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Eratovnaanetie ne 8,2 Displacement Current ni) AL Whe changing currrentt for a eapaettor in 0.284 What is the aligplacennent-cunerent acre thy plates? (Honig 2010) 2. A-capacitor has been changed by a de xouee What are the ovagnitucle of conduction dant digplacement current, when Ht ty fully charged? (Delhi 2019) (2 marks) A.A parallel plate capacitor of plate aren A each aural separation d. is belng charged by: an de source, Show that the digplacement current inside the capacitor iy the same as the current charging the capacitor (AL2019) 4. How does Ampere-Maxwell law explain the flow of current through @ capacitor when it is being charged by a batteryt Write the expression for the displacement current in terms of the rate of change of electric Hux, (Dethi 2017) Why does current in a steady state not flow inv a capacitor connected across a battery? However momentary current does flow during charging or discharging of the capacitor, Explain, (AL 2017) 6. Accapacitor, made of two parallel plates each of plate area A and separation d, is being, charged by an external ac source. Show that the displacement current inside the capacllor is the same as the current charging the (A12013) capacitor. 7. When an ideal capacitor is charged by a de battery, no current flows, However, when an ac source is used, the current flows continuously. How does one explain this, based on the concept of displacement current? (Delhi 2012) A capacitor of capacitance ‘Cin being charged by connecting it across a de source along with an ammeter, Will the ammeter show a momentary deflection during the PTR MCS CLO COL LL es Process af chargingt [Eve haw: weld: you explain thie momentary deflection and the fenultingy continuity of current i the circuit? Write the expression for the current inside the capacitor (AL 2012) INI (5 marks) 9, Write Maxwells generalization of Ampere’s Cireuital Law, Show that in the process of charging a capacitor, the current produced Within the plates of the capacitor ts tly od Where thy in the electric flux produced during, charging of the capacitor plates, (Delhi 2016) 10, Write the exprenslon for the generalized form of Ampercs clrcultal law, Discuss its significance and describe briefly how the concept of displacement eurre Chrough charging/diseharging of In an electric cireutt, tis explained scitor (AI2015) 8.3 Electromagnetic Waves (mark) 11, Hlustrate by giving suitable examples, how you can show that electromagnetic waves cearry both energy and momentum, (AI 2019) 12. How Is the speed of em-waves in vaccum determined by the electric and magnetic fieldst (Delhi 2017) 13. Do electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum? (AI2017) Write the relation for the speed of electro ‘magnetic waves in terms of the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields, (Al2017) 15. In which directions do the electric and magnetic field vectors oxelllate in an electromagnetic wave propagating along the axis? (AL 2017) 16, Why are microwaves considered suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation? (Delhi 2016)184 17, Welders wear special goggles or face masks with glass windows to protect their cyes from electromagnetic radiations, Name the radiations and write the range of their frequency. (AI 2013) Name the physical quantity which remains same for microwaves of wavelength 1 mm and UV radiations of 1600 A in vacuum, (Delhi 2012) 19. What are the directions of electric and magnetic field vectors relative to each other and relative to the direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves? 18. (AI 2012) 20. What is the frequency of electromagnetic waves produced by oscillating charge of frequency v? (Delhi 2011C) 21. In what ways are the directions of the electric and magnetic field vectors representing an electromagnetic wave related to each other? (Delhi 2010C) Express the velocity of propagation of an e.m. wave in terms of the peak value of the electric and magnetic fields. (AI 2010C) (2 marks) 23. What do you understand by the statement, “Electromagnetic waves_-—_transport momentum”? (1/2, 2018) 24. Name the types of em. radiations which (i) are used in destroying cancer cells, (ii) cause tanning of the skin and (iii) maintain the earth's warmth. Write briefly a method of producing any one of these waves, (A12015C) 25. Answer the following questions: (i) Show, by giving’ simple example, how ¢m. waves carry energy and momentum, How are microwaves produced? Why is it necessary in microwave ovens to select the frequency of microwaves to match the resonant frequency of water