2eme Annee Text Analysis
2eme Annee Text Analysis
2eme Annee Text Analysis
(Part one)
This text is a touching and inspiring story that will resonate with
anyone who has ever felt like an outsider. It is a reminder that we
are all worthy of love and acceptance, regardless of our
I believe that Bella's story is a universal one that will resonate with
people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a story about love, family, and
the power of transformation.
A stepmum is a woman who is married to a person whose child she is not the
biological mother of.
Jenny, the stepmum, was watching from the window, waiting for her grandson,
Bradley, to arrive. Kerry, her stepdaughter, pulled up in her car with Bradley in the
back seat. Jenny ran out to the car and greeted Bradley. He gave her a bunch of
paper flowers and called her "Nan."
Bella stops being a stepmum when her grandson, Bradley, calls her "Nan." This
gesture signifies that Bradley accepts her as his grandmother, even though she is not
his biological mother.
| Family member | Full name | |---|---|---| | Stepmum | Jenny | | Stepfather | Steve | |
Stepdaughter | Kerry | | Grandson | Bradley |
False statements
Correction: The text says that the children "would do anything to test my patience."
This suggests that they were not initially happy with the arrival of their stepmother.
Correction: The text does not say that Jenny wanted to impose herself as the
mistress of the house. In fact, it says that she "always respected" the children's
Correction: The text says that Jenny grew "fonder" of the children as time passed.
This suggests that she did not regret becoming their stepmother.
Jenny was watching from the window, waiting for her grandson, Bradley, to arrive.
Kerry, her stepdaughter, pulled up in her car with Bradley in the back seat. Jenny ran
out to the car and greeted Bradley. He gave her a bunch of paper flowers and called
her "Nan."
b- Who came?
Jenny was overjoyed when Bradley called her "Nan." She felt like she had finally
been accepted as a grandmother.
Why was Mother's Day a turning point in Jenny's life?
Mother's Day was a turning point in Jenny's life because it was the day that her
grandson, Bradley, called her "Nan." This gesture signified that Bradley accepted her
as his grandmother, even though she is not his biological mother. This was a
moment of great joy and acceptance for Jenny, and it marked the point where she
truly became a grandmother.
Jenny is kind because she loves and cares for her stepchildren and grandson, even
though she is not their biological mother. She is also affectionate because she enjoys
spending time with her family and showing them love.
Economy (noun):
ويشمل تحليل اإلنتاج.دراسة كيفية توزيع وإنتاج وتوزيع واستهالك الموارد في إطار المجتمع أو النظام
والتجارة واالستهالك للسلع والخدمات.
وهو يتعلق بالحالة المالية العامة أو.يتعلق باإلنتاج والتوزيع واالستهالك للسلع والخدمات داخل االقتصاد
األنشطة العامة للبلد أو المنطقة أو الفرد.
Economist (noun):
يقوم االقتصاديون بتطبيق.شخص يدرس ويحلل النظم االقتصادية والنظريات والسياسات االقتصادية
المبادئ االقتصادية والبيانات لفهم وتوقع سلوك األسواق والصناعات والمجتمعات.
Economics (noun):
Economize (verb):
األسواق المالية هي المكان الذي يقوم فيه الشركات واألفراد بإبرام عقود أو شراء منتج محدد مثل
يسعى المشترون للشراء بأدنى سعر متاح ويسعى البائعون للبيع بأعلى سعر متاح.األسهم أو السندات.
العديد من األشخاص على، المعروفة أحياًن ا بالمصلحة الذاتية االقتصادية،يحفز المصلحة الشخصية
كان حوالي اثنين من كل خمسة أشخاص في الواليات، في التسعينيات.االستثمار في األسهم والسندات
يستثمر الناس ألنهم يعتقدون أنه من الممكن أن يحققوا عوائد.المتحدة يمتلكون أسهًما في الشركات
استثمارية أكثر من برنامج التوفير األساسي في البنوك.
:األسهم والسندات هما أدوات مالية تستخدم في عالم االستثمار والتمويل .إليك شرًح ا لكل منهما
األسهم :األسهم هي وحدات ملكية في شركة مساهمة .عندما تشتري س هًما في ش ركة ما ،فإن ك تص بح
مساهًما أصحاب حقوق الملكية في تلك الشركة .يتم توزيع أرباح الشركة على المساهمين عادًة على شكل
توزيعات أرباح أو توزيعات نقدية .يمكن أيًض ا بي ع األس هم الحًق ا بس عر أعلى مما تم ش راؤها ب ه ،مما
يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تحقيق أرب اح رأس مالية .ومع ذل ك ،يرتب ط ش راء األس هم أيًض ا بمخ اطر ،حيث ق د
.يتعرض سعر السهم للتقلبات ويمكن أن يتحرك في اتجاه سلبي ،مما يؤدي إلى خسارة رأس المال
السندات :السندات هي أدوات دين تصدرها الشركات أو الحكومات أو الهيئات المالية .عندما تشتري
سنًد ا ،فإنك تقرض المصدر (الشركة أو الحكومة) مبلًغ ا من المال لفترة زمنية محددة بمعدل فائدة محدد.
