Index (LAI) by regressing the vegetation index against ground measurements of some plant parameter. All of the VIs that can be calculated with SAGA just require two input raster layers (two images): one containing infrared band values and another one containing red band values. Both of them can be obtained from a variety of multispectral sensors. VIs can be divided in to main groups: distancebased and slopebased. Each one of these groups has dierent requirements, so they are divided in two modules. The easiest to use is the Vegetation Indices/Distancebased. Run it and you will see the following parameters window.
You just have to introduce the two already mentioned images and select which of the grids found under the Output node you want to obtain as output. These are the available indices, each one with its corresponding equation: Normalized Dierence Vegetation Index: NIR Red NIR + Red Where NIR is the near infrared band value, and Red is the red band value. Ratio Vegetation Index NIR Red Transformed Vegetation Index NDVI + 0.5 (14.3) (14.2) (14.1)
Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index NDVI + 0.5 |NDVI + 0.5| Thiams Transformed Vegetation Index |NDVI + 0.5| Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index
|NDVI + 0.5|
1 +1
Distancebased VIs are a bit more complicated and require some previous preparation. Run the corresponding module selecting the Distancebased menu item, and lets have a look at its parameters window
The key here is in the Slope of the soil line and Interception of the soil line elds, which have to be calculated separately and then entered in the parameters window. Here is how to do it: Calculate a slopebased VI, for example NDVI. Using it, select the areas that represent bare soil. Create a grid containing 1 in bare soil cells and no data value in the remaining ones (use some masking techniques) Apply this mask grid to red and infrared grids Perform a simple linear regression using those grids. You will get an equation in the form y = ax + b a is the slope of the soil line and b is the intercept. These are the available VIs in this module PVI (Richardson & Wiegand) PVI (Perry & Lautenschlager) PVI (Walther & Shabaani) PVI (Qi, et al ) Depending on the VI you want to calculate, the regression must be performed using the red band or the near infrared one as independent variable. According to this, these VIs are divided in two groups: Red as independent variable: PVI (Walther & Shabaani, PVI (Qi, et al ) Infrared as independent variable: PVI (Richardson & Wiegand, PVI (Perry & Lautenschlager) (14.7)
Unlike vegetation indexes, which produced static information, Change Vector Analysis (CVA) shows the variation that occurred in two images (two bands) between two dates. You need, thus, 4 images: two taken the initial date (typically red and near infrared images) and these same two taken the nal date. Taking one of this bands (we will call it Band 1) as the X axis and the other one (Band 2) as the Y axis, we obtain four coordinates and two points in the form (x, y). One of this point represents the initial date, while the other represents the nal one. The vector from the initial to the nal point can be expressed in polar coordinates as (magnitude, angle). Have a look at this picture to understand the meaning of all this.
Putting each one of this values in one grid, and calculating this for each cell, we get two new grids (one containing magnitude and one containing angle), with which the variation between the two dened dates can be analyzed. CVA is performed in SAGA using the Change Vector Analysis module.
Pattern analysis
Pattern analysis is particularly useful for landscape analysis, and it can be performed on discrete grids and also images. There is just one pattern analysis module in SAGA, but it generates a large set of new grids among which you will surely nd what you need. To start this module, select theAnalysis/Pattern Analysis menu item.
The parameters window is pretty easy to congure. First, introduce the grid (or image) you want to analyze in the Input Grid eld. Select a size for the analysis window. As usually, larger sizes take longer to be evaluated. Finally, introduce in theMax. Number of Classes the maximum number of classes to be considered in the whole grid. Each dierent value denes itself a class. As we will see, this value is required to calculate some parameters. And thats all. Press the OK button and you will get the following grids:
N 100 Nmax
Where N is the number of classes in the analysis window, Nmax the maximum number of classes. Diversity:
Pi ln Pi
Where N is the number of classes in the analysis window, Pi the proportion of class i in the analysis window. Dominance: D = Hmax H Where Hmax is the maximum diversity (=ln N ) Fragmentation: N 1 c1 Where c is the number of cells in the analysis window. Number of dierent classes: Center versus neighbour: Indicates the number of classes in the analysis window dierent from the center cell. (14.11) (14.10)
You can nd the Fractal Dimension of Grid Surface module under the Recreation/Fractals menu. Although fractals can be incredibly fun (I guess thats why the module is located there), they are also very useful, so I believe it is a good idea to include its description here rather than in other chapter along with some truly recreational ones. The parameters window of this module is very simple and needs no explanation.