molecules? (iii) Write two important uses of infrared waves. (Delhi 2014C) 26. (a) An ¢.m, wave is travelling in a medium with a velocity 7=v7. Draw a sketch showing the propagation of the em, wave, indicating CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 the direction of the oscillating electric and magnetic fields. (b) How are the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields related to velocity of the em, wave? (Delhi 2013) 27. (a) How are electromagnetic waves produced? (b) How do you convince yourself that electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum? (Delhi 2013C) 28, Explain briefly how electromagnetic waves are produced by an oscillating charge. How is the frequency of the e.m. waves produced elated to that of the oscillating charge? (Foreign 2012) 29. Draw a sketch of a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the z-direction. Depict clearly the directions of electric and magnetic fields varying sinusoidally with z (AI 2010) 30. How are X-rays produced? Write their two important uses. (Foreign 2010) EININ (3 marks) 31. Prove that the average energy density of the oscillating electric field is equal to that of the oscillating magnetic field. (2/3, Delhi 2019) How are em, waves produced by oscillating charges ? Draw a sketch of linearly polarized em. waves Propagating in the z-direction. Indicate the directions of the oscillating electric and magnetic fields. (Delhi 2016) 32, 33. Answer the following questions: (@) Name the eam. waves which are suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation Write the range of frequency of these waves b) If the Earth did not have atmosphe: Would its average surface temperature be higher or lower than what itis now? Explain, (©) An em. wave exerts pressure on the surface on which itis incident. Justiiy, (Dethi 2014) How are electromagnetic waves produced by oscillating charges? (1/3, Foreign 2013) (2) When the oscillating electric and magnetic fields are along the x-and y-direction respectively. £ 35, PrElectromagnetic Waves © point out the direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave, WW) express the velocity of propagation in ‘ermis of the amplitudes of the oscillating electric and magnetic fields, (6) How do you show that the em. wave carries energy and momentum? (Al 20130) produce 36. How does an oscillating cha electromagnetic wave? Explain Draw a sketch showing the propagation of plane em, wave along the Z-direction, clearly depicting the directions of oscillating electric and magnetic field vectors. (Foreign 2014, Dethi 20120) 37. Describe briefly how electromagnetic waves are produced by oscillating charges, (1/3, AI 20110) 8.4 Electromagnetic Spectrum WG 6 mark) 38. The small ozone layer on top of the Stratosphere is crucial for human survival Why? (AI 2019) 39. Name the electromagnetic radiations used for (a) water purification, and (b) eye surgery. (2018) 40. To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum doesa wave of frequency 5 x 10! Hz belong? (AI 2014) 41. Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in order of increasing frequency : Yrays, Microwaves, Infrared rays and Ultraviolet rays, (Foreign 2014) 42. Name the electromagnetic waves, which () maintain the Earth’s warmth and (ii) are used in aircraft navigation, (Foreign 2012) 43. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along z-direction, What can you say about the direction of electric and magnetic field vectors? (Delhi 2011) 44. How are radio waves produced? (AI 2011) 45. Write two uses of microwaves, (Horeign 201 1) 46. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum has largest penetrating power? (Delhi 2010) 185 47. Name the part of electromagnetic spectrum whose wavelength lies in the range of 10°" m, Give its one use, (AI 2010) 48. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is used in satellite communication? (Foreign 2010) BANE 02 marks) 49. Why are infrared waves often called heat waves? Explain, (1/2, 2018) 50. Identify the electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths vary as (@) 10° m