وعادة ما يتم دفع الفائدة على السندات بشكل دوري (عادة سنوًيا أو نصف سنوًيا) حتى يتم استرداد قيمة
السند بالكامل عند انتهاء فترة االستحقاق .السندات تعتبر عادة أكثر استقراًر ا من األسهم ،حيث أنها توفر
عائًد ا ثابًت ا وتعتبر أقل مخاطرة .ومع ذلك ،فإن العائد على السندات عادة ما يكون أقل من العائد المحتمل
.على األسهم
في النهاية ،يعتمد اختيار االستثمار بين األس هم والس ندات على أه داف االس تثمار الشخص ية والمس توى
المقبول من المخاطرة للمس تثمر .يمكن اس تخدام األس هم لتحقي ق مكاس ب رأس مالية على المدى الطوي ل
.ولكنها تنطوي على مخاطر أعلى ،بينما توفر السندات استقراًر ا وعائًد ا ثابًت ا ،ولكنها توفر عائًد ا أقل
Stock and share are the same when someone byes shares he becomes share
cross the odd man out and why
firm / a company / an enterprise / a factory
While the terms "firm," "company," and "enterprise" are generally used
interchangeably to refer to businesses or organizations engaged in
commercial activities, "factory" has a more specific meaning. A factory is a
physical location or facility where goods are manufactured or processed. It is
a place where raw materials are transformed into finished products through
various production processes.
On the other hand, "firm," "company," and "enterprise" are broader terms that
encompass different types of businesses, including manufacturing facilities
(factories) as well as service-oriented businesses, trading
Merchandise / goods / products / bonds
To gain / to profit / to benefit / to inves
Lesson 3 friendship
Heather and I have known each other since we were five, but lost touch
when Heather left school at 16, to work as a waitress, and I stayed on
to do A-levels. We’d been such good friends at school, I was curious to
see what she was doing now and hopeful that we would renew our
friendship. So when I saw something in the paper about the website,
Friends Reunited, I logged on straight away. It was very easy to use.
You create your own password, and then look up your school and the
year you left and up comes a list of names.
I was very excited when I found Heather’s name in the list. We e-mailed
each other at first, then spoke on the phone and decided to meet up. It
was 23 years since we’d last seen each other, but there was no
awkwardness""إح راج. We took up exactly where we’d left off. It was
incredible at that time. It was as if we’d never been apart. We still have
lots in common-we laugh at the same things, like the same music and
our lives seem to have taken a similar path. She’s my best friend again.
We e-mail each other every day and I see her at least once a week – we
go to restaurants, wine bars, the cinema, and go shopping together.
Heather’s family spent Christmas Day with us last year because our
husbands and daughters get on, too. It’s great. It’s a deeper kind of
friendship than the one we had at school, which I think comes with age
and experience. I feel I could turn to her for support and hope she would
do likewise.
We’ve met up with a few other friends through the website and last year
we organized a reunion. Nearly 40 people came then, which was lovely.
When you have children, there was not always time to keep in touch
with all your old friends. I’d made new friends through their primary
school, but it’s lovely to have renewed a friendship from a different part
of my life, and when we’re together we feel like we’re going to keep in
touch forever now.
The text begins by introducing Jackie Jones and her background. She is
described as a part-time medical secretary, 40 years old, residing in
Essex, England. The narrative then moves on to explain how Jackie and
Heather were childhood friends who lost touch when Heather left school
at 16 to work as a waitress, while Jackie continued her education. Jackie
expresses curiosity about Heather's life and the desire to renew their
The text mentions that Jackie and Heather have also reconnected with
other friends through the Friends Reunited website. They organized a
reunion where nearly 40 people attended, indicating the positive impact
of the website in facilitating the revival of old friendships.
Social Support and Networking: Old friends can act as a valuable social
network, introducing individuals to new opportunities, connections, and
resources. They may have their own networks and spheres of influence
that can be beneficial personally and professionally.
Importance of friendship
Good friends are essential for emotional well-being and mental health.
Good friends offer a support system during difficult times, such as loss or
Friends can challenge us to step outside our comfort zones and pursue
Having friends can reduce the risk of mental health issues, such as
depression and anxiety.
Friends offer a sense of belonging and acceptance for one's true self.
Having friends can increase resilience and the ability to bounce back
from setbacks.
Friends offer encouragement and motivation to pursue personal
Friendship Speaking
a- Pair work : Ask each other the following questions:
* Have you got an intimate friend ?
* How long have you been friends ?
* Do you still remember your primary school friends ?
* Are you still in touch ? b- Share with the rest of the class: * How do people
make friends today ?
Read the text and do the activities below
Jackie Jones, 40, a part-time medical secretary from Essex, England, met up
with her old school friend, Heather Gooch, three years ago, after finding her
through the Friends Reunited website. Heather and I have known each other
since we were five, but lost touch when Heather left school at 16, to work as a
waitress, and I stayed on to do A-levels. We’d been such good friends at school,
I was curious to see what she was doing now and hopeful that we would
renew our friendship. So when I saw something in the paper about the
website, Friends Reunited, I logged on straight away. It was very easy to use.
You create your own password, and then look up your school and the year you
left and up comes a list of names. I was very excited when I found Heather’s
name in the list. We e-mailed each other at first, then spoke on the phone and
decided to meet up. It was 23 years since we’d last seen each other, but there
was no awkwardness. We took up exactly where we’d left off. It was incredible
at that time. It was as if we’d never been apart. We still have lots in common-
we laugh at the same things, like the same music and our lives seem to have
taken a similar path. She’s my best friend again. We e-mail each other every
day and I see her at least once a week – we go to restaurants, wine bars, the
cinema, and go shopping together. Heather’s family spent Christmas Day with
us last year because our husbands and daughters get on, too. It’s great. It’s a
deeper kind of friendship than the one we had at school, which I think comes
with age and experience. I feel I could turn to her for support and hope she
would do likewise. We’ve met up with a few other friends through the website
and last year we organized a reunion. Nearly 40 people came then, which was
lovely. When you have children, there was not always time to keep in touch
with all your old friends. I’d made new friends through their primary school,
but it’s lovely to have renewed a friendship from a different part of my life, and
when we’re together we feel like we’re going to keep in touch forever now.
Women’s weekly, July 27th 200