Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Bachelor of Technology
Roll No:20X31A6249
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Artificial Intelligence”, being
submitted by Vangala Santhosh Reddy, bearing Roll No: 20X31A6249, to Jawaharlal Nehru
degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering-(Cyber Security), is a
record of bonafide work carried out by him. The results of investigations enclosed in this report
havebeenverifiedandfoundsatisfactory.Theresultsembodiedinthisdissertation havenotbeen
submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree.
I,VANGALASANTHOSHREDDYbearingRollNo20X31A6249, herebycertify
that the dissertation entitled “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”, carried out under the
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science &
Roll No:20X31A6249
Department of CSE,SIIET
who helped me in making this technical seminar successful.
First of all, I express my sincere thanks to Mr. R. VENKAT RAO, Chairman, SriIndu
Group of Institutions, for his continuous encouragement.
to carry out this work.
for giving support throughout the period of my study in SIIET. I am grateful for his valuable
suggestions and guidance during the execution of this work.
My sincere thanks to technical seminar guide Mrs.M.Karuna,Assistant Professor for
potentially explaining the entire system and clarifying the queries at every stage of the work.
My whole hearted thanks to the staff of Computer Science And Engineering(Cyber
Security)who cooperated with us for the completionof the work in time.
I also thank my parents and friends who aided me in completion of the Technical seminar.
Roll No: 20X31A6249
that presently require human intelligence. Recent successes in A.I. include computerisedmedical
diagnosticians and systems that automaticallycustomisehardwaretoparticularuserrequirements.
The major problem areas addressed in A.I. can be summarised as Perception, Manipulation,
Reasoning, Communication, and Learning. Perception is concerned with building models of the
appendages (e.g., mechanical arms, locomotion devices) in order to effect a desired state in the
physical world. Reasoning is concerned with higher level cognitive functions such as planning,
drawing inferential conclusions from a world model, diagnosing, designing, etc. Communication
treats the problem of understanding and conveying information through the use of language.
Finally, Learning treats the problem of automatically improving system performance over time
based on the system's experience. Many important technical concepts have arisen from A.I. that
unify these diverse problem areas and that form the foundation of the scientific discipline.
(or at least plausible) chunks of information. The system must automatically organise and utilise
generally characterised as a Search directed toward specific goals. The search is made complex
because of the need to determine the relevance of information and because of the frequent
for focusing its attention and controlling its searching processes.
3.1 Signal processing 11
4.1 AI Application in E Commerce 17
The fundamental goal of AI research 1.2 History of AI :-
is not merely to mimicIntelligenceorsome
clever fake not at all,AI can be simply
intelligence or consciousness by master
and literal sense.
craftsmen. The seeds of modern AI were
Artificialintelligenceisthesimulation planted by philosophers who attempted to
ofhumanintelligenceprocessesbymachines, describetheprocessofhumanthinkingasthe
especially computer systems.Artificial mechanical manipulation of symbols. This
intelligence is the simulation of human work culminated in the invention of the
intelligenceprocessesbymachines,especially programmable digital computer inthe1940s,
computer systems a machine based on the abstract essence of
1.1 Some Classical definitions:- mathematical reasoning. This device and the
We call programs intelligent if they
exhibit behaviours that wouldberegardedas
building an electronic brain.
intelligent if they were exhibited by human
beings.-Herbert Simon The field of AIresearchwasfounded
at a workshop held on the campus of
Physicists ask what kind of place this
Dartmouth College, USA during thesummer
universe is and seek to characterise its
of 1956. Those who attended would become
behaviour systematically.Biologistsaskwhat
the leaders of AIresearchfordecades.Many
it means for a physical system to be living.
We in Al wonder what kind of
information-processing system can ask such
questions.- Avron Barr and Edward
dollars to make this vision come true
Eventually, it became obvious that
Al is the study of techniques for solving
commercial developers and researchers had
exponentially hard problems in polynomial
grossly underestimated the difficulty of the
time by exploiting knowledge about the
project.[3] In1974,inresponsetothecriticism
problem domain.- Elaine Rich
from James Lighthill and ongoing pressure
Alisthestudyofmentalfacultiesthroughthe from congress, the U.S. and British
use of computational models. - Eugene Governments stopped funding undirected
Charniak and Drew McDermot research into artificial intelligence, and the
difficult years that followed would later be
visionary initiative by the Japanese
Government inspired governments and
but by the late 1980s the investors became
disillusioned and withdrew funding again.