7 The displacement current within capacitor plates adi: Aey 7. Refer to answer 3. 8 Yes, ammeter will show a momentary deflection. The momentary deflection is due to the flow of electrons in the circuit during the charging process. During the charging process the electric field between the capacitor plates is increasing and hence a displacement current flows in the gap. Hence we can say that there is a continuity of current in the circuit. dy “dt 9. Maxwell's generalization of Ampere's circuital Jaw, $B-di =p (i+i,)= Ho (He =) In the process of charging the capacitor there is change in electric flux between the capacitor Expression, I, =e, plates. +h op _ “dt di Gea) E— Electric field between the plates = a 0 A— Area of the plate ao, _ df _4 3g _ ia So. “ar = ail Ae) 4 & dt & 187 db, On i= 10. Generalized cn of Ampere’ circuital law : idl =u, (ree ae) }-9— Inconsistency of Ampere’s eta law If we observe the current through a charging capacitor, some of the questions arise. (a) Current I enters at the left end of plate P, but no current at right side of plate P,. Hence Kirchhof’s law violated. (b) Ampere’s law for loop C, fa dl =pgI q q T 1 1#0 so B¥0 For loop C>, fB-a=n,10) (-: I=0) G so B=0. So, magnetic field reduces 0 on right side from any value on left plate. But in the actual magnetic field as of continuous nature. Modified Ampere's law by Maxwell According to Maxwell, Ji-ai= Hold +1) =no] Hee SE | ‘Thus, within the plates the displacement current which is due to changing electric flux in charging/ discharging maintains the continuity of current and magnetic field also within the plates of capacitor, 11. Electromagnetic waves like other waves carry energy and momentum as they travel through188 empty space. If light didn't carry energy and momentum, it wouldn't be able to heat stuff up or generate photo current in photo cells. 12. The speed of em-waves in vacuum determined by the electric (Ey) and magnetic fields (Bo) is, 13. Yes, electromagnetic waves carry energy and ‘momentum. E 14. Speed of electromagnetic wave, ¢= 2 Where Ep and By are amplitudes of electric and ‘magnetic field respectively. 15. Whenan electromagnetic wave is propagating along the x-axis then, electric field vector oscillates in y-axis and magnetic field vector oscillates in z-axis. 16. Microwaves have short wavelengths so they are suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation, They can penetrate through clouds also. 17. Ultraviolet radiations produced during ‘welding are harmful to eyes. Special goggles or face masks are used to protect eyes from UV radiations. UV radiations have a range of frequency between 10" Hz - 10° Hz. 18, The speed in vacuum (ie. c = 3 x 10° ms") remains same for both the given wavelengths. It is because both microwaves and UV rays are electromagnetic waves. 19. Inanelectromagnetic wave E,B and direction of propagation are mutually perpendicular. 20, Frequency of the electromagnetic wave produced will be equal to the frequency v of oscillating charge, 21. The electric field F and magnetic field B are perpendicular to each other. 22. In em. waves, the ratio of amplitudes of dlestric and magnetic field is always constant and is equal to the speed of em. waves. Le c oe (where £, and B, are peak values) 23, Electromagnetic waves transport momentum. It means that electromagnetic waves carry (EERE CASE Champion Physics Class 12 momentum from one place to another as they travel through mediuim or space 24. (a) (i) Gamma rays (ii) UV rays (iii) Infra-red radiations (b) Infra-red waves are produced by hot bodies and molecules. Infra-red waves are referred to as heat waves, because water molecules present in most materials readily absorb infra-red waves (many other molecules, for example, CO. NH, also absorb infra-red waves). After absorption. their thermal motion increases, that is they heat up and heat their surroundings. 25. (i) Consider a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. An electric charge, on the plane will be set in motion by the electric and magnetic fields of e.m. wave, incident on this plane. This illustrates that e.m. waves carry energy and momentum. (ii) Microwaves are produced by special vacuum tube like the Klystron, magnetron and Gunn diode. ‘The frequency of microwaves is selected to match the resonant frequency of water molecules, so that energy is transformed efficiently to the Kinetic energy of the molecules. (iii) Uses of infra-red rays: (a) They are used in night vision devices during warfare, This is because they can pass through haze, fog and mist. (b) Infra-red rays are used in remote switches of household electrical appliances 26, (a) In figure the velocity of propagation of ‘em, wave is along X-axis 0 = vi and electric field B along Y-axis and magnetic field B along Z-axis. (b) Speed of em, wave can be given as the ratio, ‘of amplitude of magnitude of electric field (E,) to the magnitude of magnetic field (B,), ie, e= £2Electromagnetic Waves 27. (a) An oscillating or accelerated charge is supposed to be source of an electromagnetic wave, An oscillating charge produces an oscillating field in space which further produces an oscillating magnetic field which in turn isa source of electric field, ‘These oscillating electric and magnetic field, hence, keep on regenerating each other and an electromagnetic wave is produced. (b) Electromagnetic waves or photons transport energy and momentum, When an electromagnetic wave interacts with asmall particle, itcan exchange energy and momentum with the particle. The force exerted on the particle is equal to the momentum transferred per unit time, Optical tweezers use this force to provide a non-invasive technique for manipulating microscopic-sized particles with light. 