Orbital PQR

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Exyte Services (Singapore) Pte, Ltd. Tan Kee Si WINE ——[ Revion Nor] ——a [eri Speen GF ASTMAIIO | w | -ASTMATO Moraes "TPH rm “TPL Gite OD Lam WEE TT om ODN Ham WT = z DOTA fst Witt stag Wino stag ter ea Soor a Aplie Novalis eet Toc pe Tet Aol STs — [Tee rami Copia Wa OWE Saba Tapa Nor Ror Appear [tse vanes Rev) Sate Teper No s1n0¥ 001 & 205 rt Reson of Profesional Fug Sevier Pe Lid [sme erent se Cio rater Teng Serie Pe ste Lees Yau [ws Gn Cen Nome tsim1goT Te Deiter Approved B Esyte Services Singapore Pee Ld) Fearon TobNO. HAUTE Report Ne. SNOMSOOT Professional Testing Services Pte Ltd 22 Kon ek Ron Sener on Ta gr7 gi fection trae geaiontonaon EES Susans ‘Wb Sept gspcom UEN Na: TaDeDUTTaK ad cone RADIOGRAPHIC TEST REPORT Page tof enemy tthe $B = 401 tevonone 5 7 Or 202 Somer ExyeSevet(Smpgon) Petal Soatannd | 06 One 2022 Usineraon! Drea 10309 Daeg: Of Gober 203 Sion 6029 mane: woten sororiria = Beton Patsy eae Four (4) Welds Tube (Size: O 635m, Thckese 049m) tt spe, Maed: WPS Na: WPS'LME:2, Process: GTAW (Autogews. Poston: 5G up and down, Welders Name Tan Ke Sin Wee’ ID No: UDEXXXX15,Mueil: ASTM A270 TPS [6 for Radiographic ispeton Tent (RT) ([Teamepememos Dwsi-t6 [Fim ipe Kodi WHS. Cia Sle Lad ] [Trecho ——FIsaeNDrrR [Saw | Gin) Recast SME 3 PoScmen | 350m | Coty 3-22 Fay [Seat Wiee stan) [widen [are cS xaoprss [Todas Im ae i Feeasee [umm | U6 [00 [oro ~ aspen —| secemet | Fac Si | iron Peston [60 WF Reoamert [pin Asp] Rac] [Sooners ras ine wor —— ° xox | c xox [7 Some stTEA x xox] 7 [ [ox [7 | i oN |v onde By a] Armed ae sh se -rusesren meson NDN-NOOSCONTHUTYSOTED —_SNPLEXCESS PENETRATION BEAD Professional Testing Services Pte Ltd <<, _y 32 gn Teck Ros, Sipapoe 62079 tn ah.9778 1371 Fox to aad Sah gettons acon ‘Web Ste hipabawrispleam UEN No. 18800770 ieaee RADIOGRAPHIC TEST REPORT Pagezot2 Latorton Teetna, + S 103078 — 001 ‘epor Date 07 October 2022 ‘customer Exe Services (Singapore) Pe Lab Dated 06 October 2022 "6 eration! Business Pas, 5-00 Eat Recoted 06 October 2022 Singapore 609929| Piste o-E7eA Sut rect): Four (4) Welded Tube (Sze:0 635m, Thickness: O49!) tet sample, Marks: WPS No: WES/LME/I2. ‘Process: GTAW (Augers Posi: 5G up and dows, Welers Name Tan Knee Sin Welders 1D No. # (O2XXXXI5, Mate: ASTM A2T0 TPDI6L for Radiograph Inspection Tet ()- Teetniun ried ows Fino | Red WRIDS- Cat Sah Cd Proce No, TISASWENDT-O1 SF ee [peers cra SM 1 Pescmen | 25am | Bere | 30-37 ey [Sey Wie 2001) [FO] Wem |e co Raye TK. roo | as0a5 nn] Delton a Feelsiw | tim [WO a0 | 6F0 | aim —| Yarrmconen | Fouls Tin tasion | Postion | 00” |W Reconent [mrp cpied afd Seueibeeasy [A] ati | sox | 7 2 nox |v € ro Coma ‘mr ewan Bs Nort Norte! Norse SL LonGHTeba RACK SED-EXHSHVEDRESNNG Professional Testing Services Pte Ltd «<<». 132 Wian Tack Road, Singapore 628779 NE ‘ot: 6778 1271 Fax 66803320. Emak quolelonséBpol.com ‘Web Ste: nip pipicom LEN Ne: 08500774 RADIOGRAPHIC TEST REPORT Lavoraio Teste. : S 103078 ~ 4003 Feport ate customer ‘Ext Services (Singapore) Pe Li ate Tested 16 temationl Busivess Park, 03-40 Date Receved Singapore 609929 PTs Ret ‘Ste Lcaton PTS Labortoy Subject (a reclea Four (04) Welded Tue (Siz: 12:7, Thickness 14) tt sample, Marked: WPS No: WPS/LME/12, Proes: GTAW (Autogsns. Poston: SG up and dowa, Wels Rare Tan Kee Sin, Welders ID Nox # [OORXXXIS, Material ASTM A270 TPSI6L for Radiographic Inspection Test RT) Tec wt ‘DWS-Te ‘Type | Kok MRTRS- Clas Sage nd Prowse He PISASME-NOTAOT Re ‘See | irs | Geary | 6 Resopnes Cre ASMX SPL