ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Thread

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AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 - 1983 SPONSORED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Canter" 345 East 47th Street New York,N.¥, 10017 [ACCEPTANCE NOTICE. ‘rs nn-Govemmen acon wt ced nS October 1964 ani sporve for by he Fel Agere. The ate led rnp hu fri oe nnn reed by exiting pens Copin fh acumen we sted byte Da Sie Sock Pos, val Poses an Fon Gta, Png, PA. 1913, fo eto DaD cn ony, Contstn sn eda poop sta copia dest ees The Asean Sct of Mecha ages o The Ameren Nan! Standards Ite 25 tad Set Taso estvay New Vth New Yok 10017 New Yo New Yok $018 ‘ue of Document: pe Tu, Cee Pura le) Date of pes lane deped: Febuary 198) Rate ner Crop: The Ane Soc of Mecha Eager, NOTICE: Th Fetal apni we of thst i mbes to al th resuemens inno of FEDSTDHDA? Stew ‘head Sunde for Feder Severs Sevton 7, Pipe Thess, Cowal Papa. [NOTICE Whe refmaton, sanden revlon or cnsation of hand ity roponed he ty up ‘pone or bs enanr, 2 foe he ly ontting ay he roped change dent papa utetae i Agcy Ceotntg Arte: Now A8 DOT” ACO, APL FAALFRA.NET NASA —TPK, LHC, MSF ‘Ne Foe 11 sk Fas Fe USDA” APS HUD Hee Rove dete MatayCoodtig Act: DLA 15 "Amy ~ AT Gl, ME, MI Noy -¥D (Pe HDS. 0052) “auto ears sey eal ot amd ee ae oe sooner eran em, ergs Ose FOREWORD 11973 Arita Nato Sundar Commites M2, wihhad forse ben yoni for ppehend stands, us abated by ANI Sondra Comte Blan ered Be ewe of ths 622-196 stan on Dsl Pipe Toes as be cpl wi the pode red usin meprtedoaens ote pigstns or Dy Pipe Teas The seth a ‘cpt che of he 821-1968 stl pe Teas (cept Dyed) wa the onde, ‘ie yu of mmr toe es omen lo ‘ANS/ASME BL.201 Pie Treads, Gone Pups nh) Imprepatin, 12024 Pipe Tce Cone Pepe ele Tanto) hte sons ANSYASME B20 ni 202M, av produ tend dimes and agin the sane dacanet Teal esto mcs the te Ly fpr tend plage ng ee la 0 it win i pend leant. “Tein hs Sen mp hn gen ANS 21-1968, “he ANSVASHE I-01 nar approved by ASMI Stns Comet Bl on Dee “he rope sadder led by sands comes Bote Sera ind the Amann ‘ito! Sands nite was prove tal fray Segutd ssn Ameen Noto! Sad ‘nF 4,183 ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE 81 Standardization and Unification of Serew Threads Se coy ao “2 om Semin in Cy oc, dn hay frets Conam om fe ier hm beat i ‘one fom ean vous tne, Benga Aas (Sanborn Sk Rettman a raters ee erence apoNAL sow unchN RRCDUCTE ASCIATION I Mena tec ar rina ty 1 eae bre na ey St, eae PERSONNEL OF SUBCOMMITTEE 81.20 PIE THREADS 2. uno, Cr esi amber, Mei Re Reta. ion ire, Dy ae Vermont ‘CONTENTS Foreword ‘Stns Comme Rae : mo 1" Spe = Ua aii an 14 Inpecton 15 Apt 2 Armin ato! Sundin peThad Foo 22, Aneel Tred 23 Tranalonand Ted ogi 2 Spwinion for Cantal Papo To Sr geri Tes. | Spin or a Sig Ten Pe Coping NPEC C7 Sent Pipe Teal n Pipe Cots 1 Seite or aig in Taper Pie Tad NPT. Si Rating Joa { Soatenioe tor zp