Fractal dimension is calculated using windows of increasing size. Thats why the values in the Scale column are all multiples of the cell size. For each scale you have its area value and the natural logarithm of it. The two last columns contain dierences between each row and the next one for the Area and Ln(Area) columns.
Chapter 15
Other modules
15.1 Introduction
Did you think that you had already seen all of the SAGA modules? Well, almost, but not yet. There are still a few ones left (and probably more yet to come in a near future), which I have gathered in this last chapter about modules. Most of these are rather simple, and with the knowledge you have already acquired you should be able to gure out how to use them. However, in case you need a little help, here you have a brief description of them.
Remember those interactive modules we saw a few chapters ago? Here we have another one of them. The Change Cell Value module can be really useful when you need to change the value of a single cell or just a few ones. It can be used, for example, to create a destinations point grid to be used with the cost analysis modules. Just generate a grid with no data values in its cells and then change the value of some of them to a dierent value, so they are recognized as destination points by the cost analysis algorithms. Changing cell values is pretty simple. Run the module selecting the Change Cell Value menu item
Select in the Grid eld the grid you want to modify. That means that the selected cells will be modied in this grid, but you can use any other one from the same project to click on it and select the cells you want to change. For example, you can use the roads grid to ensure that destination point fall on road cells. After that, select the new value to assign to the selected cells in theFixed Value eld. If the Value Type eld is set to Fixed Value, all the cells you select will be assigned this value. If you set this eld to Ask Each Time, each time you click you will be prompted for a new value. That allows a more exible use of the module in case you want to assign dierent values to dierent cells. Press the OK button to close the window and now you can start clicking on the grid to change (or another from the same project). Each cell where you click will change its value to the one you introduced in the corresponding parameters window. 179
CHAPTER 15. OTHER MODULES Once you nish using this module, click again in its menu item to stop it.
We have seen how to produce some tabular results and how to edit and save them. Saving them is a good idea if you want to perform some further analysis on this data, since SAGA supports many formats also supported by popular applications like spreadsheets or similar, which include a larger set of analysis functions. However, SAGA modules can also be created to perform such operations, so you can get some additional results or interpretations without the need of any other software. Right now, only one single module for tabular data analysis can be found: Calculus/Function Fit.
First of all, select in the Source eld the table where source data are stored. For this example, we will use the fractal dimension table we created in the last chapter. Select the column with the y values in the yValues eld. If points are equally spaced, as in this case, there is no need to use x values. You can set this in the Use xValues eld. In case you want to use them, select the column where they are found in the xValues eld. In the Formula eld you must introduce the type of the curve to t. This is a very exible eld, much in the style of the one found in the grid calculator module, but with some additional functionalities. You can use operators such as addition(+) or subtraction(-), along with functions such as cos(), sin() and others that were already explained when we used the grid calculator module. The x value must appear, and then you can add constants using single characters like a, b, c, d. . . Additionally, you can perform variogramtting using the following functions. SPH(x): Spherical model NUG(x,a): Nugget LIN(x,a): Linear Regression EXP(x,a): Exponential regression Adjust the equation to your needs and then ll the Iterations and Lambda elds. These two elds control how the iterative process is performed and when to stop iterating, so you should use them to get a ner tuning of the tting algorithm. Once all the elds have been set, press the OK button. You will see a new parameters window.
Since the tting process is based on an iterative scheme, you must supply initial values for all constants you used in the formula eld
Press the OK button again to start module execution. This module does not create any new element, neither table, nor grid, nor vector layer. Instead, it just adds a new column named Fit to the source table. Fitting a linear equation like the one that appears by default in the Formula eld, and using the Dim02 column for the yvalues, you should get the values shown next.
Its a good idea to represent the original values and the tted ones together, so as to have a better idea of the goodnes of t. Do it using the Diagram function that was explained in the Working with tables chapter.
Heres a little trick about tables and diagrams. Whenever you create a diagram from a table, it is dynamically linked to it. That means that if you change the values in the table,
the diagram will also change. Moreover, if you change the order of the rows clicking on its header cell, the diagram will also change. This is how the above diagram will look like if you order the table using the Dim02 column.