Investment andinterestinAIboomed
in the first decades of the 21stcenturywhen
machine learning wassuccessfullyappliedto
to new methods, the application of powerful
computer hardware, and the collection of Fig 1 Intelligent Agent
immense data sets intelligent agent in a world carries a
model of the world in its "head". Themodel
How Al Got Its Name?
may be an abstraction. A self aware agent
The name artificial intelligence is
would model itself in the world model. Dee
credited to John McCarthy who, along with
awareness may require that the agent
Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon
(1916-2001), organised the Dartmouth
(From A First Course in Al - Deepak
Conference in 1956.
The conference was to be a "two
1.4 Topics in AI:
... on the basis of the conjecture that every Fig:2 topics in AI
1.4.1 Expert Systems approximation techniques from neural
Examples − Flight-tracking systems,
Clinical systems. Examples − Consumer electronics,
automobiles, etc
1.4.2 Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing is a
subfield ofArtificialIntelligencerelatedwith
Fig 1.3
the interactions between computers and
human language. Apart from above, also qualitative
reasoning,speech synthesis,handling
Examples: Google Now feature,
uncertainty,image processing,knowledge
speech recognition, Automatic voice output.
discovery,tactile sensing,robot
1.4.3 Neural Networks
controls,problem solving and plannings are
A neural network is a method in field or domains in AI
artificial intelligence that teaches computers
toprocessdatainawaythatisinspiredbythe 1.4.6 Domains of study:-
human brain. AI has becoming increasingly popular there
systems such as face recognition, character requires a vast research for further
recognition, handwriting recognition. advancement below are some of those fields
where AI is used or needed to be utilised
1.4.4 Robotics
robotics,design,construction,anduse 1.4.7 Astronomy
of machines (robots) to perform tasks done Artificial Intelligence can be very
traditionally by human beings. useful to solve complex universe problems.
Examples − Industrial robots for AI technology can be helpful for
moving, spraying, painting, precision understanding the universe such as how it
checking, drilling, cleaning,coating,carving, works, origin, etc.
etc. Healthcare
finds the parameters of a fuzzy system (i.e., Healthcare Industries are applying AI
fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules) by exploiting to make a better and faster diagnosis than
humans. AI can help doctors with diagnoses agriculture robotics, solid and crop
and can inform when patients are worsening monitoring, predictive analysis. AI in
so that medical help can reach the patient agriculture can be very helpful for farmers
before hospitalisation.
1.4.11 E-commerce
1.4.8 Automotive Industry AI is providing acompetitiveedgeto
SomeAutomotiveindustriesareusing the e-commerce industry, and it is becoming
AI to provide virtual assistants to theirusers moredemandinginthee-commercebusiness.
for better performance. Such as Tesla has AI is helpingshopperstodiscoverassociated
introduced TeslaBot, an intelligent virtual products with recommended size, colour, or
assistant. even brands
remarkable role inRobotics.Usually,general with intelligence. The current stage of AI is
Artificial Intelligence is one of the should be aware of a critical difference
most fascinating fields of computer science. between the two.
Artificial Intelligence studies aim to create a
As we previously defined, Artificial
Intelligence is concerned with creating
in real time. True AI that can think like a
machines that simulate human thoughts,
human has not been achieved. However,this
intelligence, and behaviours.
doesn’t mean we can’tbenefitfromusingAI
algorithms. On the other hand,MachineLearning
is concerned with providing machines with
Today, we use AI models for several
the ability to learn for themselves from
analytical and decision-making tasks. An AI
explicitly programmed.
training data to recognize patterns and make
predictionsordecisions.Themoredatapoints All Machine Learning models are AI
can be in its data analysis and forecasts. be Machine Learning models. This is an
important distinction to make and will help
AI models rely on computer vision,
you understand this topic ingreaterdetail.A
natural language processing, and Machine
Machine Learning model is an essential part
Learning to recognize different patterns. AI
models also use decision-making algorithms
is learning things and predicting future
outcomes based on past experiences and
data points, and ultimately apply their
lessons. Similarly, AI models learn in their
learning to achieve their predefined goals.
learning phase based
AI models are very good at solving
All Machine Learning models are AI
complex problems with a large amount of
data. As a result, they can accurately solve
be Machine Learning models. This is an
important distinction to make and will help
you understand this topic in greater detail.