Pp Teds or Macar a; aw nro oH {1 Sih Pp ees : 182, Peeing Mechanar for Fats, NS 163. Lame tinge Jams Wi Lockout, NPSL 2 (64 Uae ng bacon J for Howe Coping, NPS pe Tas MPT 13 Gage Toca 7A ta nd Ag evn Pick ier Tac ofan any 8 Gagg t Tipe Pipe Tet 12 Galera! Taper Teas 83 Capa Pactee 1 Gam ChrteCoar or ase Tas Gang Sa Ppe Tass 1 Base Format Ansan Nata Slander Teper Pe Tred 2 Arwen Sto! Soda Tape Pp Teds fr Pes Tp Jn NPT 3 Ameria Natal Sandu Tape Pp Teed Nato {4 NPT Standard Taper Pipe Tred Fagand Rin Cap Sage oof Gage Tread {oat fa oper Tet Wh Rng Se (ign Ite Taper Tass ign of Camfoed Trace ola 1 ion Gt and Root Teneton of Amen Nan! Snr Eta nate Tape Pp Tens NPT 2 dono Avean Naas Stan Taper ips Ted NPT 3 Taper, Leda gi of Pe Tvs, NPT {¢ Dimeson ltr Sah Teast Pe Coping NPSC ‘ meno Extra and Inert Treader Fits, NSM Dimes Extranet tpt Pipe Ted for rc Cenmetons NPSL z {se Dineen of Tvs Fog and Ring Caps or Na Soir Tipe pe Dads NPT 9 Tae Ansan Nol Sd Wein Taper oe Te gin Ring ape NT Bee 10 Dinetr Egan of Devinn int ined Ange of Teed fr Toda Ges 11 Duneter Eat of Dion nen for To and Gaet dove oe . aie ities PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) 14 ope Wis Aric Naot Sada coe dann ‘optctons 412.4 The types of poe tds ned in sis Scand we dsseed by sey eutee the ooo pipe set nme of ed pt eh tm teed ses a lon 38-18 NFT Meo Nise 2 1ANTR 1 ans Nes or Wt han tread LH he dept, ‘tert ht and heel Be dered Fs cane sys Nr =m 4122 fac of tho ate Oe ambos has 2 Aft iesne foo 1 = Raton! (Anetem) Sandd P= Pye = (aise ring i oe ‘Spectr maybe mbes psn 4123 covtad or Patel Thee Te theta protic selene conedIn h Sunrd tind swan for congo Pte 13 ang 1.31. Whece rent ih te gues, nana tot tps ppe rete enor to ht ‘Sande be nade up wrechah wie sean {To preven lrg omer ping tech ‘sented, the saul conta. 1.2 Pps heats dened for present {ott tat may be eed et ag compan (Dee hea ave cvted ie ANT BL 203 Cc) ff ANSIBI 204 Qteie Tanto). 14 Impacto A nig rethod ad tlt are se In she Sand oft ectinal ington the nda enpgenet trends. Howe, oe Fermace to th Sd vegies tata bale ‘ign dinenone be mat na spletele ct) ing exten of he ead lent frode for seach gh make. Tht, le {tea metho of png may Be erpyed to rae cafes hse ln denon When addon metodo ppey st enloed, They al be ard pony he sop an he Usa a spent tno wih ‘ot prt of itd psd APO i, Specie, the Append we Suge Twist ‘Dai Dame for Ded fle Sue for Pipe Pe 18 ae Sand smenions ave ges ANSI BL, Nonendate, Detain nd Later Syelfo See Tew. ) ZZ 116.2, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TAPER PIPE THREADS FOR PRESSURE-TIGHT JOINTS, NPT {RICAN NATIONAL STANDARD n= 000-0800)" THREAD FORM “oe cre and ot ofp theatre ences are intr f 0035p. The maxima dept fran: ‘he for of hed sole mpd a hie Stn- Gn forte sean oto hw pp heads act tal be Kronos Aran Naor Stabe found in Table 1 The cand ets of the ‘dnd Pgs Tint Form Th rats arsed alt ter theta aye nese she ‘ean, for farm of td nd ened ottion we Pall othe pitch Ie paral ote a SowelePe Th sachin Tube 2, ig a etna ew of tie Std thud form eps enced ead fom by naa le Howe, when ny 22 Aro Toma ‘xanga, the eet ad roots of commercial “he ne been sds of the thet aed pipe rounded eg nten mene in ul pane Telnet When cet aed ot Ine sane pependear oh sa ‘isthe tt shown tae eect pode by wh ean et ‘athe baa ftnpoce canta 23 Tne Tha Hag ‘Teoh othe ey ¥ tree. Fann esos comes ecco a aa ropa, Rosaceae 7 cet a ar To hee cman geo we rma Secaea ae rat ht erate tnt ot emt eae anata Te, SAG Eats eee Me a nt Sherume nas Cae TaPEn PP THREAD NOFATION Sesing affected by oxtofoundacs which i 2223 For of Tr. Th form ofthe then for poutblebetven he wenigh ted ts fi at or ‘eee 1211 Tamed Deena Netton Anere sete Sand ap ge Ptr este sys Sundar sotton apples» Ansan aon ‘Sundar Taper Pipe Toads own nF. TABLES TOLERANCES ON TAPER, LEAD, AND fateh nce [ane [seer] SR me Pe pe]: = me fa |b | ; nth a] ins oh o % wma RE: & TABLE 4 DIMENSIONS, INTERNAL STRAIGHT THREADS IN PIPE COUPLI (eure anh Laban of end ‘ oa8 h a 8 g rd Fe i al is i i 218 Legh of Teed. ae gh of te atetie exer tape es! Ly, seemed 9 fp allowing orl ued toute dante hele el pif ed 14 = (00468) 1h =(0s00468)¢ D + cate ana of pe ‘is foal determines ety the length of tected eh lees oe tea ‘iy compete at thee Aeween enter ne SSewed pte andght Fshons 6, Tbe 2S engi conta ye ent tor of the gs Treg hat I ‘potatos ck a ane rhgh rere wr, Bae heat enapenent ue, whieh ee Pick Gets (enn B Ee 2) rsd dhe pth cama the end ofthe pipe Povortenty sal. ‘318 Bae Dierions. Te tase dennis of taper pp heats redo the ove peti ‘tn agen ele 2 AB ines ae enn ‘ace anew other pec. 212.1 Mustouing Telunes on reduc. The rmimam alone deiston in te commer rotate fm reo sal ee mde (bean dimen, Su nd 83, 122.2 Tela on Te man Th pr she devin athe ements een Te 22ers peor ct hte {intarmace to then Tinds may be eed on oduct thd, in wbh ene petits al ‘gure con ad caching end element “Oe ie fing nd we tel or igh grade sys tt neal tee) fo stam pee 50 ed low, teed that pag Hg (bee prs bd th Sunde nd tn conjneton with tang cont! of tad tet eg. tirade prove mtcry Coote of fantom! axe. Theor, no are ‘len Pov weve codon, whee ore exact hacks ste eqved, oceurs fine eer developed by Isto tplenet he tnd! pag a og be maid of pe, 4 SeECIFCATIONS FOR TERNAL STRAIONT "TunEADS Wire COUPLINGS, se 441 sane Pgs Ten non Conte ‘Toads In pipe copings made in eornce wah hse elelon are srt ple heads Ue me end form the Aner Nea San apr ps Teed yee nat Pye hed to orm presets when see ‘ihn Ametdae Natl Saou exe eer ee ee mate pcg tt 4.31 Thvad Dnigtin. The Aner Nata ard Oovgng Sight ge Then we dl tated asorane with 12.1 8am Me 27Ne8C Tae 151 aig alight oul inated seat mae i ce et "Foe exter ed Seay tes wt ‘Aanuian Nao Suntud Taper Pe, The, (tery that tb shone to prt of ie TABLET DMSO, XTERUAL AND TERNAL TRACT PE TREAD FO (OCRNUT