Rotating a table
This is not really a table analysis module, but it deals with tables. Use it if you want to rotate a table (that is, put rows as columns and columns as rows). To start it, select the Tables/Tools/Rotate Table menu item.
Simply select the input and output tables (which, as usual, can be the same) and press the OK button.
Images are normally composed of three dierent layers (called channels), each one of them containg a color. If using the usual RGB format, these three channels contain intensity values for red, green and blue (hence the acronym). If you have this three channels as independent grids, you can join them and create a single fullcolor image. To do this, use the RGB Composite module.
To get the three source layers, you can import an image using the Import Image module, setting the Split Channels eld to true. Now select each one of this channels in its corresponding eld. The value in the Count eld is used to create the corresponding color pallete. The number of dierent classes of the pallete is calculated using the following expression. N = cn Where c is the count value, and n the number of channels, in this case 3. (15.1)
Who said that GIS wasnt fun? Apart from being one of the most powerful GISs around, SAGA is, as far as I know, the funniest of them all, since it is the only one that includes recreational stu. From games such as the omnipresent minesweeper (who could imagine that this could be implemented within a GIS?!) to more scientical things such as grids containing Mandelbrot sets, you can nd a bunch of very amusing modules in the library. I believe it would not be a good idea not to include some information about this modules in this book but, on the other hand, I nd rather useless writing a detailed description of each one of them. Also, exploring this modules by yourself can also be a rewarding experience, so I leave it up to you to discover how they work. Most of them are almost obvious except, perhaps, for the NewtonRaphson one. It is an interactive module which features a capabilities not seen before in any other module: it behaves dierently depending on the mouse button you click with. Go and try it yourself. . . Good luck!
Chapter 16
Right now you know how to use the basic SAGA functionalities and all its main modules. However, since the range of tasks that can be worked using a GIS is very large, these modules might not be enough for solving some of them. What to do in this case? Well, you can try to nd some new module, use another program or, better than that, develop your own module or even a library containing several of them. What do you need to develop your own modules? First of all you need to use Microsoft Visual C++, the same software used to develop SAGA itself. Unlike SAGA, it is not free software, but you can download the compiler (not the IDE) from the Microsoft website. No other software is needed except for, of course, SAGA itself, which you will use to debug and test your modules. I assume that you already have a good command of what has been explained in previous chapters (it doesnt mean that you have to remember exactly how each module works, but you must feel comfortable when using SAGA and not need to go back to the manual each minute), so if you are not sure about that, please read it again and take some more time to practice. I also assume that you have previously used Visual C++ and you are used to the development environment.
As you already know, modules are grouped in libraries. When creating a module, it has to be contained in a library, and that has to be dened in the source code. Since this is something that you always have to do, I will start explaining the basic structure of a library before writing any line of code. The guys at the SAGA development team kindly provide a template that you can download from the SAGA website, and I will use it in this chapter. Download the le named MODULE Extract it and you will get the following les: Template.dsp Template.h Template.cpp MLB Interface.cpp 185
This corresponds to a library with just a single module. The structure of the library is dened in the MLB Interface.cpp le, while its only module is described in the les Template.h and Template.cpp. The le Template.dsp contains a Visual Studio Project le for the whole library. You can compile this module and you will get a dll le. If you load it in SAGA, a new menu item will appear under the Modules menu. This module simply changes the values of all cells in a grid to a xed value and outputs a new grid, as we will see when we analyse its source code. We will use this template to create a new library that contains two modules, one of them being a simplied version of the other. The rst thing we have to do is to rename the template les. Use the following renaming scheme: Template.h MyModule.h Template.cpp MyModule.cpp Template.dsp MyLibrary.dsp Of course, renaming the les is not strictly necessary to compile the module library, but it is the rst logical step if you want to create your own module. . . Do not rename the MLB Interface.* les. We are still missing two les (a .cpp and a header le) corresponding to the second module, that is, the simplied version. We will see later how to add new modules, but rst of all we have to make some changes to the MyLibrary.dsp le. Open it with any plain text editor (Windows Notepad is not a powerful one but you can perfectly use it for this purpose. . . ). Replace all Template entries with MyLibrary, save it, close the editor and now open it with Visual C++ (double clicking on it should automatically launch VC++). c Save this le, close the editor, and open MyFirstModule.dsp with Microsoft Visual C++. Using the replace command in VC++, replace all Template entries with MyModule in MyModule.cpp and MyModule.h. After this, lets have a look at the source code of the MLB Interface.cpp le, which denes the structure of a module. Here is the rst part of the code (I have removed comments to make it more compact. . . ). extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) char * Get_Module_Info(int i) { switch( i ) { case MODULE_INTERFACE_INFO_Name: default: return( "Template" ); case MODULE_INTERFACE_INFO_Author: return( "SAGA G.b.R. (c) 2003" ); case MODULE_INTERFACE_INFO_Description: return( "Template" ); case MODULE_INTERFACE_INFO_Version: return( "1.0" );