2.1 Machine Learning
A Machine Learning model is an
Many people erroneously conflate Machine essential part of . After all, a big part of
Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This is human intelligence is learning things and
likely because Machine Learning is a subset predicting future outcomes based on past
of Artificial Intelligence. However, you experiencesandlessons.Similarly,AImodels
learn in their learning phase based on Unsupervised Machine Learning
annotated data.
2.2 The Different Types of Machine through human training. Instead, in an
Learning unsupervised learning model, software trains
the algorithm. In some cases, the training
method used by the training software will
and we will go over some of the most
mimic that of a human, but they don’t
prominent ones later in this post, but before
necessarily have to teach in the same way.
we do that, we must go over the different
types of Machine Learning. AI models built with unsupervised
analysis. These tasks include content
● Supervised analytics. These types of AI models can
● Unsupervised identify patterns and categorise data without
● Semi-supervised human training.
biastonear-zero.Completelyeliminatingbias Deep Neural Networks
might be impossible, but reducing bias as
much as possible is critical.
most popular AI/ML models. The design for
Training bias can occur in all ML this deep learning model wasinspiredbythe
models,eveninunsupervisedsettings.Sincea human brain and its neural network.ThisAI
ML model is designed to perform specific model uses layers of artificial neurons to
tasks, the last thing researchers and data combine multiple inputsandprovideasingle
scientists want is bias. A famousexampleof output value. Hence the name, deep learning.
model bias came from Amazon.
Deep neuralnetworkshavebeenused
AmazondevelopedaMLmodeltovet widelyinmobileappdevelopmenttoprovide
applicants for development positions and image and speech recognition services and
highlight the most impressive resumes for naturallanguageprocessing.Neuralnetworks
human review. Amazon gave the model the also help power computervision applications.
resumes of the best developers currently
This AI model represents the cutting
working in the field for training data.
The problem? Since the majority of at solving complex problems that possess
the development industry was male at the large data sets.
time, the model devalued and even
discriminated against women applicants.
instrumental in achieving the true computer
This is an example of unintentional visionandAIstandardsthatweassociatewith
biasbeinglearnedbythemodel,anditisvery human intelligence and science fiction stories.
root these biases out before they have
real-world consequences.
Logistic Regression
it is closely related to the linear regression
model. However, the logistic regression
model is different from the linear regression
Random Forest
If one decision tree is a powerful AI
model, how mighty is an entire forest? A
random forest is a collection of multiple
decision trees.
3.3 Symbolic reasoning
Symbolic reasoning is a fundamental
concept in artificial intelligence (AI) that
involves manipulating symbols, logic, and
abstract representations to perform various
cognitive tasks. Unlike some other AI
approaches that rely on numerical
computations and statistical methods,
fig:6 Architecture symbolic reasoning focuses on using
symbolic information to represent and
The term "architecture of AI" can
manipulate knowledge. Here are some key
refer to different aspects of artificial
aspects of symbolic reasoning in AI:
intelligence, including both the design of AI
systems and the underlying computational 1. Symbol Representation: In
modelsthatpowerthem.Here,I'llprovidean symbolic reasoning, information is
overview of a few key aspects represented using symbols, which can be
abstract entities representing concepts,
3.1 Signal processing
objects, relationships, and more. These
Signal processing plays a crucial role symbols can be manipulated using logical
in various aspects of artificial intelligence rules and operations.
(AI). It involves the manipulation, analysis,
2. Logic and Inference: Symbolic
and interpretation of signals, which can be
reasoning heavily relies on formal logic to
any form of data that varies over time or
perform inference. Logical rules are used to
space. In the context of AI, signals can
derive conclusions from given premises. For
include audio,speech,images,videos,sensor
example, if you know that "all humans are
mortal" and "Socrates is ahuman,"symbolic
signal processing is integrated with AI:
reasoning can deduce that "Socrates is
3.2 SpeechRecognition mortal."
in a human-readable and interpretable knowledge,capturingnuancedandcontextual
manner. understanding remains a challenge.
7. Natural Language Processing: limitations in handling uncertainty and the
Symbolic reasoning is employed in some complexities of real-world data have led to
natural language processing (NLP) tasks, the development of hybrid approaches that
where symbolic rules and grammatical combine symbolic reasoning with other AI
Image processing is a method to software can handle natural speech, different
perform some operations on an image, in accents and various languages.
then break it into parts then digitise it intoa diagnosis.
computer-readable format; anduse an In a typical pattern recognition application,
algorithmtomatchittothemostsuitabletext therawdataisprocessedandconvertedintoa
representation. form that is amenable for a machine to use.