CONNEETIONS, HPL Loom Fig chore JG Inge end ofthe ge tend, Se Tle 5, The ys-27 95 ‘meson of teeter an tral hese a2) ‘Bown Tate 3, vcs ne fting prover 1-113 NSH some tea te ip sng we te ane sh condi domes of 1.3 Thad Devenion. Antica Noel the per pipe ded destbed in Seto sundrd Wong Jon Taper Poe Tvs 221-3 gaya f et The be eh de tated stone wth. eau eee sea yore ya-14NeTR eh a wih ha of hh. cb Fomm of Trl of he ted ig ch (nn of Ta 2) hh te ‘Sind Taper Pipe Ted ow Ph ‘Sue lg en 9 te tera taper pe 1.13 Totranan on Thread thant The ane of hes theds ieee n Tse’ Toe ain 612 Pech and Pek An The ph and ak Stowe doton ne enteral hea! nots © Feta te [ttn hee eed Sometime Tipe een wc or pl appiins wate ‘Sea tire wow! pees We sah ed joe ae ge fr mecha wee ight * Smeaoe rom secnaneat Js, “he dneon of he theta ental arn wrsnea 6, a orp hed coment In ion pri en oh 63 Lae Mn it up tamad ies eater ope cr ght °" Warton MST ‘thr ew, hese cones oes ‘The Aneto Non Std Ext Lok sre sg pps trae cog ay Nan Sundar Ea Ld Toa lic hn. toned geo pads» pie end sah pe tea i ced NSN, pun pe: Oy Sei era Tet ‘he Ameria Donal Sunt apr Pp Tod Meo wth Sh Exel Tha pov i nih enon of Te 2) Bone 7 wl ee he mean fam eet t side dm of te ee ed ay ™ ar ib cartel gears ‘pester than the nominal outside diameter of the “© fect mecal Js for fae, 2a tt nonin ovale lane of ‘Table 6, both external and inter, NPSM. re haben Lead (6) outg wavej th k pei an su, Tbe, eh ered MSL. gto rhs kau ed whch arb (6) locating mechanical pints fot how COUBl- fy oye tine Is hat shown in Table 7. Tt consists of ‘ngs (ANSI B2.4), NPS ‘the nipple thrended joint used to connect standpipes 1) The! Ontos. The shor tye of doorareabofe wae spy ne supe ese ft cus weg: "Cape tmatoefre Boss re ili osdnesith3 nfawe ses Z, Q WEG as F1G.4 NPTSTANDARD TAPERPIFE THREAD FIG.6 GAGING EXTERNAL TAPER THREADS 10.6 SUGGESTED FORM OF CAGE THREAD ‘rtminnos acne roore en fortow Coon WH tom coupling jt ae onluty de wth stag intr sed ster oo iting td, {Tee sve tans 0 hove thea bing the Anan Sat! Sr pe eed By the ue of hed ws, pole oj sal tom copings nae io 4 neo eds of Extra ie Tvl, ig geo mal helt. Fovdimenos ed cee ANSE, 71 Daignot Gap Gages for Amerian Neen Stand pe ‘eats pode foetal eck aa ofthe ‘ype deted eo. Caps ul on ‘Bar ap a 7A Sunda Type Go. A st of std or tase ype paecona of stapes tn «oer tg ape Set Fi. 8. ‘The peg ne mace mans he Tle {Pants ping och etd stance yom the send Te Ly 15 uefa gh eal 0 ‘Snenion Ly Tues af he treads oo ese tral cor O08 pith Arp Ver onder fat lence ae The os ae to be ret an amouet egal 0140p er 27 tas perinch Gp, 10918 an 0100p for 16 {pi 1A i and 8 yl Fp 3) Ino {ay the bese aging sch che ple the nth The sg te sal bef he plot at whim azened hed he png noth the ‘ior ee wl bef ih he geen face of the fhe ig pageand onthe wal ed te pe {o fafom pole ae to wld pontle un 17.3 Marin of Gap Each gal bata so tty ndene cenly te nial 28 of be, trea pr ih