Forensic DNA
Forensic DNA
Forensic DNA
by Junadel Largo Kato, RMT
Philippibe National Police Forensic DNA Laboratory
o 1988 – started worldwide
o 2001 – started in the Philippines; forensic DNA
laboratory was activated
o 2012 – NEW DNA building was inaugurated
o 2013 – CODIS (Combined DNA Index System)
database was installed
is the generic term used to describe the Elements that are not detected in the nuclear DNA can be
FBI’s program of support for criminal justice found in the mitochondrial DNA
DNA databases, as well as the software Only nuclear DNA is available in the Philippines
used to run these databases mtDNA is more reliable and specific and can even detect
o 2014 – Joined interpol DNA Gateway disease
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid): the abbreviation for The mitochondrial DNA passes from generation to generation
deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the genetic material by maternal lineage.
present in the cells of all living organisms. DNA is Found where nuclear DNA doesn’t exist
fundamental building block for an individual’s entire Stable; Exceptionally hardy
genetic make-up Not yet available in PNP DNA Laboratory
Cell: the smallest component of life capable of
independent reproduction and from which DNA is isolated
for forensic analysis.
Chromosome: the biological structure by which
hereditary information is physically transmitted from one
generation to the next `
DVI: Disaster Victim Identification
Transfer includes part of the DNA from the suspect that can
be found in the victim
Collect samples from the victim to serve as a control