Somaia Sultana Bithy
The project has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
We hereby declare that we have taken this project under the supervision of Afsana Begum, Senior
Lecturer, Department of Software Engineering, Daffodil International University. We also declare
that neither this thesis/project nor any part of this has been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree.
First of all I would like to express my cordial gratefulness to Almighty ALLAH for
HIS kindness, for which I successfully completed my project within time.
I am also very grateful to all of our Teachers and friends for their valuable
suggestion help and support during the completion of our project, for his kind help to
finish our project and also to other faculty member and the staff of Software
Engineering Department of Daffodil International University.
And at last but not the least I must acknowledge with due respect the constant
support and patience of our family members for completing this project.
Admin can control everything. User can be view venue without login when he
booked venue user must have registered and then login in to the system. He can view
with many filter or search that he like. He can be booking his venue that he wants to
choose. And then everything goanna be manual. He also getting food service if he
wants when booking venue. Admin can have approved and send a date for user
booking information to his mail.
APPROVAL .........................................................................................................................................................iii
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTANT ...................................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................................................................... x
LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................................................................ xi
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Stakeholder ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Technologies ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Project Schedule.................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis and Design ........................................................................................ 4
2.1 Requirement Collection ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Requirement Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Software Requirement Analysis.......................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Objective/Goals............................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Software Requirement Specification .................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER-3: SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 7
3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Use Case Diagram (UCD)................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.5 Activity Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.6 Database Schema Diagram ............................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER-4 TESTING ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Importance of Testing ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Testing Parts...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Testing Environment ......................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Test Plan Strategy ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.5 Test Cases ......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5.1 Test Case Module-1: - Sign Up .................................................................................................. 15
Figure No Figure Name Page
3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram 7
3.2 Use Case Diagram. 8
3.3 Context Diagram 9
3.4 Data Flow Diagram 9
3.5 Sequence Diagram 11
3.6 Activity Diagram 12
3.7 Database schema Diagram 13
5.1 Home Page 19
Chapter 1: Introduction
Online Venue Reservation and Event Management System is a place for building an online
venue reservation and food item serve system. In this platform user can booking his/her preferred
location of venue also he can be taking food service what he wants. With Online Venue
Reservation and Event Management System, user get both an eye-catching mobile friendly
storefront and an admin panel with tons of features and as a result, that’s the project want to
make this vision.
1.1 Purpose
Web based reservation system make easier to user choosing venue via online. Online constructed
venue reservation in light of the web is no exceptional case. The goal of this application is to
develop an electronic interface for on the web retailers. The system would be anything besides
hard to use and from this time forward make the purchasing information flawless for the
customers. The goal of this application is:
• To develop an easy to use electronic interface where client can search for venue, venue
location, booking costs, see a whole depiction of the things and reserving for the things.
• A web look instrument that gives a basic and supportive way to deal with output for
venue specific to their prerequisites. The web searcher would list a plan of venue and
food item in perspective of the look term and the customer can also direct the once-over
in light of various parameters.
• A user can see the aggregate detail of the venue close by various pictures and moreover
observe the client's studies of the thing. They can moreover make their very own studies.
• User can drive for test. He can apply for driving test to know what he want.
1.2 Stakeholder
Situation is a methodology used in the midst of need examination to delineate the usage of
proposed system. Scenario is a tale about proposed system which depicts an audit of whole
structure. The Scenario of proposed system is given underneath:
Users Description:
User Description
Admin has all entrance. He/she can oversee venue and food item
and also Role and everything. He can approved all thing that user
Admin want to do.
Venue Manager add his venue information and food item and
Venue Manager also approved all type of confirmation.
The user can visit the website and search for their desired venue
User and can booking also. User can apply for food service.
1.3 Technologies
Here, some tools are used for this project. Now, that is given below:
Methodology: I used agile model. Because, I collected requirement and change it any time as
per changing requirement.
No. Description
1 Signup Customer and venue Manager account
2 venue should be categorically viewed (Name, location, Price, Image,
3 Admin can view all venue and food item, resources, User information
4 Admin can add, delete or edit any resources
5 Venue Manager can approve request that what user apply for
6 Venue Manager can approved his venues booking
7 Admin can add, or edit any information of Customer
8 Customer can booking venue with food item.
9 Customer can see all available venue and food item on the website
10 Customer can search venue or Food Item
11 Customer must be paid 20% amount of total cost of reservation when he confirm
booked venue.
2.3.1 Objective/Goals
• Automatically handle all process
• Admin can handle all thing
• Add to View available venue on the site
• Add to Search desired venue and food item by its Name, location, Price, category.
• Add to new venue information.
• Add to new resources
• Add to update resource, venue and customer information automatically in the database
• Add to new user.
1 Login & Registration All User Must Be Registration before login Functional
3 Add/Edit Venue Info Venue Manager Add / Edit His venue info Functional
Context Diagram:
• Test data
• Requirements
• Application
• Operating System(OS)
• Database server
• Browser
Test Case ID: TC1 Test Design by: Somaia Sultana Bithy
Step Test cases Test Data Expected result P/f Actual result
Sign In
Table 4.3: Test Case Module - 2
Test Case ID: TC2 Test Design by: Somaia Sultana Bithy
Step Test cases Test data Expected result Actual result P/F
Enter empty value
for user name & The Email field Is The Email field
01 Password Required Is Required Pass
Enter correct value
for user name & User name
02 Password & Password Accept Accept Pass
Enter wrong value
for user name & User name Invalid Login Invalid Login
03 Password & Password Attempt Attempt Pass
Clicking on Clicking on
submit button submit button
After giving input directed on directed on
04 click submit Button another page another page Pass
Step Test cases data Expected Actual result P/F
Enter empty value This field is This field is
01 for any required Required Required Pass
Enter correct
02 value accept Accepted Pass
for all required
Write Apply Accept any type Accept input
03 Description of input method Pass
Clicking submit Clicking on
Write all query & button directed submit button
04 click submit on another page directed on Pass
button another page
Precondition: User must be logged in already. User also must have booked any
venue for reservation.
Dependencies: input required field and write event query.
Step Test cases t Expected result Actual result P/F
Enter food item
search without Item page
01 any venue not Item page not Pass
reservation found found
Cancel reservation Food Item Food Item service
02 venue service Automated cancel Pass
On the chance that client isn't happy with this venue booking system he/she
ought to have issue with this application. Client must know English since
entire application is in English. He/she ought to have great information of web
5.2 Limitations
We are endeavoring to satisfy all requirements of users. A few things are not
done here. Something like voice, visiting and video conferencing are not done.
The framework is produced for just booking venue reservation and food item
service strategy and after booking almost everything are manual. There is no
service that enables user to pay, send money, and accept payments. The person
have to have web get admission to with a purpose to use the machine. The main
hazard behind enforcing the project is security. If anyone hacks the system then
it'll be a total ailment. So throughout improvement it'll be considered one of our
fundamental worries.
[5] (25.09.2018)