Speechrecognitionsoftwaremustadapttothe Patternrecognitioninvolvestheclassification
human speech. The software algorithms that In classification, an appropriate classlabelis
process and organise audio into text are assigned to a pattern based onanabstraction
trained ondifferentspeechpatterns,speaking that is generated using a set of training
styles, languages, dialects, accents and patterns or domainknowledge.Classification
phrasings.Thesoftwarealsoseparatesspoken is used in supervised learning.
audio from background noise that often
Clustering generates a partition of the data
accompanies the signal.
which helps decision making, the specific
To meet these requirements, speech decision-making activity of interest to us.
recognition systems use two types of models: Clustering is used in unsupervised learning.
with word sequences to distinguish between offer precision and accuracy. Finding the
words that sound similar. correct neural network for each project can
increase efficiency.
3.7 Pattern recognition
Standard neural networks
using a machine learning algorithm. Pattern Perceptron - A neural network that
recognition can be defined as the applies a mathematical operation to an input
classification of data based on knowledge value, providing an output variable.
already gained or on statistical information
Feed-Forward Networks - A
extracted from patterns and/or their
multi-layered neural network where the
representation. One of the important aspects
information moves from left to right, or in
of pattern recognition is its application
values pass through a series ofhiddenlayers
Examples: Speech recognition, on their way to the output layer.
speaker identification, multimedia document
recognition (MDR), automatic medical
● ResidualNetworks(ResNet)-Adeep
feed-forward network with hundreds
of layers. Generative adversarial networks
Generative adversarialnetworks(GAN)area
Recurrent neural networks
type of unsupervised learning where data is
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) generated from patterns thatwerediscovered
remember previously learned predictions to from the input data. GANs have two main
help make future predictions with accuracy. parts that compete against one another:
RNN hidden layers that are sparsely
the images produced are fake or genuine.
GANs are used to help predict what
Convolutional neural networks the next frame in a video might be, text to
Convolutional neural networks image generation, or image to image
(CNNs) are a type of feed-forward network translation.
Transformer neural networks
processing. There are hidden convolutional
layers that form ConvNets and detect Unlike RNNs, transformer neural
patterns. CNNs use features such as edges, networks do not have a concept of
shapes, and textures to detect patterns. timestamps. This enables them to pass
Examples of CNNs include: throughmultipleinputsatonce,makingthem
is similar to AlexNet, but hasmorelayersof is capable of learning complex patterns and
it is based on artificial neural networks However,availability of cloud computing and
(ANNs) also known as deep neural networks the development of specialised hardware,
(DNNs). These neural networks are inspired such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs),
by the structure and function of the human has made it easier to train deep neural
brain’s biological neurons, and they are networks.
designed to learn from large amounts of data.
3.10 Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning is a subfield of Architectures:
Machine Learning that involves the use of
neural networks to model and solve complex
and error, like game-playing agents,
problems. Neural networks are modelled after
the structure and function of the human brain
These architectures involve an agent
and consist of layers of interconnected nodes
interacting with an environment tomaximise
that process and transform data.
a reward signal, learning optimal strategies
The key characteristic of Deep Learning is the over time.
use of deep neural networks, which have
Generative Models:
multiple layers of interconnected nodes.
These networks can learn complex These architectures focus on
representations of data by discovering generatingnewdatasamples,suchasimages,
hierarchical patterns and features in the data. music, or text. Variational Autoencoders
Deep Learning algorithms can automatically (VAEs)andGenerativeAdversarialNetworks
learn and improve from data without the need (GANs) are examples of generative models.
for manual feature engineering.
Memory Networks:
Deep Learning has achieved significant These architectures incorporate memory
success in various fields, including image components,allowingAIsystemstostoreand
recognition, natural language processing, retrieve information over time. Memory
speech recognition, and recommendation networks are crucial for tasks requiring
systems. Some of the popular Deep Learning context and reasoning.
architectures include Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Ensemble Methods:
Networks (RNNs), and Deep Belief Networks Sometimes, multiple AI models are
(DBNs). combined to create an ensemble, whereeach
model contributes its predictions. This often
Training deep neural networks typically
improves overall performance and robustness.
requires a large amount of data and
computational resources.
