Use of LOG in Regression Model
Use of LOG in Regression Model
Use of LOG in Regression Model
GDP = 1.252290 + 0.682627 FDI + 0.131388 FLF + 0.077046 INF
If FDI increase by 1 unit then GDP will increase by 0.682627 unit while
keeping other factor constant.
If FLF increase by 1 unit then GDP will increase by 0.131388 unit while
keeping other factor constant.
If INF increase by 1 unit then GDP will increase by 0.077046 unit while
keeping other factor constant.
Log (GDP) = 0.624806 + 0.115864 log (FDI) + 0.367544 log (FLF) - 0.019632 log
If FDI increase by 1% then GDP will increase by 0.115864 % while keeping
other factor constant.
If FLF increase by 1% then GDP will increase by 0.367544 % while keeping
other factor constant.
If INF increase by 1% then GDP will decrease by 0.019632 % while keeping
other factor constant.
Log (GDP) = 1.047362 + 0.158824 FDI + 0.018038 FLF + 0.013042 INF
If FDI increase by 1 unit then GDP will increase by 0.158824 % while
keeping other factor constant.
If FLF increase by 1unit then GDP will increase by 0.018038 % while
keeping other factor constant.
If INF increase by 1unit then GDP will decrease by 0.013042 % while
keeping other factor constant.
GDP = -3.584964 + 0.523321 log (FDI) + 2.954766 log (FLF) - 0.029517 log
If FDI increase by 1% then GDP will increase by 0.523321 unit while
keeping other factor constant.
If FLF increase by 1% then GDP will increase by 2.954766 unit while
keeping other factor constant.
If INF increase by 1% then GDP will decrease by 0.029517unit while
keeping other factor constant.
1) No Log Model:
Dependent Variable: GDP
Method: Least Squares
Date: 12/01/23 Time: 19:32
Sample: 1996 2020
Included observations: 25