case MODULE_INTERFACE_INFO_Menu_Path: return( "Template|Template" ); } } Here you must dene the information about your library. I believe no further comments are needed. The last line of code is used to return the menu path under which all modules contained in the library will be found. If, for example, you use the following line, return( "My First Library|Shape Modules") all modules will be located under Modules/My First Library/Shape Module. Use the slash sign to separate submenus. After this section, you should include all the headers of your modules. Right now, there is only one include line: #include "Template.h" Since we have renamed the Template.h le, we should change this line. Also, although right now we dont have the cpp and header les for the second module, lets also add an include statement for it. Substitute the above line with the following two ones. #include "MyModule.h" #include "MyModuleSimpl.h" Each module le denes a C++ class. In the next block of code, these classes have to be specied inside the Create Module method. The order under which they appear in the switch block will determine the order of the menu items under the root submenu dened a few lines above. CModule * Create_Module(int i) { CModule *pModule; switch( i ) { case 0: pModule = new CTemplate; break; default: pModule = NULL; break; } return( pModule ); } Again, the class of the template has been renamed and we want to add another one corresponding to the simplied version of the rst module. Substitute the above block of code with the following one:
188 CModule * Create_Module(int i) { CModule *pModule; switch( i ) { case 0: pModule = new CMyModule; break;
case 1: pModule = new CMyModuleSimpl; break; default: pModule = NULL; break; } return( pModule ); } For each extra module that you want to add to the library, simply add its header and its own entry in the switch block. Right now, the main structure of the library is dened, so we can start working with the modules themselves and start developing our own algorithms. The template module (renamed by you to MyModule) is a very good example of module, and contains some of the most important features of SAGA modules along with quite precise comments that are more than enough to understand how to create basic modules. I will try to go a bit beyond this the template structure but not a lot, since the chapter will become quite bulky due to the great complexity of the SAGA API (which can be used completely from any module. . . ). Anyway, dont forget that SAGA modules are also open source, which means that you can read the code of any SAGA module in case you need to do something not explained in here but found in any of this modules. Most of this modules are pretty simple and easy to understand, so dont be frightened to do it. Curiosity is the mother of Science1 . A basic module (a non-interactive one), contains the following main parts: Retrieving information from the user about how the module must be executed Execute the module with that information
Under these lines you can nd the constructor of the class containing the MyModule module (again without comments). CMyModule::CMyModule(void) { Parameters.Set_Name("MyModule");
1 La curiosidad es la madre de la ciencia. A Spanish proverb that I translated literally. . . . Dont know if it makes much sense in english. . .
Parameters.Set_Description( "MyModule\r\n" "(created by SAGA Wizard)."); Parameters.Add_Grid(NULL, "INPUT", "Input" , "Input for module calculations.", PARAMETER_INPUT); Parameters.Add_Grid(NULL, "RESULT", "Output", "Output of module calculations.", PARAMETER_OUTPUT); Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, "BOOLEAN", "Boolean", "A value of type boolean.", PARAMETER_TYPE_Bool, true); Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, "INTEGER", "Integer", "A value of type integer.", PARAMETER_TYPE_Int, 200); Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, "DOUBLE", "Double", "A floating point value.", PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 3.145); Parameters.Add_Select(NULL, "METHOD" , "Method", "Choose a method from this select option.", "First Method\0" "Second Method\0", 0 ); }
As you can see, all lines make use of the variable Parameters, which is dened as a member variable in the CModule class and you can, therefore, access it from every module you create. The rst two lines set the name and the description of the module, and they will be used to label the corresponding menu item and to provide additional information in the module library manager. I believe they are rather selfexplaining. The remaining ones dene the parameters window that you will see once you call the module. This module deals only with raster layers and not a lot of additional information is needed, so there are a lot of other dierent possibilities not covered by the information found in this template module. All of them just use methods from the CParameter class, and will be presented next one by one. The rst thing that you should request from the user is a layer (or a group of them), whether raster or vector. To ask for a raster layer you can use the member function Add Grid, dened as follows.