28. Refer to answer 27 (a). The frequency of em. wave = Frequency of oscillating charge. 29. An e.m. wave propagating along z-axis is, 30. Production of X-rays : When high energetic electrons strike a metallic target of high atomic weight and high melting point, X-rays are produced. In production of X-rays mechanical energy of electrons is converted with electromagnetic energy of X-rays, Uses : (i) X-rays are used in medical diagnostics to detect fractures in bones, tuberculosis of lungs, presence of stone in gallbladder and kidney. (ii) They are used in engineering to check flaws in bridges. In physics X-rays are used to study crystal structure, 31. In an electromagnetic wave, both F and B fields vary sinusoidally in space and time, ‘The average energy density u of an em. wave can be obtained by replacing F and B by their rms value 1 2 1a U= £6 F yt —— BP, Forms 2) 189 Moreover, Ey = cBy and c= therefore lat. t 2 Up = = gE 5 = —€9(cByy n= Fak = 7 Fo(cBy Bi 1 Oa Hoo AM 32. Refer to answer 27 (a) A plane electromagnetic wave is said to be linearly polarized. ‘The transverse electric field wave accompanied by a magnetic field wave is illustrated, 33. (a) Microwaves are suitable for the radar system used in aircraft navigation. Range of frequency of microwaves is 10° Hz to 10'' Hz. (b) If the Earth did not have atmosphere, then there would be absence of green house effect ofthe atmosphere. Due to this reason, the temperature of the earth would be lower than what itis now (c) “An em. wave carries momentum with itself and given by __ Energy of wave(U) P Speed of the wave (@) When it is incident upon a surtace tt exerts pressure on it 34, Refer to answer 2? (a). 35, (a) (i) Refer to answer 29 (ii) Speed of e.m. wave can be given as the ratio of Magnitude of electric tield (Hy) to the magnitude of magnetic field (B,), be, = ie 0 () Refer to arnsyer 27190 36, (a)_ Refer to answer 27 (a) and 35 (i). For an em, wave propagating in Z-direction, lectric field is directed along X-axis and magnetic ficld is directed along Y-axis. keixj 37. Refer to answer 27 (a). 38. The small ozone layer on the top of the atmosphere is crucial for human survival because itabsorbs harmful ultraviolet radiations present in sunlight and prevents it from reaching the earths surface. These radiations can penetrate our skin and can cause harmful diseases like skin cancer etc 39. (a) Ultraviolet rays 40. (b) Ultraviolet rays rays, 41. Microwaves < Infra-red rays < Ultraviolet rays
3 x 10° Hz) has largest penetrating power. 47. The wavelength range of 10", lies in X-rays, X-rays are used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and as a treatment for certain forms of cancer, 48. Short radio waves). > 0.1 m or <3 x 10H are used in satellite communication, 49. Infrared waves incident on a substance increase the internal energy and hence the temperature of the substance. That is why they are called heat waves, 50. (a) X-rays - used to study atomic structure, (b) Microwaves - used in radar application, 51. (a) Gamma rayslie between 10°" m-10""m, ‘These rays are used in radiotherapy to treat certain cancers and tumors. (BEED CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 (b) Infrared waves lie between 10' m-10° m ‘These waves are used in taking photographs during conditions of fog, smoke etc as these waves are scattered less than visible rays. 52. (a) Descending order of wavelength for given electromagnetic wave are: Microwaves (10 '~ 10°!) Infra-red rays (7.5 107-10") Ultra-violet radiation (10 - 4 x 10-7) Gamma rays (< 10") (b) Microwaves Frequency range > 3 x 10° Hz -3 x 10'! Hz. These are suitable for the radar system, used in aircraft navigation Gamma rays Frequency range — > 3 x 107" Hz These wave are used for the treatment of cancer cells 53. Refer to answer 24 (b) Infra-red radiations play an important role in maintaining the earth’s warmth or average temperature through the greenhouse effect. 