Peseren | URS | enaty | 30-97 [ery [seesive| —Wiersan [AF [adam [ae asi] Kate TRA Foo Desai a (Creates [Timm [v6 [0051 | oF Pacomant | Tos Se im iericaton | Poaion [60 (nero [Sonoletb: FrHe A | 127m Tem ‘NON vt 3 Nw |v € a No |v Sept x ced f 5 Nox [v t € xox |v | Irepeaed ‘ved in IL-toxeruowaLensek SED-CXCESSIVE DRESSING ‘wn wom NU Professional Testing Services Pte Ltd <<», 32 Klan Tc Ross Sopa 6287. ‘etre 17 fax te Chak unatonstscam ‘io Ste pie apcon UENO RADIOGRAPHIC TEST REPORT Labomton Tstho, + S 103074 — 4003 apo ate customer xg Serves (Singapore) ee Lid ate Testes 16 tematonl Busines Pak 05-00 Uae Reeve Singapore 600929 Prstat StoLeeton —: PTS Labeatoy sujet (as eee Four (0) Welded Te (Size © 127m, Thickness |.4oum ts sample, Marke: WPS No: WPS LME2, Process: GTAW (Autogents). Psion 3G upand down, Welders Name: Tan Kwse Sn, Weide ID No. 4 (2XXKXIS, Maori ASTM A270 TIGL, for Rado pie inspection Test (RT), Tema os Finis | NTT CST] ‘rec | ATSAGWENOFIMT RS Se) ise [oon =) sores "SKE aT [resco | 012mm | Ooty 30-37 ay [aeae] Wes [ “FO aem [ee] ‘me Tos Fo0 ise | Ommon 1h eet | Une [ug eon | ero 7am —| tone Toate (_—fantiesteon [Poin [eo [wc etn ace Rd eanorenes te ja z SeaeireH x wx [ 7 im xox [7 Dae 06 Oswhie am aes as Exyte Services (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. exyte soma ECO ERA RN ATTN OPT EAE eR WEEE Tree Rar] —o isn — Pe AWA Thee —[ es} “ee Time STOR WE Tam OX RT ROU | ee =n vege — [Gav ae ae setae Nabe esriaenae’ Ta ST fee a oe oem oe aE So] Rep WotRpE [asm assis Sumy [ert SS eta Toner oa Tag Savas Ped Prenton RRR SS PE aT SE [session Tea aS Pe I tate = che OE Tampa Aap s ssar¥an (Cs Senses Singapore Pe LA) Fee POTTER TahWa OWT Report Ne, STQ30TA SRE Professional Testing Services Pte Ltd <2». 22a is fon Seon 47) exe ‘Web Se hpsmeptsicon UEN No BST “ESS OS te RADIOGRAPHIC TEST REPORT Page ofa LabomtnyTetNo, © S 103074 ~ 008 apa Oote + 07 October 2022 cumoner Exe Series (Singapore) Me Lid DusTest 06 Ocober 2022 1 erations Business Pat, 5-09 Owe Read = 06 October 2022 Singapore 50929 Pisee | neni Povortena, —: ~ Stetceten + PTSLaboatay ‘Suet seca Four (0) weld ae (Se: 1.7mm. Tikes: | et amples Mi: WPS No: WPS LME Process: GTAW (Auge) oslon 3 up and down, Welle Name” SW Wels ID Ne 8 (OXXARTS Maal ASTM A270 TPS [6 for Raiogoptis Inspection Tet RT. Temi ro DwaI-T6 nop | Nol WRIS- Chas Sagas Produ ha. FISAGIENDTMT Re see irs ASHEN 3 Posen | Unie j iy [Song] wax [A | aise) a (erp Tks te 708 | ets Olan (Frestsee [Timm | u6 [ oan [6 em — | racer | Fastimnion [Poon 00 [Wi Raa ep] Ad aT] i Spi DATS aa ie ex i 7 xox [7] cE ¢ xox [| CoeeTs tapi Professional Testing Services Pte Ltd 2 Kin Tek Rose, Singapore 628779, Tk 678 121169905920, mak qnatons pelo Web ote hip ppl UE TOOBUTTER RADIOGRAPHIC TEST REPORT Labyatey Tenino, |S t03074 — aon ‘customer vg Series (Singapore Pe Lid 16 rterational Busines Park, 05.00 Singapore 600529| sa Loeaton PTS Laboroy nec areca: Four (8) welded tubes (Shae: © 12.7, Thickness: 106 October 2022 2 es samples. Mure: WPS No: WPS'LME:I2, Process: OTAW (Atouenus Porton: Sup and dows, Welders Name Lin Se We, Wldes ID No DOXXXXT2, Maes ASTM A27D TPSIGL, for Radiographic Inspection Test (RTD Tainan wad Dee Fe | Re WS Giga Prowaet FIEADMENOTAOTRNT ae [ae | oa een rea SMES Pesaro | 13mm | one [30-27 ayaa ers [ee] ae [ae ay Toss. Sna Fo0 | Wisnn | esermton | 1a feats | Tem [08 [amt [om | —1a7an | eircom | Foals iment Penn [00 “WF Racer [ann [Aaa Reo | [enpiiocrRDST x Bis z wx i i tae Nox] imped eS x Due nr

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