CParameter * Add_Grid (CParameter *pParent, const char *Ident, const char *Name, const char *Desc, int Constraint);
where pParent is a pointer to the parent Parameter (we will see later how to use this to group parameters, but right now you can just set it to NULL). *Ident is a module internal identier string for your parameter
*Name is the name of the Parameter displayed to the user *Desc is a string with a detailed description of this parameter displayed to the user Constraint is a descriptor of the inputoutput characteristic of the demanded Grid, which may have one of the following self explaining values: PARAMETER INPUT PARAMETER OUTPUT PARAMETER INPUT OPTIONAL PARAMETER OUTPUT OPTIONAL Here is an example of how to use this, taken straight from the template source code: Parameters.Add_Grid(NULL, "INPUT", "Input" , "Input for module calculations.", PARAMETER_INPUT); If instead of a grid you need a vector layer, you can use the Add Shapes method.
CParameter * Add_Shapes(CParameter *pParent, const char *Ident, const char *Name, const char *Desc, int Constraint, TShape_Type Shape_Type = SHAPE_TYPE_Undefined);
Its structure is quite similar to the Add Grid method, except for the last optional parameter, which can take the following values: SHAPE TYPE Undefined SHAPE TYPE Point SHAPE TYPE Points SHAPE TYPE Line SHAPE TYPE Polygon If you need a table, you can use the Add Table method, which has the same parameters as the Add Grid one. In case you need a single value the Add Value function is the one you need.
Sometimes you might need a group of grids or tables, so using a single selection parameter is not a good idea. To include a multiple selection eld in your parameters window, use the following function:
16.2. MODULES AND LIBRARIES CParameter * Add_List(CParameter *pParent, const char *Ident, const char *Name, const char *Desc, int Constraint, TParameter_Type Item_Type, bool bProjectDependent = true);
For the Item Type parameter you can use any of the values of type TParameter Type dened in the Parameters.h le, though you are only likely to use the following ones: PARAMETER TYPE Bool PARAMETER TYPE Char PARAMETER TYPE Int PARAMETER TYPE Double PARAMETER TYPE Grid PARAMETER TYPE Table PARAMETER TYPE Shapes Other less common parameters can be requested using dierent methods from the CParameters class. Here you have a couple of examples.
Parameters.Add_FilePath(NULL, "OUTPUTPATH", "Output Path", "Output Path", "", "", true, true); Parameters.Add_Value(pNode, "COLORBARS", "Color para graficos de lnea", "", PARAMETER_TYPE_Color, RGB(0,0,255)); For more information, you can have a look at the le Parameters.h in the Parameters folder under Saga API. As you can see, all these methods return a pointer to a CParameter object. Using this pointer as the rst parameter when calling another method will cause the corresponding parameter for that function to be placed under the one returned by the rst one. Lets see an example. The following code, taken from the Shapes Layer to Grid module, will generate the rst node of the parameters window shown below.
