1 BN Royal Scots Fusiliers Aug 14 To May 19 07
1 BN Royal Scots Fusiliers Aug 14 To May 19 07
1 BN Royal Scots Fusiliers Aug 14 To May 19 07
sere ted tps Oy SEbope aigntaatend dove tran the North Gent wheres be fuged by SES°PEEEE G2‘ Steuae navance ananea to be hola up ast of the TBteTHE BRiatt® “"Ee"hal tent me's tneange’~"tined’ 9,30, and Feoeived 490 = saying inet ‘ba thought a'line couta Se Forted Eigtltstvccin tent aiScoinforanments and 84:4; semua be. got uP- iE abbas £650 pine he Setized tos about Wb.0r8,7. and at 6.30 Stat Pinaiag wicesatabsoluteay sociated he: fetazea, past se SeeaFata TAM She" orches in Wid m and b fo ebeee ce-0.2 [Sb "then' soning suas nen in ihe Horthece part of the shove SEE So" feats ee ana’ Joanea thar, famding then to 80,2006 guguards Re puniafore of A and Cr Coapanica sith the King’s Own on thene ike Sir nee RSs wate of thie tine when thone govenents, vere eaiinengige Ta Pibland’ weit rhen'42s0 par tne. Garman tachine SEETELE $20 "Yami wots Sure and erga aii the enclomuten snd Gun LEIA ETG and tne Hartonrn pere_of Vetses en and €- peut an Tagine dante Sun Gonpanign wan oxttonnly teavy. AB See ae gdbo tie, Goraun hackane Ounnere esened to, Ware HEEEL ?Rethaann curtner Saute enong” tee onelonuree 42 96:2 ena iteatt” ous good Hronch Nortars fram about.the aieection of WARN Dole gone apssnet’ the porstions taken up in ¥.bud: por return te ine sivaafion in Wide, "yes ® pa, onvarta"Stmust Tonina tuna anflinded the oad wher rune orth suerrda,tomman West's Giv8 qicost seeurately and else contin aaa ere aero etbuna Duet, of that Sond there our Kea, were Bernd. "Ks ous Line azeng the aateh cunning South Mast fram BE, gghtoCsan eo Thick f onanted sour £6, revise and Fore a 1G:h'Goae’acane 30° b!"500 gorge in fear of the fist, ioe. 22 tEe°Eeuth fest of 48, sere $3 foot i moved sane more nen — there mere dome aareedt’Sepe: over to the Went of the road about Wr 6,007.0; By ETozete Guns unter iiect, Arnold in the South Rast portientof Wilt aii” excellent work tevseenine Gown the 1176, of Rae eas lengr bat peaterlay eisenghs lack of ammunition Ej Gltualciss 20'tno"teena, foey bocace. out ot ect8an- gguntdes te ane ttored ay Hecdgaareers to the heute. st (©ms cy a0seeteh seem Colon ahead" note” of che area Se ext (es aly aabissth'weor 2 cout ag aun orig enous onty Ha ane Bert { ae eran Teet or ino ershard in’ ¥eit-p ost £t wep iupogaitae te a Sout pat gay actusliy Eanpentng excert hat heavy achine Con aye cut Tey Tafca'tes bong directed on so the evobasd ant #he qreund to the East of 32.7 easAtpS2E Poe 2 ect on onde team the Oth Sedgate (B2H-220, regarding’ the’ taking up of S'ncw position apparently runt BAST trad the AVHIBESH oeicge" tut ao fem the ead reference Given the Henning vac act clear, 7 reziied thet 1 Aa not under Stand the message," Ai 6.201 tecelved another message fram he Ben Brigade = (Eot.22)'- cancenting the above order end ordering me to Tinsin where 1 aa. hil this tine she hostile Wahine Guns Continued t sneer the ond ‘muetiately Saat. of the house wnere Byiencquarters wove” ius. Widuasb.p > very hooray and mont accurateny. Boon crter 6.0 pu, Machine Oune began to fire very heavily from the Worth and Worth Best on the howses and ove-butidings ‘There T'van; sod s¢ beoane evident that they had pushed down Sot" fece ths Forth chrougn fe ensLoeures 0 6,6. and about the same time Sight trongh Xertar sheila began felling first te the South fost of my Hostquarters, and shen close te eur position sp she Riot las cf’she saat in @/azva., snich wan being comtan= MsLly avept Gith Machine Gun fire, “aveboul #130 pons ir Sooame evident that the enemy were rapidly enveloping ue as intense Machine Gun fire and.e 2ot of FIEe fase wee coming from tne Sunt, orth and Sereh Westy and H gave the crier 10 Setire through ine lane hed by the other. Golpanice cf tne Line's Onn, wite their loft flank on the canal North of ene svis0t8 riggs, and form up in rear of that line. The vithdforal was carried out aerese the flolda an far ag the Treastepeds at Tes2 c.2 2, and thonce most of tne men fohLowed the Toes ‘sunning euth to's CHOWUAIX though same Kept across: Ge Heias To the fess of thet reat. the firee pare of the Fetirenent wae cazricd cut ander heavy Mashine Gun £ire and some Fife five, but Sorin of the orosesroada at W22.0,8-8:much of Uist rife deousa ce be going hige, anti aia mot actually ees any Seouadties cused, but Sust\of toe road an W.i2,e the Machine Gunfire was most’ accicate’ auc"? am afreid that many onmual ese were gated, "'T'nave Reard since that just when tga Uerfetive's body cf Gossnrs got sata the house at Wld.0.68,70 here I had hod'my Hoaiquartere fram about 1,80 to 4.90 ~ ehey Epparentiy got in ison the Were and frau the upper windows abet Tot or ek in our tine Bast of the road ~ they were in rear of Ghat Lines” iy Signalling Orsioer, whe iad been with that 3aney Hoporte tet, our slsusltice there wore very heavy, and just after Jevsing the house nt ii2'c.5-7 whlch had Seen out Headquarters, ia ahfch we hod jact lusty no sa 2 German Officer and’9 oF 10 jon enter the gard cf tie fuuso, and he had to cram dom a ditch BSragoid being seen by thon = he had omy one oan with him. TGetiocted ait ine men at AVBISPTH Sridge = thoy toealled about 60° organised inaw and placed then in cuppert to the King's Sea‘with thelr dort fan on the canal about Wi?.d.3.7.5 mith Betialion Headguastexe ins mel) Rouse on the tow-path about Winaae Hoturaing ‘0 the other portion of the Bettaiton in #22 and d'sith tal Ring's Sun Gobpaties, the Machine Gun ftze cot outa” very heoriiy until soeut © plas when it elackenedy and jon after two iigsta were rent up ran about the orowersoade at en arate, “uistocone probably to have been a signal, fer at Toaut 6-20'a body of tne enomy could be dimly seen in the dua Savancing throves about T8-4 »