Hybrid Architectures: AI systemscan decisions. They help users understand whya
combinedifferentarchitecturestoharnessthe certain decision was made by the AI system.
strengths of each. For instance, a system Remember that the field of AI is
might use aconvolutionalneuralnetworkfor rapidly evolving, and new architectures are
feature extraction followed by a recurrent being developed frequently. The choice of
neural network for sequence modelling. architecturedependsonthespecifictask,data
Attention Mechanisms: availability, computational resources, and
desired outcomes.
transformer models, allow AI systems to 3.11 Basic Information Processing
focus on specific parts of input data when
making predictions. This has greatly
improved the effectiveness of models in
understanding context.
Meta-learning Architectures:
4.1 AI Application in E Commerce 4.2 Applications Of Artificial
Personalized Shopping Intelligence in Education
Convolutional Neural Networks and Graph applications, especially in complex
Neural Networks, which makes lives easier manufacturing industries such as aerospace.
for users by automatically detecting the Withthehelpofadvancedvisionsystems,AI
number of lanes and road types behind can enable real-time course correction and
obstructions on the roads. AI isheavilyused can be used to help a robot automatically
by Uber and many logistics companies to learn the best paths for certain processes
improve operational efficiency, analyse road while in operation.
traffic, and optimise routes.
Packaging: AI is used in the
packaging industry to improve efficiency,
4.5 Applications of Artificial accuracy and cost-effectiveness. By
Intelligence in Robotics continuously refining and saving certain
motions made by robotic systems, AI helps
In the world of robotics, AI has make installing and moving robotic
proven to be a valuable asset in a variety of equipment easier for everyone.
applications. From customer service to
manufacturing, AI has made its mark and Imaging: Across many industries —
continues to revolutionise the way we think including assembly and logistics — accurate
about and interact with robots. Let’s take a imaging is crucial.WiththeassistanceofAI,
closerlookatsomeofthekeyareaswhereAI robotscanachieveenhancedvisualacuityand
is being used alongside robotics today. image recognition competencies, enabling
greater accuracy in even the smallest of
Customer Service: AI-powered details.
chatbots are becoming increasingly common
in customer service applications. These Machine Learning: Machine learning
automated service agents can handle simple, is a powerful tool for robots. By exploring
repetitive requests without the need for their surroundings, robots can learn more
human involvement. The morethesesystems about their environment, find ways around
interact with humans, the more they learn. obstacles and solve problems to complete
sophisticated, we can expecttoseemoreand vacuum cleaners to manufacturing robots in
both online and brick-and-mortar become more intelligent and adaptable in
Assembly: AI has proven to be an These are just a few of the many
technologies continue to expandandgrowin an AI-powered system that tracks and
sophistication, it is likely that we will see analyzes employee performance data
evenmoreinnovativeapplicationsinthenear throughout the year. This system considers
future. factors like completed tasks, project
involvement and peer feedback.
resumes for you, it’ll also use the resulting onboarding/offboarding processes
data topulltogetheralistofidealcandidates New hires often feel overwhelmed
scraped from LinkedIn and other online withpaperworkandprocedures.Nowimagine
resources,andevenwriteanemailforyouto an AI-driven onboarding platform. When a
those candidates to lure them to your open new employee, let’s say, Maria, joins the
positions. company, sheisguidedbythisplatform.The
The evaluation process is also platform then walks Maria through the
increasingly AI-driven, from video interview necessary forms, introduces her to company
insights to personality assessments and a lot policies, and even sets up her initial training
more. In doing so, you’re not only saving sessions.
countless hours of work but you’re also As a result, Maria feels less stressed
ensuring that no potential candidate is and more welcomed. Similarly, when an
overlooked due to human error or fatigue. employee leaves the company, the AI can
You can even go to ChatGPT itself to help manage exit surveys, return of company
you out, as Nikitas Marinos describes in his propertyandotheroffboardingtasks,ensuring
tutorial on how to use the tool to build an a smooth transition for both parties. It’s a
ideal candidate profile. win-win.