nd he proper eat els dese ‘Sontag beep etna as Sena Gage ofthe foning pe may be com tlc ae eget (c) merger ae a hc working ee (0 seoteg ered fo check ew eg manor and fo conforms pen, 72.3 Mae Cage, Te of mse tage com sia of a Ly toe verde po a ody tp ed og Fe ‘Src of hd el wi i ot Toate tate (Table 2) om the ale log» nting Ma the nt win 02 {erer 18 heh 2, tn = 0 nor sae {Piao 12 and wishin # 05 forte 4 eyond a aarp Ys The ce ofthe lp an (Dae re rte O10 Te ea te gage ‘ed Tor ehclng wong ge Gee 732). A Sppemestry elec by opal mas Dod be tat nk enp frm CAUTION: 1 sould be odenad ta ony + ‘peel matched tf mtr ye 4 ‘geo be expected fo mate hac te thin uses atin sano dle, beeen oster pe hich not peti matehed 722 Woning Gap Ech wt of woking pe coi in ye ed papa, (Gee 7.32 for taerane) In eatin he ue nth ‘the lg age te pane a he ach sol ter Sethe aro the tend isto benote a ths gage ae une ‘hei a hey bear ot on te as the ‘hen. Thon lug they donot chek he ee or "oot tanto meclied Tb Ts they ae t ‘taco fencbe eck for he pn a of lode When domed tecenany o Stmiot nbs or at ch tnens awn Bet ‘pelo prea me that mina ane thn tent exeede. ts weesary to mate oe Iipcion. Forth inipeton, opt ope ‘ecton et 723 Gap Tolenae In he matic of gg, aston a ie ienions ie vale, Premera tages sould be mat tothe bse dinesons 38 cry stp, ut nn ee sal he ca ‘tne evitln ence oneal ofthe ttt ear Sha mar gue Sond be axonpanied ‘cord ofthe menenent of al sate ofthe ‘hen snd the sande of mater pag Yo maser ‘hg age end ny ape fo bane nech of lg oe 7.2. Wattng Gap Tones, Al ges apd to te poe tv, wher ia asafcre ot Ingestion, re repel wos ap. Al won Ing om ould be made tothe base dense ‘peel In Table ed wl trac eed Ee" 9. The maxim wear on» works se tom fom denon, 74 Ratton of Lata Atl Deviant ich smn the Seca of 4 tm hl 3 ge ares ‘om he bse neo, abs 10 ad tT soak ae dvions ale grt coctin bn ‘deer for ead dato, These covecion rt shone added to te on dame In een of ‘srs and ed thc tra ‘Sete of thr he eal ora ev {apa eter porns Toe dame qn fred sd spe ei: ‘om pis he ph ante detiston male Te pete lied deviate fom ane he ‘bana ntc Tis gal devaton Sd by {Se pc eqa he dn pat fs tm tha the 101 cag Exta apr Tade ggg exe tape ten i ig a mewed hang on he peo eter ‘ed Teter owt te pre orn thes teen ef he woking ng oe et ‘ose hoe tts ge wl fo gash srihihe end ofthe ead at ndnted 8 12 caine ne Taper Tats Ing tral apes had te Lyla ee, grew hadigh into te iting resp Sr. he shea ihn the pie arene ‘thee ping oth ofthe wong ee {nt mee than go ema, om eg sh the end the tenor inded i a 83 nde Paton 23.1 rcutona pug pipe heats comon rice t ap tmp fhe put 0 ase oper seating he ein oo he rode tes. However fet merry to den bth the ge edhe rel thes ih ty ae hi Wines: o ote fag mtr 8.22 supplement Gin. Catng of oth a se, omated by Fs 6 an 7 ee {Slat cniomans to the men ofthe ig, Stensinns, Hower, conforma th Sane ‘ie ypeale tlie ning enon oF te ead mens re