54. (i) Microwave : are used in radar system for aircraft navigation. The frequency range is 3 x 10° to3x 10", (ii) X-rays are used for studying crystals structure of solids. Their frequency range is 3 « 10"° Hz to 3x 10" Hz. 55. Given electromagnetic radiations in ascending order of their frequencies are Radio wave, Microwave, X-rays, Gamma rays, 56. (i) X-rays are produced in X-ray tube or inner shell electron, (ii) X-rays are dected in Geiger tube or through photographic film, 57, (i) Microwaves are produced by vacuum tubes klystron valve, (ii) Microwaves contact diodes, special are detected through point 58, (a) Uses Part of Frequency electromagnetic] range | | spectrum (i) | In radar | Microwaves 3x 10°F system | oe to3x 10" Hz In eye] Ultraviolet 8x 10" He surgery to8x 10! Hz, —<$—$—Electromagnetic Waves 59. (a) Microwaves are suitable for radar system used in aircraft navigation, (b) X-rays are produced by bombarding a metal target by high speed electrons. 60. (i) Gamma rays has the highest frequency in the electromagnetic waves. ‘These rays are of the nuclear origin and are produced in the disintegration of radioactive atomic nuclei and in the decay of certain subatomic particles. They are used in the treatment of cancer and tumours. (ii) Ultraviolet rays lie near the high-frequency end of visible part of em. spectrum. These rays are used to preserve food stuff. The harmful effect from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be life threatening, and include premature aging of the skin, suppression of the immune systems, damage to the eyes and skin cancer. 61. (a) Microwaves are suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation. These waves are produced by special vacuum tubes, namely Klystrons, magnetrons and Gunn diodes. (b) Infra-red waves are used to treat muscular pain, These waves are produced by hot bodies and molecules. 191 (c) X-rays are used as a diagnostic tool in medicine. ‘These are produced when high energy electrons are stopped suddenly on a metal of high atomic number. 62. In microwave oven, the frequency of the microwaves is selected to match the resonant frequency of water molecules so that energy from the waves get transferred efficiently to the kinetic energy of the molecules. This kinetic energy raises the temperature of any food containing water. Microwaves are short wavelength radio waves, with frequency of order of GHz. Due to short wavelength, they have high penetrating power with respect to atmosphere and less diffraction in the atmospheric layers. So these waves are suitable for the radar systems used in aircraft navigation 63. (i) Microwaves : These are used in Radar system for aircraft navigation. (ii) Ultraviolet rays: These are used to destroy the bacteria and for sterilizing surgical instruments. (iii) Infra-red rays : These are used to treat mauscular pain. (iv) Gamma rays: These are used forthe treatment of cancer, <4@ >>
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Physics XII CH 6 CASE STUDY Electromagnetic Induction
35 pages
Physics XII CH 6 CASE STUDY Electromagnetic Induction
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Physics Xii CH 10 Case Study Wave Optics
20 pages
Physics Xii CH 10 Case Study Wave Optics
Njan KL16么Porotta
100% (1)
Dual Nature (Previous Papers)
17 pages
Dual Nature (Previous Papers)
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Physics Xii CH 13 Case Study Nuclei
22 pages
Physics Xii CH 13 Case Study Nuclei
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Chapter 7 (Previous Papers)
22 pages
Chapter 7 (Previous Papers)
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Physics XII CH 8 CASE STUDY Electromagnetic Waves
6 pages
Physics XII CH 8 CASE STUDY Electromagnetic Waves
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Physics XII CH 3 CASE STUDY Current Electricity
22 pages
Physics XII CH 3 CASE STUDY Current Electricity
Njan KL16么Porotta
0% (1)
Physics XII CH 10 Physics Assertion Reasoning Wave Optics
8 pages
Physics XII CH 10 Physics Assertion Reasoning Wave Optics
Njan KL16么Porotta
100% (1)
Physics XII CH 6 Physics Assertion Reasoning Electromagnetic Induction
6 pages
Physics XII CH 6 Physics Assertion Reasoning Electromagnetic Induction
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Physics XII CH 8 Physics Assertion Reasoning Electromagnetic Waves
4 pages
Physics XII CH 8 Physics Assertion Reasoning Electromagnetic Waves
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Ray Optics (Solved Papers)
35 pages
Ray Optics (Solved Papers)
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Formula Sheet by Bharat Panchal
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Formula Sheet by Bharat Panchal
Njan KL16么Porotta
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)