4.6.2 Performance reviews 4.7 Applications of Artificial
Consider the case of Alexandra, a Intelligence in Healthcare
department head who needs to conduct
Artificial Intelligence finds diverse
performance reviews for her team. She uses
applications in the healthcare sector. AI
applications are used in healthcare to build 4.7.3 Treatment Design
sophisticated machines that can detect Artificial intelligence systems have
diseases and identify cancer cells. Artificial been created to analyze data – notes and
Intelligence can help analyse chronic reportsfromapatient’sfile,externalresearch,
conditions withlabandothermedicaldatato and clinical expertise – to help select the
ensure early diagnosis. AI uses the correct, individually customized treatment
combination of historical data and medical path.
intelligence for the discovery of new drugs.
4.7.4. Digital Consultation
AI robots can perform surgeries that
Apps like Babylon in the UK use AI
even a skilledsurgeoncan’tperform,recently
to give medical consultation based on
an AI surgery robot performed asurgeryon
personal medical history and common
medical knowledge. Users report their
the experienced and skilled surgeons would
symptoms into the app, which uses speech
fear to perform that surgery
recognition to compare against a databaseof
4.7.1. Managing Medical Records illnesses.Babylonthenoffersarecommended
and Other Data action, takingintoaccounttheuser’smedical
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a Narrow AI systems are proficient in specific
transformativeandrapidlyevolvingfieldthat tasks but lack thebroadcognitiveabilitiesof
hasthepotentialtoreshapevariousaspectsof human intelligence.
our society, economy, and daily lives.t: TechnologicalChallenges:Developing
Impactful Applications: AI has AI that can operate safely and reliably in
demonstrated remarkable capabilities across dynamic real-world scenarios is a complex
numerous domains, including natural challenge. Ensuring robustness,
language processing, image recognition, interpretability, and security in AI systems
medical diagnosis, autonomous vehicles, and remains a subject of ongoing research.
more.Theseapplicationshavethepotentialto Continuous Learning: AI is a fieldof
enhance efficiency, accuracy, and continuous learning and adaptation.
convenience in various industries. Researchers and developerscontinuallywork
Ethical Considerations: The to improve algorithms, techniques, and
development and deployment of AI models, pushing the boundaries of what AI
technologies raise important ethical can achieve.
considerations.Theseincludeissuesofbiasin Interdisciplinary Nature: AI is not
algorithms, data privacy, job displacement limitedtocomputersciencealone;itinvolves
duetoautomation,andthepotentialforAIto collaborationwithexpertsfromvariousfields
be used in malicious or harmful ways. suchaspsychology,ethics,neuroscience,and
Ensuring responsible AI development and more. This interdisciplinary approach is
deployment has become a critical focus. crucial for addressing the multifaceted
Human-AI Collaboration: The most challenges of AI.
promising approach to AI involves Job Transformation: AI's impact on
collaboration betweenhumansandmachines. the job market is a subject of debate. While
AIsystemscanexcelindataanalysis,pattern AI can automate routine andrepetitivetasks,
recognition, and other tasks, while humans italsohasthepotentialtocreatenewjobroles
contribute with creativity, empathy, and andopportunities,particularlyinareasrelated
ethical decision-making. to AI development, maintenance, and
Limitations: Despite significant oversight.
progress,AIstillfaceslimitations.CurrentAI Regulation and Policy: The rapid
systems often lack a deep understanding of advancement ofAIhasprompteddiscussions
context, common sense reasoning, and the abouttheneedforappropriateregulationsand
ability to handle complex, open-ended tasks. policies to ensure the responsible and fair
deploymentofAItechnologies.Governments, replace a human,i.e, it's hard to create a
industries, and researchers are working to machine with an intelligence as capable as
establish guidelines and frameworks for AI human brain,as of now no science theory
development and use. could explain ahowcomplexneuralnetwork
In conclusion, AI is a dynamic and of ahuman mindworksandthoughtmaking
strides but still faces challenges related to these can be helpful to automate tasks with
development. As AI continues to evolve, it algorithms,classification algorithms to train.
will be crucial to strike a balance between In order to produce efficient results these
considerations, ensuring that AI benefits data,these algorithms are based on
harms. accuracyofresultproduced,thismachinescan
perform well on training data,but when new
Artificial Intelligence is a
scenarios occurred this machines would
multidisciplinary field where a machine
suffer,as time goes this models would get
possesses intelligence.As of 2023,researches
more data and this models become efficient.
and technologies advanced in AI. Many
forautomating dailytasks.AIisgettingused
for businesspredictionsandrecommendation
systems and many other tasks.
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