for weigh mae There cong mating rect, ‘tn ey cml poet 2.4 Gans Chandar, Canta, Reond Teds The reference pit fr png ema podie tans depende upon the camer dmc When Intra chamfer meter exter the mor of be eral hed he lene pt ead tech onthe chamfer cone See Fig 88. Otero, when the Intnl cher ‘ter don ot exceed the mao ameter af the Inter en, he rence ot athe nda he GSSEREE eaten Annan 28 8 Jul. La 's30¥9 ond ony ‘5rd au 3d WIA¥L ONDHHOMGHVONTS TWNOILWH HYOIUBRY HOU SEONVURTON 6VL TABLE 10 DIAMETER EQUIVALENT OF DEVIATION! IN WALF INCLUDED ANGLE OF “THREAD FOR TOOLS AND GAGES" GENERAL NOTE: Vuh heb OFF. firemen, Sena nro asin 0100 fig An sowance ms be made for the eth ‘terre on eunartord itinge The wee pw or Ae mexsing he lent of extent pod ede the nao he ve {841 Tomngnment Method ot Gain Te with pte ing een ge etn at Sn algutenombe of heen than omen. thus welling poxbe conpcations feting om pas shafer bd pada caer Ihe absece of haters Ce 43 afr 27 the appa ler sr ise ae (erie S30 ator Ip (aes popty ara the potato tee sto hede le ctherSsit GO v {tier} sat CO ans LO (extern pp he ‘Bread pao eter bow 182.9 Un of uae an Tote Gap Set (60D pz sl eed for ase ‘hol Jt shee ot tb ner nd nea hod enh Tp pl gel be fore ira thea of ayy? mace Jains wae the exter hea ted a the ern hed sh Tope pes wo for ihe pups te check pomdety By 812 Ooog remnants Taper ted tage del be wed are argh ral ppt {red ming prt of reste et whore ‘The pline ofthe weg nh on he Aen Natal Sadud Tap Pe Thre ply shall ome hah mh he end af the Aner Naar ‘SundrdOhping Sit peTvead (PS) (abe) or Mh th he trea sae on ti ‘ome coef cured waht inert char Inv ead (ne P88) A olen fone and nc cs ga Sal op habe owe (CAUTION: es ug pte hed ln ge, “The sah CO2m Mpegs he yh Dich duster it speci Ie the pai ses Ae serene th Sood sk or yh Mead pot olin ANSHBE2 ape a8 Tw cam ma dane ‘imam pith Se fe tre hee not il 0501 (0483019) sa (oohp The nr Se ‘um ph mer fhe ext head mine ot ‘enn ul 9 0281(0216509). Soe ANSI BI? for Tr des nd tlases (ort ah ea APPENDIX ‘Suggsted Twit rit Diameter for Dried Hol ‘The cil oat hen Te ae the ie: When onerous meta ther dar mate su ofthe danlad tnd wos dis which we hee ob ied tn tapped, ‘te toe inninem mines ter owe ian to i 86 of ony eco. 28 ‘lamer to produce he of a tha mae "Thay vowel th dnt ofthe aes wih oslo He ap o eat a nepal pipe head ‘hh gated eed ight shoal be undetoo txt (habe of wt el datas tended tol nl ea woud ch el cet pnd wen ing tl es eso fs of ea Thigpen contin wren ase punt fd {zat apened wit dt ung sbelesay tan pe tet poet semogensons ‘sn. ‘quantities in » particular type of material and with cap ty tino ajuda pce shoot Rarehetaiow ta ios a be iret date. {enone ng nent Ganar {HES} FOR DniLuED HOLE SIZES FOR lear]. aa ]s ae | ot Spee | Seca] 2s ee] he ot ‘afise | sane |e os |e cnt bh fi | 1] Ba | a Pier | Seam Jae | 8 us dn foe | otesom [asa | Hh a

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