pNode_0 = Parameters.Add_Shapes(NULL, "INPUT", "Shapes Layer", "",PARAMETER_INPUT ); pNode_1 = Parameters.Add_Select(pNode_0, "FIELD", "Field", "","--- none ---\0");
You can group your parameters adding nodes. To do this, you can use the Add Node() method. Here is an example of how to use this, taken from one the kriging modules. pNode_0 = Parameters.Add_Node( NULL, "PARMS", "Additional Parameters", "" ); pNode_1 = Parameters.Add_Value( pNode_0, "PARM_LIN_B", "Linear Regression", "Parameter B for Linear Regression:\r\n y = Nugget + B * x", PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 1.0 );
Once the parameters window has been dened, it is time now to write the main algorithms that constitute the core of the module. When the user introduces the required information and presses the OK button in the parameters window, the method On Execute() is called. Here is where you have to put all your ideas and where all the processing has to be done. However, the rst thing that you must do before writing the algorithms themselves is to put the information entered by the user into some handy variables. This information is stored in the Parameters object, and can be accessed using some methods from the CParameters class. Here is the block of code in the template module: pInput = Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid(); pResult = Parameters("RESULT")->asGrid(); d = Parameters("DOUBLE")->asDouble(); To get the value of any parameter, simply use Parameters(parameter identier ) and then one of the following self explaining functions depending on the type of of parameter you are dealing with: bool asBool (void)
16.2. MODULES AND LIBRARIES char asChar (void) int asInt (void) long asLong (void) long asColor (void) double asDouble (void) void * asPointer (void) char * asString (void) SYS_LOGFONT * asFont (void) CColors * asColors (void) CDataObject * asDataObject(void) CGrid * asGrid (void) CTable * asTable (void) CShapes * asShapes (void)
If you used a multiple selection eld, you must use the GetData() method to get a pointer to the list and then use its own methods to get each one of its element. The following example will help you understand how to do this. CParameter_List *pList; if( (pList = (CParameter_List *)Parameters("LIST_OF_RASTER_LAYERS")->Get_Data()) != NULL && pList->Get_Count() > 0 ){ for (int i=0; iLayer<pList->Get_Count(); iLayer++){ if( (pGrid = pList->asShapes(i)) != NULL ){ //do whatever with the grid } } } The Get Count() method is used to check that the list contains at least one element, and also to go through all the elements. Once you have the CParameter List object, you can use all the asWhatever () methods, using the number of the element that you want to get (ordering is zerobased) as a parameter for the method. Once all the information entered by the user has been processed, its time to do something with it. Simply lay your algorithmic ideas using plain C++ code and the methods from the objects that you created from the information provided through the parameters window. The code in the template.cpp look like this: for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Progress_Check(y); y++){ for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++){ pResult->Set_Value(x, y, d * pInput->asDouble(x,y)); } } Of course, it is a very simple example, and more complex algorithms can be created, involving other methods, apart from the selfexplaining ones found in this code snippet. Its beyond the scope of this chapter to describe all this methods, but you can easily get the necessary information just looking at the les of the SAGA source code where the most important classes (namely CGrid, CShapes, CTable and CModule are described.
Interactive modules
Creating an interactive module is a bit dierent, but not more dicult than creating a non interactive one. The main dierence is that you should put the main algorithms not in the OnExecute() method, but in another one named On Set Position, which is called each time the user clicks on the grid window. A good idea is to put the assignment sentences in the OnExecute() method (which is called just once), and then all the algorithms in the On Set Position one. The coordinates(real or grid) of the point where the user has clicked can be retrieved using the following methods: Get xWorld() Get yWorld() Get xGrid() Get xGrid()
You can using otrher modules within your own module, just calling them and passing them the right parameters. To see how this works, we will create a simplied version of the template module, in which the parameter named DOUBLE (which was assigned to a variable named d) takes a xed value. Instead of rewriting the module again, we can just make a new one which prompts the user for all the required paramters except this one, and then call the original module passing it a xed value. I suposse that right now you can write all the code regarding the parameters window by yourself, so I will just show you what the OnExecute() method looks like in this simplied version. I have used a xed value of 5 for the DOUBLE parameter CMorphometry* pM = new CMorphometry; pTemplate->Get_Default_Parameters()->Get_Parameter("INPUT")->Set_Value(pInput); pTemplate->Get_Default_Parameters()->Get_Parameter("OUTPUT")->Set_Value(pOutput); pTemplate->Get_Default_Parameters()->Get_Parameter("DOUBLE")->Set_Value(5); pTemplate->Execute(Get_Callback()); delete(pTemplate); You just have to create an object of the class that contains the module you want to execute, supply the parameters it needs and execute it, thats all!! pretty simple and with less than 10 lines of code... As another example, imagine that you want to calculate the slope and aspect of the new grid you created. You can call the morphometry model as shown in the following code snippet. CMorphometry* pM = new CMorphometry; pM->Get_Default_Parameters()->Get_Parameter("ELEVATION")->Set_Value(pInput); pM->Get_Default_Parameters()->Get_Parameter("SLOPE")->Set_Value(pSlopeGrid); pM->Get_Default_Parameters()->Get_Parameter("ASPECT")->Set_Value(pAspectGrid); pM->Execute(Get_Callback()); delete(pM); Of course, your have to dene pSlopeGrid andpAspectGrid as pointers to a CGrid before using them as input of the morphometry module.
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Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can nd information on it. SAMUEL JOHNSON